. Bnhincr Ptnvdet Jlhsoimeiy Pure A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength. Latest Umted States ' Government Food Report Boyal Baking Powder Co., . . 108 Wall Street, N. Y. Have you recevied a bill for sub scription to the Weekly Star re cently? If so, is it correct? If cor rect, why not pay it? Is there a man on earth who can print a newspaper r- n.u;nv inH now th nnctaorf hf- ""sides? Can a farmer give away his corn, and cotton, and wheat, and chickens, and eggs, and keep out of thf: poor-house? If so, let us have the recipe. It will be valuable to us just now. AT PLAIT. BY EUGENE FIELD. Play that you arc a rnother dear . And play that papa is your beau: Phy that we sit in the comer here, lust as we used to long ago. v Playing so, we lovers two . Are just as happy as we can be. And I'll say "I love you" to you And you say "I love you" to me! "I love you" we both shall say. All in earnest and all in play. Or. play that you are that other one That some time came, and went away; 'And play that the light of years agone Stole into my heart again to-day! Playing that you are the one I knew In the days that never again may be. . I'll say "I love you" to you, And you say "I love you" to me! "I love you!" my heart shall say To the ghost ot the past come back, to day! Or play that you sought this nestling place For your own sweet self, with that dual guise Of your pretty mother in your face And the look oi that other in your eyes! So the dear old loves shall live anew As I hold my darling on mv knee,. And I'll say, "I love you" to you. And you say "I love yon" to me! Ob, many a strange true thing we say And do when we pretend to play! : Chicago Record. SUNDAY SELECTON5. It matters not how a man dies, but how he lives. Johnson. Weakness on both sides is, as we know, the trait of all quarrels. Voltatre. The happiest women, like the happiest nations, have no history. George Elidl. -Chere are educated pigs, but there are none who do not like mud . Ram's Horn, A counterfeit is always pro claiming at the top of his voice that there is a genuine. Ram's Horn. A wise and holy rule for our neighbor's faults is this, to speak often to them of God and forget them before men. Massillion. We are nearer the Light in pro portion as our religion has made us more and more lovely, more and more tender, more true and more safe to deal with. Laura Ormiston Chrnt. Have you received a bill for sub scription to the Weekly Star re cently? If so, is it correct? If cor rect, why not pay it? Is there a man on earth who can print a newspaper for nothing, and pay the postage be sides? Can a farmer give away his corn, and cotton, and wheat, and chickens, and eggs, and keep out of the poor-house? If so, let us have the recipe. .It will be valuable to us just now. '. Two deaths from cholera were re ported yesterday at Amsterdam. At Maestricle two new cases were recorded, and at Half -Weg there were five deaths from the same cause. At Haarlem, one case of cholera occurred and at Zaandam there was also one case reported. is a source of much suiferiuff. The system Should ItA thrtmnmlilv CleaiiMAfl rf all BLOOD Iltiex, aud the Blood kc;t in a healthy oon- ,i,u3D an taint oi wh.ttllnAVAr-nrffrin nm Ki.ll.la i - "uuuo Ui, tug ITUU- eral .health. b For three years I was so troubled with malarial poison that life lost all Its charm, , i tried mercurial T ",,S?i2voul'JS' no relief, A - made a com plete and per. manent ritr HADE J. A. KICK, Ottawa.Kan. Our Book on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. i Atlanta. Ca. dec!31v we fr in PURE Commission. I We ask Trial Shipments. Spints, Rosin, Cotton, Country Produce Generally. We will give all prompt and personal at tention, and Immediate cish returns, or Groceries tow down W B. COOPER, Wilmington, N. C. angl2tD&W Opposite C F & Y V Depot. I C RDIIII'O v7WB, R,' This remedy LC UHUf I O " "VOctd directly to the Mat oY " w those diseases of the Oenitc-Urinary Or. 2a-sni, requires no change of diet or nauseous, mercurial or poisonous rasoV leines to be saltan internally. Whoa AS A PREVENTIVE by either sen it Is Impossible to contract any venereal disease ; but in. the ease of . those already UassanniATaLw Anucran with Gonorrhoea and Gleet, we cuaraa tee a euro. Prise by mail, postage Pew. 1 per box, ur8 boxes for la. R. R. BELLAMY & CO., , . Druggisti and Sole Agents. W change daily; Wilmington. N. C. dec6tf LADIES DO TOD KNOW DR. FELIX LC BRUN'S STEEL IHD PEHHYEQYHL PILLS aretWoriginal and only FRENCH, sa and re liable cure on the market. Price tlM): sent b ROB'T R. BELLAMY ft CO., i . .PKBis and Sole Agents, dec 5 tf change daily W WUmingtOn, TC O'r.E-C. ' Nerve and Brain Treatment 1 sold mtder positive written guarantee, by author, teed agents only, to cure Weak Memory; Lou of aTn5.Ne"..Kowor: L" Manhoods Quickness; :T1!JJreamLlA of Oonfldenoe 2?n2'SS?; f8ij5d5 Drains; LoMof Power fn""tiv either sex, eansed by over-exertion; Youthful Errors, or Excaaiva Iran of Toroooplum or Uqgtchnead to aJTiSt fu"St.InIt' d Death? BymalL I