The Weekh' Star.. I'UBLlSIUED AT! I N O T O M AT A YEAH, IN ADVANCE. iS888SSS8S888S888 ,tcK M SSggg8S8g'oggj;j;3 88S88888888888888 sssssssssssssiisi HHHM.H8 ssassssggssgsaj 8SSSSSS8S8888SS8i 8SSSSoSS38S8S8888 '"""wl ''"agsgaasssa-gsss " sSS888S88g888888l , 88888888888888 """WHH88Sa 5 . - (3 S3 O :i :s::;s:s: j: . s ' I .I ,iiopt-aaOjceicggg innicieii nt the Post Office at"WUmlnirton. N C SUJtSCBirTIOK PRICE. -I -t ' Tin- ubscri6tion price of 'the Wkkei.t Ptau 1 as ioiiows ws: j ear, postage Single Copy 1 year, postage paid, fl.50 1.00 .50 months, t H mnha ll M,IC AT THE NEIGHBOR'S - NOTE. Tl.- T .1 T- i ll'i t nivuiiutira xvaaicai papers are forever busying thomse vos about the .i South. Une day, it r is j Southern it is Southern illiteracy; another day, ou!r:i!?Lf; then againStis thatnegroes are not allowed to vote in the Sooth; tliis is presently varisljby. fi discus fiion ff negro pefstcutions on the fariiH and starvation prices. Be cause there is an exodus of thonsimls of negroes' from a few South Carolina and Mississippi m . 4 L to other Southern States, it k argued that the t 1 enough wages toliva upon, and thit sthev naturallv . . . . j f seek, homes elsewhere because of the hope of bettering theiij condition .1 he amount of ignorance ventila teil from time to gani i. enough to time by such or- staggir onebut yon cm .get accustomed, to almost anything and of course to these re- eurriiig displays of terof which th gabble ovir mat- editors have no proper knowledge, Designing men, ying emissaries, hostile newspapers Lnat are la". always preaching doctrines well calculated to make the negro the chief factors in s dissatisfied, are the exodus troub- les. it tne negroes are left undis- turbed they toil on after their own J fashion and are. at once the happiest 1 t- 1 and most contented race on earth. The negroes of the South are to- day in a better condition than are the poorest classes of X whites in is no grand army the North. There of colored tramps strolling through the country begging, stealing, ma rauding. Hut the rich arid boastful North is each mon Lh sending out its thousands of white) ej tramps to infest the South and eat up much that otherwise the negr pes would get. The may not receive as high wages in many instances as they deserve or as raand. This ia their necessities de- r i .. i ... an ovii ana it is wrang. IJut the sa exist all over tho Ine evil and wrong North. j There are ten of thousaud of whites, and F -I pucatejj who are noma o; tueni ei working at Btarvir prices all through the NorthL In Chicago and New York, and Biston, and in every Northern city you will fiod poverty in extremity and unremunerated toil. it is a false idea, that the country will pay higher wages to farm hands as Protection extends and manufac tures multiply, mere jare more goods manufactured now in the United- States than can be exported or consumed at home.! There is more food prod need than can find, a compen sating market. The Protective Tariff has not cared pauperism in the great North. The Protective Tariff has not prevented strikes, but! it has in creased beggary and tramping in the North. The Protective Tariff has increased the difficulties ofj farming, .imited the fields of ; consumption and t.iereby diminished the ability of farmers to pay wages. This talk aboutJ tho negroes being starved in the South on-the farms is all clap-trap and meant for political purposes. The total exodus from one Southern Sta e !to apother foots UP hut a few thpi sands. If negroes are really leaving the South because lnsaincient wages and oppressions wuy uo mey not jo to Illinois, Ubio, Pennsylvania anc other States where manufactures floi nsh, and where the Radical sheets v 'ill have you to be lieve prosperity s universal, the la borer is paid the highest of wages and social life is sweet and free and without race prejudices and class aifilinctions? The Southern "ihjng. lie is high wages for . i i i farmer vis not flour- probably paying as Hi abor as low prices A . and indifferent cfops will permit. He w not rolling in Wealth like the North ern plutocrat and manufacturing mo- nopolist, but is struggling "hard to keep his head" above water. and to avoid losing his gaged as welhas to be yet grown, for a rich At nr i land that is mort- his crops that are It is easy enough to sit in a Northern offico and indite Charges against the rtouth, bring false1 accusations and dash off ugly plstilres of j oppression and folly and bo on on the part of the industrious whitesj If hejwould turn u8 eyes about him' he would find at home enough of squalor and misery w . i -11 - M il J ' i ,' t II 11 M il 11 II . . - ' W r I I- 1 I - II ."TV' ' r - 1 n ; V W : Mi Mj HA i AY VV ' A ; VOL. XVIII. ana crime to occnpy his time and pen without makins? exdnrsifrfii InfA the South to discover examoWof mao'a inhumanity! to man" W have written in thiaj vein because of a one sided editorial in the Chicago Inter-Ocean on "The fcxodus Trou ble." MB. PAGE'S ADDRESS AND THEME in the address before Washing ton and Lee University, Va., of Mr. xnomsB JNelson Page the gifted young author, his theme was "The Old South." He is not of that class of young men of parts who kno w but little of the South and that little limited to the last decade or so. He has shown himself i amply equipped to discuss the manners and customs of Virginia with .that fidelity and realistic touch that mark the true Southern author, "native here and to the manner born' Mr. Page is not of that unfortunate class of .young men who bow down bere an idol of gold and offer incense to the god of materialism. He knows that it is great and noble men "who constitute a State;" and he feels proud of the civ ilization of his people before the war. He knows that American institutions and American progress and American prowess are inore indebted to the South than to the jiNorth. Without the grand conservatism of the Southern leaders; J without the wis dom and patriotism and gran deur of Washington and Jeffer son, of Madison J and Henry, J of Andrew Jackson and John C. Cal houn, this countryj would have long ago fallen under the exclusive con trol of men seethed in and saturated with the Hamiltonian theory of a Senate for life and a nobilitv. knd would have become a Government of .1 ".J 9 , aristocrats and plutocrats, by , aristo crats ana plutocrats and for aristo crats and plutocrats The iron wheel of centralization j would have been grinding a'way all eighty years like' through the last a mighty car! of J uggernaut, cru8hing,mangling, des' troying. But our purpose was to call atten tion to the fact that the young man of tne bouth who shows the richest r genius and who is a genuine produc tion of our soil and people and insti tions, has no taint whatever ofj the canker that has struck some others, and that he stands up in his native State on a literary festivity to cele brate in admirable English tho glo ries of the "Old: South." He savs: i i i i "Its chief attribute was conservatism: its qualities were courage, fidelity, purity, hospitality, magnanimity, honesty and truth. . 