WILLIAM H. BEENABD, Editor and Proprietor. ; y WILMINGTON, N. C. , Friday, October 23,1896. W Id writing to chug your address miwayrpra form direction a well at all particulars u wEere , yoa wub roar pper ta be tent hereafter. Unless jm do both cnaacs caa net be made. . iaf" Notice of Marriage or Death. Tribute of Re spect, Resolution of Thanks, &c, are charged for a ordinary advertisements, but only half rate when paid for strictly in advance. At thia rate SO cent will pay for a simple annonnosment of Marriage or Death. . ' IV Remittance most be made by Check, Draft, Poital Money Order or Registered Letter, Postmas ters will register tetters when desired. ' . - . (W Only such remittances will be at the risk of the r publisher. x 0T Specimen copies forwarded when desired.' ; .r : CLCS2 UP THE LISES. s : r la this, issue of the Star we pub lish the address of the Democratic State ; Committee to the people of North Carolina, and commend It to the perusal and thoughtful consid eration of every voter . who wishes well to North Carolioa. This ad dress is a plain statement of the efforts made by the Committee to draw together and solidify, the friends of stiver and of good govern ment, even at the sacrifice of Surreo dering to some extent for the time being our Party organization, rand it shows the motive and reasons for the easy and unlimited it could not have accomplished, the Intention better. ;. Atl.Thls has inspired : the Repub lican leaders with confidence in their ability to carry the State, so much so that Daniel I. Russell j boastingly proclaims from the stump' that he Is as good as elected now, and is sow engaged la thinking up his inaug ural address. But that is Russell bombast. He doesn't; feel confident by any means, altboughLhe; is a san guine kind of a man, but he thinks this kind of braggadocio will have a stimulating, enthusing effect on the mobs he talks, to and contribute to 1U5 V SxSQil; i ; ill .l k Wit wB TO 7UZ 1' r:. I. Watson, IlucselX i md Guthrio. action which, though approved by I solidify them" where they are riot al some 'Democrats, was disapproved j ready solidified. NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC TICKET. FOR PRESIDENT! . ' WILLIAM BRYAN, of Nebraska. - v ; for viqe-prksidint: . : ARTHUR SKVVALL.J of Maine. FOR ELECTORS. Electors-at-Lirge -Locke Craig, of Buncombe, and R. B. Davis, of New : Hanover. . j .- - First District Tbeo. F, White, of Pirqjimans. i r. . Second D.strict H. F. Freeman, of WVlISDQ. Tnird D strict--C. R. Thomas, of .." Craven. - : . ."' -- Fourth D strict W, S. , Bailey, of Nash. , , Filth District William Merritt, of Person. '. Sixth District B. F. Keith, of .New Hanover. . Seventh. District Tbeo. VF. Kluttz. - of Rowan. Eighth District Tyre - York, of Wilkes. Ninth District R. : D. Gilmer, of flay wood. i i . STATE DEMOCRATIC TICKET. . " Toft governor; '. " CYRUS a-WATSON, ? - '. of Forsyth. FOR LIEUTENANT GOVIRNOR: "' THOMAS W. MASON, i : of Northampton! FOR SECRETARY OF STATE I CHARLES M. COOKE. of Franklin. . . ' FOR STATE TREASURER f B. F. AYCOCK, of Wayne ;' FOR STATE AUDITOR I R.M. FURMAN. , " ) of Buncombe. FOR SUPT. PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 1 1 JOHNC. SCARBOROUGH, of Johnston. : FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL : J - F. I. OSBORNE. of Mecklenburg, t ASSOCIATE JUSTICES SUPREME COURT": A. C. AVERY, of Burke, i; GEO. H. BROWN,, n, of Beaufort. FOR JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT OF . THE FIFTH DISTRICT. JAMES S. MANNING, of Durham. and harshly criticlsed.by others. If : this movement had been met in the patriotic spirit ; which prompted it, by those who spoke and acted lor the Populist party, the friends of free silver, and the opposition to the Ke". publican- party, would be moving in solid line to-day and there would be no shadow of doubt as to: where North Carolina would be found on the third day of next November. In its tenders of co operation the Committee representing the Demo cratic party made patriotic and what many Democrats' regarded as; ha miliatlag" concessions, but it " did what it thought the wise and'dutifut wing - ta flo,: of which little doubt wlli remain: after reading this ad dress. There -is to be no more par Ieying now, no more propositions, nor counter-propositions. : The Commit-, tee has, as" it saw it, discharged, its duty, made every effort to draw the mcuua ui silver ana - good . govern ment together, and if it failed and unfortunately the State fall into the hands of the Republicans, j the re sponsibility will not rest upon tbem, but upon those who for motives best known r to themselves rejected the propositions, when, they knew ; that the only effect of their refusal ind of the independent action wast to give aid and comfort to the Republicans," and to put obstacles ' in th v of the cause to which they professed loyal