a box; e for IS; with written iraaranteer tnam Tor refund money. WEST'S COUGH BYRUP a Mrtaln Whooping Cough, Sore Throat. PleMntVrsfe? Small alee discontinued; oldu SS. BiVw lA . . - I THE STAR'S FASHION HINTS. A TEA GOWN SUGGESTION. rnU Tuxklslt Trousers With M tulta Over dress Would Compose Noelty. There is np article in the modern wom an's wardrobe that combines ease and beauty quite so completely as the tea gown. Its lightness, looseners and freedom from stiffening render it eminently com fortable, while t offers opportunities for the daintiest and most coquettish orna mentation. It may have a round skirt or a train; it may be low necked or high kecked; it may be Bhort sleeved or long kleeved, just as the fancy of the wearer dic tates and as is most becoming to her. For the more simple styles challie is a favorite, material, as it combines weH with silk, lace paid ribbon, but in spite of the theoretical Simplicity and Informality of the garment there is no limit to the amount of money that may be spent on it or the ways in which it may be elaborated. In respect to the general mode of making, princess, empire and watteau styles arp til seen, while some" rather new blouse ef- IIOU8E GOWN. fects are shown this spring. Of col popular bolero jacket has been app tea gowns as to everything else, and since the introduction into this country of ihe cretmino JaDanese kimonos, with their winded sleeves and wide sash, there se$ms to hi- no hope of further novelties unless Indent somebody sets the fashion of wear ing Turkish dress full trousers and muslin overdress to the 3 o'clock tea tap.e. s this is a season of spangles, the costume could be trimmed in an appropria.tely'glit tering manner, and the fashion wotya jiave the merit of offering an excuse, on the ground of characteristic national custom necessarily followed, for that blackening of the eyelids so frequently seen here without any excuse at all unless ill judged vanity be one. The Parisienne deals rather more fanci fully with the bouse gown than we venture to do in spite of our many vagaries. Where we shorten the sleeves she dispenses with them altogether, and where wo content our selves with a slight round, jointed or square shaping of the neck, bflcjk ftft4 fjont, she has the bodice cut away alnjosjai rnjuch as a ball corsage. The effect is often r&de niably pleasing, as In tne gown of whicha Bketch is given, tjut it ought to be seQ only by artificial light, which la in itself 4 sort of cloak. The garment is composed of yel lowish ecru satin, with lace to maVeh. The Bklrt of lace over satin falls full and straight. A white satin ribbon crosses the corsage above the bust and is carried around to the back, where It is tied n a watteau bow. Another ribbon surrounds the waist and is taken np under the bust, where it forms a rosette on each side, from which falls a long end. A knot oFribbon adorns each shoulder'. Two deep, lace flounces form a flchu pointed back and front, Veil ing the ribbon trimming. JCDIC CHOLLET. SILVER SEEMS VERY POPULAR. New Fancy Articles Made of That Metal. Parisian Iattce Kmbroldery. There seems to be a demand ior silvered fancy articles this season. Not only aye-the usual silver washed photograph fVames and puff boxes displayed, but a host of Brhaller trifles little jewel baskets with openwork edges run with ribbons, tiny pincushions in all sorts of forms with velvet tops, calen dar frames and similar article?. In ster ling ware the crop of souvenir Spoons is as large as ever, and the damaged reputation of silver does not seem to have affected their cost, but stickpins aud mounted pock etbooks are shown at reasonably low prices. Something new in plated goods haJ recent ly been brought out In the shape of an orange holder. It consists of an openwork PIKCCSHION IS LACE EMBBOIDEBT. hemispherical cup. of the right size to hold half an orange, affixed to a flat standard, and is a pretty and convenient addition to the table service. In the matter of fancy work, fashion is unmistakably retrograding. For 10 years past we have enjoyed tne reign of good taste. In place of stiff monstrosities of em broidery in crude and impossible colors, artistlo adaptations of natural forms have been used, worked in sq.bdtied.but farutbiul tints. Now there is a revival of the former meaningless Oroamentatipn, jrfpleaslnjfln both detail and general effect. Canvas cross stitch patterns are reappetirmg. ancjit looks very much as if old ftohione4 wool work ottoman covers, slippers and that sort of thing were on its wayto the front once more. Pajennes are pretendinKtpJusj them selves over a new kind ofwork. wnQp'tney tall lace embroidery. A sketch is given of a pincushion cover in this style. A itift spray of flowers is outlined with twisted white silk cord on a red or old gold satin ground, while the Inside of the petals and leaves is filled in with a variety of small fancy stitches in white silk, which yet al low the satin ground to snow. The stems are worked in regular stemstitch. nottoo close. This is a simple