Bakincc ftbsomeiy Pure K cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength. Latest Unttt.d Stater Govirn-neni W Repvrt. ! JBoyal Raking Powder Co., 106 Wail Street, N. Y. THE HOUR OF PEACE. HARRIET PRESCOTT SPOFFORD. - Upon the door-stone sat the wife, The twilight falling, And far below the wbippoorwillt Were softly calling ; The tweet winds dropped upon tbeir " way Their honey td plunder. And slow and clear the night built up Its house cf wonder. Within, the child dreamed deep, and saw Four angels keeping Their gentle watch with drooping wings About bis sleep. While singing from the steep below, Where shadows slumbered. Her true love climbed, and in his heart His treasures numbered. And sighing faintly to herself With purest pleasure, Life brimmed at her life to full Overflowing measure, She marvelled if the happy earth, This summer even, Were not the paved work laid before The courts of heaven. And yet, a cold wind from the cloud To snatch in blowing The little breath between the lips . So lightly flowing; A pebble untfes foot where sheer The rock descended Ah, fate ! What slender chances held Her heaven suspended 1 Harper's Basar. '- SUNDAY SELECTIONS. The way to mend the bad world is to create the right world. Emerson. The earth is our workshop. We may not curse it; we are bound to sanc tify it. Mazzini. - A holy life has a voice; it speaks when the tongue is silent, and is either a constant attraction or a perpet ual reproof. Hinton Where we are ignorant, God is wise; where We stand blindly in the dark, be is in the light; where we wonder, he calmly knows. Phillips Brooks. "That man had the right spirit and the rieht idea of the use of money who said, 'I am thoroughly devoted to busines?. I love it. And I love it, not because of what 1 may accumulate, but that I may use what I acquire for the service of Christ"' TWINKLINGS Mrs. Quiggs Your husband reminds me oi somebody. Mrs. Neighbors He reminds me of nis mother every time the cooking doesn't suit him. Philadelphia Record Minister So you say that you saw some bojs cut fishing on Sunday, Bobbie. I hope you did something to discourage tbem. Bobbie Oh. yes. si', I stole their bait. Harlem Life. Fortune Teller You will be very poor until ycu are 85 years of age. Impecunious Poet" (eagerly) And after ther? Fortune Teller You will get nse to it. lite bketcn. Investor. "Metcy on us ! Do you have earthquakes here?' Land Agent. "Keep cool! That's jist one o' the low country feller3 bavin' L 111 til - A 1 M mm. . a coin : siiiania .onsmuiion: A party of capitalists in Atlanta are conferring over a proiect to bnild a rail road from Dawson, Ga., to Tallahassee, Honda. Vice-President Stevenson, with his daughter Letttia, left Asheville yester day afternoon, for Washington. Miss Mary Stevenson continues to improve, f After OR About twenty-flT yemn Affo I wu afflicted with a ilisflttA wtfHtsH Ha 4 aa-sb - w vvuasaa UWbUI rj PZ pronounced 8CR0FULA. I jJ WM treated by several Years without being benefited: uu i vrieu many Diooa I was recommended, and after " '" my skin la perfectly clear, and I would not be in my former condition for two thousand dollars. . ja mbs. y. t buck, Loured . . Delannv. Ark. w s-'Vs. Sand for Treatise rm Blood and Skia Diseases mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. by s. s.s. dac IS ly we fr JAPANESE CURB A New and Complete Treatment, consisting of SUPPOSITORIES, Capsales of Ointment and two Poxes of Ointment. A never-failing Core for Pile. - of every nature and degree. It makes an operation with the knife or injections of carbollo acid, which re painful and seldom a permanent cure, and often resulting in deathy unnecessary. Why endure this terrible disease? We guarantee e boxes) to cure any caae. You only pay for benefits received. $1 a box. 6 for $5. Sent by call. Guarantees Issued by our agents. CONSTIPATION &J8&& the great UVEft and STOMACH REGULATOR and BLOOD PURIFIER. Small, mild and pleasant to take, especially adapted for children's use. CO Doses BS cents. aUABAHTEES ed only by J. HICKS BUNTING, Y. M. C A. Building. For sale by JOHN H. HARDIN,.. apSDAWly cheat Wilmington N. C. CATARRH CURED! NOSETINE THE NEW HOME CURE A QUARTER OF A CENTURY IN inuiNrr or tuf ni n urruAn Bvw- uHwni, uhiu, nay jrever. IP'lPP Soi Tlu-os. Anln I fallible Cure within the reach of all L No Knife, Eleetrle Cautery. fOonaxw or Sawt. Bio Torture, jsw.nme AIVK, do Oats, i 'rtnl i iter Hnnthlns Uaall. 'Antiseptic. Cleansing, Purifying. m .sjiaeiaasAl,o. 