1 '1 J i A r i The Weekly Star. ,V , "TIBLISHKD AT 'r ' . I L, M I N O T O N.N. C ii.oD a year, in ad Vance. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS 9i0 no if tl ?Sg88888888888S88 S8888S888SSS88S88 Biiinow 8 tall I SS888SS8SS8SSSS8S. Q sqiuoH S 2h'SSSSS5SSS8PP I S8S888S8S58S8SS888 nnoji I SSS8S8888S8S888S8 83139 AV S 8888888888888888 oo o oo jj ji g J aj g jj g g jj 88888888888888888 5i a f Entei-ed at the Post Offloe aCWUmtagton, N. as Second Class Matter.) SUBSCBIPTION PRICE. The subscription price of the WEaKM St ah is as follows : ' Single Copy 1 year, postage paid, $1.00 " 6months .60 . " " Smonthf ' " " .30 BRIBES FOB OEHOCttlTS. Oar highly esteemed contempd riry, the Durham Plant, takes issue, with ns as to Southern Democrats taknig office under Uarrison and oar calhog tender a bribe. Well, it lboks to us thus: . For a Republican President to ten der office to a Southern Demoorat doe look to as to be in the nature of a bribpi pure and positive. For a Democrat, ' who is honest, decided, intelligent, to take office under an Administration he antagon izes, does' not look fair and consis tent to as. n For a Demoorat to help pull , the Republican Administration through . m order to give it influence and res pect, does not .look to ns as exactly the thing for a Democrat to do. For a Democrat who believes in the cardinal principles of his party, to serve an Administration for a consideration that holds to principles the very opposite of his own does not seem to as as either consistent or commendable. ff a Demoorat is bo little a Demo crat, that he is willing to take office under a Republican Administration then he ought to change his name as he changes service. That is the way we look at it. If wrong, we are in good company for we feel sure that nineteen-twentieths of North Caro lma genuine Democrats will agree with us. ' . If a Democrat may take office un der Harrison where waB the wrong in 1869 and 1870 when so many men went aver to the Republican party in North Carolina and got fat places? Were Holden, Reade, Pearson, Rod man, Dick, Buxton, Settle, Bynam, Barringer and a hundred others guilty of an offence and a grievous wrong when they deserted their race . when in perilous, troublous times and identified themselves with the foreign oppressors and the native "savages?' If it is all right and proper now, when oar institations are still in danger, to take office from the enemy how was it wrong in 1863 and after ? Democrats should standby their colors. Men voting with the Demo cratf, but who at heart are Republi can?, have not got far to go when they accept the bribe and unite in full with the reactionary party that is held together by seven principles "the cohesive power of public plunder the five loaves and two fishes." - : -a ' If after L fine the Democratic party so long and so earnestly and so sincerely we were to be persuaded by the offer of any office at Gen. : Harrison's disposal to identify our- selves with his Administration we would expect to be attacked by ev ery sound Democratic paper in North Carolina, and to be branded as traitor from Elizabeth City to Murphey. And we would deserve every word we got. President Cleveland, has set his partv the example to emulate. He nails his colors to the mast in the very midst of a howling tempest. Stand by the grand old Democratic partVj Stand by the Constitution. Stand by principles to the last, though the heavens fall. Macbeth'a declaration might be well used by a man tempted with office to desert his party "I dare do ail that may become a man, Who dare do more is none." 1 TOE BUSINESS OT7TXOOK. The cost of a Presidential election to the United States is a great sum. Usually Presidential years have not been favorable to commercial pros- . perity. This year is no exception, iiauroad receipts are less than in 1887; The number of failures is great, and alarmingly on the increase. There seems to be a good deal that is very "rotten in Denmark." ' The outtook is not all that could be de. sired. There has been too - much over trading. Too many people have quit farming to go into merchandiz ing and trading, and without either business capacity or training. There is a, continued advance in Southern manufacture?, but the great farming interest m the South is notsatisfac- tory. in JNorm Carolina there is depression in trade, and because of VOL. XX. the condition of the farmers, the true basis of all - substantial prosperity.. There are sections---whole bounties J in which' bread is scarce and in which the tobacoo ' crop was - almost a failure. This too in : sections where in past years money has been; abundant because crops were remu nerative. We look for more failures and shall be very thankful if a finan cial crisis does not occur within the next two years. In the country! at large the signs are not as flattering aa one would de sire. The outlook is-not one of tin-. mingled cheerfulness. The Louis ville Courier-Joiirnal says: "But takinff railroad stocks and farm produce together, the phenomenal ihrlnk- Bgu ia utnuuuiy a aiuoniDg negative oi mq Doom.' ana we are sorry to say it Buoy ancy ia a missing element in all depart-: menta. "The action of trade in the speculative form which beta on tains or losses of value has been betting all around on declines. I ine ran in proauce is aitrioaua correctly 10 pieinora in no otner staples but corn, while the logical accompaniment of a fall in the corn and cotton Exchanges would be a rise in the stock Exchange. But then the shrinkage of values has prorated fully with all produce except corn and its porcine products alone. -. "Alt we are pointing at is the business temptr. asinaicatea Dy investments pre' vailing, which is bearish out of time."; xrioes tor food products are weaker then they were a month ago. Corn has declined 8 cents a bushel; urrtoa f. ttaa r i n tA 1 O Annra a VtnaKal v uvaw una vtwaauw vvuva vuoum hogs have dropped from 12 to $3 a head, and other things have fallen. Securities have, also shrank. The coming year 1839, promises to be one of trial and, to many, of scarcity. NORTHERN VaBSIIBRS RESPONSI BLE. " There is no doubt that the farm ers in the Northern States are main ly responsible