ltTWeek : TA:: tfSMs ; - V 1HE WEEKLY . bTAR :, i i i i : -- ' v ,v ' - - m asaassBBa- I m r - a . - t ..- - - - - m , . . - a -' i- - - . -- -5 , i sssssssssssssss SSSSSSSS8S8S83388 S8SSSSSS8SSSSSSS8 83SSSS3SSSSSS8Ssi 8S888S8SS8S8S8S8S SSS8S88S83888888S A 8 SSS8S8SS88S88888 SSSSS3SSSSSSS88S8 4 a o HHHMHMCiM IP" red at the Post Offloe atTWllmtogton, N. O., SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. T io suoscnpuon pnce or tne W eekly is as iollows : in. lc Copy 1 year, postage paid, 1.00 .60 .30 " tsmontbs, " " " 3 months " " ; K rENNSXLVANUPEMOCKACt. he Pennsylvania Democratic bMform is so worded as to prevent lit in the party in that State. a a Jail ism threatened to force the e ulcrucy into a false attitude. er, having declared himself as un- ltirably opposed to TarifE reduction Randall went on the Committee on olutions and joined in reporting, , that the National Democratic platform of 1884 was to be! reaf- irnieo ; and, second, that there must reduction of the surplus by using id m wj the public debt. There is pairiem in that. Nay more, thcri is no Samrandallism in it either, wi r 'joice to Bay. Use the large sur pi is taken already from the pockets of tin people by excessive taxation anl pply it to liquidating the! great war debt. 1 hat meets an obligation of l)onor and does not violate the CoKslitulion. I ' I P clare Pennsylvanian Democrats de- in favor of a dual plan of re duction. First, reduce the whiskey, beer, tobacco and wine tax, and then the the h izhj duties under the War Tanff. We prefer to cut down th e War Tariff on necessaries before cut ting down the war tax upon j luxu- I j nes. in otner words, reduce tne Tariff first, and then reduce tb In ternal px if it be necessary. But do not krust Rindall. He ha' i been treacherous before, and ' more once, as all know who know than any thing of his career. A man kept in the Congress by j Republican gerry minder is not to be trusted in a crisii. ( I . ' - j J e .Democrats m Congress should . no vote to cut down the Internal tax due dollar unless they be posi- .tivMV assured that there will be a cutting down of the uncon heroic stitutional War Tariff. The Presi dent, ex-Secretary Manning, Secreta- ry Fiirchild and : Mr. Carlisle are all tio derstood to favor a reduc- o the Tariff as the first and most important act to be performed by the Congress. Then reihiai the tax on tobacco as a com promise! j But let the whiskey, bier, cignrs a nd wine tax remain, j That is what ought to be as long as. there ia a dollir of pensions, interest and pnnci aTof the war debt to be met. The Pennsylvania Democrats "ful ly indorse the administration of Pre Bident Cleveland."; That is, they are in lvA with all he has done, includ ing Civil Service and anti-silver de- liveraiices. And yet it is understood that! ic Pennsylvania there has been as much, of a turning out of Republi cans s sj in - any other State. This looks little inconsistent, to hurrah for ihd lritiah syBtem of life-tenure and .then "fully indorse" turning out thousands of Republicans, the most of whom were' competent officials. To !' indorse," means a great deal, :md may involve the excessive ly enthusiastic in much inconsisten cy. I n ,he maiD, the praise of the President is richly deserved. He hasjdane well no doubt, in must things, s.nd we join in b ..-..I'y com ffiendif him for it. The indorsement of the course of Mr. G a Jstone and Mr. Parnell, and the sy apathy expressed for Ireland and Homo Rulo are timely ar.d ap propriate. American Democrats can not fail tobeia sympathy with all opprei!8 d peoples, and to feel a pro found interest in tho preservation, or the eitablishing where it does not exist, lo3al self-government. In the main his deliveranoes of the Penn sylvania Democracy are judicious, frank . i and earnest as they appear .10 us. A SHORT STUVY FOR FARMERS. that the farmers had n the Congress. They do not! need protection, but they do need justice. Thev have been bled by the Republican phlebotomists for a quarter of a xenturv and now it is higii jtime that the depleting prac tice had stopped and a more gener ous nourishing system eetab- hshedl Tj hj farmers are now to be per suaded jthat a high tax on i foreign goqdd is necessary! to give them a market for the products of the The Protectionists; are : at horh f ar n. lea it ingenious in devices, and fruit- VOL. XVIII. ful in expedients. They use 'one Cry nntil - the country finds oat it is false and alluring, and then they get a new rallying slogan and there is an universal chorus j in the grand ooncert of high tax howlers. The farmers must exercise intelligence and not allow themselves to be bam boozled by politicians , and selfiqh monopolists, ' their clacquers and prgans. ; 1'" ; ;',;.::.;..' I The last dodge of the Protection- w manuiacnures nana jup cities and towns; 'that this increases population; and that this creates a home market for the products of the farm... This looks well on naner. i: r r What are the facts. It is shown b y the censns of 1880 that in thirty years the population of the cities has increased four fold, while the popu- lation of the country has not doubled. How then comes it to pass that with this rapid, immense increase ofTnating system if it can be bo called. tnac prices ot tarm . pro- j ducts have ruled so low? Ah,please teU why? The Washington Post throws light just here, and it is needed.: ' It says: I" -; !":'' :- - :' . "!j .7. . r. - w !. . i 1 "A sufficient answer ought to be that prices are generally lower than in 1850 and that a large proportion of the product has to be exported to find a market. Take the two great staples of cotton and wheat. The price ol the former in 1850 was from eleven to fourteen! eents a pound in New York. It is not worth over ten cents a pound in that market to-day. In 1870 we exported 65.98 per cent, of the crop; in 1885, 68.89 per cent. - t "So with , wheat. The price in- New York in 1850 ran from $1.09 to $1.50 a bushel. Its export price in 1885 was eighty-six cents and it is less than . that now. In 1850 we exported 22.43 per cent, of the crop; in 1885, 26.55 per cent. i "Corn was worth from 55 to 72 cents a bushel in 1850 and our exports were 0.98 per cent, of the production. In 1885 we exported per cent, at an average price of 54 cents a