flHeekiy Star. PUBLISHED AT i ! rt 1 ! I S O T O N . Xi . J j A.T YEAR, IN ADVANCE. gggggSS288888 S8S8SS888S888888S ijiaipjt 9 g8S888SS8SS888S8 8888SS88888888SSS 828888S8828S D 0 KS t- o 5 88888888888888888 Entered Jtthe Post Office atpVUmington, N. i 1 as Seoond Class Matter. C, S UtlSCBIPTJOJS JTMi v. r ibscriptioa price of the Weeei.t the s Siusrlo dopy 1 year, postage paid, $1.00 .60 . .30 3 month. " ' WH A T RAIIiKOAWS HAVE DONE. I Dil ; 'ou ever take time to quietly reflect ipon the influence of the rail roads ( f. the country as dissemina tors ocjnews and information. J They are in (act a system of, education, as a West em writer has attempted to show: in a late pamphlet entitled 'The Railroads as a Means or md cation!" They have done wonders in shortening distance, annihilating time and transmitting intelligence. They not only artora tne means pi swift travel in tne most comf jrtah e stle, but with positive luxury and corn para .ively with the utmost safe ty. Mountains have been tunnelled that the iron couriers of news and knowlld e shall not be obstructed in Ibeir journey. Transportation, costs but a smjall fraction of what it did y and one hundred years ago. jNOjOne Knows qui mm wno una lived through it of the vast changes that L jave been wrought within a half century by' the railroad systems of tbe world. Forty years ago: an or- dinary flnow-storm of three or four inches i Sixty ;j ompellejd trains to tjie up. revered years n aao tne r I 1 of tbid writer, in going father to V he county, New York, con r surm-d hearly or quite, on eighteen the1 trip or twenty .... days l had to Carolina In the first place, he travel Jadroea half of North to reach Norfolk, Va. TheVe he took a packet (a sailing vessel) for NeV k'drk. He then todk another packet apd wentjupthe Hudson river to the eastern terminus of tne Erie Canal Thence by Canal be went . i - i throul ;bj the State from the Hudson river to almost tne Liakes. It Jiving; to-daj be could make the trip in less than forty boars probably id thirty- J i eix or lesa, i The risks of (ravel have been les- i sened V fery greatly More people are killed by horses than by rail The be Ch cago Inter-Ocean says: j r . "Between May 10 and Nov. 10. 1875 a certain lice or railway canied 4 955,712 passengers without mjury to one of them; the &ace line carried 17,064,953 tons of freight and 19.363.360 passengers in one year without loss of life or property. Ten thousand, miles of railways centre! in Chi cago, seven hundred trains enter and leave its depot every day, and with rarely a Be rious accident. Nor have they only maCe travel swift and sure; they have made it cheap. . Seventeen barrels of flour can be carried from Chicago to New York at it he rate of 1 cent per mile. In less than thirty hours one can pass from the great city1 of the West to thei great city of the East, warm and dry, no matter bow wet and cold it roay be without. Those fruits of the tropica which were almost as inaccessible to the boy of fifty! years ago as the jeweh of Golconda are now. sold for a cent at every street corner." j i The Inter-Ccean enters upon a phase of the subject that is cot with out interest. It points out the liber- ality of the great railroad magnates. They grew immensely rich, but they failed not to b generous with their means. Col. Tom Scott gave $200, 000 to colleges, hospitals, &c. W. H. vjanderbilt jgave $925,000 to edu cational and charitable purposes. He and his father gave more than a mil lion and a half dollars to these ends. They gave 1 per cent. ! The Inter- : Ocean asks : ' ' : I - - i i . I i . ' Does be who is worth $10,000 generally leave $100 by devise to public charities or colleges? Or dees he who is worth $100, OCO generally leave $1,000? Do not these figures show, at the least, as much of char itable, impulse in the millionaire as in the man of moderate wealth? And It, must be bornfl In mind that the younger Vander bllts nave added largely to the good deeds of their sires. I j "And the lato Colonel John W. Garrett left $1,100,000 in 8 per cent, bonds for the use of the Baltimore association for the re lief of the poor. This was probably at the rate'of 2 per cent, of the value pf his es tate. i The gifts of Johns Hopkins and Le lnd Stanford were in still higher propor tion id the true value of their properties." LAMAR , Some of the Republican papers are pposing Mr. Lamar for the i Su preme Court Bench solely because ne is a Southern, man. His -4' fidelity and loyalty to the Southern people and his own conscience is what ag- gneyes these South-haters. They diiilike is rjnly the sychophants, gushers and tra tors whom they praise land re ward. Mr. Lam iar was the first to utter words of rdad, all comprehending patriotism e Senate chamber on jthe occa of his eulogy on Charles Sum This was some fifteen years KPraoout 1872. He was! censured ?ome of the more extreme South- papers because of his liberality m . m Kindness towards cuoh a leader l.ssss r.:; "was 5 1! rt8SsggS8Sa88888888 7 VOL. XIX. as Sumner, His sentiments were too far advanced to suit a great many. Bat Senator Lamar did not gush or bow was! right. He down and wor- ship the great materialistic North. Some! ten years la .er when John Sherman dared to assail ex-President Davis as a conspirator and trai tor, how prompt wai j the Mississippi Senator the ablest man from the South then in the nagust body to take up tbe gauntlet and to shiver lances with the Malignant Enight from; Ohio. He hurled him to the ground with his lance made of sound Southern timber. He said: ' i . - i - "We of the South have surrendered upon all questions which divided the two sides in that controversy. We have given up the right jot the people to accede from this Union; we have given up the right of each State to judge for itself of the infractions of the Constitution and the mode of re dress; we have given up the right -to con trol our domestic institutions; we fought for all these and we lost in that contro versy, but no man shall in my presence call .1 err erson uavis a traitor wiinout mj ic sponding with a stern and emphatic de- DIQI 1 This was the language of a true man' I of a true Knight who was sworn to uphold tht right, to be true to his God and his conscience, and to protect the innocent and helpless. The Columbia Register well Bays in the following comment: Ih this language unfits Mr. Lamar for the Supreme Court Bench, then let him de clina the ermine with supreme satisfaction. 1 . . 