TllC Weekly Star. 7 - :.. -V rpn : i t yr " . ;r j' . ' j I u y :. . - :h Spirits Tentine." 58883888888888888 ,Mtu.ilt 9 88888SS888S888888 m 88888338888888388 -1IUOK 8S88S8-SS5582S88S88 ilinoiv I S88S88S88S888888S 8SSSeS8S88SS8S888 S8S8SS8S8S8S83S88 Mr-'-JSts:: at Entered at the Post Office atTWllmlngton, N. C as Second Class Matter J i ; ' s ubscb iftioni pjr ice. The" subscriOtion price of the Weekly tfr.u: 13 as follows : ; Simile Copy 1 year, postage! paid, $1.50 " 6 months, M I ," 1.00 " " 3 months T " .50 TWO DELlVEHiNCES. There are so manyj misrepresenta tions of facta in political newspapers that one is driven t jjo over again work that had been t loroughly done. It requires line upoi line, and then 1 . it is haid work for truth to get ahead of error. In-form ar editorials we showed that there bad never been an appropriation made for any State purpose out of the Federal Treasury like that proposed in j,he. Blair bill, the most dangerous and destructive of bills. Wehave shown more than onco just wnat occurred .... during Jackson's Administration relative to the distribution o t the eurpluB. Jackson agreed only to a distribution of some unexpected ana unnecessary 1 surplus that had come into the Trea- sury ffoin the sale f public lands which were a part of the national do main and the common! inheritance of all.; It was to distribute a sutdIub 11V . 1 7 that had got into the Treasury with' out it. being the intention of the Con gressto pile up any such surplus. It was to distribute a surplus that came from lands that did! not belong to the individual States as such. Please mark these point. The Clair bill proposes to levy taxes for ten consecutive years upon the Statf-s as such in 'order. to create a surplus, and then to! distribute this surplus created in this unconstitu. tional way among the SlateH. It is to first levy an unconstitutional tax and next to apply it in running the common schools in the States under Federal supervision and authority. The surplus in Jackson's time was some $40,000,000. President Jack son opposed aistrtoutmg this sum among the States. What he finally agreed to was this: to lend it to the States subject to a kail. Three de posits were authorized - by the bill, but only two were carried out. The surplus bad not come into the Trea sury by taxation 4 mark that. It was the result of sales of public land belonging tol all. There was noticed for this money. Tbe TJ. S. GfTTvernment was no in debt and a England is surplus was corrupt too wine ( allow taxation beyond actual need 4 eacn yes; ar. !: What became of the two deposits 1 made? That able and well informed, sound Democratic journal, the Lou isville Courier Journal, says thic, and it is correct: I "The surplus was anl fcctual surplus, ex- ialiiit; after all tbe debts of . lUe nation had bceufpuiil, acd it wspdue principally to spicu ation in nublic lands and extraordi nary sales. In almost every instance the States squandered this deposit on useless or extravagant imDrovements. It led to an ' extraordinary growth iof internal improve ments, to tbe creation of laree State debts, which were in most instances repudiated, tbe r?Dudiated debt lareelv exceeding the amount deposited 1 with , the States. No more unfortunate nrecedent could be quo ted in support of the Blair bill than tbe de posit of the surplus arflorjg tbe States." i) The National Democratic Conven tion of 1884 was) clear and direct in 13 opposing all legislation like the Blair bill proposes, Tbat Convention made a d eel a ratio the very opposite Of wliat. iha Ran1 lican Convention had made a fewTw1 eeks before. . us put them together. The Republi cans said: "We favor the establishment of a wise and iudiciouslsvstem bf general educa tion by adequate aityrppriation from the Na tional revenues wherever the same ts neeaea. j This is plain, and squarely to the point. Republicans favor the taxa tion of the Stitjs by the Federal Government to raise a surplus for distribution whenever needed. Nay, they favor Federal Pedagogy by an nual taxation, surplus or no surplus, for they say nothing of surplus. How very different this from the plan of Andrew Jackson. But what said tho Democrats in their Convention held in July, 188 ? Hear them; ! We auk opposed to all proposi tions WHICH UPON iAHV PRETEXT WOULD COSyEIlT .TUB GENERAL GOVKRHMENT i'KTO A MACHINE FOB COLLECTING TAXES 10-hr distributed AMONG THB STATES, ,H THE CITIZENS THEREOF. " 1 1m there any doubt here as to the meaning of the Democratic declara- lion of principles'in 1884. TheJsTAB has stood, standi and will continue to stand upon thi t square, emphatic declaration. lie is a very strange ort of Democrat who prefers the Republican deliverance to Ithe Dem ocratic deli erande.- j r. Hare publishes beer' experi ments in tb9 Mekical News. He says' Jeer is a wholesome tonic if taken in moderation. VOL. XVIII. HOT FAIRIiT PUT. The Ne w .York World is controlled by a man vwh6 probably does not jery well understand the genius of American lstitutionB. His paper is not always Democratic whatever else it may be. He evidently clings to old ideas and favors the introduction into our republican Government of European bureaucracy. This means to revolutionize practically our sys tem and band over the 115,000 offices to an army of men recruited from both parties who shall have a life interest. In discussing Senator Vance and his recenUetter! the World is un fair. It asks? v I ; How. then, would it be 'honest reform' to turn out one set of partisans and put in aoovner 10 Given tne public service irom helping one party and use it to serve the other 1 ' Does what is! a prostitution and abuse of the services when indulged in by Republicans become elevation and correc tion when practiced by Democrats?" ; j; ' There are just as honest," as hon orable, as capable, as faithful Demo crats as Republicans. Neither Sen ator Vance nor any! sincere believer in running a Democratic Administra tion with Democratic agents believes in turning Republican officials out and putting men in their places who are simply "partisans." This mis represents the caseji Senator Vance believes tbat the offices of the coun try should be filled under a Demo cratic Administration by able, faith ful, honest Democrats men who would render; the j best service and not "run '-the i political machine" as was the wont under Republican Ad ministration. I j - ; 1 i 1 Senator Vance does not believe in retaining in office "offensive parti sans" of the Republican stripe who for twenty-five years were, important instruments in keeping in office the most corrupt and vicious party known to American history, or, indeed, to any history. I It was more corrupt than the