n 'i. - iirrniTi)..rrtM ? -1 w 1 , , , , . , - - ...-. .. , . - - -:-- .- - . .-.,.-. .. , , . ... ;0 A YEAa;;ijf;;A,DV.jL:Njo'lE. r.-illuoKSJ M M Tl O C C9 o o oo o o es o o o o Q o o o c c i d o co o i o t V c t- p ta 00000000000009000 oooo3ooooooooooSc5 o so o oo 53 oo w t- oi us oo ei oo 5 - si! s !! SSSSSSs8SgSS8SS2 , limit V SS3SSSSSSS33SSSSS ! gSgS8SSSSgSS5 e a - ei oie-i id o ui".":. -U V. J:' 'J -if 0' rK icreii at the Post OfQoe attWUmlnjrton, N. C., L as Second Class fatter J - ... . ; s UHSCRIFTIONmiCE l'lie snlwcri6tion : price- of the WKKHUYi 'i'AU is as follows - 6 montlis, " . ' ' i ;1.00i " 3 months. 50 THE ORGAN (MICE MOKE. V do not desire, to porsae1 am un nli :ts:inL topic but the .laiL number l' tho Raleigh prgan tequirea some- tiiinil farther f roiu , iia Although U h.s not answer Siheri of "' thelthir-t.-i-ii jiistins masked T itj sti.H insists tii in. it lias ;j perfect ?, Hght to ask !a qni-st ion of the Sta tha,t if) pffeiisiya oml 'insiillinifJ 'Sadii'afie'li)-'hiAn'henit .- a - r.- j 7- f ol tiif organ, uni we reauy epecii nothincr better of. it now. If it hadj hoen frank and v fair, iti4woald.havei surprised lisVYe'haiV.Heyer1 once; sorijlit a controversy with the organ. W e l lo not likor rtohtr6er8 j:$p- ciall v with one who has not a candid mind, who isT skilled In. hedgiiv arvd - in making the worse cause appear the! better, and who" wilt be ;'4elighted Avlien he can ''put ypnin Vwroflff light before bis'fjreadr&ldQ4s "sftm that the Raieighpaper. i willingf only compass v it. , ..ozen; times probably it has, openeti iita hatteriea iiKu im arid ittetnpfed, Hblo w us tb tin; "otherii side of Anna DouiinL j Why it shoiild be ! so wanii6ugJ,-I '0 eternally? hitting the Stais is a puzzle to u.h unless it vihinka; this ipaperIs some .how in its way. ' Bnt the Star aoes nit aesiro ine-pifonc prinwngf The' STAlt has , been well snstainedj by a liscerningTpubliCj fqr "nearly5 sixteen years, and has never received - one wul it tribute . or ott t "govern-j niont pap." It expects to live in the favor of intelligent,' independent and ri'Jh'cting ..peppljpn , spite .j-ofthq oFan gririderandrhis i persistent efforts to i wja re us. ' If He Woditdj ah i w that1! t4 i "great barde w o upoW the 9i!yBifQ Jiajej!' tax eont4ued-o ouskeV'(eind6eeTt. he would b,ej,jnaktng j ppnie pajiitali But iK-trahnoidohis" 7 i hi.- agrjioyerjtlM)aght7t organ was' incapable bt a&kfnff - qtfea tions. in tia. line? :u nas . snoyft. self equal tyf, any f ttgehcy,'; ri c ask. -i.,ihpi9ileJPftkQi!8 ife it "Jare" iiot anwer':iThere; is-'hoi r- HiiTU I3-YiT;iif eSilHiv I. enoiiglt persiaiilvneS3.rinT, thel entir Democrat rejfres ot ??prtn ,GarbIia to bring out from thergani an' anr . swer to our part of an -organ io cet, in--advance of the procession.- lk$qtf&$Ab&rgxc It is the jbttsin essp an organ C the opinion otjthe party bfisgefr. Raleigh pan-willwb f$&efl is not in line j'jaasee mightgjei - caurrhti aii'd tlien: tu'en,eriit;VIg?sla tare might givo:it iwnmiitlTubLeJDfIi will be V ery,quiet ppf ar as c$w&rih " is concerned O But toforo askina a-y ou van. JJv". Ji vul . uuiiBViu nuiiai iu Unless the further, instalments of assaults upon lis should bevery .fierc and bilioasure shail not-Gwaste 'any iuuib i,iuitt oy er puienemy, MI8LEAIINGFIGqtES. , M?.amJ;;Ilada with Demoefatfc Proiciion:papers. Here is what MrrKaidiilji- ' 'The manufacturen.sH the cpuntry need have nViippperisionti6Jurybeir .iq teregta is repectUa anvfreristou of the ta riff; th4 amonnt Tieoessary-tiipay the es peiises oUC the government, genef ally reck oned at $125, 000,000. , cannot be' raised in an intelligent and business-lik maoner upon tnearuclea: imported which come ia compeUtioa with Uke articles manufactared m this coutry; without1 giving; an -adequate protection to-out indoxieK nue truth is, the DaymentftlSputUcde ouu inieresiriguieaiegnara 10 our iaaua- Now Miv'JtaQdall :'U:n6t, an igno rant man,-but ;-a wyery. shrewd, ' cun- . ting, andarpQHl well posted 'sd whenl he -said th'e expenses of Qtyojexgnp 'twere generally reckoned at;:$i25000,000, he spoke with. purpose ip!'d!ei3ejv4 He knows' perfectly' 'well 5 that there Qas been no Umer t jib, twenty-two years when the'teipnsyiof;tue Qq- "VvV ..j:r . -T' !, ' i .1 )oua A"- I .11. 1 1 1 . J ' ' ' II .. i II 'v . , , . I . , ,a--n i Tv er.7 I t Sy:-: i Verhment Were' as, low as $125,00a.- ''tnKiMtf j-sf! niT,i-.j-'n?h Steffi' M UWtoterei pendHurMbf thivGov 1881; vye pndthera Bet forth In the Democratic, p'aqa paign Bop'issued in ,Washifigtbtt in1 1882. H We find' that anip (te tuongresa appropriated f jt.7pp,533.73 eplUfvOe of theinter est on the publialdebt; thatSmHunied ihen'tcif mbreJ than! flOO.OfjOlOO, e may suppose,- as it amounted tp 183- 000,000 TTBmthe pept has been greatly reduced during the in-l elusive of interest on the pubUp debt, 1 876,17 milhpbS in round numbers; 4. -O . t, . liM .MlttUUlJB, Hlfti O O, ,1 Jhqns 1 1,879, 1 t0;mlllions:-in 180. 