The-Weekly Star. 72L H. SES3TAED, Editor and Prop'r. will make things "lively." It means peace, contentment, pros perity, and good government. WILMINGTON, Nl C. FeTDAT, NOVBMBKB 14, 1884. BT"In wrttinjr to change fyour 'address, atieat give former direction as well as full particulars as where you wish your paper to be sent hereafter. Unless yon do both changes can not be made. ; tyNotlces of Karrlaee or Death, Tributes of Respect, Kasomuons of rnant for as ordinary advertisement rates when raid for strictlv In i rate SO cents will pay for a simple announcement of Marriage or Death. , -t f : VBemittanoes must be made by CheckJSraft Postal Money Order or Registered Letter. Post masters will register letters when desired.-. - IVOnlT such remittances wffl be at the risk of the publisher. - "Specimen copies forwarded when desired. NO BOBBERT THIS TIME. The people will not be robbed this time. - Hanging will begin - in . ear nest if it is seriously, attempted. James Fisher Gould Blaine can never be President of . the United States , His doom has ' been pronounced by the electors of the -country, and henceforth he must take up his abode in the nethermost deeps of : that po litical Inferno to . which all corrupt -knaves and plucked scoundrels are consigned by an outraged. people. , -' We do not envy the reflections of any men that , supported the lying, cheating, bragging, bullying fellow. In all the pas, and during the last twenty years of our national history that been so rich in scoundrelism and political debauchery and crime, there has been no such knave and bully - as the 'tattooed man" from Maine. How any fairly honest, de cent, self-respecting man could get j his consent to vote for him passes our understanding. We would as soon have voted for any penitentiary thief that Judge Mearea has senten ced to the State prison during the last seven years as for the author of the letters to Fisher. But' how fearfully near he came to being elected! What a close shave it was! How very. near the yawning abyss of ruin and dishonor the coun try came! A kind and merciful Pro vidence has overruled the acts of men and out of threatened calamity has saved the country as by fire. .' But for the noble conduct of the Independent Republicans the "plumed knave" would have been elected and the greatest disaster that ever occurred to a free people would have overtaken us. ' ' : , i ! If Butler had remained true Massa ' chusetts would have gone for Cleve land, and the vote in New York would have been larger. If the New York Sun had not proved a traitor the vote in New York would have been'larger. , . There must have ; been : a large Democratic bolt in the State or the majority would, have been at least 20,000. ' . . ' .. . But Cleveland is elected in spite of treachery ! and foulest slander and teeming: lies and the ; desertion: if many who have called themselves Democrats. The victory, is immense. The inauguration of Cleveland is cer tain if he lives, and then the country will enter upon a career of greater prosperity and peace and justice will prevail from the Atlantic to the Pa cific: ' . ' -:- ' . A. Iff ATTED1PT TO B APE 1TEW YORK We are very regretful that our in-: formation was at fault as to the time of the counting of the vote of New York. -We had been led 'to euppose- jthate ijt jwas to be counted on Tues day JPut,jJaeJJJnhQ !tfbufronwft j counties, that are; to q be conntedj by 5TS5SS:?Ly? i the Returning: .Boards and" not the whole vote of the. States cThe mbst of the counties are controlled by Re- publicans. ' The division. ; is 'said to be thus: 43 Republican-. County Re turning Boards and-17 : Democratic. This gives the rascals a great advan tage. ; u ; . It is now very plain that the game playing by the Radical managers, who are for the most part men of no character whatever, is of -.the most desperate kind. It is; .simply to steal the 36 votes of New York just as they stole the 'votes of Louisiana and Florida in 1876.' r It ii an at tempt to repeat in the-great State of New York in 1884;- the - corrupt and villainous methods of 1876, by which Hayes was fraudulently placed in the' Presidential Chair to which Mr. Tilden had beeri elected 'by over a quarter of a rfiillipn majority of" the popular vote.' " ; .: . .' ; j -r V- Will the Radicals in their despe rate' efforts to steal New , York suc ceed? If the people of that great State allow it the vote will be stolen. If the Republicans who voted for Blaine in New York State stand by the' scoundrels t who are plotting to rape tne state, then the great iniqui ty may become an accomplished fact. If the forty-three Republican Return ing Boards are composed of: reckless and venal tools men of no honor and wueeis oi prosperity tor a tury.'. x -j-Iait to be a recorded fact so soon that Democratic institutions - are a Taijure ?: -Ix the historian to write that the jjeop"le o.tntJUuHed jkales had grown so corrupt in one hundred years that they became incapable of self-government, and trampling, uty der foot the recorded will of thVbaN iot overthrew their-fcw-tf 'institutlonr and turned Chaos loose ? 'I"" thw to be the record ? Not if a majority of the people can prevent it. ....... , r Let us' be calm.' Let: us watch closely the . machinations of . the scoundrels and K: plotters.1 Let us await in patience '. the result jbf the struggle in the great 1 State pof New York between the honest and corrupt elements. If the Democrats and In dependent Republicans of New York The Grand Jabllee. Mr. H. McL Green, Chief Marshal, has appointed the following Assistant Bfarshals ivr iuo graiu ueujorauon 10 lase pJaCA in this city on Thursday next,Jthe 20tb fnst. in honor of the glorious victories achieved by our 8tatejiNaaouaUicke.t8jfclA O A. Wijrgins, Chief on Staff. Asihiaoto Col. Roger Moore, Willie JoatS.-Jm1 Tr4nBr Cnpt &bri-- P.-" Di vine. .mrtUl-ii M 'PaiKr. pt Charles Wurpb'yV W.f tl. f 6irauss,J.' W: "Bar wmliTlwtSpTriA. Mose ley,- Beojitnin Farrow s-Jr It E. Heide, E. O Parinelee. JobirG. Ohlenbuttel, Col John L. Cant well, George JF. Alderman. Sam BearJTr A. R. CaropBellJohn A. Corbett, ' W, ; Hv Meadows, , David .Pratt, Capt. .P. W. Kerch ner, A p. 5 Brown, A. Adrian M.fJ. CorbetVCapfc . W. P. i Old him, George Kidder James W. Jack 8onr E. J..Lillyj John .LT MaQttJohn Haar, Jr., Robert H. McKoy, C B. Pen-nell.