bushel and that 'is about the price now. j A ' I i "The same may bo said as to the prices of bacon, butter, cheese, lard, oats, tobacco and wool. They are all lower than in 1870 and most of them than in 1850. It ap pears, therefore, that the staple products of agriculture are mostly lower in price now than in low, ana that a larger share of the corn, cotton i and Wheat crops has I to be exported ; now than then, in spite of the great increase in the number of cities and the much larger proportion of our people who now live in cities." I ;. : - i The Protectionists assume as facts three propositions that are not estab lished; first, that the cities increase because of the High Tariff; second, that the great increase of urban pop ulation has furnished a market for farm products; and third, that this increase of population ;in cities has made prices of jfarm products remu- Ierative and satisfactory. All this is ssertion and unproved. It is bosh. It deceives and is meant to deceive. Let the farmers keep their eyes wide Open and watch. Professional schem ers and tricksters are eternally plot ting the ruin of the farmers. They have but few friends among politi cians, it is the j"dear people" in the canvass, but the people pay dearly fjr the hugging after the election is oyer and the politicians are installed. Protection means high taxes for the farmer and for the laboring classes. A multiplication of small indus tries is beneficial, It gives employ ment to people who have a hard time to live. It increases trade and it de- velopsr trucking. But it is not ne a great crushing cessary to retain War Tariff to cause a diversifying of industry and a multiplying of small manufactures. . I' . It is eternally false that hi ?h tax- I ation enriches. It is forever 1 trne that high taxes are a burden and a curse, it is a monstrous aDsuraiiy that the road to wealth is through high taxes. It is a positive denial of justice and right. when the farmerV are prevented from sellingjwhero they can sell highest j and ' from buying where they can buy cheapest. ! speaket Carlisle, the ablest of Democrats in the House of Repre sentatives, and a' genuine statesman of a high moral grade, is to make a canvass in Ohio. He has given out what he will do. pose to discuss He does not pro the war issues or other issues of twenty years ago; but to discuss live and important issues. Re venue reform j will be his main thume. This announcement leads tho New York Times to say: 'j'But there is one live and real issue to which we should be glad to see him give some attention, and that is what will.the Democratic majority do about the tariff in thanext House. We know what be thinks they oueht to do, -and we agree with him. But the pertinent question is, How will they deal with the little gang of Randallites who prevent them from doing it T A solu tion of this problem would greatly simplify the! question whether it is worth while to elect Democrats in order to secure tariff re form" .. ! i j i-. . I ." ' The Asbeville der a mistake as calculating the! member of deaths Citizen labors on to the manner of death rate. J The and the death rate are quite distinct. The deaths in Asbeville for Jane are given at 31. The death rate is over 53.1 in the no disposition to 1,( 00. We have exaggerate the. death rate. We would be glad to know it was 8 or io The Charleston and Savannah papers oompute as the Stab does and so do an neaitn journals. The fact is, 31 deaths in a town of 7,000 or 8,000 were very great; When H gets up to 50 in Wilmingtonin a month, a rare case fortunately, the' Stab has used it to try and stir up the psople to the necessity of sanitation and sewage and pare water. XHB ANDOTBB THBOIOGY. Many ot the readers of the Stab are aware of a good deal of discus sion in the North relative to the opin J ions of .the Professors at the long famous Andoyer Theological School. Those teachers of theology have be come highly advanced in their views and they teach logy from that ajvery different theo taught at the equally famous Princeton School. The two schools are Presbyterian, but the An- dovcr scholars have left the "old paths" and have been in many wan- dering theological mazes lost for a long time. The have been tried and one or 'more found guilty of hetero doxy, we believe. ; There is a brilliant, scholarly band of theologues in New England who are sedulously, engaged m formula ting a "new theology" and in making converts to their specious and fasci- We have readi bply two of the books and they are learning, and, works of power, of one of them, of rare attractiveness of style. i The whole scheme is revolutionary, destructive J! and rationalistic. It will end in an open rejection of all inspired revela tion or in downright Agnosticism. But our purpose is not to discuss the "new theology" or "the Andover renaissance," but to refer to Borne ex cellent work from the pen of a young Presbyterian j minister residing iu North . Carolina. We should be pleased to know that he is a native of North Carolina with North Caro lina blood in his veins. Rev. Samuel M. Smith, pastor at. Washington, has contributed tlo! Tlie Presbyterian Quarterly for July 1887, a paper oc - 1 cupying nearly thirty pages in re- view of this Andoyer theology. We read it with care and interest. It is an uncommonly elcver discussion. It i i : is eminently clear, forceful, logical and scholarly. It! shows a thorough study of the already somewhat ex tensive literature of the theological renaissance, and a perfect under standing of the masters of "the old school." Mr. ! Smith dissects the new theology with the skill of a practiced theological surgeon and completely exposes the weak joints as well as the oorrupt spots in the strange monster. - j I -1 We feel under, special obligations to Mr. Smith. We confess he helped to clarify our perceptions and aided us in penetrating excentricities ho weaknesses and t n a T r xrr oiraf am presented in such pleasing and even brilliant garb, -shown to be The new light is an ignis fatuus .