11' i "Whilst it proudly boasted itself Demo cratic, it was distinctly and avowedly anti raaicai, noiuing last to those things which were provea. ana stanaing witn its conserv atism a steaaiast bulwark against all nov elties and aggressions. - "No dangerous isms nourished, in that placid atmosphere, and against that civiliz ation innovations beat vainly as the waves lasn wemeeives into spray azainst the stead fast shore. !i "Slavery itself, which Droved the snrinir oi woes unnumoerea. ana which clotre-ed the wheels of progress and withdrew the south from sympathy with the outer world. christianised a race, and was the automatic balance-wheel between labor and capital. which preyented the excessive accumula tion of wealth on the one hand with its attendant perils and on the other hand prevented the antithesis of the immense pauper class which ! work for less than the wage of the slave without any of his inci dental compensations." AN ADDRESS BT SENATOR VANCE. Senator Vance does not appear to be worrying himself over the criti cisms of - unfriendly newspapers or the guarded thrusts of editors who are never bo happy as when magni fying the capacity of President Cleveland. The able and many- Bided Senator id May last left hia pleasant! country borne in Buncombe (with its unmusical name) and paid a visit to Johnson City. Tennessee. where he delivered an address before .the graduating class of Washington College.' We have no read it but hope to do bo. We have no doubt of two things: he spoke -like a man of rare common-Bense. and his ad dress was welL written. Vance is wise, witty and winning. . He is al ways on the side of sound govern ment, morality and right doing. The address ; appears in The Comet, of Johnson City, and it characterizes it as "an eloquent address by North Carolina's great statesman." But he really knows nothing of statesman ship and political science according to his detractors. Cleveland is their man. We publish the most important parts of Gen. Jubal A. Early's letter in which he excoriates Gen. Tom RoBser,' taking j off the rine in the most skilful way. It is severely per sonal, but it is conclusive. Gen. Early is an able man. He was a very good soldier. . He is a true Southron, and j despises in his very sonl turncoats and ' traitors, lie is a very imprudent man who assaults this fearless and ready fighter. Bosser might shoot at Sheridan at long taw, bnt when he came nearer home and wanted to hang the vener able Gen. Early, bo kicked over a half dozen big hornet's nests, . and fell flat on a buzz saw. , His remains will be gathered and buried by sym pathetic friends.- ;- ; ' j We regeet to see tbawn sections of North Carolina and Virginia crops are being much ravaged by devoqr- ing insecte. : V ' ; r -tr-n-n- XV h M v - Ci : -I. Spirits Turpentine. . ' , THE REVISED VERSION. . Mr. Join Fulton has furnished the best paper on the Revised Version of the Holy Scriptures for The Forum for J une that we have Been. vIt is admirably written and the views are judicious as they appear to us. IThe trend of his article is to show "Why the Revised Version has failed?" We think he has hit the nail square ly on the head has given the right solution. V The article cannot receive -justice in , an ! abstract. You must read the lucid, scholarly penetrating discussion in the choice , language of the critic to . appreciate its merits. The Revisers erred on the Bide of ex cess. They undertook too' much and failed. The merits of the Victorian .Revision .. are unquestionably very considerable. The following taken from near the close of the. article will let our readers see what is the sum of the matter. Mr. Fulton says: "What shall we think, then, of the fact tnat in this, one of the most charming mcueaui our xjogiisu jtiioic, tne revisers have felt themselves obliged by the nature of their task to make twenty-one other changes, every one of which is absolutely useless, several of which are merely (and uueusiveiyj peaanuc, ana most or which stiffen the rhythm without bettering the sense? The translators under King James retained the genius of our mother tongue in it. sublime simplicity, and yet had learned wai periect art or composition which turns words to music in their flow; the nineteenth century English of the Westminster revis ers has an almost flnicial refinement which is wholly foreign to the genius of the sacred writings. If the Westminster revisers had confined themselves to the simplest inter pretation of their task, that is to say, if tney nad been content to remove spurious passages, to adopt improved readings which were not known to their predecessors, to correct manifest mistranslations of the sense of the original, to insert modern iorms for forms which have crown obsolete. sou 10 Huosuiuie woras wnicu are univer sally understood forewords which, through iuo iaps oi ume, are now naoie to be mis understood, they would not have offered us a su08Utule for the version of King James, but they would have given ua a new edition or mat version worthy of the present age. As they have interpreted their work, and as its projectors probably meant them to interpret it, they have made a new version tii uuuouoiea vaiue, out vaiuaoie only as a verbal commentary on the old, and which will never take the place held by the old The Star referred a few days ago to the Israelitish people. In the last North American Review, there is a DaDer bv one of that annient. rnno in . , ( wnicn ho discusses "Why Am I a Jew ?" It is . an able paper, and; worth reading by both Jew and Gen-i tile. We make room for a paragraph' or bo. He says : "In less than one year my people will enter me miny-mira century of Hs sepa-j rate existence as a nation, and now you ask why I am a Jew 1 Certes, the reason musf be strong, since the same reason has ani-t mated my ancestors all these centuries. Why am I Jew r Because in the spring uiuaiu oi me year &kia a. iu. , my lathers went forth from Egypt as a nation destined 10 marcu in the van or human progress called into existence only for the mere pur pose oi leaaing. as the nrst born of God, his other children of earth to Him, the father of all. j - - j I am a Jew because I believe that the Jew is a necessity to the world. I am a new uraause i recognize me rote oi my na tion to be that of the servant