i-" T - - I Uteal IhtrrittL-"HhifinM llliniiM. - -I TIE NEW jg. Comparison With Duties Under the Old Law. BOX JUST PASSED BT CONGBESS. Full . andAExact Copy, ottlerfSehedule.jol yhf5ta?iptmjlet Free IJst Text'bl ttfoncttoejTix. SCHEDULE AChemical, Olla, dec. "A.verage S Valorem Under , - McKlnley New Kate. Rata. cetlcspoclflc gravity not ex coodfogl.047. 18.W gJ AlmSlna, alum, sulphate of al- . nmlaa and alums in crystals. . 87.18 Z4.7S Carbonated. I M ?2 Murtftteor.... SJ K 'rH2Sdr . 42.81 16.93 KhSfrete:: 12-20 19. Co(d tftr. cofots or dyes 86 25 Cobftlt, oxido of. 18-21 16-03 Bofks, becins. berries, balsams, bUrtsahdbbousrooU......... 10 10 Harks for dying, other than hem- lyClt. ....... 8 ly sftmfc.J.. -400 400 Fruit ethers. Oils or essences 38.28 190.62 Logwood and othor dye woods.... U.43 10 Mnrnhia or morphine 47.09 47.09 Aferine oseislant or soluble oil ofoloato of soda or turkey red - Cnntdlninff 60 or more per cent of ' castor oil 80 to":......... HXX35 . .87 col Hver::::: es-cs s Fusel oil or amyllo alcohol ...... 10 10 Hemp wed and rape seed 24.12 24.12 1 i vo f or ealad 26.88 i Fi?lj.'Hot eoccially provided for. 82.12 5 Whiuo, not specially provided for ..i. 33.90 xo Flaxseed or linseed 95.14 69.48 Popcywed oll 64.37 83.98 opltrm 1 AaQcoUS, extract of and tincture ' qf. ,...- 40 20 Cruao;...J Free. Free. Faints and colors AlaX'.d..-'" Uitttoarine 46.15 80.77 wash blue, sontalning ultrama noffl Whltinff and parls white . Dry j. , 142.48 71.24 Do?, Kround in oil -189.60 94.75 Zinp, oxide of, and white paint containing zinc, but not load '.. nry i , 81.44 25.15 Ground Jn oil J 40.47 23.15 Paris creen and london purple. . . 26 12.50 rhospWus 40.79 - 30.69 -Potash ' , Chromate and bichromate of.... 86.73 Zo Do., pruseiato of, red 29.04 25 Do., do. yellow....... 25.40 25 Soila-t- Hi-. Urnmato and cliromate of..... 45.59 25 Siiieaw of 43.60 . 82.63 SeamofiH. Free 10 ytrvcliniiiorsirychnino..... 93.79 70.34 Sulphur, reiined 34J23 20 Tartar, cream of and partly re find 25 20 Tartnrsito of soda, or rochello KUts 16.40 U Eirytn, sulphate of, or liarytes, iin-liidiiicr imrvtos earth man- facturcd 69.25 2C.43 Brui-s, containing f errocy anlde of iron, drv or irround in or mixed with oil 20.03 20.03 Blanc fixe, or satin white or arti ficial sulphate of barytes 47.54 23 iilocK maae irom Done, ivory or and lampblack, dry or ground in oil or water 25 20 Oclier and ochorv earths- Ground lit oil : 19.64 16.37 Sienna and sienna earths Ground In olL 21.14 17.62 i moor ana umrjer eartns Groundlnoil 25.80 21.50 Spirit varnished 69.56 19.50 All othor, including gold size or Japan 85 25 Vermilion red and colors contain ing quicksilver, dry or ground in oil or water. 26.77 20 Vermilion red, not containing quicksilver, but made of lead, etc.. .................. . ...... . - All other paints and colors, in- cludinalakes, not specially pro vided for, and artists' colors in tubes or otherwise 25 23 Mixed or ground and commer cially known as artists' water color paints 30 25 Crayons 25 5 Smalts and f rostings. 25 25 Brown Spanish, Indian red, and colco- tharor oxide of iron... 25 25 Vandyke, cassel earth or cassel I brown.... 25 25 Brown i.. White 78.04 89.08 Lltharce 94.91 47.45 Lead, nitrate of 18.23 9.11 : Orange, mineral 78.80 89.40 -Red.. 91.17 45.69 Preparations, medicinal, in cluding medicinal proprietary nreuaratlona In whioh. alcohol Is used 15.51 15.51 01 wbich.alcohol is not a compo hentpart. 25 25 Cilomol and other mercurial preparations.,.., .....85 25 Preparations or produots known as tvlkalies add alkalblds, and all chemical compounds and salt.. , 25 , 25 All other essential oils and com binations of ,.T. 25 25 All other fixed or expressed oils oui uuiuuiuuuuiia VI tl M All other rendered oils and com- tlihn.tnt,a nf fifi 2S Blcarbonato of potash 23 25 Prepartlons used as applications to the hair, mouth, teeth or ? ' floes, pastes, pomades, pow d&rs and tonlos, including all xupwn as toilet preparations, Mtspeclally provided for. ..... 50 40 ValuerT at not above 7 cents per pouncl 25.12 25 valued at above 7 cents and not - ahove 30 cents per pound 25 25 Valued': at above 80 cents per pound.. 80 -25 Gelatin VaJued at not above 7 cents per pound 25 VUued at above 7 cents and not shove 30 cents per pound 25 25 valued at above So cents per pound... 80 25 Olue- viluod at not above 7 cents per" Dound 26.16 25 vilned at above 7 cents and not .sbovo 30 cents per pound 25 25 ilued at above 30 cents por pound.. 80 25 wlyoerin Crude and nurlfled 83.62 19JI4 Reflned.. 62.54 36.03 SCHEDULE B Earths, Earthenware and Glassware. Brick, line, not glazed, enameled or decorated, tons. 25.15 20 Brick, not glazed, enameled or . " 'decorated 25 25 "m 80.41 25J54 Plaster of parls Calcined 25.11 17.97 Qjpnnd 6.07 6.07 ,iays or earths Luwrought 19.72 13.15 Vrnnhl . K ia ofi Chlnacr- - Painted, tinted, glldod, decorat ed. .7. ...77... I w as Plain white... 65 80 Lava tips...... 65 80 Bottles and vials, flint and lime. -holding more than one pint. . . . 61.27 45.09 uo., holding not more than one 1 pint anaanot' lesa than one- - quarter pint..... v.. 8L80 60.9T UQ., holdine less 'than one-auar- terplnt ; 60.84 40.27 wtners, on which specific duty would bo loss ihari 40 per cent.. 40 40 lllled, holding more than one i Plnt.... 87.79 65.84 noiaing not more than one Pint and 'hot less than one - "ftrtpfPint 116.08 87.0i JO.. holding loss than nno Pint .......119.80 96.84 ST fon which speolflo duty -would be less thaniO per cent. 40 40 PUes and vials, gwen aud, eol- SW, .holding tnore'-than.one TJFtv.M.V...),:..';:..?,... 70.17 52.63 -w,jiuuinBinotimore'hftnton s4:hbtlleiiyt.hanoS .114.43 85.81 JlVV"..., 7L48 68.81 vSr'9otiPwrenhanone Wto and TlOt IftM thnn tnnn 'tot.......'...., 114.43 8rL81 wuyng leg. thanoneVauar- Pnt...J. ' liAOa IIB ill SiA"1110? BpeCiflOduty oMgnwrethtoioWplnt,.... 87.91 28.48 . v"A...wnion unsranri nnrtr T f.S. illlltl niouikfiniraMaMViiiWiAn- laronucai Biassware, ior use -in - , I ,i - i 1 1 T . 40 40 fchlfimeva 60 Heavy blown (class, not oat or (tecqratea ., BO Porcelain op ODal slAjisw&rn 60 Cylinder crown and common . window class, unpolished, above 10x15 Inches and not ex- seeding 16xS4inohes 106.10 Do., above 16x24 Inches and not "exceeding 4x80 inches. 