- the r new theology is found to be old heresies revamped and restated un- der more alluring forms; the free dom of faith is ascertained to be a re nouncing of the I best theology of the world through the centuries a rejection of thatjlhought which has the concensus of I learning through generations of scholars and has been the comfort and joy of millions of immortal souls redeemed and regen erated. The examination is meth odical, close, logical and conclusive, It is indeed excellent work ' r Col. John NJ Staples, of Greens boro, is reported as saying : "l do not believe you could raise a cor poral's guard in North! Carolina in favor of preaeni imernai revenue system, r 8 iud vyuiuuei iu lavur vi iree drinks and free smokes, and in favor of taxing blanketsj wool hats, trace chains, cheap 'crockery, medicine, Jcrockery, food and cotton ties? We happen to know a good many BCoreB of people who are in favor pf taxing the lux uries and taxing tnem nign. Row in tbe Hollow.. ! There was a lively row in the Hoi low last night, and in the melee police officer Flanagan lost his hat and police officer (ireen got a cut lover the left eyel But the policemen captured their man a burly West India neero sailcW-and locked him up in the guard house. . j The negro was drunk and disorder ly, and when the policemen attempt ed to .arrest him! made a desperate resistance, drawing a pistol with. which he endeavored to shoot the officers, and a horde of half drunken men and women rushed to his assist ance. i The trouble began at the corner of Mulberry and Nutt streets, and after the officers had secured their prisoner the crowd followed them to Front street, throwing stones and making several attempts to rescue the man. After great . difficulty he was taken to the City Hall and locked up. One of the men. engaged in throwing stones1 j was taken in custody by the j Mayor himself, who happened to be on Front street near Mulberry, at the time! of the distur bance. About the same time that this dis row began in house onNutt There were turbance occurred, a Mrs, Bryson's dance street, near Walnut. about seventy-five men and women in the room. Two colored women pitched in for a1 fight with a white sailor, and for a time there was a per fect pandemonium in the place. Of ficer Kunold, who "was on that bgat, went into the place to quell the dis turbance, when the women jumped on him, knocked him into a corner of the room, struck him with a chair, tore his coat, and in the melee robbed him of his watch and chain. He man aged to capture one of the colored termagants, however, and fighting his way out, lodged her in the guard house. WILMINGTON, N. 0., FRIDAY, EFlEMBi5K 9, 1887. : WILMINGTON, N. 0. FRIDAY, . SEPTEMBER 9, Recaptured. ; The; Mayor! received a telegram, yesterday from Supt; Steers of New York stating that the . thieving wash-; erwoman Josephine McElroy alias Rose Nesbitt, whose arrest and escape were mentioned in the Stab, has been again arrested and would be held for a requisition until 10 la.' m. Wednesday. " Sergt. J?.' T. Skipper, of the police force of this city, left here' last night for Raleigh to procure the necessary papers. He will thence proceed to New York and bring the woman back to this city. - j " j ' The following telegram in relation to the second arrest of the woman, was received by the Star last night: Josephine1- McElroy,' the young mulatto, who escaped from police headquarters Thursday, was recap tured yesterday, and was arraigned in the Dolice court to-day. She is wanted in Wilmlneton. N. C. on a charge of embezzlement. The woman witn ner cnud was . remanaea xo await reauisition from the Governor of North Carolina. She was captured. through the efforts to regain posses sion of her child which she could not carry away when she escaped. meeting; of tne Incorporators or tbe Standard Car coupling cotnpeny Election of Officer, &e. L The incorporators ofthe Standard Automatic j Car Coupling Company met yesterday afternoon at the office of the Ailantic Coast Line in this city and the following' Directors were elected T. W. Talbot, J. L. Farmer, R. J. Southall, E. J. Thorpe, W. A. Riach, F. H. Stedman, J. Bisset and J. H. Davis. ' i- A meeting of the Directors was then held and the following officers unani mously elected for the ensuing year W. A Riach, President. I TW. Talbot, Vice President. E. J. Thorpe, Sec'y and Treasurer. R. J. Southall, General Agent. All the above officers are practical Railroad men and are very sanguine of success, i Their models have been already exhibited to many of the Southern Roads and have met with universal favor, a notable feature be ing that Railroad officers most famil iar' with couplings are the most en thusiastic as to its merits. Cars will now be equipped and full tests made at an early day, and the General Agent of the Company will travel throueh the different cities in the North and West giving tests of the in vention to Railroad officers prepara tory to the final tests to be made at the next Convention of the Master Car Builders Association. A Conjured Dariter. A young colored man applied to Justice Millis yesterday for a warrant for the arrest of a woman who had cast a deadly spell upon him a spell that he was sure 'would work his speedy dissolution. The -magistrate didn't know that he could do any thing for the sufferer, but asked him to explain, and possibly he might discern some salient point or projec tion upon whlcn''te - case" .would hang. The trembling darkey, hope ful of relief, at once told his story. He had been paying attention to a dusky damsel whose charms had captivated his fancy, and had pre sented this object of his adoration with his "pictur" a tin-type of the highest order of art. Recently his sweetheart "had gone back on him," and he learned to his horror, had driven a nail through his picture, at the place where his heart was sup posed to be. He was certain that his death would result from this unless he could secure the picture, draw the nail, and heal the wound, and he im plored the justice to bring all the powers of his learned legal mind up on the ease and give him the aid he sought. When he was told that it was beyond the power of the law as laid down in the Code to give him the re lief he craved, he was distressed be yond expression, and took his depar ture in tears and trembling. JL Tonns Girl Entrapped. The police were instrumental yes terday in saving a young girl from- a life of infamy and shame. The girl was found in a disreputable house on South Fourth j street, where she had been an