1 TTI I 1 lie qouia not nave saiu iese. ma usuuwu demanded that he should say what he did. Mr. j Lamar might nave said more ne might well have said to Senator Sherman Lord Angus, tnou nasi nca. We expect Mr. Lamar will be con firmed, because there are Republican Senators, we may believe, who are above the petty meanness of some of the party editors. A GOOD REPLY. ' Que of the most promising young ministers in North Carolina is Rev. E. Pell, of the M. E. Conference. He is a son of the late Rev. W. E Pell, so well known in the State. Tbe son has a terse, clear style and he knows how to think. He is also eifted with a vein of humor and a causticity with it that is sharp and effective. We have been often im pressed with his contributions ia the pacers. We began to read them for the Bake of the revered father, but we soon learned to relish them be caus9 of their own real merit. His last article is in-the Raleigh Advo cate. and be is replying to a cousin in ifew England who writes for in formation thus: I'Please inform me as to religious belief in the South.' The whole answer is very good, and it is difficult to give a sample of the flajrdr by quotation. We gather a few sentences picked out at inter vals. He tells bis inquisitive Yan kee cousin: j "'f We do not know your designs, but if von have any new goods in tnis Jine to in troduce we advise you not to send them to this market. We are badly over-stocked The fact is tbe South has more religious belief than she can take care of. livery body believes and believes clear down to hisi boots. We have no acquaintance with intjdets except now and men a man who does not believe in brimstone if he is not an infidel we don't want to see one. And we do not know anything about your hon est doubter. We believe in believing. Our fathers before us believed and we never go back on our ancestors. And our fathers belief is good enough for us. And our grandfathers' too. Not until a cyclone nicks us un and sits i us down bard in tne lari of Andover, will we take any new theo losrv in ours. f it would make a New Englander laugh to fete how terribly old-fashioned we are. But we never laugh at our grandpas. The fact is, Grandpa Puritan did not die in tbe Plymouth Rock settlement He is not dead yet. The old gentleman found out that bis folks were getting tired of him and ho just watched his 'chances and slipped down here among us. You must come to the country to find what a Southerne'r believes and you will have to spend some time with us if you want to take a full inventory of our stock. New England cannot boast of a better assortment of unbeliefs than we Southern folks have of beliefs. .P What we really believe in most of all will sound stranjfely new to your New England ears. First of all, we believe in the Bible from lid; to lid, chapter by chapter, verse by verse, word by word, bead lines, references, Jonah and the whale,. and all We do not have to keep chalk points to mark a di vinely inspired verse red, a semi-divinely inspired verse blue, a. humanly inspired verse green, a personal opinion of! the au thor verse yellow, and give up night read ing for fear of getting tbe blue and green mixed and passing over the yellow alto gether. And we believe in the Bible ac count of creation, its mysteries, difficulties, and what you are pleased to calt absurdi ties. We believe in the Trinity, and are glad we cannot explain it. And if yoU are now prepared to hear the worst we believe in a real, live hell I" j : The young men of a State : are its hpe. Upon them must rest the great duty of carrying on the impor tant work only in part furnished by their fathers. In proportion as they are disciplined and well furnished in mind, pure in morals, earnest in purr pose, Bincere in religious beliefs, and noble in aspirations, will be their suc cess and the perfection of their labors. Right thinking is neoessary to secure right living. Character is the great thins for any vonth. A , "Good name, in man and woman, Is the immediate jewel of themselves."; A man is not apt to be better than his thoughts, j There was never yet any true greatness of soul or of mind that was not based on character on right views of life. A wise young man will strive habitually to deserve & ffbod name. He will know that the surest way to secure it is to possess it. Be what you seem. A man thus be ing, thus living, will be equal to everr calamity and will "die the death of the ngbteou?," j "And all his prospects brightening to the ' last . ! - ' J ' i Bis Heaven commences ere tbe world be past." " n n- North Carolina has many native young men in. the ministry of which has some men to be proud. It or a remarkably high grade. We may name-. Rev. Dr. Moore,' Rev. Samuel Smith: Rev. Dr. T-illett. Rev. K. L. Pell, Rev. Thomas Dix on, and perhaps others' not known to us. It has promising and able vouner men in other fields of activity and thought in the law, jin. professon chairs, in tbe . newspaper offioes, in the medical profession, in soientifio pursuits .and so on. These are the men who are indeed ; tbe props of Commonwealths as well as the orna menta of the Christian reliarioo. When the mother of the Gracchi was asked for her i ewelo, she pomt- ed to her children j The pure, bon- or able, educated young meu ol a State constitute its surest balwsirk and its brightest ornaments. May North Carolina be forever blessed in in her sons and daughters! It ia astonishing now much non sense can be indulged in by men of parts. Mr. Joseph Cook; of Boston, is of the opinion that "in fifty years the negroes would- rule - the vote of the South." Why postpone the evil da;? The negroes for years in tbe South did just what the Boston man prophecies they 1 ruled .the vote. They will do it again in the next election if 4 the whites allow it by . themselves. splitting up 1 j amongst Whenever tbe whites disintegrate the negroes at once become the great political factor, and all the education on earth cannot prevent it. l o pre- serve our free institutions anil to guard the government from decay I 1 - ! tbe whites must be solid. The dan ger has beeu alljalong that enough whites of a certain grade will unite with the neeroes in somo of the States to give tbiem control. . The World continued its inter views of the members of Congress. Over four fifths Democrats are .have spoken. The pretty solid for the President. Only favor Blaine for 45 Republicans the nomination. The geural result is thus given: Republicans on choice for President. Non-committal ......... i. For Blaine iL '. The nominee of the convention 58 45 15 10 2 Jobn 8hc-rman , Harrison Against Blaine v 4 Judge Oresbam ....... Gov. .Robinson (Maes ). Allison GoV. Rusk (Wis.) ji.... Cbauncey Si. Depew . . 