British Government was un der Walpole. I ' . j "Honest reform," such as South ern Democrats believed in j in 1884. when they voted for Cleveland, is to get rid of every Republican official where it is possible to do so without violating law. - r If the World undertakes, to have a Democratic platform adopted in 1888, that will distinctly favor the continuance and extension of I the Civil Service law until it shall ems brace every office under the Federal Government and thus make it quite possible for as many or more Repub licans to bold office as Democrats. even though a Democratic President should be chosen,it will 6ilence many an .important voter. It will thus give excuses to tens of thousands of men who are not! specially partisans, to vote as independents, and it will please many of them no doubt to vote for the Republican candidates if they should find as election day approach ed tbat; tbe winning chances were with the party that they had hither to Voted against, . Southern Democrats may stand the present law in order to elect their 1 1 1 1 man in 1888; but if its wonderful blessings, (in diBguiso, for they are not patent,) are to be extended and perpetuated indefinitely until -we have an - aristocracy of Federal officials who have a life tenure, then there will be great indifference on the part of many, we must believe, and thou sands will find it convenient to re- 1 t ;' ft main at home on election day. Our ! colored neighbor, the Cape Fear Advocate, h plain spoken and direct. I It evidently believes that ;anrtrnitP? ia not "hlifls " Here is the wav it enves its opinion ! on an important subject, j It says : j ''There is nothine that does more to in- 1ure the neero race than the ignorant jack ass preachers who! prey 1 upon the pockets of the colored oeoDle. On Sunday these Bible-smashers can be seen alter weir pui nit haranmie is over, sittinz around some of their members houses, with another man's wife, waiting for the last old hen to be put on the table that they may stuff their hypocritical hides. . They, as a rule, are nlwava wantins to build a chnrcb. and therefore can be i found with a little book collecting money for that purpose, ana when it has been built it wouia not mase a ffondisized coal-house. Generally these pulpit gymnasts! know as much about preaching as a Tennessee mule knows about pronation alter aeam. All of oar readers will be apt to read what Senator Vance has to say. He is a true man, a true Southerner, a true patriot,1 a true North Carolin ian. He has jnever deceived, disap pointed aaialed, nor sacrificed the people of his 'native State or of the South.! He is entitled to fair treat ment at the hands of every man who calls himself a North Carolina Dem ocrat. j ' . I ' - ' ' :p . In our .tribute to the late Peter M. Hale, we gave what others said was his age, ; 59 j-saying, j particularly, that we thought he was 58. It .turns but that our! recollection of j forty years was right. Since Chapel Hill days we have had an impression that tie was one year or more ou junior, Jnd an Iia was. He was born 10th Vn. 1829. The Favetteville Ob server, says: t'- ; "y '.- ' "His mother was Sarah Walker,! daugh ter of Col. Carlton Walker, land after her grand-father, old beloved Peter Mallett, he was namea. The number of converts reported at Danville, Va., in four months is i203." Of these 317 lived outside of the town. At the commencement of Roanoke College,V a., North Carolina was repr resented by the following graduates; r "Eugene A: Smith, Conover, " Subject The Golden Mean ; Chrisenberry A. Brown, Salisbury. Subject A Minority of One; Jacob I. Qoodman, Mooresville. Subject Prohibitory Legislation; Philip E. Wright, Enochville, Subject The Bidden Forces of Nature. The Literary Societies' Medal in Oratory, contested for on Monday night, was presented to Edgar L. Greever, of Burk's Garden, Va.. by Col. A. M. Wad dell, of Wilmington, N. C." f i Among those 'receiving first dis tinction (grade - 95 or more) was Robert W. Eine, Liberty, N. C. l The Wilmineton Stab has a bis lob on its bands in its attempts to bolster up Sena tor Vance in his opposition to the renomi nation of the President. . The current is the other way. Statesvillt Advocate; A religious paper should be careful in its statements. In the above it misrepresents "1 thej attitude of .the STAB,which we can easily show from reeent editorials through tne ast several months. Metbodi6tfapqr8 are. fond 01 strikins at this paper We do not mind the strikes if they "are not below the belt." The annual gathering of the teach ers or tne state at Morenead is a pleasant and noteworthy event. They are a fine body of intelligent, earnest, capable workers and they are doing great things for North Carolina. We hope their meeting will be useful and agreeable to all concerned. Mayor Hewitt ia looking after the health of New York. The Star of that city says: '!." ).. "mayor Hewitt is wise in advocating a liberal appropriation to tbe Board of Health for summer use. There could be no econ omy so foolish as that of curtailing ex penditures necessary to fight the sources of diseases incidental to warm weather. Crop reports from North Carolina and the other Southern States are very encouraging.. Tobacco is the sole exception, we think, in the! good outlook. The crops in the North west are said to be excellent. Mr. George W. Cbilds, the great Philadelphia benefactor, is always doing good or giving money.! His latest benefaction is to place! stone slabs over the neglected craves at West Point. The Financial Chronicle puts the; cotton crop at 2.49 per cent, more than last year. The Agricultural Department puts it at 1 per cent. A Desperate Negro. A sensation was caused on Second street, near Market, yesterday afternoon, by an in furiated negro man who attempted to shoot several persons with a pistol. The manJ Sam King, a stout, well built black fellow employed as a railroad fireman, had been arrested for an assault with a deadly weapon on his wife, committed several weeks ago, The arrest was made on the complaint ot i .i r i T-i T-i . -t ins uromer-iu-iaw, uuuu juuubuu. j iiuiu; vestigation of tbe case washad before Jus ttce Price, colored, and at its conclusion the magistrate required King to furnish bond in the sum of fifty dollars, for his apl nearance at the next term .of the Criminal Court. The justice was sealed at his desk making out a commitment, when King suddenly drew a revolver, and with some expression to the effect that he had been unfairly treated, presented the weapon at ja colored constable, R. F. Holmes, and pulled the trigger. The pistol failed to fin and Holmes jumped behind a partitioi at the same time calline to the magistrate