The Weekly Star. FOKUIVENK1S. KATB A BRADLEY Lon J in a field a daisy raised her head, -"And knowing that the sun above her shed His warmth and light for her sweet sake alone, . , i . . She sudden teamed his love, and. bolder grown. Smiled softly ou a wooing vagrant breeze, ! The sun to tease. To tt-ach ihm the value of his grace The nun, in oride awl sneer, bid his face. Tno floaef felt the change in mild amaze, And longed in sorrow for her lover's gaze; A pawlne rain-drop fell with sudden freak Ifnnn hnr rlifpk The sun, soon tiring of his lordly mood, Perped out to see if yet her scorn she rued; He saw tbe icar he watched the wooing wind Float sad away and leave the,, flower na, kind. , : And heart with gladden'd heart her voice entreat His pardon sweet. , But still, to prove her quick repentance true , . , . He steeled his heart with resolution new And sank behind the world without one sign, And left her there in cold and dark to pine; Though thought he often of the sweet pale face Refused his grace. Up with the day he rose his love to greet, And lay his love and pardon at her feet. But, ah ! No tender faco returned his smile With welcoming love.'and sweet reproach the while Naught,' save one leaf the faithful zephyr gave Detroit Free Press. THE HIGH TARIFF IN GER MANY. F. A. Richardson in the Baltimore Sun. The high protective tariff of Ger many calls forth remonstrance in business circles, and there is no doubt the sentiment opposed to it would be more powerful if the means for dis: closing popular feeling were more abundant. There is no each thing known here as popular discussions of public matters. Candidates for leg islative or other offices never think of addressing those, whose suffrages iney ann. iuuu irequeuuy vauuc dates do not announce themselves until a few days before the election, and if announcing any declaration of principles it is in glittering, general ities. The Reichstag and the news papers are the only arena for the ventilation of opinions on the Gov ernment policy, and as can be un derstood, the tendency in both is rather to respect the official than the popular sentiment'., Never theless, tbe Government at times gets some pretty hard raps from both. The German tariff works ex actly as the protective tariff under which the people of the United States groan. It puts money taken from tbe pockets of the great mass of the-f-eople into the coffers of a iew great monopolies. it is aone ostensibly under tbe same false and disreputable pretext, that it is for the benefit of the working classes. it 19 nintea that tbe real reason for tbe heavy tariff is .the necessity which thn Government feels of rais ing - all the money possible. The trading classes are convinced that it bears heavily upon them and those who deal with them. There is not much chance' for any abatement of the tariff, for although German Btatesmen and publicists will concede in private its burdens and inequali ties, it is held better for the Govern ment to derive its revenues, so far as it can, from indirect rather than by direct taxation. j "Tbere Are No States l T" 1 t . W ..!. UAUAUO till jr . The latent power of the Federal Government is slowly but sorely un folding and overshadowing manv cherished doctrines of so called States rights. The Supreme Court of the United States has finally given the last and decisive blow to the longcheri8hed doctrine of State In dependence. It has declared that Congress alone has the power to leg islate on inter-State matters relating to foreign governments. This doc trine of the absolute sovereignty of the general Government has never before been so powerfully proclaimed as in the decision referred to, pre pared by J ustice Bradley. "In mat ters of foreign and inter-State com merce," he declared, "there are no States!" . 4) The case in which this decision was made was that of a law enacted by Congress enabling a railroad company to construct a bridge across - the Arthur Kill river, between New Jersey and Staten Island, New York. In old times the construction of a bridge across a river which separa ted two States was supposed to re quire the authority of Congress and also the assent of both the States. New Jersey refused its assent to the construction of the Arthur Kill bridsre. and thi men tion grew out of that fact. The de cision, in its immediate effect, settles the doctrine that the United States can delegate to a corporation, as was done by act of Congress, ihe power -to build a bridge across a river con stituting the boundary line between two States; and however, that a State can not interfere with the erection by the United States of a bridge be tween different States. But far above and beyond this mere practical ques- nuuis me doctrine that "there are no States," when Congress is acting in its proper sphere and exercising its constitutional powers. The Su preme Court of the United jStates in her Federal capacity has finally and effectually repealed the Democratic resolutions of 1798. j Charleston News and Courier, Dem. f . There was no other significance there could be no other significance in the selection of Mr. Randall, of ali men, for the task assigned to him; and that he himself so understood his role is proved by every word that he 25SS! .V 6 iben!fit8 and Messings which the people of Georgia, now el inLTotClaimed by him " the re sults of the new sort of statesmanship which regards taxation as the basis of national prosperity. The present high tariff has been in the South has experienced its effects ever since the war ended. In that 8? ? iSiT f the necessaries of ingenious claim that the cost o such necessaries now is lower than in SSSo a signal instance of the benefit-f protection. The South has beXck in the Union since 1865, and has been in sore straits for the greater part of that time, although the high tariff was in full play. He finds, however, that there is now a marvellous pro gress in oertain industriesthanks to the same beneficent agency, j It was not claimed that prices are as low as (hey might be, but that they are lower than they were nearly thirty years ago. Nor was it claimed that they have been reduced in the United States only. This Mr. Ran dall knows is not the faot, since they have been lowered, at the same time, in countrks where protection plays' no part. It is as well, therefore to follow his investigation a little fur ther than Mr. Randall cared or found it convenient to