u 4 I !! f; I 1 i 1 it ! J': if I 3 i IS 'I .I 1' v. , i : i if A L -; ..if i' V 1 ; t ' '3 ' "I I'H'j I : if! tV r r . I- i ' ',1 i t f 5 I 1 it 8 ! :? il r r ' .The Ansel oX Patience . ;, y To weary hearts, to mourning homes,: , ' God's meekest angel gently comes; " No power has he to banish pain. Or give us back our lost again. " And yet in tenderest loveour dear And heavenly Father sends him here. . There's quiet in that angel's glance, V There's rest in his still countenance; , He mocks no grief with idle cheer,; . Nor wounds with words the mourner s I ear." ' i " 9 But ills and woes, he may not cure; He kindly trains us to endure, .- ' t . Angel of Patience! sent to calm Our feverish brows with cooling palm, To lay the storms of hope and tear, And reconcile life's smile and tear; The throbs of wounded pride to still," And make ope own our father's will. - ' Oh, thou who mournest on thy way, With longings for the close of day. He walks with thee,.that angel kind, And gently whispers, "Be resigned; Bear up. bear on, the end shall tell . The dear Lord ordereth all things well.". ' l John Greenleaf Whitticr. . SUNDAY SELECTIONS. " Example is as contagious aSthe smallpox. Ram's Horn. i r Some of the devil's best work is done by careless people. Ram's Horn. i You find some Christians who know not whence their next breacTis to come, speaking of the bounty of their God, while some others are repining in the midst of plenty. Flavel. I It is a great .mistake for a young man to fall into the habit of run ning around looking for a better place. It is not a good way to pick berries and it is not a good way to go through life. Ram's Horn. i In Japan a physician never thinks of asking a fee from a poor pa llient. A proverb among the medical fraternity of that land runs thus: "When the twin enemies, poverty and disease, invade a home, he who takes aught from i that home, even though it be given to him, is a robber." Standard. i "i The most disgusting of the many forms in which the infirmity of good people manifests itself is jealousy. It is not coarse and vulgar and brutal; it is just small. In religious and social circles this petty vice has peculiar scope. Men who would shrink from open vio lence or eVen incivility, do most impo- r lite and silly things by indirection, the explanation of which is jealousy; both are utterly unmanly and absurd. To a large and noble nature, or one pene trated by Christian grace, they are im- i possible. Christian Leader. j VIRGINIA POPULISTS. State Convention Candidates Nominated The Platform Adopted. I - By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Lynchburg, August . 3. The Popu Mists of Virginia met here in btate con vention to-day. Nearly five hundred delegates, chiefly from the rural dis tricts, were in attendance, and queerly enough, there was not a negro among them; Among the visiting statesmen . were Terry Simpson, from Kansas, and , Congressman Pence, from Colorado. Simpson spoke to a mass meeting last ' night and Pence to-day addressed the .' convention. In the course of his speech he bitterly assailed Mr. Cleveland and Secretary Carlisle, quoting from a speech of the latter delivered some years ago in strong denunciation of the financial policy to which he seems to be now committed. Pence's speech created much enthusiasm. - ! The convention was organized by the election of Col. Robert Beverly, of Fau quier, as chairman, with the usual com plements of subordinate officers. i The following nominations were made unanimously: tor uovernor, h. R. Cocke, of Cumberland; Lieut. Governor, Ji Brad. Beverly, of Fauquier; Attorney General, William S. Gravely, of Henry. : A fund was raised for the purpose of defraying the expenses of a vigorous cam paign, l ne platform adopted declares For free silver coinage at the ratio of 16 to 1; a national currency issued by the General Government and distributed di rectly to the people on the security of their property; the imposition of a rigid income tax, and a reform of the tariff and internal revenue laws. It also de nounces the present election laws of the State as partisan, and demands their re peal and the substitution of non-partisan laws. The preamble to the platform severely arraigns President Cleveland v "who was elected for the express pur pose of relieving the people from the robberies of the McKinley tariff, but who calls Congress not to repeal the robber tariff, but to consummate the fraud of 1873, which demonetized silver."- The Convention was harmonious; but some of the delegates expressed the belief that the Convention did not put forward its strongest man for Governor. They seem to tear that Cocke will not make an aggressive candidate. .i SOUTH CAROLINA. A Keg of Beer Seized at Darlington by Diapensary Agents. ' . By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Charleston, Aug. 4. On Wednes nay a keg of beer, was sent to J. M. James, at Darlington, and was seized on its arrival and placed in the hands of the sheriff. To-day Mr. James received an other keg by the Atlantic Coast Line and it , has remained undisturbed at his saloon all day. Tudge Hudson has filed a supplementary opinion of his last decision in the Darlington dispensary case. He says among other things, that Justice Pope's order was not intended to dissolve his previous order of injunction, but was intended to stay proceedings ; also, that J. B. Floyd, dis penser, was guilty of contempt in vio lating his order of injunction and in vio lating Justice Pnne'a writ, nf t,. Hudson's supplementary decision does nui auer me status oi.tne case. E. B. House, of El Paso, Texas, who contends that all appetite is abnor mal and caused by the stimulants peo ple use in their food and drink, has, as be claimi. actuallv mmnlptpH a tn nt fourteen days, during which time il