v i v-cx . v- V- .1 The Stair: ar rTJv.f : ;;!nno-m:i.Tn Spirits lluroeiitme.i r ' - mMHJ I Ait - I ;?N! n nVf WI . dHnisbiro j l0UiHef: Judge? A V PUBLISHED AT Ki L:; ?U ISO A Thomas. RufBn has -gone to t the Warm i' Weekly 11 r i i . i i "ft 1,-g Pi! -':4 ,v,ijiincton; five. , Vl 5 0 A Y I, iff ' A bV A sc fc. ,I(UIU l wo 3.3 OO OOOOOOOO'CjO oocooooooooc SSS8S8SgS W ' w ocesooooooosSSS c cs es e r-v i w . , , a A to e so oo cp w t io to eo e'ao' r- - IE SO iO K 40 a 0 SO iC oo SSSSSSS8SSSSS8SS3 88888.88.88S8.88.S.SS8 eo p o oo o eo wies i sj 8SS888S88S88SSS8 oo66aoodoo3cS fl (TTl fi 1 i-i , . , , , -4- o , SI. 13' ret! at the fost Office atTVVmiahigton, N.'C, as Second Class Matter.) - - ' S UBSCRirTION TRICE. t H rii. subscription 1 prioe i ofthe'1ftfl5kTl S ni(e Copy 1 year, postage Vid, v1 ;1:50 & months, :t t 1J00 3 months. '.50 MtlND VIEWS BY AN EASTERN . MAN. ' Wei havo received a, private letter; from one of . the most promising of th young lawyers of Eastern Oaro-; liit.i. There is so much of cjobVl, hard -:vihi m what he aayaTtbat sWeJtaveir c!iic lu led to assutne .the respofisiUil .ty i)f making a few extracts front' it. Although not thirty ytun of ..age he displays uncommon . wiiiica fre- sight and judgment ! in"! this uItterV This talented young lawyer'does not stand alone in his yiewsijiipon; the great questfon of taxatron.r rtTJiere. .irc but few young lawyerSj.'as we.be lieve and have reason for saying, ial the entire great section lying south' ami east of Raleigh who do not (Ioi-mc the ppHition of the Star , npoii. ) tin- very' important question of taxa jhii;who do notaccept the well-known J axiom that it is the duty of the Gov erniiH iiL to bring good, to the greats si ii umber; arid " wha"do'.ridt-vf avor euii i i it uing the tax .: on : whiskey and hcer, ;(obhccbl'and cigars' and placing articles of prime, necessity ; u pon the free. list. j .. ., ovv - ' .. .; Our friehd writes us: . V " ' ... -. . . .... irii ..... :.-,. am very inuch iuterested in the dis cuksiou which you have, , with so much ability, been conducting" in the 81401; and. as a Democrattrom my youth "Up, I desire"; to thank yim for the seryices which vyou are dolus thel party and.' (be; heat , -interests, of the country. S ;To .my .mind .sthe; qui'Hti..n of: llevesqe " ' f Keform, with - a (( its -attendant interests H ,lbc. great.. question for the study, of. Americana .and... especially of . Southern Statesmenj and he. who begins the. work of directing the pnblic; mind to iu importance and to correct ;yiewa . h a lieucfaclpr and patriot.-ui Qf xjcourse.alf is a large subject and in man y; respects ab stnie, but by constant and inU;lligent. -disf ciisston with practical . illustration r - the mimls of the Hjople wjii . become enBght ' ened. I find, that as yet niost persoua have nucorrw-i idea of what is involved 'in the ' term M'rotJ-ction tariff, , often imagining'- ' Hint if i hey buy' inverted goods they -an; not t. lie affected by; it." ,? ' ! - He insists that; the-, friend: of trne. I .refonn shall;' be 'represented in the ! next i-iate uouventiO", ana mat inose favorin g .snunl :pinciples ' oF ; lajra-; Hon those opposing the abolition of the tax on whiskey and beer .and to-: bacco and keeping the -, tax on the npi'POO ri no oil o 1 1 1& iKova" pre ta discuss this equestion-intelligent-r ly and conviricirig'iheser itre proper vie ws as - -we; ithinkj and we hope that all men : warej'. honestly , heiit upon thorough tax reform will .8(!e to it that ih'e righteous and ,SQurid "principles in which, all, tax-pay era are intimately concerned, aire represented : by able and earnest arid ' believing. men. U;$l:$i&Af&.tl Our friend,; , ia ; another? portion f his letter, says: ' ' '"'" "I regard .. the s Internal - ileyenue question as! of the .first ; nripVftance.i We must hold on' to it, bat we must not put on reel Visa,: i n T oposjtid'ri ;to certain prejudices in regard to , the. . manner fif &itw -C. The Stab for : months has been urging tbe - change or the pjan or method of - collectings thegtaxesiori: whiskeybeer,;'&. iSiMy U ciS. There are t W9 plans' JtropOsed t first, that of; the New prwH of Commerce, through tfie States ly tjie use of the mae.hipery;ig luting theSteiUiesSefe tlat of th:Wasdiing1 stamp syBtenT, as ine;&rpaih "euicines, &e. -it gayslthrO.-.toesl ex-. perts in Washm4;t&; the Government say this can be easily4 4 effecienyy;oneWM? Who says .ht js Wrongao tar Whiskey and. 'beer? 'f&WBE High Protectionists; :4B?ifi:i Why do they say v so? , Xns wer-rj Decause thev desire t6 retain th e High Tariff gten-afSiSS Are rtecessaries iaxed'j iradef the; Resent Tariff? 