The Weekly Star. PUBLISHED AT V i V n I NOT ON, N . C AT ,, 5 o ATBA It, I N A D VANCE. ooooooooooeoooooo I 2 .-OO 35 O rl C 55 - W t-ri M SSS888i88is8SSS8 88888888 .ii""W v SSS2SSS55SSSS?iSS8 j a 8si3 8888888888 88 ooHtteeN) 888888888828 38883 ti""W I . o 5888888S8SS8S88S SSSSKSSSSSSSS 00 KS cteoio-aD-eeooog-,g9 I wtrtet OOOOBOl i "A I nc3f user- t 7 1 I . - ' .-. 'SSSSS33S I 4 C OO W 10 - o o " --v..j ; v SITBSCRIFTION JPjRJTCJEi h.:.---'Th:': ir; :i ;t tL i I rho sukscnotion price or uicvykkkly i is as follows : v.; .Q..T i savk the FORESTS-TOKiu in- I FLOBNOE. .. : )itiazine there is a capitally illus- iriiel article on Caje , Cod. Ve r.-:x.l with profit and found an iliii-ir;itiv'ifact to hhow Imw niiich inirtn man in his ignorance h done. :.JJMroi'-prtibns of tin Cape are now sum! I'.niks :md .-trv ilcnudtHi of all : . i i... . . ' '.. i ;.t. tonsis, aiwi veruure , prevail ei in many Maces wuero mere- is oniy oar- i reinuW imjw. It in ihu old, old story, Man h ji predatory and a wasteful, animal. a; destroyer. All the world you can find not only thousands of instances of "man's i,,huianity to roan," but of his blind- ana ioy . n , uesirucuveness. Nature' .economy. is a sealed book to must men. The simplest laws of ' ,, - ' J lisiv:irdel. lie looks to ' present j ,j,,,,l and h. think, that ;W- u-i- nt unto the day is- the evil J ili. reof." Il irame from the Old World full of ad veil Lure, and armed Mith irun and axe hi wan ready to hi i v' man or ueast or in treen ol lue I r " .!,. . . .- - - i f.n i sis. ' IM.kinj out continually for facts ami iiui:sLr:inoiiM tu ;vii uh hi uur i I r . . " . t .1 - I itu.-iti.m oi uie - loresit ana oi aauu- i iiijX tliK'oivncrs of land to jdant trees, I r I.. x ... . l I wo loriunateiv mei. witn an uauui- i lent ai-Licle in the f iiiiaileiDhia Amer- I tain iMMHi "Aiiierieuii roreKUf anu Foitrv." .siijrirested by the recent . - r . i iT.-;.. 1 annual ineeiinif oi uie i?orei,rv vou- i ; Hle Copy 1 year, postage paid, 1.50 iina has suffered in thfa way. Owing " " ImonSS: :': ; 'S to her sparse population, there is an .- ' : : I: C imrnense area of ,yiriins forests. Let nr.- . .1. ..TamnTiff t.lifl fwnnk of the nower of v iiLioii. tvu caiiuob uo ieiteriur i , . . i - i ",-l-tlio our ri-aners man conv a ioiiit -iara- i -1 ' r . ii e 'm. I i.,tliH thoughtful, and shows V(M1.- of ho v -iat inioorlance are trees in . lit V..f nr niHM an1 hnvc ihfv I tit, i va aa m m t aa aa a w i'rv- in iriitrve : Liie lerLiiiLV ur ' ' -.1." . - r - i -- - j laiiils. It savs : 7 - - . . -. 'For a q darter of iimilenium"mai has Ik-i-u riftinir ii n his iixe uiiod the thick trees. . o . tuii !io oiuer n tn oi his aciivuv uns uro diKfd lejiiiltk ko tremendoua It tins been so L'n ut Hull me sDnearance oi our. ennu- . . - ' - av . a.? iif nr. io nhsrrvcrs on me siaier nianeia oi . . - . . ... ' ' . . m our svsti-m musi nave cnaoeea very niaie- ri;iiiv m thf pjwrsn nt innseceniuries. larce i fip-icca anpeariflgr lignter in nue man lauy i did. Rut tWfcffecl of Ihia wholesale clear -I ince nas Been most aeieienous ra many ic- i spect. Trees are or vast imponance in the anuftntia circulation of our olanet. A T: tree is a irreat hvdrautic macbine m wuica I tui run IS 111 WKLCi rlliuic niw a .-, oui uiwmh, i , energy. The upwara rusn or waier m a i tKtk tr hsw lu pii Riiffiment to lilt a core or I . . J win nil inctn in tiiamuLcr aiiu -unv ui kijui i, feet in lensrth into the heart 7of the tree. I where it has deen found when the lot; was J cr i i Put m f Im oi in.nanl ' 'I'riia unurorn filn)m I -! I la LI1L. aaaaia U . at aa as u u . a c-irnes to tne leaves ana. nrancnes tne num- i - . - . m . ment drawn irom tne son inrouen tne root: i a (lnwTrwfirii stream in oincr nnes carries to . M the stem and root ".the. nutriment or another, sort - , abeorued Mxrousu, . . tne leaves. But much of" the moisture thus emoloved seems, to be given on from the leaves. ; and a tree' may be regard ed as a veeetable fountain, drawing a water OUOUIV trUIU a nXUUUII IWUIUC Wl UlUU- t . . . . . i er son tnrousu tne aimosonere. .an a iew i . r. . t . 1. species tne u illusion is visioie in an actual m . a M 1 I dropping of water from the leaves. Or nf urataaf whi'h it ahkorkrhcL in timna nf nlpn- I tv and irivesoff in those of ereat scarcity. I A. torest is such a reservoir in a largcsense, as it receives and 'retains ' the rain-fall, al- I nwinf it rums Aft ir o imiilngi': oiul ffDII.i He flow thnwiffh jinderirrruinti channels; for I . .u. . i the refreshment of the open country -The 1 forest saves the moisture! bv checking the j t ... . , . t Ti.! . urce or me parcning winasana urewiu 1 the (.vRnotino. nr mf .thn.un'aheat. 1 In all these ways the forests serve as checks ipon the rapidity of tho aqueotu : circula Mum- in devastating torrehU with the next storm. They equalize the supply - in ? i airections and - preserve, tnatevenncss 'the circulation Which accords best: with I ""j needs of human aftTlcultureV - . : I ! . .. . ' tl . I ..u?fUa.ciou8.wrjter:suow..ow , l" i-ariv rp t rm -'nnt.-M wnr to cat i down and destroy. V'New. England ! and other sections were made to !suf- I even until this day".' Bat the West l i, . . . , . .... ...