:, - - ' I! Tllll- I , rmMl HMLCMfflftMl ' I . i MWW a t ' A CRIMINAL'S MONEY. flo Kept a Deposit In a Buf&W Bank. ' Buffalo Express. " A somewhat remarkabltory was " told by a ban president at the Bof-i-.i- f..u rhw dav. It was to the effect that about geu.uw deposit in a bank in Buffalo to the i-r!rtn nut-throat and creait 01 uui'u"u . i train-robberJ "-. j Wiv ' "We have money m r said the speaker, "belonging .to a " man who Phas probably committed : fifteen or twenty murders b as many -This ' startling statement; caused some surprise, but the name of the ; depositor was not -nUonedIt iSved on ;ount- S bis vocation of murderer and desperado in the wild and woo ly WMf The deposits, it was j said, l&iS made closely following -'rSln-rnhherv. and it wasmoral- iy certain that the depositor was con- cerned in the thefts. j I "On on occasion," sajd the bank . er "this man was at a Southern town, standing on the levee, nd about to i. , . a Arvn iVip river in order Ano arrest for a crime. An oia acquaintance Spoke to him, but, be tiH he. was mistaken,, and per- ; siting that he was right, the poor I fellow was deliberately stabbedto the heart That was dnng the war excitement, when such murders were of frequent occurrence. Heace : th is particular one attracted very little attention and no attempt was made to arrest the murderer. He has fig- . ; ared in numerous crimes of a similar nature." j ' ! ' ' THE BOY NATURALIST. . ' ' i - ' i. ------1 How He' -Worked His. Wy;: '. ' - '.: Boyhood. ' : j 1 : Baltimore Sun. . HOMES OF THE HEBREWS. . Is Dia z-Ernest Morris, the naturalist, who -recently died at Indianapolis, aged 33 years, began his scientific, career while a hoy of 16. Having made his :rM TSTrrnnnnlii! to Florida by Way iiviAi r--. - way of New Orleans, he collected in Florida varicmsfcuriolities he sold in the North, and became a student of natural history. ' Subsequently he went to Brazil, "where he spent a vear or two, returning with, all sorts of curiosities wnicn c uu ti;i,vu . in the Amazon forests.' He would stroll iintoa New York newspaper office, bringing under his arm three or four heads of Indians which had been preserved in some mysterious fashion. He delivered lectures on his adventures, and when,1 as herat- ontViiiciactir.allv alonfF. his . V..J - J Bhnvtns How the Baoe ttttmted Ore the Barth. M. Leroy Beaulieu, of Paris, says thf Philadelphia Evening Telegraph has Gently published the results o certain researches he has made re garding the geographical distribu- 0lSXVZi uSere'tU no doubt that he greauy " . . mates the Hebrew populat ot the United States, wnicn V J TL u". rr 950.000 at this time. In a few ca es he has been able to use ceus Sties, but for most coon trieshe gives estimates based on such knowledge as he could procure. SUCHe believes that;theiHebrews riA nn number about eight are in; Europe and half of whom are fn Russia and Poland. Turning westward'after leaving 4,000,000 or feSSd 1RW0 in France 8000; in Italy 50,000 andi.m European Turkey 120,000. For the Jester countries oi Europe B"1-- 7;; eiven, and it is shown that aS far Sorthai Sweden, and Norway the Hebrews are few. In the whdejf Asia there are only about 300 000, most of whom are in " Asia Mim Syria and Palestine, with a few thousand in Persia, India and .China.. . r t L? ao II Alt LUdk wuv migratory tendency of the race that was cradled in Palestine has been westward, and that .the race .has never in any past time been so wide ly scattered as it is in the nineteenth century. ; How does it happen that so large a proportion of the whole 1 le tik,nm- ic m Russia?- J. ne DOQy yJl ncuici" ; ancestors of many of those mow in Russia lived in Western Europe dur ing the middle .ages, but they were 1 driven eastward by the severe perse cutions which they were tneii sub jected in Spain and other countries, ie tVip regions water- aim luufc "'U5V " " ,T. , ed by the Dnieper and the Vistula, where they were allowed to live m comparative safety. Now, however, the Hebrews under the rule of the eViwrpri tn oDoressive laws and are moving westward, with a tendency to go much further west than 'their ancestors went m past ageseven as far west as the coun tries of North and South America. An Appeal to the People of the Southo J in the Erection of a Monument to the Deeeaeed Chieftain. r Br Telegraph to the Morning Sur. - I . , : NASHViLtK, Tenn., May 1The following is self-explanatory: i "Nashville, Tenn.