The Weekly5 Star- P1 . ... . - - - . -' PUBLISHXD AT . - IV I Li ffl I N G T N 0 ii'J C i , I Wl;VT J. :v n - , ; . . ,unH.u.n., : : : r kMfiii!;-;1:' ; W:ii Mt': h'V;..i.:. ; i ' 'A-rl: . tVca. . r. OA VK A B, I N.AD V.AN C K. ggggSSSSSSSSSSSS g8g888S8S888888 88888888888888888 UIUOKS tot gsssi SSS8888SS88 !! 82888888288888888 iIluoK I SSS888888S8888888 7. - 8g8S88SgSSS88888 e o oo jj jo io to o jj jj j gj j a,: afj'. : 1 ; 88888888888888888 , -I i 4 SrS S.S.-3 e iee - oo io rEtiW1' at the Post Office aCWOmlngton, N. CU 1 . as Second Class Matter.! - SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. f flu- subscriGtion' price of the "WKKKT.Y Stah is as follows : , ; , ," i '".' Sincle'Copy 1 year, postage' paid, . $1.50 emonuis, ".; . , l.oo " 3 months .50 t lVlL.- SEKTICB TIOMAiLV (J1 J : .V t Certain Democrats have alt along insisted that the ; Civil Service law ; was 11 ncodsiitational. - Wehave tot hiiulied the constitotiobal aspects of I If question ad have no opinion to .offer. It is to be tested in the United States District. Court in New ,York Mr. James A. Hinkley has taken the neeessary prelioiinary etepa ' t c m-. pel Mr. Dorman 1. ' 5 Eaton and the .otlu-r members of: the: Civil Service Uonnnissioit to ' dhow 'by ' What authority they undertake to say who ghal! be appointed to certain offices in the United States. : That a strong argument can be made both for and against the Civil Service law is ap parent, because already arguments of : this kind have been ' uiade in ' the Congress., f . . i ' r . The constitutionality of the law1 is one thing, and the wisdom and pro priety of such a law is another ques-. tion. The Stab believes that the President is compelled to observe the law. He cannot violate it with safe ty or with consistency, fie is the Chief Executive and : must' execute law. lie is also pledged to its,or servanoe, as his party is. Bo of the 111,000 persons holding , office the law only extends to about 15,000. What may the President do as to the others? Some he can appoint with out Congressional interferencewhilst others mut-t be confirmed by the Sen ate.. That body is Republican. ', It may or may not pursue a-captions ami unfriendly course in the matter of confirming appointments, or it may, as Democratic Senates' have done, ilisplay a magnanimous, patri otic spirit. ) ; i" ,. -.''; ? As to the law of the Civil Service it cannot cqntrol the President in the appointing of ; the smaller officers. The Constitution empowers the Con- gress to confer the appointing power of certain " infefrior :officerB":: upon the President or upon the courts of law or upon the heads of the Depart--merit H.t If the Civil Service law con travenes this or.attempts to abridge, the constitutional powers of the Pres ident and the heads of Departments it must go to the wall, for it is viola tive, of both the spirit ' and . letter of J the organic la w ; It to !be deter- raineil if the Civil Service law does undertake - to limit the President' powers It is here that the advocates an oppofters of ! the law W?H loc horns. The probability ') appeaFSilo be that .the law does 3 abridge; the rights and powers of .the President. The Savannah News cites an instfnc- tive case.'- Iisay'stl ''fC'.''t'-.t'! " When Mr. Arthur vetoed the bill whioa directed him to appoint Fitz John Porter to a position in the army, there was some talk; about passing the bill over the veto. -The talk came to nothing, however, because it was doubted by some of the imost earnest advocates of the measure that Congress had any power to direct the appointment of, any one to an office." V . . ; LOSG HOURS-ILLIISTB1TED. j We find in the Washington Ga sette a conversation Wab'j iUaatriatf s what was said a few days: ago rela tive to the country idea of teaching' Bchoel. There ! are hundreds 'who know so liule of studyi tbemselvfa that they think brain ' work is . no work. They have never been i edo-' cated enough to ' kn'dwf wbitfitfjlDi toil means,- Their idea of JaJbor is. to' sweat in the field or at the' forge.; cut to the dialogue. A, member of the Board of Education arid k'ScKbblj Committeeman are the i spealcers a teacuer bad applied for a position:a "Member of Board We, did jonfen- Ploy him? -; i-!f:ly- Committeeman No giri we ould. not cometolerms. ' l- Com.--Wel1 wanmt lim'tA rt "to! work at 7 o'clock in the morning and knock: - u u uiucb. in me evening, ana m bbiu ..vT8 100 mach time ;;sd we let , him go. o.Mlrof B But do you not think vour- oeil tnat It W tnn innoh in aTWVtL tif lllfnt Lom No sir, I don't. Why, we farm ?s TaZe t0 E to work at daylight and uit dark, and m be blest it school teacher wany better than we are. ' nd'Tll. teU YOU What, ft artliAnl f aaW tiaa MftA Mm nig mush in my neighborhood,' of, We Wont auy Bcnooi; tbafa all tjiprei anoni nr The stupidity of thi OTerbeln ,ng- It reads la bjirifr the pages of aome iostj chronicle in the Dark 'Ageii1 sventitfve cents a day thU : wise i School.. Con- muteeman Baye hearkjj nave a man qaalified to ' teach tbla V for twelve gurtplpS walk probably Jive; miles a day to do this. As to'tbejpQntrt'f ojr;.l6e hi11 7j keejping eut f f onfined daring this length of time it hai not entered ihe head of this man who in : a flourishing county was selected, to' man thesdhools with proper teach--erpi'chad'nridei! fiftee5oughrt b kept In b'-tt'lnvJud a half honri JkUke iihU dreB'iiid that Jength of; time, aid Hat'wiA sbel enough w foE?Jthetwemty;f ourhourk! the best of the living literary meno, Jlew Eflgland; 8a'.eK;:lagreM! with-'1 the late Lord Lytton fBulwerj ihe novelist) Jtha? rapnn' a iday ;i qnite enough for ( any- brain-worker to beemployed at his UskZj. ' The pay of teachers in North Oar olina m the common schools is shame fully smalt and if they!, faithfnlly teach five-hoars , a day,' they have given more than an equivalent.'