go. We need not consider every instance he offered to show the benefits of the polioy he advocates. The weakness of his whole argument may be exposed by examining a few specimen' fallacies only The reduced cost of food and clothing, and the wonderful progress in railroad building in the South, were particularly insisted on. j The reduced cost of food need not be discussed at length. Food is pro duced on tbe farms, and one claim of the Protectionists, when it suits their purpose, is that the price of all farm products is enhanoed by the operation of the tariff." It is suffi cient, for the purpose of) answering one of their class, at least, to set the one claim over against the other. Nor was Mr. Randall more fortu nate In his reference to tbe reduoed cost of clothing. However low the. cost may be now, it would be very much lower -but for one obstacle, and that obsctacle is our high pro tective tariff. Last year the people of the United States imported foreign clothing to the value of not less than $100,000,000, upon which they paid taxes at the custom houses amount ing to $50,000,000. This, of course, was in addition to the enhanced cost of domestic clothing,1 upon which they are taxed indirectly, but none the less surely, to a far greater amount. It is small comfort to the people of any ' Southern State to know that they pay their full . share of this tax and get no; part of it in return. I And it was! wise of Mr. Randall not to go further into this branch I of hia subject. The tariff keeps up tbe price of clothing and everything else that the people of Georgia, and the booth generally, have to buy, and they cell their cot ton in a free market.) It is not sur prising that he touched no lightly on so delicate a point, j Bat what of railroad building? The Southern States i are among the foremost in this field of develop ment; bow does the tariff help or hinder tbem here? "We are told," says Mr. Randall, "that the railroad mileage of the South has been in creased 15,000 miles since 1879," or in the six years from 1880 to 1886, inclusive. Now, the increased cost of steel rails which is directly due to the operation of tbe tariff, amounts to about $12 a ton at the present prices. This means a tax of $1,500 a mile, at least, on every mile of railway that was built in the South in the period which Mr. Ran dall mentions, and was collected on the bare rails alone, without taking the rolling stock, &c, into the ac count. A very 6'imple calculation shows, then, that the amount of tax paid by the Sonth on this single arti cle, in six years, was $22,500,000. The i?bn and steel manufacturers of Pennsylvania got the benefiV of this vast sura, and their satisfaction and Mr. Randal!' can be easily under stood. It is not so easy to conceive why the people of Georgia and other Southern States should take any par ticular delight in the process by which, they are robbed, Or why they should desire it to be continued. SUPREME COURT. Raleigh News-Obssrver. Court met yesterday at 11 o'clock. Appeals from third district wero disposed of as follows: Brown vs. Perkins from Pitt; dis missed for failure to prosecute. Green vs. Griffin, (injunction case) from Wilson; dismissed for failure to print. Whitehead vs. Walker from Pitt; put to end of dietrict. Wilson vs. Sheppard from Pitt; argued by Mr. W. B. Rodman, Jr., for plaintiff, no counsel contra. McLawhorn vs. Worthington from Pitt; argued by Mr. W. B. Rodman, Jr., for defendant, no counsel for plaintiff. In the matter of Griffin, from Wil son; argued by Messrs. Haywood & Haywood for Griffin, and Mr. F. A. Woodard, contra. Greenville vs. Old Dominion Steamship Company, from Pitt; ar gued by Mr. W. B. Rodman, Jr., for the defendant, no counsel for the plaintiff. Grimes vs. Taft, from Pitt; argued by Mr. W. B. Rodman, Sr., for the plaintiff, and Messrs. Haywood & Haywood for the defendant. THE KIDNEYS Are sure to be Healthy IT the Liver acts properly. 1 VXhiSI-"! do mot Ac operly tbe SiiSyiPJF 8vmPom will follows S'' r the Back and Loin., Fi?.",,e2 or China, wltb Disordered Ntomaeb and Bowels. j vn . mouuana ueains sinoe I left il.7' and mro diseased Liver and Kld-S??2never,l,eard,0'- 1 td a number of ?J?I?nt remedl? and spent 91,800, but I ob tained no real benefit nntll I bmuriit r??,ttlea oImmons Liver WnlattSf Thto SnTmW J Hkabd, Richmond, Ind. j? h wmp ,n "d on ont ofwVapper. delODAWly we Iran 1'' MEDICAL I COLLEGE OF VIRGINIA, RICHMOND. FIFTIETH SESSION OOMMSNCKS OCTOBER 3d, 1887. CONTINUES SIXltONTHS. j j . " For farther Information write for Catalogue. J. S. DOBSEY CTJIXBN, . ' ' 1 i' lT8W8m T r 01 "wwT. Dean of Faculty. II'Seb parts BROVKATS IRON BITTERS WILITCURE HEADACHE) j INDIGESTION BILIOUSNESS . -DYSPEPSIA I I NERVOUS PROSTRATION MALARIA ! I CHILLS and FEVERS TIRED FEELING GENERAL DEBILITY PAIN in the BACK and SIDES IMPURE BLOOD CONSTIPATION FEMALE INFIRMITIES RHEUMATISM r NEURALGIA I KIDNEY AND LIVER TROUBLES i FOR SALE ALL DRUGGISTS The Genuine has Tirade-Mark and crossed Red Lines on wrapper. Mi") TAKE NO OTHER. If YbuMave ISo appetite, Indljrestlon, Flatulenee, Sick Headache, "all run down, lost Ins; f lean, you will rind the remedy yon need. ' They- tone up tbe weak stomach and build up tbe flarelna; energies, t Sufferers from menial or physical overwook will find relief from them. Aicely sugar coated SOLD EVERYWHERE. CURES ALI. ; HCSIOKS, from a common Blotch, or Eruption, to tho worst Scrofula. Salt-rheum, " Fever - sores," scaly or Itouich Skin, in Ebort, all 3i3cns.s ciiisscd by bad biood are conquered by this lKwcrful, puri fyinar, and invijroruti;j;r' mrdic-ino. ircaS Eating Ulcers rapidly heal junior its be nign iniluence. EspoeiulH- lias it manifested its poteney in curinsr 'l'ctter, i!oc RaHh, Bollsk Carbuncles, Sore I jc, Scrof ulous Sores nnl swell! 