-.. I. the eifl-'Ma sorely,, 0 1 y- ys: ' - i - - -" ieit riter 8 'There are districts ini Ohio : which were: Duy frpm Wisconsin every stick they us&' for eggs at this season I " : -.j5j; . . , : . ' v -- Vv'i- -, r r i i i r i v - i 1 ii , ' rvv; i -A 11 vu a - ' VOL, "XIYV Wisconsin is running the same wasteful course; so is Minnesota, and every other well-wooded district in the MississiDDi Val ley., , In the Ohio districts to which we re fer, the streams once ran full the year lound. Large fish were caught in them great mills were turned bv them. Now thev arc driblets. exccDt when a preat rain-Rtnrm has fallen, and then they become torrents. On, the hill-sides; these storms have cut great gulches where no such gulches were KBf)Wn hpfrtnt Anil Avsnmtn naohnaiiii . , . Viv.j t. ..twuwj inOJ, mnn nf thp enMhtn nog 1ad In ta k. fdre the forests went; Is it wonderful that ,u"v' uwumeSrWiuj eyery genera- wu uiure ui viprauoij, Dewecn a arougnt and ft' AeHntrttf v v ;,.?. 1 1 Now w(E5ask io all Seriousness that our iiarraersi snoaia con8iaer,4be8& facts '?;liet very Tadfer of ihe Stab rad again what is said as to t no efr . iiui wu xucu sec uuw v lerno H' iron to te liyingf and :jfcqJ tinhorn fifenerations is iwroueht Twhen thcseTi j , . - . . - -,.v,. vicow aiu ucBuyjfuu. xiurui --aro- rirgin to U8 be warned in time. "Woodman. spare the trees.' Do not imitate the bad example-, of the . ruthless Euro peans' who hundreds of years go con verted hundreds of thousands ,of acres into a waste, and do hot; emu late the conduct of the men' of this continent who ' have used the axe as if it was made tut to destroy. j i no peopie . jn. tue orui are now buying up? the valuable V timbers of the South either, because they find their m api es, walnut and other chol ot mnnia ara art QPi oTKa01 or because they find the South blind enough' to sell off their timbers at a Quarter or J half -their Valued The hite Nth are iiearly destroyed. The children 'of the next nerat4on wiU reap the vil of the fblly of the' men of this and past gen ' tk :n .v f "Above all, the railroads or the country are wearing out the forests. The life of a large forest, and the demand does not dis- tribute itself equally over the whole coun try. Long' lines of -railroad two ol the raciflc railFoads, Tor mstanoe run inrougn T,, 0ft Aran onma s.ofont ioresi ionis mamienauce. , .... . It is the. duty of the various Leff- j.islatures to consider this grave ques noil oi me roresia. At is biitur uuiy. . . . r . I 1 . . . 1- -! aestrucnon - ana to siimuiaic ine planting of trees. Other . countries j are moving tcieiiiiucaii v ami iirauti eallv in the matter. . : : x rooamyi nut. an ui uui ieu i auroro rf t.VA ATt.fnt. of thfi bfilief - . -r-. i , , r - . - "rliuininrr rnl ' aa it 5ft nallfid. to t : - rl iaAnvpr wYiprA finrrflnls nr " veins of water are to be found. . There are uioubwiuh ..ui iuugCUu auu euucateu men UIJUWIUI VWVHU wuw believe in this mysterious "rod." It is used in some sections in the upper counties alwaysjwhen a well is to be dug. The writer was once about to I have a well dug when a friend with his "divining rod" cam and found the water nnder , the v smoke house. vv.a nrptprrpfi T.n navn lob wen -auf , .. -j r n: . V" WFFWB,W Dluo " ."" and ; fnnnri ariundant . water, w e 11,, - . , i t.U.: wuihl mat. uau mo " . Ur.nrA f it. hnlwvo in t.hi 'nower of . .. . . . we "w" .""v -:.7.rf"".- V4l. uA ,;! . - AA rrnlH iai uciicaui uc duih i i v w w.v. i f - - . . . . never see any sense in uauuiiave re X.;- m . - . - a 111 MV.T.n1 mm n AIa AlaAlirh WA kv ev, uuuijlbu ? u i m.iow ; " - i s - a WUV A va United States IHstrlet Court. H i Mr. William ,. H. Shaw, Clerk of the United States District vurt nas drawn the following jurors for' the Fall Term of the IT. S. District Court, which convenes in . r . . y- Wilminirlm nn thstirtii.nnnnaTin orasi lilt ri . J " am aa ocr. ine jurors are reqmreu w uyyvai. uu the second day of the term, Tuesday, Octo pCl" iJUlu f Duplin County--A; R. Middletonr Wells Boney, Lewis Herring, Friday Hill, R.: M. .mj..' nr t- th t xxr ; k.n Ti. ' . ' : . . ving peumau. ' Brunswick County J. W. Davis. Thos, ir..if.i Taootk SiannUnd Rnliert Mr. JUUUU4U, uuuv-. , ri- Tjv To moo n flrimM Kenzie, Peter .Rourk, James, C. Grimes. George Wj Swain oha cKenzie. ; t-a ; jjew Hanover County Joseph S. Wil- Davis,, R. WJ;, Chad wick, - William Mc- TaUrin, John B. Berry, A.lexander Hostler h R Sneeden; E. J. Lilly, Jr., Thomas Jonnivcuu , . . j. U. Uarr, js. j.. jagau, uuwu John T. Platte J-WeiU, Louis Kixon U SmithiCha-le8i Murphy, PhU. Pearsall. m m .t t t-.-.;tf TaVii 1? oarreiL "Daniel a Davis,' B.'P.5 Harrison, John W. Perdew J.. H: Durham, Samuel JMorthrop, isomooa, wue, t-MtdA-i "P. T.niir Tinia' P. Davis. John "'S'1 K. darkAaron 'Kellogg;: A.; B. Black. .r, t ; ,. ' - ' ' -r- t I f Brififf in vour "hen fruit.w The v v. : I w.2 ,. -vj.. ,m,',. -i j t. Spirits Turpentine., mm 1 c , - l .-r , v .i. ..-... ' .ii r . m w - . - r a - j - ; ?. i : 'WILMINGTON; - aynen lloiaa: Court In Rock. V mf . ' f nsbanA. FUad i la no man Sbapei Sleets witu Swtlt andi Farfil Betrl- ' ... , :. . ... t . .... ,..-. J . 1 patlon for. a Dastardly Act. prom a gentleman just from up theVoad. J au aiso irom a correspondenti ie; have the pariicuiaha of a terrible oufcrag com- -wnu u iiuu uwipMuuruupu-ut.iaurei, uill, eumooa couniy,. anq tne prompt jetton. tha .Pon thtf person pf a vliif. agirl yeare or age, tue aaugnier ok a mrt, Wll nam . Masdn;; and ".hataa"'f colored "boy narhedv Axvuie dounson nan rjeen arreswoTjjai.tne., trpetratjr of the ftendish outrage and caa fined in'tVe ,cWntyVjair;RocWngiami3, ;The evidence aM6smnS U atlegod to have eea conclusive, i .la jaflditionictoiwhicl withafuffearor rewariKf of the hope pf re- '.' ,.ji -i.M r.