The Weekly Star. , PUBLISHED A3C -un v? " . I'ill B, ' I IT ADVAftCK. $1.51 iSSsSSSSS8SSSSSg. ainiwit 88888888888888888 , SSSS8S8S8SS8S8S88 4 J! FUsil 3S8SSSS8888 ; I82SSSSSS2SS8SS88S 51 338888SS8S8S8888 K !!:, si". . 7 i.t i ji'ii-isMiU air-! .-.t -j ' gftf F-t CO fiJis-i .-.'. ;:v o : -;l K V--:- . i ? tj i CD " 10 S US S 2 8 S 8 L 5 Entered at the Port Offio at-Wttntagton, N. ?;, SUBSCRIPTION TRICE.;; ' riic subscriOtion price of .the Wbekj.T Stak u as follows : , , v '' . . I Single Copy 1 year, pnstag paid,- : $1.50 V 3 months, JO i -; ..JnftH. ' ' i : THE "MAGNETIC " KSAVKlj , ... Hlaioc did.not proT the.i'aggre-. sive" and "magnetic" champion lliat his worshippers thought. '1 tie 'Was found not only to shift his plans m the midpt of the fight, bat he played "fast and loose" and did the tallest lying f any man who ever canvassed, for office. His actual known false suieinent! , namber tnirty?two.M -it is no wunder that Beech sr described him as a "Continental ' liar'.".! J Hm "magnetism" only served ' to- defeat him. 'JuHt as he attracted to, himself such fellows as Parson Ball and Par-i son filurchard and Steve Hiking, and. the MStar Routers" generally, : and Evarts and other Republicans of like '"kidney," he repelled " snch honest men as Uonkling and Edmunds and Bristow and thousands of the most cultivated, purest and best men in the party. The cutting down! of the vote in the big Republican States, wiih the exception of Pennsylvania, shows tha Blaine's "magnetism is; of a very extraordinary kind it dimin 'shes the popular' majority iiralmpst every State for himself. A great deal less of that sort o "magnetism"would have helped his , party , and : bimself. Roughly, it 'may be said, 'his "mag- netisra" reduced the Kepublioaai ma jority, as follows: ' Illinois 25,000; IoVa 70,000; Kansas 14,000; .Michi gan 51,000; Massachusetts 43000; -Minnesota, , 5,000; Nebraska 5,000; Ohio 23,000; Wisconsin 20Q00; In diana 11,000; Connecticut j! 5,000; New York 22,000 ; and' o on. ' In North Carolina bis "magnetism" did not prevent him . frpm ; jpsingsb'me 15,000 and more votes. Garfield beat Hanouck some 6,000 votes. Cleve land has .lefeated Blaine by not less than 150,000 majority HDBD. , If there one. man m the North west we honor above all others, it is Frank Ilurd of tb . Tenth Ohio Pis trier." . He is a man of marked gifts and is honest.: lie has 'opinions and he expresses them without fear or favor. lie is able and he uses his ability for the 'good o'f"iis,cbuntrj. He is thoroughly furnisbef as a po ll tural economist, :ant. '.bie-'exercises his rafe powers and in formation -in exposing brazen-faced Monopoly and insatiate and unconscionable Pro . teution. He has been of tent defeated, . but he never lowers his flag or palters with the enemy. lie was defeated n the recent election by fraud br: .filse counting, and rumor says he will go before the ,next Congress ' with' - his case. The Philadelphja'ecpr d "In Lncas ccAintyJlie ffHdif thathe re- ceivea 51 vote mere- tnsn was" credited to him; in Erl county a mistake bT 90 votes : has been discovered in' WVW1 oT'tis' oppo ! nent,; and there1 are cdher dlscrepanetes i which ju6tify a contest ef'tbe-eelared re-i- suit. The majority ufMr. fWafefsaa on ! ly 239, which is rednced to 99y the errors already noted." ! ; u-;ilJ i5- - '3' He is the. ablest .man possibly jjn the present Congress, and it is a mis fortune to the j "country to ToiBe tbe services of a 'man.'- V Ablet -con scientious, courageous, g eloquent, he is the peer in debate : of any adver sary; If he has been . defianded, we hope sincerely that he will be Seated He says be will not have his seat nn- less fully entitled to it. Ay EXCELLENT REPORT. We have received a ', e'epy of , the able and thorough 5 report -' Of -Drt Thomas F. Wood made alhe Jast meeting of the North Carolina State Medical Society. j M i: an atv tempt to set' forth the wort; hereto fore 1 accomplishedybyftnetate Board of Medical Exuners during the last sit year&2TEe' nn f Board expired by limitation and ar a new Board was to begiu its vork it was highly proper and, in. ' fact; necessary .tbaJhyJP should report aponithe operations It is excellently done' byr(Woo4 editor of the. North Carolina Mectl- cal Journal. Thefrepprt as follows:" ' H8" f!!'ftl'J y "We say, in conclusion ' that'vlnli ae monstrated the earnestness and zeal of j the medical profession by the exhibition of ac complished work, done in -the interest of uie enure population, we ask for a 8tudiou4 consideration of our needs,. V We have already done far more for -the State thaa ine state has ..done for herself b shapinj the character of the medical profession, and we trust that she will strengthen us oy re viBing the law under which w wprkj? ; We trust that the merabenelect to the Legislature that Wembiesfln aa-s t.'-v va t t v vv 11 sj :in v t - -5 i r t 'i ' "' ' -' - i f . I ,1 ' . ' jpL,-xyi.:;;::,r. Jmntnr unf. -mill mVa ft ' their 1 special business to inform themselves telfo'tW.rione 1 byj t.e'jStjte Board of Medical Examiners; and tfiai IfcbfeyiU'AsMeii : irestions br-' reqnes,tr, that -"may '"be ifc i ma?e pytioe newjiu.tu.ji o9afuf,)ir weir as by tbe retirtflg: B6ard, vtbat J may be deemed , flecfissary ; toy givp 4 ,ae 4oq, , uu a?reuy ! j profession in: the- State. V 'f 1 It is certain that a, noble work has beetf iaecbiiiplisnWalre der sharp.'idiffiiftiitiea i Tbe? medical profession,, tbat1"' so iecessaor the human family, was-never sobigb ; in our SUtsow;;viThe. .pjpg has been wort marked. JttdiciJas legislation, may aa-tnopp cj ssuar- tber elevate the8 medical prbfesiPn j in Kortb Carolina., "mongjtha top f J:"M'-: Mtoen;HaIifax:f . CpnpViilflon ; T Boykuij Saiap sonf i; RXaritJolumb tfroyr. Cumberland';. ? John u GatUng, . Wake ;; A 'Qrabamy Qrajbgej .R. Yfi ; WinstonGnnTille; -J .Li : Scott AlimanceMiSbJfls;i lUndolbj I Paul B Means, Cabarrus, and EL H. Gudger, Madison. ::; In -the 'House, ,ome 'oi the best : qualified s pien', are Thomas ' Holt, Alamance ; E; 1 B. Jones, Alexaoder j Richmond Pear son and Jolinstone Jones, Bupcombej Samuel Mct) Tate, Burke; George Ni.Thompson, Caswell, : Republican ; Thomaa.DixoD, Jr. Cleveland; John D.j Staiftord Buplin;;WV' Pari den, Greene; K. W. Winborne, Hert ford ; James H. Pou Johnston ; J, LJ- Robinson' Macon p R. P. , Waring, Mecklenbujr g; Hamilton ! McMillan, Robeson ; James D Glenn, Rocking ham; C. M. Busbee, Wake;,F, M.; Aycock- Wayne and John K Wood- ard, Wilson,, it. will be a good body- ;i.U - ' i ' '1 . - '': PUBE.IC HEALTH. '1 f!:''1 ; The health - statistics, of cities in the f .United States- we last copied were for fonr- weeks in ' June. 