-J. G. Darden,. Joseph 'ErereU, J. C. Davis, WilliamJBell. W H. YopD, Thoa Hj Wright, Frank fL Stedmaou J, W. Tay- shall resist by an appeal to arms the j lof, W. A. Cumming. T. W. Strange 8. E. attempt to rob them of the ricrhts of I Morton, Frank Maunder,' R. L. Allen, EL freemen, they' will have friends in R WCK.irtntj;vKU1exan- every village, town and city in this vast country., There will be. no lack of sympathy of the right sort if they shall be'crin the ficrht. The' South was once robbed and : raped and it knows well how to sympathize in the right way with those who suffer that great wrong. , . , ? President-elect Cleveland will select a strong Cabinet we .have no doubt. If he is to take a part of it from the South, as we suppose he may dp, and he should chose an At torney General from our section we do not know how he could better JBU the bill than by .selecting Senator Garland,; of Arkansas,' who is con fessedly the i ablest lawyer. - in ; the Senate on the Democratic side. ' He is a man of sound ' judgment and high integrity. Cleveland wiJJ take no, other, . A , man of questionable decency then they may so manipu- J record as to personal honesty will not late the xe turns possibly and so make j find favor with the Reformer. NABOBS AND MONEY-KINGS TAK. - ing wateb. We conf ess it is rather nauseating to see the Plutocrats telegraphing 'heartfelt compliments" to Presi dent elect Cleveland now that they have been foiled in their diabolical attempts at ; cheating the people. After pouring out their hundreds of false and fraudulent returns 'to the State Returning Board as to give the vote to a fellow who never received it to Blaine, " who shows by y every step of his career and every act of his life that he is absolutely without honor and decency a mere thief and liar who would go into the Presiden tial Chair even though he had not carried a single State if the Ameri can people would ' suffer the great in justice and toronff. But will the Republican County Returning Boards all prove rascals ? Will any part of them prove rascals 2 If so, how many ? The New York papers of Monday recognized the seriousness of the situation. They were calm and fully apprised or tne ; villainous plans to rape their State.. They warn the plotters against the dangers of such a course. The World says ' lhe .Republicans have possession of aoout tour arms of ihe counties of the StaU, yet they are to be defrauded f Tie County Clerks and Supervisors are in their hands, but somebody is- going to wrong their candidates who are. bv their own figures, shown to be defeated already - IVhlln in f ho o m. Republican counties of the State, or the great Democratic city of New York, whose election machinery is in the bands of noto rious republican scoundrels some of whom are already in jail on charges of rascality at LUC U&UOl DOX. , "Whatever may be the object of Mr. Blaine and hia'supporters, their course in keeping up a baneful excitement and arouBing the worst passions of the com munity is full of danger and is as unwise as it is unpatriotic. ...-."It is utterly impossible that an attempt again to defraud the people snould succeed. Hr. Blaine is defeated, and no. earthly power can reverse the result . " -.: '. "If Mr. Blaine had been elected by a single vote we should have assisted on his peaceful assumption of the office. : As he Is beaten, he will find it far easier to get into jail than into the White Souse. " We hope the scoundrels cannot cheat the honest voters of New York. In the darkness of the "stilly night," the defeated candidate Ed wards was heard tAus soliloquizing: "To be or not to be. - That question is' answered for ': me. ;s I have tried it on twice and with the same result. j I aimed at the Judgeship and lost my grip and fell ' 'heavy and far.' . I next reached out for Congress but ; the plumb was .top high and Jimmy Reid has caught it. Liberalism don't pay. Pity the sor rows of a poor old man disappointed and. broken by the storms of fate." The NorfolkCVirginia) Landmark has an excellently considered edito rial addressed to'People of Color," If we had seen it earlier in the day, we would have copied more of it. The following ' snppliments our own article well enough. Our contempor ary says: , , ; "We repeat with emnhftms- tr Ann't want them at done; w wouldn't have them a free gifts if they were offered: tUnneni ia dead and to-iU never be rexiirretted , f.n this point there is no doubt, and the ne groes know that the Norfolk Landmark has not flattered or cajoled them-that it speaks the truth; and deals with them in a spirit of absolute candor on all, occasions. But. arjart from the umtlmmt Southern people, whose feelings are those" us. amuuess luwaras me negroes, we could not not make them slaves if we desired to doso. i . We have ratified .h r hioh gave them their freedom. We have en tered into an agreement on this mint wfih cannot be broken, apd which we do not with to break. . f, . ..-.. . . Let the neeroes dismiss this nerninSnna notion from their minds. Let them under stand that their freedom i teeureA ta un secured to them. men. women nnA ,hj to thi remotest generation and for aU time der, John E. St. George, J. H. Home. J. "W.. Hewep, N. F Nixon. Mike Carroll l; HBowden, J. B. Rhodes! wj. Mqtt,"a H, Schulken,' John D. Bellamy,' John Hi Hanby, John S. Bordeaux,' Jos. H. Hanby, John" H. Pugh. Williad Stokeley, H. H Kasprowicz, William Gilchrist, P. T.! Dick sey. John Walton; John Sharp; Jas: Hicks, John King, George BranchJames Daniels. John 12 Boatwright, C M. HarrisB; Albert Gore,: A;' Shrier, David- Greenwald, BJ&.A flShblate. C. W. Worth nA T TV OTi; of New Hanover.1' : - 1 '--,.: .i -l; Captain W. 8. Norment and N, A.' Mc Lean, Lumberton ; D.' Covington, Mon-. roe; JIV T.p LeGirand andJ.' D.: Shaw, RoghamVCaptain Y. V; 4 Richardson and Shade u Wooten,J' Whitevillel ' J'C.. Tipton, 'Lincolnton;!olJ ; H C Jones) W. W. Fleming, S B. Alexander, Gen. R. D.1 Johnston and i VcaptJ Roster, : Char lotte; A - H.' Boydeo, Salisbury ; D.'C. Winston, Windsor; Capt' BJ P. Paddison, J. T.