CHIEF ::U;-S. Another Well: ton Citizen: Who : 0tre3 Healtb i to Fame s Celery. : Compound. -, " Above is the picture of another of the thousands of well-known citizens .whom Paines celery compound "has made well.-. .' :.. . ''- .-;..; ' Chief. Postoffice Inspector " M. D, Wheelec ot Washington, D. C, writing to the proprietors of this most wonder ful of curatives; sayi: - I have used Paine's celery compound with marked improvement la health. At the timf-I commenced nsing it, I was very much run doW from overwork and was adviied by a friend to try it. I belao almost immediately to improve, Vijaficr.lHking three bottle felt well coQUgu 10 aiscuiivwuc us use, uuu nave bten permanently benefitted. 1 heartily I'll rrcotnrocnd if to the public. - Mr. Wheeler has lound out what every i . i ...u i - . . : , . coe snouiu icdiu iudi puuing ucsn and soul in one's fcuiioets no longer means stickice to the desk, counter or work-room till the bead grows dizzy, the back aches and neuralgic, twinges shoot through the frame. '. . ' . They are the short-sighted men and women who put up with this state of things when the risk is so great and the remedy so easily within their reach. As eakness, nervousness, languor and I ileeple sness are clearjy the result of lev ceivous nutrition, so permanent re iki will come from rapidly building up the wastd nerve tissues. Paine's celery compou'r d is the means best calculated lor this end,, . ! Paine s celery compound purifies and CORONER'S INQUEST. M,Ji7 Flnd-iTbat Capt. D Sherman tl k9 to H1" 0eMtb from Cause . unknown. Coroner Jacobs and the jury of Inqsest Id the matter of the death of Capt. David Sherman met yesterday morning. The nidence given before j' the jury. was as toilovs : : ' j . ' Dr. J. C. Shepard, Sr., who with Drs. BcMiliaa and Russell made an autopsy tl the body, said : ' ' "With the assistance of Drs. McMil ba and Russell, I made an autopsy on tit body of David Sherman, and found lie foilowicg condition, viz: The organs cf the chesr and abdomen were h a healtby condition. There was a contused .wound on the forehead and 0' the right eye. Tbeje was an tffnsion of bloody j fluid inside the, cranium, which was the probable cause Of death." ..'I . . . v- k CaptWalter Tsft, owner of the flat "at, was sworn and said: "I knew wpt. Sherman.. I emninverl him tn ke the Crasus.uo' LiliiDut creek. I a an expensoced riverman. A man W fall through the opening In the Jrcf the pilot house on the Creesus 'o:,an unconscious condition. The Wws has seven doora. three on each aud one on the end at the bow. A; an lalline detd in the nilnt hrn. nrnnlrl ot fail through to the floor below. K he would fa!) and then struggle he might oik his way through the opening in the of the pilot bouse and fall. I have oe"d that CaD'ain Sherman at tlmea Jas subf-ct to vertigo- I don't see how Mcoold have fallen headforemost out of 'ftCDIOt hrmi. Ui. . 1 1.11 i - -us uiu Udvc Idlicu r'H '"eaiQst, turned and struck on his Captain Sherman was on good wi i with th- rneni under him.. . The crc i! COmmsert rlo.rm.n anA tti when "the 'boat has Capt. E H. Lewis was next examined! ' testimony was as follows: "I was qmted with Captain Sherman. T " him the last tim$ alive on Thursday 1 ,ul w.eek' 1 know.nothing about his M il Abou'-two weeks ago I was down e market and nad a spell ol vertigo. e next day Captain Sherman and my- 'were together, aed I told him about " I bad , bad.j !He. said he had wb tm t;ed in the same way often and "Site was bothered a sood -deal with new. He has-been a drinking Had drnnlr nnlhinn laf-Tt. tln. lira say be bad drank nothioc for veara 'at'l last Christmas, when be got drunk. "as cepn sober ever since. - I never tiVi Seen him, tnnrh a tmn of intnvt- liquor. I never was in the pilot "onse of the Crasus. Have seen it only 'fom tte whari." i i- h C',.:;; ;v The verdict of the Coroner's jary was - thjjJeceiised, David Sherman, came hit death from causes unknown to J'jary. W. J.Penny (foreman), T. C J?'11". R. F. Rising. Daniel Howard. W. vonG!ahn and Ruben McDonald. - The, body of Capt. Sherman was sent bi home at Point Caswell, over the Fear & Yadkin Valley - railroad, Place 10 the afternoon." Free Pills. Send vcti ur address to H. E. Backlen . . I .rrinA I . A 1 - W3X 0j ."-"kw, sou gci a irec BiiHipiC Dr. Kino's M. r ,r. P it. a rial The. ,, nv,nce 'ou of their merits. Ire ... jwu va uii .uibiiia, lce ntlla o.. . s ; , - Partimu i" c y .m action ana -are tioatin lv!ffective io lhe care of Con C 2S ? -d Sick Headache. For Ma P'oved ?! L,v,e"'oubles they have been "ed o valufa!le.! They are -guaran-tenou..,!per'ectl7free every dele te rl Hce aod to bc Pure,T ve8e "on, but h 7 r n9l weaaen by their ac- nd ho"; " v,nK tone to the stomach & WCIS fTntl s L'm Reoni, y ,nv'Rorate tne sys- 'Kuiar sze 25c ner Sr., - SM K mi. I jrtirrJWat' : M IilSPEOTOlT reinforces the blood in a way other remedy has ever attained. There comes an immediate clearing of the jaundiced, noddy complexion; neuralgic and "sick" headaches cease tosfflirt sn.-i the formerly wretched sleeper enjoys the blessings 61 sou n d, restoring sleep, Given the hearty appetite, the sound, sleep and the pure blood., all the,, other needful things that go to making what we call perfect health, are sure to follow. - Low spirits, constant brrjoding over fancied wrongs and imaginary slights, melancholia and - fretfulness are not treated as seriously as they deserve. They are evident faults of the tired, ner vous system and are to be corrected by putting an end to the neglectful condi tion of those vital parts. :: : r. Don't wait lor nervous prostration, " When headaches continue and that tired feeling keeps up, cr pain is felt over the kidneys, arouse the body from its unhealthy condition, get' rid of not only these symptoms, but of the underlying causes, by prompt j-ecourse to Paine's C lery compound. This treat nerve and brain restorer will not leave a vestige of kidney disease, nervousness, unhealthy state ot the livef or heart trouble. Its way of curing these alarming com plaints is direct and oaf ailing. J It replaces unhealthy tissues' by new healthy parts and cleanses and purifies the blood until ; the tired body regains the elasticity and high spirits that are the sure accompaniment of -perfect health. ' . ,r -;:, i :1 - - pv A DAISY SPEECH. - A.t Nec?o tm Washington .. . Dellchlattks lIonrM Dmrklea wun" ; -; ; .tbs Bfesneak 8peen of '':.