'We bave.'before'us the , health statistics for' five weeks ending : August 80th, and the increase of the death rate in many- cities is--' marked. . We "copy some of We statistics selecting here and there so'as to distribute the cities thrpughouL. the f country : : Burling ton, Vt.V 422 d;itf;the y 1,000 inbabi tants ; Boston 25-.9 ; Providence, 22.5 ; New; York, 27.1 ; Paterson 'N. J., 24.8 ; -Philadelphia, r2lJl ; Wilming ton, Pel 3i.2jDetroit,TMich2;8.3; Evansville, Ind., 23.7; Chicago, 217; St. Louis,; 21.5; LMdwaukee,y 33.3; Salt Lake City, Utah, 38.0; Minneap olis, Minn, , 25.2; . Baltimore,' ,'Md., 1 9.4;' Richmond, Yafi! 26.8; Lynch burg, Va., 17.5; New Orleans, ; 25.1; Nashville, Tenn., "27.8; -Mobile -""Alt, 30,6 ' The jdeath; rateu-of jur owrl city: has; been much''-greater .since June Isttban it baa been in proba bly : fifteen or twenty years. " The rate for the year wilL be greatly ; m excess - 'of ' ; 1883. What , the ' causes are we may not Undertake to-, state. jt wfpV.the 'bealth t oifipers.n'pb- sicians to consider. lt bus fiiui-am - lucre us. jiubuiug tleutjr - vl tr" r importance te a community. tban sanitation.'' Tbe- schools .ought- to J&JP P.1. bacluresjujpnjthftlawaf heakli aPd i the people,i all ' boHse the positive necessity of baving pure drinking Water cjean': lots and well Teatuated ; nouses. .ir ure air, s pure fWater, "sunshine ?and proper '-ei'er- eise are aosoiuteiy essenuai toneaito. f- Tow mucb of the water drunk in Wibnington ,. is not : tainted ;with death ? :; If the colored peoplep-if people in fact were to' drink no irii- pure water tae, aeatn race would oe lowered considerably.' The ignorance of mankind Vabout, ; tbenlselves ' and what makes- for 'their ! good is pro found, and wonderfuL. ,-Tbe truth; is, that whilst a great : advanoe has been made - in '-. medical C science and the proper knowledge !of the effects Of danipness-r-wet soH,etoi, upon health, etc.,' and othef.questions, of true san itation itbere is but. little more, intel ligence upon tbe .subject among7 peoj- pie generally than, there was in Eng land in the Middle 'Ages wnea ibfe floors of the catleft of the ' richest noblemen werlcpVerea with rushes sad they had tteither: chimneys not window Wlai1fa - "A winaow glass. .suafl(9jt nc The value of-bealth4s snot nnder- BVdod.2 Men" are "spendthrifts herb more than they are : in money mat tej?:They,;Bterany their healthy and -ii invite' death. Dozens, fte:lmii doubtless a hundred .people, die an ttualiy in;Wilmu3gton,.who tieed'.noi to have medJ - Theirsimply 'destroy eq t,nemseiv(es pjt inaaigence oy ,ne; electing td observe the simplest laws That our" f eadersfrnaV isee ho w suf preme la the ignorance oa Abe aqb jfe't .."of health. we copyv la aragtapR from an: excellent lecture , by .Prof. Kedz'ie, deUVeOTPeain MarchJ Heift ipeakirig"! the Becesi sity ox .naying? ,uruwuj .jMiwwmHj mi. 'J... iimhii. a' " " iiiiTiluL)i,J,lili.r-.. mj." nif.i,. -,.,..,.. w i, i,- . idte r- p.-ri t, - wiiiibmw r.msmmmmg'mSgSi r, nrr.TTT t. -m - . !- , p n77r:. .,tttt--,,-tt7.ttt; - ; -'AiS i r . "M " Aif " i '. I I. , ' J : J,v ' L .r. 1 V . I I A . t .J fUM A ,l-tA; A: III V l.lWi :H i I ' ' V ' " "! ' '"H I t. S .,'vi U.T ; t a v; ' Trr ! interhkl and external physical f orcek, 1 t v,i i m '.'ii1 iiin 2 i.T w't ' fit i r m ri j, m . -..-.t i . ana says, .-0 Tt , f , t "The conditions of health have been laid down as . purSftCf. .pure. .water, and pure food. vThes "taiw rTV 'are three priniej factors of health.'but are not all the condi- 1 ibw,1 wea'ars'comroinogiorces -in ci- . mate, nave also Intimate relations to neal in. Tne fact thtn human tXHjy; amid wildly eonpfeningjcljaagej cf,Vteimperatte,Tmut. stui maintaia a temperature ol a aerrees F.s thatAe..-ialL. mtich. fifelPWi or rlse mBch' above tbat tesiperaturo causes aiseaae.;ana,. j aaa me rurther fact ttuutDaar processes or iectego&.&& excretion, ot assimilation: and ponpunjpHonsc amic fleucaieurjcouaierMi-ooed.-affaiostr-eachl otbersjtoi sbviata the effectot -imar ked chanee tf temneiatnre. apaindicatora f s tted con ttoDiBe inflaenCe0 jpf JepaperatucB,;ovec' health, and eenhfe.f Ua wnte?,ftA8 jterselT : 1 J I O . m yotfTwere to6 take tbe trouble' of Joe astonished tO jnBd. bow little the ;Pipft Keiaie.ydlf every one 4n Wil- 3 $viuixt: theai healthr 3f the -people wouW be: eal omprov it i is oof oneffpuKbypI the people, prob- aWy'weafflinnelinnbemteKf10 ,baoiary .drainage ought lo be we. I finderstodd a1 Hbeoi b-'oph r omciaie, ananne system :aaoptea ana applied ought' '"tfr embrce''tbe''city and its jmtrQqp&kig&iJj. is believed by many that . in the neglect of this we raayad.&ome of. the, causes that have increased the 'deatb 'rate during ihe la8t 0veTor:six months more than fifty per cent.? i cL tis!-;u iwJ u: I! beyond the river Has naa upon:tne healtfr of VWilmirigton J a matter for the authorities apd phy--eicians to consider. ! jWhaV effect the depositing of night-soil bo near the city ".hashad; is . another important question.'-What effect the1 water used for. drinking purposes another paraipoun t'question that' ought net to Jbe . neglected The public health is of I great importance'. ':, Att. . able-bodied mantis .worth- $1,000 to the Sute, viewedecomically. , CA'sick mabq- an lnvahdyisa tax instead of a source If five hundred or -one-' thousand people die m Wilmington within a de cade 'who ought not td have died then there is fearful' Responsibility .some where.' Upon ' whom can,rii; rest; f Not all upoa the victims themselves. Those who have (examined into the subject of the .laws of . health know that sanitation,' &c. have lengthened in ; England t buman life ; by - several years, and have thereby greatly' en riched .the. State whilst bringing hap4 piness and wmf6rts,'.and enjoyments and even wealth to hundreds of thou sands. If our Government continues, to sbutJtpdi,,tI barbed-wire, .fence Iled Pr6tect46n1ibe 3prbductiins of nguno, , ranee, 1 1. Germany and Italy caa we complain if thev erect a uaroeu-wire arraDgement ,;oi . vneir o wn; to prevent the introduction -of dnrodtust fora farm and shop ani lbomf avBnt let ns lookat the- breaH ,rtt ris i tsiti Jori x-.i t iiioi su ' question. 