Balance Sawder Jlhsoliiteiy Pure A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength. Latest United States Government Food Report. Boyal Baking Powder Co., 106 Wall Street, N. Y. Have you received a bill for sub scription to the Weekly Star re cently? If so, is it correct? If cor: rect,-hy not pay it? Is there a man on earth who can print a newspaper for nothing, and pay the postage be sides? Can a farmer give away his corn, and Cotton, and wheat, and chickens, and eggs, and keep out of the poor-house? If so, let us have . i . : T .III Ka tt1niKlA t r n Q IDC rC(.IC 1 1 will lc just now. ALONE. BY ROBERT J. BURDETTE. I miss you, my darling, my darling. The embers burn low on the hearth; And still is the air r.f the household. And hushed is the voice of Us mirth; The rain rplashes fast on the terrace, The wind past the lattices moan, The midnight chimes out from the stee ples And I am alone. I want you, my darling, my darling. I'm tired with care and with fret; I would nestle in silence beside you, And all but your prcse. ee forget, In the bush of the happiness given. To those who through trusting have grown To t be fullness of love in contentment; But I am alone. V. , call you my darling, my darling, x My voice echoes bacic on the heart; I stretch my arms to you in longing, And 1c! they fall empty apart; I whisper the sweet words you taught me, , ' The words that we only have known. Till the blank of the dumb air is bitter, . For I am alone. I need you, my darling, my darling! With its yearning my very heart aehes: The load that divides us weighs harder I shrink from the jar that it makes; Old sorrows rise up and beset me, Old doubt make my spirit their own; O, come through the darkness and sive me, For I am alone. Have you received a bill for sub scription to the Weekly Star re cently ? If so, is it correct ? If cor rect, why not pay it ? Is there a man on earth who can print a newspaper for nothing and pay the postage be sides? Can a farmer give away his corn, and cotton, and wheat, and chickens, and eggs, and keep out of the poor-house ? If so, let as have the recipe. It will be valuable to us just now. SUNDAY SELECTIONS. -Learning is the greatest alms that can be given. Fuller. The religion that never goes away from home to do good is not the kind that Jesus introduced. Ram's Horn. Make people happy, and there will not be half the quarreling or a tenth part of the wickedness there is. MrsL. M. Child. There is but one way for any of us to exert a true influence, and that is by being true and faithful ourselves. IV. G. Eliot. The pastor who makes up his mind to put in all his time building up character or leading social reforms, may as well turn the water out of his baptis tery. Central Baptist. Have you recevied a bill for sub scription to the Weekly Star re cently? If so, is it correct? If cor rect, why not pay it? Is there a man . on earth who can print a newspaper for nothing, and pay the postage be sides? Can a farmer give away his corn, and cotton, and- wheat, and chickens, and eggs, and keep out of the poor-house? If so, let us have the recipe. It will be valuable to us just now. '- Parts 1 to 12 inclusivejpf the American Encyclopaedic Dictionary are now ready. Send one coupon .and 17 cents (which includes postage) for each Part. "riOTHER'S FRIEND" Is a scientifically prepared liniment and harmless; every ingredient is of recognized value and in constant uso by the medical profession. It short ens Labor, Lessens Pain, Diminishes Danger to life of Mother, and Child. Book '-To Mothers" mailed free, con taining valuable information and voluntary testimonials. - oSr'tott8 n BRADF1ELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ba. Bold by all druggists. dccl41y toth la VIGOR L.EH Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. Weakneu, Nervonaneee, iwniiitr, ana ail we train oi evus xrom early errors or later excesses, the results of overwore, sicaness, worry, etc Fidlstrength, devel opment ana tone given to every organ ana portion of the body. Simple, nat- failure Imnoeslbie. 2.000 references. Book. explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) tree. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N.Y. inch 89 DAW arm th sa tg change cod PERFECT UAM100D! How attained how re stored how preserved. Ordinary -worts on Phy siology will not tell yon ; the doctors can't or wuu t, out au me same you wish to know. Your SEXUAL. POWERS jsjim unssiio its reproduction. Our 1 uiq nor tiv juuo null 1JHLVre, toe truth. Every man who would regain sexual vigor lost through folly. r develop members weak by nature or wastS by disease, should write for on .iLTk?v toStrd" f ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N.Y. WtM WIl )T J . I ILl 11 1 THE STAR'S FASHION HINTS. ""AN EVENT LONQ REMEMBERED. It Occurs When a Girl Gets Her Firs Evening Dress. The first evening dress of a young girl is a very Important thing, at least to her, and should be chosen carefully with an eye to getting off her youthful freshness and the avoidance of -an air of maturity. It taa great mistake to put young girls in thick silks and satins and smother the slmpUci- EEB FIRST EVENING GOVTS. ty that is their chief charm under a load of expensive materials that they have neither the years nor experience to carry off welL China silks, embroidered India mull, airy nets and all sheer, dainty fabrics are suit able and may be trimmed with silk or vel vet ribbons and light lace. If jewels are worn, they should be of the simplest. The most fastidious taste dispenses with them entirely until the ingenue stage is passed. It is also much the best form to have the corsage cut only half low. An extremely pretty gown worn by a girl of 17 at a late wedding reception was made of plain white silk muslin, with a full waist gathered into a belt, the neck being cut down but two Inches all around and shirred with a little heading. The puffed sleeves reached to the elbow, and a few sprays ot smllax were the only adornment. This unusually simple attire gave the young girl, who, although pretty, was rather heavy, a delicacy and re finement of appearance which a more elab orate toilet, such as she will have to wear in two or three years, would have put out of the question. The gown of which a sketch is given Is not so plain as the one just mentioned, but Is nevertheless simple and appropriate enough for the average young gtrL It is of embroidered silk muslin, pale green in tint, made over a silk lining of the same color. The full muslin skirt hangs over a bell skirt of the silk, around the bottom of which are set moss green velvet rosettes at regular in tervals. The full bodice is gathered in at the waist under a belt trimmed with velvet rosettes. The neck is cut square and is sur rounded by a shirred ruffle of the muslin. The sleeves, which extend almost to the el bow, are very full, and over the upper half velvet straps are tacked, ending in bows and rosettes. White gloves are worn. Judic Choixet. REST FOR MOTHER'S TIRED HANDS. Beady Made Clothing For Children Is Now - Pretty and Inexpensive. It is a marveLthat any mother will spend time in making the garments for her young children, when their entire wardrobe can be obtained ready made and well made at so reasonable a cost. The children's clothing shown this season is remarkably pretty, and much of it is inexpensive. Blue or pink and white striped lawn waists, LITTLE GIBL'S BUMMEB FBOCE. trimmed with ruffles and wide collars, may be bought to go with little boys' fancy suits, besides the usual white embroidered ones, while the suits themselves are shown in black, blue and drab, trimmed with braid, the jacket being made short enough to allow the light waist to appear below it. White lawn aprons ruffled around the armholes and with ribbons run through embroidered beading about the low neck and tied in bows on the shoulders are a nov elty for small girls, while the display of frocks and coats for very little people is dainty in the extreme. There are fine ging ham dresses mounted on a white embroid ered yoke, with a bertha of white embroid ery falling over the sleeves; charming, old fashioned little gowns of white corded nain sook sprinkled with tiny colored flowers and made with full bodice, skirt and sleeves and a wide nainsook sash; white Marseilles coats, with capes, both trimmed with wide embroidery, and ethereallzed sunbonnets, very perky in the crown and flaring In the brim and prettily embroidered. A beautl tiful dress for a 4-year-old child is of bright red cashmere. It is gathered into a tucked yoke of the same material and has very full Bleeves gathered Into a band at the wrist. Fall epaulets of cashmere, finely embroid ered with white silk on the edge, hang over the shoulders. The fashion of dressing very little girls in short sleeved and low necked frocks, at least during warm weather, has again come around. It is charming to see the soft lit tle necks and arms uncovered, but gowns made in that style ought always to be pro vided with a guimpe, to be adjusted at the first hint of dampness or falling tempera ture. An illustration is given of a frock made of blue and white figured nainsook. It is mounted in box plaits on the pointed yoke, which Is made of bands of