of God in ministering to mankind's greatest wants.? A PLEASING STOBT. Mr. Lew Vanderpool gives the history of I bis acquaintance . with Bayard Taylor m The Writer and gives the particulars of the very ex traordmary kindness he received from this author of versatile gifts! xt is ine mosc remarKaoie record in literature, j Mr. Vanderpool when a fad was in ill health. He tried to write stories and sent them in all of their crudenees to Mr. Taylor, one of the busiest of editors and men of letters. . He begged him to read the Btones. .Mr. T replied that he would not only read them but try to Bell them. Mr. j Vanderpool says : : I "Mr. Taylor had found my poor little pieces so crudely done that he . had to re-write every word of them; and it is safe to say that no other man in the universe would have given so much valuable time to a stranger, and an unknown boy at mat." j ' - . - He sold seventy manuscripts, all oi wnicn ne toucnea up and edited, and many of which he entirely wrote. But this was not enough. He got them published in New Yorjr, Boston, Philadelphia . and London and got the favor of such eminent editors as Horace Greeley, George Ripley and James Redpath. The lad was taken into . the Tribune office and trained for journalism. Wehaye never read any story that shows o much disinterested friendship as this story of the kindness and genercsrty .of Bayard Taylor for a poor sick boy without extraordinary promise. It shows the goodness of a heart that was responsive to the appeals of hu manity. He did these continued fa vors "at great personal inconven ience," as we are told, and bore wiih acts of the boy that were not pleas ant, but without reproach or com plaint. We have given the outlines of this extraordinary case because: it is so highly creditable : to a j distin guished Northern author, and gives such a notable example of true sym pathy and benevolence. There is a lesson for all in this episode in Bay ard Taylor's life -of. adventure, toil and success. Hon. John Randolph Tucker, of Virginia, delivered, the literary ad-j dress before South Carolina Univer sity at Columbia. His theme wad "ine uxory of tne new soutn u in its Love and Homage to the Old South." We Bhall have more to gay of this wise and able': address by a venerable and eminent jurist and statesman, who is as pnre and incor ruptible as he is patriotic and able. WILMINGTON, N. C., Distressing Accident at Coldsboro. A A terrible accident occurred in Ooldsboro yesterday afternoon about half-past seven o'clock, which it is feared caused fatal in juries to an estimable - and accomplished young lady of that place, MiaMattie Rosenthal, a sister-in-law of Mr. H. Weill, one'of Ooldsboro'a prominent merchants. The young lady was riding in a huggy with Mr. Adolph Oettingcr. They drove across the railroad track in the northern pact of the town, lust in front of the fast mail jtrain coming in from Weldon. Tne noise made by the train frightened the horse jwhich baulked, and backing drove the buggy against the swiftly moving care. In her alarm Miss Rosenthal jumped out of the buggy and was caught by the cars and terribly mutilated, one of her limbs being crushed and other injuries inflicted.- It is feared that she cannot recover. - Mr. Oettinger was thrown out of the buggy tut escaped injury; And Still Tbejr Come. V.I he cotton bloom season must soon be at its height, judging from the way the blossoms are pouring iu upon us, but if the plants only knew how prices of the staple are dtc'ining probably they wouldn't bloom so freely. Since last report the Stab has received several ' blooms and squares. Among others a bloom from the field of Mr. Joel Gibson, of Gibson's ' 8tation, one ' of I he best farmers in that section; and also. one from Mr. D. W. Thompson, one of the most enterprising citizens of Abhottsbnrg, N. c. : Tote Fair. ; The .papers of Charleston. Charlotte and other places, in giving th temperature of Wilmington take the "cotton belt" reports for the District of Wilmington. For in stance,, these papers give the local tempera-. ture here as 102 degrees on Sunday last, when it was 96. "Wilmington cotton belt" extends from Weldon to Florence and Cheraw, and from Newbern to Charlotte, embracing Salisbury, Raleigh and other places.: As a general thing the temperature in this city during the summer is lower than at other points in this "cotton belt. The New Paper. It is announced that the first number of the Messenger will bs issued next Wednes day. The editorial staff is as follows: J. A. Bonitz, Editor and Manager. John T. Pleasants, Associate Editor. Doesey Battle. City Editor. I W. J. Woodward, Reporter. j C. W. Efarriss, Staff Correspondent at Washington City. sjeam or tne xodbs LatfT Injured at Coldsboro. Miss'Mattie Rosenthal, the unfortunate young lady who was seriously injured last .Thursday evening in Goldsboro, by jump ing from a buggy and falling under the pars of the fast mail train, (as published in yesterday's Stab) died in a few hours after the accident happened. The distressing occurrence caused great sorrow in the com munity. A press dispatch gives the following ac count of the accident: "Miss Rosenthal was run over bv the fast mail on the Atlantic Coast Line and killed. She was riding in a buggy with a young man. ine norse occamo unmanageable and backed upon the track before the advancing train. 1 The young man lumped out. to bet ter manage me norse, and the young lady jumped out on the other side, fell on the track and was caught by the train. Both of her legs we're cut off above the knee and she died in an hour. Rise In the River. There have been heavy rains in the up- country during the past few days and as a consequence a rapid rise in the Cape Fear river has resulted. Advices from Favette- ville report an increase of four feet and the water still rising. The river boats have all been delayed and forced to abandon sched ules by the low stage of .water that has pre vailed for some time past. The steamer Cape Fear, due here Thursday, did not ar rive until yesterday, and the Hurt is also a day behind her schedule. The Dloomlnc Blossoms. New Hanover comes to the front, with not only a handful of cotton blossoms but a blooming, flourishing plant, sent to the Star office from Mr. T. P. Sikes' place,. "Fairfield," about four miles from Wilmington. The Star makes note of the rapid advancement and flourishing con dition of the cotton crop in this section with the greatest pleasure, and hopes that its farming friends may meet the happiest fulfillment of the bounteous prospect. Accident at wrlentsvllie. There came very near being a drowning accident at Wrightsville yesterday after noon i Mr. Barksdale, the Wilmington agent of the Standard Oil Co., went out from the Banks' house in company with several others for a swim in the surf. The sea was very rough,- and Mr. Bnrksdale having ventured out too far. was overwhelm ed i by the waves, .His companions went immediately to his assistance and finally succeeded in bringing him to the snore, in an unconscious condition, lie was restored to consciousness, however, but was too much exhausted to be removed to the city, and a messenger was ; sent for a physician. Last night Mr. Barksdale was reported as much better and not likclv to suffer any serious results from the accident. Foreign Exports Yesterday, j The Catolina Oil and Creosote Companv cleared me Dng ju. u. uampoeu yesterday. for La Guayra, Venezuela, with 6.500 cro tosoted cross-ties, valued at $3,740. Messrs: Paterson, Downing & Co. cleared me German naraue liwiard. for .London. Eng., with 1,000 spirits turpentine and 3,- uua oaneis oi rosin, valued at $19,U30. Messrs. 