unwilling inmate for the past three days. - She was a plain country girl, plainly dressed, with a face that was not unattractive. She gave her! age as sixteen years, and said that her home was in Sampson county, a few miles from Clinton. The women of the house offered no opposition . to her leaving and she readily accompanied a policeman to the City Hall, where she told her story. She said she came to the city on an excursion train, and at the in vitation of a young woman she called 'Carrie,''! and whom she had known in -Samoson, went to the house as a guest to spend a few days, not know ing its character.' She said that she was anxious to re turn home, but was entirely, without means to! do so, and some members of the police force, in the kindness of their hearts, made up a purse and paid her fare to her home, putting her in charge of the conductor on the north bound train that left the city last night. . I Rocky mount Fair. The stockholders of the. Rocky Mount Fair held their meeting yes terday and concluded to have their next Fair November 16th, 17th and 18th, inclusive. Each stockholder paid in ten dollars to start with, intend ing not to go in debt. Supervisors to each department were appointed. Thn raftinfir will be a snecial feature. The premium list will soon be made out and published. Full of Work. Great activity prevails in the shops of the Wilmington and Weldon rail road in this eity. And the same pleasant state of affairs exists in the shops of the Wilmington, Columbia : sn, and Augusta at Florence? and of the Carolina Central at Laurinburg. This is an encouraging sign. It shows that the railroads are prospering. and it elves constant employment to a large number of mechanics and other workers. - Steamboat Inspection tawi, It is not generally known, bat it is nevertheless. -a fact, - that the steam boat inspection laws ., of the United States prohibit, tug-boats -, from car rying other persons than their crews, whether such persons . are carried for hire or not, except under certain limi tations. The act, passed at the last session r of .Congress, provides '.that any steam, vessel engaged in the busi4 ness of towing vessels,, rafts, or water craft of any kind and not carrying passengers, may' be authorized and licensed by the supervising inspector of the distriot in which said steamer shall be employed j to carry on board such number of persons, in addition to its crew, as the supervising inspec tor in his -judgment- shall deem ne cessary' to carry ; on - the legiti mate : business of such towing steamers, not exceeding however, one person to - every . net ton of measure ment of said steamer; provided, how ever, that the' person so allowed to be cajcried, shall not be carried for hire. Section second provides that every steam vessel licensed under the fore going section, shall carry and have on board in accessible places, one life- preserver for every person allowed to be carried, in addition to those pro vided for the crew of such vessel." j Receipts of Naval Stores. ! The statement of receipts of naval stores at this port, from the begin ning of the crop year April 1st to Sep tember 1st, 1887, as compiled and posted at the Produce Exchange, shows an increase of 6,147 casks of spirits turpentine, as compared with receipts for the same period in 1886, and an increase of 2,819 barrels in the item of crude turpentine. There has been a decrease of 5,088 barrels in the receipts of tar, and a decrease of 8,75?; barrels in receipts of rosin in the same period. , The figures given are as follows : 1886 Spirits turpentine,33,643 casks; rosin, 152,459 barrels; tar, 25,616 bar rels; crude turpentine, 11,933 barrels. 1887 Spirits turpentine,39,789 casks; rosin, 143,707 barrels; tar, 20,528 bar rels; crude turpentine, 14,752 barrels. River and Harbor Improvements. Capt. W. H. Bixby has just re turned from a tour of inspection in the vicinity of Morehead City. He examined Harlowe Creek, where Capt. Lord is located with a dredging machine. This machine is known as the Call "Dredging Machine, and is expected to do more work than the one now used on the lower Cape Fear. It is said to be capable of digging one thousand . yards of mud a day, Work will be 'commenced about the first of October. Capt. .Bixby also made his semi annual visit of inspection to Fort Macon and found that the late storm blew the chimney off the hospital, tore down fences and carried off all the loose wood work, but no very ma terial damage was done. The Port lW beea ft great centre of attraction to the visitors at Morehead City this season, and it is estimated that over one thousand people have visited it during the last three months. The work lately doneat Shackel lord point, jjeauiort Harbor, in the way of revetting four hundred feet of jetty with: large stone blocks weighing a half ton each protected this jetty against the recent storm, and the high tides, and renders the work permanent. As a consequence of this work Shackelford point has in the last two years been extended seaward, with a breadth of over, one thousund feet and a length of nearly half a mile, and there is every indica tion that the harbor entrance will steadily improve. There, is now a depth of fourteen feet on the bar at low water, with a channel perfectly straight and ' twenty-five feet depth inside to Morehead City railroad wharf. - Work will also be commenced on Black river and the upper Cape Fear on October the first, and, will con tinue until stopped by high water or lack of funds. Capt. Bixby says on account of the freshets in the Neuse and Contentnea rivers work had to be discontinued for the present. A new light draught steamer is to be put on these two rivers to ply between Kinston and Snow Hill, and connect with the New Bern boats. A Fight Between an Eagle and ct Mr. W. S. Warrock, who lives on the sound saw a strange fight a few days since between a cat and an eagle. It seems that the cat went out to hunt a rabbit and while hunting was pounced upon by a large eagle, who probably mistook her for a rab bit. Then commenced a curious fight. The cat clawed the eagle so savagely that it immediately soared high up in the air, hurrying its talons deep into me cat s necs,. Finally, however the eagle began to tire and descended again, where upon the