for live defeat of Mr. Cleveland.' Of course the Money Kings who furnished the boodle with which to. debauch and purchase voters, have a great sin to answer for, and yet it was quite like fallen human nature to resort to the most despicable means to perpetuate the reign of Plutocracy and to keep np by bribery the Republican plan of obtaining spoils from the people. It was a sort of life struggle with the Carnegie-Kellev crowd. But not so with the farmers. They were the pluoked and fleeced and victims. It was the farming class that had been grinding through the decades in the mills of the Philistines, and yet knew it not, I he consequence was that in blindness and ignorance, they marched to the polls and voted for Higher Protection and more grind- mg. it may oe mat Dy muz, jNortn- ern farmers will gain some intellii gence and learn something valuable concerning the Republican methods by which the bucolic Peter is made every day to toil and moil to pay the Monopolistic Paul to whom he is not indebted a cent. He may under much and long tutilage learn that Protection means oppression and de spoiling and wrong. When he learns hotter, he will vote wiser. TBE SDRFLtTS. . The country is still cursed with a great surplus. The danger lurking in it- is very - Jeal. xou can eee something of it in the public prints that favor the infamous Blair bill because of the necessity of spending this surplus. That is precisely the plea of the most extreme advocates of comet-like appropriations for all sort of .wild and foolish schemes. It is estimated that on 1st Sept., 1888, there was a surplus in the Treasury of not less than $06,000,- 000. It is thought that by 1st Janu ary, 1889, " there . will be at least 1125,000,000 in surplus in the Treas ury vaults, in one more year an other hundred millions will have accumulated,- making the surplus 1st January, 1890, $225,000,000. This vast sum is taken from the people by taxation. There is no need of it for legitimate, constitu tional expenditures. That great sum is withdrawn trom circulation, and so much capital taken from the peo ple who hourly need it. ; One dollar in excess of the posi tively necessary expenses of the Government constitutionally admin istercd, is robbery in essence. It oppresses and wrongs1 the patient tax-bearers. Shall this continue? Suppose the present wilfully ab surd and ruinous system of taxation shall continue lor . twenty, years longer, what would be the result? Such a sum would be wantonly, ras cally seized from the people under the forms of a bad law so as to make them poor and create such a mass of money as no Government on earth ever owned. . It would take the cir culation of all nations to furnish the money. The New York Times ot the 5th inst. says: "At this rate the surplus will be sufficient bvJuly. 1890. to pay. principal and in terest, the 4 per cent, bonds not due till Bentemner. itvi. tsr ivw a mm oe sui- flcient to pay, principal and interest, the A per cent, bonds not aue tui laov. in the meantime the stupid process of buying bonds to get rid of the fruit of needless taxation must become more and more diffi cult." ': . . The United States steel cruiser At lanta ia to circumnavigate the world. It is fitting out for the long voyage at the New York navy yard. ;$ ' 1,-... t t . sAiimAGimpi:' That, ia 4 deligiitful. picture ot delif wifely devotiop,; sympathy - nd ap- nrontaf inn m van , - W " Plmv . V nn f;iw twi-. .ha' .w-iiX yif IjIshvbsv hwiu) xiugvuvj huu mww nvvgv v uvv pvii -sV " "She has nx books: rahe-reads them again and again: she even commits them to mem ory. .What anxiety she feels when I am go ing to make a- speech before the Judges,, what; joy when I have, finished it. She places people here and there in the audience to bring her word what anDlauses - have been-accorded my speech, what has been ins issue or tna anal.:; irJL give reaomgs of mv works anvwhere she sits close by." separated by a screen,' and drinks in my ' praises with' most greedy ears.' My verses also she sings.''a&d8et&to muaia of the lyre. -so artist guiding ber bdt only love, who is tne oest master. . Tb-at Is truly charming, most ex quisite. - It reads ' very modern.. Written more than eighteen hundred years ago it reads like , a leaf from some nineteenth ce.nturyjtter.."frQni pome tuanof genius who loved a wife that adored him. It gives a charm ing glimpse ofhe manners and cus-. toms - of the - Romans in ; St. Paul's day; We learn - that men of letters gave readings then from ' their wri tings as Dickens gave thirty, years ago, and . others ; hays followed his b uccessf ul . example. : We see, top, a loving wife placing ber couriers in 4he hall to bring her the news from time to time of the sucoess of her gifted husband," It is noVsaid that she placed them there, to start the applause, as. has been done in mod ern times. - Funy the x anger is better known than most Romans be cause of his description of tho de struction of Pompeii. We have met with nothing ancient eo absolutely - modern in tone : as the above sketch of his wife, except Cicero s letters to his friend Atticus. They read as if they had been writ ten by some Burke or Fox in the last part of the last century, or by some Macaulay or De Quinoey in the first half of the present century. We re fer to the latter-day flavor and . not to the Btyle of course, as these four writers had very different 6tyles. In the National (British) Review there is a capital paper on "Some Literary Idolatries,", by William Watson, a writer hitherto unknown to us but decidedly clever, lie pricks the bladder that Charles Lamb blew up as to the magnificent genius of certain of the Elizabethan Drama tists. Ford and Webster are especi ally handled and with marked ability, and others are referred to in a manner quite in keeping with their true place in dramatio literature. He concludes his acute discussion with this suggestion: "If we live under the shadow of the An des, a time comes when their immensity ceases to be a perpetual astonishment to us. But if Baiddaw and Helveiiyn coma sna- denlv be Disced in the foreground, we shou'd experience a renewed sensation of tbevastnessof Chimborazo and uotopaxi. If any reader is so unfortunate