11 gs, XIip joint Disease, White stvclliugs. Goitre, or Thick Neck, end Kulargea Glands. Send ten cents in stamps for a larjre treatise, with colored plutis. on Skin Diseases, or the same aiaount for a treatise on Scrofulous Affections. "THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." Thoroughly cleanse it by using Dr. Pierce's Golden mtedlcal Discovery, and good digestion, a fair skin, buoyant spir its, and vital strength, will be established. -CONSIMPTION, which Is Scrofula of the Lungs, ia ar rested and cured by this remedy, if taken be fore the last stages of tho disease are reached. From Its marvelous power over this terribly fatal disease, when first offering- this now celebrated remedy ito the public. Dr. Piercb thought seriously of calling it his "Con sumption Cure," but abandoned that name as too limited for a medicine which, from its wonderful combination of tonic, or strengthening, alterative, or blood-cleansing. anu-ouioua, pectoral, ana nutritive proper ties, is unequal ed. Mot onlv as a remedy for for all Chronic bis- consumption. Due eases 01 mo Liver, Blood, and Lungs. If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, have sallow color of skin, or yellowish-brown spota on face or body, frequent headache or dizzi ness, bad taste in mouth, internal heat or chills, alternating with hot flushes, low spirits and gloomy forebodings, irregular appetite, and coated tongue, you are suffering from Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and Terpitt Liver, or "Biliousness." In niouy cases only part of (these symptoms are expe rienced. As a remedy for all such cases. Dr. Pierce's Golden lUedif 1 Dis covery is unsurpassed. For Weak I.nncs, Spitting of Blood, Shortness of Breath, lirou chitis, Asthma, Severe Conghs, nnd kindred affections, it is an efficient remedy. Sold bt Dacooira, :st $1.0O, or SIX BOTTt.ES for $5.00. Send ten cents in Mailing for 7r. Tierce's book on Consumption. Address, World's Dispensary medical Ao .. elation, 6S3 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. $500 REWARD lf r ia offered by the proprietors r - Jfk 01 ur. isage s atarrn nemeay tm L i for a case of catarrh which they cannot cure. If you have a discharge from the nose, offensive olr otherwise, partial loss of smell, taste, or hearing, weak eyes, dull pain or pressure in head, you have Cntan h. Thou sands of cases terminate in consumption. . Dr. Sage's Catarr.ii Remedy cures the worst caaesof Catarrh, "Cold in tho Head," and Catarrhal; Headache. SO cents. feb 4 PAWly - ch fr nrm LADIES! no Vour Own'Dyelng;, at Home, with PEERLESS DYES. They will dye eTeirthlna. They are sold everv- where. Prio 1 Oc. a package 40 colors. They hara 00 eqaa! for Strength, Brightness. Amount In Packages or for Fastness of Color, or non-fading Qualities They do not oroek or smut. Por sale by a HABDIN, Druggirt, and If. C. MIL- utt. uragiar, corner tn ana Hun street, wil m!n-ton K. C. j mhS7DWlT faiiDer & Deianey Engine Company Richmond, Virginia. Crutoess establlHhed 1865. The most complete M4.CHINB SHOP In the SfTJTH. KNOIK8, B011.BR8, SAW-MIL Ui AND M ACHIN BRY .t LlHT AND TSAKWAY LOOOMOTIVB8 POI.S ROAD LOCOMOT1 V K8 SPECIALTY. rCrre8pondence solicited . Bend for Cata ostw 1 1 1 , an 6 DAWly OTHER'S FRIEND! HAKES CHILD-BIRTH EASY ! Tbe time bas come when the terrl-. Die agony of this critical period in wo- . . man's life can be avoided. A d 1st In- ' galsheil phys'clan, who spent 44 years in this branoh of practloe.lef t to child bearing woman this legacy, Tn Mo tesb's Fkisnd, and to-day there are thousands of women who, having used this remedy before confinement, rise np and call bis name blessed. We can prove all we claim by living wit nesses, and any one interested can call, orTiave their husbands do so,and see tne original letters, wmcn we can not pnousn All druggists sell it. For particulars address BHA.DFIKLD BBGTJLATOB CO.. T ! Atlanta, Oa. se 14 DW1t M tn th ca ch m Cotton Bagging. 1 0 Q Q Half is B AGGINQ. 300 Box'i-TOBACCO' 200Bw,8noT' gQQ Barrels GOOD FLOOR. (For sale low by . HALL & PEARS ALL, Agents for Dupont's Gun Powder, sep 13 DWtf i ' ana tVhtskey nab ItM cored at bomn with. out pain. Book of par ticular sent FREE. B. M. WDOIUT. M n Atlanta. Ga. Olfice tibk VVIUtahali SUoet. iel2 DftWl tn th sat WAHTKD. Agents in every town and vll lags to seU our New Christmas Books Si. HAlllfK. tnrtm KA nm . ma u 41 t.i a family writes that she averaged $7.08 a day last Ita,.'roa P??116.' untu Christmas. One new . - Tr. w .,. tw-ss vuo Bum oo iuo Sei.l!niiSug,ofonlZ800 Try it in your sohool dlstrlot If no more. Yon can make from to saw. J D. E LUTHEB. ep 18 2t so th and Waw W ANTKD. A I DANCING TBACHBB TO ffvtoKr e'to mgeeixol- Address at once. 8. 8. ROY8TEH, Mooresboro, N. o. s Ms r mm BI BUB THE PRESIDENT. Arrival at Kansas City-Grand parade . and Serenade of Locomotives He " ' Lays the Corner Stone of a Y. Rf. c. A, Balldlne Witnesssa the Won derftil Procress of tbe City and makes a Speech in Response to the mayor's . Welcome. ' , i By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Kansas. III., Oct. 18 Tbe demonstra Hon in Kansas Gity in honor of the Presi dent of tbe United States, la a tumultuous and noisj proceeding, but is attended with no more disorder than seems to be inevi' table wherever tbe President appears The Exposition has called in a Rreat number of strangers; but the advent of the President has hardly left standing room in the town "You must excuse appearances." said a lady to Mrs. Cleveland, "we have only Just movea in ana nave not got settled yet. ine expression was belter understood as the visitors were escorted through the streets in carriages tbis morning, with the many beautiful and even palatial residences, and with the signs of the enormous com- merce wmcn centres nere, observable on. every hand.' There were every where evi dencts of immaturity. Tbe streets in many places were torn up, and building opeia tions seemed almost every where in pro gress. The President's conductors pointed out these features with pride. "Wedo not boatt of the residences we have built," they said, "so much as of the business we have started, which is going to build our residences hereafter." Tbe ride was well managed, and was thoroughly an enjoyable affair. Only car riages enough to carry the visitors and escort the committee of eleven gentlemaa were proviaea . i ney were preceded ana followed by a email but sufficient troop of to valry. j Tbe marshal of the procession. Milton Moore, accompanied bv about twenty deputies, heaaed.lbe line The party set out from the hotel at 9.80 o'clock amid tbe cheers of the multitude, and made its way rapidly through the western portion of the town without stop p'ntr. until it reached the highest eminence in the city, From this point . the bluff fell away precipitously to the lower town, three hundred feet below. Immediately beneath stretched five or six square miles of railroad yards, and as the President's can iage made its appearance on the brow of tbe hill every locomotive of, all the fifteen