- tha Campaign. T V; V ;. A correspondent , of the; Charlotte Observer, writing from Monroe, Union coanty, Oct. 17tb says : ' ; F t ; ' T A three-hundred pound, jat, greasy,, black negro preacher, said to be from Washington, spoke to the negroes here to-day. His utterances were highly in sulting to the white people and corre spondingly gratifying to the negro scum which ' grunted - and clapped ' when .be .:- said' anything especially mean. He. ' said this was the ; negro's coontry- and this his - 'year. . He told them to vote for the honor of their country, for sound money-and protec tion to their industries He told them to stick to the Northern people and they would get the money.- And the crowds,- which Democrats of the town, has to keep from starving or freezing in the Winter, were enthusiastic in their ap plause. He told them to follow , their local leaders nnquestionidgly; wherever they led. and whoever did not vote the ticket would : be branded- as a traitor, and would hereafter forever be spotted. He said that the Northern people were watching their, conduct and would re ward them; that Bryan bad said that if they voted for him he would give tbem hell. .-.-:.'.- ;.v... r -:-y ' But Of all his utterances, this capped the climax: He said that recently be and jeveral other colored ministers had visited Maj. McKinley at his home; that the latter sent carriages and footmen to the depot to take them up to the house, where he-entertained them. When they got ready to leave, be (the speaker) stepped op to Mrs. McKinler and asked her to allow bird to "decorate hex" (ex-' "act word). She replied: 7'Certainly, doctor. When he had pinned a badge upon her neck.: she said;'- "Thank you, doctor.". . He sild that had he .done that, down here be would htve; been lynched. ; i '-'i.-S'A ' ' - : . All tnese negro speakers are being sent here to whip into line a dczen or so negroes who seemed inclined to refuse to vote the Republican-Populist ticket. -The Republicans have money to burn when they can thus spend it upon a few fractions negroes..: . " t r Negro magistrates will be elected in part of this coanty. : . ',; i-:7', ':. 0. UiS. CR U IS EFT fiALtGHV.i TJsed Her dans to Puwble and Captor the J : Defenoalcaa Btaamef Danntlea. a '. . . SaipsoMd Ttffbasterer. r :t By Telegraph to the Morning Star. ' ' l Jacksonville, Fla., Oct. iC Off New Smyrna barthis morning the U. b. crniser Raleigh captured, the filibuster ing steamer Dauntless and her tender, R. L. Mabey. The Dauntless was caught about 6 o'clock and the Mabey later. The latter steamer was putting out to sea with, coal; and supplies .for the Dauntless, when the . Raleigh fired a blank cartridge for her to stop. ; The Mabey turned about and tried to escape, whereupon Tlbe Raleigh fired a solid shot across - her bows and the ' tug heaved ta. An officer was put in charge of tbe Mabey and the; Dauntless was brought to St John's bar and now lies inside, in charge ot officers from the -Raleigh. - v i 0' -: ;-t - Cubans here are greatly excited oyer the news, but claim that the Dauntless, had no arms nor men on - board. In chasing the Dauntless, the Raleigh used her gnns several times and the alleged filibusterer came near being sunk.- The Whole STdiY of the wonderfnl cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla is soon told. It makes the blood rich, pure and nourishing. It cores scrofala, catarrh, rhenmatism.V-X; Hood's Pills act harmoniously' with Hood's Sarsaparilla.; Cure all liver ills. 25 cents. s - - - -1 4 H. wMPmiOH MEN WWrt HAD LOST POCKETBOOKS. - " Ha Fonna Ten Centloii4, xnk . i With HIw ja Dewsrlbto, tha Proparty, , He I. BtlU Seaktnc. BongU on New York. A-mild mannered man with thin fear blno . eroa, a Con Sari shuffling gait ancT geral air ot leK688 6tepped lnto olchlng kwon thereby, and accosted a flashily yoaJwlU 'Bg'wlshlrnsjurf' tbbontfy Is the best policy." , ' ' HnT,Ma?flwere,? the. yog man, con the thm featOIed a ever I And aiharfcldeof valu I would con sider myself no better ihan a thief if I did' Bfforfc ire8to o the owner, ru i-narantea t.hi : men la New York who would travel two; ?"2iBot. 3f, have yon lost a pook-i mean, did you -drop nythin this morning?". And the honestman enuffled "uowsny, aa ir na realized that he would not amount to much aa a; conductor of a cross examination..- : l sryiV; The young man grew exoited atdnee and, making a . hasty inventory of his rjooketa, exclaimed: ; v. . "Great Gawd I I've lost me pookothookl ?f i1?6 ??f, the 0116 y 'oand is mine. Were you ui in the ViMnif;f ::iiiL- nlnth , street this morningf'- asked the honest man, interrupting. ":;rr t x MiBii across ttom the park and "I thouaht BQ- JJow. if nH m.n'iL.ii.:j tbe genuine pleasure of being honestthe Boothing effect upoa the mind and heart BU" vnore woma De less tblevery and . skullduggery than there is. Now, let me ion came..: aorosa from the park passed by the t; Columbus ' inonument, stepped into a 'saloon on the circle and got a drink, came out again and walked up Fifty-ninth street toward Ninth avenue?" "Yes, sir. Now give meM - ,h ... ''Walt a moment, please. As you were walking along you pulled some papers out of your-pocket, but you didn't see your pocketbook drop to the ground?" j "That's just the -way I must have uruppea is. ... j, remember pulling out the papers." . ... i-: j., " What sort of a pooketbook was itwas it a long, seal leather that is,-1, mean, was it a blllbook, with red morocco lin ings, and were the pocket corners staid "in sterling silver clasps? You will par don me, but I want to be sure you're the man." And a spasm passed over the hon est man's face, as if the necessity for being so particular was extremely painful to him. " .' . ... 