The Weekly Star. WSL H. BERNARD, Editor and Prop'r. WILMINGTON, N. C. FIbidat, October 21, 1887. (jive former direction as well as foil particulars as where you wish your paper to be sent hereafter. Unless yon do both changes can not be made. "Notices of Marriage or Death, Tributes of Respect, Resolutions of Thanks. &o., are charred for as ordinary advertisements, but only half rates when paid for strictly In advance. At this rate 50 cents will pay for a-simple announcement ofj Marriage or Death. far-Remittances must be made by Check.Draft Fostal Money Order or Registered Letter. Post masters will register letters when desired. jyOnly such remittances will be at the risk of the publisher. PF" Specimen copies forwarded when desired. POSTAL. AND OTHER SAVINGS RANKS. The benefits accruing from sav ings banks, are well understood by intelligent observers and readers. They certainly tend to increase the disposition to save. Nearly every roan spends too much and thousands spend far more than they are really( able ta spend. That is to say, they; get in debt. Savings banks extend daily an invitation to save money, There are now three or four such banks in North Carolina ;and theyj are giving much satisfaction. We are not certain that it is Constitu tional for Congress to create the of- ten advocated Postal Savings Banks,! They would do a great deal of good no doubt, for they would be intro-j i 'I i . . in duced in hundreds of communities, ! where the private savings banks are slow te come. The people need en couragement: to save. The savings institutions serve this good purpose, In Massachusetts there aro probably quite two hundred million dollars in these banks. ( They exist a 1 through New England. jj Banks that will encourage deposits and pay 3 or 4 per cent, interest will aid the people very much. J The suc cess of such banks depends, upon the honesty, capacity and fidelity of the officers. If it is strictly constitu tional for the Congress to create such institutions we wOuld be glad to see them introduced generally. Any thing that will promote habits of in dustry and economy ought to be favored within the Constitution. In England postal savings banks have been in successful operation for many years. The people like them. Wil mington ought certainly to have! a savings bank of some kind. It ought to be such as to command1 the full confidence of the public.' jj That in many of the States thera are still existing many cruel, mean, absurd laws is certain. . Call tbem Blue or Black, and by any other name they will be as offensive as indefensible. That in an; enlighten ed and progressive age! such laws should be retained shows how slow men are to learn and how reluctant they are to yield up the bad because it is old. Sunday blue laws exist in a great many cities. Mary of jthe laws in existence are never enforced. It would provoke a tempest if they were enforced. The Philadelphia Record caa attention to ,he follow ing. It says: j; "In every commonwealth and in nearly jevery community there exist laws which by common consent are never enforced be cause nobody is interested in securing their observance, or because the penalties they inflict are either barbarous or dispropor tionate to the offense, and hence unconsti tutional. In a part of the District of Col umbia the penalty for blasphemy is a fine and boring a hole in the tongue with a red-hot iron, while in manv of the older States impracticable statutes of almost equal absurdity are in existence." The people are surely Very long suffering and it is strange that the jtwo Pennsylvania High Tariff kd vocates the Protection j pair that pull together so nicely Kelley and Randall, do not see it. It is known that most of the iron and stael made j in this country are in Ohio ahd j Pennsylvania. In one Jyear the people of the United States paid ' 1169,000,000 for these two articles, ; the most of which, as we 'said, is pro J uced in the two States, j The Gov j ernraent received in tax $27,000,000. i The manufacturers got $8 a ton in I tD5 way of help or bounty. In one : year for iron," glass and wool $268!, 000,000 were paid by the people of I this country. It is estimated thlt the people pay the American manu facturers $600,000,000 j annually in the way of . bounty. The Tariff oi presses the people and 'enriches the j monopolists. That is the way of i'L , Railroads are always seeking the short line to a given point. The old roads have all been manoeuvring to getshort lines and pay hundreds ojf thousands to secure them. Wilming ton is the natural objective (point of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Rail road. W5 have no doubt that those controlling understand it and Wih consult their own interests. WiL mington must have direct c'ommuni cation with North Western Carolina and beyond and by the short line. t ve nave received j a pamphlet copy of the address of Col. L. L. .-' trr i x'olk, editor of the Raleigh Progres live Farmer, delivered Sat Atlanta in August last, beiore the Inter-State Convention of Farmers It s printed at Atlanta. The Stab! copied at tie time from the newspaper report bf the address.. It is a good address, stmed at the '-one crop or all cotton system." Such an address was need ed. - : 1 . j Polk, Buchanan and Cleveland visited North Carolina while Presi dent. North Carolina had three SOUS whn -vnuxa a i eniueub J aclC- eon, .folk and Johnson. . IN VISCVUS. '.. : . The dodge of the Supreme Court in dealing with Virginia is not worthy of the highest judicial tri bunal In the land. The eleventh amendment to the Constitution reads "The judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by citizens of another State, or by citizens or subjects of any foreign State. This looks clear enough to even an unprofessional eye. What was the purpose in view in adopting that amendment? The answer is plain. It was to prevent the doing of the very thing the Supreme Court has under taken to authorize to sue a State. The Louisville Courier Journal says: "The court merely shunted the issue be fore them from the State to the person of a State official, a trick upon law and legic. which, while plainly admitting that the Federal Court could not pursue a State for remedies at law, yet claiming that it was quite competent to impose penalties and fines upon State officials personally, for the capital offense of executing the State law. The State necessarily acts, and can act only, through the persons of her officials, and to pursue these officials with legal process on the sole ground of an honest discharge of their duties under the State, is obviously as complete an overthrow of State autonomy as if the State Treasurer or the Governor were prosecuted