The Weekly Starr . "TJBUSHS6 AT . - ; V I L M I N C T O N, ,N, C, AT, 01.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. SS5S5jSs88Ss888SS&& l'u0 SSSg8S8S8gSgaj : gsggssiiissssssss aqiuoH9 sg88S8SS8B86Sgggg. 88888888888888888 ' 8SSSSSSSSSSSSSS8S amnow 3gg8S3SSSS'SgS8S'gg' 8SS88oS3S8SS8888S q;aowi V:ssssg8'S88S8S8g 8888888888888888 s 8S8S8S8SS8S8S88e i 883SSSS88SSSSSSS8 -. f" ' i C. ' . i - . s i ' I- - g .... .r ;: -." 'J, J; " I! Entered at the Post OfBoe afWltmlnjctera, N. C., a seoond Class Matter. 1 .S UDSCRIPTION PRICE. Tho subscription price of- the Wkexxv St aii is as follows : Single Copy 1 year, postage paid, $1.00 "' " 6 months .". .60 " 3 month! " " .30 A DIT OF OKI ITS OE, THANKS- GIVIKO AND PRAISE. The Governor of North Carolina has summoned the people of the State to vas8emblt io tho various Churches to join in a general thanks giving to Almighty God for - Bis manifold mercies and blessings. There is something highly decorous and becoming in a free people thus meeting for worship. Why should ' not all persons -the whole people meet annually on a stated day in the sanctuaries of Jehovah to worship the King of kings and the Lord of lords, and to land and magnify His great and. holy name for all of the unnumbered blessings and benefac tions which He has bestowed upon them so graciously, so generously, so mercifully ? Why should not all hearts be grateful unto the Giver of every good and every perfect gift for all his continued benefits? There are so many blessings that have been vouchsafed unto the children of men for which praise' and gratitude and adoration and thanksgiving should be rendered unto the Great and Beneficent Giver. We are all the creatures of the Almighty. He made us and made our eoula immortal. We should thank Ilim for life and for the hope of Heaven. We should thank Him that there is a way of escape from the penalties of sin and transgression that Jesus Christ, the God Man of the Holy Scriptures, the Incarnate Son of God, is the Savior of all sin ners who believe in Him, who trust unfeignedly in Him for redemp tion and pardon, for He is re vealed unto us as the Way, the Truth and the Life. We should thank God for the Bible the Book of books, for it is a lamp unto our feet and a light onto our pathway. We should thank Him for the preached Word, for a faithful, earn est, religious Ministry to proclaim unto os the unsearchable riches and the glorious Gospel of the Son of God. We should be thankful for the free institutions of a Republic that uoder Heaven's favor has grown and flourished most marvellously. We should thank God in our very hearts . for the rights and privileges and mu niments of free men in, a free land. We should be thankful for the cen tury in which we live a century of such unparalleled progress and im provement, in which so many new forces land activities "have been at J work, and so many inventions and discoveries have been made. No other age' has shown such energy and enterprise and ingenuity. We should thank God for our vast and splendid country, and especially for the physical character of our ' dear Southland. Here we have in deed a goodly heritage, a magnifi cent domain admirably diversified, with broad, fertile savannas, tower ing mountains that look eternal and whose summits receive the first kiss of the rising: eun as be eilds the Eastern boundaries of our mighty Continent, and -more than eighty rivers to fertilize the lands, some of them majestic. Nature has done grandly her part, and man has done but little. We should be profoundly glad and grateful for the character of our people. The people of the State and of the South are mostly rural, with the simple habits of life and prin- r.inloa nf pAnnnnt. that, hn nnff t.n that. - - - to i class. Thev know but little of the hideous, vices, and corruptions of ; the great cities, and are free from the blasting isms of the more pros perous and wealthy North. In no land is the virtue of women held in such high reverence; in no land are they so respected, honored, protect ed, and in no other country is the marriage relation maintained in suoh purity and sacredness. 4 We should be devoutly, pro foundly thankful to our Heavenly Father for our religious freedom. No man . here is prevented by any earthly, usurping power from espous , ing any religious opinions ' he may 1 elect; nor is he restrained from their free advocacy so long as he does not become a propagandist of revolution any or incendiary dogmas and prinr oiples. It U simply impossible to VOL. XX. exaggerate this blessing ; and : priyi .lege. : The right to' enjoy 'without the slightest interference or molesta tion our religious convictions ; is not to be too highly estimated. It is the greatest boon of Heaven next to life and salvation, and is to be main tained intact against all impertinent dictation from within or without at home or abroad. Whenever; re ligion is controlled by legal enact ments then there is inevitable decline io its parity and power, and thus- it beoomea assimilated in character "and form to human governments. - t.We ' should, be thankful to' God that our Southern people understand and love the true principles of a lie publican form of government. They know how much it Las cost already on "this" continent to first gain and then to preserve our liberty. Enow ing these things our people are true to constitutional liberty; love a Gov ernment regulated by law a Gov ernment of the -people, and by "the people and - for : the people. They who obeyed the voice of Liberty and followed it with steady courage and heroic souls and indomitable will and burning enthusiasm amid fields of Carnage and death, will be true to its demands amid scenes of quietude and peace. May God in his infinite power and goodness preserve free institu tions in the United States, and ever cause the Southern people to be faithful, to civil and soul liberty! We should be thankful for peace. As Herodotus, the oldeBt of unin spired historians, Bays, no longer the old, bury the young, but the young bury the. old. The rude clash of contending arms has yielded to the dulcet piping notes of peace. Only in the North is to be heard the hareh, strident voices of a Sherman, a Hal stead or some other wolfish and car nivorous animal barking for blood. It cost centuries of carnage to secure the great guerdon of liberty. Let as all strive to