x The Weekly Star. I PUBLISH JD AT I IV jO TON a r IV It ill 1 ,50 A YBAIl, IS ADVANCE, s8sS8888S888SSS8 r 88388888888888888 Hinuojt 9 . "HHwS- 888888888S88888aa 1 jqiuoHS SSSSS8?'s:3i8'S8Sf!aBa58 ' - s p :S8S888S88S8 iti)"K ? soi-v 82888888X88888888 88S8S88888838888I' "0S33gSg88'aa888 888.81S888888888888' moon 1 SSSSSSSllIIllssaa --"-"-sassssgra "A1 Entereil at the Post Office atrWHmhurton. K as Second Class Matter J t V r SUBSCRIPTION FRICE. 1 The subscri6tion price of the5 Wbbejt Stak i as follows : s ; - l Single Copy 1 year, postage 'paid,' " 6 months, " - ' s ' " 3 months " $1.50 1.00 .60 Til E ABUSES AND DANGERS OF DIRECT TAXATION.' j . -; I : iMr. Tucker begins his paper in the 'Forum on "Indirect Taxation" by reviewing the history of the cmoney power" in the British system.! We cannot dsal with that review, cleat as it is and. directly connected as a with the evils of the system nrpvnils in nnr nnn InnJ "money power" in both England and the United States has al way kept close to political power, and at last it ' islhe controlling influence J in the councils of our country. In (he for mation of the Constitution the purse was transferred : frorn tho States to . ' . . iL i, . T ' tne UonreHH, lieforo that it had been so that Congress oould not de clare war because it lacked j "the sinews of war," but it was all cbacged, ami power to raise money, &oi was deposited with the Congress, tllere are the clauses giving the ortirol o; ' the purso to the Congress: " j "Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and: excises, to pay th debts and provide for the corn mon defence and g neral welfare! of the United Stalef ; but aU duties, imposts aod excises shall be uniform throughout the United States. . j f. I "No capitation or o!her d rect tax shall . be laid, unless ia proportion to tlie census enumeration hereinbefore directed to be taken." . V -. i Thus the States are striDDed of a great aud. important power States had delegated csrtaii " ..." . o -r powers to the General Government. The States reserved to themselves all -powers not specially delegated, for the Constitution declares that "the 'powers not delegated "f are preserved to the States respectively or to the people." Mr. Tucker say that "our constitutional 'history is involved in this balance of tne two systems of Government whic l conv stitute our Federal polity; th fj one TlllinW lAl.1AfA Un AtLn. J uuiuiug uv,pgbv7u, iiuoubuoi t caul y cu, authority." Now the check tJ cen tralization to usurpation on! the part of the Federal Government a Government, remember, of strictly delegated powers -is in tho people themselves. If they arc faithful to true democratic! renablinan nrinm pies they will not allow the brlaturi to usurp powers that were never del eeated, ami to thui undermine their libertim. Mr. Tucker points out that jealousy of the tax power act check unon extravagance. Thi , - a . ---j j be true in the maio, but it fails some times to restrain the wastcfulnessAjf the 'ongresH. Popular jealousv does nAma . put a check upon the ambitious anq reckless displays of the Congr'ss We now come to the jist of Mr, Tucker's discussion -r "Indirect iTax4 , ation." We quote an instructive and thoughtful paragraph or j two. He says; . ' - "Dirpot tuTpa nrn thnan nhoro fh rela tion between the tax-gatherer and the taxi the burden of the tax he pays to the former! without recourse to any third person In direct taxes are such that the tax-payer may mingle his tax with the price of the article taxed, and receive both back in a sale to an other. Here the relation (between the tax gatherer and the real payer of the the tax is mediate. . . j t -- "It is clear, therefore, that the j indirect taxes may be so devised as -to make those who ultimately and really pay them uncon scious of their burden, or. rather, iof its cause. That this is the result in such cases almost universal experience. The excise tax on tobacco and-whiskey is directly paid by the manufacturer of the one and the dis- tiller or the other. Each adds the tax to the price of the article, and receives it back in "e price paid for it by the buyer.! The duty on an imported article is immediately paid by the importer; but through the media or the wholesale and the retail merchants the burden is lifted from all except the consum er, who knows nothing of the tax, because il is so adroitly mingled In the price pf the article that he sees only the greed df; the merchant, and does not dream of the jexacf tions of his government" , Under' indirect taxation the people wo systematically, continually,! de liberately robbed and they submit chiefly through ignorance and. insen sibility. They are bled hourlyj dai ly weekly, yearly, and the economic chirnrgeons are the importers, whole sale and retail merchants. The8 im porter adds the tax paid at the cus torn house; the jobber puts on his Profits, and the retailer adds his and the poor toiler nava the tax and Wesses the Government that extorts it not really knowing how, great its rden. "He ' sees the blessings the Government bestows but -is luhconj ficious of the tribute it exacs.R It is indirect, and, therefore, nnfelt. But because indirect it is none, the iess very real and very burdensome. .. 1 ' r , 4 " - C - Tz : ' mmm - ,.. t- - , . t - ' VOL. XVIII , , , . - - , - " snoes, he pays tl.25jrf tax. That is if thnra j...... ' , . J l mere wan imJs- .--.i-'s-a under the Tariff he would W th same shoes for $2, and so with scores ot other necessaries of life. There will be no care of this eril, wonsirous as it is, as long as it ap V Inaire wrm. L,et a mrect lax De laid and all men will at uuce see, teel, and understand its magnitude and meaning, A farmer or laborer who pays $10 tax to State," county and municipal antnorities pays from five to ten times that sum in tho increased oirioe of goods caused by the Federal tax levied under the Tariff -an ' indirect procedure. Mr. Tucker shows . that the indirect ax of this country is about $300,000,000. State, county and munioipal taxes are about the same. One isdirectt the other is in uireut. -1 ne conscious burden is from State taxation. That W the Federal Government rests upon the people unconscious of its exactions. Is it surprising that the people are so ready to ask Congress to do everv thing which costs money, rather than leave it to the States? It is because. when done by Congress, it seems to cost noihiner: when Hnnn ho iK States, to- be an .oppressive burden." And yet what supreme, ignorance and folly are thus manifested. Peo pie lack in8truotionTn elementary principles. They are being oppressed and plucked under the form of indi rect taxation the War Tariff and tney neitber complain nor try to evade it. They rush" to Congress for moneys to cure sick, hogsj to furnish seeds for planting, to