t I 9 i! m 1 1 STATE LEGISLATURE. Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 16. SENATE. Debate occurred on the appropriation irl's Industrial School. Mr. Day appealed to-the Senate to have mercy on ihe tax-papers. Our people's lands are-being! spld; they" are in rags and too poor to go to school. He would not vote for this bill nor for the Univer sity appropriation. ! Mr. Aycock aslced Mr. Day if ,hq voted for the World's Fair appropriation-of $25,000. He an swered that- he did not. but that he would have done so if he had been here. That money would not have come di rectly from the' tax payers, and the ap propriation ! was simply confirming the action of the last Legislature. Mr. Mc Dowell asked if he voted for the Guil ford Battle" Ground appropriation. He answered that jhe did, and declared that if that question were left to . the people of North Carolina they would also vote for it, ."' v. ' " , Mr. Jones I offered an amendment to strike out section 1, which increases the regular annual appropriation from $10,000 annually, as it has heretofore been,- to $15,000. He took strong groundragainst the $5,000 extra appro priation; He said if the. appropriation fnr durational Durooses were increased it should t)e for the public schools. He declared that this Leeislature must not increase tne tax UDon tne state. , ii must lower itJ Mr Battle replied to Mr. Day. He said he had many beautiful traits of characterj but consistency was a virtue that he Could not ' lay claim to. He had been extravagant in voting for other appropriations. He had poured forth his eloquence against this bill withoutTeing informed upon it. He had showed ignorance of, the bill and of the committee's Report upon it. He had cast slurs upon the professors in charge of the institution, - Mr. McDowell - declared that his sym pathies had been thoroughly aroused in behalf ot this bill. It wasne of the best features that had ever been intro duced into the educational system of North Carolina. Rather, than see this bill defeated or cut down, he would preler to reduce the appropriations of other Institutions of the State. Mr. Posey said that while endorsing what the Senator . from Halifax said about increasing taxes, he was forced to differ from him on this measure. He made a strong appeal to educate the women of the State. Education of the mothers was the one source of hope for the youth of the land. It was not a mat ter of sentiment; it was a matter of busi ness, of right, of justice and of good gov ernment. ' Mr. Fields said he was not opposed to educating the women of the country, but he favored economy. The Finance- Committee was how endeavoring to lower the rate Of tax from 25 cents on the hundred dollars to 20 cents. He be lieved the school could be maintained on the original appropriation, and he thought Mr. Tones' amendment should pass. He would be in favor of using the five cents tax saved for the public schools ot the State. He favored this bill with Mr. Jones' amendment Mr. Owen said we had to confront conditions and not theories. Reduction of taxation is necessary and the people demand it although they may tavor education of the women. . Mr. Aycock made a few closing re marks in lavor of the bill paying a tribute to Messrs. Mclver and Alder man. Mr. Day made another speech against the bill and denning his position He said the men of the institution were paid twice as much as the women. He favored decreasing the appropriation by reducing the salaries. The vote was taken on Mr. Jones' amendment and it was adopted ayes 87, noes 13 - The bill then passed its third reading HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The House! was called to order at 10.80, Speaker Overman in the chair. PETITIONS PRESENTEES. Mr. Rucker, from the citizens of Ruth erford county.! against the eleven-hour bill for the protection of women and minors. ; I Mr. Venters, in relation to fishing in mew Kiver. i Mr. McNeill, two petitions, one for, the other against the creation of the new county of Scotland. Mr. McNeill, from the citizens of Mc Alpen Church,! in Robeson, against the sale of liquors in two miles of said church. ., , RESOLUTIONS AND BILLS INTRODUCED. Mr. RickerJ by request, to include county certain localities in Rutherford in the stock law territory. Mr. Harris,! to amend chapter 355, Laws of 1887,! in relation to working convicts on public roads. Mr. Ward, to amend chapter 180. Laws of 1885,; and abolishing the first week of February term of the Superior Court oi Duplin county. Mr. Parmele, to incorporate the Inde pendent urder ot Oood Samaritans. Mr. Westbrook, by request, supple mental bill to provide a stock law for the county of New Hanover. Mr. Rowe moved to take from the table for reconsideration bill 468 in re- lation to the construction of a vault in the Treasury Department. Motion pre vailed. .y j : J Mr. Long, of Alamance, spoke warmly endorsing this bill: That the Tomt committee of both branches had unanimously recommended it. The place used for securing the public valua oie papers is oniy a note in the wall as large as a coffin, secured bv an old fashioned lock which any expert thief can force within fifteen minutes. We have stored away here two and a half million dollars of old State bonds and . the sale is about full. On the floor we have $350,000 in vouchers. All these should be secured by a time-lock which T t rr uu udc tan enter. 