11:1 p. She mccklxj tar, ' i i. 1 SENATOR JONESJIRES A HAND. The Man Proves to Be Believer in Snort Hours and Lives Up to His Belief. I . Chicago Herald. Senator Jones gives (considerable money to the needy, but he can't be - fboled. He had been talking poli tics in the Richelieu for a couple of hours yesterday "afternoon and started out for a. walk. As he reached the street a professional beggar, approaching with bowed head, said: t "Please, sir, help .a deserving cause. I don't care for money; work is what I'm after.- I've eaten nothing since yesterday, but would take work now in pretence to money." "You would never get so low as to work, would you?" asked the Senator. ' ! "A chance is all I ask, sir. I've been to every store in Chicago and ; found nothing." "What would you do ?" . "Anything triafa honest, sir. ' "You may be a true bill after all, and I'll give you a chance. . I'll give you "30 cents an hour to work for me." ' : "Thank you, sir, fori saving my lite. I'll work two days for that." Senator Jones told the fellow to walk along and he would find him something to do. The rich politi cian from Nevada does not give .money to street-beggars, but makes them work for whatever he chooses to give them. ' He walked with his tattered old tramp up Michigan ave nue, and it was a funny sight. Pe- . destrians turned around to see the fine-looking companion. Near Har rison street workmen were moving a quantity of old timber. Senator Jones asked the foreman if he wanted to hire anew man. When he answered no, the Senator said he would pay the man. All he wanted was a chance to have the man work and earn his money. . Under Jhese circumstnnces the foreman was glad to get a new man for nothing, and the fellow pitched in to work like a hero, stopping only now and then to thank his benefac tor for saving his life. The man had worked about five minutes when a gaudy tally-ho came sailing down the boulevard. The Senator stepped aside to look at the gay ; coach, and when his back was turned the tramp ! jumped the . fence and ran down i Michigan avenue for dear life. No i man ever escaped from work so rapidly as he, and the Senator laugh- i ed very heartily -as he realized that he was yet to be fooled .by tramps who are dying to go to work. Telling the story afterward Sena tor Jones remarked that 'the greatest tramp in Nevada was Scotty. 1 "He has never worked a day in his life," jaaid Mr. Jones, -'but he is so clever that every one helps him.' When I was out west last time he ran across me and I asked about his brother." " 'Don't mention his name to me,' i implored Scotty, as th.e tears sneak, i ed down his cheeks. j 1 t "Has he. turned . out ; badly?" I asked. j . I " 'Though the subject is painful t to me I will conceal my emotions and tell all.' I. I " 'Is you brother alive." ! t " 'That's the worst. If he had died his shame might have been bur ied with him.' " 'Did he disgrace himself?' ) " 'More than that. He's disgrac ed the whole family!' " 'What did he do?' I . . ; " 'He's gone to work.'; " I LUCKY BILL. His Luck was at an End When He Held I That Hand, j Detroit Free Press. l was watering a game ot poker once at Helena, Mont. The play ers were a gambler (whom I knew slightly, who bore the soubriquet of "Lucky Bill,") and two miners. Suddenly, after the hands were dealt and the players had "chipped in" and drawn cards, Lucky Billr with perfect calmness and not so much as the shadow of a change in ; the expression of his face, laid his cards on the table, took a note-book ! from his pocket and deliberately wrote a few words. Then he tore , out the leat and handed it to me. i"Look at that when you get home . to-night." j fHls voice was steady, and did not betray a jparticle of excitement. I , thrust th paper aimlessly into my pocket anki gave the matter hardly a second of thought. i The play progressed. Lucky Bill's face was unyielding as a stone and entirely unexpressive. He noticed everything, however, and his vigil ant eye did not miss the slightest . move on the part of the ! other play ers. He was a typical gambler aud one of the most successful of his guild. Hence his sobriquet. At last there was an altercation between the two miners, j Hot words ensued and revolvers were drawn, ' - Some of the bystanders interfered at this pbint and in the scuffle that fol lowed I heard the sharp ' whistle and . ping of a bullet. Lucky Bill, his good star in the descendant, fell to the floor and expired. He had been killed by the accidental discharge of -, a pistol in the hands of one of the , miners. ' 1 i T 1 . i x was norrinea at tne occurrence, and that evening after I reached home I thought of the line the gam bier had written me. I took it from my pocket and read as follows: "I : nave arawn a pair oi sevens, l now hold, jacks full on red sevens. It is ' a fatal hand. No one ever held it and left the card table alive. I shall die. "T have $6,000 in the First Na tionalr Bank of Bismarck. Notify my mother, Mrs. -, of Frank lin, Ky." . - - r COL. MORRISON'S OPINION. !The