teach sohool, to clean oat creeks, to build houses not for national purposes, ! and so on, and in their intense ignorance and blindness they do this supposing that the Government has some way of producing money without troubling them. Blind 'and infatuated, they know not that every cent of the mil lions of subsidy or grab they seek comes out of their own pockets, and was placed in the Federal Treasury by their own toil, sweat! and self sacrifices. When will ' the taxpayers learn the primary principles of Gov ernment and the simplest lessons of taxation? I This yielding on the part of the people to the Federal power, and their willingness to become suppliants and pensioners are the chief source of danger to our institutions cause "a decided drift from the reserved to the delegated authority from the States to Centralization." ' But says Mr. Tucker, this is not all, "Power not only runs after money, but money runs after" power.'' A pro found thought worthy of I, becoming an axiom. When the Federal Trea sury is full, then there are certain to be new objects of expenditure sought. - Indirect taxes J aocumn t . vvvriaw v w r m avis. The cry tioes up " What -shall we do with the accumulating sur plus?" a surplus, mind you, that has been wrung from a ha&vily hardened people. A fe ravily voicd.-t hre and there answer back "Reduce taxation." But this sensible reply is drowned in the chorus of reckless and unintelligent suppliants "Give it to the States, build this, do that, teach the yoaag idea Sea." j And no the senseless clamor continues and the gdiog and ineviUble taxes go on. "Myriad schemes of public plunder, under the guise of public blessings ' Jill Congress, and the demagogues shout and their followers clap their hands. What jblindnss! What unmitigated folly ! 'But hear Mr. Tucker: The indirect power of taxation by the Federal Government, practically at this moment exclusive' given as an easy method of raising revenue, by putting burdens on a people wiLuouk uib&ihk mew conscious oi At SV. 1 - ! I nose than that for-which it was srranted: to ck uu vua uuBiuesB nun out uuwu another; to tax. not for the treasury, but for the benefit of favored interests: to kill what is hated, by an exterminating tax, in order to foster what is loved, through the death of its rival. Thus the whole realm of reserved powers of the States, to deal with, control, and protect all the varied in dustries and occupations of men, is in vaded, and those powers are absorbed by the Federal Government; and this authority is mus ceniraiizeu, unuer me ciaiui ot power to levy taxes for the supply of the Federal treasury." -.-i.j ' Our readers will be reminded of the oleomargarine bill. ; Mr. 1 Tncker favors . a change. ; He proposes to raise all revenue by the direct mode.' This will enable the people to see what is doing, and they can better hold their representatives to a strict i i accountability. He says "the consti tutional power to raise revenue" has become perverted, "and by the delu sive influence - of indirect taxation, become a disease, which produces in anition and atrophy in the States, and a corrupting plethora in the Cen tral Government." He adds, and let us be warned for he is wise: "The dancrer is imminent and permanent." The only remedy, the only effectual cure is in a change on the part of the people and by .teaching them four ? v . , . , . . I important lanaamemais, as louows: 'Tir9t,! ; 'KIJ.i2dlreCt ""I burden as a direct tax. "8econd. That the Federal duty is a v.,.,l. than thA fltftta tax for tha former not only burdens .the consumer ot Barker & Co. ; and six sample sacks fertiU aZe'nlia valued at $6, shipped by: Me8sra.v h.'LmMtii; ariAia vhlnh AAmnetefl with Heide & Co. - - UtQ UUUIVIV ot vV x . , " I "nuncu -one, multiplies ub DnraeDS man7 times beyond the tax tt Treasury rrec?lYe':' ' ' - S ; ' .'-inlrd.. That to preserve the equipoise between the Federal Government "and the f w uu KVUUPUIOUI Hig lormer, as well aa to avoid anarchial action oy the latter, are the moat sacred and mo mentous-dutie of the American citizen. ( . JTOUrth. f jfit Afto.h ; mnmmimt nan ita tax power for the sole purpose of supply ing the means of revenue to execute its UnaUeatinnail &nthnrt.v anil thii TTnlnn nt free commonwealths will realize all that its projectors aesignea ior tne iioerty ana wel fare of .the American people." DEATH OF HON. O, K. KENAN. We regret to leara of the death of Hon. O we'ii U. ' Kenan -which occur red at his home at Kenansville, .Dup lin county, .yesterday morning. He was aged 83 years. He was a native of i Duphn wherft his family laye lived ; for - more v than'" a hundred years, j He served in the Confederate Congress one term, and was also a .member of the North 'Carolina Leg islature in 1836. . He was a member of the Presbvterian Church, and lived and died esteemed by all who rf - , - knew him. He was a man of sound judgment, of sterling integrity! of extraordinary perseverance and ener gy, and was genial, affable, kind and considerate. Hie county never had a better citizen, and he leaves a mem ory that deserves to , be cherisned. He was the father of Col. Thomas S,- Kenan. ex-Attornev General of the State, of Mr. James Kenan, who has served in the Legislature, and of our highly respected townsman, Mr. Wm. K. Kenan. A NORTH CAROLINA WORK. The "Church History" of Rev. C. Bj Hassell and Rev. S. Hassell, father and son, is a large octavo of 1,008 pages, and is well gotten up mechani cally. It is a handsome volume. The work was begun by the father some eleven years ago, and completed by the son after the death of the elder Hassell in 1880. It has taken ten years of labor to complete it, the son giving six years to the work. It has cost him $5,000 to carry out the plan. The work was undertaken at the in stance of the Kehukee Baptist (Prim itive) Association. It is a broad field to cultivate from the creation of the world until now. We have not examined the work or read a page of it. It is the production of two relig ious men of intelligence and capacity. Rev.S.I Hassell is a scholarly man with Btudloua naoits, an alumnus of tl University, where he stood high, and has been a very successful teacher. lie . is a conscientious, sincere man j who believes all he writes and is de voted to upholding the practices, polity land doctrines of his people. In a private letter to us he says: "The book was not written tn' nulre either money or fame, but to promote what Hs authors believed to be God's eternal truth ; and that truth has been stated, as we have found it, without fear or favor. No thing but the truth can do any human be ing real or lasting good, although it may be very unpalatable when administered. "I think that the latest and highest American and European scholarship, and the ! latest phase of Modern