2 1 5 1 1 Tottl.. 146 D. 133 20 B. In favor of Cleveland's tariff ideas 7 20 114 Non-committal . . ,:. . . ........ Opoted to Cleveland's tariff ideas For tariff reform oaly .......... For revenue reform only. For tariff and revenue reform . . . 6 60 14 68 12 14 61 12 Non-committal , Against any change - 41 24 One Independent Republican elected by tbe Labor party was non committal on the question of bis-cttoice for tbe Presidency. He, however, favored Mr. Cleveland's ideas and declared himself strongly in favor of both tariff and revenue reform Good A 4 vice. j ' . , Under the head of "False Popula rity," the editor of thei Cape Fear Ad vocate, of this city, a colored man, addresses the following' words of so berness and truth.1' to his people : How often are our people per suaded to contribute their humble means to some purpose called popu lar, simpiy to mi tne pocsets or some who are far more able to give than to receive from them. ; Many a poor person whose house rent is due. and not a stick of wood in the house, and bills unpaid are forced out ol money in this way, and yet they consent for the sake of popularity. Popularity bought is false popularity. Buy your own homes and pay tor tnem, tnen give to the poor and distressed. How silly It is to see: persons wno are in debt for meat, : meaL wood, clothes and rent throwing away their money on banquets, sociables, etc., compli mentary to persons who aretmt of debt, well and hearty. Give us more honest home-pride, coupled with love and cnarlty lor tne poor and needy, and less vanity. .Popularity wnicn merit does not command is dear at any price. But how many will differ with this sentiment ? I Let as many as may., xnese trutns come Deiore ns every day." it Cotton Movement. I - The receipts of cotton at this port since the beginning of the crop year, Sept. 1st, aggregate 134,339 bales, as against 98,864 bales received during the corresponding period last year an increase of 35,475. Receipts so far this season! exceed the total re ceipts of the season1 of 1886-87 by 32 bales. 1 :- '.1,1 ' Receipts the past week are 10,159 bales; the same week last year, 9,681. The stock at this . port is 24,422 against 17,816 bales at same date last ' Exports since September 1st last year.. . . '!. ij : :j aggregate 110,572 bales; against 81,216 for the corresponding: period last year. jrj Deatb of Sir. Jnn. B. Orrell. Mr. James B. Orrell, one of tbe old est citizens of (Wilmington, died yes terday morning at his residence in this city from an attack of apoplexy. For many years he was engaged in the lighterage business, until ad vancing years and failing health com pelled his retirement from active pur suits, with the respect and esteem of all who knew him. His age was about eighty years, j The funeral will take place this afternoon at 3 o'clock from nis late residence, No. 624 North Fourth street. , f . Naval Stores ExblMU Receipts of spirits turpentine at this port since the crop yeaj April 1st, beginning of the 1887, to Decem ber 10th, are 58,234 casks, against 62,- 898 last year, i Kosin, aoo,uo oarreis; last vear 217.713. Tar. 85.386 barrels. aeainst 39.982 i last year. Crude tur pentine, 19,425 barrels; last year, 18,473. EE K I a WILMINGTON, N. C, FBIDAY, DECEMBER j 16, A Tbroacn Orann Train. A special fast orange train is now being run between Jacksonville and, NewCSork, carrying cars through to) Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and other points, j It constitutes an all-rail freight line between Jackson ville and Eastern I cities, and orange tariffs have been issued to the above named cities. j , J. The new line is known as the At- lantie Coast Line , Dispatch, and is composed of cars furnished by the, Pennsylvania railroad, the . Atlantic, Coast Line and the roads of the! Plant system between' Jacksonville and Charleston, each furnishing can in proportion to their mileage. The cars being used on these trains are of the most improved refrigerator style, being supplied with passenger1 coach epringsahd air brakes, .and make almost as fast time as the mail trains themselves. The trains leave Jacksonville every afternoon ,.at o'.clockv exeept $aturday,' " when, they leave "at 2 p. m., in- order to get through Georgia and South Carolina so as hot to infringe on the Sunday laws of those States. This is the first through fruit car service that has ever been put on be t ween Florida and the Northern and Eastern cities. Heretofore all fruit shipped to Washington and points North and East was transferred at Portsmouth to steamers, and shipped hence to destination. Under the new order of things the fruit eoes through without! rehandling, and in aoout one-nan tne time it formerly took, while the rates will be the same as formerly, Timely flings. . The Bulletin of the North Carolina Board of Health, for November, just issued, contains the following among other valuable suggestions: 'Burnine; is the only reliable disin- fector of the discharges from the lungs and throat in phthisis, diphthe ria, and scarlet fever. Boiling destroys all known disease- germs, and completely disinfects the clotnin&rand beddiner. Much of the work done in the sani tary cleansing of our towns is without method. The authorities who sup ply the funds do not respond nntil some glaring defect is to be remedied, and tnis being done, everything; re lapses into a state of security. "Such work is usually expensive, because it is the accumulation of work. Super intendents would do well to make np a scneduie oi worK to be undertaken, and make it public after they get the assurance jof aid from town or county authorities. Co-operation of citizens is seldom withheld when the Superintendent shows zeal and can state clearly what he deems ne cessary. Prepare now for the Spring and Summer, and prevent sickness and deaths. ! The city of Pittsburg has recently erected a furnace for the burning of garbage at a cost of $3,500, capable of consuming su tons oi garbage a day. Wilmington. Ralei&rh. Charlotte. Asheville, Salisbury, Greensboro. Sa- rem-Winston, uarnam. ana otner towns in tbe State could erect fur naces at $ 1,000 cost, with capacity of ten tons a day. oucn an establish ment would stimulate the scavenging of the streets to a wonderful extent. There is no use any longer of follow ing the expensive