-At & recent meet in of the Southern Press Association .A o rnmmittee of three was appointed to co-operate with Gen. John B Gordon. Commander-in-Chief of the -.roti. Veterans' Association, m t.,A inr erectinara monument rthe8membry of Jefferson Davis. This SJrJaY taSn in furtherance-of the CONSOLIDATED Land&ImproYeientCo. auditors laughed j at ; his boy ish manner, he . took tneir mtrth ' for incredulity and repeated his statements with great emphasis." ti Wimo Vnnnn as ''the bov nat- .Lig UVULl m. w 1 . - 9 utalist,-" and was able to make'his next expedition to the Amazon un der -more favorable conditions, being employed by Erastus' Corning, of Albany, to collect rare orchids. He described his life imong the Indians of Brazil in newspaper , letters, and was the author of ; several works on entomology. y- j ,. i .. i "FOOLSCAP'. A Phrase That Comes Down to TJs Prom "j Cromwell's Time. , Harper's Youn Folks. JlVerybody knbws what "foolscap" paper is, but everyooay aoes noi know how it came to bear that name. In order to increase his revenues Charles I granted certain privileges, amounting to monopolies, and among these was the manufacture of paper, the exclusive right of which was sold to certain parties, wno grew ncn, , and enriched the Government at the, ' expense of those who ' were obliged 'to use paper, j f At that time all English paper bore the royal arms in water-marks. ;The Parliament under Cromwell 'made sport of this law in every pos sible manner, and among indignities to the memory of Charles it was or dered that the royal arms De re moved from the paper, and that the fool's cap and bells should be used as a substitute. r ' ' When the Rump Parliiament was prorogued these were also removed; but papers of ,the size of the Parlia mentary journals, which is usually about seventeen by fourteen inches, still bears the name of "foolscap." . WHAT A 'QUAKE IS LIKE. Opinions by the Supreme Cevirt. Raleigh News and uoserver. Opinions were handed down Tues day in the following cases : ; Perry vs. Scott, from Jones; no error , , State vs. Bradham, from Mecklen- knrtr- nr rrnr. . t:j. . , i . . Powers, vs. irwin, iromiauiauuc, new trial; y Wool vs. Secretary of State, from Wake; modified. - State vs. Austin, from Mecklen burg; no error. Gilchrist vs. Middleton, from Richmond; petition - to rehear dis missed. Woodlief vs. Bragg, from Gran ville; no error. ' Grant vs. Railroad, from Halifax; no error. Barbee vs. Barbee, from Durham; error. : Cotton Mills vs. Commissioners of Cleveland; no err or. Grubbs vs. Home Insurance Com- nanv. from Northampton; no error. TWINKLINGS. I "It must be nice to be a bishop above discipline? "Above discipline? Why, bishops marry, do they not!" New York Sun. Arch Imp These nineteenth century inovations threaten to ruin our business!' Ordinary Devil What is going wrong? ' . ' ' : Arch Imp What novelties have we to show a man who comes t us from a crematory? Life. " Perdita Come, Penelope, don't mope so. You were right in refusing him. He is a worthless scamp. Penelope Yes, Perdita, but just think. What will the poor fellow do for a living now that he cannot marry mtlMunsey's Weekly. ( Cumso What an ottensively vain man Brown is. Banks Dear me, I never thought him vain. Cumso But he is, though. Just no tice how excessively and apparently modest he is. Cincinnati Gazette. scheme set on 1001 snort S3? death and which was inwnded 1 to secure the co-operauon of Southern newspapers for th end Some money has already been laised, buteSortsin fhfs diction have heretofore been v , a in;n in svstem. They nesunory y thit nave, incrciuic, . some action should be.taken to the end ?hTt a general and simultaneous move Zli he inaucurated. They have, refore; proposed the .following ad a Tn the PeMe 'of the South: It has . ..,m f all times and ot an oeoole to honor the memory orthe r illustriourdead by the building ox monu ments, which shall be perpetual re minders of their vigil and achievements. Southern men with. the blood and as heirs of Southern heroes and patriots whose memory will be a priceless herit age and inspirina example forever. Among all the noble dead there is none , ' - oia with trreater oower to the affectionate remembrance of the Southern people than that of Jeffer son DaviT His splendid - valor upon the field of battle, his bnlliarlt abilities in the arena of statesmanship, his heroic fortitude under , persecution n.i. ite Qtroritvt and bitter- t,aq his natieht proud endurance ot i..,r onH Hptraction. make him a) whirh will stand for all time, ta 1? rtrcit men In our history LUC t'UUU f.M The cause for which- he fought am ...F.rA Iiqo ornnp down and we have buried it forever. But there is no sentir ment of honor or of patriotism which requires us to bury the deeds of those whose lives were entwined with and shed for it. The Southern people will have become lost to every sense of honor, and manhood and womanhood, when they forget him wlio for their sake wore shackles upon 1 hi wasted limbs. We owe it to our selves and to our children to build j a monument to his memory. We t here fore appeal to the people of the boutn. confident