blue and white insertion and surrounded by a ruffle of embroidery to match. Blue ribbons are fastened at the -under arm seams and tied in a bow at the back, and blue bows adorn the shoulders. '-, Jroic CHOIXKT. Quantity, Not Quality. ' Young Husband If I were a million aire, you would love me a great deal more, wouldn't you? The Wife (with an eye to stunning cos tumes) 1 would love you a- great deal oftener. Vogue. F M. Kirmeof Knorville, la., owns a finely articakted skeleton of an A Vs s tall as the-average man and has leg bones almost aslaWeas those of an ox. f v - HEART! DISEASE Fluttering;, No Appetite, Could not Sleep, Wind on Stomach. "For a long time I had a terrible pain at my heart, which fluttered al most incessantly. I had no appetite and could not sleep. I would' be compelled to sit up in bed and belch gas from my stomach until I thought every minute would be my last. There was a feeling of oppression about my heart, and I was afraid to draw a full breath. I could not sweep a room without resting. My husband induced me to try Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and am happy to say it has cured me. I now have a splendid appetite and sleep welL Its effect was truly mar velous." UBS. H AKJR Y E. STARE, PottevIUe. Fa. Dr. Miles Heart Cure is sold on a positive guarantee that the first Dottle will DeneflU All druggists soil it at II, 6 bottles for 5, or tt will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Did. i - Monthly Pains cured by Dr.Miles" Pain Pills. Sold by all Druggists. jane 15 ly D&W . fri sn ' wed change BRADDY & GAYLORD COME TO THE FRONT. B Y SIX LONG YEARS OF HARD AND faithful toil we claim to be the leading merchants of the city. We lead in low prices and honest -dealing. We sell for the hard dollars and bay for the same. We have a large and well assorted stock of everything that is new in Dry Goods, Notions, Hosiery. Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Underwear, Corsets, Neckwear, Jewelry, Belts. Shoes, MUlinary, Carpets, Matting, Curtains and Shades; Tinware, Baskets, Writing pa per. Envelops and Ink, which we sell cheap to the wholesale and retail trade. Men and Boys' Clothing. We have everything there is to be found. Our Boys' Suits from 40c in Seersucker, to 65c in Cotton Serge; f 1.00 in Wool Cashmeres, to $1.2 and up to $4 a Suit. In odd Vest we sell from 25c to $1 each. In Men's odd Coats 50c in black Calico; in gray .Alpaca Coats and Vests at S&50 to 2 75 each; black Alpaca at $1.25 to $1.50 each. Men's good Cotton Pants at 50c, 75c, $1 and $1.25 up to $4 a pain Men's Soils from $2.50, $i65 and $3 up to $6, $8 and $10. This line of goods are all new and we will give every one' a bargain that will call and give our large stock a look. Men's Long Dusters for traveling, in Linnen 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25 each. s v Five hundred new Ttunlts from 40c tip to $7.50 each, the cheapest lot of Trunks we ever saw. For $2 you can get a splendid zink-covered tray, finished Trunk, 28 inches long. I . You can find everything id our Millinery Goods you may want. All the newest things in Sailors to bs had from 15c up to $1-25 each. In Dress Goods we have all the Summer Styles. In Shoes we sell alt grades. Come and give our large stock of goods a look. We are on Front street, opposite the Market 1 He use. Wilmington's Big Racket Store. BRADDV& GAYLORD, Prop'?. june 24 tf E. 0. G. A. P. Ai Y. W. B. S. Our Sea-Side Suit. $19.95. 24x30 Ger.-BeY. Mirror in Dresser. Our past experience has taught us that at this Iseason of the year there Is a demand for a cheap, well-made and durable Cottage Suit for use at the Sea-Shore. To meet this de mand we have had manufactured ex pressly for us, the above Suit, which we offer at the. astonishingly low price of $19.95. jj THE CASH BUYER . Need look nowhere else for bargains. We have them, but To Meet the Demand of tie Times. We will add the time interest to the cash price, and sell on the following conditions: $100 purchase, $20 deposit, $3 aweek $75 " $15 " $2.50 $50 " $10 " $2.00 $25 " $5 " $1.00 , $20 " $4 " 75c " $15 " $3 50c " And satisfactory arrangements for larger and smaller purchases and monthly payments. SNEED & CO.. i No. 15 South Front street, The Cheapest Furniture House in North Carolina. To Contractors and Builders. We have added to our stock a full and complete line of fine and medium Wood Mantels. Read our advettiieaent in Messenger, jnne 24 tf THE Atlantic National Bank, WILMINGTON. N. C. ' j Capital. $125,000.00. ' : Surplus, $25,000,00. Transact a general Banking busi ness. . Loans m any ! amounts on ap proved security