1 .nave onerea an . amendment which limits the expense to ja.uuu. x am as much in lavor of econ omy as any man on the floor, but this Dill is In the interest of economy, Mr. Satterneld said that since the re ports ot the necessity of these valuable public papers had gone out through the State, thieves in a short time would be among the papers; therefore the bill should pass i without delay. The bill passed its third reading. The hour for the special order had now arrived, and the bill to regulate the em ployment of women and minors in cot tony and woollen mills was read. This bill provides that these shall not be re quired to work more than an average of eleven hours per day; shall not work be tween the hours of 10 at night and 6 in the morning; that they shall have com mriauic seais proviaea Dy their em ployers; and the act shall go into effect on the 1st of May, 1893. The bill does , not apply to males over 21 years. . Mr. Parker was the first speaker. He said, if you cut down the hours the em ployer will cut down -the Day. We oav by the hour, $1.20 for instance for twelve hours' work; if this bill should pass, we. will pay only $1.10. It will also injure the agricultural interest. Many mills in - this State have suspended buying cotton until this bill is disposed of; 200.000 spin dles will stop if this bill passes. There' ' is no complaint among the employes, They are very Kindly treated. ' Mr. Harris, the introducer of the bill. made a very exhaustive argument for his side. The committee who recommended it are men who have cotton mills , in their vicinity and who know some of t! ' evils to overworked employes.: , Many I are required to work twelve and thir teen hours per day. : - - T. - . . - , . i t .i a . . , . ... . 1 Mr. Spurill spoke next In opposition to the bill. Mr. Watson, of t orsytn, maae argument against the Dili, ana Mr. Kitchen followed in tne same nuc.iuc discussion will be resumed to-morrow. By permission, Mr. Lacy, oi Aiamancc, introduce! a bill to incorporate the Thos.M. Holt Manufacturing Company; Mr. Moore, a bill to allow either wile or husband to convey land, if the other is insane; Mr. Cook, to establish the stock law in certain parts of Cum berland county; also, bill for the relief of J. B. Troy, sheriff of Cumberland county. ' ' Mr. McNeill lotroaucea a pewuvu from the teachers' association of Robe son county favoring an appropriation tor tht- Normal school: also, against the formation of a new county. . The Sneaker announced the following, as the committee on Confederate monu ment: Mr. Grimes, chairman, Mr iay lor, of Halifax: Mr. Watson, of Forsyth; Mr. Jones, of Caldwell, ana Mr. satier- field. . . On motion the House adjourned till Friday at 10.30. ; ; . Raleigh. Feb, 17, 1893. SENATE. The Senate was, called to order at 10:30 o'clock yesterday morning. Mr.Gatling introduced a bill to pro vide compensation for stock injured by railroads. Mr. Leach, a resolution to raise a joint committee regarding a system of loan ing money on land. - Mr. Lucas, a bill to prohibit the sale of liquor in three miles of Tabor church in Cumberland county; also, a bill pre venting the obstruction of certain creeks in said county. Mr. Mercer, to allow Tarboro town ship to levy a special tax for schools. Mr. McLaughlin, a bill to authorize the county of Cumberland to issue bonds; -r' Bill to amend section 8620 and other sections of the Code in regard to the public printing, giving the committee power to let the public printing at a lower me than that laid down in the Code passed third reading. Bill to amend the charter of the Jamesville & Washington railroad passed third reading. Bui to incorporate the ot. James Parish ot Wilmington passed third reading. Bill to incorporate the JNeuse Kiver & Swansboro Railroad Company, passed third reading. ' Mr. Olive, by permission, introduced a bill to amend section rfutJD oi tne Code, relating tp tax on insurance com panies. . MM to amend cnapter 1S4, Laws oi 18S5, regarding working the public roads, passed third reading. Bill to allow justices of the peace in Gaston county to be paid per diem and mileage passed third reading. A resolution was ottered lor the ad journment, of the Legislature sine die on March 2d. and that no bills shall be in troduced after February 25th. Mr. Posey offered an amendment that Monday, March 6th be substituted for March 2d. Mr. Cooper offered an amendment mak ing March 4tn. Mr. rou onerea an amendment that bills may be introduced after February 25th by unanimous con sent. Mr. Pou offered another amend ment that no bills be placed upon pass age after midnight of February 28th. Mr. Posey s amendment. was withdrawn. The amendment to adjourn March 4th was adopted. The other amendments were accepted. The bill then passed second reading. Mr. Patterson now offered an amend ment to adjourn the 6th of March in stead of the 4ih. Mr. Pettigrew offered an amendment to make the hour ot ad journment 12 o clock noon on March 4th. Mr. h'atuson s amendment failed and Mr. Pettigrew's amendment was adopted. The resolution as amended. was ihen adopted. , Mr. McDowell moved that the bill to form the new county of Elkin be made a special order tor 8 o clock, o. m., which prevailed. Resolution to pay T. M. Robertson, Chairman of the House Committee on Printing expenses for a visit of the committee to Greensboro, passed third reading. Bill to prohibit hunting without per mission in tsuncombe county was laid upon the table, on motion of Mr. Camp bell. '. V On motion the Elkin county bill was made a special order for next Tuesday night instead of last nighU - The Senate then adjourned. Among the bills