of the nature of their response. We have appointed the 18th of June, which the oeople of every town and county itv the boutn ern States should meet and take proper steps to forward the cause of voluntary contrihutions or omcr mctuwa they may deem best. Let those Who feel a patriotic interest in this move ment everywhere begin at once to organ ize a movement in theii respective communities and secure large and! en thusiastic meetings on the day (ap pointed, and send the results of their efforts to Capt. John L. Webber. Charleston, S. C. who will ac? as treasurer of the tuna. John W. Childress Patrick Walsh, f John Langdon Webber DURHAM, N. C. Jj. 8. CABS, A. B. A1TDKEWB, B.H. WBI&p, " -. .1 President. Vice-Presiient. Sec'ywd Tress. A Most Liberal and Remark able Announcement The "Consolidated" Controls 285 A-CltES of Land immediatelyiadjoiningTlie CampM . of Trinity College, which has, been surveyed into LOTS 50 BY 140 FEET. The Lota are well located and are utuated upon , 1 Streets 60 Feet Wide with aRear , Alley of 20 Feet. f The location is admirablelor Stores, Restaurants and Dwellings. Peraans dear ng to"buyu)r j build," in order to educate their boys can do no better than buy one or more : 1. of these Lots. The spring has less of brightness . every jwi . And the snow a ghastlier whiteness every ycui. , , Nor do sWmer's flowers quicken : , Sor does autumn's fruitage thicken. As they once aia, iui -"-y .. every jrw. . .:. It is growing darker, colder Every year. As the heart and soul grow older Every year. . . n tnr rlancinCT. , j 1 1 care uut v o . - Nor for eyes with passion glancing ., Love is less and less entrancing Every year. Of the loves and sorrows blended Of the ioys and friendships ended every ycaui Of the ties that still might bind me. My infirmities remina me, , Every year. , f Oh! how sad to look before us r every year; , - While the clouds grow darker o er us Every year. Andto seethe flowers faded, That to bloom we might have aided, And immortal garlands braided, .Every year. To the past go more dead faces, Every year; . Come no new ones in their places, every year. t Everywhere the sad eyes meet us, In the evening's gloom they greet us, And to come to them entreat us, , Every year. "WeHre growing old," they tell us, Every year; "We are more alone," they tell us, Every year. ; : We can win no new affection, - : We have only recollection. Deeper sorrows and dejection, Every year. Thank God, no clouds are shifting, : Every year, O'er the land to which we're drifting, Every year. Ho losses there will grieve us, Nor loving faces leave us, Nor death of friends bereave us, Every year. Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and HYP0PH0SPH1TES of Lime and Ooda 1 U endowed and I PwrtpUrTlS? 5 aeiivB in mo vxw - as palatable as mtlllu '- Scoff's ErauIslenlrSS ) gcrofola, Broachltia, "Wastu " ) m,mmir Oniirli ami Golds. 'VTVitf. nlsloS and take no otter. New houses are ; constantly being built in and around Wilming-' ton, and must be fur nished with . - OTTERBTJRN LITHIA and HA6BESIA WATER! ocS2 D&Wlv we fr sn CURE CONSTIPATIOir. oar mental aMtf T Joy taealtb om JS boan. The hptn HflniTUAL CONSTIPATION .M M.Ww and aeriona. Tor th ur r1 SOLD EVERYWHERE. inarWD&WJyi thsa tu SUNDAY SELECTONS. IT AI FLORIDA DESPERADO. And How Ton Feel "When Old Terra I , , , Tisma Tremhlea. J N. Y. Journal. j You are sitting on a Central American piazza, of a hot afternoon, suddenly the sky seems to grow ihazy, the crows stop cawing and the , j buzzards, quit fighting in the street, I There is a general rush, and, though ' i vou may not know what is the mat ter, you cannot help feeling uneasy. The old hatives say: "We are going to have fa little shake," and then the house begins to rock the tumblers fall off the table, you feel deadly sick at the stomach, and think it is all over. The . sky clears, jthe crows begin their noisy screams and the buzzards re sume their quarrel over the street offal. I i .There is -something inexpressibly terrifying, however, about the trem bling of the earth. The slightest oscillation will awaken the popula tion of the whole town, but unless some considerable damage is done, everybody goes: to sleep again as a , matter of course. - THE MOTOR MAN. Mr. Keely Tell Just "Wliat He' Doing. Philadelphia Record. I am making a sympathetic har ness for the polar terrestrial force first, by exciting 1 the- sympathetic : concoraant ijil-c mat u corpuscular interstitial domain, which Tis "concordant top it; and, second, . ?. after the boncordance is established, f be negatizing the thirds, the sixths and the : ninths of this con cordance; thereby inducing high ve locities with gjeat power by intermitr tent negation, as associated with the dominant thirds. Again, take away : the sympathetic, latent