'or Trim! Trestment tad Booklet, FKEK. ... - " aw vv IIIIHSrSasa, oct 1 1 Sm u we fri change mttirday VITAL TO MANHOOD. rm. n. c. west's imtrK axt uratit reKAT. If ENT, a specific for Hysteria, Dizslnees, Jits, Neu ralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by alcohol or tobnoco, Wakefulness, Mental Depression, ouiteuiuK in rjrnia, causing msaxntr, misery, aecey. death, prernatore Old Age, Barrenness, Lose of Female Weaknesses, Involantary Losses, Sperms torrhcaa -aured by overexertion of brain, 8elf- aonse, cvcr-Indulsenoe. A month's treatment, $L 6 forajS, by ; With each order for S boxes, with $5 will sen.'. -rriUen iruarantee to reftmd If not cured. Ouaranlf ji ;tned by agent. WK8T8 LITER PIXLS cures 6u-j :Mulsche, BUloasnese, liver OomWsiot. Sour Btw-ra- h, Dyspepsia and Oonstipatloo. ' " ' OUii;:v .- 1'fXrj issued only bj " . : (xHOSTS of the sea. SAILORS DREAD TO SEE THE SHIPS THAT NEVER SAILED. .; An Old Salt Tell of His First Experienot I With Phantom Ship Whllo TTri ble Hurricane Howls It Bldea Easily ! With AU 'Sails Set. "These tales o the ships thaApevei came back are ted enough, tra it's tha 'ship that never weufont, the ghosts A the 6ea, that gire the sailor man a creepy feeling when he meets them oul 'where the waves are rolling high and the winds are singing funeral songs, "j ! The speaker was Mate Bob Ailing, who has followed the sea as boy and man for nearly 60 years. Surrounded by a group of interested listeners in tafl public room of the Sailors' Happy home in South street, Mate Bob, as all. the sailors call him, waa telling stories oi strange sights that he has witnessed al sea. Ailing is now mate of a ooastwiss fishing schooner, but in the old days he sailed in some of the largest trading ships and the strongest whalers that evex sailed out of an American port flying the stars and stripes. L "As I said, boys," the old man wenl on, "it's the ships that never went oul from any port that a sailor never f orgett when he sees one of them. We may re member the ships that went out and never came back for a time if we had a shipmate aboard, but we 'can forget. But there's no forgetting a ghost of the sea. " .') "It was back in the early fifties thai I saw my first sea ghost, and today ! can shut my eyes and see it just as plain as I could see it then. I was a sailor on a fishing schooner, and we were catoh-, ing cod off the coast of Newfoundland. We had been put ten days and were air! most ready to start for home with a full cargo when a nasty off shore breeze came ou late one evening. We stood out to sea, for there was a heavy fog along with the wind. It was a stiff and steady blow, so we rode the waves under bare poles during the night, waiting for day :;;ht and the fog to lift before shaping oar course for home. "All through the night we sent np rockets nt intervals and kept the ship's bell going, because we could not see ten feet ahead at times on account oi the fog. Bat it was nearly morning be fore we heard or saw an answering sig nal to warn us that another vessel waa near. " . "I was on the early morning watch, and about half "an hour before daylight I made out a signal light a short dis tance ahead on our port bow. It waa a strange light, a pale blue in color, and it flashed up and down at irregular in tervals. The fog was still thick, and it was impossible to tell how near we were to the vesseL ' "I called the mate on deck and point ed to the strange signal light. He look' ed at it a long time, and, with a shake of his head, said he could not make it out at alL The lights showed that the vessel could not be far away, so we changed our course a little, and then fired a gun. There was no answer, and we fired again and again with the same result " "By and by I saw that the mate was very grave and queer looking. He wad pacing back and forth on the deck, not minding the cold, misty rain that was falling, and all the time he kept hid eyes fixed on that queer looking bluish light that flashed up out of the fog and darkness ahead. At last I made bo bold as to ask the mate what he thought of it :: '' 'It's a ghostl' he said, looking at me with a pitying look. " 'A ghost?" says L " 'Yes, a ghost of the sea. Wait till the fog lifts. Tou may see it then. ' . "The fog lifted a bit when daylight came, and then I saw the ghost, as the mate said I would. . . "Rising grim and white put of the fog and waves that were rolling high, 1 saw a full rigged ship of 'queer design. The wind was blowing half a gale, but not a mast or pole of the ghost ship bent an inch, and not one of the broad white sails seemed to strain at the ropes. "The phantom was close on our port bow, and as the fog cleared away we had a splendid view from her water line to the top of her masts. With the waves pitching and rolling mountain high, an the wind howling around our poles, th ghost ship was riding out the storm as steady as a painted ship on a painted canvas ocean. "Every man on board crowded on deck, and while they had to hold on to the railing to keep, from being washed overboard they