Missionism. nmfe tha Anrintiir&lnfm and Ihn f-nncpnnAnt correctness of the distinctively Primitive I Daptiai, i position, i . ii money sou nnman learning can convert the world the Bible is false, and there is no need of the Holv Spirit for the salvation of sinners (see pages (K? 040 ana BU3). wnat Primitive Rant into und nil nthpr nrnf Aaninir nhriarlann r . . . . .. -- - f - . a v need, infinitely more than money or human learning, is the outpouring of the Divine Spirit from on high; and no other power in the universe can awaken the dead sinner to spiritual life, and convert the spiritual wilderness oi mis world into tno blossom ing and rejoicing garden of the Lord." The j first edition is nearly ex hausted. The prices are from $2 to $5, according to binding. CoL Pardee has written two long letters about Wilmington and its in terests to the Baltimore Manufac turers RecordJ Of our climate and the desirableness of Wilmington as a Winter residence be says. ' "The leadinz attraction Wilmington has for the tourists that usually! hibernate in Florida ia its soft and genial atmosphere. HTIia n.nnfiA.1 moan tpmrwrRtiipa rtt RmitK- ville, at the mouth of the Cape Fear river, is ine same as mat oi AioDue, -Aia., wnne that of Wilmington (63 degrees) is but three lean And nArreannnda with that nf .Tornan- lem. in the Holy Land, and of Nicolassi, Sicily, i In other words, tbis southeastern section of North Carolina, for a belt fifty miles along the coast and forty miles in land, has a semi-tronica! .climate eonal to that of Florida. The late Prof. Eerr, State Geologist and Botanist, was wont to say that this country, with its isolated semi- tropical climate, must nave .been cut off from Florida and floated to its nresent an chorage." - ' What sort of civilization must that be ' and what the type of manhood that take for the standard of nobility and the ideal of character such men as Lincoln, Stanton, Grant and Sher man? ; Lincoln was an infidel : Stan- ton was a traitor, as Jerry Black has shown; Grant was not truthful, and Sherman is mean all the way through. -. The Pope' will take a favorable view, it is telegraphed : from Rome, of the Knights of Labor and the at titnde of Cardinal Gibbons. Foreign Bxyorts Yesterday. : " Norwegian barque Hjemmel cleared for Reval, Russia, with 1,367 bales of cotton, valued at $58,875; shipped by Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Bon. . .1 - ; Schooner Georgie L. Brake cleared for Sanchez. San Domintro. with 18.287 croBS-. es, vataed at $5,760,8hipped by Messrs. James H. Chadbourn & Co. , a buqaBiGraf Behr Negendank cleared for Hamburg with 1.911 barrels k . - nnn . . . .. " of rosm and 300 casks of spirits turpentine. walnnd At 7 7Q1 . aiilnnarl h. Waaaara Tf. fl T . .1. WILMINGTON, N dt Forelen Exoorta THtwaaT ,The German baraue Ibrdinand cleared for Hamburg, - Germany, with a . cargo of 700 casks of spirits of turpentine and 2,605 barrels of rosin, shipped , b Paterson, Downine & Co.. and valued at 1B 4SO. : Norwegian tiarque JZektor- cleared -"for iionaon, Eng.; With 2,887 barrels of rosin, shipped by Pateirsoa, Downing & Co ; and valued at $1975, and 1.428 barrels shipped by Williams & Murchison and valueoVat $1.200. 1 " i.- ' Schooner; VwA ' Souther cleared for Ponce, P. R ; with 293.225 feet roush lum ber, 5,232 feet dressed lumber and 143.000 shingles, shipped by Edward. Eidder'a Son, and valued at $3,159 78. - Offieera or (be Atlantic Coaat Line 'The following offlcera nf this nro-anira tion have recently ; been' nnnlwtpfi-. "Wtf2- liam T. iWaleet. president, with office in Baltimore; John B Palmer, first vice-pre sident, with office in Richmond: Henry Walters; second vice-president and genera manager, with office in Wilmington, N. C Directors W. T. Walters, a F New comer, R R Bridtjers, H. Walters, F. R Bcott. JL B Palmer, A. F. Ravenel The folio wine, with the president, con stituta the Executive Committee: B. F Newcomer, R R. Bridgers, J. B. Palmer T The Atlantic Coast Line Association i made up of the followinc; railroads: Rich mood & Petersburg; Petersburg, Wilmiog ton & Wfcldon; Whmington, Columbia & Augusta; Albemarle & Ra'eigh: Midland of North Carolina; Northeastern of South Carplina; Central, of South Carolina; Che raw and, Dirlineton, and the Cheraw aod Salisbury. ' J - A Remarkable Discovery. Mr. J.L! Winner.tbe well known watch- maker of hist city, reports a remarkable discovery In . taking observations of the sun in his busiutss of r-gulatin; aod ad justing the chronometers of masters of vessels arriving at this port,J he found on the 3rd lost, that the. mean solar time was 10 minutes ,10 6 10 seconds slower than it was on the 25th of February, when observa tions were latt laktn. Air. Winner is satisfied that his instruments were in per fect order and his calculations coricct, and was particular in having the latter verified by competen t par tits. Yesterday, be tele graphed 1 the result of his observations to the National Observatory at Washington. If Mr. Winner is coned in his observa tions and calculations, this loss of time shows that the earth has been retarded in its revolutions in the six days from the 25th of February to the 3rd of March, ten minutes and ten. and fcix-tenths seconds, and as it revolves at the rate of fifteen de grees or nine hundred miles an hour, this loss of time makes a difference of over 152 miles in' the longitude of every place on the globe. - Mr. Winuer does not venture an opinion as to the cause of tbis strange behavior of Motuer j E rlh. ' Recent terrestlal a lsturb ances possibly caused it; or it may have been simply a precursor of the backward uigaioi ume wmcn iook piace yesieraay at the close, of the. Forty ninth session of the American Congress. : . Blosham. A dispatch from' Asbevilie says that the New York Herald has sent two representa tives of j that paper to Buncombe county who are ostensibly endeavoring to find a suitable location for a sheep ranche, or are examining critically large boundaries of timber, or viewing with capitalists' caution the rich depotuts of some mineral, or mak ing prominent some other fictitious mission while they 8cek in these mountain fastnesses the deaf mute who has thus fai evaded ap prehension . The latest rumor that enmea from any authentic source ia to the effect that the mysterious deaf mute has been seen in the county of Haywood, and it is pretty safe to say that this sweetheart mur derer luiks Fomcwhare among the bill and fastnesces of Western North Carolina Incendiary Firo In Bladen. 