8. & W. H. Northron cleafed the brig Morancy, for Aux Cayes, Hayti, witn 84.738 feet oi lumber. 180.000 shingles. and five barrels of coal tar, valued at $2, 747.08. - j, ... - ' Mr. Edward Kidder's Son cleared the schooner . Orlando for - Fort de France. Martinique, with 175.000 feet of lumber, valued at $3,253. , - j Crops In Bladen. - - Mr. D. M. Button, of Little Sugar Loaf, Bladen county,' sends the Star a cotton bloom, the first he has seen this season and writes that the cotton and corn crops are in good ' condition. The weather has been very dry, but farmers are now having good seasons. - -;. .- -... , ; NOTICE TO MARINERS. Obfick TJ. S. Light House Inspector, ; Sixth District, - ? Charleston. S. C. June 24. 1887. Black buoy No. 3, marking the entrance to the Cape Fear river. N. C, having broken adrift, cannot be depended upon in entering the harbor. Another buoy will be placed in position at an early date. - . &Y direction or the jught Mouse isoard. U. if. LtAMBERTOir, Commander U. 8. N. and Lb IL Insp'tr. FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1887. N RTF YORK. Destructive Fire In' Lewis Street Nar row Escape of Firemen from Instant , Death. ;..-.;;,;- jj , 'Vv-JV; ' Nbw York, June 23.-The large cigar box factory of Simon Sirauss, situated at 179, 181 and 183 Lewis! street was almost entirely destroyed by fire this this morning. The fire bxtended to two email factory buildings. 820 and 822 tTifth street, which were badljy gutted. The fire originated from an unknown cause It was discovered by a police officer on the post v The fire spread, rapidly ; anions 'he inflammable goods. .Stcoad and third alarms were sent in. - The building is six stories high, with a frontage of 75 feet, and a . depth of 1 00 feet. .The owner, Simon Strauss, occupied the eniire'tructure except the third floor in the portion at No. s 179 The other cc' eupant wns Wm. .a Coffin shoe manu facturer.. Strauss wa4 iniunfocturer i.f cigar boxes, wooden figures, etc - . - iJJireraen Uarroll and McCarthy had a narrow escape from imtaot death. At 2 30 o ciock in ine mornings without warning, the wall on Lewis street toppled over into the street. The fi .tower in R-j?e. of 4 time. A.t tne rnomeat of collapse clouds of smoke and debris -filled the air, and nothing uuuiu uo seen or me endangered men ana u was inougat they were surely killed. They were found, however, to hn nil Hoht They had seen the shaking wall and jump- " men uvea, ine water -tower on which the to men bad stood was wrecked by the debris, and the truck completely ruined ; -. j . . The total loss will aggregate about 160. 090. ,The Strauss factory building was vat ued at $75,000. The loss on the building itself will be about $65,000. Strauss esti mates his loss on stock and machinery at a use suiHuoi. me loss on Wm. 11. C-if- nn s fcicca or shoes p was $20,000. Tho Dniuiings at uau and 823 Fifth street,' occu pied by W. H. Rowland, shipjoiner. were aamaeea aoout $5,000: and oa stock $2,000. m. n. iuudk, ueaierg in oaoy carriages, 813 Fifth street, loe'es 41.500 duiius uomicK, oil Fifth street, loses $100. l uoiosa i ujoauy covered Dy insurance. menre inrowa one hundred and fifty (niouiJB uut ui employment. Havebstbaw, N. TJi June 23 Matthpur Guine, who was bitten by a doe wiih which he was playing over month cn and who was seized with symptoms of hydro phobia on Monday last, died this mnrnincr uiKu. ui Kieai ngoay no was ixty jemo uju, uuuarueuanu weaitnv. Auburn. N. Y . June 23 Onm meni at wells College closed with thn Pr. sident s reception yesterday. It was a bril liant social affair, guests attending in full evening toilets. Nearly all were presented to Mrs. Cleveland and received a cordial greeting. The President and faculty are wcu pieuseu wun the admission of wnmon to the board of trustees. Mrs. Cleveland ana miss omitn attended their fim meeting in time to vote for adjournment. Tt it h. lieved that they will depart for home early in the morning. Mrs. Cleveland will be met at uavuga by Col . Lamont. who will accompany her to Washington. i Naw York. June 23. Jacob : j i- -. .i , . . ' r pcaicu iu uouri iDis morning with hi grand-children at his side Mr. Foote. an officer of the First National Bank, testified inai m January, 1883. he sold to Alderman Farley, one of the combine, ten thnnannrf dollars in registered U. S- four per cents.. for wbtch Farley paid in large bills to the amount or over stZ.UUU. lnnlnri nr nr.. mium. Farley drew the monev from hia vest pocket. A number of witnesses were put on me stand to r prove that the alder man came into possession of a thmisonri dollar bills soon after the passage of the Broadway bill. Tne.nrosecution then triprf to nave tne testimony of Sharp before the Senate investigating committee read, but iue ueicncc ODiecicdJ and a loni? dieniissiw.n KENTUCKY. uouisvuie TODaeco warenonsca De stroyed by Fire Estimated Loss $350,000. , j . Br Telegraph to the Morning Star.) LiOUISVILLB. June 25. The frfliiiBrilli. tobacco warehouses !6f Thomas H. Glover & Co.. Sawyer. Wallace & Co..T. Ti PArinh k jO., ana tne boarding house of Mrs. And me iisnder. occupying the equare between twecn Main and Market and Ninth nri Tenth streets, were totally destroyed by fire uiis morning, together with 3,000 hogs- ueausui tuoacco. ine total loss is esti moted at $350,000; partially insured. LiOtri8vrLi,E, June 25 Tho most de structive fire that has occurred here in years broke out in the tobacco quarter at o ciock tnis morning. The entire square, between Main and Market and ninth and lenth streets, was the scene of the fire, and two acres of buildings with their contents wetc post. The loss is esti mated at fully hair a million and the insu rance cannot be obtained for