Tariff Will be the Issue in 1892. Chicago Evening Post, On the subject of politics the colonel is not what can properly be called loquacious. He doesnt say so, but his manner indicates that he would rather talk about the weather, He explains or, rather,1 seeks to Dy stating that the business of the commisssion occupies so much of his time as to give him no opportunity to keep pace with the affairs of the po litical world. Nevertheless he scouts' the idea advanced by certain Reoub licans to the effect that the success of reciprocity is certain to lessen the importance of the tariff question in the next national canvass. "The tariff will be as paramount in the discussion of 1892. as it has ever been before. It is simply this question: Who pays the freight, or rather the taxes, and who re ceives the benefits? For a thousand years the question has been discuss ed, and for a thousand years more it will continue t&be. Occasionally, as in the past, wars will come to divert attention . and change condi tions; but when a war is over the question springs again to the front and remain there till another war displaces it. Whatever else may be come an issue in '92 the tariff will be thelmost conspicuous of all." BACCARAT. The Game Which Sir Wm. Gordon Cum mins Flayed Crooked. Although the game of baccara, or baccarat, has been introduced in tnis couritry in a modified form, it is com paratively unknown here. It is placed with the ordinary playing cards, and in very simple in its de tails! and freer from complications than most games at cards. Any number of players may participate, and as many packs of cards majr be usedfas necessary, the number being increased to correspond with the numper of players. One member of the party is selected to act as banker. He deals out the cards from a box similar to a cigar box, after they have been shuffled. The face cards each count ten, and the -others" ac cording to the number of their spots. After the bets have been made the banker deals two cards to each of the players, including himself, but the other players must receive their cards before the banker is served. The aim of the players is to make the numbers 9, 19, 29, or as nearly those! as possible, as 8, 18 28. Any player is at liberty either to "stand" or to be "content" with the two cards first dealt, or to call for more at the risk of exceeding 29, when higstjike is forfeited to the dealer. Iffl er the first distribution of two earas. to-each, any player has a "natural"- that is, a sum making 9, or iiext in value, 19 -he declares it wins and the banker pays all who hold supeuior hands to his own, and claimi from those holding inferior handsL The players stake their money separately, there being, in fact, as many separate games in progress as there are players, and the spectators may wager their rhonet on any of them, all ofjwhich must be accepted! by the banker in charge. The great difficulty to an ordinal- uy prudent: baccarat player is to now when to leave, off. .hven the strongest-minded can. scarcely trust their judgment in this respect, so it may be readily imagined what sort of chance any vacilating player has of being successful at the game. There are certain matters in con nectioh with the Tranby Croft bacca rat affair that are worth considering. bir. William is allegea to have re sorted to a form of cheating known as "pbussette that is, adding to the stake when the banker has lost and decreasing it when he has won. Now, had the table been better con- ductedL it would have been impossi ble for this to have occurred. Prior to the banker making a start he states the amount in the bank fpr example, .50. Any one sit ting down at the tabfe has the right. to call the whole of the bank, select ing the left or the right on which to pick up the cards; If the bank is not called, then the banker proceeds to deal tq 25 aide, or as much of it as may, be "marked jor called the tormer meaning that the money is placed on the table: the latter, that the banker has accepted the bet without the money being staked. The latter course, however, is .quite the exception, the ready coin being invariably planked. Previous to the banker dealing the cards it isHhe duty of two croupiers, one on the right and. the other on the left, to count up the stakes deposited on either side, and then make up the bank. Thus the banker knows to the smallest coin the exact amount of his liabilities. Had the game been properly played at Tranby Croft no one attempting the "poussette would have stood an earthly chance of either increasing or decreasing nis stake. TAKE OUT A SILVER COIN. Give it a Squint or Two and Then Bead This. What is the "milling" on a dollar or other comr rroDaDiy not one person in 500 would answer this simple question correctly. There is a popular belief that the corruga tions on the rim of a dollar are the milling. A San Francisco Chronicle reporter thought so, too, until the point happened to arise in a conver sation with C. M. Gorham, coiner at tne -Mint in that city. Mr. uorham went into the