. - . i i' Pie MlecMg te Pure A cream ol tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength. Zto 7f Statu Government Vied Report. ' tBojal Baking Powder Co., 106 WaU Street, if. Y. was if jrranv cohw pboji SCHOOL. ' Wbea Jtmm v comet from school at four, Jerusalem! bow thing begin To wbirl and buzz and bang and spin And brighten up from roof to floor! -The dog that all day long has lain Upon the back porch wagi his tail And leaps and barks and begs again The last scrap in the dinner pail When Jimmy comes trom school. The cupbrd Utcbes clink a tune. ' And mother from ber knitting stirs ; , To tell th bunery boy of ber's , That sup ier will be ready soon. -. Aad men a slao oi p e he takes, j A cooky and a qaiice or two, ' And (or the oretzr barnyard breaks, Where everything cries, "How d'y do?" When Jimmy comes from school.; The rooster on tbe gat den fence . ' Stmts up and down "and crews and crows As if he krowj. or thinks be knows. -. He, too. is ( f some consequence. Tbe guineas join the chorus, too, -And its; beside the window sill The red bird, swinging out of view , On his hih perch, becins to trill. When Jimmy comes from school. ' When Jimmy comes from school, take can ! - Our hearts bet in to throb and quake With life and ioy. and every ache Is gone before we are aware. The earth takes oh a richer hue, A softer light falls on tbe flowers. And overhead a brighter bine Seems bent above this world of ours, When ira my comes from school. Philadelphia Press. SUNDAY SELECTIONS. A holy act strengthens the in ward holiness. It is a sed of life grow ing into more life. W. Robertson, Look " upon the success and sweetness of thy duties ts very much de pending upon the keeping of that heart closely and with all diligence. Flavel. If God putteth no grievous cross upon you. let your brethren's cross be your cross; which is certain token of true brotherly love. Bradford, s All the good and pure are not dead yet. How refreshing it is to fall in company with one who has not lost con fidence in his fellowmen. There is sun shine in that soul. Christian Advocate Rev. Win. G. Paddefoot has figured out that it costs $50 000000 a year to run tbe churches and $400 000. 000 to run tbe jails. He remarks : "We pay eight times as much for running our fellow-men down and jailing them as we do in trying to make them better so that they will not need the jail." Rockingham Index: Mr. J. I. Moore, whs we mentioned some time ago as trying to induce Northern parties to purchase a factory site near Blewitt ' Falls, is. now in communication with some parties. North who. it is likely, will purchase and erf ct a factory at that point. Positions Guaranteed, Under Seasonable Conditions, Our FCEK 130-page cata'ogne will explain why w cma afiord it Send ior it now. Address 'DronMoD's Practical Business College. Nashville, Tenn Book keeping. Short-hand, Penmanship ad Tele graph v. we spend mora money in the in e-est of oni Employment Department than half the-Basiness Col' leges take in as tuition. 4 week by onrnetnod ttach iDf book-keepir g is equal to 1 2 weeks by the old plan. 11 teachers, 600 student last ytai, no vacation, enter an time. Cheap Board. Wc have recently prepared books specallv adapted to HOME STUDY. Sent on sixty davs' trial . write us and explain "yous , wants." N B We pay $5 cash for all vacancies ar Dcok keepers, stawograpaers, teacners, clerks, etc-, re portea to ns, proviaea we nil aog 11 D16t W18t J. W. Norwood, President. W. J. Toomer, Cashier. THE Atlantic National Bank, WILMINGTON, N. C ' Capitals $i25,000.0A Surplus, $30,000.00. ;, . Total Assets.; ' $800,000.00 .With unsurpassed facilities for , transacting business entrusted to it, this Bank offers all customers all' ac commodations consistent with legit imate Banking ' , We do not Dav interest on deoosits Direct corresDondence with everv point of importance having dealings wun wumingion merchants, special attention given to out of town ac counts. , Liberal loans made at minimum rates on approved security. '. Safety Deposit Boxes, for rent at t aft M An irom $4 to $a per annum. . -; Your business solicited. feb 9 tf ' - Seed Potatoes. Choice -Hou ton EARLY ROSE just received, i in fine -order and of ; fered low. Vj ' A small cons gnment of Ilonntain Pntter. 