allegiance. ' The die is cast, the Rubicon is crossed, the fight is on, and we Dem ocrats must make it and win or be vanquished. - ' It is not going to be any Fourth of July parade. We all know ihat: but was going to be a Fourth of ' t Nothing Is easier than to show that the claim ofWRepublicans thaV and that of 1894, when tbeVe was Vony -' ': ' ' ; 189 tnere wcre three candidates in: the field fprresidentiusV as Una close" up tfiere are three candidates in the fiejd for :der toTsnoul. asrfollowsi:-1-r the past when Uua 'nil" ' ' 1 iiattison inepuDiican ) Weaver (Populist)..;;.;, Brag is a part of the regulation programme of the Republican lead ers, - who go on . the principle of claiming nhe ; earth and howling fraud when beaten, just as they wiH when ihey are; beaten- this timey and beaten theyjwill be if the Dem ocrats of f North Carolina the lines, march shoulder der, and remembering our motner State was under the heels of the Imported and the native plunderers resolve to keep out of power the party which the Deino-- crats of twenty years ago drove onr,1 A-"i,U riw.-rr. ; .1 f.VleveJand ... 109,846 44,732 PROGRESS OF THE CAMPAIGN IN NORTH CAROLINA. I : From All Over -the State, As . Bhown by Bpeclal Reports -"- ; Mr. Wm. . H. Bernard, of the State Democratic Comfflittee,.ts now making a inm 01 ma atste.Dy coontlea. In a gen eral way, with a view to ascertaining wh at the real political sit uaUon is: a n d the information received will be printed. fa the Star. Oa the 18th instant he mailed, circalars to leading Democrats in every county, including . all the Chairmen of Ccuatyi Committees, and a synopsis of the replies will be printed from' day to daf.' SoeciAl fitientinn i called , t& the "- fact that the circu!ar closed ' with! )heae words: "But jnake your estimates conjervativeCi w; Si " : CHATHAM eOUNTYl " ' - The vote of Chatham county 'will fat about as follows ; For Bryan S.000, for McKinley 1.700;r for Givernor.y Wats a 1.800Russeli.l SOO.Gothrie 1.400, -for Congress, Pen (DsmocraO 8,800, Strond (Populist) OpOQri t-gisiature, Demo ocrat, 1.800. Republican. 1,700, Populist, address of the democratic state . -: committee. " what gives Ilood'S BarBapariiii i. .popularity, Its Constantly in1 sale8ftd enables it to1 acCot,B8 wonderful and nneqaaCS'8 combuiation proportion ana nrJ used in preparing Hood's SarsL? are unknown 't&t.K -'."Ua make Hood's Sarsapariua TeS'and Peculiar to Itself " c8 ae range of diseases bemuse Close- TIP the fink and Proieos , -North-,' Crolisa From Baioous Bd ol ' f - " sod Negro Bula x k " j Raleigh,' N. C.;Oct. 16, 1896." - ,To the Voters of North Carolina ; : ; Fellow-citizens The Democratic party, now in the midst of its greatr est battle for the rights of the people and good government in our beloved Krat an1 in thft natinn fliraln rails on those having the sacred-right of 3-fT tmT7onool reedom-the.ballotQ, sustain its -fe '" -ok ani Cause. m&m?m ' Jthe nerVw bSnJ9 all K iPor twenty :yearSeadlCtory; j comeunderthe beneficent influenwol lature to Democracy, i This we must redeem.; , Twenty years ago, under the masterful leadership of Vance, we went, from defeat to victory; Again, with the Democratic - banner in .the hands of the champion of the people, vyrus a. watson, we go again to vie ! - :Sajrsaparilla The Que True Blood Purifier, u; per bott,e tory. :'- The Democratic" party, has ever stpod with themasses. Its principles have always been the embodiment of the necessities of the plain, peopie; tna,t ciass oi proaucers and oread- nqovs Pills .S kin,. and gave us a Government ibf law and order, instead; of a Government ; "In 1894 there was complete Fosionlon the State ticket hn ihv: lawlessness license, plunder, oppres poWIcans and Populists: d thevo" Tat." 'T-i .. -f-S'r-yj jvf u?-V .".' . . . . , . . . hand representAmerican manhood I thvA tuu iviui me. essential structure ot the State. " Never has this troth been was as follows for State Treasurer : the patriotic and sacred charge en trusted to the Democrats who love North Carolina. . . Y - , ' A MYSTERIOUS AFFAIR. ! Worth's majorlty;: , ....... 143,972 "123,729 Hla . i if it July parade we wouldn't take half as dd, for display, iuuv,u micrest in it as, we while there might be more mere wouldn't De the clorv and honor that this fight will bring ns if the Mc- CONGRESSIONAL TICKET. W. H. Lucas, of Htde. . F. A. Woodard. of Wilson. Frank?, Thompson. Onslow. tc ITT ' r. . . v. rou, oi lonnston. ",-W.i KttChin. Of Person. Jas. A Lockhart, of Anson. J. Pemberton, of Stanly. R. A. Doug a ton. Alleghany Jos. 5. Adams. Bancombe, Cth W 6th . - ' 8th ", we go bravely into It, but Kinley cohorts to flight and) lay the Populist contingent to rest. VY k: Good soldiers always fizht the ht when the odds against themt are the greatest and the chances o( victory depend upon the heroic efforts of each, -y : ': ?:---,C:: : ' What more could a Democrat who loyes his country and his State have to inspire him to noble effort than C267,70l .,..'