weeks vot. The papers of the various firms are in afes in me debris. These will have to be re covered, and 5,000 1 hogsheads of tobacco destroyed, checked tip before the accurate figures are known. Tne box from which the alarm was given was defective, and as a re sult the names were almost beyond control when the engines arrived. Tho fire was incendiary, it is j tnoaght. It broke out in the middle of the block at the rear end of Market street in the Boone warebouso. j There was no fire or lights of any kind i X rjom which the flames could have started. The flames sorcad with fearful rapidity. The Banner tobac co warehouse and Sawyer, Wallace & Cos Warehouse, fronting on Main street, were quickly enveloped in flames. These ware houses mentioned occupy nearly the whole square and all were closely packed with hogsheads of tobacco. Sawver. Wallace & Co.'s house is a branch of the big New York firm. The j-firemen could do very little. The heat was intense and the in flammable material wasjentirely too far be- yona control, ah that could be done was to save adjacent residences and business blocks. There were no lives lost, though several very narrow escapes were made. Hawyer, Wallace & Co.'s warehouse. No 69, Main street,. was owned by Henry Glover. It was a solidly built brick build ing, with metal roof, an immense structure. and was valued at 20.000. It is Dartiallv insured.!) In it were 2,400 hogsheads of All of the tobacco was destroyed. Tho stock was well insured. The Boone warehouse was owned by Thomas H. Glover, and was valued at about $15,000, It contained 1.000 hogsheads of tobacco. all of which was consumed. It was worth from $120,000 to $125,000, There was partial insurance on both building and to bacco The Banner warehouse was owned by B. M. Parrish & Co. , and valued at about $7,uuo. it belonged to an individual es tate. It contained about 500 hogsheads of tobacco, valued at from $40,000 to $45,000. It is thought that the litigation that will be brought about bv the fire will be some sning astonishing Liorillard & Co. and Ligett & Meyer, large tobacco s firms of New York and St,: Louis, as well as others, bought a large lot of tobacco in this market yesterday, and it is said that they will claim that the sale was not consummated, basing their claim upon some technicality. .'' FLORIDA. j Large Brick Block In Jacksonville Destroyed by Fire-Three Men Pro- . bably Killed by Falling Walls. Jacksonvtxle. I! June 25. A fire broke out last night at 11 o'clock, which totally destroyed the large brick block between Hay and Clay streets, occupied by Clark & Lafeter, furniture; Watson & Co., drugs, and Sable Brothers, leather. Loss on the building and stock $50,000; insurance about $50,000. It is supposed that three men, who were' in the building trying -to save goods when the walls crashed in were killed. Their names are unknown. Six others were hurt from the samecause, none fatally. - . . ! . - Asheville If Advance: Geo. B. John, a colored carpenter,1 was quite seri ously hurt a day or two ago by falling tim bers, while taking down the old Johnston building. : f, ..... . WASHINGTON. Many Prominent City-Rumors of Democrats In .a -Conference .He Party Policy. 4 on w ASHrNQTon. June 23. Tho Slar of t6'- uigui says; ine presence of manv Promt nent DemocraU in Washington just now seems to lend color to the rumor that there ists be a conference, with regard to party policy, revenuo reduction. &c Among I ciuwima iifyw uere are aena jora xiarria. Kinsonii Ccckrell. Gormaii vvvus WOII. A II V II HIM I .1 11I1UB nr a rtrnitmin. P - n- v-v. umauBU: onrcaui. n. & 4 r-w . - . . VFm ... 8 nicvreary, aoiman, Wilson iTCTi,, Y irisinia, unsp. and Knelt of .einuciy. i nere are many, others here and it said that Speaker Carlisle wi.l ar rive Boom- i j ' . Washington, June 24 Secretary Fair- w t. v " alM;rnoon at 1 30 O clock that he bad arranged with Assistant Trea surer uanoa. at new York, to keep him in lormea of the condition of affairs in Wall street, etptcially if anvthiov m pcciir, but ibalso far he bad heard nothine ij i J irupuiar uneasiness. He said that i he situation; at this hour did not aetm to require any? assistance from the lreasury. ue lnlrmattd very plainly that """" " oeem imiTiiuenl, he would authorize prepayment of the interest due July 1, which would release about $9 000 -000 lie also said that if k abouTd become necessary he would offer to redeem at once -wunom reoaie $1'J.000.000 three per cent uuuus uiniuriog JUiy 181 j L Washington." June as s. t... u.;. child this morning telegraphed to all assis wnt treasurers, direcuog payment of all uijf mu ral cnecas ano coupons upon pre sentation Many of jbe interest checks for rtgisiereo oonos were mailed ia advance in naiicipsiioo or mis action, eo as to facili tate th:-ir pj merit j The iffect will be the icii-asc i rem suo irtasunca or about AAA Ann xi. vuu.wu remainder of the interest checks will be mailed to-day. Similar ac tion bas heietofore lj,een taken by the De partment whenever occasion demanded, but it sometime happened that authority for their payment before maturity was with- neiu.. . j, . I . Washington. June 25. -Col. Lamont anu jars uieveland- arrived in Washing ion 8.1 .3U o Clock IhlH mnrr.jnw Mra Cleveland is in the best of health and is fen Ihusiastic over thef pleasant time aptnt auiuug urr scaooi ineoas in new York. instructions have been given to Passed .assisiani ourgeon tiuiteras. Marine Hos pital Service, who is now in Key WesUto mane a Fcienunc .investigation of the na ture of the disease prevailing in that ci)ty, esptscwiiy wim reierence to the spectreop- uu oonuuion or me Diood. it ,is expected that tbe.refuge station, to be established at Egmont bay will be ready for use next weea. a large number of tents wilUbe iransrered from new Orleans to the station, Washington, Jijiae 25,-The Stark -night says: NothiDg authoritative can! be promotion in the OuartermaRif-r fAn.rLi omco uuaer ine new Uml Hervirte mlM out mere w a well rounded report afloat which receives credence in denartmpnt cir cles, that out of thirty-eight cierks exam ined but ten passed examinationq anis cessfully It is said that correct answers to many or the questions asked wou)d; in no way show the efficiency of clerks, land that theto very questions, which would be easy enougn ior a young man or woman iresh from school. Were the greatest t,t.nmh ling blocks to too oldest clerks who had been promoted for efficiency. beeiisi. th. had given their attention for manv vpun in official duties and not to school studies. It is said mat a man employed in the dishnrnW bict&B uuaue uiaue no atiemDt in snwpr -l oj j mathematical questions asked, and yet he was always tegarded as a comoetenf clerk and conducted bis I accounts correctly It is claimed that a majority of Ihecompeutois were so aurrien oyj me realization of the danger of failure that thev could not do justice to themselves; ladies in particular. were at a disadvantage, i Those whrt hart families dependent upon their earnings for support were 83 overcome with fear and nervousness at the danger of being thrown out of employment, that thev were mad sick, and in one or two instances fainted and had to be carried borne. The clerks begin to feel that there is no doubt lhat promotive examinations will afford amnio opportunity for the discbarge of all .