and radd sorfof embroidery and may be employeforvother articles than pincushlons-knlV do nofcex peot anybody to recognize tVspecTss'of flower represented. Jrjpf c CaoLtEt. Australia Is sending another gifted singer to England. She is Miss Ada Crossley, a native of Gippsland, Vic toria. She is young, vigorous in phy sique, and has a magnificent contralto voice. ' Mrs. Elizabeth N. Gavnf Pntnrariam Mass., was elected overseer of the poor at the Maroh town meeting by 64 votes. Ellen , Terry has Jjecome a grandmoth er. thrOughnhobirthtrboy toher 'son, Mr. Gordon Craig; Positions Guaranteed, Under Reasonable Conditions. Drouglitoii's Practical Business College Nashville, Tenia. Tele- vmV.r.... K-ZT " "-"ucy in me interest ot our tmptoyrnent Department than half the Business Col-. eLUJt!in " ,u.,tlon- k by our methodteafh l! TSdCT&W10 I4, by the oldptaS: enter a ,w:6?.,udSt kst no vacation, enter nr time. Cbeap Board. We have rentl prepared hooka anerill ...rJ? we Ve recenty , . , -r- - f Maaj.Gu W HOME STUDY. MtP7711- and explain "yens bk kre. ' ""tf 5 "sh for all vacancies ar Dooa Keepers, steaoeraphen. tesu-hrr. asssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssSSSSssS HEART DISEASE 30 YEARS 1 Short Breath, Palpitation. Mr. G. W. McKinsey, postmaster ol Kokomo, Ind.,and a brave ex-soldier, says: "I had been severely troubled with heart disease ever since leaving the army at the close of the late war. I was troubled with palpitation and shortness of breath. 1 could not 6leep on my left side and had pain around my heart. I became so ill that I was much alarmed, and for tunately my attention was called to Dr. Miles' Heart Cure I decided "to try it. The first bottle made a decided improvement in my condition, and live bottles have com pletely cured ma" . Q. W."McKINSEY. P. M.. Kokomo. ind. Dr. Miles' TTo.trt Cure is Bold on a positive guarantee that tlie first bottle will benent. All druggists sell it at 81, a bottles for $5, or it will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Dr. Miles' Fain Fills stop Headache. Sold by all Druggists. jane IS ly D&W In u wed change CARPETS. o- Our new stock for the Fall and Winter is com- ! ing in, and we take . pleasure in announcing that a better assortment WILL NOT be shown in our city. The prices are lower than they have been, and we are prepared to show the Cream OF THE Market. What we will show you can not be seen elsewhere, as we have Exclusive patterns. A look at these Goods is asked. We will show you from a Cotton Challie to an Aixminster. A. D. BROWN, Successor to Brown & Roddick. 1 No. 9 North Front Street. augl2 1t ! VITAL TO MANHOOD. Dn. R. C. WEST'S vwnvis awrri ui arw ntJtraT- MENT, a specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Fits, Nen rolgia. Headache, Nervous Prostration earned by alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Softening of Brain, cartglnsr insanity, misery, decay, death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power in either sex, Impotency, Leuoorrhcea and all Female Weaknesses, Involuntary Iosses, Sperma torrhea caused by over-exertion of brain, Self abusg over-Indulgence. A month's treatment, $L SS!?5' b. maU- mth each onter for 6 boxes, with 15 will send written guarantee to refund if not cured. Guarantees issued by agent WE8T'8 LTVEB PTT.Tf) cures Sick Headache, Biliousness, Liver Ckutuslalnt, Sour Stomach, Dyspepsia and OonstiDsisOor QUABANTEES- issued only by ROB'T R. BELLAMY St CO., i Druggists and Sole Agents, ec dS t( change daily W. Wilmington,'N. C. Report ot the Condition I OF THB Atlantic National Bank At Wilmington, in the State of North Carolina, at the i ciose ot Dunnes juiy iatn, itsm: !. RESOURCXS. Loans and discounts....... ...,.$423,333 86 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured,,,..,.. 502 94 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 33,350 00 Banking-house, furniture and fixtures,,,.. 15,600 00 Dae from National Banks (not reserve agents)...., 30,136 37 Due from State banks and.baakers 38,328 67 Due from approved reserve aeeuts 45.381 49 Checks and other cash items 232 09 Notes of other National Banks : 9,500 00 r factional paper enrrencv. nickels & cents xoo ug Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz. Specie 60,500 00 Legal Tender Notes 15,500 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 S:r cent, of circulation)..... ue from U. S. Treasurer, other than (5 . per cent, redemption fund) ............ 