stood and gazed at the phantom ship as long as it was in sight Some of them that were a bit religious like made tho sign of "the cross, and Oth ers tried to say a bit of a prayer. The fact is that eveiy man on board thought the phantom Ehip a warning of death. "The captain went below and drank hot grog till he was that reckless no ghost had any terrors for him. Then. as the wind went down a bit, he ordered us to make sail and bear down on the phantom ship. - "Up went our sail in a jiffy, and. we iflew along before the wind, Vufe-'we could get no nearer. the.phantomhip. Suddenly we,saaiste..gho8y;ship lurch fomardrjr3s&43pled,for-an instant, and thg fhe Seemedt 'Wsink straight down Into theisea "Ten seoonda from the time we sawe;jaisuiyer:of her sails the ship hadani!hedl joridwe never saw her again. louring the day ,' the storm went down, . and putting aboutAwe".madeport in safety. But when that schooner' sailed lor the fishing banks again5 i'taaj.'witb. an enureiy new crew from the captain to cabin boy. Not a man who saw the ghost ship from her deck would 8ailon that schooner again. "Such is the old sailor belief in4he ghosts of the sea as warnings of dancer. The men who see one of them will-never sail again on the same shlp i theplive to see port" New York Dispatch. ". Disgrace. . The doomed man shuddered as they adjusted tne noose. "My family, " he faltered, "is one of the oldest and most respected. Do not ceu mem- His head sank upon his breast "that at the very last" Tears rained from his evea. "I wore a cravat I didn't tie my- ami." An instant later he swung into eter nity. Detroit Tribune. NiVly Insinuating:. Lie said to i.ri;;au who occupied two seats in the railroad car: "Are you a butclier?" "No, I'm not," snapped the man. "Do I look like a Dutcher?" "Well, no, but I'll bet you know how to dress a hog. "Hamilton (Ont) jaews. . , Just the Other Way. ' Husband My dear, I am afraid ', can't Ret that new bonnet Wife (suspiciously) Have you been Dlavinsr nokr with that Mr m--o Husband No; he h03 been playing mui mo. uttirois i! reo iTress. A Tonac Taehtsmaa. Ernie's Mother (to Ernie, who has lilll . s. . - . . oeen a uuie unpuaenc . to his father) sue uom you Know tnat your father the mainstav of the familv? Ernie Yes; yon just bet he is, and tne spanner too. Truth. : f Y if mM 1 llp ill Right Arm Paralyzed! Saved from St. Vitus Dance. "Our daughter. Blanche.- now fif teen years of age, had been terribly afflicted with nervousness, and had lost the entire use of her right arm. We feared St. Vit3 nance, and tried -the best physici?ins. wiv h no benefit. She has taken three bottles of Dr. Miles' Nervins and has gained 31 pounds. Her nervousness and symp toms of St. Vitus dance are entirely gone, she attends school regularly, and has recovered complete use of her arm, her appetite is splendid." MBS. 11. K. BUhLQGK. Brighton. N. Y. ' Dr. -Miles'-: Nervine Cures. Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold on a dobIUtb guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. ' All dracrlsta sell It at SI. 0 bottlea forfiL or It will be sent, preonid, on receipt of price by the Pr. Miles aleuical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Dr. Miles' Nerve Plasters 25c. at all drruadsts. Sold Or all Ornggms. . .. )ooe 18 It DAW fri so wed changrdafly James Cibray's Curtain '..'...:'.!'! Frames. Having secured the agency for these Goods, we are prepared to fur nish them at a very low price. They are warranted not to sag at oint. Brass-plated Pins with flat oints that will not rust, put in rames two inches apart. This is a long-felt want by every housekeeper, and yon will do well to call and see these frames. " . A. D. BROWN, SnccMsorto BEOWH ft RODDICK Wo. 9 NORTH FRONT ST. decStf - A. D. BROWN, . Successor to Brown & Roddick, Ladies' Furnisher To-day -AND Every Day, DRESS GOODS! We are now in position, as we have always been, to offer SPECIAL IN DUCEMENTS to the WHOLE SALE TRADE, and yon should not fail to inspect our wonderful offer- t.ea ings in tnis aepartment. V Did you get one of those beauti ful Covert Cloth dresses at 35c. If not, don't miss this opportunity An ALL-WOOL, beautiful material 3ft inches wide, only 35c a yard, j Be sure and ask to see our 36-inch iall-worl Eiderdowns, in all colors, well worth 75c, offered by us at 50c for single faced, 75c double faced, j We have just received a fall line of superior finish double warp Corduroy in Brown, Mode, Pearl and white. These Goods are being used exten sively for evening and day wraps. Ask to i see our all-wool Sponge punnet serges, tn Navy and Black, at present so popular fur Winter Hack Gowns. A; D. Successor to Brown & Roddick. No. 9 North Front Street dec 3 tf rocoanuts. 25 Bags COCO ANUTS. 20 Bbls. APPLES. - ; ! 