intfv nnnnA.4 i .. t uvutuK fuu uia ijja uui water, tie IS a railroad encinMr. and follow his vocation throughout the fast. The Dallas ' News, commenting upon these statements, says: "The Bible makes work a condition of eating. If one can live without eating, what w the use of work?" JIhsoIixtely ifure A rrMm a. ,x5 . . - " " . ' Hirtattrtl iJfx r? making Powder . Roval Baking Powmr Co., 10 Wall St. N. Y. that baby. , l-",. , . i i M ah in A I lilt V Al A I :MI II I :H . Kl II I L XI " H il If it I X" J III 1 1 I Ir-ri A' New Orleans Jttan Wtaea Enthusiastic Over Itt Beautiea. - It "was a wee mite of ; a thing ;in pink and white, delicate as anewBorn violet and buried within a world,xf softest white stuff that rose up around its tiny face like the billows of a frozen sea caught in a ground swell.' It was, to tell the truth, a funny look ing creature this little ' baby, with' its soft, silky hair lying in fluffy' patches over its pulsating head, and , its fat little cheeks all excavatedwith pristine dimples that as yet were un acquainted with 'the expanding prop erties of a baby's, laugh. - Its little eyes were round and wandering, and the lilliputian mouth seemed mado only to pucker up for a mournful wail every time some mistaken old lady would try to spread a; demon strative kiss aU over the little face. . Father and mother gazed upon this little newcomer into their household with all that pride and joy that can come from no fount save that of : the love born of instinct. He would take the petit bundle of infinitesimal baby and innumerable skirts up in his big hands in a gingerly, awkward sort of a way and look at it for a moment, and then he would lay it down gently upon the soft pillow again as if he feared it would break if it should by any chance bejpstled against any thing so tangible" even as a strong current of air. ' - Then, when all the rest had gone, the mother, in whose eyes now dwelt that new light hitherto Imknown within their depths, would gather up with a confident grasp the little thing that was all in all to them both and would insist upon calling the father's attention for the four hundredth and odd time to tbb many and fast multi plying beauties of the little creature, and would then be highly indignant if he did not repeat 20 times in suc cession the admission that it was the most beautiful and wonderful baby the world .had ever produced, i She would catch the infant up to" her bosom and kiss its little face until it scarcely had a fair chance to breathe, and then she would lay it down again, and moving slightly away feast her eyes upon! the little one's varied fihantis'when shrouded in the heierht- mip1 finohantment borrowed from 4 distance. . r It was a common enough sort of a baby after all, but then it was their baby, and they thought there had never been a baby in the world that could boast one-half the charms that were embodied in the little piece of humanity! they called their own. There might 'be many babies who could tip the beam of the grocer's scales a pound or two more man theirs, and there might be a thou sand parents who thought they had babies more beautiful than this little fellow, but this mother and father were not ready to admit the possi bility of the approximate correctness, even of such a line of reasoning. This was their baby, their only baby, and it was therefore the only baby on earth for them, and besides it was" their valentine. New Orleans Delta. . Melliferous F. Chubbins, Naturalist, There is an old negro in this city who swears he has seen flies eating glass. His name is Melliferous P. Chubbins, and he lives just a little distance beyond the popcorn vender's shop. People who use the electric lights often find small holes in the glass globes, which they have to patch up with putty. This old fel low says he has seen the ordinary house fly, which often passes off for caper with boiled mutton, alight on one of these globes, cut a ridge with its serrated hind legs and then with its sawlike teeth cut clear through the glass. It then goes inside to see if the light itself is not a' big lump of extra clarified sugar. He says that the fly cats the fine glass dust and considers it an excellent substitute for calomel in removing bile from the system. Florida Times-Union. Antiquity of Tarring and Feathering. The practice of tarring and feather ing, which we regard as essentially, American, belongs, I am reminded by a note on the crusades which I made about 20 years ago, to our selves. To us the honor of invent ing or adopting that very disagree able mode of punishment belongs. Among the laws for the preserva tion of order when i Bang Richard sailed on his . crusade was one that any soldier convicted of theft should have his head shaved, be stripped of his clothes, have melted pitch poured all over him, after this be covered with feathers, and so set ashore at the first land that is touched. Lon don Queen. Yes, She Is From Boston. A little 6-year-old girl, whose fa vorite aunt had gone away the night before, came down to breakfast quiet and sober. "Don't you feel well, my dear?" asked her mother with tender solici tude. "I" feel well physically,',' was the suggestive reply. It is hardly necessary to add that this careful line drawer is a Miss Bos ton. New York Times. ; A Serious Question. Ten Booke (confidentially) We can live with your folks in the win ' ter and with mine in the summer. ; Mabel i (thoughtfully) Yes, but whatvin the world are we going to do spring and. autumn? Vogue. , TWINKLINGS., ; One Rich Father I think it is the best Dlan for VOur son tn marrv mv daughter, and in that way we can keep me money in me lamuy. The Other R. F, My dear friend, you aon t know my son. Detroit tree Press "How did Jincle come to give nis song 10 tne publisher for nothing? "Oh. that's