.t '" 77-?: -7 777-7:: ,1 7V.';7' -'ijVji '4 w: ; 7, 7 7"--. " -"-A;? " t 4 "jf- -A I- Y 1 la .i-1 , jStor, ! ' She We are ajaiu seWin-" bills to oor subscribers. In the aWresate iney amount to a very large stun, Many of oar subscribers are responding promptly. Others pay no attention to the bills. These seem to understand latter do. not that they are under any legal or. moral obligation to pay for a newspaper. - ' the web; A thousand busy .fingers, ' w. Day and night. - " f'.xj. : Weave ajwondrons web of mingled. , i Shade and light. 1 77' p Aa ITflwtftly U enrolled! a I ' Oh. the shining otlta silver threads, ( The flashing of Ua gold I i-V; " ' 5Jio devioes quaint and tare, 7 Which the flickering and the gleaming Of ita tnystio tissue boar? v . . Bright as tne acvr . t To the lily cop glvenr ,-. : feoft an the blue - 777V. tha midsummer heaven. Rlowlv. alowly. alowly, ! The glowing gold growa dim. J " The buay flngcra eilentiy teatond ' ' ... j Weave In the darkness ef a sable thread. The early aplendor waxoth cold and dead, , ' Aa when at vesper hour 1 ' A ry of haman woe shall overpower ; 1 ' Theinbilate of a choral hymn. " For the child ealeep on the roother'a breast ! la the marvelooa web begun. - .1 When the daisies bloom oa the eid man' grave, . The web of life la done. - Bending from heaven, I : Joyous or grieving, ; Angela watch over . "A; The web In ita weaving. ; -j O tried and true, ; '-- 1 Bow Bhatithe garment be wrought for pa. f . That your aoola may stand -' Crowned and exultant at God'a right iandt ! No richer gem in the diadem . , -j Encircling a monarch 'a brow appears . . Than the priceless pearls of a mover's tears, For a charm against the tempter'a anares I Weave la the gold of a mother's prayers. ' t Tinsel of falseheod " i ; ' i Glisten there aeveT ; . ' ' ' Truth alone dnrath . :'t ;-; J . Forever and ever. Weava In the might of a woman's heart. The strength of a hero's souL : - 8o shall your garments be silken soft ' ' : ' i When you roach the distant goat - - M I ; ' But strong as the knightaof long agoae. , Waea they went forth to light with their ar- .. moron. . 1; fO dearly loved, i"; - 1. : When the dav la done. .1 May angels rejoice I In a victorv wonl i ! And your robes be free from. travel stain, ' hashed in the blood of the Lamb that waa slain. Gail Hamilton. The Lion Killer,. ,;- .v , j . j At a table d'hote a Marseillais "was Zseated near .an ' old army captain. The i Marseillais -was relating to a third guest 1 his romarkablo expe riences in Algeria. "The very even ing of ;my arrival in Algiers," he said, "I took a -walk on the Constan-1 tine road, and what should. I meet in the path but a lion 1 I put my gun to my shoulder, pressed the trigger, and, biff ! the monster bit the dust. The ball had pierced his heart" The bid captain glared and fidgeted. The Marseillais yvent on ; "The second evening Vfhen I went for a prome nade on the Oran road, I met anoth- j ' er lion square in the path. It was -but the work of an instant to put my gun to my shoulder, take delib erate aim and fire.- The lion fell dead. The ball, had gone in between his eyes." .' . j. The old captain rose and eyed the "bold hunters. ."If you kill' another lion," he said,' : I will pull your nose." , He resumed his seat and his eating. The Marseillais did not ap pear to have heard the captain and ' went'rOBf in ! the f same tone: "The i y third evening I took the Bone road. . nau not gone iar waen 1 prcetveu axfBDormous. lion coming toward me. Up went my gun. I pulled the , trigger the cap snapped it would not, go off. I had barely time to save 'myself by flight to a neighboring house..! San, Franeisoq Argonaut. ; Ko Wonde- Her Hale Turned Whlte ; "Mr. pasenberry,' here's tho story of a man's hair turned white from fright. Now.t that's a little hard to bolievej isn't it?" S , ' i "Ob, no, my dear!. The medical books are full of such bases. I once saw a girl's hair turn white right before my own eyes.- She was on a; chair back reaching for preserves on the top shelf of a pantry. -The chair tilted, and she fell heavily to the floor.".., . -' v . "And" her hair turned white?,'' . "When I helped her up, her hair was as white as the wall." : , : "Oh, that'a an exaggeration! Mr. Dusenberry ! paused by fright, was it?" vT : ;v - -: ... r: ,1 'WelL I don't know that I'Hinsisi upon that part, of it; my dear. She had landed her head in the flour barrel. " Philadelphia Times: . j -. .... .. . . ; ,,' :.' ; . -A Straoee Custnme. Naval ofBcers tell mnny am using stories of Robert Luuia Stevenson's lifo in Samoa Be was once invited to a lunch on one of the j warships. He presented himself In ; loose; Happing trousers, above his ankles. short white Jacket and without stock ings. f The officers' were in full regalia But when the lunch was under way, in , the : brilliance of his conversation, tbey forgot the nondescript costume and real ized the honor of his company. At bis home tbey found the ; family In native costume. This on the part of Mrs. Stevenson was a Ha moan Mother Hobbard, her hair down and her feet bare. Mr. Stevenson and bis son. wore strips of cotton cloth wound about them and short sleeved knit cotton shirts abova Mr. Osborne is very tall and thin, and bis appearance in this garb was something to be remembered. ' But for a gentleman in town liobcrt Louis Steven son would have not gone to Samoa. He bad, finished the cruise be had undertaken and was about to return home, when he ; met this English yachtsman, who advised I bim that" bo had not seen the South Seat I Islands until he bad visited Samoa. Mr. : Stevenson was impressed by bis account, and a visit to Samoa ended in making it this borne. ,).' '." , l- -. .'IV';" J - . .'!' ,. 1,! " Cheer Cp, Te Men! 'r ' 'vf - Bow fortunate it' is that man's feminine I censors do not leave bim' without bops of consolation in the future!- Fallen as the big baby man is, woman the new woman "holds out a strong band to the child man and insists, tut with Infinite tender ness and pity, upon helping him up." Our feelings in return, Mrs. Grand may rest assured, will be those of unutterable I regard and gratitude: ' ' ! From our clubs, from the moral cutters whore we llo wallowing, wo will stretch forth our hands, to meet thosopf the lady novelist and. her angel helpmates. 'With infinite tenderness" will we welcome 1 their clasp, and when . tbey have .assisted tu iwi uuu E us on our legs again why, words fail to express the emotions we. shall expedience then. Blackwood's ,Maga2)ne. - ' w ,vV ". Qaeen Uargberlts : :''' ;.' 