protect it always from the strong hand of tyranny. We should be very thankful for health. The great scourge was kept away from bur doors and from our city. God saved as from the pesti lence, the consuming visitations, the tornado, the mob. Let as be pro foundly thankful and bow our hearts in gratitude. We should thank God f ?r friends, for bread, raiment; for our homes, our laws, our kindred, our good neighbors. T he crops have been sufficient. How easily could God have filled the whole land with lean ness and famine, so that strong men should wax faint and our homes should become only Bcenes of suffer ing and misery and charnel houses of mortality. But God has not scourged U3 with sorrows. His mu nificent and merciful hand has been stretched out to feed us. He has caused the fig tree to blossom, the vines to bring forth their wonted fruit, the labor of the olives to be productive, the field to yield their meat, the flocks to be increased and heard to still stand in the 6talls. Under a good harvest all things pros per. Even the morals of the people assume a higher and more hopeful tone. God is faithful and good and just and merciful. Let ns give him praise and thanksgiving. The lesson we would impress on this day is that all kmen owe God obedience, and that it is their bounded duty to honor Him and keep His commandment?,, and render unto Him praise and thanks giving. Enter His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise. Be thankful unto Him and bless His holy name. Psalm 106: i. Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savor of His knowledge by us in -every place. - Ephesians 5: 20. GOSSIP AND QUOTATION. u the Forum for December there is a paper by Judge Tourgee enti tled "The South as a field for fic tion ." It is acute and sagaciou?, and shows that the gifted carpet-bagger bad his eyes open while living in North Carolina for some dozen years. We think he fails in exactly under standing the Southern whites and the negro, but he comes nearer than other Northerners in discerning the truth. He thinks the fiction of the day, so far as this country Js - con cerned, "is predominantly. Southern in type and character." He thinks that in the future the great works of genius will be Southern, and will be the offspring ; of the "children of soldiers and of slaves." and that these v will advanoe American litera ture to the - very front rank of that immortal ; procession whose . song is the eternal refrain of remembered agony, before the birth hour of the twentieth century shall strike." While not doubting that the South may producejworks higher in literary, art and nobler inspiration than any yet given to tho world, we are not expecting works of the noblest ge nius, no creations that shall be im mortal. We doubt ; very much if any true ' ftrtistio production surcharged "7F7n v.. ith genius,,: ever, comes from the brain of an 4 African. - Judge Tonr gee'a paper ia interesting, stimula ting and admirably -written. There are some fine passages, and some sentences are well worth ; quoting.. Here are a few of his "ana':' ""The downfall of empire 1 is , always the epoch of romance." "The brave bat unfortunate reap always the richest measure of ? immortality." : "In all history, no cause bad so many of the elements of 'pathos.- as that- which failed at Appomattoxl" Greatness is rarely born where ' humanity swaras."," 'Iao!ivtdBatJ power is the product of a wide-horizon.' He- says: "Inspiration visits meji' la soIUade, and the Iufloite comes nearer aa the finite ye cedes from the mortal Vision; only solitude must not DC filled with self . No solitary i-elf-imprisohed for bis own salvation, ever nnx an immortal strtin; but he ihSl takettr i be woes of a people into tho desert with him sees God in the burning busbT." "Me thod is but hatf of art ita 'meaner self " "Scott's loving faith in a1 chivalry which perhaps never existed, not only mode his work imperishable, but Inspires with health ful aspiration every reader of bis shining pages " "Pathos lies at the bottom of all enduring fiction. Agony is the key of im mortality." :m m ' The negroes never learn by expe rience. Although their , party has been in power nearly ever since they were voters, they think Harrison's election means all sorts of foolishness and absurdities. Some of the South Carolina negro simpletons are spend ing their cash - instead of paying debts, rents, A special from Columbia to the New York Times says : "Colored farm tenants in various parts of tho State have become imbued with the idea that they will not be required to pay their rents now that-Gen Harrison has bsen elected President, and many of them are squandering their hard-earned money m the purchase of musical instruments and other luxuries. Io Orangeburg county and other sections some of the small colored farmers are turning out their stock to graze at large, as they think that President elect Harrison will wipe the fence law out of ex istence when he goes into office." - Representative Oats, of Alabama makes a suggestion that has often been thought of and has been men tioned in the Stab and : many other papers. He advises disfranchising the negro as the sure way of break ing up the Solid South. He says it would result beneficially to both whites and blacks, and would surely accomplish what the Republicans seem to be aiming at. We have seen long ago such suggestions in North ern papers. Harrison is modest if not great. He once said in the Senate that he knew but little of the Tariff. Here is an eitracl from a speech in the Senate which shows his estimate of his own attainments: "I am modest in discussing these const tutional questions, because my practice ha not been of that kind, and I have not been brought often in contact with such ques tions. I am not a constitutional lawyer." There seems to be but little doubt that tho Republicans will organize the next House. Represent tlve Breckinridge, of Ky.; gives it np. Foreign Bxprw Iw levember. The following is a statement of ex ports from Wilmington to foreign countries daring the month of No vember, as taken from the records at the Custom House : Belgium Cotton, 1,475 bales, value $66,787. England Cotton,30,67S bales, value $1,409,287; rosin, 14 929 barrels, value $15,535; spirits turpentine, 9,932 gal lons, value $4,432; crude turpentine, 102 bbls., value $500. Argentine Republic Rosin, 50 