I . r '!' s f IS 1 : . Hi ! "Blight"; costs cotton planters more than five million dollars ant nually. This is an jenonnous waste, and can be prevented. Practical experimenjis at -Alabama Experiment Station show "conclusively that the use of : - "Kainit" ; will prevent that dreaded plant disease. . -;W-;. ,, , 1 All about Potash the result of la u by actual x- periment on the beat farms in the United States i told ia a little book which we publish and will gladly snail tree to any farmer In America who will write for it. GERMAN KALI WORKS. 93 Massed St., New York. ' dot 6 W6m ILLA WHIILKR WILCOX. ": Tis easy enoogu to be pleasant - When life flows along- like a son?.:? " Bat the. man worth while is the one who - will smile ! ' - I ."' - i When everything goes dead wrong; rur iuo icsi ui iuo ucaii is uuuuis, S r And it always comes with tbe years, And the smile that is worth the praise of eartn . i ,v-' I .' . Is tbe smile that pomes through tears It is easy enough to be prudent j When nothing tempts you to stray; I . When without or within no voice of sin Is taring your soul away: , i Bat it is only a negative Virtue . Until it is tried by fireJ . And the life that Is worth the honor of earth " '!'' ' , Is the one that resists desire. , f By the cynic, the sad, the fallen, I Who had no strength for the strife. . The world's highway is cambered to-day They make np tbe item of life. j P&t the virtue that conquers paision, S - And the sorrow that hides a smile- It is these that are worth the homage of ' - earth,' I - -- - For we find them but once in a. while. T T- SUNDAY SELECTIONS. When men's estates are littled up it is but too common lor men's hearts to be posed up. . The Lord's -army was never de . feated because the opposing army had slants in it. Ram's Horn. The' more a man has to say ia charch the more it hunt the Xante of irae religion. nam s j-torn. Prayer is the golden key which anouia open tne morning sna iocs np the evening Bishop Hopkins. ' I The more a" stone' is wounded bv the baud of tbe engraver, the greater beauty is superinduced tbereon. , ,L The man who would have' the power to move monntaios mtt begin on grains of m&.Ram s Horn, 1 . The way to ascend is to de scend; the deeper a tree roots, the wider do us branches spread. Ram s Horn. The pure in heart see God in everything, and see bim every where and they are supremely blessed.. G. Hoi land. Earthly crowns crumble, earthly prizes fade, earthly pleasures palL At tained, they are neither in themselves what we dreamed, nor do they lead on to better things. What a failure is tbe life which has made inch things its chief aeiirei But bow joyous, bow rich, how now eternally progressive is the Hie which has been .fixed upon earthly things! J There Is Only one place where Diessingxan be obtained waiting at the thione of grace. Let ns open our hearts neavenward, sacrificing everything, with the one object of seeing what God can dojfor them that wait on him. Ii God gives us grace to sav. "This one thin I do, I wait on tbe Lord," we may depend on it tbat he will arm and lead his peo- pie on to blessing and power such as iney nave not known. Christian Neih' oor, . ,- ' i, ! a i . TWINKLINGS j - "I bear thev've laid off a h nm ber of hands down at the saw mill." . i "Yei; so the surgeon was telling me.' Chicago Journal. 1. i My wealth brings me no hap-l p'ioess, becaase I have neither kith nor! iu. i o msist or to crow over-." In i ! "George Maitland left nis wife a widow this morning." f '. 1'Poor dear, I'm S3 sorry for her." ' . tdui iney say ueorge didn't treat her very well." . . - r . .. I 'Oh, it iin'H that. With her sallow face sheM look- just horrid in black."