as to find that a Droloneed familiarity witn enaaea- peare begets at last a somewhat blunted sensibility to the master's supreme power. a remedy is at hand by which his - palate may recover its gust. Jjet him try a course of Webster and Dekkar. Randolph and Tourneur, Middleton and Heywood and Ford." There is no American publication that comes to this office that con tains as well written criticisms on books as the Eclectic Magazine. They are ordinarily just and pene trating, and are the work of no "prentice hand" in letters, we may well believe. In some of our notes in these columns in the past, we have tried to impress the reader with the excellence of Walter Savage Landor as a writer of English prose. He was beyond all fair questioning one of the supreme stylists of his country. In English literature there is nothing comes so near the Greek severity and repose aa Landor. Read his "Imaginary Con versations" and yon will find a style of rare purity, limpidity and virility- We would be glad to know that peo ple read the great authors more and talked of them less. The man who is not really familiar with Addison, Goldsmith, Burke, Carlyle, Macau- lay, Raskin and Froude knows but uttle of those writers who are emi nently great'" as-.to style. Others might be added. But none is more pungent, more lucid, more imposing in high and stately eloquence than' the masterly Landor. Wo find in the 'Eclectic for Decembor a nassaere from Landor we will copy. It is as true as felicetous. The immediate cause of the passage is a minor work of Landor's called "The Pentamer- on," which among other things con tains "Citation and Examination of w uuam ooaKespeare," as well as other examples of cntioism. Here is tho passage we would reproduoe: "Landor's name is much more talked about than bis books are read. Heispre emlnantly the author's author, in the sense .that Spenser is the poet's poet. The lofty, austere taste, the studied exclusion of everything that ia outre, extravagant, or iancum, vuB pisy oi an imagination, great m a 1 a . . . . a as u, wmca is uways unaer tne control oi wo moat laauaious lnieuectuausm, a style as chiselled as the outlines of a Greek statue, ideals of thought and expression so purely classical that they mostly seem out oi sympaiiiy wiux me mines the mod em man thinks and , does all these nut Trailer oava&a jjsaaor puisiae ox tne cur rent uaga m numan interest. Yet no thinking and cultivated man ever finds anvthing but keen Pleasure and mnchrnvn- fit in reading even the lesser things writteu WILMllSONf by thia greattagenhis.it Beautiful awtfi J lflhed as his poems.are Landor is most known to readers bv 'the 'Imaginary 'COi venations.' which ranks among the claseits oioflenriitemurei'i iTiVj - ; th- tncst fascpjating works in . all - nsOil'-B.Aii ;'.' i.irir- -f.u 't is is almost dewessmc to ; I over the list of new books published as received in the great daihee. The multiplication ' of books of all kirjols is bo r great tnat the task of winnow ing grows apace, and tho necessity of careful selection becomes more posp tive yearly.- Never waste time over poor books. It takes " as much time to read a third or fourth rate work as it does to read a first or second rate book. :Life is short and books arc veiy many.;.- Never read a boo unless- iou have informed yowmf- di ia Its gimiiM afcl-Dtf. not read? a book ' merely ' because ' some one offers to lend you a copy. Husband your spare hours. You have no idea how much can be accomplish ed by : only two or three hours a day. " We are a 1 somewhat busy editor, and yet we find time to read 15.000 or more pages of literature and theology in.a year. We read history, science, biography, poe try, essays, &o. Now and then we read a novel. We have about given up the new writers of stories, and now the great masteis deserve our attention almost exclusively Field ing, Scott,Thackeray,Dicken,George Eliot, a few of Bulwer's, a few of Meredith's, and not many others. This is personal, egotistical, if j you please, but it may serve as' a hint to some young man or woman too prone to waste precious hours and wander into forbidden paths or glean in poverty-smitten fields. Now in this con nection bear with us a little longer. Mr. Higginson, a well known man of letters in Massachusetts, publishes in Harper's Bazar what he considers to be the best ten novels published in the last ten years. They are Tol stoi's "War and Peace," and his "An na Karenina," Tourgenieff's "Virgin Soil," Daudet'e "Les Rois en Eiil," Howelle's "The Rise of Silas Lap- ham," James's "The Princess Cassa missima," Hardy's VMayor of Caster- bridge," Stevenson's "Kidnapped," "John Inglesant, "Ramon a" and "In the Cloods." ! We cannot enter an opinion, be cause of those named we have read, but "Kidnapped" and "John Ingle- Bant." The judgment may be cor rect, but we suspect that a critical mind that was familiar with the best of this kind of literature would per haps select some one or more other novels to make up the ten and omit some included above. It would be interesting to Bee the opinions of a dozen or two men of cultured taste and superior critical judgment as to the ten best novels- withirr the last decade. We suspect that1 N orris - would have a hearing, and Meredith would : have a. hearing, and Black more would have a hearing, and per haps Black, and Besant, and others might stand a chance. THE PUBLIC BUILDIXG. Blda for Construction Opened A Charleston Ran the Lowest Bid- der Tbe Plan and Size of tho Bonding, Ete. Bids for the construction of the Government building to be erected on the corner of Front and Chesnut streets in this city, were opened at. the office of the Chief Architect. Wash ington, D. C, last Thursday. Mr. Post, the superintendent here, has not yet been advised as to who Is the successful bidder. It is Bald, how ever,, that there were fourteen bid ders, and that the bid of Mr. t). A. J. Sullivan, of Charleston, S. C, was the lowest, and it is probable that he will be awarded the contract, al though the Government is not bound to accept the lowest bid. There were no bids from this city. , The plans and specifications pro vide for a building fifty by one hun dred and $wenty feet, to