The Weekly Star. SIXKNCE. 1 HESDKHSON. Mv soul i3 voiceless a ibe frozen moon. Yet in it slumbers music deep aa t stiung As nil I lie splendid lire of sunlit noon; Would that some hand mijht sin fee into song. '.'j -.- f ... And yet perchance the , touch that thus should wnko : , ' - The silcnthorda to soaring melody. Might he the hand of cue for whose dear . ease . '., ' , The song wt,uld crow until too great to be. . ' j Ho sleep, 'tuy'beart. serene os yonder star; -Silecco snail tw s weet like Summer ram ; To hufch the lips of song were better tar Than bursting into symphonies of pain. Til H PRESIDENT'S VIEWS. .1 Atlanta Constitution, Cleveland Paper. ' The statement of President Cleve land's views, printed in yesterday's Constitution, from the St. Louis Globe-Democrat, should bo taken with several grains of salt. Still, if the report is an accurate one, there are a great many elements of hope in it. It shows, for one thing, that Mr. Cleveland has begun to put on his thinking ap, and it shows, for another, that he is arousing himself to the necessity of harmonizing the party so that its full strength may be utilized in the next national cam paign. The South feels tbatj while Mr. Cleveland was elected as the President of the whole country, it is not bv anv means his duty to ad minister affairs in the interest of the Republican party. lie was elected by Democrats as a Democrat, and, as this must be a Govern ment of parties, it is a duty be owes to his own convictions, as well as to the whole country, to adminis ter the Government from a strictly Democratic standpoint'. As o the civil service humbug tne constitu tion canlsay to him that no reasona ble Democrat holds him responsible for that law. The Democratic party , is responsible tor it, ana as long as it remains on the statute-book its pro visions must be carried ouU The ' Democrats of the South are not, as a general thing, standing around hunt ing for ofhees, but it they were, ana failed to receive them, they I would not on that account desire to destrojy the Democratic party. 1 here is nq doubt, however, that some of the de partments, under Mr. Cleveland administration, form. call loudly for re COST OF THIS TEAR'S . STRIKES II radslreel's Makes It Appear thai SeV . eral Millions Have Been Lost. New York, Teh. 12. Bradstreet'es to-day publishes the following figures concerning the late strikes:! Esti mated loss of wages to strikes (Janu ary 1 to February (10) port of -New York, 'longshoremen, boatmen, &c., $800,000; boot and shoe factory em ployes, $900,000; coal handlers. New Jersey shipping ports, 1465,000; New York and New Jersey freight hand lers, $14Q,000; tobacco and cigar fac tory operatives, $65,000; textile (car pet) employes, $50,000; iron and steel mill employes, $12,000; glass factory employes, $8,000; rais , cellaneoue, $150,000; total wages ; sacrificed by striking employes, $2,- 1 050,000. The estimated total loss of f wages by about 3,000 industrial em-' ployes throwiv ont of work through scarcity, of coal or on account of strikes of others within forty days past, is $350,000. Grand total wages sacrificed since January 1st, three! million dollars. Other losses from strikes since January 1st: Total ex- tra amount paid for coal throughout - strikes, $700,000; total losses in ) curred by steamboat companies j through delays, $100,000; total losses , to coal shippers, various j cause named, $100,000; total export loss export trade New York, two weeks $3,380,000. Tne Democracy and tne Independents . Shelby ville (Ind.) Democrat. 1 he little squad of 3,000 or 4,000! "Independents" under the command; will not frighten the next Democratic! National Convention into the nomi nation or a Mugwump. It has nou so soon been forgotten that the Cur us movement at tnat time drove nd less than 40,000 Democrats in New York to support Blaine and Butler, Ihe next National Convention shoul tatce steps to get that deciding vot to support the Democratic nominee, Those 40,000 Democrats are anxious to support the Democratic party id 1888. Their mighty voices will be! ucaiu m ii jilt iuuveuuon pieauin for a Democrat' who will unite th party, and tho "Independents" will op wen u tney get even a cold po-J tato. ' Client for Twcntr-Flve Years. Daytox, Feb. 13. Twenty-fivd years ago Simon Thrall, a well-to-doj farmer living near this place wanted! to take his 4-year old child to church .with him on Sunday. Tne child wa3 Convalescing from a long illness and us motner objected to its going out a quarrel ensued between nusban and wife, resulting in their sayin bitter things to one another. , It was their first and last quarrel, for neither: one has spoken a word to the other since, although four children have beer born to them in the meantime Absolutely Pure.! Tills Dowaer never vsnes. A marvel or pttnty treaxth and wholesomenesa. More economical than ordinary kinds, and cannot be told In com potltloa with the maltltnde of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders.! Boid only in ROYAL BAKING POWDE8 CO., janl DAW iv arm too orfrm & i Turntli Bascals Oat. . ..-,.,,-N. Y.Star, Ad. Organ. Triere is not a Democratic Senator who does not recognize the utter Im possibility of reform in the depart ments so long, as tne oia Be. or. re publican workers keep the places they have had for so many years. The frank spoilsman, Senator Plumb, said he'd vote cheerfully to tojrn every Republican out of office, while that eminent civil service reformer, SenatQr Teller, was sure mat me Pension Office was strictly non-par tisan, and that appointments were irjade indiscriminately from Demo crats and Republican soldiers. The most trustworthy ngures, However, show a clerical force of about 1,472 Republicans and about 28 Democrats when Gen. lilacs was appoinieu com missioner, and there are not many more Democrats now. v j WASHINGTON, j Conferee on to Trad Dollar The Bill Agree Upon a Report, v Bj Toiearanh to the Morning Star, f WismvoTON. Feb 19. The conferees lt n,n ir,ip ActWar bill have a creed upon a repdrt. It provides for the' redemption of the trade dollar at par until July 1st, 1887. Tt,t7 in v. sent to the mints as bullion, which, however, is not to be counted as a nr thn silver bullion required to be purchased and coined into standard silver dollars as requireu uy nut .