. ; lUlRBIILLSI.AI'OFBDirCTIO!C. j At last there is a 'prospect of a . bill being introduced into the Hotise of Kepresentatifels looking to an equita ble and common-sen8o reduction knd read justing'f'ihe present unequal and oppressive .War. Tariff. i Repre sentatrver "Mills' of 'Texas," a man of and legislative experience, is said to have prepared a bill with ex ceeding care the general principle of which is to raise the revenue actually needed,' and no; more, ' by 'levying a tax " upon the luxuries and-to make the tax on the common necessaries of life as low as it is possible tot make them, due regaid of coarse being had to tha paramount question of re venue. We rejoice that one member of the Congress is wise and experienced and just enough to strike for reform' and redaction in the right direction.'' The Stab has been waging battle on that line for a long 1 time. It has had bat comparatively .few allies among the ' papers of the- State. - bat it has not been without hope that at last right views will prevail. The Tariff in all of its bearings needs to be-di8cu'ssed and with ' iteration and earnestness, with clearness and force. The people do not know how. wrong, how one-sided, how oppressive..' itln or they would rise up as one man and change it. lhey are toe true source of all political power. ' ; ; Why should not the luxuries of a country pay the taxes ? t England un derstands ttis f ar o better than it is understood in North Carolina. To bacco pays a great sum for the.qnp port of the Britub Government. The tax is very heavy. upon it. ' Why should ' the common neces saries of life be made to bear an. op- pressive tax that a few and in many casea a very fewmay prosper, but at the expense of the laboring classes of a great , country ? If there was more intelligence in the land this grievous ana laiquaiqus paraen wouia not be borne' to meekly and uncom-. piainfngiy. i i ;., j ;;,) ; Mr. Mills is wise in another ' par-' ticnlar. ; lie proposes to raise enough money to meet the necessary expen ditures of ; the Government', and nb more, "He knows the1 wrng"don,etb the people' in " wresting from tbem more tax than i -necessarj and, he well: understands,' lie1 dangers Sbat lark in surplus fund in the Treasury. It is at once and a menace to sound, constitntronal government. , .' : -'U I Mr.. Mills will hardly t sacceed '-as- all of his own- party ;frieids 'id the Congress liave not yet reached that enlightened coridjlion'fin a political science as to accept as sound ;policy the taring 'i7at necessities low.. .They are" hot even willing tharaucareTreshing and yet needless luxuries as cigars and "'wniske'y shduld' be' taxed ' tdjipport tne ieaerai,vjoyernmeni.,-.wuu buey are quite Willing that all of the taxes -lflome'three' handred mitiion dollars U-shall be raised through the' custom houses';' and,' by taxing , sharply; we commodities of 'life-'-the -absolute comforts, conveniences, and necessi ties of the poor man's ,homeJ;r- ';: ' . ,The , Stab may r stand v alone i in North Carolina'in 'such an ' issue as that, bnt it will never Ibe found fight-j ing fo"r6ppress ih eat'mas 6 laborers and relieve'. thd classes thit nsef- freeTy ; the, uxuries ' of llf e.i Never f Never 1 1 , .J.ti liifl cotirnvvvfionTLpm jchb .Awa to- constitutionality of i Vke Civil Service tjrprand Regards iihelfeWfiain Boglish a'fraod. sHe aaid to A Now yorlHerald reporter,: ;.F i.joffl tmntt tne law imiie, miBcnievon o,u sTepURnaacto the genitts of our jgoterhmem. jir imtiiu i Minr oi STrauinunir duuo YHh thAit honest and capable officials V but thU new fancied' expeffient mhrses the;pb- AiAie via Ini'-fkvorW partisVB ;ppoiit-inentat''- ivusc svd p-ynm zat 01 "I am in fayororuWtlon in offlce, and I think thaflfca'party in power should have the privilege and bear-4he responsibility of poxHoiing itiafanteirithe5Doduetlotithe administration"-! aint moon tkifttoim thw mM&fc M'Mj f BepuWica PreBidimr ri?es M.M Democrats will . have their! binciat We are erlad to ee that Gen. mK?$m$$$k 4ttb The Elepblicaflrt bW Apia ol roution and i& jnlfisia heads chopped off most anceremoni- oasly. The f South expecti lemo- crats to be put in charge, bat it ex pects' them 1 to be , both honest i and capable -And; in no Bens3 whatever of the Government be given to those c!'0e"nl!Pryor aaidof the constitutionality f the awr'ij ' study of he subject, and therefore I am as unwilling aa unprepared to venture a de cided opinion upon it, . But I confestthat the infclinalion on jnv. mind; At firat hlnah Is to ' the conclusion that the 'civil aervio act la invalid, as imposing ; an illegal re striction upon the absolute power of an-. pointment conferred, by the constitution, Aa, appointment to offlce does not aneaa merely a formal . nomination, but involves mscretion anq respon&ibihty; and Into far as discretion and responsibility are taken away, to that extent is the power of ap pointment qualified and limited, contrary to the . express provision and manifest latent of the constitution. . , "If the President be limited to a atlee Uon of an appointee from among persons, recommended by the civil service commis sjoJinhigpe.appolntmen re stricted r "Besides. If the Qualification for offlba be prescribed by the constitution, does not an addition to that qualification involve aa in fringement of the constitution?" ' It is not impossible for the Demo crats to carry the next Legislatarea in Connecticut, New York and New Jersey. M This has been , done in the past and may be ! done again." ' We do not undertake to say that it will be done, but' we believe that it is within the possibilities to doit. If the Democrats were heartllr united and wbut')wor)c.Vlo2 that '.ends three Seaateaw might be gained and this would help prodigiously in" the next Senate. With that body arider De mocratio control " such , ' legislation could be perfected as the country at large needs very mnch.'. The Demo crata must be stirred to the perform ance of their fall duty if they woald accomplish the grand and maoh de sired result , ;V;; -i '. ' The thirty-third anaaal session of the American Pharmaceutical Asso ciation is in session at Pittsbnre, Pa.': They' ought by all 'means to give . their nights and days . to the question of so much moment how not to give Io9on for other medi cines.' The Philadelphia Zedger says; "The Retail DroMista National Con- vention, in Pittsbnrt,- can have plenty to occupy their time if taey fully discuss re cent catastrophes resulting from careless nesa la tne business aao try to guard against their recurrence." , .. i ; s Miss Ada Sweet, the sweet young woman who would not resign when asked to do srt and who is a Republi can .Pension,. Agent in Chicago, at last has got Eer consent toltfep'down and out and has asked to be relieved. Ta-ta,: Miss. Ada,' and ' may ' your shadow never grow less. - ' The Southern people did very well in 1884' raised and expended 'more' than seventeen million dollars and gave their liber ated negroes J and ' their, offspring more than;; six millions of this sum. ; i Indians are reported to har e joined in me war upua , uw vumeae. - w eu, they are no more savages thad he whites showed themselves to bej. ..IS I.C ''ii' ' 5;oi