passed yesterday were the following : Bill to incorporate the Columbia. Charlotte & Winston Railroad Com pany, passed third reading. Bill authorizing the commissioners of Bladen county to issue bonds passed third reading. , " Bill to incorporate the Carthage & Western , Railroad Company passed third reading. Mr. Lucas introduced a bill reErulatin&r the pay of witnesses in criminal cases. Mr. Armstrong, a bill to fix the time of hunting deer in Pender county, also to ameW section 2019, chapter 50 of the code. V RALEIGH. Feb. 18, 1893j SENATE. ; The Senate was called to order at 10.30 o'clock this morning bv Lieut. Gov. Doughton Mr. Olive introduced a bill to aid the maimed and disabled Confederate vet erans in their annual encampments. Mr. Lucas, a bill to create a stock law In sections of Bladen county. ' Mr, Pettigrew, a bill to amend section 514 of the Code, concerning homesteads. Mr. schoomeid, a bill to prohibit to bacco trusts and for the protection of tobacco growers and smoking tobacco and cigarette manufacturers. , Bill to incorporate the Carolina Man ufacturing Company passed third read ing. Bill to amend chapter 142. Laws of 1887. the charter of the Shelby, Glen Al pine and Cranberry Railroad Com nan v. passed third reading. BUI to amend sections 3631. 3632 and 3633 of the Code regarding printing and distribution of the Laws, passed second reading. . , Bill to amend the charter of the town of Whiteville in Columbus ceunty, passed third reading. , . Bin to provide for the re-al otment of homesteads, passed third reading. . Bill to extend the provisions of section 1980 of the Code relating to the time al lowed railroads to begin construction.and amenaing the charter of the Norfolk. Wilmington and Charleston railroad. passed third reading. Bill to prohibit the manufacture or sale spirituous or malt liquors is Robe son county came upland Mr. MacRae of KODeson explained the bill and urged its passage; He declared that this bill embodied the sentiment of the people of uuC3on.. iney wanted this measure enacted. Mr. Sandifer offered an amend ment providing that the question be submitted to a vote of the people of the countv; The amendment was lost and "e oiii then passed third reading. Mr. Leach introduced a bill to incor- Kco'mpa1"6' Bankig aDd Mr. Cooper introduced a bill for relief of A. L. Byrd. treasurer of Harnett county; also, a bill to place J. H. Robin son of bampsoil countv on th roll. f The bill to incorporate th TWh.il.' '.' Charlotte Railroad -Comoanv wo. nounced as the special order for 12 o clock, which hour had arrived. After debate the previous question was called and the bill passed second reading, by a vote of yeas 27, hoes 11 . BUI to complete the A and M. College for the colored race, appropriating five thousand dollars for the nexf two years, passed third reading. . ' . Bill for the support and Improvement of the Soldiers Home, appropriating five thousand dollars annually, provided that it shall not be drawn unless needed; also, the sum of ten thousand dollars for the building of a hospital, not more more five thousand dollars of the amount to be expended annually. : The bill was amended so as to make ten thousand dollars for the! hospital, three thousand instead of two thousand dollars the first year, and one thousand dollars the nexti The bill then passed third reading, i Mr. Morton! introduced, by request,; a petition of ; colored citizens of Wil-j mington against separate cars for white and colored people. j Bill to incorporate the : trustees of the Baptist State Convention of North Caro-j lina passed third reading. V Bill in regard to the probate of wills,; when attesting witnesses cannot be found! in the State, passed third reading. 1 Bill to provide timber and lumber in spectors for certain counties passed its third reading. . ' - Mr. MacRae, of Robeson, by consent, introduced a bill to establish and pro vide for the militia and for the support' and maintenance of the State uuard. . The Senate then adjourned till Mon day at 10.30 a. m. ;. . :': HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The House was called to order at 10.30. Speaker Overman in the chair. Mr. McNeill introduced a bill in rela tion to obstructions in Jackson swamp, Robeson county. - Mr. Atkins, bill to amend chapter 210 section 1, Laws of 1891, in relation to working public roads in Anson county. Mr. Ward, bill "to repeal so much ot chapter 431, Laws.of 1889. as relieves the State Chemist from making analysis in cases of suspected poisoning. - - Mr. Taylor."bf Halifax, by "request, a bill to repeal the stock: law in Halifax countv. ; ; -' ' " - House bill 879 to incorporate the Bank-of Weldon. as amended by the committee, passed third reading. . House bill 179 and Senate bill 390. to provide uniform rule of action iotf damages against railroad companies for land taken for I railway purposes, the House concurred. Bill to amend section 1844 ot the Code in relation to elopements. Senate amend ments were on motion of Mr. McNeill adopted, making the bill apply also to the husband. I Bill to incorporate the Charlotte, Troy & Sanford Railway Company; capital stock $550,000; shares $100; bonds to bear interest not exceeding 7 per cent. The Senate amendments were adopted and the bill passed us second reading. -'- Bill to incorporate the city of Fay etteville. Mr. Cook offered an amend ment providing for assessing property tor taxation at the values fixed by the county assessors; also making the as sessment of poll tax and property tax comply