.1."... "2043 : is interesting to. note just here; two important facts madeLapparent oy tne toregolng fignres. . First, the Fusion vote of 1894 varie4 only 1,606 VOteS fr the combined vote of prison (Rep.) and Weaver (Pop.) in 1892; showingthatFnsionwas comple; Second, the nw iv.ou o c ock mis moraine the ( was 9.228 less than rh -tooo r t? $j -,''--'V:-----,i.:-. Crams, a steam flat owned' by Capt! I lDan?he ot, l893-4yidently&one;of this vote: (or a rc,c lltfl-ilou " aD7.r went to the;Fosion ticket, , If it had, -Worth's vpte'wonldha jbeeii - " "w -7:na aanuntsirauon and the course .of I: the part In Congress, bat were not wiUing to join ii the Fusion movement; so, they not go to the polls: I And right he onef those - Now,'asa basis for farther calcnlations, let os determine the total Tote that will probably be polled inNorth Carolina in the coming election. Ex. perienced politicians estimate this total at from 290,000 to 315,000 votes Suppose we call it 300,000 ? Then thinWesting questJonVariies; - how will this vote nncertainty involved in this proposition; ; For example, we can only api proximate the increase, in the Repabltean vote by reason of thef rand Oient registration of ;negro "s : vuies win De - carried : Tnr - th. Capt. Dare Sbennsn jrouiadl Saad !o Bost With s Severe Wotind on the . Hesd-The Bodj Brought to the . : X ';: Brosires.-;' About 10.80 o'clock this mornine the Walter Taft and caotained bv Mr 'niH Sherman, returned to the city from Mr. .Fred. Kidder's, rice olantatlnn znA about fifteen miles below the city and' tied up at her wharf on Water between Dock and Orange streets. A rumor was soon afloat that Capt. Sherman had been' brought back dead, having been murdered. A Star reporter harried to where the 0zjjhad Janded and found wpu onerman body lying in the lower part of the flat, just below where the pilot trap Is arranged. The reporter in. tervlewed one of the deck hands. J. F. Benton, who made the following stated tnent: . ,-.. v vuc peopte until a bill passes - Congress and is nre sented to him." .Mr. Bryan hWir nas emnhaizp(1rthic imn. ; 1,800 la 1894 the Democrats lost : the winners ;whose labors of head : and ( by .pleadidg with - his friends till luey ;uo not, Dy tne. election of a hostile- Congress,', tie his hands to brevent"" his thri.nHnr u . more practically illustrated and ex- f which hinri th nAniif i ains HJ64111 -o-flaywhen again jrlf iThferecfflrc bf the census of the asks the snffrage.of the; freemen of I Uni ted States f or.1890 disdnSP0 1 r,o 346 qualified negro voters, and 233 307qualified white voters in Nmh' Carolina and the Auditors office of North Carolioa discloses that in 1895 there, were 63,391 colored polls and 16730O white polls listed for taxi tipn in North Carolina ! Since the census of 1890 theexodus has largely depleted the colored votei and there is not now 100,000 qualified negro voters in North Carolina. Ann ;r jcounty by a ma jority of 1.S83 ; 1 There wiil be sonie division' in the colored vote and it is very probable there will be afore than estlmatet f I heard proainent ealored .Rpabli ZZZ:?!"? ".tfwted. North CaTc4inaC:tV.Ki u' "wen lattassell rfof a 1 ,it th h. fH "SSti'--- did not express the people,' srisbes, - po not think there has been any Hie- or if the administration of the prin 8 ai.re8ItralPa ciPr en eounciated have not been f rThere Ja not a Dsmotsollat a I r n accord with the popular demand kaow,rwho wiU bolt the Bryan electorfcl the Democratic party, as the an cient ticket. Aboot two iuindred negroes will well-tried organization through ote the National DeracpcaUc. ticket. -r-i;-; v ; . vvi m. i.v -.r-'zj? Carteret. con ntyjjave;il5 maiirit? against the Democrats "io 1894. This vear we will gain in. ever? precinct ex US:;Negro V'tolid'ibcRasaeU;! No illegal registration. There are eight or tea gold-bugs' in the county.- A few' Republicans will voie with us : on State and National ticaets.': Probable result: Bryan. 600 majority.? Watssn fcr Gov ernor. 800 to 400 mijarity. Thompson lJSmiVr9tl T .n.t.: . ...I ' nntx . I L-. r . 7A . ucw, w ia uuwciu iwcny.; it nas brought them 800 majority.M:- ...-;;; out of the past as nrineinl imm Which the. DeODle . hav. snno-hr ana obtained; their. rights, is now in the people's full control. The clear and puMiive expression of the pupular there is.any such negro reeistration will in our State and national decla- I rlaimprl h:. T?