1 " fpt. - i. 1.1 .' nuencjr iq emoonpoint Which so distresses Queen Margherita is probably uuu inner onanes ior Italian cookery. wltft its oils, sploos and pastry. She is es pecially iona or cakes fried in oil. sna. gbetti with cheeseand olives, and when there are no foreigners present at the royal board the national I cookery Is always In th'e ascendant, and garlio and onions liter- Siay -ruie uie roast." Koine Letter. ' , ' Time's Comers. Much may be done In those little ahiwda no patches of .time which every day pro- ioatm ana wnicn most men throw away, suiwuca nevertheless will make at the um or u no small deduction from tbe lit Am turn or man. jucaange. b!?eezikg: customs;" OftiaiA OP AN ANCIENT SALUf 6 ANO j; T8 VWIDE OBSERVANCE. , AM 0mi "trnteh.' Jtost' to BMd Asms i lag? to the BarTondlnK Clrenmitanrm - Bneeslnr Is CoBaMered, -Mgl ot Ks tarolag Hesiltli nslllt Folklore. "Why'do vre salute tl "Bneezcr,, asked Pliny IS centaries ago. We still ask tho question, and one wonders if Pliny could' collect so many Ingenious replies as' the ana of the nineteenth century furnish. ". , . In Cazton'a 1483 edition ot "The Golden Legend" Is an account of a pestUenoe in Borne in the time of Gregory the Great, from which many 41od suddenly. "In tola roanere, sometyme imesying tbey deyed, so that when any porsbne was herd snesy ing, anone they that were by said td hym, God helpe you, or Oryst helpe, and yet en durcth the custome." As Pope Gregory reigned in the sixth century, Pliny's uery- far antedates the explanation . in j" ine Golden Legende." i-' -. !: . ! -,: - In the Buddhist Scriptures, dating at least 250 B. C; It is related that Buddlia,' when preaching onodayto hla disdlplos,. sneezed. 'Whereupon all exclaimed: May . . ino iJiesgea iioru uvei iubj me, wel come one lire !" thus seriously interrupt Ins the discourse. Buddha said, " Tell too. when a person sneezes, if the bystanders say 'May you lite,' will he lire the longer or die the sooner for it?" "Certainly not. lord." So he forbade them to say It. But the people took offense because tne priests did not thus salute them and Buddha re voked his command. , - j - ;': I ' The Talmudio tradition Is that . the cus tom dates from ; Jacob. Before his time man did not die of disease, hni when his appointed time was come be sneeze3; onoe . and was dead. .Jacob petitioned for exemp tion from this Uw, and his prayorwas ' crranted on condition that among air-Tia tions a sneeze should be hallowed by the words, "God bless you.'; f " - i ' The Greeks tamed the oustom back to the myth xif Prometheus, -who made an Image of day and wished to. give I ttfo. From the sun besstole a reedful of rays, and faastoning back toils statue he placed the reed under its nostrils, producing a sneeze a phenomenon we may : at any time produce by standing in the suni At I" this signal life ta'bJs creation, Prometheus - ejaculated alesstng and a prayer lor its crescrvation, aad this response to a sneeze baa been handed down through' all genety atlons.. -r-; ...:.! .-:- 'ftr Also in the story of the Shunamlte child restored to life, by the prophet- EUisha do we And tho idea that this convulsive! effort of nature is the first sign of life, j "Tne ohlld child sneezed seven times, and the , opened bis eyes." According to Scottish folklore, a newborn child is under the fairy spells until it sneezes. Aristotle men tions the practice of physicians whoj when. aeatn seems near, give meuicines 10 mauco sneezings hoping thereby to arouse the failing faculties. Aristotle seems to have given much attention to omens of Isnees lng. He says a sneeze on the right band brings good fortune; on tbe left band it betokens UL In tho Odyssey, when Penel ope calls on the absent Ulysses to punish wrong: '. ;,-' .-.'. V Telcmachns then sneezed aloud, r ; The smiling queen the happy omen blessed, . 'So may these Impious fall by fate oppressed.'? And In 'the Anabasis it is t related that While Xenopbon was haranguing the army some ono sneezed. '.'Immediately tbe gen eral voice addressed ejaculations to pro . tecting Jupiter, whose omen it was sup posed to be. 1 A sacrifice to the gods was then proposed, a universal shout declared approbation, and the whole army in one chorus sans tho paean." '-'. I'. St. Augustine records that when the. an cients arose in the morning, u tney sneezed while putting on their shoes, they immedi ately went back to bed again in order to get up more auspiciously and so escape misfortunes likely to occur during tbe day. 'If a Hindoo sneezes while perform ing his morning ablutions in tbe Ganges,' he touches bis forehead, nose, chin and cheeks with the tins of his finsrers and re commences Ifis prayers from tbe very be ginning. In illness sneezing is considered a eood omen, a sum of returning health. HowelL In 1659, said, "He that bath snoezed twice,, turn nim out 01 tne nospi- . tal." Among tho ancients, if any one sneezed directly after dinner a dish was brought back and tasted to avert misfor- tune, i . Tbe custom of saluting belongs to every . nation and clime. In Ethiopia; when the klpg sneezed, those about bim saluted so loudly that they were beard and echoed through the whole city. In 1543 De Soto bad an interview in Florida wltn a. ca cique Who, during conversation, 'happened tk sneeze. All his attendants-bowed their heads, opened and closed their arras and saluted the, prince with "May tbe sun guard you, shine-en you, defend you, pros per you," and similar phrases. An Italian child's primer of 1533 says, "Being prompt in saluting any one who may sneeze, and returning thanks to any who on such an occasion may have wished yon well. An epigram . in the Greek anthology shows it was customary to say, "God blues you." The ancient Romans said .'Salve. ' The modern Roman of the lower-class" says, "Figli maschi!" (May you have male children.) The North Germans say, "Your good health;" in Vienna, "God be with you;" in Ireland the peasant rays, "God bless your honor," "Long life to your. honor." ; The Russian form is "To yeurl good health," or "How do you dof". Eng-j Ush folklore is full of rhymes about sneez ing on certain days. In Devonshire thoy sayf ' - i Sneeze on Sunday morning fasting. 7 You'll enjoy your own true love everlasting. In Lancashire: ' i Sneeze on a Monday, you sneeze for danger;-' Sneeze on a Tuesday, yon kiss a stranger; . Sneeze on a Wednesday, you sneeze for a letter ; Sneeze on a Thursday,'; for something better; Sneeze on a Friday, you'll sneeze for sorrow: Sneeze on a Saturday, your sweetheart tomor- ' I row; , i . :-A.