1 92. willionsyin 1881189 millipnil in, 1882,4ldf mmi6nsVnf; 883, 295: mi'l- lionsri And yeitn thot faceyof:s these urufi xvepreHeuiawvu . , auu jcanuj- d ate Randall talks ; -of :125 millions thepensea oj j lie is correct in one view: theimanu facturera,will npibeanjurey .ny! revision of the Tariff thatwill be made soon. If the present enormous and. immoral Tariff were reduced fifty per cent, Juyypuw still affo'rif a great deal of Protection to the manu- facttirers. , ''"r''' : Randall, as wc said,: is very smart. By ('cutting t)ut hej!pii 6n whiskey and beer and tobaeco and cigars (seef his Pennsylvania platform), he knows! that the enormous Tariff will not bej redueed i)ut proBaply.mcre we before nientioned; the wool grow-i ers and crockery manufacturers are. clamoring al ready for 'more ' protec tion. .. ,.- ... i-;.: ' "; - - - " i i ;" ' " -:. . It is verv essential to the success! of thd Demobatic" partv- thatl fherel hpflld bp bropy ifVlaiip among an ine memoers. a ney snouiu be able', to " unite in a?cbnimpp pur4 pose to uphold 1 the d grand ,n historiq rinpiplespf the party, Vtb. pool their issues' -upon later questions? where there is a, djerence. of 'opinion, and to stand shonlder to shoulder in tho great campaign pf ' l 884. j Wp -thipK tne conie8vi8 io oe -warm.anp, uiuii cult and we; shall need a hearty union and cooperation : on ' the : part of all Democrats to beat the enemy. , 'It'.'id very easy to unite on the true' prin-j ciples of the grand old -; party,' drojA pirig after, the : campaign opens all differences of -views for the time iip- on other .questions ;r . We ask for har rnoriyj .because - iijpon it, ; as we cbn-j ceive, will depend the success of . thb 1 party irt ,.J 884. We 'believe it ; is a fdutyw. e'!o we INorth Uarolina to seek prafbnt: ; r t's . f V: ' j ' -. ri -i : - .''11 j y'-1- We have mentioned that Mrs.' Oli-i phant's "Theadles Lindops" is : 9 very chartningitpry m the estimaj tion of the critics, and equal, perhaps 8upertor,:tp any jSftp.hs writj,ep. Of all liying authors she ia probably the most -prolific. The- above novel has not peen. .put f tnree monins, an another 'one is. announced h;pressi flirjQQWi She islsp publisM ing a sm'all! ley Sheridan. William! Black's .last tory isHaying'a big run, and is-'proi- jounced fllysequa to, i$yQ tiding h ;has' done: It is !called "Yolande,? .the;, pronnoiatipn, of fl which , is not settled. . The London Saturday Re says that Jpernaps pe author has never before risen to the height which is. reached in" this story. i ;ji 1 iin ' RpyDrUbgey 'ol? Richmond, 4Yi4 ,8p leasaptly f remembered in Wil mington, preached a sermon in Phila delphia last Sunday. The Inquirer said:; .. . "!. 'If Tir TTotrft fsa .horn oratbrj endowed H7?t.h noSin nflWerk " or ' illustration and f descriptiott.iwita the rare eombihation of ii singularly iogcai cast ot rnina.;; ma aeux ery is forcible beeausq natural, impressing the lbtener with the idea that he has either so completely 'niastered. hisiartias ttoibp able completely to conceal .it,' or that,? as sometimes happens, and probably has hp nened in th'ia case, the intuition- of genius guides hini In. every' gesture tb give, add 1 On the .Sth'mnst. there iiwere f bur conyentipnfthatwerp pttt of ' the usual xutL,TbAjmerican Society pf Microscopista met atChicago; fifteen hundred' photographers met 'at Mil waukee; jthV Congtesa ' ot Forestera met at iSlJ. Tful; ;andi the glass and crockery dealers .:and. manufacturers met at Pittsburg, ;Pa A permanent 'Association u ia . to 'be formed, t They will Wiutoying; jjpon the U. S Oou gress after awhile,. : ' ' v --" - Lvtl I . . .1L .-1.1 .lis -1 I HBHHHHBF mr B I W I i. b ' V B B 4 .- :m.."BB' the appropnatiohsiwere 197,920. L -.J fcj J i'fcl.lfBfB't-T-y r..V( - I BWiBBBjB. bBI-BBBBBBBB- BEy B , , BlBiBBBfcBM . . i bBT J ' 1 J. B. Y-IIMIKC days ago at -DanvilIe,viVaszbviwhich MfPfe'tUrfirp; swwui r5u,wer4wpotn .yea'OT ppv j ipahbeshi!e ; hVa atFOft sawll'thbdskins hesbalrfe ' i'-4 uoi,- i.H'iio riuoi .tvtU JA nos A.flaa.1 session .of Abi&; QourlP f was jtvejd yesterday, even iog.' wlidn' Solicitor Moore -Mcares, pronounced ,-aenteqce upon'the fp- lowiog-'persoiis.- tai. coloreq' in this case, was, cqnyiteppft breaking. lto and robbing the store of Mr. O; Chad Wick. ot Cape Feat jToW hihipA and; was sentenced 5 tiary.. (I'niili- ,-;; ,, -.s State4 vi f Rcrt ' Moore,' cdhvieted'4f stealing geeW-fyomjyaripus parties 'oh sun-J ury occasions anu,;8eiUDg; mem, jwas, pe tended to S 3'ears in the Penitentiary. i q , :',6tate vs. ninte'.Eyans, cbnvicted of larceny ,pf a pair pf hpes ,from a store on Market street, was sentenced; to 2 years in the Penitentiary.' ' : ' j: btate ys,. yeorge :siigto.pi.yicim of i breaking into I and rohbing . the igrainj mill of Mr. W, P. Oldham,' on Dock street, was sentenced. to a years in ine rcuiien Stato va. Henry Green,? j convicted pc throwldg rock and striking .;Jittle girl,1 was sentenced' to, ten days In the House 6 .Gorteetioa.!wr' )i,-i-"f,i Bn-t1: -irf wt Foot young' colored men ere arraignedj on the charge pf Indecently exposing them4 selves by naming near, a ; pupae cemetery j and were bound over for their appearancq at the next fcrrnbf the Conrt. . Ji ii;lB pronpuBCLng intece .pf nthuty, paj5 ;m .ii !)