- Foy, Maj. ' C. W. McClammy and Dr.' E. Porter, Pender1 county; F. M. Moore ' and George McKeithan, Bruns wick; A. V. Wood and Philemon Hol land, New Berne E.; Murrill and Col. J. 8. . Taylor, Onslow; John It.1 Bridgers, Jr.; and O. C Farrow, f Tarbomi W. B. f Glenn - and . Edward I A. Oldham, Winston; -AI B.t WiliiamsJ.f R Smith Ai; A. McKeithan, . A. H.. Worth - and E: J. Hale, Fayetteville; ;X" F Lamb, Elizabeth aty; D. C. WaddeU and Richmond Pearson, Aaheville; Julian S. Carr, Durham; Capt R. B.; Davis. J. G. Hall and Ur. G. H. West, Hickory ; Capt J.i Q. Huasey, Greensboro ; Capt S. A. Aabe and IE. B. Barbee, Raleigh; Frank Borden and E - A. Alderman, Goldsboro; !ji CJ Marshall, J. M. Wall and J; A. Leak, Jr , Wadesboro; John D. Davis and C. R Thomas, Jr., Beaufort; D. H. McLean, J. A.' Green and Daniel Stewait, Lillington; W.'E, Murchison, Jonesboro, Moore Co.; LThad R. Manning. Henderson ; ICoL - T. Brown Yenable, Oxford j Maj. T. D. Love, K H. Moore, W. J. Parker P. L. Cromar tie and John Munroe. Bladen Co.- O. H. Allen, Dr. Mat Moore, J.' G. Kenan and W. J. Boney, Duplin Co. ; CoL Paul B. Means, Cabarrua Co.; Capt . Jessie Hinnant, John ston county; Capt E. D. Browning, HauV fax county, and Samuel Pemberton, Stan ley county, f , H. McL Gbbbn, . T : Chief Marshal. The line of march will be announced in due time. ; ; -. v ..- .' -. .. . -, ... , - i " ' 1 - Ml VI If '1 "8; Ru NORTH CAROLINA. 1 f r . x - . r Cleveland r 573." Tork "Congress--Ewart lMti T ? : va (M , . . . . . . loerade. CelesraUn ts r . would buy sheep, theWlot: aftfir trvin- n f not ; ubmto.a wn If Blaine- 7 - J w uvvui vuc Presidency after the people had re corded their will in the matter,; they now turn around, under personal fear and from no sense of i. justice,.: and send congratulations and compli ments to the "man of destiny." Jay Gould, for whom' hanging ; is too good, is the first to send hi "cheeky" message of congratulation. . Then Vanderbilt, the great Money King; sends bis congratulations and compli ments the noble Cleveland upon the prospect of an honest administration of affairs, &c. The next fellow will be that very lame-duck, Cyrus Field, the traitor who erected a monument to Major Andre and he will be comT plimenting Gov. Cleveland after the Cooke-VanderbUt ; style" - and ; with wondrous ''heartiness.!' Henry Clews is another of the rich " Republican bankers, and h too is deelarins noto that Cleveland "will make as good a President as he did Mayor of Buffalo and Governor in New , York."J iBut the Nabobs all conspired to elect Blaine, but thepeople' said mx. : WHAT IT MKANS. : . : " ' The election of Grover Cleveland means a great deal fmore than a change of parties, It means honest, economical Government. It means reform in every department. It jusbiuu do an men. it means had beeniionestly and -fairly elected by one vote we would say "submit to is election, although, it would entail upon the country 'the most direfu ana endless curses.u We bow' to the will of the majority , as f airly ex pressed through ihe ballot box, " : ? But t Cleveland,: on; tbcpther hand, is elected by one vote, we say let mm be duly inaugurated. 'Let him . oca1' 11 uy? mmions or men have to shoulder, their rifles and mus kets to place him th'ere . ?This is a Government of the jopU and by the people aUd for the ; people, and if they have chosen a 'President W1? majority;5 if '-they "are true to themselvesjthey wili: not be disapH ffviu kcu. m . me assertion ot .. tneir Choice : ll'tiq -J'-.!l'tho-iii?nit;il?-l ' The Radical game iidw .ib toe claim several StetesgTh e ;7fcilaims Virginia, Florida and West; Virginia, and this in the facepf .facts, f Why this ? Simplji to complicatematters and thus further the damning schemes of the conspirators. ; f US-snit i & James Gt'BUiihe Uomtblefor thwJdJ'U t&eYffead Centre bf the wnole conspiracy. He is willing to go, mto . t;he , Presidency by open, 'palpable, shameful fraud. He is ! inspiring and directing ' the wfiole httntafterffraud,w and he set iue crv. acroinc.' vvhaf.Avir diatni.: -, oi tne people, a nd b ,1 bannpa tnJ -i;t?..i - thepeople and forvthe peoole. It! th r ;rtti::' ui r- lueang a OUDreme Court that' "hl wmpusea oi nouest men. It mem -vuu uua ill finis nnriAn m r President of the' whole "country. It means low taxes and 'parity in the puouc service.' It means that W people -t intend to rule this country henceforth. It means death to po Htipal tramps and Venal politicians; It means that the vampires that nave been sucking tha lif.MAwi t.-' O ... "wvvi V UB jasUy laid at the door of Blainethe archonBpiralori an !the1nemy-of the peoplftf ::4iu)b? jH-trA-j&U. ,. you find the rewrd ibf so deliberate and systematic a. scoundrel, ;as thia "plumed knave", of the RepubHcan partyHhr last act fiiapbe-W pfe-cipi(atea-ire upon the land that has:vboen cursed hf'Ui birth:; Fpr'.WW ,,wel ktiow t . -.1 11 1 Fianau oe eternally sauelched. t,5",i ;: : . ; It means tnat the.Mone'y iQngs shaU: be on thVeye ofVcoSlicr thai wtu take back-seau henceforth br;i the shake tUtmenikndle Conkling is very happy. ; He helped to mash Jim Blaine, his old enemy: ::,,0 i : lr 'Time at last seta all things even, And if we do but watch the hour, There never was human power '" " ' Which could evade, if unforglvea, - The patient search and vigil long ; .; Of those who treasure up a wrong." ; I That is what Byron sang and ftp coe may sing. The Times of Tuesday Said:-' . .-.'.-a ; .. "rj . ixa j v "Boscoe Conkling has consented to act as counsel for the Democratic National and State Committees ia any question that may arise in the pending canvass of the Electo ral vote Of this State. This conclusion was reached at a late hour last nightu Mr. Oonk hn attended a copferenceof lawyers at the Hoffman House who had already been re talned by the committee t. j Grand Don '-I JbbU. '-"At S meeting of the Democratic County Executive Committed held yesterday, Chairman King presiding, it was resolved to have a celebration and jubilee over the glorious result of 'the election of Clbve iakt and Hendricks and Scales and -Stedman on Thursday nicht, the 20th inst The different committees to be appointed by the Chairman.' k ' ; h - ''' - - - -: h-i I On motion J. W. King; Esq., was re quested to act as chairman of all the com mittees. .