coin ing-room ana picked up a "blank. a round piece of plain silver cut out of a silver bar.. It had gone through one machine, which had slightlv rounaea . The b .... the edges. ant Tiro Cr1 rrrrnA r mill -rftaAi f f MO Ul S IJ 1U a 1X1111" ing machine, and when it came out a second or two later the rim was flat and the edges of the rim were raised a little above the level of the sides. The ver j "milling" is'this raising of the rim of a: blank piece of money, and the noun "milling" is this plain raised rim without reference to any corrugations anywhere. The pur pose of the milling is to protect the surtace Of the sides from wear. The milled blank was dropped into a stamping machine, from which- it droDDed a oerfect dollar. While, in the madj tine the piece dropped into a corrugated collar, and the piece, expanding under great pressure, the rim was forced into the corrugations ana Decame similarly corrugated. i nese parallel notches or corruga tion!, generally called tne milling, constitute tne "reeding." DYNAMITE EXPLOSION. Three lien Killed and One Man "Wounded. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Chattanooga, Tenn June 6. A Horrible casualty occured at the Chatta nooga tsfast furnace this evening at 7.80. While four colored men were tamping a dynamite blast the chare-e exploded, killing and horribly mangling three men, and wounding a third. Two men had been assigned to the work of blasting and the other- two went along for company. Timber and machinery in the furnace plant were hurled about DromiscuOuslv. The exolosion was heard throughout the city and occasion ed great excitement. - Sir John McDonald. Governor Gen eral of Canada, died last night at 7:80 W CIOCK. - TWINKLINGS. . "The Joneses had a dinner parr tylast night, dear, and cook tens me thev had pease at shillings a pint. Think of pease at that price." just so, my love; mat s awuu oum can do." Judy, r Dickv fan 18-vearrold man of the world) Let me take yon to the next dan.ee, now do ! . Nelly (a 17-year-oia aeoutanxej w and ask your mamma,; Dicicy. i oon i want to take you into the fast set with out' her permission. Munsey's Weekly. "Leave-his-wife" is the name of one of the Indians tried for the mur der of Lieut. Casey. When the rope does its duty in his case he will leave-his-wife in' dead earnest. Harrisburg Telegram. x ., Banker Willis At last, Miran da, I have gained the goal of my ambi tion. I am worth $1,000,000. Mrs. WillisO. I am so glad. Jethro! We'll spell our name Wylly now, won't mef-rGUcaera Tribune'. Jacfc Hardup O, Miss Ploutot! May I hope at all? - Miss ploutot xso. Mr. naraup, mis must go no turther, but i will De a sis ter to you. Jack Hardup Well, then, Miss Plou tot, just remind the old gentleman that 1 m his son; l m airaia kbi ne migui forget me in his will. Yale Record. - Tohnny Pa, when I become a man could I be elected President of the United States? - Father Certainly, my boy; you were born in this country. Jahnny And could 1 be a policeman if I wanted to? Father Why no; you were born m this country. Yenowine's News. - "1 think," said the business man, "tnat l win ior a time retire ana take a rest." t 'Are you overworked? asked a friend. Yes," he replied, "that $ it. I have been worked by three tramps,, a book agent and several other people within the last three days, and I don't think I can stand any more." Boston Post. Maud I don't know whether Charlie really loves me earnestly or not. Her Brother What did you give him tor a birthday present the other dav? Maud A box of cigars. Her Brother Did he smoke them? Maud Yes. Her Brother You may be quite sure that he loves you. Cincinnati En quirer. PERSONAL. Ballington Booth and Mrs. Booth are about to start on a 9.000-mile trip through the country to inspect the various branches of tne salvation army. Gen. Clarksoh has decided to return from. Europe earlier than ne originally planned, and wiU.be back in July. He has already mapped out his worn for tne late summer ana autumn. Mrs. M. R. Dixon, of Brook lyn, who is one of the most successful figure painters among women artists, has lately completed a portrait of Mrs. Bellamy, a sister-in-law ot tne autnor ot 'Looking Backward. After preaching two hours and fifteen minutes in Chattanooga one warm night recently, Rey. Sam Jones asked permission of congregation to take off his coat, which was readily granted. The noted evangelist then finished bis discourse m his shirt sleeves. The late Jean Jacques Weiss had an observant eye and sarcastic smile which made Napoleon III. uneasy when they were together. The tm peror probably suspected that he was an object of contempt to the eminent journalist. Gen. James B. Longstreet is in feeble health and has been forced to give up work on his history of the Con federacy, which, for a yfcar, has been en gaging his undivided attention, lie is not seriously or dangerously sick, but his physicians have ordered him to stop working. . The Southern Methodist church has four missionaries in China who went from Atlanta. They are Miss