i 4a iBNAut tuvmx-rmrrm t New Hittrer cBty. j , An annou&rjaecTgretmportance to many lax-pey era appears over ue signature 9f,the.C5airmai otb-Board ofs County Cloihmieeianers ra this inbrDiar's !88iei It is called for by an aci" fer'Ue lakt Ltgifllar turfe Jtp ;"ufotce 'Vh'ICpUectlpn .'of Taxes aue me state on janas aoia lor laxes ana Pnrchased by the State j" " In order to give a better unrjerstanding of what ia Involved in me jaw anu wnai wiu uc .us cueu wpop our people we will, give ' a syhopsM of the 'jtt, ejtMnismefQr' land jboW or , taxes ana i oougnt -oy Tne SUte loJanuary l;-1888, and proTldes that me person reueeuYnuii; aauio uuu ynj the taxes due.' 1,6 per .'cent additional,; and the taxes subsequently accruing. ' The Sec retary of StaterequTfe to furnish to thi Chairman of the Boarcf of Commissioner! .pt.eacAkAauRty statement -el tbe toses, icosts and eharge6efomeaeh delft qirenti and each delinquent is to be notified by maifi: wbHe'a similar notice is tdtyreii to 'inyj crediior. jbj j ndgmen it, c norttage (fcc If the said delmquent can r be fouad, then k notice is t'o''be posted at ihe. court noose ooor, adu puuiuuou id b.iwwbpbw The BecreUry of State to make record of euch noticeV. After-the lst day of ian'uaryj the Chairman: thii Board- of Com- miasiocen, whea instructed 'by the Secre tary 'ef tate, wllTbrfog actio'tf f or th J 'e-j covery of the Ijodflyi jie Jiame and at thej expense tf.A.he Stelpo anA JtiKL defendant,! before he shall be- permitted to pieaay ?ankefrto,, Hemtir. 'WiaH par into tne .wardedjjto tljftSecreteix of . State? the deJ fendantlto !file uaert&kioi :t6;pflry,,eoeU' -Andexpeh8eafof,Hh'' KoM.thktitnnllMAr has complied 'withi ffiela'.0iIA?frs6ii nbt Vty$ $$nW 9ea for,:myMniAdeia pny oeienaanu ma i- iit. 'mttrwH z4J. ASWavtvaer ttaa 4.1. titm wnMy9:l-th Sepjetory Q ,tjwe We;"Ui amouni joi me :Jaxea And costs and the additional per tent flxed'brthe couriadkSalti The Secretary 7 State is Jalso 'tdobe paid rWniWecoipen'saticm foFm'af;nts anaj fioyusificvHiiw Treasurer and Attornev General. . m 1 We cannot buMtpTHenwid that this Jaw j Aiei Kba-bOhght bV thf StaW wr tiowjn nm Sands' ECbafrman;rjsagg.. and. ue emottBue o we same Tjuwisuk iv exceed 10,O0tt.M&u & J,J",JJ , , . . . i r j. - . t a. .2 i ai. j..- s - ami ii " OlomeCt WiU)COVeriperiOffWi wren ; iyWrWr'rroni1lvtdl88i?u;Giref, " WIL1IINGT0N, N. C, FKIDAY. SEPTEMBER 18, SUsiH Kaew It waa UUH, Capt Butts Everltt (aa he la famClarly called) was thi Innocent eauae of quite a ensatloB at the Central Hotel la Charlotte on Tuesday morning, according to the Cfc- V It seems that he had a pistol la tls kunk( all the chambers of which he ap posed to be empty, having shot eat all the cartridges at the Sound. la the privacy of Us room be came across the weapon. ; The sequel is told by the Cftaren? ? i ' ' "Ha took it oat looked at It and did aot see any cartrid'res . la It, and eonmenced amusing bimself ty polnUng the weapon at an Imagiaary bird and snapping It The bird was supposed to be stationed at the upper-corner or a window ta bis room, ana each time the pistol snapped the Capiat a could Imagine the bird falUns to the round, neatly shot through the head, fie had napped four times, and at the fifth snap the crash came. . The weapon exploded with a great noise, and the ballet crashed throogh the window. , Capt Evcrltt thinks that daring his absenes front home the pis tol was extracted from his trunk, used, and then returned by one of his friends, an- known to himself." Of coarse there was a commotion and a rash to etcertaia the cause of the firm, mad the Captain was not long is letting the anxious inquirers know the trae state of lhj MM f . :" : Jaaa Up m Tree Ur. B. R Ruaacll,who lives on the coraer of Eighth and Ilaraett atrects says he had occasion to to to hit front door Wednesday night between 11 and IS o'clock, when he espied a colored individual gazing dowa opoahlm from the fork of a tree faclsff his domicilatory retreat tie suggested to this rather suspicious sentinel upon the watch-tower that it was a dangerous boat nesa for bun to roost so high, especially la that particular locality, and that he (Ur. R.) might consider himself called npoa to admlnUter a dose of leaden pills to protect him from the malaria if ht thould persist la thus exposing himself to the poisonous atmosphere so rife at that late hoar of the even Ing. The colored Individual evidently thought he wouldn't relish Mr. Russell's prescription, and therefore slid oat of his perch and vamosed. The man was ao doubt up to soom mischief. Haw matte allsllas. We have been tbova the plana and spedncatloae for a aurgton's cottage, at the Marine Hospital grounds, which, upon the recommendaUon of Dr.C T. Peckham, Past AasisUnt United States Sargeoa. loca ted at this port, the government baa decid ed to erect The plans and specifications indicate aa unique and haadtome design. Is will be a twoslory cottage, of wood.con- tatning eight rooms, with detached kitchen. ue rooms to be high pitched and 14 feet square, with the exception of the parlor, which will. be 18 by 14 feet The cottage will front to the west a the Hospi tal now f mats, and will have verandas on south and west skies. It is to be lighted by gas, healed by crates, provided with hot aad cold water and all modera convenien ces. The cottage will be surrounded by a lawn and beaotifal grounds. The erection of this building supplies a recognised want The quarters of the sargeoa being removed from the Hospital, the entire space of that bailding remains for accommodating the seamen, and the cottage Itself may be utilised for a like purpose whenever neces sary. We congratulate Dr. Peckham upon the success of his recommendation. It is pleasant to record, in this connection, that while comparatively a stranger la our com munity, Dr. Peckham is held in high es teem among our people for his abilities and charade. x i w1"'' " Dssa Creak.? " " - Mr. Jos, Kennedy, employed la the pub lishing department of this office, met with quite a serious accident yesterday morning. He waa feeding a . Gordon press, upon which was being printed a quantity of business envelopes, and 1 attempted to straighten one of them after the press was in motion, when his hand was caught be tween the platen and the quadrats and furniture around the type on the bed of the press, but fortunately escaping contact with the type Itself. As tt was three fingers of his right hand were badly crushed, hut U Is thought that no bones were broken. Had the hand come la contact with the type the Injury would have been much more seve.' 