1 he cotton girt, barns and stables on Mr., R. M Wescott's place, near Kelly's Cove, Bladen county, were destroyed bv an in cendiary fire last Wednesday night about twelve o clock All of Mr. Wescott's farm- in ' implements, one hairs 4, six or seven hundred bushels of corn' and' 8,000 pounds of forage were burned. The loss is estima ted at about $2,000 ; The incendiary, a ne gro' boy about eighteen years of age, was caught; he confessed to setting the place on fire, saying that he thought he would only hAVP tn nav a. ftna fnr nnmmittino- tha ant. and this he would be allowed to work out. tie was taken to JSlizabetbtown and lodged in tne jau at tnat place. Deatb of luTr. Theodore Ellera. Mr. Theodore Eilers. only surviving son of the late H B. Eilers, died last night at the residence of the family on Fifth and Orange streets. His death was unexpected and a irrpnt nhnr.lrin hln familv and frionria TTo WM at hill nlanp, .nf hnainpaa 'Piidav in hia usual neauu, oui was lasen sick curing tne evening of that day. The cause of his death was not stated, but it was ascertained that he had been suffering from some affec tion ot tne Doweu. Prevention Better tban Core. The Board of Health of New Hanover county have issued' a circular for free dis tribution,; containing valuable -information as to the prevention and restriction of scar let fever.; The preventive measures re commended are " 1. Avniri thA nnnfaffiiim nf tha riiasaaa TSanecialTv. shnnld children hn nrpvnntad from going near a case of scarlet fever, or 11U1U lAIUUUg 1U VVUMUhr ITlbU OUJT bUilJ wnicn nas been near one sick with this dis ease. - 2., Be careful of books, toys, cats and doffs which mav have been handlnd hv a scarlet fever patient ; The disease has been spread by circulating libraries; picture books having been taken therefrom to amuse the patient, : and returned , without being disinfected. . : : -x - . ft fnA i rennverlna frnm . thla iaaaaa should not be permitted to mingle with the . i 1.. . .. . . puouc, unm ae ana nis ciotning nave neen thoroughly cleaned and disinfented. . d. Nn-r.hlld hnminir frnmi a hnnao nnn. tain Lag a case of scarlet fever' should be al- , a a aa a m . .. . . wweu iu aiienu bcbooi or otner. puouc as sembly, ; and should be prevented - from nlavinir with other nhildiwn - - - ; 5. Any one coming from, such a house ahnnld hatha riiainfAAt . A nh.niv. Yilm ctotnmg oerore going where there are call: 6. Beware of any one with a sore throat; dft nnt allnw vnnr nhfMiwn tn ha trlaocvl ho such a person, or to drink from the same cup, 5 r ,-. ... 7. When scarlet fever is present in your commnDUT. an nnr ta.n-a -hi nnm.tn nrnwn. ed assembliea in linvAntilated rnnmi o. pee mat your nouse ana premises are Al m -r aia. periecuy ciean. . ijoox to your cellars, sew- Am nftoa-nnhla : ainVa an '.tarafav St1-wnta and allow no decaying animal or vegetable uwkwr ui uouion me avmospnere oi your uweiiing. r " . - - FRID AgvIARCH 111 STATE LEGISLATURE., Railway CoaaMlMloav BUI Lai oat the .mo oeaiato naeaumrr Act Paaaea-Tbe state Car-A Railway uoanmlsaloaKBUl M Paaaed y tae aoaae. " Special SUr Report " 4 . , - w, v. u inuiuuuu authorizinir Gov. fla1 , un th ernor's Mansion, if he' can obtain within 12 Der cent of its seU it at that rate, the sum of $10,000 is to w apuropnaiea ior its completion. ' , , TtUS KAJLWAT COKHISSIOS The bill to create a nil wu lb it en urr jb rha nntiiiohf a K..;nMB . . 1 " vuiuwomvu II WAS ID thA hArllPA nf a enhDtltnU nA Buomuieu witli a favorable reoort br Pou Ior the ooiamhtee . - i , ;. ; UO mot inn nf tVniciA. ' was laid on the taWe by a vote of 20 to 18 ; cf. M passeu amenamg the act s tablishing the graded schools at Tarboro. TH IE U1P uTHv D 1 vn ' The Senate devoted the remainder - nf ita session to tne- consideration of this act. JNO Chances vcerc mad a in it 1 It scuuuiLBuu miru reaaings " ' a.t 6 o cicck tne enate adjourned - HOUSE . The House hevan "urnrlr it Q '..llr this morning. , 1 Only one bill waaintrnH . .w.. VU U AIUV.UU lor taking 8 Vote of the nHmln nt Wicn, county on the stock law question. THB STATE OUABD. ' The bill to innrnaaA anH nvAmnta .V, A m . - -www u u u uivuiuw lug CUi ctency of the State Guard Was taken up. Many amendments weie offered. . One of these, by Lindsay, was rather singular. It Was that no member nf tha nnarrl .Hall K - vuw AUCAKU DU'lll W a member of an v aporpt nntiif.i tion. It Was lOBt. An tnenitmant ho BrOfiden. that the .' annrnnriatimi cKoIl Ku for only two years was adopted. The bill Daased its second anrl IhiM ,u;aa. t. doubles the appropriations to each com pany. iou 10 aaoo, and allows $100 for headauartera eznenaea nf ,., ,;,-, The vote on the third reading: was 56 to 89. - A BS JOB ATOBXJ ; The bill tO1 establish a rpfnrmatnrv In connection with tha second and tnird readings. i . PASSED THIBD BEADXNO To authoriza the hi Cherokee. CiacinnAt! fr. f!h.BA Company. To drain Conetoe swamp i To incornoratp and Training Iosti ute at Charlotte. To extend the charter oMhe Raleigh Street Hiilway, so that it co extend its lines t villages near Raleigh. I 10 incorporate the Monkey Island Club. To incomnrale thn f,ii.i)A.ii)A n..i Estate Agency. - ( - To allow cosvir.ta fnr ordHino n -,.A from Kinston to the new iron bridge,; to be paw ior uy juenoir county. ; To provide sign boards at dangerous fords. r " . I: To Drovide for theanlanf th m I vs. WbUBk SOW fence in Stokes county. i To change the name of Brown Marsh, in Bladen county. i 10 es'ablisn Uleveland lowoshio. John - eton coun'.v. ' To inenrnnratp the. Ttlffe Pitror Mn. t : n n , oa uuu vouipaay. ' i THE RATT.WAV fninranm nnt ..wim ... IH1IVM This bill was taken nn in thn: shan nf an act supplemental to the act to regulate rail- nj,ireiguis. . it is me same bill which waa'dereatsil par! v in tha - ; t w bwociwu, JMUIIU iuk i lurets Ljommiasinnpra i rn ru. on pointed by the Governor ; Tiw. tw-tw w v....av.u, : vf UU U LT iih uufcrutir - ... ovi w o rhn nunnla fAv ratiSnnrlnn oba,iiieu or rcjeiuuoa, at ine nexi regular election. An amendment was offered by Ewart, in the nature of a substitute, providing for the repeal of section. 1966 of the Code (as amended by this Assembly) in regard to freights, and for ihe anhm iaainn nf tha question of a commission of the people, to uo voieu on ai tne next regular election. Ewart spoke in favor of the substitute, while Holt and York attacked it. - A VOte Was taken and thn tuha iinta m.. aereated 24 to 66. - j Tne bill then passed its second- reading. On the third renrlino- nf Iha hill K.ct ' m " . MAW U . (A. offered the following amendment to sec- . ! n n. i . uuu o. . j That it Shall be Unlawful fnr aaws ... ration tubject to the provisions of this act to charge or receive any greater compensa tion in the aggregate for the transportation of passengers or of like kind of property, Under substantially similar nirnn i v J V VVUXtfWIH wv and conditions, for a shorter than for a longer distance over Lhe aamet line in the same direction the sborter being included in the lunger dUtance; but this shall not be construed as authorizing any common car rier within the terms of this act to charge and receive as irreat -comnenflatinn fnr a shorter as for a longer distance.'