50 boxes Mix NUTS. ' 40 Crates ORANGES. ' i And lots of other goods. . r. D. L. gore, . ' J20' m nd w Nofth wt Lace BROWN i'-.Bha Dw?rfnd Shakins;. - Slio- Joohc-i'- :-pUtj aa she sapped aJ.-i i-l tiio tlyst tho man with a cold in hi beuJ lucwed: into the draft to giro her : plenty of room, nnd the conductor rang tip two fares before ho realized that tho had given him a Canadian dime. , The long legged little girl with her kept up an incessant stryy of questions, but she an swered them all pleasantly. The next timo the oar stopped a soldierly looking lady got In, and the pretty girl blushed very much as she greeted her. "Is this your little alsterr" the soldierly looking lady asked presently. "Do you know who I am, my dear I am Harold's mother. . I hope you like Harold." , . v "Oh, yes! He brings nloer candy than any of them. Only Mabel always makes me go out of the parlor to eat it " The pretty girl, with an agonized blush, mumbled something about "crumbs" and "the carpet." V " -" r "Quite right, my dear," replied the sol dierly looking lady, "and it Is foolish of Harold to waste his money on candy. He will need it all by and by." The pretty girl became two shades pink er and looked out of the window. -' "Well, my dear," returning fo tha small girl, "I hope you will like me as well as Harold, but why do you look at me so oloselyf Is anything wrong with my bonnetr" "No'm,VV with an angello smile. "I like you very much, and 1 don't think your nose Is long at all. " . Graoe!" cried the pretty girL : "My nose long! Mercy, child, who ever said It waaf'N ? "Why, sister did. She said that when she and Harold were married you had bet ter keep that long nose of yours out of her affairs, or she would why, Mabel, what on . earth are you stopping the car f orf This Isn't our street." : - - And as the passengers in the car looked back they were pleased to see that Mabel was shaking her with all her might Chicago Tribune. . A Collapse. t I. to. Truth. Personal Reflection. The conversation had turned on the transportati en question, and Mr. J airway. who was Indulging in one of - his regular spells oi being perfectly sober, observed: "If I had my way about it, the govern ment would own the railways and carry people anywhere for one rate of fare with out regard to distance, just as it carries letters in the malls." V "H'mph!" said Old Hunks. "Ton don't need to wait for that You could put a stamp on your forehead and go through the mails' any day as a 'periodical.' " Chicago Tribune. Blessings of One of the Elements. ' ? Teacher Sou may tell, us, Tommy, some of the ways in which the element of fire confers a benefit on the human race. Tommy (who knows something of his father's hn sin ash mef.hnilg) W)un tha amount of the insurance exceeds the value oi tne stock on hand. Chicago Record. Correct Measurement. Mrs. Hale (Just married) Maria, we will have eels as a second course for din ner. ' -, - ; : , . . Maria How much ought I . to get ma'am? Mrs. Hale I think 18 yards will ba sufficient Tit-Bits. .-.. - Tlie Test. . 'I am Strontr in mv 1nv tnr vnn ' the youth Dro tested. But when she bade him open the win dow in the first class railway coach ii which they were journeying he fled li despair. Detroit Tribune. . Not Impressed. "How did Ohltimer like the act of the lion tamer?" asked the cirenn nnmrtofn. "He was bored to death. You see, he useu to oe tne, manager of an opera oom- pany with three prima donnas in It" Washington Star. Preparing- Tot tho Great Occaxinn. Cleverton Hello! What are you going to do with the book of etiquette? Dashaway I've just been invited to an wiwiuw umner. urooKlyn Idle. Unprofitable. "Waiter, fpfok ma uvma - -" 4uuuuuei x have the sugar and lemons." Fllegenda ' " o Doubt. Patient Doctor, why does whisky make Doctor It's because you drink It, air. "-Ilifftr r. ', . ... . i , " v u 5 1 1 - Sr ii rv. What Shall I Take - o . is the anxious question asked by those who are not feeling well have no appe titeare out of sorts have " no energy feel tired out. Perhaps you are feeling sick yourselt I . ; : -1 - Many medicines are recom mended, doctors consulted r (in many cases) much money spent in this search for health -and yet it can all be avoided. - Wise people commence at once taking . -. Brown's Iron Bitters and are soon made well ' and strong. Nearly every prescription given by physi cians for such troubles con tains IRON-- which some teople say they cannot take. Dry Brown? t Iron Bitter it is warranted not to give headache, stain the teeth or cause constipation as allother Iron Medicines do. ; Genuine has the crossed Red lines o the wrapper. BBOWH CHEX.CO.BAI.Ta SO. Just Arrived -AT- Johnson & Fore's FASHIONABLE DryGoods -AND- New Fur Capes, FUR TUGS, ' I - " x ; THE LATEST SHAPES IN HATS & BOllllETS, NEW