! V ' f j J- : . t!l in the. House of, Ooaection upon one pkthej parties convicted 6t thus exposing himself j on Friday eyning,H';vIc the: frequent complai ats.I wincij paa , cqid to his ears of persons bathing '4n Green's tiidit J r jppn,fl(nd pwSMd' ' pbn'd,f and stated that m1) aochrsons, when arrestedi and convicted i4forehiin, i would be pun ished '.'to . .the extentTthe oiTence' merited;5 Il4 said1 Vthat-w were in the .halutf swumning. Ap these popular bathinr resorts,' and' that the jprac tice was one-that .was a great annoy an cetd the community and should . be stopped a once. . ft ((r 1UO UUSC WL VUUUUUt ikUJf 1 11 ua uiutu and Geo. Wt Davis .recognized n he sunt of $ 50 fof'hi8 appearance. '-tsA'-Mii ,.lt ... . :,Al about half-tiast t: -ioiielock' the 'Oourt adjonrnedlpr; the term.'-:!. miiVlsiiii 1 twoBtqfraeJbuUding-.pn;ttheGpm mises oFTffrsv5FIton-,i dh?JFifth -betweeii Trincesi and Chesnut streetai'was discoyeted to be on ike aho'ut 08Q o'clock Jasi night J and burfled so rapidly that It was almosi destroyed bfpr6 the?Fim'iTatment arj lived f d iip(M1:'m men turned out brompUt at the ataxmand fipeedity oextinguumed - dames. ;1 Th bpildingt was . , unoccupied. . it . formerly i atood upOa tifxrne;.oli.yottageiXJane ana . . r- . - . Fourth stnandiifas. receflUy removed t wo lot 0U- so-Birety.,, oy, mr. ifw ju-ui,. rilbcpMiactofo Mponc-wb'oni, itvASr.nndpiV i feteodfABe loW WUf fttll &oVoinJtiig!ot6 il Alut ll ok aoSrexlnk u small frame house on the ptemisesi of Mr B. F.oHklL'Tcbrrier of f Niattt amt iPrihcesh streisY, ThihuaiDfrawaJalnbs rejy.wiiedcalt;h Mr. Jiali'achidreBjLaja pJaysoonii ana the R.'IL Mciotird id close j .proximity.;, to., thfe burning boilditigon MrHaH's 'IbtJ caught tlfiren.swbalnrhigfi 1 ttiade'sh work oli fnttUaiaout ' thei lira The loss in inas.case -wiii ,aiBouiit io l .:. ; ...a.: ' . -uii 1'.' jht.'U foOp ; unsurep. y mS 'iais din , 'About 1. o'clock J thia jnioraing.i) a i thin falaim waB glvehl Ja. It . tuVffed.but. 'hbweVei the ruinaof th& bnudnag burned on Mrj. Hairspremisesib'ntt .which efe extid guiahedpefprp there. nn-fwini r --'.ywans . Letters received I n thiileityyesterttay ' irom iw this State, ahiXtooJduiMarion and Marlbor ,iii.iar.Vl!KJ! tJ- J tioihrnplydiunage. teihgiireijbredliacre puseeptiblp tQTinjurtrj I f toni the pluvious exbessively wet weather inthe;Bring,-'W w , jwd.eyek tender'lOi coe iwith 'tbf Jucbeediig Aflrr WeatHnhbftun?- is AOe:.wi9:je4tx.Jn and do .well, which ; will t:be the case if soon - visited by seasbnahle rains. ''i' V': i"n.' j : Ttie tibeal -6oTmtUe and the Prvl - ;;;helQcia conimitteeare certainly uapmg their daty towards promoting the - success of the approachifig TruitFair. " Thejr0 are nearly . consntiAfw.ork "to , that nd, -almost tp1theimufglect.pf their, private - business, i we arejaatosee.tnem so ar nest in the matter!1 'It' inspires a: like' in lerest in others. , , ,.f V " . ; "QreatJFatber' Arthur was -called -fLi't-'i the' Work 'of auou ough counties, inrSouth Carolina, state' m .. J A.1 J JM ' N.;i&iDA JPlaatProedlnk'Eletlonoromeera j me iiiiru B.essiou was utuea io -qraer at 'i.Wdairlft I- Mr. ? Cordon prseniedi a repori Tof ihtj. ;.s xne .rrestuenu apuuiutcu juessrs. oimp son. Zoeuer. Meadows. Tnorn. andTur- man as ueiegaies to me viaencan .rnarma- ilr. aaai introduced 'elutIonp'f thanks to pe ?druggisfc df Wilmington for the enterjamment ' jyfucti they' iiad re- ceived..fr;i;,j -h Mrj Cordoa reail'an'interesang'pA tiUedi ; ''Pharmacists r of North! -Carolina .should up taord manufacturing.? ':. l.'U-. i m An Jectioa of officers .Was then gone; into, wiMlMessni Hargrave awl Thorp as tollers, wUhithe following result; kA; fft'q. -Zil?midau-W i lH.i .Green.' of JW llmmsr- ilBflVieft President-J. Hill.'Of fields boro. ,t :X'-... i'i ij. 'yi-. bavi')3Ti j Jv !2a Yiee President V. Oj Thompson; ofj Winston- ;f ' sf&; . .- 4 ai' ''t ':.;. i'aiSrdt Vice President-, " a Smith;u of arlottT;;.rfe-!: la'ffcn -;.iyv4i--; Secretary James C. Muhds, of WHming-1 ton. i'-j-H' - .' ; ;.,, i --: ! ) .j Local Secretary-r-L. R. Wriston; of Char- tiotte.Oiii. bdi Oi !: " : '-i: i tTeasurerA. SLee.'5of Raleigh. . : ! Executivei.(inmltte--E.f F.; Hatch, of Gbldsbbro, Chairman; and 'W. "Wi Har grav of Wilson iS. W Martin, of Winston ; F. W Hancock, of ' New Berne, i and John Tull, of llorganton. x' ! ' ' ,;? I i -The President appointed the following committees: a-io.i',K.';th'v "i?L .. .', -.. L Buside&sa Committee J.? H.EHili, I.. R.' .Wriston, A...P.iThorp. . ; , : mU Papers and Queries E. V. ; Zoeller John .Tuny jkvMU!Uordon.'