force that all matter is,impregnaieu wuu ine wu- nective link between the finite and the infinite would' be dissociated, and gravity would be netralized, thereby bringing all visible, and in visible aggregations back, into the -great ethertic realm. "Hullo" Cadley," said Bronson, entering the resturant. "how are you?" "Pretty well." ' "What are you doing now?" "Well, when I came in here two hours nan I was not in business: - but I've changed some since; Tm a waiter just now. Harper's Bazar. ' " : 'Tn rpcnpr.t tn nnttino" babv to sleep, I forgot to say that after you have carefully laid him down and crawled away from the cradle on your hands and knees so as not to awake him, vou are paralyzed by a loud and distinct "Ya! ya! ya!" and you have to do it all over again. Detroit Free Press. ' Laffan B. Fatt I tell you, that jokes are evolved, like everything else. C Wicoll sneer wen, iney uuni obev the same .laws as other evolved things.' Laffan B. Fatt Indeed! C." Nicoll Sneer They don't seem to be affected by the law of the "survival of the fittest." Puck. New Yorker You stopped ; at the Badfeed house when you were : in Washington, didn t you. Uncle Abner? t t . -mr T 1 r .t u ncie ADner x es, 1 Deneve mat was the place. New Yorker How did you like the cuisine? ' TTnrl Ahner Didn't see him. Thev said he was sick abed, so I did all my business with the head clerk. Rochester Post-Extress. Deputy Sheriff Bobinson of Niaasau rvmntv Killed by a Negro Known as Harmon Iiong. By Telegraph to the Morning Star TirvcnvviLLE. Fla. Mav 16. A Fernandina special says: Deputy? Sher iff Joe Robinson of Nassau Counfy, was shot and almost instantly killed eajrly this morning by a negro desperado known as Harmon eon, wno was resisting rest. Sheriff Weil and several deputies nnth fz-inr nnlir.ftmen surrounded the house on Tenth street to captuire Long, who is a fugitive criminal from Ala bama county. L6n? was armqd with a Winchester rifle. Robinson i ' passed near a window and Long shot him through the body near the heart. He lived onlv twenty minutes. Lbng also shot policeman James Higg?nbotham through the thigh, but it is only a ffesh wound. Long fired several otjher shots at the posse and jumping from a window escaped to the woods He is supposed to be wound ed in the hand or wrist. J A large number of men armed with Winchesters are in pursuit. He is believe to be still on the island and he has sett word to the police that he had plentyj of ammu- mtion ana is a goou sow. nc uas uccu njthe vicinity for some weeks, commit in g depredations in Chester land is sup posed to have fired at a policeman a short time ago. He sent notice to the chief of police this week tha he would n erf he. rantured alive, and I would kill seme of the force. Parties who claim to know him say he killed a man on Satilla river in Georgia som years ago. Several guns and pistols were found in the house he had occupied iwhile here. Later rumors state that he is in hiding on Second street, and the house is now under guard. He has been-seen by several persons since the shooting, and is no doubt in this vicinity. There is considerable evidence that Long is Bob Rrewer. the Jesuo. Ga.. murderer, and some colored people hdre claim to know that he is Brewer. Much excitement previils and the search continues. The latest rumor gives Long a confederate, .jwho is with him, and this i3 supposed o be Bremer, If he is captured to-night he will un doubtedly be killed, for the populace is incensed at the murder off Robinson. IS iTHK PURPOSE OF THE CONSOLI DATED TO OFFER, for the present only, 800 of These Lots. and to guarantee that when the 800 Lots are sold, to erect upon some suitable portion of the property, sufficiently far removed from the residential portion, one tuodemly-bnilt, well-equipped Cotton Factory, to cost $100,000, and to supply the Cotton Factory with a CASH WORKING CAPITAL ot xo, 000, making the total outlay for Cotton Factory, $125,000. One Knitting Mill for the manufacture ' of Hosiery, Underwear," c.. to cost $50,000, and to supply the Knitting Mill with a CASH WORK.1JNO CAPITAL of $35,000, mak ing total outly for KNITTING MILL, $75,000. A GRAND TOTAL OF $200,000 IU IMPROVEMENTS in the line of industrial enterprises upon tke property. : ' - ! To Every Purchaser of $400 of this magnificent property, jthe "CON SOLID ATED" win PRESENT $25: PER $135 $75 FIVE SHARES, PAR VALUE . SHAKS. full paid and non-aasessaDie in inc wno ' - Factory, and i THREE SHARES, PAR VALUE $35 PER SHARE ........j...... full paid and non-assessable in tne r.mi- - Making a return to each Purchaser of $400 of the Property, 01 $200, -well invested in Good, Industrial Enterprises. ... '- - nr . wJ 1Vwi T or every aouarmvesiea in r adjoining the Trinity College property, the purchaser realizes 