-.a -Vf U-A . isn neva to tnertwo ouicere -who convevd iijm -to t-ptiSoril-iSP 'iHsh hm oocl4' jalUtdi. men, part of them masked took the keyB - from IJcptrty ; Sheriff Morrison, tinlQCked the cell in i whjchJphnso'n waajCpnedjan carried him off. : Friday r mornings at the first dawn of day' the body of : the culprit; tree in the neighborhood where the crime was committed." about twenty Tniles 'from Ikiogham. ' A 'placard pinned '"..'to his body bore the very signlncant' inscription; 'Pur wives and daughters must be pro- tected." " - " Deceased is . represented to have been 1? of" 18 "years of age. Mr. - Mason, the father of the liltlo girl, is a painter, and is said to be a most estimable gentleman!, - flect of the Late Storm t We met up with a couple of-, gentlemen yesterday who had been to Conwayboro, - S,. a, by way : of, 8hallotte,. Little liiyer, Wampee, in i. ilorry.f couaty, ; ' S. and. many other pointsboth ; in this and our neighboring State and they 1 gave us' ft' graphic description of t the -devastation caused by the late storm on their route. In some instances they had to drive a half mile- out of their way id the Voods to get by large trees tuat naa ncen iiownjaown anq. which blocked the ; way at, nearly every turn.: There were evidences to show that the storm bail been terrible before reaching Shallotte, but from there to I Wahipec it was tnanifesUy mu -h worse. , One man counted as many as five '- hundrctl of his own trees which had been blown down. was thought that between Lock wood 'sFol-. ly and Shallotte fully one third of the trees had been prostrated.! Our travellers found the country all un der water, and in many instances they bad to swim their horse,'- particularly when passing through what is known as Alliga tor swamp. For. a full mile the jwater av eraged about three feet in -depth, and for about fifty or seventy five yards of that dis1-' tlnce they had' to swim their animal. Cot ton all through that section ii. .flat ' oia 'the ground, and most of the corn is in lust, as bad a condition, being severely damaged.' The most of the planters' say they will make less than a half crop,' whileothcrs declare they are ruined. ju? i :n Waccamaw river is said to be fifty feet deep... Its usual depth is from . sixteen to, eighteen feet. J At : Wampee, iJ where :,the river is usually about a half mile' wide, ii is now at least one and a half miles in Width. ' ' . 's'k'' North Carolina's CapabillUes. A neat illustrated publication has been issued, entitled the North- Carolina and Virginia Seaboard J Ai r-Ilae : Hand-IkKakL' showing the capabilities of the country ra- versed by the line and the-great induce? ments offered to emigrants ' and "settlers. This line enters the South at Portsmouth, Val, "runs to Weldpn ever the.. Seaboard & Roanoke. Railroad, a distance of eighty miles, continues its course from Weldon to Raleigh over the Raleigh &' Gaston i .Rail road, add thence to Hamlet over : the 8 Ad- gusta Air-Line Railroad, and intersects at Hamlet' With the Carolina Central Railroad. Many illustration are giveri 'df , the .charac ter or me scenery, ine principal wwn, iac tories, mills, colleges, tc4accowarehouses, eke. . alone the line bf the road. '' ThislSook is circula 'at Bo-ton in the interest of thd Air Line ; Railroad .jand V the SrAte frpin' Messrs. Patrick ; and &ark'offlce ; in the Boston Exposition. ;r -if. The Crop -Vu: ; : ' . i. :; ; i vif. Uiu'n , ...'i f DisnourarrinfT reDdrtsl irivrecard !to -the cVops still niultiply; Agentlemanj frdm Cumberland county I says., that between .the drought, which r was the first : drawback,- and ithe excessively wet .weather " which followed, crops in ..Cumberland. Bladen and some of the ail joining counties, have Suffered very serious .damage. , in many Cases it ia! thought . there .will not bc'more than half a crop, j A great deal of the corn is beaten down and badly injured, and the game may be saidT of the Cotlon. " In Pen der c6uhty;Dr.vP6rr'aysVthe;j6btto is mostlv on the Sr6und. where,iJbeing in con wjth Jt Wetiidy had no chance to' getdryloi:aec9atit;ot the eohtinued iwet weather,' it Ueaahdrdts: tfart& rtHflrinrtt'.thririR 'wfll nothe' mncb tnore (if, any), than aA,haf crop nmde jd.ia OUniy., , . , - ..; r The Bice Crop -' - . I The rice croRSTOfig'Mver arc being badly damagca Dy tne nign iiaes, pspeciai ly, wheire mdch of it has- beencVt, We hear of some planters who; will.lpser largely. The birds are also said to be ? very; bad. tTfipninff them off is a costly business' the average quantity 8f powdef required on.a plantation1 beinjj about one- keg" in two 5-a -.i Man havft to keeo bangihs hWaV al' most 'cotistantlyV besides ; Tiallopiug ' and ; Kuuuuug. "uu5 ifjacn luo premises. v-iv seems : t a nameless critgc.had been f commltedc (n.; O..FRIDAYy SEFTEMBEB.i883;,;l;-:; ;J Wilmlneton . Savannah Faets and Isnrec v. sAertion and Eti- Ia few 'days , ago we .took: occasion to question the claim of Savannah to be the ehding naval stores port, our remarks being hised oa?ia2 paragraph in the.Newr York dCbmmercial iBuUetiny founded' on the an dual 8talemeat of the commerce' of Savan- the Mrming Newai jot thf t city, i