verv simnle. Th nnh lisher talked him into thinking he was such a genius that he had no business to wuro. iyr money. wasmngion tar. -via me neignDors succeed in suppressing Thompson's cornet prac tice?" v "They did not." The complaint aver, red that he was learniner to olav the cor net, and he proved by liis teacher that ne naa not learned anything in six months. Indianapolis Journal. "Isn't It aueer." said Wap-2. how long it takes some of those comic papers to get things into print ? One of last week's papers had a joke in that I sent them five years ago." "That's nothing," returned Cynicus, "One of them had a ioke in week hefnre last that .Diogenes got off." Harper's, -;: Horner Military School, oxford! n. a '. Modern builditm-. &ifttf..i nA a.f...i..A 1 in efficient instructors. Number limited. . A bent!fS Southern home for htm. Catalogue sent on application. julyll D12tW6t Almost Everything That Passes Through Them Blast Undergo alax.,-. . At present the gates and fortifica-. i tions of Pans seem to Deuserul prin cipally for the levying of vexatious taxes upon the French people them selves. Of this we were forcibly re minded one day as we lapproached the Porte Mallot in company with a gentleman, who was on his way to fill a lecture engagement at one of the great schools in this . city.' . Our friend carried a bag containing a few books he was 'intending j to use, and the question to be settled before we could pass was whether. anything in the bag was taxable: ,To satisfy the gatekeeper the bag must be opened. ' It was -all dono quickly enough and with evident politeness, but it struck the- American mind quite unfavor ably, and of-course provoked it tp nu merous inquiries. -Paris; it appears, lays tribute in this way on almost her entire food supply and upon numer ous other things, and the money col lected is divided between the govern ment and the municipal authorities. By this means it comes to pass that many articles are doubly taxed, for in addition to what is assessed upon them at the gates of the city there is a tariff imposed at the frontier. - After this we did not wonder that a visitor had to pay so enormously for apartments and board, though we did wonder at ' the long suffering pa tience of the. residents. Meat of every kind is taxed. On a pound of butter the city tariff is ;3 cents, and" on a pound of grapesit is about the same. If you should go outside and shoot a hare, you would have to pay for bringing mto Paris even a pri vate little acquisition of that sort- Upon spirits , and wine I the duty is considerable, and the authorities are exceedingly vigilant in collecting it. This is n point at which vigilance is quite necessary, judging from what one hears as to the methods of smug gling in vogue. We ar$ told that during the cholera scare liquors were surreptitiously brought in by means of coffins, and we have heard of one enterprising liquor dealer who cheat ed the government fort a long time by means of a dummy i footman that is,' he had a wooden contrivance on the seat of his carriage shaped and dressed like a footman, and this innocent looking luxury was filled, not with animal spirits', but with the kind which at "the gates of Paris are held to be contraband. i i -These ruses were decidedly clever, and it is said thaff had it not been for accomplices who turned inform ers they might havo continued in successful operation i indefinitely. Perhaps, however, the'countryman's ruse was the most effectual for the time, though it must i have put him to ' inconvenience afterward. He had only a bottle of icommon wine with him, but the gatekeeper knew his duty and did it. The tax was 4 cents levied upon an original valua tion of something like 13 cents. Common wine, it must be remem bered, is very cheap in France, and tbia particular bottlo would havo been cheap enough, ono might have thought, even after the duty had been paid. But theFrench peasant is noted for his thrift The burning question was how to get his quart of wine mto 'Pans without any further in vestment upon it, and the final solu tion was reached by his carrying it through the gates concealed, as in the case of the 'dummy footman, within his own anatomy. Indian apolis Journal. I Borax In the Household. It is the housekeeper who reaps most constant .benefit from the use of borax, and to one jof an experi mental turn of mind more and more methods will present themselves. It is in all cases a safer form than many preparations of soda, and the slight ly larger cost would not prevent its use rather than cheap and irritating substitutes, the nature of which can soon be judged by the effect upon the skin.' . I No less friendly in its action than the forms of petroleum known as vaseline and its preparations, it is one of the gifts of nature, whoso sur prises m ' this direction are but just beginning and whose resources seem inexhaustible. Epicure. When Kovlng Around at Night, i Paragraphers and funny men will find much food for mirth in the mis take of the man who shot his mother-in-law for a ..burglar. The real moral of the situation lies in the risk attending the practice some people have of prowling around the house at night in the dark!. Cases where serious "consequences S have followed this habit are numerous. If m a city, light the gas. In the country carry a candle or lamp. Put this under the head of things worth knowing or pre cautions worth taking. New York World. i Tomato Cans as Ornaments. In remote corners of the west the humble tomato can is prized for its ornamental possibilities. The bot toms are cut off, pierced for a string and are proudly , worn by the In dians, as they used ito wear medals, among beads and bears' claws. New York Sun. . . j . ; 1 . The Eetort Uncourteons. . Mrs. Uppercrust Why is it that so many men turn their