be of brick, sandstone, limestone or marble, as may be determined upon for the su perstructure. It will consist of three stories and a basement. The main front will be on Front street, thirty two feet from the line of the sidewalk, and the projection of the tower will be ten feet from the line of the sidewalk on Fron street. The height, from the ground to the cornice pf the main building, will be forty-one feet,and to the combing of . the? roof seventy-two feet. The f height from the ground to the top cornice of the tower will be seventy 'feet. . The Cus toms offices win be in the basement of the building,: the Postoffiee on the first floor, the U. S. Court .room on the second floor, and the Signal Ser vice office on the third floor . h The contractor is required to state the - date upon, which he will begin work and the date upon which the building will be finished, and will for feit fifty dollars for every day's delay. Cotton. The receipts of cotton at this port for the week closed yesterday are 7,455 bales, - against 10,159 bales the corresponding week last year.. Re ceipts for the crop year,' from Sep tember 1st to December 7th, are 105, 424 bales, against 134,339 to same date last year a decrease of 28,915 bales, , The stock at this portis 15,780 bales, against 24,422 bales at same date last year. . ..... r. ,. . linitWM ta ABCtdmat.: -Lt ', : ; Fi Ti Bteell, ther mail agent on the ' Carolina i Central ' railroad who was reported to have committedlsuicide In. Charlotte ; "Wednesday, was not dead at llast, accounts;. He .claims that h Bhot ' himself through acci dent. The weapon used was a : Brit ish bulldog pistoL - The ball struok on the- b6ne between the right eye and ' ear : and glancing; downward passed through the reoft palate I and lodged oh; the left! sideof the heck,' The doctor who - attended young Bizzell- said the wound; is, not necessarily a fatal one' but thai it was- too . early - to ; predict "Ihe result. The Charlotte Chrpniefe publishes, the ' following aoeountof the shooting;,; " Bizzell'is .only 17 years old; His parents reside in Laurinburgv He is mail agent on the Carolina Central. Tuesday afternoon" he' left iiere for Rutherfordton, ' returning at noon yesterday. . In the afternoon the boy drank freely, and at 5.45 o'clock, when he registered at. the Central Hotel, hl nerves were so unstoadv' that his signature ismMlyegnle.-Heiwent right to his room which Is on the top floor over the dining room. ' Ten min utes after a pistol shot was heard in the room, wnen tne xjnamrjermaia entered Bizzell's room, she found the boy lying on the; floor bleeding from the head "profusely. 'Assistance was summoned and the boy lifted to the bed, where he was examined carefully by Br. Register.' On the bureau was found the following note : "Bear Father: I am a'crazy maniac . I am perfectly sober. I am a raving maniae." - - ... . . Notwithstanding this the boy pro tests that the shooting was accident al. Be said his pistol was on the man tel piece. He went up to examine it, when it was discharged. Last night Bizzell was rational. He talked freely to Lawyer Tillet who had known him from his boyhood. He insisted to Mr. Tillet: who was sit ting np with him, that the shooting w4s Surely accidental, though to others e said he had no idea about it at all. ,, .- , vV , , ,. . t - Young Bizzell on Monday, as he was coming from Wilmington, . put his pistol to his head and asked the bag gage master -what he would think were he (Bizzell) to shoot. Yesterday the lad tried in vain to buy laudanum' from . a Charlotte druggist. IT. c su C KUetlon of Field Ofioos The election for officers of the Third regiment of the N. C. State Guard was held yesterday at Greensboro. A special dispatch to the Star says that there was a full attendance, by per son and proxy. CoL James B. Glenn of Greensboro, was re-elected Col onel; E. J. Parrish, of Durham, was elected Lieut. Colonel, and R. M. El lington, of Reidsville, was re-elected Major. CoL Glenn was strongly en dorsed for Adjutant General. A special from Tarboro says that the election for field officers of the First Regiment, here there, resulted as follows : John W. Cotten, of Tar boro, was re-elected Colonel; D. N. Bogart, of Washington, Lieutenant Colonel, and E. J.Barrell, of Raleigh, Major. " At the election held in Fayetteville for officers of the Second Regiment, Col. W. C. Jones, of this city, was re elected. Colonel. No Information was received as to the other officers. Who Will be AJiuant:General. There are several candidates for the position of Adjutant General of the State Guard. The appointment will be made by Gov. Fowle. It is said that besides Gen. Johnston Jones of Asheville, who is a candi date for re-election, Col. Cotten, of Tarboro, of the First Regiment, and CoL Glenn, of Greensboro, of the Third Regiment, are also in the field. The two latter are strong, and the presentlikelihood is that;they will destroy each other, and that either the present Adjutant will be re-elected, or the honor wilUfeTO to Major. Campbell, of Tayetteville, of the Second Regiment, who isJalBo a can didate, but who is not making any particular fight for the office. u. 8. circuit coart. . The suit of. Jacob Greenewald, of this city, against the Asheville and Spartanburg Railroad Company, $10, 000 damages for injuries received in a railroad accident, came np in the V. S. Circuit Court at Raleigh yesterday, and was compromised for $2,000. The ease was not tried, but judgment was entered by consent for the amount stated. Messrs. D. L. Russell and J. I. Macks were counsel for the plaintiff and Messrs. Chas. Price, CM. Sted man and F. H. Busbee for defendants. The case of the Fernoline Company of Charleston, S. C, vs. the Carolina Oil and Creosote Company of this city, for infringement of patent, will be taken up to-day. Hon, S. F. Phil lips is counsel for the defendants. BtluiM Brtanlai.' "' Railroad men say that since the quarantine was lifted the increase in travel has been remarkable, hundreds of persons passing South ' daily, en route to Florida. After the holidays it is expected that the tourist travel will begin and in spite of Jbhe .yellow fever scare, ft is anticipated that this will be unprecedented ' Forelsn Bxporto Voatorday. - Messrs Williams & Mnrohison clear ed the Bidtish steamship, Htcosian for Liverpool with $650 bales of cotton, weighing 1811,298 pounds and valued at : 17a,07JU; '. ; " ". . . Messrs Paterson, Downing & . Co 4 -cleared , the . Norwegian baraue Ephrussiiov Bowling, Scotland, .with 2890 barrels of rosin, valued at $2,903. Entertainment at sasurroU'o Store. . The Stab is requested to announce that there will be an entertainment given Friday evening, the ; 21st De-' cember, by the young ladies and gen tlemen of the HarrelTs Store , neigh- borhood, in Sampson, county..