. - .rffcf' 'H .; Mr. Simpson introduced a resolution ten derine the: thanks bf the' Association to the1 press of the : city for publishing reports Pft for the use pf their hall. ,it$ " sif Adjourned tp meet in; Char lotto, on the jfecpnd Monday in: August, 1884,, j Connection Wltb' ttoe Wesi. ! ; 1 V i!' ' Odr!friend Bryarij of the Hickory JVcia,' cbpying -bur c brief article relative 11 to thd completion bf the Chester & Lenoir Narrow Gauge Railroadl to Newton; thuS . putting Wilmington in direct connection-with that ich section, and calling upon our business men to profit by the opportunity, comments as follows: f,) ' ' l: '" ' I" ! -: ''A word fitly spoken i' How seldom we ace a commercial traveller: in : this sec tion,representing a Wilmington house,, .We have them here from Richmond,' Baltimore and the Northern cities, and even from Knoxrille, an inland towns injthe West, but you seldom see one from Wiuningtoiv , Yet we know that Wilmington is a flourishing 'city of 20,000 inhabitants, with banks and wholesale merchants, and a large foreign -.and domestic trade. The distance ; from , Wilmlneton .to Newton is only 235 miles' and to Hiqkbry 245 miles sixty miles lesV than from-'Richmond with - railroads "all the Way,v f Why should we not send - yon .our tWftcat. cotton, . .flour, , tobacco,-, fruits, &c. ; tn exchange for goods in "which your merchants deal? Send on your 'commercial -tourists and scour tbePiedmontregionand enter into competition with other cities fot the trade of this section. JbJuild up'a trade, be tween the sections, and if the railroad com panies; refuse, , to giye you equitable, Jfates with other points outside the, 3tate thei the people must sec to it that you . get those -rates11'"' ; :' ' ' ' . jStalppintrXlr Pooltry. . ilr j. , n response to an inquiry from a corres .ponden in this. city,, whp asks wbethert it is practicable tp ship live poultry , to ,your (City frpm there in a marketable condition and what .are the best contrivances for.., so doing, the. New .Tprk Journal, pf, Commpree ti3Pplie8: .,(f;We see no difficulty in thei(way p4 hipping live poultry; from. Wilmington, N.,.q;t9 thia port. ,: Such poultry ,is: ppw brought by steamer from Richmond and Norfolk in slat coops, the feed sent with them, and the .water supplied under con tract by .the carriers. Our. correspondent ,wijl do wellt to.make his arrangements first ajj the pnice pi ine steamers, na i n . iney .wilundertake -tne. proper j attention "to. thie live freight, the rest is all very plain"., and .easily, accomplb.The coops maybb obtained (here, but . we 3shbuid thin 1 5could ;be readily made at the place oi shipments' . iiruce Williams, issq., oi renper county, Who was hi' the city yesterday informed us that the r cprn cropj in .Pender is : one : of the finest he has seen since the. war, partic ularly in the tLerig Creek and Point Caswell Sections." biibh,T he;' saya;: looked bad uij til recently,-when: there ,was a .chahge for ilia ittena and it isi now ilookimrvfinelv. The drought 'is .effecting it raflittie disai- vantagebualyi just now, but it is hoped thdt the: .remaindeE of; the i season, .will be more is..- . . loua. &i$$$rixe to1 Messrs;. offlfyffloifit Jhi cityjljf tVetlnef day's date, states that there has been no Irp provement in the rrver", ' which is equivalent .to sayingisthat, the fWater.is ftill falling. The steamer .TTat, Capt, Robeson, arriyed from Elizabethtown . during Wednesday nighL tShe Xreporte J the . T'jBlaiin 'onlhe shoals belo"W JSlizabethtown, and the Worth State at the; f Cypress '-waiting for the Hurt . The latter steamer was seen to pass Willis' Creek, S3 Tniler above-the "Cypress," on ednesda ' If there 5 is no change in the river very sbbii',Kavigatlon will have to be suspended1 altogether until there is an itn-: .i tf ; " ".-. . ' "r 'p-r. Mullets; are;: getting to .be deli ciously1 fat just about now.' t-V ' . ' . I 'icaT jJkasdciation, wwch il ihect in ''Washinctori on 'theiHhSePteniDer:5!' (AUGUST 17883-, snieiae.or a rresbyterlan milnUter A 8aw: Idlil' nnirhedTlie'-Sontlicaftt-,jern IlaUr6ad Purcflasd bj; a Synl- y b QtTEBE?ugust 9When! the-'teamtr nitoban froni.Glasgow. wwingPp tue river uirougu uie straits oi. xeue lSie, the Rev. j Mni Bweet.i a Presbyterian min ister, cut his throat and jumped overboard. A' boat ' was' put Out and the ! hodv"re-i covereovwrtii:., 3u-if an i. njo- oj Mr.! Gilmour's steam saw mill, near Hull. Quebec, was burned Wednesday ' Lois $100,000. ivhtt ih U . srtt -i ii ?! t w New-Yobk. August 9. -The Post nrintsl the' following special : . -i u... vuki MonfreaLn Aw: ftrr-Thet ltheaBterp Railroad was, purchased torday from" Bradlyi dmiow uy a syuuicaie composea oi ueorge D. -Chapman, of ;the National Construction company, pi Hew Jersey; Ashley Hibbard, and Walfer'Shafeyi of Mbntreali'and'Jtfnlfe Millshen, of London; ; England. fox &3.8QCL- 000 cash.' This will leava Rarlnw a ish'irJ ?plus of about $350, 000 after payinffplf r,aUl nis.nDUities,! lnciucung! f l,40yfppo rto Siet Canadian 'Pacific Road. This sale is cbn4 sidered a bigEuchre" onthe Canadian' facmc uomnanv. who suDDOsed that tlrev controlled the SoPlheastern ' Rallt'oad, k apdi cuts on tneir only connection' with' BMton and AtlanliiQ.ports. , .The purchasineayndii bate is believed to li ep esent Graifd Trtinld and Central Vermont iutereste. iaa Mr. Hib f bard has been workin? against1 the Cana4 aian facihe all along.