in behalf of private claims. " i It is not expected that Republi can papers will see any wronp; at tempted by Jeffries Bond. With the ordinary regulation Republican sheet, the Republicans can do no wrong in dealing severely with a Southern State. But it is certain that before the supremacy of Republicanism1 in the affairs of the Union, there were no two opinions as to the meaning of that eleventh amendment. It was adopted, and it was universally so understood, j to forever prevent a State from being sued or brought under the operations of the courts of the United States except in an action as between States. The, Republicans are always making Con stitutional discoveries in order to justify unwarranted assumptions, to increase the powers of the Federal 6overnment,and to violate the rights of the States. One of their latter., day discoveries is this doctrine of the Republican Federal Court, that to sue a State officer is not to sue the State. This is a palpable trick, an evasion, a dodge, and a very u a wor thy one. I Law is based on common sense. A common-sense view of that amendment will inevitably result in opposing the Bond business and the supposed authority of the Supreme Court. I DEATH-TRAPS. The killing of twenty workmen in New York by the falling wall of a building in course of erection is an other warning to folly, and another call upon the authorities i cities not to allow the construction of "shoddy" buildings1 Many such fatal acci dents have occurred and many more will occur. so long as the City authori ties permit these dangerous walls to go up. We would not be surprised if there were not buildings in Wil mington that have been built within a few years that are death-traps. The idea of erecting buildings to stand through the centuries does not occur to any oce now-a-days, we may well supjose, when the material used and the unstable appearance of the build ings are considered. ; Such buildings as the Carolina Central office, the new . W. & W office, the Dickinson residence, and the solid I structure now being dis mantled at the corner of Chesnut and Front Btreetsy are indeed excellent specimens' of masonry and would stand for hundreds of years if no earthquake came to topple them in ruins. ' j , j j We hope the fellow who was con structing the crumbling building in New York will find his way into the the State prison. No man should be allowed to erect an unsafe building. City authorities should look after hote lescapes and theatres. They should demand every possible pro tection for guests and visitors. Neg lect at this ; point is without excuse. The railroads will have soon or late to give up jstoves. Every now and then, as was the case a week or so since, people are burned to death by these enemies of the human race. Humanity 'and sympathy alike de mand all possible care and safety in public buildings and public ! convey ances, and in the homes of jthe peo ple. Who could worship God with a constant Reeling of insecurity as to the building in which service was conducting?) . j j . j Among the excellent papers read at the Saratoga Social Science Con vention, was one on S "Profit Shar ing." It was a "Manufacturer's opin ions concerning this Device." It; is by Hon. Frederick J. KingsburyJ of Connecticut, a graduate of Yale; and a thoughtful, pains-taking writer. His discussion of "Profit Sharing'? is exceedingly terse, compact and clear. We have not space for all, and it is impossible to condense the argument The following wili show the drift of the disoussion, that has assumed large importance in the North. He says1 : "Profit-sharing proposes to pay thela borer by giving him 1, a stipulated fixed wgea; 2 8 Proportion of the profits of the business in which his employer is engaged, m addition te This fixed wages. The advantages of ibis system are supposed TkTI !hati h ,aborer win be better paid 2, that being interested in the success of the business .he will therefore be a better workman; 3, therefore his employer can afford to pay him better wages; 4, that it cultivates friendly relations between the employer and the employed; 5, that it in creases industry and stimulates self-respect. The whole scheme is based on the assumption that the workingman is now underpaid. ,We therefore admit this for our present purpose and limit our inquiry to the question, whether i this is the best way, or, at any rate, a fairly good way to raise the standard of waes Wiil it im- ffTLlh, L'h0 workman as sucht ... ui ii, mis seems plausible." JBUK. CARLISLE ADUj THB - BEVE- Mr. Carlisle is in great disfavor with some of the advocates of free drinks and free smokes ia North Car- olina and Virginia. He is not half so popular with them as the noted Pennsylvania j Protectionist and kicker, Mr. Samuel J, Randall. The newspapers demanding "free chaws" and free apple-jack have issued an ukase that Carlisle is to be slaught ered by the iNorth Carolina Repre Benlatives and those that think with them. The ablest, truest, wisest of Democrats , is not good enough for this class. Randall or some other advocate of j the total wiping out of the needed, just, common sense tax on whiskey , and beer, on wine and cigars, &c, and thereby forcing the Uovernment . to raise alt revenue through a Tariff, is much nearer this school than tho level beaded, wise, true, able, broad gauged Kentucky statesman, .j : Well, this is a free oountry and all men have aright to their preferences. As for- the Stab it would not give one John G. Carlisle for a battalion of Samuel J.J Randall's. The Stab may be foolish and blundering in this, but it is Democratic. It stands by the great majority of Democrats in the Forty- Bightb, Forty -ninth and Fiftieth Congresses. It is in har mony with the Democracy of the Union. j The crying question of the day is, down with high taxation and a sharp reduction of the surplus. Politicians who think that the people are not in earnest in this matter are blind and cannot see.j I he muttermgs of n approachingj storm may be easily heard by all fcrho have ears to bear. While the .Republican politicians (there are no statesmen) and the Republican organs are. trying to de vise all sorts' of plundering schemes by which to get rid of the surplus, the people are watching them and will have none of it. Mr. bis calm, sane, conclusive paper in The Forum) upon which we have al ready drawn at some length in two editorials, says: "Already vast schemes of spoliation are being devised! and advocated, partly for the averred purpose of preventing a reduc tion of taxation and partly upon the ground that it is the duty of the Government, as the paternal guardian of the people, to dispense bounties and charities to certain classes of its