- The proceeds will go towards the erection of a Baptist Church at HarrelTs Stored - - - Cotton ror Antwerp. : .Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son cleared the British steamship John Dixon yesterday 'for; Antwerp; -Igium, with 4,150 .'bg'lWhweliBU&g. 1,882,632 pounds and valued at $188, .550. '. Second Ketntent It. 0. 8. C. - At the meeting, held at Fayette1 ville Thursday,.for election of officers of the Second regiment, a resolution was adopted endorsing Wrightsville as the place ' for the permanent encampment of ther State Guard, and - asking the ' General ' As semblytd make an appropriation for the purchase of - a site. CoL W. C. Jones was re-elected to the command of the regiment.; Maj. ;W. S. Cook, of Fayetteville, was elected Lieut, Col one, in place of Lieut. CoL E. P. Ut- : Rae, of Maxton, who declined a nom- I ination; andj)rv Jno.'- A. - Stevens, of Clinton, Major. :: : Anoibtr lrresniorlty ;PUiovered nt . tbe Treaanry Xenelon Aoppoprla- tlone Tne Republican National fix ecnitve Committee. ' r: ; Bt Teleeraptt to Uiir ICorohur Star ' ' WASHrsoTOHt'.i December Another irregularity haaj ljeen: jdiecofered la , the Treasury Department truing out of the mys terious disappearance of ten' sheets Of pa per, tehconUhitej( four-notes l Ihede Bomiaation of . $5, aid rcpresentine $200 a aH. - These sheets were included ia the re-, alar delivery.' from the Bureau of Engrav ing and Printing to the United States Treasurer last Tuesday .morning." The packages were counted -and reported to ce correct in every particular before leaving the Bureau: On 'reaching the Treasurer's office tney were agatnooaoted and reported corrects i ;; -5;;T. .rm I Tbe notes were all. completed, with the exception pf being Stamped with the Trea sury seal, and when that is added they are ready foe issue- 'After -the. packages in question had .been verified at the. Treasu rer's office; they , were turned ' over to the searing' diyiBion ' for completion ; They were . there ' , found to be. short ten sheets: : These were . numbered in regular order and- were id the mlddle.or the paca age. The officer in charge of the division refused to receipt . for these sheets, and word was sent to the Bureau for an expla nation. A thorough investlpution was in stituted, and 1 although' ' two- days have passed no trace' whatever of the missing sheets has been discovered. . While it is possible that the sheets were mislaid and may be recovered, it is more than probable they were abstracted by some one tho roughly familiar with tbe method of hand ling them. . The notes will readily pass for money. for they lack only the Treasury seal to be lejraltendera. : The Pension Appropriation bill was com pleted by the sub-committee to-day, and will be reported to the full ' committee to morrow . It appropriates $81,767,500, and ' is identical with last year's bill, with the exception that $1,200 less is appropriated this year than last year for the rent of of fice buildings. The District of Columbia Appropriation bili, reported to the House to-day, appro priates $4,927,193, being $143,017 lefithan appropriations for the current fiscal year, and $1,022,842 less than the estimate of the District Commissioners. For street im provements $817,000 is appropriated, or $2,000 more than the appropriation for the current fiscal year, and $462,804 less than estimates. For public schools $948,951 is appropriated, or $10,000 less than the ap propriation for the current year. j The . Republican National Executive Committee to-day discussed 'the propriety of establishing permanent National head quarters in this city in the building now occupied by the committee. No decision,1 however, has yet been reached. Questions of prospective contests in West Virginia and other States have not been discuassdj by the committee. Whatever interests the National committee have in these disputed districts are being looked after by Chair man Quay, who has thus far made no re port to the committee. Washikgton, December 8. The PreeiJ dent to-day Issued an order extending the civil service rules and regulations to the railway mail service, ! The total amount of bonds purchased to date under the circular of April 17, ia $99,024,050; of which $51,896,650 were 4 per. cents, and $47,627,400 were 41 per1 cents. The cost of these bonds was $117,-1 450,457, of whioh $68,010,877 was paid for 4 per cents, and . $51,439,579 was paid foi 4f per centa Washington, December 8. The com mittee having charge of the arrangements for the inanimation balL have decided to fix the price of tickets for admission at $ each. ' n em "' "' ' GRAIN AND PRO VISIONS vrneat Lower Corn Steady Onto Act ito and TJneettled Pork Weak and Lower. I By Telegraph to the Moraine Star. Chicago. Dec 8. With the exception of a temporary firm feeling early in the ses sion, wheat ruled weak and heavy most of tbe day and prices dropped slightly below the lowest point reached yesterday. The opening was about Jc higher than yester day's closing, and advanced io morewith out any special reason, excepting that offer ings were not large and the demand was moderate. But at the advance speculative offerings became heavy and prices declined io, and then tbe market became strong on the report of 159.000 bushels having clear; ed from New York, and prices again ral lied, the market advancing to the outside range. The advance, nowever, was met with liberal offerings, which again turned prices downward and declined lie. On this decline it was rumored that considerable "long" wheat bad been closed out by par ties