solicited. Deals in foreign and Domestic Ex changes. I Prompt and special attention given to accounts of depositors residing out of the city. Safety Deposit Boxes for rent, at from $4.00 to $8.00 per annum. J '- Milii ill, PiesidenL jnne 24 tt W. J. TOOMEK, Cashier. LC tSnUIl a5'"l4 diretlr to ttoMrt) 3 bm, requires mo cban; of diet ec Ncmnii or puumMms mini. ieinee to la taken lsternaUj. VImb used . AS A PREVENTIVE by ithr mx it Is Impossible tooontneft my VAoerMt discus; bntin th cut ot J.uaoaai.!! UHiVWTUBATSLY AFTUCTtCD tmmm m& mmim ?iLh Gonorrhn-a and Gleet, we guri CUKE iT.o3' ROB'T K. BELLAMY St CO., ... . . -Draggis s and Sole Agents, decStf cnangedaaT.W WilminRtorl, NC. LADIES DO YOU ENOW DR. FELIX LE BRUN'S STEEL BHD PEKHYROm PILLS Br the original and only FRENCH, safe and re liable on re on the market. Price SLOOi sent hw mail. Genuine sold onlj by ROB'T R. BELLAMY ft CO., deefctf "change daily. km ana aoie Agents, Wilmington N.C - THE CHILDREN'S FRIEND. , Wht a Old Van of lghty Hm Don Fox "TTnlln!" i ."-V "Hello yovaeeU, little man. How are "I'm welL I'ze Kenneth. We dees' moved. ,Wasser yon's name?" . "Oh, my name's Herman. It's a nioe morning, Kenneth." . "Ess. I'ze comin to see 00." A moment later the - baby trotted through the gate and took a seat jy the side of the old man. Theywere a great contrast the snowy head and the golden one the oldjoiaa laying on me s armor, vao ucueiaugouu buckling it on, yet they were not so far fvnart. after alL . They talk of the flowers, the birds and the auimmenng water Deiore,tnem. rThmr warHho white sails annear and disappear. The little boy prattles of nimseir, and tne oia man listens. - Anrl ft urnnrlarfnl friendshi'D SVHillSS np between "the twa As the summer aays wane cney peoome wmwi uiBopor rable. The old man's eyesight is failing. The boy beoomes eyes to him. After a lifetime spent in the thickest of life's' battle the old man is spent and worn. He finds rest and consolation in the com-' pany of the child, and with him he lives over once more his childhood days. One day the little fellow's cheeks' are. wet with tears. In answer to anxious queries, he says: "I'ze been cwyin. " "Fes, I see, but what about?" "I bweaked my toy wagon. " "Oh, that is too bad." And. with many expressions of sym pathy the tears are wiped from the jrosy cheeks, and the child is comforted until he is smiling again. j "Does yott. ever bweak your toys, grandpa?" he. asks. " - "Sometimes," the old man thought fully replies as he brings to mind vari ous shattered business schemes, broken idols of one sort and another that have strewn his pathway, 4 'sometimes, but, ' ' he adds, "the toys are not worth crying about" . "Did you cwy, grandpa?" ; . "Yes, I cried when I broke my toys, just like yon, little boy. " "Well, why ain't de toys made strong so dey won't break?" j Dear little fellow I He does not know that grandpa's toys and his were differ ent, and grandpa does not tell him of the frailer toys than his broken cart men love and weep over their destruction, but, after he has gone, sets to work fashioning with his penknife a new cart to take the place of the broken one, a cart that will bear a child's usage, such a one as will delight the heart of the boy. When finished, if was a beautiful toy, .strong and durable, made of ,pine, smoothed and oiled and trimmed in brass headed nails. A primitive workshop is fitted np and little carts are made and presented to other children. At last the idea gathers force .until from the tiny shop go dimin utive chairs and cradles, rockers, bed steads, complete sets ol doll furniture to .the various hospitals in the city. In to many a destitute home where child ish lives grow stunted and dwarfed, where little faces are?ganntt and eerie, these .tokens of an old man's'love found their way. Wagon. loads of soft .pine wood have cometo the workshop to bexhanged-in-to these toys. Two thousand six hundred -andseven1y-fivepieoes:have,been soat teredverjthe state, -some veven making theiriway.into France and Germany. . For:firoj'earsihe.,littie shop has been crowded with Junber. and'.tne shelves abdut t the .walls 'piied,with the pretty, finished pieces, ready to be sent away wherever there is a mourning ciiriaT heart 'These are'gifta, 1 Notone toy has ever been sold it is the old'man's way of asking children's -blessings ere the hoary head lies down to rest for aye. Thetname of this friend of the chil dren4svH,ermanBaidwin.. He has-been-axddent-of Chicago i88 years' andiof nartherni tllinoia.elyears. He is 'now' iniis eightieth year. j The eyesights gone entirdyvfrpmione. eye and nearly soifromthe?other,yet with the aidvor three sets of spectacles he is still able to' 8eeomewhatYHe is a remarkably wiM jpreserved 'and handsome . man, his face' Rowing few wrinkles, and with a d&r, fddy complexion.