76,000 00 1,455 50 463 00 Total....... .,(663,438 04 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in,,,,.. Surnlns fund. 135,000 DO 35,000 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid.,...,.. ,, National bank notes outstanding , Due to other National Banks 3.995 86 39,110 00 7,7iKJ 11 Dne to State banks and bankers 31,777 30 Dividends unpaid 894 00 Individual deposits subject to check 438,095 70 Cashier's checks outstanding. , ' 2,432 07 j ' Total . $663,428 04 . t vr TT State of North Carolina, UJUUI, Ul ... BW w SB. i,vr.j. xootuer, casmer ot tne aoove-namea Dank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to tne best ot my knowledge and belief, i W. J. TOOMER, Cashier. Subscribed and. sworn to before me this 34th day of juiy, low i 7 - I! J. 8. WORTH, Notary Public. Correct Attest: C. W. Worth, J D. L. Gorb, ! - ' H. L. Vou-srs, July 20 It Directors. ESTABLISHED 1869. Palmer, Eivenburer & Go L Successors to G. S. FALMIR. i Wholesale Commission Merchants I 1 For the Sale of Southern Fruit & Truck Berries, Peaches, Grapes, Melons and Vegetables. (166 Reade St. New York, Watermelons and Fears a Specialty. References Chatham National Bank, New York. CommercJol agencies and all principal truck shippers sta a asts. van Portlier Beer for purity, Fortner's Beer foe quality, Fortner's Beer for everybody, That's the tusss wey an smg i-ormers oeer tor everybody. l c2X CHUMtEN'S COLUMN. CUNNING BLOWPIPES. - v Two InUrestins; Trlokf Ton Can Perform if Xou Are Smart maa careroi. - atir hm n iMrl can construct either ot the "onrlonfl blowpipe contriTaQoes wtiifjlv are here pictured. To ifrpduce tbs apward air ooireiit which Is strong enough to Bead on high any sirlall object of light weight, a bloWDlne with a short elbow is needed. Over the shorter part of the pipe a little wooden tray Is nut, and &a Is fitted np With & pprlgM and loop, made from wire. The IdBp mfist be exaqqy tojhe center of the th&r t gfJbl&S we ftlcj tor the npward shot at. tne tin; oau, maae oi wodd 6hdtr6vTaed Wltlro wire hook. Foi th? 6?!oa? blowpipe no wooden tray Is peeded, toe wire frame taking its place being firmed in the shape ot an E, and tajft&fd'to the eh0" end, as yon can see fcotti tie mtsSteaop. lpw, there is a lt tie secret abotft tfils second arrangement which yon most be clever enongh to keep to yourself when yon give exhibitions of yOur skill before your iinsqspecti&g speo tators. The little steel bar which hangs frojn the top of the frame (s heavily jnag rietized. The ball mnst be small ehotgn to pass withdut difllcnliy through the wire loop In the center. This ball, like the former; is made of wood,' but tiny v$lre brads' are driven into it dotting it as th plnheads all over. As soon as one of titCse nauheads gets near the magnetized bar it la attracted and held last, so that tJtejBall dofis ncjt fall down when yon stop blowing, and of fiourse the Spectators iQi aglnd that yon are some sorcerer for bring- Ing fibotft something they cannot under- a nntu it is expitunea to tnem. ub however, and don't give It away. LotUs PogtiDiflpatch. Two Brothers. Two small boys signaled a street car. and when it stopped it was notified that the one boy was lame. With much solio itnde the other boy helped the cripple aboard the car r and after telling the con ductor to go ahead returned to the side walk. The lame boy braced himself npin bis seat, so that Hb could look out ot the car window, and the other passengers ob served that at intervals the little fellow would wave his hand and smile. Follow ing. th6 dlfeqtton o his glances the passen gers saw thfe other boy running along the sidewalk. Straining every muscle to keep np with the ear. The passengers watched his pantomime in silence for a few blocks, and then a gentleman asked the lame boy who the other boy Was. "My brother," was the prompt reply. "Why does he not ride with yon in the carf " was the next question. " 'Cause he hasn't any money," answered the lame boy sorrowfully. The little runner was speedily invited Into the; car, and ho eympatdaotu questioner not only paid his fare, but gave each boy a quarter besides. Ram'a Horn. Indian Boys Flay "White Man.1 Our knowledge of the paleface was lim ited, but We had learned that he brought goods whenever he came, and thai our people exchanged fan for bis merchandise. We also knew, somehow, that his com plexion waa white, that he wore short hair on his head and long hair on his face, and that he had coat, trousers and hat, and did not patronize blankets in the day time. This was die picture we had form ed of the white man. So we painted two or three of our number with white clay and put on them birchen hats, which we sewed np for the occasion, fastened a piece of far to their chins for a beard and al tered tjher costume as much as lay within our power. The white of the birch bark was made to answer for their white shirts. Their merchandise consisted ot sand for sugar, wild beans for coffee, dried leaves for tea, pulverized earth far gunpowder, pebbles for bullets, and clear water for dangerous "fire water." We traded for these goods with skins of squirrels, rabbits and'small birds. Dr. Charles A. Eastman. That Boy. Hurralxformel I'm "that boy." Grand mother talks about him. She says, "There is that boy again I'' I wonder If she wants me to be a girl. Then, whenever I go near the girls playing doll tea party, they be gin to grab np their things and cry, "Oh, there comes that boy I" I would just as aoon be some oljher boy, but I can't. Papa says, "What IS that boy np to nowf" just as though a boy didn't have to be up to something or