- Mr. Chapman is' here,; and me8srs.TMcJ.utyre(andj Stephens.! of the Canadian Pacific, have left for New? York tointerview Mr.' Barlow. uj ... A' Schooner l.lbelled! for' Attempted! Violation of Neutrality Law-" WIxe at RIcbmond., , r- I i r . By Telegraph to the Morninir Star. iu RicHiioKO. Au:C IhVestigatioir' be-j fore U. b.i Commissioner Pleasants.; to-day? into the case of Capt..Dodd, of the sdhoon4 er E.1 G: ' Irwin, whb'- was arrested yesteT4 day od the charge of attempted yiolationof neutrality laws in hayihg on board large quantities of war material,1 resulted m that plficer being-, sent on tx .the .pctober,;teia of the U. S. Court. Capt. Dodd was dis4 Charged upon1 his own recognizance to ap-j ?ear at : that time;:, , -The vessel j will . . ej ibelled and then bonded. ' U. S. District order to trv.and have a special session o the court u try ' the case earlier than the 'date named.. ; . i . am: fyiii 'isl A fire here this morhina destroyed A Ml Lyon to Co..s tobacco ' factory,. Wm. AJ Waldrons manufa'ctory-'Of , tobacco : ma chinery. GP.iHawes & Co.s saw. and file works, and damaged other buildin its. The loss Is abodt- $25,000l,4nsnrance;$15,O00.i V , J ; ; i TtTCM n.Ci TT'STTV Reunion of x-Cbnnderates fLlJtftuM ' ronton A., Iiarre Gatherlng-Oratloii ij General Matt ttansom &f. Kci EPitor STAR.-Having? received Paarln vitation,from thp Executive Committee the Warren County Reunion of ex-Confedr erate Soldiers, and having had7 a company from tnat county in my regiment (the 4b U: I determined to accept. Leaving' Wilmirigj ton on Thursday last, I; arrived at War! renton station about 4PrM.T when I and other invited guests, were received,; by thi committee. On enteruig the town everyr thing was life and stirj nearly every ' hoiise and public buildinffrwere decorated with many-colored bunting,, . everywhere . th$ 'cfoii onrl " ctrirBOO-' utrac iof nrifinH ' lirifll li flag of the Lost Cause. .J, -:(., ,.- ; J .Early next morning the crowds from the 'country and adiominisr conntiesi 'and"froni .the .adjacent. counties of YirginiftfiiCam puuiiug iu until ujr xx uuu(;b.icvcij euccik m; the little 16 wn'spapked ith vehielei and people. At.that houiptheprper, ws given io iormme procession. ; abcijou bnrtr brass band headed tbe'ine jfotlow by, the i orator of the Jay, ,GeneraljMv,Wj" Ransom, ijpxt Gov. 'Jarvis,r ' by wnbse side yoar humble servant vas, honored wtta a seat.., After came a long lme qf . carria! cbhtaihintr' the distintruished guests' Secretary of JStaSte, Auditbr.''and Attarne General and manv others, -i Then came th 'old soldiers headM by the Warrehtbii 'brass band.'ip 1 .. lUt.'-'.i 'it -nihil nAtm -I must not omit state a., striking .fear 'ture. ' On a handsomely decorated car5 sat f number of beautiful girls, each one,; car rying a banner-bearing ---the number lot the I companies -andjthQubattle4 they were, engaged - in. On arriving at the 'grotriids, about a fourth P a mife frohi'thi Court House, the immen$eorowftwM tdlp ted to their nroner places. The soot was well chosenVj It 'wisat the rdepce'o'tthfe lata Jhdge' nankin a Jarge oa grove 'sur roundme thb' hbu'se. Prenaratfbiis had been made to seat 5,000!-'pbpleij; bift nheyri soon hi iei, ana ai leusi, f,iiuu w ww yeu pie had to stand' Up?; M4rfiha boicifftrc dntTSMT'Mt'l.Watter 'Mlnervltb'xiEad the introductlory address.'' It- wSs. splenr Oeiil-MA-W:3 Ransb bp being hitrodced; mallessly gra(3Gfhl manner and delivered 1 ixausci one ot tne nnest auaresses n nas ever ueen my pleasure to lfetep loltlootwd hours and a half to deliver it, and the best compll taebt Itaii pay thtf Orator 'is tb ay that hp to; the. last he held audiencp epel bound. , I, will content myself "with saying that It Was deplete with bf oad.patri6Ue and noblp sentiments.- .At the close of his address the whole audience ioihed In.sineinis' the State anmem, " l ne ' fiu" onu' pmie; t rrum i i . , ' , . ,t.f,. . . j - -B.-f . t . t. . .. ,f -n . I my elevated ;seat a h Jopfced,, oyer thaw sea of upturnu earnest faces male and female'. niylheartJ AwelTedrwithi pride that Lt6cf, .was.-ja nNorthj. Caroliniant. ;i,They indeed 'were true sons and daughters of -the glori ous bid North .State-Tqo as sieehih wa, true in advpfsitys and true in, peace, Nat one in that wst 'cfbwd'1 'ere crooked5 thb pregnaht ' hinges of theJnieetv where: s thrift mftv follow fawnintr." '. . . 1 . ' ' Then came the banquet' and1 a grand tttfeir it was; long rowir 6f iitsiles'lroansd .with finely prepared, food, of all kinds. To look at the. spreaa at, its irpnt it seemed preparea short time the' crowd abrairi assembled pi ffoht'of tpindwhen-meywere ;lei tertoiped by stirringand patriotic speeches irom inenonv yyr j.rureen.maiv Bioan j 1 mnstibt omit ti 8tai'e'$hat prior Jo tbp address aft priginaU pde , was - ideliveredr by the lalehted yourig'sbii of AWarreri fTasken Polk a nephew of President Polk, and the aon of CoL W. Hr Polk. The whole thine wound up by a ball iP the Phoenix1 Hotel, ,r where ithe j young men; ; and; nadiesf -would compare well veith any in or out of the State. Take it all in all, it was as : perfect a su(esraTCould1jetledrcd Be assured amongthe vast crowd, the s interest -.of the Fruit Fair was well looked after, and .we may look for a large delegation ' from; that .section,!; o un sn-i '-tii 10 v. U. 1 Ll )rV Blacknah invites' ilie; mem bers of the State Press' to-meet at Morehead City on the 15th for a f ew daysrecreation. X jor at least en inousana' people, DU17 iney 'matiafedtbabiOTticetfWitaif j Mha ; ! f , f A h f JO J ! NO !42 ,AngDit Betorna, of the Department o(j VAgrtciiJtnre Cotton SifferlnK' from I .pro UAlit nd IfandjUlon; esvra -. -vorable than In Jnl v- Tlie Grain! 