We pinted out the error idtd wbieh we thought Jttfe IMLdin- bad tftweenft'led. and eavd'thd : tekarf asi56ainel- f torn then Seciretaryjot ttae-PreddceiExchaagttHof'sustalri' purpdsi- tip-u'r(imilar annual statements were made M 1881 ahdl882i but itras not until ;Seij timber lst,' 1883, that Savannah claimed to Mve taked the lead, add which claim' was tie origin pf out article' idtfefnce pf Wil- mington. ; And now our contemporary 'fcfmefeb&efc atpsuajftd. from iUQJ-point, dfedioli4iea he ftbrie ?f. purr defence and Mirlit50 Stag grwn4m..oJrt..y!ri"rt rfsma its' how. withi noUiing less than " risln, leaving ua the "F play s itself iato a cfcmplaceot ooodto, the tune of estimate per&bundance: of tpiriU (according, to its. pkA showing), rhurls its hat hi?h into the ilf and erftiltingly. shout', ;;We atiU claim ta. Savannah is the, leading: naval stores arket in the world !"i It meets our facts : and figures; obtained from strictly . official, urces With assertions and ettimates not ked by official data, and of pouree maltes t its case without the east troubles . Ae rdrng to ' our coteroporary's .showing , , vannah barrel is nat& barrel, but a. bar-. 1 and a half,' and everything else there is ttch up with the same' eye to hugeness, if. to Movent we and frighten its rivals with very immensity ia ; all that .pertains to mmercial importance. - Now, f our CQR- mporary is disposed ' to - lay such stress .ui n weights and values, and expects thus meet our arguments and I claims, which ere based- 'upon amount,; nothing being d about toetghtehnd mlvtet, we have to lit that they are matters of record and can be obtained , upon Application at . the t Custom House. ,Let ihe' Morning Newi pdblish.from the books , these, items as of. cord, and the will do the same, and let the official j figures . decide the .point., ftiero assertions ( and estimates amount, to nothing, if not based strictly upon official statements. . , j Another thing : The News Sitys: "We are not questioning the status of , the two pbrts in April,: 188. We were behind Wilmington then. t On the 1st of Septem ber we had caught up with and passed her." Now (his admission is the more important. cpming from ihe Savannah standpoint, and shows that , at the proper tune for making comparisons, at the, close of the naval stores year, (to wit": March . 31st), Wilmington as ahead. In September, 1882, Savannah as possibly ahead of Wilmington in the articles of spirits turpentine and rosin, but at the end '' of the crop year March 31st; 1883, she had made gootl the loss. Wheth ej: she will dd so again or not has to be de ttrmined in the future. ' ' ' Savannah don't want to count tar, crude turpentine and pitch in the estimate.Jjut it would be- very willing to do. so if it had t lose' articles to count; There is one in s ancc - in which Wilmington ' has the ad- ntage over its rival, and Savannah can't endure tha idea of its having an advantage, and it therefore1 wants to "pitch" those ar ticles into the abyss of forgetfulness and riot let them be counted in the commerce of our port.' t. We down j. here, however, don't intend ,tbat it shall be done. . We intend, to stick to our old motto: "Tar, pitch and tdrpentine, and mullets in abundance t Belle from the Deep, - I The wrecking steamer Siam, belonging to Messrs. Watson & Eckel, arrived up yes terday with the'boiler' of ! the old steamer Henrietta, .which was sunk below ' the 'dram tree" about, the year 1865, or twen-;r-eight years ago.V At the time 'she col- Upsed aud went to the bottom, she was said to have been the oldest steamer in the United States. She had been running for ilong time on the line between- this city id Favetteville. The boilers in question have just been recovered. There were three Lot them originally, but one - was recoverea some years ago, and sold to a planter in this vicinity for use os -his farm. .. ... .. ;. ivirat North' Carolina Im Dolns i ' I Mr. 'J. D. Bellamy fJf . who has been tb the Bdsldd Exposition, says . Messrs. Pi W. Clark and' J. T. Patrick are doing a good thing fotf' 'the - cause ' of : immigration. They have a handsbme-oftlce opposite the Torth' Carolina" Department, ' with con spicuous notices and signs to indicate the nature of the .business transacted, and in side Messrs.-? Clark and Patrick are kept Constantly employed in answering questions and explaining the advantages North Card- Una holds out to the industrious and thrifty immigrant, and ffierofitableTinvestments open to the capitalists of the country," ' j ;.. X'::-yi"'' '"v "' ' ':' .'-.";" 'ii iJLarse jSUame4 S-M:' xxrV j The British steamship Woodsidest Captain Robert: Jenkias; .arrived at this port from Philadelphia.yesterday, consigned to. Mr, CPrMebane. , .She registers 1,771 tons gross; and 1, 140 , net, , has two compound Surface condensing engines, which .require inuch less fuel than the .ordinary engines; diameter of cylinders 33 and 63; length of itfoke' 39' and Is of 180 horse-power. She cotoes here for a cargo of cotton for Liver pool and ?. will . be followed ; by another steamer in a day or , two, which is en route from New" York. She registers 200 more tons thatr the Barnesmore, which was here ear two ago. A. Shot Fired into PaHeoger Coaeh. i iSgme person fired a shot at a, passenger train..on the t Carolina (Central - liailroad. Thursday last, , neai; : "Stouts," eighteen iniles.east of