1 HALL & PEARSALL, Waoleaalc Grocers and Coromiaaion Merchaata, 4an 5 t Dw Nnrt and Molberrv ns LE CRCsrSS-'W amiiacvsa- MW dUUUfal OI niasat jsa ioinosto b fcakta IntmaaUf Viw AS A PREVEHTIVE fcy UtiMt nx ft ts lmpsbtouaife any Tsnarsjaj diiiaas; bat in tb mm of Sfsaaanwwasssanaaanaassass, HMM tinMy U MP IUlAEL afflMBs aam saa-amm saaaaaaai tb QoOOrrhCM mttA 61et. W g laWaafr R. R. BELLAMY ft CO.. " . . lnaiatatid Sole Afenta." dee 6 tf W change daily Wilmington. N. C. LADIES do totj know : OR. FEUX LE BRUN'3 'I '' STEEL ESD PEHHYEDYBL PIUS are the original and only tEENCH. aavtaarvn liable enre on the market. Price SLOOt sent b . " ROB'T R. BXLLAMY ft CO. - Drurisu and Sola Aients, C S tf chance daily W WUmington,'N. C. ill . . MODES NOW IN VOGUE. Tailor eowss No linger rialn FlaiU and FoW Wide SUfTenad Bklrta. . ; Sleeves were large "enough in the early raring and have increased in dimensions ever slnoe, so much so that a fashionably diessed woman, especially In evening' toilet, can scarcely enter straight through A SIMPLE STYLISH DEES8. SJaW a doorway, but must turn in rather a crab like fashion, right shoulder foremost, to avoid crushing the balloon on tbe left arm. - But. after oil, when not too exaggerat ed, tbe luodo of embellishing the shoulders and making the bodice and sleeves tbe sa lient point in a costume is more elegant and moro in unison with the lines of form than the opposite extreme of an immense circumference of skirt, crinoline, flounces and furbelows and tight bodioes with plain sleeves, making the shoulders and bust look far too insignificant , The plain, close fitting skirts vre have bad lately ore so becoming &it for tbe next throe months there may be little change, except a slight difference in tbe cut. The front and side breadths will he gored, and the back breadth plain (instead of en bias, as heretofore) and mounted on the band, with three large plaits, at the back. These must bo lined with horsehair or some stiff lining to keep them out. Nearly all the bodices are made 'with round waists, andi belts are worn "with them. i ' '"; Even the tailor made costumes are not plain, ns formerly For morning wear tailors aro making up cloth or fancy wool en materials with three folds or plaits in front and one at tbe back of the bodice, and in this case there is one wide box .plait in the back of the skirt, which appears a continuation of tbe aforesaid plait In the bodice, though divided by the belt or band,' and naturally the skirt plait widens out toward the ground. - ' V The more dressy style ol robes for visits and 6 o'clock teas is made of silk, moire pr some rich material.' There is generally a small yoke richly embroidered on velvet, the sleeves from elbow to wrist the same; also the waistband. I Nearly all the jackets, mantled and capes have high standing open collars, much re sembling the medici collar of three or four years ago. ' In tbe way of furs, sable, lamo ana blue fox are In vogue. Ermine is more suita ble for linings. Sable and other such furs are made up with a wide fiat collar and long stole ends. Another form has the same shaped collar, Due . comparatively short ends, like what was called in years gone by a "victorine." The little neck, tuffs again In vogue form a most bewitching finish to a morn ing, afternoon or evening dress. Some an AFTERNOON TOILET. of curled ostrich feathers; . others of the bright tips of impeyan pheasant plumes set closely together; : others, more dressy, are of .silk cut out in tbe shape of rose petals and massed together. Then, again,' chiffon is puffed and ruched and alternat ed with rosettes or ! flowers. Indeed ail have some coquettish finish a flower at the side or sometimes on both sides. There is no limit to the variety that can be obtained, and. they are excessively be coming, forming a soft frame for a pretty head., '-! - s Fashion's Echoes. V Satin is and will continue to be much in favor and much worn. The prinoess shape Is also in vogue again, a most ele gant gown, close fitting, but with three plaits at the back of tbe skirt It fastens down the left side from neck to foot with fancy silver hooks and eyes sewed out side. . - j - -:. Lace is plentifully used to ornament bodices, and some wonderful specimens of imitation guipure have been produosd. Russet shoes, made in a kind of material known as Bordeaux calf, which has a dis tinct grain to it, are very much In demand for winter wear, both for men and women. They are made with both cork and double soles for outside wear. Men's caps are principally of Sootch tweed of light color.; The most popular of these Is the "golf," which has an extreme ly low andfuU crown that nearly covers the visor. v" . . - : J .7 . A prominent feature this season is the adoption of the Sootch edge for children's walking shoes. This is an extra wide and overlapping style of sole, which is only used for outdoor wear and has the merit of pre venting the child from kicking out the toes or wearing the shoe over at the side. Heads are still 'used on fur boas, but It is newer to fasten such boas with tails and paws. Some nro double and encircle the -throat, and some aro lined with satin and are much brc ider. j The long boas only reach to the knee, and feathers are worn' as much as fur. ; A Desdlr Drama, ' The following strange story is told of the manusoriot of "Elaine," a drama by George-Parsons. It was. accepted and produced by Miss Annie Russell, but no sooner had the lady proceeded thus far than she was taken ill, which entailed the withdrawal of the piece. Thereupon Mr. Lathrop