cat broke loose and ran. The cat when last heard from was well and hearty, and her involuntary ride in the air seems to have benefit ted her. - Tne Thieving; Wasnerwroman. . The colored woman, ? Josephine McElroy, alias Rose Nesbitt, has es caped from .her prison in New York city and no trace up to the present writing has been found. Mayor Fowler to-day received the following telegram ; 'Josephine McElroy escaped Uast night will notify you as soon as sne is found. ji v otiuuws, ' "Assistant Superintendent." Later. Mavor Fowler received an other telearam which said that the baggage and child are still in custo- rtv. but the woman coma not De found. Therefore there is a prospect of Mr. Covinferton and others recov ering their effects, even if the woman is not round. ' We note the arrival of a car load of furniture at Raleigh for the Peace Institute. Also, that it was -manufactured in Asheville. Well, we don't make any furniture nere, dul the Acme Manufacturing Company, of this city, can furnish the material for the mattresses, &o. 1887. WASHINGTON. j Trade Dollars Redeemed Tbe Fish eries t'oarerenceUespltal : Advices from Key West Tbe Ute Indians ' By Telegraph to the Morning Star. WASHINOTOW. Sep. 1 Trade dollais redeemed to date amount to $7,153,000 The Treasury people brieve that hut ; few' more are outstanding Until officially ad?ieu ot Use appoint ment of negotiators by the Briiitb govern ment to consider the questioos in dispute between , tbe Uniu-d 3htes nod Great, Britain, relative lu tbe is pusti- ble that no selection will be made by tbe representatives of 4 bo United States go vernment. It. is believed at tbe Depaitment of State that tbe first conference will be held some time during tbe fall cr next winter. ' Tbe pUce of meeting has not yet been decided upon, but tbe indications ate that the negotiator will meet firs in Wash ington and then proceed to Hat. fax. .. : ' A dispatch from Key, West, Fl , was received this morning at tbe office of .the Marine llospual Service, whica ataied that the number of cases of yellow fever up to September 1st, was 274, and the num ber or deaths oa;. aa increase or 17 cases and 9 death 8 in tbe past nine days. The situation la regarded at the office as slight ly favorable, siece the mortality is. on tbe whole, comparatively low as yet. New, case are almost entirely confined to chil dren. Gen! Terry informs the. War Depart ment of tbe receipt of tbe following tele gram from Major 'Kiudlett, dated ifort Duchesne. August 80th: "Dawsou with .his troops, Indian Agent Byrnes and the headmen or tbe Utes. started yesterday to meet Gen. Crook and Go?. Adams at Hook. er. The Utes are all on the reservation. There are no fears of any leaving it. This can be assured the people of Colorado." Washington, Sept . 2. The Evening Star this afternoon publishes the following: "There will be a measure brougbtirorward by tbe tariff reformers as soon as Congress convenes, which will HEely have the en dorsement of tbe Administration. Tbe. President. Secre'ary of .the Treesury and Speaker Carlisle have been considering the matter since Congress adjourned, aud it is not improbable that tbe pr-sent visit of Mr. Carlisle to the President at Oak View ill result in the culmination of their plan. It is possible that the Speaker's visit to Washington t Ibis lime was expreatly lor the purpose of consulting with tbe Presi dent upon this subject, it Is expected bt the Treasury Department that Secretary Fairchild. who is now on his vacaliou, wiil soon return to Washington. It is probable that he comes to meet the President and Mr. Carlisle. The result of the Allen to wd Convention is quite satisfactory to the tariff reformers. They propose to take advan tage of tbe situation and present a plan for a reduction or the revenues. The plan beine prepared will conform strictly with the tariff resolution they adopted, as it is construed by the President It will abolish tbe tobacco tax, but leave the whiskey tax where it is, and will make a large reduction in the customs duties on the necessaries of life, in accordance with tbe President's sentiments on the subject Ibe internal revenue feature is admitted as a com promise, and will be tolerated only in con nection with a very positive reduction of the customs There will ba no acknowl edgment of protection.. It ia likely that tne reduction of customs will bemoresefping than Randall would agree to, though it is hoped that the whole parly can bo brought to wot k together harmoniously. Congress man bcott. of Pennsylvania, was in Wash ington shortly before the Allentown Con vention, and talked the matter ov3r with the President and Secretary Fairchild. Ed itor Sisgerly conferred wish the President likewise, it will be remembered, in bis vacbt on the Potomac. The Administra lion is iuiiy commuted to a strong auuuae on the tariff. While there has been no gen eral conference of a large number of men in one place, there have-been important consultations between individual leaders and the President. - man of the Ways and Means Committee in the next House, is in the city and has had conferences wiih Mr. Carlisle "The Bureau of Statistics has been call ed upon fot figures on customs duties, to show just where the most effective rcduc tions can be made, and bow the revenues would be effected thereby." Washington. Sept. 2. The Seaboard & Roanoke Railroad Company, for itself and its associate corporation, the Seaboard Air-lane, has filed with tbe inter-Slate Commission a response to the complaint of the New. York. Philadelphia and Norfolk Railroad. The respondents deny that tbey have practiced discrimination or refused any reasonable facilities for the inter chanae of traffic. Kespondents charge in return a variety of short-comings, past and present, against the complainant Ke 8pondent8 in -conclusion submit that the. netition of comDiainant should be dis missed, ou the ground that an arrangement for the conduct of through businnss has alreodv been projected and agreed to by the authorized agents of complainant and respondent corporations. Washtnoton, Sept 3. Jfivery arriving traio brings to the city large numbers of medical men. and this influx is expected to continue until the 9th. The International Conerees is opened by President Cleveland on next