- -, - - ' ' -- - - - . "V - . . ' .....- .".,'". . "W-V . n ' - 1 " x - - . .-MiijM-MMMaaMM,gaSMaasssal,i .. , . : - . r. - . ! Bakincc .rawaet9 JJhsoIuetely Pure A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength. Latest United States Government Food Report. Boyal Baking Powder Co., 106 Wall Street, N.Y. UNBELIEF. BULWER. There is no unbelief; Whoever plants a teed beneath the sod And waits to see it push away the sod He trusts In God. Whoever says, when clouds are fa the sky, "Be patient, heart; light breaketh by and by," Trusts the most high. Whoever sees 'neat h winter's field of snow. The silent harvest of the future grow. God's power must know. Whoever lies down on his couch to sleep, " Content to lock each sense in slumber deep. Knows God will keep. Whoever sayt: "To-morrow," -The un known," , "The Future" trusts that power alone He dares disown. The heart that looks on wben the eye- lids close, And dares to live when life has only woes, God's comfort knows. There is no unbelief; And day by day, and night unconsciously The heart lives by that faith the lips deny God knoweth why. SUNDAY SELECTIONS. To eive heartfelt praise to noble actions is, in some measure, mak ing them our own. Rochefoucauld. Our own hearts, and not other men's opinion of us, forms our true honor. Schiller, I hate to see a thing done by halves. If it be richt. do it boldly; if it be wrong, leave it alone. Gilpin. , Help somebody worse off than vourself. and vou will find that you are better off than you fane cd.Hemans. Prayer is a key which unlocks the blessines of the dav and locks up the dangers of the night. Young People's Union. . The desire to be beloved is ever restless and unsatisfied; but the love that flows out upon others is a perpetual wellsprine from on high. Lydia Maria Child. "While I have not always done my best, said the bookmaker, "at least I bave usually done my bettors." Washington Star. What is needed in the theaters is a contrivance by which a clove can be obtained without leaving your seat. Texas Sif tings. Your Strength iAND YOUR RUNDOWN SYSTEM BUILT UP AND REORGANIZED. Renewed A few bottles of S. 8. 8. will do it. If you are troubled with a depress ed, languid feeling, and lack of energy, your iiioooisnoi ncnt, ana neeas puruyinp. " ' I will thoroughly clear away all in yjjiJ purities and impart new vigor and ' " lire to the wnoio system. "Ihavensed your medicine of ten for the past eight years, and feel safe lit saying that it is the oest general neaitn restorer in tne worm." P. II. GIBSON', llatesville, Ark. nor 1 rcatly on Wood and bkm diseases mailed tree: SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, Atlanta, Ga. dec 13 ly we fr MAGNETIC NERVINE. Is sold with written guarantee to euro N ervous Prostra tion. Flta. bizzi neaa,Hcadache and K euralgia and Wake iumesa,can8ea Dyex eesslvenseof Opium Tobacco and Alco BEFORE - AF1ER- .io,1.8ol kHlt W 4n I T-W . the Brain, causing Misery, Insanity and Death; xMM-reuvw, uupoHUCf, bOtt rower in viiuw b Premature Old Attn. Involuntary LoBoea. cam by over-lndulorence. over-exertion of the Brain and Errors of Youth. It gives to Weak Organs their Natural Vigor and doubles the joys of life; euros Lucorrhoea and Female Weakness. A month's treat- Circulars free. Ouarantes issued only by our ex- j. HICKS BUNTING, Y. MCA. Building. For sale by JOHN H. HARDIN, piDtWlr chsat Wilmington, N. C BUSINESS LOCALS. ' Noticks For Rent or Sale. Lost and Found Wants, aud other short misceilaneons advertisements. Inserted in this Department, in leaded Nonpareil type, on first at fourth page, at Publisher's option, for 10 cents per line eacn insertion; out no advertisement taken lor less than 25 cent. Terms, positively casi in advance. Fractions of lines counted as whole lines, Tbls year's peanut vines the cheapest good foragi for cows and mules; a' so grain, hay and allkiajgof mi ed feed. John S. McKachern, 211 Market street. Telephone t2. tSA New News I 'am now prepared to make that beautiful convex and concave cabinet photographs. They are the latest style and best finish ever offered to the people of Wilmington and surrounding country, (A few dozen will be made at regular price to introduce them.) Also che new patent Aureo!e Diamond. Crayon Premium continued until June 80, and no longer. One dozen Cabinet! for $3 BO, and a 14x17 Crayon given with each dozen, $1.00 required at time of sitting. U. C. Fllis Photographer, No. 114 Market street. Wfl mington, N. C ap 29 tf A chatceof a life-tims. Wanted immediately, can vassers ad agents in every city in the United States to introduce " Multum in Parvo' the elastic ink-holder 4 lor pens; trout J3 to f ID easdy made with fire hours' work daily. Call or addiew Theo. S. Meyer, 