120.60 pSn ftboVe24x30 Inches and not ze6e41ns 24x36 lAohea. .121.97 DSvprf...ll8.rt oftherwGe ojbdra,-raboy 84xl Jncbjes and hot exceeding PWKitcastpoMjor bU- FSdotexceenl(TOnSie8, 81.97 &,all above 2ix6nphe... 4430 late glass, east, polished. An- 70.79 88.90 86.93 79.41 88.50 681 84.14 8L28 ibjqwi or unnnianea. ana unsu- -ered, -above 4x80 inches and not exceeding 4x60 Inches..... 07.40 87.74 122.11 Do., all ahovto 4x60 inches. 174.45 Of Under and crown glass, poUab.- - a, silvered and looking glass . plates,' above 4x80 inches and net eceeains- 84x60 inches 4U.77 32.70 7.79 D5.-ailttb6vitx60 inches........ 43.88 Cylinder,' crown and oommon winoow glass un pommou, wuou gronhd.-.obsCuredt ornamented odeoorated, above lOxlS inch. - texoeeaingioxM incnes. 63.60 re 16x4inbheS and not 89.07 76.63 ,eXceUte3xw lncnee. ....... .100.42 K3.,.aDoy V4xw :inones ana not expiidlng.?5a6 Inches?... ...... 73.83 64.06 62.54 ia above tstxaorinoties un ider andrown glass, polish slivered, when around. ob-'-. oared, oonamentea or decor ated, above 24x80 Inches and ' not exceeding 4x60 innhea. ftfl.Jfi 7.M Do., alLaboVe 24x60 inches. 40 Plate glass, cast, polished, sil vered, when ground, obscured, ornamented - or decorated. aooye txgu incnes, and not ex ceedlticr 84xfl0 Innhmi 0.55 89.48 16.93 DoC, all above 4x60 inches. , Plate glass, cast, polished, unsil- 88.67 vered, when ground, obscured, ornamented, or decorated above 4x80 inches and not ex oaedincr 24x60 innhea. 65.82 61.96 60.89 iiis Do., all above 24x60 inches. spectacles and eyeglasses, or irames tnereor w Mar Die and stone and manofac- ' irers of marble 40 n block, rough or squared. 80.20 80.15 47.06 elned marble, sawed, dressed, inoiuamg xnarDie siaos ana marhla navincr tllea 60.90 60 84.41 40 ia 26 All inanuf actures of, not special ly proviaea ior Freestone, granite, sandstone. . 43 iimestone,undressed orjinman uf actnred 81.89 Do., hewn, dressed or polished. . Grindstones, finished or unfinish ed ... - 80 10 20 Elate, rooimg. SCIli.UU.LiE C Metals and Manufactures Of. Iron ore.. 42.70 22.77 Iron in niea Ferrosllicon....... 26.66 15.87 RniAtfnlAlflAn And lerromanfira- nesse 25.54 15.44 All other . 40.94 2137 Scrap iron and steel fit only to Tw rf.mAnnfactnred Iron, wrought and cast. 47.83 8.47 .bar iron, roiled or hammered. Anmnriflincr Steel. 43 259 Fiats not less than one inch wide. nor less than three-eiehths Inch thick 7. . . . . S6.30 27.22 Bound Iron, not less than three- a Quarters men aimeter, ana anus iron, notless than three- onartera inch aonare. 247 16.38 Flats, less than one Inch wide or jess than tnree-eigntns men thick; round Iron, less than three-quarters inch and not less than seven-sixteenths inch diameter: sauare iron, less than three-ouarters inch sauare 62.G3 81.58 Bars or shapes of rolled iron, and round Iron In coils or rods, less than seven-sixteenths inch di ameter.... 61.77 44.03 Bars, blumes, billets, in the man- nracture oi waicn cnarcoai is used as fuel. 66.82 80.99 All other, and slabs, blooms or loons 85 8L29 Beams, girders, joists, angles, T T mmmniL with All nthar struc tural shapes ox iron or sieei. ... t .o o Boiler or other plate iron or steel, not thinner than No. 10 wire gauge, sheared or unshear ed, and skelp iron or steel, shear ed or rolled in grooves VAlnMl Rhom 1 mnt and not; above 1.4 cents a round..-. 49.47 45.69 Valued-above 1.4 cents and not above St cents 640 80 Valued above 2 cents and not above 3 cents 44.45 30 Valued above 8 cents and hot above 4 cents .- 40.58 SD Forerlncrs of iron or steel, or forged iron and steel comoinea. 44.UO . Hood, band or scroll, or other Iron or steel, valued at 8 cents a pound or less, 8 Inches or less In width, and less than three- eighths inch thick ot imnner man no, xu wire gauge 45.70 80 Thinner than No. 10 and not thinner than Mo. 20 wire ffancro 41.41 80 Thinner than No. 20 wire gauge. 49Ji2 80 Rum nr rn.il ft fnr milwavs. flat rails, punched, iron or steel .... ijas za.&s T rftiln or other niilwav bars- Iron i 60.00 292 bteel or in part steel 0&Z4 Gi.w Sheets of iron or steel, common or black, valued at 8 cents a pound or less Thinner thn.n No. 10 and not thinner than No. 20 wire gauge 48.90 3423 Thinner than No. 20 and not thinner than No. 25 wire gaugo 72.70 41.20 Thinner than No. 25 wire gauge. 70.24 65.19 Corrugated or crimped. ........... 25.24 19.83 Sheets or plates 01 iron or steel, galvanized or coated with zinc or spelter, or any alloy of these petals thinner than No. 10 and not thin ner than No. 20 wire sranire 40.48 ELBI Thinner than No. 20 and not thin ner than No. 25 wire gauge 72.70 41 Thinner than No. 25 wire gauge. 49 80.76 KheAt iron or sheet steel, nolish- ed, pianisnea or gianoea vkvh m.io Sheets and vlates. pickled or cleaned by acids, cold rolled. smoothed, not polished Thin nAF t n s.n Nn. 10 and not thin ner than No. 20 wire trauee 34.73 1SU8B Thinner than No. 20 and not thin ner than No. 25 wire ffause 44.40 8U.45 Thinner than No. 25 wire gauge. 72.79 64.04 HtAAl immu. pf-. Valued at 1 cent a pound or less. 60.48 876 valued at 1 cent a nonnd and not above 1.4 cents tw.uo auto ITatvmA .Iwn. 1 M. -T,fa n.nti Tint above 1.8 cents apound uz.io own r.ln' .hnval SrAntR 'Mlfl -not above S!Jf cents a Douna m.ub o.io ITttlnAif ahnva fl.fi . AAntjl And not nVvnvnft rnntH anonnd 43.11 823 Co 1 Tin .1 .tvivA ft ru,ntjt Mid not above 4 cents a touna im oi.w . ITalnnil .iuiirA 1. V,ntj And not v.-1. . " iv . MM .A above 7 cents a sound 00.0 CT-1naj4 bIuW. V ATttA And Tlflt above 10 cents a Dound 80.36 200 (Tafnoj - .Wa 10 oAntA and not above 13 cents a poundT. ....... 8a07 2a63 Pnlnofl bVaVA 1ft Ontfl AJd not .Tkniro 1A fjmtx a nonnd 9.88 19.58 Vslned above 16 cents a pound. . . 80.75 ' 20.66 Sheets and plates ana saw plates of steel , r.lniul aKnvA 1 Mtnfc And not , cuuou y.w - : ..n above 1.4 cents a pouna s.vi o-oo r.lnoil .VWA.1.1 l-AntA and Aot above m cents a -pouna ecu .u I7-1n aKiva 1.ft.'nnnfA and not above 2JJ cents a.POttndlT. 41.45 824 P.lnl n Yisvtm fi nrttAAnl not above a cents a.DOuna..... uw XfanaA b Wa ft ctantA Afid not above 4 cents a pound u.to (.u. ITalnMl ' AmTA A fwfttjl And not above 7 cents a pound.. U1.V1 omu. Valnprl Abova 7 cents and not above'10 cents a pound. 838 23.67 ITn.tn tvi Ahr,vn 10 . cents 'And - not above la cents a pound to. ziw , VfLinnd AhnvA 1ft centa. and not above 16 cents a pound......... 29.81 lv.w Valued above 16 cents a pound.. . 