Charlotte-t$,Thq hall enter k window of the passenger coach passing but'throueh tpe feiass window on tne oppor site1 'side.u-'Th railroad company offer a re- Wftrd'fbf'tke detectian f'of the miscreant who fired the shot. ' '" " I The Demand, for the New . XwoCent Stamps A Letter to the civil Service Commission Concerning Senator Ma hone's Assessments on Go vern,ment Employes. . r , I CBy Telegraph io the korntok .Starl. r''iW I Washngtox. SeDtember 20:-UTh nivii Service Commission tp-day rcceived a, letter hat. C. Clark, Senator J Mahpne's political . isessment asent. made an assessment lnnt w!eek of ; five per 'cent.' on' the salaries: fe-s chived by all of the j employea iof Am Nor frilk Navy Yard, and that thwwas.the third assessment levied 6nithesaae emnldVes' bv' the same Huiujn&ideQfctfeesyardi iM . , l jur. uregory, uivu .Service Commission p1, stated to-day,-whett asked about the let-1 J r, mat as it naa 3uTTeirreCeIVed, no in stigalioni -ladyef been imader of lhh argea or statements contained in it. The 'views expressed by Judge" Thoman, in re-'" gara; to -.paiiucai .assessments, , satdi ut4 Gtregory, are , in accord with thoseHOf the pther Commissioners. '! don't) mean ''to savanytning that loots like racnaee: butfit, qin be , said; simply, that it isthe sejrious lapd eardest'intention Of the comtdissidhers' ties to every violation of .the law of whldh . When the charfe, jmade that theaw h& ueeij vioiaieu m anyoepartmepva0". we, afe-atlsed of , its truths we will notify the secretary that such charge as made and we believe it to be true. If he neglects to take' the proper steps', we will report it td the : ftcsident. ..As . f ar? ; as prosecution . under ; the law is concerned.' any man can. make complaint to the grand jury. I don't see wny Mr. Dezenaorf did, -not make his eom. plaint to the grand Ury. ' igyeryV case of violation of law reported to the Commissioa has been investigated;1 Of course the Com mission cannot act upon hearsay testimony. Of statements of newspapers." .: '-' . ; Chicf;! Examiner1 ; Lyman, ' who : was spoken to concerning the Deendorf letter,, said he had no knowledge of the matter of fipially, though he had henrd of it. He had ueen lniormea tnat , O'larK was ROr govern, ment employe, and therefore, did. hot come, under the law.; Senator Mahond was Chairr; man ox the Virginia Campaign. Committee,' and it was ad interestinir cruestron how far the acts of. -Clark as treasurer-s involved other members of the J committee, Lyman said that Dczehdorf would brbbablV. be ask-1 ed to state whether, or toot Clark was a goV- -- - . lt " . J ...' a . . -. . ' ; 77 "; erumeut employer, anq u not, wnemer 1113 ouuuwuuus ui uuuinuuuuna uu.n ueea maac in any room or in any public building or other place where it would come within the: purview of the law. He 'duotcd sections 11 and H of 'the Civil' Service Acts. which prohibis spliQitation , , receiv ing . or paymiT ' or - contributions di- lectly or indirectly by any Official or em ploye of the government, from for I to : any x)ther officer or employe, and the solicita- uuu m oucu couwi.Dui.ions1 oy- any-person' not an employe 01 tne government in any room in any. public building, or other place where government service is pcr: formed; and said thai whenever the Com mission received evidence of a violation of the letter of these sections of the law, they wouirt promptly lay the matter before ex-- ecutive authority. The 'Commission,- he. said, were not a prosecutincr board, but they could, as aboard:appointed to admin' ister tue law, call the attention of the execu tive to any violation of the law of which : they became cognizant. ' ' - Washington, Sept. . 20. -Bequisilions upon the' Postoffice Department":byr post-, masters for new two cent stamps are so large that the. contraqtors. are unable to supply the demand, and the Department consequently is reducing the amounts call-, ed for in requisitions." '-The contractors t present are able to furnish one and a !hajf million stamps daily ; but. this is much. less thad the dumber demanded.' During the early part' of the - present month the De partment distributed a large number of old two cent stamps among the ; smaller post-, offices, yet it is believed that with the ut most exertions of the' Department' fully one third of the postoffices.of the cbnntry will not .have . an adequate supply., of stamps upon the date "when the law . pro viding for the new letter rate goes into operation. : . Department officials " however; do not fear any serious obstruction of busi- uesa on mat account, as omces lacaing sup plies will be of the' smallest graded; where postmasters, from ignorance of the law or neglect, have failed to forward requisitions in season. ; .-. - ' - ' v. ,. .;" Connterfelt Treasury' Notes Relief fr Pensaeola Fever, Sufferers Ca idets Dismissed. .-, ,r . , - j ' ' IByiTelegraph to the Morning Star.l .. , .; I Washington, September 2L-rTp sup; ply certain omissions in the order recently issued by the Postmaster General,' forbid ding the delivery of registered letters to M. ' A. Dauphin, .it has been amended so as to rfead as follows "In pursuance of tha finding of Postmaster General Kev Which finding remains in i full ? force; it is ordered that all postmasters be and; they are hereby forbidden, to pay, money orders drawn, to. the order of M.' A. Dauphin:" and the'v are hereby directed tb inform theemitters of said postal money orders that the payment thereof tas been" formmxetrt 1 "auu-that the sum of such money -orders" Wmwreturned upon the presentation ' of . duplicate orders applied for and obtained under the'rcgula- uuuts 01 tue uepuruueuih .11 Lxjatiuastcr. : . ."11 . T 1 ! 