Monday morning, special trains. special cars and special boats are looked for to-night and to-morrow, bringing re cruits for the army of doctors already in thecitv. Tbe members of tbe Southern Dental Association, who have been in con vention at Fortress Monroe, are expected here to-night on a special boat, and will at tend the congress, ine omcers or me Congress to be proposed by the Executive Committee are: President Nathan 8. Davis, M. D., LL. D.. Chicago. . Secretary General John D. Hamilton, M. D.. Supervising Surgeon General United States Marine Hospital Service. Treasurer JS. S. JT. Arnold. M. v., u R. C. S . Newport. R. I. Chairman Finance Committee Richard J. Dunglison. M. D . Philadelphia. Chairman Executive uommiitee uenry O. Smith. M. D.. Philadelphia. Associate Secretary Wm. ii AtKinson, Philadelphia. A number of medical societies, composed of specialists and some of the physicians in general practice, have been in session on ring the current week, and a majority . of their members remain to swell the gather ing at tbe International Congress, either as members or as interested spectators. INDIANA. Outrages by a Gang of Lawless Men in Harrison county. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. New Albany. Sept l.i-Tnesday night a gang of lawless men in Spencer township. Harrison county, calling themselves 'White Caps, took from his bed John Hildebrant.a popular citizen who last April nan AloAtAi) 4MfitiA nt tllA tIAftAA hv TtAftrlv B. I WW .W.SV.W uwwww w. ' J unanimous vote, and tied him to a tree.and beat him unmercifully . with hickory switches. They told , him they were not pleased with his decisions, aud charged him with crueltv to his family. i The same Deoauw. thev warned a saloon keeper to stop selling liquor, and at Frenchtown they awakened the post master, Paul Hentiette, told him what they had been doing, and ordered him, under penalty of a hundred iasnes, to spread me news auick. They had previously warned a widow named uougneny mat sue mast -not marrv a voung man to whom she is engaged. Jer menus nave organizeuior her protection. CHICAGO. Tbe Attorneys for the Boodlers Claim to bave Blade a StartllnglDlseovery. By Telegraph to tbe Morning Star. Chicago. Sent. 8. Thtfattorneys for the convicted Cook county ;hoodlers claim to have made a startling discovery of a vital error in the recent trial, totally invalidating the findings . One of the lawyers said yes terday that it was nothing less than that the Illinois consniracv statute was illegal This is the law under which the anarchists as well as the boodlers were convicted. ;N0.44 GEOBOIA. Resolatlons Adopted by tbe Farmers' Alliance of Thomas County Tb An il PrehlbltloBsts Gov. Gordon . and tbe Lessees or TsnvlctsBx President Davis to Attend tbe Fair at niton, j Macon, G A. , Sept. l,--A special to the; Telegraph from Thomasville. Ga. gives tba foUowiig resolutions which explain tbemn selves . . :'. - ,r - - Whebkab. We. members of the Fnr ca rs Alliance of Thomas count v. G . havn had our attention called to a set of resolu tions passed by the so-called Farmers' Al fiance oi tne mate or inoiana, wmcn are alike insulting to the Presilent of the Uni ted States and the people thereof: and! whereas, it is contrary to the principles of bur order to interfere with political and re ligious Questions of the countrv. be it h Betohed, That we hereby express our uo- !nnaliflfl cnnHnmniitinn nf - tho insnltirto W message sent to President Cleveland, and denounce the motive which inspired it- aa unworthy and dishonorable to any body of Alliance men. - j Resolved further. That the President aud Secretary of this Alliance are herev in structed to- forward a certified coov of these I resolutions to the President of the United States. j .Signed J Robert Alexander, t I '- .Secretary County Alliance. ! Attest : A. W. Ivey, President. I Atlahta, Bept 1. The Anti-Prohibi- tionists this morning started out lists ask ing the Ordinary to call another election on the Question to be held on the 26th of No vember. It was decided by them to make no public canvass until , tbe close of the Piedmont Fair, unless the Prohibitionists precipitated matters to that extent. It is not known whether the Prohibitionists will agree to a quiet campaign or not ! i Gov.i Gordon, aided by Attorney General Anderson, sat as a court to-day to hear tbe case against certain convict lessees as1 to 'whether their leases should not be an nulled.! The lessees' attorneys made tbe point that the Governor bavin? been at one time a lessee himself, and still on tbe bond iof lessees, could not hear the case. Under the advice of the Attorney General tbe ivernor held that he had the right to hear t. Testimony as to cruelties practiced up- pon convicts was then given and the court djourned until next Thursday. Macon. September 1. Ex-President efferson Davis has accepted the Invitation tp attend the State Fair in Macon on Octo ber 26. On that day there will be a grand reunion of all - surviving ex-Confederate soldiers who can get here. President Northen, of the State Fair, arrived here to night from Beauvoir. He found Mr. Davis suffering a lUtle from a wound received In bis foot in the Mexican war. Mr. Davis he would rather visit Macon than any city this far south. He would be delighted to once again look back on surviving Con federate veterans,. Mr. Davis was cap tured near Macon. He was always a favo rite here, and his acceptance of the Invita tion has set people wild with joy. Mr. Davis will be provided with a special bed room car, direct from his heme to Macon. Ten prominent' citizens, most of whom are his personal friends, will accompany him to and fro. He will not be harrassed by holding receptions or making speeches, as his feeble health will not permit it. He will review the veterans in the Stale Fair Park, r Railroads will make close connec tions and run with care and only at com fortable speed in bringing him here. 1 he grandest reception ever given in tbe entire country will be given ex-President Davis, j The city will be decorated pro fusely,! and the main street intersections Will be covered with arches This will probably be the last appearance of Mr Davis berore the largest gathering of ex Confederate soldiers, and will be made for ever historical in tbe