- Chicago Inter Ocean.. A Chat With Dolly. 1 Dolly, I'ze a woman; ' , j -j Dat'sot papa Bald . Jes dis very mornln ' 'len i jumped, out o' bed. So I'ae never doln to tiss Gemmea any more. Too Hain't proper, Dolly, Tos today I'ze four. -Tze seetf baby brUver, An 'ot do you fink? . I believe he'a coralj - v He's all over pink. BeazOatllnea. The Dntch System. Professor Peabody, who gives in The Forum some facts concerning the Dutch system, says there are no great poor houses and few ablebodied paupers in Holland. There is a tract of pnblio land containing 5,000 acres. 1 It is divided into six model farms, and to one of these is sent the poor person applying for pnblio relief. If he voluntarily serves till he learns agriculture, he is. allowed to rent a small farm for him self and be what is called a free farm er. Every pauper who is thus reclaimed to honest regular industry is so much gain to the state. There is also a forced labor colony, where beggars and va grants are sent and made to do farm and other work, whether they want to or not " i Nov is the Time To BUY! YES, ' . - How is the Time to Bay House Furnishings, Matting & Oil Glotb. Just received, a new lot of Floor Oil-Cloths in 4 4, 5 4 and 8 4. MATTINGS We will receive by Tuesday's steamer a pretty assort ment in China and Jap Mattings. Napier and Coco Matting,.. : ! In 3-4 and 4 4, Window Shades and Curtain Poles. ! Furniture Damask, Creton, Silkaline. Scrim, : Madrass, Curtain Muslins, Drapery Silks, -Screens, both filled and unfilled, We have the goods, yon have the money. You want the goods, we want the money. Come and see us. A. D. Succwsor to BE0WB & RODDICK No. ? NORTH fBONt I inne 84 tt i We Meet the Demands Of good taste in , Millinery & Fancy Goods And carry in stock goods that are 'Up to date." The LEADERS OF FASHION patronize us because they find OURS the only FIRST-CLASS STOCK in the city of Wilmington. We do not cater to a trade that wants "out of style" stuff, nor do we handle old cast oft rubbish. Our goods are new, bought-4ow, and will be sold at very close prices. You can always find The Newest Styles, The Best Goods, The Lowest Prices at Johnson's i . Fashionable Mil line Establishment, No. Ill Market Street, Wilmmgton,tN. C. jnne 54 tf JAPANESE c A New and Complete Treatment, consisting of SUPPOSITORIES, Capsules of Ointment and two Boxes of Ointment. A never-fallin Core for Piles of erery nature and degree. It makes an operation with the knife or injections of carbolic acid, which tre painful and seldom a permanent cure, and often resulting in death, unnecessary. Why endure this terrible disease? We guarantee 6 boxes to eure any case. You only pay for benefits reoelved. tl a box, 6 for 15. Sent by mall. Guarantees Issued by our agents. CONSTIPATION toJZ&A the great UVEB and STOM AOH REGULATOR and BLOOD PURIFIER. 8maU, mild and pleasant to tnke, especially adapted for children's use. NDoeei Scents. - - GUARANTEES b ed only by j. mcKsvsTicCTiTcrATBMSr For sale by JOHN H. HARDIN, ap 8 DAW ly ch sat Wilmington, N. C Or. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment Is sold under poeitlTe written guarantee, by author feed agents only, to eure Weak Memory; Loss of Brain and Nerve Power; Lost Manhood; Quickness; Night Losses; Evil Dreams; Lack of Confidence: Nervousness; Lassitude; all Drains; Loss of Power of the Generative Organs in either sex, caused by over-exertion ; Youthful Errors, or Exoeesivs Use of w.t " " m r i inuu Kiunuiiefl so cure or refund money. WEST'S COUGH SYBUP. A oertain cure for CoughP. Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup. Whooping Cough, Sore Throat. Pleasant to take Small size dUoontinuwl; old, 50c size, now 2r.c: old tlslse,now60c G OA-UANTESa lssu4tl only by R. R. BELLAMY CO., , . . Drnggisu and Sole Agents, decttf W change daily Wnmington. nTc. AGENTS ojilioowviz w. BWMllvkaBwa. Hnd- tkcynrmad. "BnVIUikUi. raatallkladstfllihtuhZrn!!: estmaanh. OaoanMdisstMitiyM pampa.fknj, Imth , Jmlaf or deptlJta W. P. UAKSIWtH A CO, X-T, CteJta jane ly 1 time s month BROWN M en NEW , 5NCfreRVi I I Lae 6'ARE'dF FURNlTURe." faowtct Clean Vool Upholsteries smd Pro- tect From the Injurious Jkloth.. .One of the 'most important factors in " the future comfort of the household is that as little as "possible of wool mate rial should be used in upholstery! There are always raw silk tapestries dr petit points for ordinary use, while silk goods are not so expensive