1CropIionaceo;4&Cisj;a ivtl TJByarelflioraph toeMonttieB4rtf WASHUiGTOir, Aug. lO.rThe fcjlowingj is n Bvaoptus 01 uiu ja.UKuat reuuri, 01 ute sAfiticultural-sBiifeau? 'lAugtls.tcotlbn, re 'turnfc tb the Department of Agiicnlturt) ate -less favorable ' than5 ' those of 1 ; JuM ?o-The eondition- is lowefin very;' 8tate?-exdeptf two'ion' tne nottnern porner '01 ina oeii- Vtt-gtniaand Tennesseer ' TheplantiiEfatif-l ferlBg-jrom theineteorologleal vagahesr m& peculiar season. ?lt ?was-tooiJoo.ain May.' too wet in June. ahtow-lnamv, j iiv t6eorgia:t the? Jii juryjisi greatest r4he onaiuoniiaijma trorn ua to?a. einsisouui Catlma't '0ie'irteelibeiha8i ,bQen Yr6m 91. to 80t i The prolific cotton: belt df 4naddleiAla-j nama nas suiterea severei v'troni "mroufaa . while the southern cotratiesand theiyaileyt Of the Tennessee have had -seatonablc mek-i ther. Upland iTcotinties'f of ceiitralJmnd northeastern Misfelssippireportinidrv from -drou.eht -Veryr5enerallr.f5 There! is: aieedlof rain in central and soutlOTtTexaa: "brit the! drought hasr been less general and w jnnousl than m lieorgia. : : There has been ample rain in a large portion of the tiohisiana cot ton district,,and innearly. all.he cotton counties' in Florida. In Tennessee ireheral- lypana initx4jtmtyo counties, where drought has been severest, 'fields stimulated By !commecal,' fertilizers are iruiung me lop crop'J prematurely iandi pianis are arying np, as is usually the case under these cirniriis1ances.t ' t-!" .uThe cgeneral i Averagevpf condition ihas fallen to 84'fromO in . July: -The recprd stands; by States ; VirginiaV87, -Georgia 78,rFlcTida 93, sMissbsippi 85 I Texaa ."pS, Tennessee 90, North Carolina 87, South Carolina 80, Alabama 83: Louisiana' 85, !Arkansas 83. ,K -u, ,iitS-&it!. tiii fuReportsof ? the presence of -. caterpillars are: nhmerou$ ) in t .the ; Gulf: Coast States. Central Alabama is infected morejseriQUgly than;Texasi and Georgia, L and ..Louisiana more than Mississippi.- Theyf are, (.not re ported in, Virginia, Carolina,, TennesseoiOi Arkansas. I The first brood are, webbed-up : in somei places - the? second,: and; fears ar expressed of serious injury .from the thixdj brood. -1 Tons of arsenic. in various, forms are applied to .avert such.a calamity. i-Tjaq bolt worm ia only . reported at a few. pomps hi Arkansas and Texas, uhsm - 2 , i i - 7.5 I!; While the relative condition of cotton compared with returns, of tiormer years is unpromising, the-volume-ot-. the crop den pends largely upon the more critical period from August to October. .' ' !'. . i Ji nere nas been an improvement m tnet appearance, of corn fields durine the-month! of July id the New England: ' Middld States, Ohio; Yalley,- and west of thelMissjs sippi, ,lu Illinois, .Missouri and Kansas ife is slight, and nieasured by a single point J There has been a retrocade in the Souths in consequence of drought and some decline In) Michigan from too much" moisture; 5 Taking the whole area together. the.cQUdition nasi adyancep from so to a per cent, of a per f ectf crop. !'The. febhditioP' of 'the ; census crop. ; 4 The. condition of 'the - censusi crop. rl879. in August. was 99. and the vleld was 28 bushels per acre- The present returns indicate a yield of not much ovei 5 usbels per acre, pr 1,700 mul;on bushels which is as much as iwas produced in 1877 The condition: is 6 1 points higher than las year in , August, and lower, than Jp apM .ucusi, irom xo .u 10 1000, inclusive, x do nights have been too cold for rapid develop ment and the, cropjs late. - Fears are cx I ressed that frost may yet cause disaster, n August,' 1874, the condition, was one de gree higher fhan the present average. v The averages T ' of ' States ' vof " ' principal production, are . Illinois , v- 06. Indiana 95, Ohio., 68, , Kentucky 97, Mis' sourf SKansasrdWa'SS, Nebraska 84i 1 Wisconsin 85.- r .Onti the Atlantic - coast TkT" "xr i- nn n i nfi t Twri uciecjr ' lui. iu nixu uuuux i ugiuia uu. North, Carolina 70,1 Georgia. 74; - Alabama 80, Mississippi 87, Louisiana 100, Texas vv; .ricansas ot, Tennessee ey. ' i .. The average of the .conditiopjof spxin wheat for Antrust 1st is 97. the same as i 1882: but higher than for any previous Au gnst smce ioTf.; n jLn vysconaui recenitfraxns nave mjureu, sue crop in uie souuiern aui southwestenti counties the average 90 ,The prospect in Minnesota fayprs a 0x95, . o lBj, bushels per acre, nbtwithstahdihg bac weather in tho:eafly spring- and subsequen drought in(the,northertt counties the, ,con dition is 98." .'Feara excited by' excessivi heat early in July in Northern Dakota.hav been happUydifipenedCassand Richland cuuiiuts' pcuxuuH: 1 a ucuwr viciu ,uxu t-aa year? the other counties will scarcely equal their last record.' In South Dakota thefhar-j vest lis ; progressing ji the istraw la fhright! heads, large and . the yield better thap last year. J' The rettifna -of ' APgnst dO lh0t'esf aeptially change the. indicated aggregate .01 July for the entire crop, The result Of th h'artest Wilt bb mbre1 fully5 tested fcnbef ie trtrn- of .the threshers' I .blanks. It j js. tpw certain thata shortage exists, which will rcf qtiire all the surplus of 'last year and keep prices. w$l sustained -' f $y&--&iX A . cable disnatch - received Irani the XfOndbtt' statistical Agbht of theDepartaibnti says that the wither , .has beep unsettled during the first ten daysbf August and thp temperature low: for this time.of;-the -yeari The wheat, market 13 adyancing and stock? 