South. Many old soldiers have already written for. the en trance of the names of their regiments to join a the grand reunion. A railroad rate of one cent a mile will draw a hundred thousand people. Georgia and the South wm turn out en masse in this, probably tbe last public demonstration to tue head of the ex-Confederate Government. TEXAS. Terribly Destructive Rain Storm Tbe Crops Greatly Damaged Business Houses and Dtvelllngsswept Away and ' many Railroad Bridges De stroyed. . By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Chicago. September 1. A Timet special from Morgan, Texas, says: The hardest rain that ever ieu in tnts country began Tuesday night, and has con tinued' without cessation. The damage to farmers in the low valley , lands in every portion of the country is estimated at thou sands of dollars. All of the railroads are badly damaged and it will be many days before any of them can move trains. The following business houses with all of their goods were swept down the Basque river: I Sellers & Hamilton, dry goods store; Sam Franks, grocery store; M. Mc- Hall. groceries; J. H. Justice, saddle shop: Anderson, furniture store, and three cotton gib. ' Nine residences were washed away. iiesides these houses, which are entirely gone, every house in the town is damaged. Life is all that many of the citizens have left. ! In Whiney, twenty-two miles east, int Hill county, a' number of bouses, were washed away. At Meridian a man. whoce named could not be learned, was swim ming to his house to try and save some of the contents, when the water became too swift for his strength; forcing him into the current and drowning him. Between here and Cleburn, ' a distance of thirty miles, there were eight washouts on the Santa Feroad. Three of the number are large iron bridges, which span the Nolan river at different points. On the Texas Central. between i Morgan and Whitney, two large iron bridges, which i have stood storms for years, are completely destroyed. Between here and Hico, on : the Central road, thirty miles distant, there are eleven bridges washed away. The losj to the railroad is over f 1UU.UUU. No estimate can yet be made of the loss in small towns and to larms. : MEXICO. 174 hV Consul Brlgbam, at Paso del lOexlcan Norte, assaulted by Judge. El Paso," Texas, September 1. At 4 o'clock : yesterday U. 8. Consul Brlgbam and Mr. Cawart, U. 8. Agent of.the Maece loais Apaches, went to the court room of Judge Zuoia, magistrate at Paso del Norte, to transact some business regarding tne re covery ef horses stolen from the Indians. They waited until 5 o'clock, and then went to the residence of the Judge to see wny ne did not come according to agreement, tie told them his interpreter was ; hot present, and he had more important business on hand, and the Consul and ! Mr. Cawart walked away. They felt insulted, and Mr. Brigham said he would inform his govern ment. Judge Zubia ran several steps down the walk, and coming up Denino Air. Brig ham, struck ihim a heavy blow over the head. ' ' ' Judge Zubia. in an interview last night regarding his assault upon Consul Brig- tinm a.! "Rri tfliDTYi and CIswArt hull waltari at the court room from 2 to 5 p. m. I did not keep my engagement with them because I bad been detained at home by a sick .wife. My interpreter says the Consul used language when speaking to me that the Mexicans would call insulting, and that be did not interpret more than half of it . to me. Thereupon I ordered Cawart and Consul Brigham from my residence. On the street the Consul continued to use vio lent language, and I, without any weapon, rai down to him and struck him on tbe head with my hand." The latter started tohse his cane and Zubia ran into the house and locked the door. Consul Brigham has telegraphed a state ment of tbe affair to Washington, corrobo rated by agent Cawart. Fisherman i and Farmer: A colored man named John Lee, one of the hands on the steamer Ranger, was drown ed, at the mouth of Cashie river Saturday. He fell from a raft. Charlotte Hornet: Mr. Thos. Hemby. an aged and highly esteemed : citi zen of Union county, died at the homo of bis son-in-law, Mr. Cicero Wilson, on the e?ening ot August 29. after a lingering ill ness. Mr. Hemby was 66 jears old, and wbb regarded by the people of Union county as one of their best citizens. Tbe deceased was the father of Mr. W. 8. Hemby, proprietor of tbe Chronicle. Durham Recorder'. The Nash ville Christian Advocate saye: "Bishop Duocan proposes to devote the month of September to mas meetings throughout t he State of North Carolina in the in terest of Trinity College. This is Episco pal zeal according to tbe gospel by Wesley and Asbury." The idea of one of' the Bishops canvassing North Carolina for a month or two, is due to Rv. Dr. Manguiu of Chapel Hill, Windsor Ledger : Rev. Wil- liam HJ Bunch' died Sunday near Drew's Station,1 this county, aged 76. Mr. Bunch was well aud favorably known to our citi zens, hiving been in tbe Baptist ministry for upwards of 40 years, Mr. John Mitchell. ,who lives near Windsor, was thrown from a cart Monday by a runaway horse and had his arm and three ribs broken and his body otherwise badly mash ed. Mr. Mitchell is one of our best and most worthy citizens. Oxford Torchlight: Elder J. . A. Stradley closed a protracted -meeting of a week at Island Creek last Saturday, during which time there were 14 conver sions. The old Oxford Hotel, we learn, is to be torn down, and a handsome brick building erected iu its stead. Work Is progressing rapidly on the Oxford & Clarksville railroad Messrs. Wright ' & Co., I the contractors, have about three hundred hands rapidly pushing the -work to completion. Engineer Moncure is now engaged in making a survey from here to Durham. - Ijreen ville Reflector : Several drunks and fights last week, all said to have been caused by too much cider (?) drinking. A'party of surveyors for the Atlantic Coast Line, who are surveying the rotito from Scotland Neck to Greenville reached this place Saturday. During the storm last Thursday afternoon light ning stfuck a barn belonging to Mr Ruf us Fleming, at Pactolus and set fire to it. which caused it to be consumed. The bsrn contained fifteen hundred pounds of fodder1 and some farming Implements, all of which were destroyed. $mith ville Herald i "A move ment bas been started by the Medical So ciety of Johnston to erect a monument to the memory of Dr. Telfair, whose remains are buried in the town cemetery at this place. I He was at the time of his death one of the leading physicians of the county Mrjl J. W. Morris, the clever railroad agent at this place, has been promoted to a more lucrative position, and will make Fayetteville his headquarters. He will re main here until the 1st of September, then move to Fayetteville. We are pleased at his promotion, but regret that it necessi tates his removal from our midst. Raleigh Visitor: Scuppernong grapes are getting abundant at five cents n quarty 4 Whole receipts of cotton from 1st September. 