140 Nas sn meet, room 48, New York City, ap 88 In th aa tn Palmetto Brewing Co., of Charleston, S. C. Ex port. Rice and Lager Beer. Branch office No.402Nutt street; deliveries promptly made anywhere in city. V. K tenter. Manager q Wanted The drammen, lawyers, doctors, farm ers. merchants and all visitors to Wunungtoa to know that good meals and solid comforts am to be had at The PnrceU at living rates. ca -. Mplrlttlne Chemical Co.v Hansen Smith man agers. Wood distillers and refiners; Mfrs of Spirittioe Od for wood and iron preaervation ;Snirittine Paint. Tar Oil, distilled Tar acd the S Spirit tine remedies. - - c51 - Sheffield, W. W Manager Till, W,t Qd Co., Manufacturers of the best tight cooperage io the South. Barrels for cotton seed oil and spirits tur pentine a specialty. For information, address the Manager. . . Portner's Beer tor purity, Portaer's Beer for qmuity. Former's Beer for everybody. That's the tune they all sing Portaer's Beer for everybody. . ' " ' c21 ESTABLISHED 1869. Palmer, Eivenbnrt? & Go Successors to 0. S. PAUIIIU.l . Wholesale Commission Merchants For the Sale of - . ' .. v.- Southern Fruit & Truck Berries, Peaches, Grapes, Melons ? ' and Vegetables. 166 Reade St., New York. Watermelons and Pears a Specialty. - r Refe,ences Chatham National Bank, New York Commerciol naencie and all principal truck shippers ap 1 Ii4t W 4m Plashing etal in Favor.; The Girt of the Period May Soon Be Partly Armor Clad. - win fhoirron.-. vp-ri nrv of soft silks, crapes and nets now in the market, there is oax of material for the constrnction of dainty. vests, yokes, plastrons, collars, cap similar devices for the brightening up of street toilets to suit evening occasions where full dress Is not necessary. i. deal of guipure is used, also beaded tulle and net embroidered in Jet or small colored cabochona or plentifully spangled. Indeed flashing metallic effects are greatly in,favor, and as the spangles are very light there is no objection of weigm w oe urgeu sgauu thnir employment. Of course these bril- EEONZB FAILLE BABQTJIKE. llant accessories aDDear to best advantage when they are seen over a dark gown, and if a small bat or bonnet to matcn is worn the effect is doubly satisfactory. A nrettv and very simple plastron ar rangement is made with the metal passe menterie pieces that come in pairs shaped like a corselet and ntted to tne front 01 tne figure. Satin ribbon 8 inches wide is tied in a butts bow Teaching from shoulder to shoulder, the ends being brought down over the bust and gathered in beneath the top of the corselet pieces. The corselet is at tached to the bodice by means of jeweled sticknins. - All colors are used for tnese accessories, black and sold being particularly effective. A graceful garniture is made by arranging the embroidered material In tne form 01 a yoke and bordering it all around with a flounce of spangled guipure, which con ceals the upper part of the sleeve and falls over the bust almost to the waist. The neck is finished with a high collar fastened bv a ieweled buckle. . A charming 'sort of basquine in which metal effects and lace were shown was worn at a recent fashionable wedding In Paris. It was made of bronze faille and was em broidered with bronze and gold beads. Wide Russian guipure was arranged to fall like a cape over the arm, while the upper edge formed a niching across the top of the shoulder. A breadth of the lace was also gathered in at the neck in front, falling in plain folds some distance below the waist. There was a high flaring collar. With this garment was worn a tiny bonnet of bronze beads trimmed with pink roses. - Judic Chollst. Small Cause Big Sensation. ra. Prom the German. Helping Her Ont. Miss (jenter boom That lobster was delicious, Mrs. Van Wyker. Mra.;V an Wyker Yes, my cook did very well, considering they are so hard to open. ; - , Miss Centerboom You will have to let me make you a present of our favor ite can opener.-rJBrooklyn Life. : Saved He Pearls Tor Other Swine. - A short time ago a colored woman appeared at Shelbyville, Ky., and an nounced her intention of giving a lec ture and reading at one of the colored churches. A large audienoe assembled to hear her, but she failed to put in an appearance, but instead sent a note say ing that her principal "reason for her nonappearance was found in the Bible and was that she did not believe it right to "cast pearls before swine. " Philadelphia Press. . . , Agreeable to Neighbors, V "I'll have another pound of that -butter," said Mrs. Bright, "and be sure it's the same I had before. " Grocer Ah, glad you like it! Mrs. Bright 'Yes, indeed. ,Three of my neighbors who ' have been' constant borrowers have utterly neglected me since I lent them some of that butter. I have two more . borrowing neighbors, you see, and they may drop in for but ter any moment Boston Home Jour" naL . m -wives Ve offer you a remedy which, if used M CUrectea,insare uueijr uu ixxa w : both mother and child. . - - MOTHER'S FRIEND" v'jb confinement of its Paiw," Hobkor and Risk , . aa many icauiy. , . : ' .