'He received the necessary surgical attention. : : . .4.; .- -' ! Farlh Street Ireai Brldca. n a ; 'An estimate Wa being made 'yesterday for certain necessary repairs, to the bridge over the railroad on Fourth street What is needed there is aa iron bridge similar to the one 'recently erected' over 8mith's Creek. The present wooden I structure Is almost constantly Je need .of repairs, and it is never entirely safe." We hope that steps ;nbe,Uken at an 'early day to secure aa Iron bridge at thia point ;. We have heard that petitions were In circulation and being nufaerSflaly signed, north of ibe railroad, praying our city, authorities to give them such a bridged a'Thcre Is a great amount of travel' over this bridge and it ought to bf one In which We can feel some degree of pcide,- and certainly one in which we can feel positive assurance 6t safety. ' ', 1. ."i - n si ' -' " WsUrWorkt and Inanraaee. 1 .' " r " Capt JT. P.. Divine of this city, 'Presi- WVM l5V .rmm WV - " . panyy in a fetter to Mr?" X A1 Bonila, of the Goidsbp'ro totbtenget' 'cohtradicts a re port prevalent in, that town, to the effect that the Insurance ratesof Wilmington had strrf rr -iha si :imrpiiiinrtwr wmiMT wnru ijOm beehredced any oh account 0 the es- -Diianmeni 01 water woras erv saying; iPSmce lhe water works were established in thB city. T have been Informed by a relia-j ble gentleman who is engaged In the in- rsurance' business, 'that1' a, reduction of 20 per cent had been made botn. on aweuing and business houses la connequeaee. - jucr By,; telegram ,to. Mr.. E. K. Bryan, Eeq;, from Beaufort,'' the Newbern Jowrnai llearns. tiiai.' jschoonwf'JKcfa, ( bound ;froni Wilmington, fiLCr-to ! Philadelphia; with f amber, sprung aleak kt Sea during; ,heav weathet'ad Bagnio that port!, en- Jered , protest , and called, a survey., The, !damageai 'which' are alight will be repaired aid the1 vesselwill proceed to bet destine-: . . The , brig John P, , tW, J romv 8"i iThQmai.JbpMnd fo .Smithvill fot orders, ;was spoken off the bar by 1 the1 tng Kalian 'yestet4ay.rThe!lci6talif Wished' IdbS re-1 ,porual ff ejt n apt ftwP Mvered.a 'telegram from JUssrs.- Geo.i uarrim uo. . changing her destination1 tbTTewport News, f m9 1UU M1Q fWSU IrlitsnmAVU VUi Ccaori of the Caitea, V beat aai Cera , rrawav rreas Uie Papartansat or grt ..iter. , u..f fi j Tri WAsnrKOTtw. Pert 10. Tfcs Ccrtcmbrt co:toa report of tie 'Dcf ancient at Arjl tare shows the crtvaleace of act aad f y weather, durtnf Ar-nnt e-"-', la 1-julsiana, lIUli&.r-ft aad I tui A I mm r.c4Jlnt of boiU and a drcret' cf vl'.-y lave resulted quite fneraJ!y. 1 he ron-Ut kas been serious la Texts and' At rod quite rrneral : la i'ettera Trenessee, 1 ouuicrs Alabama, Ueor;',a, and It s t are- aa, vaterpuisr Bat caused muta Saxa- r- ia Soutbnrn Texas. Arkansas and la Central and Southern Alabama. Iu prtva lenon Is' noted thronshout tVatral, aad Bouthera Oeorrla. with small e?iet as vet The boll worm is eauting much imt;i la the black belt nf Alabama, aad ta A iiasat and Texas. , The condition has rWJned ta every Bute.-' The average Is 67. sjralnst tZk la August Last year it ws U la Sep tember and 87 la Aufust The present average Is two points above the beptembcr average ef tea years: The cruras far the several States are as follows: Vlrrisla e. North Carolina 83. Bouth Caroiina 3. Georgia ILflorUt fill, AJabama U. Hie sissirpl 89, Loaislsna 80,',Texss 83, Arkaa tti bi, Tennessee 87. Generally the plants are vigorous, aad capable, wiia favorable rautuma weather, of ample growth aad boll oeveiopmenia. - in ue uwuiou moat u fectediwun cottoa worms th.loai Is irra parable and still threatening. The condition of spring wheat his been Impaired since the first of August la Ue Northwest the district of principal produc tion. Heavy rains were followed by ex treme beat between the first and middle of Angus!, last before harvest shrivelling the grain and causing rust Heavy wind storms prostrated aad Injured large areas, la Ne braska there Is some complaint of smut aad a Utile la Dakota. The chinch burs have done some damage la Wtseoasla aad ilia- soto. The la jury was greater ta Aomst than ta Jul. Tlia tnttna ara. fna Wis. conala 77, a loss of 0 potnu; Ulanesota79, a toss or o; Pakota Do, a loss ol 4t Iowa 88, a lost of 7. A part of Northern New England, Colorado aad the Territories are nearly or quite an to 100. The general average for all2priag wheat la 88,. against 78 la Ancust The crop of last year was 158.00U.0U0 bushels. The return of winter wheat are almost Identical la results with those of July. There ta a alight advance la Michigan. Texas. Maryland and some other States, sad a point or two of decrease la several. The general average la (3.81, asaiatt 63 la July. Tbe winter wheat area may be placed at 817,000,000 bushels, aad the remaining area about 184.000.00a If the Injuries reported la stock should prove to be greater thaa Is at present apparent a few millions of reduction might suil occur. Tbe condllloa or corn still continues bich. rant-lnt from 80 to 100 la tbe State average The rneral average la 13, gainst 08 la Auaust It was last year 84 la Sep tember. Frosts have wrought very Utile Injury, aad will be capable of little If de ferred tea day. The Texas prospect tt still favorable for a crop slightly above aa average- - : HUVTlT CAROLINA. A Baa of atacaUtara XHaelsdlnlBc niseegaaatlealats ta Valrfield Ce, Charleston. Bent 11. A full account Is published of the recent doing of bands of white regulators la Fairfield county, showing that their motive is a determlaa tion to abolish miaosceaation. Last July a company composed of the best young men or the county visited a farm bear Ridge way, where lived a white family named Boyla. one of the daughters living openly with a negro man, and two others keeping a disreputable house for negroes. Tbe regulators whipped Boyla, his wife and two daughters, and 'warned them to leave the county In ten days. Boyla begged to be allowed to harvest bis crop and oa account of his poverty he was given leave to do so, but ia the meantime the original order being disobeyed tbe regulators gave the family anotner wnipping. next tne regulators visited parties between Ridge- way and wtonsboro aad waippca tnem badly. Edward Davis, who has a ne gro mistress,' was next - visited. He got away. His household , furniture was badly broken up and his colored family warned to qnit ' Tom Davis, the richest merchant la Ridgeway, reported worth 845.000. waa given ten daya to quit be cause he bad a negro mistress' aad family. lie leri bis business in tbe bands 01 a clerk and put out for Mississippi. Ross Wil liams. Uving on the other side cf Ridge way, with a negro woman,- was visited and showed fight but was severely whipped, as is bis mistress, and ordered to wave. About - ten families, all mixed," have felt the. newer of the reaalators so far. , The excuse the regulators give is that the grand nry don't use cognizance or those living a open adultery, because it (s so bard to prove tbe existence of such a fact. Tbe oeonte eould net be reached by law. and so Jt waa determined to reach tbem., outside of . 