3nL?:;i;ai ,-j'j:fifjK;!s 1 -fTbe j wbeat'irbjfJ.tBtf States islimmensV. and ' in tBe" vear I860 ; the export of th is.artiele reach- England j -is not mows dependent ! so nrucnltopoi', AmelrDfa iojr'ei'b'rea supplies; : Other ,s countries J in 1883 ana m ma were -jnucn Detter on: than they were in. , 1 ljft. as far' aa de- pending dtf;'otbe? cduntriesr isJ"cQfn-! cerned fo.r.fopd for their populations. "' The VrimiM'7dnlmcial 'well en'dugtftc npde'rBtand'ilip'true siEuauoD, o.uvinas:aiau-ecb oeanng upioif'BpreenfHt as upon the' important" question of production. iTVj Jfork paper says:.; .,."-,-; ;r-, .-.'-Y . iv- 'ln-ern1a8 hWlgriHoii f the poowr 5Maar 'T 1 Tataerff na produced' an amelioratlon of the'cosdi'tioif Of those who remain and theGoTemment "Wsacriflclne tne -nteresis 01 ,xne popnianon ,at. rarge . py excludihr'foreien''. food 'Products to en courage' heole agriculture. In prance, the OoreTDment shows- ft : like disposition to land will if possible cripple the trade la Westertf beef thironrt .a attle-dlseases act In Russia a gradnal expausfon of the wheat gom? forward. in ladls; the1 policy - of-; carrying railroads Into the wheat ' growing i poattUy". . is showing its effects' to ' four fold1-increase' of the ex ports of that grain; Mthd yet fhat policy is only ifi its beeinnlngs and Tflay qtnte possi bly reanlt; "within the next few years, in an export equal to the average shipments fromaheUaited-i Stater for "the ' last'teh years.? .f3scoti r-u!uaii In'tbe face of suchfactii bur r6wn conntry jsjteadMy at prpdnoing .more beaVoe''il waa 70teaulm acresint 1883 tfe watf loThlirioSsan1 IncreasWMi years of 40 per centfrflhe danger lies here Europe has fecafeaTand is mak ing most of its own. food. The Uni low cdown S and 4 they 7may:remain MtflSofffiiP1 and do- mana wul always assert itself.' ?a very possible foi this country to pro duce far tpoucbg Nayit jia(jalr ready: producing too many goods and foo 'pxsviM f 1 breadta&e'haye no foreign v markets for -the former; and the denYabrior the latter is lessened nrer tmuob. 't; lf Europe Tariff," aimed dainly-at the 'United r states wouia not au teei r.jijv; luqmrLqg. i9to--;(ne f, aapiia; uoi t inoae Usr-aelntedlh!yon wq-ild ted States lartsteadiryCTeasthg their production of food,,trS"oea are ! n T CX.OSK TOTES IN THB F18T.. j-!fresident-eiect Cleveland earner. Thia ia close in a State i-oT fi ve tnil Mm .Sttiaiitliere 7 bve Deea-cioser -vote intne past." uenry Cllyjcainiitrf 4ps8ee agaipsti, Pplk lb 184 by but-1 ! S-"v6jtes.' i3 Morton j (!. V ii'Ot'Sjtjjrft 'f' iUi vt .. was elected trovernor ,o. juassacna eetta bygone Ydte we' tbinki, 15 Wash ? wgtottliunti was:ileotei4,!GvQr yronlLjClatk defeated Seymour Sotttb; Carolina by 884- Grants ear ejawajejy.siand ? Virginia byl.WSi i' Greeley carried Maryland- fOy 0054 4! peympuT carn.u .yrego nj py 464; McGtelland earned f Pelawarp glllLinooln carried Caiif ornia irrjedj e cail-f Tied Mifyiand?by f -2 andfMtji4 Carolina. by. 48.:; John Uelr earned in 1852, jcarned 1 Delaware v by 25 Iowa - iby v'L's ? 4'U. ifTif! "V -. -j aujj, joiaine Dy ; i,ujo,f jmemgan py 4iNorth Carolina by-6271 Rhode Island bjr; 465. " Scott, carried' Ver mont by 508. n Polk in l844 carried dian ; '208,, Louisiana; by SS,. Cl&yca'rried Pelaware by 282, New by" : 692, Harrison,-: in 4 840, carried "Maine by 2 17' Pennsyl vanii oy -....y an xiuren parried -ArKansas by 689;T In 1830 be; carried SLouisi- ana oy xujxLississ.ippi oy ui, and Rhode Island l)"y "254; Harrison car- atSo sclose majorities is the past have been frequent. .'The large. State of Pennsylvania went for Harrison by 2 majority and there was uoeqijabble, no ; .attempts atv fraud,-'no "visiting statesmen'" ihterferingr It is1 time that this sort 1 of. rascally procedure was. stopped. ". It is ' simply " a great outrage.upon the rights of the peo ple of Sovereign Commonwealths as well as an exhibition of perennial villainy. : , '., Gen.: Beauregard has a - very . in teresting illustrated .. paper' in :, the November number of ; the -Century Magazine on, the . first battle of Manassas.' He gives the clearest and Tbest account of, that very;' important victory for the South' that we have seen.; It is instructive reading. I . He shows in the closing part of bis paper much ; bitterness ' towards ' President Davis." It must be admitted that; he shows that he has grounds for com plaint' and sharp criticism. One pas age may be reflected upon with in terest. ' He says: ! ;' ' ' 'vV',?:: ; ''We needed for President either a mili tary man of high order or a politician of the first class (such as Howell Cobb), with out military pretensions.,. The couth ' did not fall crushed by the mere weight of the North ; but it was nibbled away at all aides and ends because its executive bead never .gathered awlded, Us strength under the Wli?,wWVreaiy- reuueeu or neutralized its adversary's naked, physical Bupriprity.rfIt is but another of the many probstfcat fimid. djrectipp may readily go with pby8ical courage. , andA that the , pas veaejeB8iye policy; makes a .long agony, but can never wiaa wr-?Hir : . 1 , 1 . ' : .fine 1 v. The V papers liare' discussmg ' the treatment', of the, negroes By. their white allie..--Tbe -Augusta, Ga.,i Chronicle' mY 1 i iiT3 ji :li Jtow theU black and. white bosses have Jt-' veiYcu mem. , .x aey.n wm,, learq . -uauur a Democratic administration that not one of theit cMc rights will be impaired or threat-i ened; They ought to learn also that friend-; shmTor the southern, whites is their wisest pouc as weu as tneir best interest. TheBostdn IflW-aWJbeat the'i ft ew York papers "-badly On: the 1 5th in'stJ it sold 302,00 copies. ; It is, ?a TerpjmoraperJ;; ft .-f'-i , Tbe(man barque Settta, Capt Boett cher, .was cleared from this port'yesterday for LiverpoolvbyMeatrs.Alex, Sprunt & Son, with 2,078 pales, of cotton, valued at $95,000; also the -Russian brig Otto, Capt. Grauet; for Antvrerp,- by Messrs. Patersbn, Downing &'C6. with 500 basks of spirits turpentine and 2,806 ' barrels, of rosin, val ued at $9,230; also the schooner Oerthide . 