to look out! King then attempted to shoot Justice Price but the pistol again failed to go off, when the magistrate with great presence of mind and remarkable agility, alirl from hid chair in the floor and took refuse undar the desk at which' he hid been sitting. ' The prisoner, King, then turned his attention to his brother-in law, Johnson, who was standing at the door, and snapped the pistol at him. John son ran into the auction . room at tne corner of Second and Market and seized! a gun with which be turned to defend him self. King pursued Johnson . and fired his pistol at him but missed, when Johnson struck at him with the sun. and : at the same time justice rnce ana. uonsiaoie Holmes closed upon the man and threw struggle him to the ground. A desperate then took placo. King held to his pistol and endeavored to use it. but it was wrenched (from his grasp, men Piver , and Hall : and j Police- i ex-po-' liceman Wm. Smith lent their assistance tn sorir Tfinir when the latter seized Mr. Smith's hand with his teeth and before he could be choked off bit one of his" fingers almost through.King was finally secured and taken to the county jail. ' He was roughly handled by bis captors and a physician: was summoned to attend his hurts. It was said that one arm was badly sprained and a hip dislocated. J Tbe Louisiana Rlee Crop. The reports received by rice ji men irom New Orleans a few days ago of .damage to the rice crop by the recent storms which submerged a' considerable district in lower Louisiana with salt water seem ! to have been greatly exaggerated. The planters in the district referred to have flumes connect ing with the Mississippi river and they can throw fresh water over their fields, thus destroying tbe effects of the salt water. The report from the upper Louisiana dis tricts, however, are not encouraging; A merchant in New Orleans, long'connected with the rice trade, writes to i his corres pondents in Savannah that he has recently insnected the crops for one hundred miles on both sides of the Mississippi and he es timates that the growing crop will be 25 per cent, less than that of last year. Cotton movement, : f The cotton movement at this ' porti the past week! shows receipts of 103 bales, an increase of 73 bales as compared with re ceipts the corresponding week last year. The receipts for; the. crop year up to June 18th, 1887, are 133,634 bales, against 101,373 up to June 19tb, 1888; an increase of 83.263 bales. - 1 The exports the past week were 105 bales all domestic. . s. The stock at this date is 1,601 bales.! WILMINGTON, N. C., Tk Orton to be Enlarge. It was stated some time ago that Col. K. M. Murchison, of New York, the owner of the Orton property, designed enlarging and improving the . hotel. - The matter was de layed, but has now assumed a definite Shape, and it is said that the work will be commenced soon, and completed before the next season for Northern travel opens. The building will be extended northerly to Mrs. Lumsden's property. The present Orton House will constitute the southern wipg, with the main building, four stories high, extending as far north - as the Walker property, to wnicn win be added anotner whig of the same dimensions as the oresent house, although it is possible the latter wing may : not - be built immediately. There will be a basement under : the entire building, in which there will be the lunch room, lavatory, trunk room, portei's room, laundry, barber shop, billiard robm, bar, servant's dining room, closets, store room and engine and boiler rooms. The irst floor will contain the 'office, privat jofilce, readiBg room, dining ' room, ncpr lion room, a large rotunda,' spacious halls, I j . . . . -. iroom, etc. Tbe second, third and lourth ; ifloors will be. conveniently arranged for - the accommodation of guests and supplied with passenger and freight elevators. Anotner Abandonment Case. ,f. 4 Another case of heartless abandonment , of an jinfant by its mother was jester day brought to the attention of Mr. W.-W.' ,8haV, the warden for the poor of this county.; The little castaway, a black, fe male infant about three weeks old, was left on the. piazza of the-house of Reuben Car ter, a colored man living on Brunswiek ' between Second and Third streets, Thurs day night. Carter's wife, Catharine, re ported tbe case to Mr. Shaw at tbe court house, j She said that she would keep the child rather than see it sent to the poor house, although she an l her husband had three children of their own to provide for, and thereupon the infant was bound out to her under tbe name of Cathe rine Carter. Shortly after the woman left the court house with her new charge, appli cations were made for tbe child by two other colored women, bo'.h of whom stated that they were married and childless and were anxious to adopt the foundling. If there is anything more remarkable than the heartlessness which some colored peo ple exhibit in abandoning their offspring, it is the readiness shown by others of the race to adopt these little waifs for their own. Mr. Shaw says that he could easily dis pose of a dozen or mote if they were brought to him. ; j ' i ' Grant Beil'i Sentence Commuted. Sheriff Manning received from Gov. Scales yesterday official notification that the sentence of Grant Best has been com muted to imprisonment at hard labor in the State Penitentiary for a term of fifteen years. " Grant Best Is the colored boy who shot and killed three other boys and who was convicted of murder at the last teim of the Criminal Court for this county and sen tenced to be hanged on the 14th day of July next. His counsel, Mr. J. T. Elliott and Mr. J. C. Davis, got up a petition for Executive clemency which was signed by the judge who passed sentence upon him and tbe jury ; who convicted Best, as wel as by a large number of other citizens. Tbe petition asked tbat the death penalty be commuted to imprisonment for ten years oj less. Col. B. R. Moore, the State Solic itor, did not sign! this petition, firmly be lieving that in law Best was guilty of mur derr but he recommended that the sentence be commuted to imprisonment for life.inas much as it was bis opinion that Best, ow ing to the ignorance incident to his age and race was not fully aware of the destructive force of powder and shot discharged from a gunl ' .. .ii' j. I'.