citizens and certain kinds of industrial and commercial enterprises. Some propose to purchase and operate all the railroad aj telegraphs, steam vessels, and other means of transportation and communication, at an expense of thousands of millions; dome want tbe general Gov ernment to pay a part of the whole of the cost of i reduction in the several States; some I want to grant boun ties j and Subsidies to sugar grow ers and owners of steamship lines, as if they were engaged in more meritorious occupa. tiuns than jthe people who produce corn and wheat, or who are employed in other in dustrial pursuits; some want to increase the pensions already allowed, and grant addi tional ones, to tbe deserving and undeserv ing alike; some want the Government to loan money to the people to start in busi ness . f j These are only a few samples of the Belfish j and extravagant projects w7iich an overflowing treasury has developed, hut tbey are enough to show the danger of loncer delay in , tbe consideration of this subject." j ! ' A surplus h'as always been a source of danger and corruption. English statesmen will not allow a surplus. The taxes of the Government are al ways levied with reference to expen ditures, i.rd a j surplus is studiously guarded ugainst. The 'Presidents before the war were always mindful of this evil, and were ever warning against high taxes and excessive rev enue. A dollar taken from any man in taxes not imperatively needed by the exigencies of government is bare faced robbery. There a surplus. It is variously Some say it will not estimated really exceed $50,000,000. But that is a great sum. The total receipts S. Government in 1840, of tbe U. were but ,$19,480,749.61. Ten years It -j' ' J afterwards in!850 they had grown enormously and had reached $43, 592,888.88. Ten years later, under a Democratic j Administration, in 1860, the expenditures' were $60,050, 754.71. ITnere are others who con tend that thjft surplus will reach $100, 000,000 or more. What shall be done ? There is a i - i surplus, 0 that all are agreed. It is a very large and a growing sur plus.! Of that, 'too, all are agreed. Shall it be got rid of by the violent, wild, reckless plans of tho Republi cans, or by the judiciouB, sensible, statesmanlik a way proposed by able Democrats ? Mr. Carlisle says that the revenue may be reduced and still taxation shall remain high and untouched. This is the Republican plan, j It is also possible, says the Kentuckian, "to reduce taxation to a certain exter t without reducing the revenue." To illustrate. A vrohihi. I : ' tory tariff would shut out 'foreign goods and foreign competition. This Would make taxes very hjgh at home and reduce t le revenues at the same time. ! No foreign goods could come in and no duty could be paid at the Custom houses. MonODoliata vnnM flourish, gettjing their own prices for their goods as there would be no foreign competition. But there would be a vnst diminution of reve nue, f This is to some extent the character of the preent War Tariff. It is partly prohibitory. irer contra, it the present Tariff were reconstructed, justly and scien tifically, and! the prohibitory features, as on blancets for instance, were abolished, and "should be reduced to that precise rate which would enable the importer to pay them, and still compete on equal terms with the do mestic (home) producer, taxation would be d minished, but the amount of revenue1 would be - WMHW This is the; Carlisle view. " He says the "Democratic solution" of the difficulties is "to reduce both revenue and taxation.! That is the real issue. Shall it be done? Shall the people be relieved of the burdens : needlessly placed upon them by a huge, oppres sive War (Tariff, continued . for the benefit of a few rich monopolists, or shall tbe burdens be lifted from the people? The people' will be beard from.' ': -.';.t:-'::s: An attempt is making to foster and widen tbe rrotection system-in the South a system that cannot be defended in the forum of reason or in the court of morality." There was never a stupider, falser maxim coin ed by the. brain of Mephistopheles than that the sure way to national prosperity is by grinding , the people in the mills of monopoly. When you hear a demagogue persuading you that the high road to individual prosperity and content is by high tax ation, turn from him with the sting ing rebuke that the Master adminis tered to Peter r-"Get thee behind me, Satan." We will take up this question again. " DESTJRUVTIVE JFIRR Burning of tbe Clyde Steamer R- I lator and Cargo. ' Fire broke out last night about 12 o'clock on the Clyde steamer Regula tor, lying at the wharves of the Cham pion Compress Company. As soon as discovered an alarm 'Was sent out from box No. 51, and the engines and other apparatus of the Fire Depart ment "rallied to the scene of the conflagration, and in a short time had the fire under control. . The flames broke out, amidships and spread fore and aft, until the whole ship was en veloped, but the efforts of the firemen prevented them from spreading to the wharves and vessels adjacent. No one could j tell how the fire origin ated. ; : - The Regulator was completing her cargo and would, have cleared for New York' this morning. Besides her usual freight of spirits turpentine, rosin, tar and lumber, she had about one thousand bales of cotton on board. '" 1 1 ' ' ' Finding that , it was impossible to extinguish the fire, the tug Marie took the burning steamer in tow and car ried her up the river, away from the wharves and shipping. When the engines ceased to play upon her the flames burst out with renewed ener- gy, snowing mat tne vessel was a mass of fire from stem to stern, and likely to prove an entire loss. The Regulator was an iron vessel of 847 tons, plying regularly between this port and New Tork,and was com manded by Capt. Ingram. The Carolina Central Extension. i i The Hendersonville Times is urging the people of Henderson county to vote a subscription of $50,000 to the Carolina Central Railroad to induce that company to extend their road through the country. From'Ruther fordton to Hendersonville, the Times says, the grade is the easiest through out the Blue Ridge range of moun tains, and the company, we are in lormeu, wouia come oy Henderson ville if proper inducements were offered by our people. ! In its argument in behalf of the enterprise the Times says: "This great highway of freight and travel from Eastern to Western Caro lina has been completed from Wil mington to Kutherfordton. It tra verses the counties of New Hanover and Brunswick on the seacoast, Co lumbus, Bladen, Robeson, Richmond, Union, Mecklenburg and Gaston bor dering on the South Carolina line, and Cleveland and