- CUvtland Plain Dealer. j Sister Tbere, yon have candy all over your new suii! What i will mamma say? ! - j Little Brother Well, mamma won't let me have any fun in these clothes till L I get 'em spoiled. Boston Traveller. - f- "You'll save half your money by buying one of these patterns." said the clerk at the bargain counter. I' 'fTnen I'll take two and . save all my money," sweetly smiled tbe newly mar ried shopper. Detroit Free Press. I let Hie Whole World Know The Good ' r DrJIiles'HeartCureBoes HEA.ET DISEASE, has Its yicthn at disadvantage. Always taught that heart disease is incurable, when the symptoms become well defined, the patient fceeomes alarmed and a nervous panic taken place. But, when a sure remedy Is found and a cure effected, after years of suffering, thew la great rejoicing and desire to 'let the whole world know." Mrs. Laura Wine inger. of Selkirk. Esnm w.. t , ' o the'whole world know what Dr. Miles' . j DT, iflllCS ueart Cure ha done for -e-. - - w ton years i naa Heart CUre la my heart, short- ; Restores ness orjDreath, palbttsv tlon.paln In my leftside, oppressed feeling In. my Health. pells, bad dreams, could not lie on either aiuts, was nno ana suirerea terribly. . I took C Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and before I finished V- the a-COnd bottle I felt ita srond ilTtvtm T i uowhat I am f utly recovered, and that Dr. , auior ueaxt uure savea my uie." . i ,. v - Dr. Mi W Heart Cure Is sold on guarantee tbat first botUe benefit, or money refunded; ; Jr. Miles' Fain Pills cure Neuraui. ' . . Nosaorphlna or opium la Dr. sfOas' Paim Fills gar eele bv all nrtijaa . Jal IV ,- K , .as ts th CChaBfe. FOR YOU "AND ME., Ooma. Cnrlr Heo 'tin rtvpntidn: The birda are sleeping, closed the florwera, Ana you are weary, little one, -;.r , , A-annrtlnir tbmnch thn annnv hnmrsL f!nmA. folfl vhnv liAnif a an wKlanAV Isvor , Your mother's prayer for you tonight; , . xracn me, aearuoa. ixt ioto mea mnojt , Ana ao tne ngnt." " r ;; I since have learned on life's rough road ' That tney alon aro truly safe ; Who do love God, i . . 7 Tor everywhere, on every Bide, - A I tee the shackled human sonL rtofvvm Sw vukoafin want anJ ufwiw : : Whither the wheels of fate swift rolL ' AnA. rih tiM flf (rite la w4t.1 va1n. . The bruised and bleeding throngs of men. wno ngntiy are tne boss oi woo, AtiA A'ttr mf ttna unit a'a nemfn - From mother lips long bid from sight " reacB lis, u uoa, to love tnee mucn - i-Mattaa Bonner In Philadelphia Free. THE COFFEEPOT. "Did you think of it, dear?" my mr 'asked me one morning over the break fast table.' "Tather'a birthday is day after tomorrow. What present are we tc give him this yearf Have you made ti; your mind?" ,1 .. ' .J.I was deeply interested in my paer, reading the report oz our latest canst celebre, a murder trial, and' 'not paying any attention to her remarks, I answer ed absentmmdediy: j "Ten years state's prison-"' " W-h-a-t?" a startled expression com : ing into her eyes. "Drop that jobo- Beam, sue retort ea notiy, rana give me a sensible answer if von can. I pnt the paper away and looked up, noticing for tho first time 'that she was in a temper and remembering the fool . ish remark I had made. f - "Pardon me, darling," I begged re morsefully. " Ton know well enough that I couldn't have meant the words in good earnest I was so very deeply en grossed in the district attorney's addresfc to the jury that 1 became somewhat con jfused. Overlook it and be friends. But to the point. What are we to give the old gentleman? A nice pocketbook?" ' 'Would that not be like throwing out an indelicate hint?" she renliecL some what pacined. I . "H'mia don't knrrnr. Watt! the. ; , how about a morning cap of reel; white ana ruacjc, with a large tassel?" "He has one." w !- : "Or a comfortable hotifift anai-.V "No, no I I tell yonwha a 'self actoi machine, ' " she exclaimed triumph.ant- iy: "aust thethingl" ' A what.?'" I nnnnni thiilnnn mv head incredulously. "Heayen defend us t yvnat icina or a thing cua you say? And tphnr. in t.hA wnrl1 ia ha. tm An xtrt if 9 "Ton know, dear" Anna, nrna tX excitement now 'howfondfather ia of good coffee; how he scolds the cook for not making the beverage to his liking. What does she know about matrnc cmt iee anyway mot long since I saw in M O Mrs. Saber's house a newly invented self actor extraction coffee and tea ma chine. " I tell yon that ial exactly what latner wanta " ; 'So that is itl A coffee machine 1 thought it was a sewing machine or some such thins. What did von call it.i a. seu actor extraction end so forth ma chine? What a monstrous namel How dreadful!" -.