but that they are within reach of most persons fpr best Upholsteries composed largely of wool axe always a source of anxiety. Do what one will, there is no certainty tht some moth may not select it for a home, and then, even though the room m4y be in constant use, some fine day my lady may discover, to her dismay, tiat her beautiful furniture is all cut t6 pieces by this mischievous insect. If fchere is danger in this direction, Modern Pris cilla advises as. follows: 7 Invest in a few gallons of naphtha and give each wool upholstered! article a good shower bath. For this purpose a small watering pot with th finest sprinkler is necessary. Place the article out of doors in a locality where phere is a'strong current of air and shWer it thoroughly with the naphtha. One rea son why people fail in cleaning furni ture is that they are too economical in the use of naphtha It must be, literally poured on to be effective. . Standing in the breeze, it will evaporate verjf' quick ly and will destroy every vestige .of moths. If the articles are to b left in the house, they may be wrappec in cot ton cloths old sheets or similar cloths are suitable and these may be very tightly pinned around them. This keeps a oertain amount of the odor in the fur niture for along time and readers it doubly safe. j It cannot be too strongly emphasized that no light of any kind must be taken in the rooms while the naphtha cleaned articles recently finished are thfere. It is therefore well to store the furniture in some portion of the house which is not likely to be used The inflammable nature of naphtha vapor makes it ex ceedingly dangerous whep brought near a flame. ; j Cushions, carpets and wool draperies may safely be cleaned in this -vfay, .and if immediately wrapped and packed for the summer will almost infallibly come out right at the end of the season. When again required for use, jail that is necessary is to throw all draperies over a line in the yard, open the win dows, remove the wrappings fjxm the furniture and let the breeze have a full sweep through 'the rooms for jadaypr two. Then the furniture may be re moved to the parlor and used Irith per fect safety, and there is much jLess hard work about this way of managing than one would imagine. J Care of a Sickroom. A sickroom that needs cleaning can be made fresh and sweet without sweeping and without dust by wiping everything in it with a cloth wrung out of warm water in which there are a f e v drops of ammonia. The rugs and draperies, though there should not be (any in the room, the doctors tell us, may be put upon the line for a thorough lairing and wiped in the same way. The featner duster, which should be banished be cause it does no real good anywhere ex cept to stir up and redisMbute the dust, is especially out of place tn the sick room, where there may be jand doubt less often, are germs of disease in the innocent looking dust. If a patient is in a nervous state, a screen miy be placed in frqnt of the bed while the freshening goeson. If the room can onlybe heated by a stove, the noise of putting in coal can bo deadened by wrapping the coal in a paper before putting on the fire. h A Simple SCarble Cake, Here is an easy way to jmake marble cake: First, cream together a cupof White sugar and one-half cup of butter, then add the whites of 4 eggs well-beat-en, one-half cupful of sweet1 milk, -2 cups of flour, a teaspoonful-of cream of tartar, one-half teaspoonful of soda. Second, cream together a, cup of brown sugar and one-half -cup W butter,add the beaten yolks of 4 eggs, one-half cup ful of sour milk in which a teaspoonful of soda has been dissolved, J5 cups of flour, one-half cupful -of j molasses and one-quarter of a teaspcjonful each of ground allspice, cinnamon and cloves. Grease well a deep baking pan and put the dough in alternately, .commencing with a layer of the dark jmixture. Walking Costumes. . One's street dress may be strii tailor gown, or it may bp a more: affair, such as is turned out by women dressmakers. Both arefashion able, and it is a mere patter of taste which is selected. I ' A stylish dressmaker's gown in black crepon has the skirt slightly draped over petticoat of black moiie antique. Cre- DRAPED DRESS ANDt TAILOR SUIT. Don sleeves, with moire cuffs: bodice en tirely of moire, witholl basques and draped with bow and jpastebuckle .overi a Vest of ecru guipure; little ; guipure cravat,' with.buokle. - fcualJyiyliBhi'ia! wtauprtnt in manajUjwjLth r-alcso full , skirted ' coa v 'with; revers i ancUdpti' ble breasted nejTfOQw KigoB.Bieeves. xne waisicoai Frobable.. . - ' 'Have you ever read 'The Bright Side of Suffering?' " I "Na Who wrote ijfc?" "I don't know. Some doctor, I im agine. ' 'Life. j TooTojing'. Clara What do you think of my new bonnet? I . Maud Aren't the colors rather gay for you? Truth. j. Skeptical. , '. Mrs. Browne If I had my life to live over again, I would marry you, after alL I Browne I don't know about that Exchanga j ' r ' "Tom's uncle was very unjust when he left him fSO.OOO and the two girls only $5,000 apiece, -I "But he explained in the will that lie considered them (capable of mafcTig their own way in the world. "Life. 3Uy a dressy the Our Boys and Our Girls. u . - IrTm. TtrAv TH t. uiauuicjt w iv iff mon as sold it touiu me it was made ov seasoned lumber. 