4.78 16.62 Wire rods Rivet, screw, fence and otheriron or steel wire roos noissmauer h,n Kn.8 nm o-antra.ivalned at. ftU fRnts.or less a riovrnd 84 22.67 Flat iron or steel, with longitudi nal ribs, lor manuiaoiure oi fencing, valued at 8 cents or lessapoupd 84.04 22.T Win, nf Iron, or steel- Flat steel wire, or sheet steel, Jn Strips or anywiain, wmwreu or untempered, 5-1,000 inch " thick or thinner 60 , 40 KT. em.llAV (tmn Jn. 10 TA7lrA rauge.. , aco smaller than jvo. lo wire gauge. b. i i u.w Bmaller than No. 16, and not m . nn.lla. than No. 2ft wire craucm.'n.95 80.( RrnaJleV than No. 20. wireauge.' 0.08 17.89 Ooated witi-zihe or tin or any other metal . , ua aw. iiA rnan ran. iil win, " . no Ancm.. i.oo ouq D-ifk. th.i, Wn in And not Smaller than No. a) wire gauge, wco oqmu Bthaller than No. 26 wire gauge.. 15.70 9 Wire of iron or steel covered with cotton, silk or other mate rial and wires or stripped steel, commonly known as crinoline, corset and hat wire.,... 16.66 40 Wire of iron or steel, valued at more than 4 cents a pound..... 45 40 Do., galvanized... 54 40 wire card for manufacture of paraciotning Wire rope and wire strand, made of iron wire Smaller than Nn. 10 Anil not 85 40 Smaller than No. 16 wire gauge. 73.94 60.49 Bmaller than No. 16 and not smaller than jno. 20 wire gauge. 67.56 0.50 . 44JJ7 19.87 Bmaller than No. 26 wire gantre Gralvanized, smaller than No. 10 Ann nor. Rmnl lor rnan ivn ih wire gauge 88.85 68.35 Bmaller than jno. 10 and not smaller than No. 26 wire gauge. 63.60 Bmaller than No. 6 wire gauge. . 80.72 Made of steel wire not smaller than No. 10 wire gauge , 66.98 Bmaller than No. 10 and' not smaller than No. 16 wire gauge. 67.02 Bmaller than No. 16 and not smaller than NouOwire gauge. 47.66 Bmaller than No. 6 wire gauge.. 13.67 61 42.78 Not BmaUer than No. 10 wire ,....,.011.00 br than No. iu ano not Uar than No. 16 wife gaugeUOBJSS Bmaller than No. 16 and pot smaller than No. 6 wire gauge. 77.40 Bmaller than No. 8 wire gauge.. 8U64 Not smaller than No. 6 wire gauge, cold rolled, cold Aam- rnered or polished..... 96.15 Wire cloths and- wire pettings, made in meshes, from lroh or steel wire Not smaller than No. 10 wire gtuge...-.......M 79J0 RmAl'thAn No. 10 and not 56.29 54.70 40 6LM hAn Nn. in wire yauge. 24.84 4jt97 Vwa b!6Ti riass. includlna eiam 65 I I 69.S7 I Q 550 gautte. B&allj 65.71 blooms andT slabs, and steel in i forma and shapes, not specially nrovided for Valued above 7 cents and not a Dove lu cents per pound. s Twr nnnnfl msa come vaiueu a Dove m cents and not above 16 cents per pound....... 29.41 ' 18.51 Valued above 16 cents per pound 255 J" 16.70 Boiler or other plate iron or ; ; steel i (except saw plates), not ... " thinner than No. 10 wire gauge, ' sheared or unsheared . , - Valued above 2 -cents and not - - above 8 cents per pound........ 65.81 85 v Valued above 8 cents and not above 4 cents per pound........ 43 ' - 83 Sheets of iron or steel, common . - ... -; ' nr black-.- ' ' ' -.' ' . Thinner than No. 10 and not thin- " ner than No. 20 wire gauge 41.70 27.52 Thinner than No. 20 and not thin- . ner than No. 25 wire gauge 55.61 .' 38.10 Thinner than No. 26 wire gauge.. 79,47 : 68.99 Sheets aneV- plates- and saw plates of Bteel not specially pro- videdfor- . O Valued above 16 cents per pound. 81.19 g(X23 - Sheets and plates and saw plates of steel not specially pro vided for. better than the grade of cold rolled, smooth only, here- . Inhefore provided for Valued above 4 cents and not --above 7 cents per pound........ sail 20 Valued above 7 cents and not above 10 cents per pound.. 61.48 24.14 Valued above 10 cents and not above 13 cents per pound....... 424 - 2L89 Valued above v cents and not above 16 cents per pound 85.05 18 Valued above 10 cents per pound. 15.33 - ' 8.74 Steel circular saw plates - v - Valued above 4 cents and not above 7 cents ner nonnd wt 81 99. m Valued above 7 cents and not - above 10 cents ner nonnd ' ftft.4fl - 10 it: Valued above 10 cents and not above 18 cents per pound. 859 . 10 an Anchors or parts thereof, mill irons and mill cranks," or WAUUKUbU VU, OJIU niWUKUlinUl . for ships, and forginprs of iron or steel, for vessels, steam en gines and locomotives, or parts ' , tnereor, weigmng each 25 nonndsnr more..:...' T (V ' 91 fio Axles or parts thereof.... 27.35 20.61 Anvils 89.04 27,33 Uammers and sledges, track tools, wedges and crowbars aR.50 aim Tubes, pipes, flues or stays, boiler . or other, of wrought iron or steel . IfLia 2S Bolts, with or without threads or nuts, or Doit blanks and fin' . hinges, hinge blanks of iron or steel r 81.8ft B1.SS Nuts and washers of wrought .iron or steel 20.35. 25 Card clothing Manufactured from tempered steel wire...-:. ... 58.10 411.48 Other 25.92 - 20.74 f!n.KflnTB - - '- - - - - - - "Cu-stiron pipes of every descrip tion.. -laai - men Cast t iron vessels, plates, stove plates, andirons, sadirons, tail ors irons, hatters' irons Br 07 17 Oft Malleable iron castings. 31.83 it!.;i7 Hollow ware, coated, glazed or tinned 35J53 23.55 Chain or chains made of iron or steel Kot less than three-quarters inch diameter. 77.93 '' 30 Less than three-quarters inch and not less than three-eighths inch diameter 47.2& Less than three-eighths inch di- nmeter..... Sl.b4 :. Other..: 45 Cntlerv " . Penknives or pocket -knives or " parts tnereoi anu erasers, wholly or partly manufactur ed, valued at not more that 60 Mnt4 A ilnun ?ft 7 Gained at more than 60 cents and not above $1.60 a dozen.. ....... 90.17 Valued at $1.50 and not above $3 a dozen... 94.47 i Valued at more than S3 a dozen. 8C.65 f Razor and razor blades Valued at less than $4 a dozen. . 67.07 i Valued at more than $4 a dozen. C2.74 -i.. Swords, sword blades and side- Arms so u.i Table knives, forks, steels and butchers', hunting, kitchen, plumbers', painters and artists' knives valued at not more than 1 a dozen.. 47.ru r.. Valued at more than $1 and not more than 2 a dozen 52.99 25 Valued at more than $2 and not - more man 3SJ a dozen 40.05 i Valued at more than 3 and not more than 8 a dozen fil .8!) 45 45 Valued at more than $8 a dozen. 48.73 All carving and cooks' knives and forks Valued at not more than $4 a dozen 74.4S 83 45 45 45 Valued at more than $4 and not more than $8 a dozed 60.97 Valued at more than $8 and not more than $12 a dozen... 69.83 Valued at more than f 12 a dozen. 63.52 X lies, me blanks, rasps ana floats Four inches long and under..-. . . . 