- ,-' ITl a' .a. J3ui practical, nnsneatablv nran. tical, I tell you. Ycm pbur the water into the boiler and then noma nnfFoA jnto a little bowl above. Then you lieht the alcohol beneath. The heated WRter ia by mean of a glass tube led from the Douer mw tne dowl The boUer'a weight diminishes as the water lessens. The latter therefore raises, itself a trifle, thus releasing a frnrini? attanherl fn fVi cover of the alcohol lamp, whidh falls upon the lamp and extinguishes the name. Jjoyou understand?" .NOt the least bltl" was mv lnrr. getic response. But my wife went on as inougn it mattered little, whether I un aerstooa or whether I did not. nndf-r stand: ' 1 "And as soon as the boiler has cnolerl off tho beverage in the bowL as the re sult of the pressure cf the outer air-rtr you nnaer8tand, now?" . r No ! , I exclaimed more energetical ly than before, but with the, aoifaainA result, for my better half kept on just as ii i ' naa reuiied tm" inafMui "As the result of the tiremn of fhe, outer air the now ready coffeo runs by luciuin vi a sieve ana me identical tube oaca into ine Doner below. Then yon can empty it into cups at- your coriven lence." she concluded deliheTafl-ir " t nna that ..a wonderfnllv simnlA j ,, - " "Yes. surDrisinirly simnlA. mv Hm I said doubtinely. "See here. think I shall have to tk ' annrVioi. course in physiology and technology be fore I would be equal to comprehending the raising of the tube by air pressure and the dropping of tie lamp cover as tne result oi tne escape of heated water; And you really intend civim rhrr. what do you call it machine as a pres- eutio your iatnerr . x am quite surer aon. t care, but I bet vnnr f at.o nriii t . , ' AM W displeased, simply because he will not rx aoie to mane head or tail of so com plicated a thins?" 1 . . '.'You have always fault to find with uxj propositions, - she pouted sensitive ly. VAJways. . But I take the bet, What is it to De ior a kiss?". A kiss! As though iLF iixa uaas were an object for a wa ger." -! : - My wife lid the index finger of her ugas nana on to ner little nose, her fa vorite attitude when lfl a moocL r ": The other day." shesaM: "l epienaia dtooch in S. 'a show window; juta me ining. . Ana 1 a ror.lrlntr oViaiV c o , a.-, o, suva j aways longed to possess, f J added. It is a bar&rain. RorIHtk v.oi. . . brooch! If your' what do you call it ma uuuw uoea its auty, you will get your brooch; If not, you are bound to buy me the chair. fihaVn nn il' - -.. "All riellt ' TT1V vrifa'aumioakil - . . MMWU 1U ft) uiumpuant rone. -- -. :. j t She really nurchased thA . wswa awweWA machine, which, to judge from appear ances, was a Tirettv. neat ni hrir,kfi. polished httle affair. The birthday ar rived, and we solemnly assembled in her father's house and hanrlAri him ai, out no loozea rather surprised. . weu, weui" he exclaimed. 'Just look at thisU. A filterirxr msnl.hu TiA you ever? I must confess I like the idea, uui wttjf water is not very clear, and the supnlv is noor. It ms nanny." v ' sr eV . w aiaj - rnsai T uow isiaarr--my Anna intamnfid Cltecljy and -in an almnat ncm tm,. You do not really mean to say that you think our love in - - iww . wufLa r SAAAVh you a filterine anrjaratua for a hirthriav Present?" ' . i :;. ? The old man looked from' one to the other ox ns, embarrassed. ' "r ; 1 "God : forbid," he said ; feelingly. uuH M. inonin rnina- mn -n nr children,:but perhaps-yea, :Jt know, that s it one of the newly inyented pat- i utwifio night lamps, ehr .'- grinned.'-. Anna looked datrawm at me. c - . -r-.-.: . - --- It i- a new nofPna mlii eVtV,, . " .n, ,, , iiti. .auici, , 3ua my wue' Bister Fannie, Whose head iavalwava full I'YjWhrow the , ragfi u ooa and . SKf lill44.'4Vft'i( ' ' ' this year in valuable 4 W I hI : r- articles to smokersjof . ; 'ff ill 11: ) Tobaccb ; . 9; ' 11 Iilll"i'niiiiii'ii)iiiiiimiiiiiiiii -; v. taide each.a-ounce bag, and two v';- o'Si S ; " . ' I coupons inside each 4-ounce v; ;:; Vol- ' The Best ":v .'. I bag. Buyabag, readthecoupon - S ' S SmoklnsTobaCCO Made I . and see how to get your share. S tv STATEMENT ATLOTIC JATIQNE I - At the close of Business Dtc. 17th, 1898, '.V ' RESOURCES. LMBI... .........1566,687 IT Overdrafts . 