7 ' . Brady , (in diflgnst) Seasoned, la itf Well, the lumber must hov been sea soned in th' fall, thin, fer th' leaves are all droppin ahf. Puck. tnt.m rJA 14- Ifn., m .1 She I want so much to take the lead ing part in the amateur theatricals. Yon have some influence with the promoter. Do you think you could help me? : Gallant Mr. Devoe Yes, indeed. You can rely upon me to stand up for yon every time. I She But the scene is to be laid in a horse car. Vogue. "Blowing In His Tin." Life. The Queen Yields. Even the queen felt herself obliged to yield to the storm of protests aroused by limiting the attendance at the' annu al drawing rooms. Instead, however, of admitting the usual crush at each occa sion, she decided to give a special re ception in the latter part of May, to which 200 who'were unable to obtain places on the first lists will be admitted. Several American debutantes will profit by the arrangement. London Letter. The Way of the Finest. Jasper Most policemen go on the theory that a man they arrest should be treated like a bottle of medicine. Jumpuppe How is that? Jasper He should be "well shaken before taken. " New York Herald WIFT'S SPECIFIC , For renovatine the entire system. I eliminating au Poisons from the Blood, whether of scrofulous or origin, this preparation has no equal. aaaS- "For elehteen months I bad an I eating sore on my tongue. I was treated br best local Dhvsicians. but obtained no relief : the sore gradually grew worse. I finally took 8. S. 8., and was entirely cured after using a few bottles." C. B. McLem osk, Henderson, Tex. : Treatise on Blood and Skin Dis eases mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Oa. declSIy we fr in BUSINESS LOCALS Notices For Rent or Sale. Lost and Pound. Wants, and other short miscellaneous advertisements. inserted in this Department, in leaded Nonpareil type, on first or fourth page, at Publisher's option, for lO cents per line each insertion; bat no advertisement taken for less than 25 cents. Terms, positively cash in advance. Fractions of lines cennted as whole lines Cor sate Two building lots oa Wrightsville Sound between VanAmrioge's and Manning's; size 50x500. water front 50 feet; price $50). Fat sale Lot corner 14th and Marke1 , very cheap. For sale That beauti ful cottage corner 17th and Market, at a bargain. W. M. Cummiog, Real Estate Agent and Notary Public. june S3 6t For Sent Furnished rooms in Cottage at South port, immediately on water front Apply to 123 South Fourth street, Wilmington. The Coral Workers of Fifth Street M. K. Church, will be glad to welcome all friends of the Church at their Lawn Party next Tuesday night at the Parson age. A pleasant evening is promised all who will come. i Board at Sirannanoa Springs $4 per week; 11 miles east of Asheville. Apply to R. L. Patton, S wan nanoa P. O., Cooper Station, N. C. je 17 lm eod For rent Cottages at Carolina Beach. Apply to D. O'Connor, Beat Estate Agent, Wilmington, N. C. june 8 tf Dr. W. C. Galloway, Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office at residence, 816 N. Front street. Honrs 8 a m to 1 p m and 2 to 5 p m. je 3 lm Tola year's peanut vines the cheapest good forage for cows and mules; a'so grain, hay and all kinds of mixed feed. John S. McEachera, 211 Maiket street. Telephone 82. c21 - Palmetto Brewing Co., of Charleston, S. C Ex port, Rice and Laser Beer. Branch office Mo. 408 Nott street: deliveries promptly made anywhere in city. F. Richter, Manager. - 3 Wanted The drummers, lawyers, doctors, farm era, merchants and all visitors to Wilmington to know that good meals and solid comforts are to be bad at The Pnrcell at living rates. c21 Splrlttln Chemical Co., Hansen ft Smith man agers. Wood distiilen and refiners; Mfrs of Sptrittine Oil for wood and iron preservation ; Spirittine Paint, Tar Oil, distilled Tar and the S Spirittine remedies. - ' c51 Sheffield, W. W., Manager Tide Water Oil Co., Manufacturers of the best tight cooperage in the South. Barrels for cotton seed oil and spirit tur pentine a specialty. For information, address the Manager. Port ner'a Beer for purity. Former's Beer for quality; Former's Beer for everybody. That s the .tune they all sing Portner's Beer for everybody. ' c81 Cakes, Crackers. 