DRESS GOODS. An Elegant Lot of Bric-a-Brac Oar styles in Millinery are accep ted by all as the most desirable and attractive. All orders are Promptly filled. Our Buyer, Mr. Johnson, will spend this week in New York -replenishing our stock. JOHNSON & FORE, No. Ill Zlarket St, Wilmington, N. C. DOT "8 tf We Are Playing o NE OF THE GRANDEST GAMIS OF foot-ball ever clsved in onr even Air life hw muur. ing to kick to pieces the ball of hard times' by cutting the prices to soit the times. We are tally aware of the fact that cotton is five cents a pound, and we have cotoff corner alter coroer of the difierent oricesbv always being on the lookout for big values for onr many customers in every different fine of goods that we handle. So the price of goods to-day are cheaper iu ptvptraon loan tacy ever were oetore. . Our Dress Goods bave been on a rapid move and are still a very im iwruai orancn in onr store. Onr Danish Cloth at 10 cents a rarJ Onr heavy Serge at 12 and 16c. bine and black. Onr Una of Flannel in bine and black, be'tcrin b ne, black, taa, and Brown SOct. Our 4 2-inch es wide in bine, black, tan. Brown, light and dark navy at 85c. regu'ar price 60c (toe yard Kocluogham A. Homespun Sc; beavy ton Flannel 6, 6. 8 and 10c . If you have not bought year Winter Cleats asd Wraps we would be pleased to show you ours Our stock ol , Men and Boys' Clothing. Also a tandsome line of Underwear for' Children, Men and Women from 90c np to $1.60 apiece. A job lot of Men's Pants from 60c np tj $1, $140 and $3-.-' - - We have to day received twenty-five cases of new and cheap Slices for Babies, with wedge heal iSc; larger 85c, 40c and 60c a pair. Good warm Shoes 7c and $l.t& Men's Shoes in Congress 90c, $1 00 and Come t- fee this wcnderful Store on Front street. oppos te tre Market House. BRADDY & GAYLORD, Prop'fy decStf RACKET ST ORE. Positions Guaranteed ' Under Seasonable Conditions. Our FREE laO-page cau'ogne will explain why we ca?anorait .sena lor t now. laaresi DronsJton's Practical Business College, NaahTlllts Tenn. ' Book keeping. Snort-band, Penmanship and Tele graplry. We spend more money in tbe in erest of our Employment Department than half the Business Col leges take in aa tuition. 4 weeks oy our metnod teacn tng book-keepioK is equal to 12 weeks by the old plsn. 1 1 Teachers, 600 Students last yeat, no vacation, enter an" time. Ctieap Boaral. We have recently pivparea oooas specauv aaaptea co HOME STUDY. Sent on sixty days' trial Write os and explain "yous wants.-; u tt we pay 9 casn tor ail vacancies i book keepers, stenographers, teachers, clerks, etc-, r potted to us, provided we fill same. ' aogUD15t WISt V-- o f'hinns Masone a work.atso. swtts . vV Catalogue ot Mssnnte booksad aoc3a -wttn bottom prtoM. NswUastrateaHts. T V J r sorycJlrssmsinniyiofAgsaav Beware oT Uie spurious Maaonlo books. KEUDIN9 N OoJnlUsasrssJdsIaaatstrsot w J XliasoaMiwsotemSNadwar.kewXotB nov80 W2t l Millinery Store, Tha Tooas Man Who Saw a Blgo, Aftav ... ward Saw Stan. - A Detroit young man who has been taMntf in Chicago teL' tbla 11017 na tells 1 well: v'' ' , " '- "1 saw aign of 'boxing and gTmna ttom np gtaln,' and X .'m op simply to see what aortof plaoo It waa.. There were only a few people op there, and one of them waa a young man with a black eye. and a dejected countenance. A he earned to be unhappy, I felt It my doty to speak to him and see what I ooold do to make his path more pleasant. , " Til tell you what's do matter wld m,' he explained after a bit.; 'I was a-boxln here two or free days ago wld de St Joe Kid, as he calls hlsself, and he struck , me fool and blacked me eye. I'm a-hryin fox him here, dls mornln, and tf he comes, say, I'll put him to sleep in de middle of de first round. I'll show you how he hit me.' .-.;: 1 '-'rv 'r :- '- 4lHe got up, pulled oft his coat and vest and pulled on a pair of gloves, and about this time I remarked: .. "W perfectly wlUlng to take youi word for it : You needn't go to any trou nla to demonstrate. " . . ? . " Gh, it's no trouble at alL Come Into de ring, and IH show you how he did it' 44 'But, you see, I' - 'i'Come into de ring. What's de use of askin about me eye if you don't want to know how de kid blacked itf "He had gone to considerable trouble on my account, and I felt it was only fall to step into the ring. - m 2fow. den, put up your dukes,' he said as he squared off at me. "'But my dear sir, I never' J' 'Put up yer dukes. Do you want me to knock yer jaw off at de very first ollpf ' "It looked, to me as if he was an only child and not used to being" crossed, and so X put up my dukes to keep him good natured. -;- , " 'Now, pranoe around,' he said as he began to danoe and skip and feint at me. " 'What's the use?' I protested. 'I can standstill while you explain matters.'