Rutherford in the Piedmont section of North Carolina. All those are cotton producing coun ties, and: depend largely upon the outside world for food supplies. The far eastern counties through which it passes are warm and disagreeable du ring the summer season, and all their inhabitants, who are able to do so. seek a more hospitable clime in which to pass the heated term. The road has its eastern terminus in the midst of one of the richest and most exten sive fisuinsr-erounds in the United States, and also in a city which is the maritime metropolis of the State, with snip communication with Europe, the West Indies, South America, etc., affording facilities for the carrying on of an extensive commerce, which will ultimately enrich the entire State. Many more advantages could be named, but the above are sufficient to prove the desirability of the road." Application for an Injunction. We are informed that certain citi zens and i tax-payers of this, city are about to,! or have begun, an action against the Onslow Railroad Com pany to prohibit it from receiving the bonds recently voted to it by the city, on the ground that the election was illegal; that the papers are prepared, and that the case will be pushed so as to get -it before the Supreme Court at the present term. Tne Onalow Railroad matter. , Counsel were busily at work yester day obtaining facts pertaining to the Onslow railroad subscription voted 'by the city, with a viewjof making a case agreed and having the same sub mitted tq the Supreme Court at the present term. The probability is that the matter will be gotten into shape in a few days. The Presbyterian Synod will convene at Payetteville on the 25th inst. Revs. Peyton H. Hoge, of the First Presbyterian church, and J. W. Primrose of the Second Presbyterian church, will attend. The delegates are Mr. John McLaurin, of the for mer, andMr. Robert McDougall, of the latter church. : (-n- a Receipts of cotton yesterday 1,787 bales. Total receipts to date 64,354 bales, against 38,399 bales to same date last year. Increase 26.055 bales. . ! From Rev. Jolin Mathewt. Pastor M. B. diureh South, of Montgomery, Ala. . "Darbys Prophylactic Fluid is the onlv medicine kept in my family. We can use it for almost everything burns, bruises. cuts, stings, ear-ache, tooth-ache, sour stomach, -etc..! etc. "My children, when hurt or bruised,' always call at once . for Darbv's Fluid . i Wn rtnnnt , .u.. it ; . . v . muug TT Oli without itl It is so valuable for its prompt VAllnr t i 1 I . .... ui i)m iron sn jiinas or injuries, and also is a powerful Antiseritic and T)i- infectant.M . WilnUncton and Newborn. .. At -the conference held in Golds-r boro last week of representatives of the Wilmington; Onslow & East Car olina Railroad Company, "and repre sentatives of the "Newbern and ; Ons low Railroad Cpmpany,"we learn that a proposition was made by the latter, which was taken under advisement by the representatives of ' the W., Q. & E. C. R. R., and it -was finally de cided to accept it. " Under the terms of this proposition both roads will unite their forces and jointly make application; to, Onslow county for a subscription. We suppose this means, of course,-: that the. road will be ex tended direct to Newbern, . The wrecking steamer Victoria J. Peed, Nelson, of Norfolk Va., arrived here Sunday for a supply of coal, and will leave this morning. She was en route from Nassau to Boston, with the disabled schooner John A.Bergen, sugar laden, in tow, and when three days out from Nassau encountered a severe gale, during which the line from the steamer to (the schooner fouled with the propeller of the for mer. As the Bergen was under head way at the time, the line had to be cut to prevent a collision and the sinking of both vessels. As soon as ready for sea again, the Peed will start in search of the derelict schooner. A dispatch from Savannah, Ga., received by the Stab last night, reports that the schooner John R. Ber gen pat in at that place yesterday, with' the loss of her 1 fore-mast, jib boom, ' main mizzen-mast-head and top-mast. She had her decks swept of , everything moveable. The tug '.Victoria J. Reed took her in tow at Nassau, but became disabled and let the schooner go at 5 a. m. of the 12th. Previous to , entering Nassau the schooner had one man killed and an other man had his leg broken Tbe Uaiu. I The long-desired rain came at last and the long-needed! want is sup plied. The rain began at 12.30 a. m. yester day morning with a light fall, but the precipitation increased . until about 3 a. in., when it came down in torrents for about half an hour or more, when it again turned into a light riin. It thus alternated from light to heavy rain during the day and evening and continued sprink ling at midnight. The streets pre sented a somewhat foreign appear ance on account of the number of umbrellas seen. No rain fell within the last three weeks or more and there was no necessity for calling them into requisition as a protection against rain hence this strange sight, The rain was not j limited to this section but extended along the South and Middle Atlantic coasts and west ward into Kentucky and Tennessee It was particularly heavy throughout this State. The local Cotton Belt bulletin indicates the rainfall at Lumberton at 4 20 j inches; at Flo rence, S. C, 2.97; at Gojdsboro, 2.00; at Salisbury, 1.87; at Wilmington, 1.56; at Wadesboro, 1.40; at Weldon, 1.10, and at Newbern 1.00. The rainfall yesterday in this city exceeded the total precipitation for fhe preceding two months There is a high barometer in the West, which is reported as moving in this direction. The usual cool fair weather is accompanying it. No in dications of a decided cold wave are however apparent. The effects of the approaching cooler weather are like ly to be felt towards evening. Itlce Destroyed by Fire. It is estimated that about 800 bush els of rice were destroyed by the burning of the ricei barn on the Hall place about four miles up the river on the 12th inst. The loss is a severe one to the owners, all colored people. The sufferers were Tom and C. H. Davis, who had 250 bushels in the barn; Henry Small, j 80 or 90 bushels; James Edwards, 75 or 80 bushels; Joe Egnent,23 bushels clean rice; Minerva McKoy, 20 bushels clean rice, and Henry Robinson, 45 bushels rough rice and about 300 bushels in the sheaf. It is thought that the fire was caused by one of the men who had left his coat in the barn returning late in the night and searching for it with a torch or lighted matches. A Patrol salt. Some months ago suit was institu ted by the Fernolihe Manufacturing Company, of Charleston, S. C, against the. Carolina Oil and Creosote Company of this city, for