who had recently turned bulls. Later the market ruled a trifle steadier, and the closing was about f c lower than yesterday. Corn ruled quiet and steady, with trading of a light r local character, fluctuations being limited to ic range. Opening sales were at a slight advance over the dosing prices of yesterday, after which the mar ket became dull and neglected, closing a trifle better than yesterday. I Data were fairly active but unsettled. The opening was steady, especially for Septem ber and May delivery, which were inquired for more freely. Holders showed little dis position to sell, and prices were bid up i fc, with very light trading. The firmness in near futures caused better feeling in May delirerv. and Drices advanced la This brought in fair selling orders, and as early buyers naa oeen iuibu up a uecuue w open up prices followed, and the close was easy. : Unite an aeuve speculative DUBinesa was reported in mess pork, and a weak and un settled feeling prevailed during the greater part of the session. Opening sales were made at yesterday's closing figures, and a reduction of 85 to 871c was submitted to later in. the day.- Toward the close the feeling was steadier, and prices rallied 2 5c, and closed steady and fairly- active. Trade was reported easy on the lard mar ket, but the feeling .was weak, and prices Buffered a decline of from 171 to 20c- Near the close the market was steadier, but tra ding was light. - Trading was moderately active ia short ribs,, and the market ruled nther weaker. . During the greater portion of the "Change" prices ruled somewhat ir regular, and declined 12i15o. and ihe market closed quiet at inside figures. I f&QEORGMTO WN COLLEGE. Elaborate PreparaUonsror aim can ' tennial cslcbratlon-Tfsl tine Clergy Expected from all Portions of Eu rope and America. - By Telegraph to the Homing Star. WAflHTNQTON, December 7.Tae most AlehrMtoftrenarationB are beuur made for i the celebration ot the Centenniaiof George town College,; ; ViaJWng clergy are expect ed from ail portions 01 Jburope ana Amen ca, and on the second day of the celebra tion it is expected - that upwards of five hundred Catholic prelates will be present. The celebration will continue ; three days- February 20th, 21st ana reno, ana rresi dent Cleveland and Cardinal - Gibbons wilt narticf nate in the ceremonies incident to the celebration. ,,-.. NO, 6 , jMARINR mSASTERi TerrlMe SaflerlBga or Ue shipwreck ed Crow of the Rekooner A. H. Croee. '- -- By Telegraph tothoXornbig Star. . Balttmoobb, Dec. 6. The schooner James A. Garfield, Captain Holte, arrived from Hsvanna - to-day with a cargo of phosphate; rock. On board the Garfield were the crew of the schooner Albert H. Cross, abandoned November 80, ia a sink ing condition, in latitude 88 45. loneitude 73 40. The wrecked schooner with a crew of five seamen and the cook, left Charles ton, November 5, for Petersburg, Va.- On the 18th the wiod blew a i gale from the northeast, and snlit foresails: on the 25th heavy waves swept away her boats, and to add to the teirible situation : the vessel sprune a leak. - Tho men were lashed to the pumps and for nine days battled with tne sea lor tneir lives, The seamen were covered with salt water sores, and every movement of their body save them pain. The. schooner was settling rapidly, and nope was rast giving away, on Novem ber 80 the captain saw the Schooner could. float but a few hours longer; when shortly before noon; the schooner Garfield hove in sight and answered their sicoals of dit- tress, and although' the aea was very rcuzh succeeded in transferring, the shipwrecked crew, who were in a wretched condition. Th Albert H. Cross belonged to Philadel phia parties.-: - HAT? I. Tfae Keieaie or tbe Steamer ilaytlan . Bepnblie to be Demanded , and Kn- ,, forced. I I (B? Telegraph to the Morning Star. Washington, Dec. 7. Action has been taken by Secretary Whitney which leaves no uouot as to tne policy 01 the govern ment in regard to the case of -the American steamer Haytien Republic, recently seized at iron au ranee: Uavti. The release of the vessel has been demanded through the proper aipiomatie channela. ana if the de mand is not complied with within a reason able period of time, steps will be taken to enforce it. "We do not think," sayB Se cretary Whitney, "the seizure of tbe vessel was justified, and are therefore determined that she must be delivered up to us " 4 Orders were issued this afternoon to tbe Commandant of the Norfolk Navy Yard, to prepare tne unitea states steamer Ua- sipee for sea service aa soon as possible. It will take a little longer to do this than will oe necessary witn. the three vessels at New x or, but it is thought she can be fullv ore pared to follow them to Hayti within a few days. She will be sent to Port an Prince unless something happens in j the meantime 10 renaer it unnecessary. Secretary Endicotthadan interview with Secretary Whitney this morning, and a ru mor started that it had been decided to send a number of troops to Hayti to assist the naval forces, but it was subseauentlv ascer tained that there was no foundation for tbe report. It is learned that the action of 8e cretary Whitney in ordering a fleet of ves sels to prepare for an expedition to Hayti. is due not so much to absolute refusal on the part of that government to comply with the request for the release of the eeized American vessel, as to the dilatory tactics adopted by the Haytien authorities in dealing with the Question. The position taken by this government, is understood to be that, as the Haytien authoritiesdeferred aroitrauon ot tne case to this 1 government, they are virtually 'bound by its decision. and that when they were informed by this government that they had no legal right to seize and detain the Haytien Republic, they should have accepted the situation and re leased the vessel. While they have not re fused to do this, they are. it is said, acting in such a procrastinating way as to indicate a strong oisincunauon to accept the Judg ment against them. MISSOURI. Blot nt n Com mine Between Swedes and Striking miners A Number of Men Woiaiiti By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Washington, December 7. A