. ;. "'Prance, I say!' he yelled. "It seemed policy to humor him in his absurd theories, and so I began pranolng. " 'Dat's de idea,' be called as he dodged about 'Now, den, hold yer right a little lower. Dat's it TJp a little wld yer left Dat's de way.' ' " 'But I assure you, my dear fellow, that I didn't come here to' " 'Lead for me wid yer leftl " 'What fort' . .. " 'Lead fur me, I say. Do you want to stand there like a chump and let me do all de work?' didn't want to hurt the young man, but as he was willing to take the risk I led for him. I expected to knock him head over heels, but he was still circling around me after I got through leading. This as tonishing fact led me to remark: " f 'I think I will go now. I've got to be down at the Palmer House in just 15 min utes. I can plainly see now how the kid' . 'Swinff yer right fur me JawP he yell ed as his dancing and prancing grew mors vigorous. 'But I don't want to break your jaw.' , "'Swing wid yer right!' "He had requested me to kill him, and I swung. I was wondering what the cor oner's verdict would be when the root fen in and everything turned dark. Ii was eight minutes afterward, as a small boy with a very honest face informed me, when I awoke and found the roof all right 'The boy and I were the only ones In the place, and he said my jaw wouldn't both er me over two weeks. He was a good boy. He rubbed me with liniment, brought me a glass of brandy and afterward helped me down stairs and called a carriage and told the driver what hospital to bring up at" Detroit Free Press. 1 A Colored Contest, c Sam Johnslng I wants you, Mistah Jackson, ter use yore inflooence on de qulel fur j my nominashun as dog catcher. I'z de dark hoss. Texas Sittings. J Appearance. ; The time had come for them to part Her grief smote him to the heart Ten derly he gathered her in his arms. "You will try to seem gay," he falter ed, f'for my sake?" She smiled bravely through her tears. "Yes, Alfred. I will at least seem gay. I" , . She spoke with firmness of settled reso lution now. "will bleach my hair.1' He could ask no more, and such being the fact be took bis departure. Detroit Tribune. Art : "Do you care for art?" asked the worn an vhn wa maVlns m atim Anil "Sometimes. My husband brought home a xovexy iov 01 engravings iasc night." mmtniMUunrf" "United States treasurv notes. " Wash- M L. uigiou our. A Reminder. A man with a donkey for sale, hearlncr that a friend wanted to buy one, sent him the f ouowlng written on a rxwtal ooard: "Pear Jack, if you are looking for a really gooa donkey, don't .forget me." xic-xuts. He Was Hissed. Arriving Missionary Do tou have any Thanksgiving dinner on these islands? Cannibal King You bet! I wish you'd been at our last You'd have been right in it New York World. " Capable. Wilks I heard the girls talking today about some fellow they said could make any woman happy. I wonder who it is? Jilks Spriggs, tbe man milliner. De troit Tribune. , Prepared. . "What! . Going to bathe just after you nave din ear Why, you will get drowned I" "No fear. I've eaten nothing but flth." -Don Chljclotte. i Tardy. , Angry Customer Hello, you, waiter! Where Is that oxtail soup? Waiter Coming, sir half a minute. Customer Confound you, how slow youarel Waiter Fault of the soup, sir. Oxtail is always behind. Tit-Bits. Thoughtless. Mrs. Brooks You say the doctor didn't get there until two hours after her dog died? That's very strange. Mrs. Banks I don't think so. She Bent her husband after him. P. and S. Bul letin. ,- Different Varieties. - Mrs. Hicks If you were as polite as you might be, you would offer to button myBhoes. Hicks No doubt but I'm not that kind of a hairpin. New York World. . An Ingenious Flan. Theatrical Manager I find it impossi ble to make use of your play. It is too long fo the stage. Amateur Playwright But can't you lengthen your stage? Truth. A Correction. "Well, old fellow, so you have taken your marriage vows?" "Yes, but I made one little alteration. X said, 'With all thy worldly goods I mo endow.' "Life; . "My husband fell in battle, I'd have yon know." .: - "Did he hurt himself ?' 'Detroit Trib- nna ,. 7. : . .-- - THE STAR'S FASHION HINTS. - STYLISH MILLINERY. ' " ' Bewildering Variety of Shapes, Tints and Materials Gold Ornamensauon jrvptuv. r. uil(nffl irmall this win j. . rrv.. tM,tff hAnnAt reauires bus a trifle of trimming, but that trifle must be perfectly put on. Toques, aiuo wuau, to be much worn, but hats are large and heavily loaded with plumes and other deo- 4.i Mrrinima wear there are no UniblUiiA . e. - limits to their size and fantastlo arrange ment, but for. oruinary suwn ww tremes are not permissible. s ' 7- - m. , 1 t.-- .Am Ifa .