10 (O T T O . m. Tl . . .1 u. a . percent, zkhku par,4........ 60.00U 00 nansuig noose ana rixtnres.. Caan on band 17D.B1B 77 880,817 BI Total. .........II&MO M mAaviuaa, j, ir. xiwtwwvivi, f aa. tjp'iiugcit MJ' M WUC Vn v Tr Ui LUS S. P. McNair, E. J. Powers, Sam'l Bear, Jr., H. L. Vollers, W. C Coker, Jr. New York corresDondent. dee M t( 1 . . .... BUSINESS LOCALS vcv .vtvb rw mgbi or mjh sou renins on arst oi fourth page, at Publ isber's op joo, tot 1 nmt Mr VMMd aaeh iaasrticn? hnt stt artwmlsaiiMmt tssen tor teat usa su cean. xerms postumy cau a an 8alea-men afercbants' Trade. - (so a week. New, quick, good. Lieht asm plea free. Side line of exclnave. ' sMrt-, 8911 Market Bt, Phila. r bov 3 at .. son - .: - i Private Board A few I Boarders can fee accommodate with ' Home Corafors at 114 Ana street ! Mrs. a, cigar S. Wa rock, sn we f r nor 29 Im HayTimothy Har, mixed Clover hay. Prairie Hay, St-aw, Grain and all kinds of mixed feed for hones and cattle. Jao. 8. McEachero, 211 Mar ket St. Telephone 98. I ; oct 17 tf Haydssif p. It., ass ia stack taggtes, road uni ana narness ot sn uaos. aupatrisg none oy BUlta wockmea oa abort sodos. . Opposite Cam. - DR. E. C. VVFST'R NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT THE ORIGINAL. ALL OTHERS IH1TATI0MS. Is soldnnder positiTO Written Cnarantee, fol Errors, or Excessive TJe of Tobaeoo, Opium, or Liquor, which leads to Misery, Consumption. Inaanity sad Death. - At store or by mail, tla boxi six for f5; with WritteajrsUsnuite)e t eur or rfiutd moaer- - t-Rcd Ubel Special Extra Strennth. . - Bterility or BarrenneesJ. M a box; six for $5, with 'written . trnaranteeCi AKerNDC cure in uajB. AtStOl wbrvnvor Dj num. . . j ... ! X K. K. BKLLAHT Tit if I. Cyil a . ! . tny Diw Ty ' 7 . . w ORINOCO Tobacco Guano. Fanners' Bone AND Special Cotton - Compounds Aw the ITJBAL rertUzers." SsOOO Farmers) Bae tkein lnlfortls Oarolliuu Agentt Wanted.. I . K VVUMWUI. F.'S. Royster Guano Co. Tsrboro, H. C. and Boifolk. Va.i f - dec It tf UAXTOH BDILDIH6 AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, llaxton, N. O. DIRECTORS, i J. D. Croom, Mazton. x . Ed. . McRae. Maxton. i ' s , J. H.- Kiosej, Mazton. tj. JB. Sellers, Mazton. v G. B. Patterson. Ma Win. Bernard, Wilmington) a. x . ju.cK.ae. icaemont. The attention of investors in Wit. mineion is called to the fact that th averaee profits on Siz Series of Stock L aL! ''.. . a . a m mis Association nave been over Fourteen Per Cent, t Initiation Fee, 25 cents per Share SnbscrlDtions to Stock navahltv In weekly Instalments of 25 .cents ner Share.. hi-s. .- - 'v t The management is -prndent and economical, as is shown tw thj tnt that the Association has sustained no losses, and its annual expenses, in cluding taxes, are only aboat ; Two Hundred Dollars, k i --, . i H L t f l j. d: CROOM, President. W. B. HARKER. Secretarv. s ) FRA1IK H; STEDUAN. Real : DEALER IN .. ; : ; BT0CK8 AIID BOHDSi; lansN Office in STA "RnllrUnn- fl- Manhood Restored Dianneea, Wakefolnees, Fits, Hysteria, Quick! Bess, Nurht Losses, Evil Dreams. Lack of Con ft. flMM Nftr.nnnnoa. T .11 I mr 1l se re?l;5 AFTER Condensed I torn Report to Comptroller. :'. :., LIABILITIES. Capital ..,.;.....;.;..w.5.;V....15)OI) 00 "li" .....u......eK,uua uu Undivided nrofila 17.188 Bl M TSR 01 Circolatioa I ........ 44 970(0 Total IMpoaitS. ........... 719,01 St I Total . Chemical National Bank. - r:-r HE W YEAR PRESENTS " i Diaries for 1897; New Year Cards. Calendars 1897. Almanacs 1897. Bl anli fio oolis. i Office Stationery. i- aSBBBBsaaeaaaa v--" - School Books and - School Supplies. Subscriptions received, for l ;. . - : t . - . . Magazines at publishers' prices. C. W. Yates &Co. dec 87 t! XIIAS FfilCES AT UERCER & EYAHS' Fit vour feet with nnr snnp? x ney nt well, look Well and wear wen, ii j inemi JK.esDectlullv. Ilercer & Evans, Saccesjor to H. C. Evans. 115 Princess St.! dec 25 tf NOTICE. Wanted, Furs of All Kinds. Highest New York market orices. Express and freight charges paid. Returns made the day foods are received. .. i . ; Quotations furnished upon request. SAII'L BEAE, Sr., 12 Market Street' dec 81 tf " ' . ' ( CoatsVi Cotton. 