6-.o r "Yes, "replied the young man, much exoited, "my pooketbook was a long, seal leather blllbook, with red moroeeo -lining, and the pocket corners were staid with sterling silver clasps.' You will note that I have given a minute description of my property. Now please hand It over and I'll "reward"- - ' "I'm not looking for any reward," said the honest man stiffly. "I Just simply want to do what's right. My conscience is my reward." -V -".i.-":'r ' 1 "I beg yonr pardon," apologised the young man. "I perceive that you are a gentleman. Now, if you" : " I "One moment, please. ' How much money was there in - your pockefbookf Were there two twenties, six tens, a Ave, three twos and a one, a commutation meal ticket, a corn cure recipe and a printed leaflet, How to Behave at the Table? ' "Yes, sir; that describes tbe pocketbook Host most accurately. .'. This gentleman here" indicating the proprietor of "the store "will note that I have identified my property. I have given you an aoourate description of tbo book and its contents. I would like, to pay you for the ; time and trouble you have expended in tracing me. I am glad to know that there is one honest man in New York. Now, if you will hand over my pooketbook" - ' , I T ( . "Hand over your pocketbook !,r repeated - 1 1 . . . . . uju ujiia manuerea man. wnas do you 'mean?" -- .: - -. f -e;-'- . "Mean !" exclaimed the young fellow. "Why, I mean give me that long, seal leather pocketbook that you i found , on ' Fifty-ninth street . It's mine, and I can prove it' . ."f-' . ;"But, my dear sir,' said the mild man nered man In an offended way, "I found no such pocketbook. I'm an honest man, however, and if you will give me your ad dress and I should happen to find your property you can be assured of getting it. " "But yon told mo that you found it, and if you don't give' it up I'lThave you ar rested." ...:,t..:v: - " t.;j-.-.v V '.'I told you no such thing," blandly re turned the honest man. "I asked you If you had lost a' pocketbook and if it had red .morocco linings and if there were so many tens, twenties, fives, twos and bines. You are the tenth man I have met today Who claims to have lost such a pocketbook, containing just the same amount of money, f the commutation ticket and the recipe for curing corns. I am sorry for you, my friend" and here the honest1 man's voice took on a sad inflection "but there are so. few honest men in New York city that I'm afraid you'll never recover your ; property.: Let mo see now a seal leather sookes-' book" , t-;i -i-r-r But here the young man gathered up his purchases and bolted out of the store. r "I had no idea there were so many pock etbooks lost in this city every day," said the honest man. to the store proprietor, buttoning up his coat and shuffling toward the door.. "I believe in being honest not from policy alone, but .because it la the only way to keep your conscience from raveling at the edge I really hope that poor fellow will find his pocketbook." And the honest man stalked out! sol emnly and became absorbed in the human stream that surged up and down the ave nue. New York Press. - - - He Got the Jofc. ! . The youth was an applicant for a place In a Montague street' railroad magnate's office, where bis principal duty would be io ward off by evasive answers the hordes who daily haunt tbe place. I i - L . "Where have you been employed?',' que ried the magnate. !' - ' ' - "Here and there," responded the appli cant airily. V' ; ' 1 - J..i,.f' , i "HumpUl Doing what?".."'' . ' "Oh, this and thatl'was the guarded reply.' - ' -; -::' : "You'll do," said tbe magnate admlr- insly, and tbe youth how occupies a desk near the door of - the outer office and dis penses his peculiarly definite answers with great liberality to all oomjsrs. New York Bun.:.- ,t- ;.-, ...1.:;i , . ' -.Karly Fublle lotteries. . - Probably the first pnbllo lottery; ever held took place In. England in 1667, says an exchange, when 40,000 chances were old at 10 shillings each, the prizes consist ing chiefly of plate and the profits going for the: repair of certain - harbors. The drawing took place at the west door of St. Paul's cathedral.' In 1613 another lottery took place at St. Paul's.. This was for the benefit of the Virginia; oompany. The highest prize was 1,000, and . 20,000 .profit Was gained. ;'y..;f?-.' Again, In 1030, a lottery was' promoted ;, In order to bring water Into London, and -after tbe civil war another lottery helped to replenish an 'exhausted , national ex chequer. --Private lotteries soon became very common, ana being generally con ducted on fraudulent principles an act of parliament' was passed early In the reign of Queen Anne suppressing them "as pub-. ucnuisanees." in io4 a loan 01 1,000, 000 was raised by the sale of lottery tickets at 10 each, and in 1710 1,600,000 Was raised by 10 tickets, each tloket being en-: titled to an annuity for 88 years, the' blanks 14 shillings per annum, the prizes varying from 5 to 1,000 per annum.- Chicago News. : ' ' 'r'Jr , A Boy! Chalk Mark. Hz-J " The nicety of the plans for the frequent travels of the queen of England Is shown in the chalk mark drawn" across the plat-' forms of stations where the royal traveler; will alight for any purpose.-X This- broad - white mark Is readily seen by the engine driver, and he rigidly toes the line, thus bringing the door of his; sovereign's oarr riage directly opposite "the carpet spread for her royal and rheumaMo feat New York Times. ,Ji;l;;'-. ilJ VUu -UULO- Like blMousness, dyspepsia, headache, consti pation, sour Btomach, hvhgestloa we promptly -cured by Hood's Pills. They do their Work easily , and thoroughly. . f m n n : Best after dinner pills. I sJ B tj II : 25 cents; All drugglstsJ-'i U ;'; SUM JPrepared by C. 1 Hood &' 0., ioweU, Mass. , The only Ktt to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. 