(i em ployes wnose service will be dispensed with at the end of the fiscal year, in accordance witn law. indeed, it is said, that the Civil Service will soon be called upon to desig nate scholarly but inexperienced oeraona to mi me places or tried and efficient olerka All i . . i m . -I . . " j wno are somewhat; rusty in anthmetid and geography. i A NEW ROAD. Orsanlaatlon or the Lonlsvllle. Cin cinnati 4c Virginia Railroad Co. Nbw York. June 23. An organization has been made under a charter granted by the Kentucky Legislature; three vears ago. incorporating the Louisville, Cincinnati & Virginia Uailroad ! Company. The line of the proposed road starts from Winchester Ky., where it connects with the Kentucky Central & Elizabetbtown, Lexington & Big Sandy Roads, proceeds to the three forks of the Kentucky river, and thence passes through the coal fields of Southwest. era Kentucky to a point on the Virginia line, where it connects with the Norfolk & western itauroaa. Among the cirectora are messrs. uougiass Ureen. J. L Rohert- , son and F. K. Stain of New York: ex- Senator J. 8. Williams. ,A. W.Hamilton and 1. . Stuart of Kentucky; and W. D. Ailt and E. T. Hunt of Birmingham: Ala. Several counties through which the line runs will KA U . J A . I T-7, J ... tw in uc onfccu iu vuiB aiu. XiDgineers wm begin the location of the line within a few day-. NEVADA. mine ! Fires-Five Men Asphyxiated The Fate of Ten Others Unknown. By Telegraph to the Horning; Star! Virginia, June 25. In addition to the six men imprisoned by the fire in the Best & Belcher mines, five men are' shut off from escape in the 800-foot level, and four men in the 400-foot level of the Gould & Curry mine, making in all fifteen miners imprisoned. Little hope is entertained of saving the men on the 400-foot level! En gines are busily engaged in pumping: air to the levels where the men are imprisoned. Thousands of persons surround the mines and the most intense excitement prevails. No effort is being made to put out the fire, as it is impossible to ascertain where it is. Later The rescuing oartv has finally managed to reach the 400-foot-level. bnt found the five miners dead. Thev had evidently been asphyxiated while endeav oring to escape. The miners have not yet been able to do anything towards the res cue of the -men imprisoned in the Best& Belcher mines- l The names of the dead miners are : John Traunce, J. Morgan, R. C. Bruce, C. Carpenter and .Andrew Bean. Morgan was married ' only a few weeks ago. and it is feared his widow will lose her reason in consequence of his death. S . stockexchangeI Liberal Trading The - market Free . from .Excitement. - : New York-Jane 25. Notwithstanding the fact that all settlements for loaned stock and money go over until Monday, transactions at the Stock Exchange to-day foot up a fairly respectable total. Trading was almost entirely free from excitement and prices generally for a short time in the first hour, displayed no special movement. A rumor was circulated that the Secretary of the Treasury would prepay July interest, and there was considerable buying upon this. After the early demand was supplied the market became dull, but after the bank statement was published and was found to be less unfavorable than had been expected, better buying was noticeable. - There was considerable money loaned which had been borrowed in , anticipation of a squeeze and the maximum 1 rate to-day was only 9 per cent There were attempts to work the market lower in the first hour, and a few stocks scored material declines, but In most cases these were fully recovered before the Close. NO. 35 - T INTER-STATE COMMERCE ! Arrangements for flearlna- Cases a a I Jnrnmen Until July 2tb. (By Telegraph to the Mornlne star.i r Washington. June 24. The Inter Stale .wvuuajum m-uay assigned fu tare dates after July 20th for hearing the remainder of the cases on its docket and oujuurueu uniu mat aate. IJuly 20lh was oo. iVr ucuring me case of wm. H. Coua ClL of Hnntsvllla ' Ala umIr.) a. lantic road discrimination on account o"a passenger's color. . . " The Commission has addressed, a lettar w u me rauroaa companies which have failed to file a statement of their rates of uuuges, cauing attention t) the require ments or tne law and asking speedy com- Washington in charge of the commission rooms during the absence jof his fellow commissioners. Commissioner Walker will -""ioMvui:t orase win rem in in 5r ,r c'ulouW Juage schoonmaker to Vj 1J2rK" ana uol Morrison to Illinois. Judge Cooley has already left the city for THE LAKE mSAS'l ER. r ui,uiari oi me UDrnln. nr ih. Steamer Champialn-Herole Actor a Toons Woman, who Swims Ashore wtin a ChUd-The Fortitude Bls piayed by the Commander. aicAQo, June 24. The! schooner R- .uowc w wnicn rescued the sur- viYora oi me unamplain disaster, arrived last evening. At the time -the Champlain caught on fire the Racine was lying along side the pier, six miles frbm Charlevoix Capt. Hanson woke up, saw the burning steamer, and sent a part of his rmorim t yam io rescue mo perishing passengers ..u .uo icuiBiuuu oi ma crew he ran down the beach to an old fish boat, launched auu oiariea tor me wreckj The boat had not been. used for a Inner iimn ni i..!, When about half WaV out tOthAPhamnlain Capt. Hanson came across a young woman who was swimming toward the shore with a child-, This was Miss Mary Wakefield, of Charlevoix. 