--.,:-rJ ,. , Sneeze on a Snnday, your safety seek: . r '' The devil will have you the rest of the week. An old Puritan book had for Its title. "The Spiritual Mustard Pot, to Make the Soul Sneezo With Devotion. "t-M. A. N. in New York Post. THREE FOR A NICKEL. A Shrewd Ohio Postmaster Causes s Basil - For Postaero Stamps. The business world of the village of Johnstown, in Ohio, had succumbed to the beat and had lain down for the sum mer siesta.. Plainly things needed a stir ring up, and it was Postmaster and Edi tor W. A Asbbrooke who did it. - His , bumble instruments wero merely a piece of white pasteboard and: some black paint, the. latter, however! mixed with a shrewd quality oi. Drams i - When bis preparation was finished, a large placard challenged the notice of all passeraby with the startling legend, "Postage stamps, three for 5 cents." The first response to this alluring state ment; was from a drummer. He accosted the postmaster, "Do. you mean; to say. I Jhat you actually, sell three postage stamps for a nickel ? The postmaster replied that this waa undoubtedly the case. , "Well, V said tbe drununer, 'I never saw a redaction in stamps before. I'll take f3 worth. I don't need 'em, but it's the best bargain in stamps I ever heard of. " - . He waited with a . gratified smile while Mr. Ashbrooke put his $3 bill in tbe drawer and counted out the stamps..; By this time his expression of comphv oenoy had given place to one of chagrin,' and as he pocketed the stamps' he re marked. 'Well. that 'a one on me." Presently winsome girl came trip ping up with a letter to her sweetheart. Vfhen she read the. placard, bex eyes sparkled with pleasure to think that the stream of coin she was steadily pouring into Uncle Sam's coffers was to be even slightly diminished. . She laid down nickel with a confident air and said, ; "Give me three stamps. , - -' ; ' , The obliging collector of government revenues pushed her but two twos and a one.-Then perhaps he didn't pay for bia nttle joka Feminine scorn held the floor in that office for the next five rain utea. ; Then, with the somewhat feeble peroration, "Will Asbbrookev you think you re smart, don't you?" the offended. zaaiden flounced out of the oface. Pittsburg Paper. :-k.h Hit ytmxiiz. Cfil4 ifbt eit ths tost 4rs4j fcttl'jfaldaf -.: Coali Hurt Othc Wotoasa , Where tbey all came from was a mys tery. - And why so many women Jiad ss-. tected this day to shop wad Incomprehensi ble -at least Ui the finite masoullne mind. -But the big shop was packed and j-"vr! with them. They all looked utterly, fagged out, and' many Showed signs of growing Irritation.;'- :,.:-t : ,r- Two women of widely oontrastlng types paused for a moment on the outskirts of this hitman .vortex.- They stood at oppo site, points, equally distant from that por tion Of the Ions- oonnta flnrllfirflait rharv-l one, evidently a oountry wgman, had the placidly stupid gaze of a ruminating cow, i n.i.A At.M. i . i i . M ' aw iwiH nam utmiacuj m sroaacc H OW York "- She was dressed : In rusty black, Bits of crape were pinned at uncertain In tervals upon her costume. Her shabby" bonnet,, with Its drunken plume, was very ' much over one ear. She wore the suspi cious but alert air of V terrier that has beon'fooled too often by the cry of ."ratal" The Illusion was heightened by a peculiar habit of carrying her elbows close to her -1 sides ; and letting her hands flop down from her extended wrists, ta If VpUtins; up, begging." . . - . ' ' . . . A common Impulse put both women In , motion. On the floor by the remnant ooun- ter lay a purso. Apparently no one else ' The small woman, bv a vlflrorous atmll- cation, of. her sharp elbowa, worried , her way toward the. priae. But here sise de feated agility. - By sheer force of her own weighty the country woman projected her self upon It. v victory was hers. A. .li - ' .: The little woman gave a ' yelp of disap pointment as she saw her rival's: hand open the purse and disclose a goodly sized roll of bills. Instantly nor fase gleamed with malicious triumph.- ; r I S i . ' Leaning over the counter, she called in ' a sbrm ' vnleeiMlaBVJfeTO's with aoathliitf'eJnpjais'ias founa a purse with money. Wontyon takher to the department for lost artiolertV r- " '. :M The country woman's -eyw flBed with J tears of rage-- "I guess It ain't yotur busi ness, . I sin takd care of It myself, I reck on." - - But it was too late. - The ever present floorwalker had. heard the request, and he oonduscended to lead the crestfallen coun try woman to the- cashier's desk. . : With a last exultant snarl the small woman cork screwed hor way through the crowd and disappeared, New York Herald. ' ; WON HIS CASE A Philadelphia Jjmwyx'm IdasT-eC Thrift and Bow It Worked. Over in tPblladeipbta dwelt a young law student who fell In love Just as he was about to be admitted to praotioe. The girl's father also belonged to the profession and was reckoned pretty smart, as Phila delphia lawyers go. Tbe old fellow gave a partial consent to tbe young man's pleadings, but concluded he would try the student and see If be was worthy to be his son-in-law. So be said: "Tbe ease of Blabk against Blank baa been on the calendar several years. It baa been '. tried, appealed, decision reversed, tried again Mid comes up again for argu ment at the next general term. I am counsel for the plaintiff. I have had the. ease four years, but now X turn It over to you. Here are the papers. See what you can oo.-.- : .- ... i Tbe younat man took tho papers and went to work with a Tim born of love for. if he won tbe case would he not also win a bridef At last life seemed to him worth the living. He studied tbe case thorough ly. He consulted tbe authorities and waa loaded and primed for a brilliant argu ment when the court convened. He made his plea and won tbe ease without any trouble. ; '-.'.'."'''. Wltb a heart overflowing with joy, he re turned to his prospective father-in-law, and,; slapping down the papers, be ex claimed: -i- ' ," ' -J' "See here, sir! The case Is wonl These are the proofs. What yon tried for years to do I have accomplished at a single term of court. .Now may I have your daughter?" i The old fellow looked up with a Bmils upon his face as he replied :. . 