'are' lkrge V'Thc quinty Pf toneW crop? i fair. ?The general -prospects of .lastanonth'f dispatch are confirmed - Counting the . day crease 'of 1 "'acreage' ' ' the total r,output i !of Eurbpean wheat wiUfhe.bne-fiftlil'hpi last year and one-tenth below, the average German French and Rhssianf dviceal an ..Worse.! it 1 - ... ? sh r 1 ,v,' --.t The condition of oats is represent '100 f a fighfe suppassed brity bylast Au since 1878- - f v 1 ,;,. c; w r.i f ..The average condition of tobacco is '8$, iteatucKy aa, 'rennessee v lrginia v NorlhiCartdina 70, Ohio. 93,- Pennsylyanii wo, uonnecucut oi,r k ibcoubixi w. -- . fixeentl 16n or'''r fflnroerei i '( r:C'cwib'u'r 1 Wfil. ;xrorit)jt ; TJtjca, Aug. l(Jtrr-Wm. Henry Ostrandejr was hanged here at 10.8S !orclock ' this mdxning ?f or f the murder jof f hi, -brother, ..' George Lyman Ostrander, Dec. ?(3th, 1880; near Wear CJamdenrhen upbn'Vthb scaffold, .he did not want any one to pray for him.' aye'WjisofferediHxbwevei 4. after which Ostrander s-noka for r three- CT vr ... .-i. .iT.Tr.--7r: r r -. f . : . . four., minutes in a rambling manner, aa rsertiWg his' RfnocenW ahd 4aying that he naa nos naa a xair, piai anu ueuouucxug the people of the country for hanging hup. He was frequently profane and obscene and ended py saying with an oath," "But , as. tp hanging me, yoii can do it. ' Life is of no good to me. " He was pronounced dead in twelve minutes. Ks neck was not broken by the fall. .Bef6re the execution he told his spiritual adviser that he did not forgive his relatives and would not asK upa tpior- triv Wm. vl 'i I- give him. ' Thft Methfist-lClliiitch' 'South'. has nothihg t6 'gain in' following; the. ex ample 'of t&NortheiH Churc.h; .and;' going wild over the negro";We speak 'as, ;unto wisb men.f, and -At" Would , be.;wdl to'give heed; Macdn(Qa. TeUgrapk.,: - I Spirits vTurppntmo, srVbes-recenllv raurderetl awhite- man - named; -Dudley in Chowan county.. The latter had $55,YThepegroes Monroe JBhxquirer-Exprcss : We have JdstVeartiot thi 'death bS Mr. Asa -Tray wick.- which took nlaco at his home ya. Lanesbprp township, Anson county, on !the.4th'fnst. Mr.J Traywick was 'a' promi nent member of the Methodist church and iia8..pnQpf Che, best menwe ever knew He . I a rr . . ' ' ' i X r .1 - . . mm auuufc oa yearaooiu.?r;.-----!-.r'ieu, as ds residence in thfe place, at 10 eVslock; P.- M. . Snnda'V.TAtilrnst tith? aftef Rhnrt innes. : Mra rcp'V'Afi4, sutixxug went nown .o y aucsuoro yesterday to '' start- the wOrk on the new ' Baptist church. He dre'W the plan f Or the 7 pudding; :WhiChfWiir?'hb; 6hbt be a very-pfeltyipneV-a JtW.Ul built of brick, ; ' New iBernbrfibwma tf Pro f . : Wardlaw has declined to accept ' the ' post - -t35ti.tehdered him bythe'!B6ard5bfrTnis-: trees of the"Academy. ft r- We learn from prrratlettersrebeiveo?inl in oali probability ana ahortj time thp.whTJs of . the southern Telegraph Company will be ite'ndedte'lTe: Bernfe.!r-U2i'Mrr'G:'-P. . Humphrey returned to T the, city yesterday from Onslow county. le reports the crops itlibworkpu ftyiaker Jdge Itoad ,?spro gressing hqely., The convicts are .doing good work, Jand are hiaking the : best road that has evpr been.in.Tthis section; .a lew monms more sucn, wctk as mey nave oeen . dbi6g wiircomplete the road. 4 He'states he - . ttjlipl following fromT,the Raleigh Observer: - ".Sunday night an old noan, all the WayfrcW the edge Of 'Harnett,' came here tp sea tie, panging, pnngipg with Ji im his twoous. aged ,12" and. 14. He bore his disappointment (bravely; drank a pinljot whiskey, ate the larger portion ? of : four watermelons and so managed to get through the day fairly well. In -the afternoon he sajd he only pated missing the hanging for me ooys saae. . jxs i or nimseii ne naa seen plenty of menr .sWpng off, but it was bard forj the boys. to .come; thirty, jnilcjs on Sun day and see "nothing when they.got here.' If this is not -good proof if against the pro priety pf public executions, we, know not Whatcbuld be.;iLetns study the 'picture. ' Weldon JSTecnst 'The - crops ' in thialand the western section - of , the coilnty are Buffering for want of raiii. and though ft has" not gotten to be what is termed a .draught, rain is badly-, needed. -r-Oa Monday- Uas Ymcent, colored, was acci dentally shot in the,' arm "by Tom ' Lewis, alsp colored. . They ; -were hunting on the river, and Lewis shot a bird with a pistol. He did hot ' see 1 Vincent,' and missing the ' ftirdi the ball took effect in Vincent's arm. Among the patepts issued to North Caroliriians in 'July we find one- issued to John C,f Williams, of.. Scotland Neck, on a xuucuiut; lor uieaiiuring uugjjuig auu oiuer f abrick vi-Therp- ihas ' been soine senti ment in. favor, of forming a new;, county from, portions of Nash," Edgecombe" and Halifax, and