3he had jumped overboard from the steamer with th air vnar nM iiM ui opu A.eaoe ciaspea in her arms. Grasp ing a broken fender, she clung to it, and seizing the clothing of tho child i n . Tj-.t . -. j -""v she bravely struck out for the shore. Capt. uanson says she is the pluckiest woman hn ever saw in nis lire. When he started j to take her and the child into hia host aha told him to hurry awav to the others . uuuiu iaae care oi herself. She reached the shore in safety, and when another of the snipwrecaea passengers was taken from imsDoai in almost a frozen condition she . l a . . . . r - wub. uu uer uannei underskirt and wrapped ii aiuuuu U1U1. I. When Capt. Hanson reached the wraz-l the yawl of the Racine had picked up fif- j ictju ptsraons. ne saved six more, and sev enteen others floated ashore by the aid of piaunB auu me preservers. . amuug uiu uuuies picaea up by Cant. uanson was tnat of Mm nil nr,. Smith, of Charlevoix. It jwas found float ing on the surface of the lake and the posi tion of the life preserver showed that Mm Smith had worked it down so as to keep as uiuuu oi uer Doay as possible out of the ice water. .Becoming benumbed and fatiun " uenu uau iaiien over unui It - waa unh. V. J 1 1 ... .. o merged, and she was drowned. t u Diuug ui vupi. uasey, uapi. uan son said he never knew what courara in man meant until he witneaaed th herein HOrilluae aiSPIaved bv the hrave enmmon. uer or me unamplain. FOREIGN. i nastiiy summoned Ensllsn Cabinet meeting; Reviews of Troops by tlie Royalty at Aldersbot The Qneen Happy Over the . Jubilee Ireland and the Jubilee Celebration. By Cable to the Morning Star. London. June 23 A hastily Cabinet meeting was held to-day to con- Biuer me nucn in regard to the Anglo Turkish convention in reference to T?vr,r The Secretary of War abandoned his inten tion to be present at the review of the tmnna at Aldershot, In order to attend the council. ine government are irritated at the oono- iuuu mi me convention France and Russia. 1 on the part of Belgrade. June 23.! A report has beeu received here from Bulgaria, that M Sinn buloff. one of the Regents, and M. Zivakoff. x icBiucui. ui me oooranje, nave been seized by conspirators. The report is not believed. London, June 23. The Prince of Wales accompanied by the Kings of Greece. Den- mars, .Belgium ana Saxony, the Crown Prince of Germany, and several other Princes and Lord Wolselev and the Duke of Cambridge, reviewed! twelve thousand troops at Aldershot to-day. j Windsor, June 23. The Queen is very ihappy over the brillaant success of the i Jubilee celebration. I London. June 23 United Ireland, Wm O'Brien's paper, says: 'Ireland is the only civilized country in the world which did not share in the lubilee celebration. Sh stood sternly and sorrowfully aloof. I Ire- jlands place ought to have been beside England at the throne! Irish blood and brain helped to build the empire. Pov erty, misery and slavery are her reward.' She shared England's labors, but she may -not share her triumphs. England's joy is for fifty years of liberty, prosperity and progress; Irish grief and wrath are for fifty years of misery, famine and. oppression. England is cumbered by the struggles of a sullen captive when she might purchase by justice the aid and comfort of a friend." f London, June 25. The panic in the New York stock market yesterday made but little impression here. There was a better feeling in the stock markets to-day than prevailed late last evening. The Pall Atall Gazette, referring to the' panic, says: Wall Street kills Mr. Gould as often as the London Exchange kills the Emperor of Germany." I 1 f I London. June 25. The GeneBta. which is leading in the Jubilee Yacht race, passed Plymouth this morniugl She was making very slow progress. She was contending 8gainst a dead head wind and a strong tide, j Glasgow, June25. The yachts Thistle and Irex stated from Rothesay to-day on a 50-mile race. There was a brisk breeze at the time. The Thistle at once took the lead. .- -. j . j TBEBATTLEELAG EPISODE corporal Tanner's Resolutions Adopt ed by the Society or the Army or the Potomac. - I j By Telegraph to the Morning star. New York, June '25. An erroneous statement was telegraphed on Wednesday from Saratoga as to the disposition made by the Society of tbe-l Armv of the Poto- mac of resolutions introduced by various memoerB, toucnmg me oauie nag episode. It was asserted that all these resolutions jwere laid upon the table.) A correct state- jUTOU. nuUlU UBTC UCCU UlBli IU W6IB laid OH tne taoie except those i offered by Corporal Tanner. These were passed, with but one diaseuting rote. They congratulate the country that the flags are to remain in the keeping of the National authoritie and pro nounce them holy relics which should not : be burned nor given away, but preserved that they may remind future generations Of the awful sacrifice lof civil war and in spire them with devotion to the Union. WASHINGTON TERRITORY. Destructive Fire In Dayton Loss ll,0OO. , j Hi Telegraph to the Morning Star. Portland. Oregon1. June 24. A spe cial to the Oregonian from Dayton,; W. T., says: A fire here yesterday destroyed property to the amount of $115,000; in surance $60,000. The principal losers are R. F. Hawley, on building $25,000, in surance $15,000; A. Roth & Co., dry goods. $12,000, insurance $10,000; Clendenin & Miller, general merchandise $10,000, in surance $5,000; A. OppenheimerJ hard ware, $7,000, insurance $1,000; and twenty other smaller losses. The citv records were aestroyea. - : Tarboro Southerner: A neoro woman living on the farm of the late L Fayette - Staton was killed by lightning Tuesday night. It is stated here ou good authority that the Wilmington & f f eiuon nauroaa will certainly,1 build ruau irom ocoiiana Neck; to Greenville. ! Raleigh News- bbservet: Tin. loiut meetlnir of thn ri. . p..j l. culture and the Board of Trustees for tho y. U(ituiiur nun me aiecnanlc Arts will be held the second week in Julv instead of the third week! as hpretnfnn. nounmrl. A i - Pittsboro Record: -A few rlar ago Mr. W. C. Thomas,! of this tbwuahi,. undertook to get honeyr from one of bis bee hives. When thn heea nttarkod kim . fiercely that ho shut himself up in hi dwelling. But they followed him through a broken window and dm him r i house, and he finally soueht refuge in, lm son is dwelling near by. The bees then a! -tacked his dog and stung! it to death, i Monroe Enquirer Express: A correspondent writing us from PolUon. says: Some wheat is very good and som sorry About half a crop of oats; Cotton is looking badly and small, owing to cool nights. Corn looks well where the chiocii bug hasn't troubled it. They are killing ii, faster than I ever knew before. The fsr mcis are experimenting on them. 8nnw say a strong solution pf soap suda will kill them.