... .r ' ' 0 WAY TO BEAT BRYAN.. ' ; "" '7 . hat fciectorai uoucge P o-ures anow. rffTEEN SPATES jjjuli . r?U;i .-- Four Merc. OERTAIN. F.vin tor THE REST. I,, roiri:?; UK :'w;ph States Lean Toward .1 Ssntienant That Tn wrt , .K' .. f. L..enr.i 1" r l . . . . .It .f n.-iii-.iiui r . - ... . . .., foiiui win w taw nm - . I ..I, an. I IniHlUk. Tor. II irr. tin' N-'V-- York JonrnaLl ' . : i i.,t flm nhlifctnnl flcrmwa ittola '" ...ii ..iv,. mi their calculations this mjn ' p.' I ( WJT la nria In IvtilAh fka I , ,1, IM'M L1IM1 J ... u.uu vuvi Tefl! ' i -rv lirsiia lirr.ken and . .:,..im1 U incorrect Except ln a in SOIllU liui va vi, viw vyuuiuji . u idpniiTiv iur years uau lmuvw iffc"' .11 v .sod. AH in.'""-" . Cn-l- , .1 1 .1 ' V ". .Ul T4. Il JtorMltUWl im.i"-- e : n -Ii -r IlilV. I'l . I mil 9 J-A V LUU CJIUU 1JL1J f I fill 1 Oil-. UU1UU UUD .k pni!iiiu.ifc 1 j ..1.1 1a.i 1 tiriW LtJ tilllT IMUiUM IJ11A tilltS WOTUiu v. --..-7 7. niisrn in McKinlcy, might otherwise ro BainaffayTrmtt the polls. I 1( no tliinl (Candidate should be in the .H sAme rtiMt'tHted DeiiiocratB jnight te for McKinlej-, but quite as many trnoM- vote w'ltli thtvir party rather than toe their wtik " Ifence (thore is . good mundnow fofan intelligeiit judgment on Seontlx-,hi'.!l cu forindr votes and the scertained strength of partjies. ;f ,. The questions thaj present themselves tconsidorin.u the chances of success are: I Have tlio Pupulists lost or gained j-rfh siure the election of 1892?. I mil tlipRiulist support of the Dem- iustic candidate tot- president, William J. Btvin, be general.- . : . S, Will tlie aeiection lruui mo ucmv djtic partr, caused by th action of the Chicago convention, be great enough to tfsct the increase of strength, gained from tie Populist vote"? . ' L Are the Populist growing; T The total popular vote in 1.892 was as fellows: - lemocratic... Jepnblican., taist....;;....i The Democratic and Populist vote eom- Hnedwas 6,59945, or 1,421,838 in excess i the Republican vote, ; . ; , - The total Populist vote in 1894 was U63,453j or 32i.4i4 largcrj than In 1893. In vie of the largo Populist vote; it is sfjniflcant that t ho Democratic vote in 1892 showed an increase of 18,685 over the rote of 1S8&, while the llepublican vote de rased 2(54,103 from the Vote at the elec .Imiof four veara nreviou&l ' . 1 In the states which will be the battle ymi pfrtlio election thci increase or de feaseof -ttePcipulist vote in 1894, ascom ted with l:.'",. is as folloWs:' , r . In- . IV I . In 1SP2. In 1S94. crease, crease. tiiDrma,..... 23,2. B1.3IW 25,953 Colorado.:..:... 5J.5S4 82,1111 23,527 7.121 60,75(3 20.1S3 32,118 lli.L29. au.uia b7,eiu 15.24r 07,815 5.523 l),:i54 52.075 20,013 20,568 25. 110 Fusion S5,fi04 2,178 lm fienres do not correctlv show In noses the actual Popullstic increase or oase. Id Colorado." for instance, the TOte of 1S)2 shnwq th fnatnn' WBooatic and Ponulisfi vote. In 1894 COnSTessinnnl 'i.lni'rinrA tha TVamrwrfotjl candidate and. divided their votes "roa the Republicans and Populists. In "wine Democratic antlj Populist votes -uuacne(l tcici-ther lrt 1892 and serja- edin The Kansas vote of 1892 ws the combined Democratic and Popn- TOte. whili. 4n 1 mi: !.' 1 . i iUUU bXlU VKCXTJ U1I1WM. -Venroska in 1892 'there was a bitter wwiong tho Democrats Over the ques o tuaicai oa tho Ponullst electoral the local Deniocratio leaders fearing I might; lose their power in their or fation if fusion prevailed. The com- aonwaS defeated,' butj the Democratic- nZ , . u uau "centlO.552" In 1888 and ".imi890, d-A-indled down to 24,943. m' 1 a union with t.hn PnnnlfafA on -,11 was 07.S15. and 6,985 votes astforasilviTDeiuocratic candidate. fcrtateCratic'P',?uiist evernor carried .... 6,556,618 .... 6,170,108 .... 1,041,028 ichigan.. lanesota la tana... ...... lebnska ....... Send lorth Dakota... 0klo(lS95.....- 0gon. ,, bub Dakota... xtiiigton....,, Virginia . . , Taonsui.v...., ijoomj I.'.52j ituo..... Einoia..,., kiao....w.... 22,St'8 lm 0.015 (1695)... 1,1 11 l'J.fcti2 29,313 7,234 W,l:i4 ' 7.)4 17.7CO 14. m- 20J. 20,511 19,165 , 4,:G6 0.809 . 7.722 S7.5S6 . 7,180 11,523 iiuio 58,018 . ' 7,008 14,681 7,825 ""24 fX975 15,095 8,395 1.741 8,346 "032 6,548 frbpnilsK 160,000, and fiepubUoan, 65,000." A Populist bolt In Texan wnnlrt moan i,a cutting down of the Populist vote 80 per cent and. the cotumiuni imMuo Democratic vote. .... With the Democratic vote in tVi mut strengthened and Increased by free silver a, straight Populist nominee for president would only lose the Pomiliata states they carried with Dernocratlo help in 1893 Colorado, Idaho, Kansas and Ne- . .Will the defection of the rold Dem ocrats defeat Bryant ;i- i. - .', In conslderinsr the amonnt of AAnr n the Chicago ticket from the disaffection of the gold Democrats, it "Is Important to re member that such disaffection la only a limited number of states and is Bcarcely of ny account whatever. In t.ha WCSt. V . . .!-. -r- ... , . Of the New Enclnnrt Maine, Kew IlaniDshiro. Vnmirait. Mao. sachnsetts and Pennsylvania elected the Republican electoral tickets ln 1892 and may b0 conceded to the Republicans now. Any gold Democracy movamen t in thn states is Immaterial If half the Democrats should repudiate the Chicago candidates, they could onlyVvell the Republican ma jorities. Connecticut. New York and New Jersay arc, on tho other hand, vorv im portant Democratic states.- With Dela ware, Maryland and West Virginia.: rt.h,i electoral votes were cast for Cleveland ln ' It 13 claimed that the onM TiAmnrArji Will turn -over Connecticut. Now Jtt and: New York to the MrKUW nmk. Ucans In this election. ' - . 1 In the section most affected bv thA t)1w and Populist movementn hvnrrh f. mining and agricultural i lntereata. flvn- states ran no Democratic electoral tlnketa in 1893 Colorado, Idaho, -Kansas, North Dakota and Wyoming. In. Nevada, al though a Democratic doctoral ticket was ln the flold, the Democrats generally voted with the - Populists. ;i Colorado, - Idaho, Kansas and Nevada were In consequence carried by the Populists bv moralities in Colorado of 14,964, in Idaho of 1,921, ln Kansas of 6,874 and ln Nevada of "4,453. In North Dakota the Populists obtained 181 plurality In tha state, but the three electoral votes went one to ' each candi date. In -Wyoming the Republicans' se cured 73 plurality. ' . ' : In t oo other western and Pacific states a combination of the Democratic and Pop uuxh vou-s in ibks wouia nave mado these changes in the results: : : f - -. ' : ..