-" 1378. i . FOREIGN. 1 War Between France ana uerraioj Itrgarded aa inevitable The Alti tude of Russia. j By Cab!e to the Mornta Star. Vienna. Feb. 18 A semi official letter from St. Petersburg represents tnat Kussia is waiting for the Franco-German coo met. ahir-h sh considers inevitable, to realize her own Balaan projects. While making no comDiict with France, Russia would consider it to be to her own interest not to alir.w rtormanv to be victorious m a strug gle between those countries. It is supposed that this intention on the part of Russia ex plain the dallying in the negotiations for a settlement of the Bulgarian question, now being crrud on at Ooiirtanunopie. j Kt. PKTEitsBDRG Feb. 18 The con viction is gaining ground that war between Germanv is inevitable. In ad- rfi: inn to this, it is said tha. as a fresh defeat of France might involve disastrous results to Russia, the Czar's-government will in ihc event of war preserve entire lib erty of action It will not -support France as an allv. but may. by a firm resolved al titude, prevent Germany from sending the whole of her armv west of the Rhine, and even if France should be defeated, atten uate as much as possible ihe effects of the disaster for this; reus ns It is declared thit Unis-ia will await the outcome of dif fCrei.t phases of the Bulgarian crisis with the areriti st calmness, and act in such a wav as to avoid being involved with Aus tria or England at the moment when France and Germany commence hostilities THE BESTTOIHC ? This medicine, combining Iron With pine vegetable tonics, quickly and completely Cores Dyspepsia, Indirection, Wtk Hess, Impure Blood, Welerle, CbUIa and Fevers, and Kenrslgia. it is an unfailing remedy for Diseases of the Kidney and Idver. It is invaluable for Diseases peculiar te Women, and all who lead sedentary lives. It docs not injure the teeth, cause headache ,or produce constipation other iron medicine do. It enriches, and purines the blood, stimulates the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, relieves Heartburn and Belching, and strengthens the muscles and nerves. For Intermittent Fevers, IJassttndet Zjacfc of Enerjrjr, etc., it has no equal. tr The genuine has above trade mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other. ate mlj kj BROWS CHSJMCAIi CO, B1LTISOSJE. MB 9 Million worn during tbe past six years. This marvelous success is doe . Ii 1st. To the superiority of Corallne over all other materials, as a stlffener tor Corsets. I 2 J. To the superior quality, shape and Work manship of our Corsets, combined with their low prices. 1 i i Avoid cheap Imitations made of various kinds of cord. Nono are genuine unless iv . "DR. WARNER'S CORALINE" printc.l on inside of oteel cover. i feb 20 a&W8m . so w ! r ! SIBLE S TESTED SEEDS. Send for -our new ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE SEEDS, VeiretUle, Flower, Field Plants, Bulbs, ' - Implements. , ; Jj FttB 8 by mall on application. Don't neglect' r'i lag; for I', j II I RAH SIBLEY & CO., ROCn SSI Eft, N. Y. CHI 7AGO, ILL 3 a 826 B. Mala St. 113 14 H. Clark Bt oe '7 wiet Prof, -E. VanLaer, IQQ RED CROSS STREKTrptlNaTON, N C, sole Agent for the "Matchless"' SOHMBR PIANO for North and Sonth Carolina. These famous Pianos, whlcb are now used by the great est living; artists, can be obtained direct from us bn the lowest nocslble terms. 1 We make a speclili y of cbeaner Planes. I We are also Aeents for the Mlloox White Cabinet Organs, which are dnrabls and noted for bnoir nca lone. eod for Catalogues, price lists and references. UU YV GW ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost ol anv nronospd liriR nf j 4 w advertising in American papers by addressing ueo.-P. Rowell & Co., - , Newpoer Advertising Bureau, . IO Spruoe St, New "York. I omna - luots. ror lOCVPag Pumphlal 1 lll 11 irl in 1 lUl 11 11 ui fT z 'jt III, ri'''i.! t llS IT" x tf O ST 8TA TJS L,EQISLA TURB. Bills Introduced committee on Ma gistratesThe Revenue Bill Consld ered Railway Commission Commit tee Appoloted-Borean or Labor 8ta ilsttes. . . Special Star Report. .' 8ENATE. Ralkioh. N. C. Feb , 16. The follow ing bills were introduced: lielatiog to partition of land. To better enforce contracts between land lords aud tenants k To allow the Carolina Central Railroad to contract- with other lines for their use. Relating to canals In Craven county. " To abolish Superintendent of Public In- ruction io Edgecombe Keating to rees or register or deeds. To exempt Warren county from Chapter 245. Lawal885. - ; To exempt Bert.e county from Chapter 245. Laws 1885. To repeal Chapter 199. Laws 1885. To authorize Cleveland county to levy a special tax. j To authorize Jones county to levy a spe cial tax;- $- ' : ": ' :- -J . ' ' i CALENDAR. . . . To amend the charter of the Oxford & Clarkville road Passed third reading. , To amend section 2, chapter 330, Laws 1885 Passed third reading. ' To provide for working certain convicts on public roads was made the special order next Tuesday. This ta the very impor tant bill which passed second reading yee- itrUy. ., The bill to provide ror using evidence in i quity cases was taken up It provides that in tquiiy cases the .evidence shall be Ukea in deposition by a commissioner ap pointed by tho clert, and either party dis satisfied with the decision of the Superior Couu may appeal to the Supreme Court anJ that Court will review the law and the i-vidt nee. , There waa a long debate. The biil failed to pass 10 to 85. , ' ' :-:.. I HOUSE. ' ' The Committee on Magistrates was an nounced as follows: 8tancill, Moore, All' tnau. Ewart, White of Perquimans. The following bills were Introduced: To all Pamlico .county to levy a spe cial tax to settle its debt. To restore citizenship to a certain class of infamous Dersons. i - To reduce the fees of registers or deeds. To incorporate the town of 1'itctolus. To work the public roads in Edgecombe by taxation . " i To regulate j: work on public roads in Ala mance... i' I ' . i. '! To charter the town of Smithville, Bruns wick count), and to change its name to Sou!liKrt. '! 