-- r- - The only committee appointed yesterday was that on' Finance, as follows: Roger Moore; pj Heiasberger and J. L Cantwell. It is expected that the ' merchants and citizens generally will respond liberally, as it is intended to make the celebration the grandest affair that has ever ocenrred in Wilmington, p: v-M,'i -1;- r ,.,.-. ; Arrangements, will , be made for reduced rates on the steamers and raibTObds and .we expect to see E a large number of. our Democratic friends here from, the surround ing counties. 'Ifj'ibr' tt Dei j. s.c: Fsoder Iemoeraia and tbe Blc Tnbl : ; We are requested by Mr. John B. Paddi- aon. Chairman of the Democratic Execu tive Committee of Pender, to state that the Democrats of Pender county are reqaeste'd to meet in Wilmington on Thursday, Nov. 20th, to join New Hanover county in a oeraUe JTabllee.- r The County DemocraUc Executive Com mitteehave appointed &eu following Coui- mraees for the Grand Democratic 1 Celebra tibn on the 1 20th!instan vii; L'v,:f' -Chief -Marshal-iHvi McL. 'Qreenvtwho will publish his ;AidsJ)l' ! :.iw tfi-a ; Finance (Tommtttee Roeer Moore P. Invitation S.' H: Fish sT. O. W. Williams. A H HeinsbergerandJno. LTCantwelli 55 ' Committee on blate, B. AJ Bi Adrian, John D. mittee will meet Office eu Princess street, Wednesday (this uij; im luaianv, at 4 p. m. . -'---r ' i.? CtommiiteeonRewpUon Roger Moore, "r Below we "give the returns Trom various counties' in this State, received up- to "the tour of going to press:" ''-rtl1 7"-l ' J Blaine 1,13; 1,148; Scales 635. Johnston 650. Ul&iae 1,558.. Scales L837:'Y6rk 1 528. Stedman-1,831; Faircloth 1.633?r ConffPs ' '-fCox 1,1803; Turrjer';i;471. legislature aua uouniy JLemocratiC tickets elected; "4 BURKE-H(omciai.)V ; J" v MokgaittokNov. 7. Cleveland 1.273: Blaine 973 Scales' 1,878; York &95. Merri- mon 124; Russell 922." Coiieress--Cowles. dem., 1,242; Green," rep.', '964 '"Count Democratic ticket elected.' Cleveland 706; BlaiBBtoTUi Scales York 564sr.Stedmo& 69:v Fairclotb. -564. Merrimob 706: Russell 555. ' :t f .v - - ' V v BUNCOMBE. , i ; !:rn,fi Cleveland 2,648 ; Blaine 2,007. v Scales 2,685; Yortl,941i Stedman 2.683;-jFair-cloth: i,95u. . Congress 'Johnston,: dem., 2,561; Ewart Rep. 2,0msMa i hCihrj :iv::' ;jAC&ON-r-(OfflciaL);. . pM Cleveland 722; Blaine 363. Scales 713; Yorki 845;? Merrimou 673; Russell'; 267. Congress--Johnstonjri6; Ewart 356,-.'i CALD WELLr-OfftciaK) t' i Cleveland 1,257 Blaine426. Scales 1,251 ; York 420. Mertimon 1,200; Russell 250,.; & ;c , JOHNSTON (Official.) - V Cleveland 2,805; s Blaine 1,831., Scales 2,801; York l,826.-i'Stedman, j2,788; Fair cloth 1.833. Merrimou 2,733; Russell 1,76a ..A r TRANSYLVANIA,- . . ' Blaine 830; Cleveland 453. -St John 1. Butler -Uu Scales 459; York 823, , Congress Johnson 439; Ewart 83. n :- ... PASQU6TANK-(OfflciaL) Blaine 1,255; Cleveland 894 York 1,289. Scales 898. Merrimou 882"; Russell 1,247. CongressRespass, : rep., -1,227; Skinner, dem.; 904. - " - .. . , : HARNETT (Official.; 3. .w - Ltiaisgtoi?, November 6. Cleveland 1,234; Blaine 744.- Scales 1,254; York 727.' Congress Green 1,229; Brogden 703, Sen atorTroy 1,189; Sparr 753. House-The-son 800. Sheriff Green 1.124; Pope 80a Register McKay 1,089 ; Spears 869. CASWELL , Yahckwillb, Nov. 0. Cleveland 1,548; Blaine 1.615. Scales 1,550; York 1.603. Reid 1,550; Edwards 1,565 Merrimon 11 533; Russell 1,600. Gain 1 member to the Legislature ' ' st ix-t.Cj ;. : - .YANCEY-HOfflcUl). - L ;.-.: : Cleveland 743; Blaine 658. j 8cales 740; York 683. Merrimou . 688; Russell 543. Congress Johnston, ?fdenU?.734; - Ewart, rep., 678. : -- .-' : a... . - i MADISON. ; -l , ; Kr , : mABSHALL, Noy. 7. Cleveland j 1,087; Blaine 1,431. Scales 1,087; York 1,888. Johnston 1,040; Ewart. .1,401. Stedman 1,082; Fairoloth 1,892. CURRITUCK. . CuaurrucK Codbt , Hocaa, Nov. . -Cleveland 983; Blaine 425. Scales 978; York 413. Stedman 978; Fairclotb. 413, Congress Democrats 974 ; ? Republicans 408. , ... : . . . .. , . .c RANDOLPH (Official). ; r 1 'AshkboboNov. 7. Cleveland 1,968; Blaine 1.890. Scales 2.044; . York 1,828. Merrimon 2,025; Russell 1,752. : s ' " ' davie. r:; i-J . - Mocksville, Nov. 5. Blaine 1,104; Cleveland 1.058. York 1,107; Scales 1,067. Russell 1,094 ; Merrimon. 1,095... Congress Ramsay 1,108; Henderson 1,038. V DAVIDSON- t;''. - Lexikqton, November 7. Blaine 2,017; Cleveland 1900. York 2.0721 Scales 1.954. Russell 2.068; Merrimon; 1925. . Congress Ramsey, rep '. 2.060;". Henderson, demi; 1,918, Stedman 1,940;' Faifdoth 2,675. , " ROBESON (Official.) . ; ' . Lumbkbton, November 8.) Scales 869 Cleveland 225 Bennett 260; Merrimon 213. County ticket by the .largest majority ever given in the county. All Democratic. ' , , ; TYRRELL-Official.). J -r Cleveland 504: Blaine'871.: Scales' 488; York 335. Merrimon 469; Russell SSOl 1 ' ? BEAUFORT Official), f :'v'"a Cleveland 1.995; Blaine 'tTlSScalei 1,016; York 1,681. ?.Stedman 2,t)15V Fair cloth 1,680; Congress-Skinner, -deni. 1,949; Respass; repvi, -Z't '""';V!; MACON-(OfflcialV"- ; ;'h 1 Fbaskun, Nov" 6 Cleveland 683; uiaine 588. Bcales 708: York 493." TlTprri xionald, Kegister, 843; D. Gay, Coroner. 833; Everett, Senator. 519; Sneed, ' HSusaJ" 518; Beroett,aXtongressr.:,ja29tJtferrimooi 283: 8cales, JB83; Cleveland, 241.1 All Dem! ocrats. " ' ' - . aATHAM-(q'mciaf). f" PrTT8BOBO.LarlJ(3Wiail(j 2,4511, Blaine t,718. Scales 2.481 : York 1 .671 - 466; Turner 1,815 Mtrrira m 2,1 Russell 1,30 Alt - thr Dem.M veand county officers elecu-d CABARRUS- Cleveland 1,893; Blaine 970. Scales 1.903; York 953. 8tedmanfC903l Fairoloth 953. Congress Democrat l,S$&Republican 930. ALLEGHANY (Official.) SPAUTArJfoy. 6 Clevland"524; Blaine sooocaies c.3;Xork403. Ctongress-Cowles. dem.,55 ; Green,re,843The Dem'6cratic ticket Tprxunty officers -all elected, j ( M T STOKES-(OffleiaI.) ' vieveiana -,1,344 j Elaine 1,829 s York 1.027. ' " V - ' MONTGfOMERY. TBOYr-,Noyf-:7, Cleveland 891; Blaine 950.fca w 601 York 926. 