2iindy, '- Capt Davis," for Paysander, "tJrnguay, by Mr fiarry . Coale, with 365,'- '485 feet of; lumber and 5,625 pickets, val- Aed at $5,576.02. Total $109,815. i M Drovrntngi Accident. ' ;; .'.. ;.:;f ,A polored mau named Jun Duls, cookpn the steamer D. MurcMson, '. was drowned last night about 9 o'clock.' Duls was going abpajd'e's'nierfat, City, and stepped between. the steamer and fiat along-side-into' the river. The night Was very. darkjyidJJutelwas thought to' have been under .the influence of liquor, j We'aWadtbOrlzed andredueeted W state thate-'CaroUha1, "Wllnun' Wilmington Columbia and Augusta Kail road will issue tickets for the great celebra tipii in' this clity ob ' Thiirsday next,", good f romiWednesday '.to Saturday, night, at the Bailor Drowned. A sailor belonging $ ilftt schooner Mar tinique, while engag.ta "painting the yes sel's side ' yesterday morning; at 8mlih- vHlel' f el! veeboard and was drowned; r- So wd learn, from " a. telegram f rom the Signal officer. ; 'Ahe name ot tne unionunare man wait nrit rfveh.1 -f -J'i "' if' it r; (. ". i - At the BuTfirwrcelebration on Wednesday nignf last Vpeechea were made bjMft JT aBdJWwlj elected member of the Legislature; Msi.XX W. McClammy, MrP Ramsav ' Dr W? C. MurPhyj Wt T. Baanerbian JesJ hetj "Greaif eS thusiasm prevailed. .(m for Governor of New xork "by 'lessc IP i50 HayA stole. JFlorda and- 1 rw aT7 o 1 a tiw 11- r. iparrnn nv no. 1 nnn 1 b inlaw .v "IJi .iVW -ni jitJufi ! -lr- j'.' i ' - ' jlll , ' 0 but . Y I 1 r'-Si'a'r rT" fn-VDjr-3" 1 OI ;jdB,i;a;.cifit)i.Niiv i Below: we give the Eetuma ftoa aripus- jopatie : in, this SUtp, receiyed p i to. ihe-; lfpur Pf ,oJng topresstrajr sTlU rl -hA CHEROKEE (Official.) i nas ' M6bht; Not;u 6.rBlainev 678 ;?Cleve-' iano" 517ilTorks54.fe9Scala.i6054 Fair- cloth 682j Stedman 505.' OongressJobns toop aw;OSEwart; p;53J-J!? ; Hb c.HERTPORDOffldaL a'il Wra46vii,itJeVaattd! Ilia; minei827?leBll2SrTdrkl30o'Mer-" Mmon,il6rVu8se!13t8.1' Congress Skin ner, demir-iipaWrep: ira: Y-- t :,?gyehnd5 .faSnf Ml :paleft,44; York.286 (grejs-klnner ,24851 Res pass,. 222-.t jaii'q ah -'ooii j -..''; Cleveland ;870j Blatae 673. Scales 867; .Jojki 674;:Sijl!Jeimoo863; jRasselli 653. I ongressrkb)tieswdmi, -881 ; Respass 668. I .. .! t, . t Death tJCmyt..lVA- fi Boblnaoii.j ; ; -Yesterday's, Stab contained the sad. an- nounceaaent of the death of Capt. Frederick G. , Rpblnsp,B; a well . known, and -jWghly -eBteemed merchant pf. this -city,; which ocr purred ou Fnday.nigbU,;; (LAp;Kopinson was born in, Bennington Vermont, but re moved tp Vhis State about the.year 1857, re siding first at. Eli2bethto wn Bladen counr ty, and removing to. Wilmington .about a year, ,afterwarda, where, he haa;.ainpe re- mainedt 4; When hxiUtitiea commenced be tweeaj.,the North, and the.. South he was a member of the. Wilmington Rifle.Quards, and vent with, that company to Fort Fisher, The; ; company f was subsequently merged into, the Eighth Regiment, which afterwards became the Euzhtecnth. ( At the expiration of the year, for, ; which he. bad enlisted he was dischargedV witlt-others, and soon afterwards joined Capt'Ta'fe'S fcompahyof heavy artilleryV1 After 'the1 fall "of 'Fort Fisher he became attached to a company bf Infantry and in ' the1 battle of Bentonvflle he was captured and sen! as a prisoner to Point Lookout, '-'where he 'remained' until the close of the war, when' he returned to Wilmington.' Since the war he has 'been engaged In mercantile pursuits,' being for a long time connected with the establishment of Messrs.' Adrian & "Vollefs. :' Latterly he has been engaged in the 'grocery business with his cousin, Mr. N. Robinson. ' For a number of years he served as" Foreman- of the Wilmington S. F. E. Companyand for two years filled the position of Chief of the Fire" Department. ' Deceased" waff ' also a member of the First" Presbyterian' Church and of St. John's Lodge of Masons: ' De ceased wasabonlvoTenlkind-hearted gen tleman, and enjoyed the esteem and confi dence of all who knew him., .The f uneral will take place from the Fust Presbyterian Church this afternoon, at 3 o'clock. Tnrn to tbe BIskU Few perhaps, are aware of the fact that if is a provision in the common law ' that '-Vlj..-:---lh.L.-li'JJiti -2'JL 1 -.-11.:- wnere two peueatruuis, or persuua hwuuk pn the Btreetsl meet each other, each: 'shall turn to the right and keep'1 to ft, j ne" law comes iq wnen, in case 01 a couwiuu iruui neglect to observe this rule, ' injury ensues to one bf the persoh'sthe latter, being thereupon prjyjjegetojojp the law for redress. The saiiMXB&applieaviOi. drivers of ovebicles. e i If two of Xhese are approach-: ing each HbeKmldilfCTenfc idirections each: should turn to the right, and br case of a ccollisioif f rom; aeglect :ien the partof either td comply with the Tule redress can be -bad'iy j me? aggrieved party.-? We' do not refef jo this subject, i however, " merely for the purpose of callug attention to the law governing in the matter, but to show BQw easilyit is) tol obviate i difBcultie ih conveniences on misnnderstandiags which so often arlse-"'fnle drivers byhia means.. On Broadway and 6ther'crowded thoroughfares' of New York and other large cities this rule is pbserved, and aimpugn a coosiam siream 01 nuiuauiyr crowd the sidewalks', some going int one direction and. some iq the other, it is , very "rare Indeed tnal! then is ever a collision. Perhaps it would ' better express our idea 10 say taai persons, ijaveiuuK .iu . "jr direction ahoviJPMT' those going one way taking the inaida. and those goihg the dther way": the. 1 outside' of the walk. . ft a: 1P imr npmiwni., f . ., ,x At the drawing of tbe. Louisiana Lottery on Tuesday, last, the leading prizes' were drawnJ as' follows:' 68.980. first capital prize, (' $75,000;1 soi4 ( in f $ewi York, an Francisco and Harrodsburg, Ky. 13,026, second capital '.prize, ' $25,000; sold in Washington, D. C.jind ponaldsville, La. 59,339. third capital prize, i$l(fcQG08ol& in Milwaukee and 8tephenville.vTex. C: 77,533, $6,000; sold im Nevi Yorkand Ihdianapo-IarJ7it000r;d:.fa-ew"Jfr leans and- St.; Lbms, Mo .36,425,' 40,061, 43,648 6Tt005; 73.650, ejh8,000j soldin New'' Tork-,... Bridgeport, i Conn., New Or leans; MemphisFairmouh Ind., Carroll- tohMLMtyand Houston, Tex.o fcu'fe" ,u Senator romeHanoyer n ren- er. . alimitriH i Ji'ti i iThe Senatorial Canvassing Boajd for this District, consisting of Sheriff Manning pr New Hanpveri and JDeputy. Sheriff W, M. Hand, of Pender canvassed thp vote, hen yesterdjay, nTjerewag no..Demperatiq can didate ip.the field, but MTfi'W., Strange, of this 4tyB received 188 votes.ift Render, while Mr. W. HChadhournr the Republi can candidal received l&Ut Voter tt Pen- deriatiai2,934''intNew'H4hover.T ',ai i Additional JSanhajs, u-s . vu I - Tho following additional Assistant Mar shaki have, been. appointed: , A. F.' Toon, a H. Docki James W, PoweO, NeUl.Me Phail, j.; Pinkoey- tofllfiy,;'jna Waters andX W; Mora"5ofiWhitviile,, Jr, D. Ke, JpsiW54Rtoaon"piW.AJ hnsou I 1 mo x .' - . .... S. 