'Answerat least three-fifths of f theHaxf raised upon M von XIV. f preign '. goods v ; is raised' upon the commodities th tm iversal use. Think : IydpVblptJ;"outf thieVili5)QfJ,o6Qr "Pn nik &i; you; must retain' the frill vtax'on"' these heayily taxed necessaries 'that; are -lused by every hiaseholdeir in tfae lancLi !i' ' V. v jKitVtorbr then' to '-tax whiskey" ,uu ucw i if.uo says so ri ,? r r . 1 Does not the tax co" Out of the1 consumer? .Who. will; deny; this 2 Ten . why. 'not; retain the, 'tar?; I( it shall be foand i-too titandh Softer putting the necessaries upon the "jhtva' list, then reduc& theJtax;- - " -" ' 5 Do not abolisTi theaon ; whiskey and, beer. and.tobaceo;an4 .igars, ut change the - system; and abolish :ToungK Cooper mid Wheeler. ' ;i j We ask reflecting, common tense,': ust iner to; f'tfainV 'on' these, things.", ; J iT " ' DECIDED VIEWS EHOOT AN EARN j . f EST TUINKJEH. .Ki-.-r" - " f We; i receiy ed yesterday , a ; letter, frora a distinguished' and accom plished lwyet that - contains matter ,hatisfit for the public; eyei -We have; not , heard froni Thimibefb nestibn '.'bf taxatioii, arid ' what he nays is worxn uie actenuon ot more eyes than : our , o wn AM Ala-wyer of wide reading and a iriari "who has' the weakne8S:(so considere nowYol havr ?ng opinions ot, nis own, we copy the more readily from bis letter which was really mearit onlyx facbwf'iie too 1 is . an I1 Eastern Carolina ? la wy tir . . t. ...... . anu he says; 5 I ;"To me politics are naturally; irksome," and I never enter upon . their consideration7 save under a sense of imperative duty. , As "a 'true Democratsincrely; desirous of the' purification ' aadv elevation of the party, I hve rejoiced in your noble "battle for free dom of thought.and, wdrd. the, party; for the? fearless examination, ion jrrinci$e, of all proposed"; gp'vernnienial measures "by vihomsoeter advanced" and advocated : arid for the timely extirpation - of abuses among uuiscifpa iivva, wmrc rciuriu may appear a matter of grace and conscience.'' and not of policy. and compulsion. ; pr this you have been arraigned, but you have struck a blow which will resound. I believe. through many ; future years of ennobled, pnrinea and more useiul journausm. . who can say that the " platforrn on which the Democrats will conduct the next campaign wiU approve even equivocally the repeal of the tax on whiskey arid tobacco? -How can such an objectionable plank be better kept but of it than by manly arid learned argu micnt and protest in the" meantime?" ' i . This is the fourth letter received ;from, Eastern: lawyers living at im portant centres and jwitliin a few days.' - - If our letters are proper re ectsrofpriblic sentimerit in the matter of; tax reform'arid opposition to wjping out the , tax on ; whiskey, beerf and tbbacco, then the Stab is' sustained by an overwhelming pub lic sentiment f roirittne South .Carolina line to the extreme Eastern section, f mM-f M territory lying I .between. As far as we know in ail that large sefetion there are but three papers, that seem to favor, the aboli tion 6f' the tax - on ' Spirits ' and to- oaCCOV sj,, 5 1 We: have received jseyeral letters from ministers. of; tie. 0ospel, two of. tnerixfrorii Di D.'sClwho are men of; ability, and we - judge that among irieri rto iri politics that there is a de cided conviction that true economic reform1 consists' ' in i -uttinjg ais xrianfy articles on the free-di&t as possible under the Tariff tma kfeepiriff the tax upon the lnxuries-rrtob. accoand tcU; garsV;whiskey; leef and iwihef5,?i 1 ; The JHbrth 'German 't Gdzeiie; that4 I ;i growling sot iominonsly at France; -is :';Ji?ce -BwrhakctVj jOrgari The; careful -New 'York correspondent of ? the J 23d iU8t.t 1 '''There are. s6me clear mong us .T - that make European affairs a . arc , persuaded that, . , .France .being m not, water now in Asia arid Madagascar,' Ger-, many is not indisposed to arrest her . ambitious- projects abroad by f giving he somej thing tp. . do at homeu J.t is admiUed that, too much importance may .be attached to a Berlin riewspaper, uttexancer but . as the Utterance is of a kind to provoke recrimina-; -tions on the part of the French, who can. . 'tU what an jnterriatlonal ; newspaper "war, thus started, will t lead to? j The German houses in Exchange', place arid on Broad street, are disoosed. to lake a serious view, Jof IhQ situation', but th Exchange,, aa yet,. qoes not renect any parucuiar uueasiutaw. i I Judge, Black waa: told prie dv that he" bad more friends among the' Ee- pupiicans iDan amon gine ju'emocrats, and that he . ought - -tor; join the forf; mer . fUe assorted, sayiiig that "Pm Repullicari8! wre;go f ellor; he: axis twere - good el 1 t wouidi lilEe Vto : belong to them, and 'there was only- one thipg in the way? If'he said, there -was no hereafter, 1 would join the xtepnoncan party at, oneeNothingeterl" ;me but the :fear of hell. f5 tBSB The Boston Exposition begins Sep te mber j 5th; and ends Hbvember 3rd. The State 1 JPress Oonv-intioiq -will tisit ( itearlyJa;Ocibber. ;;;7f t o U7t-ai.il ttJK ci jiiL'.j .. .J- t 1 : 12. 