sent it to Miss Mary An derson. "She liked jit" and was actual ly in negotiation to produce it when she also, became ill, "desperately ill." The unlucky author then tried ,Mrsl Langtry. She was "enchanted' and eager to bring it out when, lot the Jersey Lily was "stricken down with fever. " , ; .. ; . . Finally tho parcel of manuscript was dispatched to Miss Julia Marlowe. Re gardless of her doom, like Grey's Eton boys, this "little victim" was just then playing to audiences in Philadelphia. She opened it and played no more that seasoni Within a week she was "utter ly prostrated." London Tit-Bits. '" His Hrror. ': " ."Jiever,", she said haughtily, "never darken my doors again!";.1 ; j. ;; ys, He Stood before be hnmhlv anrl nnnM have spoken, but she silenced him with a wave of her bejeweled hand and went on: - - - - ; , -i , .. 4 . .. 'I told you; in the first place that I wantea tnem doors painted aTrobin's egg Dine, .and here you've went and grained them. I know What I want, and I'm troin to havn it 1 : .-i - Wearily he got out his putty knife and -""rw "-"u oegan 10 rectory alt er ror. Indian, app lis Journal. - " - r f TIRED, WEAK, HEINOUS, Could Hoi Sleep. -' Prof. L. D. Edwards, " of Preston, Idaho, says: "I was all run down, weak, nervous and irritable through overwork. I suffered from brain fa tigue, mental depression, etc. 1 be came so weak and nervous that I could not sleep. I would arise tired, discouraged and blue. I began taking Dr, Miles- Nervine and now everything Is changed. I slecn soundlr. I feel bright, active and ambitious. I can do more In one - day now than I used to do in a week. For this great good I plve Dr. Miles' : Restorative Nervine the sole credit. It Cures." '- Dr. Miles' Nerrlne la sold on a positive' guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. AH draft-gists sell it at Si, 6 bottles for to, or It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price by the Dr. ililea Medical Co., Elkhart, lad. Monthly Pamscured by Dr.MIles' Pain Pills. iunc 15 lv DA so sred changed!! The Giles & HurcMson -OF- . a M lit A ISA - I IIIVTCal C? ila.1.011 To be Sold at a i ' Great Reduction - In Prices. The undersigned has assumed the management of theisale of the entire Stock of the late firm of GILES & MURCHISON, which will be. offered at prices which cannot fail to attract the attention ot all close buyers. Conotiy HercMs Will find it Greatly -to their Interest to Get the List of Prices, As Goods will be SOLD CHEAP- ER THAN EVER BEFORE OT- FERED, or probably ever will be again. Retail , trade desired, and all in want of any goods in our line are earnestly invited to call and avail themselves of the present opportu nity to fill their wants At Unheard-of Prices. The Stock will be kept up to its - . - former HIGH STANDARD, and NEW GOODS will arrive as often as occasion requires. J. W. Murchison, Agent janl tf . i ROYAL WORCESTER we. c. Received the highest award, Medal and Diploma. 1 AT THB I World's Columbian j Exposition, Chicago, 1893, r Which is now on sale at i- 0. E. Gordon's, N. E. Cor. Market and Front sts. feb 24 tf Dr. E. C. West's:- Nerve and Brslr Treatmsnl n eold trader positive written guarantee, by author Bed agents only, to oore Weak Memory; Lom ot Brain and Herve Power; Lout Manhood; QoiRkneas; Wight Losses; Evil Dreams; Lack of Confidence: Nerroosaess; Lassitude; all Drains; Loxaof Power ox the Generative Organs ia either sex, caused bj v . oiwmuu t xoninim jorroro. or isxoesHive use ox lead to By nail. to core or refoad money.- WEST'S OOTJOH SYBOK vara ior wagar, voids. Axtbma. Bronoatl enre for Oongl VlMWMlttl. Atl Croup, Whooping Cough, Sore Throat. Pleasant tetaks Small size discontinue!; old.COo. size, now 3So.; Qla tosUe,noweiTGUAANXEi86uedoBl7by - 'fi ! ' rob't TKvnxkm- txiu Drnggiatsand Sole Agents, - dec 5 tf chance daily W WUmiscton, M. Ci Stock Hardware Corsets BEFORE 'FTCrVX LIFE THE ARMADILLO. A Beast Odd ; and .wild Wnid Firolan.es Toothsome BepstV a:;;;:7; With other strange forma of. life found in far Patagonia is the armadillo, an ani--mal with habits' that cannot fall to Interest amateur naturalists. Tbere-are two forms of the armadillo. : Roughly speaking, one is like a hairy guinea pig with a pointed turtle shell over its back and bead, while the other is like a thick turtle without any breastplate. The former is very rare even In Its haunts in, the Andes. ' The latter is everywhere abundant. - As described by BABS ARMADILLO HAIET AKMADILLO. . all who have 'seen' it, the latter will eat and get fat very fat on anything from grass roots to decayed fish or cattle, from an ant to a poisonous serpent, from straw-' berries to rats and mice. In the wilderness it roams about by day because the eats of the desert persecute It most at night. - - Near tbe settlements, where; Jby the. way, it thrives best, it is abroau at nignr because man persecutes it In tne day. biow moving as it