series of dispatches from Macon. Bt. Liouis and Springfield, Missouri, report that another pitched battle occurred at Bevier, Wednes day night, between Swedes who worked in coal mine No. 1, and unemployed or strik ing miners, which lasted until an early hour in the morning. There were between 1,500 and 2,000 shots fired. A row of business houses north of the Hannibal & St. Jo pas senger depot were riddled with bullets fired by the Swedes; many of tbe windows were pierced with boles. Tbe rioters were loca ted in tho buildinira and about half a dozen were wounded. One man, Charles Thorn beld, a Swede from Chicago, was probably fatally shot while trying to escape from one 01 the buildings to the mine shaft. Hostile ties have ceased for the time, but the com batants are resting on their arms. Reports as to who started the battle are conflicting, and nothing satisfactory can be learned. Tbe sheriff has telegraphed the condition of affairs to Gov. MoorehouBe. and acknowledged his inability to keep the peace. Tho Governor has ordered Adju tant General Jamison to Bevier, and will await his report before acting upon the re quest ror troops. GEORGIA. A Drug Clerk's Snldde nt Coiumbue. By Telegraph to the Morning Star, Columbus, Ga.. Dec.) 7. Thomas W. Kirksey. a drug clerk Jn the employ of Brannen & Carson, committed suicide to night by shooting himself through the head. He was a sober, industrious man, about 29 years old, and has been in tbe employ or the firm two years. The following words written on a sheet of paper found on a ta ble explain the cause of the suicide: "Hard work and close confinement - for fourteen years has irreparably impaired my physical conamon, ana x am leanui it wm unve me mad ." The note was not signed, but was in tne nana-wnung 01 jurasey. THE VES UVI U8. Satlefactory Xrlnl Trip of tbe New Dy - namite Gun Cruiser. By Cable to the Homing Star. Philadelphia, Dec. 8. The dynamite gun cruiser Vesuvius, constructed for the Government by the Messrs. Cramp, left the letters' ship-yard in Kensington shortly after 7 o'clock this morning and proceeded down the river to a short distance below ship Joha Light, in Delaware Bay, where a test 01 nerspeeatooK piece tais arternoon, overa maasured-coarse-of -45-100 knots. its distance was covered by the Vesuvi us in 12 minutes and 44 seconds a speed of 21 47-100 knots per hour.. The contract calls for a speed of 20 knots an hour. The Vesuvius , was accompanied down the river by the Government dispatch boat Dispatch, havtng on board Lieuts. Cowles, Sbroeder and B. H. Fisk, Commodore John J, Walker, Chief of the Bureau of Navigation, Lieut. Charles H. Cramp, Wm. M. Cramp, Edward S. Cramp, An drew D. Cramp, and a number of others. LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS. Cblef Artknr nt pble to Arranco Trouble wltb tbe Railroad. Br Telegraph to the Horning fctar. Miurrais, Dec. 8. P. M. Arthur; Grand Chief Engineer of the Brotherhood of Lo comotive Engineers of the United States and Canada, arrived in Memphis this morning. He came at the request of mem bars employed on the Louisville, New Or leans & Texas Railroad, for the purpose of assisting them In the adjustment of some grievances they nave regarding salaries ana hours of work. The trouble is on the Memphis and New Orleans division of the road. A committee has been appointed to wait noon the officials of the road, and an amicable settlement of all differences is anticipated. - The committee is now in meeting with the officials of the railroad Senator Ulair. who is un doubtedly crazy, has distinguished himself aeain bv ottering in tne senate a 0111 au thorizing Labor organizations which are to report to uongresa tne oonaiuon 01 won ing people ia their respective . districts .- New York World, Ind. Dem.- spurts Henderson -1 Gol work of finishing the new! is being hastened as fast 1 completed it will be one oi churches inside, as it is onl posing outside, mat tbe tot As wfilbe seen bv referenci listed In another, column. Mr. A. Hatchett. who has had editorial conduct of tbe Neva ror some time, retires. His friends and readers will regret , see this announce ment. ' ... Charlotte Chronicle: Dr. Gra ham yesterday probed a slight wound in me tnign 01 w . uaston Msxwell. of Morn ing Star township, who said that Wm. Maxwell, colored, had shot him as he pass ed the latter's cotton patch without any cauae whatever. Dr. Graham was unable to find any bullet. Wm. E. Christian, Of San 'Diego, California, who married Stonewall Jackson's daughter, is a guest of Col. JohnE. Brown. Mr. .-Christian has enough of California. He has come eastio reside permanently. Young Bruoer, a son 01 Air. isruner, . 01 uattbew's station, . was painfully shot in South Carolina a day or two ago by a man by the name of Miller. The ball penetrated the shoulder, striking -- against me numerous, ana splintering that bone, thereby making a serious wound." Mr.: Bruner was called out in his yard after night andshot without any parleying. The cause of the shooting cannot be found out. Durham Recorder : The Sh elby papers state that Thoa A. Cowan, of Iredell county, has been committed to 1ail on the charge of offering two darkies $ 10 each to burglarize a residence near Moores- boro in Cleveland county. A citizen of Mt. Mourne reports that Cowan has writ ten to his folks that he is in jail for fight ing. . The Raleigh News-Observer of this morning learns that Mr. Lougee, Dem ocrat, holds the certificate as Treasurer -elect of Wake county, declined to qualify, it being understood that by counting in the x-ouna wara - mr. unagers was elected. Thereupon the commissioners declared the office vacant. It is also said that it is Ukeiv that the board will elect Mr. Bridgers.! a Republican, to the office. Shelby. Dec. 3. S. 8. Royster, a druggist of Mooresboro. was attacked by an unknown man about 11 o'clock last night. Just as he left the store, a man grabbed him, tear ing three buttons from his vest, hit him in the side with a rock, and shot once but missed him. Recovering himself, Royster fired three Bhots, one of which it is thought hit the assailant, but the latter escaped. Asheville Citizen: In the cur-S rent disaster at Durham, we learn