-'.-'4-. .''.'7'--.., Mv wife usei only two bottles of Mother's -i.nil. She was easily ana quicKiy reuevea ; Li now doing splendidly. e.m bv excress, charges prepaid, on receipt of ,,:, j,.5o iwr bottle. Book " To Mothers' maded BRADFORD REGULATOR CO.i 3;ld by all Druggists. ! -: ;, , - - Atxamta, O. dee lily tnth sa A Look At Domestics Which is complete and Satisfactory. Bleached "and i unbleached Shirting. Bleached and unbleached b'heeting. In 8 4, 9 4,110-4 and 100 inch. A full line f the following well- known brands of Shirting Masonville, Fruit of the Loom, Lonsdale, Fearless, Langdon 76, Barker Mills, Hill, Wamsutta, Pride of the West " and Sunbeam. Lonsdale and Berkley Cambrics, TABLE DAMASK. : Bleached. Unbleached and 1 urkey - Red. All qualities, styles and fabrics or Bleached,Brown and Fancy Crashes. Napkins and Doyles. HUCK and DAMASK TOWELS. Wash Dress, Goods, '' In endless variety. MATTING and OIL CLOTH. RUGS and ART SQUARES. Laces, Curtains and Scrims.- ' Furniture Damask." Trunks and Valises. A. D. Succortorto BROWS & RODDICK! VIGOR of m Easily, Quickly, Permanently Bestored. TVeakneea, Nervooeneee, llflDllii; , nuu nix wit? uoui ot evils irom eariy orrore ur later excesses, tne results 01 OverworK. Bicaness, worry, . etc. iiusiTengia,aevei- opment ana tone given to every organ and portion of the body. Simple, nat- l llVA ural methods. Immedl- -11111)1 ate improvement seen. E.iin TnnnHh . 2.QU0 references, noon. explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N.Y. inch 29 D&W ortn th ta t cheod w nninif a UB eitheb sex. Thii mMdr I F KRUI 1 X Wig iiuKtad diraetly to the mi of WAa HMWIS UuvediioimofUiaGemtoJrilurTOr. Scans,, requiits no cha&ftt of dtei or mmecits, merenrud or poiaonons nMd.1 i icinn 19 be taken internally. Vaea AS A PREVENTIVE byilher cx it h impocnble toeontnok DywtrMidiuno; hot in th eaaeof those sdtMdy UavoTiniAm,v AmmsB with Ooperrbcea and Gleet, we guana. fsTTlS ti aooro. Frice by mail, pnUp pafu. i aaore. f rice dj mail, pen par bjx, or 0 buxca tai ROB'T R. BELLAMY & CO., Drnesis's and Sole Agents, drcotf ensnge daily. W Wilmington, N. C. LADIES DO TOP KNOW DR. FELIX LE BRUN'S . STEEL HHD PEHHYBOYRL PILLS are the original sod only FRENCH, safe and re liable cure on the market. Price $1.00: sent by mail. Genuine sold only by ROB'T R. BELLAMY ft CO., ; Druggists and Sole Agents. deeStf change daily.W , Wilmington N.C. THE Atlantic! national Bank, WILMINGTON,. N.C. . Capitak $125,000.00. Surplus, $20,000.00. Transact a general Banking busi nes9. JLoans in any amounts on ap proved security solicited. Deals in toreign and Domestic, changes. Prompt and special attention given to accounts of depositors residing out of the city. - : Safety Deposit Boxes 'for rent, at from $4.00 to $8.00 per annum. . J. W. NORWOOD, President. - , rosy 18 tf W. J. TOOMER, Cashier. VITAL TO MANHOOD. TJw. IS. O. WEST'S TTPRVIt ATTO WRATW TREAT MENT, a specinc for Hysteria, Dizziness, Fits, Neu ralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by alcohol or tobaoco, Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Boraning 01 mtan, causing insanity, misery, decay, death. Premature Old Asa. Barrenness. Doss oi Power in either sex, Impotency. LeuoorThoea and all Female Weaknesses, Involuntary Dosses, Sperma- wrrucea causea oy over-exemon or Drain, tseu abuse. over-Indullrenoe. A month's treatment. Si. 6 forlt5, by mail, with each order for 6 boxes, with (5 will send written guarantee to refund if not cured. Guarantees Issued by agent. WEST'S DIVER PELLS cures Siok Headache, Biliousness, Liver Oomptaint, ....rr........i..T i..n TUTHyWiHHfci GUARANTEES Issued only by . R. R, BELLAMY & CO., . - i m Druggists and Sole Agents, deeStf W change daily - Wilmington, N. C" PERFECT 3ANI100D! How attained how re stored how preserved. Ordinary worts on Phy siology will not tell yon ; the' doctors cant or won't: bnt all the same ' you wish to know. Your SEXUAL POWERS ! are the Key to life and I its . reproduction. Onr ok lavs bare the truth. Everv man who would regain sexual vigor lost through folly, or develop members weak by nature or wasted by disease, should write for our sealed book, "Perfect Manhood." No charge. Address (in confidence), . k.,. ? -. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N.Y. AGENTS isotosioo-; Imdlea or Gnts. Bm aellar known. Xand- ed fttavvry hooso, plMofbnsiAaflr Sum stpswsroassrtk. Omnctsdiastsatlyts wuk or Mwing suuhins, em shUr, mmxm. nun, lubn. Jumiku' n ami&tur 1 .auhiay, . Chan, nnlirtm. lana BvWlBOp PnauimmnM. Cinolanlha. vi.tr. HSHiiiiwiiaw,i.T un 9 It 1 time a month BROWN 1 DO Prices T ON Trimmed HATS! Johnson's All Our Trimmed Hats And Bonnets Will be sold THIS WEEK AT Greatly Reduced PRICES I 100 New Sailors Just Received ! Call and see our beautiful line of V? hite & Colored Parasols WH. A. JOHNSON'S! Fashionable Millinery . Store. No. Ill Market Street, Wilmington, N. C. may 87 tf ' ' ' E. 0. G. A. P. A. Y. W. B. S. WE n i v c T'ae largest stock of fine and artistic, medium and cheap Furniture and House Furnish ing Goods in the State of N. C. CAR-LOAD LOTS Buying the bulk of .our goods in car-load lots, we are en abled to sell at prices that defy competition. COMPLETE Furnishings for dwellings and stores, offices, hotels, board ing houses, summer residen- dences, public buildings and steamboats. THE CASH BUYER Need look, nowhere else for bargains. We have thetri. bjit To Meet tlie Demand of lie Times. We will addj the time interest to the cash price, and sell on the following conditions: $100 purchase, $20 deposit, $3 aweek $75 " $15 " $2.50 " $50 " $10 " $2.00 $25 " $5 . " $1.00 $20 " $4 " 75c ii $15 " $3 . " - 50c And satisfactory arrangements for , i i, i ' i larger ana smaller , purcnases anu monthly payments. - SNEED & CO., No.-15 South Front street, The Cheapest Furniture House in North Carolina. To Contractors and Builders. We have added to our stock a full and complete line of fine and medium Wood Mantels. ns727 tf LITHIA WATER Harris' Lithia Springs, S. C. .- A water tnat contains about one- third more Lithia than the Buffalo Lithia Water, and has not- an equal in the United States. Read what the most ...... , note d Physicians of South Carolina have to say for the Harris Lithia Water: . . After a long and yaried experience la the use oi Mineral.Waterj from many aonrcea, both foreign and domeatic I am fnllv nermaded that the Harm T .!,.; Water poneawa efficacy in the treatment of affliction oi ine Clancys ana uiaader nneqtuuied by anv other nrena woicn i nave maae mat. This opinion ix based upon observation of its effects on my patients for the past three years, daring which ume .nave presenrjea li ireeiy aaa almost nmturmly wm uvueui ui enc mcoiuiu:e maiiQiea aoove n boned. k; - . - nnen launreio relieve cas ocenrea, l nave im pnted it to insufficient nse of .the Water, for my expt . nence teaches me that from one to tw quarts daily shonld be taken from two to fonr weeks, to senre its rail remedial eneccs. i : : A. a, 1ALLY, M. 1 ColumbU, S. C, October 8th. 1892. hi "Camdkm, January do 1832. J. T flams, Esq., Harris Spring, S. C: uear oir: i nna gren oenent irom tne nse ot oor lithia Water. I consider it a fine tonic a mri regulator of the digestion, as well as very efficacious u MHm. uuaKa iwi wniui ..u. im OJllBlUCrca BOme- what of a specific - ; JUDGE J. B ' KBRSHAW. My wife has been nsiog yonr Lithia Water anp is very much benefitted. 1 consider it in every resDect cukj w Luc uuuuu, uuuaiu jiuui vvaccr. Abbeville. S. C- I JUDGE J. S. COT H RAN. For sale by the bottle or gallon by J. HICKS BUNTING, Druggist, sole agent for Wilmington and anuy, x- aa. i ju smiaing, rv lunington. Si . C. a mar aa tt . - FOR 8ALB. llD KKWSPAPKRS, IN AMY OliANTITVei toi table for wimDDinv DariHMM fnt 9ti m CUT HARRIS QiS()BEltJI-l)K'APlET. DECORATIVE : FURNISHING OF DOORS AND' WINDOWS. THE A Portiere That Adds Height and Dignity to the Boom An Effective Window Dra pery Possible of Inexpensive Adoption. Fabrics For Interior Decoration. - Of the making of pretty drapprj?8 there is no end. The tasteful furnishing nf doors and windows - as an . essential Tjartof decorative house furnishing has never Dezore reaonea sucn a yiuuu. nawrcmrirm as at the nresent time. It is the possi. Dlity oi gooq taste jji.tuu the'meaijest .home thai marts $e S1 advance in domestio art during cue pn- i ' . A QTTAINT POKHKEE. - : ent generation. - Nowadays patterns eanally charming with the old time beautiful out expensiye hanging may be bonght at a .modest price, while the same rich. colorings and patterns have been' reproduced in the cheapest mate rialslof tne conveniences of the humbler classes. With these pleasing fabrics Women of taste daringly drape their doors, windows and bed canopies after models jn sumptuous upnoisxery, mas ing suoh modifications as the case in hand demands. For these ambitions housewives are here reproduced from The Decorator and Furnisher two unique designs. . rhexst is a quaint portiere. It is unusually tall, and-in - this respect it added dignity to the roonvfor which it wastfesigned. It was, however, so con- trivedthat the door was made to appear