'I thins: rou a fool and von can's nava my daughter. But I will' ast give yon a little ! gratuitous advloe: It is true I had the case four years without winning it, and it is also true that I made thousands of dollars out of it But yon hare gons and settled it, and what have yon- made! About $60. No, sir, you can't -have my daughter I" Kew York JournaL . ' A Stannlna Spoeeb., A distinguished traveler who had mad the ascent of an Asiatic mountain (which may be here called upapol) was to turn thanks for tbe visitors at a dinner ot the Alpine club, but though he was a bold mountaineer, be was a timid orator. "Got to make a speech?" said a friend whom be consulted at the dub. "Then there la nothing like taking a glass of sherry and bitters first.".-So said other friends, one after the other, and on each occasion the prescribed dose was conscientiously swal lowed. The effect On a nervous- organisa tion was nothing less than confusion worse confounded. J-' When his achievement had been de scribed In glowing terms by the proposer of the toast and tbe celebrated explorer rose to reply, he contented himself at first with smiling- blandly at his audience for a minute or two as he swayed backward and forward. Then . ha beoan: "Gentlemen. Upapol is 17,000 levels above the feet of the sea." i There was a roar of Homerio laughter, but the orator smiled still: and continued: ''No, that is all nonsense. rt ...... t an nrm ' ! 4S& , U1IU VVW III. .Bawv W WW level of the feet." Another, about made him think, that this statement, too, had something wrong about it, and then, he save up his task in despair, and we never heard' particulars of an ascent which Wav were unite prepared to celebrate as . the most remarkable feat of modern climb ing. Blackwood's Magazine. 1 r ; : Hary Uapos Dodce and KmSrson. j, It Is interesting how strong the influ ence of a face sometimes Is. A friend of Mary Mapes Dodge, who had occasion one day to go with her into a private room in her charming apartment In Fifty-eighth street, stopped for a moment by the door to examine a large framed photograph hanging on the wall. - It was a very tllully finished bead of .Emerson. Mrs. Dodge turned hack and exclaimed: "You are admiring my Smersoni It Is One of the dearest things I possess. It goes with me everywhere, though I do not of ten carry about his essays. The face la con stant enough help." Mew York Herald. 'What man in hlsjight senses, that baa wherewithal tolive free, would make himself a slave for superfluities?' What does that jnan. want who has enough? Or what is be tbe better for abundanoe that can never be satisfied? L Estrange. , . '-; ,; .. : .- A Now Perfl. ... - "Yes," said Uttle Jim to bis juvenUe friAnn - T'rr. 'orklntn. win . w. w f p.ii. .And fight Indians?" : - ' ' "I don't; know about that. But I'm golnter get away from wbut's oomin. I've bad paw's trousers cut down to lit me, an never found fault. - But slnoe maw got a Wheel an is woorln bloomers, I'm takin no more ohanccs." Washington Star; Boagh tho Doctor. . A correspondent of The Hnenebener Neuestd Nacluicbten affirms that the office of physician to the sultan "of Zansibor is far from being a sinecure. Probably; to guard against poisoning, the unhappy doc tor laeompeued to swauow one-nail or the medicdne prescribed by him for the sick person.. --- " -."-'-.' ; " ..' . In parts of Austria and Italy there is a -superstition that the human saliva is a tore for blindness, xne idea- probably Lriglnated in the rniracuipus Dealing of a 4iind man recorded in one of the gospels. Eleganoa .la aomotbing moro than ease ; it is more than a freedom from ; awkwardness or restraint; , it im - plies, I oonceiYeva preoisibn, itpol. ish, a sparkling, spirited, yet deli- cate. Hazlitt; ; r In. 1780 .the harbor el New York iwas frozen over, and a roadway fox teams was made from New ; York tq Btaten Island In .1821 theharbof was again fro2en.::r.':-.. ivy J) Hm Brinjts comfort and improvement anpx tends to 'psrsotuu ' enioyicect ' when; righflr'nsed. Z Thef many, who liye bet ter than others and enjoy life more,! with less expenditure, by . mow promptly adapting . the world's nest products to the needs of physical being, 'will attest laxanve - princiiie - euiurauvu u remedy, Syvapof, Figa::-'' ' . Its Excellence is due to its oresentinff in the form most acceptable and pleas-; ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly 1. beneficial properties of a perfect lax- . stive; eceotuauy cleansing ue system, - illinc colds, headames ana levers and permanently vjunng cons (jat.u". It has given satisfaction to millions and met JvTth the approval of tha medicaV .4 :u - . professum, pecauae acts or tne aj nevs. Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it Is perfectly free from every objectionable suDstanoe. r -- r Syrannf. Hga ia for sale by all drug- ? rists in 50o and $1 bottles, but it is man- uiaxnurea jj ue vauionua if oyrup ; Co. only: whose name ia printed on every ana Deing weu -inzoimea, you wiu uu . ccepranraTirjBncawu .mr&.jj.uv CONGRESS YESTERDAY. f TWO LONG 8PEECHE3 AGAINST FUR- THER ISSUE OF BONDS" ? By Senators Kills and Pe ffr Besolution Jatroduoed by Uenator Push IXEelatlna AH Government Bonds A'ajabla .ln Sii- tsi Souus-oenerai panston tan ms- euaaed tn the Hous. -- By Talagrapb to the Morninx Star. SENATE, - ' . Washington. Jan. 15. The Senate listened to-day to - two long speeches, against the farther issue ot United State bonds and in favor of ' ! the use of silver' money: Tne first was made by Mr Mute and the second by Mr. PcSer. Mr. Mais' speech was biuerly denunciator of the National ban king'svstem and was aa an- raigoment of the finsncialpolicv of tbe President and of the Secretary ot the Treasury, while Mr. Peffer denied that there, was any authority in existing statutes for the issue of United States bond. Although, tbe 1 Kaosas Senator spoke for two hours aad a qaarter, he did not conclude all that he desired to preferring to goon with the remain Cer of his speech to-morrow, v - Oa the same general subtectaiuat reaolutioa was introduced by Mr. Pub. beloa a reproduction of what is knon as the Stanley Matthews resolution, de claring all Government bond payable. principal and rater est, at tne pleasure ci tbe Government, in standard silver dol lars. : Mr. Pua said that he woa:d ask a vote on tbe resolution to-morrOw with out debate, but subsequently, on account of tbe absence of several Senators, be said he j would not ask a .vote until Monday.: -.7 . - "s i : ,;;' -. .;. ! iV : Mr. Mills' speech had for its text his resolution effered yesterday in- favor of the coinage of silver, and for other ' pur poses. ! Mrs PcBer ! based his upon tbe House bond bill, with the silver j subs-i tote reported from the Finance Com mittee. --- ,. . v.