witn tne constitutional equation. The bill, as amended, passed its ' third reading. " . Bill with reference to establishing a graded school in Fayetteviile, N. C, passed its third reading. The hour for the special order having arrived, bill 977 was taken up for the support and improvement of the insane asylum at Raleigh; then bill 978 one being the majority, the other the minor ity report oi the committee. Mr. Crous"e sent forward two amendments to the majority report. Mr. Kitchin spoke in favor ot the minority report. It was lost. Mr. Biair moved, that inasmuch as the matter was so important, the bills be printed and the discussion be made a special order for next Wednesday at 12 o'clock. Withdrawn for Capt. Kitchin to .finish. Mr. Blair changed his motion to print and make a special order tor next Wed' nesday at 12 o'clock, to a motion to re refer to the committee ana make it a special order for Wednesday next at 11 o'clock. The motion prevailed, and the order for the usual number of copies to be printed was made. Mr. Vance, of Buncombe, submitted the report of the committee on the bill to incorporate the North Carolina State Alliance. Mr. Hudson spoke as follows: There is such ah organization known as the North Carolina Farmers' State Alliance, whose charter was repealed a few days ago; this bill simply makes a slight change in the name. Mr. Parker, of Perquiams, opposed, and Mr. Self asked that his name be stricken from the Com mittee's report. Mr. Vance, of Bun combe, explained the object of the bill was to allow any member of the Alliance to withdraw his money is he wished The bill was opposed by "Mr. Wicker, who wished the bill passed over till the committee could be heard from on the subject. The bill passed its third read ing by a vote 53 to 27. Mr. Taylor, of Halifax, moved that the bill to establish the new county of Scot land be made a special order for 'next Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. There were two reports from the committee majority (nine members for passage) and minority i (.eignt memoers against pas sage), l he motion prevailed, Mr. Crouse, a bill to provide for work ing convicts on the public roads. Bill No. 837. to amend and consoli date the acts incorporating the Butters Lumber Company, chapter 91 of the Private Laws of 1887 and chapter 51 of the Private Laws of 1891. On motion of Mr. Merritt, the House adjourned to meet Monday morning at 1U.3U o ClOCK. TWINKLINGS. Mr. Snaggs (reading) A West ern newspaper charges that many of the servant girls of the country are in league witn tne anarchists. , Mrs. Snaggs That explains why Bridget smashes so many things. Pitts- ourg i,nrontcie. The only chance he had.' Mrs. McCordle It strikes me that it is aw fully disagreeable for you to talk in your sieep every night. - "fr. "" J.Vf U. J UVUl , you know. fucx. "Here is a piece of bread, poor man, said the farmer s wife to the tramp i ".bank yer, mum. said the tramp. "but I cannot accept it of yer. My physician says I mustn't eat anything out Deetsteak or pumpkin pie. Brook' lyn Life. father You seem to look at tmngs in a ainerent light since your marriage. His Newly Married Daughter Well, l ought to, after receiving fourteen lampsind nine candelabras for wedding presents.--JSrootuyn l.ije. . : Policeman Well, my - little dear, if you can't tell me your mother's name, or where she lives, how are we to find her? Little Girl Cost while out shopping) Jes put me in a store window, an mam ma 11 be sure to see me. Good News. "Jonnriy. you have left the door open, and are letting the cold air into the house. : "I can't help it, ma. I'm playing this room s a street car and I n the conduc tor. It would not seem real if the door was not left open." Buffalo Exprese. ELECTRIC SPARKS. uenver, col., dispatch says: It is reported that a collision between two passenger trains occurred on the Colo rado Midland railroad, near Hartsell, ! yesteraay morning. Three persons were ana a numoer injured. V A lopeka dispatch says: In the Dis trict court this morning Judge Hazen rendered a decision in favor of the Re- puDiican House on motion for an injunc tion to restrain the State Treasurer Iron paying Legislature salary warrants. LITTLB CIFFKW,- OF TENNBSSKR. 8 FRANCIS O. TICKNOR. OF GEORGIA. Out of the focal and foremost fire, s Out of the hospital warp as dire, . Smitten of grapesbot and gangrene, : (Eighteenth battle, and he sixteen), " Spectre such as we seiaom see, . ' ; Little uitten or l ennessee. "Take him and welcome, the surgeon said: " "Much vour doctor can help the dead!" And so we took him ana orougnt mm where The balm was sweet on the summer air; And we laid him down on a wholesome bed Utter Lazarus, heel to head! Weary war with the bated breath, Skeleton bov against skeleton death. Months oftorture how many sucnj -; Weary weeks of the stick and crutch! Still a glint in the steel blue eye Spoke of the spirit that would not die, - And didn't! Nay. more, in death's despite The crippled skeleton learned to write! J Dear mother." at first, of course; and then.' .' . ,' : "Dear Captain' inquiring about "the men." : Captain's answer "Of eighty and five, Giffen and I are left alive! "Johnston's pressed at the front, they savl .- '. Little Giffen was up and away. A tear, his first as he bade good-bye. Dimmed the glint of his steel blue eye; 1 11 write, it spared. There was news of a fi-ht, ' " jBut none ot Giffen he did not write! 11 sometimes fancy that were i King Of the princely knights of the Golden I King, With the song of the minstrel in mine ear, - - '." - . :.r'.