seems to be when the trav eler sees it at sunset, it overtakes the ser pents of tbe region in a fair race and kills them by squatting ion them and sawing Its body to and fro so tnat tne edges 01 its protective shell cut the snake to pieces. It captures mioe by sneaking on them eat faahlon-and throwing its body over them like a trap. It grubs for worms. - It robs nests of eggs and nedgeimgs. jnow, al though it eats a great many things that are repulsive to civilized tastes, the arma dillo is itself a most delicious article of food for any human taste, civilized or un civilized. . Tbe variety In its bill of. fare Beams but to add delicacy to its flesh. A writer in tho New York Sun, who bas in his joumeyinRS eaten nearly every kind of fish, flesh and fowl served between Ivigtut, Greenland, and Ushuaia, Terra del Fuego, claims to have found nothing quite so much to his taste j as an armadillo baked in the embers of an outdoor fire on the desert of Patagonia. - . .' Effects of Temperature. Experiments of PicteL the French ehent-' 1st. show that animals and insects oppose a wonderful resistance to intense cold ob tained from liquefied atmospherlo air. A dog placed in a copper receiver at a tem perature of 60 to 90 degrees C. showed a rise of bodily temperature of .5 in .ten minutes, and after 1 X hours had only lost 1 decree. A little later, however, nature gave np the struggle, the temperature fell rapidly, and tbe animal died suddenly. Insects resist a temperature 01 go degrees, but not 85 degrees. Birds' eggs lose their vitality at 2 to S degrees, ants' eggs at 0. Infusoria die at 90 degrees, while bacteria are still virulent at 818 degrees. This last fact is perhaps the most signifi cant of all I Feeding Boiler Fires at the Bottom. According to The Manufacturers' Ga- cette, not only can smoke be suppressed but a saving of 80 per cent on fuel bills can be effected by feeding boiler fires from underneath instead of from the top, as has been tbe custom ever since coal became a fuel. A mechanical stoker introduces a uniform quantity of fuel at regular inter vals under the boiler, and tbe combustion thoroughly consumes all of tbe gases and smoke from the green coal as it passes through the bed of incandescent coke above it. :-r;J " :-.V : A -"' A. BemarkaMe Ferforaaaawe. Place in the middle of your hand, stretched out flat, a piece of money say a 2 cent piece. Take a brush aolothes- THB COIS THAI CANNOT ''BB BEMOVBD. brush will do put it into tbe hand of one of your friends and tell him he may have tbe coin if he succeed in brushing it off your hand. I Your friend tries his bestbut bis efforts are all in vain, for the coin sticks to your hand as if it were glued there. Of course be is forbidden to strike your hand vio lently with tbe brush, which would cause the coin to fall instantly to tbe ground. He must be content to try to brush it off as if he were brushing off a spot from a coat. There will be many who will listen with Incredulity to. the statement of this experiment However, let them try It and see for themselves. J ' , Scientific Brevities. . The weight of the sea water of the globe is estimated; at 560,000,000,000,000,000 tons. - - - . : According to some recently published statistics, the United States produces near ly as much copper as all of the rest of tbe world together. ' In Germany aluminium is used for nails in the boots of the soldiery. r v Professor Gibson, in tests as to the value of covering for steam pipes, concluded that with coal at $4 per ton and 8,000 working hours per year, the; loss from a naked Inch pipe was C4K cents per linear foot -. The regions of the world which have the greatest rainfall seem to be the regions where the largest number of thunder storms occur. Thus along the equator 60 to 100 (or over) thunderstorms occur an nually - '! " - . . ; Tbe Beauties ot tbe AUecbaoies. . f The Allegbanies are fertile to the very summits, ana not the least of their do ries are their magnificent forests cf oak, hickory, chestnut, maple, pine and oth er noble trees, in the spring when they are budding forth, in the Bummer when they are in the full bloom of maturity and when the laurel is in blossom, and in tb.efall, when; the brilliant tints of red ancrgold and green and purple over whelm one-, with a sense of Mother Na ture's cesthetio genius in always har monizing snob a profusion of colors. After all, it is the. thoroughly satis factory sport to be had with the game sheltered in these mountains that most endears them to the man who has any taste whatever for t that sort of thing. The conditions are; perfect The game ranges from quail, ior, as the Virginians call it, partridge, to deer and bear, and especially this is one of the last strong holds of that noble game bird. the. wild turkey. Magazine of Travel Tbe Nonprofessional Profile Head."' ' "I don know how many tiroes I have seen people I 'don't mean artists; but all sorts of prop!, Including children- draw profilo iioads. It is common enough ior anyoody 101 draw them on a- slate, m scrap oz paper, anywnere, ; said Mr. Billtops, "but I don't remember oyer to have Been any of (them, draw a right handed proSlb I ) mean one facing to the right I suppose there is Some very pimple - reason , for? this, but I am ao quaintedLonly with the fact New Tork Sun. v. :. 