bbls., value $103; lumber 493,000 feet value $3,376; tobacco, 4,624 lbsvalue $971. French West Indies Lumber, 248, -000 feet, value $4,199. Scotland Rosin, 1,046 bbls., value $1,046; spirits turpentine, 74 132 gal lons, value $32,092. Hayti Lumber, 875,000 feet, value $4,780. . British West Indies Lumber, 71, 000 feet, value $1,028; shingles, 200, 000, value, $719; floor, 55 bbls., value $296; grits, 7 bbls., value $26; window glass, value $10; bacon, value $43; other merchandise, value $66. ,. ! Total value of exports foreign $1,- 850,294. Acme nanafaetanne Co.' The work of erecting new buildings at Cronly f or the Acme Manufactur ing Company will begin in a day or two. Anew site has been selected for the fibre factory, destroyed by fire a short time since. It is under stood that the works will be con siderably enlarged, and new and im proved, machinery put in for the manufacture of bagging, etc. Naval Mores. ' - Receipts of naval stores at this port from April 1st to December 1st, as compared with receipts for the same months last year are bulletined at the Produce Exchange as follows : Spirits turpentine, 5i,161 casks; last year 56,369. Rosin, 141,424 bbls. ; last year 217,569. Tar, 32,994 , bbls. ; last year, 83696. Crude turpentine, 16,061bbls.; last year, 18,814. . The cotton movement at this port shows receipts of 41,201 bales daring the month of November, against 44,679 bales received the same month last year. Receipts for the crop year to December 1st are 97,969 bales, against 124,180 bales to the same date last year, a decrease of 26,211 bales. The stock at this port Is 19,777 bales. . Deatl) of Jade Setd. A special dispatch to the . Stab from Greensboro, says: Judge Thos. Settle fell dead in Judge Dick's room in the " .Government building to-day shortly after noon, , His death result ed from neuralgia of the heart. WI WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, A NoiaDi Deain Jsbn Potta Brown . Jolna tna Silent majority. - . i John Potts' Brown died early yes terday morning at his home, 3153 Colfax Avenue. He had been ill for about -a. seven months, and finally passed away from pure exhaustion of the vital forces.-He was nearly eighty years Of age. Pew of the present gen eration were familiar with the silver-, haired? old gentleman, who was fre quently seen on the motor line, un less it was to note the: courtly grace that is characteristic of an age gone by, but he will be well-remembered by ail of the older citizens as one of the ftioneers of Minneapolis. In ante-bel-nm times he was a merchant of New York, and a man of wealth. He was a North-Carolinian,-and when the war began his sympathy with the -Confederate - cause made him quite Brominent south of the Mason and ixon line. He was an intimate friend of Jefferson Davis and, even in latter years ; maintained a correspondence with him. Mr. Brown was an unu sually brilliant man and a writer of great talent. - Upon the foundation, of a wide course of reading he had built-up a knowledge of yia. .wortK and of men that made him a profound thinker, brilliant writer and enter taiuing conversationalist. His man ners were those of the typical South ern gentleman of the old school, and only the fortunes of war prevented him from becoming one of the distin guished men of the country. is with great regret that we copy the above from the Minneapolis Qlobe of the 22nd inst. Mr. Brown was the eldest son , of the late Robert W Brown, who was one of our most prominent, and successful merchants hi ante-bellum days, and was a native of this city. He received a collegiate education and shortly after gradua ting entered into business with his faher, under the firm name of R. W. Brown & Son, which continued for a few years, when he formed a connec tion with Dr. A. J. DeRosset, of this city also, and established the well re membered house of Brown & DeRos set; a house distinguished for integ rity and lofty bus! ess principles. In 1847 he removed to New York and es tablished a branch of the house in that city, which he conducted suc cessfully for many years, when he re moved to Minneapolis. The announce ment of his death will sadden many of his old friends in this his native town, who remember most kindly the courtesy of his manners.his chivalrio bearing and the gentle manly instincts that were so charac teristic of him in his intercourse with the world. ; Though a citizen of New York before and during the war, his sympathies were strongly enlisted in favor of the South, and he gave largely of his time, his talents and his means to advance the cause of those : among whom he was born and whom he held so near to his heart. He was a true man and a worthy representative of a race that is rapidly passing away. B.1VKH AND llARINE. - Tbe miasms iachtsnlp Fonnd Re ports of Terrible Weatb.r Expe rt. need by Incoming; Veaseis Tbe Clyde Steamer Gnir Stream In Ibe Gale. The Danish' barque Rtalto and the German barque Trabant arrived in below yesterday afternoon. The Alexander Jones, one of the Messrs. Harper's tugs, is being thor oughly repaired and fitted with a new Steel boiler and other machinery. A telegram from Beaufort, N. C, reports the arrival there last Monday of the little boat Liberdad, after a perilous and eventful voyage. The Lfberdad,it willibe remembered, was at this port for several days. The telegram says Capt. Slocum and fam ily are in gooi health. The lightship which went adrift from Frying Pan Shoals in the recent gale was found by the government buoy tender Wisteria and taken into Charleston, S. C. The Wisteria fell in with the drifting vessel about fifty miles southwest of Frying Pan shoals. She had sustained no injury, and all on board were well. A number of vessels arrived at Southport yesterday and the day be fore. Nearly all of them had sus tained more or le:S damage in the re cent severe gale. The Biitish brig Olenarchy had her topmasts and part of her sails carried away The Amer ican schooner Harry White lost her fore topmast, . and the American schooner H. C. Beecher and German brig Clara had sails blown away. Tbe Beecher is also leaking. She is from Brunswick,, Ga., bound to New Ha ven, Conn, j . The Clyde steamer Qulf Stream, Capt. Tribou, arrived at Charleston, S. C, on Thanksgiving day. The Gulf Stream left New York on the 23rd tilt., and was driven 300 miles southeast of Charleston. The gale struck