-i .'.. And the tender legend that trembles i here, - - I'd give the best on his bended knee, Tbewhitest soul of my chivalry, . por little Giffen, of Tennessee. SUNDAY SELECTIONS. I 1- He whose first emotion, on the view of an excellent production is to un dervalue it. will never have one of his ciwn to show. Aikin. . , ' He who contributes most in the Wav of suggestion to the Dastor is gen erally the man who pays less toward his support, Texas Advocate. ' The Christian's life is as a sil very stream pursuing its way through a .checkered wilderness, sometimes wind ing, often cloudy. Wmslcnv. There are two way in which we may defeat tne purposes of U-od in grief by forgetting it, or by over-m- dulgmg in it.-". IV. Robertson. Ah. there are those bits of strug gles, in which we learn to fight the great ones; 1 perhaps these bits of 'struggles, mere than the great ones, make up life. rcuizaaem jiuart raeips. . j When a Methodist preacher be gins to be specially solicitous about reaching what he is pleased to call the "better classes," he is suffering from a lack of genuine piety. Texas Advocate. How quickly some of the churches of to-day would have bounced Samson for heresy, because he used the jaw-bone 01 an ass instead ot a spear with an oxidized stiver handle! Rams Horn. Often the most useful christians are those who serve their Master in little ! things. He never despises the day of small things, or else be would not hide his oaks in tiny acorns, or the wealth of a wheat held in bags of little seeds. T.L.Cuyleri. Gluttony is the source of all our infirmities, and the fountain ot all our diseases. As a lamp is choked by a superabundance ot oil, a bre extin guished by excess of fuel, so is the natural heat of the bodv destroyed by intemperate dieuJsurion. The angels glorify; men scruti nize. Angels raise their voices in praise; men in disputation. Angels conceal their. faces with their wings; but roan with a presumptious gaze would look into Thine unspeakable glory. Chrysos- tom. PERSONAL. The only two natives of Colo rado in the House of Representatives of that State are Harry Sims of Arapahoe, who was the first white child born in Pueblo, and Celestina Garela. who rep resents Conejoa county, and who is of Mexican parentage. 1 Clark Montgomery, of Cincin nati, says that when be went to Cleve land s inauguration in 1884 he wore a cheap watch, so that he need not weep i he should lose it. The timepiece was stolen; bat an hour afterwards be found it in his overcoat -pocket. The disgusted pickpocket bad returned it. Mrs. Cleveland has become more matronly looking during the past two years, but those who Know her say he is quite as charming as ever. It is interesting to know that the wife of the President-elect is having her gowns for use in the white house made on the lines of the latest dress improvements. Mrs. Barnebee, who always travels with her husband in his tours With the Bostonian Opera Company, has a very happy habit of taking with her numerous pictures, draperies, books and bric-a-brac, witb which she makes tbe plainest hotel room look cozy and home- nice. If they stay but a week in a place she considers it well worth while to make her surroundings attractive. -Mrs. Margaret Casstdy Gil lespie, who was born in Ireland 103 years ago, has iust bied at Upland, fa. bhe was baptised by John Wesley, who also officiated at the marriage of her parents. Notwithstanding this fact she remained a member of the Episcopal church all her life. At her death she was the pos sessor of a complete set of the "Journals of John Wesley," which are ot consider able value. "' CURRENT COMMENT. - The plea is made, for the restoration of the Queen of Hawaii, that when she discovered she couldn't fire off that new constitution she gave up tbe gun. She will never be trusted again, however. It is evi dent that she wears razors in her hosiery. Louisville Courier Journal, JJem. . " I The Hawaiian Annexation Treaty is much like a bill of sale. Not until after it has been ratified itt ill 5 Kopnm nrceorir tn Iftmel.t. on the subject, and then the Legisla tion will probably take . the already swell considered form of tne organi zation of.Territonal Government. Philadelphia Ledger, Ind. The statements published by the 1 rtbune asserting tnat Mr. Uar- lislehad express strong dissatisfac tion with the selection of Judge (jresham as secretary ot btate are untrue. Mr. Carlisle knew of Mr. Cleveland s intention to ; appoint Judge Gresham, and warmly ap proved of it. New York World, JJem. Mr. Lincoln took Stanton, who was just from . Mr. Buchanan's Cabinet, into his own, and yet Lin coln conducted a pretty orthodox Republican administration. Judge ijrestaam win naraiy leave Mr. Cleve land's Cabinet with the Republican ism he has so lately shcd.JVorfoli Aandmarft, JJem. Complete Manhood and how to attain it. At last mcaiti w wm. ---- -ibSthe effects, points the remedy. Tba f3ert?aadir the tt valuable, artistically ihrmMtbeautiful. medical book that hasap peared for years ; 96 pages, every page oejnng . Tr 'm...,Mirui in tlnta. Some of Lbs - nail-Kn t- - -R T,i,5, Imno. " S2K dSSSSC ykricicele, The Husband, Those Intending -Mamaee, Everyman who would know the natruthi, the olar&cts, the old secrets, and the hew disclverieTof medical science as applied to martedr Ufc who would atone for pairt follies and avoid future pHfalls,ahoud wntefor thi. wonderful little book., " will be sent free. under seal, vuui.u.