1 - . . J 1 A . r ... - j . . - if - .. 1 are aiso rorDiauen to ueuver-regiaEereu iei- ters arriving at their ' offices directed-' to' the said Mi A. Dauphin, and arc instructed to return all such registered, letters to the post masters at the offices 'aV which they were orieinally mailed, with1 the word ?l raudn- Jent' plainly. written; er stamped, upon the qutside of such letters, i r r -.r . ...t y i W-J3HiNGTON,liK--5fXJie Secret Service division of the Treasury -Depart: ment has received from Boston: one of the; five-dollar notes of the Irish Republic, pre-. Viousiy reporxeo to per in circuiaiiou, iuereT It is said by Treasury -experts to - be a fair tmrtation of the. Treasdry note.-: e ;noi -i . j 7 i Collector Tarble,. of Pensaeola,, had ran-, other interview with the Secretary of the Navy to-day relative to ' furnishing'Tations to tne destitute, .on. tne naval reservations The result of the interview is that the Sec- retarv of the Navv is disDOsed to take the respbn-ibility1 of issuing additional rations to uesiitiiio iammes upon me reservauon to a limited extent, but expects some? help to be given by the inhabitants of the State and city. , uur, Tarble lntormea.tne. Presi dent of the Board of Health at Pensaeola V Jl UV uw-vvuij v. uyf-AfawM ,7--;- ' r - : WAsdrNOTb.-fentem K Hamilton of the' Fourth Clas8,at the Military Academy, has Ijeen diirmissedfrom tne service tor conduct UHDccoming an offl pt nnrl a wntlerrian.' 'Cadet Thomas T. Kov. of the same cla-.i-ai 'been susoended. yfith!loss Of pay, ntil July 1st; 1884, for violating tne rules 01 tne w.mary Acaaemy Theirpffenee was hazing. ... ,() s- - - j The Governor of Georgia declined kr in terfere in hTcari)f t3cdrtie-Wa1Iace. col ere. sentenced to be haneed at Savannah on Friday next.' ' : 1 ' L,yj WASHINGTON. j .' X:::' Q8 S WIFT VENGEANCE. A Negro Villain Tied to . Trn atid Shot, and then .Beaten to a. Jelly, t - By Telegraph to the Mornine Star. l 4 . CtoMTMBiiSCiV.pber t. A'spe-" al to the Daily .Reoister. from. Sdmie. $: v, says ye8teraay a negro, in the, upper, pkrt of - this county, outraged a white gift nkmedBettieNixoBj twelve vears of kd Ai sister of the .victim.' in trvinir tomtvt her: 'Wai Stabbed b v ' the - necrt but Vibtf fa'-' tany, ,ijaat,night a party rtbq.fcityaenatootef itften beathim to a;1elly and left-hlm; 1 -J u uchiu, iieu iiiui w. a iree ana snot mm. .OJJtJ. ! jliepar'ttafe thei.KUMoi TrotaneA? 'America The Irish National Iieaeoe. j l rt i fas c&lie to Out. M6kila Stirl: j I .vcri London. Sent. - 22. nhrit.i sailed toWy for' New York oa the steamer feHia;'frbmiLiverreol. -The 8ika'.4srrMhh - oers of the JStilsson troupe, including the billet ftnda portioHndf heTWrdsadd'ori'' Jciestra. ' . 1 ... 1- t . -- lArraugements are, Iniing,, made by the 1 i isi -siiona jjeague tor 'eeries mass Meetings., in.. America: wJilr.h will iv i. dtessedTby many prdmfnentrationalistsf rfntritrjkl rom Australia via Safi Trrfthht8ftrtTiifvriH ia expected toTeach n Novjembej.Ji -l :1m. 111 the C0Untie8 Of Clftrfi" anrt T.imArinlr hiito' been ? officially procIanxied i as i-beidffld A: disturbed, ; state, requiring additinrial pp;lco - ! ' lata MARYLAND, .wt 3 - - - - - - - i - 1 . .. r ; TI . :. 1 r t . ! Nero" Desperado' Convicted pi Mnr iVEBy Tlegraph-iotoeMpfiaJStanlHti i.- .Baltimoke;, Sept. S3. John .Smith (col- or,edV was convicted v at Oakland, Garnett' 00., - Md.-. yesterday,, of murder- in the first, degree, for the killing, of Josiah iHarding, nearElkins, on V May-15th ; lastn The evi-' dnce against Smith .showed that he, bad been in lkiqs drinking, and said he would go away next day; but5 before he went he;: would do something which would make people rememler him foreveri , lie went to' ilardine's house' !ana shot him dead, -with-' out j provocation, and then- dragged Mrs. Harding out of the house and b -traced her. Last Sunday Smith had made a plot to kill the Sheriff as be entered his cell; .but this failed.' During the trial the prisoner sh owed the utmost unconcern, s o -iii u, WASHINGTON. The Lottery Company, and .the ITIallsP i By Telegraph to the Morning Star. " ! WASteraOTON ' Sent'.' 22T.t.Thp. 'TPrPsl.TWht of the New Orleans National Bank, against: Wnich Postmaster General .Gresham s re- cent order id relation to the5 Lottery Cord-' v, ..:i . .3 : . 3 1 1 1 paujr b, wan uirucieu, iias uau ap , interview with tlie Secretary .of the Treasury on the ' subject ' Secretary Fol cer.told him that the question of the, de livery of mail matter to the bank was - one oyer which he bad no; direction ; tha being a matter unaer tne iiirisqiction Qf,tne ost- opce ijepartmeni.