the Gulf Stream on Saturday night at 12 o'cloc- off the Jersey coast and continued in all its fury until the break of day Monday morning, not entirely abating until Tuesday. Sun-. day morning at 3 o'clock the vessel parted her steering gear and was at the mercy of : the - storm. ' Tbe doors of the cabin and i, other apartments on deck were battered in and the wa tor poured into the hold. iDoors and barricades ; were improvised, but the flood could not be checked. A sail hoisted to bring , the vessel to was torn to shreds. Matters began to look serious. The after-hatch was - burst open and death stared every man in the face on deck. The rodder chain had to ; be repaired and the rudder managed from the deck. The water poured through the doors and hatch way into i the- hold, choking the pumps ' with coal by washing the slack coal into the bilges. For forty hours all hands balled water. - There was four feet of water in the hold and the only means of getting it out was by hoisting it in backets through the after hatch. : The ' only thincr that saved the vessel was the liberal use of oil. For twenty hours oil was 'poured on the waters through the pipeslalong the sides of the vessel. Had the storm continued a few hours longer the Gulf Stream would cer tainly have - gone down with all on board. Frying nan Lightship Lieut Commander Hitchcock, flight house inspector for this district, in a letter to Capt. C. H. Robinson, col lector of the port, dated Southport, Nov. 27tb, says; that he will leave there this morning, with the Wisteria to go in search of the lightship which went adrift ' from the Frying-pan shoals station in the late gale, and if he succeeds . in his search will take her to Charleston, where she will be retained as a relief ship, as the ves sel now on the shoals is the one intended originally for that sta tion. He says that the gale in which the lightship went adrift was a severe blow, as is shown bylthewatch-buoy which he?found had been dragged a quarter of a mile seaward, and that the Western Slue buoy was gone. The latter has been replaced with a new buoy and the watch-buoy returned to its plaerbx - . The missing lightship is a staunch, well-ballasted vessel, manned by a crew of eight men. under tbe com mand of capt. Swann. She has before this gone adrift in severe gales, and on one occasion reached -the Ber mudas before she was heard from. No fears, whatever, are entertained for the safety of the vessel or crew, as she was seen" and signalled "all right" to the Fanita, when the gale had expended its force, and has about a month's supply of provisions on board. . ; ' ' WHm ngton the Beat Port. Vessels drawing nineteen feet can go from Wilmington to the sea on one tide, but at Charleston, it ap pears from the following, taken from the Charleston World of the 26th, that eighteen feet is the best there: Two Ge man steamships have been lying outside the bar for the past wees waiting for a smootn sea to dis charge a part of their cargo on lighters. They are; loaded with kainit, one drawing 21 feet and the other 23. They will have to lighten to 18 feet draft to get over the bar. The work of lightening tbe vessels was begun by the lighters this morn ing and three or four days will be consumed in taking away the requir ed amount of the cargoes to enable the steamers to enter port. Foreign Bxporta Xeeterday. Messrs. Alex. Sprout & Son cleared the British steamship Thalia for Fleetwood, England, with 5,192 bales cotton, weighing 2,558,929 pounds and valued at $236,700. Mr. Edward Kidder's Son cleared the schooner Susie P. Oliver for Fort de France. Martinique with 247,775 feet lumber, valued at $4,199. Foreign Ex porta. Messrs. Williams & Murchison cleared the German barque Marianne Bertha for Gaston Dock, Eng., with 3,765 barrels of rosin, valued at $3, 386.84. SISSflrAlexl 'SprunnrSbn cK&red the British steamship Glenmore, for Liverpool, with 5,450 bales of cotton, weighing 2,654.298 pounds and valued at $248,900. : Froeeedlnga in Bankruptcy. Amotion made to vacate certain attachments issued upon the proper ty of ir. W. H. Styron, was argued yesterday before S. VanAmringev Esq., Clerk of the Superior Court, by Messrs. Chas. M. fctedman and John D. Bellamy for plaintiffs, and Mr Thomas W. Strange for defendants. Decision in the case was reserved. Wilmington Cotton market The Clinton Caucasian says: Who said that Norfolk was the best Cotton market in the United Statesr If that has been so, it is now a thing of the past, for Clinton has beat Norfolk, and therefore Clinton and Wilmington tfor we ship to Wil mington) are trie Dest cotton marseis between tbe oceans. Now listen to this: Mr. Trollinger, of Norfolk, was in town last Saturday to receive guano cotton. What did he do with tbe cotton? tsnip it to JNorroiKi not a bit of it. He sold it right here for 9 cents, and then asked our buyers how they could afford to pay that price. It is true Norfolk is paying a little more, but the freight from here there makes more than the difference. Cot ton sellers, what do you thins oi that? WASHINGTON. Treasury Disbursements luter-siate Commerce Decision ' Washington. November 30 Assistant Iodiau comoiissioner U pshaw has resigned. Tee Treasury disbursements nave been unusually large during the month of No vember, pension payments alone amount ing to $22 000,600 In consequence of this it is estimated at tbe Department this after noon that the Dublic debt statement to be issued to-morrow will show an apparent in ctease of $11 600.000 in-the debt since No vember 1st, instead pi tne usual mommy reduction. There is,' of course, no actual increase ia the debt itself, but merely a re duction in cash in the Treasury available for the payment of the debt Tbe Inter-State Commerce Commission, in the case of tbe New Orleaos Cotton Exchange against the Cincinnati, New Or leans & Texas Railway Company and others, holds as follows: 1. To correctly estimate the causes influ encing tbe movement of cotton and the f alii hp off in nrnrvirtion of thecroD received at New Orleans in recent yjears,4haitTed a point hoes oi transportatioiwo&5rructed. the lm-provei-metuods and new conditions must be ttken into account. . 