-, U1 ITltuiwai wa have become mo famous. Tbey ae speedily and ajently on the dta-estiye UMlsnllaterood. Noaplnaronaiua. Sold Everywhere. Office. 140 to 1H "Washington St., a Ym anglgPftWlT s to th In the family are more often the result of ditordertd aijvttiotuhan most people know. BEECHAIYTS ps 4 vnU tcttf ptact in 0 IP iLLb .yEr. r curing Weak 8tamch. Imoalred Dlsreatlen. T Disordered Uver,. ConsUnwtlon susd Sail Blltona aud Kerveai Disorders g arlslns; srosa saeae eaiaaes. Covered with a Tasteless Soluble CoatlBg. Is ot ail drturgtsts. Price 25 cents a box. ) a New York Depot. 865" Canal St. feb4eod tn th sat aWIy Isaac bATis rresident Geo. W. Wiijjams.,.. Vice President W. L. Smith .......Cashier Bank of Jew: Hanover. 1, CAPITAL PAID IN : - $300,000 $1,000,000 AUTHORIZED CAPITAL DIBECTOES: W. I. Gore, t G. W. Williams, of WO- Isaac Bates, Clavton Giles- jas. A. Leak, of Wades boro, N. C " E. B. Borden, of Golds H. Vollers, of Adrian Vollers. John W. Atkinson, F. Rheinstein, of Aaron ft - boro, N. U. D. MacRae. Kheinstein Luc Bates, President. WnJInnhrrnn Dnnnnli J.A.Lbak President. "ttUOuUIUU 1)10111(11. Cashier DIRECTORS: I. A. Leak, I G. W. little, I J. C. Marshall. , l . Bennett Issues Certificates of Deposit bearing interest. Is authoriz ed by Charter to receive on deposit mo neys held in trust Dy executors , Aqmimffi iarors,ijnar dians. Ac Ac . &c i j Strict attention given to the orders and requests of our country mends by mail or otnerwise. 1 noviowti Safe for Sale. ANEW "EUREKA" FIRE-PROOF SAFE with Combination ock. Outside measure: 28 inches high, 18K " wide, 19 " deep. Weight, Five Hundred Pounds. : Just the thing for a lawyer, doctor, or1 a conntry store. . Price. ,55 00. Address, STAR OFFICE. epl8 W f t Wilmington. N. C CORMERCf AL COLLEGE OF KENTUCRT US1VERSITT, LEUSfiTSN, Kit Hlshan svard u Wwlal's Ezposttloa. Rook-kwpilif, Bssiacu, Sbort-haad.TTps- fnau aoa Taftecrmoav UUDU luuu Hcs , aeots. IS tvsBer. iu.uw unjiatlM id Baftlnc-. ffeffm Aow Annul ntuivK K. eJUlu, rmi. juexinatoa. HT dec80W3t I i Valuable Plantation for Sale. WILL SELL ON EASY TERMS MY PLAN- tation, on the waters of the Cape Fear River, in Bla den County, three mTes below Elizabethtown, and fifty above Wilmington. The place has three hundred I acres about one-tnird cleared, and residue in oak, ash and pine timber, with dwelling, stables, barns and a store-house.- One of the best business stands in Bla den county. Correspond with t ' THOMAS H. SUTTON. feb!4D3t W4t ! Winston, N. C. The Daily Star, THE OLDEST DAILY PAPER TN ... NORTH CAROLINA. TOB DAILT mOBIflNO STAB, A Ffrst Class Democratic newspaper Published at hc following low . j RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION: One Year, postage paid, Six Months, " " Three " " " $ One " " n THE DAILY STAR Contains full Reports of the Wilmington Markets . 1 -- - Telegraphic Reports of the Northern and European Markets! and the Latest General News, by Telegraph . and Mail, from all parti of the world. : I ; ..: WILLIAM H. BERNARD Edito and Prop'r. Wilmington, N. C. and Onium Sablts cured &t home with- outpain.Book of par ticulars sent FREE. IB.M.WOOLLEY.M.D. II Atlanta. Ga. Offii Office 101 WMtehaOiSU sept 8 DftW ly th sat tn The Great Farm, Industrial and Stock Journal of the Souths ONE YEAS FOB $1. Sample copies wfll be mailed free on application to THE CTTLTIYATOS PUBUSHMQ CO.; ). I Box 416, Atlanta, Ga. Special Premium oa Free Ticket to World's Fair. occ jca tt Jjdtw feb 11 ly D& " 8d r-' arm : aa tn - th - MepaisleMe of tb. present renermtton. Itia fortt caresnd its) attndnts, Stcfc Hjaxi. aeb. Constipation and File, tnac WsIIs FfTrrrK Oft Matting Trade. A Few Pointers for Buy ers to Consider. We carry the largest Stock. We have theriatest Styles. We have the best Goods. We are always the low est in price. We believe in printer's ink. We study to please our cus tomers. We are receiving by every steamer new things in Mattings, Carpets and Rugs!: . i China, Japanese, and: A beautiful assortment of 30 inch Rags In the very newest Colorings. Kapier and Cocoa Mattings. Oil Cloths, all widths, 4-4, 6-4, 8 4, 10-4, in the different, grades. . . CURTAINS & SHADES Brussels Point, Irish Point, Not- Hhghams, Louis IV, and many other Styles. The best shade in the city for 50 cents. Come and see us. No. 9 NORTH FRONT ST. feb 19 tf i Notice. f With the inauguration of the Co lumbian season, we wish to call your attention, without waste of time, to the fact that we are in the Stove, i. Hardware and House-furnishing bus- iness; , - I That we are in it to .tay; I That we are in it to compete with all concerns in quality of stock; 1 . V-i Thattwe are in it to make prices for yoh as low as any house in the city; That we are in it to give you, in ten cases out of ten, as good goods. It will cost you ..nothing to obtain our figures, and little tp try our goods. Headquarters for the. Iron King Stoves, Elmo Stoves, Liberty Stove and ranges. Alderman Hardware Co, 29 South Front St., , Wilmington, N. C. an 29 tf Ladies! Ladies! We have just received a lot of Baby Carriages the cheapest we ever opened. Call and see them. You can't help but be pleased. Our house is full of all kinds of Furniture, at-very lowest prces. : " J Mattresses, Mattresses. All kinds made to order and reno- voted. Send us your orders. Sneed & Go. THE CHEAPEST FURNITURE HOUSS IN NORTH CAROLINA. jangl tf . . : THE ! Atlantic National Bank OF WILMDrQTON. I. C Paid in Capita!,- $125,000. AuiitmCSecmfy to Depositors, $125,000. Deposits received Payable on Demand. . ' . Exchange bought and sold. Safety Deposit, Boxes in Burglar and lire-Proof vault tor ment. Special attention given to out-of-town Aocounts. ACCOUNTS INVITED. . J. W. Noawooo, Prest. : D. L. Gohb, Vice-Prest. H. W. Howard, Cashier. Jas. S. wokth. Asst. Cash bov 8 tf . GENUINE Early Rose Seed Potatoes The best for planting. First lot just in. Order early. : ;. Groceries, Proyisionsjotacco. Snuff &c. v Orders solicited. . . HALL & FEAItSALL, Wholesale Grooara and- Commission Merchants. Warp Mattings Brown & Roddick jan 7 LHtw tt ... i Matt and Mulberry sts. BUSIHESS DIRECTORY Leaiim Business Houses 6fiilmMon. 