6tedinan:895 ; Fairclpth 9J- Merrimon 872; Russell 918. Congressman Henderson, dem., 888 ; -ffambyMrep.,1 W. 8enaf0r-EveVett, dem., 928; Covington; rep., 902. " an o -Lincoln:c,j "n ri ' j Cleveland-' 1,171 i" Blafne759. Scales 1,362; York 753. Merrimon 1.122: Russell WASHINOTOJf. i ... ! I lie Legislature meets on Xt uary ihe 7th", 18S5.i xz-'. : r ;j Cabinet Bleedna: The First Asalatant r Poiimnitr General-SIodlfleattoB r: ivii Service RulesSupreme Court Decision. v - fBy TelesraDb to the Uorninr Stju-.i - i WASniNQTON.'Neivemhpr 1ft Th. f1KI . iil meet b. the White House to morrow . ",8ll!'e in several months - All! ilrr-:Trtrtrr,T iXl-II WWiJrWKWilH! 10 If VIUN'ty last litre-1.. h w I " C7- ; ' " CXTCW1 ' V VVrcb"ht Procession," Lonfir, turougu some oi ine f nnopHl ttrts ,Schilct.Croabv- T,t:"r:J: ?W,VM ? rent Hn, -rtit . r. . i : - : r-,5a1iMjf.hP?s2Vpr PHai the rei-idetice-, f her motht-f near SiuitbSehl. Johnston county, y(?stprday morninir Vi8 -W1-teW-' nee'lV bout 23, y't ars. ..( typhoid: fever, i . -,Tue Democ'tas i.r SSL??! TJ "JW'PwlfTlnjr " j , y" v..uii(juun so as to lu i l,049.V8cales V? -i- oijc; "vruv.-'MBi via, Vyapi; WCUiVMis Coke Col.- John N.; SUd1cs. D W. Bain Esq.Mayor W. H. Dodd and alarge tfum- chide in the Ilsf disbursing officer, in 4bgT - Prwmnenl Rentlemeu. tody of money who give bonds. . ,t :;--(Raleigbr "Chronicle: . Jimmie - Application was made to-day to the Dis- Lewis, the son of Mr.: R G. Lewis who trlct tommissioners ly fnends of J:: O. P w8 accidentally rshot, is not yet out of Burnside for a commitment-of-Burnside to "ger; he may lo3e the sight of one eye the Governmerrt insane WsyMtnr Burnside James Price; In default of $200, Jas is unaer indictment And,: on baj charged with the embezzlement of a' large amount while superintendent of the i Postoffice De partment.. ,yj . . ,j .. ( Washtsgtoit, Nov. 10. a" decision was rendered by the. United States f 'Supreme Court to daym the , case of T, .Temple Urouch, petitioner, upon a motion for leave to file a petition for a writ of habeas corpus. This was an ; attempt to hring again before this-court in such a: manner as to obtain prompt decision ether question of. receivability. of coupons -of ,Virginia Btate borid8 in payment of taxcal Crouch, the petiUoner, .insisted opon, paying bis license tax in coupons, which the revenue oiucer oi tne state declinerl 1 1 r' rvrviw 682. r Congress Cowlea 1145; Green 705, Crouch reused to maker payment, in any uuici .wv, w uereupon ne was arrested and held for ..trial ' by order !of the Hustings court of :the, city of .Richmond , upou the charge of violating the license la w' He thereupon' anolied to this mmrt fnr .' w of habeas corpus upon the ground that he AXTCST m : YtB by precincts top, member of the House, ,? the ,. contest being between H, E Xing, dem., and a S Hewett, rep. ; 7 Wil- 1 anas; Store, King 61 Hewett 13.. ; Turkey Creek,3King 56t Hewett 10.1 .Rocky Run King S2;;Hewett 8, ; Aman's Store,: King 87; Hewett 85. ... Cross Roads, King 107; Bewett 5. Angola,. King 29; HeWett, ; Haw Branch, King 70; Hewett 12. Catha rine Lake; Kiig 155: Hewett II. Ricblanda King 143- Hewett 6. Jacksonville; King1 62; Hewett 8. 1 Gilman'sViKiDiE 62; Hewett 2. Morton's, Kin ir 86: Hewett 9. - Mills. Kins- 26-Hewett 25.Swansboro, gStow elit Linwood, Kins: 42;Hewett 27 Wtt kins, -King'SO; Hewett :18. - Total King 117; Hewett'1804 King's majority 937. V ' ' V ; ; '. i : . MOORE. ; 'j..'r- Blaine 1.468; Cleveland ' 1,769. - York 1,426; Scalea 1.797, Russell l,869;:Merri mon 1,760. Green 1,755; Brogden 1,136. , ' ! ; WILSON.:'- --h.:!..-.: Scales 2,185;: York 1,493. House Con nor, dem:, 2.113; Perry, denV. 2,149- Rob bina, rep., 1,435; Griffin, rep , 1,422. Senate -Woodard, dem. 2,213 ! Boykin; rep., 1,889. ; Democratic county ticket all elected by large majorities. r . - , s was ueuunea in custoav hv th Htoia mn i ia violation of the Constitution of the UnfT tea Diaies,- oecause tbe statute wiich pro hibito revenue officers from receiving cou pons Impairs the obligation! and contract of the State to receive them and is on that ac count inoperative and' void'by reason of the provision of 'the: Federal Constitution which precludes a State frem passinir such laws. ; This court bold that where the prisoner, is in the enstodv t at a RttA court of competent jurisdiption, not illegal- sent to jail by the Mayor's Court this morn- Sr?:, .paargea with stealing a watch from Vf Hliam Cotton a fortnight urn Tii. most-wonderful sight ever seen in North Uarofina was the Bight of a tremendous and tremendously enthusiastic negro em- ! :--. jci. Jiccnm. After Col. Kitchin s speech the amorous African not only hugged him, but lifted him clear off the ; floor, jumped up with the load and shouted for Kitchin and Cleveland 'Where d'you live? " "In Franklin, thank gracioas; boss;" - Mr. . Dixon's speech pleased his audience so much that there were frequent' remarks "about it all the rest of the evening.- - i r Wadesboro ' Times: Saturday last we heard of he burning of Mr. Henrv Kendall girr together withvabbnt 45 to 5i 1? C0niT ' Priday night about dusk Geo.W.Fort shot Atex Arey.colored in the back and it ia feared ihe wound may rprovefatai-Fort who was considered un ider the influence - of whiskey. f Mou - rday morning the burning of the gin the day.beforfJfcssrsKjag: and Badger Bnley situated-iu the neighborhood of Brown Creek 'church' together wilh their entire crop, Is. reported. -Monday af ternoon information was received here of destruction by fire of Messrs. Brooks & Thomas' gin situated near Madra. Besides .the loss of the gip three bales of cotton were destroyed. i A'-' few : days ago Edmund Pegee had his arm ; caneht in a ly asserted, he cannot hi tsi-aA Jk I gin,' just across the line in f!hPBtrfioM anri jurisdiction .and discharged by a court of I f.'o have it amputated.