-niMsnuias among the new shapes; but' It is tobe avoided by the majority of women over 80 years old. For children and young girls it has a quaint cneci, dub is style for most womenv ' Chenlllo is used for trimming again, Jt foiuut ri hhnn havins? the tWO OUU UVUUW .uv.. . 0 , sides of different colors. Velvet and satin are also employed, as is laoe of various kinds. Jet nas iose none 01 isa .hiu mlH In f.hA ahunil of fllletS. crowns, wings and ornaments bids fair to be the most consplouous ieatura 01 us season's millinery. Colors are often inoor- porated with it, giving an extremely rich effect Ostrioh plumes are much lavozea, and flowers also are worn. In fact, fash Ion includes almost all known trimmings in her list this winter and gives an un usual opportunity for everybody to be suited. j . Among the new forms in which chenille is shown is that of galloon, woven in a network pattern. It is used to cover hat shapes or to form the crowns of small bon nets, beside being employed as trimming In various ways. i Accordion plaiting has af last made its appearance on hats, many of the latest im portations having bows thus arranged, secured in the middle by buckles or other ornaments. . " Felt flats are seen in all colors and are twisted into all conceivable shapes by the ingenious milliner, who varies the twist to suit tne face of the individual customer. An illustration is given of a very large velvet hat It is trimmed entirely with plumes, which are held together in front) ty an immense paste buckle. I JUDIC CHOLLBT. Made Them Frond. "I had my daughters learn to cook in order that they might get better hus bands." -i "And did they?"; "No, they feel above marrying now." Atlanta Constitution. 6 TaW -v-nw -t -- Friend TOES CHILD BIRTH EASY. Colvin, Iia Dec 2, 1886. 2Xy wif o used JffiOTECEH'O TBXESU boforo her third confinement, and says sho would not be without it for hundreds of dollars. DOCK MTT.T.a. Sent by express on raceipt of price, $1.10 per bot tle. Book " To Mothers " mailed free, j BRADFIELO REGULATOR CO., nauunvuiwiinaini. ATLA&TAb QAm decMly to lith ta ' New ArriYals. CHEESE, M l APPLES, CAKES, Raisins, j r Candies, New Catch Mullets, nagging ana iies. HALL & PBARSALL, Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants, seo 14 tf DAW 1 i t Natt and Ualberry ns FRUIT. 1000 C. ti NUTS. 1000 ORANGES. 25 Boxes RAISINS. 25 Bbls. APPLES. 100 Boxes CAKES. 25 Backets Mix CANDY. 100 Boxes CANDY. ! All low down at j 1 w. B. COOPER, j I 896 North Water Street, decStf DAW i Wilmington, N. C. Dr. E. C. West's Nerve end Brain Treatment Is sold under positive written guarantee, by author ised agents only, to cure Weak Memory; Loss ol Brain and Nerve Power; Loet Manhood; Quickness; Night Losses; Evil Dreams: Lack of Confidence; Nnrvonsneas: Lasfiitndo: ait Drnlna? Loss of Power of the Generetivo ergons in either sex, caused by ever-exertion; Youthful Errors, or Excessive Use of Tobaooo, Opium- or Liquor, which soon lead to Miser, Conkmiytkm, Insanity and Death. By mail, SI a box; 6 for $5: with written guarantee to cure or refund moner. WEST'S COUGH SYRUP. A certain cure for Conch". Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, wnoopms; ixrasru, tsorn xnro. f leasant to ssae . Small size dlscoutimif,!- old, 60c size, now 25c; OlO asue,naw6uc uuajiajxxia jtsuea oniy 07 ROBTR. BELLAMY ft CO, 1 1 Druggists and Sole Agenu. rc dB tf change daily W Wiimington.'N. C. BUSINESS LOCALS. CsT Noticks For Rent or Sale, Lost and Found Wants, and other short miscellaneous advertisements inserted in this Department, in leaded Nonpareil type, on first or (oartta page, at Publisher's option, for 1 0 Cents per line each insertion; bet ao advertisement taken or less than 25 cents. Terms, positively cafb la advance. Fractions of Bnei counted as whole lines. $12.00 a dav to.,agent selliathe Royal White Metal Plater or taking oiders for plating. Trade Se crets, formulas, receipts, Ac, fnrn'shed free. A good agent csn make two o: three thousand dollars per year with the Royal Plater. For terms, 4c, address Gray ft Co., Plating Works, Columbus, Ohio, nov 83 8t Harden, P. HU, has in stack buggies, road carts' and harness of all kinds. Repairing done by skillful workmen on short notice. Opposite new Court House. til c8t BeantlTnl Photographs. 1 have just received the finest line of Photographic accessories and scenery ever brought to Wilmington. To introduce it cot this ont and bring it tame and I w 01 give yon 25 cent for It provided yon take twelve of my best Cabinets V. C. Ellis, 114 Market street, Wilmington, N. C. . cl - Wrapping Paper. If you wish to boy old news papers, suitab e lor wrapping psper, or placing aader carpets, almost at your own prue, call at the Stab Office. j- ! I .Sept S tf . Jobn S. McEachern, 211 Market street. Dealer in Grain, Hay and all kinds of Mixed Feed. Leave orders, or call os through, lelephone 92. c21 H. E.Booiti, Bachelor of Engineering,'' Archi tect and Saperintendent. Plans and estimates fur nished on application. Personal supervision a specialty. Porxnera Beer for purity, Portner's Beer for aoalitv. Portner's hxrr itm .mm, - tn..