that Mr. J. S. Cart made prompt financial arrange ments for the general relief, which has been given, and business ia going on as if it had not met a shock, which would have overturned almost any other people. . The Black Mountain murder mystery is as much a mystery as ever, and the name of the unfortunate, and by what means he came to his untimely end may probably never be brought to light. All the indica tions tend to show that death was caused by an accident of some kind or another. Mr. Brown, at the request of Detective Dea ver. took photographs of the unknown, in every possible position; these photographs 10 Do usea as a possioie means of identity in the future. - The murder case from Madison entitled State vs. Jerome Ruff, . Columbus Coward, Coward Pickney, Kirk patrick and Charles Rice, charged with the murder of Gaither Reese, in Madison a few months ago, and moved to Buncombe for trial, will be called up on Thursday next. Ruff the principal, is in Tennessee, having eluded capture so far. . Wadesbbro Messenger: Cotton receipts for November this year were 2,476 bales, against 2,346 baleB for the same month last year. Wadesboro's cash contributions to the various orphan asy lums of the State onj Thanksgiving Day amounted to $61.38. The gentlemen interested in the establishment of tbe fruit canning and manufacturing colony at the old Mulchahy station, now called reach land, on the Carolina Central road, are not making any bluster or blow, but they are moving on all the same. They seem to have plenty of money. Three gangs of saws, for the sawing of stones into building blocks, and the necessary machin ery for their operation, have recently been added to the plant of the Wadesboro Brown Btone quarry at a cost of $10,000, and will soon be in operation. This new machinery, together with that already purchased, rep resents an outlay of $20,000, and this quar ry facilities possessed by no otner Drown . stone quarry in the South. Its pay roll amounts to aooui $uuu per monin at mis time, and will probably be very much in creased in the near future. Graham Gleaner: Last Satur day afternoon, at Bulington, between 3 and 4 o'clock, occurred a serious and shameful hand-to-hand fight between the police au thorities of the town on the one part ana John W, Long, who was returning home, with a crowd of some ten bands from near Brown's Summit, where he had completed a big contract of stone work, on the other part. The ten or more negro, men, em ployes of Long, were on a wagon near by and took his part. The knife, a hammer, sticks, rocks and fists were freely used. The policemen were badly used up. Long was seriously cut in the face and shoulder. A number of citizens were summoned and the riotousl affair quelled. Long and several of the negroes were placed under arrest' The matter was heard here Mon day before J. L. Scott, J. P., J. A. Long. Esq., appearing for the defendants and uapt. rarxer xor tne prosecution, jonn W. Long was unable to be present at the trial. Alex. Harden, ueo 'league, Hen ry Hunter, Frank Iseley, Jerry Long and Jule Holt, all negroes, were bound in a bond of $200 each for their appearance at March term of Alamance Superior Court. The first three gave bond, and the others areinjau. New Bern Journal: By the promotion of Judges Avery and Shepherd in 1 . .1 a : lucru will va iwo vugsuvm uu iuc ouircuur Court Bench in this State. We are informed, by telegram, that Rev. John Rumley died at Beaufort yesterday morn ing. He had been Register of ' Deeds tcr -years, and was highly esteemed by all wbo knew him. A good man has gone to bis reward. At a meeting of tbe magis trates of Lenoir county Saturday, Decem ber 1st, the following were elected to fill vacancies in the Board of County Commis sioners: Burwell W. Canady, Albert Coward and Wright Uzzell. Two of tbe vacancies were caused by resignation, E. F. Cox and N. J. Rouse one by death, R. M. Abbott. For the last several years Greene county has, by tbe careless manner in which the General Assembly appointed the Justices of the Peace, had a Republican Board of County Commissioners. The last General Assembly exercised a little more care and prudence in the matter so that tho Justices were enabled last June to elect three of the best men in the county. In the recent election one Dixon was elected sheriff. The Democrats of the county act ed like sensible men and kept off his bond and the consequence was he could not come to time, and Mr. John Sugg,, one of . tbe beet men in the county, was elected to fiir the vacancy. Laurinburg Exchange-. Jacob Watson, colored, was shot, but not seri ously, by Mr. JohnS, Smith last Saturday night. - In his charge to tbe grand jury last Monday .Judge Shepherd con gratulated tnem on tneir county navmg no capital cases to try. Jordan Purcell. a negro train hand, fell off the train near Red Banks last Saturday morning and was run over by about twenty loaded cars.- Of course be was killed. The county officers-elect tendered their official bonds last Monday and Tuesday, and the Clerk of Court alio renewed his bond, the Re publicans receiving Democratic aid. Madam rumor reports that Pro fessor Lauch Blue will retire as princi pal of the Laurinburg Female Institute at the end of the present session on account -of ill health. We are sorry to hear it, as the enrolment of seventy-Aye pupils al ready shows he is a success as a teacher. True to their past record, after hearing a most elegant Thanksgiving sermon by Rev. A. W. Price at the union services in the Presbyterian Church last Thursday, the -citizens of the Laurinburg community con tributed $43 16 to tbe Oxford Orphan Asy lum, and this amount was afterward raised to about $46 by a collection made by Mr. A. F. Bizzell. Ia appreciation of his worth and kindness, and in testimony of their esteem for him, his former employes have given expression to those feelings by having erected to his memory at a cost of $125, a beautiful monument with the fol lowing inscription on it: "J. Dixon Mc Lean, died June 17th, 1888. aged 47 years. 9 months. He was kind, generous, unself ish and honorable. Erected by his former employes." 9 " O .

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