- . : California, carried by tho Democrats by . . 1 ... . . . . . j 14 plurality, wouia nave given 25,490. plurality over the Republicans. - Illinois, carried by' tho: Democrats by 26,993 plurality, would have given them a plurality of 49,200. " ' ' . : ; ' .'. - Indiana's Democratic plurality of 7,125 "would haveDoen increased to 29,333. j , - iowa's Xtopublican plnralify of -22,965 would have been reduoed to 2,870. f - -: Michigan's Republican plurality of i 20, 412 would have dwindled to 520, , -. ! Minnesota's Republican plurality of 21 903 .would have been changed to a plurality 01 v,4iu against tne itepnbUcans. . Montana, instead of giving 1,270 plural ity for tho Republicans, would have given a plurality of 6,064 for the Democrats. - Nebraska's Republican plurality of 4,093 over the Populists would have given a plurality of 20,850 against the Republican ticket. ..... - . ; . : ...... : - (r. Ohio would have reversed the Repub lican plurality -of 1,072 to a plurality of 18,778 for tho other side, r . v j V , -. Oregon, which gave a mixed vote, show ing a small plurality for the Republicans, would have given a plurality of 6,206 against Harrison. : South Dakota's plurality of 8,344 f or ihe Republicans would have changed to 737, against tnem. 1 Washington's Republican plurality of 6,658 would have been wiped out and Democratic and Populist plurality, of 12,- 507 would nave turned the state to the other side.- .' . : . 4,174 would have been Increased to 8,340, Wisconsin's Democratic plurality of 6, 544 would have swelled to 16,453. : . Wyoming, which gave Harrison: 732 plurality," would have doled out to him only 202.. ' ' - -.' 1 - ; ' : -' 4 Allowing to the Chicago ' Democratdo candidate only tho' states that We believed to bo certain for him, whatever the' gold Democrats may do, the following is the list of , Alabama.., Arkansas.. Florida.... Georgia.... Kentucky., Louisiana., Maryland . Mississippi Missouri ...... North Carolina, Booth Carolina. Tennessee... Texas... Utah. Virginia. DEMOCRATIC STATES. X' ' Electoral vote. 11 4 8 ...... LJ . . . . ...... 4 13 13 8 8 . 9 17 11 0 12 15 8 12 153 4 8 10 8 k .Noah Dakota 'the lPt votes Democratic and votes were counrurl t.ncwt.hr An irtg , m an(Vseparately ln 18fl4 JfnTr in lm the vote of 5,623 was . 1 boremor Jniu's, the silver oandl sft.r:.Ven hundn.'d and eleven votes tea Populist. . - i- :- , Wiving at tho total Populist vote of m 1H94, some Democratic votes -eiore included in pmiU Tlnm. -rapported Populist candldaies. But Total. . ........ .......... . . .i. Add the Populist states: Colorado.......... Idaho. Kansas Nevada.,..... ................... Total......: 170 - Conceding to the Republicans the states likely to be affected by a Democratic bolt, although the surrender of New York at least Is strongly and vigorously protested against, McKlnley Is given the following states: ' KIPTJBLICAH 8TATSB- Connecticut Maine. .....:... . ' Massachasetts New Hampshire... .......... New Jersey 4.....,..i......,.....t. New York. ?f Ohio...:.:. ............. i- Pennsylvania.. ,.................. r.. Rhode Island..... Vermont. : ". Wyoming. ........ ... ..........: Total.:. .......... : This leaves unplaced the following states: V ' TJHPLACKD STATES California. Delaware....... ...... .".... Illinois.... . :.................' Indiana...... Iowa. .......' f .............. Michigan. j Minnesota;......,. ...t.. ............... Montana. ........... .v.-i ........... Nebraska North Dakota. ? 15 4 10 88 23 82 4 4 8 143 h. uv t"e fact that in North Caro Vrw6 6 ul"licans fused with & bZ, in clwtihg a chief - justice of "Preiiie court, and! in other states lmZ , ,cP,lWiwins combined with the "en the vn? clw:tin? judges and congress Miion VTO! C0Unted 08 Republican Tot "u2"1-i')n W:W made of th pP- ; . . ai;i The tiw T ' !ls lssible.. - ; ' -; 1 Louis? ' .enthusiasm of the last lauiu. "' as well as the proof Ht ?'Kures, show that the Popu- riCtt. itlml.l.L.I.U. Wlne,h PWt support of' Bryan VC.iculo'' to suppose that the kWiti fu not BUPPort Bryan a&itwas "Wtinn Ut the Chicago Democratic d aval1 itself lta to kv " y ,,mke 8 lte two-thirds iitoJ'Wn u l)liltforn in accordance dtov? VunVs imdto select Its own St jT, u'T M -u was to predict that way its 'pulist convention would chances of succmm and f.Jilwll.1... . . . in w wno couia not do ProS . n;e a' candidate with a ?1th?V Bl":cess- - ? ftn f.l!. Ur7t th Populist convention 7 Wnboi4 j ,iJr'an'8 nomination, but to L. "Ulfl . . ' et r v their o-n organization - u,n inerrn tf 11 act in a manner ?th.m ",i A" icxans were more ear- (ffeat ? :hi9 because of JlarmT' "in-111 their state and the Sth Z,t "K .cf th0 Democracy. ;llenf n. ' wun all, the talk of ft ndidate for the presl- J"4itoh" i '""""'S'cai ns tho talk or a 5.vi!itinn1. i,lMrom the action of the Mn,'". .. . 'J ... .... .,. 2todl;!ltl?n of an Independent Pop. rSall ri for vloe President accom- J , till TUr. (71OAJ ouwui- iteg wif8,''a,Ued middl roivi Partv h 1 . 11 Preserves the identity Hthe Tjr 1 ,lnRtcad of injuriously af- tiuent'a vote will serve to OaBrill!!'e.in Texai for Governor was -"noers: Democratic, 243,000. Oregon. .. ,. Sonth Dakota... Washington , West Virginia... Wisconsin. ....... la what gives Hood's Sarsaparilia Its great popuiaruy, ns consUntly Increasing sales, and enables It to accomplish its wonderful and unequalled cures. The combination, proportionand process used la preparmg Hood's Saraparilla are unknown to other medicines, and make Hood's Sarsaparilia Peculiar to Itself It cures a wide ranee of disMiBM hmnu ,-. 01 its power as a blood purifier. It acts oirecuy and positively upon the blood, and the blood reaches every nook and corner of the human system. Thus' alT the nerves, muscles, bones and tissues -come under the beneficent influence of -Republicans for governorln 1 8WW"1, 753 ; South Dakota, because the. Democrats and Populists together had a plurality over the Republicans In 1893 under ad verse clrcumstaaoea that kept Democrats from the polls and reduced thuirvote more than 60 per cent. . Washington, because it has shown large Democratic and Populist pluralities over the Republicans in 1892 and all subsequent uoiuuiu, - ; j ; ;-.