- ' j; A bill heretofore introduced by Mr. Allen ot weorasxa, i-apuiist, anq, tnen referred to the ' Committee on Poreigo Relations, to prevent V United States citizens from accrpting titles or patents of nobility irorn ioreten oations, wasre ported back to-day from tbe committee adversely, and was postponed indefi nitely. ', . .' , ' "-t: : A joint resolution appropriating $73.- 0CQ to defray the joint expense oWoca tine the boundary line between Alaska aad tbe British North American terri tory was passed. , '!'- Ua motion ot- Mr. woicott, it was or dered that when tbe Senate.adioura 10- . 1 ; 2 . . morrow k aojourn uu aaonaay next.; Alter a short cxetu ve session tne Senate, at 4.85 p. m., a0ourned until to morrow, -v ' , - ; . '. .. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. Johnson of Indiana Republican. presented the report of Elections Com mittee No. S upon tbe contest ot Root, H Cbesbroueh for the seat occupied by Geo., B. McClello. from. the -Twelfth district of New York. The report re cited tbe facts io tbe case, which showed that Mr. Chesoroueh had abandoned the contest, and was accompanied oy a reso- luiion ,. declaring that Mcuetlan bad been duty elected and wavcntiUed 40 the seat-- The report was agreed to and tbe resolution passed. ; Thef House then,' in Committee of the Whole resumed consideration of the General Pension bilL' . !. -HM '': 'v Mr,l Morse ' P. - Massachusetts, j Re- publicso, announced . that - he - would offer., at the proper time an - amend ment!' to -the birr... : -giving- ' tnet -widow of a soldier; the minimum pen-. sion of $19 a month, notwithsiaadiog that the so dter died : from disease not . contracted in the setvice. : : After a long i discussion Mr. Stooe gave notice tnac to-morrow - ne wouia ask the House to proceed with the con sideration . of k the bilL. under the ft ire minute rule, with the expectation of Teaching ajrote before adjournments : . The -Committee then arose and mi 4 05 oe ock the Hu a j orned " T s 1 .. I : ' - - Ir. Sbbbm - ca , u . H .. -5':S!; V 1 D 1 1 U , g 5 f)s j" a sbbbsi s rTo ?Jr 3 S I Lai 63 5- j ! i: fl p.y .-."S w' a 5 . N s .2 Z ;c4.TJ4I -i Sf . S-r.- S , '- H sssssl - w P ' -ir .5. :'.i5. ,"-4.y sr O 'r '. I ;.-l''rJ-i: O fl lis tSnenlsa lft; fitshmofitf i VatSetoled " w v.'V..--t i Richmond.- Jan. 15. The. Soathern Bsll-Telephone : Cdmpanrwnjch has been tn cp:ration here exclusively for a numberof veais, was to-day denied the fnivilece of paying a tax recentlr lm poted npoa poles in nte noon the streets here. The Citf Auditor refused to ac ceptlhe money on the ground '.that the compaot's .franchises , in the city had been revoked recentiv. and that bis ac ceptance might bind the city so as to al low the Southern Bsilto continue basl metai i n R h mood - (or - another - year.' This may opea the way for legal . fight to decide as ta the right oi the company tQ Continue in "business. 4 3 ; x NAVAL-ST0RES . MARKETS. :.:i.Nw YorkJ jMuarV 15. SdihU tur. entine firmer with the South, quoted at 82M33c. Rosin quiet land stead ; atrained . common to "good $1 60Q1 ti. r CharHston. r Jaauary i 15. Spinu turpentine firm at 89c: sales casks. Rosin steady, A B and C $1 10, D 11 SO. E $t it. F $1 83.G 1 40.H 1 45,1 l 55, no demand; tor other gradr prices not qnoted. ! . . 'l:y. . SAY AHKAH, January 15 Spirits tor penfine firm at 80c for reulais.witb sales 600 casks; ireceipts 498 caiks. Rosin firm! for, M and beicw; pales nominal;' tale of S 400 barrels; quotatioss were; A Band C$1 15.1 D lc 80r;E-$l 40 P l 51. G $1 B3 H $1 5. 1 l 70.:K $1 90. M 3 20.. $9 f70. window glass 13 80 water waiters. fi! - L1 S-v when Baby was sfck, wegava ksr Gastorfa. WenshevasaCh0d,sfaacrIedtoGsstorla, 1 became KIsa, she duns; to Oastorla. id ChBdrecvsbr fjavat WARM WIHE.LET8. ! W. Er Aldrkh, treasurer of Casper county, Neb., is alleged to be $7,500 short tn bis accounts and has pis appeared. ;f :-:t;.4 '.-;' - -: j y'':'-' S'': '.Z 1 The.Keicbam Lumber Cov Chicago. bas filed ao asnsnment. .,The resources are estimated at $500,000 and the obli sationsat $800,000. , Tne creditors are mostly taak-. ;;-!; ;( j, .. ';. j The President bas nominated Chief Engineer Geo. W. Melville, U. S. N to ioe Engineer in Chief and ; Chief of the Bureau -pf S earn Engineering With the tank of Commodore. . ; 1 ',:-;'-'i ! The Senatorial question continoes the all absorbing -topic in Mississippi aad prominent men and politicians from all sections of the State. . Col. Money con tinues tbe favorite lacking only twelve votes of a majority. ; f - - X " i ! : The City Bank of Minneapolis is tem porarily closed to allow the Superinten dent of Banks to examine into its con dition, t The i capital is ' $500000, and drposiu December 18th were $500,000. No serious trouble js anticipated, j . l p: f - , -' V.! iV ..Sr Over anny .Tears Mrs. WinsloWs Soothino Stkup has' been used for over City vears by millions of mothers for their children while teeth ing; with perfect success. It sootbesthe child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is tbe bes remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little, sufldrer immediately. Sold t by druggists in j every part of the world Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow s Soothing Syrup, and take p.other kind .;: " v: S t. '--1 H.i ' - . i KXCKIPTS.; ., j .. V roc week eadod Jaa. IS, 1896. Stfritt. , Mmtm, .. Tmr. CnuU SOS 6,948 4S " 4.011 . 91S RXCK1PTS. '.! '" " . Tor wek eadsd Jaa. 11. 1890. CWftna. " S.7JS Spirit. Xann. Tmr. Crmdt. K9 s, 00 SM r m. . KXPOKTS, For week saded Jaa. 10, 1MB. : SHriU. Mnim, Tsr. Cmd. 80 S4T 1M ..5S S 00 - we too- 000, 000 romsa. so S4T . 160 7M . SOS ' 1 .EXPORTS. . r 1' ror week eaSed Taa. 41, 1896. . : Cftfu. Spirits. Mtht. Tmr. Crjtdt. :. 619 i 893 . 44S S.447 148 SoKitB.... 0J0 100 " OtS ; 000 . OBJ , 1 S.S19 V 893 r4tt S.447 - - stocks. . Asbots aad ASoat, Jaa. 10, 1890. 7. t ". - j' . ' Athft. AJUmi. . TtlmL 94.S39 S.7SI 80 SM 10,SV 661 18.9)1 10AS Spirit. 8,7 S lo KooLa......... .......... -.iL-mjam- Tar. ....... 10608 I 00 Crude...... i 69 8 1 r- j i.'. STOCks. - AabOM aad ASoat, Jaa. 11. 1898. OtUu. i . S&HU. Mmim. .. 34 , I. 1,611 - '8iS8J i QVOTATIOMS. ror. S.86I' Crwd. JdB.-10. 7Hc ' . ...MI Crade..... at. SI 4(1 80 EXPORTS FOB THB WEEK. FOREIGN. Bristol Bar qae V Glenni 3al 4,551 .obit rosin. ' '' :'':fp KiNGSTON-Schr 1 Henry Crosby 408.411 feet lumber. t " ; Port-au-Prince SchrWm F Camp bell 1ST.871 (clumber. : j ,r QPort Plata,; S D Schr Jolia Pow Jer 188,104 ft lumoer, 1 crate of doors. 40 loose doors. ' - i . .'. 