'IT! -T ? ,lVr 7 I: r. (Iff "-'Wj.t ft fn j if ( - JEtal4 Adynnee.,of Ue Disease In, ;rope-Tirfatniia; t, InyMlon, of , tblf . j ConntrjrirT! Govrnant Aon , rrceA t,Ucard to tbe ImportaHon "jut Bacafef0(3ai cstn ssrt35ifj audi 1 -i- - , CBy Telegraph to the Xonriaa BtaxA :s i " WASmrreTOlf. -No vmber"i 8 i8ecietarv' MeOulloch to-day'i reeelved' the -f olldwing) petitiow iD Tegam toftho tiliportation OtT)Id nwinvrariii i i fiiMlhrtt thPT fa crtHat rlntfiteil of ihfiilnfrrt- duction -Of Asiatic cholera into the TJnitedf states throiijrh :the mediuuVef wd tags im Dorted iutuilie cuuntrv jand-coming from Eulopeajt 9 ipertBg ddof j berelrfi ueepectf ulh 1 anneal to vou because ofthe recent iemo4 rags,', and "it iacmr Qrrtt JbeliefiJ'iat'ttiis threatened danger can only, be averted by. iae inorouKn - ana ' vyBtemauc oisiBiecvme of all old ; tans ..comine i from, an v and all -1 European ports. Trusting your honorable 1 department WH1 15 see the1 m-gent 'necessity I for speedy and definite action, ebegf to v J Verv resnectf unv.; Franr MCDS'Johna Peters,'M. Hauds, aad(Qther.ii j s Li'.vhfii) .vi " pNEWaYpxi(NvfmberJ3. In, speaking on -this snblect' " todaV Secretary McCul- lochviaid be Jwi t fully lalive ia the great resDonsinuiiiesxesunz.onnim and nronoaed -t do what keetned 1 np be for -the nest inteij f ata tit aiT nnncprnp AmanV.. y.j. nv? loTi-rti'Govr ernorjo day transmitted. td .the, State Board of Health. a,lpDg cpnHnunicatiqn from, the Mational Ubard of Health! h' the subject of cholera. Immediately Ppon" it -Receipt Dr. AlfroH T.iifnw HarrnH, ppprAtary and executive. -efflceErOfv thp, 8tate. Board of Health, Issued"' the tdirdwintfi ""Local health ofScers, ahd"l)oards-. of health are herebaDbrisedaTthe-'tapId -idviftce 'of rchrjlem in Europe lhreatena.aOiinvaiLoD of Sis country .wlych may occur at any mo eht,'andare iiotified''t the'State 'Board of Health expects a strict rariorcaanoe of the duties imposed upon them by law.": jvii , tj 1 ':'-m'm T'p ' .iA'. -.t ,y.?io nwhgt vna'npoTJ bsot Tb F.Frobibtlnu) Candidate , Denies tbat be Held Any. Relation. rvwltlt OUier Political' Parties' Durins no 'Ciamaia-Bt.1"', ?vyhsii' Jl . Ji .fioiJi : J .13eleTanh to the Monmu Btar.1 ti T Kahsab City,1 Nov.13.-r-A representative of, the-Timet visited Olathes, Kansas yes terday apd interviewed . exQov. St.-. ohn upon tbe political situation. iThe eX-Oo- vernor declared most emphatically that Jie had held no relations .whatever with any political party in the campaign, other than the Prohibition party; that he 'had made a fight strictly upon the principle which he represented,, and, stated his, intention; of taking the , field again , after a .few weeks rest and continuing active efforts in ' behalf bf -'National' .Constitutional " Prohibition which he felt assured would-be ultimately established. '",'' ' - ' ! ' r ApnolntnMnt by Ue President TJ., . Conaoia General to Appoint RfedletU : Insneetoro-PrombUloA of - the ; Ina-4 portatlon of Rags from Cnolera Xn- r feetod Conntrtea teiiT jvsmA ., H fv;rrByTeleraph tniheMonuacStarAi j WaSHraaTON; November 15.The Presi-' dent to-day appointed Otis P. O. Clarke; of Rhode Island,' to be Commissioner ot Pen- siontf, vice Dudley,' resigned, and Calvin B. Walker, or Indiana, at present - oecond DeputyCojmniaaionert to Jbe First Deputy yommiesioneryice cjarae, promoted. , . Secretary McCulloch Said recentlv. in re ply to an inquiry on the' subject, that he does not-deem u expedient to call in any: more oonos at preseBt.' 1 JL . -The Department of State has directed United States Consuls General at London and Paris to appoint medical inspectors to inspect all vessels ' leaving 'English and French ports for this country with, a view of preventing the introduction , of , cholera, j the Treasury Department to-day, issued; a circular to customs officers, as foreshown last night, prohibiting the landing in this country of old-; raga fchipped from infected foreign countries after .November 20th. Tbe court-martial for the trial of Judge Advocate Swaim met to day: - Mr. Swaim was represented by ex -Congressman Shella barger, of Ohio, Jerre Wilson, his partner, andjGen. Charles H. Grosvenor, of Ohio. Mr. 8bellaharger raised the question of the jurisdiction ot the court, but was overruled. OLD RICHMOND .REJOICES. m. an v arwuwt na nr v maw w m, km -t""-""" :';-nna!- Over tbo ."Vtetory tney . hVo IK" ltMAaHB IWtU iTs7lnki VWn ' . Lacbinbukg, rJov. , 14.-This town is wild; to-night.5 ' An fmmense" crowd Of i Democrats are rejoicing over the election of Cleveland and- Uendricks and Scales -and btedman. Old Richmond has throwp off the shackles that bound her and her sons are now jubilant over their hard on;vic tory. , The streets are illuminated andrthe whole elements are lit up with the glare of fireworks. Fully 1,500 Democrats marched in line through the principal streets and the rear was nlleTjn1y an'army of boys bear ing transparencies 'with '""'inscriptions like these;"TelMhe-Trtttb, - Burn this Letter,"! &c. Enthusiastic speeches were made by CoL Alfred Rowland, James T. Legrand.sq.. and Chas. W. Tellet, Esq., and others. Indeed, Old Richmond -has shown: : by j this . demonstration - that u her Dempcray will stand firm against dishones ty, fraud and for Richmond ! ty, fraud and corruption. .Three cheers " T. L. V, VIRGINIA. iY Cameron's Candidate for congreM In ( tbe' Fourth District 'to Contest the -?Pbtbbsbpb0,s Nov.