1 1 i -i. 1 - m 1 t . 1 luo . taw. sue cuiei uueuuen, wueiuor warned or not era dissolving their estab lishments and leaving, and a fear of expo sure and punishment prevails. The regu lators disguise themselves while visiting. by covering their taoss with cloths. io weapons , bu j hickory, switches have been usea. ,KENTUCK?f ! -.1.! A Narat Heaster Lyaekad is 1 ..! f .,. Ceaatr.,.f. . ... ,,,, y I iBr Telegraph to tha Morning Star.l CrjrcnrRATt.'Sept." If.' Last 'Saturday a negro named Scales, who had just been discharged from the Cincinnati work house, and bad obtained employment on a farm in Boone county.- ftyrr made a brutal assault npoa the five-year old, daughter of a poor man named Louis Ford. , The negro knew that the child was alone in the house before be entered it. 1 Having threatened to kill her if she told, the little one did not tell her mother nntil her pain- compelled the disclosure.,. Scales was arrested .And with difficulty taken to Burlington JaiL There have been rumors nightly of attempts to lynch him. Last night mob gathered at Florence and in waeona ana on bone- back went to Burlington, broke into the jail, carried tao-aegto to the woods on the turnpike road, and there .hanged him to a . L ' wee. neUle lUslrtsaaiAsmtailiAmaWai , .. A Caaerai.lMt.tbres Looked aTor, j By T6le-rraph to tha Kornlng Star i " DHAxoxiir. sept n.-Home Kagmrism Is again rampant in the, upper . and lower Luzerne districts. Nine murders hare been committed recently 1n' 'the notth4 era coal fields, ' and - mines are f re qiwnUy. fired, flMnrdararet andi firel'bugi go. free and, the Coal and Iron - police seem powerless. Moofahghftlfle'corupaj bies sre dnlli 0 tinmoletted sod tka jasicH elation of miners and laborers is daily growl Ing by hundreds. 'It W Welt known here that.the,MolUe,MSrh;Brotiiedvipdi.ha oeen quieiiy organizing sines um - Apnu and a general outbreak to confidently'lookedl for before Novembea. Petcti?ea are watch-( ing for the approach of JbQ jSocialist Gor-j such, of Chicago, wno, it is tnougnt,wiu try to organize a revolt among tne miners; j : i -j iOaaaacawAwaralaallla a WaaAAcblaia CitAi-jyrTa. pfp lHr A salt waa de cided to day in the Superior, Court Involv ing -points of Interattd the1 general pdblic. Its Jannarv. 1883. tlamee SwJmmoai lata bf Charleston, now of Baltimore, was ejected; frbtri the oilV first'clasvpAssetlgerVsarof Ja train on the Carolina Uent(al titurpaa, anoi foreed to rM tnr nm hftiira la a Car filled with tobacco smoke, .He claimed damages' to learn of lhe4aathrJnBt Hslurday, at her; .....I. t Mm Tila l.nnott 1 wife of Capt Alex. L. Lfggeti,adaugk-i ter of Joel Gsddy, i&sq, t-1 . , tCCS,1 aMsaai I a Tartar C:a tSat nrrreetsu-! ve tzzt arroaasaao'A rvetxiuaMtaAe v a "-iatataa -1 alaraal tuveaao tiatuuca s . WAtinsara-t' fi-t.' 11 ffr-- ! IVJIm, H tt rrport&i fexre, kit Uett--:4 thertfeew'-ner la tie rr-rz'-" t.t a tarij t..l Lk.b le rc;-. .: oa afr eoavi-t i'L -re littr .J tse meaaure vu rri'a lr the r? .i.ta of revraue to suia sea as ta at cttrv i eavtt Govcrnmeatf t rsai U Is rrrsvafj tttu.isrevrnt:e t .l t CrrlvrJ Is t's tnaia from Uti CmUS f Ux-.. ar.L...a kaowa aa loxe'lra. ar1 tku tassUaa oa the Beccasartce ef L.'a shall be Htiueti bm the lowrat roaaltle sum. The PrcftUenl tfut a rrnr'a'tn sfa Claris g that oa and aSUvtLe l.Ji trrte-ra ber :ca cf tosss-e dutv j kl i per ton hi!l be sc-recJrd as rrjsnts Al vessels arriving la aay port of the L'elS'd Eusts from tu port of iwna 1X1 Tore, U. Vol Ootntntla. . . 4 - E. J. Lin wh hat been acnolatad noatiaaa. i i Secretary Bayard waa is formed to-dty by cable that cholera was prsvak&t at ft Baghat China. . - . . . t 1 bm (Jommlssioser of Intfrnsl neveana ttports tLs amount of -Su;) r,M"a r oca laioconrampiioa ia use t atua ustrs dur n the (Aseal rear ended JnaaSO, 1;-h aa CJ,l5,8ua gil.ons and the amount et an't uquorsea wnieb us waa paia carurg tue same periral 19.183.83 barrclA Tbe amount of wlae eontuaed la this errantry during ihe fear 1884 la estimated at SO., S4J gallons. . . . WASffrxOTOM. Srot 11. The President today appointed Moan A. llopklaa. of North Carol laa, to be Mialaier Iteakleat and Ooesul Uaaeral et the Uaitad Utatesto Liberia The fnllewlat amwIatiaeaU were-alaa sns'tei To be Consuls of the United Rules Hanry W. Gilbert, of Naw York, at Trlestei James U. Rnaa. of New York, at Three Rlfcra, Canada, - WAantamvoil. Rent 11. Ilev. Moaae A. nopklns, of Franklintoa, N. a .appointed juaisier to unerta, waaaora a aiaveta Montgomcrv county, Ya- and after ralnlnf his freedom pursued a course of study aad was graduated at Lineola Ualveraity, Pa., la the clam of 1874, and alto fruduatod at Aabura (N. Y.) Prmbytarlaa Theological Seminary. Ia addltioa to his services as a Preabytarlaa clerrymaa he baa been ea fsged fa edoeational pursuits, aad was principal or ua.ctata colored norau school at Freakliatoa for several years. Ue wu highly recommended for tbe poaitloa by tha Governor and other oaclala of North Carol la a, aad by other asea of promi- U Including a good ataay elergymea rvproseautive colored mea of the eountry. - : - ' - i Fourth elaas postsaaaters were appointed today at follows: la North Carolina J so. It WilliamA Jr.. at Fork Church. Ia Booth Carolina R. L. Lewis, Central. ' Tbe alarine uospitai Service is Wormed throuch the Collector of Customs at 13 Paso, that yellow fever Is epidemic la tha State ef Soaora, Mexico, aad the request Is made for the anDotntment of a medical in spector at NogaieA TbeeoUaotor was ao thorised to appoint aa inspector at once. i Tbe uureau u also informed or the ar rival of the British steamship Garden, at Ilsmptoa Roads, twenty one days from Marseilles, with all well oa board. None ef her crew will be allowed to lead uatii the authorities are satisfied that ao danger will mult therefrom. To-dav waa a verv busv, dav at the