5 ' Dunkirk Nor barque Emma Bauer 1,771 bales cotton. 1 j ? COASTWISE. "Niw York Stmr Clyde 150 bales' cotton, 068 casks Spirits turpentine. 175 bbs rosin. 061 do ur, 17 do crude tur pentine, 25 0"o pitcb, 85.000 feet lumber. Ill ekes mdse. ; " f .-u - : .. . -. - . . ( . 1 . ' .DAvxRsrdRT;:: M ass Schr Graham 881,055 ft lumber. . - . R ' S IMAIlIIffisV - : ..: ; . ARRIVED. ; ' "r 1 Br Stmr Rrdal Holose, 1855 tons. Brown, Chatham, N B, Alex Sprunt & Son. Ph -y-t"- :':-.;:J- .4. h yv-'y:- 'y.-:: - Str Geo W Qyde, Robinson. George town, H G Smallboses, , British steamship Glenloiff, S.018 tons. Hay, Charleston, Heide ft Co. Steamship : Croatan.- Hansen. New York. H G .Smaltboues. c ' Nor barque Iooa, 649 toes, Olsen, Tybee, J T Riley ft Co. J Swed barbae Svea, 514 toes. Aeder son, Tybee, Vterson, Downing ft Co. v-.-., . ; ' -:.?'':. CLEARED.' .V P:r": Schr Heery Crosby, Stobbs. Kingston. Ia. J T RUey & Co; cargo by J H Chad-. bourn ft Ca - ;. --- Nor barque Glenndal, Tonnesen. Bristol, r TRdey ft Co; I cargo by S P Shotter Co.-. : - ---' -v.'''- ; Str Geo: w Uyde.. Chichester. New York. H G Smallbones. ,' - Schr Was F Campbell. Stout, Port u Prince, J T RUey ft Co; cargo by: Sft W H Northrop. '. ,.; - v- '. - -Schr R S Graham,' OuUen. Daavers port. Mass, Geo riarrist, - Son ft Co; cargo by Cape Fear Lumber Co. - Schr Julia Fowler, Cummings. fore Plata, S D. Geo 1 Harriss. Sou ft Co; cargo by J" H Chad boorn ft Co. Uer saiqoe aomi tuner, me man. Danklrk, France, Alex Sprunt & Sou. Steamship Croatan, Hansen. George town, HG Smallbones. r . - '"'.-. t - ."'i ..." .-." 7 ; . jaa. u. use. -. f SB j-'-.:'----: v "-1 96c 1 - tl 10,15001 TO COailERClAL.; tTl till NGTO N -U ARKB ..... r STAR OFFICE, Jan. fi. Itr WATAt STOIZS. - -" - -V-SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Steady at : S7T cents per gallon for coun try and 88 cents -for machine-made : casks. - -,. J .-..U. -;'.: ; ROSIN Market ? firm at il SO oer bbl for Strained, add 11 55 for Good 'Strained. r---v:? 1 TARr Market ooiet ai 90 cent ner CRUOE TURPENTINES Market dull at $1 40 for Hard, tl 80 for Yellow Dio and Virgin. Sales stqaotatioos.r Qaotattoos tame dav last rear SDirlts ttttpentine Wc; rosin, strained. 0 8?Ki gooa ftrainea i 9: tar $0.85; crude turpenUne $1 10.1 50V 1 ' Spirits' Turpentine. . 118 Kosin i V.-.V.' . J. . i'i . '.l i-!: ; - 751 . Tar j . Zxr&ti .. ..... . 163 Crude Turpentine. i. i;tV4: 00 Receipts I same day last vear 105 casks spiriu turpentine. 191 bbla rosin. 107 bbls tar, 8 obis crude turpentine. y'r'-: COTTON MAKKKT.;",:' ':; ; -;. P Firm. QaoMtions; t:i'M: Ordinary..., ........ fX ; cts lb 0 a (- --- - - - V... uooa yratnary. j. H ww Miaaung..;.... Middling......;.-.,'. Good Middling.;.... 7 fi-ti.r 8 - - . Same day last year, middling 9ei . Receipts 878 1 bales; same day last year 814. - ' : . v,;-.-::-'. 1.:-. . .!"-.' . -v, .v. - i-.' .. STAR .OFFICE. Jan. 10. I SPISTRPENTiNK at xav cents -per gallon .tor. coun try and 88 W -cents for machine-made Casks. . ,.!.', . - ij- , I ROSIN. Market steady at $1 85 per. bbl - forStraiaed - and 11 40 for Good Strained.-1 k ".' -'-' .: - TAR Market quiet at 80-cents per DOI OI oU IDS. A CRUDE TURPENTINE. Market dull at $1 40 fori Hard, $1 60 lot Yel low Dip and Virglo. Sales at nttotstioes. - i Qootations same day last year Spirits turpentine 85c; rosin, strained. $0.8?K: good atrained $1 08 W; tar $0.85: crude turpentine 1 10,1 50. 1 70.- . Spiriu Turpeatine.. 18$ Rosla. . . . a 888 Tar .i....s.J.i.. 76 Crude Turpentine -.V. -18 Receipts . sameZay last ' year-81 casks spirits turpentine,' 888 bbls rosin 78 wus tar, e bbls crude; turpentine. - ' COTTOKMAXaT' '-''f ' '. Firm. Oaotations: . -' Ordinary. . . ; U i. ,i. ; : 5H' eto V lb oooa urainary..... X ; low Miacuing........ 7 -i " Middling ............ 74 Good Middling. . ...... 8 1-16 - : Same dav last vear. middlins 5c Receipts 585 bales: . same day last year, 500. ,.-! ; ;5 "STARrOFFICE.7an.lt. NAVAL STOXKS. ' l -SPIRITS TURPENTINE- Firm at 88itf cental per gallon for. coun try and 88 cents for machine-made casks. '- ' . ' 1 ; .r ROSIN Market steady at $1 85 per bbl. for Strained and $1 40 for Good Strained. y !..... . TAIL Market quiet at 85 cents per DDI Ot sou IbS. - t CRUDE TURPENTINE Market I nominal at $1 40 for Hard, $1 80 for Yel- iaow uio and vireia. ! yaotatlODS same day last year Spiriu tuipentine 85c; rosin, strained $0 87H: good strained $1 08K; tar $0 85; crude turpentine $ 1 10. I 50, 1 70. wi-" Spirits-Torpentine . 4 ...... Rosin;.... Tar .'i. Crude Turpentine ......., 83 688 154 8 Receipts same - day last year-48 casks spirits turpentine, 810 bbls rosin 143 bbls tar, 0 bbls crude turpentine. 1-';: v I COTTOir MARKET. - ' Steadr. Qaotations: ' 1 Ordinary... ........... 6H 'Ctf ? lb Good Ordinary. ...... t low Miaoung...,..... 7 0-10 Middling....... w. 1 Good Middling...... 8 1-18 Same day last rear, middling 5c Receipts 587 bales; same day. last year 455. i Uj.'x - : efaD mrTTTrrr f 1a s - , " NATAL STORES. ' SPIRITS TURPENTINE Firm at 88)4 cents per gallon . for , coun try and 89 cenu for machine-made casks. -t ROSIN Market steady at 1 85 per bbl for Strained and. 81 40 lor Uood Strained. iV--. - .. .' t : TAK. Market quiet at 85 cents per bbl ot sso ins. il CRUDE TURPENTINE. Market nominal at $140 for Hard. $1 80 for Yel low Dip and Virgin. r uuoiauons same oar last year- Soints turDentine ViHci rosin. Strained, t Hi Rood strained s l 08)4: tar so so; crude turpentine fl 10. 1 oor i 70., '.'ihc- RECE1?TSV',J ::" Spirits Turpentine 88 Kosnu..i 70 Tar . . .i U.i ; 115 Crude Torpentine ......... .... . " ' IS Receipts same day last , year 18 casks spirits turpentine, 6 bbls xosis, 88 bbls tar. 78 bbls crude turpeaune. 1 Y:- 8 "COTTON; MARKET.: i Steady. Quotations:1 Ordinary...i.......... 8K ' cts V tt Good Ordinary.. .J... BJg .. Low Middling. . . . J. 7 - 5-18 " " - Middling. 7X Good Addling....... i-16 f Same day last year, middling 5c Receipts 1,088 bales; same day last lt,ll. j - u. ; .-: STAR OFFICE. Jan. 14. '-. ""'"VKAVALJTORES.' VZ-K' ' -SPIRITS ! - TURPENTINE. firm at 89 cents r per 7 gallon for V coun try and 89K cents ; for maCbiBe-made casks. - ' ' - - ?;"'-,'j " ROSIN.-Market steady at $1 85 per bbl for Strained and $1 40 for Good Strained. 1 1 -'- 1 . r TAR Market steady at 8S cents per bbl ol 880 lbs. CRUDE TURPENTINE Market firm at $1 40 for Hard. $1 80 for Yel low Dip and Virgin. , Qaotations same day last year Spirits turpentine, 88c; rosin, strained, $1X0; good strained, 81 05; tar, 80 95; crude turpentine, $1.10, 1 50. 