4 RALEIGH NEWS BUDGET. CMAIRMANi MAN LYf RECEIVES EN. ' . . -r.COURAGlNQ ADVICES. . -1 Bailway Commbtlon Diamias applisatlon to Bedocs Paaaengf r Bates.; on.: Batlroads- : Popnliatt Rafuae to CivTaige the Beralt , : Of Their Pollef the 8ratt-Bpnbh-V . -ans Aaaeri That Their Vote -,vi' r f" .WiU Sot Exoaed 2000. ; 1 Special Star Corresftrndence " " ' ... ' if vVfln M f -.. tit' .;,vn application ; by the chairman' of n uemocratici Connty "Executive: Com mittee, - Judge " Walter ' Clark issued an order this" morning compelK Ing the registrars .in tie ; Second'ward, where the registration book had oeen Stolen, to use the duplicate py, made by the Democratic registrar , and certi fied to as being correct copy by an other of the registrars. -. 6 vti? i ; It is not likely that a decision will bev reachtd in 4he r Satterfieldcase untft after the election.-- j ';h "Ai-i .The Populists have taken a poll of the State, but the? refuse to: give : the re turns, e Chairman Ayer says the poll wi 1 not be made public, aod the Republic cans assert that the Populists sre afraid tcv because It shows that the Populist vote wiU not exceed 8 000. - 0 " . When told" that Republicans were nynnhamMv kn' flaiL.. -o j r i - wou d not poll over-15.000 votes. nycr um u iB strange mat so many people seek assistance from the Popu lists, in view of the fact that the partv is rated as being numerically smalL . -.. . : XSicial Star Tik&ami:i:-:i G,'S.' Bradshaw baa: been appointed A U ?e that so many tMimer and Bucknerr elector in the Fourth District,; vice J; S. ' Brittam' re signed; - .-.r- ;v - J,;.. ''. a. Chairman Manly received advices to day which he says makes Bryan's defeat impossible.; . !-v.v. , jl - 1 The Railway Commission; has dis ratssed the action instituted to reduce passenger rates a quarter of a cent, bold Ing- that ths-present, rate is cheap enough. "J-'-:'-: -" . . 1 CUMBERLAND" COUNTY. ; . The OemeeraUc-PopoUtt Tiekt Announeed ;. , tr the Joint ' Committee-C. 1- j" : f Special Star Telegram. , : -? ayxttxviLls, N. C.t Oct. 21. To day, in joint session, the Democratic and Populist Executive Committees of Cumberland county nominated for Sen ator N. C Tbaggard, Populist; for the House. John H. Carrie, Democrat, and John D. McLeod, Populist; for.. Register Of Deeds. A. D. McGill, Democrat; for' ! Treasurer, John B. Troy. Democrat; for Surveyor. W. M.' Alderman. Democrat; Cou nty Com m issiooers, B. R. : Taylor. Democrat, J. E. Downing, Populist, G. W; Lawrence, Democrat-Populist. There was no nomination for " the office of Sheriff, J. B. Smith. Democrat, and Mc Daffie . Geddie, : Populist-Republican, having been announced as nominees by their respective parties' some days ago." NATIONAL FLOWER CONGRESS Convened In AshrrUle Small Attendance- f. : . . Offioexs Sleoted. ' : .-. By Telegraph to the Morning Star, i ? Asheville, N. C. October 1 2LTbe National Flower Congress ( convened here this afternoon at Battery Park Hotel. Attetdance was small but other delegates are expected to-morrow. Fred erick Leroy Sargeant instructor in bo tany at Harvard University, was elected president, Miss Floret ce. Cheney, of South Manchester, Conn.; first vice pre sident; Hon". Frank P. Ireland, Nebras ka City. Neb., ' second - vice president; Edwin H. Taylor, Asheville, N. C, sec retary. . . '. " . The Treasury gold reserve at the close of business yesterday stood at $121,818. 741. The day's withdrawals at New York were $273,400. Gladness Gomes With a better Understanding- of the transient nature of the many phys ical ills, which vanish before proper ef-. forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts : rightly directed. " Tliere is comfort in the knowledge, that so many forms of sickness are not due tor any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleasant family laxative, Syrup of Figs, prompt ly removes. - That is why it is the only -remedy with millions of families, and is -everywhere esteemed' so highly : hy alL. who value good healths Its beneficial effects are due to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal -cleanliness without debilitating the organs on which it acts. It is therefore 1 all important, in-order .to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur- chase, that vou have the genuine arti-1 cle, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig-Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable druggists.. ; ... , -t ----- Ii in the enjoyment of good health, and the sy stein, is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed If afflicted with "any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful physicians but if in need of a laxative, one should have the be3t, and with the well-informed - every where, Syrup of Figs stands highest and ia most largely used and gives inost general satisfaction. PUBLIC SPEAKING.; : - LOCKS CRAIG AND R. B. DAVIS, , ; Bryaa Eiectors-at-Lirge, will address the people at;..y -zp .i-'p-'ly..-ri Newbern, Craven county, Thursday, October 22. r.vify .-v -r : ; Kioston Lenoir coaoty; Friday, Octo ber 83. : ; VXkM r ' Goldsboro, Wayne county, Saturday, -October Sl:-;;?; ' Tarboro, Edeecombe coudtv, Mondar, October 26. ,-f?v5' ht : 'j' 4 -.j-. C Nashville, Nash coanty, Taesday Oc - Clinton. Sampson county Wednesday, October 88. ' - pi-w - Fayetteville. ; Comberlahd - T coanty, Thursday, October 29. x &. - Maztoo, Robeson coanty, Friday, Oc tober 80..; ; '. .