White House and the President received a larger number of visitors than on any day since his return. The President held a public reception in tbe East room la the af ternoon, lasting nearly an hour. Secretary Bayard was informed to-day. by cable, that cholera Is Increasing In Bicily and Palermo. WAsauraToav September 11 Within twenty eight days sixty postofflces. have been burned or robbed by burglars. The average loss In each case was leas that one hundred dollars, which falls upon the go vernment ' The President to day appointed Boas A. Fish, of the District of Columbia, to be Assistant Register of the Treasury vice W. r. a ircomo, wno ass oeea reaucea to a fourth-class clerkship. Rossis atnreseat employed la the office of tbe assessor of the District of Columbia, He was formerly a clerk la the customs division of the Tree- eery, and is said to have had some experi ence witb tbe duties or the omce to wbicb he has been appointed. Secretary Manning today declined to make anv sUtement whatever in resard to ihe alleged silver compromite. oa tbe groLadthat he did not have any time. to read newspapers, and consequently did not kn,w what had been said on tbe subject 1 " Bigni more cierxs in tne 'lreasury um- Girtment wereTemoved to day,, in the la rest of economy. The msiority wen employed fa the Internal Revenue Bureau. ABXZQXA:t. .. . . - '.- . Haxleaa ' Cleaatajr, ' ,ttav , Saleaas la ' Blsbao Bavarai .. Paraoaa abaWTaa Aaeataala l.raclia1. tJ -,. , j 1 IBr Telegraph to tea atoratng Star.l ' BisBKB. Sept 11 Oa Thursday night late a fight occurred In a gambling house here In which an unknown Mexican, wno wsa the aggressor, was worsted. He left the place-after the row and was hot- seea again until about 4.30 o'clock Friday morning, when be made ' his appearance with a repeating rifle and. a ,beH. of car tridges. , When he arrived there were about forty men In the saloon, ' and the Mexican, who was on , ,th , sidewalk, commenced shooting indiscriminately into the crowd. His first shot struck Dave Mickey la the Jaw near tbe ear, and la lu course .tore off a portion 01 nis upper up, coming out. 01 his mouth,- The next shot struok James Echo la the left cheek bone, went through to his neck and ranged downward-Into his iback.t r: At U 1 not expected 1 that be will recover George :. Sales 1 received the next 1 shot through the left, uthoul der, but it is , not 'thought the wound 1s t , ratals -Jack . Welsh received. I a shot la . the foot the bullet oomlng out a his -beet Another shot, just grased tha elbow of Frank Gardiner. The Mexican fired fifteen shoU Into the. saloon in rapid succession. After cleaning out this saloon he went farther dp the street and fired two sbeu into fierce s saloon ana two snots into Curtin's saloon, and then disappeared into .the canflB.,;, As 1 be !.waa; disappearing! a soldier nred tour shots at Jum. witnout eit feet' No steps were Ukea to capture tha assassin until day light when citizens started in search. About 9 o'clock, .tie was iouna in-a' Mexican1 house in bed :; a Mexican woman putting wrappings , upon hia face, which had been cut After getting all thai evidence that was necessary a tops waa nroeured and the assassin Was taken up r- me canon anu nausea w a vzmm, , U iHU I " imm sW mt 7 1 1 The BMsaata by tae Storaan-Ald I ASKaOnrornnaVan-erara'. i fCLavaiAWb1 Sept T0.ithe 1 damage in" Crawford county by the storm wiH amount to 830.000. At Osceola the, Methodist bhmeo was blown' over and - several bolld-i inga unroofed. A.frelgbt .car-Waablownj from a side-track on the Ohio Central Railroad j a wrecking train t ran Into It 'and the engine was demolished, and engineer R. Morrill, of Clyde was badly scalded j Ja Champaign, oanty much, damage was; done to oropa and farm buildings. Advices, from Suiuntil and Portage Icouaika report) considerable . ri amaze : truit reeai, were k stripped baroandiOsrnh)! lying AUi bams, aouaea :eaa outonueingswefn.iwirBoieu.! hay-sUck hloJa,!away-, and, fences-, de-j molished.;ln,manv places it has- rained1 t for twanty-foushoursy Streams aw, wol- Kn awipws waaqeooutniitp nmuxAmt lif.Cotnraint78eptJ ltX"vernr Hoad5y; has Issued apmlamattovlai regard - to tne cyclone at- Wasmugton-OonTtHtfonse. He, says be hw, made personal examination ofi toe tuiht, ind that the citizens ire In dire1 diatTeaanHa makmi an- earnest anoeat to; alwfS! Marcui Laui Barclay, ! Mayor,-. Washington Court House. HO. J7 m tiAi IS Its mm'i tzraai cfsramaa art rr:astasto esatrswe 1 firn f t 1 t: e y tV Taizr.tUet.r .t uu 1 tvltt;rt v"F tut s-'. t gi ..M ia e t .1 a y 'v r -a af t' a .a. 1 l -nt, . 'raritadl In I it t s t a t tiiro i a- -, U 1. l . 4 t i:.,f lit t-v. s: s aJ l. 'xart u wis .ccs ! ft'aef an i--e I ave Ua ;ca. ...... .y int. a en J I rf, kwwttrf. it h l.-rcs.. ta fur atraai eis 1.1 CiUir-u-.h e? ' .a e Ia4. A aaaa level ev- s are Ietevt4 A ae kaawa vesa I Wat wrmktj at Tow lwn y.tJ:v. The titers Is straw e with sails stul n-,.jt, eaUa fttraiure, rMtiaf tit eal,.a, t- r 1 wc-1 as I rtat ratA Tbe tu:srrtef US ku.L LUb arrears lata t''-'$ brtlta t Is aut five a.isawth -! t.a fearbw f .t-ts. . f.'athtag was foaad to UuWts Ue aaae of the tnal srvt4 e ttseef moakryratl, relates) wttlia, lib Jack fetter sra-lMae l!i." hm ktkUf have been djkcovcrJ ea (Hnra, but tt Is be lieved tas crew are lost lpnrtt are com in la of tnaey vwrU aavinf re ahor, aad others teas la ttrrsa ut eaeM aot H rearmed, and It tt f tared that the lots nf Us and property tt rwat, There was a rerttuoa of the t'larss last aUbt which canard more cfeatrsjcttoa. A taicTram reerived UK mora Ing wtatos tatavaaclfmrk oa the fcsU Mcr at Two lUvera, kith., aad went It rkr, la believed la be tbe scow ktlltow, tf L.lwaukee, aal Ills suppowd the crew ef tlx sm am last Drrnnrr, Sept Iflt Hfporu reeelveJ from aoatheattera parts of the Buts give furthrr rarttcalars of Tuesday's atnrm. liutidiaga were wrecked, orebards Utd watte, huge twaths made la the wmids,aad other damage dose. Tbe farm ef George Smith lay le the coarse ef the storm, and one hundred aad fifty bead ef stock are missing. UH barns were wrecked aad oao- teats scatuiaj to the wiadA riBB ncvoDn. Blaae la Rear Verftaarrwar gm eaao off Baveral teosie-A Wlaery aad Dtatlllarr DaetrerNI la Call rerata. lawtaaavaaatotaeMettti Raw Yema, Sept 11 The oil ware oaes aad factory of Bwaa es riaca, at No. 118 Haklca Lane, was destroyed by fi re this f oreaooa. The flames extended to taesoatbera half of the double building and damaged the stock of leaf tobacco of Licbtenauia Dros. to