- Best is about seventeen years of age. He was as happy as a "clam at high tide" yes terday when informed that bis sentence bad been commuted A. Veeael on Fire. Capt. Not bury, of the schooner John A Oriffin, which arrived here yesterday from Philadelphia, reports that on, Wednesday last at 3 p. m he discovered a vessel on fire, off Cape Hatttras, about fourteen milts from shore in fifteen fathoms water; Hat teras bearing northwest by west. Tho Chnffin passed close by tbe burning vessel, which Capt. Norbury made out to be an American schooner, painted black, of about 300 : tons. There were no signs of life on board ofj her. She had a deck-load of lumber and appeared to be water logged. The fire was aft, the top of the cabin bay ing been burned off. Two masts were standing, and the peak of the foresail and jib were set; the staysail and mainsail were gone. NO signals were displayed and ber name could not be made out. j The vessel was heading in. with the wind northeast and a heavy sea running.' If she kept on ber course she probably grounded on Hat- teras shoals. I ; " f ; . Fatal Accident on tbe River. Information was brought to the city yes terday by the steamer Hurt, that a' Mr. Brennon, a passenger on the steamer Cape Fear, which left here Thursday afternoon for Fayetteville,fell from the lower deck of the steamer into the river and was drowned. The accident happened when the Cape Fear was about eighteen miles from W liming- ton. where the water is very deep. Bren non was a Canadian, in the employ of Mr. A. T. Wilson, at Dawson's Landing. It is supposed that he was struck by the wheel of the steamer, as his hat found floating on the water, had a large 'hole torn in it. The body of the drowned man was not re covered. ! - " In Dlitrtii. The schooner Edith R. Seward, which cleared from this port on the 13th Instant, with a cargo of lumber for-Phiadelphia, returned vesterday leaking. ! The Seward encountered a heavy gale on the 14th inst. and sprunk aleak when about twen ty mile eastward of Frying-pan lightship- Capt Travers. finding it impossible to keep the vessel free or find and stop the ; leak, jmt back, arriving at South port vesterday morn' In? with lall hands comnletelv exhausted with working at tne pumps, ine aewara came ud the river yesterday afternoon. She will discbarge cargo and be nautea out lor repairs. - - : " - ' i" ', i-r Messrs. .Alex.- Sprunt & Son & cleared the German barque T. O. Berg yes terday for Bowling,..Scotland, :with 1,000 casks spirits turpentine and 3,004 barrels of roain, valued at $20,000. FRIDAY, JUNE 24 1887. . , """' Protest from Iowa Against Return of - Captured Battle Flag to tbe Soutb - Gov. Foraker or Oblo Takes a Hand. Des Moihes, June fifl Gen. Tuttle, commander of the Grand Army of the Re public for: Iowa, yesterday asked Gov. Larrabee to protest to President Cleveland against the rebel flags 1 captured by Iowa troops being surrendered to the South, and to take legal steps to enjoin any such sur render, if it is contemplated. Gov. Larra bee has telegraphed the President an em phatic protest, and will j take legal steps, if necessary, to make tho protest effective.. The following was sent! last night by Gov. Larrabee: j' ' i , - To the President of j the United States, Washington: I send herewith a request made upon me,- as Governor of Iowa, by the commander of tho Grand Army of the Republic in this State, against the proposed return to tne South or the war nags cio- tqred by Union troops during the rebellion . I add to this request land protest of tbe surviving union soldiers in Iowa, the re spectful but; equally urgent protest of the-1 people oi tne mate, and shall deem it my duty to use all proper endeavor to preyent any such return or battle nags captured by owa troops. William larrabee. Washington. June 16. At tbe request of Gov. Foraker,, of Ohio, that counsel should be retained to j institute legal pro ceedings to enjoin the return of Confeder ate flags to tbe Governors of Southern States. Gen H. V. Boy n ton to-day selected. Samuel Shellabarger. of Ohio, and George S. Boutwell, of Mass., to take charge of the case. These . gentlemen expected to have an application for a mandamus filed in the Supreme Court of the District at 1 o'clock th is afternoon, but were delayed by the non-receipt of a necessary telegram from Ohio. - The ' papers were basedlupon tbe claim tbat tbe Secretary of War Was about to dispose of - public property without au thority of law. The letter of the President made further action by the attorneys un necessary. .. :' ii BRILLIANT ItECEP TIOS. How tbe Bostonlans Received tbe - Confederate Veterans of Richmond, Va. A '.Perfect Ovation Accorded Tbem. .: . ;. j Boston, June 16. Robert E. Lee Camp No. I, uonrederate veterans, ot Uichmond. Ya , arrived in Boston this morning at 9 o clock. They are the guests ot f ost 15. G. A R. Tbey were met at Fall River this morning by a delegation from Post 15, and upon their arrival in Boston a proces sion was formed, consisting of First Regi ment Infantry, National Lanciers. Post 2 G. A. It., and Post 15 G A. R. Tbe boys in gray received an novation through the entire line of march, the enthusiasm of their greeting being extremely marked. Crowds lined the sidewalks along the entire walk' and through the squares. The number of people was so great as to interfere with tbe march all along tne line. The visitors were received with cheers and hand-clap ping, and no visiting organization has been accorded such a reception since the Bunker Hill Centennial, when. tbe Norfolk regi ment was so royally entertained. The procession as it passed through School street was reviewed by Mayor O'Brien, at tbe City Hall, and then passed through Beacon street before tbe State House, where it was reviewed by Governor Ames and the members of his staff. The column then marched to tbe Tremont House, where it was dismissed. Another procession will be formed this afternoon. when tbe guests will, be taken on an excur sion in .Boston harbor. BATTLE FLAGS. The Letter of Adjutant General Drum tbat Caused Such a Hubbub In tbe G. A. R Washington. June 17. The following is a copy of the letter of Adjutant General Drum to Secretary or War Jfindicott, with the endoraoment of the latter upon tbe sub ject of battle flags Btored in tbe War De partment, which was tbe cause of unfavor able comment upon the President daring the last rew days: : Wab Department, ' Adjutabt General's Office, Washington, April 30, 1887. Hon. William C. !Endicott, Secretary of War Sir: I have the honor to state that there are now in this office (stored in one of tbe attic rooms of i the building) a number of Union flags captured in action, but re covered on the fall Of the Confederacy and forwarded to the War Department for safe keeping, together With a number of Con federate nags, wmcn tne fortunes of war placed in our hands during the late civil war. While; in the past, favorable action has always been taken on applications, prop- erly supported, for) tbe retnrn of Union flags to organizations representing sur