- tune they all iun Portner's Beer for everybody. ma .. PaJstsett Bresring Ob of Charleston. S. C. Ba. port. Rice and Wet Beer. Branch office No. B Matt ttreet; defivenes promprlv made anywhere ia dry. t. Klchtet. Manager, j. , j, ."' 1 .".:'- :: y 1 ' e1 ,. SpttiUlna Chemiou . Co L. Haasea au ager. , wood dist-llers and refiners: Mtrs of Snirittica Oil for ati S"r il, dit::ed wo . ireservarioa ; SpiriniiM Pamt, mt acd rte 4 Scirtrrrar remedies. . . . w w u, ujb AncnGu ancycjopaerpc Dictionary. See how cheaply this great work - ha secured thmmrk th. iL-l-T7mmM7, " . 1 " m aaoxner VEIiVBTHAT. ;1 NEW " LIFE AS A PREVENTIVE fr vnrai dtoMMrss ia srssrs fca Gooorrko. 4 1 1 p bua, ot a bjt, (iSr BELLAMY ft CO . 1 . . P"giti and Sole Agenu decStf W. change daily Wilminston, (J; c LAPSES DO TOU KNOW : :. -j DR. FELIX LE BRUM'S 3THL ID PESHY80YBL PlliS fm; tha original and only FRENCH, aa and r liaonxaon tho market. Price $UX)-, seat bi mailt Genuine sold only by -wm. oy ROBT R. BILLAMT ft CO, . Druggists and Sole Agents, daily W WilmingtoS. N. C. dee 6 tf change J. W, Norwood, . . W. J. Toomer, President. :. Cashier THE Atlantic National Bank, WILMINGTON, N. C. Capital. $125,000.0' , Surpluv2QQp.0C. Loans In any amounts madeon ap proved seenrity. With nasarpassed ' facilities for handling all business entrusted to us with promptness, accuracy and secu rity, we solicit your account. - Respectfully, J; W. Norwood, D. L. Gore. C. W. Worth . E. J. Powers, W. E. Springer, : r H. L. Voliers, c S. P. McNair, M J. Heyer, Sam'l Btar, Jr., J. L. Coker, Harts ville, S, C. G. A. Norwood, Greenville, S. C. jnly 57 DIRECTORS. FAMOUS Paintings of the World. Great M odern Masterpiece s Embracing 320 of the finest speci mens of American, French, Eng lish, German, Austrian, Italian, Scandinavian and Russian Art, from the Principal Public Galle ries, Famous Private Collections and Stnd;!! of Eminent Artists The Largest and Best Platen, The Heaviest Paper The Brightest Description! The Work Complete. Twelve Cents for each part, but only one Coupon required for any number of Parts & g a- v Q c o Q. 3 O O It 82 CO OA 6 i J OL 3 O E ti Ll s I si 8 i 3 si e 9 CAUTION. Fiace yonr stamps loosely in letter. D not wet them, as they will adhere to tbe paper. Be sure to write yonr name, postomce address and State plainly, so as to avoid error. As we have to send orders to the publishers, several days possibly two weeks may elapse before the Photographs are received by subscribers. Sample copies may be seen at tbe Stab Office. It is absolutely necessary that yon designate on the Coupon the Nos. of the Parts wanted. See "Part No. - - ," at bottom of Coupon, and fill it np. When no number is designated. Part 1 will be sent. Address THE STAB, COUPON DEPARTMENT. WILMINGTON N. C LITHIA WATER N Harris' Lithia Springs, S. C. A water that contains about one.' third more Lithia than the Buffalo Lithia Water, and has not an eanal in the United States. Read what the most n o t e d Physicians of South Carolina have to say for the Harris Lithia Water: Mm After a lone and varied eaouience w the use of Mineral Waters from many sources, both foreign scd domestic. I am tally persuaded that the Hams Lith Water possesses efficacy in the treatment of afflktiuot of the Kidneys and Bladder unequalled by any other Water of which I have made trial. T his opinion JS based upon observation of its effect, on mv patients for the past three years, during which bine I have prescribed It freely tad almost uniformly with bonefit in tbe medicable maladies above men tioaed. . . r . - ,,- .j When failure to relieve baa encored, 1 bave im, pnted it to insufficient nee of the Water, for my est nence teaches me that from one to twe quarts daily should be taken from two to four weeks, to seore its fall remedial enacts. A. N. TALLY, M. D. Columbia. S. C, October 8th. 1892. - , :-. Camdbm, January 86 1892, . Hams, Ksq- Harm Spring, S. C: Dear Sir; I find great benefit from the nse of jam lithia Water. , I consider it a fine tonic, a general regulator of the digestion, as well as very efficacious ia those diseases for which Lithia is considered some what of a specific. ;, JUDGE J. ' KKKSHAW. - 'My srife has been asing yonr Lithia Water sop is very much beaefktted. I consider it in every respect equal to tbe famous BuSalo Lithia Water. Abbevuta.'s. C ' JUDGE J. S. COTHRAN. Kor sale y tbe bottle or gallon bv J. HICKS BUNTING, Druggist, sole agent for Wilmington aod vanity, Y M. C A. Building. Wilmington, N. C. msr88tj f - . k :"-( ' "