bust. What's wrong with being a boyf Papa was one, and grandma she couldn't be. Papa is always say ing "When I was a boy." I guess it's all light to be a boy, or God wouldn't make so many, but maybe I'm not the best kind. X could please grandma and the girls bet ter. I guess I'll try I'm tired oi being "that b. "--Christian at Work. Raising Greenbacks. A Wisconsin farmer near Waupaca has decided to embark in the business of rais ing greenbacks. He proposes to ship all the frogs he can raise to Mwaukee and Chi cago. Milwaukee Wisconsin. A Bit of A: vice. . Ladybuet, ladybbg, If I were ;u, I alwafs would carry a bucket of dew To dash on my house if it burned, and then maybe - rd Bavo every dear little ladybna baby. Tenth's Companion. Gertrude I heard that Mr. IJru&b paid me a very nioe compliment today. Carrie Yes? What was it? Gertrude Why, he said that among the most beautiful young ladies at thfe dance was Miss Gertrude CzandalL Carrie(onttinglyW-Yp8. 1 noticed you among tnem jurooiuyn lAia Saaltarjr Mouthpiece For Telepbosstv ' A special monthpieoe for pubilo tele phones is bolng Introduced in Germany wits!! oBjeccof avoiding'the spread ot r tes carried by the condensed moltnre i, abnath. A pad or a large number $ jaeadf paper, with n hole in thev8atd t, f la.lnseltesli-the monthpleoe,4md the jr Wdisaof paper is torn off after every 004' n t . - : . G Sbe Was There. Johnson's GREAT Clearing Sale I Will Commence Monday, July 16 AT ' No. Ill Market St. We make it a rule'not to carry over; any stock of Millinery Goods, hence the great reduction in prices we shall make. Our stock is all new, We have no old, last season's goods. Our various-departments - are re- plete with the most desirable goods. ! Our prices at all times are as low as any first-class house can make. We solicit trade, always guar anteeing perfect satisfaction. We take pleasure in exhibiting our i stock, whether you wish to buy or not. - - Don't miss this Great Opportunity. You can save money by calling at Johnson's Fashionable j Millinery Establishment! No. Ill Market Street, Wilmington, N. C. jnly 89 tf E. 0. G. A. P. A. Y. W. B. S. Our Sea-Side Suit. $19.95. 24130 Ger. BeT. Mirror in Dresser. Our past experience has taught us that at this season of the year there Is a demand for a cheap, well-made And durable Cottage Suit for use at the Sea-Shore. To meet this de mand we have had manufactured ex pressly for us, the above Suit, whicr we offer at the astonishingly lov price of $19.95. - THE CASH BUYER Need look nowhere else fc bargains. We have them, bu To Meet the Demanti of tlie Times We will add the time Interest to the cash price, i and sell on the following conditions: $100 purchase, $20 deposit, $3 aweek $75 $50 $25 $20 $15 $15 " $2.50 $10 " $2.00 ' " $5 " $1.00- , $4 M 75c $a i" 50c " And satisfactory arrangements for larger and smaller ( purchases and monthly payments. S11EED & GO., ; No. 15 South Front street, The Cheapest Furniture House in North Carolina. To Contractors and Builders. We have added to our stock a full and complete line of fine and medium Wood Mantels. Read oar advertisement In Messenger, sue; 5 tf Racket Store, WILMINGTON, N. C. . . o Wishes to say this to: the merchants - as well as to the general public, The Fall season is now close on hand, and all merchants are preparing to pnt in their Fall stock of goods. We want to make this point in plain facts, that we have made larger purchases and bought goods closer than any season before. We can save every- retailer from 10 to 25 per cent oa his stock r We job wholesale to merchants for cash . . Iritis Paper anil Enyeloses. A good X X White rag envelope at 70c per thousand, 250 in a box, or 20c pr box. ; Writing paper 3 lb note smooth and clear of spots, at 85c per ream; S lb at 45c; g lb at 60c per ream. All grades of box paper. i A big job beautiful boxes at 75c per doz., worth everywhere $1 per doz. Ink 3 oz bottles best black at 25c per doz. 1 gross of assorted writing pens, nice new goods at 25c. j Tinware at Wholesale. Gents and ladies' underwear. Heavy cotton men's nodershirts at $1.75 per doz. Heavy drilled Canton eannel drawers $1.86 per doz. j HOSIERY ALL GRADES. Heavy men's socks,50c, 60ci 75c per doz. Ladies and childrens' in proportion, j We carry a large stock of shoes and can and will save you 10 per cent, on your shoe purchases, wholesale, and 25 per cent, retail. i Household sheeting the best- goods made, 5c 500 pair men's pants at the lowest price ever knewn. . A good pair pants 41c, 50, 71c. In Millinery Hats for the ladies we make a very great specialty. The Sailor is the most popular hat worn, and we have made some very low purchases. We have oa hand to day 150 dozen of Jhese goods. ! The cloth brim, col ored tops, worth fa, we are selling for (1.25 per doz. the best 25c hat m the State. Straw Sailors $1.25. $1.50, $2 np to $4, $6 and $9 per doz. The new Fall shapes in straw at $175 to (2 per doz; 100 dozen new felts in flats and shapes, $2. 