vivors of tbe military regiments in tne ser vice of the Government, 1 beg to submit that it would be a graceful act to antici pate future requests of this nature, and venture to suggest the propriety ot return ing all the flags (Union and Confederate) to tbe authorities of the respective 8tates, in which the regiments which bore these colors were organized, for such final dispo sition as they may determine. While, in all of jithe civilized nations of the Old World, trophies taken in wars against foreign enemies, have been careful ly preserved and exhibited as proud me mentoes of tne nation s military glories, wise and obvious reasons have always ex cepted from tbe rule, evidences of past in ternecine troubles which, oy appeals to tne arbitration of the sword, have disturbed the peaceful march of a people to its des tiny, r Over twenty years have elapsed since tbe termination of the late civil war. Many of the prominent leaders, civil and military, of the late Confederate states are now honored representatives of the people in the Nation al councils, or in other eminent positions lend the aid of tbeir talents to the wise ad ministration of the affairs of the whole country, and the people of the several States composing the Union are now united and treading the broader road to a glorious future. - Impressed with these facts, I have the honor to submit the suggestion made in this letter for tbe careful consideration it will receive at your hands. Very truly yours, R. C. Drum. Adiutant General. The endorsement of the Secretary of War upon this letter is as follows: - ' War Department. May 26. 1887. ' The within recommendation is approved by the President, and the Adjutant General will prepare letters to Governors of those States whose troops carried the colors and flags now in this Department, and offer to return tbem as herein proposed, tne nistory of each flag and the circumstances of its capture or recapture to be given. - WM. C. JSNDICOTr, Secretary of War. THE PANIC OVER. New Developments In Affairs tbe Bursted Wheat Clique. No of Chicago, June 17. There were no new or sensational developments in the affairs of the bursted wheat clique to-day, and none are exoected. Kershaw has sot no more funds and; will not get any more. The whole affair has! now become so entangled between the Fidelity Bank of Cincinnati and the American Exchange National Bank here that there are now so many legal com plications that whatever funds should come here would undoubtedly be swallowed up without doing anybody in the trade much good. The affairs' of C J. Kershaw & Co. are so desperate that Eggleston, special partner, whose- liability aa general partner is (claimed, lis putting his property out of his hands. Cash wheat will not come On the market, so tbat the panic is over. 'Mr. Walker," said the clerk, "the twelve-cent prints at the remnant counter are going fast and are about sold out." "AH right I'll attend to it, Mr. Anawan, cut a lot more of those seven-cent prints into remnants and send them over to the bargain counter." Urooluyn mgie. Tbe President Revokes the order Di recting Captured Flags to be Be. turned. Washington. June 16. The following letter was sent to the Secretary of War by uus iriesiueui io-uay. in regard to media, position of flags captured t the Union forces during tbe late war: - ; - j 1 have to-day consideied witbino-o cars than when the subject was orally presented to me. the action of your Department di recting letters to be addressed to the Gov ernors of all tbe States offering to return, if desired, to loyal States, Union flags cap? tared daring the war of the rebellion by the Con federate forces and afterwards re covered by the Government troops; and to the Confederate States, tbe flags captured oy tne union forces. All of which, for many years, have been packed in boxes and stored in the cellar, and attic of the War Department. I am of oDinion that tbe return of the flgs in the manner thus con templated is not authorized by the existing law. nor justified as an executive act. I re quest, therefore, that no further steps be taken in the matter, except to examine and inventory these fligs, and adopt proper measures for tbeir preservation , Any di rection as to the final disposition of tbem should originate with Congress. - "Yours truly. . . ! , "Grovbb Cleveland.": TEXAS. A Daring Train Robbery on tbe South ern Pacific ; Railway Passenzers. RIall and Express Plundered. ts Telerapti to tbe Momine. fctar. Houston, June 18. The most daring train rubbery tbat ever occurred in Texas was perpetrated at 1.30 o'clock this morn ing a short distance this side of Bchulen- burg, on the Southern Pacific Railway. As the train drew up at the station two men witb drawn revolvers mounted the engine, covered the engineer! with tbeir weaoons. and commanded and compelled him to pull me irain out to tne open prairie, a few hun dred yards to the east, where a fire was burning, around which stood eight or ten men armed with Winchester rifles. The two robbers on the enginoi stood guard over the man at the throttle while the others went through! the mail express and passenger cars. Nearly all the passengers were asleep and did not know what was going on until they were aroused bv ithe robbers The first man tackled bv the iuicvca wm t? . xiewuerKer, pi new ioik, Whom they struck on the bead with a i-: 17 XT I , . u i revolver. They secured from him 1 $75 in casn and several diamonds and a gold watch valued at about tl50. Li E. Neymeyer. of Cincinnati, was relieved of f35 ti u Armistead, of New York, gave up $20; he had a large amount of money tn him but it was bidden in the sleeping car. A gentleman from Mexico, whose name could not be learned,! lost $400. !AU of the pssiengers lost what valuables they nao and it is difficult to form an estimate of the amount ot money and iewelrv e- cured. It is reckoned,; however, at about $5,000. - ' ! I wens, jrargo dsiijo- s express car fwas also- gone through, but the ainouut of money taken from it cannot be ascertained. No mail route agent was ou the tiaiu, but the through mail pouches! in the ex H res-a car were all cut opeu and their conttni ap propriated. I 1 he total amount secured ly the rubbers is put down at $0,000 or $10 000; but when Careful revision of tbe matter is oiado the figures may be changed. There is no doubt that considerable booty was stcurtd and tbe gang made oil with it successfully. The whole country is aroused and in arms several patties have gone in search of the robbers. CHIC AGO. A Notice from Kershaw dc Co. Wheat a Trifle more Buoyant-more Fail- IBv Talecrsnli to urn Morn lu vs.i. - Chicago. June 18. 