- 14.Steps are being taken byJoseph P,, Evans, Camerpn's can didate for Congress from the Fourth . Vir- finia District; to contest tbe election of Cof. ames D. Bradvi1 Mahoac's candidate, by whom: Evans was . defeated: at, the! lecent election, jcvans ana. some or. nis leaders recently had a con (erence with Gov. Cam eron and they will have another next Week. Evans claima to have discovered' corrupt and. underhand practices on., the Dart of Brady and his followers during the recent canvass. ; ' .. ..-jxi'-s-s Fatal Accident at n. Democratic Cele- . f bratlon In "WelIUi:ton. , , , - Kassa's Crrt, TNov." 14. puringthe Democratic celebration at Wellington, Kane county lasta-mighV dMr8.i; h John Schuar was : struct ia the eve hy a sty-rocnet and intantlv killed. Another' rocket that was erroneously ' placed, " went ' driving into the office ot the Jfhimpt ttoueatria jpg the. ntght clerk in ihe mouth and coming out behind the ear. ( His condition is precarious. ' W.'H; Hood,'- bf Pittsburg, Pa., gnest of the hotel, was - also seriously wounded m theriaceijiiiBM lerfxAjfi iuor le(rntitIVe Conflacratlona. -HL VmMttf .', nod ConluincvUle, w4 k hiTERSBtrEa,?- VAw fiiov,i loAt .an early hour this morning, three .warehouses on low street, owned dv j . el. wiuisms: an extensive sumac dealer; iu 'whieh'Were storedl.OOO. ponnds of i,8umac,r were destroyed by fire, causing a loss of $15,000. insured, me nre is supposed to nave peen Of incendiary origin'-- "o bTBOTrN. Yk Nov.-'IK Thes Novelty Works, atCdnklingvule, Jsaratoga couotji owned by E..0. Dunlee ..and Iob,n ...A, jLathom, bave been , destroyed, oy pre. 'Loss $40,00(J o) ;s;;ui pax. boa .. 'm'm! !." u t ,b?n' LoujaviBey.,; dispatch.saysiiPavid Johnson, an aced Indiana farmer charged witb tbe; rape of a Jittie girwas sentenced to pnson tof Ufe w-dayjio H fi&jteli suegest and urge upon you the necessity crfi hei National BoardjoJ jot unmeomte ana aecisive acuon in rerer- i tpe following ence thereJOi-rW arethua; prp,uiped, to" Pernors "bf - 4tiKjO U(79q fvfo STOW yrfj oj' - n joi)o b9idloiri38 vena! nwee ; ; Ut ASIA T1C1 CHQfj ERA Tbri Dra4 iI.- Way 'nnV ' wi- ;JO4 IM jApptsnaM In 1 fa ..Cobb try Th Neccaalty. or Protnor and "Efficient Sanitary nWasnrra by nutate; nAi.ocaAatkortUesuijic o ! TV ASHTNO'KIW" Wov: 14 'RftrrotoVirilTL ?Cul!ochi Las-prepared a circular 1M )-ln to the imporUtion of old ran from intend pons wuico mooiues exisune OI pidrts which modifies existine orders too embargo against that -Class , f rags , until further 4 nbtiee and to declare aH French' and Medi-T8 ierranean aborts to be infected. s Tha' -nra4r- jUiued orrpw.d :gPf.;nto ef ect,t HeaUk' iiasr ieni communicatioti to all the Gd- j wT--jP0iwfcm-agxTim: second iaeeUoi or tne actot Congress approved March 8r 187 'a Statutes at Lanre:' rV. 484TCha! sreo ukes jhat then National Board it xxef iui snaii -;aavise ,we . several depart menta' bf the Cirnrnentetecutivesf tb! several fcittJes aadicemmissionera of the Di bythemJ'ierhWeer46 ;lbe opinioff of the nrovii- .sipp of the la w I ; am directed tto i advise yout Excellency 'that the presence of ,' Asi-f rope, is a constant, menace to the people of this" countrv. The disease baa hasaed steAd ay'weatwatdtiduriaif tiieba8ttwo VearaJ jcarrying widespread desolation in its path; (uiu uuw u uas iouna a lougmeni in iliu-t ropean pons waenca more than one of-the epiuemiea rom . wnicu , Wjp pave hitherta suffered have been broucht to our shdresi iWhileoor vastly increased iatei-dourte with! fArafmi niwaM nnfl nAll!.I nM 4 .1. 71 nranicationbf disease msv at anv moment make'.lu appearanoeHn this coimtry.iicis protoupdly to be. hoped that we may escape! another visitation or this seourger but " fol4 lowing the tblStoryHof theh nast f edi-J aemics, we . , can : only. -hope foe t exemption" - irom - ie& attacr.-"-"ti Should Itngaiaj a foothold r for r mitigatio of the suffering which necessarilv nttra Its progress by the most prompt and pfffcieni amiary service, o, poniaa ot ay tate: Should be, left ppguarded, for. our facilities,) for both looai and inter state cdmunniea-j tipn, can, fford ample means , f or cany ing the poison far apd wide throughout the) hind. In the absence of sanitary service1 atJ any point, that, point, may in the event of nicuuiu) vi cuuiera, uecutne me cen-i tn from which: the i infection : may spread; to other portions of the Statea-.Io view of imminent danger which threatens bur peb-j Tile vand - -the j rMtnonnihilft 1m rvatlit d ;mm! rulers and all in high official stations, your Excellency is'sespectfully and earnestly re quesMiu to cau voQBenuoai-oi tne xegu lature to the sublect and to urge the neces sity of appropriate legislation for providing' means whereby thei'mcst thorough savin tary service, State, and local,, may be nnmediately -' organized. - Much prelimi I naryrsworis h required: -to t dene in many portions of. everv .State -to: place the Country in good sanitarveondition.i aaa tonis end every organized -cpmrnuBi-j ty should be provided with a competent board of health, and thir should; with-the Stale Board be supplied. with every -irequi-j site for aiding : and directing , the local au-; thoritiet(;in their sanitary worlc By the prompt aunpuon ti eucn measureSi we may hope, -if not wholly to escape; ao invasion ot wia ureau aisease, to oe- aoie at least soi limit its ravages to the placea, where it Are t makes its appearance. v-,-y5;jt ki -a j --..J. transmit., herewith a copy of the -rules; ana regulations- iramea by mis board and recommended for adoption hv.State and; local boards of health, to be enforced in the event of the prevalence of .infectious , viAssuring yoq of the ideepjnferest; taken BBIU W U -IT. U W AU7UW ny inis, iwara in an eitorts loosing to tbe Dreservation and hnrjrovementf -of the' rmH- lie health as also oif ,irdesire itaopOperaJe; . . : in sucn eiioru in sp iar as jt iawiuny may I have the honor to 'remain,' ' '' '""-'- Very crespectf ully, . v .r W. P. , Dpnwoodt, Sec Y. (Signed.) lo NEW YORK. The Galveston News propounds a a ues- won " -L - -,vi' - i i fDa we think vGrover,j Cleveland . ,was ' Noi we dont; but we ""think'-'be vcame mighty nearJitr-jif". TSunBlaive Organ,, Cbarieston Newsand Cour!eiCI New York, November 