railroads centering here ocened its throat and f creamed. Tbe concert was led by the rusty looking u onsters. whose tones. by some manipulation of the performing artists, were exactly like the howling of a family of coyottes, : only multiplied to ear- splitting dimensions. The President's at tention was called to the great area lying beyond the railroads covered by the mam moth packing houses and establishments for the sale of agricultural implements. A pause was made at Ihe .Exposition buildiogj but the President did not alight. From this point the party proceeded to the site of the projected new Young Men's Christian Association building, on " the northwest corner of Northwest and Locust streets, of which tbe President laid the cor-. ner s one. This Ceremony was preceded bv the s ngiog of hymns and brief addresses and prayer by Bishop Hendrix The President's remarks on the occasion were as follows: "la the busy activities of our daily life we are not to neglect the instrumentalities which are quietly, but effectually doing most important service in moulding our na tional character. Among these, and chal lenging but little notice compared with their valuable results, are the Young Men's Christian Association scattered throughout our couoiry. All will admit the supreme importance of that honesty and fixed prin ciple which rests upon Christian motives and purpose: and all will acknowledge the sad and increasing temptations which be set our young men and lure them to their destruction To save these young men. of ten times deprived of the restraints of home, from degradation and ruin, and to fit them I for usefulness and honor, these Associations have entered the field of Christian effort, and are pushing their do ble wotka. i When it is considered that tbe subjects of their efforts are t be c:ive man for good or evil in tbe next generatipa, mere worldly prudence dictates ibni tbe$e Associations should be aided and encouraged. Their increase and flourish ing condition rt fleet tbe highest honor up on the good men who have devotod them selves 1 this work, and demonstrate that the American people are not entirely lack tog to appreciation of its value. Twenty Seats ai!. but one of these Associations owned a buiidiog. and that was valued at only $11,000 To-day more than one 'bmdred such building, valued at more tliiu five millions, utnutify th different ciiica of our land, and beckon on youog mca to lives of usefulness. I a in espeeiiHy pleaded to be able to participate today tn layiog tbe corner s ooe of another of tbese I'ditices in ibis active and growing city; and I iriiBt that the encouragement giveu (tie Youn? Men's Christian Association located here khay be commensurate with its assured usefulness, and in keeping with tbe generosity and intelligence which cbaracteriz-3 the people of Kansas City." w one tae ceremonies were in progress a corps of pickpockets, which has followed the Pras-identia! party throughout its tour. indus-riously plied their art. One of these gentry ,j a florid, well built, though rather neavy man, was discovered by his victim in tbe set, just too late, however, to pre vent the robbery. Loud cries of "catch that mu, interrupted the impressive pro cetdings for a second. A man was sen to dash from the crowd, fall off a stone wall, knock over CDe or two women, 'and rush for freedom, with three or fourpolicemen after him. When tbe brief proceedings were ended the President and hia party went to their hotel where an hour was given to lunch. ; At about half-past 1 o'clock E. EL Al len. president of the Board of Trade and chairman of tbe Reception Committee, ex Congressman Van Horn, Congressman War ner, W. H. Miller, secretary pf the Board oi iraae, ana a committee or aoout a dozen ladies and gentlemen, called upon tne f resident and conducted him and Mrs uieverana to ineir carriage, iney were then escorted through the more thickly Duut business streets of the city, and brought out at tbe rear of tbe government building, where they arrived about 3 o clock. Alighting, they were escorted through the postofflce and out upon the front portico oi the building, where a stand and awmng had been erected. Fully 60, 000 people were congregated about this point, j roofs, windows, telegraph poles. ana radiating streets as far as they were visible being packed with humanity. When the band had finished the straios of "Hail to the Chief," Mr. Allen ad vanced to the rail and introduced to the President Mayor Henry C. Kump, who made the formal speech of welcome to the President j It was a model of brevity as iouows: "Mr. President: On behalf of the citi zens of this city it is my pleasant duty to oia you a nearty welcome to the metropo lis of the Missouri Valley We Are happy to receive and entertain ocr President. Although elected by one political party: yet when I elected : he is the President! of tbe whole; people. This vast assemblage of people have come here not only to show their respect for tbe president of al nation of over fifty millions of people, but for the man also. We will do all we can to ren der your visit pleasant, and hope that we will succeed in our laudable efforts I again bid yon a hearty welcome to tbe city of Kansas." ! The President spoke as follows in reply: "I had not long settled upon a visit to St. Louis, when I found that it would not do at all to go there without also seeing this wonderful city jon Missouri's western border. One of your enterprising citizens, anxious that I should not reach here in ig norance of your achievements, has sent me a newspaper exhibiting the progress of the city during tbe first six months of the pre sent year. Three months have passed since this record was made up, and he wrote me that be thought if I added fifty per cent, to the figures which it contained, it would strike the proper estimate of your condi tion to-day. While this shows the deepest faith and confidence in what you can do, I am inclined to think from something I have recently seen published, that the rule thus laid down is none too liberal, i The truth of the statement made in tbis news paper report is clinched by the compiler when he says at the beginning, "tbe fact is that it is almost impossible to lie about Kansas City." And when the splendid del egation of your business men called on me, and in the kindest and most cordial way invited me to be your guest, one of them was introduced as a dealer