11 A. M C. J. Ker shaw & Co. this morning gave the follow ing notice: I j ; .Litigation of various ; kinds has inter fered with securing as favorable a settle- ment of our affairs as seemed practicable. Negotiations are still pending with a possi bility of success, but if not consummated to-day. a meeting of our creditors is re quested at 8.30 o'clock Monday to receive a statement of our affairs aa close aa can be obtained up to that time,' and for tbem to take such action as they see fit. -! I Signed 1 "C. J. Kershaw & Co.' This notice created no comment whatever. It' had no effect either of ; any kind on the the market. Wheat was a trine more buoy ant than was expected, f (j Chicago, June 18 The firm of R H. Labsgh & Co., Board of Trade commis sion merchants, failed this morning.; Tbe firm is quite a large one and tbe amount of tbe failure is probably between X25.UUU and $50,000 The smash is the direct result of the break of the wheat i corner. Wm. T. Baker, in behalf Of tbe I Board of Trade firm of W. T. Baker & Co., secured an at tachment writ against Chas. J. Kershaw, Hamilton D'War. C. E. Moseley and C. B. Egleston; composing the firm of U. J. Ker shaw & Co , in the Superior Court tp-day, for $25,106, on account ot money paid de fendants during the recent wheat panic. The erection of a grain; elevator, capaci ty tour nunoreo inousanor ousneis. was oe gun June 1st. was completed on June 16th and yesterday it received ! in one of its bins ten thousand bushels of grain. It stands beside the St, I Paul Railroad tracks, and is a result of the pressure for storage since the wheat clique began operations, i The officers oi tne American jj.xcnange National Bank say that tbe statement is not true tbat they sequestered any part ot tbe deposits to Kershaw's credit, and that his checks were paid to the full amount of de posits, ine Dana was iuiiy protected as to all its previous accounts with Kershaw. MASSACHUSETTS. A Grand Reception Accorded visiting Confederate .Veterans- at Lynn. By Telegraph to the Horning Star Lynn. June 18. Robert E. Lee Camp No.' 1, Confederate Veterans, of Kichmond, Ya , with ladies and accompanied by John A. Andrews Post 15, G. A. R , of Boston, arrived here at 9.30 a. m. and were met at the depot by Post 55, G. A. R , and Com pany I. Eighth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers of this city. On arriving at the City Hall Mayor Hart extended a cordial welcome to tbe visitors. Tne mayor ana members of the city governments in car riages, joined in the parade and the line of march was taken ud. beaded Dy uoi. A. u. Shepherd, of t the Governor's staff. The Manufacturers Association of this city, and citizens generally, bad made extensive preparations for - their reception and the City Hall and many other build ings were very extensively decorated. During the march through some of the principal streets the Southerners were loudly applauded. After inspecting Post 0 s new building, which is tne nnest urana Army of the Republic building in the country, tbe march was taken up to tbe Common, where a banquet was served. City Solicitor John W. Berry acted as the toast master.! Speeches ' were made by Henry Cabot ; Lodge and others, including members of visiting posts. The visitors left for .Nahant in carriages at 3.30 and will go from there by steamer to Boston. VIRGINIA. Sbocklng Rlurder Without Frovoea- I Uon. Lynchburg, June 18. A special to the Advance from Roanoke, says: A shocking murder was committed two miles from this city this morning. George Winner met Charles Shelly on the public road ana shot nun tnrougn tne bead without provocation. Both men are white. t What is the sense in trying to wear United ! States : feet in French-toed bootsT And yet some Yankee people give their toe joints only about the hundredth part of the liberty they give their; months. upnngjieia unum.. . NO. 34 FOREIGy, The Jubilee Vacht Kace Cotton Col -r tare la Turkman. By Cable to the Morning Star. - London. June 16 Tho relative Dosi- lionB of the yachts in the Jubilee race are still uncertain, aa the htze there prevents mem irom being seen. Mr. jfopham writes to: the papers protesting against the gross negligence of which tbe captain of the steam yacht Pandora was guilty, tn run ning into the American vacht Dauntless. He says the collision took place at 3 o'clock .in the afternoon, and that the Dauntless bad her mizen-gaff carried away and sails split, and only escaped being cut into amidships by tbe Pandora through tbe smartness of the Dauntless skipper. London, June 16. Tbe St Petersburg correspondent of the Times learns that a large tract of country near Mervin, Turkes- stan. has been purchased bv a Russian company for a cotton plantation and the in vestment is already proving satisfactory. He says that the Russian Government will not allow foreign competition, an American company having been refused permission to engage in a similar enterprise. - He also learns that Russian petroleum is being suppiiea in targe quantities to rersia.. INTERSTATE COMMERCE. Complaint of tbe Western 4c Atlantic R. R. Co. Against tbe East Ten nessee, Virginia &Georela Railroad. WashtnotOK. June 17. The Inter state Commerce Commission has received from the Western and Atlantic Railroad Company, of Georgia, complaint against the East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railroad Company, charging it with vio lating the Inter-State Commerce law in failing to afford the first named road "rea sonable advantages and equal facilities for interchange of traffic." Tbe complaint specifies that the "East Tennessee, Virginia ft. r i . . . a oil urcorgia nauway uompany intercnanges traffic with the Richmond & Danville Rail road Company, at Atlanta, on all business coming from Virginia and the Carolinas on the usual terms, and consigned to sta tions on the East Tennessee. Virginia & Georgia Railroad in Georgia and Tennes see, and a like interchange takes place on ouBiness going irom stations on the Etst Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railroad in Tennessee and Georgia, consigned to stations in the Carolinas or Virginia; each road advancing charges and protecting rates. But the East Tennessee, Virgin ia & Georgia Railroad Comoanv "ire- fuses to make a like interchange j on the usual terms with complainant's road on business coming from the Carolinas and Virginia over the Richmond & Danville road to Atlanta and shipped thence over complainant's road to Daljton and tendered to the East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Company for Bhipment to (destination upon its line and to points beyond its line, busi ness originating at Atlanta1, and it tefuses in such case either to protect the usual rate or advance charges in tbe jusual manner." Other specifications are made, from which it appears that the East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Company interchanges traffic upon usual terms with the Central Railroad & Banking Company, AtUnta& West Point Kaiiroad Company, Savannah. Florida & Western Railway Company, Louisville & Nashville Company, and several other rail road companies; refusing to interchange ousiness on tne usual terms, only with complainant's road, thereby greatly dam aging its business The complainant asks for such an order in the premises as "will correct the abuses referred to." THE WORLD'S BALLOON Compelled to Land Near Ceutralla, Ills.