- ine oniy question, ne said," which ?he (Secretary Folger)' had -to decide, was whether the action of the bank, ia becoming the "agent of the Lottery Com pany to receive its mail, was a possible ob ject for investigation by the Treasury De partment. ' " " ' ' " FENNSYL VANIA. Terrible Accident in a ; Xlital ' Mine -I r v on,r Men. ; Drowued. i ;0 ., ' ! By Telegraph to the Horning Star. i ttt . ii...a Xjnct ' - . . i 1 t v - i i w i.KJsiiAiKj, oept.'viis. lernuie ac cident occurred this eveningfat, the -Woodward shaft of the Delaware, Lackawanna 4 Western Coal ' Company? ; at Kingston; Thehaft is 500 feet deep and has twenty ieeroi water at tne bottom. . iieo. time. Thos.t Davis, Ed; Phillips and Isaafe Bevan ' were worsing on ine piatrorm 01 tne um bering shaft, sixty feet from ' the bottom. A - piece of . timber, ' weighing ' half a ton;- While .being lowered, rieu on the platform; Which gave way and the men were precipi tated to the bottom and? drowned.-' Philip Perry and Lewis. T.s Jones were; saved by hanging to a beam, after crying for help. 1 COTTON. j A Summary of the Crop to Date.1 i ) By Telegraph to the Morning Star. -v i j I New Yobk. Sent. 22.- Receipts of cot ton' for all interior towns, 62,821 bales re ceipts from plantations, ; ll.oOO ales total visible supply of cotton for the world 11625,763 bales, of which7 1.027,863? bales are American, against; ; 1,264,217. and 513;- 017 respectively . last year. The above figures indicate an increase in cotton insight to-night 1 of : 5561,546 bales as compared with same date of 1882: decrease of 123,835 bales as compared with ' corresponding date of lp81 ; .and increase of. 93,230 bales com pare-, wnn loso. MISSOURI. It all read Shops Burned Less $50000.' I s v By Telegraph to the Udrnlng Star. j St. .Louis, September 22: A fire broke opt m tne nannibai bt: josepn itaiiroaa shops,:, at t IlannibaL yesterday -u morning, which totally destroyed the machine and hlsuMrarnifh fthirirot ''uIThfts vlirw SKft ftflOr riartiallv inSured.:f Two hundred and flftv men are temporarily tnrownout 01 employ-; menti ) . viJjr'nffJH fnuO NEW Yoizm i I'm-. 1 ' : '! ivai o wo . and a. Half million rancs ' ' from; Franeei-'rl iiujuw iuiin, Qepiemuer -iue i?iuiiu- shmElbe, from Europe, .to-day, brought TC kt a 1 nn rni . 1,50,0(M francs, consigned to &k-W, SeligmanX and ,500,000 francs to Heidil tiaeha, Ickilheimer'& Co'.:The Mainbrought 500,000 franW. to Ucidilbacha, Ickilheimcr 4 Co. ' j fi i u YEL&Q WEKEBVlM Latest from PensacblaNo Ncw! Cases I , , , By Telegraph tft the MornLog Star. . . . 1 WA8HiNdTOir.k!Dtember 22. -Secretary L Chandler' last evenmrf received the fbllow- inc telecram from ruommandcrt YVeicmt at Pensaeola': "No new cases of yellow fever to-day; one death in Warnngton, a colored adult. :v . . ,i u,., , At- T .l.' h?riIE EStEBNi UNION. Bedfaetlon'ort-afte- In the Eastern andr - J) ..:Wew England StiuI. .4i;; Fil CBy, Telegraph to the Mornjnr Star.l 1 Nkw Yobk. Sept. 22. The Western Union Telegraph' Company has 1 issued an Order redqeing . rates in and 'between the take (Oclat.' JUIBKIU UUU UCW J-ULLIUUU DWUX, VU IM......- . k .. i . , . .... . if. Xi j ,l,v I i'i -.' - rr . 5 , r U Cit.v gives the following item of news. It says: rpnc of the cases ojq the criminal docket at Camden Court which attracted much atten- ' tipn was that of a colored man and a white woman, who were indicted for fornication ai id adultery. ' The defendants in their he 'll ilf attempted to introduce a marriage li sense issued-by the clerk of Norfolk ;ity, .1 . j muiuu was ruieu out, not being duly certi fied.. 'The parties wero con victetl f th ,wft- ordered to leave :tbe State nnW agyof imprisonment; .and the man sent to Ml for four month,.; The mystery is.what T. ' xxorioii omcials thinking about to - Issue a license 4n .ft : nxrm t- ,---w. . . . W'iH(uia nunc jwomab?' n&'i? vJf.v , -.Tarboro . Southerner: 1 Thorn as - t11?6 JrWaS nT.apjpointed to.a post . n m the revenueserviee and is statUmed -l Beidsrille.-fi Hjt ia mrnnreA ;-. nnw - streets that the Albemarle & Raleigh flail r adibalt changed hands, "but we cad get no J di ifinite iof ormatio-r ono wav -orthe f.lpr - - rr Hon. J. J.,Mar1in' :whd? hs: inst wL "' tdrned.frbm Camden court, tells us that the ifdvrMteB arJamea EMoorbj'f Martitf, mui ineemocratsand J. AH Yhite, of Iw5drmahs.Jiwith the Rnnnhlians fnr th ffiodal yacancy in, the First district. fi . . . .. . r u uuauaj a fk V 1 UIT loll fnmn ffUMn nn .l! 1. 1 1 . civering over rwd hundred square- feet of " olUtf!A?mt opernalf os the 'peas &ares en irathered: these men9iin1 a litilo rtrianSai4 imf.mid nunhered'5,7XX).: . I eu an uiepeas are gathered it is certain al thd increase frol thia one pea iwill be ' least jen tnousana fold. The vine will , 6 exMbifibtf at'the'Pafr. f :re baptized at Pleasant Hill, near nen-, rsdhvllle,lastJ 6rd'S ay: -f Re. 5 AP istice is to bantlze eic-ht. at Tfothl nprt ebdday.y:i RvY TWsiJ'aker:' rif pesqn coHniaa received a call to.the , , tatethichurcFFn JKmston. " MarshlMrrn .r-liplHv2P,Artilo f'n,l" e is doing finely." In the two first weeks thea present seseionj 93 vunila! were en- ' lied. The. West End shows its im- " proreihent in rhor?rwayS ithanJoja-. ' Iron priuges are now to .be constructed, on. the public toads I over ' our" streams.3 cotablv those pver the French Prpad. at Marshall, , -ad'dverthe Swahanoa -nedr yAsheviile. "' '-j -1 he growth of Asheville, is. remark-.;, able. Property that sold for "hundreds" ' there of late,: is now commanding ? "thoua aads." Dr. J. L. M. Curry has recently purchased a summer residence there. ,,;f 74 Jlaleigh iVew- Observer: There te nOW 147 students at Wake ' Forest Col ege. -- Hi o ' less " than ' 147 newspapers are , published - in f North Carolina, t lashop Ii vman has . returned, from his Westefrj visitation. In a Week he will