higher by:meana of the portiere oeing carried, some distance up above the spring. This harmless deceit might well "be- practiced over low windows where there is an abundance of uninter esting dead .light above. In fact, it fre quently appears that upholsterers hang their valances too low and tnus exclude A SQtPIiE BUT EFFECTIVE DESIGN. much lisht and air from the anartment. Tlietsecond.modet is simplehtit-efrect- iye, and is possible of inexpensive adop tion. - " ' Latest fabrics for interior decorations are oxford .rep, silk -sheeting, silk bolt ing, gobelin tapestry, hollywood dra peryl .Mexican art cloths, mailclotfc, lin en fianne-ana art unen. Maiiciotn or flguredxterry and silk sheeting hold the lead. Gobelin cloth sells for $ 1 and Tip- ward per yard and is 54 inches wida It comes in soft shades and draves well What is known as arf serge makes ef fective draperies. Denim is the cheapest material for portieres. ' Advloe to Fiano Performers. i herinninir.a new tieceandDartio- rly Itndy ihe nlaver is reajnimend- 1. To nlav thatiieca slowi-sr and with.great care, ana paytnetest-atten-tioninotto omit a singleaioto'or acciden tal,, 3. Whenever the fingering is mark- ed,-iiot i to deviate from it 8. Tcgive each note in the division of a measure its; proper valued and make one hand. correspond strictly with the other. 4 To tjractice Benaratelv asrain 'and a&rain. and always with .a distmot touch, such passages, measnres and even single notes - as present any .difficulties of exe cution, 5. Toiplay the piece over sev- times for? the i express purposejof r'Tmdemaiiduiff andrexecutingt all ine marKs-wjnoJi';reiate to character, ex pression and style. Bread Soap For Children. Place over the fire a' sufficient quan- r ux muK to nu a iargu inmi. uvi id pe,f6'a.1xnl' and then pour; into the h in which voTi have Tjreviouslvbro-" ken ud sorans of tiartiallv drv bread, with sufficient pepper and salt to season. Let dwuiu xew uuiiUMsa uraura owl viug. ; ' The.. best way of treating a stove which has not been blacked for some time .is to rub. it well'mta a newspa per, adding a little clean grease of some kind. . It will soon take a polish after' a few treatments of this sort. : -" lAtest la Menu Cards. Quite the latest thing in table and .menu cards is a plain wood shaving etched or painted or simply lettered with the menu. Japanese or Chinese porce- A WOOD SHAVING CAED. - Iain will furnish many designs for these cards, although a clever worker will be at no loss for pretty imaginings.: The girl who paints in water colors or draws ! i . . wiui jjou. auu i ii it iioou never uu wimout unique menu cards. - The Bread and Butter Plate. When a bread and butter plate is set at the left hand, either with' or without' a knife upon it, it is intended to receive the butter. Bread or a roll is laid upon it when the table is set Thin plate is a somewhat modern accession to the service of the breakfast lunch eon and tea table and is a dainty con venience, though not an essential. Salt ed almonds and the like are often laid upon it, and it may be drawn in front of one to reoeive the cheese when this is served as a course with celery or hot or cola wafers. Butter is seldom placed upon the din ner table' . on ceremonious oocasionB. gravies and sauces usually taking sits piaoe. I -4 CHOICE BOOKS ALMOST GIVEN AWAY To Readers of - . . ' THE; mwm STAR. Hie Best Books,' i l By the MosV- Popular Authors, At ... One-Third of Their Value. Only one Coupon required with. each order, regardless of number of. books ordered. QOne to five books, fijve cents each. t en dooks, in one order, 40 cents. Twenty-five books, in one order, One Dollar. The above prices include postage to any address in the United States. Order all books by their numbers, "not by their titles. 3 o o o o m cb s ui T3 C rt o o W v V a i-i s o o m o - o a s 2; V V CO c s o o CO A portion of the books named were offered by the'STAR some time since; but.! for the information of all who hive heretofore ordered, attention is called to the large additions that have been made io the list. r LIST OF THE BOOKS. No. 61 A Dark Night's Work; By Mrs. Gaskeiu s No. 60 Chi istie Johnstone; By Charles Reade. No. 59 Pretty Hisi Smith; By Florence Warden No.fS The Sign of the Fonr; By A. Conan Doyle. Ko S7 Allan's Wife; By H. Rider Haegrd. No. 5J Ladv Latimer's Escaoe: By Charlotte M. Braeme. author of "Dora Thome." No. 55 King Aithur; By Mus Mnlock. No. 54 Allan Quattermac; By H. Rider Haggard. Ko. 53 Grace Darnel; By Miss M. E. Braddon. No 53 Lady Diana's Pride: By Charlotte M. Breame, author of "Doia T horde." No. 51 A Rogue s Life; By Wilkie Collins. No. 50 Treasure Island; By Robert L. Stevenson. No. 49 Annt Diana; By Rosa Noochette Carey. No. 48 The Red Hill Traeedy: By EmmaD. E. N. Southworfh, No. 47 Repented at Leisure; By Charlotte-M. Breame, anther of "Dora Thome." No. 46 The Twin Lieutenants; By Alet Dumas. No. 45 Danesbury Home; by Mrs Henry Wood. No, 44 In Durance VUe; By "The Duchess. ' No. 43 Meeting Her Fate; By Miss M E Braddon. No 42 .