-.,K,i rf.! LatlB iAo, j' vi . i ","mus.i? i wins as is notoriously ctrcu ated suffering people, k And this complete assurance of the: reforms demanded has satisfied every ardent expectation by fixing as the executor of the laws to be enacted men whose lives are the living issues of the day. - ; ; cmocxaiic iaitn lies in those i m- "We left here this morning at" about five o'clock to tto to Mr v,AA-r: barn, : about : fifteen . miles . down the river and a short distance np Lil lington creek, with Capt. Sherman in the pilot bouse, John Williams (colored) engineer,; William Hayes deck hand, and' myself aboard. When we arrived at the mouth of the creek it was found neces sary to pole up the stream, and steam1 wai squi . on. When we hart gone. must make Guthrie ticket : through of Russell. Again, we allowance for. Popnlists; who have returned i to the party, and for silver Republicans, who 'will uuicu auu uuy yaras poiing,ri r , . . " f i - : we ran. aground. The signal bell . to; cxery s influence, and 4 through ? hatred ahead. Hayes and I were at the end of the boat away from the pdot's qaarters and succeeded , in clearing the stern of the flit, which is covered like a house, with a little place cut in the roof abontrwaist-deep for a pilot house, and about ten leet from the floor beloW. I went to the front of the flat to help shove off; failing to see Cant ;hfm,. uic uuoi nonae. am rhiki i. i uiu in ikhv, . f in l a .., .. - vote - for Democratic VVatson. .The leading point, however, in: favor of the Democrats is the ertfin 1894, are Vnow.andw thlMktno it I uta in 1892. . On th nh .u tx . - - - " '4 1 w f V strange that he should ring wlthea" I " " ' " fcUC "Pcrais are aDsolutely and entba- hehasmtheDendinWfl5U S-,""" codnSpemidcrIt For Sheriff FTSnlLH; Stedman. Register of Deeds John Haar. -Treasure Josh. T. James. Coroner Peter H. Smith, j Commissioners Roger Moore. " -J- G. L. Gieschen. W, F. Alexander. " Constable (Wil. township) W.H.Biddle. HOTJSB OF REPRES KNTATI VIS, B. F. KING.' 1 " - D. J. FERGUS. . TOR STATE SENATE, I NSW HANOVER AND BRUNSWICK: THOMAS W. STRANGE.! : BiUHye j 1 .Often spoke his witticisms laden with the greatest truths. - Among ' the most noticeable, most Nyeish and most apropos is the following; t A taan may use a wart on the bacst . of hfe neck for a collar, button; ride on the back coach of a train to save . interest on his money a ntil the con ductor comes around; stop his1 watch at night to save the wear -and tear; leave his "1" and "t" without a dot cue of our financial system from the Shylocks who have been dominatinv H for a quarter of a century bat the preservationand perpetuation of the only party which stands for the peo ple and by the people, which be lieves that this Government is, or should be, a Government "of the people, by the people, ?for the peo pie. ' While this is not a (sectional contest such as has confronted n when the North was arrayed against the South, or rather the Republican party of the North, the South is still even more v vitally interested in it man tne West, with which it is tem porarily allied on the line of free sil ver, for the South is vitally interest ed not only in securing free silver but also in the preservation of Dem ocratic supremacy, , for ; the Demo cratic party has been to her a de fender, protector and preserverof her liberty. ;; ; -Ap,: : -, v. , As important as the preservation of the Democratic party as a national organization is, (and there is no ex- and upon examination found that he was dead; his head lying on a piece of board " TOT aplofblo 1 tne 30,000 to be divided between Russell and Guthrie., Now, we will be or cross to savt inV- .s ine importance of tharY mother's grave to save corn; but a , a"c 5upremacv in North Car , man of this kind is a gentleman and a scholar compared to a fellow who . will take a newspaper, and when asked to pay for it, puts It into the post-office and has it I maiked, "Re- , lused." . onna is even more, important, for that comes home to the h fA t f . v I Vear m hlH Orr kit!, a. auu iuc nresiae ana appeals to ev.r I Z, -r "Luk . "een corn m North caraiim Hr.,r:rjon.::y? w-.mi.- The body was taken frnm ili hna i the residence of Mrs. Sol. Robbins. with wnom fapt. Sherman boatded. No. 118 JJock street, where a jary was empan elled by Coroner Jacobs, and after taking the evidence oMhe three boatmen, Doc ter s Shepard, McMillan and Rassell viewed the body and made examinations as to the conditions hi the heart,- brain and stomach, .the jury adjourned the ioqoest which will be continued at the Court House to-dav at 10 o'clock. - ;i The autopsy made by the doctors showed that the heart and stomach were in a normal condition and that the wonnd on the head, caused the death of de ceased. - j ;..-'". "; . Capuin David Sherman was well known in Wilmington and along the "h cfr nver pilot. He was a native of Pender county, about sixiv years of age. He was at one time Cap tain of the steamer fokn Dawson rbn rSSin u-n W'fiton and Point Caswell, j His family, cDusistiog of bis " " "Kuxrs ana a son, reside near Point CaswelL , t- . DEATH OF REV.DR. M'BRYDE, ! i . On of the Meet Prominent Minister, of . the Boaihera Frbytrtsn Oharoh. The Rev. D. D. McBryde. of Little River Academy, died at his home yes terday morning at seven o'clock.