1 70. RECEIPTS. Spirits Turpentine Rosin. . . . . . . .. . . .'. Tar. ... . . . . . . . . . in Crude Turpentine., .50 casks 784 bbls 844 bbls 00 bbls Receipts - same day-last year 188 casks spirits turpentine, 771 bbls rosin, 78 bbls ur. zff bbls crude turpeaune. . " ; COTTOH MARKET. .' ; ; Stesdy. Quotations: -' r ' ' Ordinary.... Vs , cts ?1 Good Ordinarr....... SJa M- Low Middling. . ... . . 7 7rl " " " Middling J " - :. Good Middling.....: B 8rU - f Same dav last year, middling 5C'-. -' Receipts 481 baler, sane day last STAR OFFICE Jaa. 15. " - irvMATAl.TOsr'':-4-: SPIRITS TURPENTINE Steady at 89 center per gallon ? tor coun try and 29X cents for niacbise-cude casks. - - -.- - f ' . .' ROSIN Market firm at II W per - : . j. . '- . i " ' .r . Itl for c fanned. 2? Jy!?-;'-5 i'. ' :fr TAR Mar let ttcadv fit 83 cent! cer bbl of 880 ttev-r i.-1 r r,,4... .? CRUDE ' TURPENTINE. Market firm at $1 50 for Hard, tl 80 for Yel l-low D.p aad Virgin.;' -T'.- ...'.- ', . Quotations same, day last year Spirits turpentine S5c;-rosin, strained, $1.00; good strained r$l S; tar $0.85; crude turpeatine $1 10. 1 50. 1 70.-. ;-. ' ROSin. .... . . . i. .. 858 Tar . . ... ... . V '--. v.. iL. ... . 128 Crnde-Turpentine. . ..-.'.;. ..... i 11 Keceipu same day last year iZ casks , spirits terpentine. (48 bbls rosin. 77 bbls ur. 0 bbls erode turpentine. ., Ordinary . ..... . , . , ; '" SVi -:V: cts lb Good Ordinary,..,; ?E " - low Middling. ; ..... 7 7-10 " s- a -' - - k. .L ,--.. " ' Miauling, i ........ . . 71 ' " ' Good;MiddUng.ii;,:8J8-18i: Same day isst year, middling 5c . Receipts 888 bales; same day . last car 688 C S h 'r; -r; r "... ruin ..a a. irmtc " f Br Tdasxapk ts ths New Yftar: Taniiatv IS Kvninc' Money, on call wss easy at - 85 per cent; last loan at 8 and closing oaered 8 per cent, Prime mercantils paper 8Q7 per cent. ;., bterling t exchange was quiet; actual business inf bankers' bills 47KO87X for ' sixty days nd 489 AI8SM tor demand. Commercial bills 48X j4873. Government bonds were s rong-.Uniied Matescoupon lours(f United Dtates twos 80, . bute bonds dull; North Carolinartoura.lOS;-Norih Carolina .sixes .180. . Rajlroad 1 bonds. were firm. - ' ."- -. - - f tl - V ; s- Silver at the -Stock Exchange to-day was higher vt 'j-V-iv-- :- : " -COMMERCIAL. ; -,T -. . New YORK. lanuary 15 Eeninor Cotton quiet; middling 'gulf 8 ' 7-16c; find dling 8 8 18c. '-1 "t j Cotton futures market barelv steadr: lanuary 7 80. February 7 81. March 7 83. April 7 93, May 7 98, j une 8 00. July 8 OS, August 8 03, September 7 80c: Oc tober 7 79, November 7 87. Sales 189 800 bales., ,-...'..- .' .-:;.-:.-. I: :;..:.- -.j, Cottoa-cet receipts -t bales; gross 1,887 bales; exports to Great. Britain - bales; to! France h- bales; to the Continent 1,815 bales; forwarded 479 bales;! sales 815 bales, sales to spinners 115 bales; stock (actual) 191,815 bales. - 1 oui lo-aay-n ci receipts io.uus oaies; exports to Great? Britain 18,487 bales; to France bales: td tbe Continent 1.815 bales; stock 1.054 815 bales. Total so- Iar this Week Net receipts 76,990 bales; I exports tq Great Britain 80,489 ' bales; to France D00 bales; to the Continent 15 815 bales. i , . Toul since September 1 Net re- eeipu 8.783.981 bales; exports to Great Britain 1,187.777 bales; exports to France 810.189 bales; exports to; the Continent 987.638 bales. New York, Januaty 15 Flour was quiet and unchanged, Southern quiet and unchanged; common to extra fair $8 10Q9 80. good to choice $8 90Q3 00. Wheat spot dull and stronger; No. red in store and at elevator 70 jrf70c; afloat 71!i7c; options were fairly active and strong at HQMc sdvance;No. 8 red January 88Uc; rcbrnaiy 685ic; March s9Kc; May 679c; luce 66&c; July 66c. ( Corn spot . quiet I and stronger; No, I at elevator 4c; afloat 86 options were dull and firm at He advance; January loc: February 85X May 84VJc; Julrr-c Oats spot duft and firmer;option4 du'l and steadier; January 84c; February 84c; March 84Jc; Ma 84H: spot prices no. s sOstjc; No 8 white 85H; mixed j Western 2H 85e. Hay steady; demand fair; spring 76080c; good to choice 95cO$l 05. Wool was in moderate demand audi un changed. Beef quiet and uochaoced;beef bams dull at $15 0015 50; tlerctd beef quiefceity extra India mess $15 50Q16 00; cut meats steady, quiet! and bncbanged. Lard-firmer and. quiet;!; Western steam $5j755 80; city 85 80i5 85; January $5 70, nominal; refined quiet; Continent $6 20; Sooth Ametica $ 60; compound, $4&-?505 00 . Pork;; firmer and quiet; mess $10 25010.75. Butter tn moderate demand and- unchanged. Cotton seed oil quiet snd firmer; cnude 84; yellow prime 828Xc; do off grade 97087KC Rice firm and ; unchanged. . Molasses m fair demand and unchanged. Peanuts Slet; fancy- hand-picked iQlfc. See weak and 515 points down; February $18 80r March $18 8018 80; May $18 751S 90; June $iS 60. Sep tember $18 60; December $11 70U 80; spot: Rio doll bdt steady; No 7 $14 00. Sugars-raw dull but steadr; fair refining 8 Jfc; refined; dull end unchaoged. Freights to Liverpool (quiet as d firm; cotton , by steam Hd; gram by steam 8d. - CaiCACO. January 15 Cash quota tions: Flour Foreign bids were received 86dnrices anCDanged jn flaur. Wheat No.8 soring 68X057Wc;Na8 red 61X 63c Corn No. 9 Oats Not 17Ji 18c J Mess pork, per bbl. $9 6X 9 75 Lard, per, 100 lbs, $5 475 60 Short rib sides, loose, per 100 lbs $4 70 4 80. Dry salted shoulders, boxed, per 100 lbs $4 504 75. Short clear, sides, boxed, per 100 lbs. $5 005 18K. Whis key per gallon $1 88. (. . '.-:' H The leading futures ranged as follows opening, highest, lowest and closing! Wheat-No. 9 January 56. 67)47 66. 67H67VI; February i 6757, 57. 68X. 57HOS7Kq May !6V69K, 60 60U. 5'J.69?6O00; July 59 K. 60H 60& 69, 60H- Corn Janoary 9H. 96X. 8547 86c; February 25X2(5. 86V.S6H86K,86K861 May 88J7 98. 88H28 iSJic; July 9947 80, 89$g, 89.i Oats NoJS January 17ft. 17X. 17X. 17J4C: May ix. xo. 19K. Mess pork, per bbl. - January $9 65,9 75:955. 9 75; May $9 80. 10 05, 9 80. 10 00. Lard, per 10 lbs, lanuary $5 50, 5 50. 5 60,4 50; May $5 72tf,5 83. 5 781478 80. Short ribs, - per ,100 lbs. January $4 75. 475.475.4 85; May $4 80, 5 03f, 4 90,5 00. r !i5-F Baltimore. Tan. 15. Flour dull Wheat firm: No. 8 - red. spot 670 67c; January 67K07X; March 67 OOect Mav COHOooc; aoutnern py sample , 88070c; do Ion grsde 650 686. Corn firm; mizeq spot zooc; lanuary 88 88c; February 88XQ88c March 88k088Ket May 85He asked; Steamer mixed SlMOSlKc; Southern white 89KQ88KV Oats steady; No. 9 white Western 840S4c; o, mizefl do 33XQ83C. ' COTTON I MARKETS.. .