in real estate, who, it was declared, If I came here would sell me a city lot before I left. And this reminds me of a friend who made a trip to the Pacific Coast; as he came back he found his way to Kansas City.and while there bought a lot. He went Immediately ' home, and when he arrived there he found that his lolf had been sold for enough in ad vance of its cost to pay he expenses of h( f-ntim trio across tbe continent Of ,iir? tht-ie i- no limit to what a comma nit can do. Iivinir io each a place as this, and actuated by such a spirit as these inci dents manifest, t hus we una tnovaiueoi real estate, transferred for -the first, six mouth-of the year : 1888 to be something over $27,000,000; while for the first six mouths of the present year the amount is mi. re than CS3.500.000. All transfers of real estate are not indicative of the " actual sui-siantial city prosperity. rho mere Dassiuir of Und from owner to owner at entiant-t-d uricea ma lie s mnlotns of Bpecu lauo i. winch reailv creates im new Value and adds nothing to theuiupicipal wealth or progrest But .when buildings are put bv the Durcbasers of this Uutl and tenants Laro found to occupy tbem (or trade or for residences it is a pretty sure sign mat tne business of tbe city is increasing as welt as tta nnmiltiiin "Karibas City stands the test of this rule, for during tbe at mouths ending June ou. 1887. tbe increase in tha number of .build ing permits issued and tbe value of tbe building they covered kept pace with the value oi the land transferred. I must u ft be expected to go further into tbe details of things which show your progress. It is sufficient to state that it is apparent ia the activity of every branch of your diverse business, as well as in tbe vast public im provements completed and under way, and which are made necessary by your phe nomenal growth. In the statements I have seen of your city, mention is made of Eastern investments here and of their im portance to you. The richness of the country about ydu and its enhanced pro ductiveness is also stated as au important factor of your greatness; and jour railroad facilities, piaeiug you in communication with j our fellow countrymen in every di rection i.u must admit, are intli penssble to 3 our lifcVrlopmt iii I nia reminded by these suggestions how d-peudenl, after all,-communities, no less than individuals, are upon not only the gifts of Providence, but upon each other. I never could appreciate any just cause for jealousy on tne part of tbe West .toward the East. If capital has accumulated in the h-ttit, the newer region of the West per hips needs it for its building up. If you product! to sell, it surely is no ciuse of offense if you find a mi kit for tbem in the East These cocduions should make friends uoi leaious sna SUSPICIOUS ena- iniea both sections are workiog, though perhaps in different Hues, to make our common country great and wealthy. Re memoer. loo. tbal you are fast becoming east to tni-.i va&t country beyond you, upon wuicu so mucn or your iaiure prosperity must aepeno. When I leave you I shall go on mv wav of travel to visit our fellow citizens in tbe South. I shall bear to the older cities the impres-iun made by my observation of the new, Iri sh, and astounding growth of those of tne West I shall see there a section of country whose prosperity is necessary to your prosperity. I shall not fiud the people h ( elt-as of our nation s growth and wel- f-tv. but i shall find lb ere. as well as here, a determined cheerful American pride of couutry Kimuianng to activity and enter prise, ami leading not less there than here to lh:i ua i jnal greatness and elorv. The West and South and every rection are hand in niud in this sublime, mission, and no discord of partisan hate and rancor should be HlIoed to interrupt the cideuce of their steady trpad. A he conclusion of the President's re- marks, tbe people were given an oppor tuntt, t. erect him and bis wife. Thev phs-td rapidly through the gangway four abts-aM. un-t ttifre ws little or no hand shakiug Even at this rats ihe re ception i:-iJtiuued till 5 o'clock, and there wcr; t-till nu robot in line who were left Ulrt-llp iDleil Tbe party returned to the Coals House. at tbe c-nclu-ion of the public reception. i or runner. Sphinofikld, Mo , Oot. 14. The Presi dent e tpecial train, preceded bv a Dilot train pasrea nere ten minutes past 5 o clock this morning. The passeneera wtra all astrep Acrodof two or tores hundred pei so s were ut the station to see tbe train Etiifiiifs and conductors were cbaueed here. but !:- ! 'MiKfcr was in nil k lirat ontsiil-. .if town Hud tbe ira n passed tbe station withal out h oppmg ihe train men report that pepl- ere up ttud waiting fori he train at all or ihe ,( Canons dune? the nivht i KMPHis, Uot 14 Tnt.- i iutue of tbtl Pifsidenl fr m Kmi a City has htn del m I ' "f any slriaint! L-cioVnt. aud MlTunlpr i moon iifMied ns.. I ne members of ; tb r i.n uve piesei ved good healib, aud Uiii i.w i!ns morning in excellent spirits. Inn rv -r pbie of their foren-Mitt'a ride i a.-c i- e tmch of golden rod pinntd in h ;;. c--pin iiu;c.l pper tu-r-.ribed i ih iT.Mdi ui nnd hi- IVifc " It was lutir I i-1 .he President by t-.w-headvd m s-"t :i';neco Hi a walcr tank popping y i .-it a.i ntn a OlZ:u points ibia morning thure S-ivo teeq gttherings of from one lo three hundred people, wbosa tumultuous gfeiiinea have liotn most courteously B'jauow enueu ry me president and Mrs CievbUtid At ojc point.