- He IS teV" for 8tvefal weeks, 5d the PiSSZE"." everal da,s! ... .uvutvue wu in ine um.ii. 7. W4a votes more thaney the 300,000 to be divided between Russell and G ..w.,.. glTe nun 130.000 votes, or 29,154 more votes than Harrison received in 1892. . This would leave SO.OOO votes for Guthrie: : According to the forecast given above the rote, then, for Governor should stand as follows: Watson (Democrat) RnSSell SRnnH!;w.- - " . v r..MU .i.,,,,, yuthne (Populist) .; , - ... NASH COUNTY. " 'M..i ;Hi X Tnis county went againsrthe Demoi crats in 189J by 1.833 majority. This majority will be cut down to about 700 on Congressman. 1 Negro vote will be olid for Russell, but bis majority will prooawy not. exceed 400; a 'Democratic Kdia cii over uoo. The ; Bryan electoral ticket will carry the county by about 600 majority,; which willi be a. Democratic gain over 1894 of more than 1,800 Very lew. if any, bolting Democrats. : 1 : - ' ' EDGECOMBE.' COUNTY. 7 - :f There will not be mach difference in the oie nere. ine nero vnte .win nearly solid lor RasselL But little illegal registration ; of negroes. C Nat more than 25 Democrats in this county ho will vote for Mc&inlev of the In dianapolis decoy ticket. Abonf UM Republics ns wiil vote the ; Democratic State and Nuional tickets. -There, was a small Fusioa majority io this county in ibi. . : ;.-xr . ;.fv". S PUPLIN COUNTY. The Democratic outlookls better than tal, and ever living, and, in the course or, years, as exigencies have at isen, pemocjracy haa gone out boldly to lend its helping hand to- the present wants of the oeoole. and inin ifh hem in the- establishment of their wishes. This has been its triumph. Those ; representing this great De mocracy have this day acted in ac jcord '-: with this vital spirit of the party. To-day three parties jn this great financial crisis, demanding that Silver be restored to its proper posi tion with gold as a money of final redemption at the ratio of 16 to l; an jincome tax, that the I rich may bear their . proportion : of the i hnrn pi :- taxation. auu k i in i rpi i vs rorms, nave nominated the - same candidate for President to carry out these reforms. "There was in two of inese parties a difference as to - Vice President. On account of tbecon- sutucionai regulations providing for the election of a President and Vice; rt. Ti r wc ranst act together or Miviuc our vote;.. The Democratic party m North Carolina had no hesi tationl as tn ite l . in 1894, and is improving.. Rusiell will j Proposed. and arranged a comDosite gei me inn negro vote. No bolting i"-" electors ot tnejthree parlies, nmAi... n-ir: i . I that thp'npnrvla'o nill ; iur raciviniev - or fAimitr it- will be manifestly fraudulent. Thprp. forer there can be no doubt of the result in the State if an honest elec tion Js held, and there are no.factious divisions of the 'friends of honest government, and these shall and vote as their evident interest ap. pears. - And although some division of the white vote is Imminent, with this! great majority there should be no doubt of out power toi marshal for the Democratic party sufficient votes to save the State . froBReptjjtfSaTT rule and ruin. .'; -, " The committee has not been inset- j sible to the criticism of some of its friends, because tf its efforts to bring together the silver votes, but thpy felt sure that the unselfish and patfi oti0 impulse which guided each men per; of the committee and thefgoDd results which must follow its action would be finally understood and ap ptoved..... Offers .v to the People's party for a union of voters of that party with us , were not made from any distrust of the Democratic hosts or because of a want of reasonable confidence in the result; but the Dem ocratic party felt the importance of ""'""s w wane people of North Carolina for their common interest It s made no empty declarations for unity, but acted in accord with its pur pose, r The committee felt that all men who think alike should act to getner, .and It is. believed that the voters of this State, feeling theiie- cerity of our motives, will sustain it 4Now,noweverr having failed in'onr : w uunv ine narrifc . . i " earnest 1 , . . - '". ' 140,000 130,000 30,000 ..- oese gares cannot be rubbed out with brag and bluster; Thev are (iiT anJ conservative. And Ve wish" to callsoerilt aM,nn tact that while we give Watson per cent, on the Cleveland an increase j of , only a little oyer Jive vote Of 1892. we irive Rnsll of nearly thirty per" cent, on the Harrison vote of the an increase same year.' , When Hon. Hoke Smith was work ing'for the United States Senate in - Georgia, and Secretary Carlisle was .begging for it .in Kentucky, Mr. Cleveland didn't see any "pernicious parttzanshipj'V but when Mr. Clay--r toni of Alabama,, permits himself to " be nominated as a free silver candi date for Congress, his official head .comes off. : - vvj "'J-1.