60 per cent, in First-Class Industtial Enter prises, which willennance tnevaiue oi nis mv.v.. Many men.owe the grandeur of their lives to their tremendous difficul ties. Sturgeon. If you haven't got religion. enough to sustain you in trial, how do you know that you Have any? God's mercy never fails, but when the sinner sees his own heart as it is, he has no mercy on himselt. The claims of habit are gener ally too small to be felt till they are too stroner to be broken. Johnson. The time when people need religion the most is when they can't have their own way about things. The measure of a man's real character is what he would do if he knew it would never be found out. Praying makes the heart tender and sympathetic. Of all hard hearts the prayerless heart is the hardest. . Our character is but the stamp on our souls of the free choice of good and evil we have made through life. Geikie. We ought to prefer difficult rather than asv' tasks. The former develop strength and after accomplish ment bring the deepest joy. No one has a right to be called a Christian who does not do" somewhat in his station toward the discharge of the trust reposed in him. Bishop tsutler. Life is short, and we have never fnr claddenincrthe hearts of those who are travelling the same dark journey with us. O, be swift to love, make haste to be kind. AnteL "Grace' and peace" these two go fitly together, because we must seek our peace in the free grace and favor of God. The ark and mercy-seat were never sundered. Trap. Yesterday is your's no longer, to-morrow may never be your's, but to day is your's; the living present is your s, and in the living present you may stretch forward to the things that are before. Archdeacon Farrar. Religion in tts purity is not so much a pursuit as a temper; or rather it is a temper leading to the pursuit of all that ia Viio-h and holy. Its foundation is faith; its action, work; its - temper, holi ness; its aim, obedience to God m im provement ot seit ana Denevoiencc w men. If there be one institution on the earth which has evidenced its abso lute right to be and to live, it is the old fashioned prayer-meeting. With all its -n,,ac- onH imnprfefrtions it is one of (.auujuij a.' - r . , the most valuable instruments of growth in grace we have. Rev. C. S. Robin son, D. D. . Tt wae hut thirtv-three short years of a short lifetime that He lived onearth.it was but for three broken and troubled years that He preached the Gospel of the kingdom; but forever, ,ir,ni n th npnns have been closed and the earth itself, with the heavens that now are. have passed away, shall every one of His true and faithful chil dren find peace and hope and forgive ness in His name, and that name shall be called Emmanuel, which is, being in terpreted, "God with us." Archdeacon Farrar: , Everv Month many women suffer, from Excessive or - - . . I . k.MM Scant Menstruation, uy who to confide in to get proper advioa. Don't (;onBd tn anyDoay out iry uraaneia 5 Fomalo Regulator SpacIBO lorFAIUPUU, muroosv, SCANTY. SUPPRESSED and IRREBULAB MENSTRUATION. .v m WOMAN mailed freo. BRA0F1EU) RE8ULAT0R CO., Atlanta, fit. Mid ST au vnwa Mattings, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, &c. Our. stock is 'the largest and best assorted in the city, j We are off err ing goods for much less than their real value. ! Do you need any FLOOR COVER INGS ? You can save from 10 to 20 per cent, by buying of us. We are taking the town on artistic M AT- TINOS. See them. -'"-! i Draperies IN PROFUSION. . Fans in Abundance. Many new attractions on our 2nd j Floor. Our stock of stylish Spring and Summer JACKETS is fast disap- pearing. Get you one Deiore mey are all gone! Just the thing for cool mornings and evenings. UP STAIRS. IT NOT ONLY CURES "BRIGHT'S DISEASE TIT AT.Cn TlTiPTTTTTC . , Mamnboro, Va., April 7, 1838'g . rot a Tear l nave ceen sunenng witn a form of Km ney Disease which my physician (Dr. J. A. Hillm.,,1 .VinrrVifr whi Disnetes. and advised th nu A n. . ' burn lithia and Magnesia Water. The quantity oi cretionj and I lost forty pounds of flesh in a in montns. iocdxw uicmwiuauni waier correctMi Ulia excessive UUIT Muikij mi. mc&a, ana 1 I again a well man. ' 1 tnea many meaioucs wiiuoui avi , ana 1 attributt l my care oi un owuwwiuo buu usiiiwns aisease I .n t-Um nu nf Ottftrbnrn liter s i R. N. BLANTON. PERSONS OFTKN ASK WILL IT KEEP AMELIA COUHTY, VA., eb. 24, 1( I hereby certify toat two years ago i obtained sonu ot tne water oi hkvuwuuiu aaa jviaguts;s Spring for my wife, in a demijohn, and recent! hii.t- inmiM to another hom. I found that cr.m.i out and drank some ot it, ana ioum it to te Mpure and nice as wnen nm. wmu v; , - r.. VK.a.ui)UCK IT CURiS RHEUMATIC GOUT. Jj. E. JBFlBSOBj ot jonnsiown, aoutn Latolia, writes as iuuuwa i ..... "A