the etieat of a boot f 10,000, Bwaa Flack's lorn It pet at :3,0OO, and the loss en building at $10, wa. The entire available force of the fire department in tbe lower district was called oat to fight the flames that threatened tbe surrounding balldtngs. They were eon fined wllhla tbe original Unite, I he la urancs covers the losses. Tbe fire broke ont very suddenly la tbe factory la rear of No. 115, and surprised the people la the building. Befote some of the occupanU bethought themselves of escape, the exit by the stairs waa cut off by the fire, Joha Zigler, aa aged earpenter, who was at work oa the third floor of the building, ran to tha window and, letting bimself dowa, hung from tha all! for a mlaute or more, shout lag for help, until some oaa brought a tall step Udder, and mounting It reached him aad let him dowa. Zigler waa badly burned about the hands aad arma. Joha Donnelly, a pressman la the oil factory, lid dowa tie fall rope from the Hoof through tbe elevator hole, with bis clothes aflaaae. Be waa very badly burned, and with jClgler was Ukea to tbe Chambers Street hospital Capt Thomas Conlin, of engine No. 4, was blown from a ladder by a fierce gnat of flame from a bursting oil barrel, aad falling two stories to the street, received bad injuries. lie was also severely burned. Fnxano, Caj.., September 18 The winery aad distillery of the Fresno Vine yard Company, the property of Lachman, Jacob! b Co.. aad others, of Saa Francisco, were destroyed by fire yesterday. A large quantity of wine was lost The total loss is $180,000; partially Insured. 14 PBNN8YL VAN I A, Banai ary Dlsanlaaals frwa the Pblia- , i : slalphta Blab By Tatograph to tha Xorntng Star.l Pbiladblphta, ' September 11 As the employes ef the Mint were departing for their homes vesterdav afternoon, eleven more of tbem were discharged; each eno discharged receiving notice to that effect as he or she passed out This morning ten of the cutters having formed themselves Into a committee,- waited npoa . unlet i&iner Steel and said that being Republicans they were afraid of recetvlsg summary notices of their removal. There were ao charges against them, they said, and they had un der them new hands recently appointed la the Mint for . Instruction. They desired some protection, they said, that they would not be interfered with unless for cause. Chief Coiner Steel told them that he would communicate with 'Superintendent Fox; which he did.' - The men ta the meantime returned to the room, but not to work, un til they should hear from the Superinten dent -1 About nooa each one of the ten re ceived, a note from Superintendent Fox which : read! "'Sir: You are discharged from the Mint Instanter. for insubordina tion and conspiracy to embarrass tbe busi-i of the institution." , " MARYLAND. Parade ot Labor Orsaalaatleas la Bar '!(, Hi i .i; . . tlnsere -; ..- fBy.1Iegraph to the Morning Star.l Balttkorb, Sspt 11 The parade ot labor organisations bf this city took place this afternoon, when several thousands of the sons of toll participated. In the line were printing presses and various other em; Hems of the trades represented. 1 The pro ' cession was headed, by tbe Federation of Labor, and following, in the order named,! were printers, ship carpenters, ship' caulk era. piano makers, furniture niakera, Ger man tailors, cigar makers, cigar packers,' glass blowers, harness makers, paper hang-j era, can makers! longshoremen, house car penters, house Joiners, painters,' plumbers and eras flttersL tinners, bricklayers, hod . carriers, marble and free stone cutters, plas-' terers, snoemaxers ana otners. ineune wasiin eve: atvisions.' witn music mtert sneraed. - A cuard. of -mounted police bad: the right Of the Una, Most of the princi pal business) streets of the city were ia-. eluded In the route. , -il. i j Illinois, y f.t alaeoao Works Baraoa at Poorla- i'.J' en-MiU- ;.KOOa aaO,O0O. 1- .- 1 : IBr Tttefianh to tha Xornlng Btar.J Chicaoq,' Sept 11 A dispatch from Peoria, im," aayv that the Urge 'sugar. works of the American tiluoose company at that nlace Were burned to the ground this morning;. The loss is $250,000. The fltmes. owln to high wind. - spread with great 'rapidity, and some ninety men em-i ployed to the factory ai tne time nereiy es caped with their lives. : The 'wsler supply Was insufficient Tha amount of insurance is not known herei It will, however, fall far short of the loss.1 is - .'! .vHs KfO rjt.-c'.ii liaIi,ii IB Tdafftoi to the kornmc Btsi.f 7 '', 0 AtiAjrAOfcmber 11-Rutherford JOenick, for fifteen years rente egest en tire Central Kailroad, was arrestea in nis postal car while passing BarnesVUle at midnight .Hebad broken open ahundrfdletters in the snort run oetween aaacon apu uu piace. KUlU,nQN-,-A, U. JBLE1LEY ynL Be adera niaBerfrMnoa 6r the bid 1 LiiAMHaallUBletiw jfj10X r WAsmsaroir. Sect 11 Mr. A. , M. Kelley "has tendered 'his resignation as -Minister to Austria, and his resigaation has been accepted. f ':f B 1. I . ' l t t .1 f I X .. 1, ?. I taa a t.a t . . 1 1 ' 1 t 1 t. 1 V ' . !iUl, - MM t I f- i II "t ti''- I t.A u.t 1: m r t i tf ! - a I I ' I Ak f . .. t f . 1 . . -f ii l . .' it f . 1 1 1 -t t t.i 1 i. ".- . tat t ? I 1 1 14 a 1 1. ? It1 ; I I - .1. a -. 1 1 t t t 1 ' I - y I" a. I 1 III I .' t . vac a l a ia t -".t,lr- i t t.:,t is tie tttia. a U i.,ts as a a a 4tft? n !, ml I r ' a, N f .,a tWJ V, tt the X r. f a I Ml . u.S NUix' f iiu.-fi'jrjli, .a. ttrt ta tiio rUui'tW , Uw 41,1 a I a . ' aB..l j t ,9, e rrswe 1 ft!rf a fr r a: Ivirh mm lUU-'ar statist atavitAifOk&J wi i . lark. t.r . a tan,, . erai4, V.e IvafiH I fvautvefa -s-ti-rtta euUltff aSalr aLkh ta 4ara ttwttitt s ere at Jathea ! uslrv s am a i )i-s I rtry. mm I, -- nm. IxTafkwateaa of TMalsttwa enns auuastheank aad ta asshiott. also lrtkiag It. raw f bU fib ItUr. r"J Uat bntb were draab tare aaw V.t.,lV rl. . o m .