67.08 Over 4 inches and under 9 inches 67.08 long 65U8 5239 89.20 4.88 Over 9 inches and under 14 inches loner 60.97 Fourteen inches long and over. . . . 49.76 Firearms Muskets and sporting rifles 25 Pistols, revolving, valued at not 25 80 80 80. 80 80 80 more than $i.ou each , Valued at more than $1.50 each.. 68.43 fchotguns. douDie oarreiea, sport ing, Dreecntoaaing, vaiuea at not more than IMLeach 67.99 Valued at more than $6 and not more than $12 each 80.30 Valued at more than $12 each... 46.69 Shotguns, single barreled, breech- loadlng 41.1U Sheets and Plates, wares or ar ticles of iron and Bteel Enameled or glazed with vitre ous glasses! 45 Enameled or glazed with vitre 85 ous glasses with more than one color or ornamented............ 50 85 Kails, spikes and tacks Nails and spikes, cut, of iron or steel 29.58 Nails, horseshoe, hob and all oth 2-50 er wrougnt iron or steei naus, not specially provided for 86.48 Nails, wire, made of wrought 80 iron or steel Shorter than 1 inch and lighter . 1 . 1 J m n 4 A IU1IU .PIU. AO WlIT If tUT7. ..... W.W From 1 inch to 8 inches in length 5 25 25 25 25 25 and lighter inanjxo. is ana not lhrhter than No. 16 wire gauge. 1&50 Two inches long and longer, hot lighter than No. IS wire gauge. 80.91 Spikes of wrought iron or steel. .107.15 uorse, muie or ox snoes 01 wrought iron or Bteel iu.nu TAcka. brads or snriss. cnt ' Not exceeding 16 ounces to the M. For knitting or sewing machines. crochet and tape neeaies, ana bodkins of metal 85 25 5 25 Knitting, and all others not spe cially provided ior xo Engraved plates of steeL 25 Stereotype plates and electro type plates, and plates of other . materials engraved or litho eranhed for printing. . : 5 25 25 25 Bail way fishplates or splioe bars of iron or steel... 72.18. Bivets of iron or steel. 0.78 Saws 81rcular saws 80 rossoutsaws. 16.98 Band, back and other saws not speolauy provided ior u MU1. nit and drair saws 25 15 1 Not over 0 inches wide 16.67 Over 9 Inches wide Screws, commonly called wooa screws One-half Inch and less In length. 153 O ver it inch and not more than 1 inch in length , 83.33 Over 1 inch and not more than 2 Innhea in lenarth 46.67 G8J33 83.33 66.57 More than 2 inches in length . . . .110.96 Umbrella and parasol 01 n ribs. stretcher frames, tips. ps. runner handles or parts thereof, made In whole or chief part of iron, stenl or anv other metal. 45 60 Wheels, or parts thereof, made of , iron or steel 83.72 41.86 Ingots, cogged ingots, Diooms or blanks, for railway wheels and tires, without regard to the de gree 01 manuiaciure 55.61 89.72 Aluminium In crude form and alloys of any kind in which aluminium is the component material of chief value ,. 22.28 Argentine, albata or german sil ver unmanufactured 25 Brass . Bars or pigs 9.97 Old, and clippings from brass or dutch metal, and old sheath- ing or yellow metal, fit only for re manufacture. 11.87 Bronze powder. 86.28 Bronze or dutch metal, in leaf, in packages of 100 leaves. .. 102.25 Aluminium leaves, in packages of 100 leaves 88.93 Plates, rolled, called braziers copper, sheets, pipes and copper bottoms..... .....85 Sheathing or yellow metal, of which copper is the component material of chief value, and not composed wholly or in part of iron ungalvanlzed 85 Gold and silver, manufactures Bullions and metal thread of m gold, silver or other metals. ... 80 Gold leaf in packages of 600 SilvereSeaf" "in" packages' 'of.'sOO - leaves. 77.78 Lead and manufactures of In sUver ore. 7635 In other ore and dross 28. JU Pigs and bars................,.". 4.h .iea.ff:. ao.65 Mica 85 Metals, unwrought and metalUo mineral substances in a crude state . ............... 20 NlckeVnYc'kel oxide.............. 23.77 Pens, metallic, except of gold.... 44.47 Goldpens.... 80 .Penholder tips and penholders Pmsfodhea'or 'oUier,' ail r kinds 9 10 40 40 40 20 20 25 80 80 87.98 14.10 24.58 18.83 0 20 14.26 29.71 25 25 25 luloksilver -79 17.85 metal 91.00 & new..... Tonometers, box or ship's .. Watches and parts thereof ...... 26 Zino or spelter and manufao- 5 locksor pigs 82.33 1147 14.59 aets v?-iV"" rdrTorn out, 11 ww 1SL19 inuiacturw... imHimb Art.lnlAs or wares hot specially provided ior ..... w 8$ 85 85 85 85 Aluminium MetaLtnot oernise scheduled. 45 Mujioal instruments pannlV,V.V.V:V.V.V.V.V.V 85 85 85 BCHEDTJIJE I Woods and Manufactures Sawed boards, plankB, deals, all forms of sawed cedar, lignaxn -Vitas and all other cabinet wnml tit. Tnrt.TkAT mLnntuw -Jtufed than sawed.. ..,16 . 85 I Type nnai I TVtie fin I oia ai to 0 lo ss 25 Jiurniture, cauinet or nouse, wholly or partly finished 85 Allothermanufactoresof wood. 85 . Musical- instruments, . wood -chief, value .85 . Carriages, and parts of , wood cbielTvalue... 85 " SCHEDULE E Sugar. , STtfarsjAl&oVabove'N"a "rCe Standard lh color. Free, Sugar, above No. 16 Dutch . standard in color - - 25 .40 Beet, cane ahd other, except ma- .pia. , 12.80 431 jeet, cane ana other, except ma- tle df exnort bountv is in ex. cess of that paid on sugar of a lower grade).......... 10.12 46.07 I pie... ojm 41.52 iBaroandvandconiectionerv. luding T'ohocoiate 'confection- ... .. 1 ery, made wholly or in part of Valued, at 12 cents or less per - poundyahdrenned sugar, when . tihetured, colored or in any ' ray 'adulterated. U9.90 S ner hot especially provided lludor grape'sugar.!!!!! I3.71 ne (not enumerated.. . . BOHKDTJUB; F Tobacco and Manufacl . Of. . Leaf tobacco, suitable for ci- -rar wrappers , iot stemmed ..1238.68 1 Stemmed .'....;.i.';.... 89.93 Leaf, other, unmanufactured ."ahd not stemmed, pounds 81.88 eai, other, stemmed.. B&.44 llother 198J9 i enns-andsnua flour, manufac- nf tnhiwi crrfmnrl drv lainn-And nickled. aranted Otherwise 141.78 I And nhnfnntji nf Alt irinris 1SR8A 1 Cigarettesnd paper 'cigars, in cluding wrappers. 155.44 T. BCHXTjXE G Agricultural Products c Provisions. ' Animals not AlflAwhArA KrwAm ' lad- lorses ValuedpemAanJ yamettaEiiflo --vaca muies. it;t7-.. ..T...... . 20 20 - 80 40 XfreadstuHB riey.i.-. otea rleyteaH'?.4SL :'. ;i .... ..." r538.B0 tley,!earledwpatent or hulledjlo.90 ' malae.V...". .jZStSSQ 20 .-vernJc"iHJ!?8e!2a Oats ;. 386,90 Oatmeal...; .... .f ... .-.1753 10 tuce , Cleaned. .J.1U.-85 - f'.HA 1Q 83.89 89.48 61.04 Uncleahed . . a . 'Vbl1 SUi ice nour.-noe metu. oroxen in broken it rice wfuonv rja through a wire, tjie ve 'known commerolal- i JNO..U.... .,20.42 ...25 Butter .and substitutes 83.88 ieese;..... .....t42.96 Iuktpreerved,orcondensed....i;83.e3 mkvSniiar-of... 657 Vegetables Beans........... 