1- The Sensation OF THEk?-;: V-Ci 'V- Almost everybody is shouting "BargainstioVadajs.:5 The louder the shouting the poorer 5 tbe ; bargain." :.But we rather like the competition. It puts an edge on our endeav- ors and makes us watchful of I leadership. V, . i ' .- .V These barirains are ; in the Stofe as well as in the news paper. Colored Dress Goods. 90c silk-finished Henriettas, '65c yd. 90c French 20 twill Serge, all shades at 60c a yard. 1 65c Henriettas, 38 inch, ail shades at 37ica yard. -7 - 65c Serge, 17 twill, all shades, at 40c 90c Folk a Granites, all shades at 65c The most complete Hue of t: Black Press Goods In the cuy Fancy Cotton fabrics or Summer. Wash Dresses." Just arrived; pale shades in Organ dies and Dimities of cob-web like texture, overspread with! tinv flower ed vines, at 35c a yard. ( A few tight Blues and Greens,' over which . are scattered exquisitely tinted Dresden Flowers with cool looking leaf green at 35c. a yard. " I' ' : - French Figured Swiss, White ground wtth serpentine stripe and ; yellow-centred ; daisies', are ? of the latest artistic effects in these fine and Teautiful fabrics at 35c yd .1 Printed Irish . Dimities in favorite shades at 12ic yard. French Ging hams in the latest patterns 25c yard. 37 inch Percales only 12fc vd. . 4 Percales enly 7c yd. I A complete -assortment in leading! novelties in Wash Fabrics. . I - .v SILKS. We baye just received a beautiful line of Silks in exquisite shadings. pretty patterns for shirt waist. Have them j in Fancy Taffetas, 45, 60, 75, 85, 90 and $1. ? Hobutei Wash Silk and Kakai wash Silk at 37ic supe riar quality to goods selling in the market. Newest thing in MOURN W av AIT - - . . jfk, ns yd. iets oif.rw. crepene at $120 France. Laces woven in ber sunny clime, Laces from the "Danube and Rhine. Broderie Anglaise 75c to $1.50 yard. Duntelie Applique at 25c to $1 yard. Point de Milan at 60 o 90c yard Point de Esprite at 25c to 35c yard. Hew Embroideries. A full line of Gents' Furnishings. A few new styles in Gents' Fancy Laundered Shirts are on our count ers. Our 50c Neckwear is huger now than ever before. Same quality but bigger shapes, those generous sprea ders, you know. Gentlemen will find it to their advantage to examine our Smith !& Angell Half Hose., They are the best black in the world. Pure English Silk bows, Tecks and Four-in-hands. Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, and the finest; 4-ply. Linen Collars, "Barker Brand. A special bargain, for this week will be the 1 0,000 yds Crash Which we purchased a few days ago and wi 1 sell at FOUR cts per yard. kF"! Special attention given to mail orders. Guaranteed as Advertised. Successor to BS0 WS & RODDICK Ma 9 NORTH FRONT S7 . febSttf -t . In North Carolina Out of Every Ten Commenced life I poor. -! They became rich by spending , less than they. made. Any -one will get rich who continually spends i: V less than hej makes. Every s young man of ordinary ability in iWilmington can and should save something every month. Deposit your savings in the vviLrninicToiM SAYINGS & TRUST GO. .m ... 1 IS . mm ! m i ney win oe saieiy isept, and in terest will, be compounded quarterly, febSS tf 1 - 1 - . j- - - . ; ; ; "! - ' FOR-l' If you have some to sell ship it to us ; j ; .1 anu we will auow you : 30 CENTS PER I POUND tor it m ttoston;and - no charge" for Commission or carting. References an through, the South, if required. W. H. BOWDLEAR & CO., .,1 jMWSra Office aad Wareboue 86 Central Wbarf . SEASON Ecnoes of Sonny Nine Rich Men .V. tt' fi ' ..1 A r r.wn Inntf Hmfl Adl- tar of the ; v vors: iiixamwBr,. naa been ordain!; v Baptist .minister ' . . In paying for a piece 01 property m Southwest City, Ma, Mr.: Kennels, tne purchaser, banded: bvei. a $500 bill which he had carried for 20 years... . Mr. Edison wears' no overcoat even in the coldest weather. fie has three suits of nether garments, Which he puts off and on according to oircumstancea - Whymper, the famous Alpine climber .r -v and the first tt .ascend r Chimborazo, broke his collar bone a little while ago in trying to go np stairs in London, c Simon Bolivar, the South American patriot was a little man, only 6 feet 4 inches in height. . Jie never smosea, due was fond of . dancing : ana losing in a hammock. - - I HPurcell,.tb9 most extraordinary mu sical genius that England ever produced, died at the age of 87 from a cold oon tracted by being locked out of the house Cy his termagant wife. -.. "r Ex-Mayor Richard Vaux of Philadel hia is 78 years old. . He is