-.'r. West Virginia, Sbecause its - straight Democrats gave Cleveland a plurality, be cause all Its state officers antfc judiciary rjre Democratic uud because ln eight elections pray one nas been Kepunlican In its result. . a he probable results,- based on the fore going tacts, are thus stated: ' : THB DEMOCKATia VOSBCAST. Assured Damoeratio. ..:....".,.. Populist states of 1&2. ...i...;.. ;., " COMISIERCIALV : WILMINGTON MARKET. Sarsaparilia ; $1 The One True Blood Purifier. per bottle.. 9 8 21 15 18 14 0 8 8 8 - 4 -4 4 6 12 131 vrtAc d:it cure LlYet IUa eay to I1UUU SfUIS take, easy to operate. 25c. POPS AND REPUBLICANS NDEAYOR1NG TO'2 ARRANGE 'FOR STATE, CONGRESSIONAL AND 1 . - won 1 t . rusiCN Both Anxious and Beth Flavins: a Bluff Game The Question of Taking' Bat. sell Down Seriously Consid ered Pt arson Bays Z2v arythlng Is in : 4. : ' CR. ! i Special Star Correspondence. :. Raleigh. N. Q., Sept. 9. Col. OUvif H. Dockcry arrived; here to-day. He says he came to aee the two -old parties court: Senator Butler. Col. ; Docket y 7 remarked , incidentally that he was beyond the breastwork s and only a looker-on in ViennaJ 1 CoK Dockery denies absolutely the story printed this morning to the effect that he had resigned the - nomination; ten dered him for Lieutenant Gavernor by the Retublican party. "I never asked them to nominate mi." he said, "and I htyent asked them to-, uke me down; They have j. urtued their course volun tartly. rne 1 ree:Xee stateiman- re marked that he -came here to see the operation. nfjaking a man from a ticket senator ttitiet arrivea this mornine from WasbinKton. Nat. Garrett -and other -well-known Populists are here. The proceedings of the Populist Com mittee's sessions might be rather tame did Harry Skinner fail to tarn up, but his presence is promised daring the day. There is a general feeling, as wired last night, that there will be fusion. Maj Grant seems confident of it. The Popnlist Committee will not meet until this afternoon. The Republicans will gtt together this morning. Maj Grant says this is the last move on the checker-board, and that if fusion fails this time there will be no further changes in the tickets. Zeb Walter declares that prominent Democrats are here endeavoring to pre vent the Populists from forming any combination with the Republicans. Sfiecial Star- TeUeram The Republican Executive Commit tee met early this : morning and ap pointed' Chairman Holton, Marshall Mott and R. O. Patterson a sub-committee to wart on a similar committee ol the Populisms with a view of arrange teg fusion on State," Congressional and county matters. Chairman Ayer. of the Populist Com mittee, appointed Nat Garrett. Sheriff Sims and himself a committee to meet the Republicans. The sub-committees have been in consultation on and off all dav. and it is evident that both' sides aie more anxious than heretofore to ar range fusion. Bluffing is being-Indulged in by both committees. Chairman Ayer announced positively to the Republi cans that Guthrie . would not. be with drawn in favor of any one. The ques tion of takinsr Russell i down has been seriously considered, so It is said. A movement to drop both Russell and Guthrie and substitute Cy Thompson seems td have failed to obtain to any ex tent. Latir Zeb Walser says that Dock- ery s resignation 01 me nepaoiicao nomination for Lieutenant Governor U in the hands 6f the Republican com mittee.. udge .Russell, be says,, will . . V ' Ll ' never come down irem ine Kepuoncan ticket. Russell leaves for the West night to resume his campaign. At 11.80 to-nieht the Republican ecutive Committee adjourned until to morrow morning at 9 o'clock, without having come to - any ; decision as io fusion with the PODUllStS. I He SUD- committees have" been "kept busy run nine- nrooositions and counter proposi tinna from one committee to the other, The first nronosition looking to lunon was snbmittd bv the Populists. sThey demanded Russell's retirement in favor. nt Onthrle. and aereed to an equal divl sion on other State offices. They agreed to fuse on count? matters, as well as qn Coneressmen. In the division of eressmen the Populists yieiaea Uchiware.,.. . ..v. . ....,.. Illinois .....,.....;..-...: Indiana.. .. ........:. . . . Mlnaosota . . . ... ;:. Montana... . .... . ,s. . , Nebraska . : . ;. .-, ; .. ;. . North B-koia....-v...,. Orcgcn .. . .v. . ..... k. . . . . Botit'a Dakota;... .a.. ; Washington v.v. West Virginia..':,:..,.'.. Total f STSB EI PtTELIOAN PoitffiA8T.: .Conoedrd Kspublican, ................ .1. 1-'. ...... ........ . . . ...'. ...... ,i. ' Michigan. . ...... .:.i.... ... . .. . ,;. Wisconsin ' ; i' . 153 30 9 r 8 24 15 9 8 8 " B "4" 4 -.; 4 t. 4 Gladness. A fith. a better, nndei.' -4 transient nature of t-'-r.'.L A.v s' teal ills, which vanisli Lefoie tvipp ef fortsgentle efforts plcant crvrta riirhtly directed. There is comfort in ttie knowledge, that so mon j forms of ..... ,...) 205 .'....'143 ..... 13 ..... "14 iks rl82 fotai.. r:.:.:;; jtv..:.: .Electoral vota for Bryant, .:.....J.... or fliojiinley.. ........... . . ............ .... , Eloctorol majority for Xryaa. T. J.. . Could Win Without Illinois nd Indiana. - Tho concession of ; Illinois and Indiana to the Republicans would make the follow ing result;, : i: -' , Bptiblican probable states : . ............ . 182r Illinois.... t...v. .... ,..W................, 24 Indiana............ 15 Total.. .; ... V... :....;;:.;. . J. ."isT Or, to accordance vMth oChor Republican figures and claims, this result might be' f orotold: , v - ' ." ' ; States probably EopubUcan.....":..:. i..-.'tw. 182 Delaware. ... m . ...... v. .... . 8" Indiana i. .-. .......... .: . , . " 15 .' West V irginia. .......... ; . - 6 . Nebraska.. a,;;. Ofcoq s v i s .-. 4 7ot&I - - a 218 , -.OCherRopn'blican prophet glvo upthe" western unplaced states except Indiana, but claim for their ticket Delaware, North Carolina and Louisiana. This would give, with the states assigned to the Republicans:-' . - Assigned votes 182 Delaware.. . a Indiana. 13 North Carolina. . . ; 11 Louisiana............ :s-;-... '8 sickness are not dne ease, but simply to a f tion of the system, y b family laxative, Syrui Iy removes. That is n remedy with millionf f "t everywhere esteeme'- St' who value good he? At.: effects are dne to tl fa one remedy wbicl prf' cleanliness , wiUw -.t -. organs on whic . iJ ac: x all important. i rdp ' flcial effects . nof chase, that ' s cle, whiolx if fomia Fi S all reputai:" If : t and t r - ' other --'.. ;' afflict., --. may's!.!. " Pbys: ki . . one n i. - well-irV . ' ' Ffgss vsedir roy v r L Tg - jpo -h u ctual 6is- "deondi-" . d 4 " ..f all T .iial ' the Vnal i -thee ef ore ' pnr le arti-; rCali. A& by health. sxativesor . aecded.' If - ' a.4 .'- xkJ disease, one tended to J'" JQost skillful ut if in need of a laxative ve the best, and with the .rL Extra Prime, 606 a everywnere, Esyrup ot . ighest-and is most largely wo"! general satisfaction. STAR OFFICE, September 8.' I SPIRITS TURPENTINE-Mai ket quoted steady at 21g cenu per gallon for machine-made, casks, and 21f cents for country casks. ;No sales. -.?ri-x ' ROSIN Market firm at $1' 85 per bbl for Strained and tl 40. tor Good Strained. . - . TAR. Market quiet at ft 05 ' "per bblof280tts. - . ' CRUDE TURPENTINE. Qaiet. Hard 1J0, Yellow , Dip lJJ5r Virgin 1.65 per barreL . . ' - : " Quoutlons same day last year Spirits turpentine 2524Jc; rosin, strained, tlliXl good strained $1 17; tar $1 25; cruae turpentine si 10..1 50, l go. . . .-. Spirits Turpentine. ....... . ... , ." 43 Rosin.. ................... 855 Tar . ... L . . v.. . . . ..' 116 Crude Turpentine . f , 28 ' j- Receipts same . day - last year 78 casks spirits turpentine, 503 bb s rosin, oa Obis tar. 2 bbls crude turpentine. COTTON,,--' ;;V:! arket firm: Oiotatickir? " Ordinary... ,...r. ;".tv1.':V tt GoodNprdinary . ...... 6$ '. " Low Middling... ...... 7 il-16 Middling.. . . ... . . . .1 " " Good MiddUng:v.I, . 18-16 Same day last year, middling 7&c : - Receipts-897 bales; same day last year 4. r: 5 ; COUNTRY PRODTJCK. i:2 i PEANUTS North CroltaaPrlme 4050c per bushel of 28 pounds, Extra: Knme, 55c; Fancy,065c. -Virginia-- 88 Fancy, 570c to 40 cents per Total.. i... 219 Still not enough to olect McKinley. Vs ' On the othor hand, it is seriously ques--tlonod whether New York, with its deadly Republican local feud and a Democracy growing in enthusiasm for Bryan, whose only crimes appear to be his youth and his eloquence, will be found in the Republican column. ; Many Democrats deny that Ohio can be safely counted for McKinley, while every man with a knowledge of politics can judge whether if will not be more probable . that . Iowa,; Michigan and Wisconsin, will , be found rolling on to the Democratic shore on the great western tidal wave than that Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Ne- ' braska, North Carolina, Oregon and Louis iana will range themselves in the Republic- . an column. ' m m PUBLIC SPEAKING ; HON. CRAS B. ATCOCK ' r Will address the people at the follow ing times and places: ; , Richlands. Thursday. Sept. 10th. Hallsville, Friday, Sept. 11. (Duplin county ) -Warsaw, Samrday, Sept. 18. HON. B F. AYCOCK, Democratic candidate for State Treas urer, will address the people at the fol lowing times and places: i Elm City, Wilson county. Thursday, September 10. . Nashville, Nash county, Friday, Sep tember 11. -. r- Springhope, Nash county, Saturday, September 18. ,j . Sutton's, Franklin county, Monday. September 14. i Wakefield. Wake county, Tuesday, September 15. . RolesviUe1. Wake county,' Wednesday, September 16. Youngsville, Franklin county, Thurs day, September 17. Auburn. Wake county, .Friday; Sep tember 18, . Princeton, Johnston county, Saturday, September 19. i Ajian. Frank Thorn psan. Democratic candidate for Congress, has been re quested to speak with Mr. AvCock at all appointments in the Third District. ; ; Hon. E. W. Pou at all 'appointments intfae. Fourth District. ! ; fflakjeve Most of Torlf,' ' - It is the duty of every man to make the most ol himself. Whatever his capacities may be, he is sure to find some place where he can be useful to himself and to others. But he cannot reach his' highest usefulness without good health and he cannot have good health without blood: The blood ctrcuiates to every organ and every tissue and when oure. rich and healthy it carries health to the entire system, but if it is impure it scatters disease wherever it flows. Hood's Sarsaparilia is the oae true blood purifier. It cures salt rheum, scrofula, catarrh, dyspepsia and rheuma tism because these diseases have their origin in the blood, h - ISO I to- pure "' . ever Ex- Total.... ...... .. ... Wbere Will the Unplaced States Wt Of the nnnlaced states, where ought California to gof In 1892 Its electoral vote was given-to Cleveland Dy 144 piurauiy. The combined Democratic and Popultet rrnta mta en. 49(1 over the Renublicana. ' In 1894 the Democratic governor was exeewso by 1,206 plurality and the -Democratic ana Popnlist votes combined had a plurality of 52,510 over the JtepuDucans. l niflcant fact that much dissatisfaction pre nnrj whiln the Democratic governor was elected the other state officers went to the Republicans. . tv,1oum hns rninn jjemocrauu XWIu.w ..' C7 Mnoa nna i s7fl and ReDublican once. iiUTmia. Indiana. Iowa and Michigan kwA 4n .hAm anmft Democratic disaffection. tnAtrmnnt. hnsed9 on ascertained facts, ha naMfind in niacins Dliriois, In wionnnain in the Bryan column. UUUU ' . , There Is certainly good grounu ior ucu0- i i,m nrlll mti.fnta.m tneir oomuiu Democratic and Populist pluralities under the imfietus of union and .the promise or rm. tna tinnlced : states are on the crest of tho great western tidal wave of tha f silver movement and are believed mnnvl tn km? bod away all opposition to Bryan. - Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, xt nT a onr.K Dakota. Oregon, Wash- WMt Virirlnia are all counted on Tto give tho Chicago candidate their dec- any good. They are placed in the, Democratic col . t nriTinctntf reasona Minnesota, bemuse the Democratic apd -n n. f 1RQ2. with both- those parties Inharmonious and dissatisfied, was- 7,410 larger inan we xiBtiuuuw - Montana, because without the prestige of union and free silver coinage the Democratic- and Populist ' vote- combined was a aaa lnrow than the Republican vote in 1892 for president, 8,489 larger Itfthe con-. gresslonal election of 1894 and 7,257 larger iM .un alont-.inri fnr arovernor. '" . . i Nebraska, because the oomblned. vote