40.63 20 80 Prepared, .or preserved beans, peas .and jmushrooms .v.; ..... 40 24.78 1.65 22.43 19.28 25.74 18.10 15.84 8L18 iohey...,. .44.83 aon8...r. .....'88.21 Onions...:........... 61.48 18.10 16.84 .61.80 CkBtor beans. 49.88 24.69 15.64 6.28 Linseed or -flaxseed 23J11 Pohpv and other oil seeds 9.41 Gardenseeds.:.... 20 10 80 80 10 15 15 Pickles and sauces. 45 All others 45 Vegetables, natural state 5 Straw ..80 Teazles 80 Fish- Anchovies and sardines packed in 011, wnoie Doxes, measuring not more than 6x4x3k incnes. . 80.12 30.83 81.03 Half boxes, measuring not more tnan exults incnes as.m Quarter boxes, measuring not more than 49x3$xl4 81.03 In any other form 40 Cod, haddock, pickled, in bar 40 rels 2S.B Mackerel, pickled or salted...... 17.53 Salmon, pickled or salted 14J25 Other fish -Piokled or salted in barrels...... 4.62 19.43 13.15 10.69 19.83 tJod, haddock and.poUock, dried. rmoaeu, saitea, otner tnan la aarrels 19.12 19.12 37.94 17.90 17.17 14.16 Herring, dried or smoked........ 87.94 Other fish, dried or smoked ...... 17.90 Pickled or salted, not in barrels or half barrels , 17.17 Eerring. pickled or salted 14.16 : In cans or packages, except anchovies and sardines Herring 80 Mackerel ..80 Salmon 80 Other , 80 20 0 (Jans or packages made of tin or other material, containing shellfish admitted free of duty, not exceeding 1 quart In con tents....... Grapes...... 19.62 plums and prunes 44J24 Figs 45.77 Oranges In packages of capacity.-of 1H 4a33 7.47 cubio feet or less, packages. . . . 15.80 120 In packages of. capacity exceed- ing li cublo feet and not ex ceeding 24 cubic feet 10.18 15.84 In nackaires of canaoltv exoeed- in KMt cudio leet and not ex oeedihg 5 cubio feet 24.41 19.53 14.60 3105 In packages of capacity exceed ing a oumoieet, cuoioieet iojs In bulk 7...... 31.15 Lemons In packages of capacity of 1)4 cubio feet or less 12.56 In packages of capacity exceed 9.66 ing 14 ouDio ieet ana notx ceedinir 2M cubio, feet.. 13.16 10S3 In packages of capacity exceed ing ZHcuMd feet ahd not ex ceeding 6 cubic feet. . . M.71 14.97 15T In packages Of capacity exceed ing 5 cubio feet, oubio feet. 19.09 U.63 In bulk Llmeq In packages of capacity of ll cubic fcet or less, packages.... In packafeeibff capacity exceed 11.63 41.05 19 25.17 81.57 ing ixuraqueet ana-not u oeedmtf IMEuhlcHteet.: 155 0.14 In-paokages of capacity.exceed Ing lbuMdeeTt and not ex- ceedlng.6 CuMCTe(5t. . , In a paoKaget oa I 5 cubic feet, cubic feet.. .. , . 17.75 &ngevJempn8 or limes, exclu sive 01 contents. 80 62.43 80 B1.44 A.cmi 1 in. ....... 1 rouor vod CJqmnts. sweetmeats and fruits andjeiues, , oa Ginger, preserved or pickled.... 85 Ooooanut, desiccated 20 Fruits preserved in their own Juioes 80 Orange and lemon peel, pre 80 20 80 served or canaiea.... Nuts 1 Almnnd?i i Not shelled r... 61.84 Shelled 42.43 Filberts and walnuts 1 Not shelled 52.99 Shelled 49.04 Peanuts 1 82.68 Unshelled 73.86 Hhelled.... , io.es All other, shelled or unshelled. not Bpeoiauy..proviaeoior. .. . ..joa, Gocoanuts. ......Free, Apples reerSrripe J... 88.93 Med desiooaiwa, evaporated., , .742.41 jorranta, Ziante. ....... .... . .. .T fBtee. nates. t Pinoapplea Jlives. trreen or Prepared ... i ... Free. Orchids hd Other plants used for forcing under glass. ........ Free. 3aeohand hams...... 26.00 Fresh beef 28.05 rresh'jnuttoiu...,. 17. Kf rreshpork i 248 ileats.'dreaSed or undressed, but not Otherwise nrenared 10 Meats of all kinds, prepared or preserved no extract 01 meat Ud extract. 18.01 L otfier wot specially provided r.wo ,23.72 "4; S.51 68.93 ': K OA utter-aoid.brittartJie ...iia.75 liSh,K0tf and. a&rns?pre-j l.....;..........,..'....40.16 ai5 623 85.10 57.03 iato 7.40 ;88.09 pepper '! . . . WW m !m. ipyy other Jrrimnd 'or ,D6d6Md.". Jhpl;6aa)?rdvid8orjr vmeBBjr rt ,y..v, ...... .yyvtrvW-. SCfijEajlJIJElTtv Wines, Etc .- aistiuea 81.87 65.98 21L14 264.06 'BnAciaUvDr ;taredorrfflstli .............. . X'mM toat-riala",;. . .j66.n i or TjreD&rntanH40l stilled- sblrilif irtva 8nt partrcbiet'vjate, )uuiyproviae(Lior'jv..."V'-w 70.87 82.83 ................ rt,V... .UOMO T'b&y water.-wfietner oicoinbonnded.i . .227.18 151.43 ooTitainlna ftoraBow v oem. oraiooaoi mi anaiaUtarApar- 4plntor leB8.L...... 6U82 rtnora than U Jimt:- 53.83 62.62 090 265 28.95 5a49 80 ot-more tbAn3jint,o2.62 not more tbarTl'o.uart 'OZSB 68 J es.or Jogs i n, notmoretnan lnelod er OMUKB otlnoTOwaan l ! boxesjand picking box shook 80 - . Casks and barrels, empty. 80 . I XJhalr" Cane or'reeda, manufac tured from rattan qr reeds.. . . . 10 'i nSOeaphASWS SO .-......:...' vojso xu i mo ro on 0 2.(3 20 Lesailfi year, pld VJA -23l aucarw vorn.or yprnjnea Macaroni iv ai Kye ....... iV. KJreflour.... SOieat.. wneatnour Dalrv products uhicofrroot i'VkAAB Ooooa-B Dahdel MTTITTTA utfiAn nor foh?harMtat Oomscnnda wnToli U oofhpc no,Mw yoroiaos. ear mmti distilled Oonfaahs C6ntalint each, and. eaoitaSc Stlirwin In JC&6KS..: 9.VV7,T7.r.. 6ULOO - ''ji'.M vr se whefDecilr - loesandvou ipeciauy n m Mror "a niorc-jgan attleS containing pihtd.eaoh.. . . . . more..' .Mineral waters green or coloredUglass ot moTehanl TMnt:229 )t moreihanl pint..! oreiaZlMntani' ootmore or in bottlesfoohtainingimore than 1 quart... ......... .......24 SCHEDTJIiE I Cotton J&urniactures. Cotton. mannfatnr of - Valued.at'PA&ejtceedinffs25ents 3er pound,, 46.03 valued as over-en. And"nntrAx- u cents peruana, f...'B1.19 r-PVW- 6t?ex 'UncV,'..." 6U17 notfex. d...' 48.90 over loehts and iiot fex.? - UUUUUu ... ouau alued at over 71 CAAdiniT ftfl nAnrii TmTVinni 49.95 Valued at over Saoenta ahi not! I exceeding $1 per pound... v ameq. at over-$i,; xnreac-on-. on ..6U88 eacnpooi.. 440 Not exoeedlncr Hrthreadaxto the square inoh,.oounting'ethe warp andlling - Not bleached, .dvad. colored. steiibito. priaed. squafexard. .. , v , . . , . . , . .-241; Bleached, rValued at 9fentswor -lessTpc'Osq.hare.yard .. 29. 20.83. 