- a company of lawrs io(irn up in line with arms at pruteot, and nt another, where the iDuiMvt was cooled, the natives had an pp t-toiiy t" sbako the President's burnt, i to line from Hoxie to West Mem- phi in) iu & tpical Arkansas legion I uere were hnlf djzen litlld froqtier vii iage-. out for ihe most part groves of umk i ii lmihi, gisms oi living oaaa, gums and oipr;p8 bounded the view. Inter spersed were openings for corn and cotton neids, iiitibe latter of which picking opera tions were toing on, and there were casual saw mills and lumber yards. The preva- iem uweiungs were oi logs ana boards, in front of. which blonde youngsters, were drawn up in line for review and around which, in default of flags and banners. the family wash. Hogs of shadowy proportions, armed with incredible snouts, glided between the trees. ana wiia turgeya were sometimes scared up. Seventy-five miles of this region is suDjtcted to overflow by the Mississippi. The first sign of approach to Memphis was the appearance on the train (no one knew how they got there), of handsome lithographs ot tbe President and Mrs. Cleveland, the allegorical bordering of which contained figures in the costumes of tne ancient Egyptian Memphis, with ren- resentations of the industries of her modern namesake. . later bouquets of flowers sur rounded by snowy cotton bolls made their appearance on Mrs. Cleveland's table. Memphis, Oct 15. The managers of the r leciueuiiai reception are quite chagrined over the little mishap of yesterday, and were in consultation long after midnight w im icKsru io tne proceedings OI to-day. This morning the committees were prompt ly on hand, but the late hours of last night caused a delay in starting the procession of carriages, and again upset the committee's arrangements, to narm was done beyond the curtailment of the opportunity offered mo xrresiueui to see me town. Memphis is not yet a beautiful city. It Dears too many ot the scars of war and pestilence, but it is a very busy one. The oia time anti-war architecture, showing small and rusty fronts, prevails largely. but in its main business thoroughfares structures oi substantial appearance are showing themselves, while the wbarves and warehouses show the seething, push ing energy of its business men, and give promise oi a prosperous iuture. The procession, headed bv a band and millitary, moved from the hotel at quarter town was full of interest. The decorations were probably more elaborate and more general than those of any place yet visited oy tne rresiaent, with tbe possible excep Uon uf Madison. Whatever gay colors could do to make the occasion a success haa been done. Twice along the line of march beautiful bouquets of flowers, in unique designs, were lowered into the President s carnage. Twice as many peo ple as ever were seen in the town were upop the streets, but good order was pre served by the mounted marshals. j The large, handsomely dressed stand in Court Square was reached by the President at about half naat 10 o'clock, and the formalities of the reception were begun. A formal speech of welcome was delivered by Judge H. T. Ellett. of the Chancery Court, a courtly gentleman of high local repute, who spoke both for Memphis and for the South. Judge Ellett extended, as reoresentativA of the whole people of Memphis, a hearty welcome, and. presented not symbolicallv only, but in tbe most substantial and practical form, the freedom of the city. "You have recently participated," be said, "in the celebration of the OnA nnnilMillli anniversary of the formation' of the donate tution of the ynited states, and you have beheld multitudes of our fellow country men flocking from every direction to the spot where that instrument was fashioned and renewing ihelr vows of fealty at the shrine of the grandest monument of human wisdom. Let me say, sir, that the South -era heast was in full sympathy with tbat interesting occasion: and that no Where all through ibis broad land, will you find more loyalty to the Constitution of tbe United States and to the government created by it, tban among tbe people of jibe Southern 8tates, Differences of opinion as to iu true theory and its proper con struction in some points existed from its very creation, and controversy has often been angry and bitter. One great and lm pottaot Interest in! the progress of things became KCtlonalized, and out of it the re quiiement of constitutional interpretation,' which was regarded by the Southern peo ple as Si vital to their rights and interests. i that they committed their solution to the arbitration of arms; but, Mr. President, they have bowed to the stern logic of events, until they have, in a fnnk and manly way, accepted the result of the struggle, a final settlement of .all ques i tions in dispute, and they have since labor ed with rare courage, fortitude and cheer fulness to accommodate themselves ' to their new condltions.fto teconstruct their broken fortunes, and to contribute as far as possible to the general prosperity and happiness of the whole country. As one practical result accomplished by the con flict, the theory of the right of a State to withdraw from the Federal compact was overthrown, and tbeindestiuctibillty of the American union was established on the firmest foundations. The chief element of discord has been removed forever, and though questions will- continue to arise about which men may differ, and differ earnestly, it is settled beyond appeal that for all abuses and grievances that may arise from the action of the general government, the remedy must hereafter be sought within the pale of the Union and under the forms of the established law. There is a distin guishing feature of this occasion which in vests it with peculiar interest. Heretofore Presidential progresses have usually been of a political character and have been with out the grace and charm afforded by female presence and influence. In these respects the present event is exceptional. We ali rejoice tbat you are accompanied by Mrs. Cleveland, and we are glad of the oppor tunity to lay at her feet our tribute, of homage and admiration. To her fellow countrywomen , her presence is especially gratifying. They are proud to have such a representative of their sex as the presiding spirit of the Executive Mansion, and at tbe head of the society at the Na tional capital, and to know that in the dis charge of all her duties, she is constantly winning golden opinions from all sorts of people. On behalf of the ladies of Mem phis. I beg you to present to her their cor dial and respectful salutations." The President replied as follows "The city of Memphis represents neither a new settlement,; nor a recent municipal creation. She has a long history, full of vicissitude and discouraging incident. Now the largest city in Tennessee, in its first growth was illustrated the universal push and activity of its people. I have come from sight-seeing in the wonderful West to be still surprised in the South. From mar vellous growth I have come to see not only marvellous growth but astonishing recu perations. Tbe active trade upon vour streets and in your exchanges tells only the tale of one of the largest cotton markets in the world, and of one of the .most prosper ous and flourishing cities of the South. Scarcely a trace is seen of the trials and discouragement through which it passed in gaming