150 boxes, all grades. 800 Kegs Nails. 50,000 lbs.' Hoop Iron. 1,000 Spirit Casks, New and Second-hand. Also Coffee, Sugar, Shot, Powder, Soap, Lye and Canned Goods ot all grades. j " D. L. Core's, 120, 122, 124 North Water street. Wilmington, N.C. june 84 tf ESTABLISHED 1869. Palmer, Rivenbursr & Co Successors toG S PALMER. Wholesale Commission Merchant . For the Sale of Southern Fruit & Truck Berries, Peaches, ' Grapes, Melons and Vegetables. 166 ReadeSt, New .York. Watermelons and Pears a Specialty. References Chatham National Bank, New York. Commerciol aoencies and all principal truck shippers ap 1 DAW 4a Hads a Difference. Save the Coupons FAMOUS Paintings of tfie World. Parts 1 to la (intPsive) Now Ready. A COLLECTION OF Photographic Reproductions ," OF . Great Modern Masterpiece Embracing, 320 of the finest spe" mens of American, French En Iish, German, Austrian, Italian Scandinavian and Russian An' from the Principal Public Galle ries, Famous Private Collection, and Stadios of Eminent Artists " " " The Largest and Best Plates, The Heaviest Paper, The Brightest Descriptions. Therr will he ; Twenty Portfolios, Each Containing Sixteen Beautiful - Reproductions. ONE of the COUPONS Printed below , . - and 12 Cents, for Each Part Parts 1 to 12 (inclusive) Now Ready si a o to a I C , E 1 01 & - -, Q a :: - C - -a a o O k (X) .. p I 2 I I ' 1 I f ? - c ce. i t 3 ; t - c i s r. CL u in Cl "t X J CAUTION. Place your stamps loosely in letter. D not wet them, as they will adhere to the paper. Re sure to write your name, prstoffict; address and Suie plainly, so as to avoid error. As we have to send orders to the publishers, seven! days possibly two weeks o ay elapse belore the Photographs are received by subscribers. Sample copies may be seen at itie Star Office. It is absolutely necessury ihai ou '.esignate on the Coupon the Noi. of the Pans warned. See "Part No. ," at bot'om of Coupon, and fill it np. - When no number is designated, Part 1 will be sent. Address THE STAR, COUPON DEPARTMENT, WII.MINC 1IN, n r. The Stoddard Art Series. Interestiii, Pictnresane, BeantifnL Accommodation Coupon. Stoddard Art Series. Accommodation Gonpon This Coupon will get yon any number or numbers of the Stoddard Art Album, from Series 1 to Series 16, if sent to Thk Star, with 13 cents for each part yon wish to procure. Sixteen Metres in all, andall'now ready. Address : THE ST Ait, ART SERIFS DEPARTMENT, WilminiI v r 1 LITHIA WATER Harris' Lithia Springs, S. C. A water that contains about one third more Lithia than the Buffalo Lithia Water, and has not an equal in the United States. Read what the most noted Physicians of South Carolina have to say for the Harris Lithia Water: After a long and varied experience m the use of Mineral Waters from many sources, both foreign and domestic I am fully persuaded that the Harru Lithia Water possesses efficacy in the treatment of afflictions of the Kidneys and Bladder unequalled by any other Water of which I have made trial. . This opinion is based noon observation of its effects on my patients for the past three years, during which time I have prescribed Ufreely aad almost umfurmly withbonefitin the medicable maladies above men tioned. When failure to relieve has occured, 1 have im pnted it to Insufficient use of the Water, for my expe rience teaches me that from one to twe Qrttdaily should be taken from two to four weeks, to seore its full remedial effects. A. N.TALLY, M.I. Columbia, S. C, October 8tb, 1892. . Camden, January 26 1802. J. T Hams, Esq., Harris' Spring, S. C: Dear Sir:-I find great benefit from the use of j oot Lithia Water. I consider it a fine tonic, a general regnUtor of the digestion, as well .as very efficacious inlhoWdisease. for whkh Lithia ui considered some what of a specific. JUDGE J. B. KERSHAW. Mr wife has been rising yonr Lithia Water aopis very much benefitted. I consider it in every respect equal to the famous Buffalo Lithia Water. Abbeville, S. C JUDGE J. S. COTHRAN. For sale by the bottle or fallen bv-J.HK-M BUNTING, Drnggist, sole agent for Wilmington and cinitv. Y- M. C AVBuilding, Wilmington, N. C. a mar 88 tf ; - Tobacco SNUFF, CIGARS, Molasses, Peanuts, Flour, Fish, And Staple and Fancy Groceries generally. HALL & PEARSALL, Wholesale Grocers aad Commission Merchano, ay 96 tf DAW - Nott and Mulberry HARRIS