alleged infringement of a ""patent owned by the former company. The case comes up for hearing this month be fore the U. S. Circuit Court in Wash ington, D. C, and this week counsel for plaintiffs and defendants are en gaged in taking depositions in , this city before U. S. Commissioner T. M. Gardner. Col. Hawkins, of Washing ton, D. C, is attorney for the Caro lina Oil and Creosote Co., and Mr. McMaster, ofNewjYork, is present as attorney for the Fernoline Co. A Nortb Carolinian Killed In GeorKla. A correspondent gives the follow ing particulars of the fatal accident to Mr. Luther Sinclair, of Robeson county, N. C, at Eden, Ga., on the lGth inst. Among the passengers on the train wnicn arrived tnere at o.zu p. m. was Luther Sinclair, who has been for some time in the employ of Mr. K. A Smith, of Hullock county. After get ting on tne cars, Mr. Sinclair went up on tne piatiorm. and it oemg dark. in walking around he is supposed to have struck his foot on a gang-plank lying near tne edge oi tne platform. Losing his balance, he pitched head long off and struck his head against the inner rail, rendering him in sensible. He was taken up and cared lor Dy those near by. His injury Was thought to be slight, but next morning he was much worse. His friend, Mr. Smith, came as soon as notified, and sent immediately for Dr. McConnell, who hurried to the dying man. Every professional at tention was rendered, but death re lieved the unconscious sufferer about 12.30 o'clock. The deceased was from Nortb; Carolina, and was highly thought or by all who Knew him nere. He was about 30 years old and unmar ried. Mr. Smith, in whose employ the deceased was at i the time oi nis death, speaks in the highest terms of nun. and seems deeply anected Dy his sudden death. His remains will be sent on to his friends in North Carolina. : 'I've done my duty, and I've done no more." as the dealer remarked, when he advertised a large supply of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup at the low j price of twenty five cents a bottle. . f . WASHISQVON, Tbo Vlra-lola Habeas Corpus Case Be fore tbe Supreme Court Reports o 'tbe Governors. of Arizona and Cta ' -Indian Affairs. ' i ---- By Telegraph to the Xornlnc Star. Warsthotoo. Oct. 17. In the Unite States Supreme Court to-day, the United States Marshall of the Eastern District oi Virginia' made a return to the writ of ha beas corpus in the case of Attorney Gener al Ayres and the other imprisoned State of Ki.r. Virdnh unit th1r nnnnul Mr Gordon, renewed his motion that thev be1 admitted to bail pending the argument of the Question t issue. Chief Justice rVaite ordered that the bodies of the prisoners be committed to the custody of the Marshvl of the Court until to-morrow, when the Court will announce its decision as to bail and the time for argument. , j Washington, Oct. 17. The Governor of Arizona in his annual report says: "Apaches occupy ban uarlos reservation containing about 2,528,000 acres of the best agricultural land in the territory. As a race tbey are lazy, thriftless and murdeiv ous. seemingly incapable of civilization!. As long as tbey are Buffered to remain with in tbe borders or tbe territory, just so long will the peace : of Arizona be insecure, and her progress be retarded. The Governor renews his recommendation of last year that Congress make a liberal appropriation for a hydrographic survey of the territory, wiiu a view W umaiDiug water ior irrig nog purposes oy storage reservoirs. i ne uovernor oi u tan in his annual n port devotes considerable space to the su ject of Statehood for Utah. In the course of his remarks he says: "It will be o served that tbe movement for Statehood was inaugurated by leaders of Mormon people. Their representatives alone took part in tbe deliberations of the convention, and only that portion of the people of the territory favor, and support it. When we remember how recently these people avowedly held and maintained the Dosition which placed them in opposition with Feft- j erai laws, the holding of which in the past naa Drought tbem into conflict with people with whom they lived in Ohio, Mis souri and Illinois, and in antagonism witb all who come to this territory not identified with them. . When we recall that the failure to yield that position would have cost tbem the political control which they have held since the organization of the territory; that the securing of Statehood win place in tbeir bands and take from Congress the power that it has been com pel led to exercise to regulate and control tneir actions m accordance with tbe moral sense of the country and Christian civiliza tion before clothing them with sovereign ty. should not Congress wait until action is suited to the word; until their laudable pro fessions have had time to ripen into pracr tice worthy works; until the conduct of the people and the legislation of the territory is placed in the advanced position it would have attained but for the past attitude of those who are now asking the boon of Statehood. It is more than probable that the question of Utah as a political factor in national affairs will be considered in con nection with the application for its admis sion as a State, but neither of the great po litical parties democratic nor Hepupu can so far as the Dast historv of the neo' pie is concerned, can lav claim with any aegree oi certainty to their support." Inspector Williamson, of the Poetofficc Department, has submitted his report! on the deficiency in accounts of the assistant postmaster at Savannah. The inspector found a deficit of $1,146, which was made good by tne accused. Tbe Commissioner of Indian Affairs re ceived the following telegram from Lower Brule Indian Agency of Dakota: "Dis turbing Indians surprised and captured by police, uangej all over. What promised to be a serious trouble is nipped in the bud. The survey is going forward. A majority of the Indians want to take allotments." The Commissioner also received a telegram irom uro w Agency, Montana, saying quiet prevails mere dui no arrests were made. Washington. Oct. 18. In U. S. Su preme Court, to day, Chief Justice Waite announced that the argument upon the questions raised by the habeas corpus eases of Attorney General Ayres and the other imprisoned State officers of Virginia j will oe set aown ror tbe second Monday in .November, and that meanwhile the prison ers win ne set at liberty on their own re cognizance, m the sum of one thousand dollars each, to answer the summons of this Court when their presence shall be required. In explanation of this decision, tne enter justice stated that the prisoners were public officers, charged with public duties, and the presumption was that they were