- :: ' COMMERCIAL. . WILMINGTON MARKET. V-'" STAK OFFICE, October JL5. - , ?,PIRFS " TURPENTINE Market' enl" -Pr fiaHon for ma-cnine-made casks, and - 26 cents for country eatks - - - - k JC?SI12""Market S"11 at 1 45 per bbl for strained land tl 6(T tor Good Strained.. - - - ibrofo" :m aCRUDE -TURPENTiNEeady: Hard 1 80: YeUoar nirv i on v.; ASOper barrel"pHf " V Quotations Same dav last Vsrnirifa turpentine 255C25jtf c; rosin, strained. vi gooa strained 25; tar $140: erode turpentine 10. Ifi0,;l 60. T . U. ri-'S: ?-' KECSIPT5L . " . SpWaTurpentine:.,.. ir v8 if : r'fvi' r; Jc . pentme, k-?iU ?55:rll Receipts same day last year 124 caskSMpirits turpentine, 883 bbls rosin,. J11 Jar;i5 bbls crude turpentine, s -"- Market firm on a basis of 7Uc lor m 11 ft tin r ' ' ... . - 1 dlingr.....; 7 9-15 m2 'T QtVlA 4a m1 .k. "i "' ' a a'a .'. a. "-. PSoVS,, year 1,548. v-' h-"""T-!"' ' . -. .. vr .-.c.ii,'HvH , -. . . ' PEANUTS-North raVnnno2iT.!..J 4050c-per bushel of 28 pounds; Extra rrime, oac; fane v. eOiafiSri -s. Virjnia Sxtra Prime, 60fl65c: Fanrv Aft7A wRw-rttrar 88 to 40 cents bushel. -. i. . '--v - r : .. ,. per : V- oauun steady; Hams, r 9 'c Pr pound; Shoulders, 6 to 7c; A SHINGLES Perthousar, five Inch; fs a5l aP8' l ? to 25; ix inch. s ou wa ou; seven inch 15 50 to 50. T BER--Market steady at $3.00 to Z '. . - - ": 4 STAR OFFICE. October 16. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market Brav at 28J cents per gallon lor machine-made casks, and 25 cents for Country, - casks. - ; . .' ."ROSIN. Market 'firm at $1 45 per bbl tor r Strained and $1 50 for Good Strained. 1 ; ' - .. v, I JoT101 1 at r W 00 per bbl of 280 lbs. " ." CRUDE "TURPENTINE. Steady Hard 1.80, Yellow Dipl.80 and Virgin 1 Wfttr barrLv.-';.-.v ;h: "f " Quotations same day last year Spirits turpentine 2525c; rosin, strained, fA m good strained $1 25;. ur $1 40; crude, turpentine $t 10. 1 60, 1 60. -y'l -r:; RECEIPTS. Sri Spirits- Turpentine..... . ........ i5osln' -' v , i . v . . . n . i . . ; . . ; Tar v - Crude Turpentine. . ; . . ... . j Receipts same -dav last 63 604 149 81 581 yar- 95" casks spirits turpentine, 410 bbls rosin, vuia tar. ox ddi crude turpentine. . . Y OTTOW. Market firm on a- basis of 7ifc for middling. Quotations? ' - Ordinary . V . . ; . . ;; . . 4 Good Ordinary.., 6U LowMiddling. ..... t CtS lb uooo Middling.... 7 9-16 Same day last year, middling 9c ! Receipts 2,490 year; 2,573. : bales; same- day last - 1 -a - U - . ! -COUNTRY PRODUCE. " ' 'fi PEANUTS North Carolina Prime, 4050c per bushel of 28 pounds; Extra Prime, 65c; Fancy, 60G5c. Virginia Extra Prune. 6065c; Fancy, 6570c. : -CORN Firm; : 88. to 40 j cents per bushel. : . .-,r ''. -r- .; N. C. BACON Steady; Hams. 9 to lljfc per pound; Shoulders, 6 to 7cx Sides, 7 to 7jc - .SHINGLES Per thousand, five inch, 5ea" aJ?d saps, $1.60 to 2.25; sixjnch, $2.50 to 8 50; seven ioch, $5 50 to 6.50. TIMBER Market steady at $3.00 ito 7.50 per M.'- ' . V - . - : :- i , . STAR OFFICE, October. 17. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market firm att 28 cents, per Ration for machine-made casks, and 28 cents for country casks. - cr.- ROSIN. Market ; firm - at :- tl 1 45 per bbl for Strained and $1 50 for Good Strained. . ":.-. cj. ; TAR. Market firm t at tl CO oer bbl of 280 lbs. ; -, y. CRUDE TURPENTINE. Steady. Hard 1 80, Yellow Dip 1 90. and Virgin 1.80 per barrel. " C-'--;- . Quotations same day last year Spirits turpentine 25?2l251fc: rosin, utrainr $120; good strained $1 25; tar $1 40: crude turpentine $1 10. 1 50, 1 60. . - J : receipts ? : Spirits Turpentine.... , ;. '.i,; 54 Rosin ....... . . .. .-. . . .i . ., . . . , - 874 Tar ..... 200 Crude Turpentine.', .... . . . . .,. . . .yr $8 Receipts same dav last Tear 198 casks spirits turpentine, 858 bbls rosin, ou 001s iar.13 ddis crude turpentine. -i-? Y-; J COTTON - Market steady on a basis of 7c for middling. Quotations: -- : i t Ordmajry. 4 ; ft vyrainary . . ... ... p 14 Low-Middling.....;., fl Middling".. . 7tf t Good Middling. . . .. .. 7 9-I8 Same day last year, middling 8c Keceipts s.Qia bales; same day last yeSr 2.911. " . ' - . 1 i country: produce. ; 7 PEANUTS North Carolina Prime. 4050c per bushel of 23 pounds; Extra Prime, 65c; Fancv; 6065c, Virginia Extra Prime. 6065c; Fancy, 6570c ; H CORN Firm;, 88 to 40 cents per bushel. :r.:r''xH ; N; C. BACON Steady; Hams, 9 to -11 c per pound; Shoulders, 6 to"7c; Sides,.? to 7c. , - .:. SHlNGLES--Per thousand, five inch, hearts and saps, $1.60 to 2.25;; six Inch, $2.60 to 8 50; seven inch, $5 50 to 8.50,' ' ' TIMBER Market steady at $3.00 to 7-50-pfermYl';;;S: " ? . p TAR OFFICE, October 19. -' SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market steady at 26 U cents Der palloa for ma. Cbine-made. casks, and 28 cents for country casks. xviarKQt arm at f 1 45 per oDi ior oirainea and 21 50 for Good Strained. . , - .TARMarket firm at" $1 00 per bblof280fts. - :CRUDE TURPENTINE. Steady. nara 1.3a Yellow Dio 1.90. and Viririn x ou per oarreL v "v - ' Quotations same day last year Spirits turpentine 25&35Wc; rosin, strained, $1 20; good strained tl 25: tar tl 40: cruac lurpentine 1. 10, 1 60, 1 SO. bpirits Turpentine, ; , t , v ' fc 98 Kosm."; . .iZ. :. . . ' 498 Tsf': ...... .',.;... , .-. I V , 48 Crude Turpentine .viivi. jW ! Receipts same SIay hast year 43 casu spirits turpentine, 889 bblsyosin, f f ddis tar, 88 bbls crude turpentine. . ' . :;iv&r cotton. " ?-r'iT.c ; Market steady on a basis of lUc for miouung. quotations: H r idinary.... ...... iitJi ctt lb taooa Ordinary. . ; . . Low Middlings a . 9 & " : " 4 Middling ... ....... r.J 7if. ' v"', Goc4:Middling..j..;, 7 ?-18 - Same day last year, middling 80. . ivctcipis ,Dt oaiea; same- day last year, 8,576'r ;.. - . - s COUXTRY PRODUCI. ' . , JAPEANUTS-North Carolina-Prime, 4050c per bushel of 28 pounds: Extra Prime, 65c; Fancy, 6065c. " Virginia extra rnme, eu65c; Fancy, 65070c. j CORN Firm; . 