custom of taking the filth away from the front doors of the people who live in tne conspicu ous parts of our towns, and placing it in piles to rot and spread disease into the houses of petty tax-payers in the suburbs. Tne laiatlnc XI en. No further tidings have been re ceived from Mr. J. Thad Branch and Mr. Chas. Barnitz.of this city, who it is snpposed,lost their lives in Currituck Sound during a violent storm on the night of Thursday, tbe 1st instant. The sail boat in which they left Eliz abeth City to go to the dredge, on that fatal night, was found drifting in the sound,' about three miles from the dredge-boat, with the body of Mr. John Keeter lying across one of the thwarts face downward. Half of Mr. Keeterg coat had been torn from his body ! and one of his boots was missinsr. The boat was full of water, and the oars and sail were gone. It is supposed that the other two men were washed overboard and drowned. Both had on heavy rubber boots and thick clothing. The body of Mr. Keeter was taken to Elizabeth City and interred. Eastern Insane Asylum. The Goldsboro Argus says tnat a meeting Of the Directors of the East ern Insane Asylum was held in that place last Friday, and adds: Dr. J. F. Miller, of Goldsboro, was elected su perintendent. The election of stew ard was postponed until March.. The assistant superintendent's, time had not expired, consequently there was no election for this place. All the directors were present. Dr. Miller, as is well known, is a gentleman of the very highest character and emi nence in his profession, and it would have been impossible for the direc tors to have done better. Dr. Roberts, who has been; superintendent for six years, has made an able and emcient offleer, and is entitled to the plaudit of well done j good and faithful ser- vant." Mrs. B, V. Smith was elected matron. , I Funeral of ITIra. Atkinson- R Funeral services pf the late Mrs. Josepha G. Atkinson were held yes terday at 11 a. m., in St. James Church, the" body being interred be neath the; chancel besides the re mains of her husband, the late Bishop Atkinson. The pall-bearers were Dr. A. J. . DeRossett, Hon. George Davis, Messrs. J. Alvis Walker, DuB, Cutlar, Clayton Giles, J. G. Wright,-Walker Meares, Wm. R. French. i t The ceremonies were very impres sive, all tne clergy taking part Bishop Watson, Rev. Dr. Flagg of at. James' unurcn, itev. ur. uarmi chael of St. John's, Rev. Mr. Arnold of St. Paul's, and Rev. Mr. Coerr of St. Marks, i ! A correspondent of the Stab, writ ing from i Monroe, N. C., Bays the grading of the I G., C. & N. K R. is being rapidly finished on the Monroe end of the line; grading now going on in the edee of town. When finished this will complete the work to Ches ter, S. C. and track-laying will soon begin. There are two thousand tons of iron at Monroe and on the way to complete the work. Nhum Guano t'ompany. The annual meeting of stockholders ol the Navassa, Guano Company iwas held in the. city yesterday . morning. Mr. D. G. Worth was called to I the chair and Mr, Donald MacRae was ap pointed secretary. : ; ' I Alter tne usual reports were pre-. sented and ordered on file, a resolu tion was , unanimously adopted ; ex pressing, regret, for tbe death of the late Superintendent of the Company, CoL. C. L. Grafflin. : and tendering sympathy to his family in their be reavement. The Treasurer was au thorized to pay the salary of the late Superintendent to the end of the year for which he was elected. ; . j The following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year: - : President R. R. Bridgers. 'Secretary-, and Treasurer Donald MacRae. : Superintendent C. L. Borden. riTirM.hnra T. f! Ornfflin WJ TT 'CTrawfoixMIXGJ ortb, G. W. Kid der, Smilie Gregg, Donald MacRae. Superintendent of Agencies W. L. DeRosset. Assistant Treasurer Donald Mac Rae, Jr. Accountant W. C. Jones. Travelling Agent Geo. P. Ctotch- ett . , i A dividend of 8 per cent, was de clared, payable on or before January 1st. 1888. "to the stockholders of re cord of this date, v ! Cbambec of Commerce. Council of the Wilmington Chamber of Commtrce was held yesterday at the rooms of the Produce Exchange. There was a full attendance. The President, PoL F. W. Kerchnerj pre sided. A communication from the Board of Trade of Jacksonville, Fla., in .re gard to Atlantic ports being repre sented befort the Congressional com mittees on River and Harbor im provements, accompanied by a com munication from the Board of Man agers of the Produce Exchange ap proving the proposed action and re commending, that Col. A. M. Wad dell be appointed and requested to go A- TTT 1 1- . . x il-.'J to rvasningtoa to represent luib pun and that his expenses be paid by the two bodies, was read and on motion concurred in. and the President was requested to confer with Col. Wad- dell on the subject. j All communications of recent date relative to the Signal Service were referred to the President with power to act. On motion, Mr. Wm. Calder was appointed on the part of the Cham ber of Commerce to act with Mr. B. F, Hall, of the Produce Exchange, in the matter of obtaining excursion rates for one day in each week from the railroads running into the city. Cape Frar Klvcr Improvement. Capt. Bixby in his annual report says: The improvement of the lower Cape Fear river has been considered and discussed: in 1853 by a'commission of coast survey, navy, and army en gineer officers; in 1858, by a commit sion of coast survey, navy, and ar my engineer officers; in 187 in 1882. by a board or army engineers. The work under tbe atate or JNortn Carolina was directed by Mr. Ham ilton Fulton, State engineer; that from 1827 to 1838 was directed by Capt. Hartman Bache, topographi cal engineer, witn Uapt. treorge uia nev. Corps of Engineers, as assistant; those from 1839 were carried on by Lieuts. J. K. Mansfield, Corps of En- T 1 tr tit, a TI 4. A ai! 1 gineers, j onn o. vv uiuer, x irsu ariu- Jerv. Lieut. A. J. Swift and Capt John McClellan. United States Topographical Engineers: those from 1850 to 1857 were carried on unaer Capt. D. P. Woodbury and Lieut. W. M. C. Whiting, Corps of Engineers; those of 1870 under Col. James a. Simpson. United States Engineers, with Mr. Walter Griswold as assist ant; those from 1870 to 1884, under Lieut. Col. W. P. Craighill, United States Engineers, with Capt. C. B. Phillips as assistant until 1876, and Mr. Henry Bacon as assistant ironi 1676 to 1884: since 1884. under Capt. W. H. Bixby, United States En gineers, with Mr. Henry Bacon as assistant. Capt. Wm. in.