25, $2.75 $80, $4 and $4.50 per doz. These goods can save yon 40 per cent under any wholesale house North or South. We carry a stock of 5.000 rolls of ribbons from 10c to $4 per roll. To show these goods is proof that we are the lowest house in the county. We have a bugs- stock of dry goods ol all classes, from the cheapest to the best. In men's shirts we have 400 doz. They are way down. The best Sus penders in the city for $1 per doz. When you need goods write or come to us as we want to do boaaess with every man, woman and child in this county. We carry the stock We want YOUR trade. Give us a show is all we ask. We gnarantee to please. We are on Front Street, opposite the market houso BRADDY & GAYLORD, Prop's. ftU B tf A DJNNER.PARTV. est4orATlmtfMaytftfmH2Wl to Bottqtho -Hostess si rfl Goegta. FattrniepaTim mentjanajsh-efrfolj eralqpnplesi all , have Centered wmia iweronsaCTessestsm Ing.ropiriitshelmgnJ hls;reepootsj$o t h aoqnaintedtlv nQ;iBaarjn- allyintroauoed. the; iheir rastran snetWno most distlnjmishea,i eDeintovdianer with; the hcetrtheoffelnerrhis'rleft arm. RthwgneisliAaaor IjiJrooirOaefc. TOeJJap.alwaj5rgoein nrstjanane plaoeainisalnna:; atright, a8date)othertoen. There haateeiiqlil4lt0n icregarding;theprbpanOT tolnsehen'tateEngiawmaniinto the dining room, but The llingatcw, au thority for the'foUowtoffusayltithe lefttiflmost appropriate.! Thisrapde of escorting'her. allowsfher to pass in;front of .him, andier ooetnme!iis"-thns'notiin hliway. Spura weremijei'wcrrniby mofit men.of rank'vrtth evenirkfclxess ;and' are still used in this waybfv army oftjeers, and they are apt to int4rferewit: dra peries tiiat are not projperly cared for when one is going td-taSla The right arm Is proffered for tie assistanoe of women, save when they ire in court civ clesuor. are on their, way jto the altar. When dixmer is finfiswV the hostess bows to the lady at her husband's rightv and at this signal all the' ladies rise. The hostess' partner opens the door or draws back its draperies! or, if neither service is required, he slpadsbeside the doorway until all . thef ladiesliave passed out, when he joins the otherjmeri at.the table. for a chat;and & smoke unless theirs a smoking ropmi If feoffee isnptserve4jtn the. dining room, it ehould7te1passevins the-drawing room or parlorafter,he t?njire,com pany is again assembled, which should ber not more' than half 'ai hour after the termination of the dinner. The . coffee Should be strong'arid clear, and while Some like sugar in it d . a few add cream it is usually tak as an.aid to digestion. A small dinner: is without either Jr followed by, generaltconversation LOtPernaps a Uttlemusio byonevor seveiral'of ithe:com pany, and the guests .take their, depar ture at 10 o'clock or a little later. Such a dinner will' be one of the most delight ful of social gatherings if the guests are .grouped with a discreet regard . for their congeniality and. ech one strives to supply tiis or her part if the conver sation and to make others appear to good .advantage j Failures of the cook, should there be any, must be passed without comment either from the host or frt)m the guests. The. hostess must be calfed upon or a note of thanks written tot her within a week after the dinner. j ' Card of tlie Kefrigfrrato. One thing should .be particularly cau tioned against That la the putting away of warm food In me ice chest When this is done, the aiticle will ab sorb.;the odors and flavors df other foods. Milk&nd butter should, always be kept in compartments especially set aside for them. If the refrigerator, however, does not provide for this, do not fail to keep both articles wellcvercd. Milk will readily absorb the ilavors of the other food, and the butter left expos ed, soon becomes tainteq. Every day give the ice chest a thorough washing and drying. VrTreu tarftjp-j Tviprvd. in a cioxn to Keep it from melting, do not let the same piece of woolen do duty week in and week out without a change. If-possible, give your refrijgerator a good sunning once a month. Boll it into the yard, wash out every cracfr.:and crevice with warm soapsuds, r scrfeb each rack with soda and water and then let a sun bath finish tne purifying rocess. Pretty Itibbooa. Among the new ribbons is a moire effect which is . accomplished in the weaving and not watered,! at all. Pin spots i on short moire are a pretty com bination, and there ?is' a wide variety of. ribbons into which'.pn or.more rows of lace insertion have'bqen introduced. Chine stripes in the center of corded ribbon and tiny flowers brocaded on sat in" grounds are'veryreffeqlve. A Chair Cx A head cushion illustrated and de scribed by Modern Prisoilla is very con venient'for summer useKas it can be easily carried about .ancT hung on any chair. Our model ihasqnare'of white linen embroideredr witK filo floss in Dresden designs in pa3e pinks, with CHADS CUSHION FOB 6XJMMER. leaves and stems .in qlive greena A border of old blue linen makes a fitting frame for this dainty bicture, and the Beam is hidden with feather stitching In pink linen thread. Phik and blue cord finishes