14.80 iryed, colored,, stainea. O! Dr lued at " or less per '46.68 23.34 Exoeedlnfl: ou 100 ihreadsto counting the xsot pieacni stained, jm valued 8quaro jrara . ... s. r. .. .r. 27JJ2j '878: onea. -vaiuea. A'centsiori ' s-perBOuaxe 1 - . - . . -1 . ..ooioreo. . stami ,.4a67 32.88 to countingfthc dyedU-tcolored, orprinteq,vai- per square 25 25 SO L, . ... ...,... . ,tMl(IV Sedtvaluediat'over-O. cents, ed. Stahaed7amted atedj(jalrto3. er Bcuare yard . r. . . to5 ling 100, abdihotfexoeed- - to the square .e warp and fill- dyed, colored, lorprinted.Val- centsor less per , -.i..... ...... .........fj2.74 ed, "Byed, -oolored, in ted or prlnted.val ned at over 7J6 oents per sauare BachedJvalne6 a bVcents, cit leaswr, squareiyard. ....... .,49.59 - Bieacheuv-valuedat'overlOeents, 85.65 85 87.T8 is l...,..'...k40 tprexceed- intf 20a threads tp. n6hcounllng vietwarpi NoVleaxhedfdyed, . colored, etalnedv painted, or printed, BiCenta or lei per 45.71 85 43,83 85 4aia 1 40 ' at over 8 centaper .edati 10 cents;per ,ll)t,,l,llUWI ,t oyer jucenta. tingdhe-warp , lored. tinted. 40.08 40 43.89 40- ienta-per -i,Mi.,,v45 '6518 4.14 47.1S k6L57 45 89.44 40 40 65 40 ' 4720 40 1 iyed, colored, .or printed-, v.: 40 J 47JM stairidaintedorj. 60.62 '40 alnnfaotnred of 4tton or 01 wmoju ootwnputH rnS ih&.compOTtot:ma-, hief 'Valqe, .-. . .00 oda made-onknitting , bmer .... 45 80 60 60 50 and ehair yiose, .Lnofmorshan. dozen.; ... ... .. .....w.55 td,arawers 6ttoorethan $L60 iQbITbb a a a a mm UjU ""more. thanl.6pnd iozen.jt and not. jid nots ,..-..if65J0 7peoaen369Jl fia CONCLUDED NEXT WEEK. NAVAL 8T0RESMARKET8. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. New YORK.SeDtember 26 Spirits tur pentine quiet and steady at 2828)c Rosin dull but firm; common to good strained $1 20&1 25. Charleston, September 26. Spirits turpentine firm at 25c; receipts 52 casks. Kosin firm; good strained uofi uu; receipts 469 barrels. SAVANNAH.Sepember 26 Spirits tur pentine firm 25c for regulars; receipts 33U casks. Kosin firm ana uncnangea. 1 MABINE. ynsryMmcesandvomermu juMenot-B HSxSs frHaS fe-iaj greer6iored, . Containing morethan thauiu I 86.0B I 42Jo! l iK - 45' 45 45 cceea mm: I Dyec t fejeents M I Not bleached. 28 Ai I BeoMyericenis dvS: JnchrcouhtSeSi lng. . Not bleaohed,t. stalneajpaintei ned at 'Jifi sonareard No7 bleach stained, pa Dved?6lOTed?8tamedpab ked,TW LUltMJ. DUU11DU sr-gmare.yaK vaiuea t 8amartEfae qure;Sardi Kieacheq, vaiu leaohed.yaiuecui C?ld: colorSdfaaffi tr trrthte?. val per equaroTrara v ai.ueua&oYpJcaoe Not bleached I dyed, jseol stained-i toatitecT ori) valuedAt lOXoertslfirg nieacheo valued: at jJjenjsrc lesapekMuart yardV. .-.J?. .'. Jpefi'simara. rard... . . .-a.. , . . 6tles8iein)LW otherwise proviu,eu.iur. 1 , r. . CrsettjiSwhtfScpecifled. wtSnateriau . va . . .? X11 f4.hAr.nBdiTvwiAJlv?toro1ridAdV comTiroyBdJotherJpilab- Jtob2fS,elvetsand velvet. Not bleached dved. ..colored. -lfa1pdJpaint&r$r LosblMor86 ftri4ie4.....,v.ki......-05 Jtoaiwyaand other pile-fab- NotTil&Aohed. JSfamcLtminiea Ml T -.ik Jt.SE. teSScSlMbrrthan orpBboSe"nHBa"M - I j ARRIVED. Br steamship Chatfieldi 1,904 tons, McFee. Cardiff. Alex Sorunt & Son. Steamship Oneida, Ingram, New York, H G Smallbones. Schr Hattie L Sheets, 175 tons, Re cords. Norfolk, Geo Harriss, Son & Co. I I CLEARED. Havtien brie Georges, Miller. Port - Paix. Geo Harriss, Son & Co, cargo by S&WH Northrop. Schr I no C Gregory, Andreassen, New York, Geo Harriss. Son & Co, cargo by Peregoy Lumber Co. Ital barque Angelo Castellano, Starita, Hull, England, Jas T Riley & Co, cargo by S P, Shotter Co. Brig Water Witch. Johnson, Port-au- Prince, Geo Harriss, Son & Co, cargo by S & W H Northrop. Br steamer Mayfield, 1.725 tons, Rid dick, Las Pal mas, Alex Sprunt & Son. KNOWLEDGE Brines comfort and improvement ana tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with ; less expenditure, by more promutlv adapting the world s best products to. the needs oi pnysicai being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative ' principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs, "its excellence is due to its presenting hi the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative ; effectnally cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers arid permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. " Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will uot t:cept any substituted offered. -COMMERCIAL. W ILMINGTON MARK K f. STAR OFFICE. Sept. 20. : SPIRTS TURPENTINE 'Quiet at 2i4 cents per gallon.,. Sales at quo tations.. KUMN Market firm at 85 cents per bbl. for Strained ; and 90 cents for Good Strained. " TAR. Market firm at $1 15 per bbl. of 280 lbs. CRUDE TURPENTINE. Market quiet at (1 00 for Hard, $1 60 fur Yellow Dip and $1 90 for Virgin. COTTON Firm. Ordinary. Good Ordinary. . . . Low Middling. . . A Middling........... Good Middling.... 4 13-16 cts 5 1-16 " 6 3-16 " 6 STAR OFFICE, Sept 21. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Steady at 24 cents per gallon. Sales at quo tations. . ' j ' ROSIN Market stead yat85 cts per bbl. for Strained and 90 cents lor Good Strained. TAR. Market firm at $1 15. per bbl. of 280 &s. CRUDE TURPENTINE. Market steady at $1 00 for Hard, $1 60 for Yellow Dip and $1 90 for Virgin. COTTON Firm. Ordinary cts ft Good Ordinary 5 " ' " Low Middling.. 5 11-16 " " Middling 6K " " Good Middling......, 6 7-16 " " STAR OFFICE Sept. 22. SPIRITS f TURPENTINE Steady at 24 cents per gallon. Sales at quo tations. ROSIN Market, steady at 85 cents per bbl. for Strained, and 90 cents for Good Strained. TAR. Market firm at $1 15 per bbl. of 280 lbs. CRUDE TURPENTINE. Market steady at $1 00 for Hard, $1 60 for Yellow Dip and $1 90 for Virgin. COTTON. Quiet. Ordinary...;. cts lb Good Ordinary 4Jg " " Low Middling 5 9-16 " " Middling 6 " " Good Middling 6 5-16 . STAR OFFICE. Sept. 24. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Steady at 25 cents per gallon. Sales at quota tions. ROSIN. Market steady at 85 cents per bbl. for Strained and 90 cents for Good Strained. TAR.-rMarket firm at $1 15 per bbl. of 280 lbs. ' CRUDE TURPENTINE. Market steady at $1 00 for Hard, $1 60 for Yel low Dip and $1 90 for Virgin. COTTON Firm. Ordinary 3 ' 5 9-16 6 6 5-16 cts $ lb Good Ordinary.... Low Middling. . . . , Middling Good Middling STAR OFFICE, Sept. 25. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Opened firm at 25 cents per gallon bid. Later sales were made at 25 cents. ROSIN. Market firm at 85 cents per bbL -for Strained and 90 cents for Good Strained. TAR. Market firm at $1.15 per bbl. of 280 tts. CRUDE TURPENTINE Market steady at (1 00 4ot Hard, $1 60 for Yellow Dip and $1 90 for Virgin. COTTON Steady. Ordinary Good Ordinary.. Low Middling... Middling Good Middling. . 