its present position, ana yet When it had, in 1862, by steady growth reached a population of thirty thousand, it was occu pied by a military force, and for four veers thereafter was held as a fortified camo. During Ibis time the People were scattered and its growth checked. When at the close of the war its citizens returned to their homes, they courageously set about repairing tbe damage of war and military occupation. Although within ten vears thereafter twice has this citv been afflict ed with yellow fever, yet through these visitations her people struggled on, determined to overcome them In 1 1878 when once more apparently on the hitrh road to permanent prosperity, this devoted city was again visited by iu dreadful scourge in a more malignant form than ever before. No one can wonder that in tne dreaded presence of this dire calamity no suutucg citizens uea ror their lives ui anovulation which, through all dis cursKtmer ts, hd reached forty thousand aoout twenty thousand remained, and of mese iun nve uousana aied of the terr - ble epidemic in two and a-half month In mis tomnre picture let us contemplate for in pioent bright spot,, lightened up by tbe sp ri s of brotherly love and illumiiia ted ov th kind'v Rvmnathw of i'nnnti ui'i'ui. x r rn an nana or the rAimi.v - i n ne-.r nod distant, from the North and from' in . aoum, came prompt and cheerful help suppling needs and alleviating distress! wui wuuiu peopie were touched by your Buucuug, iuu me nooiest ireits of our ua- uuamjwr were auicKenen nv vonr4 vaiauiuy. pr nen mo pestilence, exhausted oy us viruience. aoanaoned the city, 'its people returned to find their flourishinir uubiucbs tone ana tne value or tneir nrnn erty destroyed. ! With und i dence in the future of their city, they sub. uiineu io enormous taxation for the . im provement of its tar v oonriitinn laoorea io regtm their fortunes. They soon secured i a system 'nr um tbat not only cromised them r.mtw.t?r. against the pestilence, hnt whir-h known throughout all the cities of tha country for its completeness. Other ex4 tensive improvements were also marln - nri soon the citizens of Memphis atrain saw their city with, wonderful atriden nn m. Mn!,.!..! . luumwin; K"tne8s ana prosperityj ner population, as estimated now. reached to more than seventy thnnwinri i auo mercnanis oi Memphis will have in uetr nanus aunng the current year more man 7uu.uuu bales of cotton tnnri .t ftJU.uuo.uoo. The annual nrodnot of hi xion aeea mills is tne largest in the world; and her banking capital and business are iu neepiuK Wlin ner lmmnnan inrlnatvloai while the value of real estate in the city has ucai i jr uiuuiw treated Mnra l X7H Thn, have you conquered at last, and overcome the ravages ot war and pestilence, and yoii may welt forget all former afflictions in the gruwtuana prosperity of the present, rei memoenng only that In your direst e. tremity proof was given of the brotherhood ui American people, rne patriotic senti ments expressed on your behalf by your honored fellow-citizens, in his address of welcome. I am sure I mav a will tw, w u m J your countrymen of i.wiwi. iney want, i nelieve, rest from sectional bitternenn. .nri tti w that ihe destiny of our country ia only to achieved by a true union in sentiment uU iwuug, as wen as in name. The busi nes inieresis or our people are too alert ouu .uMsi.jgeni io oe sacrificed or! injured by selfish appeals to passion, which should be allayed. They onlv inaiat th.h n suite of too arbitrament of arms, to which reference has here been made, shall be fully retainer) onH a.rn.A.j .TAT. "Uiu'u' ucre uoais past your city nn Kutm.'. 'LTe.r- S72?.,ftf rard as 1. . . ' "t'".ui lacior in your present ana ruture welfare, and whfoh t Kei n;n...All . - V1B0;10 , rerognizea as a proper object o '-" piuiwuQii ua improve. uicuk. au memDnia nnn tn . .v olty on ite banks, the improvement of this hT;.Z b u ?i wmmerce is so essential that they Should be lntAmBtarl l i ,:. this and other proper works of the same u.v..HUuu uunBiuerea upon their merits and freer! tmn. . 'i - vl , Bumeumes ques tionable in their character and often ex, travagant in their demands. H j Of Memr,kl ..i iJ'-T. Wiuzens i ueaire to ramrntA tho n j: :.!. V-T'"'" ueignnornooa my tnanRS for their nniwliol ,.. 77' ,.- v . K'ccuuga, wun the wish that hereafter nothing but Droanerifv will foUow their acUvity aid I StW7 A most unfortunate '"Ptedtheformalities of the occasioi lust as the President closed his remSSf T&mS the day was not uneomfortoM7i.t spot was an exposed one and Judge Ellen who stood for the time with his hat off as the President was speaking, sat down and was soon overcome, hv hooT n. "L" nu of the Presidential party, took toctST of affairs and remained with ?r genUeman, while tho Prwidint wm escdru chan-8 00110,1 MertTg: LATKR. Judfffi TCUott rtij after the PresideSi teft theewMff SIS? When Judge Ellett first sanT?n': i confu- "v mwo. xji. orvant. Postmaster General vni.T F. Tonev ar,,l,r iiuoney, caugnt film aa h .11..' act of falline to , in? gentlemen of the EntelmrconSe: whowere seated in close nmrimiit .. m efforts that were being manT Sl him to consciousness. Three or four of the ladies spread their fans and did all in their power to revive him. Water was thrown in his face,- and stimulants administered Dr. Kennedy Jones came to the assistance of ,lr. Bryant, and the two worked with the prostrato and unconscious form, but without avail. . President Cleveland, who had just finished his address, stood looking at the efforts that were being made to re vive the venerable jurist, with a sad and sympathetic countenance, while Mrs Cleve land seemed deeply affected. Tbe Presi dential party bad left the platform before Pr. Bryant sadly arose from ove the body, ana, Turning to an acquaintance, be re marked. "Let's join the President's party In answer to the inquiry, "What is the matter with Judge Elliett?" Dr. Bryant re sponded : "He fainted, and has not yet re covered consciousness." This was said tn dispel tbe shadow of gloom that might omerwise ' nave . oeen cast upon tbe festivities had the true condition of the stricken man- been made known. The immense multitude who witnessed the in cident did not realize that death had come amongst them. They made a rush for the Exposition building, where a reception was being held, leaving to the few friends of the Judge the sad duty of carrying his re frains across 1 the