-- By reason of the United States on a writ nf hh. put merely because he Is not nuilty of the rZVrSflT lch h w; ield. flere the right of the prisoner to discharge depends alone orvthe sufficiency of his defencefand whether the defence is sufficient ornotf is for the court which tries him to determine, if in such determination errors are commit ted, they can onlybe corrected in an appro priate form of proceedings for that pur pose. The motion of the petitioner is de nied. If V- V ; .f , . rroBswe Slam or (be. Next Bourne ' of UepreaeBtatlves A .Official 0 r ! the Postoffiee Depart. ment Declared Iaaane. rWABHnrGToiT, Nov. 11. Edward 'Mc pherson,, Secretary of the Republican Congressional Committee says that from the most' authentic information he has been able to secure the next House of Re presentatives will consist of 182 Democrats, K, Greenbacker,(Brumm, Iowa!) De !,uaioni8fv (Weaver; of As compared 4 withi the membership' of the various parties in the present House, this estimate shows a loss of 19 voles to the Democrats and four to the Independents and a gainof 22 Republicans and one FuV uwv0ie, , ims ciassiflcation is subject to the possible change of two or three the iniuries received, and died from the effects of the injury, and loss Of blood, t' ?M :' fjTf j ,. GRAND JUBILEE AND GLOBIFICA- TION CELEBRATION!.". ' - . . - - , la Honor of the EleeUon of the Na tional aB Stat Deaaeratle Tickets -Win t Held la Wllmlnrtoii- - Tfcnraoay,: taw SOtk Inat. -; I Tjbt olfowlng disUnguishedgeUtleirieh nave been invited, and are expected to par ticipates f . t r : w President-elect Grover Cleveland. " 4 Vice President elect Thos. A,' Hendricks. ..Governor-elect Alfred M. Scales. Lieutenant Governor-elect Chas. Ml Sled- man.; .- - . f l! Secretary of State-elect W. L. 8aunders. Attorney General-elect T. F. Davidson. Treasurer elect D. W. Bain, ' Superintendent of Public InatructioU electS. M; Finger. J - Governor T. J. Jarvis, Benator Matt. W. Ransom, Senator Z. B. Vance, Colonel J. N. Staples, Hons. W. H. Kitchin, R T. Bennett, Alf. Rowland. C. W. McClammy, W J1??' C' PuUer' D- Fowle.Oct S0?,'?:660168'11- H. Battle, W. ILCor, D. R McRae, A. M. Waddell. B. R, Moore W.M Steele George M. Rose.R F.Armfield VV. M. Robbing. Jumoa W UoM ivt.. a Henderson." Clem Dowd. H.. .C Jones. Hons. T. F. Bayard. Del. ; " A. ' G. ThuT man, Ohio; J. CL Carlisle, Ky.; Bate. Tenn.- Richard Coke. Texa5;S. SCoS -Pulitzer. Y.; S. J. Randall, Penn. j W. H.Barnum,4 Thomas 4 Waller, Conn.; J. W. Daniet Va.; W. F. Yilas, Wis. ? B F. JonajLa.KJen.F. CBarlow.N. Y.,-Gen. Bragg, Wis.; Hon. Dan. Manning. N. Y, : Hon Daniel ' W. Voorhees. Ind ; Hon! Wade Hamoton. fi. f! t Vtnn n w nrnt . C; Hon. Joe. Brown, :Ga.; Hon..L. Q. C. Lamar; Miss. Sehator Morgan,- AlaT; Ge eore B. McCleUan, N. jV; Hont - ,Qorm Md. i W. Pinckney White, Md. ; --- KeunaJYYa. ; Senators Jones, -SfW Arc-Go. Crittenden, Mo.t Hon. R, T; Merrick, Washington, D. C.; There wUl .be a TORCHLIGT PRO SSION, A GRAND DISPLA F flFTOTrwf 3$ BALLOON ASr CENSION. A ; cordial invitation ia ' ex tended generally to the Democrats through out the State and Union to join us on this glorious occasion. ' All the differfint Tlom. ocratic Clubs' are expected to participate. j-vroiasDoro messenger ? Uome to the; Goldsboro Fair, Ifovemberj 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st. You will not nrnt. it Miss Bettie J. Rbbards, of Oxford, in a let terfto Mrs. T. H. Bain, very kindly offers to send a lot of fancy works, paintines, etehinga, &c , to the ladies of the Golds boro Memorial Association, to be disposed of at the Bazaar during Fair week for the benefit of the Soldier's Home."" Our Democratic friends of i the Faison section held a rousing . jollification on - Saturday night last J Stirring speeches were made by our young townsmen, Messrs. C. B. Aycock and W. G. Burkhead. by Messrs. J. D Stanford and E Ji Hill, of Duplin, and Messrs. Faison and Powell, of Sampson. One of the features of the jollification was the hanging of old Beast Butler and of Dr. Tyre York in effigy, and their cremation afterward. While the bitr'inlliftmti demonstrations were in progress last Friday night, just as the procession was crossing the railroad near Capt.:R. P. Howell's resi dence, some one, concealed m the railroad cut, threw a stone into the crowd, and it struck and broke hoth heads of ' the bass drum of the Carolina Music House band. "Elaleigh - Chronicle: t On Sat urday night after; 20 o'clock,: CoL L J. Young and Col. T. M. Argo read private dispatches from New York (to what -was at first a small crowd of negroes about the ' postoffice), which claimed Blaine and Lo gan's - election.- The ' sin district, still in doubt, is conceded b I Bd yells, a great cheer ent up for Blaine mis estimate to the Democrats." w ajla gan, and in a few minutes there Mr. Post, Secretary of ;the Democratic were 500 negroes ;in i the- street. A Uttle Congressional Committee, is not now in n"1 and aore appeared, and there the city, but it is understood that no mfor- were witnIa half an hour perhaps l.OOa mation has been received - at the Demo- "n mobo-Theywere assured of the oretic Committee rooms which is not tn WUio'ihe telegrams, and they went wild accord with McPherson's tabla - r, j with joy.-. More and more" dfunkett men. I lire crackers, cannon, such .proclamations of the - crowd bieeer votes. The election of Weaver, of . Iowa; Fusiomst with Democratic proclivities, ia only inferred from1 a tBspatch Trablished tnis morn in , One or twn nt th. t ... . see districts are claimed by Republicans, but positive informarJan hu Tint M( ' Kaon received about them; and the 5th. Wiscon- . . ine aecree of the Supreme Court of th I joioea n me wnoop; District of Columbia, ad judgbg insane' J I c06". and other ir. r-.uurnsiae. latK iiiahnrsin.i m. i euuiusiasm' maae ' the Fostofflce Department, now, under in-r dictment f or embezzlement," was presented to the Secretary of the Interior to day and upon his authority Burnside was commit ted to the government hospital for the in sane as Van insane person and indigent."", A firaad KtreetlParade ln"CelelraUen f the Election oi ""Cleveland and - Hendricks. 1 '4n'dy(?sv.