1 To mke ten hours a day a work. To impose a lax upon unaawed lumber shipped from tho State. ! To form a new county, to be known as Lillington , out of portions of Iredell, Rowan and Mecklenburg. - To create the office of railway commis sioner. I To amend the charter of Raleigh so as to allow a license of $500 to be charged for liquor licrnst s; to require property-owners to pave otic third of tbe 8' reel io front of tni-ir property; to allow the city police to make arrests anywhere in the county. ' The i bill for the creation of tho new county of Badger, out of portions of Frank lin,: Nash, Wake and Johnston, was made tbe special order for Feb 24 Leszar gave notice that the school bill would be called up in a! day 'or iao and disposed i-f. i . i T1XK liEVRNUB BILL. ! The House went into Committee of Ulie Whole on tbe bill to laiL- itvenue. Beclion 21. in it-eard to niercbsuU pur chase tax. was laktn up nnd again dis- cussid. H Ewart moved t- ttriki out the whole sic tion . This was lobt by vote I j en overwhelming Pinnix moved to Mil's. -lit I hut p ill of ibe same section in it. i tj ibe it bale on drummeta' licen.sts to nit 'C iMiilr iu ibe State. This motion ai bI.m lo. Section after 8tcti:" of t tti-.bill was cn s'dered and debated. Tht-r,- t re &meinl- ments to every one. but nil tte voiid down. p ! ! . ' At 1 oclotk tbe cosuuittee rose and re- rxjried !to the House that It bid c uiMii-r d tbe revtnue bill up to sic ion 24. At 1.10 theiilloU'C an uruni until 10 a. m. to-uiorrow. j' . j SENATE. Raleigh. Feb. 17 Tbe following bills wt-te introduced: To incorporate the Mutual Life Insurance C-funany of NTlh Carolina To establish a reformatory in connection cub the penitentiary I o establish ceit-nn rnnds tbrouuh elate la!s. I . ii .1 To amend tbe charter of Wil on To incornor.ite tbe Northeast Drainage and Land Company. 1 To repeal section 2677 of the Clo To incorporate the Enterpiise Hailroad Uompany. ' - Io repeal ibe rVbru ary term of E Ige- C imbe Superior C urt. BILLS ON CALENDAR To amend the charter of tbe Yadkin R. R. Company; ; Passed third reading. To allow He. i. fort county to levy a spe cial tax Passed third reading The bill to amend tbe Constitution so as to render ineligible to otSce clerks ol supe rior con its, bberiO. registers of deeds and coun'y treasurers who have filled t wo suc cessive ttrms except afura lapse of one tern-, created wide discussion A motion to eh ike out superior Court! clerks was lost, as were motions to -strike out registers of deeds and treasurers. The bill parsed aye- 31 nays 17, i flOUSB R( v Mr. Strickland, nastor of the Bap tist Church at Shelby, offtred tbe opening praytr. .1 " I j RESOLUTIONS. P fsons introduced a resolution t i press - in g it ns the sense of tbe House that no new counties should be created by this Legisla ture. I here wns some debate on tbe refer ence of his rewiluiion, but finally it went to Ihe .luJicinry Committee BILLS INTRODUCED To allow I subscriptions to the capital stork of the Carolina Central Uailtoad Cnipnny f r iuc-rporate the Uurham & So itbein Ktilio.'id Company. - To incorporate the towns of Cocetoe, Eil jve inibo ! ountv ; Benson, Johnston county ; Rutflo. lUckiugbam counly. Io amend tbe charter 'of tne town of Wilson. ! To enable Durham county to levy a tax to build a court house. T" establish a Criminal Court in Durham county. I To provide for bienmal examinations of lury lists in tbe several counties of tbe State. I'- ' i ' To define the power in the making of appointments of magistrates in cases of vacancy. i To fix tbe fees of solicitors in cases of manslaughter and capital felonies. To alio v tbe voters ol Waae to vote on the 8'ouk law question , THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS ' The bill to create this bureau was, on motion of its introducer, Sutton, made the. special order for 8 o'clock this evening. THE RAILWAY COMMISSION COMMITTEE. Speaker Webster announced Messrs. Pritchard, Kell. Fries. Thomas and Cand ler as the House branch of the joint select committee to which all bills and other mat ters relative to a railway commission are to do reierrea. THE REVENUE BILL. At 11 a. m. the House took up the Rev enue bill again, going into Committee of the Whole thereon, Mr. Douehton in the. chair. It resumed consideration of the bill at the 24th section, where it left off yesterday, t When the section in regard to drummers tax was reached, Mr. Leazar offered an amendment that it be put into the general fund instead of in the interest fund. It would make a difference of between 4 and 5 cents in the taxes. i . - Mr; Worth said that this tax on drum mers was pledged to the Interest fund. jar. Leazar saia that the Question was wnetner tne a rummer was a merchant. The contract as to the bonds, was that the merchants' tax was to go into the interest i una, ana opto this time the drummers' tax - had gone into that fund. He. said that he wished to show how the deficit In the interest fund could be met There had keen purchased bv tbe Treasurer 27k. 000 of 4 per cent, bonds, which are now in the treasury, and it had been provided that any aencit in tne interest fund could be met by selling such part of these bonds as might ue necessary. . tie asaeu ii u were not bet ter to turn the $100,000 from drummers' licenses into, the general fund, thus redu cing the taxes say 0 cents on the $100 val uation, and make up the deficit in the m terest fund by selling the necessary amount of bonds. He said there would be a aencit, of course, ' This was bis plan of reducing the taxes a pet measure of his. .. Fritcbard said he lavorea tne saie or an the $270,000 of 4 per cent, bonds, and make the tax levy for the next two years IS cents instead of 23 cents, as proposed Worth 8aid it would be dangerous, fatally so, to sell tbeae bonds. They were put just where tbev should be. These drummers. license taxes had been wisely construed as coming under the head of merchants' taxes. If the bonds were sold to relieve what might appear to be a present pressure, it would ultimately lead to an increase of tax ation. The use of the fund in a. certain way was prescribed by law., Parsons said that any attempt to tamper with the fundj set aside sacredly for the purpose - of ' meeting ; tbe interest on the State's debt would have a fatal result on the State's credit. He waa unalterably opposed to the propositions of both Leazar and f ntcbard. .They would have .the worst effect. ; He said that tbe United States now held $190,000 worth of six per cent, construction bonds, for which Ibey would not take 4 per cents in exchange, but demanded payment in cash. The bonds in the treasury, or so much thereor as may be necessary, must be sold- to meet this obli gation. ' He said that any plans to reduce taxation as those proposed by Leazar and Pritchard must in the nature of tbines be temporary. And that it was always the case that after taxes had been reduced tempo rarily the people cried out more loudly when they were again raised to the normal point It was robbing Peter to pay Paul. His idea of the way to reduce taxes was to reduce expenditures. - Holt spoke strongly against the amend ment; thinking it a dangerous attack upon tbe credit of the 8tate. Speaking of the S190.000 due tbe U. 8. Department of tbe Interior for the Indian fond, he said that its payment was demanded by the Govern ment, and that the amount would under the law be deducted from any appropria tion set apart for North Carolina Worth sahl if the amendment was adopt ed it would be known in New York in two hours and would at once affect, most in juri- ousiy, tbe credit oi the State. . Pritchard said that tbe Legislature waa here to reduce the taxea in the interest of tbe tax payers, and not to look after the in terests of outside bondholders. He said the Legislature was not here to legislate in the Interest of Wall Street, but in tbe interest of the people of North Carolina. He declared that the Democrats did not dare to vote against his amendment and then go before the people, ! Sutton said the matter hinged upon tbe definition of a "drummer." Is a drummer a "merchant." The Supreme Court had decided that he was not; in the case from Charlotte. Slate vs. Miller. The Attorney General held the opinion that a drummer was a merchant, but that did not make it law. - '! i - f . " Mr. Leazar said that his only fear was as to the $190,000 due the eovernment. 8paab- ing or the general fund be said that in every revenue act it was made liable to be drawn upon to meet any) deficiency in tbe interest fund. Considering the question of the debt to the United Slates he withdrew bis amendment until: the third reading. The section was then adopted as it stood. An amendment was adopted to section 31 to allow persona to sell wines of their own manufacture or the product of their own farms in quantities, of less than one quart. in the bill it was, "in quantities over one gallon." i I The section imposing $1 tax on manitge license&.creted a good deal of debate- Tbe vote on au amendment to make the fee 25 cents resulted iu a tie (44 to 44), when the chairman dtcided tbe vote in tbe negative An amendment making the fee 50 cents was adopted amid great applause. . Tbe committee, having considered the entire bill, rose and reported to the Houw, after, bicb it pastcd its second reading 82 t;. 7. i : Effitit, by Ii ave. introduced a resolution in-tructins tbe Ailomsy General to iasli tu'e suits Hn-iinst i certain railways for pen abbs due ui.Jir Act of 1871 foi failure to ru'tkc at.n itf tepoits. to 'the Stale. Tbe am. uut of pi-Hollies is now $125,000. Tbe resolmioji wm made tbe special order fur next vvtilouMltty .igat. Al, 2'o'tlock tbe House adjourned. , ' ! Senate Ualeioh N V. Fib. 18 Tbe folio iirg tii Is wtri: iiutrmlunt d: ' . To incorporate: Wrslt-y Chipt-1, in Union county. : To amend ihe charter of Ilend.-rn.iu To allow Aexnlrr connty to levy a fjie cm tax -To allow coroners copies of tbe Code To incorporate Ihe town nf Kelley, ia joliostMQ county. To iuoorp-T te Gu lford Courthouse bat tie ground. ' - i be report on tbe contested ease of Green v. Clark, from Craven, was taken uo. The repot l of the! committee was favorable to Green. The ireport was sustained ayes 29. na)8 11 Grt en took the oath Judge Clam read a speech in favor of himself wbicb in eloquence and ability was a mas Bill Ho provide for the efficiency of the Slate Guard j Appropriates not exceeding $5,000 any one jear. Passed second ready ing aes 25j nays 14. Amotion to sus pend ihe rules for third reading was lost Tbe bilf to prohibit county treasurers. sheriffs, registers and clerks of Superior Courts from holding office for more than two successive terms, unless there ia a lapse of one year, passed its third reading 25 to 14. ylne point was made as to whether tb is was a constitutional two-thirds of the Senate i Tbel President said it was. but that he would. take the matter undtr ad visemtnt. ; I i Tbe hill to incorporate tbe Norlfiern & Southern Rtilroad Company passed third renuing - HOUSE. York introduced a resolution providing' that hereafter, save on Saturdays and Mon days, the Mouse meet at 10 a m and ad journ at 2 p. ni , and that in debate no member shall speak more than five min utes and not over two and a half uinutes in reply. The resolution was adooicd. I BILLS INTRODUCED. To incorporate tbe towns of Hickstown, Durham 'county,-, and Bell's Ferry. Pitt county. '. i i- ' To prevent gambling. ' To elect magistratte by the qualified voters or tbe ntate To prevent the tauanderiog of the nub- lie school fund. To punish false pretense in securing the sequestration of cvlle : Io . change tbe dividing line between Swain ani Jackson counties. To mpower Meyer Hahn. lato sheriff of Craven county, "to collect arrears of taxes. To provide for the drainage of Conetoe swamp, JSdgcombe county. j " 'THE CALENDAR. The bill to mend the charter of Reids ville passed its second reading. The bill to amend the charter of the High Point l and - Randleman Railroad passed its third reading. r THE SCHOOL BILL. This bill waa taken up, on motion of Mr. Lieazar, chairman or tne committee on Education,- and on it the House went into Committee of the Whole, Holt in,the chair.. The bill was considered oy sections. -Leazar said the bill had been unani mously agreed upon by the committee. The bill fixes the opening of the fiscal school year July 1, and the ending ths 80th day or June