trousers up this dry weather? j - Uppercrust Jb or the same reason women hold up their dresses. Vogue.; Complete Manhood and how to attain it. . At last a medical work that tells the causes, describes the effects, points the remedy. This is scientifically the most valuable, artistically the most beautiful, medical book that has ap peared for vears : oS oatres. everv cace beariner a half-tone illustration in tints. Some-ef the subjects treated are Nervous Debility, I trip o tency, Sterility, Development, Varicocele, The MUSDana, inose mtenaing Marriage, etc. Everv man who would know the erand truths. the plain facts, the old secrets, and- the new discoveries of medical, science as applied to married life, who would atone for past follies and avoid future pitfalls, should write for this wonderful little book.; It will be sent free, nnaerseai. Aoaress ine puDiisners, . Erie Medical Co., Buffalo, N. Y. feb 11 lv D&W 3d arm sa tu th Safe for Sale. AKEW "EUREKA" FIRE-PROOF SAFE with Combination Lock, j Outside measure: . . j . .. r - 28 inches high, - t . - " 18X " wide, . 19 " ! deep, . Weiirht. Five Hundred Ponnris. Just the thing for a lawyer, doctor, or a conntry Price. $35.00. .... . Address,'"- . ; " STAR OFFIPF. 1 epl3W tt -.--. r Wilmington, N. C. A V II I Q If Cf cured at homo with- I II 1 1 All r I outpain.Bookof pnr lltf lllWllIsi I ticulnrs sent FREE. II If iHaHBHMaMB.M.WOULLEY,M.D. II M Atlanta, Ga. Office KMWhitehaUSt. epJD&Wly tu - th sat ' m 1 r :, m tin r ir- v h . v i b h h h m m m ? m m m mm m m a mmm mm mm m m m - . - t . w -m The Bestl.ledicitiD. . j. 'O. Wilson, Contractor and Builder, Sulphur . "Springs, Texas, . 4-Vii.m Dnnnlra sf A tro.'o 'Otlla - . j T ' AyerVPills are the "best medicine J. ever tried; and,) in my judgment, no , better general remedy could be devised. -. I have used them in. my family and recommended them to my friends and employes for more than twenty years. . To my certain knowledge;- many cases of the following icomplaints have been completely and ' - - Permanently cured by the use ol AVer's Pills alone : Third day chills, dumb ague,, bilious fevely sick headache, rheumatism, flux, dys- , pepsia, constipation, and hard colds. , I ; know that a moderate use of Ayerja Fills, continued for a few days orweekk, i as the nature of ilie complaint reqniretl.' would he found an absolute cure for the i disorders I have named above." I i ' " I have beeri selling medicine for eight years, and; I can safely say that i Ayer's Pills give better satisfaction i than any other Pill I ever sold." J. J. ' i Perry, Spottsylvania C. H , Va. AYER'S PILLS Prepared by Dr. J. Oyer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Every! Dose Effective A Noted Oivino Gays: "M, IIH1U MWU HH1A avvs m for 'DyBpepnsav Weak Stomach an S! ARE A SPECIAL BLESSING, I never had anything: tt3omesoir!Uc! rrood. 1 receommcnd them to all as tliebest medicine In extstanee." I SOID EVESY 7EE2E. I Office, 140 to 144 Wasoingtoa St., K. . ane IS D4W lv ! sa to th I BUSINESS LOCALS. rW NoticrsVot Rent or Sale. Lost and Ftrnnd, Wants, and. other short miscellaneous advertisements, inserted in this Department, in leaded Nonpareil itype, on first or fourth page at Publisher's option, for 1 0 cents per line each insertion; bat no advertisement taken tor less tnan ii.v cents, lerms. cositiveivi tas" is advance. Fractions of lines counted as who' Sines. Tlie Oxford Leagne of Fifth Street M. C. Cfturch 'will give an excursion! Wendesday, the 9th, to Slourh- oort and outside. The steamer will stop at the Pier and the Rocks g log down, and allow twohol.rsat Carolina Iieach in the afternoon. 1 1 ; I am now receiving my Fall stock of goods, and the designs are beautiful. Call early and be convinced. Geo. W. Huggins, Jeweler; and inspector of Vatchei for all the railroads. : ' t21 Agents wantediOntfit free: from $20 td $100 weekly regularly earned by our salesmen. P. (X Box 1371 New York. aog 6 it i ; -J , . 1 A nice line of Toilet articles, as well as pure drags ana medicines, aiwajs m stocx at tne r roni street Pharmacy, opposite lrarket house. e21 EiOt A solitaire Diamond, dropped from gold ring, somewhere on Ptincess street and Hilton electric cats. Finder will be iliberally rewarded by reluming to this office. i aog $ 2t j : f : 1 If you want to make your money back that you lost in the Bank come to I F. H. Krahnke & Co.'s, 113 Princess street, and get you a Summer Suit. I ihave just received another fine lot of Summer Goods. c21 . ( , . u It. E. Ward has just received a fine lot of Irish Potatoes guaranteed (o be fit m and just what the trade wants. Also fresh Virginia Dairy Butter, N. C. , Hams; Chickens, Eggj and all other produce on band- Consignments from the country constantly coming in. i i E. Van Iaery corner Fourth and Walnut, has the largest stock of jPianos and Organs in the State. Our prices are the lowest and the quality of onr in struments is far superior to anything offered hasc. luly i'ott itu Ail Low Cat Shoes in stock will be sold at actual Boston Cost until the; last pair is sold. See our $1.25 line of Ladies' Dongola Button Shoes on exhibit in our window at 120 Market street. W. R. Slocum. Jnst call atGsOi W. Huggin's the leading Jew eller, and see his fine display of Watches made to order) and at such prices that will astonish you. c21 : . I will sell the fire Clothing saved from I he Florence- fire at 78 cents on the $1.00, just cost. Now is the chance of your life to buy cheap. Call aa-J be con vinced. B. F. Penny, 110 and 112 Market St. till ITIoney to Loan. Bank deposits and certificates bought. Residences and building lots for sale for cash or on time. Aquili J. Marshall, Attorney and Coun sellor at Law, 214 Princess street. je5tf ; , Notice Jnst teceived a fine line Bed-room Suits. Will give our easterners