2 Whether railroad companies combine or act separately in . making rates and charges ia not so Important. . The essential requirement is, that however made they should be reasonable of themselves, and so fairly adjusted as to be reasonable in their relations to each ether and in their results $ That under like conditions freight can be carried proportionately lower for long than for short - distances, is as nearly set-; tied as anything relating to railroad charges can be Equal mileage rates, would often prevent legitimate competition and give monopoly in transportation to the best and shortest road 4. Reasonableness of rates cannot be fair ly determined in proceedings to which some of the' parties responsible . for such rates are not oarties. v ! ; 5. Commerce between points in the same State, but which in being carried f .om one place to another passes through another State is inter-state commerce, and subject to regulation by provisions of the act to regulate commerce. 6. In determining what are reasonable rates, the fact that tbe road earns little more than ooerating exoenses is not to be overlooked, but it cannot be made to justi fy grossly excessive rates. Whenever there arrmore roads than business at - fair rates will remumerate, they must rely upon future earning for their return of , invest ments and nrofita. w 7. To be reasonable, the i rate from Me ridian to New Orleans should not exceed $1.50 per bale for compressed cotton. TAR, 1888. WA SHtTH GTON. Advieta from Uaytl-Preparations Tor Harrison's Inaugural Congressman . Rlatsoat and tbe G. A. K. , r ;. . "Washington, Nov: 28 The : Secretary of State has received a 'elegnm from Gape Haytien, stating that id spite of the block ade declared by th& provisional govern ment at Port-au-Prince ggaicst that port, several ships - have entered, among others the German s earner Htlsatia, on the 22nd instant, loaded with 10 000 bars of coffee, and the German steamer Cren more, which entered on . the ; 27ib aod landed a cargo from Europe. ,- - i . Washington. Nov. 28 indications at present are that the coming inaugural pro cession will exceed ia numbers and display anything of the kind ever .witnessed here. Gen . Axliae, Adjutant General of the Ohio Nationnl Gnard; CjU G-sdaey aod other officers of the Ohio militia, are in the city loot ion for quarters for t&eir troops, i The Ohio National Quaid bas never been repre sented heretofore at any istttigufation, but it is proposed to feud a brigade of 2,500 men. composed of every arm of the ser vice to Mr Qarriaou's inauguration. Gen. D, M. Hasting. Adjutant General, and Gen J P. 8 Gobln, of ibe Third Regi ment Pennsylvania National Guaid. who are in the city, said to-day that in addition to tbe large number of infantry tent here from ' PennsylvaDia four years ago; the Stats' would this yeat be represented by a number of mounted men and artillery. It is expected that a 'arge number of Indiana troops will come on, including Gen. Har rison's old regiment, which, it is said, will act as escort to the President : '. Referring to tbe published statement that Congressman Matsbn is believed to be at the bead of the movement to organiia a Democratic G. A, R . that gentleman says he koows nothing of it, except what he has read in the papers, and consequently is not at tbe head or at any other part of tbe affair. The other statement in tbe dispatch, (hat his friends expect him to follow Gen. Palmer's course, and withdraw from the G. A. R., he says, is also without founda tion. He never was a member of the or ganization, and therefore cannot withdraw, Duriog the campaign regiments of veterans were formed in every county in Indiana, and it is probable that these organizations form the basis of tbe new movement in that State, bnt of this he cannot speak by aa thority. OUR AfT. Secretary TVbltney'a Annnai ICcport. Washington. November 30. Secretary Whitney has presented his annual report to the President. After giving a brief review of tbe condition of the Navy as it Will ex ist on tho fourth day of Match, 1889, in comparison with the same aa it existed on tbe fourth day of March, 1885, and fur nishing a list of armored vessels heretofore authorized by Congress, the Secretary says; Bo far as armored amps are concerned. the sutject is yet to be treated in a broad way by the Department and by Congress. At the present time the conditions are such that everything necessary to a first class fighting ship can be produced and furnish ed to tbe Department in this country as soon as in course of construction any ele mentor feature is required; but this has never until the present time been true, and therefore consideration of the subject has been necessarily postponed by the De partment until the present time. Efforts of the Department in ship construction have necessarily since March, 1885, been devoted to unarmored vessels, and as to these the Department ia able to report that when ships in the course of construction and those authorized, shall have been com pleted, tbe United States will rank second among the nations in the possession of unarmored cruisers, or -'commerce de- .rharacteria- tk. viz: of a size 8.000 tonsand upward. and possessing a speed of 19 knots per hour and upward. I The importance which has been placed upon this branch of naval armament will be appreciated from the statement that England and France possess sixty-five ves sels of the class known as unarmored crui sers. The attention of tbe world was at tracted to the destructive effect which was produced upon the commerce of tbe United States by cruisers fitted out under tbV aus spices of tbe Confederacy in the war of the Rebellion. Tbe total tonnage of registered vessels of the United States had risen year by year until in 1861 it amounted to 2,642, 628 tons, and between 1861 and 1866 it was reduced to 1.491.926 tone, or in other words. to the point which we had reached in 1849, from which decline we have never recov ered. The insurance war risks upon Amer ican vessels during the war rose in excep tional cases to as high as 25 per cent. Sir Charles Wilson, Director General of the Ordnance Survey of Great Britain, re cently stated that "if there is one point clearer than another in tbe history of com merce, it is this, that wbenta State cannot effectually protect its carrying trade in time of war that trade passes from it and does not return " ! Lord Charles Beresford, lately a member of the Board of Admiralty, in the same connection, stated: "To-day one-half of the people in England would absolutely have no bread to