13. The Repub lican NatwnaTQmmitiee, areip trouble. Confldent'mBlamewduldd elected. they spent money; right and left; trusting ; to tne enthusiasm or- tne ltepuhiicau busi- aess uietr to raise money enough tdliqui- uaie aoy-uiaeiHeaBesa 'wjuco naa peen in curred' the caBva8s,J They -are now m debt one haadrsd and -thirty thousand dol- 4ars.' and Blaine' defeat -has' made it al most impossible to raise the mobey. ' ' ' ' A- committee from Tammany Hall, as sured the National and State Democratic Committees ' to-night etbat the 'Tammany Bieuiuers ui iun jwuu wwuu uv au in uieir power to tret every possible vote for Cleve land and would vote with the other Demd- iprafic members bp all CQBtested: questions. - i no iwpoaucsBB Jinve gives up uie Bgni. I New" York? Herald, Ind. , Kov! 1 ' -Preside'nt Cleveland could nbthaWex pected to, be, elected by Democrats: alone; and a canvass' with it eager discussion and argument implies a hope: and intention to enect a change or opinions. r;n.-, w.,;.r, ' 'Mr.' Cleveland takes the Executive chair -with hit baads free. vBeyondlanyo Presi dent of recent times, he haa been elected not by a party, but by tbe people: " " m In the present political situation, ia fact, j the new President will have, to create a party. ' Unless he binds together the ele- ; nwnu Wbichpomnedj tqi elec,him ,tbey will undoubtedly diverse and become scat-, tered, 'now that the great and pressing" bc- pasion rot. com bfaed action has ceased.. f Me cannot therefore, even if he would; refuse a lust influence jn his councils to the 1 inde pendents who tool: solarge V share in his eleCtiOtll 'lfiii-'' ,M ilOjNSSl-y-f ..A-) - i Jut a . imnadeiphia rXiews, uepi.: j o " New York, Nov. 13. The official count is getting td be a bpre to all engaged there in and most people have ceased to look for ward to any extraordinary outcome from it. ; The impression grows that the Repub lican managers,; r with ' the ' cheerf ulidiocy. which seems; to' j have characterized the management ot pnairman Jones, really ,ha no definite plan of operations and is keepr ing a close watch on the count in thelpz lorpr"hoDe that something ' may turn, up without having any idea' what it may btj. tit iPbU. Times Jnd. Rep Nov. 14. , . Cleveland's plurality 4S etill jaboyp lt200 and not likely to be disturbed.', V -;'. "Mr.1 8leveTahds reportedmrality la lbs city, ia 43,226, whichs makes bis plurajijj "over Blaine 19 the entire State 1,257. . "The canvass in-thia''city yesterday de veloped further gains for Mr.- Cleveland on all the electors save one.' fhe indications are that his plurality ia thia city will-be in creased on ell electors eaye one, , above, the foregoing ; figures. ' " ' ' " ' ' s 1 The Star-routd managers of the Republi. can. Committee and the Blaine revplntiour ists are still circulating stories that some thing mysterious is' gohg.lo tUTn:ap In this city to hehtheii-caadidate out. ;; Thecanvassprpceedr smoothly. Their great mystery is not ' found. "They are al most at the lati ditch.; They cannot ehangd inejesim hdh'itl testers BpecuiLpispatobtp Philadelphia Press, Rep. "New Yobk; November IS, --TKere was but Httle doing at the rooms of the Repub- lican national Uonumttee in the .victoria Hall to day... This, afternoon 'Secretary Chandler was around to see. Chairman Jones.'-' He ww cloae ted' with that gentle man' for over an hour. J T When he came out he,was as chlpberaud U"iy as ever. 'Ac cording to the Republican figures'," said he," VCleyeWi has carried this 8tate by almost 1,00Q. Our oply hope is the official count,. X shall not give it up until we get the onV cial figures deolarfSLn c: .f,j ,f,w j . si H. MailllltOD. I Mmtintl onn imnrmrnmont nf fba nKlU I !D.-;' H. B. health." In the execHtioa of thl nmWil f If - Rockingham Bocket: For a bad yea rwe. consider Jwht, we givorbelow as -preftyigeodsvMr.'-W-.e. eole planted five acres of upland in corn, from which1 he fathjedL.oile,huiidredatdifify bushels, 'rom the sama number of acres in nnttnn he, gathered, 8,484 -poonds lint,: or 1,696 TKAiads to thf srtrp ' . - '- j r.,tnton..raijawH-Governor- Hver'tii'e.,adfesji "at 'the Sflmpson; county jplted the first 100 years of her existence. Tr-nAuewreaugntproeeesionJi'riday night m w grauu auair.f iruuyl.uw people Bireew ana nunareas or torches shop brighUy fcvthe line, " HinshAw jaUeiT of paalylsrs 'of the heart at bis residence In this city, at 3 o'clock terday morpiqg. .Mr, Hinshaw. waa aged 52 years.. --At Shelby court this week a 13 year old bov named Rovater WAS Ar.. raigned before Judge MCKoy on the charge m (CarryiBB , BistobIIe i waa. flnriri th costs and releasedUin, giving a bpnd of $500 guaraQiee-tnatne wm not canya c6n- Syd&l .wPn .during the .next .twp yeaftj iicuveiesnjoj ue loss or Mr..H. D Egerten-His' "Isxke nweUino'-'aantitv klSS-mfIuJy'Tg"'- wa8tdestrpyedf ;by "io-ou,rxuursaay,. logetner witn a large pottSop Pf its Contents: j He J thinks that it caught from a spark, as wbeuhe djscovei;ed almost na en lira rnof coa in &hTaa. T. about 3f3, SliasuraAffie; f 1,600- -.! MfVltger- wflanniaf wjere.ootn(away rom home,' tobddy being in the house ex'wnt bis motile andchiMrem'orf!) .ns' h I i frfr- Kaiebi Farmer1 andJ&ecfuaiie; ,The managers of Juture State Fairs nay . take'tt lessoii' from .the ' Exposition. 1 The xair saauia noia ueiasLten- days of Octo ber. . Railroads rates should be cut tA 'cent aihile from all points above 80 miles aiatanij;; A.tvd jabnodant -accommodations should be ensured. - A row. at Mor feantohjreateried td result seriouslv:'v Rut. ended fnioely. after. fitp men ,had been taocaed down and one ahot. Whiskey ! -f.Amopg the names- which fhave thus f ar .reachBd, us in: -connection with the Speakership of ihe House are CoL Jas. D. Glean, Capt'Syd Alexauder Mr. Chas.;M. Busbee, XJolThoa.',M- Holt, Mr. Sam Tate. Geh. Johnstone Jones. CaDt W. A. Dar. den, Capt. R. P. Waring and iothera.-- The idea prevails that the SoeakershiD will be .uncommoaly ihportat in comtection with !"