! This amendment waa l.iat R9'tn SR The bill then passed its third reading, i Senate amendments tn the Rnnnnmha etock law pused second reading! , ai i o ciocK tne Mouse adjourned. (The House comnleted tn ilav-all its nvn A ll . 1 r. 1 . . : mus, ine opeaaer announceu. SENATE. THURSDAY NIGHT. TtnT.ETOIT Marnh A. The Reriata aocoinn WM devoted tn thn nnnaidsratinn nf tha bill to create a College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts. The debate was pro longed. There Wem man v arvenhpa nn -both sides of the question and a great num i oer oi amenamenia were introuucea. une of these amendments was to submit the question of the establishment of the college to a vote of the people. This was voted dawn ftS WAR A. Art AnrtthAr ampnrlmpnt niv.. viding that "pay students" outside of the izu iree ones snouia De admitted. All the other amendments were voted dovn and the bill Daased lust as it name1 frnm the House. It gives the college the $7,500 in terest on the land-scrip, and the fertilizer tai in exneaa nf thn 37 KAO not- anart. fnr the Department of Agriculture, j; . FKLUAY S SESSION. i TheSanata eno-ao-ed with thn TTnnon in the joint election of trustees of the Uni versity. "... . . : The Committee on Magistrates;! made its report, through Senator Eliaa, its chairman. To incornorate the Favetteville Real Estate Agency, v' . - - To so amend the Code as to provide for the holding of prohibition elections every . . J . m i j 11 . iwu lugwwi ui yearly, anu allowing dealers six months to close out their busi tiesa. The bill takes eflVnt .Jnlv 1 npxt after the June elections. ; To protect mullet flshmir in Carteret county and to protect natural oyster beds in tne same county. ? : lo prohibit the advertising of lotteries. A LIVELY FIGHT. . Adams caused a lively fight bv introduc ing a bill to cnmnel thrf nenitentiarv to hire out convicts in such numbers as to make the penitentiary as nearly self-sustaining as no&sible. ljnnkev nnnoaad the bill and said it was sprung upon the Sen ate, a nisAnams aeniea uooK maae a motion to refer the bill to the Committee on Prnnnaitinna and ftrlevanpoa WHliama of Davidson, said a reference would defeat me oui. t ne vote on tne motion to reier was ayes 22, noes 17. - The committee in half an hour reported unfavorable on the W1L-.;:. -wv.- -. k - - ?. The Hon an hill tn mnrimnixA thn T)nna.rt meat of Agricnltnra nasaed without ortno- sition. .-I At 2 o'clock the Senate adjourned. -: r r HOUSE. ' i . " THTJKSDAT BIOHT'S SBSSiaK. ' The - TTniiBA naaaed after a. Inno rlohotp ' In which Pearann aAvarelv attana-oH 'TnritAr gie man, though a charity student at the nivereity, spoke -in opposition to that in stitution) the bill to move the State Normal School from Asheville to Bakers ville. , He lodged a motion to reconsider, r ,. , i LYour correspondent fell into an error in yesterday's report, concerning the Railway vuiuuiissiun, ' otc. . a ne xiouse nau up a bill in the Shane of a suDolementarv to the act in fegard to fieht discriminations. To this E wart opposed a substitute which woa precisely tne same aa me act creating a railway -enmm iaainn fwhinh thn TTnnan defeated early in the session). It was on jc.ran a - aunsaiuie inat tne ireignt waa made. It was defeated. The bill passed. 1887: oo mat the House did not pass the bill ta uuiaiiuia question or a railway dimmtaJ' sion. Latt night Ewart made repet.l at . tMnntl Ia ml lkM.L A. : 1 1 ' f - " s ""'mgu tiuia n create a com mitSlOn. All wem ntAvr1 ri.on 1 The Stevedore bill has passed' tho 8enate kUXS la BUW aft laWr" 1 J.-.J. t." . . The Free Ferry bi.i passed in spite of the vppusiuuo oi owam, and is now also a law . i js - i PBIDAT'S SESSION. " No bills were introduced in the House today... Work on the calendar . hi.,...n at 9 80 a. m. The day's work w4s vt ti '. v - i ii v -a. a.aaie Mmll OAiAWi J To incorporate ; the. Chowan and Smith ton Railroad: - - ! l : i B1X.TJ PAftnn trtrrun -noAnrnA To amend the charter of the Wilmington. vuoiu vw nuu ruhthk 1 rni nnL ifmi yyn.i . j T amend the charter of the Wilmington,' yuauuuurn anu uonwayDoro Kt.road. To allow the lease of iron mi la h . " : To establish free fnrrUa .t UUAni.i.;. ,? To allow Oolnmh.i lo establish the line between Uaion i.d uaoarrus counties . luuniiuiatc IUB UUI1IUIU U!tllie wrouno. . ! . ., . ,- )!.. To amend the law in regard . to tut tion of real estate ' i ii lie parti - To amend the law lei .tive to hunting on posted lands. ... . - :-.Ur.; To nrbvide fnr ! the ft - - - f ""uuu JJ LUC Trustees of the Library, of Col John A. Slaoe'a history of the North I barolina tvnrti in Sl,n lAa -i To nrovidft fnr Hia Kmnval nf (L. Qt.A Library to the new library building; and the To iDCornoratft fforeat Hill MannfQM..r ing Co. of Concord. - I . ! r lo pay for rcut of a house for the Gov. crnor. . I - - . : To incorporate Eistern Land Co; To allOW Shelbv to iaaun hnnita To exchange connon bond fnr W - " IWlUll. oouua. . ;. - .. ' , , - To relieve D. A.; Grantham, ex-sheriff of wayne county, and bis sureties To incornorate i Xhn tnarn nf Sntt.n.. fines. - - - - r vAAl. I U To incornorate the Piedmont I.n,i n To allow TransvlvaniHand VaHt-!n n,.n ties to lew a enecial tax. 1 i - To incorporate the Cherokee Land and To regulate the sale of, dangerous ex olo sives. . . -: i rwy . - : : -I' 10 incorporate insiuutiona f,,r kai nm l t. . TT --t r--s- uau aa . ; i Mi INCREASE 07 THB ftTTPRTCua nnTtnin ThelBoUSB took UDand naaaed thii hill tn submit to the people of the State at (he next regular election the question of the Supreme Court to.fi vo of an increase The vote on the bill on the third rendimr niu.rl. Y,o ou, naysaa. TEU8TEES OF: THR! TTNTfcw.uatW The House went into session for the eltr. tion or trustees . of the. University, and Messrs Fries and Pi tellers on the part of the House. . The, re sult oi me election was as follow S. M. Finirer. ei-nfflr-in . RnnaUn,.,.. ' dent or fublic Instruction;! Rev. A. D. lietta. K K. Bridgers, Charles A Cook, weorge uavis. -y. r. irairclctj Frank D Winttton. John A Gilmer. John w r. nam, U. A- Gudeer, A Leaztr. So), a wem, jonn manning, Hamilton McH.il lau It. B. Peebles. Jainea . Rnhinann w t xates. w. M. H Burgwyn. Thomas M Holt. Rev. W. S. Long, C. B. Aycock; in 1 a? a a V a a if piaceoi nev. c.. a. wiiey, John w. Fries; in place of James M. Mullin, A C. Avery - m piaoe uin.D. anon, a. u. williameon Tme riTunnm -. in The House refused to concur in the Sen ate amendment o-to- Revenue Dill, and a conference committee was appointed - Ah attempt was' made to reconsider the I... I...L . 