1'' STXTE FRUIT. FA-IR. Second and Lait'Day f Uie Exblbl- XV. ni, of the tf. S. AcrimUurai Department Award ojr tremlnma1 -TeMlmontal or Appreciation Hie ldle-!Tleettaff of Fruit !QrTrT era Association,- te.i'0i- 'i,- t After Wch an immense crowd as thrbojzed Eihibitioo Hall IWednesdav i aurhtruntiL-ai Jato aourv oi say Holding of the many ,that ' were oresent dnrinp-thr dv tt won ttmnh ; . ' a- - J v - ewMv0 : mat ilbcre WDulibe a very xeroeptibl& falling off io the number of visitors yester day; but suchJ was not the casdi W, It seemed tnat ue people nquld never tire lot looking ab the imagnigoent-:. and tempting display met them at every turn. And.i4ettainly is a pleasant sight to see so many of the. yiuuuwa ui tuc uiuuarua nun viHejnrtis 01 ourgood olf $tateV;and n (such, great va riety, spreaa out. nerore. us in one. grand profusion of lbeautyra,n(f 'attractiveness: Tie s exhibition has . been the means of! giving the people a more definite idea of the capacities of. the.State in this direction than could have been learned in years mrougniue ordinary channels. he, ex-, hijbition is one .of which .Nor.Ui .Caroling ehdurins basis and add .material vj to its useiuinesa.,- u tc 3 . m 3 j- - " Our attention wasdirepted yesterday ntq eral additional .MXticles .whiclr we .had oerlookcdjin our rst rounds .ofc the hall,; ,prj which, had been newly entered for exhibi tion. f ... ', .U'.'fO'ii'il. c: i v c I :Maj-.-0.-.W .McClammy had another Jot plj those mammoth, watermelons raised ;bv hmrat his phintaljop at Pcotk's Hi;4tTheyf aeserveaiy. attracted much, aUentipi ur: Mr. L. VV. .poward, of. Hew, JTanoveri bid on exhibition a. half., bushel of; 6ns -peaches grown by him. t;;,u i:- 'M..: 1 jone "twig iof -oranges ' from ;Stv Mark's Hotel Gai-den, Jacksonville,; Florida', and oie bunch of t bananas from the same, at tracted atteUtiOBH- Juvjf 2tili;p.&4t i'n We .also noticed a specimenof the "Le Cente pear, of Jacksonville, Florida. " l ' t' Mr. Marshal P. Wilder, President of the Ppmological Society of Massachusetts, sent for -exhibition :several varieties of 'pearsil among which we noticed the "Clapp's Fa- vorite," Clapp" 107," 'Beurre d' Angou f'ouveuir der CJougrees," . ".Pratt,"' arid TJayenne BoussocK:" 1 Mr. Edward Kidder enters specimens . of,; pears,,: 8uch.vas.,..'I)earbo . Seedlings," . ana ; vote yens ; uennessee. m .rt, uv-Vl-u! s. Air.. O, . T,- O Conner,, of. Jacksonville, Florida, had specimens of guaya, limes and 'Le Cbnte" pear.'- , , , k . . n TIT 1 T It 1 . . . Vpu o., y rtputesauacu 10 nis aurac- tiye exhibition of yesterday a lot of extra , fine onions and tomatoes. '- Jai 1 " t : j Mr,' Richard Bradley of t New 'Harioyer'. nne specimens ot iiaruett pears and grapes. IMr. James Thames, of Cumberland,' had exhibition ari assortinerit' of ' 1 peafches',': sun dried fnjutn!an an.rassortmeQt of. fine ajples.'i.;ftfi i,i j (wU -.wica'lriiit iMrs. -WiJ.1 Grey, Untie coillectWri; of wax ; UQwers anuoiner omamciuai asu xapcy Mr?Iir.' Voilers J!o Point' 1 Caswell,' Botnd" fine pears." y :" ' ?Mrs. J. R. Paddison, Qt-PointteQasj&ell,,; as assortment of. jellies, picklesnaQdia weet :plckles.';i'j;?'- Jtr-' fi:?ij tin:irjih' r j Mr M.f J 'Oorbett,; of j,Wilmington,; bad Jon exhibition four;obDxes!;)f .- sun dried 1 fr!uit.' " ' S h ' !.';'' tj UMrkMv'KiriEf of! Wiimlngi;ori;rspe; injenof canned peaches. hiKnl lit sr.' Prof.' Lineback.' of Salerit, had in eis col- .'jectlon'astriped paV4briUera;yuteW:Iri 1 't. Mr. J. H. - Murphy oft Priin Gas well; Pender county," naif" "on -ateplay a grape known as the Hopkins or.JHurphy Seed", ling, very large and, pr vigorous growth, and adheres to the vine $f ter maturity; said ti mob-A nn aritAUont winp ci m liar ti Pfrtoe..':i ;.lf ;;y:-n .j-ffisi 'nfvjgrr:;il I ; Mtss Elraa Alurphy; is eouecuon of native f Mrli'jf amea Peitewavt,7 iVearabl A2e.rex.-'! r.... tf -a ..I..:, nluited six fine CuDa water meionsf iif-jftii 1 I The beautiful florat shield tn front of the f duntain; bearing tbascr1rti6!i "F: Q; 1 1 SjawamenjoJ Piwej:c4dfrom;the,KressJ Xf Mr. J. fl. Murphy, pretty well ssmpledi f Hlly;$p; Htfce Prenuijmu j..,iat)itttsiBi3o'I.ib foveas tijoQ,:the marginal explanations statingthst j 3J This area in climate con-espjCdula ttj8nnfi nieKtoiIro1danatalt in the winter to Italy The mean temperatrfriPomithville is 66 degreesHhel fjis&l foobiteHAJa ;ari43rtpnf, "ojf Jtal ' 'Mtikbn African Pitcher; Planar Jf ewli;6 'ivlTap,. Palmetto ad CSihiese Sugtri- Carie alt grow" in this area." Jeypeople of South eastem North arolina('i r Major Young tkls us4n?iis mapv-f ii aye slept fora cen- tiiry, not even dreaniingof the'Tgreat