(irnhiittea . LgisUtiotl('-:'as ciwell . is in giriug a oieppiug stone to ine.uovernorship 'apd a certain degree pf ' hifluence at Wash- infrtph'4' J "-- i'a .ir-iai. i ... w.;.i id's maiorltv is. ascertained " tn he S Rftflj ,r'J. " Panf "R"P- Williimcnn .... , that mauy, farmers are sowing wheat, and tnongu most or, them Deiore thought it im possible, owing to ' 'the .hardness of the ground yet they iri succeeding quite Well. -rpBKsani7iiLN,ip.r November 11. A grand ' torchlight " procession to-night paraded the streets in honor of Cleveland and Hendricks' election. - About 2,000 par ticipated. Enthusiastic speeches were made by . C. J." O'Haean? "Harry Skinner and 'otnersfi i-Rootv Motjlrt N. C Nov. ii. mere was a-grand.Jtorchught proces sion here last night. The people , are amused over the glorious victory, we have won. Cannon. were fired, which, together with a large display of fireworks,' "made a grand picture to look rsnon. Some excel- L lent speeches were, made by Messrs.- Geo. ' . uw- a . . . amhucj values 1 ( Jacob Battle j and f B; Hji Bunn. t Many -colored people jpined in the procession,.,-, . i Cbarlotte 'Observer: " The new fulniture factory of Jl'A.' Elliott & Co.; lo- xicatea on the line of the North Carolina Rail- I road, between Seventh and Eighth streets, f is aboutc6mpletea,'and theinanuf acture of i lurnuure ww seo be begun. - .The factory is a large three story Irame building and is quitean itoposlng structure.' It was built specially, for the manufacture-of furniture . The exoositioh ooens 'at New Orleans J"next smonth and isf iaticipation of an im mense increase ot- travel the Richmond & Danville Railroad Company has arranged to ran three daily trains between' Danville and New Orleans during the continuance of the iipd8ition.J'iii.One of the noveK : ties next Thursday afternoon is to be a ride t on a wheel-barrow by our young towns ' man, C. B. Aycdck, Esq.', by Mr. John R. Smith the defeated'. Republican candidate . for the. Legislature,, the result of a bet on "Clevehind'S election.' West-Centre street, -from Chestnut to Mulberry .and back- to Chestnut, is to be the distance, and . 4:30 sharp the time; Collections to be taken up on the occasion, for the benefit of the poor sick in Goldsboro. . . . ; ... v Raleigb VhroiicU: , Democratic . - jubfleeat Cary Thursday night :--They -are breparing f or a big Democratic jubilee at Rockingham. , The Democrats in, 'Moore county had a grand procession, good speeches, tar barrels and all that on Friday. ' . Gossip has already become bnsy with ' the Speakership of theHouseof Repvesen tativesrMr, C; Mn Busbee ia a candidate . 'CoHThomasM. Holt, Mr. Worthington, of -Martibf andrMf. ' James D.-Glenn, of Rock Ingham, it is understpod, wil also be in sisted on by their friends." ' - J Dcbham. No CiJNovember 7,v 1884. GovdGrover Cleveland, Albany. N". Y. : The member of the ttommittee : -on ' Platform at Chicago from. North ,Caroliaar whose vote:tiedthe committee and. thus, made you. President,, 'and saved the country, sends bis' warmest 'Congratujatipnis and prays long live Grover Cleveland. J.f S. Cab. r-r Wnsstoir, "November' ll.--The 'torchlight "procession and jubilee last night was the biggest thing of the kind ever seen in Western North Carolina."1 Everybody1 in town and many -from the country, were in tbe procession or looking." Speeches were made by Reid, 'Glebn,'8uxton;uWatsbn, J. M, Leach. Jr., and others. The Superior Court is ia sea-, sion here. Judge' McRae on the bench. Several toordef. esses ohedocket;onui- .Cbarlotteaf. Qsren f Asf the pbarloe--bound train passed Iron .Station yesterday an old gray haired sovereign was standing on theplatform .firing an old au &ei. r He would pour the powder in by the handful 'and drive a newspaper home on top. of it and every time ! the gun fired the "kink" would make' him flnin urnnnrl . Tt waa not until the gun bunted and kicked the eld man over.a box- par that be ceased firing; and even then only , temporarily, as he was trying to borrow another gun when the train left rr Senator Yancey will be at Danville to-night during the celebration. and will-make. the Danville boys a speech. .-t-utsl d. U..A. urr diedyesterday at the residence, of her husband." near this city rMrs. B. V. Morrow,- - died -at her resi dence on, the Providence road near tbe city . yesterday afternoon. She leaves a husband and three or -tour Children. we ' are pained to. , announce to our readers, the death of Mrs. E. N." Peterson,' which ,oc Carred at 11 o'clock' last Monday night; at the home of her.busband at Union Springs, Ala. The deceased lady was Ihe ' only daughter of: Mr; John W. Abernathy; ' pf this pity, -r Yesterday afternoon, at lik'-- "resldence of Mr: 8. LDeaton, on B street. Dr. EL Wi Watson,! fr the past, two years gle and "passed quietly into the unSuown land. . Dr.-Watson was. a nativjeof New Berne. : , . .. :. 1 1 . . Raleigb Cftrohiele&i Hyde coun ty 4here Js no Baptisti preacben in Edge combe ynly one; in Greene, only one. ; There are 58,000 attendants' of Baptist Sun day.schoolfl m the State e --This morn ing the J'resbytery examined ( Mr. - R. P. Pell,whd passed the examination with great credit,-: and i is now a., licentiate. . ,He will 5 reach his trial sermon to-night. Rev. r.L Hufhami made ' very strong address about State missions, poioting out the ori gin of the Baptist Church in North, Caroli-. na In the East, -when ihe State society and everything, , seemed -unfavorable for i the spreadpf the church.' , --One of the sub- lects that give promise bf a good discussion is whether the Board ot Trustee-, of. Wake Forest College sh'aH "fin.. Vacancies in the Board er whether -the -Con veation sbalL The salesman of the Knabe pianos made such a suceess at the Exposition that be countathejale of thirty 'instruments a, certain result of the Exposition; Not bad for him-rria it bl-.It has been suggested that fiie ntaiu buildiag. be allowed to stand for future expositiona. : That is roae plan. An offer of $500 has beeamade for; itm it.! nowjstandaf r To "' it, therefore,;- is. another plan.: t What shaU be done remains, fortbestosk-bolderi tadecide, h.Tbere wera-lM permits given to exhibitors. The actual number of exhibitors Ss mucb greater thanthiai. becaase. napy private- exhibits, were included tbe Pounty. exhibits.' The Secretary's estimate Pf i the number o persopajWho paid; entrance fea-;-so':fai'-:a. the returns- have., been; made Is between. 55,0()0and (ftOpav.o n :C; a ----- -1; "

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