Laura Haygood, Mrs. Brown, , formerly Miss Muse, . Mr. Anderson and Mr. Allen, but none of them are located at Nankin, the scene of the recent riotous disturbance. ' Maj. Jones, who has sent in his resignation as United States Consul at Cardiff, and is expected to accept a nomination to the British Parliament from a Welsh constituency, is a Welsh man by birth, but won his title in a Wis consin . regiment during the civil war. He has been in the American consular service for twenty-two years. OUR STATE CONTEMPORARIES The Aurora is a firm believer in the trinity of education the training pf the head, heart and hands and fitting our boys and girls for the battle of life. Shelby Aurora. Nature has done so much for us in the matter of our soil and the gently rolling nature of our lands, that it seems really a shame to think that we have not a perfect system of public roads. Lroldsboro Argus. The way to stop the boom in a town, is to run the price of property up to un reasonable figures. The number of towns that have been killed in this way in rvunn Carolina in me last iew years cannot be counted on the hands of a dozen men. King's Mountain News. There is an abundance of water-pow er within a mile of Marganton to fur nish the town with electric lights, run a system of electric car and furnish the motive power tor numerous small indus tries. . This water-power is ' running to waste, and the town needs the lights and the cars and the motive power. Morganton Herald. ELECTRIC SPARKS. John Hammond. President of the Merchants' National Bank. Savannah. Ga., died yesterday morning. The total of immigrants landed at New York during the past week is 17,166, the. largest ever known for the same period. ii. i. Terry, a prominent drv foods merchant of Fayetteville, Tenn.. has made an assignment. Liabilities ,(20, 000; assets $25,000. Inability to make collections is given as the cause. A Knoxville disoatch savs: laeioi- Henry R. Gibson is not a candidate for the Republican nomination for Congress to succeed tne late Judge L. C Houk. This leaves the contest to Rule -and Houk, son of the late Congressman. At Thomasville, Ga . vesterdav ' a warehouse occupied by W. H. Parker, dealer m hay and grain, and Morehouse ct .tsranaon, wholesale Groceries, was burned with all its contents, which con- sisted ot merchandise. Insurance 410.- 800, which will not cover loss. ' Hon. A. G. Porter. United Statoa Minister to Italy, who has left Rom nn his annual vacation, will oasa most of the time he is absent from his nost in England, Ireland and Scotland. Porter will not visit the United States durine- his vacation. President Harrison has fixed June the 10th as the day he will receive a' com mittee appointed to invite him to at. tend the Southern Exposition to be held at Raleigh in October and No vember. Committees from the various Southern States will meet at Washing ton at 10 o'clock that day. - TIBIIEJ DURHAM .CONSOLIDATED; T Land S Improvement Go. DURHAM, N. C. J. 8. CASB, A. B. AHDBXW8, E.H. WEIGHT, President. Vice-Pretident. Scc'y and Treas. A Most Liberal and Eemark able Announcement. The "Consolidated.'' Controls 285 AGEBS of Land immediately adjoiningThe Campna . of Trinity College which "hai '. been mrvered into LOTS 50 BY 140 FEET. The Lota are well located and are itaa ted upon Streets 60 Feet Wide with.a Reax Alley of 20 Feet. The location is admirable for Stores, Restaurants and Dwellings. Persaos desiring to "bay or build," in order to educate their boys can do no better than buy one or more of these Lots. IT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE CONSOU DATED TO OFFER, (or the present only, L3- : ' 800 of These Lots, and to guarantee that when the 800 Lota are sold, to erect upon some Suitable portion of the property, sufjiciently far removed from the residential portion, one modemly-built, well-equipped Cotton Factory, to cost $100,000, and to supply the Cotton Factory with a CASH WORKING CAPITAL of ?5, OOO, making the total outlay for ( i ,. Cotton Factory, $125,000. One Knitting Mill for . the : manufacture of ! Hosiery, Underwear, ic., to cost . $50,000, and to supply the Knitting MUl with a CASH WORKING - j -I i CAPITAL of $25,000. mak i for total outlying KNITTING MILL, $75,000. A GRAND TOTAL OF $200,000 IN IMPROVEMENTS in the line of industrial enterprises upon the property. To Every Purchaser of $400 of this magnificent property, the "CON- i SOLID ATED" will PRESENT j FIVE SHARES, FAR VALUE 925 PER SHARK J. , $125 ' full paid and a cm-assessable in the Cotton Factory, and i THREE SHARES, PAR VALUE $25 PER SHARE... .1.. $75 full paid and non-assessable in the Knit tins Mi1t ; $200 Making a return to each. Purchaser of $400 of the Property, oi 4 $200, well invested in Good 1 i industrial Enterprises. For every dollar invested in West End Town .Lots, . adjoining the Trinity College property, the purchaser realizes GO per cent, in First-Claaa Industrial enter prises, which will enhance the value of his investment. The "CONSOLIDATED" confidently believe that the