hour: tha't' awaits them.M:'e Chinese sugar cne ripens ffonVi tp-6 feet .here. cvejtbi", j WciHIU, yilllBW lliminmni. w wu vt the cane stalkf faii? iolipen. R; :M-Mid- !dleton f'jptfe'$w' acre '2,700 pounds; of sugar and 120 gallons of molasses. Wm. Brice has for.eight yeark past made tO,the acrefrom 1,00Q td 1,200 gallons ,of rairilai-' ses;l all sfropihe j Cnese; sugary cane. Mean teinperatufes: Smith ville 66 degrees;' Mobil 66 degreeiMcl suoutct te proud, and it will no doubt be the means' of establishing the Fruit' Grow err Association of tlie Staft ficnu and ; j MaW. I. Coring "had n)Cxhibiliotf a' iBkeleionap'ojfSeTii-pcil'A iof the-Statej whichaJatttacgd mucb.attenj. thefwsus of ;jtharJ !s7ai;Ferp ilia: ri.TX-ir;v: 1 ,a c v - ' ' . f ',-(- ii ...... t .i LSfiNGTbl''ma1, 'iidDAt, gjees; Geneva.-Italy 61 degrees.'? : The fo cbs of the wfirm, area of .North Carolina is snownipa the map. to;, be Md Cape Fear miUC& Island, which, says Ma jl Young, is f qom 60 to 7ft miles;, from ?;the ever warm ters of the Gnlt. Btream". r i. Mf.il I MB. BEST'S RF.HATtKS. j v'jJ, is AtiiaiOdocKrJir. jtv W i rJeat. ; renre tine ' the Agricultural v Denartment at ashiAgtbn,1 delivered iari; address'' Iri the xuyiuon riaf wiiu.m saia . oy, . urose o ! 'heard it ; Irii have been, replete with tistidal information in reference 'to the Ulfptefests, of thqvcountry', including go-rand small, r During ' the course of retaarka, he stated that in thirteen of the .realized ' by'ithej saje of 'fruits Aggregated $35,000,XK) per annum. - . (f Shortly before' th'e drpne'r hour . jhW band . serenaded the rBaltimoK $b)e ipthe ,ex). uwiuuu, huu utuuiBore piiuw asmiaDie. re sponse, which was' 'qtiite ;'a? relief to : the wjLie J,na aaa previously ueen "groaning uAder the weight of its responsibilities, n 1 BANQtKT TO THlJ LADIES.' . : uLt 6 P. M., a banquet was given in' the Exhibition . Hall, at the instance of the Chairman of theFair, to.thejadies, headed by Miss Sophia Campbell, VChainnan, to Whose? persevering labors so: much of the success o, the Fair is due. . . I ;;ru7 SEINe'.TJP BalXOONa j jDurlng the afternoon two or? three gootl sized hot air-balloons were sent up under thje direction of Mr; F. L. Meares, and two ot them sailed off very beautifully in a ndrtheasieriy direction, and were watched. hi the crowds in the hall ' and i on ' the ad jatent streets 'wiareat deal of iritercs't, uitil tliey disappeared ia the distance. . ; . I ' - , ,"r r: the raeiT. v " - lit was at first Intonded to sell off the cfrbit at auction, yesterday, afternoon at 5 jo'fclpck; but finally it : was5 decided to postpone the, final sale; juntil 10 o'clock this morning and, tQ, continue the exhibition in Jthe meantime.; j ' ' . -'V -. THE PREldlUMS; .. - ' - The Association assembled at the Exhi bition Hall at 9 o'clock in the evening, and uruereu uie . reaumg ,oi rremium . lists, as follows:, ri ; ciASS I. Best assorted varieties of apples, J. Van ajndley, Guilford Co.", $10. Second best variety, "New Hanover,", New Hanover te.,:jnr::;'va:'j;;-::-:;:'i Best six , varieties, of apples, Lineback Bros Salenj Nl; C. , $ 10. Second best, J. n Lindley, f5.,..s. ; Best preserving crabs, J. Van Lindley, Second best, N. ,W.. Craft, Yadkin, $1. j Best collection of pears, J Van Lindley, $10. . Second best,; J. S. . Bagsdale & Bro.; uuiiTorovsa. -5 ...i, iBestinglQariety of pears, R Bradley, NeWiHanover, $5.u Second ;.besV A: Gumming; Wilmington, $2. :? f ist half bushel ' assorted varieties . of peaches,: L.' Wy.Howard, Topsail, $10. Se cend best, G. K. Foustj Alamance, $5. ' Best .six " varieties of peaches, ;J. Van Lindley, Guilford, $10. ; Second best, ; G. . Foust, Alamance,' $5 - J Best collectiori of plums,4 G. K." Foust;' $2: Second best,- J. S. Ragsdale & .Bm, Jkmestown, $1. ' ' I be committee make special mention of flne'large Kpple the largest exhibited by W. M. Hand, Pender county, f u ?r Largest assorted variety grapes, one bushel, W. H, Murdoch, Rowan, $10. Se condjargest.variety,' J. Tan Lindley, $5. Best six .named i varieties of grapes, ,N., W, Craft,-Yadkin, $10.i Second best, S. W. NobksNew Hanover, $5.j";;!:.;. ''V;,,,;;. itogers; grapes .U; JJ. ;iland, special men- Best SWeet wine' W,l J. ! Green Tokay iVineyard, $5. , ; Second best,. W. Craft, Yadkin, $2. us iH, Msi-yAs w ii w ,', ;; Best dry wine.'W. J. Green ' $5.'" Second Best collection of figs, Mrs. II. B. Eilers,- 'Wilmington, $''-.nu;t;R;fe;rCv,'.-' t, B8rin-d4f appiesL ryiu,' friVk- ,ecQna , oest, a iu Jjros., Hickory, $5. -v-'..ir:: ..: . ...- llptet 1irr-l1rlii1 npgnhm f .tnrnKan1r Tlr'nJ' -w . . T TV- . JVWVUVOj iJIUVUUVA JLIW3.y a? orsjin, $iu j second nest, M., J ... cor bett WUmtngtonii$5sv!i m-.t ,r;H ntyf u H'-.u Best evaporated apples,' M.- T. Hughes, diford ;aio": 4 L l!