88 to 40 cents' per bushel. - - - - r. N. -C. 5BACON SteadyrHams, 9 aUc P' POMd; Soulders, 7c; Sides, 7 to 7Kc. , SHINGLES-r Per thousand, five Inch, e"f aV aP8- W-W 1 to 2.25; six inch -w iu o.uui seven incn;5.0t) to 0.50, ' TIMBERMaitAt tt., 7.50 per M. "-T "l" I' I 9 ;.v 'g:-"'- -" -:- ''SrSBi STAR OFFICE. October 20. : TURPENTINEMarket ' dull at 25$ cems- per gallon for machine-made casks,- an 25 W .cents for conntrv casks, -x --i-," ?SINrMarkerfirm at:i.i5er bbl for Strained, and $1150. for i Good strained - sg.t.' f-jt... -v-' i uJA"kvt firm at 8 1 M per bbl of 280 tbTi, rf-H-f.r..;?.? CRUDE ! TURPENTINE. Steady, S5?1 H9' Y?n" D'1 'W and Virgin t80 per barrel 'frf Quotations same day-last year Spirits' ir'ntine rosin, strained: , kuuu wrgmca si 0 t8f $1 40; v.uuc turpentine sji iu. x OU, .1 60, ; .' RKCCTPTR . .. T Spirits Turpentine -Iv. . V. v. " -Aj; Kosm . . ; . .... . . . ........... ...... . 434 A31." '." .'.ivj.i-, s .. i'v'188" Crude jTurpentine -. 27 -Keceipts same dav last vMtjtiK w I casksspirits turpentine; 653 bbls rosin, OblslOoBbJjcrr I r: - ( 1. v: cotton. - - - I Market Hrm n. .1 Bfix--j.. I Ofdmarv . I food Ordinary; ifcp ). .. -v Low Middling JVr.t'-mS- Middlinar. r:. 7i w"' Good Middling. ; it I 7 9-lft ; " ? ? V Same day last year, middling 8Kc: - Receipu-8,228 balesf same day fast year 1,034,. ; f,: -;v; I" ,L ' COTJNTRY PRODUCg. jTPEANtjrS North Carolina Prime." 4050o per bushel of 28 pounds; Extra rme, ooq;ancy. 6065c. Virginia l Extra Priai.805c; Fancy. 6570c. 1 1 V,R.firni; 88 to 40 . cents p tkjr :. NX. , BACON Stead ; Hams," 9 to lljc per pound; Shoulders, 6 to 7c: Sides, 7 to TJfe. ; SHINGLES Per thousand, five Inch, hearts jindsaps, $1.60 to 2 25; six inch, $2.50 to60; seven inch; $5JJ0 to 6.50. TIMBER Market steady at $3.00 to per m. STAR, OFFICE October 21. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market steady at 25J$ cents per .gallon for machine-made casks, ; and 25 cents for country casks. -ROSIN Market firm at $1 45 per 1ol for Strained and $1 50 for Good Strained. - . , TAR Market firm bbl of 280 Ss, - ' at $1 00 per CRUDE TORPRNTtNP 1 Fd 11 80' yelIow DP 1 9. and Virgin I 1 80 p?r barrel. - I . OnntatlAna um Am lo. cl:.s A - ur iao. j lii us turpentine 25K25c; rosin, strained. 10; good strained, 1 25; tar, 1 40; crude turpentine, $1 10, 1 50. 1 60. J- ' ' - RECEIPTS. " ' Spirits Turpentine - 74 Rosin . . . . . 594 Jar-V - - - 1Q9 Crude Turpentine ..... ... ....... 9 Receipts same day last year 80 casks spirits turpentine, 408 bbls rosin, 804 bbls ur. 53 bbls crude turpentine." . . ' , - ' - v '-l COTTON. : . - - .- i'Si Market firm on ? a basis of 7Jic for middling. : Quotations; - v . . Ordinary.;. 4 cts lb Good Ordinary... i., 6 Ji; Low Middling. 7. . ; . . 6 Middling... . .. . .... . 71 Good-Middling.; ... .7 9-16 "li? J s Same dayaast year, middling 8Kc.C Receipts 1,920 bales; same day last year 952. . , . .;'v . , countat: produce" : APEANUTS North Caroliua-Prime. 4050c per bushel of 28 pounds; Extra Prime. 55c; Fancy, i5065c Virginia- Extra Prime, 6065c; Fancy, 6570c ; ? ; CORN Firm: 88 to 49 rents "rr: bushel, tVK - '-. :-- .i.-v r.- N. C BACON Steady;- Hams." to ll)fc per pound; Shoulders, 6 to 7c; Sides. 7 to. 7Jc. ' '- : : . - SHINGLES Per thousand. fie inch . hearts and ssds. tl 60 to 2 25? $2 50 to 8.50; seven inch. $5 50 to 6 50. ; TIMBER Market steady at $3.00 to" 7JS0per M. " . . DOMESTIC MARKETS. . '4 By TeiecrnplCto tbe Mornira Star. . FINANCIAL. , : " New York, October 81-Evening.--: Money on call was easier at 8W7 per cent; last loan at 4, closing offered at 4 per' cent. Prime mercantile paper 810 per cent Sterling exchange was firm; actual business In bankers bills 480Ji481 for sixty days and 483X 484 tor demand. Commercial bills 479480 Government bonds were firm; United States coupon (ours 107;United States twos 93. State bonds dull; North Carolina fours 95; North Caro lina sixes 114. Railroad bonds steady. . , Silver at; the Stock Exchange to-day icaay. ; , - ... . -'L.'.r ;'' tfir'y ICOMMERCIAI; New Y0rk, October 8 l?Evenihg.:i Cotton quiet; middling gull 8 8 -16c; mid dling 7 1518c : :.. - -: - .."-..- -i Cotton futures "closed du?I at prices; October? 68, November 7 81, December 7 tfl, January 7 92, Februarv 7 98, March 8 08 April 8 07.J May 8 11, June 8 14.1 July 8 17. ; Sales 92.500 bales. 5 ; w Cotton net receipts bales; gross 5,672 ' bales; exports to Great Britain! bales; to France bales; to the Continent ' bales; forwarded 1,008 bales: sales- 2.007 bales; ' sales fflArsi 77 hatsta mirr1r n i 1iA AOi L.l..!' Total' to-day Net receipts 46 888 bales;" exports to : Great Britain 12.453 bales; to France bales: to the Con-i tihent 25,719 bales; stock 1,014,783 bales. - Total so far this week Net receipts 231.867. bales; exports to Great ' Britain bales; to France 8,607 bales; to the Continent 77489 bales, v r f v v - Total since September 1 Net receipts 1,883,657 bales; exports to Great Britain 512,209 bales; exports to France: 97.135 bales; exports to the Continent 313.528 . bales.". '-?, . ; i-V ' :;; .- -: '; :); ;s Flour .! was dull and held" higher. cnecxing business; quotations: winter; wheat, low grades $2 453 50; do fair to' fancy $3 254 85; do. patents $4 854 65; Minnesou clear $3 103 75; patents $4 005 25; low .extra; $9 458 60; Southern " was.; firm and ; quiet; com mon to fair extra. $3 653 25; good to choice $3 258 50. Wheat spot market was fairly active and weaker with op-' uoni; uDnraaca rea vt3S&c; o.I north ern 83c; options were more active and. closed weak at Sjc decline; No. 3 red January 88K! March 85c; May 85Hc;: October 79c; November 80fci Decem ber 826. Corn more active and weaker; No. 2 80Ji81c at elevator and 81 3lc afloat; options were more active and closed weak at l$2c decline; October 29c: November c;December 81c; January 81c; May 835c: Oats spot dull but steady; options moderately active and weaker; October 23cj No vember c; December 34c; March 25; May 26c; spot No. S 23X24Jc; No. 2 white 26c; mixed Western 2135c Lard - quiet and weak; Western steam $4 60; city $4 40; October $4 65,nominaI; refined lard was : weak; Continent $4 95; South America $5 80; compound $4 62X4 87. Pork steady; demand moderate; new mess $8 509 25. Bat ter firm and fairly active; State dairy 11 18c; do. creamery 12 20c; West ern dairy 812; , Elgins 20c Eggs fancy;rra; State and Pennsylvania 18i 20c; ice-house 14K016c; Western fresh lSKQlSKc; da per , case t3 004 50; luned t5c Cotton seed oil quiet, weak; crude 23 24c; yellow prime 2727Hc. Rice firm, demand fair and unchanged. Molasses, firm, demand moderate- and anchanged. v Coffee , steady and un-' changed to 10 points down; November' $9 60;-December $9 459 55; March ta 45 60. May (9 459 60 July $9 50; eunau quici ana. easy; wa 7, 110 75. Sugar raw quiet and firms fair refining I cenwitugais. 