1. A A .... . tu.c u wmuu iub iree lerry oui passed out it laiieu. i ; THE ATLANTIC COAST B B. To amend the charter of 1 the Atlantic uoast Kaiiroaa, to allow it to extend its line through Cumberland and Rladen nnnntica to the South Carolina line, and extending uuiB to iour years, air. feanoa intro duced an amendment that jthe Atlantic Coast Lino Railroad shall nav tiTpg Mr Sutton said that this road was not the At lantic Coast Line; that the latter road had nothing to do with; it. Mr. Brogdan said it was the same old company, which was in corporated in 1835. Mr. Lyon said it was not. out taat it was me une chartered a few years ago lo run from New York to Charles ton. Jay Gould secured the act incorporat ing it. t ne oui was at tms point dropped, uciug passeu over informally, j i . THS EUtCTTflV n uiaTBTDiTss The House branch of the Committee on magistrates made its teport, through Stan sell, chairman of the House branch, i The .nominations cover some 2.400 names THE HBATIRG OF THE CAPITOL. The House look up the bill to allow the (Governor and Council to provide for the heating : of the capitol and library uuiiuiuk at a cost ooi to exceed fit), 000. York opposed it. Holt.! Worth and Williamson favored it. tayiug it was abso lutcly cecsssary. Every session members aie rrom disease caused by the inefficient beating oi the capitol. , This session there has been a remarkable amount of sickness. The bill passed iu third reading ayes 40. At 1.30 the Heme adjourned. Trnateea or tbe Agrlenltaral college , Hitch on the Election of lTIaKleiratce Knlshia or Labor Anlagonlalns tne Appointment of Jonea aa Cblet of Labor Statlatlea u urea a. ! Rleioh, March 4. Governor Scales to day nominated the following to be Trustees of the-State College of Agricultural! I and Mechanic Arts: W. S. Primrose. Ra leigh; Henry E. Fries, Salem; Rufus Bar- rmger, Charlotte Geo. Z.' French j Wil mington; Ehas Carr, Edgecombe.! Thess nominations will be acted on by tho Senate to-morrow morning i ne senate mis afternoon refused to re - cede from its. amendments to the Revenue act which stops the rebate on drummers license tax and puts merchants in this State on equal footing with those of other States. In the House this evening, Oakley intro duced a resolution disaDorovi mi nf the A A O ---ji nomination of Westley . N. Jones to be Chief of the new Bureau of Labor Statia ties. He endeavored to out the reanlntmn upon its passage, i ; " . i Overman said that the matter was one with which tbe House had nothing what ever to do. v It was entirely in the province of the Senate. Tho House refused to suspend the les to allow consideration of tho resolution Last night and to-day there has been a great deal of talk about this nomination. Knights of Labor are antagonizing it. House and Senate conference' committees on the Insane Asylum bill had two con ferences to-day. The House has adopted an amendment to that bill cutting down the appropriation for the asylum at Morgahton Tho House to-night receded from its amend menu so far as that asylum is concerned. and the amount of the appropriation for the next fiscal year Is fixed at $65,000, and Anv AAA at at . a it ' I .,s; tN,uw ror me iouowing year.f , , There is a hitch on the election of magis trates to-day. ; Printing of the! lists of ap pointments was ordered, and 3 o clock to morrow afternoon was set as the. hour for consideration. '' Pearson is fighting against the adoption of nominations made in the House.' It Is a very important matter . SENATE. T? AT.WT3TT Vowth K . Hna nfth nntimk. able features in the .Senate to day was the arm manner in. wnicn jfresiaeni Dteaman called attention to tha naasage of bills atv sroDriatinir mnnevl Tn the haste of rnaha ing business through, he declared that the Senators should give their attention, how- .a .. a j t i m a - 1 1 ever muco mey were inieresieu in olub anu NO. 19 measnres not hefnrn tha flm.!. : D i ,,, . r r , uw anew that they had their attention divided, as all must neoeaaarilv hawn n m v, v j - j I " a .ui vu v u auu get home; but the bills affecting the treasu ry must be passed in the full knowledge of Senators.. - ,. ..... A COMTT.TfT7WTn A B V hh,ot rnJnA ; - T " WWUUUllVfl,,. ' - UUlte a nice nrnrim mum nii-l., v v w ii maa u ui y hUQ shape of a well deserved complimentary resolution concerning Dr. McCormick, of Harnett. The reanlntinn waa in the successful efforts of the Senator in Contributing to thn nnmfnrt nf Ik. u in the badly heated chambers His triumph iu una regara maras bm as one of the best sanitarians in the State, j It is stated that he will receive an appointment as a mem ber of the Raleigh Insane Asylum Board. I: A bill tO nav nertain olarb- A . , - . r v.VABV VAAt-l UQ a DOVe their reirnlar ner diam amn,,ni about $600 was defeated. ' j . !, o one but a first claes presiding otBcer could preserve order to-day. The Senate wm aiiMai.aanoiaya-He House. 1 The new memhnra eipntpl nn it. . . u-uvivu uu .uo uvam or Agriculture by the Senate are Messrs J. 8; JISP0"' QuUrdr. A. G. Brooks, of Wilson; Mr. A. Leazar. of Iredell; Mr! a. L GranL 6X nnatmaatpr at flnl,lcl,. , ; . r WAVAOWAV.. Ii Ine Omnibus innnr hill naaoAut , - -J ... MUUUU IU1IU reading. ; , m The bill reoriranixino- lha Tuuiia.( C Cl wpMiiyuuk m Agriculture passed its final reading. - HOUSE. II. . SDeaker Wehater der 'at 10 o clock. No bills were introduced and the calendar was taken up. f rASSED THIRD READING, To allOW Alexander nnnntn tn ' ln special tax. - . . : . J- I For the relief of certain citizens nf s,'mn. son county. JTo incorporate the New Bern Cotton & Grain Exchange. JTo amend charter of Suffolk Lumber Comnanv. tin relation to dnr.ketinir nnii.li J. a... - r5 jaaho -aaa su preme Court from Fourth District To incorporate Raker City & Greensboro Railroad. i For relief of sheriff of Warren' county. TO allow Transvlrania tn lan a .,.1 , - - J - J BAn.A.tCAA tax; same for Chowan county. To incorporate the Kittrell Industrial Normal School. . i TO incornorate Kenlo in Jnh n at nn county. ' I . To work certain convicts on public roads. I .Resolution to expend $400 for printing for the Bureau of Labor Statistics was lest. Resolution to ant.hnri7.a lha ninirtm..! , . iuv vwunituiQu. of lAgriculture to expend $1,000 for exper imenting with gill nets in securing eggs for the oronair&tinn nf fluh maa lndt I . " - awm, . ws, 1UUI, , aTbe conference committee on the Rev- Anlrif kill 1,1 cuujuiu, uec noiaing two or three ses- oiyuB, uuany reportea mat tney naa agreed to strike Ollt the tar nn nlaaonnk nl.