3 . 5 9-16 . 6 .6 5-16 cts $ ft STAR OFFICE, Sept. 26. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Firm at 25 cents per gallon. ROSIN Market firm at 85 cents per bbL for Strained and 90 cts for Good Strained. TAR. Market firm at $1 15 per bbL of 280 lbs. CRUDE TURPENTINE. Market steady at $1 00 for Hard, fl 60 for Yellow Dip and fl.90.for Virgin. COTTON Dull, j Ordinary cts 3& 5 9-16 6 6 5-16 Good Ordinary.. Low Middling..., Middling Good Middling... EXPORTS FOB THE WEEK, FOREIGN. ' Port-au-Prince Schr Geo Bird 196,139 feet rough'lumber. m Hull Ital barque Angelo Castellano 900 casks spirits, 2.775 bbls rosin. Port-de-Paix Brig Georges 68.698 feet lumber, 20,000 shingles. Port-au-Prince Brig Water Witch 128,827 feet lumber, 7 coils manilla rope. COASTWISE. . New York Schr Jno C Gregory 803,000 feet lumber We guarantee Johnson's Magnetic Oil; it has no superior for all aches and pains, internal or external, man or beast. $1.00 size 50 cents; 50 ct. size 25 cents. J. H. Hardin. J. H. Bunting. t de - - DOMESTIC UAKKKTS. m . . Bt TrlAgnph to ta Meraiai btai.l v Financial. Nrw YORK,September 26 Evening Money on call easy at 1 per cent, with last loan at 1 per cent- and closing offered at 1. par cent. Prime mer cantile paper 4Jrf per cent. "Stee ling - exchange firm; actual business in bankers' bills at 485 Jf485 i for sixty days486486i for demand. Commer cial . bills 484&Q485. Government bonds steady;United States coupon-fours 115; United States twos 96. - State bonds dull; North Carolina fours 99; North Carolina sixes 125& Railroad bonds weak.. - Silver at the Stock Exchange to-day 63 bid. . Commit et at. , Nbw YORK.September 26 Evening Cotton 'quiet; middling gulf $c; middling uplands 6Jc - - Cotton futures market closed, 'easy; September 6.04c; October 6.03c;-Novem-vember 6.09c; December 6.16c; January 6.22c; February 6.28c -Net receipts bales; gross receipts 2,266 bales; exports to Great Britain bales; exports to France bales; ex ports to the Continent 622 bales; for warded 235 bales: sales 349 bales, all to spinners: stock 84,803 bales. Total to day-Net receipts 80,530 bales; exports to Great Britain 405 bales; ex ports to France bales; export's to the Continent 622 bales; stock 375,725 bales. Total so far this week Net receipts 237.017 bales; exports to Great Britain 26,374 bales;to France 12,405 bales; to the Continent 14.382 bales; to the Channel bales. - Total since September 1 Net re ceipts 493,036 bales; exports to Great Britain not reported; exports to France 18,845 bales; exports to the Continent 82,734 bales; to the Channel bales. Flour .dull, weak and unsettled; winter, wheat, low grades l 85 2 40; fair fo fancy grades $2 402 80; patents $2 653 10; Minnesota clear 2 . 252 65; patents $3 40&3 15; low extras $1 852 40. Southern flour dull and weak; common to fair extra $2 103 00; good to choice do. $3 00 3 50. Wheat dull and lowet with options weak; No. 2 red in store and at ele vator 5555!c; afloat 55X552c; op tions were dull, weak and c lower, December selling at 1-1 6c below the pre vious low record; September 55c; No vember 56c;December 07?c;May 62. Corn dull, lower and" weak; No. 2 at elevator 56c; afloat 56&457c; op tions dull, lower and weak; September 56J654c; November 66 &c; December 54c; May 54c Oats dull, MJc lower and weak; September 32Jc; November 33fc; December 84c; May 37c; spot prices No.2. 82X33c; No.2 white 35 36c; mixed Western 3334c Hay in fair demand and steady; shipping 5055c; good to choice 7080c. Wool quiet and firm; domestic flecee 1824c; pulled 1534. : Beef quiet and unsettled; family $11 0012 00; extra mess (8 008 50; beef hams dull at $19 50; tierced beef dull; city ex tra India mess $17 00. Cut meats quiet and weak; pickled bellies 8c; pickled shoulders ftJi6c; pickled hams 10$t lie; middles nominal.! Lard quiet and easier; Western steam j closed at $8 70; city f 8 00; September $8 80 asked; Jan uary $7 95, nominal; refined lard quiet; Continent $9 10; South America $9 60; compound $6 757 00. Pork dull and weak; 'mess $14 7515 25; ex tra prime $13 5014 00. Butter fancy firm; demand fair; State dairy 14 23c; do. creamery 1825c; Western dairy 1317c; do. creamey 1525c; Elgins25c Cotton seed oil firm.quiet; crude 3132c; yellow 35c. Petroleum quiet. -Rice firm and active; domestic, fair to extra 4J5c; Japan 44c Molasses -foreign nominal;New Orleans, open kettle, good to choice, steady, mod erately active at2736c. Peanuts quiet. Coffee options quiet land unchanged to 10 points down; September $14 00; November $12 60; January $11 95; March $11 80; spot Rio dull but steady; No. 7, $15 75. Sugar raw dull and nominal; fair refining 3c; centrifugals, 96 test, 33c; refined dull and unchanged; off. A 44; standard A 44 ll-16c; cut loaf 5 l-165Mc; crushed 5 1-16 5Jc; granulated 44 13-16c Freights to Liverpool quiet and steady; cotton, per steamer 3-32d; grain, per steamer A. CHICAGO, September 26 Cash quota tions: Flour the market was moderate; the feeling was easy, with prices favoring buyers. Wheat No. a spring oi 52J4TC; No. 2 red 51c. Corn No. 8, 50c Oats No. 2, 28c Mess pork, bbl, $13 0013 25. Lard per 100 lbs.. $8S08 85. Short sides per 100 lbs. $7 207 30. Dry salted shoulders, boxed per 100 lbs $6 506 62. Short clear sides, boxed per : 100 lbs.. $7 5570. Whiskey $1 33. The leading futures ranged as follows opening, highest lowest and closing: Wheat No. 2 September 51. 51, 51. 51c; December 54, 54 J. 53& 53c; May6859, 59J. 58, 5858Hc Corn No. 2 September 50. 61. 51 50, 50c; October" 50, 51, 50. 60; De cember 49, 49X. 48M- 48 Mc; May 51 51K. 61,50. 60Mc Oats No. 2 Sep tember 28, 28, 28, 28; October 28. 8, 28M. 28c; May 84, 84S4, 13, 33c Mess pork, per bbl. Septem ber $13 00, 13 00, 13 00, 13 00; January $12 95, 13 12. 12 85. 12 90. Lard, per 100 lbs September $8 20, 8 20, 8 20, 8 20; October $8 30, 8 32. 8 20,8 25; January $7 52, 7 60, 7 50, 7 50. Short ribs, per 100 lbs-September 7 12, do, do, do; October $7 20. 7 25. 7 12. 7 12; January $6 60. 