lady here has been entirely relieved of a severe ; attack of Rheumatic Gont, She found such , immediate relief she did not take any medicine or an ! ted that she had been entirely reUeved and needed ao more Water, her general neaim Dcing aiao greatly in nroved. jmrmaun," Richmond, Va., April 8, 18S7 I have been suffering for years with a complication rand Kidney irouwe, suncrmg great paioui of Liver i , and having my painiu attemioa A Household Remedy ron all BLOOD and SKIN DISEASES a Boknic DI::3 uain ; I - aa SCROFULA, ULCERS, SALT it CUreS RHEUM. ECZEMA, ery " form of mallgnint SKIN ERUPTI0M, be- i Mas bolRO oScaclou In toning up tho ( i srtton and roatorlng tho canstltutlon, , whan Impalra from anr eauaa. Ita ' ! tlmoat anpanuttoral haaJIng properties ioatlfy oa In gnarantaalng a cure, It ( L diraetlona era followed. , SENT FREE WJSU. . BLOOD BALM CO.. Atlanta, a. w ian 13 lvD&W sa tn tn 0 NORTH FRONT STREET. my 10 tf i ..1 i.ijMAM tne region m mo 110 i.1" . . Luuoa called to the Otterbnrn Lithia and Magnesia Water 1 commenced to use it, ana never eipenencea sucare- creased the flow of urine and cleared it up. My appt ' tite has been restorea, ana rai "i j cannot too. mend the Water too highly. r . w auk.1r. Mannboko. Va., March 17. 1 ... v ' A .1 ..mm. A nt Vij. rtftorliti. T :.L . when 1 comuieonu iat . " miaa and Magnesia Water, on the atthot January last, 1 , ma do uuu w u; uiu.w--. - ' in or for over twee year wuu .!. pro Ritjhmond to be an affecUon of the Kidneys, aftej nmnuK -- . , 1 naa oniy uxu " r . r s" I tirely reuevea oi - rr-. - I m.rA . tiiM, ite. and I have gained nineteen poundi 1 tlMII. WIIQ WL resiuiauvu - -e . . i r- . fA: at rKinff nil nthpr watM onJ crave rne water " kDVi - - rm i ?W no medicine. tliURY. Amklia C. H.. Va., December 15. l nave dccub --"j'trv" r . ' v7" and lately nave suuo --?;.-.--i nary Organs, evidenced by great difficulty in vrndinj i the urine. About six months ago I commenced Uf use of the jtterourn uuu "i""' Water, ana since uui. "m- . -- gradual improvement in my entire condition and satt , T, Si. jL-.rin. U hrttt-r than it has been l ot neaitn. y usnv . - five or six years, and the urinary trouble is i entirely!. lieved,ana nas oeen i 1-7 rw . i , .rp 1 Cashier Planters' Bank of Aat'.ii, OTTETOS LITHIA SFRW no niri.i.linv.' Airont. LTiWtf Wilmmsms, N.C. Here Is Your Chance industrial FOR Furniture. OAK BED ROOM SUIT, TEN PIECES, For $35.00j Manufacturing CompaDj WILMTEfCrTON, W. C. MANUFACTURERS or nrm GOLD MEDAL, PAEIS, 1878. TIMED fOODEJ BUTTER Dl EIAMOITD BASKETS, CHAI7IBER SET Beri-y Baskets, AND- Baker, & Co.1 Breakfast ocoa from vrhich the excess of -oil has been removed, It Absolutely Pure and it is Soluble. Ho Chemicals are tased in its preparation, xi ua mori than three timet the Btrtngth of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, Kabtly digested, and admirably adapted for invalid as well as for parsons in health. Sold by Oroevrs varywhor. w THROWH IK WITH TEH PIECES. Fruit and Vegetable Orate i CANDY BOJS, fWntrp. Boxes. &C.i &C. just the thing fdr an extra room or Seaside purpose. COME AMU SEE THEM. S:o33cL & Go.. S. E. Cor. and and Market Sta. ao38tr WILMINGTON, N. C The Daily Star, THE OLDEST DAILY PAPEE DN NORTH CAROLINA. dnlDAWQm BAKER & CO., DORCHESTER, MASS. n we tr ,HB DAII.T MOBNINO STAB, A Ffrst Class Democratic newspaper ' Published st the following low RATXS OF SUBSCRIPTION: VENEERS CUT TO ORDER FROM SWEt: GUM. POPLAR, SYCAMORE, OAK, ASH BIRCH, WALNUT, &c This Company has an Established Reputation H the Quality of its Work. Cn Cannetc in Prices with any similar EsabSfl ment n theUnited States. Orders for Car Load Lou filled on short notn Samples and Prices on application. Fvtonra Cane Fea River, corner Qo H Sorry streets. Address Industrial Manufacturing WILMINGTON. N. sen S D&W tt c. 0 One Year, postage paid. Six Months, " " . T hree " " " . One . " " . .00 -Health is Wealth! OUR STATE CONTEMPORARIES. KENTUCKY DEMOCRATS. -. M Nominations of the State Convention A Resolution Endorsing Cleveland for President Defeated.. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Louisville. May 16. The Demo cratic State Conventiort concluded its work here this afternoqn. The ticket as completed is: Governor, John Young T3 . t n., M c Alford. Just at the dose a resolution endors- Carlisle and naming Cleveland for Presi dent was offered by Ij. P. Tarvin, of. Clinton, but the delegates were in no humor to delay and a motion to ad journ was carried, defeating the motion. The "CONSOLIDATED" confidently believe that the above is the most liberal and at the same tune the most legitimate offer that has come before the public. In fact the offer is so liberal that we do not -hesitate to say that in our opinion, the opportunity wiU be promptly taken advantage of by those who have been .wairinx i or mc hxoa, w uciavuo ihwui. f . i 1 1 tnm V.