-'- iT- v '. fBv Teletrrapb to the Xornhut Star. , r Baltimore, , November 10. A grand street parade in celebration of the triumph of honest government in the . election of Cleveland and Hendricks, as the call an nounced, took place thi afternoon. The procession consisted, of twenty-four divi sions, each with a chief marshal, aids and band -of; Tnusic. representing Various ex changes, commercial nd mercantile trades and industries.and professional callings,and also Democratic political clubs of the cityi The first division consisted of members of .ucvuimiu i iour juxchange, and was Composed of leading grain and. commission merenanta or, the city. .All, trades dry goods, hsrdware, boots and shoes; bankers, and brokers, ands others, were represented by the mostsohd and well knowa men. Gen. John Gill, member of the Corn and ySu -chane.iwaa chief marshal. hV..V, The Evening News estimates the number marching in procession ! at "20.000: -J Good Th-,Pffvai,ed ihrouhout fhe.display The streets were thronged with people- IOWA. ?al1 ; rom ;r the : Eieetldn- . iwonmig bu we nonuaf star. , DTOTjQUBpylO-Fuli .jeturnagive Henderson. Rep., for Congress. 1.236 ma jonty m the Third district. In the Fourth: distncV Fuller, Rep.,, defeats Weller. m Jority.:tjTlie Congress ipnal delegation, will stand 1 sevqo. Republi cans and one Fusionist, (Marerin the Sixth district), and three Democrats Hall itfthe First district, Murphy in the Second,, and Frederick ia the-Fifta.Bl"aiae's majority m the State, based, on the vote for Con gressmen, will be about 18,000. Bellamy. Jr.- This Com- mon M; Russell 29C ConnessJohnstan n?.n??nneiii8 bavebeen made with all the at Mr. John D. Bellamy's 626 Ewart 52a -- - nS STSf1 is street WAnifthJd I: -.-. . r iv-, ,u na iickets will begoodrbrone week. rates, grand celebration in honor of the glorious rWnson, A. D- Brown, M. M. Katz, jno! Victory achieved by the election of Cleve- lJ " -V xl0T: '' Cleveland i;i45, Blaine 737. - Scales f ,i83 ; York 704. 8tedman 1.185: Fairclotb 703 v.-J t.-;-.i James W. K"no "f"1 Chairman County Dem. Ex. Com.' land and Hendricks,, and Scales and Sted man., We learn further, in this connec tion, that reduced rates will be had on all the railroads, and the steamer John Dawson, through the courtesy of Capt Paddisoo! will give a free excursion. " All Democrats.' Committee on Fireworks TnrK ' "ill1 vrauriei noimes, xi- rarmlee, E. G. Pol ' lv P. Donlan. Joa. Oralis -Tn a .t nni ' J-CfW, Perdew.f;s- .L Committee on Transparenciea--Wilklna ivuuuicK, r. jraemsoerger, W. M. Parker, James M. McGowan.Tr. TV w;io, Tkil Committee will meet at the rooms of the Hi- rep., 721, ' BRtJNSWlCK-KOfflciil): - SmithvillS!, ' Nov. tCTevefaud'l;" Blaine 938. Scales 921 York 913: ! Merrf-' mon 903; Russell 913.1 Senate,' deml; ' 992; Senate, rep., 94sAsaos8dl oVlHouse5 asm 850: House. -'tbti" flail r TtU Lhairman Paddlson says, are requested to J Democratic , P Executive . Committee, over Deeavdeirf.7efBeia ' nrnvirlo fliuniuW ' i A ' I FlTSt National Bank thia fKaxr at11 n'nlnl. I' TKi, j,ltt'...A4 L..r. ., , ' ro- . im biwuuu pooscu VU UUKUy 1U YY BCCa- maw Township in Brunswick; There was the . largest ivote in this . township- ever polled, showing a decided Increase of Dem ocratic strength since last election."' The s,Comraittee on Muaie-Jamea Wilson. L. T?,Tem.ocrat county vote was 89 1-6 J.Otterboure. Simon fUnd TCrr ofthe 184 voles polleditwhae Ihe ReoublU Rosset, it.. Dlvid MUchelL v can average vote was 26. giving an average -j. TrtT r-. - :, f Democratic maioritv of 63 nesrTir -:k ' .nuera ue duuw or nuwtinir h m i ti . . proviae memselves with a sash and flair Maj, C W. McClammy has been invited to deliver an address upon the arrival of the boat in Wilmington.. Turn out. Demo- crata. from all sections of the county, and Ipt lie hava a hi i " ' : r ' ' First National Bank thia day atll o'clock a. m. -;v;-"f i-v, ... '-'Committee en' 'Transport ation Tf'M1 Emerson, F. W. Clark, Jno. F, Divine, fl.' v. 4uuwa,!Mi , rrerm. u. tt iota Newspaper SnaMn - - ; Rev. W.v Rf Atkinson, of the 'Soii&rAG lantio Presbvterian,' lately published at Charlotte, N. C, has made arrangements with Mr." John : McLaurin nf fhn wwk Carolina Presbyterian, by which the former publication hasjheea suspended "and Its subscriptions transferred to the latter.', the subscribers to the same to be supplied with the i North! Carolina Presbyterian bfor - the "me paid ior. ir . , 5 fhe short career of the SLA: Avimv Was characterized hv a liviinMi Bnx -i.- that spoke well for iu editor. ? .i u tr--12 The Norwegian baroue Kaliisto. Cark rjgland, was cleared from this port for Am" aterdam, Holland, " yesterday, by Messrs. -Alex. Sprout & Son. with littii hi, cotton, -valued ati $82,158; teo the- achr. atpxTvy-cxc, uapfcs Montgomery, , for Xe- nated above confer with the' first named on. - A firaaa laUs WeaJH3ir:r.-'':-iThe Democrats of the. Fifth; Ward;' are preparing to hold a grand: jubilee meeting i at the wig wam some time shortly; to f celes brate the election olj Cleveland and Hen dncks.-.;i;;rvvlyo 'rTAi't i-; X- : j It U a aouroe af ? gratiflcatioa to Ahem that they polled justaa inany: Democratic votes as there were white men in the ward The only Democratic flag whjcjjiwas raised during the campaign wa theitno oij ; Jthe wigwam. .iAll Democrats are invited ta av tend the v celebrtipn.-ji 8everal 1 jspeaiert' Iisva Koati 3m f 1 J .. ywHMin; w. wmress .iwe imeetinst' eruuuuo 'county, jrioncia, is a younger brother;J6f MrfE.Keathleyv the well known jeeer of 'tiiis city,V;He is a native of Duplin j couniaa filled several offices of trust at his adopted home and is now in affluent ; cttchnaiice8. Ho is the owner of a fine orange ' and . lemon grove, which yieldsXabundintiyi and he also raises pine appei and theifipicai fruit to some ex tent, (.'He', expects . to partly pupply;. thia' market with oranges this season, and says hevili.yf abletbscnd hisbrother'froni fifty to sixty crates a week', the first install! mens having already arrived. . Mr.: Keath- iJias been in Florida about flfteeh years: tnrnir Growers' .'Si,. 