was 20, 860 larger than the Republican vote ln 1892, 10,187 larger ttt 1894 for gov ernor and 19,814 larger lass year num. nrf InHmi ' 7":;-'- " - North Dakota, because fusion without Con- Pear son's. Linnev's, Settle's and White's dis tricts to the Republicans, and. they claim all the others exceot the third, which is to le decided by arbitration. -The Ke- publicans' - counter-proposition leaves the gubernatorial fight open ? between Russell and Guthrie, but provides ior fusion on the State officers on an equit able basis. .Fusion on county omcers and Congressmen is : aiso icciuaca. There is no hitch in the Congretsional proposition, both' being alike. Neither proposition reiers to eicoi iuu. t . It is generally believed that the Re? publicans and Populists will get together tn.mnrrow. Grant says he will not. leave until the matter is settieo. - By Southern AMOciited Pren. , Ralkigh, N. C Sept. 9. Both the Populistl and Republican State Com mittees met here this iStetnoon. Sena- tots Butler and Pritchard were present. Each c6m mrttee appoiaieds suo-commit- tees to confer ana try to arrange iur a State fusion. - Members of each commit-; tee teem to be in doubt.as to the result, Representatives battle and fearson are here. Peaisons says there is a complete POUIIMI -it-:"- ; - ... ; 4 t-t Ts'a Fact that Hood's Sarsaparilia, the one true blood purifier, has proved, over and over again, that it has power to cure even when other medicine fail to do - Hood's Pills are pureiy vegeiaDic, Ar. mnt nurce. oain or gripe. All druggists.', 250..,- y1- :--; '" vXii '- All Free. - Those who hive used Dr. King s New Discovery know its value, and those who have not, have now the opportunity ) to try it Free. Call on the advertised Drug gist and get a Trial Bottle, Free. Send your name and address to H. E. Budc len & Co- Chicago, and get asample box of Df. King's ew Life PiUs Free, as well as a copy of Guide to Healthy and Household Instructor, Free. All j of which is guaranteed d gJ? cost you nothing at R. R n'AXT' Drug &tore.-'.:- ... :t - - '- ' "OLD ' RELIABLE" HUGHES' --! - . -.V-.'s--"-- and FEVER"- For CHILLS .. ! NEVER FAILS -i READ ! Mr. Tom. Attins. Greensboro.! Ala. "In the I drag business (or twenty-five years and never I anye sold anything that gave such satisfaction Mr. Irvin Miller. Walnut Grove. Miss. "I have been selling Hughes' Ionic for years. It has superseded all other, in my trade. For this I malarial country it is the very medicine we need." Mr. K. Petri. Glaserw. Ky.; writes:' "My I daughter contracted chills. Mo DrescriDlkra ever I gave more tbaa temporary relief. Two bottles ef UULbes' Tonic onred ner completely. &ne naa I no chill after the first dose." i Hi R W. Walten. New Albanvl Miss. "Of Hughes' Tonic sold, not a. failure reported. ' A Dhvsiaan here has bees cored bv using Husbes' ionic after trtins to core mmseu. it is a pieas- nr to Handle sucn a remedy. ' ; . Ask for BnKlaes Tonic, insist on IT, and ,; . -r .. rotarng eise. , , h $ 50c, and 1 1.00 BOTTIiKS. . y i .-. : I "To sale by TJrnggiss and Merc bants.: . mar SO W sw "78 211 60 ' 83 CQTTON AiND NAVAL STORES. WEBIKIjT BTATHaCENT. : ' . '-RECEIPTS. ; " . j " For week ended Sept.; 4, 1896. ; 8,488 Citt. 85 Crude. : S16 Spirits. MHu. Tmr. ; - - 523 . 899 ' 424 RECEIPTS. Tor week erutaTSept, 6. 1895, . Spirit. . Sttim.- : Tr. 1,138 5,460 1,415 EXPORTS.! ; i, . ' . ; , -, For week ended Sept, 4, 1896. . 4 : . Cttfm. Siriit. Rtrin. Tmr. Crude, OoBMStic.. 000 . 118 000 ' 47 . 207 Foreign... 0J' COO 1,689 00 0U0 , 0C0 118 1.689 47 . EXPORTS. . ; For week esdedfept. 6, 1895. t . tiny i.CftbirStiri. Retiu. Ttar. Domestic., r 86 205 03 TOT Foreign... . 00 .000 - 00 COO 26 206 :05 707 - STOCKS. ?- ' .. i Ashore and ABoat, Sept. 4, 1896. Atkere, JJUmi. Cotton 7.779 'r. . 000: Spirits.................. 5 "---S -Rostn. ....... ...... i.. . tS.149 - 6.8OT Tar..... 8,8J 830 Crude. 5:8 00 . , - . STOCKS.;'- -- - Ashore and ASomt, Sept. 6, 1896, Ctttemi SpiriU. JTorte. : u:" Tmr. 1S8 6A54 89,293 L a. Crude. 197 237 CVavcV. - 878 , 000 ' CORN Firm; bushel. N. C. BACON Steady; Hams, 9 to llHc per pound; Shoulders, tl to 7c; Sides, 7 to7iQ. . j SHINGLES Per thonsmd, five inch. hearts and saps, $1 B0 to 25: six inch. &WMo: S SO; seven Inch aJJO o 0 00. TIMBER Market steady at 18 00 to per M. v - -:: ::-- y; STAR OFFICE. September. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market qaiet at 21V cents per gallon for m cnine made casks, and 21 U cents io country casks. -.- ' ROSIN. Market firm at fl 85 per bbl for Strained and $1 40 for Good Strainedv '1 V:. : TAR. Market quiet at $1 05v per bbl of 280 fts.- i 1 CRUDE TURPENTINE. Qaiet. Hard 1.20. Yellow Dip 1.55, Virgin 165 per barrel. ; - . Qaotations same day last year Spirits turpentine fc52t(c; rosin, strained, $1 12& good strained 11 17; tar 1 25; crude turpentine $1 10. 1 SO, 1 80. . . RECEIPTS. : - ' Spirits Turpentine ......... I. Rosin t, . i ....... . : . ....... Tar .... Crude Turpentine ............ Receipts same day last year 172 casks spirits turpentine, 1,009 bbls rosin, 149 bbls tar, 13 bbls crude turpentine. ,j.V -'": ' -. , COTTON. Market firm. - Quotations; Ordinary . ..... T. .... . 6 , uood Ordinary....... 6Jj : , Low Middling..... . :.. 7 1-16 " " Middling 7J Good Middlinir... .. 7 13-16 n - f Same day last year, middling 7$c. - Receipts 957 bales; same , day last year, 85. . x,, " r . ; ' ' ;,- COUNTRY PRODUCE. :'W 7.7 PEANUTS North Carolina Prime, 4050c per bushel of 28 pounds; Extra Prime, 55c; Fancy, 60&65O Virginia Extra Prime, 6065c; Fancy. 6570 j. , CORN Firm; 88 to 40 cents per bushel.: - :;': r.-v .--v N. C BACON Steady; Hams, 9 to 11 Wc per pound; Shoulders, 6 to 7cj diaes, t io ipc. --.r.-i SHINGLES Per thousand, five inch, hearts and sapj, $1.60 to 2.25; six inch; $2 50 to 8.50; seven inch, $5.50 to 6 50. TIMBER Market steady at $3.00 to 7.50 per M. v . CORN firm; 88 to 40 cents per bushel. v : N. - C BACON Steady; Hams, 9 to HKc per pound;' Soulders, 6 to 7c; Sides, .7 to 7J(c. . - ..- '? , i SHINGLES Per thousand, five inch, hearts and saps, $1.60 to 2.25; six inch, $2.50 to 8,50; seven inch; $5.50 to 6.50. . : TIMBER Market steady at $3.00 to 7.50 per M.V-.,..: -; ;; 7; Pii?l STAR OFFICE, September 8. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market firm 8t 21 cents per gallon for machine-made casks, and 21 : cents ' for country casks, i ;. c W r- -V'i- ;. ROSIN Market ; firm at $1 85 per bbl for Strained, and $1 40 for Good Strained. '. . . 7 -; -. TAR. Market qufet at $1 05 per bbl of 280 fts." .' n CRUDE - TURPENTINE. Qaiet. Hard 129, Yello Dip 1.55, Virgin 1.65 perbanel. - - '-. ''... - -' -: r. Qaotations same dav last year Spirits turpentine J25H24c;jrosin, strained, $1 12; good strainea $1 17tf; tar $120; crude turpentine $1 10.-1 50, .1 80, . . - 'receipts. ;: !. , . Spirits Turpentine . .. . ... . . Uoain;!.. Tar Crude Turpentine ; Receipts ' same ' day last year 95 casks spirits turpentine, 444 bbls rosin, 824: bbls tar, 13 bbls crude turpentine. 7 ' COTTON. Market 4ulL Quotations: Ordinary. . ..... ...... 5 ( as !b uood Ordinary....... 85 Low Middling. . ,. . . : 7 7 Middling. ... Good Middling. . . . Same-day last year, middling 7Kc. f : Receipu 2,825 bales; same day, last year 71. ;- :.;-y:- 7 - 7-: v ' ,f;. : 1 "COUNTRY PRODUCE. ; - :' PEANU TS North Carolina Prime, 4050a per bushel of 2S pounds; Extra Prime, 65c, Fancy. 60065c, "Virginia Extra Prime. 6065c; Fancy, 6570c. "CORN. Firm; 88 to" 40 .cents per bushel.. : 7-77 ; -; N. C. " B ACO N Stead y ; Ham s, 9 11 . i. c 11 - a . n.. Sides, 7o 7 6c SHINGLES Per thousand, five inch. hearts and saps, $1.60 to 225; six inch, $2.50 to .3.50; seven inch; $5.50 to 6.50. TIMBER Market steady at $3.00 K 7.oqper M. - . !! i STAR OFFICE. September 9 SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market rm at 81 54 cents per eallon for ma- and 81 cents T is r. f 8 8-16 M " $1 85 per for Good 135 287 . 49 42 112 736 110 68 cts ft lb S78 TmL i 7,779 '8738 H 6,660 7 7- 553 Crude. 539 1 - at $1 Ol-per :-.7f!.V The Ia4liesw The pleasant eficct and perfect safety with which ladies may use Syrup of Figs, under all conditions, makes it their favorite remedy, To get the true and genuine article, look for the name of the California Fig Syrup Company, printed near the bottom of the package. For sale by all responsible druggists. EXPORTS FOB TUB WEEK. Antwerp- FOREIGN. -Barque Bygdo 8.931 :.-43. :; ! ARKANSAS ELECTION. -j" -' y. - , -.: m-mw ! ' ' The Demoerstio Ms rrlty Will be at Iis.it "':7 ;. 65,000. 'C - J. By Telezrarh to th Morning Star. Little Rock, Sept:' 9 The returns from the State election, rcqeived up to noon to-day, show steadily increasing' msiorities in the various counties for the Democratic candidates. Desha and Newton counties are believed to be the only counties which elect full Republi can tickets, while the Populists are now confined to Clark county; whereas, two years aeo thev captured five represent atives in the Legislature and the Repub licans i four. 7 It will: at least, be : two weeks before all the returns will be in, but enough is now known to make t he estimate of 65,000 msj irity forthe Dem ocrats an assured tact. - 1 - $100 Keward, S100. . .7 I r -v j .: ,t -.. i; :. a, .. . ..-... The reader of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all 4 its stages, and;that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh beine a constitutional disease, requires a constitntional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, nrtinr directlv on the blood and mucous surfaces of the'system, thereby destroy ing the foundation 01 tne disease, ana giving the. patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietojs have so much faith in its curative powers that they effer One Hundred Dollars for any that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address. . F. J: CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. rjf Sold bv Druggists. 75c. - ' j Fr Oirer Wittr Ttrm , -Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used lor over titty vears oy mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, - with 7 perfect., success. If sooths : the child, softens the gums, allaysv all pain, cures wind cone, ana is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immedi ately.; Sold by druggists in every part of the world, a wenty-nve cenw a uuv tle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. " . . vj " '' bbls rosin. 500 casks spirits turpentine. BARBADbES--iBarquentine Hancock 276,531 feet lumber, 121,525 shingles, 5 bbls pitch. PORTO RlCOSchTGov J G Smith 228,363 feet lumber. 7. . w :f 1 COASTWISE" L New York Stmr Oneida-700 bales cotton, 410 casks spirits turpentine, 455 bb s tar, 20 do pitch, 15.000 feet lumber, 55 pkgs mdse. -jjt -.q . ,N AVAL STORES j MARKETS. " By "j Tclecrapb to th Mortttag Stat. .New York, September 9.-Spints turpsntine quiet at 21244c. - Kosm quiet ' and steady; strained common to' good si ou 1 oaj. v Charleston, September .9. Spirits turpentine firm at 2021c; sales 80 -i- bales Rosin firm; sales 800 barrels; prices: B.C. D$l 80. IS, F $1 35. U 14U. H $1 45. I $1 50, K $1 B5. M $1.60. N $1 65, W G $1 80, W W $1 90. , . STAR OFFICE, September 5. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market quiet at 21 cents per gallon for machine-made casks, and 21c for country casks.' ' ; , : ROSIN. Market firm at $1 85 per bbl for Strained and . $1 40 for Good Strained. - - TAR. Market, quiet bbl of 280 lbs. CRUDE TURPENTINE. Qaiet. Hard 1 20, Yellow Dip , 1.55, Virgin 1.65 per barrel. .':';:. ' 7 , .. . . : :: Qaotations same day last year Spirits turpentine 25K24c; rosin, strained, $1.12X;gobd strained $1 17; tar $120: crude turpentine $1 10. 1 50, 1 80. ,:'V RECEIPTS. . Spirits Turpentine..;.... ...... 145 Rosin 641 Tar ... ' 47 Crude Turpentine. .............. 12 - Receipts same day last year 65 casks spirit! turpentine, 266 bbls rosin, 292 bbls tar, 28 bbls crude turpentine. 7 -,, ' . . COTTON Market firm. Qaotationt : Ordinary ............ 5H cts 9 lb Good Ordinary....... G$ Low Middling........ 7 1 Middling Good Middling. Same day last year, middling 7c Receipts 1,684 bales; same day last year 98. : ' . ' - ' COUNTRY PRODUCE. PEANUTS North Carolina Prime, 4050c per bushel of 28 pounds; Extra Prime, 65c; Fancy, 6065c. Virginia- Extra Prime. 6065c; Fancy, 6570c CORN Firm; 88 to 40 cents per bushel." .. :.