succeeding, rue terms or. office of county boards of education is to expire June 80, i 1887, and thereafter tbe regular term of office for these "boards shall begin July 1 and be two years, r To the latter section Gray offered an amendment abolishing county boards of education and placing their duties upon the county commissioners. Williamson opposed it It was shown that the system of having such boards had effected a great saving. Brogaen attacKea tne system, tie said he wanted ahort terms for them. - He waa a Jeffersonian in this matter, he said. York said the boards ought to be abolished. Leazar said he knew that in some sections of the State there was opposition to the county boards of education. But these boards were a vital necessity, just as much as the selection of good, competent teach ers. The boards cost about $6,009, or about one per cent, of the whole school fund. These boards looked after the schools and the fund and they had increased the fund $90,000 more in 1886 than it was io 1884. The amendment was put to a vote and lost 60 to 87. Brogden offered an amendment to make the term of office one year instead of two. This was also lost : A shower of amendments Was sent in, excepting about 40 counties from; tbe provisions of the bill. These were all rnled out of order by the chair as unconstitutional, because they only applied to counties and not to tbe Danger Signal !nnt.ifl-nal nss has made Sim ! mon Uyer Eegulator wttely t popular. In erder to make mo- ney from the great reputation j. v gained by thi remedy unieru-. p pulons adventurers have got ten up cheap counterfeits, dan gerous to health, and stick on ' these fraudt a name closely re: , sembling' the genuine, to . de-. r 1 ceive the unwary in buying t . inferior goods, c:J:ut:i:j:' fMUMDiHA, Naasua Co , Fla. mi . - j ai.HHM. T Im. PamIi. tor. and always found it to do what Is claimed for It. The last bottle and two pack ges did me no good and wore worse man noujinir. is not put up Dr J- ii- zeura a, w.. sua nm ou lne, and a waste of money to buj it. I wonld be f U4 to get the pore and genuine. 8nd me some rom honest hands (with md Z and Zetlln A Oo.'s signature on the wrapper ) Tne notiuoai stun sold wul Injure some-one badly. i, FBEPABXO ONLY BT . I, . J. H. 3KEILIN & CO., rn uaaei id ia, r b. ,de 10 DJfcWly we fr su . . too nrm n A TONGUE IK KNOTS. I oontracted malaria In the swamns of Louisi ana while working for to teiegrapn oompany, snd naed avarr kind of medicine I oonld hear of withnnt mllnf . I s.t lut snoossded In breaking the f ever, but It oost me oyer aiun.oo, ana tnea my system wai prostrated and saturated with malarial poison and I became almost helpless. I nnaliy came nere, my mourn so nuea wuu sores that I oould searely eat, and my tongue raw and flllad with little knot . Various remedies were rmntta tn withnnt. affafiL 1 bonsht two bottles of B. B. B. and it has cured and strengthened me. All sores or my mouth are heated ana my tongue entirely clear of knots and soreness, and l (eel use a new man. j laokson, Tenn., Apru bj is9. n A. F. BniTToH. STIFF JOINTS , A Kost Remarkable Case of Scrofula and Eheumatism. . I hsTa a little dot twelve Tears old whose knees have been drawn almost double and his Joints are perfectly stiff, and has been in this condition three years, unable to walk. ' DnrlDg that time the medical board of London county examined htm and pronounced the disease soro- rnin. ana nresennea. Tint, no oenent ever oenroa. I then used a much advertised preparation with out bent flt. Three week ago ne oecame per fectlv belDless and suffered dreadfully. -: Amend who had used u. a. u. aavueai its te He has nsed one bottle and all naln has oeased anl he can now walk. This has been Dronounoed a most wonderful action, as his complaint bad baffled everything. I .shall con tinue to use it on htm. .--'.,-' ! MBS. JCMKA ORIFFITBS. Webb City, Ark., Blood. Hivta? tested B. B. B. and found It to bar all thatls claimed for It, I commend it to any and everr one tufferlnc from blood Dolson. It has done me more good for less money and in a shorter snaoe of time than any blood purifier I ever nsed I owe the comfort of my life to its use. for I have been troubled with a severe form of b'eod poion for S or 6 years and found no ro ller equal to that given oy tnense or is. b. a. W. L. MCUAUHBY. Webb City. Ark.. May 3,1836 All who desire f nil Information abont the cause anl cure of Blood Poisons, Scrofula and Scrofu lous Swellings, Ulcers, Sores, Hheumatism, Kid ney Complaints, Catarrh, etc., can secure by man. rree. a conv or onr ss-oaea illustrated Book of. Wonders, filled with the most wonderful and startling proof ever before known. i; Address, BUMJJ BAUM IA.. Atlanta, Ga. lyTOD&Wly' sn cb m nrm b - BEDS! Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Grain and Potatoes, Garden and Flower Seeds, Vegetable & Flowering Plants Prices quoted on application. Descriptive Catalogue mailed free. . Correspondence Solicited. T.W.W00D&S0NS, V O H L I OUTTntT ft, NoVlO S. FOURTEENTH STj -Mention this paper. . RICHMOND, VA. JanTWSt I Mids1 Hotel and Surgical Institute BtatJ r Elsrlilecn Experienced and Bkill Tul Pkjrslclaas and saiseoas. - !' ALL CHRONIC DISEASES A SPECIALTY1. Patients treated here or at their homes. Many treated at home, through correspondence, as successfully as if here In person. Come and see us, or send ten cents in stamps for our Invalids' Guide-Book," which gives all partic ulars. Address: Worm's Dispensary Medi cal Association, 663 Main 8t., Buffalo, N.Y. Tor "worn-out," "run-down," debilitated school teachers, milliners, seamstresses, house keepers, and overworked women generally, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the best of all restorative tonics. It is not a " Cure-all," ' but admirably fulfills a singleness of purpose, being a most potent Specific for all those Chronic Weaknesses and Diseases peculiar, to women. The treatment of many thousands of such cases, at the Invalids' Hotel and Surg ical Institute has afforded a large experience in adapting remedies for their cure, and j; . Or. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the result of this vast experience. For internal congestion, Inflammation, and ulceration it is a Specific. It is a powerful general, as well as uterine, tonic and nervine, and imparts vigor and strength to the whole system. It cures weakness of stomach, indigestion, bloating, weak back, nervous prostration, exhaustion, debility and sleeplessness, in either sex. Favorite Prescrip tion is sold by druggists under our positive twarantec See wrapper around bottle. M- Mn OR SIX BOTTLES PRICE $1.00, fob mo.oo. Send 10 cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's large Treatise on Diseases of Women (160 pages, paper-covered). Address, World's Dispen sary Medicax. Association, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N.Y. . i; t LITTLE o M LIVER ANTI-BILIOUS and CATHARTIC. SICK HEADACHE, Billon Headache, Dizziness Constipa tion. Indigestion, and BIliousAttacks, Sromptly cured by Dr. 'lerce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets. 25 oenta a vial, by Druggists. feb4DAWly ch fr FOR TORPID LIVER. A torpid liver deranges tne wbolesys icm, anu pmuuees ; . - Sick Headaclie, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rheu matism, Sallow Skin and Piles. Tbero la bo better remedy for these common diseases than Tatt's 1.1 ver Pills, as m trial will prove. Price, 35c. Sold Everywhere, j , TiVi ta'cen t he lead ft ui class K t . . i 1 bos Rivbj n ' .r saftac t. . i w.'.r.r. r.Rosl . ? I - iltc lav r . 1 row r ivS , ' sin-. I,.-.- ir'ing Hcvii- Citit- 1 4(-r u U"Ui. i-..- A L J ilTII. - ? -, Pa, Sold by ROBSRT E. BELLAMY,. Je 25JWly . Wilmlofftoii, N. C. I . nrm Tytt'slills 'AT Al- TO 5 lAV.i. whnla state. The section was iben adop ted, 63 to 81, amid applause. ' Uol. JjODk, OI uaoarrus, wwo a bwu An HiH canaral sublecl of education and on scUooI icriiDB in particular. He jlhoueUt the laUCf SDOUIU DO 0 cu uuu' i"S"i all school, ought to be opened with prayer. and that a chapter of the Bible sbouia form part of tbe nay exercises, ms amundment waa lost. ' ' The consideration oi me oiu voosuuieu 2( hours.' To many or lia JKJ aecuona amenamenis ? were ouurou, ; uu ouuo u, Ibem vera adopted of any importance. - .Tbe committee rose ana reporieu iuu bill, which passed Ha. second reading and ihen i't third ' ; . ; M 1 45 tbe House adjourned. j -At last night's session of the House the bill to create a Bureau or .Labor statistics was taken up aa a special order. It appro priates $6,000 the first year and $4,000 an nualty thereafter Mr. Sutton, the author of the bill, aabl its passage waa demanded hv the Kniehta ol Liabor in rtortn Carolina, who renreseniea u.uw iucvusuicb mo . , , n AAA rPk. funds are to be taken from those derived from lira fertilizer tax in excess of the $20,- 000 allowed the Department of Agriculture. Many members bdoko ior or against tne bill An amendment was adopted 52 to 87 flilnir tbe aDDroprlation for tbe Bureau at $3.0.00 for the first year and $2,000 for subsequent years, ine bui passeu us sec oud and third readings. The bill to promote the cultivation of shell-fish in the Btato (Lt. Winslon'a bill) was taken up and passed its second and third readings. Tbe Senate resolution providing for ad" journment sine die March 7tb was adopted. SENATE. v ;. Raleigh. Feb. 19. The following bills were introduced: - " To amend chapter 177, Public Laws of 1885. To incorporate; Powellsville, in Bertie county - To allow commissioners of Columbus county to sen tne poor bouse..- , CALENDAR, f Bill to incorporate Durham Qas Com nanv. f assea second and tnira reading. 15H1 to satisfy certain claims neiu dv boi J. fool against tbe University, or JNortb Carolina for salary, Ac , created considera ble discussion, and a motion to refer to the Committee on Education was lost, i An amendment of Webb that payment be "made out of the appropriation made for tbe University waa lost. The bill failed to pass ayes 20. nays 23. Party lines were drawn on ibis bill. ! i Bill for the relief of the State Guard was taken up, and & motion to strike out the 1st section of the bill was adopted. It does not allcw the appropriation to be used for an encampment. The bill as thus amended pasM-ii us third reading 25 to 15 HOUSE. V Tbe dty was devoted to the consideration of private and local bills. BILLS INTRODUCED. The following were among tbe troductd: bills in. To amend ibe charter of i the town of Yeati sville. To incorporate the Raker City & Greens boroB R i S i o charter the Asheville & Tennessee R, R Co. To incorporate tbe town of Letzer To allow counties to hire convicts to work on the public roads, To reduce tbe tees of sheriff and regis ters or deeds. 1 i To incorporate the town of James City i;raven county: To allow tbe sheriff of James City to burse railway . taxes. To annex Henderson county' to Twelfth Judicial District. dis tbe For tbe protection . of cattle owners of Wayne county. To abolish free scholarships at the TJni versity. Made epe lal ; order for next 'Tuesday j : r i - lUtCONSTDBRINO A VOTE. ' i i I The vote of the House last night, i a pass im? the bill transferring convicts on tbe WeBletn N, C Rtilroad to the Murpby Branch of that r iad. was reconsidered. Tbe bill was made tbe special order for ntx'- Tuesday. THE CALENDAR i I The House passed the following on final reading: r . : . To incorporate the Real Ejiale Invest ment Co of Wilmington. To incorporate the Shelby, Glen Alp & C iiriberij- Rnilrosd. ' i .j Ti ii cmporhte the- town of Webster. To incorporate the lown of Victoria, in Buncombe count?. To incorporate tue lown of Sw.