above is the most liberal and at the same time the most legitimate offer that has come before the public In fact the offer is so liberal that we do not hesitate to say that in our opinion; the opportunity will be promptly taken advantage of by those who have been waiting for the BEST, or persons desiring to secure first-class educational advantages) for their Boys, on the most advantageous terms. I Maps showing the property and Price List of the lots'cheer nlly furniseed on application to : i ' R. IX. WRIGHT Secretary, Durham, N. C. that every purchase of $400 carries eight share of Stock in two well Equipped Industrial Enterprises par vaiuc oi sw. I A POINTER. I . In buying a Lot you are also! making an invest- mcnt, me uiviaenas upon wnicn will most likely aid materially lu caucaic your Doys. A HINT. ie buildlnir of two large Industrtes unon the Pm- pert largi ty, and the completion of Trinity College ought (cuy tu enmnw uic woe ui uuc too. A SUGGESTION. Now is the time to purchase. The Iota may all be gone if yon wait, and yon will mist the opportunity of buying from first hands. - j mar 12 D 12t W 18t Sit th sa rn nrra JUST RECEIVED A FEW BOXES OF IcHOICE ." -' i w-"4" . :' IMt. Airy Butter. Come and leave your order before it is all gone, at HALL & PEARSALL. je6D&W tf . : I . f rcniis..iY These tinv CartRlll ah nro unnartra-l - rf - L .U - to Balsam .of Copaiba, f I wuDeDS ana iniectlons. fKlTYVII They care in 48 hoars the same diseases without any incon venience. SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS V A 1 dec 16 D&Wly tu r TUB TWO EXTREMES. , 'FATHER RYAN. Some find work where some find rest, J And so the weary world goes on; I sometimes wonder which is best, l The answer comes, when life is gone. Some eyes sleep when some eyes wake, r And so the dreary night hours go; Some hearts beat ; where some hearts . hreak - " - : i -j I often wonder why 'tis so,. . Some hands fold, where other hands j Are lifted bravely in the strife, And so thro' ages and thro' lands j Move on the two extremes of life. Some feet halt where some feet tread, ! In tireless march, a thorny way; , ' Some struggle on where some have fled: Some' seelc, wnen, otners snun me . ' fray. - . " ? '':.. - .)'. . SUNDAY SELECTONS. . It is not who your parents wer e Put who are you? . ' " j I Sinner, death is after you, when and where shall he overtake you? j The man who wilfully wrongs another is helping the devil to tie a rope around his own neck. j Standing in a saloon door and looking at a church steeple is a poor way to start tor heaven. When religion touches some men's pockets it makes them turn pale all over. Ram's Horn. ! The man who works for the good of others is taking God's way to gain strength for himself, Those who would go to heaven when they die, must begin their heaven while they live. Henry. J . The Lord never depends very much "on the well-to-dd church member who does not take a religious paper. Religion is a ' chain of gold which attaches humanity to the throne or rather to the heart of God. Fournier. No one has a right to be called a Christian who does not do somewhat in his station toward the discharge of the trust reposed in him. Bishop Bui let. i Sometimes, w'en a man seems to be bavin the worst luck, he's only getting ready to come out, like a log trom a saw-mul, worth double price. , Detroit Free Press. We do not shake off our yes terdays and sustain no further relation to them; they follow us, they constitute our life, and they give accent and force and meaning to our present deeds. losepn Parker. Perhaps you have a great mind perhaps you have an eloquent tongue, it . may be you have a large purse and can glorify God and bless mankind with that; but perhaps you have nothing in the world but a kind, sweet'smue: then let that fall upon some poor life that has no smiles in it. Remember that a dew-drop glistening in the sun in is just as beautiful as a rainbow. Rev. H, C, Parfchurst. The testimony of the Spirit of God must be antecedent to the testimo ny of our own spirit; for we must be holy before we can be conscious that we are so; but we' must love God before we can be . holy, this being the root of holiness; but we cannot love God till we know he lovesus. ("We love him because he first loved us") and we cannot know this pardoning love till his bpirit witnesses it to us. Wesley. ! '. We need, nowadays, uprigh men in downright earnest, who say what they mean and mean what they sayt Cheating jn trade, cheating in religion. cheating in talk, must not be put up with any longer. Old Father Honesty is ine man ior our money. JNone oi your painting and gilding; give us the real thing. There would be a great fall in sheepskins if all the wolves were stripped, but stripped they ought to be, the rascals! Let us each one of us be gin to mend the world by putting off every bit ot sham that we may have had about us. Off with the trumpery nnery 01 pretense. Show the smock frock, or the fustian jacket and the clump boots, and don t be ashamed Chas. H. Spurgeon. GUATEMALA. Revolutionary Plana for the Overthrow of the Government. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. St. Louis, June 6. A dispatch from the City of Mexico says advices have been received there from the City of Guatemala to the effect that ; secret meetings are being held in the atlas or upper districts of, Ouatemala, at which revolutionary plans are being formu lated for the overthrow of Barillas Government. These meetings are at tended by some of the most prominent residents, ana speakers are urging sepa ration. Some of the small garrisons at various towns are ready to join the sepa rationists and many rich coffee planters are ready to secede and furnish money io erect a new republic, feople openly declare they will no longer endure uaruias despotism and an outbreak is expected. D. NEWMAN & SON Dry Goods and Notions. D. NEWMAN & SON, SHOES AND HATS At Rock Bottom Pricesto Dealers SEND YOUR ORDERS TO 14 & 16 Market St., Wilmingtoi el9 Wd tf m nun pianos WUUU0RfiflMS Plsood in Boutharn Homes ainoe 1870 Twroty years' aaoeesaful buanuas-aalMorar Six Million Ifofian Jo jreariy inOTSjurtn. Wfayf Baeauae the Oountrr is Hooded with Ckeap, Inferior Instruments, built TO SELL-NOT TO USE .mm! Ke. n.kU. V.. m a, it-.i. l WE DON'T SELL THAT KIND Our Instrnmenta ImmA .k. .i Terms. Eaaisst. mrtwHsm. JSIIiiet. Write for Free pSSSam and'cSreiSaS exolaur tin print. Baay to buy from b7 fully all in. plain I UDDEN&BATEQ L Southerr . Music House. 0 marWIy JAPANESE CURE A emniitMA rw -m .... kuw or degree-External, Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching, Chronic, Recent or Eeredl. tary. ti.oo a box; B boxes, 8.00. Sent by mall, prepaid, on receipt of price. Wa guar antee to cure any case of Piles. Guaranteed and sold only hy uwtuiM ' . H. HARDIN, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, New Market, Wilmington, N. C febl tf P.F.PETERSON, L. T. PETERSON BRING IN THE BABTTS 1 PILE pOR A FINE CABINET INSTANTANEOUS PHOTO GKAPH. Secure the shadow while you may before the sub """"oJPS'?' PETERSON BROS.. i my8DWtf 1U Market street, i Oyspepsia'is the bane Oi nm present generauon. nuior n car and attendants, Sick Head aeha. Constipation and Files, tnai asaTa beesms o fsmont. They sset ' paeeUly and frcntly on at dlsrestif ' ersraB't clvlnsr them tone and vlsror to : assimilate food. Nocripinzornatuesw. Sold Everywliexre, Office, 30 & 41 Park Place, N. Y, mar 19 DiW ly th sa tu Voung LMiicrs ! We Offer You a Remedy which Insure Safety to JAfe of Mother and Chttd. " MOTHERS FRIEND " Mobs Confinement of it -Faint Horror and Bisk. snflered bat little pain, and did not experlenoe that weakness afterward usual In such oases. Mrs. Ahhib Oass, Lamar, 11a Jan. 15th, 1891. - Sent by express, charges prepaid, on receipt of price, 91.50 per bottle. Book to mothers mailed free. BBADFIELDItEQVIi&'IVtt fJO., ATLANTA, GA. GOLD BY ill DBTJGKJIST3. - - I A Household Remedy FOR ALL J BLOOD and SKIN DISEASES 5) aw f0 UJU LaVD Botanic Bleed Bab U riiMe SCR0FUU, ULCERS, SALT S It VUrgS RHEUM, ECZEMA, every form of malignant SKIN ERUPTION, De sides being efficacious In toning up the system and restoring the constitution, when-Impaired from any cause. Its almost supernatural healing properties justify us In guaranteeing a cure it directions are followed. GCftlT CDCC ILLTJBTRATED BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta. Ga. tan IS lvD&W sb rata GAIN ONE POUND A Day- MlS-112 WttllO-W lcal2-UB A GAIN OF A POUND A DAY IX THE CASE OF A MAN WHO HAS BECOME "ALL RU2T DOWN," AND HAS BEGUN TO TAKE ' THAT REMARKABLE FLESH PRODUCER, OF PURE COO LIVES OIL WITH 5 Hypophosphites of Lime & Soda IS ; NOTHING UNUSUAL. Ill IS FEAT has been performed over and over again. Palatable as milk. En dorsed by Physicians. Sold by all Druggists. Avoid substitutions and imitations. oc.22 DcWIy we f r su For Infants and Children. Castoria promotes) Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Soar Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishsesa. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. "Castoria Is so wall adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Archkb, M. D., Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "I use Castoria In my practice, and find It Specially adapted to affections of children." Alkx. Robertson, M. D j 1067 2d Ave., New York. " From personal knowledge and observation I can say that Castoria is an excellent medicine for children, acting as a laxative and relieving the pent vp bowels and general system very much. Many mothers have told me of its ex cellent effect upon their children." Da. G. C. Osgood, Lowell, Mass. Th Ckktaub Cohpant. 77 Murray Street, N. Y. dec 18 D&Wly ' ' GOLD UHDAL, PALIS, 1878. 