-Parker Funera't The funeral of the late Capt. Wm, M. Parker took place yesterday after noon at 3 o'clock from the residence of his brother-in-law, Mr. Wm. E. Springer, on North Second street. The attendance was very large, des pite the fact that rain was falling and the weather throughout the day was wet and disagreeable. The mem bers of the Sunday school Of Grace M. E. Church, of which the deceased had been superintendent for sixteen years past, attended the funeral in a body. The remains were interred in Oakdale Cemetery, Rev. Dr. Yates conducting the services. The pall bearers were : Messrs. S. D. Wallace, George H. Kelley, H. M. Bowden, George Chadbourn, Donald MacRae, James W. King, W. W. Hodges, John W. Perdew, W. M. Poisson, H. P. West, Dr. F. W. Potter and Col. Roger Moore. Tne Carolina Central's New Benednle. The change in the running of trains on the Carolina Central Rail road, announced in the Stab yester day, will go into effect Thursday, December 15th. The train from this city will leave Wilminuton at 7 p. m., arrive at Charlotte 7.30 a. jn., leave Charlotte for Rutherfordton at 8.45 a. m. and arrive at the latter place at 3 p. in. The train from the West will leave Rutherfordton at 8.40 a. ni.,! arrive at Charlotte at 3.00 p. m.; leave Char lotte at 8.15 p; m. and' arrive at Wil mington 8.35 a. m. Foreign Exports Keeter day j Messrs. Williams - & Murchison cleared the Norwegian barque La Plata, for Hull, Eng., with 1 2,275 bar- els of rosin, valued at $2,127. Messrs. E. G. Barker & Co. cleared the Norwegian barque Flora, for Newcastle, Eng., with 2,700 barrels of rosin, valued at $2,795. Messrs. Parsley & Wiggins cleared the schooner Mabel Darling yesterday for Nassau, N. P., with 57,- 000 feet of lumber and 43,000 shingles, valued at $817.19. Star :1887; i Fl FTI KTH t O SGtt ESS. 1 Nothing or Kprelat littrrrai Transacted in Eltuer Heuer adjournment Va til Kiovdir, ''! v"-"-". --I- .. ' V: '. 1 SEN At K 5 . Washington D c 8 -After the read- lujj of the Journal ntl- Ike en-Bt-!iUli.D of a few departmen' counnuuii-iiti.iD.-. the Senate, on , motion f j Mr Fr-!' hd- jouroed till Mutiri iv urxt aOU?B OF WEPRE-NTATIVES. Tbe Houfcc t dl uin-d ai 12 20 until Mondaj, -after tt introduction of a few resolution! lelu'iuit t i ho .amecriuieot of the rules. r thASIItywttX. Itleettnx of ibe Republican National Commute to Meleet lwe and Place tor Next National RooTratiou-Cou-testtd Election uitili ike Hone Resolution Oflcrrd la ibe House for tne Abolition of Important Com- mtiteea. !- r - "v . ; Washisoton. Dec 8 The RenuWicjn National Coin mittee wtta called to order lit 11 o'clock this s. to . in room 15'J A'liDii- ton Hotel, by B F Jones, of Ps , its chair- mao; samuel Fesseauea. of Conn., acliog as secretary In a brief speech Chairuaau Jones stated the object of the meeting hs follows : Gentlemen of the Committee, as stated io tbe call, this meeting ia for the purpose of selecting the time nod placo for holdins the next Republicao Ntional Con vention; also to consider such other matters as may properly be brought before it. As everything connected j bovever remotely with the j; over o meu t of this great country ia important, our action to day may have far reaching results We should therefo-e carefully consider such subjects as may be brought before us, that we may decide wisely . We may congratulate ourselves on the improved prospect of the Republican party since tbe National uomrnittee met in tela city four years ago for tne s.tme pur pose ttrnt we are now assembled. At that time tbe majority against the Republican patty in the North, at; the last preceding general Stae elections, couu ted up into hundreds ot thousands. 1 he great states of New York. Pennsylvania ami Ohio bad Democratic G vernord. New York s be ing tlecttd (y nearly 2UU.00U plu rality, which was reduced lor tbe samo Candidate in the ! Presidential elec tion to less than 1,100. . Though by accidint the Democratic party have tbe Presidency and the prestige of success, the signs are auspicious fori he election or a Uepubltuau Prtsidect in lboS I be mo mentum acquired by f twenty -five years of prevalence of Republican ptiociples has not yet lost lis force. Sand tbe ro&teiial n terests of tbe country are still prospering as tbe result of Republican industrial legisla tion Kecent utterances however, inoicate a determination to end this prosperity ry adverse legislation, forced upoj the c-uii-try by an administration hostile t ) Ansi ri can industry, nnd nlso indie tie the nec i sity of a return to power of tbe Repubticm party in the National tuovernment to that American industry, wool growing and sugar raising, equally with iron ruaBing and textile production, may nave continued prosperity, and the employes in thete in dustries constant employment, ami con tinued, good wages, i tuch t8 American workmen should rtc-ive. Tbe roii was then Called ami every Bute and Territory, with -ne or excetin-ja. was represented ova delegate orprizy. The delegate selected fronnh-v Scte of Kentucky, J Z. Mooie, having moved from that State, Mr ijrowuiow, of Tennessee, moved that Bon G. M. Thomas be ad mined as a committee? man to represent; Kentucky. He ttated that the Republicifir memltera of Congress from that State bad met and selecud Mr Thomas as a member of the Committee. The question arose s to the right of the Committee to admit h gentleman to mem bership elCdpt upon tbe ceitificaUou of tbe State Committee; and the further point was made lbt no resignation bad heeo re ceived from Mr. Moore- At tbe suggestion of Mr. Clarkson, of . Iowa, Mr. Browniow modified his motion so as to provide that Mr. Thomas bo ad mitted as temporary representative of Ken tucky at the present meeting, and as modi fled the motion was agreed to. A committee of three members of tbe lie publican National League appeared, and through its chairman, J. Hale 8olitr, re newed the invitation tendered by tbe League to the Committee, to hold its meet ings at the League headquarters, and tbe invitation was unanimously and cordially accepted I The fJommittee then adjourned to re assemble at tbe Liague Club Uouse. Delegations were ; present to urge tbe claims of Minneapolis, Omaha, Chicago, St. Louis, Cincinnati and Philadelphia. Each delegation was; given fifteen minutes to present its case. Col. Wm. C. Elaai. of Richmond, pressnted an argument in favor of the Republican party of that State lie was accompanied, be said, by members of the Senate and