- .' By Tdegnph to the Uorafng Star. Tanuarr 15 -Galveston, quiet at IK. nt receipts 9 684 bales; Norf olasteady at 7Xc net receipts 1,986 bales; Balti- more, nominal ai net receipts - oaies; Boston, quiet at 8-16cr net receipts 983 bales; Wilmington, f dull at IK. net receipts 688 bales; Philadelphia, quiet at 8 7-16ci net receipts 110 bales; Savan nah.i)uiet at 7 ll-16ci net receipts 8,680 bales; New Orleans, easy at 7 18 16. net receipts 8,788 bales; ! Mobile, easy at 7 18 -16c nt receipts 634 bales; Memphis, easy at net receipts 1.015 bales;. Ananata. auiet at 7 18 16c net receipts 688 bales; Charleston, - steady at 1. net receipu l,047.balea. ., 7 ;. Governor Stone of MtssissiDoi received telegram last niabtt from Gen. S. D. Lee, president 01 tne a- h. totiearn ai Starkville, stating that a student named Rimes had smallpox.) He was isolated a mile from tbe other students bed little fear was felt of a spread of the disease. jib Denver. OA, the rand jury last week found Indictments against Matt Adams, ex clerk of tbe District Court, lor alleged embrxxleaent of $89,800. sad against W. R. Perryi on tbe charge of embezslieg $1,7C0 cf ' coooty nonet. Perry was arrested yesterday. ', It is sajr Adams is in South America, I iC (7)Y "1" -; r w Infants and r Ch MOTHERS Sft ii Po Wots Know' that paregoric. Bate' man-a irops.uoauejr's CordiaL nwaysc-callwl : BooUung Syrups and most remedies for chlldrca : ' are eompowd of opmm or niorphuw?; '; Po'se Kbow, that opium and xaer. '. ; pome are stapdTyiagnarootlc poiaonsr :-.:- Po Vow Know that la most countries . drugguu are not permitted to sell narooUos Without labeling then sobon t '::-, .-. '. -yl'f. t Wow Kwaw tW Caatoria la a nard 7 ; vegeUblc preparation, aod that a list x tts ' ' ingredlenU is published With .every bottle? Po Wws Know ifcav Caatoria is the prescription of the iauioua Oramoet Pitcher t ' That It has bees ia use for neatly thirty years. and that more Caatoria la now sold than oi all t other remedies orhlldren comHaad? ! ;To Ym gnowj that yon should not Jxrmit uy Biediciue to be glvca.yotir child , valesa youor yoar physiclao know of what ttta v, :onPe4?,': i ' , " C" j V " ':,27'-' ' "7 7 Pe Tctfgnow that when poeand of . .;. j this perfect jHeparatioa, jrour children toay 9 f kept well, and that yon may have snbrokea rest 1 1 ' 'Well Trtewe frttrtgW ars worth know. lag. A'hey areiacU. ; , , .' r j' v '-'.:. -.-. : i FOR PITCHER'S .7 - ' 771 I 7 a v - ; Mum 1 ! ,:;.-;! 7'- 7. r A : CASTORIA DESTROYS VOSUS, SXLSTS FEVERISHNESS, CURE3 DIARRHCKA AKO "WDTD COUC, ItEtlEVKS. XHUXUXSta TROUB&es AITS CU&S3 COCTSTIPATIOtt AND FIATOtEKCV. L .' -..77 iV . 7':' - I : ' '-" '-f'-.. '- 7' ' . CASTORIA V r For Infants nnd Children So not be lmooaed" neon, but tnaUt unoa 1 having Castoria, and sco that the lao-simlle slg1 nature ot -isonthewrap per. .We shall nrotect oor-' elves and th public atj aU hatarda, Ths Csrratnt CojtrAmr, 77 Hurray BtK.Y. Wholesale Prices Current f3FTb foSowlag qootatioaa taptw at Whotoaa Pnceaceaexajly. Ia aiakiag ap small sedan altaa 10 ctarL 7 v :t','M Sri ' The aootatMu are aiwan posrible, but the Stab arlll act :;7 -7.. -jf--!l ';'.. :t"; .!: ' ! , ; n I . be rapeaalble ferfcaf - variation from the actual awrket pries el 'hracksT qnotad. BAGGING i'. - , S-B late,.!,..., 4.., Staodard..., ui.,,.,,.. WIST CRN SMOUD-I , HaouW t.. j? Sida ).. ...... ...4... DRY SALTED . . j , - -Sides S ........ 14 - - saonioesi m .... 8ARRKLS Spiriti Secoed-aud, eaca ..i... .. New New York, each.......... 1 NewCitr.ach.....i... BKSWAX ,..... BRICKS I- j .. - ' ' Wiladastoa, w af..,,., .,...' .1 Neitaeta I BUTTER - j North CaroHaa. S.. ; O IN' O ,!- SIM ."ST. g'.TSO 14 OS f Northers ................ . CORN MEAL '. , j ' : i Per battel, M SKas , .......... . VhTriola Meal,A..........tf.. 43Kf CANDLES V s I. . spene ....... ... ..., AdamaaUDe IEKSK fj W . -. Nortaera racuxy Dairy. Cream., State ......,Mt JFFEE SJ S wf,,' Lacorra ......... i)0MESTlC& ! , Sbeadaa,4-i, yard..,,,..... Yams, boaca... .... .... EGGS V doaea........... niH . i Mackerel, no. 1, Denw..... w ma AA Mackerel, No. I, ' Mackerel, No, S ' Mackerel. No. S 1 kajf-barrel 11 00 keU-baml 8 00 Mackerel. No S, barrel .... IS so . MoUeta, barrel , S Mallets, Vj ............. M.C. RoeHerrlag , - Istra ........ riAJUK s Bauer Lew grade ..f. O i S 00 V r Straight ,U....- US 5111 ,im rmmi...........,. vLUS V Sr S7MO ; UaAin-y mwmma-r- , , Corn, troei tor, baje White, r Cora, cargo, ia bulk White... Cora, cargo, is bags White... Oats, (rem store., ..,., Oats, Ruat Frooi...... Cow Pees..... ,,,., .,... HIDES, a oieea ...... .... HAYi6s'wi" . Westers 4...,...,j,. ., North River...... KOOP IKOM. norueru ..... ...... ....,,4 North Cvouaa ... ...... LIME. LUMBER(crty Sh1 Snill. 18 00 A SS 00 Rough-Edge Plank, is oo West- India cargoes, according ts quality. IS OS tinrlac.aaMoaed. IS 00 Soaathne aad Board, ooniraoa, , 14 00 MOLASSES. &bteTa NewCrep faalils ailsis rottoRlco,lahhda,....... i Mbbk...., stot:::::::::: Oyl lVf'sasBi NAILS, Vkog. CM. 004 fe mm VS-tu. ' e )RS barrel-- j Cat? M8SB(S4SMI4IM RvJaH ttee lrisV4 eww. i MffSSI'. ROPKtt liiitWH Mtf4eSSM '. SALT osftck Aittm..,.. , LisboBJ m...... .M. m... Auerlcaa,.... oalSSW Sacks .....4... SH1NGUS. 74nch, fl M ........ . QMsHbOwI 'ntts4M a, CypwMi S 8M - - Stsmsittfd A.eBrSOssoa WkittKz. C eoataawassee KxtTslOe Gt)Att. C, Yellow..... SOAP, Northen. .......... STAVES, m M W. O. Banal .... R. O. Hanhtad..... TIMBER. AM lees-Shipplar. 1 I listssJ M0L ralr S SO . Coarnoe MiQ..,....... . 4 OS : larerlor la Ocdtaarv......." - I SO TALLOW. A .........'..". . S WHISKEY, A gaioik- Mortasra., 1 SS North Caiwiaa.. 1 00 mni a - r 14 Cleared bara...... ........... " ' 1SU Old IMevGpapers. YOTT CAM Binr OLb srEWWAMiJ, m foes At Your Atth8TAB02fle SmJtahkfcWJULmjl0yAriJt,sa4 Gzcellent for PUclne; Under Carpets : . mi t '. es ;.rv. -x j, .; i 7-. X .: : :: ti ' 4S)4 ' '7 SStl So7". .. ..S-. ,i 40 46 7 '. ; . . - ' so s - to ; '' i.O .' S - ? . ; .. , j ....O S..', i 1 . -. ' ! - ; :....n i ss , S O . SM r- x".- r- - (-. ' oisso. 7 r ..77- j turn? f-.-i-xT7- is as." ;'SS'--ft , , SO Hi':. ?''.: is a ' 14 :M ; " . ....8 is V. - . 7' .; ", . 4S SS.Vfc----.'fi.--V-st ': - ' urooaio ssJvf. 7-v "'':. -"' :. - i 'Oisss"!'7 40' t - es V... ri ? SOS. I l.yoo .;. , ;'."-. .. -rx S 00 i IN '-- .'.:'7:-., 4 so i i j oo 1""'. ; 7 7 i t -11,0 00 7. . : s- O too --..'...-.w-:,r;-.-. A 4 BO V - .. - jx.i .; X ssa . i 7; ' t7 S 8ss'-i-. - ,777 ' . ! '7 ' i f .7tf-;.7 7-':" "7 I 7-.7 7:;;77:7 ' - V 74 --'. ..--j -.7i,--r -J- - '-