1886. to 1st September. 1887, 31,626 bales; whole receipts for same time last year, 20,525 bales; increase in re- ' ceipta this year, 2,102 bales. Rev. J. F. Butt, the pastor of the Brooklyn and Macedonia Mission, is conducting a camp meeting Under as arbor, on the N. C. R. R., three and a half miles from tbe city, which has been in progress for. several days. The meetings are held at night as well as in the day, and the interest is grow ing. There have been a large number of conversions. Asheville Advance: The trial or Cornelius Morgan and Pink Aiken, charged with the killing of Louis Foreman, which was commenced on Thursday last, resulted in the acquittal of Aiken and tbe conviction of Morgan for manslaughter. The jury yesterday morning returned a verdict to that effect. Judge Montgomery sentenced Morgan to eight years imprison ment in pie State Penitentiary. Flat Creek camp meeting began last Friday and will continue all this week. On Sunday the large assemblage that had gathered from many points, was addressed by tho Revs. Kinnette, Parker, and Nolan. Tho meeting is held under tho auspices of the Methodist church. Winston Sentinel: Greensboro is o-h-Ve another tobaooo warehouse 150x 81 feet. The height of Moore's Knob, as far as ascertained by tbe United States Coast Survey is 2.572 feet. The Pilot Mountain Baptist Association, held a few days since, near Leaksville, is reported a grand success in every particular. One Church (Winston) contributed for all objects between $1,700 and $1,800 Leaks ville was not far behind. Four or five hundred persons were added to the various Churches composing the association during the yean! This is a good work for 19 or 20 Churches. At the big coffee pot in Sa lem this week, we saw one melon weighing 66 pounds, and 10 aggregating 503 pounds. Goldsboro Argus: A telegram to Mr. Cj C. Aycock brought the sad news of the death of his mother, which occurred . near Desark, Arkansas,, on tbe 26th ult. -She was the relict of Colonel William Ay cock, a former and very highly respected citizen of this community, and leaves quite a number of relatives and friends who are deeply affected by the sad intelligence. It is reported here this morning that a freo fight occurred at Piney Grove, a colored Baptist church five or six miles above here, on yesterday. The trouble arose out of an effort to elect a pastor. Some favored one minister and some another, until sharp words led to blows and tbe enactment of a very disgraceful scene by Christians at their place of worship on the Sabbath day. Weldon News: Died, at his residence near here on Saturday night last Mr. William H. Ponton, aged 68 years. It is with pain we chronicle the death of Mrs. M. A. Squire, wife of Dr. W. R. Squire, of Northampton county, which occurred at the residence of her son-in law. Dr. A. R. Zollicoffer, of this place, on the 24th of Augus after an illness of several weeks. Mr. Pope says a great deal of his cotton! is affected by this worm, and we have heard complaints of them from others. They made their appearance here in 1850 and again last year. The record for the past two years shows that there have been only twelve deaths among the white population. They were caused as follows: by railroad accident. 1; consumption 2; heart disease 1; convulsions (baby) 1; gen eral debility 1; rickets 1; spinal disease 1; old age 1; summer complaint 2; unknown 1 (infant l. I will be noticed that not one of these was 'from climate causes. - Charlotte Chronicle: The Commercial National Bank of Charlotte, is tbe only United 8tatea Depository in North Carolina. Some of the business ', men and others along the line of the Char lotte, Columbia & Augusta, and the Co lumbia & Greenville roads, do not favor Superintendent Talcott, and have entered into a movement to secure his retirement if possible. Mr. J..B. Burns, proprie tor of the 'Burns House in Wadesboro, died at that place at 12:30 o'clock yesterday from a stroke of apoplexy. The ex hibit is quite an interesting one, and shows that Mecklenburg pays this year a' tax for all State purposes ot $14,729.06, against $19,311.67 in 1876, a reduction in one year of $4,582.81 in State taxes. The school tax this year is $l4,816.91,against $15,798. 85 last year, ani there Is a corresponding reduction in the county tax wnicn was $22,49(L04 in 1886. The county pays a total : tax of $oT,766.58. and of this sum Char fotto township alone pays $33,468.66, or almost one-half of the whole taxes paid by the county. A colored man named Eli Smith appeared before Esq. Maxwell yesterday, with his right arm slit ia a most artistic manner by a razor. ' Eli and an other darkey got into a quarrel about a wo man and Eli got the worst of it. He did not know the name of bis assailant. W. T. R. IBklIi Sir: Your card in the is sue of tbefCharlotte Chronicle, of August 28th, trying to answer facts with the facile pen of Blander and denunciation does not have a feather's weight with me. You knew when you denied it that you wilfully Ued, for you recognize the truth of the article and must be hurt by the double edged sword of truth. I stated truth and nothing but the truth, aud stand by the facts pablished. I am prepared to prove them to your utmost satisfaction or social annihilation. I exposed you in the interest of morality. I believe I did a good work. , and the consciousness ot my integrity bids me defy you. B. F. Tipton. I lit In . ! : ' hi v. v J ' In ; .till t. I. . it J . v.) 1 V V :r" - 7 1 'i: P s I. I i Li I i, I: I i A

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