-iK. wiA aawmouau inuv. auu to allow the rebate on drummers'1 tax to re main, ineir reDOrt was adnnted. The HflllKP emrairad with ih 9.haI. ;n the election nf fnnr H - .wwaa. VS WW V HUb XJUfMt U of Agriculture to fill vacancies. The elec uou consumed a great deal of time The Governor Nominations for Trna- ... t ceee ofPablle Inatltatlone conflrnaed A Very Marked compliment Paid . Ii . . j , . to Llent. Gov. Stcdman -Joint Sea- 1' I , A alon on Election orniaslatratea. - (Special Star Teleeram.) I - . Raleioh, March 5. The Senate this af ternoon went into executive session to con sider nominations bv the Governor fnr trustees of public institutions and direntnra of the College. All were confirmed. The Senate also confirmed Westley N. Jones as Commissioner of the Labor Bureau. President Stedman announced that the calendar was. clear of all bills of importance' A few bills remained, but thess had nnt been looked after by the introducers. A very marked compliment was paid to Lieut. Gov. Stedman this afternoon. The resolutions were presented by Williams. Adams and Webb. They were highly eulo gistic and stated that President Stedman had been a model of courtesy, fairness and parliamentary ability. Much speech-mak ing followed tbe introducing of these reso lutions. The speakers were Senators Win ston, Pou, Taylor,) Lockey,. GrifBn.i Elias, Lillington. Epps, Grouse, Shaw, Williams of Pitt and Fields. Tbe speeches were full of feeling and no-presiding officer ever receiv ed higher or more sincere comDliments. Lockey said that members of both parties. of both races, had snoken thus in regard to the Lieut. Governor. He wished to put the matter in enduring shape. He therefore moved that the resolutions be adopted and spread upon the record, and called the ayes and j nays. The resolutions were adopted by a unanimous vote amidst great applause. The House was in great confusion to-day. Your correspondent, in fifteen years' expe rience, has never seen anything at all ap proaching it It was really difficult to understand what was done. j The Senate and House went into joint session on tbe election of magistrates. The nominations made by the committee were chosen. The Republicans made a desper ate fight, but wero thrashed. WA SHINO Toy, Greeiy'a and Trotter'a Nominations Conflrmed-The Fate of Several Im portant Bills No Probability of a Special Session or the Senate. j 1 By Telegraph to the Morning Star Washington. March t The Sonata hao conflrmnd thn nominaHnna nf f'nnt a OT Greely to be Chief Signal Officer with the rank of Brigadier Geaeral. and James M. Trotter to be Recorder of Deed j for the Distrif.t nf fViinmhta - On thn nnnfirma. tion of Trotter the vote stood 30 to 11. Of tne minority three only, lngalls. Sabin and Palmer, are Republicans. j xne uenciency bill railed for want of time to engross it. - - Thfi Fortifications bill waa ahandnned in conference. - . i . The District of Columbia" Appropriation bill was signed by the President . i , - The River and Harbor bill failed tn re ceive the President's fupnatnre. Tt rnanhod him several days ago, but was "pocket ve- toea.r ? :, .-.-' i . WASHINGTOir. Marnh d Thero Baema to have been very little contest in the Sen ate over the confirmation of Jamea M. Trotter, colored nominee to the office of Recorder of Deeds of the District of Colum bia, and no utterance of the Senate has been or is to be expected on the subject. The action of the body, though apparently inconsistent with the principles enunciated in connection with the Matthews case, i ... upon the heels of which . it so closely follows, is explained however, in a variety of wava. Trnt.fer rame It la urged, with an excellent record as an ex Union soldier, which with tbe Senate counts for much. No charge is made against him,, as was the case with Mat thews, either of a business or political na ture, and there was nothing to - be said in his opposition beyond the fact that he is an alien to the District Upon this point, so strongly urged in Matthews' case, It is stated that the Senate has made a record of ita nrinninlea. havinir nrnnnnnxni itaelf em. phatically in favor of the selection of a T-a:.a S.A Af 1 . . m u is ix iot man ior a purely local omce. It is said at the White House that there ia no rtrhhahilitv nf a anealal aeaainn nf thn Senate being called by the President for the purpose oi acting on nominations or ior any ouier purpose. : j,- -vv.'vvv :, -: - -. v i ' 'Pha Tntar-fitata fnrrmomM. O n m m Irc'iyin mAAW AUVA.-WMW V-UHUWVB WUAIUKSIVU and the successor to Secretary Manning will probably be appointed next week, or the week following, - - , .. "Have vou the time." asked a Burlington woman of a man who was ra ther unsteadily - TmrsniniT hia wav nn Church street N no, madam," was the reply.; "Hut l bad it last night." Jiur- ttngton are rreu. . Clinton Caucasian? The rail- road Is coming fast. One hundred hands- with three trains are laying the track. Pearson's County Government "bill requii-t ing magistrates and nnnntvt imnmU! ..-! to give bond will be a poor campaign docua. !' t Irlflnt j. Tn a. atv . . . ZT u" j T7. uu6" onnop presides with! marked ability and fairness. The docket i 18 being ranldiv dianncai -w i. i SUCh an BynmnlaHnn it...: ,t.. I' will be Impossible to fihUhlit during this term. Upon the whole the Legisla- ncii h vouiu nave oeen reasonably expected. They have failed to pais a great many bad measures, and while really nothing of substantive benefit' to the people has been done, it has been a carerul and economical body and has done no Dar- ticuiarharm.' - . I . ri : -. jr. C, Z Uh4otte Chronicle; -President McKinnon made a very encouraging state ment as to the condition of pavidson Col lege, and reporU that there are , now 119 students on the college roll. The trustees, in response to a request from the Union Theological Seminary, granted Dr. 4. B. Mack permission to devote one half of his time to the interests of the Seminary . j Mr. Fred Greenland was out hunting' yes terday and fired his gun, a! cheap, single barreled affair, one time too often, j The gun burst at the breech, the j barrel ieing laid open flat. The load pissed directly upward, and Mr. Greenland escaped seri ous Injury, though one of his hands was badly peppered by splinters from the shat tered stock. The peopleof Richmond county voted down the bill for the county DHhBARlnl!.H . A aiAA AAA . . . .' .uuuuiijuuu ui tjiuu.uuu ,-io tne capital stock of the South Atlantic & Northwest ern Railroad, which ia planned to extend from Smithville, on the sea coast of I this State, to Bristol, Tennessee. The majority against the subscription was over five hundred.