-Tbe Gas Giving Ont Assigned as tbe Cause, j j By Telegraph to the Horning Star. Washington, June 181 The Signal Of fice has received a telegram from Professor Hazen, stating that the World balloon had landed at Central ia. Ills. J at 8 17 last night. St. Louis, June 18. (A telegram to the Post Dispatch from the - World s balloon correspondent, Duffy, stys that tbey were compelled to land at j Hoffman. Clinton county. Ills., near Centralia, at 8.15 o'clock last night. Moore, the seron tut. received a very painful injury before starting, yes terday. and messages from Centralia state that taia and tbe giving I out of the gas was tne cause assigned for the descent.. None other of the occupants of the car were hurt. and the balloon was securely anchored without a tear. I OXFORD, N. C. A Negro Hanged for Burglary on tbe Same Spot Where bis Father was Ex ecu ted Several Tears Ago. j i By Telegraph to the Horning Star, Raleigh, N. C, June 18 Albert Ta born, colored, was hanged at Oxford to day. .Last March Taborn forced entrance into the bouse of Dr.! Patrick Booth, of Granville county, during tbe absence of the doctor and , attempted to outrage Mrs. Booth. His attempt was not successful He was arrestsd and -tried for burglary ano sentenced to be Danced June 18!b. Tbe execution took place to-day and was public Threats had been made by negroes to the effect that Taborn should hot be hanged, and some disturbance was feared The Granville Grays were ordered but-by tne uovernor to suppress any possible up rising among the negroes. The place of execution was two miles from tbe jail ine urays formed a noilow j square around the cart which carried the prisoner and como to tne gallows, over five tbou sand people were in the procession. Ta born protested bis innocence to the last. 'At three minutes -after 12 o'clock the trap was sprung and the criminal was dead in fifteen minutes. Taborn's father was hung on the same spot several years ago and the Uranvine Urays were called out to prevent a disturbance. A brother of Taborn is now in Oxford jail, charged with burning tne town last marcu. I SOVTBr CAROLINA. A Threatening Organisation ot Negro Farm Hands. I iny i-eiefrrapn to tne Mornina gtar.i , Augusta, Ga.. June 18 A special to the Chronicle from Laurens. S. C !. reports that the negroes near there have formed a secret organization, to demand a dollar a day for farm work, and threaten murder if necessary to accomplish their ends. Tbey are organized under tbe guise of Knights of Labor. The main agitator, a man named Hoover, wuo was recently shot near Warren, tta.. is organizer. The whites have organized a cavalry company for pro tection, j NEW YORK. The Jake Sharp Trial Several .wit- nesses Examined. - , By Telegraph to the Morning Star. New York. June 18. The Jake Sharp trial was commenced an hour earlier this morning, on account of the Saturday half holiday, all parties were promptly on hand The first witness to-day was Henry Alvord Robinson, managing clerk of the law firm of Robinson. Bcribner & Bright in 1884. George W. Linch, under indictment for the embracery of a juror in this case, is secre tary and superintendent of tbe Christopher and Tenth Street Railroad, of which Sharp is President, and was next put 'upon the stand. : Clarence W. Francis and! William Bird were also called. I They all testified in regard to the manner in which the Broad way road was incorporated. After several more witnesses were examined the Court, at 12 o'clock, adjourned until Monday morning. Sharp was taken to jail in cus tody ot Sheriff Grant and officers.! - i Judge Barrett gave instructions that tbe jurors should be permuted to go out ana that carriages should be provided for them to drive in tbe Central Park, but that they should not under any circumstances be per milted to separate, n - Tbe Stab is sincerely "sorry to learn of the death of Mrs. Enniss, wife of our old friend James fcL Enniss, of Kaleigh editor of the N O. Farmer.ti8he was 54 years of age. -The Wadesboro Tntelligenccr . reports much destruction to crops In tbu Polkton section by the chinch-bug. . , ' - Fayetteville News : The will be i a four hundred dollar exhibition -of fire-' works in Fayetteville on the night of July . the 4th. - " vrv ,:;';.-. '-,':;, - Goldsboro Argus: :. Mr. Bennei Faircloth, of ; Greene, was in the city yes -. terday. He reports it cold in Greene, that the cotton looks a little shrivelled, and tbat some parlies claim to have seen frost .': It is our sad duty to noW the death of M. . -Henry 8. Britt, brother Of our townsman. . Mr. W.G. Britt, which ! (occurred at Ashe-i:-ville yesterday morning where be bad rc-1'. -cently gone in tbe vain jfaope of experien- " cing some relief from his disease, consump- tlon...:. ,; . ,...,;-. ) .- . . Raleigb Recorder; JodsonCol-. lege, Hendersonville, NJ C., holds its com ' mencement on the 20th inst. Dr. Yates (so long Bapti9t .missionary to China Star), was elected lo! delivers tbe next , Alumni address. We hope we may see him " here at that time. Among all the College's , , Alumni no one is more illustrious.. His' .. return to this country, even for a short time, will be bailed with delight by the ' thousands of North Carolinians who love ' and honor him. A Brother 3 H. Mills V asks us to correct the statement made in the Chronicle of last week, that he said there was a graduate of Wake; Forest College in v jail. He also says that no one ever heard him say "mighty hard." j. ' Kaleigh News- Observer: . The thirty-eighth annual meeting of the stock- . holders of the North Carolina Railroad will be held in Greensboro, July 14th. The annual commencement of Rutherford College will occur June 21st and 23d. Tbn annual sermon will be preached by Rev . , Dr. W. W. Bays. Mr.j D. A. Covington - will deliver tho annual address, j The State Agricultural Department has perfect ed plans by which half tsAq over all the roads will be given to farmers who wish to come hore to inspect and examine the work ings and results of tbe Stale experiment