-t IW!Y.bim.0?13sfci;.ft Gui Bestvaporated peaches M..T.5 Hughcs,L Bes' display;' of , dried .and evaporated fruits, M. T. Hughes, $10. ',.2 j.y; Best canned fruitsrMrs. P. Paddison, Jbint Caswell, $10. v Second best, s 'Mrs. E iWarreri tilm)rigtori; $5V ;' ''''' 1 Best "'watBrmdori ,Topsaii; 5.!u Sedond' best, " Jas T. ' Pette .Way,'Wtfmington,:$3. ' ., s ' :: Best caritalouries, T. H. Smith; Wilming-'' CLASS m, Best green tomatoes, J. Van Lindley,. . . I - . : i r . . ' . .- quaiord, t-iyM Wilmington, 1. jx iyi k'mxh'id j Best collection of preserves, -Mrs. R P. Paddisori,,Point Caswell ; $5. f 1 ) Best collection of Jellies, Mrs. R P. Pad- djlson, $5L Second best, Mrs. J R: Paddi-: Best" collection : of f sour fpickled 1 f rrii' Mrs. R'P' Paddison $5."-; j ; . .;, 7; : I Best collection-ot sweet pickled fruit, 'r i t n nAAia 'K.- 'aAii ; Mrs. J. - R 1 Paddison, $57? Second best, irJ T STJ tol1!onn- 49. Best bouquet ; faeorted ; flowers,, Mrs. ETJ . Webb, WUmington, $2.' Second best, Miss "Victoria Gore; vWilmingtori $1.5 ' ! Best cut roses, Mrs. Webb, $2. ; f Best assorted grasses, Miss Victoria Gore, Wilmington, $2. Second best, ; Mrs. H. . Reeder, Wilmington, $1.: . l ; ; ; j Largest arid best iwlleio'of vfruUq. J. nJ, ffjfii n3i .'AtJGUST ,31,1883., Van Lindley Guilford f 10. Second best.' Ji K. Foust, r Alamance $5. J". uk -.' X I ; ' .classtv. 41 v ' ; j? ruii evaporator... (Zjmmerman'sV C n Pparsall,.Duplio, .$20.'t:.i',H.1) hA- ., annirig,' 'Harding 1 Johrison'.,i special mention1. i .jCoUection of .birds and animals, M, Tu Hughes, special-' premium; fl'ocs. 4 wou u - : Sugar evaporator; E. D. PearsairDupiin OnAllll nnlipn i I; .The ' Association halsai, make favorable notice of the magniflcent display ot Messrs' H. .Brunhild ,i& Bra, ihfipCape Pear To-' oacco VV orfes,, ' Mr.- J. . Stevenson, . Mrs. fta'ff Mrl'Thomas crayon work wnicn so ueauuruuy. decorated frhe fellowing resolutions . i uf.iui.Aa, iuo uigmj ,-i,isiiu;urjf ituu r" n uivu uvc, w u is .genunuiy ue- i utea out oi tneir money ' very larieelv to the read Vand enthusiastic rri r-'aJ 113 ? 19 shown as the. "American sponseefthdjcitizens-' Waminglontd eur selection of this pkice for our exhibition', to .tne nearly ana generous cooperation of tne Mayor and city government, to the invalua- uro wuiriuuuous qi irue laoor anu means, on the part of ; committees as well as indi- viduals. espedallv the ladies, thus nrovi- dingus with' not only 'a "suitable but a' ma?nineentandf hAantifnli v dommtMi tu. K i V si ' ui me yui poe; uieruiure, ue ib . ,iiVaZtt;(?, That 'the hearty thanks of this Association be tendered to all-those who have thus aided us ori this occasion. - Tbatwe highly apprrf. ciate ana mans: au inose ciuzens wun wnom we have been brought into contact' nearty welcome 1 that they have personally, and the kindness and mat we nave received at meir nanas. . tZZJZT?'"! j ri7 j j.jx rm. . v it.i it iS Of toiS Association be tendered to. our worthy and respected President, for his faithful and aruuous ana, enuring laoors ; to promote, the success of the exhibition, . BM. Haeuefiywto. t :.it The Charlotte Journal-Observer of Thurs- senger on Capt. E. E. Everitfs train which arrived in rowly esca; thrown into scoundrel.' Mrs.' Mitchell was seated by a!f raised window just after "the : train 'passed v Clarkton, when she,. and those sitting near her, were stunned by a report that hat;spunded ' - like the discharge ing stung A rock that with great ' force, had struck the Vindow sill- within ten inches of her ; hend ; . Th Tnotr ninrlA n lfcn onfc in - . mnA nnrt ' it r -a- naTvK cwe lady, it . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... not killed her. Detectives are on the track ' . . "jv" oxmuiuij, i t'mw m yy. ;.-, Nortb Carolina and tlio Boston Expo- f aiuon ; ; . Mr. S. G. Worth, Commissioner 6f Jlsh- erica for North7 Carol ina waa nrpsent at tnA Fair yesterday, arid from 'him we learn that he has secured the beautiful palmettos, ' which; have been l such an attraction to sU-angere during the Fair, with (he, view of, waiu&iiu iu mc ijvbwiu .UA.iMSOii.tuu. lit. Wlll -.Wti. ' ' J-.u u.v ijr wiut, mm .uogus-vl insectivorous nlants to be found'inthis -! - . - - section, such as those mentioned by Mail ...... . ,4 ... . . i oung in me map attuued to elsewhere, tie nas aiso secured tor exhibition there the beautiful disolav of ; evanorated . fruits of. a handsome Tramp." whirlr tim nrnvMl :bhk afeWed iuructta ,o ail who h.,e ,Wtell Xi&uiuiuoa nail. -i-i :- ; .;.' colored Polittelans moving. '.;:: - jThereis talk 'amririg the colored ? people' of a meetinw to be held "at ihe frirt HriiYw meeting to peheld at the court ouse to morrow i night to elect ddegates. to a iT"'5I,!,vu' r rtf, yu"ct,'f 5r.