-Hickory Hall; By mma DEN Southworth No. 40 The Heiress. of Hilldrop: By Charlotte M Breame, author of "Dora Thome." No 89 Master Rockafellar's' Voyage; By W. Clark Rufstll. t No. 88 A Little Rebel; By "The Duchess." No 37 The Pioneer's Daughter; By Emerson Ben nett. : " llo. 86 A Trip to the Moon; By Jules Verne. " No. 85 Grandfather's Chair: By Nathaniel Haw thorne. : No. 31 Hilda, or The False Vow: by Charlotte M Breame, author of "Doa Thorne." No. 33 The Surgeons Daughter: By Sir Walter Scott. No, 88 The Great Hoggarty Diamond; By W M Thackeray. No. 81 No Thoroughfare; By Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins. 1 No. 80 Flower and Weed- By Misi M E Braddon. j No. 89 The Wandering Heir:By Charles Reade. ' 1 No. 88 The Russian Gypsy; By Alex Dumas. No. 27 The Squire's Darling: By Charlotte M Breame, author of "Dora Thome. . i No. 26 Beaton's Bargain. By Mrs Alexander. No. 25 Jennie Hark we; By W Clark Russell, j No. 24 Mrs Mee son's Will: by H Rider Hazeard. ; No. 23 The Siege of Granada; By Sir E Bulwer i.ytton. - No, 22 The Sea King; By Captain Marryat. I No. 21 A Scarlet Sin; By Floresce Marryat. 1 No. 20 Mr. Gilfil's Love Storv: By Geo Eliot. t No. 1 The Armorer of Tyre; By Sylv. Cobb, Jr. ' No. 18 Lord Lysle's Daughter; By Chailotte M Braeme. author of "Dora Thorne." No. 17 Rock Rain, or The Daughter of the Island; By Mrs Ann a Stephens. no. io a siuay in acariei; cy a v.onan voyic. No. 15 Merle's Crusade: BvRosa Nouchette Carey. No. 14 Nurse Revels Misiake: By Florence Warden No. 18 The Duchess: By "lhe Duchess." I No. 12 The Black Tulip; By Alexander Dumas ' No. 11 The BeUe of Lynn, or The Miller's Daogh ter; By Chailotte M Braeme, author of Dora Thome. No. 10 A Noble Life: Bv Miss Mulock. No. 9 The Black Dwarf; By Sir Walter Scott. No. 8 Averil; By Rosa Nouchette Carey. No. 7 Lady Grace: By Mrs Henry Wood. En. fi The Corsican Brothers: Bv Ales Dumas. Nc. 5 Around the World in Eighty Days: By Jules Verne. No. 4 King Solomon's Mines; By H Rider Haggard X . u. u J uuk . .'V. v. J .'tag. mi. ... T No. 2 The Mystery of Colde Fell, or Not Proven; By Charlotte M Breame, author of "Dora ThoVne." . . : No. 1 The Scarlet Letter; By Nathan'l Hawthornt. ! The above books are nicely printed and bound in 'at tractive naner covers. - Thev are sold regularly at re tail for ten cents each, so that our offer enables ourn readers to buy tnem at aoout one-tmra ot tneir value. it is a grand cnance to secure stanaara, niga-ciass works of fiction at merely nominal cosr. J One of the above Coupons will be published in every Issue f The Star until further notice. ' 9 We make this liberal offer, whereby some of the best works in fkt'ion in the English language may be se cured by our readers tor tne merest trine ot expense, in order to increase our circulation. i Our present readers will greatly oblige us by calling the attention of their friends to the fact that by buying Tub Sta they can secure the advantages of our great Boot otter. Address v.. . THE STAB, COUPON DEPARTMENT, Wilmington, N. C. CORN. i 3,000 bu. Corn, white 'and mixed i- 1,200 bbls. Flour. . i 50,000 lbs. D. S. Sides aud Plates. ; 50 bbjs. Pork. . 50,000 lbs. Lard. ; Also, Meal Nails Peanuts, Mo lasses, Coffee-, Sugar, and all kinds of Canned Goods, at " ' - D. L. Gore's, J V 120, 122, 124 North Water street I Wilmington; N. C i may 27 tf ' Tobacco, I SNUFF, CIGARS, r " Molasses, Peanuts, ' Flour, Fish, And " Staple and Fancy Groceries : , . generally. : -HALL & TEARSALL, - Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants. ! ay 86 tf D&W . Nott and Mulberry tls! THE STAR'S FASHION HINTS. FASHION "AND. AllT JOINEQ, They Get Together With Very Good Effect - In Princess Gowns. Thero ia a great deal to be said In favor of the princess gown. - It la graceful, nerer common looking and has an air of exElnslye , fashion which" pertains to-few: ot&er garments. JA ia seldom that an arti ol of attire la both fashionable and artls tlsj. Fashion usually shuns the studio, or mangles and garbles Its effects beyond rec ognition, as was shown in the Greek dra peries, combined with starched collar and cuff s and French corset, which were quite the mode- three or four years ago. Occa sionally, however, she joins forces with act, although half unwillingly and for a very brief time. The Josephine styles not St passed out of date are a fair example . her spasmodic good taste. The prin cess modes are another, although