1000 1000 1200 Dozen Coats otUB - -Ponnels Ball Cetteai, . -Pounds Soap, all grades, Pounds Tobacco - . Bates Snot, Keg-s NaUs, ' Bags JSeal, - v Bags BCndnat's Grits. 3000 150 240 100 25 W. B. COOPER, 87 .f v DAW - . Wnaiiaanstav W ! Orders for Apples, Kaisins, Mixed - Nuts, - COCOANUTS, . Christmas Groods,; Butter. Cheese, ic.r &&, ; solicited. Prompt attention to mall orders. : Samples and.prlces on request. If HALL PEARS ALL, 1; Nutt and 'Mulberry streets. decS D. O'Connor, ; oa,lW. C Stores, Offiees sad pvelUass lor test,: Hooses aad Lota fo sals oa esar Him Fsnrs - Sad iasaraaes attended te protapfiy oa isap.0 dettrreal man aai ir - eaaaDeaad 'cafe an Iait' aeay made flows out off the otner. flam as daylzsnt. " -s?- - "Fannie, mr child."1 said I. with all thej dignity I conl4 moster, -'pleade go and brine some hot water and the neces sary ground coffee -and give us a chance to demonstrate to rather . the utili- oi this wonderful machine."': .- . . . " t Fannie didsa - In the meantime the' old -man walked several times around the table, 'shakinsr his silvery locks and casting BuaDiciona trlanws t. fhA nnm plicated thing - before him.- rHe looked 'positivelj. frightenedV Vp-f, J'Say, Otto," turning to me with an anxious face, "I hope that thing will not pxplode. "We read every day dread ful stories about these new f ansled Dat- ents to the papers.; Please -be careful, children, I beg of yon. " : ir'C"-- 3 Why, fathfir. the whole nroceedini? is so verv Bim rile. '. mv wifa nlar?Ari defending, her present -M Just read what it says here! s I take the water, taking: tne vessel with the hot water from Fan. nle, "and, pour - it into the boiler like Uiis-Hjee. iusfc so. . Awl" she snddenl-r cried out ; She had scalded her fingers. 1 ? i It was my turn now. "Please step aside, " I said, going up to the tabla 'Iiet me trt V Yod. will iniure ronrself worse with your experimenting. . Hand me the water, Fannie. That's it Thank yon, dear! And now I'll light the lamp, ziounas, tne stun won't burnr' - -"-'It is nrenared noninflammnMA nlmv hoi for medicinal purposes, ' said father;' v "Well. then, send for some that will burn," I cried,' out of patience, after I had wasted a dozen or so matches in the vain attempt to ignite the lamp. " -'-. r j. xnow.wnac x am gomg to da I am going ) to sacrifice my bottle of ean de oolofme." Fannie exclaimed -macrnani. mously. . 1SVaat is the difference 1" : She ran off and nrettv soon mtrrrnMl With the Odorous flnid. emntvtnor it in. to the lamp after I had poured out the medicated" alcohol.': " : ; : 3" The coloame burned all rirfit.. tmA Drettv SOOn B low. mftloHinna could be heard, showing that the ma chine Was- beginning to do its work. My wife's countenance was b.11 rlmr Now she was happy ; only father looked sun anxiousuxe ana worried. w - -. 1 ' Children, better not m riAnr it " ha sdmonished ' 'Only yesterday tee JJt- w giris were terriDiy . scalded,, you know." ': -:'V' ', --'r :: -r Pretty soon the steam seethed inside luo macnine. una onvfr ta 1 nnnn th. lamp and the flame was extingnishedT I looked sideways at my wife with a grin. "According to the recipe," I said ma liciously,' "the coffeeought to be done now, but I fail to smell the usual aro ma. Do you?" -V ,' " - !; .i Just then the water in thn rmiler i. gan seething and bubbling stronger, and a BuvBm 01 water snot out or the latter w" fxoea ifum csuu uidice into tne bowl on top. . , -; r : "Mr. how nice!" eTRln.imnri mv liffla 8-year-old brother-in-law Fred gleefully. 1 1 TO ,1 . . . . . m. ... - rur an me woria hjeb a waterlaUr 5 My wife was" distrusted. She tnrnArl pale from subdued excitement and an ger. - "What can this mean?" she Said. Scimething must be wrongl" - - ' "I think TOUT self aetop PixtnuMm machine is eufferine from intemal h. bles. There is altogether too much in ternal business, " -I ventured to remark dryly. - "I dare say you are beginning to make ur vour mind where the, rtcme rocking chairs are for sale. - Eh, dear?" My wife looked as if she were consid ering whether it won lfl rxv tha Wt policy to fall in a fainting fit into my: arms or to declare herself vanquished and pay the. bet while her father con- , tinned, shaking his head until the tassel on the top of his cap swung to and fro like a'pendulum.N". - - - - 1 "WelL? he at'last remarlKri. ai is the funniest armaratus I ever saw. Where is the coffee?" when Fannie in her nanal - imtmlRivA cried: . . ' : "What a set of fools we all sret Wa forgot all about putting some in.'