1& The Lecl-latnre a Tie on irotnt BaUoti, Si .u. By TWearaph to the Xornhut 8tar.1 1 $ai ttl , . rtU;iC41B:9I "ie lUinois otate Leirislatnro is that ft wrn j , Jr joint balbV UieSenatehavuTg of one' Republican and the flouseXS W7Ji?V arelike v v-ouc jrec uistncta which may re verse this condition of offW un.. - -.f : iuc niLua H. . n morineresong rrom the'fact bit. jonn iiuss. an old soiilim- nf ih. war of 1812. rode to electfdn" and voted a straight Democratic ticket, ' a "; PosTMASTErT : 1 SWAIN-Offidal f - '- Cleveland 481 i Blaine '155. ScaWs ?494? York'155. Stedman 491f Faircloth 158; Congress -Johnst WASHINGTON 'Cleveland 648;TTork 1.072. . Merrimon- A MABkln t a ia ' -w'te. A.handsome gold' taedai was displayed at Mr. Geo. W. . Hufi-eina' awarded jr. j Tfce pienarr Council Awemhled. 'jjj ana. Digger. y,Tbe- leaders -became fair- ly -enraged. :l'he crowd "surged back and ' forth, now a whoop, now - an path, now j a : drunken -, yell it began to look dangerous. A special additional force Of policemen -were quickly sworn in and armed. Private citizens armed themselves. The crowd erew larger and larger. The drunken fellows became more and more enraged ; and enraptured. .Presently the mob began to move up Fayetteville Btreet; when near the Cleveland and Hendricks banner,, which is suspended from Stron ach'a to Ferrall & Co.'s, a desperate leader proposed to tear it. down and to shoot it with cannon-crackers. In an instant sev eral hundred plstolff gleamed in the lamp light U Men: armed themselves in the hard ware establishments, and bloodshed was imminent.- If any negro had shot that ban ner nothing is more certain than that he -would have fallen in his tracks; and the re port of a single pistol would have precipi tated a general fight that it. is awful to even uuuk aoout. 1 3 . .Charlotte .Observer; The ex cellent behavior of ' the colored population, f Charlotte during all the recent days of political excitement ia worthy of the highest, commendation, and is a matter of coneratii lation fopjthe colored ' people themselves. r- Major Lewis Redmond, the famous North Carolina moonshiner; after serving terms of imprisonment in various peniten tiaries, and having at last gained his liberty from the South Carolina : pen through an executive pardon, is now engaged iu the peacef ul pursuits of a pastoral life. In the sohtudes of his native mountains in ' Hen- oerson county, he is now. building up his broken body."' In a letter to his news- rper ' friends he says "Thank - God am a, .free man to-day; . Out of prison, out of the clutches of the law; and out f:thei revenue1;! or blockade busmess; at , home with my wife and babies, and surrounded by host of tone tcodi tried friends t Sometime W'i3! ; yestery -corning Mr. S!.htAbf?athy ci2en of Paw Creek township,- this county, waaawakened from ..WiS-1 numter Qt load explc Monafollowing each other m quick buc ces. 'SMrAbernathy Jumped from his DerjrtO find a bureau that was standing in a corner 6f his room - enveloped in flames that were springing up as h a the ceil- SflF11?"1 b&i ot of matches mone of the buieau" drawers and the sup- positiXJn ls that they, were ignited by mice? .i-i" A P101 one of the drawers -I?131 l8 "cled the weapon, the oarridgea in .fta' . five , chambers; exploded 9' making the fortunate noise that waked Mr. Abernathy. Raleigh' IZwtf. Observer: We f.te raP TerllInfea-lirouf State elec tion and find thafdrrf majority wUl approx imate 25,000i -r-In pursuance of toe cail rora public Lmeeting,, there assembled at Metropolitan' Hall last evening about 1,000 DenwcratiiiWho were overflowing with en- af8?; T ?rofi J- 8. Lee, 0f the cnMJfof Modern-Lang-jages; Shaw Univer aty,diedat 13.20 yesterday morning. Prof. Lee was a native of Caswell county, and graduated at 8hawTJniverBity about three yesterday,! which ? has ' been ' ' Cn'eressnian Grfief ' nf ht0 ' mat i - eT 1 . ' -it va.ajr vmeyaro, , it Ift -(OfflciaLV sd 1 imtfrifaH TTi vsr r 1 W Stedman B4V; Faircbth m Russell HMtJi n jJAi.iiMUKK, November 10. -'THTiii 1 consideration buTnonl : ica fc Qf People do not sufficienUy re er A dav m tX '3n nP'n wajieternwned.. gard such relics. The flae was. when the ;Cleveland 2,524; BlaiMcajeg ,; ,xork 1.677. j.StedmaU ; 2,482 ciottti jJf8m - Ckragreas-r-Reld 25' wards 1.458. .... .... t:jYV . i . ONSLOWMOfflcial ) . . r ",' Pemocratic Elector's ma joity, 789 : Dem- 'r eLanft ?he best Display 3; Fairl of FruRs t. ' . : A 'V. " W r. raddison has received a let- T"?- . , W- i . : ., : . , ' nnder charge bf Mr. F. BJ Dancy.; The v , . TirvTrw. ' " S?0 m-1 n8ferredV it is expected, to i KmcEMNEWP&tid&Mi m Mepot on Monday,' when" they will be awineaon uieirwayto N6w Orleans soon. riii l iiala : .--;; .. ---x t ' -T ""J wiibw vneans soon. e Oeaaeeratle Bl.Jori Tfrona ;;-:W BI)etoocratictndidate for 'iLnZ?- w".,-ti B,,-j agrin ine jjirtnjsorth, Carolina dis- Liv'-.Br-We!? ?.. th XontBK StBj -r -:;: nct cHrw4 7 county in 1 his district. NASHVnT.Tt Nov' in Tn.w o;..:... .'L-1 Three of theMuvntis 4 t State has received official returns frbinr "tl6' Sn! Pemocraticbefore. About counties in Teunessee. .The lastestimatefu tnonsatid negroes gathered in front of the l-'-t ' ' ' 7 Monle.V Gaudal6Vrby eM r JO Strauss k Co. with..U7.600li lum'ber4Eiposltion; hwplied cS s Wu.,lwaiia bv aTew ttoni ?We-wffl! ' V valued at ti.A93 flA , nrw oV 2? ' wx vPt. S., W,. maioritv 855 Liriaif,Tva-..-. mw.x. men for'lhs filing w.,- i 07 " Iew thousand. . r. valued at $1,092.60 Masonboro Dromiflna mast wnen tne pnal vwveiana'a election re jubilant, ;MrB.:r: Dancv: airV,, atelnnnectionihEe . ""' nepuoiicans reaa teie fheinfroa the, front jof the post office. Thenthe gang got fireworks and started-ip Fayetteville street, but soon Mopped., -r, The, receipta of -cotton for i7? week ending last Friday' were 1,472 bales.b.The receipta-foV the correspoBdiDg week lastyear were 3,265 bales. " The to tei receipts from September 1st to Friday were-14,750 tbaiea,';agaiast, 13,481 to the corresponding date last year. -f , . announcement of "PHon;. to supplement North , , . " o nn . T " " 'ttH"n iZM"aia .BWKb nit free wzi &JlF3s&- r f '.-. 1 i 1 I a I -i - '.b -tl : tl : b s tl ; " tc . T I -di ti, Hh en far na mi t& Ca wa ita ear ia of1 eta

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