-ii- Umi. Of, nrstiaas eaucauuoM uwii .w - v . the most advantageous terms. " ! - . Maps showing the property and Prtre List of the lots cheer nlly furniseed oa application to j ; It. H. "WRIGHT, Secretary Dnrhajn, N. C. value of 200. Many . bank fficials are arrested for mittinn anrair nitln rtVlr WAnle's motlftv. fiViu(, " " y I i j . but few of them ever get in jail or peni tentiary. Why? Red Springs Farmer and Scottish Chief. There is no room to doubt that this continued talk of American tin-plate is a deliberate attempt to delude the peo ple with the idea that the McKinley bill nas had the effect of immediately build ing up a new industry. uoiasooro Argus. Much is being said about Mr. Cleve land's position on the silver question, but great changes can come about be niTt Tpr.tirn. As tn'thft free coinage question, the South as a whole wants the free -silver, but many gqod and strong men are not agreed about it. Scotland Nee Ltemocrai. . In a drive from Wilson to Stantons Krr f. nm ';tantnnshurc to Saratoca. from Saratoga to Wilson a circle thirty . G,.A ri txrriAot mncs -acre i um a-w That contained about ten S.W lV f4s, - , acres. Some one suggests tha this is a sad commentary upon wuson county farming. Is it not? Wilson Advance- Mnrorneritfi of Italvf is a ' devoted student of the Hebrew language . M Wm. m. ..y 1 ana uteraiuic. . -- !s never' smokes in the eveninc. PERSONAL, Count Von Moljtke was a semi invalid until he reached his 40s, and yet managed to survive (more than half a century. f ' Anna Dickinson, accompanied bv her friend. Miss Ackerlv. has crone back to the asylum ati Goshen for a few days' rest. Tohn T. Ingal Aftr that nrMir'h snknlrpa Btfarlilv until he goes to bed at 13 O'clock. jKing-Georgefof Greece has a fortune of only 80,0(0,000 francs." The family spends little money, and puts all its savings into sonq. investments. Henrv George is aeain hard at work, this time on a! long-contemplated treatise on political) economy, designed to reconcile the whole system of politi- co-economics, witn pis peculiar iuim ns tn land ownershib. . AldermancNierney4iilPiits- burg nas a one-eyea constaoic, eyed horse and a one-eyed dog, but among them they j manage to secure as much justice in the Alderman's courtas is usually found in institutions of that character. ; REMEMBER that every purchase of $400 carries eight shares of Stock in two well Equipped Industrial Enterprises par .POINTER.' I . ' . - i InbuvmzaLot you are also making an Invest ment, the Dividends upon which will most likely aia materially to eaucate your noyx. ; A HINT. - I - The building of fo toge Industrtes npon the Pro- I -perty, and tne completion oi xnuiiy yuucc 6" largely to enhance the value of the lots.: A SUGGESTION. . .. . . . L... .Tft mv aTl be BOW ua ram w ""J?' . , ' i fone if you wait, and von will miss the opportunity ot uving from first hands. . - i. mar 13 D 18t W 13t ait tn ss tn Advance: In a recent drive from Wilson to Kenly, eighteen miles,, the editor of .tot Advance saw tnhxrm harns in course of con struction. On one plantation, Mr. Jesse 'v:.k., . riiw. there were fave barns i and one larce oack house in course of erection. Durham Recorder: We are- in-tnmt-t. inot- 'thr farmers in some por- WW . inQ ftf nrance and Chatham are work- ino- their land better than they have Airor rinno sinre the War. ' A COOd in Orance who has tried and succeeded with sheep says: "Sheep are hetter than a Government bond. You fan t-aor nflF 9 rniirwin everv SIX months Vail .vn w .w a-'-' J - . J 1 ll 1- . .J Im half as big as tne oona, ana tne uonu u left as it was. -r For Infants and Children. 4 Castoria. promotes Digestion, and Overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea,- and FeveriEhnegs. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its deep natural. Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. ! " Castoria Is so wen adapted to children that i I recommend it as superior to any prescription I known to me." H. A. Archer, M. D.. j 111 South prford SL, Brooklyn, N. Y. "I use Castoria In my practice, and find it ! aneclally adapted to affections of children. r Alxx robbrtson, M. X., 1057 Sd Ave., New York. From personal knowledge and observation I can say that Castoria is an excellent medicine for children, acting as a laxative and relieving; the pent p bowels and general stn very -much. Many moinera o w eeUent effect upon their children." Da. G. C Osgood, Lowell, Masa Th Ckotaub Coup ant. 77 Hurray Street, N. Y.