the best bargains in Bed-room Suits ever offered in Furniture Also in Matting and Mosquito Nets. Call and see as before purchasing. Munroe & Kelly. ) "... ; c21 , t r- i Walker, W. ,S., sanitary plumber and gas fitter. I keep the latest improved sanitary specialties on hand. No. S South Second street.' Work outside the city promptly attended to. , c21 1 H 1 : Call and see the Perfection Refrigerator, made by A. B. Cook, 124 Princess street. Ladies especially in vited. " ' c21 U 1 - Tide-Water Oil Co., Geo. L. Morton, Manager. - Producers and refiners of Petroleum, and Mfrs. of Naval Stores. Solicit orders for lubricating and ilia. tninating oils. "Guardian" Oil is the trade-mark. cSl , , . Wire Netting for Poultry Yards,"Gem" Ice Cream Freeiers and Ice Shavers, Pocket-knives, Fishing Tackle, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Cooking Stoves, Agricul tural Implements for sale by the N. Jacob! Udwe. Co.' Die Eachern, John S., Grain, hay, flour, meal,. pearl hominy, and all kinds of mixed feed for horses and cattle. 211 Market street. Goods delivered promptly anywhere in the city. ' c21 Tne committee rises to report that the bare troth is Portner's is the best, and all first-class dealers use it. Portner's fine Cabinet and Tivoli-Beer cannot be beat. J, M. Wright, Agent. c2I i i r . Splrlttlne Chemical Co., Hansen & Smith Man agers. Wood distillers and refiners; Mfrs of bpinttine Oil for wood and: iron . preservation; Spirittiae Paint, Tar Oil, distilled Tar and the 3 Spirittiae remedies. j i; - ssi TUe Atlantic National Bank, capital and individ ual liability, $350,000; loans made on approved paper; special attention given to out of town accounts. J. W. Norwood, President; H. W. Howard, Cashier. c21 i i i Ice Cream, Candies, Nuts, Fruits and Cigars; all of the best quality: reasonable prices. Full stock of all the above articles at A. S. Winstead's, 115 North Sec- cond street, and 217 North Front street. c21 j - t Palmetto Brewine Co.. of Charleston. S. C. V.- port, Iice and Lager Beer. Branch office No. 402 Nutt street; aeiivenes promptly maae anywnere in city. JKichter, Manager. ' . s2 , n , j Wanted The drummers, lawyers, doctors, farm era, merchants and all visitors to Wilmington to know that good meals and solid comforts are to be had at The Purcell at living rates. c31" Hayden, P. H Carriage,! Buggy and Wagon- Maker; Saddles, Harness, BridlesCollars; new vehicles always on hand; repairing; promptly done. Third St., opposiee new Court House.. Wilmington, N. C. c21 Photographs A big drive this month, 12 fine Cabinets of yourself, with one 14x17 Crayon from any small picture you may desire, handsomely framed, all for $5.95. Good work guaranteed, U. C. Ellis, Pho tographer, 114 Market street. :i : su july2 5t SAFES Two old safes, one Herring's and one Wilder's patent,; for sale cheap. May be seen in the alley adjoining the Star office. . - . . ' FOB Rent, several small houses, four rooms each, on Castle between Eighth and Ninth streets, and on Elsrhth and Ninth between Church and I ..ww I . ...Yvn ... .... K E ' ' " its P ilS Apply to u. u uuriiMUK. v . ' Goods We have redyced the following Goods, and will sell them for the CASH ONLY- FANCY BATISTE, ' ;3 Former price 18c, now 10c. FANCY GINGHAM, Former price 35c, now 25c. FRENCH SATTEENS, : " -s . Former price 35c, now 25c. FANCY DOTTED SWISS, , : -. i Former price 35c, now 25c FANCY Striped SPENCER CLOTH Former price 15c, now 12c WOOL GHALLIES CLOTH, . Former price 20c, now 15c BLACK GOODS. Just received, a. handsome line of these Goods, also ' - ' STRAW SERGES, in - Navy Blue and Black. Parasols. Parasols. To reduce our immense stock of 24 and 26 inch Parasols, we will give a discount of 10 per cent, on them only, . . " '' ' 1 1 J AH Goods sold for Strictly Cash. Brown & Roddick No. 9 NORTH FRONT -STi i july 30 It" - : 1 MAGNETIC NERVINE. Is sold with written guarantee to ; cure Nervous Prostra tion, Fits, Dizzl- n AM.Hcadache and jieoralgia andWake- Iuine8s,can8ea Dy ex ceselveuBeof Opium, Tooacco ana aico- 1 hnl lfmi.1 TWlMA. BtrFORE - :rs sion. Softminscof the Brain, causing Misery, Insanity and Death ; rwrromnsw, iwpousuvy, lost ruwoi ui Premature Old Age, Involuntary Losses, caused by over-indnlgence, overexertion or the Brain ana Errors of Youth. It gives to Weak Onrsns their Natural Vigor and doubles the Joys of life: cures Lucorrhoea and Female Weakness A month's treat ment, in plain package, by mall, tn any addrera, tl per box, 6 boxes (S. with every 15 order we give a written tsuaranxee w cure or rerunu uu iuuuy. Circulars free. Guarantee issued only by our ex clusive agent. ' i For sale bv IOHN H. HARDIN. apSD&Wly Wilmington. N C Atlantic National Bank Condensed Statement ; 1 FROM j ; ' I Report to the Comptroller, July 12th, 1893. - RESOURCES. , i i Loans ......$331,508 33 Overdrafts, 77. 2,108 01 United States 1 loads.. u. 35,SJ9 63 Banking-house, furniture and fixtures 15,000 00 Redemption fund 1,46 00 JDue irom other l.aaks, mcludiag reserve airents.... SUI.713 06 Cash on hand 80,180 18-231,893 84 Total . ...... .$507,906 24 LIABILITIES : Capital 1125,001 00 Surplus... OU Other Undivided profits 3 342 83 15,842 82 Circulation j. 28,120 00 Deposits from Banks 40,9S8 97 .Deposits irom individuals li,K4 45 42 Total... L. $557,906 24 H. W. HOWARD, Cashier. J. V. NORWOOD, President. i july 18 tf Teas, Coffees, Sugars,, Lemons, &c. A consignment of i Mountain and Creamery Butter - just xeceivea. i " HALL & PEAESALL, . Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants, june 21 D&W tf Nutt and Mulberry sts. The Dailv Star, THE OLDEST DAILY PAPER XN NORTH CAROLINA. rpiIE DAILY 1TIORNINC STAR, A Ffrst Class Democratic Newspaper Published at the following; low RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION: " One Year, postage paid. . Six Months, " -" ; 6 Three One " " THE DAILY STAR Contains full Reports of the Wilmington Markets Telegraphic Reports of the Northern v and - i European Markets, and the Latest v General News, by Telegraph i and . Mail, from all parts of the world. WILLIAM H. BERNARD . Edito and Prop'r, Wilmington. N. C. Medical College of Virginia, Richmond) Virginia, Cor. Marshall and College Sts. The Fiftv-sixth Annual session of the show-named institution will begin September 26th, 1893, and cou- tinue six montns. .- , For Catalogue or other information write to - DR. CHRISTOPHER TOMPKINS, Dean of the Faculty, and Professor ol Obstetrics and diseases ot the Puerperal state, july 27 Dlt W3m BiTS50tiIOO..-r Lftdles or Oentf. Bait wller known. Need ed ftterarr house, plaoe of tmsioeu or farm - Wtha year round. wUosw kttrle H4or " " ft wtpoweroneartb. Oonneated instantly to -a -r-. : : i wuh or. KWinjc maobino. oorn she Her. ! DamDa. futr lathM. jeweler.' or dcntiiti' mBoninvrr. so. viemn. noueien. uuns i life-time, no ftxpertenee needed To ' show in opermtion meui a sato. Onar lanteed. ProQu immense. Cireulara free. E - y: jnne ly -1 time month The Wilmington "Star." THE BEST BOOK&rT . Jy the Most Popular Authors, . At one-third their value - THE - Star's Great Book Offer! To any one who will send us ONE of the following Coupon's (which may be cut from either the Daily or Weekly Star), accompanied by TEN CENTS in silver or postage stamps, we will send post-paid by mail ANY THREE B00E.S to be selected by yourself from the list printed, ielow: i 2 O 0. o o o o in m a m in - . t- o a C9 CO H CO LU X I- I ' g r ' "::"')"ll''j " o.i- . J ' G ' ... ,(--. a . ' ': U: m - i I s M J. - ! - . . o : 43 ; I I tn a w im 9 s ! a a o " i - 25 o Cut out and send to this office one ot the above Coupons, together with Ten Cents, and we will send vou nost-naid Any i nree ot tne following books : No. 1. THIS SCARLET LETTER. By N No. 2. THE MVSTERY OF COLDE FELL; ui, nui or vnanoue xvi. uraeme; nlhmnl nn Tk'I No. 3. UNDER THE RED FLAG, M. E. Braddon. By M No. 4. KING SOLOMON'S- MINES. By II. Kider Mageard. No 6. AROUND THE WORLD IN EIGHTY DAYS. By Jules Verne. - No. 6. THE CORSICAN BROTHERS. By Alexander Dumas. r No. 7. LADY GRACE. By Mrs. Henry Wood No. 8. AVKRIL. By Rosa Nonchette Carey. No. 9, THE .BLACK DWARF. By Sir ..Walter Scott, No. 10. A NOBLE LIFE. By Miss Mulock. No. 11. THE BELLE OF LYNN; Or, THE MILLER'S DAUGHTER. By Charlotte M. Braeme. author of "Dora Thorne." : No. 12. THE BLACK TULIP. By Alexander Dnmas. No. 13. THE DUCHESS. By "The Duchess.' No. 14. NURSE i REVEL'S MISTAKE. By Florence Warden. ! i No. 15. MERLE'S CRUSADE. By Rosa Nou chette Carey. No. 16. A STUDY IN SCARLET. By A. Conan Doyle. I - No. 17. ROCK RUIN; Or. THE DAUGHTER OF THE ISLAND; By Mrs. Ann S. Stephens. No. 18. LORD LISLE'S DAUGHTER, By Charlotre M. Braeme; anthor of "Dora Thome." No. 19. THE ARMORER OF TYRE. By Syl ysnus Cobb, Jr.. t . : No. 20. Mr. GILFIL'S LOVE STORY. Ey George Eliot. J , No. 21, A SCARLET SIN. By Florence Mar ryat. - i No. THE SEA KING, By Captain Marryat No. 23. THE SIEGE OF GRANADA. By Sir E. Bnlwer Lytton. ( No. 24. MR. MEESON'S WILL. By H. Rider naggara. no. ; OE TffXTVV HARLOWE XVQ33ICU. T It M. I AAV 4.1 L By W. Ctark . By Mrs. Alex- No. 26. BEATON'S BARGAIN, UUCIt j . No. 27. THE SOUIRE'S DARLING. Bv Char lotte M. Braeme, author of "Dora Thorne." No. 28 THE RUSSIAN GIPSY. By Alexander Damns. t No. 29. THE WANDERING HEIR:' By Charles Reade. i No. 30. FLOWER AND WEED. By Miss M. E. Braddon. ' No. 81. NO THOROUGHFARE. By . Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins. ). - No. 32. THE GREAT HOuGARTY DIA MOND. By W. M. Thackeray. ' . "No. 33. THE SURGEON'S DAUGHTER. By Sir Walter Scott. ( . No. 84. HILDA; ir, THE FALSE VOW. By Char lotte M. Braeme, author of " Dora Thorne.'' .No. 35. GRANDFATHER'S CHAIR. . By Na thaniel Hawthorne. ! . ' - . No. 36- A TRIlJ TO THE MOON. By Jules Yerne. 1 ." No. 37. THE PIONEER'S DAUGHTER. By Emerson Bennett ! No. 38. A LITTLE REBEL. By the" Duchess " No. 39. MASTER ROCKAFELLAR'S VOYAGE. By W. Clark Russell. No. 40. THE HEIRESS OF HILLDROP. By Catherine M. .Braeme, author of "Dora Thorne."' The above books, are nicely printed and bound in attractive paper covers. They are sold, regularly at retail for ten- cents each, so that onr offer enables our readers to buy them at one third of their value. It is a grand chance ro secure standard nigh-class works of fiction at merely nominal cost. H One of the above coupons will be published in every issue of The Stas until further notice Observe that each book is numbered on the upper left-hand corner. In ordering, fill the proper blanks in coupons with numbers ot the books wanted. We make this liberal offer, whereby some of the best works of fiction in the English language may be secured by our readers for th merest trifle of expense, in order to increase our circulation. Our Present Beaders will Greatly Oblige us by Calling: the attention of their Friends to the fact that by buying THE STAB, they can secure the ad vantages of our Great Book Offer. t Address: I THE STAR, - i Wilmington, N. C. T T 50 Bushels Clay Pease, 100 BAGS COFFEE, j 50 BARRELS SUGAR, and numerous other goods at bottom prices. Bought to sell, not to keep. Id. l. gore. 124 N. Water street; ' 120, 122 and Pease Pease : AM IX I H K : II Harris tithia Springs, S. C. A water that contains , about one third more Lithia ithan the Buffalo L.ithia Water, and has not an equal in the United States. , ,.... ; Bead what the most noted. Physicians of South Carolina have to say for the Harris Lithia Water: ; : After a long and varied experience n the use Mineral Waters from many sources, both foreign and domestic I am fully persuaded that the Harris Lithia Water possesses efficacy in the