eat but for rood that comes in over tbe sea. It is a matter of life aod death for you to protect commerce and you have not ships to do it with." We cannot at present protect our coast, but we can return blow for blow, for we shall soon be in condition to launch a fleet of large and fast cruisers against the com merce of any enemy able to inflict most se rious and lasting injury thereon. With regard to the productton of power by machinery the report says: ."An ex amination of the state of the act in 1885.1ed to the conclusion that the machinery of naval vessels ought to be so designed as to produce ten-horse power for each ton of machinery, and it was determined to make that tbe standard, and to enter into no con tracts that were not based substantially thereon. Plans of machinery were pur chased abroad, which upon trial has ap proximated that result Bidders were au thorized to bid upon plans thus submitted to competition, or were permitted to sub mit tbeir own plans, but were obliged to guarantee results determined upon by the department under severe penalties for fail ure, and with compensating premiums in case of attaining better results. It results that all contracts for the construction of ships which have been entered into since March, 1885. call" for the production of power by machinery equal to the highest standard. The effects of the department in. this matter have beencojdMlySonded by bureau cJVfeTHTand it is believed that at tile-present time the department has reach- wnere enure reliance can ce placed upon it for the production of war vessels equal in character to those of any other country. It is gratifying to be able to report that as will be seen from the fol lowing table, notwithstanding larger ex penditures for the new navy in the last three years, a reduction in other directions has made the total expenditures of the de-t partment lees for these years than, for the three years ending June 80tn, 1884: tne or dinary expenses of the department having been reduced over 20 per cent The year 1884-'5, was omitted from the table as not having been wholly in either administra tton. The total expenditures of tbe de partment for the three years ended June 80th, 1884, compared with the three years ended Jnne 80, 1888. the items being taken from reports of the Fourth Auditor of the Treasury and distributed under various ob jects oi expenditures. - I fHere follows the table mentioned above, showing that expenditures for the vears ending June 80. 1882-'83 and '84. were $47,979 897, and for tbe years ending June 80. 1883 "87 and 88 S40 8S0 630 . Under the bead of coast and harbor de fence the Secretary states that "in the last annual report of the department considers tiona were given leading to the conclusion that it would be unwise for the depart' ment to follow the course of European powers in building unprotected torpedo boats, and in the present uncertainty re garding the practicability of submarine boats, and while waiting practical trial of dynamite gun-boats, it has been deemed wise for the department to build one light draught, heavily armored harbor defence floating battery, or ram, for which designs NO. 5 have been prepared by the Bureau of Con struction ana oteam jsngtceering ia con sultation with Hhlef nf Ihn H.i.r,. .. Ordnance. Advertisements for this vessel call for submission of bids in tbe month of February next . - Business methods nf ihn rivnnrtmant discussed at some length and a historv Siven Of the efforts hnino- maris tn atmnlirv systematize and improve them -' THU. bOUTH, Great Activity tm Industrial Develop ment Tbe Augaata exposition . - BAimifoltlE. Nnnmhar OA Tho 1 v.v.wwwa AMW OfcTVIlM reports to the Manufacturer's Record of activitv in the indusirinl in South, will show that this week bas been a ery ousy one. Among tne new enter prises is a five million dollar DOBed of New T5nolnrl rnnitnliom r.rt..-n. ized at Fort Payne. Ala ' to deveinn mineral land, build furnaces, rolling mill, fcc.: Knoxville, a $i00. 000 State Quarry ing Company, and a $803,000 Improve- ment Company to build street , railroads, &c.; Ocala Fla a $500,000 General Im Drovement Comnaftv? Rltimnrn a nnn - 000 Agricultural Imotement ' Comnanvi I Paso, a $250,000 Irrigation Comiauy. six hundred thousand dnlUr will bniid a manufacturing town near Aithe villa Ttf f- nnttnn mill- ed at Gaffrey City and Winnsboro, 8. C, auu umiriuwo, u ; sua at olacoD, Ua. 1W.WU spindle mill will be bniit at once. - Augusta. Ga.. November as .Tnhn ft Ionian, of New York. PmuiHont rt t Ha Richmond Terminal H R chn th several of his directors has Inst visited the a . a, " H.T -n . Augusts national .exposition, aulborized the sending of the following communlca- .1 l a . . , uuu iu iuo Associated tress: - "The Augusta National Exposition has imptessed us by its scone, comnletenesa and great practical value to all industrial ana commercial interests. It is a grand combination of textile industries of the Noith and South, first in the latest forms of fine machinery in oneration. second, in exhibits of fabrics from South ern mills. Next to these leading features are many exhibits illustrative of develop ments made within eight years in all tbe region east of the Mississippi and south of thfl Ohlft nnrl Pntntni. Thoea ahnm b.M.u thing of the vast natural resources of the rektiuuD ium uoio ucoo upeueu io cipiiai and diversified indnntrv hv sinCS 1881. and also of immennA ir rrennn in manufactures in the same regions during mat time . Liarge exnioila of raw materials from unimproved places, testifying to the undevelootd wealth nf Ihn ftnnlh opportunities that are open to capitalists. isispiajB or agricultural ana norticuitural DToduCta Drove that the Rnilth ran nrnrtuca all its own feed supplies and have a great surplus ror shipment to lees favored sec tions. All in all, this Exposition is an object-lesson of inestimable value Io intelli gent men. It is also full of - suggestions to farmers, manufacturers and artisans and to all who are seeking to better their fortunes. For thpan rennonn thn nnHnraiotnoH mnat heartily commend it to public attention, and urge all whom they can Influence to visit it before it shall close on the 15th of next month. John H. Ixnmah. President PrefiidRftt Tmnpr J. Rpprfcmna nf thn American Pomological 8ociety, who is a large exhibitor at the Exposition, issues the following, dated