making Battleboro : the coun ty seat. Rocky Mouat Reporter No more new counties of that kind. There are more counties ii the State than .there js any ne cessity for. , r ; ,;,t . :: . : ('. V. -' Charlotte 'wrno Observer:' Mr. PhitoSninmyv a citizen of .Lincoliv county. came all he way tok, .Charlotte yesterday with a mule tohave iti bridled. The 'innle had ;ba ft bridle that it had worn constantly ' for the. past threo years, and , as the . bridle change it for a new; one, and this chapge of bridle is a big thing, , Mr. Summy assured lis, 'reqoiring five 'men with a twister to do the work;: (The' hmnle f jias. too iViucli. .de vilment in him to be bridled like any other mule; and three1 year agb wheri after a big fight and -an infinite amount,; of jtrooble, Mr. .Summy succeeded in getting the bridle dri the mule,' he vowed that he would let it stayton until it rotted, and ho. did., j;Yes tetdav he bought' a good strong bridle, and. 'getting the mule' in - Wadsworth's stables. hired five.jStipng colofred meu, .who; seUto work with the twister, 'The mule resisted admirably,1 'feut after a hard struggle be was subdued apd the. bridle was buckled on his ueau. . . , . . i Raleighf ivetes- Observer? Gov. Jaryis came back from Poplar Tent ' fair yesteiday, and in conversation with a re porter expressea nimseii as greatly pieascu with what he saw there. The display of stock was-a -credit,-he-says, not only to the PiedmonJa section,- but to the ? State. One bull shown tipped the scalcsat 3,292 pounds. About three thousand people were present. T-fnOne of the convicts in the Penitentiary, ' ;jLj: i:i'' "i.i'i : r ; Ulg j Oil g xxiuyvxixg buD UbJiwui puoiy,, ( xniio an expert penman and shows, postal .cards oh Which arp plainly, writjen , nearly 3,000 wordfej;? tfe alsp writes the Lor d'sjprayer in the .spaW of a ar'half , dime, r Warm Springs, .N. 'C.V Augj t lQ.r-:Testerday was a grana aay ior tne warm iapnngs.., .ijie inter-State tournament between Knbxvillc, Tdnri.1 ; and Asheville, N. O. . teams of five each, , was: witnessed by two, thousand peo ple from all parts of the country, and was a brilliant affairA? The result was in favor of the Old Nprth .State, the medal haying been awarded to the Ajsheville'team; ' ' 1 f '" ,M TarborP thern'erj The Wil mitigtori r: Stah' 'will soori enter- upon its seventeenth , volume, .j It., improves , with age and' to-day may be taken for a guiding Star by all: -t Edgecombe is in . better .condition tjhan any .county,; m tup state which "relies on any single cr6p.i' To prove it,-, our. agricultural ; lands, are? rated, at a higher valuation than, any in North , Caro lina." Her co&dn crop is worth more than , one milliohj r t Ehe Scotland 3STeck Gun .Club challenges the. State to shoot a match foV theJctiainplonship of the State at glass. ;No enterance j !eej f and nor prize.; 12 bore .guns are to be used. - Last Saturday evening' Mrs. 'K GJ Howell's farm was the scene of a sanguinary affray.. Geo. Free man who has been known to the courts before f br pugnacity, was- beating a woman -and because Charles Whitley.tried to , stop . 1 TI -J i - ? A . 1 . .1 5 1 Z pun, ne puueu ouj. nis pisioi anu uruu ui -Charles, the bail (Striking' him full in the .forehead - thenj glanced ft short ; distance tearing the skin. Of course the skull was not even! fractured, q Bo mad. was George that as, soon as he firedr he threw down his pistol and engaged in a hand tb hand fight, completely whipping . Whitley i ; -:, , o ui Charlotte Jburria&QtoeirvertMr. Joel Watts, the, owner of a country, store about 11 rniles' 'east' bfM Charlotte, on 'the . Lawyer's Rdad;v was aecfdentally shot yes- . .terday morning shy a ; gun , which ne. hau lUiUlCU ttUU LfUMJCU XIX UiB QbUiC XUVfUX III (W ' sition for a thief. The muzzle of -the weapon was pointed toward the door. On entering'.the. store, about 8 o'clock Mr. i .Witt's. accMently.str.uck the string connec- , jUJU win iiWti. intrsii -axui vMe icutiiB luau ui ' ii: ' jiJ-t 1TL. J' i . . , snot , was uiscjiaxgeu uiiu uis ieg auoui, wur Inches, abpye the knee. The inuzzle of the . gun was only, 18 inches from his leg when the , explosion ' took place and pieces, of clothing were carried into the wound. - ' The fifui annual fair bf the Poplar ;Tent 'Fair 'Association was opened oh the grounds at Poplar Tent yesterday, under the most . favorable auspices. . More than 2,500 peo ple were inside the gates. 'At 12 o'clock, the crowd gathered at the grand, stand to hear the address of Governor Jarvis,' who kihdry consented to act in the "capacity of .orator in the; absence of Judge Bennett, who had promised to be there and' deliver i Uxe'opeitiijt' iulrlress trat.'who' failed to ap-' pear. . Hisideas about, improved farming, deep ploughing," "more graii and less cot ton, more homp-made meat and less West ern bacon, improved fanning implements, etc., were sound and solid and seemed to meet theTavor of his audience. The Go vernor! was frequently interrupted i by ap plause. , v. . ,-. K' i-Two n-J ,heard,noting pf fthp convict being moved until he got to Trehton. '"'; ':'-'r.?-";' jnoi.- Qreerrsborb - Workman? 1 sfWo Sf ' 1 . ' 'i. t VWtl; 1 M.'l. : ) f4