- . t - I Chadbourn Times: Last Sun day the saw mill of iMr.' J J. Frszier, about three miles below Vineland, was burned. The fire was! accidental. I We attended the Commencement ntAah. pole last week., Tho address of Dr. Floyd Wake Forest, was admirable Tho Sunday ' School Institute, conducted by John E ' Ray of Raleigh. - followed com m enrtemeit t. and continued, until Sunday. I It was a. grand success. Greensboro Workmani Rev.L. L. Albright, a young Methodist Protestant minuter from Alamance countv. NJ fi recently graduated from; Westminster The ological Seminary, writes us from Kemp town. Md., reaffirming his purpose, whieU was inum&tea some time ago, or going out soon as a missionary to Japan. Very superior specimens of soaps tone are found in Guilford and Orange counties, and m how many other places we are not advised i The supply is believed to to abundant and easy of access. Tho soap stone is highlv valued for the backs and sides of; fire plact'n in dwellings, snd we see no reason why it may not be used in constructing cooju ' stoyes in connection with cast iron. i .J Teachers' Assembly: The elo - gant gold medals have arrived which are to be awarded in the competitive examination on North Carolina History, General His - tory and Map of North Carolina. Miss Corinne Harrison,! of New Bern, now a noted teacher in the Dilawav School rr Boston, was presented to the Assembly by the President. Her address was a coinulcte treatise upon th ve rv best and most sue - cessful methods of teaching young people. The President, in happy remarks. presented Rev. Thomas Hume, Jr., of tho University, as the lecturer for the morning Dr. Hume took the platform amidst ap plause. His subject was "Good Litera ture," and such a thorough and interesting sketch of the progress! ot lbe literature ol the world and the literary men has seldom been heard in the State. I Charlotte Chronicle: Sixteen hun dred colored people arrived in the city on the Carolina Central road yesterday, on an excursion from Darlington, S.(p., and they stuck to the street cars like bees to a hive. The annual commencement of tb Monroe High School opened at tho school building in that town last Wednesday night, with a full and well selected programme! The exercises were opened with the address' by Rev. Mr. White, iwho selected &a his subject, "Tho Love of Truth."! From this subject Mr. White delivered an address of great force and interest, one abounding in eloquent passages. At tho conclusion of Mr. White's address, Honorable Alfred M. Scales, Governor of the State.) was intro duced and was greeted by hearty cheers. Gov. Scales's subiectwas: "Education and the Duties of the Teacher," and was pro fuse with sound sense and practical truths. uibiuui o tuui i waa ni remarsaoiy fine one, and his hearers were somewhat. surprised to see how well he could talk to the teachers and how well posted he was in educational matters generally. Charlotte Chronicle? William Barnes, the' negro whb was captured in a box car at the Richmond & Danville denot. in this city last Monday night, has been sent to jail to await a hearing before Judge Mcures, at the next iterra of the Criminal Court. His accomplices in ,ho robberv. Wm.'Billinga and Henry Jackson, have not been captured though it is thought that they will soon keep Company with Barnea n the jail cell. It - is believed that Barnes -is the leader of the gang of thieves that have been depredating upon the freight cars with such unusual boldness, and that with his conviction, the robberies will cease. A few days ago a bale of plaids was thrown from a car near Fort Mill All honor to Mayor McDowell for thn bold and fearless manner in which ho take hold of reforms for the good of Charlottts and this people. He is the right man in' the right place. When it becomes evident to his mind that an i evil or an immorality exists, detrimental to the good name and morality of Charlotte . he does not cringe 8r athe conceives to be his duty, S,uttIkea r,gh hold of 'h? falter in a model mayor, and we say this without J . 'W any desire to natter Aaieign xiecoraer; seven oer- boos laieiy received tne nana or fellowship S At Tt . Tt . t . i . iu tuu nan uapiisi lunurcn ioi Winstou. - K0V. J. F. Tuttle. Of Salisbury, han tendered his resignation as j pastor of tbo Salisbury Baptist Church. I- Rev. Chas.- IS. 'laylor, D. D., president of Wake For est College, delivered the annual address for the Aahepole Institute at its commence ment last week. i Rev. pr. J. C. Hi den and family of INew Bedford, Mass , are delighted with their home. They havo been cordially received and kindly treated by his people. 1 Dr. Grissom is one of the most accomplished physicians in tho South, a man in every way worthy of tho distinguished honor conferred upon him by this National Convention jof his learned brethren. We congratulate! him and his State on his election. President Tav. lor's address was highly complimented. It was close, thoughtful, suggestive and stim ulating. He wasted no words. His inter pretation of the future was eminently wise and comprehensive: Dr. Pritchard's tpeech before the Aiumni collided with the five minutes rulo and he was permitted to finish. We print lit entire entire. He spoke oo the future of Wake Forest. Hia view of it was roseate. Imagination did .him good service in the twenty-years-henco picture ne arew ior us. t Raleigh liewa-Obicrver: The' Governor has appointed as additional dele gates from this Stale to the Inter-Statn Farmers' Convention to be held in Atlanta August 16. J; C. Alford, Esq., of Maxton, and Donald McLeod, Esq., of Lumberton. Youngsville's oldest and most honored citizen died at his residence Sunday morn ing, in the person cf Mr. John You Dg, aged 85 years. His life has been well spent. Uo was esteemed and i respected by all who knew him. " A new and important movement just accomplished by the Gene ral Convention of the Christian church in the Southern States is the establishment or a denominational college at Graham, N. C. ' lien. Bradley T. Johnson has with drawn bis property in the northwestern part of the city from the market and will at once commence j to make improvements thereon. Twelve! handsome two-story buildings are to be erected to be leased to business men. -j Yesterday Mr K. Stephenson, who lives near Milburnie, in this county, exhibited on the street a speci men of magnificent looking wheat, the heads being between six and seVen inches long, and the entire length of head and stem about four and one-half feet. It is an entirely new specimen in this section. The special lecture oi the! evening at the Teachers' Assembly was !by Rev. B. F. Marable, of Mount Olive, upon the enter taining and timely topic of j universal edu cation. His address was a capital one in everyway. One from Wm. Baker. who was convicted of larceny in August, 1886, and sentenced to two years in tbo penitentiary. In this caso judgment was suspended on payment of costs. The pris oner agreed to work and (did work for a man on condition that said costs be paid by - Dim.; The man railed to pay the costs and the prisoner was sent to serve out two years in the penitentiary. After a consideration, of this and other facta, pardon was granted. 1 1. 'if? ..!