llouje of Representalives'of Virginia, and by its five or six Republican members of Congress, and they represented tbe Republican party of Virginia, tie read a paper which Had been prepar.u in the form of an address to tbe Committee, and which reviewed the history of the Repub lican party in that State since 1873. Un" der the old management tbe party bad been so badly beaten in 1876, th&t it bad become disheartened and Democratic in 1878 the chairman of the State Executive Commit tee had united with the Bourbons in an ef fort to organize a new parly. Local in fluences, which had been steadily at work, had resulted in 1877 in tbe disrup tion of the Virginia Democracy. The Republican rank and file had gone over to Mabone, while the others bad joined with the extreme Bourbons. The Repub licans had from that time until 1888 aban doned the field to tbe foe. Tbe elections in Virginia had been iegregiously misrepre sented. They bad i earned bo outoiiuu counties; had elected 10 out of 19 Senators; and carried 7 out of 10 Congressional dis tricts. And all this they bad done with strictly Republican votes. He stated these facts to show that the National Republican organization of Virginia was not inefficient or unsuccessful, and to demonstrate that with cordial recognition and support of the National Republican party, Virginia would give her electoral votes next year to tbe Re publican candidate for tbe Presidency, i For the place, the first f rmal ballot ie suited as follows: Whole number of bal lots cast. 47: necessary to a choice, 24. Chicago received 22, Omaha 4, Cincinnati 9. Minneapolis 8. Philadelphia 3, St Louis 1. The second formal ballot resulted, Chicago 25, Omaha 1, Cincinnati 13, Min neapolis 8. i Mr. Gallagher, delegate from the New York Working Men's party, was on appli cation admitted to present the views of that party. He asked of the committee some decision on tbe cause of labor. He wanted the committee to further the views of the Labor party in direction of a high protective tariff, a Btroog navy, more coast defences, internal improvements, com- Dulsorv education and other matterssnd to use up the surplus and protect the labor of American workingmen. They atkfor the enfranchisement of ' white slaves, as they had witnessed that of black slaves. Washington, Dec. 8. In compliance with the act of. Congress of March, 1887. relative to the contested election cases, the clerk of the House laid before that body to-day such portions of the testimony in all of the contested caseB as parties in inter est have agreed upon or as seemed proper to the clerk. These portions nave oeen printed and indexed, together with notices of contest and answers, and are now ready far deliverv to the committee on .Elections. The cases in which notice of contest have been given are the following: Nathan Frank vs. Jobn M. Glover, 9th Congres sional district of Missouri; Robert Lowery va James B.' White, twelfth district of Indiana; J. V. McDuffle -vs. A, C. David son, fourth district of Alabama; Robert Smalls vs. Wm. Elliott, seventh district of South Carolina; F. J. Sullivan vs. Charles N. Felton, fifth district of California; George H. Thoebe vs. John G. Carlisle, sixth district of Kentucky; N. E. Worth NO. 6 ingtonl vs. Philip 8. Post, tenth Illinois; Joseph D. Lynch vs. Wm. Vandever, tixth California, j : "3 ' f ' - ' : Washihgton, Dec. 1 8 Mr. Springer offered in the House to, day a resolution providing for the abolition of committee on Pacific ' rai roads, invalid pension, mileage, militia and improvement of-the Mississippi river, and the transfer of their functions to other committees. Provision is also made for a general increase of mem bership of remaining committees and re arrangement of their duties to some exteut. Washisgtoh, Dec. 9. The Republican caucus committee of the Senate has found the task put upon it by the caucus of ar ranging the majority representation upon Senate committees an exceedingly trying one. It has been in session since last Tues day, and has once or twice o eared comple tion of the list of assignment, when some inkling of its. work having got abroad, re presentations, and objections . have been made in such number and of such character as to require an entire reconsideration. The work was, however, finished this afternoon. A Republican caucus is called for to-morrow morning. - Senator Hoar has tbe list in charge, acd will not make it public to-day. The Democratic caucuslcommitlee, whose task is simpler, has its work so far ad vanced that it can complete it at one hour's session so soon as the Republican list is laid before it. I The committees will probably be ap pointed by the Senate Monday, and the practical work or the session will osgin on mat day. VIRGINIA. Tne Hooae of Delegates aek Congrese to Repeal tbe Internal Revenue LiW(.-Jno. S. Barbonr Nominated lor -TJ. S. Senator by tbe Democratic - Cancna. . ! Richmond, Dec. 8. In the House of Delegates to-day a joint resolution was adopted 90 to 1 directing Virginia's Sen ators and requesting her Representatives in Congress to use their best efforts to secure the repeal at an early day of the entire in ternal revenue system of taxation, and, falling in that, to secure, if possible, the repeal of so much of the system as imposes a tax on tobacco in any of its forms, and upon spirits distilled from fruits. A reso lution was adopted tendering the use of the hall pf the House of Delegates to-morrow to Hons. Sir John Hambleton, Hailing oiuart anu wm. itanooipn uremer, mem bers of the British Parliament, for the pre sentation of their views on the subject of international arbitration. Richmond, Dec. 8. A caucus of the Democratic members of tbe General As sembly to-night nominated by acclamation Hon. John S. Barbour for election as Uni ted $tates Senator, to succeed Senator Rid dleberger, whose term will expire March 4th.jl889 i The caucus also made the fol lowing nominations for State offices: For Secretary of the Commonwealth. Henry WJ Flournoy; Auditor of Public Accounts, Morton Marye; Second Auditor, F. G. Ruffln; Treasurer, A W. Harmon; Superintendent of the Penitentiary, W W. Moses. All of the officers above namsd are present incumbents. ! Cfpt. J. H. O'Bannoa. of this city, was nominated for Public Printer, vice A. R. Micfu, and Thos. Whitehead, of Lynch -burk for Commissioner of Agriculture, vice Randolph Harrison. Tbe Republicans also held a caucus to night, but made no nomination for U. S. Senator. They nominated, however, can didates