- delegates in turn to a National Convention to beheld iri Louisville, Kentucky: ?oiTthe 1 oKn.jn - ; . -r. ... . . ..i noiDeptemDcr.' it win wrememrred thatua JHationaL, Uonventionf was; called. Spine time since lo. meet ; in, Washington. w h....rKMJ,,B,i-t.' fnrBnrn """i T-trwt.yv-Y "ftWfrTra Pwe' chW t?l?l,l9e,P.I!.mc- irig to Louisville. , . ; " ITo Go to Boston. ; : 2." We had heard with some regret that there had been ment' for taking hibit bfrMr, tp the Boston Exposition, but we were in formed yesterday-afternoon that all obsta- otc.i.be.yl.adI0e.i!moTOdM.aWl the exhibit had oeen. turned' rover foCom- missioner Sf a Worth, as at first intended Who wiU see' to its removal and exhibition na. W e predict that it. will be one of the mnct nlfmtlvo fofmva in Ihn oT-TiiKiHn Irst Bale New Cotton. - The first Mle of ;cpto ras . received at thU.TOrt jresterday from ' air. -:l Aioouy , 'Oiu jnanonj ' o. .":: It' weighed 43 poUnds-was classed strict; low middling and was consigned to MessrG tfoft on 'Change and sold for 12fc centa per nnnnl anil moa oh!nvul 1.A.t . M X Z W Williams iVi l)n.ltmt) n .t on pool. - The first bale rof new' crop cotton1 was received herJast year on jtte August. , , . . t v ' l 1 ltm ' v'ii Capt. John T. Flowers, who 'left here I a . n r. ( (v it ' . i - - t some time ago. for -Florida." arid has been hoAfc. An wioff i i ........ . - : i '.W:,IW hiseturn trip last. njght,enh& own boat, which he has chmtened Fa , He I Cnanglng Location. lv. f 'A . I Messrs. ILJ.; Powers &X3o.. will remove'li from their presentJocation, foot of Princess street, on the 1st of October next,, toi,the ffiua vrm AnAnmnH Yxr lUtm r T I If a .1 i I he building on the northeastern . -nornM-, n 1 Front arid Princess, and Mr.I Wfci irirl - .wfc - a- remove into, the tobin,'ad joining on t.e'easi.:, ' ' iy. r-vrTTA ;4. day has this to say'of a dastardly outrage ,hat the apples are-very seperidr oncsiand a? associated "water transportation line t the perpetrator of which it'is noped' will -Wpuld no doubt have secured, a haridsome rf irk 0tber ciHes- ' ; : yet receive his just deserter ''Mrs; Fn.nlr premium: .j- The, pears were also,-very.finef, ;kipgham Spirit; A gentle- Mitohell, of Wilmington, who wasUi W) n The following is a, full Jist ,pt .the com, . the city yesterdav mornine. nar- 1 ffl assisung io aecqraie tne nan, and in ' : ff-yj,,"! I -. J" t,.v. --t -t . "- .. I tdhim Unknown 'Ihfi mosniiitS the train by .some' unknown I e$ the Fair: Mrs. Charles King,1 Mrs.lFrank : 1 aire to DlunffeWbill Intd him " of a pistpl, her facebe-J MGeorgie Gore. Miss KateQumceVMiss VZ at the sametimeby flyinggrayeL; rJplmnie Quince, -Miss 'Arighsta Lippit diriored man - had been thrown at the rcar l Miss Lina Hall. .;fl-firiv n I McKay's eyes was shot out, and our in- wm take with him a number' of 'men; who upon theJast Superior Court. He spenta arrested the girl and carried her to E. K. hearing of his sticcesffWSTflsbSrman, wish good portion of the time - during the late P. Osborne's office,, where an investigation tp go and try their luck for; kWhiie ?Wari the armylias' tXivu.orldrig..; .iito the, case was made.The girl, was i- :r:.': 1 ' ) ' " i; ' V f' man all his life. and is above the medium- lurider the influence of liduor. and it wa - .- ti " J ." . "."- ,:.i,j ' 1 Fair Notes.' ' , ' n THTT , The anneal meetings of , the Fruit Grow- ,fer8;Associaonareheld.in October.;.,; u, I . xne , oeauutui . cravon .nortraita which .hfelped to adorri" ExhibifioV'tfall-during - itie'''Fair Were specimens1 oTtne ikiir Mr."' M"u luuuuu, mw luuav, wuose piciures I -hhvetso often. been mentioned. in the Sraifcvi ill TJUbi Taripus cpminittees: whe had charge 'of the arrangements, for .the .late Fair de, J oinra nmil imiI I t ... I ner in which they acquiUedHhemsdves.''' ' Quite a. number' of Ith'e. visitors to the late' l.ir went down thd "river 1 on 'the -steamer j pxtesspor yesterday. , lo. .-rfJn j f ; jljjxonnectioa with the map showing Jherf pratures in Maj'5Y.'smaTi Vesterday he I J c ,i xt: "i! iL- i w;n 51 5 -i f01 W ueyawueB i. 'l . uwuiuai auu-vxeuu. xue I tree in questiori "wasf takeH-f rom Cahiiiin I iaUwr- f L t J- ' " ! ' " . 1 vt1,-fi-ijr..,t , r ; a. I 1 iEsomo one took a fancy, to one of Mr. E. I - T I ir J.. . 'n.i. iS"' .. -r .... . . . 1 4 muure vo-s "uenuiiFuc'canaV'-DasketS .ad carried it off rif'M r;a 1 J " 'r.rl t w.au yesterday morning, together, f with its bontents, ; : i : ;f ; 1 nett. of Carteret Countvl ihtenddd 'for xhF- V.;V:U f 17m f ir..lv I . - S-- w 1 bjjtioa at IthelateFauvf Much regret was Pressed by SftM of the ; AssOciatipa t wattne Truit was so late in coming to hand I WA TfViTiTaiHiAiJ. ita ii.1. i. hit-1, ;" , i. . .....s.'i L.iM' , T11 .Bm ?i exmpits. xnedelay I is particularly to betegretted from the; fact ttee of ladies who labored soassiduously K11?. Mrs- T. J.Southerland.MrSiiJno.HedT' ripk, ;Mrs. ;K R Brink, B.fR Moore,; i i - - - .'