1 ' ffanke gnft gattkere. - ' BANK OF NEW HANOVER, Capital SSOO.OOO. ' Does a general Banking Busmen. special attention to accounts ot mercnants ana ',v-.;;-:.r';:-'.Oealers. .. rj-ip -r ' ..-..-,.-..-; THE ATLANTIC NATIONAL BANK ' Crpital and Individual Liability $250,000. Loans made on approved paperii . Special attention given to out of town account. - j , , WILM'TON SAVINGS f TRUST CO. - Interest on Deposits of $5X0 an4 upwards. Lends Money on Real Estate and other approved security. Acts as Trustee Uoarnian ana Jiamtmstracor. Sxniia and ContertiotUTUO. I E. WARREN & SON, . .. Fine Candies by Mail and Express.! Send as Sample Order At Retail only. - . it 1 f Agent for Huyler's Celebrated Candies. - J. W. PLUMMER & SON, Dealers in Confectioneries and Fruits, Grapes, Oranges t 4 ttananas, is s . P. O. Box 247. No. 7 North Front Street. A. S. W1NSTEAD, Deafer In Candies Nuts, Fruits Cigars, c .1 - Bananas a Specialty. I ' v 115 North Second Street. 2lnrlioncer0 a no; Croktrs. - I CR0NLY & MORRIS, . ..AUCTIONEERS,; REAL ESTATE AND STCK BROKERS. S. VAN AMRINGE, Auctioneer and Real Estate Agent for- the sale oi .1 Merchandise, btocksand Bonds, cc. Prompt Returns made. : j i 1 Insnrattxe 2lgems. ) HODGES & TAYLQB, The Prompt and Equitable Loss Paying Agency. Office Corner Nutt and Walnut Str. eets. Telephone No. 11. 4- Up Stairs. John Wilder Atkinson. Wh. Mayo-Atkinsok ATKINSON & SQN, Represent the leading Fire, Marine and Life Insurance companies. ; yvumington, w. v;, M. S. WILLARD, $204,967.43 l Insurance Losses Paid in Wilmington in past ten years. is ever a toss contested. DR. W. W. HARRjSS, General Insurance Agency. Represents the best Amer ican and Foreign FIRE Insurance Cos. Mutual Ben efit life Ins. Co. American Casualty Ins. ft SecuiilyCo. SfXv&xt 8 tore.; 1! GEO. HAAR, Steiff Pianos, Davis A Sons Pianos Loring ft Blake's raiace jrgans. 1 uning a specialty, is Lessons given on an tsrass and atnng Instrument!!. Manret M, Coots ariit Qtioee. GEO. R. FRENCH & SONS, Wholesale Dealers and Jobbers in BOOTS. SHOES, LEATHER AND FINDINGS, ix o. lue nana f ront street. WM. HOWE GREEN & CO., REMEMBER! When yon are in need of MEN'S, LAUlfcS' and Ull-UUKJLN'S BUUlb, 5HUSC SLirt-iLKb, 00 to luoa rancess street. ! tDhobeaU roaro. J. C. STEVENSON & TAYLOR, FISH, MOLASSES, PEANUTS, IMPORTED and vomestic rrmts, uuned oooos, sancy orocenes. Write for quotations and samples. ? ; Commission iWcrcljatUs. C0RBETT & GORE, MEATS, LARD FLOUR, GRAIN, AND HAY 5 and 7 South Water Street. I B. F. KEITH, JR.,! Wholesale and Retail Grocer. Orders filled at the low est prices. Country Produce, Naval Stores, &c, solic ited. 11 . 1SU Mortta Water street. I. T. & G. F. ALDERMAN, General Commission Merchants. ' Eees. Poultry and Country Produce. Also, dealers in Cotton and Naval Stores.! 110 Nortn water street. Job Printing. I SAM'L G. HALL; j Job Printing neatly executed at very low prices. Or ders promptly nuea ana saasiacaon guaranteea. I T No. 121 Princess Street. 1 ,t; j LE GWIN BROTHERS, fFine Job Printing a Specialty, Give us a triai. ; j 132M, Princess Street. THE' STAR PRINTING HOUSE. Everv variety of Printing, Ruling and Binding. Good work at Keasonanie mca. Star Building. Princess Street. nrnitnre Dealers. THOMAS C. CRAFT. AG'T, FURNITURE AND BEDDING, 80 Sooth Front Street, J-- ! : I i i WILMINGTON, N. C I MONROE & KELLY; Furniture, Carpets, Bedding, ftc. Orders from the uountry promptly niied. no. 10 sontn r cont street. j P.O. Box 203L . i j I S. B EH RENDS & CO., Is the Cheapest place to buy your ' FURNITURE, CARPETS AND BEDDING, I No. 85 Market Street. , hotels. THE PURCELL, First Class Accommodations. Tourists' Home. Com mercial Men not a second consideration. Call and see . J C. T. BENNETT, Manager. B0NITZ HOUSE, Rates per Day $1.50, $1.25 and $1.00. Meals 85 and 88 . cents each. No. 129 Market Street. J. H. WM. BONITZ, Prop'v formerly of Goldsboro. JOE CRAIG, Practical Tin, Sheet-Iron and Pump Job Workman wore on koois ana kooi rainang a specialty, i Princess Street between Front and Second. Pea Nut HJcalcrs. JOHNSON & CO., WHOLESALE PEANUT DEALERS. Orders solicited. Ho, 9M South Water Street B0NEY & HARPER, j Manufacturers PEARL HOMINY, GRITS, CORN I me.AL.ana ttui. 9 Wholasale GRAIN and HAY. NnttStrret -Dryj ooda. 1 i S. & B. SOLOMON, Wholesale and Retail dealers in Dry Goods, Notions, 4 Boots and bUoes, and Hats. I Sooth-East Corner Market and Front Streets. . R. M. M'INTIRE, isry uooos, warpets, uu uouis, Himin, Curtains and Window Shades; Ladies' M ui j c- r . i . i i " i ftc. uslia Under- wear. Suits made to order. 83 Norrq Front St,. I D. NEWMAN & SON, I - Wholesale DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES i i t HATS, NOTIONS, C. s ! i - - I 14 and 16 Market Street. XatoBcrs. 1 A. J. MARSHALL, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW I i - I , 810 Princess street, I WILMINGTON, IN. C 1 HERBERT M'CLAMMY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT. LAW, I Office in Allen Building, on Princess Street. . Product Dealers. 