for all of the State offices. It is understood that General Mahone will be complimented with a nomination for U. 8. Senator, and that Senator Riddlebergerlwill net iue same voies in caucus. . CHICAGO. Tbe 'Jail Officials Greatly Disturbed Oyer tbe Discovery of a Plot to Lib erate Several of tbe Worst Criminals. j By Telegraph to the Morning Star. CaiCAGO, Dec. 10. The officials' in tbe county jail are in almost a frenzy of fear and uncertainty over the disclosures re garding" the surreptitious possession of contraband articles bv the prisoners. The finding of bombs in Lingg's cell has never been itraced to Us depth; neither have the persons been discovered who furnished the several doses of poison taken by George Engel. ! j Un Saturday last a 44-callbre revolver and over one hundred cartridges were found in the cell of Michael Lynch, who shot ahd killed officer William S. Halloran in July last, and last evening it was learned tbajt the latter discovery prevented the car rying out of a well-defined plot to liberate half a dozen of the worst criminals in tbe jail;, j Immediately on the finding of the revolver and ammunition by jailor Folz, Lyhch was taken from his cell and placed in solitary confinement for over one hun dred hours, manacled to the cell doer, and fed on bread and water. All details have been suppressed by the jail officials, but it is known that tbe plan was to arm .Lynch ami a number of other prifeouers, and getting them into tbe law. yeris cage on some pretense, have them all make a combined break for liberty, and shooting down the guards if necessary. PHI LADELPHIA . Extensive Barrel Factory Destroyed by Fire-Loss over 8100,000 Three Hundred men Thrown Out of Em ployment. j j iBy Telegraph to the Morning atar.i Pini.AnKT.PHiA. Deo. 10 William G. Pehnypacker's extensive barrel factary, at 23rd and Washington avenue, was totally destroyed by fire, between 4 and o o clock this morning, together with tbe valuable machinery, a large stock of lumber, finished barrels and staves. The loss will probably exceed $100,000. Twenty-five horses were stabled in rear or the building, but all were leacued from the burning building by po licemen and citizens. Two policemen were severely though not dangerously burned while engaged in rescuing the ani mals. The fire originated in the drying kiln of the establishment. It burned with great fierceness, and caused great excite ment among tbe occupants of a number of small dwelling houses at the side and rear of the burning , building. Several of the dwellings were scorched or slightly burned, but none were seriously damaged. Three hundred men are thrown out of employ ment by the burning of the factory. SAD SUICIDE. John L. Herndon.of Harnett County. I . N. C. Kills Himself, - I By.Telegraph to the Morning Star. Raleigh. N. C. Dec. 1 John L. Herndon, a respected citizen living on Lit tle River, in Harnett .county, eighteen miles east of this city, was found dead in the woods four hundred-yards from his residence, lying on his stomach, with the muzzle of a sun in bis mouth and the ram- Trod of the gun in his right hand. Herndon was devoted to bis family, which consisted of his wife and three children. He left home yesterday morning, wnen ne told bis wife he was going hunting. There is no known reason for i the deed. It was un doubtedly a case of suicide. The gun was loaded with buckshot. Shot penetrated through and came out at the back of the head. . l ! ' . TEH NESS Kit. Collision of Trains On Man Killed and One Badly Injured By Telegraph to the Morning 8?ar. Chicago. Dec. 10. A Chattanooga, (Tenn.) special says : Two freight trains on the Cincinnati Southern Railroad collided yesterday at Dar win, Tenn . The engine of the rear train was overturned, crushing the fireman, William Hutzell, to death, and maiming engineer David Q'Donnell for life. Two weeks ago tbe engineer and fireman on this same engine were killed in a wreck it Nemo. The superstition of the train en is so strong that new hands cannot be ound to-night to man the train. - Salisbury Watchman: A bird og was sold here last week for $375 cash. ?'his is tbe doggedest transaction that ever ccurred in this community. Spirits Turpentine. Goldsboro Argus; . 'Then wer 68 cases tried In tbe Mayor's cf;url" during the month of November. Amount of flora 371. The numbtr of deaths hi thi city during November ws 3 wbi-e adults. 3 white children; colored adults 0, colore t children 2; total 7. - i . Goldsboro Araus: The ootait crop of ibis section has been ver serious injured by reason of the long wet spell HU.l the early coldj snap and 'tnjw Yet- terdayMr. J. Frank DoYwin ih Liiur . t .this county, discovered that ibe ptisooti naa, by means or a piece of iru whiuu they had prized off from some pt of tu t jail, forced the bolts off from their cl door and were prepared on hU eneriog U. corridor to fell him and inhe their escape. Hu caught them a Utile to s.hiu for iluse purpose. L There are in in s cnuniy according to the repoit of i.ur iudutri,.u and efficient county tupeiluiemieut. Mr 11 Broadburst. 5;i89 white children and 5 2B0 colored children of -chol aae, makine total of 10,449. ' .Wilson Advance: The dw-4-ling house on Mr. Jonathan Bass's pUc was destroyed by fire last Sunday morning about 8 o'clock. The fire leaves Mr. Barnes and his family almost di stilus The neighbors, it pleases us to bear. bav supplied them as bet they couid wiib. some of the necessaries of life Capi . G. H. Latham was found dead in his iooiu this morning by Chief or Police O G Jones. He had been in his room for sev-' eral days, having chills. His body whh -lying across a chair stiff cold when found. A negro by the name of Sam Jo n r was killed by tbe freight train on tbe Shorn Cut near Lucama He was Hying lo tUat a ride and fell under the train and four cars ran over him. His remains were taken to 8mitbfield. ( : Raleigh JSTeies Observer: Tii Board of Directors of the N. C Irjsaim Asylum met in annual session yesterday at. the institution. The directors made au ex -a initiation of the improvements recently . made on the buildings and grounds and ex - ' pressed their admiration and pleasme at their thoroughness aid substantial tlrengUi. Tbe Superintendent's report shows a dentn rate of onlyzi per cent. This speak volumes for ;i the marked improvement iu the sanitary condition of the institution. The institution is now carrying 292 in mates, which is the largest number ever carried at one time in tbe history ,of the in stitution. - The Quartermaster General will in a short time send an outfit for arm ing the Reidville Rifles, Capt.. S H. Bojd commanding. The Warren Guards. CaDt. W. Ai Jenkins, have been armed snt equipped. The Dare Rifles will be armed and equipped in a short time. The Char lotte Light Infantry, col., has been accept ed by the State, and will be armed and equip ped by the ! Quartermaster-General. Rev. Mr. Petu'grew led the preliminary meeting last night Mr. Pearson preached an able and eloquent sermon, and tbe.