street, from- where they were soon afterwards taken to his home on Pbelby street. , ' The Presidential reception to the public in the ' hall of the Cotton Exchange was About an hour in length. The President and Mrs, Cleveland were assisted by the iPostmastcr General and Mrs. Vilas. From the Exchange the party was escorted to their train at the foot of Court street, and ;at 1 o'clock left for Nashville. iJAHTLETT, TENS., Oct. 15. The Presi dential train is on time at Bartlett. The President is greatly shocked by the intelli gence of the death ot .Judge Ellett, whom he met for the first time yesterday. He oxpresses tbe warmest sympathy with the bereaved family. Dr. Bryant says he fouad no signs of life when he reached the unfortunate man's side, but said nothing until he was relieved a few minutes later by two local physicians To these he said the Judge was dead. hoieraMorlous olie iarroe ummer Complaints ,YSentery Att Cured 6r a. tgaspoonful af PerrsJ)aviWmJ(ier in a little Afilcor Sugar and Water: An. Druggists SellIt. se 23 DJtWlm we fr ra Filling a Long 'Felt Want A Stylish Garment, A; Perfect Fit, A Durable Material, And a Reasonable Price i i Are the features to be sought for by every one who wears clothes. If you wish to combine all these good points in one purchase, either In a Business Salt or a Dress Suit, do not fall to see' Our New Fall Stock ALLTHB LATEST NOVBITIES! J j Hlsanjoknowledged faot thatonr jj IS FAB 8TJPSRIOS j1 i i- to any other Beady-Made or Custom-Made ... - r Clothing offered In this city. . ' i Any article pnrohaaed from this Batabllshment satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. S. H. FISHBLATE j KINO CLOTHIKB. oo 16 DW tt CARLTON HOUSE warsav Dnplin County, i, c. QH UNS OF WILMIHGTOU AKDJWBLDON bad,B6ittnesfrom wThmngton. I l Table always well suppMed with tha best tha ponntry affords Rates of Board very reasons ' Proprietor. me. . dee 81 DJtwtr FARMS AKD LAKDS FOR SALE. The Connor BoWnl Bladi., utoT82lZ?St' 22HL opportune Ways North rnalSlthe Wl'TM: SSmt fS5 Z.AoomrttS and wit oWiC spru, Boutn, Bast roateL a 5?J2ik transport North by Mveral SOomeandaeeorwrttatft Ml ramps - ' . . . O. H. BLOCKHK. i T : a T17ANTKD- Christmas Trade tn tiiT ,on' work at their own horLes ? 'it. wLM betiutetly made. Wo7k ,en,$,ti !? dSS5 tance ramenlaTs free. Mo Jau dX? Boston, Mass AKT cO-. 147 km. Rich as GOLD LBAF.N. y - wiiiuiwti merits more : can bestow, and It deserves a Tefcor18.6 American home . " oicome in ' BTJBY'S OILUING gives the hrtm . " "FOR LADIES DTTRVa mrnrwn . . . . ' " VIX.SVJXXUr la ia I Tl B Ft 1 a nlces. Baskets, Fans, Decorative Co? .gnby'sGllcllDg wssused in decor did homes of W. H. Vandkbbilt. j lhSapln Oramui. Gbasj, and many other 2ei,?"-w. dlstlngnlshed New Yorkers, a Clm W Brnshln each Box. Price 50 eentf&J (Also in large bottles for Man't's aim m,, iTmDa?S6t" Wi'-tt'h At- $100 A MONTH For ail iiwstartjr Only $a DredKlnc Company, on which the ntr!" think they wlU be able to pay 10 nil uontb, to oommenoe before January fal would make a very handsome tavestm nta wul"panout"asfoUows: "v3tment ana 100 Shares costing ?30. Income $100a 25 " " 80. !? : 15 " " 48. ' rf 16. S The JStbck Is Registered at Amvrlcan i . The Company own two claims on the r sonhlyer. 40 acres, containing Qoick.ii and Bnlllon fmm Bonanza Mill ,wr petent experts claim that over 840,000 on!.' can be reclaimed. . vw,vfou,uoo . Bend orders with N. Y. Drafts, P. o. Order or Beglstered letter to ytr. s cuamberlix, Ao-itnt 116 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITT sep S7 DAWlm MAR LIN REPEATirv; RIFU Onsrsn- teed perfect Iv IN THE accurate and absolutely WORLD! wo. jKL&ae maiistses Isree or null nnu. BALLARD 6H'?l M""""- "t Tsreet Rifles Send for lllu.trsted Cstilosuc. Morlln Fire .Arms Co., He' lluvc eep 87 DAWlm Wanted. Or6011,.183' A TRACT OF GOOD North Carolina, nnnnfrv ok, eVX, V""" well stocked with QnalC Woodcock ilt JtSotUli.oa ?f, hard Pan Price mar k effected through CLARENCE GORDON j Sontnern Beal Estate InvestmeDts, Offers'oflntermedla5 partlculors, will not be noticed, sep as D wi v minion worn aunngtne pastf. B . I This marvelous success is due 1st. To the superiority of Coralinc over ail other materials, as a stiffener for Corsets. 2d. To the superior quality, shape and wort. , manship of our Corsets, combined witli their low prices. Avoid cheap imitations made of various ot cord. None are genuine unless "DR. WARNER'S CORAUKE" is printed on inside of steel covet. Oct 8 D&W2rn tu th sat Mexican Mustang . Liniment CTJHES Sciatica. f Scratches. I Contracted Lunbago, Sprains, VLnxla, Bhenmatifrm, Strains, ErnptiMU. Burns, Stitches, Hoof Ail, Scalds, Stiff Joints, Screw Stiiiga, Backache, Wornn Bites, : Galls, , Swinney. Bruises, . Sores, Saddle Gslk Bunions, Spavin Files. Corns, Cracks. THIS GOOD OLD STAND-BY accomplishes for everybody exactly what iseWaj torifc One of the reasons Tor tho great popularity the Mustang Unlment is found in Its nnlvei' applicability. Everybody noeda such a aed4 The Lumberman needs it in case of acdOCBt The Honsewife needs It for general fafflBr0 The Canaler needs It for his teamsand his The Mechanic seeds It always oa his W bench. The Miner needs It In caso of emergency- The Pioneer needs It-can't get along withon"' The Farmer needs It In his house, his st"" and his stock yard. The Steamboat man or the Boatman se" It In liberal supply afloat and ashore. The Horse-fancier needs It It is his 601 friend and safest reliance. m The Stock-srower needs it-it will sTe thousands of dollars and a world of trouble. The Railroad man needs it and will needj-" long as his life is a round of accidents and dans' Tke Backwoodsman needs it. Tnereb lag like It as an antidote for the dangers Umb and comfort which surround the plone Tho Merchant needs It about his store his employees. Accidents wlU happen, sna these come the Hostang Liniment Is wanted atw Keep a Bottle in the House. 'Tis the " economy.- Keep a Bottle in the Factory. Iul0"ft use In ease of accident saves pain aud loss of1 Keep a Bottle Always in the Stable se wbea wanted. . feb U Wly HUGHES' TONIC 8TJRE AND SAFE REMEDY F0K CHILLS and FEV-3K INVALUABLE IN THE SOCTfl. It Will Cure the Most Ofisimate FOB SALE BY DBTJGGISTS. Prepared by ROBINSON & CO., 4p um&riuA&, It. A. ap 29 W6m NEW ADV ' IM I Si si i I W Ww ICSVUIQ SJ. Utf. SVEt A SON. out sBthon1 1

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