still hale ed hearty and the same picturesque fig re that bas' attracted- the attention of Jjis fellow citizens for years past ;r I 'Mr. and Mrs.' Gladstone will prob ably spend some time daring the winter at Cannes, where they are to be the guests of Lord and Lady Rendel at the Chateau de Thorene, which is one of the finest villas on the Biviera. - t ; I .The novelist B. L. Farjeon is, of all the Dickens school, the one who follows bnost closely the master's path. He was pnee a journalist in New Zealand,; but an enoouraging letter from Charles Dick ens induced him to return to England, Where he has produced 20 novels. v '-; f , v. " . m a ar a m a. a j. 1 at -is reiaiea 01 rresiQeni Anarew Jackson ". that once ; when his favorite servant Charles, the White House coach man, was taken witn malignant smaii- pox and no competent nurse would come pid Hickory himself took charge of the case and attenaea nis servant an ne was reooverecL' 1. .:-v-VJ l- Judge William A. Vincent has been prominently mentioned for tne mayoral ty of Chicago. He is perhaps tbe only 4nan to whom President Cleveland has ever tendered direct personal apology.: The nresident . removed him from the tffioe of ehief justice of the New Mexi 0 supreme court, but gave him a similai appointment in Montana.; , t j . STAGE GLINTS. . Frederick Warde and .Louis James nave been liked in "The Lion's Mouth" at Chicago. . " , . . . j-. - Franklin MacLeay's performance ot Iaeo is considered by many critics, tbe meet sinoe Edwin Booth. ' - Dominick Murray was once m a com pany which was personally rehearsed Charles Dickens, the novelist. Effle Stewart, who sang in "The Mea- ah, " has sinos been successful as San- wit h the Duff opera company. David Belasco has a new play, "Heart 'of Marvland." and it is said Palmer may put it on before ?Trilby" is ready, ' MmtiiI Harriann ban frnrtcflAdad Blanche IWalah in "The Girl I Left Behind Me." Miss Walsh will join Nat Good- iwin. ' '' r ' ' - - I Stanly de Lonzo, formerly a Meth bdist minister, has joined the "McFad- "den's Elopement" company as advertis- g agent . ,;. I "by U Westward, Ho, a new com 10 opera lien Wolf, is being tried and praised at the Boston Museum. J. H. Byley is in the cast. i mrs. ijaneiry nas triea a nouse 01 ' mar sr m a Cards, " which she calls new, on Phila dAlnhia. It in madn tmt at Surd on 'h "Maison Neuve. " -j;' j - Tschaiscowski'8 brother says the Oom- poser left unpublished an entirely nn ished piano concerto and a duet between Borneo and Juliet, with orchestration. I What a fortunate country England is I There is aT copyright on "Daisy iBell" over there, and the one woman jwho has the legal right to sing the song in London has been suing a rival who Vxrpiedit, TURF TOPICS. Most drivers are advocates of bearing rains, but thev should be anite loose. i Mayor Curtis of Boston is an enthusi astic horseman and owns some fast ones. I Straightfire, out of Crossfire, sister to Arsenal, is an apt sample of Australian r 1 - j - nomenclature. j ' St Florian, 8,. by St Simon Palm flower, bas been sold far $17,500 to go into the stud in Ireland. j 1 Adolph, a 4-year-old gelding, winner at San Francisco, is a half brother to The Butterflies, the Futurity winner. I Colonel O. EL Payne will make his turf debut this year. He has half a dozen I During .the reign of Charles I of Eng (land everybody wore boots and spurs, (whether they ever mounted a horse or Inot . V-'U- Pawnee, 2:26 ,' was the model j for (the horse represented in the equestrian statue of General Sherman recently erected. " 1 ' It has been stated that Battlers were reduced to eating horseflesh in the re cent drought in the western part of INorth Dakota. I The dimensions of the champion trot ting yearling Abdell are given as follows: li.2 hands forward, 14 " I hands behind, weight 8S0 pounda ' A trotting meeting is .now in prog- iress at Moscow which is to last till March. Racing is held twice each week, with very liberal purses. -Horseman. Boy Explanation of the Trinity. Sir W. H. Hamilton's domestic life was brightened by children to whom he was devotedly attached. -.' - . i "That little boy, "he onoeBaid, point ing to a boy about 5 or 6 years old, !ran up to me the other day, and cross ques tioned me abont the mysteries in the doctrine of the Trinity. ' 5 :1 j " 'How,' he demanded, 'can there be three, and yet only one?' I answered. 'You are too young for such matters; go Dacx to your top. ' - ; - -'t; i-.-. "He flogged it about the passages score of times, then returned to me and said, I - have found it all out this is the explanation, and propounded his theory. 'You are wronsz. ' I answered you are too young Jo understand the matter; go and nlay ' , J ' "He returned three times more, sue eessively, and each time propounded a' new explanation, and received tbe same answer.. . - - '"'r'-'-z : ?'Bnt now Usteni His four exnlana- tionsof the mystery were the four great heresies of the first four centuries I He discovered them all for himself. I did not give him the slightest assistance. what an intellect! Century Maga- una f The Old Han's Orlet . . i .