-paon ville," Al.imance county. . To allow Macon county to levy a special U -v. - To authorize Murfreesboro township, Hertford county, to 'vote on the issue of bnd8 in i 1 of a railway. : To nnjend the charter of the town of Reidsville, To incorporate the town of Liberty, Ran ilolph county. jj To amend the charter of the town of Smithville, Brunswick county, (chartered in 1792) and to change the name to South port. Mi To incorporate the Western Carolina SaT Tings Bank at Asheville. ' m To enable Salem and Winston to con struct a system of sewerage. I i ' To charter Elizabeth City. ' ! i To incorporate the town of Red Springs, Robeson county. To establish Wilson's Mills township,. Johnston county. : To authorize Graham county to levy a special tax. ! To incorporate tbe town and township of Red Springs, Robeson county. : To abolish the June term of Chowan 8u- ' perior Court, and the . December term of Washington Superior Court. I ! To incorporate the Murpby and Tennes see Railway. To repeal the Mecklenburg road law in Orange county. j , To allow the voters of Person county to vole on the question of ratification or re jection of the stock law. i To repeal the stock law for Edgecombe, (gives people tbe right to vote thereon.) To reduce tbe number of commissioners in Person county to three. To amend the charter of the Wilmington, Onslow & East Carolina Railway Com pany. - j To incorporate Roxboro, Person county. To allow Washington county to levy a special tax. so as to settle its debt., ' To incorporate the Polk county railway company. - -, To allow Clay county to levy a .special tax . To incorporate the East Carolina Rail way and Land Company. To incorporate Pactolus, Pitt, county. -To incorporate Silverboro, Wilson county. To incorporate the Durham and South ern R. R. Co. I r - To allow counties to subscribe to the captital stock of the Carolina Central Rail way Company, in order that it may be ex tended to Asheville. i ' To allow Greensboro to issue $100,000 for improvements. i ' . : . To change the name of Zion Wesley Ari :30 the House adjourned. ! LAST NIGHT'S BKSSION. Tbe House was in session until a very late hour. . . : )r- There was a long debate on a bill to pro hibit the sale of poisonous or drugged liquors and to appoint liquor inspectors in the various counties It finally passed its second reading. The House decided to meet hereafter on Saturday nights and at 10 o'clock a. m. on Mondays instead of 3 p. m. The bill to allow the penitentiary to ex pend $20,CCO in the purchase of the Oaks farm, near Raleigh, was debated at great lesg'h ard finally tabled. FLAVORINGS. By Blount ol Wilson Mirror. Yes, a crop report ia heard all over the country. Young lovers are fond of addi tion but it is said they hate like blazes the rule of three. ; No man ever acknowledges a mistake as quickly as the man who puts tne lighted end. of a cigar in his mouth. . - Cats growl around the house at night merely for a-mews-ment. We paws here that the felines may be soothed. No, Johnny we cannot tell you how large are the root prints of time, and so we will jot make an issue on that fea ture. ::;': .j. ; , ;: .- -...vj. . ':J A grain of sand may be the germ of a new world, but a button in the rieht dace doca more " n-nnH in - tv.a wa lusuiDg present. You donWalW: : comer before buy'mp n thL nibkt wralM or Mir - 3ixl bott1L Am. f . L m. Mustang Sciatica, Lumbago, Scratches, Sprains, - Strains, Stitches, StiffJoints, Backache, Galls, Sores, Spavin Cracks. Contracted Muscles, Eruptions! Hoof Ail. Screw Worms, Swinney, Bhenmatism, Bnrnsi Scalds, Stings,. Bites, Bruises, B anions, Corns, Saddle Galls. Files. THIS rCOOD OLD. STAND-BY accomplishes for everybody exactly what Is claimed for It. Ono of the reasons tor the great popularity of the Hustons Liniment Is fonndlnlts vniversal appllcabllltr- Ererybody needs such a medicine. The Lumberman needs It In case of accsTOrtt. The Housewife needs lt for generalfamfly tu. The Canaler needs It ror his teams and bis men. The Mechanic needs It always on bis work bench. - - ' The Miner needs lt in case ot emergency. The Pioneer needs lt can't get along without it. The Farmer needs lt in bis house, bis stable. snd his stock yard. The Steamboat man or the Boatman needs lt tn liberal supply afloat and ashore. The Horse-fancier needs It-it la bis best friend and safest reliance. The Stock-grower needs it-it will sava him thousands of dollars and a world of trouble. The Railroad man needs it and will need It so long as his life Is a round of accidents and dangers. The Backwoodsman needs it. There la noth Inglike lt as an antidote for tha dangers to life, limb and comfort which surround the pioneer. ( The Merchant needs it abont his store among his employees. Accidents will happen, and when these come the Mustang Liniment is wanted at once. Keep a Bottle in the House. Tis the best of economy, i I Keep a Bottle in the Factory Its Immediate use in case of accident saves pain and loss of wages. Bleep a Bottle Always in the Stable for use when wanted. -1 feb 11 Wly Isaac IsatssL . rresment ......Vice President Cashier Gao. W. Wuxiams,.... a. jo. wallacs... ... . Bank of If ew Hanover. CAPITAL PAID IN - - - $350,000 AUTHORIZED CAPITAL- $1,000,000 DIRECTORS: yrr T F. Rhemstein, of Aaron & Rhelnstein, i C.M.Stedman, iae. A. Leak, of Wadce boro. i X. B. Borden, of Goldf- G. W. Williams, of Wil liams a JHurcnison Hon. R. It. Bridgers, Pres H. Vollers.of Adrian & Vollers. ! noro, jn. v D.McRae. Jno. W. Atkinson, Isaac Bates, i i Isaac Bates. President. B. B.BOBDBH; n nlflohnun Dnonnh R. P- Howbix "President. UUluOUUlU UluUOU. Cashier. ' DIRECTORS: E. B. liorden. W. T R'alwlnth vu tr rAmw.. mx. juiuiuuunun. rmrman wcin. Wflflpchnrn Bponnh J-:A.LaAK,ja Preeident. .IIUUUUUU1U JU1UUUU, Cashier. DIRECTORS: J. A. Lesk,R. T. Bennctt,G.W. Little. J. C. Marsha ' iuuuvo va aciUDlli UVOTUIK IU UUrVBU In a.nt.nnriKVI hv rharrof a aaaSv. a. a. moneys held in trust by Executors. AdminiatratoraL Onardians, jtc., &c., &c Strict attention given to tbe orders and roqucsts w vu r ' liiuuua jy iu oil or ULUurwiBC. , THE DAILY STAR. OLDEST DAILY PAPER IN NORTH CAROLINA ! fTIMK IIAILT HORSIKf) STAK, iFIRST-CLASS DEMOCRATIC NKWSPAfEE, published at the followins low I RATES OP SCBSCRIITIOH One Yearv postage paid, Six Months, " " Three - One " I .. XT 00 .. 4 00 . . , 8 CO .. 76 THE DAILY STAR. ContaiBS foil Reports of tbe Wilmington Mar kets, Telegraphlo Reports of tho Northern and European Markets, and the Latest General News, by Telegraph and Mall, from aU part of the World. ! WH. H. BERNARD,- SOTTOB A PaOPBTETOR, . Wilmington. N.C. PENNYROYAL PILLS -CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH." . The Original and Only eennlne. : ll!Wb LADIES. A.k Tour Dnudd fK -jwmib English" ul taka so otber, or IooIom 4ca I 'lmlifc tnmj .Lewt ta Sir H)hleks. ".' - hmjujh Mr uxm. mxc aoomor. fin AT M mm. mT . . mm AW AT M - 1 B . 