1. Baker & Covs from which the excess of oil. haa been removed, Is Absolutely Pure and it is Soluble, No Chemicals are used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and ia therefore far more economical, costing - Uss than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health. . r Sold by Crecers everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., DORCHESTER, MASS. anlDAW9m su weir- Health is Wealth! riD ' -K. ,, " u s umn AMD DRAIN 1 aSATMBNT, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, CoitJ VUlSlOnS. FltS. Kwwin, Nsnmli. UJ 1 ' t i vous Prostration caused by the use of il cohol or to bacco, Wakefnlnems, Mental Depression, Softening of the brain resulting in insanity and leading to -Jaerv decay and death. Premature Old Age, Barrenness! Loss of Power in either sex. Involuntary Issesiind tl3Zxha ca?fd,bT ow-exartion of IhTbrain self-abuseor over-indulgence. Eath box coutaJnsone month's treatment. $1.00 a box, or oxbwres to $6.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price WIS GUARANTEE SIX BOXES Tcnreanycase. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with $5.00, we will send H Writtfn sntee' refSfde aTeeTiiaednr Gual" Sole ffi w Rr BELLAMY, Drnggat. andWhlsieyHaMta cured at home with out pain. Book of par ticulars sent FREE. ' AUaaUa.ea. Office Whitehall a iffi? Breakfast Cocoa L - fflipn SIIASHIHG PRICES ALL TO PIECES, and the disposition of Goods for less than the original cost is not an un common thing to see advertised these days when the'almighty dol lar takes the precedence over honor. Brown & Roddick have adhered to the STRICTLY ONE PRICE SYSTEM for the fifth part of a century, thus placing all customers on the same footing, and ever: holding steadfastly to their motto, Nemo - me impune lacessit. ".: - .. Twenty years ot experience, (which is by far the best teacher,) has proven to them that honesty is not only the j - -I - '- . best policy but the only one which a good merchant can" indulge in, ex- pecting at all times to retain the full confidence 'and patronage of the best people of the community to which . r - : ' . he caters. We buy only the BEST; GOODS. We never knowingly, misrepresent them. We only ask an honest profit. We pay strict attention to our own business and by courteous considera- ! - ! tion of our i customers retain our position as the LEADERS IN DRY GOODS. j . j . Truly, - . . , BROWN & RODDICK. je7tf ' i : Many Wants Supplied ! Bed-Room Suits ! us ruiiLuninb tin ion: Walnut, 16th Century, Old English - j and Antique. Sideboards, Kefrigerators, WarMeBoolCasBsaiidFoIMii&BeuS, j MOSQUITO NETS, and everything kept in a first class FURNITURE i . HOUSE. Our three floors are packed full: come and see ns. We wflCsell cheaper than ajy competitor. Remember, low for cash or easy terms. Bed-Room Suits j From $15.00 to $150.00. SzcLeecL & Co., S. E. Cor. 2nd and ITIavrfcet Sts., my 91 tf WILMINGTON. N. C Isaac baths ..... Geo. W. Williams..... W L. Smith President .Vice President , ...Cashier Bank of New Hanover. CAPITAL PAID IN - - - - $300,000 AUTHORIZED CAPITAL - - $1,000,000 DEBECTOBS: ' W. I. Gore, G. W. Williams, of Wil liams Nurchison. H. Vollers, of Adrian & Volters. John W. Atkinson, F. Rheinstein, of Aaron & Rheinstein, laac Bates, Isaac Bates, Clayton Giles- Jas.A. Leak, of Wades boro.N. C. E. B. Borden, of Golds boro, N. C. D, MacRae. President. President. BfuM.1' Oer.' J' DIRECTORS: i G. W. Little, 1 I J. C. Marshall. J. A. Leak, R. T. Bennett, Issues Certificates of Deposit bearine interest. Is authorized bv Charter to receive on deposit mo neys held in trust by Executors , Adminisl iators,Guar dians, &c, &c, &c Strict attention given to the orders and requests of our country friends by mail or otherwise. f nov!6wtf The Daily Star, THE OLDEST DAILY PAPER IN J NORTH CAROLINA. rpHE DAILY fflORNING STAB, A Ffrst Class Democratic New mw Published at the following low RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION: One, Year, postage paid. $6 CO stz Months, " " Three s" " " ; One ' " . " t THE DAILY STAK Contains f nil Reports of the Wilmington Markets Telegraphic Reports of the i Northern and European Markets, and the Latest General News, by Telegraph sad Mail, from all parts of the world. WILLIAM H. BERNARD Edito and Prop'r, Wilmington, N. "C : ! : S500 Reward ! WB will pay the above reward for any ease of Urea Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headaehe, Indlgttstlon, Con stipation or OostiTenesa we eannot core wltn West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions axe strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never tall to give satisfaction. Sugar Coated. Large boxes, containing S3 Pills, 85 cents. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genuine maim factored only by THE JOHM C. WEST COMPAHY. CHIOAOoTlLLr & ' fcOBIRT R. BELLAMY . . . , t.3a , Cor. Front and Market streets. ; feblD&Wly Wilmington. N. C. ?! ENUYR0YAL PILLS arc, alwKjs nUabta. ladies ask pSHdMrtmd in Ued and QdLj2.( ;"awiuiWsrU. Take1 gJilT JTtlalMa, unimoalaVi aad Mm. mm 1 21 .?