go - tq Pluladelphia to attend the General Con- vntion of the Protestant Episcopal - Cliurch. -- Mr. John 11. Thomson dierT al Pittsboro on the I3tliTTIe was well known here and5 had many warrd friends in thia city and county i During the war he was a lieutenant .in a Chatham county , company,' and served' 'With ; gallantry, re ceiving several ;bad woundslr. The j rain is damaging the. cotton crop seriously. jixu-u tuiwu ia opcu auu an oi mai win ui course- be?; injured s Capt. ,- John ; li rqadfqpt, writing from Fayetteville, says: 'At a. meeting of our company; the 'Fay- eljteville Independent Light Infantry, I was . , appointed captain of our rifle team to shoot for the State nag at the approaching fair. It is desirable that, we get a good ..repre- sentation of the State Guard at the fair to shoot for the flag ands also -to shoot for a Tjurse or some, ivanclsome prize. , Let each .team put up $50 or, $1,50, so as to make it , more interesting.5 '- We! ought to be able to ' i get twenty teams to shoot. .t4 , . .. , -. i -r- Fay ette ville Observer s: The late ; rains have interfered with, cotton picking, and the season ih this section is very back ward.!, i The price was firm , yesterday at', i 9r cents. Dr. . Floyd's water meter .J recorded 8i Inches of water as the result of 4i6 hours rain, .from Monday evening, Sept. . '. 10, to Wednesday morning following. ; We regret to learn that the Cumberland ; Foundry, on Big Bockfish,, owned by Mr. - T WT 1 .1 1 V... 1 . OS. ii . iuiiitbh n oa uc&uujrviu nj . mu iii week. The fire ' was accidental. : "'- On Tuesday evening : last a dispatch was re ceived by Jlr. W, 11. Atkinson, of the com- i mittee on correspondence, from the - liev. . n Trr i. ii . r. yy .jjason, accepting tne can to tne pas torate of the' Baptist Church of ' this town. Near Carthage, N. C.; on the 31st of " August, Mrs. Eliza Jielly, wife of Evan- ; ; der Kelly and mother of Professor Kel ly, id the 74th year of her age. She' was for. ; over 50 years a memher of the Presbyterian i VjUUIUU. A - TCIJT lUtUCDUU ICIliai I has hist closed at the Camp Ground. Meth-- ! otiist Church, six miles west of Fayette- r ville. Rev. t'rank Townsend, pastor, as- ' slsted J by Kev.r : Mr. t HefidenhalL .' Com- ; mencing Sept.; 1st and closing on the latn, services were held day and night, large ; congregations cv attending. On ; Saturday .. ; night, there were some twelve or fourteen ;. cpnversions-there being no less than fifty- if one during the-meeting. Mr. Gallo- i way, of Goldsboro, an official of the At lantic Coast Lane liauway Company,' was i in Fayetteville a few days since. Mr. Gal- i loway has been going over the line of the i Wilson & Florence It. It , securing tne i right of, way and he. states that work on the road" will certainly soon be com- menced.' ' v . .. i Charlotte Journal-Observer: An new fast freight line, to, be known as the i Great Southern Dispatch," is now being i' rk-i-n.ni7.fld h v the East Tennessee. Virginia i , and Geoj-gia, Norfolk & Western,; Shenan- doah Valley W estern Maryland, ' Cumber-" i ' land Valley and Pennaylvania Railroads, to ; .nin hptwMin all Southern and Southwest- ' Jern points add Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. : - Mrs. Ocn. Jackson : ana h her daughter, Miss Julia, are still in Bos ton, the guests of the State : of Massachu: ' ; sptta.. ? ,They; are; -not r allowed, to spend a dent ot money for anything and are always t. escorted about by some distinguished at tendants. Carriages and street cars.arc al-, . their disposal free, and they are al ways given private boxes in the theatres. -4 -. Boston is not the only place where our. atate is making a snow, tnanas to tne en- ; ;trprise of the Richmond &; Danville KRaiK rbad Cpmpany. . The. exnibit made oy wis Company at the Atlanta Exposition in 1881 ; ' attracted a great deal ef j attention more; i J prouauiy. uiau uuv oiuiiic cauiuh iuuic. , 1 ... 'T , ... - i - .it ..-. 14- AUU U1U CAUlUlb HillbU , tUiO wiupauj una alt the Colorado National : Mining and ! n - dustrial Exposition ' at Denver is ; also- .attracting the ' attention '' it deserves. ' -J-Messraa vy. Citteity4 .uo. . wnore- j ; Cfently equipped a -.factory at Bush Hill, dear High Point;'5 for the purpose of ma- -king, all kinds of r power loom shuttles, are ..' meeting with thc most gratifying success in . . tieir hew enterprise. They have been run ' ning only about si months and their work t fc gives the fullest satisfaction. Being loca , ted in me tmtist oi me nnesi aogwoou ana persimmon timber in , the country, and , : cutting; their own" stock, they can insure .. patrons that none but the- finest selected : n 1 .11 in n.1rill f 1 A 1i W UUU VH lit Lf UOCU lu iuouug.uic uuvt0.; r Their prices will range with those of North CTflmafceT. --i--A. little child! in att ad joining county some time ago swallowed a . grain of'oals without . its' parent's knowl edge.' -Shortlyn afterwards the child was -tkken sick and notwithstandinc the atten- r on of the physicians It continued to grow worse ana aeciinca . in neaitn rapiary. v few days since a painful sore spot came on h the child'.5 sidd, and shortly after it was no-. ticed the child's parents were -urpnsed to -aee a prain of oata come - out through the quru piace. Oiuuu iik; unto viuic uui ui tuc aide bf the ctiild, its health; at, once began j ' to improve. c n'' y-' -"