actuated in this proceeding by a de sire to obtain a decision upon the questions at issue, and not to manifest contempt for ue uoun oeiow. ineunier Justice ad d ed, in response to inquiry, that the Court would bear argument from two counsel on each side. j Washington, Oct. 19. The case of W, O .Harwell, H. B. Montgomery and T. W, fender, Tiansportation Committee, vs. the Columbus &:Western Railroad Company. was taken up by the Inter-State Commerce Commission to-day. Commissioner Bragg s'aieu mat ne would not sit on this case. for reasons of a personal and local charac ter; that some, if not all, of the Questions Involved bad been before him as Railroad Commissioner in Alabama, and had been mere decided by him and by that Commis sion, and bad afterwards been the subject oi an exciting controversy in the iiegisla ture or Alabama, to which he had been to some extent a party as one of the Railroad Commissioners of Alabama. W. O. Har well and H. B. Montgomery appeared in meir own oenan, but there was no ap pearance on me pan or me defendants. i ne compiaim alleges a discrimination in ireigbt rates by the Kauroad Companies named against the town of Ooelika. Ala.. and in favor of Columbus, Ga., and Mont gomery. Ala. It is charged that although the Alabama State Commission last fall gave it as their opinion that "Ooelika is unjustly discriminated against," still the Railroad Companies refuse to give the necessary reaer and nave withdrawn! all their freight rates to New Orleans from Opelika. After hearing an oral statement of the case by the representatives of ship pers of Opelika, Chairman Coloey said that it was unfortunate mat no appearance had been made on the other side, but the Com mission would take the case under advise ment. Washington. Oct. 19. Civil Serv ce Commissioner JMlgerton, who returned to the citv to-dav. was asked bv an Assnpinted Press reporter if his view.agreed with thcjse oi commissioner uoeriy as expressed in his recent letter to me Illinois .Democratic As sociation. "They certainlv do not "said Mr. Edgerton. "I do not believe in ex treme or strained constructions of the civil service law. These State organizations nave as mucn rigni to exist as they ever had. There is nothing in the law to pro hibit it. A man ia not denrived of the privileges of citizenship because he holds public office, and I think the idea that n man should abandon his residence in the state, or nis citizenship, when he takes of, flee in Washington, is absurd. The legis- lauve power is aoove us an, and ir the law is to ba applied so as to denrive men nf their rights as citizens, the danger is that me aemana win oe made upon the legisla tive power to wipe it out. There is no ne cessity for anything of the sort. The law is all right, and it only needs to be con strued in accordance with . common sense and practical experience. No, sir," he continued, "I do not agree with Commis sioner Oberly, and I do not "see how he in going to reconcile his 'present views with those expressed in the Seeberger report of tbe Chicago Custom House, signed hv Com missioners Oberly and Lyman. In that report they Siid of Webster., dismissed clerk, 'strong political views Web'ter; has a right to entertain, and during tbe lime he held public place it was his right to give at proper times strong expression to those views. The opinion is not to he mmtA that because a man occupies a place in the classified civil service he must therefore surrender his right to take an interest In the politics of the country. .No good citizen will do so. and no degree of activity in ih effort to advance the interest of the party opposed to the administration shnnM vided his partisan activity in no way inter feres with his public duties, render inse cure in the civil service of the government the position of any person who does not occupy a place the discharge of the duties Of wuiun ttueuuj puunc poilMCS. 1 Washington. Oct 19. Tha nit. -ktL tional Bank of Selma. Ala., hnn tbMn itfla- signated a depository of funds advanced to disbursing officers of the armv The amount of funds held to secure nnhiin posits is $50,000. T Secretary Bayard said to-day that he has expressed regret at the delay In releasing' sealers, not to "the Imperial Government." but to me British Minister in Waahington The text of bis communication will not be given out. but fresh orders for the release of vessels have been sent to Alaska ! ' Washington, Oct. 19. Tbe Agrlcul tural Convention met again in sef sion this morning. Permanent organization was effected by the adoption of a constitution providing for and prescribing the duties of a president, nve vice presidents, secretary and treasurer, and an executive committee to consist of the president, secretary and treasurer and five members to be chosen by the association in convention. The name adopted was, "American- Association of State Agricultural Colleges and Experi ment Stations;" to the annual conventions of which each college and station- will be (.entitled to send one delegate. Washington. October 19. Hon. John Randolph Tucfcer, of tho counsel for the condemned Chicago Anarchists, noti fied Justice Harlan to-day that be and his associates in the case would not be ready to .make their application for a writ of error to-morrow, as it had been arranged mat tbey should do, and asked for an in terview on Friday. An appointment was tnereupon made ror JTriday morning at hair TRAGIC AFFAIR. A Cblcaco Bank President Shot by His Step-son as be Emerged from Cburcb Family Troubles tbe Cause. Chicago.' Oct. 17. Stephen W, Raw. Son, President of the Union Trust and Sav ings Bank of this city, was shot as he emerged from the Third Presbyterian Church to-day. by his step-son, William Lee, aged 17. Rawson had been charged by his wife with perjury and other of fensec. He, on the other hand, alleged that she, although prominent in society, and a beautiful woman in appearance, was really a disreputable, Diaspnemous, devilish tem pered adventuress , who coveted only his money. For a yea or more the two have been fighting each other : in the divorce courts, and within a week the banker has filed against her additional charges of adul tery. For this insult to his mother Lee shot the grey-haired millionaire, his step father, five times in the throng of people, near the church door, every bullet taking euect. Mr. Kawson s wounds are regarded as mortal. The murderer was arrested at his own request. When apprised of the murder, Mrs. Raw son said to a reporter, "I am glad of it; he deserved it. I "wnat was it done for 7" asked the re porter. ii --uecause liawson nas made me out on the streets to be a public prostitute. "I'll stand by the boy," she cried, raising ner arm witn dramatic gesture: "he did no more than any boy would do; be is the son of bis mother. Chicago, Oct. 17. The banker Raw- son, who was shot by young Lee. his step-son, yesterday, is still aliw. His physicians have some hope of his recovery. NEW YORK. Twenty wommen Burled In tbe of a Falllnc Bulidlns: Six Dead Bodies Recovered. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Mew York. Oct. 17. A four-storv building in course of erection at 443 East 115th street, to be used as a school house. tumbled in this afternoon and many work men were buried in the ruins.. The build ing bad- reached the fourth story. The whole front wall fell. At that time there were over twenty men in the building at worit ana mgy were ail ourieo in the ruins. Search was at once commenced, and at 6 o'clock this evening six dead bodies had ibeen taken from the ruins. Four men were taken out seriously wounded and al most suffocated. The supposition is that -there are still fourteen men underneath the debris. Most of the workmen were en gaged in the lower part of the building at the time of tbe accident. The Bide walls If ell in immediately after the front wall gave way. t ne worxmen were ail Italians and the school house was intended for the edu cation of Italian children. Two hook and ladder companies and numerous citizens are searching the ruins. There are no sounds heard from the wreck and it is sup- 1 a a -a - poseu inose ouriea are an dead, i Ibw York, Oct. 18. The ! French steamship Britannia, which; arrivedjhere on uio ioui lasiani. irom Marseilles and Na ples, ana neia by tbe health officer at the upper Quarantine for observation, wan .!.!- . .... ' una morning sent down to tne lower quar- ouuue, luur cases or cnoiera navmg been iuuuu BDoara oi ner. ine lint an ma is a sister ship to the Alesia, which brought cnoiera nere some weeks ago. i mi i . . . . . . iue ponce are sun at work in the ruins oi the fallen school house, on 115th street. A Swede carpenter is missing, and his body is supposed to be buried under the brick and mortar. Father Kirner is still uncon scious, and the docters Bay he cannot re cover. THE PRESIDENT. me Train Bearlns Him to trh. inscon will . raaKe no Stops Ex cept Possibly -at Asbevllle Prenar- bations for bis Reception at ITIont- Komery, Ala, By Telegraph to the Morning Star. ATLAHTA. Oct. 19. It ia nfftaiallv ntotj.rl . , . ... T . ., ... J uiai uie rresiuenrs special train, whtah in expected to leave Montgomery at 1 o'clock to-morrow, will make no stops on its way to Washington, except possibly atAshe- vuie, n. c. where it may tarrv fifteen minutes. A. statement to the contrarv hna been made with regard to manv nina along the way, but the people who may be uiuugub vagemer py sucn an announce ment will be disappointed. The train will rim slowly, as heretofore, wherever mo gauiereu w see me rresident. but the public demonstrations of the trin will nn.i. "" w-iuiuiuw, wim me pos8ioieex- wjpuuii n&mea. MONTGOMERY. ALA... Ofthr 10 Tl, PW X air 01 Alabama IS in f nil nrmmaa o . . -r. . . . . . ana so is tne ram. The wind is from tbe east ana rain nas been falling steadily all -uvcryuiing is reaay ior me Presi- ueni s reception, tie will arrive here at 8 0 clock in the morning, and the outlook now ia ior a wet aay. in spite of the rain. ui, ,i.jr ia iuii strangers. nrj aiay or tne Seven raa teeth should be brushed with RnnnnwT in oroer to Keep mem white, or to render mem so. specks and blemishM nnnn thai. ?cAt "ppear alter applying BOZO- at. uva a a iew times. The gums acquire a Xir',2uu Brow "ara irom me use of pu.yjLuJM r. Analysis discloses nothing impure in this preparation. The I ladies buy and use SOZODONT .v, know that it is a most effWtivn iM t ueauiy. i ne sooner our readers commence iw use luu ueuer ior mem. f- vriauBLone nas written an article ror tm routes Comvanion. on "ThA Future of the English-Speaking Races." His view of that future Is said to hn , ,, . ine aruc'e was written ..! n.. 7. - Bmumujr ior youmiui readers. iy T vme. Bucklcn'g Arnica Salve. Thb Best Sat.vtc in tho nrA ais, -oruises, sores, Ulcers, ; Salt ,ucuui, xever ores,xetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, anct all OKin rUDtlOna. and nnaifitrAliT Piles, or no pay required. It is gua ranteed ta cri-va nat4- o-" wdiiu gausiacuon. orj money refunded. Price 25 cents er dox. For sale by W. H. Grpn Xr. I CONSTJBIPXXION GTJBED. An old physioian, retired from practlce,havin had placed fn hU hands by an East ulamSlont ary the formula of a slmpteetiblelSedv J?onthRSr,a1? permanent of CoZu TAhi,arrh' Asthma and aU Throat tjw. t58ted lts wonderful ouri- fllT.0 felt it nta Actuated bvthtamoM,1.?- man BufferinKlI will send free of charAo ail who oesire it, tnto reoipe. in German. French SSV for preparmg and natal. ter, A vwes .xwt,iiocno8- mend wV 'JX r no means reoom- v rr-v iuwiuuro wmoa we Ola not" ytoi iraantfaouWed elate n086 P""" can appre- wnt-M .article wfioh works to pettoSJand' which to SrnUes? for toesteepwhioh It affords the Ini tottaoatti n. "- " .ymu uioy wuiua not be I iilrom lne nirtn of the child till it had ration whatever. ooia oy au amessta. ss oenta WU1S. ins lta vaJue la InoalnnlahTa t J? I nnvnr hnfnra udi. cv, a hpuntifal display 'aa Spirits New York tZZSZ? 8-C,e Norlb Carolinalle , meuTnirncomKunlt11 of a fine old English h 4 equipped and led a regiment in 6 lutionary war. , ,n thc Revo. Tarboro Soutterner- u , great material development nr, 11,0 gress in the South. Tarboro 1' largely if her people will only Unh?B fer inducements to Northern ?Ddf Tho house of William ,.C8?ltHist8 the Dale mansion, caught flm ?i ' np past 11 o'clock Monday mornim spite the prompt response of on," rn(1 was destroyed. The most of VhL eiBe. Of the house were saved r. teB,i unknown. Loss $500; no insu?n0f " . Young Green was acaaiii 1 burglary at Charlotte. He i? ' le1 f Judge Green, of Souih CaroliLfiftnJ,f Chronicle thus describes what & announcement of "not guiltv"- lhe words were pronounced a tram! 'i' cheering ensued and the scene w. do,a great confusion. Judge Mear ,Lon.e ' nis chair and pacing to ami fr ,rnm na in or., I . "e irom ordered the sheriff to arrest every was engaged in the uproar. Thi KWbo seemed powerless to quell the ZT after quiet was restored, Judce C but marked with some feeling that Urn?1 which he had just witnessed was ih cenc disgraeef ul which he had evPr tnv"e I?