farm. ' ' ! - Wadesboro Intelligencer: The new Savannah Church! recently construct ed by our Methodist friends in the vicinity ; of Lilesvule, will be dedicated jnext Hun day with appropriate and imposing ceremo nies. Mastor Wirt Urowder, son of Sheriff Crbwder, some days ago sustained a slight accident by having a -tree to fall upon him. Said he: "fa jumped a rabbit. and I was standing by an old cherry tree which looked like it would never fall, but it did fall, and fell on me. It skinned my shoulder and bruised -my back I and cut a gash on my head, and buried tho ground, but did not hurt me much." I i - New Bern Journal: Mr, J. T. Eaton, lecturer of the State Grange, Pa trons of Husbandry, called to see us yester day. He reports the Granges rapidly reor ganizing. Wherever be can get the mem bers together be seldom fails to effect a re organization. All the theories on damage in whitewashing the trees are con tradicted by one opposite this office. It was of recent setting out and appeared to bo about dead. A coat of whitewash was applied and now it (is full of promising young branches shooting out from the trunk, and strangest of all, there is not one above where the whitewash was applied. jNew isern journal: lueaeatii of Miss Fannie, daughter ot Mr. James M. Hines, was a shock to her family and friends. Davis's Commencement came off last week as announced. The pro gramme, except as to Gov. Cameron, was carried out as announced. The exercises by the boys were not only good, but very good. The speech of General Moise on Wednesday is complimented by an who heard it. Tuv concert by the band Tuesday was pro nounced a success by jibe male hearers, and the ladies call it "just splendid." Tb school during the past year has been bet - -. ter patronized than at any previous year. there having been enrolled 183 during tbu . term, an increase of 50 over any previous year. . - Raleigh Visitor: The Raleigh savings bank was opened May 14th. They have on their books over four hundred ac counts and new ones are coming in every -day. This is a splendid showing, and speak 8 well for the management and also ror the community. j we have been - shown at Mr. Fred. A. Watson's art store a fine oil portrait of Mr. J. S. Carr, and one of Gov. Scales, pronounced by everybody as natural as lire, painted by Mr. Wm. Uarl Brown. B. F;j Kivett, son of A. J. Kivett. of Oxford, was arrested yesterday at that piace, charged with stabbing a son of Dr. J. B. Williams. Kivett is about 10 years old and Williams 14. . It is feared the injured youth will die. The trouble com menced about some boyish game. - Charlotte Chronicle: A car coupler, iavented by Mr. Chas. F. Brem, of this city, in January, 1879, is one among tbe number now being tested by tne com mittee organized to secure the adoption ot , uniform draw bar and coupler for freight service. The Celebration of the 4th of July at Rocky River Springs is expected to be grand and glorious. Rev. H. W. Battle, of Wadesboro; Rev. J. C. Rowe, or Albemarle; D. JL Covington, Esq., of Monroe, and Rev. C. H. Martin will de liver speeches on tho occasion ; music by a brass band. J At a recent meeting the executive committee of Davidson College received the resignation of Rev. L. Mc- Kinnon as President. The committee re commended I that the trustees, instead of accepting the resignation, grant, Dr. Mc Kinnon leave of absence from his duties for one year. It is the belief and hope of . the trustees and all the friends of tbe Col lege that one year's rest will restore Presi -dent McKinnon to his usual health and strength. i ' " . Charlotte Observer Col. John L. Brown, has been elected President of the Board of Trustees of Davidson College. This is an honor most worthily bestowed, for Davidson has! never bad a more en thusiastic friend than Colonel Brown. Parties from Lincoln county who were in the city yesterday. I informed a Chronicle re porter that Mrs. Boon, wife of Rev. T. A. Boon, of Denver, was very! seriously crip pled one day this week by a buggy acci dent. Tbe monument erected in Elm -wood Cemetery in this city, to tbe Confed -erate dead, is to be unveiled on the 80th of June. Tbe ladies of the Memorial Associa tion have elected Capt. Harrison Watts as chief marshal, and It is expected that Senator Vance will deliver the address. - A meeting was held in the rooms of the Merchants' and Farmers' National Bank yesterday to confer with parties from South Carolina and Steel Creek Township, in reference to the ! proposed railroad from Augusta, j Ga., via Edgefield, Newbury. Union, Yorkville and Bethel, 8. O.; Steel Creek and Charlotte, N. C. Mr. Tbos. M. Andrews yesterday made bis appear ance upon the streets of Charlotte after an absence of a year or morer in Texas. Mr. Andrews, after all bis travel ana experience says that Charlotte is the I best place in the world and is big enough to bold him here-. after. The citizens of Wilkes county yesterday voted to subscribe $100,000 to secure the extension of the railroad from Winston 1 to Wilkesboro. The subscrip tion was carried by a large majority. Henderson Gold Leaf: The; outlook for the tobacco crop is by no means encouraging. Aside from tbe fact tbat tbe acreage is much reduced this year the stand is poor and the crop will be cut shorter still. Competent judges who have been over the country in this 1 and ad join g counties, as well as the counties of Virginia along tbe Roanoke, tell us there will not be more than from one-half to two-thirds of a crop. Two small children, daughters of Ann Eliza Turner, colored, were the victims of a kerosene oil accident in this place Tuesday evening. ! While alone fn the bouse the larger one, not more than five years old, undertook to kindle the fire by pouring oil on It. An explosion was tbe result and a little infant sitting on the floor near the fire place was burned to death. The other child was so severely burned It is not ex pected to live. Ourj community waa very much surprised and pained to learn of the death of Mr. Joel Thomas, at his home in this place. Wednesday afternoon. . He had been sick but a short time and few out- -side of his immediate friends who were with him thought his condislon anyways critical. A good man, a quiet peaceable citizen, and a high toned Christian gentle man has gone to his rest. Mr. Thomas . came to Henderson a few! years ago from Franklincounty and was; well known and highly esteemed ! throughout this section. Deceased was in the 67th year of his age. A wife . and eight children, three sons- and five daughters, survive him. He was a brother of our ! honored and revered Dr. George H. . Thomas. Stab : 'it ii; (

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