.'" ; ,:,7r - ',: . . , 4 - P.yt:7.t.j rFffPi l oeii, miss, victoria, uore, Miss J una uore, 1 t Attd U"3 ended one of the most suecesS- I f Ul exhibitions biUons every held,bvNortb Caroli-. e hope, ourr up-country friends" vv '-i ; ii; : ! m.F- iC ieir visit and f.hftt. t.hir will Ko rlorl I US. . . Wl I .1. .1... it. ;1t ' . i ,r,18r f-!" fj?? i uu Buure lutmc ucwiaiuu io come io our 'pit; the sea again; They will afways I H.welcQm4iInfac1v weshouid be: glad to 1 know, that it. was deemed expedient tojhjold of the , Association in Wil- I .(Zrt ' - '-:'" ' 1 1 lrrZ. .:'l2)L ' 2u ..r, , V'iwlh -the splendid' display made byiIessre: P. ji Brfdsers S Cof i Also, the fincdisDlav, 1 0f wax .works exhibited by. Mr. Wj J.. I rev : . , . ,:: ; . - I i .'4 .i ?f.t'-,-!'.H;fs.'.-..y Jff; - TESTIMOKIAL PBESENTATION. ?. v - "", ; thehaU, v. ., I sugajDeit.pr, ,Xiorth-4Carolina, alluded to Z i?nia'- WW. mey do pot rc- wercadoptedi y?8terday, Maj. Young also. hadon exhibi- l'Z" I i A barrel and ho rvf anhlps atifl iAn : I to! inmnlftt.iftn ntoo for the I t5Uh nn tSi , Stfiim1r4 , a; ttfj' :-4--Mr. Ben Best, of StoriW Creek., town.:.. ff i Hx" l .- jiua iuccuug yi wo 1'iuu uiuwcia u- I;b;wr - .rrt - - Si - - U. I w",-VM j-.v.w.j V--U1U5, 1,11 luuumus ofldresa was hrPftanted w Cant R Pi Pad.- disoo. viz- i f, v i 7. 'rftiic)', I The delightful reunion of the 1 I Growers Association has drawn to a' close tasT S'SfS' Itinmnhg nil thpii bnan'nnst Avra, vai-trlntv 1 i enioyments. &xe. now thines .of the nast. J , , . . .-.j.w,. i - But they arerecorded arid treasured up in j !fw-ful memories, where they will be fond?: 1 :1T cberished, and often, awakened and re-r 1 j. n . . . :nhfint Hit, - I but before senarafimE. we desire to triva ex Our stayere. Especially would we here recognize the generous self -sacrificing kind- -ess,' the uniform consideration,, and your 1 J ' .I ..-i. ' . ' i ak ixxscibaa uuu ever, huia-iissi 111 Eiiciris lo 1 16 Us. You command Mr esteem arid I admiration as a model' 'President ; of our .Association,; while sou- eaioy, our warm gratitude aijd affection as a friend . adbrotter.Nit!iBVttiettfoTe. tiiaVwe can- f not refrain from offering you th tribute, vyuiic hc yiuy kiic givur ui every guou.auu perfect gift, to fill your days and your years wnn ever renewmg nappiness, and to bestow ii non von ana alt voiirrlpar nnra monial of our affectionate wgard..'. li Af ter ,the 'reading of tiieaboye, and the ttt rtt.- neMlf - e Society, Capt. paddison, ma few well cbbseS worfs iraTOfuily ackriowledgedthe' . ' ... m m m .. . : : .; . :, A Kemarlcable ITlan and a Wonderful fBV J .Family. '- w-::.' .'i:'. ! A corresDondent at Southi Washington. I 1 1; t - a a jvi w vmvm, v nvwv w bwiv. EUUlEWIUll. .niUllll I I f amil v.in that eountv of: Which soma meit: 1 tioh has been made in thfin neretofdnxr f s singuiarly rprpftp anulyfift few j 1 aWh n r.V' v;llAi.lijiM KaM' f iikMtml UAji J I' '.T.Tr. Ti TT ra--T7ri lETT T! T.T. . Zi inow 87 years ld and1 ys! he is the father lthe cen8Us''of - his1 family' taken and f found the number up to that date to be'384; - - ijuuuiiiu.i &iui t.uiiuicu. c iLi ca at a and great-great grand children,. and at last;! t acconnis tne oirtns in tne lamuy averaged i ii . . . . i - auoH. inree. a wees, iw represemauyuB t w attiWI frXm trMU0fM nnl Rivor to the Atlantic OceanWiMfc Moore is hale and I hearty and was able to . be in. attendant I size, weiffhincr ahont twn hundred honnds.- i: , .... i ' ' 'Y !- A- ..''-c6ntlcinuui':4 f ron.?BeaafoW-Ji?"1516. says; Monday Toesda :"' ' a. : i n a . " T ttiov hvA m-!nnnw4 . n intmmf I um . AiAi ivuvwv " Niwi v a ' v n i mt 'I' ... Thai "6 v i thehr homes 'l'tncoln Progress; Some weeks I afll B mntl pal inn. hiineolF nnnnnrl A through here-oa fooUMt hai sin6 trans- uiiasu uiau ma real name-is i;ass, ana mat ' ue uau ueen: scniencca lor norse stealing. . j ... ... H rrs. vyfinion isaucastan: aix. .Wm. LTV Beaman: btothbr of our townsman Mr. Jhol- R,'i .Beaman; dicd at hisf esidollce ,-'; about ' eleven miles ' from town nn iw ' i Raleigliroad las Saturday, morning f f a' r wuguBtivu cuuu , AUttticccaseu-was ;aoout ? 6$ years of age. ': ' ' : , ' - ; - Revivals reported as follows in f- e T&MgKMvocate-, Bladen circuit,' 10 . oiessions;..wayton circuit, .5 additions: . . .Shoals circuit,' 20 additions: Onslow rfr vewtt -carquu,f ou? proiessions; Liouble ..1. no j a ... - . . . " ,. . j $it,L 7ft additiansj Davidson a circuit, 29 S&IS I i I ' f LoTint, j 'of so ago' George -Wuliamsonrc16.redv one I ! V10 Ppisbers of, the .Raleigh Banner- - JJdoand reciveTse veVat wiA X cash; but thd subscribers received the paper Recorder ' the t loiipwmg revivals are reported Pine Lcv- additions ; Shady Grove, Gaston ' l!?..?0" dIU9nP! B,car ; " "r"a"v "uf". . uuiuuns; at anomer cuurcniJ npt named, su prpfessions, 19 ad-: t r r ,7" v""" 1 uapusma; I alv na "jckory. 