treatment of afflictions of the Kidneys and Bladder unequalled by any other Water of which I have made trial. This opinion is based upon observation of its effects on my patients for the past three years, during which time I have prescribed it freely and almost uniformly with benefit in the medicable maladies above men tioned. . -f - When failure to relieve has occurred, I have- im puted it to insufficient use of the Water, for my expe rience teaches me. that from one to two quarts flaily should be taken from two to fonr weeks, to se ure its full remedial effects. ' . j A. N. TALLY, M.D. "Columbia, S. C, October 8tb, 1892. ' . - j Camden, January 26 1892. J. T. Hams, Esq., Harris' Spring, S. C: . Dear Sir: I fjnd great benefit from the use of your Lithia Water. I consider it a fine tonic, and general regulator of the digestion, as well as very efficacious it those diseases for which. Lithia .is considered some what of a specific V JUDGE J. B, KERSHAW. My wife has been using your Lithia Water and is very much benefitted. I consider it is every respect equal ts tne taraous tJunaio jitnia water. Abbeville, S. C. JUDGE J. S. COTHRAN For sale by the bottle or gallon by I. HICKS BUNTING. Druggist, sole agent for Wilmington and vicinity, Y. M. CA. Building, Wilmington, N. G. I mar 28 tf Why Hesitate? Prices will! Never be . - - . :; '' Lower than they are At Present. Therefore,, if you need anything in the furniture ..line, call and examine ourmammoth stock, compare prices and be convinced that we are, in deed and in fact, the leading Fur niture dealers in the State. Parlor Suits, Bedroom Furniture, Chiffoniers, Sideboards, Toilet sets, and last but not least, a new line of BABY CARRIAGES. E. H. SNEED & CO, No. 16 South Front Street. ... The cheapest Furniture House in the State. Mattresses made and renovated,1 " ij aug 6tf ' II Notice. There is a time for all things. There is a lime to be merry and a time to be sad, but We, the hustlers of the Racket Store, take up pur time in selling goods; we open our store at o au a m ana snut it up at w p m, and keep on the move all the day long. We have knocked down some new aird pretty goods in the past week, and propose to let you know about it. ! NECKWEAR. , We have just received a beautiful line of Neckwear for ladies and girls, in nice silk Windsors, full 36 inches inches long, 4 inches wide, all colors, at 25c each; a nice nobby lot of Fonr in-hand Ties, men's fashion, bound for men and boys, we are selling them at 35c, regular houses get 50c. for them. A fine line of Gents' and Ladies' Handkerchiefs in linen and silk; a nice hem-stitched handkerchief, with the initial of your name nicely marked in one corner, for 25, 50, 75c each. i. . HATS, &c. The nobb&st line of new . and pretty Sailor hats we have ever had; a fine Milan sailor -in Blue or black for 75c, worth 1 25; in white for 85, 40, 50c each, extra cheao:a natent leather soilor. regular. fnr?!Wr mr f aw bought a big job, and we sell them for 25c each; the C.ULU UIUU CLUU SllHW lUp SUllUnf HI iQUC CBCn. 500 rolls new and pretty Ribbons just received. All the new shades and prices. A . big lot of Flowers and Tips and Flumes at your own price, a big lot of fine veiling, all prices. i j ! SHOES, &c. i We carry about 6,500 pairs shoes, all good, honest value, and sold on theirmerit; our sales as well as our stock in this line continue to increase. . Onr Men's Furnishings department has not been ne glected; our shirts are selling at starvation prices. We have just closed out one firm in this line of 100 dozen shirts at 50c in the dollar on manufacturer's cost. Our big job in summer wool shirts worth 1 25 each, selling at 1 25 pair; are selling verv fast. We carry about 500 pair men's pants, from 50c to $4 00 a pair; 200 pair boys' pan's from 25c to $1 a pair. A good linen collar for men for 10c, extra heavy 4 ply, nnd many other things. Come and see us, and we will find time to show yon around, and if we suit you we hope to do some busi ness with you at onr old stand 113 South Front street, Wilmington, N. C. .... BKADDY & GAYLORD, Proprietor: aug6tf School Books, School Books, School Booh: We keep constantly on hand a large stock of , School Books &SchoolSup plies. Books adopted by the ' - State Board of Education a specialty." - ' : A liberal discount to TEACHERS and MERCHANTS. , ' . " " Send for our NEW School Cata logue just published. ' C. Wf YATES. Market street ; . aug 6 tf - WILMINGTON, N.C.' Book Offer SECOND SERIES. Standard Books, : :. "Vr NOMINALTRICES By theiWilmington Star. r Send QE of the following COU PONS (which maybe cut from either the Dailv or Weekly Star), and TEN CENTS, ia SILVER or POST AGE STAMPS, and either one of the Books you may select from the list below will be mailed post-paid' to your address: Send One Coupon and Ten Cents for anv Book offered in this Series, aAd after receiving it you will be sureto order morp. I In ordering more than one Dock write fulljtitle of only one Book.cin each Coupon. . . ji These Books cannot be obtained at less than rhf wholesale price in any other way than as drsrniie.i; above. i i ; i We ake Lasure in announcing to our readers i tin we have made a contract whereby we am fumsli llii-im with standard books at absolutely less than WioMilH price?. The books which we offer are by worUJJ.Mmh writers, and are printed from absolutely ney'type spo 1 cially made for these woiks. The Looks arc bound I an entirely new process, which does away with ili- ild ! style of thread or wire b nding. Each leaf is bmtjal ! into the book Separately and arrulmarrated willi ttliie whole, allowing the book to lay perfcc.ly flat Is open, givi g ease and comfort to the reader. . j ; The Books which we offer are superior in every wfiy ' to those offered in so-called free bwlt distribution, afcd which are dear at any price Our readers will ses tSis at a gUnce by sending for the works offered below. i 1 he books ate absolutely new: new tvpe, new platasi new illustrations, new paper and new bmdin? niakii):; pertec little gems. i , The public cannot obtain them at less that ei'ins I each unless they purchase them fromanewspircroU' ! ing them, when they enjoy less hin wholes, Ir pri i- li dealers, on similar books, : The selection of titles for the entire year is unsuri. passed. It comprises the very best of the world's most ! famous writers, i Nothing sensational will bcalmiitj d 1 to the series.! , 1 1 j 1 I , - LIST OF BOOKS OF PREMIUM LIBRARY. ! - ' I I' I T i THE REVERIES OK A BACHELOR, or A BOOK OK THE HEART. By Ik. Marvel (Donald C. Mitche.l).