the pillow ana is pup on in , loopsj at tne corners. The back of the cushion is blue linen. and cord of suitable" length is provided lor hanging. Wanted It Vkrtfled. T1 j He rl heard a felloiv eay the other Bight that he thought almost any one Did you a knock could kiss yon. I She The wretch I him down? j He No; I thought jee yon about it first- would call and Brooklyn Life. The Advent Term Of the Fifty-Third Ahnual Session of St. Mary's School RALEIGHL N. C, Begins Sptembet 20th, 1894. Special attention paid to Physical Culture and Hygiene. j Address the Rector, j REV. B. SMEDES, A. M : raiyxu snt vv . i meets rsmaBtajwjnJ)y an at -i ttfaa r ELECTRIC TRACTION. IBaa IU Era for Orttlsiarr Vehicle on Oonunoa Bossda Bosront -The development of electricity as a trac tlqp forcohoabaen going on in Great Brit ain atong entirely different ltnea from thoee-followed In ttils country, and within the past few weeks tome highly lnterest- ELECTBIC OHHIBTJB. Ing results, novel to our ezperienoes here, bao been attained, conoernlng which the new York Sun has the following to Bay: British eloctrioal engineers have devoted . themselves to the problem of devising an elSoqiive and oheap method of electrib trac "tloii for all manner ot ordinary vehicles on the streets ot the cities and the turnpikes trf tlio-oountry, and eleotrlo cabs and car riages, omnibuses and trucks, have bean the aim of British electricians. Perhaps the fact that there are some 9,000 miles of excellent turnpike, roads in Groat Brit ain and that fanners are largely using steam engines for hauling their traffic oyer the roads! has something to do with the direction of their Investigations. A few weeks ago an eleotrlo parcels van was run experimentally through the busi est of London's streets, and an electric om nibus mado similar trial trips about the same time. So tar as the operation of the vehicles was concerned the expeHmenta wore a success. The designers claim equal success for tne financial end of the experi ment Three companies have been formed to operate vehicles with the same methods of traction, ana it is declared by the ex pertsthat the era of electrio traction on common roads has definitely set in. In 1883 an eleotrlo cab, the first electrio ve hicle of the kind carrying Its own energy in storage form,' was invented and operated by Mr. Badcliff e Ward, who is the inventor Of the latest success, the electrio omnibus. The oab was : run In Brighton for some months and demonstrated the possibilities of this method of traction, but not Its eoonomlo success. The motive power for all such vehicles on common roads Is of course derived from storage batteries carried in the vehicles themselves. Both the electrical omnibus and the electrio parcels van have been run ning in the streets of London for several weeks. They roll along steadily and easily and thread their way among the mass of cabs, omnibuses and truoks with a nicety that excites general admiration. They are under perfect control and run at different speeds as the circumstanoes war rant j The bus can carry 85 passengers 10 on each side in the Interior and six on a cross seat onjche roof. The two storage batter- ELBCTBIO PABCB18 VAN. 4eBJ5hidXurnleb the power are carried pflt under eaclrscat, and'tho motor Is In a lung between the rear wheels, to ihetpoweriftapplled. The batteries about 1,800 pounds each. The bos .Itself weighs about 8 tons, and when 'toMSAaaSei with passengers It Is calou tatedto wgh in all a little over sis tons. ttiy pointed out that with electrical ve bfcles there will bo less wear and tear on the roadways, for all the pounding of horses' Thoof s will be done away with. The weight of the electrical vehicles will be great, "but the tires of the wheels will be broad. Wood or other noiseless pave ments will become universal, and the tre mendous volume of street noise which now afflicts the public will be almost wholly abated. Pneumatic tires for electrical ve hicles are a probability. , Naval Offiper Barnes Compton, chair man of the Democratic State Com mittee of Maryland, in compliance with the Administration's civil service views, has resigned the chairmanship. It is generally understood that several other Maryland Federal office-holders will fol low Mr. Compton's example. Voting othors! W Offer You a Semedy which Xnturea Safety to Xio of Slather and Child. MOTHER'S FRIEND Bobs Confinement of it Pain, Horror and Bitk. AftOTnsfngonebottleof" Mother Friend" I suffered bat little pain, and did not experience that weakness afterward usual In such cases. Urs. Jjtns Oaok, Lamar, Uo., Jan. utli, 1391. Sent by express, cbaigea prepaid, on receipt of price, pes bottle. Book to Kothers malted Free. US ADFIELD BEGVI. ATOB CO., ATIiANTAs GA. BOLD BY ALL PBUCKUST8. decl41r to th sa ! BUSINESS LOCALS. tV Noticks For Rent or Sale, Lost and Found Wants, and other short misceilaneons advertisements inserted in this Department, in leaded Nonpareil type, on first or fourth page, at Publisher's option, for 1 0 cents per line each insertion; bnt no