-:. Just about the time that a sure enough cotton picker was announced along came the statement that a fel. lowv near Atlanta was growing cotton from seven to fourteen feet high, with which he proposes to stock the South, and which no pickqr, not even a dar key, without a ladder, can reach. . - peace, prosperity ! and happiness of the State and prefers the just and or derly rule of the law-respecting Dem ocracy to the possible and probable lawlessness and chaos which may f ol low unbridled Republican rule. j Since 1876, when , the Republicans put forward their best and most pop olar representative, Tom Settle, and matched him against the glorious and Immortal Zeb Vance, the Re publicans have never made the or ganized, & determined effort , they are . making tn : this . J campaign, auu wey nave t never had the same strong backing, for; Hanna has supplied them ' freely, with money. Their hopes have been strengthened by the fact that there aire three State tickets in the field which makes it possible for them to outvote "either of the other two a hope which has been made the stronger by the success of A 10iM and snfi n.TJ- X . , onege tne fol lowing year, where be graduated with tt HartnKtdetermined to study for the ministry, he finished his theolo icl coarse at Columbia Seminar and KbWh I"'' Presbyter? beloved pastor of several of its churches Sis ' Hl" m&iatt has been blessed with frequent rev.val, and ;has been LIJSJ" KhC or8aolM'on of .everal churches. He uve mnri. . edncation. beimr thi.7"."i!?- of Uttle River A; ; un.er i'Ia- "ys: of Davidson Coaeged UnioTo! logical Seminary. He was a man of strong character, dear : thought " and - Daniel L.' Rassell said this in ' oe neRroes : are largely last Kscaped t be Morrill. i ue uttle steamer Three Friends got iIrm.f H 0-S- wenue cutter Mor- r Sunday morning last at 8 oVlock both ten ooutnport; the Jvrr7 fol .uw.ng cipse tn the. wake of the Three Friends: 1: :-:c":.:. : . .-r. -; ...... -v, Sundav afternnnnt)iM n.. ..I . -r . . viu oicaiuci arnveo at Charleston irom New York and reported that at: 11 49 a. m. that day. off Frying-pan light ship, , oy tne inree Friends, inquiry being made if any-wrecks had been seen. The Morrill was following the suspected filibuster, i r - ! " 1 a press dispatch to the Star nlht Ire m Savannah, Gatavs J r .ffi D.u " ertnK "earner 4 7r rr tends which has been ostensibly iock io for wrecked vessels, etcaped the re venue cuter MorriU which has been fo' lowtas; her since she left Wilminaton aomewbere off Ttbee Sunday night. The Morrtll lost track of her and not seeing her any where this mdrning, came Into " V i - v" Bna supplies, j . i cr leiegram. IrOm- TaebsnniFiH- "The steamer TA-, v.vv. ..! . t . . -r.W ?i. . e ar, ronn'a bar at 5 o'clock tnis afternoon and anchored close to the revenue' cutter BoutwU. The rentier wolcn ieit tnia port in com Dan? with the Three Friends last Thnrsday. haa not vet arrived. The captain of the i hree Friends reports that he saw no "svuniuog ice coast. .1- ; Democrats practically a unit for the jint Bryan electoral ticket.' No scratching" A great many Populists will refuse toi vote for any candidates for tbs Leglsla tnre who are for Pritchard for U. S. Sen-' ate.upon the whole, we will do well " ' JOHNSTON COUNTY. " ; The Democratic outlook' ii much better than in 1894, and is imDrovint. There is great improvement since State fusion was declared' cS Our ina jaritv will increase; nearly 50 per cent, fdver 1894 ? Bryan will carry the county by 900. and balance of our ticket, State and county, ; by. 750. - Probably 50 negroes illegally registered. - There are psrhaps 10 iormer Democrats who will vote for McKinley and 10 for Palmer. Russell 111 get about all the negro vote." :- -' DURHAM COUNTY. V ir5: 5ir' that the peonle's will "S&m "JZZZ? I'r'VS "a wnite supremacy, : Afraln IhtB.-'--j!.:f..., 1 . . aw,i u "t ,: .r i bv ban vu ti i iqc voters Ot Worth .Again, JhatBrvan's adrriinisrrarinn I r-i: . r. ! . yIia TIriMU: -fP?- ot success against a ticket A telegram rrceived hire from a ri.- tioeulsbed North - Carolinian k.. home, is Durham, aays the Democratic uawooK inrougnout tnat section is grow ing brighter every day.;? This refers to the Mate ticket; being Conceded that Tbe STAR's Durham eorresnnnrint I column, trnstirio- thai- it., ilfl ays the Democrats confidently claim I division of thAthif-; ,ri?i a. w uaas ucuiimwnn m islation, posed to the PeoDle's nartv a nnft.ri effort for free silver Congressmen n every - district in the ? State! 