85 test, 8c bid; refined A tf J 1 . . - ---f trm, quiet and unchanged, j I - Chicago, October 21. C . -Cjinh nnnlc. tlons: Flour the market was steady uu.i, wuu quotations unchanged. Wheat ?rin?a,5c: - No. 2 red 7578e., Corn Nk 22X82K. Oats-No 2 17 17a Mess pork, per -bbl, : at , $6 907 00, Lard per 100' lbs. ' $4 .204 82; Short rib sids, loose, per 100' lbs. S3 aon aft r n- salted shonlders.boxed, per 100 lbs, $400 4 25. Short Iear sides, boxed, per 100 lbs $4 S54 87. ; Whiskey $1 18. -The leading lutares ranged as follows -f-openng. highest, lowest and closing: Wheat October 7475. 75. 72 W, 72 W; EeCemr W777, 75. 75Jic; May8182K 82Jg. 79.8). Corn pctober 23. 83. 22JC. S2d Decern br 25, 5K25; 24. MHc; May 285. 27.. 27K . Oataf PorkDecember $7 00,7 00, 6 97. 6 97; January $7 95 8 00, 7 85, 7 Is! fard December $4 27; 4 80, 4 20, 4 20; January $450. 4 50,440.4 40. Short ribs Pacember $3 265,; 3,65, 8 65, 8 65; Tan nary: $3 92.5, 8 8 87i 4 :i "r . Baltimore,- Qrt 2L Flour frouiet: firm and unchanged.!": Wheat unsettled; M October; 79&80ci December 8282c; Steamer No. 2 red 75& 76cj Southern, byratnple 7880c; do On grade 76S0sH3ow dull and easier; spotr and r Octobe55sS80cj new or old, November Tr "December, 2930c; January 818lHc Steamer ; mxed 37M28c; Southern corn 83a34- Oat. swaay to nrm; wo, 2 white 2627C; No. 2 mixed 2823c.-- ' , j.u. COTTON -ANd'naVaL STQRES. f. . . .'"WWBKIiT BTATTEMaagT.' '" - v' ! - RECEIPTS. ' ' tar week ended Oct. 18, 18S6. ' ' ' : Writ: Xrt, Tar. - i 84f. " 8,810 KECEIPTS. . 1 tot week ended Oct. 18, 1885. SHriU. , JCtim. Tr. . 678 J 4,040 1,455 EXPORTS. i ' Pot week ended Oat. 16, 1886.,' Crud4 149 18,610 Crudt. ! 143 . 1566 i -". Sftritt. Matin. Tmr; SJOn ! 1,197 - 128- 1,547 0W , QUO ' -1,036 000 Crudt. 6 :: " 00 Oonkestic., foreign , 8.071 143? 1,187! 1J547 6S Jti-fUKTS. , For week ended Oct. 18, 1896. 1 ' CtUM. SfiriU. Xuin. Tar. Crudi. Domestic, roreiga.. 1,872 1046 1218 68 e :; 889 .4,783 816 . 6 164 000 "l64 r . 699 . 6,12 - S3i STOCKS. , Ashore and Afloat, Oct, 16, 1898. ! . - Ahri. AJttmi. . TtUL 86,677 1.633 "....,........., - 16.188' PUlts 1,485' 19,478 TV . 3,429 : Crude.................; 447 ' STOCKS. 80,841 48 1,888 00 - 00 - 81,861 : a,4i : 447 Ashofe and Afloat, Oct. . 18, 1895. (Mm, Tr.- CVode. . 326 ' SS.439 503 . 88J98 . That J orrul Feeling; 1- With the exhilaratjng sense of renewed health and strength and internal clean liness, which follows the use of Syrup of Figs, is unknown to the few who have not. progretsel beyond the - old-time ; medicines and .the cheap substitutes sometimes offered but never accepted : ' i wcu-iniurmeu. t. " NAVAL STORES MARKETS. ;'BV Tslsgrapa M tha lonias Star. . New York, October 21. Spirits turpentine quiet at 2929d. Rosin firm; strained common to good $1 90. SAVANNAH . October 21.- Soirits turpentine firm at S55: sales of -1 son ! casks; receipts: 1,196 casks. Rosin firm; sales a,500 barrels; receipts. 2,603 barrels. A.B.C. D. E,: F $1 1 60. G, $1 60. H, I fl 05 K. fl 65. M $1 85, N $240, W G $2 SO, W W $2 65. J. , f Charleston. October ifcsplrits turpentine" was firm at SSUc: aa! bales." Rosin firm; sales barrels: prices: A, B $1 4Q, C. D, E$l 40. F$l 45, G $1 60. H $1 65. 1, K $1 60, M $1 75 ax vq, vv,v ft ua, W W 22 S5. ; ' SHOT TOoXiVmBUSH." i Drtw 8nitb, .. Woted. Uoonshlner of I ::;r" Stokes County. ".-j-v X P . i Br Telegrmph to tht Mornlngtu . Winston, N. Cy October 21. News reached here to-day that Drew Smith, of Stokes county, a member of .a family noted for making "moonshine" whiskev." as well as fightine, was shot; from am- duso; dunday . meht In .. the motwtaies, just across tae-Vireinfa. ltneiJ t H ri -Monday from woands.." Tom Chapman. . a desperado,-is charged with dolnir the shootfng. He has not been arrested. 1 exports fo thb week. XOASTWISE. M0yX: Kimgston Schr J F WiIIey-756,775 ie lumoer, C; ..... ,,. :. ' - .. . New York Stmr Oneida 188 bales cotton, 814 casks spirits turpentine, 78 bbls rosin, 485 bbls tar, 51 do pitch, 111,000 shingles, 44 pkgs mdsei; A; 7; K: MiDDLlBORO Nor - barque Carl-4,770 barrels rosin. ; . - Kong fORTrAU FRINGB Schr Henry G Mimsen 125,000 feet lumber, 5,000 suingiesk o.dwu oricks. Bremen bales cotton. -Stmr Cather wood 8,1 6 1 i LiVKRpooL---Stmf Dlu wich J0.578 bales cotton. "' lrV:: '.- LONDON-Baraue ; Vietnr1la puis rosin. MARINE.7 -. ARRIVED. Marion Hill, 219 tons, Arm NewrYork, - Geo Harriss. Son Schr strong, Schr C C Lister, 2S3 tons,' Robinson, New York, Geo Harriss, Son & Co. Steamer Driver, Robinson, Fayette iDe, R R Love.: : JX.":.. 'Br stmr .MaRdala. 2297 tons,' Reid, Philadelphia, Alex Sptuat & Son. a ' Nor barque Nor, 4S8 tons,; Johnsen Ssnelo. J T Riler & Ccc ' ; Schr Kate -DarlinRton, : 129 tons, Lewisr-New York, Geo Harriss, Son & Co. a s--"' i--;"-.ii':"-ft:iif v. ' r u Schr 'Amelia P Schmidt; 286; tons; Pennewell. ; Bridgeport, Conn, Gto Harriss, Son ft Cta W-Vf-f i-'-. . Br stmr: Leven, 1507 tons, Stiles; Lettb. ' . . - i ' . ' CLEARED.!. "' .;'" ? Scnr- Henry G MUhken kimball, Port-au-Prince. Haytl. Geo Harriss, Son ft Co; cargo by master. ; i ; ; Steamship Oneida, Chichester; New York, H G Smallbones,. i ; l . ? Br stmr Cat her wood, Lewis. Bremen, Alex Sprnnt ft Son. -;:V--' ?i -;. V -: Nor barque;Victorta,? ArmcsenV Lon don, Murchison- ft Co. r ? V ; Brs stmr Dnlwlcb,C6x. Liverpool, Alex Sprout ft Sont ' ;. ' i FoT.Iofiuits aid.caarlreii. . ; -. Sittrte'-" e?ery :r;r -'- ' '. r-4 -."