4SsV Bssm, Mm I J 1 ' AAVa AT i TT m mWW tsiaT! Ulexican Liniment NEW; ADVERTISEMENTS TO ADVERTISERS For a ohook for $30 we wi:l print a , iu 1 vertiseraem in One Million Issues nf leVl f W- ricaa Newspapers. This is at ihZ o ni m or a ceni a line, for 1.C0OC1 cVuti ' hs advertisement will be placed before n 'n ' on dmrcnt cewtpaper purchas10,,- m noaira Auusurs. j on lines Will accfimm i "l abont 75 words. Address wllh eopyof A?l&t Check br 60Ld 30 cents for Book of 176 patc r4 ftb 1 EAWlm MO rBut. oJ . Capital Prize, $150,000 "We dohertbv certify llial ne uwrrt ...... Au. I ft. . i . 1. ). . . . 1 !'- rweTiwAc J w.o jtLujuiuy una iStfniAit anatn person manage atta control Uieura , themselves, and that th tame are conducted honesty, fairness, and in aood faith townr.i n ties, and id authorize th Company to ,(SC thutnL njuaw, tciuiiKMimuw iwr signatures aliaih,., Commissioners We. th undersianed Sank and Bankers. mu all Prise drawn in th Louisiana Stale ls,iu,Z'. pay . J. B. OQI.ESBV, Pres. Lonisiana National Balnk. ' Pres. State National Bsnk. A. B1LDW1N, 'I Pres. Hew Orleans National BaJik Unprecedented Attractioji ! OYER HALF A MILLION DISTRIBUTEE . Louisiana State Lottery Company. Incorporated In 1868 for 85 years by the iJedj lature for Kducational and Charitable purpose with a capital ol $1,000,000 to which a reserve fund of over $550,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was mad e a part oi the present State t'oiMitbtion adopted December 2d, A..D. 1879. The only Lottery ever voted on andendonidh the people of any Slate. IT NEVES SCALES OR POSTPONES ITS GRAND SmOLB NUJflBEK DRAWINGS TAKE PLACE MONTHLY, AND TUB 8hMl ANNUAL DRAWINGS REGULARLY EVjBUY HUL MUM ma, .lUJNUi ai u uE.jnmiiB.ii. A SPa.BNIlI OPPOKTUUmi To WIN A JfOKTUJMJS. -IUIKU UKAfll) DitAW--TWO. f!I,ASS C. IN THE ACADEMY OP Mllsir NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, March 1 5, 1881 (iACIJ Vr,nthl rtMiirlnff i riPITiL PRIZE. 150 OOtt "Notice Tickets are TenDollarsonly; nklvca $5; Flftns.j Tentns Ji. LIST OP PRIZES. 1 CAPITAL PRIZE OP $150,000.... Slftcoo . 1 GRAND PRIZE OP 50.0CO. .. to.OOO 1 GRAND PRIZE OF 20,000. .. . 2 LARGE PRIZES OF 10,000.... 4 LARGE PRIZES OF S,000..., 20 PRIZES OF 1,000... . 60 " . S00. . 100 " 3W.... 200- " 200..,. 500 " 100.... 1,000 " 50.... APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 100 Approximation Prizes of $300 100 Approximation Prizes of 200 . 100 Approximation Prizes of 100 . f!0,CM vnnr '. jio'.ooo 2179 Prizes, amounting to "... tTO.OOO. Application for rates to clubs Bhould vi vijly be leans. For futther Information, write clearly, divine full address. POSTAL notes. kxiw Money Orders, or New York Exchange, in oral narv letter. Currency' by Express (at oi ex pense) addressed in. a. natiPiiir New Orleans, or m. a. BAunuR, ; Washington, O.J. Address Registered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL DANK, New (irleaim, Ls. TT7UT"nTl,r-D'C'"D that the pres; ceol Qener'Is Beanreg.iTd and Esrlv, who are in charge of the drawings. U a guarantee or aosoiure jairnuts sou im,eK:uy, that ibe chancer are a'l equal, and that no one can possibly divine what numbers will draw s Krizft. aii Darbies mereiure auvcniBiuu ,u kui- cntu Pr'zrn In this Lottery, or holdlncr out anr otber possible inducement-, are swindlers, and only aim to deo-ive and defraud the unwary. reoauawDiEVY weeu ELECTRIC BELT FREE To introduce it, we will for a short time pivo afe-ayin each county, to those ltlcoljF to mako pood npijida, a limited num.; rof ourGcrrann EIo?ti-oGalTnl SnsprasorT- Belts, a positive anil unfjiilinp rare for Nerve . Debility, Weakness. Varicocele, iLss of Vior, Ithcumatism, etc. $500 Reward paid id every Belt wo manufacture uocx not gencrato a rrtMiumj electric current Adfiress at once, GETIflTAN BELT AGENCY, P.O. Box 178, Brooklyn, New York m 18'BAWIT J ' NHv SMITH,; REAL ESTATE- AGENT. FAYETTEVILLiE; V. C Correspondence solicited from parties wlslilcc . buy 'or sell lands. Reliable attorneys em ployed to investigate titles, eto. Refers to hna- i ' bless men of FayettevUle. . . i ';......:.-. - OFFICE AT SMITH S DEIOT, Corner Munford and Donaldson Sts. , J iWhere a PULL STOCK of BEST 'ICE, COAL. AND WOOD Can be f onnd at LOWEST PRICES. EsT'Looklint for tbe sign, ."Ice; Coal, Wood," Ao. je 19 DAWtf FARMS AND LANDS FOR SALE. IMPROVED LANDS, TIMBERED lAnDS, SWAMP LANDS and TOWN PROPERTIES. ' The Counties of Robeson, Bladen, Cumberland, and all adjacent sections, offer fine opportuni ties for investment. The openlnfcof dlreotrau ways North make the SHOE EE EL sefltlona NEW AND INVITING FIELD for Truekintf. Gar dening and Frolt. Climate and hygiene advan tages unsurpassed in any country. A compeMM point for freights. Railways North, SoutH, Bast and West. Quick transport North by several routes. A grand opportunity for sale Invem menu, and a better one for practical farmers ana horticulturists SOome and see or write to I i - O. H. BLOCKKIi, , . I ' Real Effete Agent, Shoe UeW. my 5 DAWtf Robeson Co.. ygu New Cuba Molasses. H OGSHEADS, TIERCES AND BARRELS, IN LOTS TO sun AT LOW TRICE HALL & PEARSA11I feb 11 DAWtf GOLD MEDAL. EAEIS BAKERS Warranted absolutely p voeoa, from wmcn tnee---OU has been removed. It bail time tie Hrength of Cocoa with Starch, Arrowroot or aiiF"; and is therefore far moro.ccijo cal, costing Us than one cjrn' t, jAn.n, nnuritniogi strengthening, easily digestc. w admirably adapted for mva' -well as for persons ln; health! Sold bv eroeers everywwre. . BAKER I. CODorchester, M de 18D&W9m tn th sat ana whfsliey rrih" Its cored at uoiup wj outpain. BookofNji" tlcafars sent VltKh. m& Whitehall Strt-Mt- brs sent sealed rree.ERIE MED. CO.. BTTFi AWiJ' te 18 DA Wly tth sat I CURE FITS WkeB I sar con 1 do sot' . .( lm"P tri Urn. and thus them rtara .Kiln. au ears, I bmv. mad the or FIT Wn or FALLING S1CKNK8S XB OCtaan- kau i- n a .mm, fn not . now rece'T' wniii mv lemMr so cur. to wo. .j.,. k r-. 8od at ooee for tnatlM and a Free "l""",!; tnfUIIbl. ncMdr. Olre EzpreM and roatOSlca. It "f amtaagDjratrlal.aBdIwluenr.yoa. ( s - Addraaba. H. O. BOOT, norrlSt.,I!e, "7 "I J .TO I mi I anil OPU. tutbeat . noSlDAWCm 1 .!.-- ;' noWDAWly

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