-Miss Scraper amateur violinist V-Did you notice that old man crying while I was playing my sonata? 1 Jfriend Yes, and I spoke to him. He said your playing reminded him of the old days when he was happy. - alias Scraper Was he a violinist? Friend No. He was a niano tuner. inaianapolis Journal,.., . i r Arithmetic'- ' J When to your youth you attended school, 1 One plus one equal two was tbe rule, 1 But you find out frequently after yon marry That .v- n . , ' ewwau wihi nan w amrrj. . - - - itfiluaBlna Oewrler. Is Tnere Any; Reason "In the word why the one price cash Racket Store should not. sell goods as cheap or cheaper than any bouse in toe city. We sell our goods si we advertise tbem. lbe quality and width as described. We nave . oeen to , this city very : near seven vears and cave not lost an toia one hundred dollars by credif customers. With a record as clean as this; with men to run the business: that know no rule but to work and attend to. every branch oi tbe business, with the cash to buy goods from the manufacturers and auc tions, ana every wnere tnat tnere can oe a real barpaio found. Read our prices. Come sua look at our stock and be con vinced.- We will treat you rich t. . , One thousand -Felt ' Sailor Hats, all colors, at 85c each, former price 50c; banded with sweat band lor 85c worto first of season $1 00. A big lot Of S'nk Ribbon received No. 5 at 5e net yard. No- 18 at 10c No. 28 at 18c and No. 40 at 25c This lot or Ribbon is of the newest shades of color and is at least 40 per cent. lower than we have ever been able to sell it before.- Table Linen, we have rxtra value, v In Towels we have tbe different styles; a large Cotton Towel at oc extra large at 10c A fine Linen Towel I8xS6 inches at 22Hc each.- A big lot of Ladies' fast black seamless Hose at 10c Ladies' ribbod Hose, last black ar 10c- A fine line of eood Sat- teen worth 10c now 8c New goods. no old stock, . Come and try .us and see it we don't have what you want at the Big Racket btore of Wilmington, N. C. BRADDY & GAYLORD, Prop's. feb 17 tf " a. Keir and OoniDlete Treatment. ' consistlns? ol SUPPOSITORIES, Caps alee of Ointment and tw Boxns of Ointmeni. A nerer-fallizur Core for Pile of every nature aad degree. It makes an operation with the knife or injections ot carboUo acid, which ire painful and seldom permanent enre, and otlel resulting in death, unnecessary. Why endure this terrible disease? We cuarantes. boxes to euro any ease. Vou only par for DenentsreeeiTeo. w. a dox. e for Sw Bent by can. Guarantees Issued by our agents. i CONSTIPATION ttJ2&SX& the great UVA and BTOM A.CB EEGTOATOB and BUOOl) If V KUiliza. Hmou, mua ana pieasanira take, especially adapted tor children's see. CO Does cents. QU JASXKEi ea only w , - J. HICKS BUNTING, Y. MCA Building. For sale by JOHN H, HARDIN, apSDaWly , ch sat Wilmlngtan N. C VITAL TO MANHOOD. DR. E. C. WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TBEAT- BUSMT, a specino tor Hysteria, Dizziness, .Fits, Neu ralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Softening of Brain, censing: insanity, misery, deeay. death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss ot Power in either sex. Imnotanrr. Lnnanrrrma and all Female Weaknesses; Involuntary Xosses,; Sperm a torrhcra eauoed by over-exertion of brain, Self ebuse, over-Indulgence. A month's treatment, tl, 6 fort. by fuslU With each order for 6 bones, with B will .-'.end written ffnarantae to refund If not enrad. Ouariinlces inmed by ajrent. WEST'S LIVES PHJL8 cures ticKueaaaoae, uuiousness, UTeriXBnnwnt ouurowmtw.il, jurBpepwa wan VNjnsojw uuajuuixiuis issoeo otuy ny . BUSINESS LOCALS. ; : ! . UTj Noncss ?or Rent or Sale, Lost and! Found Wants, and other short miscellaneous advertisements nserted in this Department, in leaded Nonpareil type, an first or fourth page, at Publisher's option, for 10 eents per line each insertion -bat no advertisement taken for less than 85 cents. Terms, ncsithreiy cash (a advaaca. Fractions of lines counted at whose Uaea, $75.00 a wok paid to ladies and gents to sell the Rapid fUh Wasntr. Washes and dries them in two minntes without wetting the hands Noexpel- ence necessary; feH. at sight, permanent pontioa. Ad d ess P. Harrison ft Co., Clerk No. 16, Columbus, Ohio. ! feb B ft: N ort la Carolina Supply Co ; Electrical contrac tor. Electrical Sooolies. Estimates fu nishedlon all va ieties of e'ec ncal const ruction. 'PostofBce; Bo. 865, 8t re .220 Maik.t Street. sutn'su -1 St Tobaeeo Snnff, fkmr maiJH las-es sold ,at bot tom prices.. Just received fre-h lot best qqality Crackers and Ca' es. CoasjgDments soliiied of Cat' ton. Timber, Naval Stores and Country Produce s)f all kinds. Ntill HcKinnon, wholesale and retail gsreer and Commission Merchant, No. S South Water street. 