-.. m.mmrw vnm WW f mmW fmra aar the narbam enctata 1?bo wu la U.s t:j fratrtifiy aad gt rather tad aecotiota ef the toUrco earaa la that Brrtlua. II aavs tho loborro waa rw tow grtwa and not property enrtoat fW rariaa. Years ege fwtwty Ward to be anaaw ravinred bPta, aad llrta U etrr ,'rttt e taf la thUtmoMaiaievttHaiiy tne ataiing eo Ware, 1 here U a mod waalilv at ktuia la lent of tbe city. 1 here Is a txKtrrv la the etHiaty, where fiewav Bote, loft and fare ere msattiactorto. air. UaaeaaCame ma kaaatBt from Durham te the Mate maasam a very Urr ground bng. ThU to tbe same as the wotxkhack of tbe North- era and WnUre fttaue, but hi a rare aal- mai ia wta caroiiea. it to the rolor sad ireaeral shspe of a gray squirrel, bwf of raarse very mocb largsv, aad bat shertav legs,- ' New Derne Journal t Tho Hoe crop la Hyde eoaatjr la thought to he a failure. - ntahMO are plaaUful, aad sell at thirty five la forty orals per bushet wholesale. Dirk Uryaa and Aathoay Greta, two colored mea, got late a quarrel - .. - - , wp wvs) near air. itoam s larm, evening, wbca Ilryaa seized a track Greea ea the bead, lafllc rtoos wonad which h st faarsd 1 op wa mmuw ir tumm a ions, nwn ay a boa aad ranicung a aa tred wUI avwvw a 1 faul. Wbea Ilrvaa laaraed the exteat of u fwraso no waa uuom mm nan owarue sir. I Horn's farm, fmrsoed by Deoaty Sbertfl' J. L. Uaha, who took blm to JaiC La Grange dot: Col. Davis tells aa that Mav wsaniuaj an mm araasravw waaoj vwT J IMWI lory, aad we teara that Collegiate tastitafe tt geuisg gooa rjetreeage aad emng n rat- rate. Jones eousty liemt: We have a fine rrcp of sweet potatoes aad grapes. Tbe eora croo la ear eoaatv will aot begta to compare with last year's crop, aad cotton Is said to be a great deal shorter thaa It baa beta for aovcral yean. Trenton to fast filling p; every dwelling to filled, while several more families ere aaxious to move la to seed their children to school, bat are unable to rent a house. Charlotte Observer: Col. Jno. L. Brown yesterday returned from Dsvld aoa College, aad says that the seatloa will open to-day under very favorable ausplcea. Of the old students, 65 will retura aad there were yesterday 80 aew ones oa the college grounds. Early yesterday morning as the eastern bound tram oa the Chester s Lenoir Narrow Gauge road reached a trestle within two miles of Lin- eolnton, aa accident occurred similar ia all ' respect to that which befell the late Samuel Pharr, on a Carolina Central treatle, several yean ogo. As the : narrow gauge tram Beared the trestle yesterday an old white was seen walking across it His ly alarmed at tbe wntstilng or tne train, he droDoed down through the treatle. but held on with one hand to one of the Iron rails. When the train came no. his hand was of course severed by the engine wheels and tne old man dropped to tne ground neiow. The trestle is not a high one, and he was but little Injured by the fall, although his hand was completely severed, from tbe wrist by the engine wheel a The train was ' stopped and the wounded man wst brought to Lineolnton and placed under turglcal treatment , ' Raleigh Newi- Observer: TJp to yesterday 150 papils had been received at Peace Institute. Tuesday evening as a lady 78 yean of age waa walking through the capitol square a boy, who was certainly very careless or very rude, or, both, ran against 'her with a bicycle. The blow knocked ber dowa ana broke ner paraaoi. It to a wonder that she wss not seriously hurt ' The boy msde no apology, but rode on. Wilmington's highest tempera ture tbe past summer, it is said, was 91. Kaietgn sawv7 several aavs and w once. It Is j very, queer: that Wilmington is so much cooler than Raleigh. - Monday. September 7th,' Trinity College' had enroll- -ed . one - handred , students. 1 During the whole of the fall term preceding this, the number enrolled during the term was sev enty-three, ana ninety-four were- enrolled during the whole of . the .last... spring term,' The1 one hundred - now enrolled include-v two r of the -.East-, -Cherokee Indian boys; the other .eighteen who were at Trinity have cone home to stay. - Chapel Hill dots: The Mitchell Scien tific Society will hold 1U flrst meeting Sat urday night the l&th tnat. and every third Saturday night thereof ten , The flrst of tbe lectures will be delivered on the night of the 12th by Prof. Henry JLShepherd,President portunity to bear a finished discourse from a gentleman considered to be one of the finest ! English scholars in the "South, and should not be lost'1 'Dr. Battle has been as signed to October, Dr. Hume to November and Prof. Henry to 1 December. - Last Saturday the students elected Mr.- L. B. Grandy, Of Oxford, a : 'prominent member of the present senior1 class,;' to deliver' tbe annual oration oa the next anniversary of Washington's birthday;1---' Prof. Hooper has been granted a three month's vacation on account or til health, ' and jht. -b. u. WeUl, a graduate of the school of Greek here, has charge .of his classes in the mean time." " o i Raleigh Neui- Observer: There have been Xewlosses of .tobacco .barns by fire this season, and this is a matter of con gratulation. Ur. Kick Denton lost a barn this city Friday; and Monday Mr. N. B. Mitchener lost another at Wilson's Mills. J ohnston coantyCv The delivery of the stone, tn tbelsbspe or dressed granite blocks, fot the curbing of the sidewalks on Fayette villa ttreet is being made. ;-It is from Hen derson and is a very hard stone r Three illicit distillers came, in of their own free Will and aocordw submitted their' eases and were bound over to the December,, term of the UV S.1 Courts Travel on the Ra leigh &Gaaton Road hi; very heavy inow, both northern and southern bound. It is larger1 than 'any previous ! season. ' The boiflsburg ; road ta , proving . . oi j special value. Arransremento have been made fdr'- dbuwe dstry imailr over Hhat Jline. Mr., 1J, i Keimo,: the 'veteran j bridge builder,' lsuUlngjsajrety rails and sills on theTbridges on the Raleigh QastoniaBd'IRateigfr -4&!'AugU8U-- roads. --Yesterday a reporter interviewed Capt William Smith, Superintendent of the Ra leigh, & Gaston I Railroad, and was glad to hear his good reports of the condition of things on that tone. 1 There is' a regular ihoebv aod BsdsonliWarrentoa Fmnk- linion, Littleton, and other places are all -enWtdz ltP'The toeoole are full of enerif v And all, are at woxkij steadily; snd sarsastly. The townaare goingup like magic. A 'reward 'e flW -'Was 'offered 'for 'Wfllism Jetteway, Anegro, who standi charged wMh the crime or murdering bis wife, in Carte ef oouuty.5-- i'Be made pretence of taking .the woman to rNe.w Berne, batinstead killed her. and buried her under 9 slump. It was -A brutal murder, and Its author ia a fugitive from, Jostiee., ; Gov.r Jfarvis, - aboat ,a year or eighteen months ago,' offered a reward of $300 for the capture of John Bracksville, an esxrjedTffnrrjeTCTfchnibnd county. JtecentlyyGbvijScalespald the- reward, Brackaville ,bavipgv been appsebended. "Right on the- heels of this comes the news that Bracksville has again; (escaped; from Jail. He is an expensive luxury, anyway.

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