. T - Sure enonsrh. A nft-nV-in WnA hun on. eidentally thrown over the ground coffee brought in by Fannie, and dm-inn- the prevailing excitement of expectancy no- body had given it a thought ; My wife was deliehted. Her mar.hinA' was to be redeemed, after all, After fa voring me with another .TiTiir.iintfTcj 100c tne second act ox the drama began. Not a single word was spoken. We were awaiting developments. -Again the seething7 and bubbling sound, and even the aroma of steAminop coffee filled the room. The brown fluid could be seen passing through the tube, and exclamations of sumriae nr1 o-rsH. fication escaped the lips of those present Anna was all smiles and sunshine, r . 1 trust " she said to me mianriiA. tously," that you have not forgotten th address where t bnv that were talikng about yesterday." j Even father nodded satisfied and pleasantly. . - ' . . - "This is a nractiaa nsnMna " ha mused complaoently, pouring out th rs cup pz tne nrown beverage, ''and what an aroma, but rather an odd sort of smelL Stranare. isn't it? What does it smell like?": The old man lifted tha arm tn 1 fr aud tasted the contents. With a jerk he set it down again upon the table, mak ing a wry face. .f.-' 1 11 be-. I ask VOTtr MLrrlrm. tmi that stuff has a positively wicked taste. aiuuBtrous, aDominabie, net what the cuckens does, it taste like?" V . He expectorated several times 8id pressed his hands to his stomach as ii' nauseated. - , 1 -." , "Just like eau de oolonge, father," 1 suggested, ; "a .very agreeable smell, don't you think? A trifle odd when t taken with coffee, but you will undoubt edly get used to the taste when you once ; become familiar with'' the , ma chine. " " . - "For shame, - husband, " said xny rwife, "how mean of youITJndoubtedly' Fannie has accidentally spilled a drop of eau de cologne into the boiler while filling the lamp. Where Is the harm? It Ira bit unpleasant, it is: true, but that is all therein to it We will have to try -- ': w agam, for the machine works all ight Of that we ought to be convinced now. " - "Hold !' .objected father, lifting his hand with a protesting gesture, toward the coffee machine. " ?'No more of this monkey ; business I I would rather that Anna make us ail a cup of coffee now in .the old fashioned way, and, later you may continue your experiments as long as yu like. The machine is just splen did, xhildreu," he continued, "and J thank you heartily for your thoughtful' ness in giving it to me, but there is something strange and odd about it to which I must get used first and that takes time for a man of my age.'.' "Before we go any further with it " I added, "let us tell the girl to give it a thorough deaning.j Ijottie" to the cook -Vtake tnia niachine into the kitchen and scald lamp and boiler with not water ana soda ot some such stuff. V - The girl went , off .with her burden; Shortlyafterward we were startled by a loud 'report: followed Yw - afa4ia4 screams from the. kitchen and by a sound of falling and breaking pieces, t Some- thinar told me that ftcmi-h i- woe 4-1. :li rated i machme. -I orjened . the'; door, v Sure .enough,- the, girl in a dark corner had stumbled with Vim-i and the self actor extraction" ooffee and tea machine. Jay broken on the, floor. The poor, frightened srlrl c nie scolded, my wif-wrung her hands " ""Wi t,my ups unoerneath my bushy mustache,,: and - father ; looked pleased and relieved. - 1 --r i "Never mind. chflrlrrk i. t is best bo. -I take this for a sign' from ahpvei Providence has interf arwrl . I m 0SB7.py ideas, and am there fore i not overfond of ;; the present era of ; machinery. - Stop crying, girl" this to the cook "and brew a good cup of cof fee. for my company. .And now no more about the matter. I do not wish to have :- my .birthday spoiled. " ; :' -." "How about our bet Anna?".! asked n;ibavd lost ;at" shrickry responded; ;. f 'Th6 machme was in per fect order if only" r - '"' . . , . "Yes, if 'cinly it had not teen so im perfect t No, my - .dear," this time yon ' have lost and not L- You had better get ready to go for my rocking chair I" ; ; : "What bet are you quarreling about you two?! asked the old man. ' . ' ' V? I told him? all, and called on iiim to decide who had won.4 , ! - ; ' - ? 