- ... ,: j- , t New Bern Journal; The Wil mington Stab often fails to reach New Bern on day of publication: We thought "pivil Service" waa to give us efficient ser vice. Now we know it is a humbug, i The bill to amend the law establishing gra ded schools in this city hasj passed both Houses of the General Assembly.' The features which were declared unconstitu tional by the Supreme Court have been eliminated, and as amended it will be sub mitted to the people to vote on the first" Monday in May. The bill to incor porate the East Carolina Land and Railway Co. has passed both Houses of the General Assembly and is now a law. jit is one of tbe most important bills to bur Onslow" county friends passed during jthe session, as it will undoubtedly secure the construc tion of a railroad between Trent and New rivers. Kinston dots: Dr. H. D. Har per's house, in Cqntentnea Neck townshiD. was burned a few. nights ago. It was the work of an incendiery. U Geo. Jen kens, who has served one ternJ in the peni tentiary, is again in fair way to move to Raleigh. Saturday night he took , Dr. Dyatt's horse and buggy, without ! his knowledge, and stole from i W. F. Dibble about three bushels of sweet potatoes. Raleigh News- Observer: Mr. Kenan was the son of Hon. Tfaos. Kenan, who represented the Cane Fear district in Congress from 1805 to 1811. Pe was born March 24, 1806, studied medicine and after wards studied law and for many years was among the foremost men in his section of the State. He served, three terms in the Stale Legislature, from 1834 to 1836, and afterwards represented his district in lhe Confederate Congress. In politics he was one one of the old school Jeffersonian Dem ocrats and he was as true to principle and devotion to duty as the needle to the pole. - Gov. Scales has made the following nominations to the Senate: For Commis sioners of Labor Statistics, Wesley N. Jones of Wake; Directors for the North Carolina Insane Asylum at Raleigh for a term of six years, Col. J. 8. Amis of Granville, Dr. W. R. Capehart of Bertie. Directors for the. Western Insane Asylum at Morganton for six! years: Maj. J. W. Wilsod of Burke, OOaiawDaoslt!' 'fill the. unexpired term of Major F. O. itobbins, resigned (term expires' in 1891). Directors for the Eastern North Carolina Insane Asylum for a term of six years: J. A. Bonitz, of Wayne; W. F. Rountree, of Craven; M. M. Katz, of New Hanover; and to fill the unexpired term of Dr. Matt Moore, resigned, Dr. S S. Satchwell.l of Pender. Directors of the North Carolina Penitentiary: E. S. Vaughan, Of Allegha ny ,no fill the unexpired term! of C. F. Lowe, resigned; and J. W. iCooper, of Cherokee, to fill the unexpired term of Hon. J. L. Robinson, resigned. Trustees for the North Carolina Institution for the Deaf. Dumb and Blind: O. D. Heartt, J. R. Williams and L. D. Stephenson all re appointed. Board of Internal Improve ments: S. F. Mordecai and E 0. Smith. -f- Charlotte- Chronicle : -At last ' there is a Woolen manufactory in North -Carolina that turns out goods equal if not Superior to any that can be made in the North, or any where else. - The an nual Convention of the North Carolina Medical Association, which is to convene in this city on April 13, will be attended by some of the most distinguished physi cians of the country. Among-those who have announced their attention to be ores. entare: Dr. D. H. Agnew, of! Philadel phia, one of President Garfield's physicians r Dr. Robert Beatty and Dr. Campbell, of Georgia ; Dr. Hunter McGuire and Dr. O. F. Manson, of Richmond ; Dr. Howard and Dr. Chisolm, of Baltimore. -This Associa tion is about to close the 6th year of its ex istence, and the 1st series of stock winds up this week. Every stockholder will receive $100 ror each share held, non-borrowers will receive the par value of their share in cash; and borrowers will have their mort gages and notes cancelled. Thus ends the -first series in this Association without one cent of loss during the six years it has been in existence. Non-borrowers have received about 9J per cent, per annum on their in- . vestment,' while borrowers have paid only 7J per cent, per annum. We under stand that the people of Charlotte presented Mr. Pearson with a purse of about $900, as a token of their appreciation of his services, as a laborer iu the Master's I vineyard. There was quite a party of ladies and gen tlemen at the depot to bid him good-bye. Mr. Pearson, we "understand, has promised to visit Salisbury and Concord next Octo- : ber.: We hear that he is a Cumberland Presbyterian a denomination that adopts -', theology (Arminian) very like the Metho dists, but retains the form of church gov ernment of the Presbyterians, if we are not mistaken. Stab i I . . jj Raleigh News'- Observer: At this session of the Legislature there are to -be appointed four members of the Board of Agriculture, viz: from the second, third, fifth ii and seventh Congressional districts. A. G. Fleming, of Granville county, sold 657 pounds of tobacco at an average of $53. 50 per hundred for . everything . In this lot there were 142 pounds that brought $92 I per hundred, and 100 pounds that brought $100. A. W. Beck, of Wake, 254 pounds, average $73. - In this lot 109 pounds sold at $125 per hundred; 12 pounds sold at $98; .84 pounds at $52; 26 pounds at $34; 12 pounds at $29; 24 pounds at $3, and 87 pounds at $5.10. N. R. Mltchener, of JohnBton county, 402 pounds, average $37.50. R. J. Boiling, of Chatham county, 784 pounds, average $32.87. J. C. Bunch, of Wake county, sold for $25.50, $34.50, $43, $61. $94. J. C. Oliver, $24, $36.50, $39.50, $69, $89, L H. Keith. $29, $30, $47, $8 - The row of old jbulldings south of the courthouse, all of Which are embraced and known under the) appellal tion of the "Old Sentinel building," is being torn down. This old structure is a fart and parcel of the history of Raleigbij ' t has almost seen the beginning of Raleigh and has seen all the various vicissitudes and ' fortunes to which the city has been subject for nearly a century. ' The city of Raleigh was laid off in 1792. In 1798 the brick por tion of the building was erected by Joseph Gales, and it was then the only brick home in the city except tbe old State house, that was burned June 21st, 1831. In 1799 the fiist newspaper "ever issued in Raleigh was; printed in this old brick structure. It was the Raleigh Begiiter, and was edited byj Joseph Gales, Br. At this time the popula-j tinn nf Raleiirh dfd nnt erneed K( , Th; third book printed in North Carolina waa issued from the same old office in 1804 Its title was "Matilda Berkley," a novel About 1806 the wooden buildings adjoining the structure were erected and occupied aa a book store by Joseph Gales & j8on, and as a police court The Regteterw&a printed here successively by Weston R. Gales, son of Joseph Gales, Seaton Gales, grandson of Joseph Gales, then by John W- 8yme,who moved it to Petersburg. Va.1 In 1868 the Raleigh Sentinel, which had been established by Rev. W. E Pell a few years before, was moved there and edited by Josiah Turner. and from this the building took its name as tne esennnei Duitaing. . -'-',' i ! .' V ..' w i' ::?.?' i i - -. Vf- j -i-rh-.- fi'--'.W: ' J -ti.j SI :CC 1 - : -c-ccc mem s . . J Vv V 1 i 1 4 --x'x cm: - : . '"4. i v..

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