she spoils these by insisting on the compressed waist as the proper form for - setting them off. In mediaeval times the princess gown was the accepted dress of women. It was admirably fitted to the natural figure with- TAFFETA PBINCESS GOWN. ott any distortions of whalebone or crino line, and with Its winged sleeves falling away from the tight ones beneath, Its dinging, trailing: skirts-caught up by be ing drawn through the drooping girdle, it might fairly rank with antique draperies ins beauty and artistic effect. ' Even now, altered as it is and modified to suit our modern craving for "smartness" and "go" rather than for beauty, whose' fundamen tal laws are changeless, it is far preferable to jthe round waist and belt, which cut the figtire squarely in two and convert into angles whatever whalebone has left of del icately related curves. - Backed by a skillful and obedient dress maker and money enough to buy the most expensive materials, a few women venture to djonsult their own taste in preference to the! judgment of the multitude, but the rank and filer follow my leader, as indeed moneyless women must in order not to ap pear shabby. What Is artistic independ ence In brocade Is dowdiness In cashmere. Since the. conventional form is easy to fit and; easily obtained It is not difficult for poet women to appear fashionable, and a peincess gown is refined looking, even in calico. J--,;' ;.V:-J- y.:,; , M sketch Is given of a princess costume mafe of taffeta silk. It is open at the side ovei- a skirt of the same material and Is sligpitly draped, f The silk jacket has rev era and collar faced with heavy cream lacd The gigot sleeves have lace cuffs, and the gown is bordered with jet. J UDIC CHOLXET. GOWNS F-OR LITTLE GIRLS. Otber Fashions For Both Sexes of the Bla lug: Generation. This season's bats for little girls are large and mainly trimmed with flowers and ribbons. They are Been In all colors and a sufficiently wide assortment of shapes. Sonie of the prettiest are In light or mixed straw and hipj trimmed with bunches of field flowers poppies, daisies and corn flowers grouped (together and sometimes combined with buttercups and grasses. All red straws trimmed, with poppies and ledlribbon are also seen. Bed Is a beauti ful; color and suit always looks well on chll- drejo. - Al neat f or a little boy is ot black velareteen bound with braid. - It has a short jacket, with square corners open In front over a frilled lawn waist either all white or trimmed with color, having a wide col- . ltttie qebx.'s challie frocks tax and turned back cuffs. The breeches axe tight . and fasten at the knee with a Hack ribbon and steel buckle in the old fashioned way. I A variety of dainty baby caps are shown for warm weather wear. They are of the fesual close hood shape, tying under the hln, but are composed of extremely open Embroidery without a lining, and are there lore cool and comfortable. - There are also a number of beautiful little jackets of thin froolen goods, unllned and more or lessor fiamented. " A particularly attractive one Was of blush pink crepon. I Long leggings of black, brown, tan and Icarlet : leather are still worn by little feoys. Shoes for both boys and girls are square toed and spring heeled,- whioh is a very sensible fashion.' Scarlet shoes, Worn with red stockings, are especially fretty for very little girls and are no more costly than the tan colored ones.. Patent leather shoes are also made for chil dren, but It Is an unyielding sort of .mate rial and seems too stiff and formal fur the Wear of littio people, who are never well pressed .unless they are wholesomely and tomfortably dressed. iA sketch is given of a challle gown for a . ttle girl. It has a box plaited skirt and todice and close sleeves with a shoulder guff. It Is finished at the neck with a Standing coljar and . is trimmed with vel vet rosettes. ; - Judic Chollet. 'Georee is a mercenary fallow." f "Did he try to marry you for your atoneyr" "Wall, h proposed und forced me to jpeject kirn aTte Ms very first present" J-Iife. J.. I - ! : : I The Jewish law-ordered; that the grainfields shonld' not be 'gleaned, and that the wheat in' the corners of the fences or walls should not be gathered. In order that something might be left for the poorJ No farmer might forbid poor persons from entering hwdelds and gleaning after the reapers. - A Gentleman of Experience. . I The .American ENCYCLOPEDIC DICTIONARY. Farts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 aid 6 iJoi Cheaply and easily obtained through "The St.r." , 6 It Contains 250,000 Words, Covering neany 4,000 pages, and was at an xPense aggregating $600,000, extending over nearly 20 years' continuous labor ol men well qualified to undertake