1 This proposition, made August 13th, has ,been insisted on since by your com mittee, but declined by the People's party., . -. j; ; t j More recentlyYit hasT become ap parent that & the Republican party jwas amassing an. enormous registrar Jtion of illegal voters, made' possible by an election - law of boasted fair ness, but the- provisions of, which piaimy permit fraud, as many of those jeho assisted in; its enactment now plainly see. The xolored race has drawn the colot Ime, and, Seeing ,the white people In division over the questions of gold and silver,! have, -with a few exceptions of the more wusiucraie.ana enlightened of their race, withdrawn from any partici pa tionwith the . white people in consid eration of questions affecting "the public interest, and rrwi oci ves iuan . unDroken column, T -WATCH THE COUNT.; ,i; A Matter of -Vital Importance to the It Is of the utmost importance'tbat I BrI?n wiH carrT ,he State : 4 - M : - i.-..- - . . . ... 1 The STAR'S Durham t tnvemgene - ana wiae awake Demb- watcn tne counting of the we county by 500 -majority: , This will give them a dom r Daaotrrm the night of the 3doflJo: ?fdiaie " over tne vote of only this, but : we Tttti vetaber. w.;- 18?-; when--the -Democrats lost, the h.;L?r Have ."e boastful ih i crgi sjrom r county by sjcrttT.v.-:---....!.;'.-.;; tnat when the election shall be i A prominent citizen of Raleigj who uutaucu, toe registrars and judges of I wcn activaiy in pontics thirty years, election, in the presence of such can headed by McKinlev and Rficcail and which, from township constable to President, offers them candidates pledged lo the restoration of sliver ; Irom all parts Of thai Union come assurances of approachingi victory. North Carolinians, rally to" your standard and i placeyonrState in the long- coluirin- which will sum up DemocraUd triumph!: (Let us gird up our loins for this battle; let us all work lnjbarmony and good will' let 5at-u : - mm: that on him depends the fortune of the day, and victory .-will - follow the oriflame of Democracy. ; From; this day,, work ! e,nq Pnvatc demands prevent this public duty. You who honor vour native land, who love yoor firesides,' remember this battle and its victory is yours. v; Remember that on your efforts depends-the question whether Bryan or McKinley will be your next President; add whether Watson or Russell shall be your next Governor, i L- 'r " f Clement Manly, ' Chairman Dem. State Ex. Com, i - GORMAN" SAYS BRYAN assurance of the Republican: party ""'I'M BewpttAUM 8 Charles Covell, of San, Francisco: . Bolds the medal as j a longdistance thRepublicn" t6unders,up in reiris- " " w : snort wnne r- ago r he : cMnK many illegal negro and doubt swam across , the "Golden Gate," less some white voters, which was a which Is about two miles, but be had ver7 easy thing to do under the fceg ,to swim about seven miles to make is"atiou law which they; patched up the . trio as ! the strnntr doubtless mtth hl -..Lj . F , IT , RH i IWI view. n.r him ! - - ' : v -; nhi- tr.u. . .. . State ot Ohio, City of Toledo 1 v . ' Lircus County. I Frank J. rnvn : V-.t . BB' V. "Hue me stiver Popoiiat Coming Home. : Mr. F. B. Arendell." of the News and voserver, wntes that paper from Tar boro as follows: ': 'r':-C' ' aef mighty rallying of forces uuuu mc silver banner in this Mrm conntrv. Where thera against him. - Palmer and Buckner do, not ex Pect to be elected, they do not expect to carry-a single State or county, in the Union, and yet they are parading - ut vwu!4rj as ii. tnere was ;!ne saow for them. Vho is paying i -e expenses of this decoy side show? Chairman Holton. of the RennhiL. can Committee vauntlngly told the correspondent ; of f the . New York tnat they counted upon carry- , seal I (uk iuc oiatc dv meini r i).i. r , i - v ulently increased" negro . vote.'. If that law had been framed with the express purpose of aiding, : abetting and making . fraudulent legislation xlty of Toledo. 'pni.?-. the sum of one hundred. dolZSs each and every case of I Catarrh th. PlJ9 ne of Hall's dwora to before me and subscribed In A. W. Gleason, ' " )- - ' Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly, and acts directly on the blood and J: Cra?w Co . Toledo, O. k E"dold by Druggists. 75c. , ! i wCe8, th,t theT ere Oing to vote the Tnose who have used Dr. King's New have not, have now the opportunity to try it Free. Call on th. ri;- rVVL gist and get a Trial Bo"fSE if liSfcSP'SR .Wj-Pto box Household ; Instructor. Free. All of Which is guaranteed to do vou good and nothmg at R. agJlyj V dldates, or their duly auJhori&d repre risentaUvesl S may choose to attend shall open the boxes and count the paiiois, reading aloud the names -of the persons who shall appear pn each ticket anri rh- XA n?f tes ihallbe cbntlnued vlthv oui adjournment until completed and Jhe result-thereof deciarid:;;,: It will be seen that, tinder the law. candidatesif they prefer to do so, tujr cnoose jtneir own representa ties to watch the count, and in this way thejmost ihtelUgenranrlv ca pabli Democrats in every county can see ,; that every ballot, is honestly; counted.;?; ; . "C,-' ; - ;- ';-.:-' .This matter is so important that w