4 A. G. HANKINS, DEALER. IN COUNTRY PRODUCE, 1 I And other FAMILY SUPPLIES Racket Store. t 1 BRADDY &GAYL0RD,! DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, ftc, and full ; Stock of MIlilNER Y. No. 117 Sonth Front Straet. : WUmiartOn." W. C- CAPE FEAR MANUF'ING CO., ONE DOZEN WHEELER ft WILSON SEWING MAfJxi INKS FUK SALE. - : No. 117 Princess Street. ' FIDELITY, dontrocijjra ono Cml5cr. HANBY & RUSSELL, General Contractors, including Wharf ft Trestle Build ing, Pile JJnving, foundations tor Duyaing - and Heavy Machinery. r Ecal Cstate. J. G. WRIGHT, REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Rents Collected. Taxes and Insurance' attended to, t 309 Princess Street. A. S. HEIDE, DEALER IN GROCERIES AND SHIP STORES, i. i 9 Sonth Water Street. Qaxbmate and Stones. 4. JAMES H. TAYLOR, Stoves. Tin Ware. Refrigerators. Water Coolers and Ice Cream Freezers. Agent for the Farmer, Farmer Girl and Fanner Boy Cook Steves. 23 South Front St. N. JAC0BI HARDWARE CO., Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, Paints, Sash, Doors and Blinds, Pumps, Clay Fine Chimney Pipe. Cats of Stoves furnished on application. ' IDookseliers and Stationers. j ; C. W. YATES, A full line of School and Miscellaneous Books, Blank Books, Office, Bank and Railroad Stationery; Pictures, ftc t Prompt attention to Orders from the Country. flag ani rain. ' W. Rv MORRISON, HORSE AND CATTLE FOOD A SPECIALTY. BEST QUALITY LOWEST PRICES. 128 North Water Street. Telephone 38. JOHN S. M'EACHERN,K GRAIN, HAY, FLbUR,MEAL,PEARL HOMINY , and all kinds of Mixed Feed for Horses and Cattle. 211 Market Street. j Sniritine (Erjemical Co. HANSEN & SMITH, MANAGERS, Spiritine Remedies. Extract Cedar and Pine. For Rheumatism, Sore Throat, La Grippe, Asthma, ! Catarrh ftc Sold bv all Druggists. Carnages, harness and Sranks. . P. H. HAYDEN, Dealer in CARRIAGES, BUGGIES ft HARNESS. gf All kinds of Repairing promptly done, me and see me. Cumber iXlerctjante. M : 0. A. WIGGINS, YELLOW AND NORTH CAROLINA PINE - North Water Street, (V Lumber for Creosoteing purposes a specialty i Naval Stores and JJamts. ; W. A. MARTIN & CO., Manufacturers of Mixed Paints, Tar and Rosin Oi!, Deck and Spar Oils. Brewers', Navy, and Brush Pitch, Pine Tar Bt Varnish and Gum Thus. : ! painters. " ! Y0PP BROS., J HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER S ftsf " Juamates Cheerfully given. 1W North Seron - Jrttrmsijinga anb Dons' (Hloiljina J.JAUMBURG, High-Ciass Men's Furnishings. Agent for Knox'f Hats and Arnheim's Merchant Tailoring. Boys' Suits a Specialty. 106 'on h Front Street (ftlotljing and fnrnisljing. S. H. FISHBLATE, KING CLOTHIER, FINE CLOTHING A SPECIALTY, I. SHRIER, Dealer in FINE CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, and GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. All orders wili receive prompt attention. Corner Front & Princess Sts. rocers. THE J. L. B0ATWRIGHT CO., OfA FULL LINE OF CHOICE GROCER IS S ! ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY t No. 117 Sonth Front Street . Drags and iftedirines. i i JOHN H. HARDIN, The most complete stock of Patent Medicines, Drus, Field and Garden Seed in the City. I New Market Building. South Front Street. JAMES C. MUNDS, Druggist, and Dealer in Fancy Goods and Toilet Arti cles, ill rnncess Street. Prescriptions accurately compounded L. B. SASSER, PH. G., PURE DRUGS AT LOWEST PRICES, Corner Eighth and Market Streets. Give me a call. . ROB'T R. BELLAMY, - . , Wholesale and Retail Dealers in DRUGS, MEDICINES, GARDEN SEEDS, ftc, j North-West Comer Market and Front Sts. Creroenes. PALMETTO BREWING CO., Charleston, S. C. Export, Rice and Lager Beet ' Branch Office No. 402 Nutt Street. F, RICHTER. Manager. Of! Bakers. L. D. KENNEDY, THE BEST BREAD, CAKES AND PIES IN THE CITY, !rf n 701 Corner Seventh and Red Crow Streets, Side tOater (Dil QTontpano. GEO. L. MORTON, MANAGER, Producers and Refiners of Petroleum, and Manufactu rers of Naval Stores. Solicit orders for Lubricating St Illuminating Oils. "Guardian Oil" is the best made.i iftlarble and Oranite CDorks. ' H. A. TUCKER & BR0., Dealers in Granite, Marble and Brown Stone. Mans facturers of Cemetery, Monumental & Building Work Headstones,' Iron Fencing, ftc- Designs on application Saloon. W. H. BELL, MALT LIQUORS, BEER, CIGARS, And fresh supply ot new Kiver oysters on nana. BONITZ HOT I. BAR. roceries and Ciqnors. THOMAS J. GORE, aV ' b a aaaaa lm uiwa5g nuu uvaiii ui uva, "fl qnomi Cigars and Tobacco. Country Produce a Spe, : aaltyi Corner Dock and Water Streets. . pimnbers. R. H. GRANT. Plordblng specialty. Ful tock of Gas Fixtures, Bath TnbiiRanges, Slate MantTes, Grates and Stoves, also Hot fVater and Steam Heating done. 19 N. Front St letoelers. GEO. W. HUGGINS, of Watches for the A. C. L. and C C R. R. First- Watch-Maker, and Repairing done sabsfac 105 Market Street. torilyf UEl HIGH ARM Favorite Singer LOW ARM, $20.00 Drop leaf, fancy cover, two large drawers, nickel rings, and a full set of Attachments, equal to any Singer Machine sold from $40 to $60 by Can vassers A trial in your home before pay ment i$ asked. Buy direct from the Manufac turers ai save agents' profits besides getting certificsSbs of warrantee for five years. Send for testimonials to Co-operative Sewing Machine Co., 201 S. Ilth St., Phila., Pa. : - -MarWSL VAX FKEKUCT.rSB, fehWftsW Uaas Sil I -

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