- OTTERBURN LITHIA and MAG W WATER! IT KAT OMT.V mi-OXKl t'Dnit. r "ivlUni s nt, BUT ALSO DIABETES Maknboso.Va., April, For a year I have been sufferin., . . '"m ney Disease which my physician (br t T fcl thought was Diabetes, and advised thi burn Utnia and Magnesia Water TK.0(0tJ V : "T " excess of th. v"? creuon. and I lost fort nonm. ' WtcM. months. The use of the Ottrh i?6 ia S this excessive flow 'entirely in six wt I tried many medicines without avail my cure of this troublesome and dan i tirely to the use of the Otterburn Water. rs.tuuxia i;n ask. WILL IT r. I hereby certify tnat two years aeo 1 0h,.. of the Water of the Otterburn Liti u aaN Spring for my wife, in a riemijohn aj whilst moving to another hu;e. I fonn .! "ori the Water had been left in the demijohn i N ouc ana onuu minm w u, ana uuna ii and nice as when first taken frc.i the S ' G. E. CI 4 IT CURES RHEUMATIC GOUT 4. E. Jsffsrson, of Johnstown, South I writes as follows of it- nu "A.iaaynere nas Deen entirely relieved rf' attack ot Kneumatic tjout. She fnnlrS immediate relief she did not take any medidST M other remedy at all and waLe on the oxth iZ.?" ted that she had been entirely relieved anJ TH more Water, her general health being also iZZl oroved. J. . JEFFE; RlCH10HD.VA.,April8,laS I have been suffering for years with a ,-.,. I of Liver and Kidney trouble, suffering nett? the region of the kidneys, and having ruy , f called to the Otterburn Lithia and Mamw.Tp cummenced to use it. and never finfm. j j.f ffflm nnvthinr. The wrv fire, k.i Tl creased the flow of urine and cleared it np. U ' tite has been restored, and I feel that I camJ.1 mend the Water too highly. . R. F. Wal&sjH Mannboro.Va., March 17,1 I When I commenced the used of the OttrrK, ' , I and Magnesia Water, on the 28th of janaaiiln had no faith in any mineral water. I had Iwiljl mg for over three years with a disease that 3 nounced by a ptonounced by a prominent nhwiSn malrinar a scientific test. I had only used the Water one week when I ., iireiy icusvm iuu, wiM,u liciuii; uaa DecQcoi and at times acute, and I have rained nicpv . in flesh, with a restoration of strength and taetn CaVC ldc nana a mil i-csl. umuk .uo otner at-.. taking no medicine. H. C. GREGORtJ Ambua C. H Va., December 15, I have been a Dvsoeptic for the cast fiftm. and lately have suffered with Derangement of rniTJ -..A-wr.-A U A.K. 1... - A the urine. About six months ago I commmcaK use of the Otterburn Lithia and Magnesia Spin Water, and since that time there has been markka gradual improvement in my entire condition nut.. of health. Mv digestion is better than it hastwTj five or six years, and the urinary trouble is enojdj UCVCO, tUiU lias uccu im uis nl mu Ulumm, I. A. WALLAH! I Cashier Planters' Bank oi An&l OTTERBURN LITHIA 'SPOT i B. B. BKllAJIV, Aitni. rS-D&Wtf .WiUnmwos.SX Industrial WILMINGTON, IT. C. MvANUFACTUKEkS OK TINNED WOODEN BUTTER DI I EIAMOND BASKETS, Berry Baskets, Fruit and .Vegetable Grafe CANDY BOXES, Orange Boxes, die, &c. VENEERS CUT TO OUDER FEOM SWHj GUM, POPLAR, SYCAMORE, OAK, ASH BIRCH, WALNUT, &c. This Company has an Established Rerutatia the Quality of its Work. Can Compete in Prices with any similai Eub4 ment n the United States. Orders for Car Load Lots filled on short notice, Samples and Prices on application. Factory on Cape Fea River, corner Queen Surry streets. Address Industrial Manufacturing Ci ; WILMINGTON. N. C. sepSD&Wtt For m OWL. YOUNG MEN OLD MB i m ist lait or i m luruis tt nwwk Tasy mak heroic efforts ta m th cms bos aaewiag now so nct" BnAKEOFFTHE HORHID ISWi WaatanXBROKITamklV- OUR NEW BOS thsphilOMplir iW I . M t rt ( All M fa..lllbJ tlnaeiF Organs f ".." by msthods exolaili awa. tha worst eaW' lest or raillat UT oaaral aa a'"1 S.I1I W1tfllt ff or ixwm" j Barsakra Organs etui k Cured. Hm'"". VS, Bow to Balargo and BtroagthonWEAK, VNDSTI OBSAIia FABTSof BOOT aiado plala to all Mm tottlrr lr 60 8talM, TrritHo and ,t?!Sp To saa wAf thom. Vac BMk,tan xplanatton mod ERIC MEDICAL CO.BUFFAL0,K' - FHE NEW WEBSTEi JUST PUBLISHED ENTIRELY RETJ. WEBSTER'S IOTKIIWIONALJ DICTIOl , A GRAND INVESTMENT for the Family, the School, or the LibruT. Revision has been in progress for oyer W More than 10O editorial laborers emploT?j 8old by all Booksellers. Illustrated paEnptW Q. & O. MEBBIASf A CO.. Pnbllsner( Springfield, Mass., U. S. A. C&uUonl There hayo recently been ceveral cheap reprints of the 1847 edt Webster's UnabridgedDiotIonary,anedition"J since superannuated. These books Sru various names," Webster's Unabridged, lm Great Webster's Dictionary," "Wete1" Dictionary," "Webster's Encyclopedic Pm" ry," etc., eta -' Many announcements concerning 'he a tt ery misleading, as the body of each, "r0, made by photographing the old pages. ap24D&Wtf ' .MwsssiWif rnincii ceCnFIL b?slMIIE3VULsfCII Jra..",, Itcan be given In coffee, tea, or in articiwj; without the knowledge of patient ''"vSra It Is absolutely harmless and will effect a , nent and speedy cure, whether the flfi$v moderatedrinkeror an alcoholic wrecs. KB FAILS. It operates so quietly and mrtaintv that thn naJ.lnt undergoes ""Jia s Tenienoe, and soon bis complete retonu . effected. 48 pace book free. To be baa . 0) XvTStC they (It I Y s4s(- IliniTJ: 3 a i i '0 I myS8D&Wly - . tnthat . JOHN H. HARDIN, W an SO D&W lr ociir vetwiy sa tu ia II '1