6 baptisms: Sa n- HJ flams,. UeaveJand, d additions; White .j Plains, nearMt. 'Airy, 40 professions,-30 1 additions: Kay Fork.. Stokes. 18 additions- .. I Ralpm ritmr T.iTiTntrtn "1fl Konticmn T,i. r m . ' JT -"""."'-'i unjnw, ii.in,n. V1 I Onldbnrn 7? w.i- thbtiew" Methodist iSnSST and suppowfll beusbed S . I rattles and a hntton Z rinn-t fii, I W iUUC aUU AliltA 1IIU1L13M1 r !".... v" - trlnio"e ." 1 about your home syndicates GOT-fjagJ- ;iturnnike of it .-..We dnn-tn it I ahnnt. vnnr hnmn cundiootoa - u.,. : - I Nbedham Kerinedv has' ntwni nn th : . . iiiNeuse river transnnrtAtinn 15 nri pjesumA wewill be indenend ' w X j hfei have time to see the. Clydes and form I hivine resided several veara in tho -TSoat jlhuico, ouieuiijjjr uegiarcs mat ne never ieit " ' some reason . . will not What a hSppy i immunity! A' ; double-barrel unrel shot,,was i ivuiuj uiouaiftuu m tue nanus oi -a i acciaei I yyn:mn named "Bub" Shepherd, near yeung man named "Bub" Shepherd, near Pfekin, last Tuesday, severely And perhaps faitally wounding two young men, Daniel j psan, lasc luesuay, severely And perhaps TOyr- ; . .r, - . UJ' f Jf ." Observer ;, , An Enterprising firm 'has: j list shipped 'from vf-s.V: jui omu I " T ""! .cj- iuoii ouiiiijlu .their? house here one? of theirTurpcntine i sunioi it uuia. capacity, acfiigned lor tne I BpstonExposition, which it would certainly raQ excellence of workmanship. The . I county bf Cumberland,' the fall terrffof the I Superior. Court of which . generally 4 comes Superior. Court of .which , generally 4 comes iqrmam suues - toai mere i is only slignt,'1 noun ot uie November. I distnct.'.which wUl- be held iri JNovcml & J'Th expended much time, trouble jfeSSl fe9!0; careof" them, but his . recent losses are ? 1 cawgu MJ .nil 141IU . WllU , UlSCOuragCmeni.- Jle n'as' had -fiftv nr isnrtv fino Rhwrn A i ..Uk. ZZ '"": I oo.uuiuicuuug. W H1U CVCa . 1113 goals. . t." j: : j-,-,. norwhile standinir on the. : scaffoldinff of the McKethan building on Market Souare ' lost his footing and fell to the ground. ' uprtunateiy, , tus -fan .was broken by, the lqwer Bcaffold, or the accident , might have been fatal: Mr. Minor was taken into Sed bferry's drug., store j and ;his .iujufies,ex- f we. are giaa. to iearu, are . UOt SeriOUS: '"Mr.' Knight.-' of 1 tpamam county, has been recently bereft '..; . . , . , " . ' .7 f his whole famuy of six children by such i'agirange and fearfultragedyj or, rather, J ?7 - a ; succession of tragedies, as makes I - "truth straneer than fiction." Three of I the children were taken 'with diphtheria we. motner oemg ir youngest. A screa -Hfh forth, to find scream outside caused her to that; a s rattlesnake had I 'KIffo-n tv-xfl-. )hn v.:inn .--.V. i u,iuv uuiuilu, .ruu ncm crtu T crowning horror came upon the distracted I i0lper, wnea .she . discovered that a large PPt or bOilmgsoap had fallen from the fire, 1 and tmrned or scalded the baby beyond l IJcOvery .! , t re- . 1 Charlotte Journal- Observer : Yesterday another good rain cariie upon the " city from .the east-and from appearances it I soaked the parched earth for a considerable f !.LT j i . revival church is con- it'W. tB,;i HarrelL of , Menroeu --. Frank rir Hat. j jHaliman,! the.vnegrp ; who - arrived at Mat- who was captured that afternoon at.Mr. p. H. Wolfe's was carried back to.Matthews by the crowd,, and .carefully guarded until tri hatk it. iut w i,nm. e-;.,. It was feared that the negro- on beine cao- tured, would De lyncued, but wiser jeoun sels prevailed and it was. decided to turn i, TV Ai Jl - r . . . ... ,i llLTh. in fhnV.r mv ' ing of a young White girl, accompanied b l.OUr neonlfi inminrt of the IUat.t.hfiW'B Sf ntinr case; reported in yesterday's paper,, and as :CWn Bfl tllA rnrl Was aprAornil anil Am inirnnti rgatjon was Jieiu, it was found to be in truth The two. walked into the r city at an early, but were not seen again un- tp about noonv when the girl was found to v. v. wa 4.a- u w a a u huvaju a ... . ifl repute, the owners of which, having seen iier passing oy in company wiin tne. negro, -, mni. ui.i;.. i. :Bu.iiu.uio wauuew ,b :0huui( vuau.iresu.p. Tin their m nda -called her in and sent fi- the police. The negro.taking alarm fled andhas not since been seen.- The police I.imDOSsible to cetu.An .intcllio-ihlfi nmTTnt - t.rrrr -'-nnT w Vs: uewerao,-and she came ,, X".:'' ..21. i -.v. i i v- - n y-f au, snes cas. anown mm au ner uie she . and tne negro got together and. came on to a'a . unariottCi but with what object in view she would not state. .r'r--t-.i'--l'MteriiaTnett,wharthe last court of t&c n

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