6 70, 6 55, 6 57. Baltimors. Sept. , 26. Flour dull and unchanged. ' Wheat easy; No. 2 red spot and September 5353c; October 5353c; December 65 55c; May 6060c; steamer, No. 2 red 50c; milling wheat, by sample, 54c Corn dull; mixed spot and Sep tember 56c; year 52c asked; South ern white corn by sample 62c; do yel low 60c. Oats dull Hand easy; No. 2 white Western 3435c; No. 2 mixed do 3233c I j COTTON MARKETS Bv Telegraph to the Morning btai. September 26-Galvcston, steady at net receipts 8.1VU Dales, worioiir, quiet at 6c net receipts 98i bales; Baltimore, nominal f at 6Sc net re ceipts bales; Boston, quiet at 6 9-16c net receipts bales; Wilmington, dull at 6c net receipts 1,569 bales; Phila- delphia,quiet at 6 15-1 6c net receipts bales; Savannah, quiet at 5c net re ceipts 6,091 bales; New Orleans, easy at 5c net receipts 5,801 bales; Mobile, easy at 5c uet receipts 2, 652 bales; Memphis, steady at 6c net receipts 676 bales; Augusta, quiet at $c net receipts 985 bales; Charles ton, auiet at 5lc net receipts 1,709 bales; Cincinnati, quiet at 6c net re ceipts 435 bales; Louisville, quiet 6c; St. Louis, quiet at 6 He net receipts 813 bales; Houston, quiet at 6c net re ceipts 8,301 bales, j lb FOREIGN MARKETS. By Cable to to Honing Stat Liverpool, Sept. 26. 12.30 P. M. Cotton, demand fair and prices favor buyers. American middling 3 19-32d; sales estimated at 12,000 bales, ot which 11.000 were American; speculation and export 500 bales. Receipts3,000 bales, none of which were American. t5Z3 Futures easy and demand moderate. September delivery 3 84-643 53-64d; September and October' delivery 3 28 64d; October and November delivery 3 28-64d; November and December deliv ery 3 28-64d; December and January de livery S 29-64, 3 80-643 29-64d; January and February delivery 3 31-64, 3 30-64 3 81-64d; February and March delivery 8 82-64d: March and April delivery 3 34-64, 3 35-64Q8 34-64d; April and delivery s ao-oa; xaay and June aeiiv ery3 38-64; June and July delivery 3 3964d. .Oil. Bl FOR PITCHER'S Caatorlat promote- IHgeatlon, and overcome i'ijituloiicy, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishncss. Thus tho child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Gaatoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. ' Castoria is 10 well adapted to children that t recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." 1L A. Archkb, M. D., 63 Portland Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. . . . t one Castoria In my practice, and find it specially adapted to affections. of children." Am. Robertbon, M. D., . 1067 2d Ave.. Now York. Tn CxnTAna Co, 77 Murray St N. T. 'OLD RELIABLE" HUGHES TONIC NEVER FAILS. lO CURE r Chills and Fevers. (RELIEVES I THE WORST I CHRONIC I CASKS. x Better than Quinine done, b; cause it remove! the cau;e. Fur Better haa most of the so-called "Tastblbss or Swkbten&d Tonics For Thirty Years a Success. Ask for Hughes' Tonic, insist on having tt and nothing else ' , 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. 13?" For sale by Drujjfisti and Meichaots throng hout the country. inne 29 12tW Wholesale Prices Current. 3T The following quotations- represent Wholesa Prices generally. In making np small orders highe prices have to be charged. The Quotations are afwavs given as accurately a nossible. bnt the Stab will not : be responsible for any variations from the actual market price of the articles quoted. BAGGING 2-t Jute - .... Standard WESTERN SMOKED Hams V B) Sides t Shoulders f) B,,,, DRY SALTED Sides tt lb. & Shouldersltt St. BARRELS Spirits Turpentine Second-hand, each New New York, each New City, each,, BEESWAX tt lb BRICKS Wilmington, tt M., Northern BUTTER North Carolina, tt B 100 C5 115 1 35 1 4U 40 1 40 .... 82X 7 00 7 50 9 00 II 00 15 & - 25 .23 Q SO 07W 60 & 07& . & 75 18 25 9 & 10 11 12 13 27 28 20 & 23 16 20 i 18 20 nunncra ....... CORN MEAL Per bushel, in sacks Virginia Meal COTTON TIES tt bnndle CANDLES tt Sperm Adamantine CHEESE tt lb- Northern Factory Dairy, Cream State COFFEE tt . Laguyra Rio DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, V yard. Yarns, tt bunch...... EGGS tt dozen 12 FISH Mackerel. No. 1. barrels... 22 00 80 00 15 00 18 00 9 00 14 00 & 4 25 Mackerel, No. I, half-barrel 11 00 Mackerel, No. 8, V barrel.. 16 00 Mackerel. No. 2. half-barrel 8 00 18 00 4 00 Mackerel, No. 8, V .barrel ,, Mallets, v barrel Mullets, tt Pork barrel N. C. Roe Herring, tt keg..... 7 60 8 50 5 4 00 10 thy Cod, V FLOUR tt barrel Western, low grade 2 50 Extra ....... 275 " Straight , 3 2 Second Patent,,,.,.., 8 50 First Patent..;.., 4 25 8 50 4 25 4 50 Citv Mills Super " " Family 8 25 7K GLUE-tt GRAIN tt bushel Corn, from store, bags White. Corn, cargo, In balk White. . . Corn, cargo, in bags White. . . Corn, mixed, from store Oats, from store. ,, Oats, Rnst Proof 67H cow .reas... HIDES, V B Green ................ Dry HAY, tt 100 tt Eastern..,,,,,,,.,... Western North River. ... , HOOP IRON, tt t , LARD,W fc ... & & r,ortnero .....-i North Carolina LIME, V barrel LUMBER(dty sawed) tt M feet Ship Staff, resawed 18 00 Roagh-Edge Plank.. 15 00 West India cargoes, according to quality 18 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.... 18 00 Scantling and Board, common.. 14 00 MOLASSES, tt crallon & 20 00 & IS 00 18 00 22 00 15 00 6c New Crop Cuba, in hhds " " Inbbls Porto Rico, in hhds " . " inbbls Sugar-Hwuse, in hhds ......... . " Inbbls Syrnp, inbbls . . 26 ....& 26 25 & 27J 27 14 ....& 16 25 45 1 25 20 22K 6 & 15 60 1 00 40 3 05 50 CO NAILS, V keg. Cot, 60d basis POULTRY Chickens, Live, grown.,,. ..... spring xar key PEANUTS, tt bushel 28 ft POTATOES, tt bushel Sweet t Irish, V barrel PORK, tt barrel City Mess.... Rump Prime .....,.,...,,.. RICE Carolina, tt t Rough tt bushel (Upland).... 225 8 00 - (urwiana;... RAGS, V l-Country Cith t ROPE, SALT, tt sack Alum uverpooi . usboa American ji 126-tt Sacsk SHINGLES, 7-inch, AM.. unsmon Cypress Saps.... Cy press Hearts, . ............. . SUGAR, tt I Standard Grann'd Standard A ,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, White Ex. C EztraC, Golden..... C. YeUow SOAP, t Northern. STAVES, tt M W. O. Barrel .... R. O. Hogshead TIMBER, AM feet Shipping.... SOOi 16 50 15 50 15 50 4 B 65 60 1 00 1 15H IK .... 1 J4K 23 .... 80 .... 80 75 80 50 60 5 00 7 00 S 00 8 50 450 500 .... 7 50 .... 10 00 IS 00 18 00 8 00 9 50 6 50 7 50 4 00 5 00 8 00 4 00 mui, rami - Common Mill....... Inferior to Ordinary. Flour. 1000 barrels and bags Flour, Family to best Patent. Nice packages. No old stock to work off. Prices with No tariff. - W. B. COOPER, Wholesale Grocer and Commission Merchant. 22ft Nor ater Street, sep 22 1 .. ngton, N. C. May. 8 14 10 m 18 10 Iff 70 70 45 60 85 S 4X I 00 90 90 . 1 25 4 14