such an exact ing task. Its Distinctive Features Are Its thoroughly enclycopsedic char acter, being not only a comprehen sive Dictionary, but also a ver com plete Encyclopaedia. Its wideness of range not only of -modern words of an ordinary, technical or scientific nature, but also of all obsolete words and phrases to be met with in the works of English writers from the Thirteenth to the present century. The complete history of each word and its various uses and meanings js traced out. The richness of the il lustrative quotations is increased by the fulness and exactness of the ref erences. There are also many other valuable and distinctively exclusive . features entirely too numerous to' in clude in the limited space allotted to this announcement. . THE CHEAPEST EDITION English, cloth binding, offered by publishers in the United States is FORTY-TWO DOLLARS. Through "The Star," an edition in clear, clean print and of good paper can be secured at an almost nominal cost. THE.WAY TO GET IT. Below will be Coundji "Dictionary Coupon." Clip one "(1) of ths'e Coupons, and bring or send same with fifteen cen-s fl5c. in stamns f.r coin (and 2 cents extra for postage) to "Coupon Department of "The Star," and one Part oi the Diction ary, containing 96 pages, will be mailed to you. The several parts of the Dictionary will be issued "in suc cessive order, and the whole work will be complete in about forty parts. : Give it a trial anu you will be con vinced of its merit. We offer no bound copies, but the 40 Parts, when completed, can be bound in three to four volumes at a cost of $125 to $1.50 per volume. o ; I a i - I Sii ' s o ji a b 0.5 3 o o u o s 5" c t Bp s & z II a 1 . 2? i o e S oa ca O u "Sf as w 9 g 3 c o wz o o C3 c o o wmm o I o O C 9 A) CO in - s 0u 3 o in CAUTION; Place yonr stamp loosely io lettei Do not wet them, aa they will adhere to the paper. I'-i sore to write yonr name, postorfice address and State plainly, so as to avoid error. A we have to send orders t" the Publishers, severe days possibly two weeks may elapse before the Parts ordered are received by subscribers. We are now offering Paris 1 S,t 4.S and 0. Order . these Parts, and satisfy yourself as to the merit of the work. Othi rs will folfow in quick succession. Sample Parts may be seen at the Star Office It is absolutely necessary that you designate on thr coupon the Nos. of the Parts wanted. See "Part No. ," at botttom of Coupon, and fill it np. When no number is designated. Part 1 will be sent. THE STAB, Coupon Department, Wilmington. N. C. , LONG LOOKED FOR, rHi LONG LOOKEDv AND WISH tD FOR tain has come at last and brought with it life and joy to every living thing; they will make for us an abun dant harvest, and so we propose to help vou to save it A dollar saved is equal to a dollar made to yo i or to me. Weaiehavin a m at excellent tiade hicli shows the people appreciate oar efforts to save the m money, thereby patronizing the house which proves be their friend. We always prefer to sh w t ur i-V; as it i varied, we cannot desaibe it; w; carry tn y thing you can wish for. - ' j SiLoes. Shoes is a very interesting branch of our businrf s. We carry about 7,000 pairs m this line. We wilt sell yon a good dollar Shoe for 00c; a good $1.2 Shoe for f 1.10. In new goods we have a.bie i' b in fine samples bhoes. We will and can ave you 60 per cent, on the dollar. Our fine hand-sewed!-toes wr.h $5(0 for f2.S0;our fSand $4 f.r $1 50 and $2.00; these are ten's fine sample Sfoes and the very best gords. -' Women's Button Shoes, nice g'-d-, at 75c. 85c, 99c, $1 85 up to $3 a p. lr. One thousand pair Mens Pnt, heavy cofoi Pants for Men at 50c a pair; Sati nets, worth regular $15, our price 5e.- Jobs nice wool in Spring styles, nice goods, at $l.V5 a pair. - OurDress Goods Dej artment has been largely m 'Ci eased, several new and pretty things added. A big lot of Dottttd Swiss Muslin at 10c, 12c, 15r, 90c and 25c per yard All new roods. A job lot of Mo qoiro Net eight yards long and two yards wide at 85 per bolt, , Five hundred dollars worth of new and pretty Mil linery. All the new sty'e Sailor Hats that aie to be found. White Ribbons for aashes and trimming; all colors io Ribbon. The No. 8 Ribbon Drets Trim ming at 90c per bolt of 10 yards. A beautiful line of Children Hats. Misses Kind Ladies' in Flats, in Chip Milan and Leghorn, in Tact we cany everything vou can ask for 'at Wilmington 'st B-g it acket Store oa Front Street, opposite the Market Housa. -. . . BRADDY &TGAYLORD, Prop's p. s.. Mason's Fruit Jars one quart jars 85c pe' o quart jars $1.10 per dozen. my !tV tf dozen; twt. Do U No That tbe-pkee to Buy your Books -AND Stationery IS AT ;C.r W. YATES' 117 Market Street, " WI1MWIGTON, N.t? may 1$ tf