-'-. . . -: N. C. BACON Steady; H.ms, 9 to lljfjc per pound; Shoulders, 6 to 7c; Sides, 7 toJHc; -. ; : . -7 -' SHINGLES Per thousand, five Inch. hearts and saps, $1.60 to 2.25; six inch, $2 50 to 3 50, seven inch, $5 50 to 6.50, , TIMBER Market steady at $3.00 to 7.50 per M. . j STAR OFFICE. September 7. . hme-made .casks. ior country casks. v ROSINr-Marke"tx firm at bbl for Strained andv$l 40 Strained. X ; TAR Market steadyat $1 05 per Obi; ot 280 lbs. : y I CKUDK TUKPKNTIW Hard $1 30, Yellow Dip 1 1 65 pnr barrel. Qaotations same day last year Spirits turpentine 25k?4c; rosin, strained; $1 12&; good strained. 1 17; tar, 1 20; crude turpentine. SI 10, 1 60. 1 80. " J I L RECEIPTS. i ! Spirits Turpentine ..... . ....... Rosin ......................... i ... Tay.! Crude Turpentine. .... .... . . . . Receipts same day- last year 72 casks spirits tut pentine, 851 bbls rosin 289 bbls tar, 22 bols crude turpentine. .;.-! : COTTON. .; ,jv y Ordinary........ 4... 5 Good Ordinary. . . . . . 63a! Ijow Middling . 7 7-16 Middling.... ..JJi ' Good Middline f 8 3-16 Same day last year, middling 7iic - " Receipts 1,279 bales; same day Jast year pi. . r : 7;7: COUNTRY PRODUCE. VPEAN UTS North Carolina Prime. 4050c per bushel of 28 pounds; Extra Prime. 55c; Fancy. 6Q65i. Virginia- Extra Prime, 6065c; Fancy, 6570c. VOKNi Firm; 38 to 4J cents per bushel. .: N. C. BACON Steady; Hams, 9 to llc per pound; Shoulders, 6 to 7c Sides. 7 to 74Jc . SHINGLES Per thousand, five inch, hearts and saps, $1 60 to 2-25; six inch $2 50 to 8.50; seven inch. $5.50 to 6.50, TIMBERi-Market steady at $3.00 to 7.50 per M. , j DOMESTIC MARKETS. cts Ib M . COTTON MARKETS. , :.:-i: : ' .. :. - ' 7 By Telegraph to the Momiag Stan. - . : September 9 Galveston, firm A 8W, net receipts 8161 bales; Norfolk, firm 7 at $Xt net receipts 2.723 bales; Bal timore, nominal at 83. net receipts . balei.Boston. ouiet at 8V.net receinis 44 bales, Wilmington, firm at IK. net eceipts 1.279 bales: Philadelphia, firm ' at 9c. net 1 receipts 6 bales; Savannah. steady at 7K, net receipts 8.011 bales: New Orleans, firm 6i. net receio's 4.971 bales; Mobile, quirt at 7 J4c. net receima. 443 bales; Memphis, steaay at 8. net re ceipts 2 071 1 bales; Augusta, quiet at H.net receipts 2,043 bales-.Charleston, easy at 7X, net receipts 8.612 bales. . -16 7 13-16 1 1 for " Infants and Children. . MOTHERS t - ' ,7.. , .,7 " -. i Po Yon Know that Paregoric, Bate. tnan's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, niany so-callt-d 6ooUung Syrups and most remedies for children are composed of opium or morphine? Do Yon Know that opium and toot. phine are stupefyiag narcotic poisons? Do Toa Know that in most countries druggists are not permitted to sell narcotics without labeling them poison ? i Do Ton KtiowthatCastoriafsaparelv vegetable preparation, and tliat a list of its ingredients is published with every bottle? . ": TK Toa Know that Castoria Is the prescription of tbeiamous Dr. Samuel Pitcher ? That it has been hit use for nearly thirty years,' and that more, Castoria is now eold than of aU other remedies for children combined ? . Po Ten Know that you should Dt child permit any medicine to be given your unless yoor your ; physician know of what it ts composed? : - '.j' : -,- ' TX Yott Know that when possessed or" this perfect preparation, your children may ds kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest t ' Well These Things are worth know I Ing They are facu, . 1 Children ; Cry NFOR PITCHER'S Mini CASTORIA DESTROYS WORMS, ALLAY9 FEVERISHNESS. CURES DIARRHOEA AND WIND COUC, I RELIEVES TEETHING) TROUBLES AND CURES CONSTIPATION 'AND -FITULEHCY. ,1 CASTORIA Pop! Infants and Children " T5o not to imoosed noon, but insist Upon having Castoria, and see that the sac-simile sig nature m mr. r protect our-Kf7( fV selves and the public at all hazards. , Thb dOTTATm Compaky, fj Murray St, N. V, , - I . f r V 1 CASTORIA For Infants and Children. MARINER - - ARRIVED. " Ital barque Italia, 904 tons, Acqua- mata, Genoa.- 77 7 Scbr Anna L Lock wood, 321 tons, Clark. Boston. Geo Harriss. Son & Co. 's Swedish barque Verdandi. 807 tons, Westerburg, Ellesmereportr J T Riley &Ca . 7 , ' - . : Schr John O Cottingham, 226 tons, Thomas. Norfolk, Va. ;tSchr Wm Linthicum. 158 tons. Bran nock. Norfolk, Geo Harriss, Son & Co. Steamship Croatan, Ingram. New York, H G Smallbones. . ; Br steamer Sandhill, 1335 tons. Wil liams, New York, Alex Sprunt & Son 7 CLEARED. I : Steamship -Oneida, Chichester, New York, H G Smallbones. ' Nor barque Bygdo, Omundsen, Ant werp, Heide & Co; cargo by Antwerp Naval Stores Co. Am barquentine Hancock. Warren, Barbadoes, ' Geo "Harriss. Son & Co; cargo by E Kidder's Son. - - Schr Gov Jas G Smith, Patrick. Porto Rico. Geo Harriss, Son 4 Co. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market quiet at 21J4J cents per gallon for machine-made casks, and 21 jxnts for country casks. ROSIN Market firm at $1 85 per; bbl for Strained and $1 40 for Good Strained. - : TAR. Market: .quiet - at! $1 05 per bbl of 280 lbs.- - CRUDE TURPENTINE.-Quiet. Hard 1.20, Yellow Dip 1.55, Virgin 1.65 per barrel. - , QaotationMame day last year Spirits 'turpentine 25s'24c; rosin, strained. $1 12K: good strained $117,; tar $1 25; crude turpentine 1 10, 1 60, 1 80. . -' - . - ' RECEIPTS. '7 : ; -' Spirits Turpentine. . . ... . . ... . ; : 175 Rosin .-. . . . . : 832 Tar i ;i8 Crude Turpentine .. : ........ . ..- 86 . Receipts,- same day - last year 248 casks spiriu turpentine. 595 bbls rosin, 889 bbls tar, 71 bbls crude turpentine. " '. - COTtON. . Market firm. Qaotations: -Ordinary........... ; 6 cU fl lb Good Ordinary.. . .... 6f 7' " . Low Middling..... . . 1 1-16 . "'" Middline 1i - - Good Middling....... 7 18-16 " Same day last year, middling 7jc. Receipts 1,507 bales; same day las year, 18. : -'v -. ; COUNTRY . PRODUCE. .' , ' PEANUTS North Carolina Prime, 4050c per bushel of 28 pounds; Extra Prime, 55c; Fancy, 6065c. Virginia Extra Prime, 60065c; Fancy, 6570c By Teiccraphi the Morni-3 Star. . ,: i fiNANQiAU-. -'i-j-- New York, September 9 Evening. Money - on call was quiet at 57 per cent; last, loan at 5, closing offered at at 5 per cent. Prime mercantile paper 89 per cent. Sterling exchange was easy; actual business in bankers bills 482i(482 fotPsixty days and 484 484af 4or deraaod.Commerciai bills 48 1 482.- Govern mentbonds were steady; United States coupon lours lt7, United States twos 92. State bonds were dull; North Carolina fours, 90; North Caro lina sixes 110. Riirrpad bonds firm. .