-o were a number f conversions at tbe after -meeting. There has been almost a com plete revolution in the moral tone snd sen timent of society here since the revival be gan. There were short speeches bv Rev. Dr. T. E Skinner. Rev. Mr. Fetfigrew. Rev. Dr. Watkins, Rev Mr J L White. Rev Mr. Barrett, Rev Mr. Reidand Mr N. B. Broughton, on the benefit that had been done j the communty by the rxvi val and in tasteful and eloquent laugun-n tendering the thanks of tbe citizen to Mr. Pearson, who responded in a touch ing farewell address to the; people of the city This closed the revival, which will be long remembered for the good that has been done by it. Tabbobo, N. C , Dec. 6. We were aroused early Saturday morning by the alarm of fire; It proved to be a small house in the back j ard of the lot occupied by Mr. Meyer Morris; ami the worst of it was, it was discovered that the cook's baby was in the burning house and all communication was cut off by tbe flames and the little one perished. Oxpobd, N. C, Dec. 7. Wo are pained to announce tbe death of Mr. L. II. Curriu, aged 27, which occurred last night. Fayetteville Observer: Tbe C. F. & Y. V. R. R. is now graded within six miles of Mt. Airy, and the track laid one mile above Marion. Everyone who attended the Conference must have been impressed with the ability with which Bishop Key presided. We have never seen anyone who presided with more con- . spicuous ability. He is a pure, gentle, loving, upright, Godly man, who holds his position, not for self,1 but for the love of God and his fellow-man. Died, at the home of his friends, Samuel and Jobu Nott, in Eerrville, Texas, on Nov. 16, 1887, Mr. James B. Cook, formerly ot this city. Mr. I Cook was the son of tbe lato James G. Cook, and was about 60 years of age. The many friends ot Mr. Cook; who remember him as one of their most whole souled and generous companions in days . long past, will read with regret of the death of their old friend in a far-off land. ! 'Six months ago there were on the line of the C. P. & Y. V. R R only 27 saw j mills; now there are 55. There are now 1 eighteen cotton factories that ship by the C. P. & T V., and by the first of January ! the number will be increased to twenty' CoL Gardner and his assistant. Mr. j R. J. Latta, are here, making arrangements to build the bridge for the Wilsou Short Cut across Rockflsh. The breaking of thu dam at Hope Mills makes this a favorable opportunity to build tbe foundations. It will cost, if done now, Irom $2,000 to $3,. 000 less than it would if the water was at its usual depth (10 feet). We are glad to hear that Mr. N. H. Smith is making in quiries in regard to machinery for making brooms. Tne culture oi broom corn in this section would be another help to our farm-; ing interest. It was our pleasure to at tend on Friday last the Fair held at Siler City. Only about four weeks ago. the en ergetic, enterprising E. R McLean con ceived tbe idea of holding a Fair at this place, and by his thorough, go-abead spli lt he soon enthused the people of that sec tion with the idea. Tbe exhibition was iu deed a creditable one, and proved that in all departments of agriculture the people of the good old county were in many things far in advance of their neighbors, and in none behind. The exhibit of cotton, wheat, eorn, oats and field crops generally was re markably fine. Tbe Irish potatoes were tho flneBt we ever saw, ahd the garden pro ducts looked as if the exhibitors were all truckers, each contending for a prize. The exhibition of fine horses and mules was larger and better than at the Cumberland Fair. ; j . Raleigh News, and Observer: Mr. Charles Bepark, formerly a member of the Swift-Foot baseball club of Raleigb. and whose reputation as a player has be come widely known, has signed a contract with the League club of Birmingham, Ala., to play next season with them A curiosity is shown by Mr. E. G. Harrell. of A. Williams & Co. 'a book store. It is a revised version of the New Testament, complete with notes, in a book of 441 pages, the pages being 1 inch by If inches. Only one sheet of paper, size 24x48. is used in the book. Tbe type is so small that it requires a magnifying glass or the sharpest eye to read it. Tbe Slate Board of Agriculture met yesterday morn ing in semi-annual session. A resolution waa passed requesting our Senators and Representatives in Congress lo user their efforts And Influence in urging forward and passing the Hatch bill for the benefit of experiment stations. This resolution will be officially signed by all members of the board and a copy sent to -each Con gressman from North Carolina. In tbe afternoon session tbe board proceeded to ho business of electing a Director of tbe experiment station and farm. Application were presented with testimonials and all were read by the secretary. There were six applicants, viz: Prof., P. B Wilaon of Baltimore; Prof. Floyd Deans, of New York; Prof. E. O. Von Sweinitz. of Louis ville, Ky.; Dr- De Lagnel Haigh. of Fay etteville, and Dr; H. B. Battle, of "Raleigb. The first ballot resulted in the election of Dr. H. B, Battle by a vote of nine to two. The board then went into executive session to wrestle with a knotty problem ' A close estimate shows that $21,000 will be required to run the department for one 3 ear on a very reasonably economical scale Tbe ap propriations made by the legislature from the funds of the department, which are derived from the sale of fertilizer licenses, leave for the running expenses of tbe de partment an amount not exceeding $18,000. The proceedings of tbe executive session were not made puonc last mgni, out it was gathered that the wanting $3,000 would be made up by a reduction of clerical force ahd salaries. For instance, the Director's salary will not be over $1,800 per annum ; the salary of the superintendent of tbe ex periment farm will be reduced to $400 per annum, and there will probably be other reductions.

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