--This American classic has enjoyed a world-wide circulation at its price of $1 25. It is now offered for the first time at a nominal cost to our sub : senbers. How agreeable is "Ik. Marvel." in this cem; of a bock from his pen; how quaint, how humorous, philosophical, pathetic and charming. . LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME. By Lord Macau-i lav. Beautifully Illustrated Macaulav's "Lays" are instinct cith the very soul of poetry , and are fu !1 of her ic action and energy. Like Scott's spirit-stirring : ballads, they have a fine picturesque quality, with ; graphic breadth, and great realist c power of expression A TILLYGLDSS SCANDAL. By J. M. Barrie, A new work by J. M. Iiarrie, author of lhar Scottish t classic, "The Little Minister," which has had a phe- nomenal sale, may be expected to whet the literary ap petite of every intelligent reader of high class fiction. In stories of hflmble Scottish peasant life, Mr. Iiarrie : is on his own special ground. His sketches are full of ; a dry, quaint humor, with a strong realism and great force and directness of narrative power. i-, THE HOUSE OF THE SEVEN GABLES'. By Nathaniel Hawthorne. This masterpiece of Haw thorne's i fulll of the imaginative charm of romance;! In felicity of touch its author is unapproached by any wiiter since hiiown day. Thj work is, perhaps, the purest piece of poetic prose in all the range of Ameri-i can literatim e. f i ' i CRANFORlK By Mrs. Gask'ell. "Cranford," in its charming miniature painting and sketches of character, recalls the best of Jane Austen's novels. It is a delightful picture ofOld World social life in an English country village, descriptive of the teelintrs h habits, opinions, character and cocial coodtiions of tne lictle.commumtjy. THE COMING RACE. By ford Lytton. "The Coming Kace,' by Lord Lytton, is a clever and inge nious excuriiorj.iuto the realm of science, as the invent ive mind of man may find it in the comintrtimc. 1 he work is the product of a fanciful but rarely gilted and versatile rnindt DREAM I IFF.. By Ik. Marvel (Donald C. M tch ell). There is a profound mental study in this world- wide American classic. It has a tascinating power over the 'eader, while its graceful die ion charms the literary appreciation and fills the mind with de lghlfnl though sometimes pathetic pictures. . i FRANKENSTEIN; or THE'MODERN PRO i METHEUS. By Mrs. Shelley. Its author has great imaginative power, and a weird but original genius, There are passages in ."Frankenstein" that appal the i mind and make the flesh creep. Once read, the book can hardly ever be forgotten. A B OOK OF GOLDEN DEEDS. By C. M Ydnge. This is just the book to put into the hand of youth, circulating a healthy morality, and a true manly and womanly sentiment. Few books are batter formed than this to develop and mould the tastes of the using generation and encourigc optimistic and patr.otic ideas, MOSSES FROM AN OLD MANSE. By Na thaniel Hawth6rne. yAnotherde'iiihtful companion lor idle hours is ibis collection of maguine papers, which Hawthorne edtitled "'Mosses from an Old Manse " ; Like all his works, it is distinguished for its simplicity j and truth; its high literary merit commends it anew to public favor. ( ; THE SCARLET LETTER. By Nathan'cl Haw j thorne. A romance of intense interest, exhuming ex - inordinary power of mental analysis and graphic de scnptioD. r ot an artistic exposition ot I'untanism, as modified by New England -colonial life, we have noth ing like it in our literature. JCSSAYS Ot ELIA. By Charles Lamb. These charmihg essays are full of a gay humor, interspersed with many sly hit', happv puns and bright scinctilla tions of witj'careful yelaborated as they are, they are written witn tne utmost ease ana grace, aiwi arc com posed in a spirit at once delicate and unobtrusive. ' AQUIUODS W1U UC 1USUC W lilt; lint. n" time to time. ! : ! . . . i Observe, that these books are not numbered, in ordering, always give full title of each book, and use one coupon for each book. Address, THE STAB, WILMINGTON, N. C. iulv 4 tf j SPARKLING Ii - Catawba Springs , These Justly Celebrated Springs of North. Carolina are Beautifully Located The j Climate is delightful. The Waters! are eminently curative for Dysiej)sia, Liver Disease, Vertigo, Spinal ' Affetions. Neuralgia, Rheumatism, I Scrofula, Gravel, Diabetes, Kidney Affections, Chronic Cough, Asthma, ! H Insomnia, Debility and Skin Diseases. , Hotel refitted and put in first-class order.! j j - Roo for 400 guests is now open. .Writej for terms t Dr. E. O. ELLIOTT & SON, - - ' . J Proprietors, ; Sparkling Catawba Springs, N. C. c2 i : ti W : : g S3 ; .vi .. , . ' .:. i r Pxq :- CO : : : :i : : : -A g: : K '.t i i " : : a j tad :, pq :. : ;i i' o A . n - : ri 1 a -a to o z i:;. Q3 i a n s -i ? o o 1 c $1 i. . 0 . w S -. w - e " SB es H 'A LEnoJ Ti ,'. follol SinKf i haj hu St on agj cor .1 rea he ona 2 lad of .fad aoj po P0 thj wal ml bu ba t. ' vai orl '. col Pi a J ci "I pit h rel m p; tK tJ it trt ril IrJ 1: - aog 1 tf . , inneStf; D&W