advertisement taken tor less than h cents. Terms, positively cash In advance. Fractions of lines counted as whole lines. There are many families who have quantity of old scrap Gold and Silver,, which they consider as worthless. They would be surprised at the cash money they realize from it by consulting George Darden, Inspector of Kailread Watches, Front street, next to Holmes & Watters. aug 11 8t Photographs. For first-class Photographs at low prices, call on U. C. Ellis, No. 114 Market street. juiy 1 c81 This year'i peanut vines the cheapest good forage for cows and moles; also grain, hay and all kinds of miied feed. John S. McEachern, 211 Market street. Telephone 98. I c21 Palmetto Brewing Co., of Charleston, S. C. Ex port, Rice and Lager Beer. Branch office No. 402 Nutt street; deliveries promptly made anywhere in city. F. Richter. Manager. s21 8plrUtlne Chemical Co., Hansen ft Smith man agers. Wood distillers and refiners; Mfrs of Spiiittine Oil for wood and iron preservation ;Spirittine Paint, Tar Oil, distilled Tar and the S Spiiittine remedies. r en Wanted The drummers, lawyers, doctors, farm ers. merchants and all visitors to Wilmington to know that good meals and solid comforts are to be had at The Parcel! at living; rates- v cM White Fish. Mullets for sale low. A full line of staple groceries and provisions. We invite correspondence in regard to bagging and ties, HALL & PEARS ALL, Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants, 2tfD&W. . Nutt and Mulberry sis. Meal! I! 300 bags Virginia Water.gr0Und Meal. Bought before the rise," And bought To Sell, NOT To Keep. D. L. Core. 120, 122, 124 North Water strm .nsiotf ' Wnmigton, N.cj. . MAGNETIC JIERNeT Is sold with ,,,;((, E?M.a.clui"-lu.!m, i11V""lWmlVnk. TobBW, an, Al.-,; nol; Mentnl Dcur.-s. the Brain, canstao; Misery lnMiti n5inR "' & Vouth. A It given to w4 n! Written Cuarantee to Tor rXu ,h,f " sasisysr Guar8ntee Wss?s: J- HICKS BUNTING, Y.M C A BniMin. SB 2 DAW ly chsat Wilmington N. C. FAMOUS Paintings of the World. Parts 1 to 20 (inclusive) Now Ready. The Work Complete. A COLLECTION OF Photographic Reproducti ns OF- . Great Modern Masterpiec s Embracing 320 of the finest spt , mens of American, French, Eng lish, German. Austrian, Julian, " Scandinavian and liussian An, from tlie Principal PuMir: CmIh. ries, Famous Private Collu ti,.ns and Studios of F.mineni Anii- The Largest and Best Plates, The Heaviest Paper The Brightest Descriptions. There are Twenty Portfolios, Each Containing Sixteen Beautiful ' Repro(3ucti'ns. The Whoje Work Now, Ready, Twelve Cents for each part, but only one Couponjequired for any . number of Parts 0 E Z H 01 s a. s CAUTION. Place your sUmps loosely in letter. P. not wet them, as they will adhere to the paper. Kt strre.to write yonr name, postoffice address and State plainly, so as to avoid error. As we have to send orders to the publishers, several days possibly two weeks may elapse before the Photographs are received by subscribers. Sample copies may be seen at the Star Office. It is absolutely necessary that you designate on the Coupon the Nos. of the Parts wanted. See "Part No. ," at bottom of Coupon, and fill it up. When no number is designated. Part 1 will be irnt. Address THE STAB, COUPON DEPARTMENT, WILMINGTON, N.C LITHIA WATER Harris' Lithia Springs, S. C. A water that contains about one third more Lithia than the Buffalo Lithia Water, and has not an equal in the United States. Read what the most rioted Physicians of South Carolina have to say for the Harris Lithia Water: After a Ion and varied experience m the use ol Mineral Waters from many 'sources, both foreign aud domestic I am fully persuaded that the Hams WaleTrasesses efficacy in the treatment of affl.ct . of theTHdneyi and Bladder unequalled by any other Water of which I have made trial. This opinion is based noon observation of tu effects on my patients for the past three years, dunng time I have prescribed itfreely sad almost unifurmiy with bonefitln the medicable maladies above meu tioned. When faDttre to relieve has occured, 1 have ip pnted it to insufScieat use of the Water, for mv 1 rienee teaches me that from one to two quarts a ai 7 should be taken from two to four weeks, to full remedial effects. A. N.TALLY. M. v Columbia, S. C. October 8th. 1892. - Camdbn, January J. T. Harris, Esq., Harris' Spring, S. C: Dear Sir:-I find (treat benefit from the use of Lithia Water. I consider it a fine tomc,a gw regulator of the digestion, as weu.as very tothose diseases for which Uthta is ndsiHAW. what of a specific JUDGE J. B. KBRSH My wife has been using your Lithia Water wP very much benefitted. I consider it in every ren equal to the famous Buffalo Lithia Water. Abbeville. S. C JUDGE J. S. COTHWg For saleby the bottle or gallon bvj.n- BUNTING. Druggist sole : agent .for Wmngtoo Tcinity, Y- k. C. A. Building, Wilmington. N- marSStf. Ilea Si mas KXs' Ks -sw. DCrunt - AhTFH s a Si c J O pg Q. a sas 2 3 -I O si u t R " - . bx) a m (ljjjja m V K tfi q (L s' 3 1 - u O H & i U- If S - 0- o HARRIS