- THE DAILY STAR Contains full Keporta of the Wilmington Markeu' Trlroranhip. Sefmrra of the Northern and European Markets, and the Latest General News, by Telegraph and Mail, from aH pans o the wotW. WILLJAM H. BKRNAUD , I Edito and Prop', Wttamitan, N. C. w , - 1 1 s i issaim i mi i Isaac batss Oko. W. Williams. W L. Smith ,j President Vice President Cashier Dr.' E." C. West s Nbrvb and Brain Ti4 vulaions. Fits. Nervous Neuralgia. Hesdi' vons Prostration caused by tne use on. ,.,ja bacco. Wakefulness, Mental Depression, ---j the Brain resultingin insanity and i'VJgd decay and death, Premature Old Age, w j Loss of Power in either sex, Involuntary r Spermatoirhoea caused by over-exertion oiwj selHDuse or over-inauigencc. . i i - . . . nA iww nr SIX xnonui s ircauucDL, fi.w s . . -A $6.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt ot pn Bank of Hew HanoYer. to CAPITAL PAID IN . - - - - - $300,000 AUTHORIZED CAPITAL v - $1,000,000 Vi BXBXOTOBS: WE GUARANTEE SIX BX nr:.u l, -Ar-r recci"-- tor six boxes, accompanied witn n-ti the purchaser our written guarantee to ( money if the treatment does not effect s cm MMM,ST&E&yR. BELLAMY, Sole Art, jn. w. tor. rroniauu &W It wiimin, feb 1 D& dec 18 D&Wly P..000 PIANOS ORGANS Placed in Sonthsm Homes shMJ L 121S?I!ISS ..rui tinrinfun jinlm over Six Million Dollars . i i -nn. nun, um imi nt &OOOM Tnfatior fastnrmants, bnllt ' nrm I. $5DO Reward ! stination or Costlvanew w eannoS oure wlja West's VeSetkble Liver PltU, when the directions arestrieUr comnUed with. They ae purely Vegetable, and never fail to give aattofaottoau agar Coated. Lars boxes. containing So Jrtlls t cents. Beware ot counterfeit and imitations, mi .ui.iito ww TBB JOBX O. WIS? OOMPAUT . CHICAGO, ltl. SoKTby ft fe(BERT l BELLAMY, N W. Cor. rrout sad Market streets. feb 1 D&W ly . : v- -i Wilmington. N. C - JhleheMeirBnknh TUmmmt BraaS. Ent;:fioyiLpiLLS TVmAL sfcJTC xdNYS MwlatasU.- t-aaOlCB ufe m 1.V V1a ffltHM vwtS.. ' at aihaa. Bau AmmMmnmtm mtJi sai'sai 'Uohm and imitation. At Drngsiatm, tr mb ux Bjuznpa ror pravncnuani. l Rdlt3f for LmtUmS'lml T MmU. ie, TesUnMolaUa. Mi imyWnh f waa f 1-1 lt4rtiT. tr Mam SdA til Unl Xtaicc'-tt. nSOD&Wlr BOOOWl WIW1 4sm0fj : TO SELL NOT TO USE ana tns pnouc nas wmawu umm , WC DON'T SELL THAT KIND fully au tn piaan pnni. jsmbj w uu i I UDDEN&BATEQ L Southern Music Hous. Q THE HEW WEBSTER JUST PUBLISHE1V EHTIRELY KEW. WEBSTEKS DIGTI0MRY W. I. Gore. G. W. Williams, of Wil liams ft Nurchison. H. Vollers, of Adrian ft Vollers. John W. Atkinson. v F. Rheinstein, of Aaron & Rheinstein, Isaac Bates, Clayton Giles. Jas. A. Leak, Wades botw, N. C E. B. Borden, of Golds bore, N. C D. MacSae. Iaac Bates, President. President. -WnLuibn-nn Dnannh J.A.Lbak,J naUDuUUlU UiaUUU. Cashier. J. A. Leak, R. T. Bennett, DIRECTORS s i G. W. Little, I J. C Marshall. A onaMntAaJ IVm THTdo of ana or aegree JEiternai, interui", RleArllno- Tfotilnir DimnlA. TiArPnt 01 J "ry. VA.UU DOXJ O DOXeS, - Jt Tnn.11. vonn1ii im MMlnt nf TtliC& " - J antea to enraanv case of Piles, GuWi and sold only by rLHARDl, Wholesale and RetaU V feb 1 tf New Market, WilmmP mar IS W Iy S. a SHOULDERS, D. S. SIDES AND BELLIES. V HEADQUARTERS FOR FLOOR, SUGAR, SMF, TOBACCO and GROCERIES generally, at prices to suit the times. HALL & PEARSj ; - 11 ft 13 South Water Street. my IS D&W tf A GRAND INVESTMENT fr th Family, tha Bchool, or the Library. . Rev ision has been In progress for over 10 Tears. More than lOO editorial laborers employed. $300,000 expended before first copy was printed. , Critical examination Invited. Get the Best. Sold by all Booksellers.' Illustrated pamphletfree. . . . O. C. MXRRIAM CO., Publishers, 1 8prtnjrflelcMs.,tJ.8.A. Cbtttlont There, have recently been Issued several cheap reprints of the 1847 edition of Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, an edition long since superannuated. -These books are given s various names," Webster's Unabridged," The Great Webster's Dlotionary," "Webster's Big Dictionary," "Webster's Encyclopedic Dictlonv ry,' etc, ete. . . u Many announcements eoncernlna them are I very misleading, as the body of each, from A to ' n, is m years old, ana printed irom cneap plates mad by photographing the old pages. apHDftWtl 'I m .. r ti r. , i , . . issues vertincaces ox jcpraxi ocaniig ukcicsi. Is authorized by Charter to receive en deposit mo neys held in trust by Execntors , A dminislitors,Goar diariSj &c, Ac, &c. , . our country friends by mail or otherwise. f novWwtf D. HE1UAH & SOU. "... . . ' Dry Goods and Notions. D. NEWMAN & SON, shoes and hats The Spring Costumes j At Rock Bottom Fricesto Dealers -re exquisite for i - rr PHOTOGRAPHS, and to obtain the withont the knowledne of K?gt 5fJ It u aosointeiy asrnui th neat and speedy enre, l$icl&l SrtMnW h.rtlTpMientund.r, SM inl soonis complete re ol ffeoted.' 48paeboox!ree. m iv TiAwiv n m in " QCt' " ' - SEND YOUR ORDERS TO 14 4s 16 Iffarket St., Wilmington. selS Wd ff " at 111 Market street. mylTWly' PET i'-i.