1 - 1 . aortrait work. Fine Photographs $1 per denn. Get my prices en copying, enlarging and viewing be fore placing your Order.; Hail mdcis for copying and enlarging receive prompt attention. A trial order s Gated. First-class work guaranteed. V. C. Elli4 114 Market street, Wilmington, M. C. , Extra fine photo- graphs a specia.ty.. 1: cO John S. McEachern, HI llarket street, Ocale in Grain. Hav and all kinds of Mixed Feed. orders, or caU as through lelephone 02. --. tH Portners Beer tot parity, Portner'i Beo to laality, Portner's Beet for everybody. That's the tuna they all ting Partner's Beer for everybody.' ! jl cSl Palmetto Brewing Co., of Charleston, S. C K port. Rice and Lager Beet. Branch office No. 402 Nntt street; deliveries promptly made aaywhere in city, r, Ricbtar, Manager. s91 Splrlttlne Chemtcal Co., L. Hansen rear- ager. Wood distillers and refiaeri; Mfrs of Spiriaine Oil for wood and irea preserrarloa ;Spirittlne Paint. Tar OB, distilled Tar and the I Splrtttlnc remedie. - 11 CSl Hayden P. M., has m stick buggies, road carts and harness of aH kinds. Repairing done by skulfal. srorkmen on short-notice. Opposite at Cotrrt Hoiwp tSt Danvtlls, VA.,Dee. 4, 1884. Lyon Mfg. Co., Brooklyn, N. T. I : Gentlemen : I have used your TTaw4M MnstATig Tiifiivpent for: over" SO years on my trotting and stage horse tor all : kind of sprains and bruises that horses are : liable to, and consider it the best Liniment in use. I recommend it to aH farmers and persons using horses. 7 " ' . : 1. rftXBUJX, x Formerly of , v " ? : . Buffalo Iithia Springs, Va; iTransDorter of U. S. mails for 12 Tears between Buffalo Lithia Springs and Scotts burg. Va. - Owner of the celebrated trot-' ting norse " Twister." JN ow proprietor of Hotel Normandie, Danville, va.j .- CURB ! TITS LATX3T." THI GREATEST. Ninth Edition. Encyclopedia Briiannica. Hot Condensed Not Revised, iNotMntilated. -HUT- The Great And Only Briiannica Complete in 25 Volumes ERlllM .The Encyclopaedia Bntannica is not only a complete compendium of all knowledge,, bat tt is a dictionary of -biography, a record of inventions, a history of discoveries, a calendar of dates, a registry of events, a glossary of technical and scientific termsa -collection of mathematical, chemical, and mechanical formulas, a hand book of law,' a medical guide. Best At as in the World. The most thorough and reliable key to business knowledge, a manual of games, sports and amusements, a theranus of statistics, a history of all countries and people, a storehouse of criticism, a treasury of curious learn ing, avade mecam for the household and farm, as for the office and library, a repertory of useful Information. If the professional or .the business man should undertake to put upon his library shelves the special treaties, which would cover as wide a range of topics as those gathered in the Bn tannica, relating to his own pursuits, his purchases would extend bvei scores of volumes, some of them rare and expensive, and many of them not brought down to date. Of all tbe works of reference now In the market," tbe Encyclopseaia Britannlca i not only the most com prehensive, but by far the cheapest, even at , Tie Ontoal Trice or $8 Per Volne. Heretofore this work could be ob tained only at a great cost from $125 to $200. It is new, lor the first time, placed) within reach of the masses. A saving of only 15 cents a day gives you this never-failing foun tain of knowledge. Is it not worth such a slight effort to obtain U? The STAR will for a short time furnish this great work in Cloth bind ing at $1.60 per volumt ; in fuil sheep at $2 20 per volume, and will deliver the whole set upon payment of $5 cash, giving you long time to pay the balance.' i j The purchase, of any Encyclopae dia short of the best is not only bad judgment, but worse economy. The STAR will furnish you this, the greatest literary production of the century, at- one-third the former price and on terms, so accommodat ing that none need deny themselves the great advantage of owning this mine of information. Remember tbar the present is the only time we can call our own: We reserve the privi lege of withdrawing this offer at any time. It is made as a favor to tbe STAR'S readers, ano for the purpose of increasing our circulation. You are invited to call and examine the books, or send us your address for further particulars: Out of town subscribers can order by mail, and the books will be sent prepaid. Jhe Star Britannica Department, ' 9 and il Princess Street. ' j Wilmington, N. C. i Floniy Flonr. 1188 bbls. Flour. 1500 sacks Floor. - 20 tons Hoop Iron. - 900' Spirit Casks. 50 barrels Glne. 500 baga PeanutF, 50 bbls. E. R; Potatoes, 25,000 lbs. Meat. Alsd, Molasses, Tobacco, Can Goods, Hay, Oats, Meal and other goods. 4 ' : i D L. GOREU fcbsrawtf ' T '' . I " . - 3 5 ill c m i 3 v

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