Augusta, Ga Nov. 28, 1888: "To the Pomohgiatsofihe United States: The National Agricultural Congress will convene at Augusta, Ga , under the aus Dices of the Aueusta National Eznoattion. on December 10th. Hon. Norman J. Cole" man, U 8. Commissioner of Agriculture, and other eminent leaders, will be present,. It is hoped that a large number of members f.p the- xnrvaxj- amuuosu x uuiuiugiuan uuiiiety, BB well as of all engaged in allied pursuits, will attend. P. J. Bbxckmatjs. "Prea't Am Pom. Bociety." MARYLAND. Tbe Oyster Wars Waged jr tba State Autborltlea Certlfleatea leaned to Congressmen Elect-Pardone Isaned by (be Governor. Annapolis Md , Nov. 28. Col. Victor Baughman, Sta'e Comptroller, and one of the State Fishery Board, had been aboard the State steamer McLane making a secret official investigation of the Chesapeake Bay oyster troubles. His report submitted to tbe Board to-day, states that the State force, though willing to carry out the laws, waa without proper equipment; that the officers complain that when violators of the oyster laws are brought before justices of the peace or are arraigned ia court, de lays are interposed and technical defences allowed that result in the acquittal of the accused. This tends to demoralize the force. The Board determined that every effort should be made to bring tbe offen-i ders to punishment and to uphold the dig nlty of the State, seajed orders were sent to deputy commanders of the force. It was resolved to equip every vessel with cannon, as well aa other weapons, and to secure the use of these the Governor and Comptrol ler, as directed, went to Washington. Annapolis, Nov. 28 The Governor esued certificates of election as Congress1" men from Maryland to-day to Charles Q. Gibson, Herman E Stump, llarry Rusk, Henry Stockbridge, Jr.. Barnes Campton and Louis E McComas four Democrats and two Republicans. Baltimobe, Nov. 28. Gov. Jackson to day pardoned Hezekiah S. Best, Martin J. Clark and John W. McMahon, who are serving a term in the Baltimore City jail for fraud at the election of 1886 - Gov. Jackson, referring to the petitions for the pardon of these election judges and clerks. said: Petitions which have been laid before me contain tbe names of every member of the Legislature, nearly every leading busi ness house In Baltimore, and thousands of other private citizens. Against their par don there has been but one formal protest, that of the Reform League. I am satisfied that the people believe mcrey ought to be extended to these men. The punishment already endured has been sufficient to serve the ends of justice. The families of some of them have been reduced to a suffering condition since the imprisonment of hus bands and fathers. - la view of these cir cumstance?, I determined to issue the par dons. v. -:. ..':..! ' JUTE BAGGING TRUST, Tbe "Combine" Reported to be Going ! Pleeaa. By Telegraph to the Morning Star, Chicago, Nov. 29. A special from St Louis says the Jute Bagging Trust is re ported to be going to pieces. The sales of bagging by the combination have been far below tbe usual fall average, in addition to the shrinkage in sales, another obstacle now conf ronts the .Bagging Trust. . -which causes no small uneasiness in its ranks. There are in all twenty-four bagging fac tories in the United States, and of these sixteen are shut down, having been leased by the "'combine" and closed. The nrst day of January these leases expire, and the sixteen factories are ready to start up again unless once more leased by- IheTrust: and allowed to remain idle, j So far- there 'has been no arrangement made towards leasing by the bagging "combiner," and it is pro bable that several factories will start np af ter the opening of the new year, which is calculated to interfere considerably with the plans of the combine, and. naturally cause a serious decline in tbe price of bag ging. -: J.--; . ; : .' NORTH CAROLINA. Tne State Board. - of Canvaasers at : - Worst. ; By Telegraph to the Xorsmg Star. - Ralbigh. Nov. 80 The Canvassing Board to day completed ' the count of the vote for Judges and for the Constitutional Amendment increasing tne number oi du Dreme Court Judges to five The Demo cratic majorities run from 15,900 to 17.843. ThetAmendment is carried by a majority Of 92,568. The count oi the vote for State officers and members ot Congress Will be resumed to-morrow. : Spoiits .Turpentine. SanfoVd J&Dress: Mr. Duncan elver, of Sanford tovrnihln. ihnwi m . ricEiacebf silver ore weishins at vers 1 . ounces, which he found on his plantation tome days ago He says he has a genuine mine of this metal. Sanford Express : Last "week I noted a murder, an atlemot to enmmit we I rape and aa attempt to commit homicide. an or wmcn occurred in one week in the . county, and all the perpetrators have avoid- ed the clutches of tba law so far. Durham Pldnti -Mr. Jirim VV Wilson, who was r.hipf oneinvor m tho , vey of the Western N 0. railroad, bas jut - been annnjnhut hv tli C.wi.Ai. ment to inspect tbe Canadian Pacific Rail- ui iruiu vmvi iu toe jrarinc uceau. ' We believe Mr. Wilann ia a nf - - tm vi Orange county. . Henderson Ifeus: L. Edward, merchant nf Qnlrlahnm ua. . branch Store hern in fh anrlan .1 Liabilities estimated between $30.0(0 and f40,000. The liabilities of Mr, T, D. Wataon. arrocer. nha failed terday, are $1,300. J. R. Ferrell & C V are preierrea creditors, New Bern Journal.' Nid U-m is the best winter retort in thn Those who may not be able to get h. ro in time to secure homes will find Wilniiotoo, Charlotte. Aflheville and a ilcMt. . towns pleasant places to stop at. Any part ot norm uaronna is hotter than an here else. This is mouest but true. Asheville Citizen: North dim. linians took thirteen prizss on fine tobacco at the Danville Exposition. The Danville Reaitter exnresaea it "North Hamlin t.,ir the cake." The premiums taken bv Norih Carolina amounted to $1,150, and the hiffheat nrnminma wr t.k.n Kb tWo . ducts of Madison and Buncombe. Wilson Advance: Wn oca from the Tarboro S.uthernor that it only costs 60 cents to send a bale of nnttnn r rnm Tar- Don) tO Norfolk over the Atlantic Coatt Line. The rate from Wilson and there ia not five milea rilffarsnra tn thn Hioiimu i. $1- 60 only a difference of 90 cents in tbe bale. The reason tbe rates are so low at Tarboro is because a narrow gauge railroad haa been ROnntnirted from