-. I . A 1 ' ' 1 ' " ' " w CQTTON MARKETS. ' .y. .. By Telegmph to the Morning Star. ; October" 21 Galveston, quiet at ' net receipts 10,943 bales: Norfolk, steady at 7 516,net receipts 6 833 bales; Baltl- more, auu at 1, net receipts bales; . OBtn qJet t 7 15 16, net receipts' 756 bales. Wilmington, firm, at 7U, net . receipts 1 920 bales; Philadelphia,-quiet ' at 8 8.15c. net receipts 819 bates; Sa vannah, quiet at 7, net receipts 4 513 bales; New Orleans, easy at 7 816, net 1 receipts 16 723 bales; Mobile, quiet at 7. C " net receipts 1,874 bales: Memphis, stead? at 7c. net receipts 8.818 bales;Auaua. steady at 7 5-16. net receipts 8.244 bales; Charleston, quiet at 7, net receipts 8.8C8 bales . , -i '.r.-r;; butj Infanta Children, MOTHERS - Po Toil Knw -ttiat Pcrejorb:, Sate, ttau'a Crops, Godlrey-s Cordial, jmany so-calle i Boothmg Syrups and moil remedies for children jxc composea or opiuia or morpliinrt ' i phine arc stupeljiug uarcotic polsr-nsf . !"' - Q Vow Know that Inlmostcooatriea i druggjsla are not permitted toi sell' narcotic : . without labeling theui poison ? ",-,'.:-.,'' :f" Vt Kmwtlia"t Castorlao apurely ? ' egeUiUe prepamtion, and i'.-.aX. a iftt of Itf i sngmuenu b published with every bottle? Pa Von Know that ."ctnrl.n'. lV fl.. preacripiioa of the famous Dr. Snlnuel Pitcher t ?. xnatit nas been tax use for nearly thirty years,- nd Uat more Caatorla is now Bold than of U " - , ; .other remedies for chlUlreu comiood? ' -: V Po Ton Know that you. should not ' Jjeruut any medicir.8 to be giwa your child -' t?: unless you or your physidan know of what t w' S -composed? - -; - .- j - .tfr v Po YonBrMO that when-yosswffleci oT . this perfect- preparation, yonr children may c . kept well, and fhet you may have unbrokea rest ? 1-4.."; tyell The we Thlngw arevyorth know tag. They are lacU. . . : ,, . i , r- h. : FOR PITCHER'S CASTORIA DESTROYS WORMSi AXXATS FEV5SISHNES3, CURES DIARRHXEA AND WIND COUC, V RELIEVES TEETHINa TROUBLES AND CURES CONSTIPATION AND FLATULENCy. K, CASTORIA ? . ror imams ana uniinrciy . . ..... - u6,x: Do not be Imposed upon, bat insist trpon ' having Castoria, and see-that the fafrinilIesiE- - . in cm i.tis tsi mn: I selves and tho public at all hazards.'. Centaur Company, 77 Hurray St, N. Wholesale Prices' Current Chiilieil Hi -'-X. JfS'-The fonowlng qootanon reprawat Wbplesale it-. PncM gcnerauV. In making op tmaU erden higher price have to be chwged. :- JESS q?t?on! 'y P accurately as t piMdble, tmt the Stax wUl not be retponribk for any , rariatloat from the actual market price of the articlet Quoted. .1. ; - .., 1 . i' T: BAGGING , ; S Jb Jnte.,.. .;.,.,-,,f; - Btanaard WESTEMN 18 6 e . 14" & 7 & t)i S ' ',' 4 I 'l 10 11 j t ides It .,,,....,,.,.' 1 Shon'dcri ) lh DRY SALTED ' " Side.' ',, .-..i! ShonlderiW lb ....... ,.,,,,.4 BARRELS Spiri Torpentine :. Second-hand,,,,,..M ; i oo 1 86 NewCitT. ach , 1 40 t -' , S8 & . VI? 3 1 1 an " I -- -.1 6 60 9 00 - 18 88. y oo it oo BUTTE K . North Carolina !. ' xv'ixoern CORN MEAL Per Btuhel. in surW. ' ! -i 40 40 40 1 to '. ! 10 ; COTTON TIES B handle CANDLES- : - vxikTitiui mrai - . ....... 2 sptrm ,,..., ;.,,,,i,, Adamantine. . 18 9 10 CHEESE V woruiera ractory Dairy, Cream.....,,,. ,,.. : Stte... -..i. .. COFFEK-9 lb ' - Lagnfra,., ,,., ,....,.,, Rk. DOMES! ICS ' Yh'""" lama. W- ouncA.,,,1, EGGS V dozes U 19 10 11- 10 ;,il - r - 18 - .8 4 Mackerel, Mo I, w barrel .., . Mackerel, Wo 1, $ half-barrel ; Mackerel, No fl, w barret..,.. . Mackerel, No S, half-barret . Mackerel. No 8, barrel..,.. Mallets, W barrel.,,.,,,,,,., J ' r Snij pork barrel ...... 4 -? LoeHlrriI, ke-' " Extra rOUR-) barrel - V i' aeoo 11 GO 16 CO s oo 18 00 8 00" 6 75 8W 6 885 8 S5 00 15 00 18 00 &f00 tl4 00 85 (0 8 86 10 8 60 800 & 4 oo ; ; - , jowraae . c iio ce 8S5 419 4 46 Straight.,,, Fint GtUE-W it relent QIW JJav GaAIN-D bmhel 81 : Corn, from store, bagi White, ' : Com,at(o,ia balk White... - . Corn, cargo, in bag White.. ' 45 . 40 If Otaj -from oie. ,,,,, ' , ' Oata, Roat Proof,,,,,,,,..,.,, '. 80 40 40 60 niLaa, a - vTeen Drr.. 1 Ssvi HAY, w 100 aba. 1 OS " ... 90 .' .85 ' wettern. .,.,, North River. . HOOP 4RON, S. LARD.Wft- w - . otws , . roftbern North Carolina 6 .9' 10 1 86 LIME. barrel , LUMB ER(ci j sawed), M fee: ' ' Y . oatp Dton, reaawea,. is oo Rooghdge Plank, 16 00 West India cargoes, according -' sooo " & 10 00 tfMMlt. ......... ...... JO W ?' ;;'Dresaed riooring, seasoned.., 18 09 -' Scant 1 ng and Board, common. 14 09 MOLASSES. sanon . s a New Crop Cnba, in' hhds,,,,,, ( ,ia bbls...... 1 - Porto Rico, hi hhds,.,. . .... . v" . In bbla . . Sagar-Hotow, in hhds......... ' r' i-tlnbb,, ' Syrnp. m bbls ................ NAILS, V keg. Cat 60d basis.... PORK, fTb,rrei . ;i. , . m -" w .'' Prime ROPE, B anjut. m lacs Jijam Liver pooat 9 atw. lost sw e t.1 BHINGLE8,7-incli, U, ummoa . TDTOM STJBl V. a..a. .. . kS'S.tSaS SUGAR. 9 st-SUacUid Grtnn? v - Standard a.,.mhi.i,-i. " White Ex. C - Eatia C. Golden...... .... i . 4 -.- : C. Yell'w . .' '...,:.,. - S- enip a uiiinrtiM .. - . uvea 1 a . STAVES, V M W. O. barrel.... 8 00 & 1 4 00- : -R. U. HOMbeed. ..... . 10 OJ TiMOiK. yu teet MUppinr,... p.. Mill, Pnme,: ......... 00 7 00 -4 60 860 KilL Fair....M..M,...M..,., S 60 - iaunva snui,MMMtutjot lofcrior to OaixtarTa.a... .. u um 4 00 8 0S T ' S WHISKEY. f gallon Nonaera. 1 90 1 CO 900 : 8 00 r North Caroiaa ....... ...t. t!8 OS 88 00 ,.; 16 CO , " . 88 8; . - SO. M 15 18 g-; " 9 86 s64 8 00 T 60 . ' .7 60-;-? & - 40 A fih' f S0O & S 60 " 1 60 Q 119 , . 9 60 a 8 60 ,4Hl it til 'a- 4! 4r f a 4 4 mm - (.... . i "ws -r Z :r. I!

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