- Silver at the Stock Exchange to-day wasqiiet. COMMERCIAL. New York, September 9 Evening. Cotton quiet; middling gulf 9c; mid dling uplands 8jc. :. : Cotton futures market clcsed'sieady;. September 8 84, October 8 42, November 841, Dscember 8 49, January 8 65, Feb ruary 8 59, March 8 83, April 8 65, May 8 67. Sales 278,600 bales. . Cotton net receipts 750 bales; gross 9,219 bales; exports to Great Britain bales: to France bales; to the Continent. bales; forwarded 1,150 bales; sales 464.7 bales; sales to spin ners 864 bales; stock (actual) 67.773 bales. 7 Total to day- Net receipts 24 994 bales; exports to Great Britain 4.510 bales; to France bales; to the Continent bales; stock 804.276 bales. Total so far this week Net receipts 94.853 bales; exports to Great Britain 21.524 bales; to France 5,507 bales; to the Continent 1.037 bales. Total since September 1 Net receipts 158,256 bales; exports to Great Britain 81,872 bales; exports to France 13.107 bales; exports to the Continent 5,147 bales. - " FJour steady and prices unchanged; Southern was quoted unchanged; com mon to fair extra $2 002 60; good to choice $2 609 90. Wheat spot was quiet and steady; options were moder ately active and steady at Ucvadvance: No. 2 red May 88c; September 63Jc; October c: : November. 64 c: Decern ber 65Jc. - Corn spot dull and firm; No. 2 25c at elevator and Mc afloat; ootions were, dull ana steaay at ,un changed prices; September 25 c; Octo- ber 25 c;. November c; . uecemcer YlXic: Mav 28c Oats spot quiet and firm; options dull and firmer: September 19Jc; October 18c; December 20Hc; spot No. 2 20; No. 2 while 23! mixed Western 19K21c. Lard quiet,nnsettled Western steam $3 60 asked; city $3 80; no ootion sales; September $3 57, nomi nal: refined lard was quiet; Continent 84 OOr South America $4 40; compound $3 87J4 00. Pork steady; new mess $7 508 25. Butter choice steady; fair demand; State dairy 1015c; do. extra creamery HK18Kc; Western dairy 9 12c: Eleins 16K. kegs were firm, with a fair demand; State and Pennsylvania 15X17; Western fresh 1516c; do. per case $1 804 00. Cotton seed oil active and higher, crude 20c; yellow c Rice unchanged; demandjair. Molasses firm,' dniet and uncbaneed. Peanuts quiet: lancv hand-Dicked 44Vc. r Coflee ootions steady and 25 points down: September $9 20; October $8 658 70; November 18 85; December $8 408 45; March $8 408 45: April $8 40; ' May $8 408 45; July $8 408 60; spot Rio dull and weak; No. 7, $10 25. Sagar raw dull, weak; -fair refining 18 16c; centrifugal 96 test c; refined fairly active and unchanged, Wholesale Prices Current. a 1 he fodowlnc qnotanoas repru at Wkoleaale Prices generally. Ia making np small orders higher prices bare to be charted. - ' - The quotanons are always siren as accurately as tnaaibl. bat the Stab will not be responsible for anv variations iron the actual market price of the article! quoted. - i - I 19 6 S. 1 'a BAGGING - I B jure ......j.... .... St.nda d .....u.. WESTS KM SMOKED : Hams W ID I1 ides v it4itMiutt ShOtl'dicTS J Il.tia-tistMsii DRY SALTED) - Sides flU .. ............. Shoulaers 8 Ji .............. RARRKLS S-niii s TnrDtntine , , , . r . m rcona-aana. aco , ri uu . New New York, each. ... .... 1 85 & New Citr. each ...... ........ V m BKESAX n.. ...... ......... ; S & oKiuna - WUmiogton V 00 Northern i ................. 00 BUTTED 7 ;. . v-" 7-. North Carolina; V B, N rthera -...i.... .-..,. RN MEAL , t Virginia Meal i ....f9' VWy TI KC BD I.hJU ' 4 14 7 1 10 1 41 1 40 21 & 700 Q, It 00 n-dp w, , , 1 KKJ S S.Vn V, BUBUIQ.j,,.,. CAIHUL1&9 V B bptrm I ....... ........... Adamaatine ., -., CHSESE i V -, - .) Northern ractaty Dairy, Cream., ..... State i ...... ........ COFFEE- lb: Lagutra Rio. DOMES1 ICS- Sheet ug. 44, V yard.. ....... Yarns. 8 bunch.............. EGGS tt dozen ................. n 11 7 . ' ' ' I. - . -' - I Mackerel, No x, barrel i Mackerel, No 1.W Bali-barrel Mackerel, No , barrel.... , Mackerel, No 9, W haU-banel - Mackerel. No 8, V barrel. Mullets, fl barrel,,,.,,..,,,.. . Hi leu,! fl pork barrel.,,.,... 1 N C Roe Herring, V keg.... I Dry Cod, V aV 1 si xtxa ....m.. ........ rOUR- barrel r ! Low grade..........' ......... 15 . ' SS & 40 : 40 40 40 is & j &. 10 . J 10 11 1 U & 13 j... & io I ; so ' 7 18 O 17 1 I " m v 18 & SO 19 & 8- Choce; J.,...,..M...... htJ.....M.. a.......... FirstVatent ..,.......... t Si -S3 00 U CO 16 ro 8 00 IS 00, 5 00 6 75 S 0) -. s 8 86 SSS 8 95 -.4 1 4 KP' . '- . G?AN-B bu'hel Com, iron store, nags rnrtcr . Corn,'a'go,in bulk White... 7 Ct,n, cargo, in bags White,. Ot', from sore.............. 7 Oats, Rust Proof..,..,,, . Cow Peas I............. - HIDES, .,. U-,, . - . ureen ........i........ ........ Drr . HAY, 100 Ds-; - - S.HUT .........,....... X , - Weitern ..................... J ' North River.... . HOOP IRON." St.,., LARD. J . . 7 . ;- V1. i-ortners..,...... : ' North Carolina 7 LIMK m barrel 48 e esi oo 15 00 18 00 9 00 14 00 S 5 f(0 S 96 10 8 50 8 00 OS 95 4 50 u 4 47 vo ta i o 40 Vr 9 LUMBk,R(ci y aawed), M fee Sh p Staff resawed.u.......' 18 - Rnogh-tdge Plank.,.,. 15 00. .West India cargoes, according toqnalitr ' i... ...... ....... '8 09 Dressed flooriDg, seasoned... 18 0) ' Scantl ng and Board, common. 14 0) MOLASSES, gaUoo , . New Crop Coba, ia niraajMer J -r in mis...w. M Porto Rico, in hhds... ....... SO . . labb'i ...,,.... Sugar-Hoiise, in fahds... ...... t 19 f ' " in bbls f 14 ' Syrup. In bbls....-... e IS NAILS, W keg. Cat 60d basis.... , 9 85 PORK, JTb-rrel-..- . City ateas..., ................ j . Rnnp........... .,......., - Prime - ...... ........ ROPE. 1) . ..... ..... j 10 SALT.fi tack Alum , - urcipuut ... ;. ...-.. J... Lisbon ....tf . Ameiicaa ........... ...... I... On 125 9) Sacks. .. .,...,..:. BHINGLES, 7-inch, S M........ 8 1 05 9i -85 . 10 195 ' 9000 16 00 18 00 ' 99 00 J6l-' ; 64 'aaiaiaMu. ( SUGAR, V t Standard Graan? ; Standard A.J, White Ex. Ci. v . Ext a C, Golden , C Veil w r -.. , r.... u SOAP, ss t Northern......-' . STAVES, M W. O. barrel....' R. O. Hog-head - . .. TIMBtRJ BM fett Shipping.... Mill, Prime... 7 ' Mill, yair....,.,.......M.. ' .7 Commoh Mill;...' Inferior to Ordinary...... .... TALLOW. W t WHISKEY . em km Norther. North Caroina .............. WOOL, t Washed ; Unwashed..,. 6 60 400 1 1, .

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