4 'Botli of you, ''fwas -his diplomatic opinion, which created another contro- - versV rjerwAim Ann. axA rmraalf.- TWpJin.'. while Lottie: appeared with : the coffee, made in old fashioned" jtyle, and, the . conversation became general.'- - , ; gOn the foUowing' morning, however,; thereX appeared " a messenger r- in our dwelling, delivering a rocking chair for me, a splendid, piece of furniture, by the way, and exactly five minutes later another messenger 'came,: bringing t a brooch for 'myrwife," a reritable little ' ean. . To each of - the two TrrmAnta srni fastened f ather 'svisitang.rd wilJi the: inscription, , Mnis is my - revenge lor jeopardizing' my life with your self actor extraction coffee and tea machine!" : "Say,' I remarked to my wife, com fortably stretching ' myself in the new rocking ohair, "you seem to have been in the risrhti after alL for vonr splf n.nr1 so forth machine has proved itself to be very 'practical . indeed in its results. . From the German: - ' , Indiana's Spemtfas; Well of Wmtr. f ' - There are many peculiar wells in Del aware county, In A, which, have .been sunk for the purpose of securing1 gas,; but none of them is as strange as one on the farm of J. B. fhmninghffTpTiPar New Burlington, f When the drill had reached - a depth i of . 200 feet it was forced from the bottom of the well and there was k flow of water whicher- tended several feet into the sJt nVr t was the force under itWith the water -come stones Veigmgtwo Tand three, pounds, " and they'are also thrown high into the air.'' The water issnea -frnm on eight inch pipe and has. been flowing -oonnnuousiy, ana tne men cannot set near we wen to wort . several wagon loads of rocks and sand have been forced out It is : estimated that the well is flowing 25,000 , gallons per ; day The Water is lukewarm and has a peculiar : taste. Chicago Chronicle. 1 j' j . - PHOTOGRAPHING A WHACfi.' ' ' I Snap Shot a as UoasUr as It iapaj jOut of tb Water. Whether a certain whale that break fasted, dined and - supped every day in the'Santa j Catalina channel went out on morning with the determination of being photographed I really cannot say, but the picture was certainly taken;' ; Living in the neighborhood, die whale was probably familiar with the steamer that plowed daily through its dining room, and if it was at all aaLpbserving whale 1 1 must have noticed on the morn ing in? Question an - nnnsn&l 'rnrrirnnHnn on th deck of the steamer, and this is what it saw : The passengers were crowd ing about the . rail, and on the upper deck stood a man and a little girl, the former holdixur a annum hlrt w inti which he looked earnestly. - And if the wnaie naa come a little nearer thin ia what he might have heard: ! . ; MWill he look pleasant?" asked the little girl of her companion. !" : ' "I hope so," he replied, glancing rapidly from the camera : to the whale that was then swimming a few hundred feet away, ';;:.:: " , :': , ; ; . The passengers had first observed it a mile or more, distant when thes little girl said j it was "dancing on its tail " It had really leaped out of the water and for a few seconds exposed almost its . entire back most astonishing spectacle --and then had fallen back into the sea with a thundering crash. Soon! it came to the surface again, and, shooting a cloud of vapor Into the air thai 'slowly floated away, at intervals disappeared and reappeared until finally it came alongside;: the steamer, arwimming along within a! short distance. It was then that the fortunate nnaiHirvr -. . 