Tarhnrn tn TT.m. ilton, and there connects with a line of . , BieaiDDoaia. Oxford News: We share, the sorrow of the entire community in the death of Miss Nannie Hobgood. daughter of Mr. A. Hobgood, who departed this life at an early hour Tuesday morning, the 2Tth inst. There was a serious accident on the O. & C. R R. last week. A negro woman and child were on a trestle, cross ing, when the 'freight train came along, and were paralyzed with fear and didn't try to get out of the way. They wero hor- . ribly mangled and died from their injuries. The accident occurred about three miles from Oxford. Charlotte Democrat: A note from Rev. E. A. Osborne, Superintendent of the Thompson Orphanage, says: "We have thirty-one homeless children, and having no endowment. I find much diffi culty in supporting them. We need funds lor daily bread as well as for completing our buildings. Our Orphanage is for tho homeless chlldron of North Carolina." Last Wednesday night about 6 o'clock a little son of Rev. J.T. Bagwell, in company with several children, Btruck a railroad tor pedo with a rock, which exploded and badly injured the boy, a piece of the torpe do entering his side. Charlotte Chronicle: R. P. isicKsaiea on weanesaay nignt at naomi Falls, '! Randolph county. He had only been sick a week. Mr. Dicks was a large stockholder in the Naomi Falls Factory, and President of the Plaid Association. He was comparatively a young man, and waa highly respected wherever known. . Capt. E. Wt Ward, of Lincolnton. assigned yesterday. The assets, it is said will more jfran cover all liabilities. The assignment was forced by importunate creditors at an unexpected and unprepared for time. Mr. Roseborough is the assignee. John Wilson the negro who presented the bill for $79 to Gordon for services during the cam- Saign, and which was published in yester ay's Chronicle, had a hard time yesterday. The negroes beset him on all - sides. Wil- naayaJia waajtary nearly having a halt . dozen ngnts in sen-defence. He was be rated all day for giving away the secrets of the Radical party, Wherever he turned he met personal abuse. North Carolina Presbyterian: On Sunday, Nov. 18th, there was received into the Alamance church twelve persons on the profession of faith. The Rev. Roger Martin was installed pastor of the Providence church in Mecklenburg Pres bytery, on Sunday, Nov. 8rd. Rev, Alex.- Sprunt writes from Henderson. No vember 24th: On Sabbath the 18th, inst., we held our fall communion and were cheered In the reception of eight new mem bers. A commission of five appointed by Orange Presbytery, was to organizes new church in Guilford county on tbe 20th. This church, "Midway" by name, lies im mediately hetween Buffalo and Bethel. We just closed a very interesting meeting at Keith church, on yesterday. Bro. Stanford preached for ns a few days. The church is revived, andjeight souls were added to the church. Others were inter ested and we hope will soon unite with uc To God. be all tbe praise. K. McDonald, Magnolia, Nov. 19th. Tarboro Southerner: A force of several hundred men with eighty carts are grading the Chowan & Southern rail road this side of the Roanoke river. Tbe nearest squad is about five miles from this place. A colored boy about nine years old was killed on the farm of W. A. Haislin. bv the falllns? of a tree. - He waa cutting it down, and aa it began falling he ran off , just far enough to get caught under it. It broke his skull and one leg. The peaceful passing away Sunday after a well rounded life of Matthew Wed- . dell, was the obliterating of one of the old landmarks, so to speak, of Tarboro. For more than forty years Mr. Weddell has been a well known, respected and esteemed citizen of Tarboro, where he held many positions of trust and confidence without a breach of the one or a trace of bad faith in the other. Matthew Weddell was born August 23d, 1818, in Edinburgh, Scotland. Sneak thieves are putting in some lively work in this vicinity. EL K. Nash and F. 8. Wilkinson have lost bogs. Whit McNalr saved his by going to his door in time to scare the would be thieves off. Lumberton Robesonian: We are requested to give notice that Rev P. R. Law, of this town, will preach at Phila delphus church on the second Sabbath in, December, and we commend him as an able preacher and a most worthy exempla ry christian gentleman. 1,820 Alli ances in tbe State Nov. 20, 1888. Maxton dots: Maxton is increasing in pop ulation and buildings. The tempera ture took another f auMnijavmorning to .84 4egiteBTezeror ayetteralf----jottings: Droves of fine mountain beef are constantly being brought to this market. They are brourat down on the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railway. Forty miles pf the Wilmington extension has been graded. This is about half the distance. It is expected that the whole will be com pleted in another year. The work of build-" ing tbe bridge across the Cape Fear, can not commence until the plans and specifi cations have been approved by the govern ment. The bridge across the river and the creek adjoining will cost about $100,000. Raleigh News Observer ; Jt is reported that a negro died from fright on ' the train the other day. He was going from Belma to Clayton and was riding on the train for the first time in his life. When he started he was perfectly well an 3 before he arrived at Clayton he was dead. It is stated that he was scared to death. Bishop J. C. Granbery preached two sermons In this city Sunday, at Edentou street M. E. church at 7.80 p. m. Both : sermons were listened to by large congre gations and both were deep, powerful, learned land edifying. Bishop Granbery is a broad and deep thinker and a dear and eloquent expounder. Statesville, Nov. - 24 During the sitting of the grand jury at the recent term of the Superior Court J. B. Connelley, late clerk of the court, was rented for embezzlement and forgery. P. Caldwell, the well known editor, who hews to the line, was accosted by two brothers of J. B. Connelly for the publi cation of the same, and a fight ensued. There were two to one on the editor, but Joe is a good one and got in his work -like a little man, flooring one of bis as sailants, and was about to work the John Bullivan racket on the other when the crowd parted them. A little blood was shed on both sides.

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