eeVCDemocraticr"newspa. per andievery Democratic speaker wiir&aJl attention to it - HON. CYRUS B. WAf SON BtUI bjc and Confload o Hte Bed Bnt ,Bi Condition XTot CotMia,ed Betiras. : ; v Special Star 'TeleamM, . Winston, N. C October st Ilwr : f,- . t . r l vyrus d, watson was not Quite' a wili to day, but he is better than he was last week. -While his condition is not con sidered at an'ssnous. it .is almost cer tain that he will not ' be able to do any more campaign work. He ii tm I uneq to nis bed. - , s You can't be wellTf-vonr Mvv t. pare, tnt von ma tia li . good health by X&V?gZS ana wnott-aiwavs cotner-ativ ..hi.. the Star that there is decided improve, ".'i? Wke COUDt compared-with officials in the press of the conn try .j,ui me. iiiegai registration of the blacks would give the State to Mc- ' All these -matters have met our consideration. Tn such ; a crisis 'the Xleotlon oi Brysn by an.TJoprede- 'ft QNew Yori journal ' . Washington. D. C . Oct. 19 -Senator Gorman stated to-night m a private conversation that he i nn. ISfll Tha rtiM..r. L. -.5 . I nniuril it...- -iv. . . " imic airong nopea 1 -LMauv, lcu iv rallies to tne cnn I r.n. . : - uw cjni that they will elect two member. a! Dort of the nnli - sia ?.eJj;? Brn Hbe elected in November i. iutcna5ea is Slight. There 2!Br- of course, ih : the great at es; k . .u . v UJay 'Pent to ad sembly. and that the vote between Wat son ana Knsseii - will - hn shnm ... r -- w wish cyJi, Some Popuhrs will vote the Stat n. ocratic ticket as well as for Brvan. Bryan will carry the county beyond a doubr. Dur correspondent thinks Brvan'. ma jority in the State will reach 40 000, that maiwruy over Kosseii win k v-arouna, Thw vinri!i... and virtue of the lanri mr.c t.-, ..wufflust.De asted tnniiit. vactase. ine spirit of Democrat I .7 "S",",CD m ims country in la cy, your committee, on October 13 ! I Vife c,ciD?8e uch that it will re frankl v a. Zlii: ia- 8uIt la the election iof Brvan hi, 15,000, and that the impressfo"pJya whose UlIeSWtTnSSS- nVr$Tori" l?tl5c,relc .? we wilfcon. Aco-dDerati iSS' "Boodiolldmalor the.PeoDla'. h;rVrf"""s f P-call. rar-rnir. Vul wm.lJic-ar- sl.:rj:r:l,!? 01 e M'le Wesi will ri;" 'aiesi0 Silver .".:?Jre MBryao the needed iu5 tuic 01 worth Carolina oy "Ir1 SomciahMThis dicMd.n;",0?'6 lDI? K.ul;us uoa. tne .FeoDle's nartv n:-lZu Z-Z" arjiano. but up to Vu r . w icu iuame heart careiui study of conditfon of the people was with it 1 jf 1" f bout which he has become vv famiN thought , this v action was wfth! Iar da,in? hI PoHticaler!" - bnlSlS c rfSA in t world ,cr acted In this as In Rh!IL "C TJJcers. Salt ments. re!rardU Tf '.8Ical.move- Ha2Sr S Tter. . Chapped - . , wm t wnenr;it 'he : stance, knowing : no pride . save-its proud heritage nf think that the action nf nD-i H: fro'chafS n1 "P comet SfrX fan express the wish of rninv irom; Chatham xountv:- W 1 of that orcaniMtiAn -i."' Sve the'Br rckCt 8Wul fa v " ;,.nUy rUv. lDthiak. Gatbrwilf iaIolonnd earnest r-w ii ne noes Chatham will elve C 1 i-r ' luc resoration of sil Watson 1,000 : msioritv ver, can give. their adh.!-- trol the lower Hooss of the Legislataie. The Democrats -were overwhelmed in Wake county in -1894. Worth (Fusion) tor State Treasurer. , having a maioritv v-.u3iuo;, tor tnief justice having a maiorkv of 1.500. - , -. DUPLIN COUNTY. - - :J " A.-leading citfzsh of JJuplin.who i thoroughly familiar -with hi. wcS $ the county, writes the Star f,om Mag nolia thst the Democratic outlook Tn better thanlg 1894, and I, improving8 every day.,: He estimates th n.J! Wver over tnat year at 15 ner cent, at least, in his section of the centagehold good throughout iSe ism!1?"!80 Dem5:m,c.In " v UOi "", r . CHATHAM COUNTY, HaSrruIif?"8! Te". . Chapped EtnkinZ. 71 a orns. and aU.bkin fi fff" and -PMtaveljv cures Piles oil fnnl t?t atisfaction, -or money re-lale-RD25 cent P box. For taie;by R. R. Bellamy. t :"T r W-Wnr Tears - be, W.sfw's Soothing Syrup bas hn J! ed for ovcr fiV vears by mil eni motherfoMheif children while soothes the child - m -a wvftbvu 0 tuw kuimw) Tbereoj be.Jfl;!; Sfj" Pe. w, , colE and is (Dem.) and Strawrl rP .uu 1 vote far .uus toeir 1 "e best remedy fnr n;n,, t ffvPB theyaow say JA-vote giv fflf?-?l T1 rSIedf lYsS'rn?. goidVnrconi y o ethy; .s - P!? h t aa os ine county I a Senator frrra , . au i .u . v, wemy-nve cents a ooi- by 1.283 votes. 1 - , . . ".c"lo.r setters the hands of .ii. I !,e- - Be sure and.asir inrM,. wir.. crresiaent, tor he can slZu b Soothing Syrup" and Vake no e la tl U 61 in cc ; Oi Cf -' Cfi Of ba Ca tal Brr CO tes If ! Cr, ta ma noi W01 bac tea Wai he i the feet hea terr crei emt wor His acq 1 saw of la deat ettb The . self the 1 been that his man. him 1 until Hen hive catin bousi from Th that 1 to hi bej, Milie C Vc Th, to his Cape Vestei Place Sen 4 Co. hOXi( nese Partici stipati larla a Prove leedtc - tenom table. 'oa.b and b m, I t wkidr mnn .1 -.