(,t - 1 court of justice, "and there," he enntir, V is me snenn.wno nas not sense eno,,Bh ,' nake an arrest." The ahcriw ...ou8hlo attempted to make an apology or PvnTMd8 tion to Judire Mmu-pb hf,t tK t" , eXDlana- tO him in Drettv sham termc Ee t&lkl Maxton Union: Then hApn on Interoatinr. mnB: hag bv Dr. H. G. Hill Z' uuciC(j We learn there have been about twentv : cessions to the church. Maxton LI to be on the improve in almost ever, spect. In passing from store to 8tore notice a great deal more taste displayed It our merchants in arranging goods tn i 1 16 advantage this season thaf we evert: before. On last Wednesday I Zl boy, Owen Vann, was kicked V SS and killed outright for about an hour Z finally was restored. He has been kicC by mules and horses eleven times Thii. the third time he has been killed bv thf kicking of mules within the last yearn, two, and was struck ionee during that iZ by lightning. L.0n last Wcdneedw morning as Mr. M. H. McPhaul was rid ing along near McGirt's Bridge, on Drown, ing Creek, his mule became frightened n,i ran, away throwing Mr. McPhaul from Z yihicle, his head striking a tree with such force as to knock the bark off the tree clear into the sap. His neck was broken and the back of his head crushed in. I Charlotte Chronicle: In Lan rinburg, one day this week, a difficulty . curred between Mr. John Powers, an eil gineer on the Carolina Central road, and school teacher whose name we failed to learn. The teacher had severelv whim a little child of Mr. Powers', and when the uBiGui, uuu icacner met, tne teanhw Wad knocked down. Mr. Powers WAR Arrafrrtinit before the Mayor and fined $2. Thc jnronuxe was yesteraay informed of a very Bad case of burning from thc useofkero. sene oil in kindling a fire. Miss Delphinie Henderson, of El Dorado, of Montgomery county, was tbe victim. On the 12th inst she attempted to light a fire by the aid of kerosene oil, when the can exploded and her body was literally covered with the burning fluid, and before asaistance could arrive she was so badly burned that there was no possible hope for her recovery. The total receipts of cotton to date from September 1st are 8,998 bales, against 4,148 for the same period in 1886. and 9,820 for the same period in 1885. Mr. Ambrose Reinhardt,' who lives near Lin colnton, suffered the loss of his barn by fire one day this week. With the barn, i large lot of provender, harness, wagons, and farming tools were destroyed, and a mule and cow were burned to' death. Goldsboro Argus: Daniel Li nier, about 17 years old, was lodged in jail last night, charged with the murder of Ho bert Padgett, of which we madenaentionin our last issue. Even though the C F. & Y. V. road should be extended to Wil mington, stijl we would wish for the A. & N. C. R. R. to be extended to F&yetteViNe or some other point on thc C. F. & Y. V. R. R. The Local Board of Managcre of the Colored Normal School at their meet ing Friday night elected Prof. C. N. Hun ter, of Durham, as tho Principal of tbe School. , Prof. Hunter has taught here and is widely known for his ability and integ rity. We regret to learn that on Sun- day night last the gin of R. L. Paschall & Son was found to be on fire, which resulted in a loss of $200 or $300. The? fire was ex tinguished. There was no insurance. - A meeting of the good citizens of Carteret county was held in Beaufort in the Town Hail on Friday night, the 11th instant, at which Btrong resolutions in favor of the extension of the C. "P. & Y.-V. Tt R tn Morehead were adopted and a committee of ien appointed to confer with the Governor in connection with the committees from the other counties, and urge upon him the wis dom of giving his sanction to the exten sion. The folio wine trentlemen were d- pointed on the committee. C. R. Thomas. Jr., Dr- F. B. Mace, N. W. Taylor, Geo. W. Charlotte. J. H. Potter W. F. How- land, W. S. Chad wick. R. J. Bell, W. F. Dill. T. 8. Forlaw, J. D. Davis, aud Mayor L. A. Skarren. Asheville Citizen : We learn from a gentleman who reached the city yesterday direct from Yancey that some excitement prevails there over's deaf mute who was seen a few davn aim. and who. from all descriptions given, is thought to oe waiter .Bingham. ; A few days ago two fitlTPnB Wllila Anf (k. mnXa hunting m, uiiu uui iu iiic nuuua uuunwfci , uddenly walked upon a man a stranger S . .. -a Buung aown on a log, in tne wildest sec tion of the rnnntrv TTnnn nnnrn&chinit him he jumped up and showed some ex citement, and also that he was a deal mute. They knew nothinc about Walter Bing ham, but bis conduct was so strange that they arrested him and started to tbe house of Mr. Hensley, not very far off. While en route he started to leave them, but i quick movement with one of the cuds suggested the propriety of his accompany- ing mem. upon reaching Mr. mnBicja. after Some examination nnnn advice of Mr. H., the mute was allowed to depart. He walked off briskly up the road. Soon thereafter Esq. Griffin came along, si"1 being told the affair, renlied: "Why, there is 4600 reward otTered for that man- it; must be Walter Bimrham." The party aj once went in pursuit, and followed him some distance, but finally saw where he had again taken to the woods, and be was loBt. Since then he appeared in tbe Pcnsa cola section, and is said to have committed & raise unon a vnnni shiln wnman. but succeeded in again making his escape, and has not since been: heard of. From tbe de scription given to several who knew Wal ter iSincbam thev have nn doubt it ib ne. Raleigh, News-Observer: ReT- Thos. Dixon. Jr . of thin fitv nreached i& Boston last Sunday, He has received t& calls recently, one from Boston with a sal' ary of $5,000 attached and one from Phil adelphia with tbe same salary. -Agc?-tleman from Johnston countv. who was in the city yesterday, reported that bogs vet being destroyed by hundreds and even thousands in Johnston bv the cholera. Tbe epidemic is spreading and it seems to w impossible to check it. Many farmers hap lost their entire herds of swine, and all 1D the epidemic section &rn emtaininz heavy losses. Ashbville, H. C, Oct. 17-- There was a railroad disaster near MarsM'1 last night. The freight train collided witt the passeneor train for Snartanburg. Con ductor A. M. Kirkland was injured. Ed ward Hardin, of Morgan ton, fireman onto freight engine, had his leg crushed and sin putation will be necessary. Some othen were sliehtlv iniured and considerate damage was done. The freight was outw time. Oxford, N. C, Oct. 15.-Yes- terday was the day for the grand . premium sale of tobacco. Oxford was flooded wiw the golden crop and every one was struc with the quantity and quality. Thepnca wnrn !K, a fnr from tL M $1.50 per pound, and a good deal se ing as high as $1.75. It was no sham saw. but there were roodilarce lots. Alessff- Daniel Lyon, W. H. Jones and Chss. of tobacco. They all bought largely uw selves. Four hundred dollars in goia given away in premiums, besides other articles of value. I Rill nt TiinUmA tho nmmittce V