7 X- . VUU.' era secured a good position near the rail and waited, as his little companion had said, fo jthe whale to "look pleasant " Looking pleasant in this instance mean t for the whale to show a large portion of its body above the water. It was now swimming - just, below the J surface, ita huge black form, 60 or 70 feet in length, distinctly visible, propelled by the un dulating movement of the tail. .Sudden ly ' it rose, showing just the portion around the blowholes, and with a loud pun tne not breath burst into the air, was condensed and Iil a little cloud drifted away. . ; "Didn't he look pleasant?,, asked the little girl earnestly. K , ' "Not quite pleasant : enough, " said the photographer as ha peered into the tiny window of the camera that reflect ed the sea in brilliant tints, v ."I could catch the spout but I want to wait un til he throws his entire head out of wa ter and looks really pleasant before I touch the button. " . v -v ! , Jt was an exciting moment, as never, so far as known, had a living whale in the open ocean posed before a camera, Or a photographer seen bo huge an ani mal obligingly swim along, allowing j its picture to be taken. . ' "It's a tame whale, isn't it?" said tie little girl as the whale gradually An W. V W. .... . . . . "He certainly does not seem very timid. " replied her companion, and as he spoke, pnflfl came the spouting like the escape cf steam, the vapor actually drifting: aboard the steamer into the faces of the passengers.? ; . The whale was now 80 near that the barnacles upon his back could be seen, and one man was sure that. he saw its eye.; Suddenly it sank, r and all . that could bS1 seen in the little window was the dancing waves and t.V.A wV,ifo t j irauvM DWUO 01 niTTiaas cf vplpllaa fViot- -tYrmA i w ; va.v awvca.u. VllO surface,; scudding along before the fresh trade wind. Then without warning the creature as suddenly rose ,again,s show ing a large area of its baclr, sending at the same time a cloud of misty vapor into the air as its top or dorsal fin anr 7"-! x" pnorograpner saw it.in the Uttje Window, and evidently thinking that the wliale looked, as pleasant as he to all probability wouW touched the button, jand, so Jar as Is known; took the 1 first photograph of a living whale to the 6pen a5ean. --3harles Frederick Holder to St Nicholas. - - It pidnt Work. ' 'Did you hear aborit Samuelsr asked Mrs. Graymare'a husband. "27b; I didn't hear aboJSamuels,r, the lady answered. Whe yon have anything to tell, why dont you tell . - Tes, dear. Well, Samuels was eoinir - uuc uiguiy wnen . a iootpaq shot at him and the baU hit a latchkey in SamuelsV yet . pocket and his life f! Jou sea what good latchkey Js. " --,: y , . . . umwi i oamneis naa been going home at a reasonable hour, he wouldn't have met any footpad. Secondly, he carries 150.000 iimmmo. Jus wife, and if it had not been for that kbj sue woum, be a rich widow right: now So, if you are hinting around for a latchkey, you will have to bring home some better story than that one. That s " I'm BOinff to SO to bed nhw mil i want, to read you'll have to go to the kitchen. And don't waste tiustvmi j '- - ' '" - - - in "1 - "" - ' ".......i.g..' " p" ; 'I '. MinpE3iMiiif&wW f ; , $ fff I l ( s liflllllli 1SJ so quickly' arid so well, r- .; : V U- j . TOfl&flfir ; OMghXy as ;. , ; . ,: - iiSIiBHIiST 1.1 ' -vj I V. j ' :WashSni Powder-? 1 II , ? Vlashmff Powder i; This famous cleahscr'makca milk pans, cans and cooking uten-. -. sils sweet and fresh! ; It is just as good for general clean ing. " ' v Soldever : I Ithe n. k. fairbank company, 1 Chicago", I Bt, JLonls. V- NewVorlr, Boston, Phlladelphja. i 1 . g .....iii.fjffWftfgfffffWfffi 20 JSTt Rose Jars in Black, Parole, Lemon Pin Trays in Black, Plok. and Bine, decorated, fcoc each, n -. : 7 Hand-painted Wine and Medicine Glasses lgc each. - I I Real Cot Glass Vases at 75c each," v ? : Violet Jars in shades of Pink, Blue and Green 20c each. ' . Low Tea Caps and Saucers ia Biae, White and Pink, 35Cj 65c, 20c, 15c, 25c r and 50 cent. Assorted Salad Plates 15 and 20c eich. . . Oat Meal Sets 7fic: varirtv of rnlnra f!rarkr Tari ar. (1 n Salad Bowls, fancy shades, 50c each. ongars ana creams, assorted, Jfinks Sugars nd Creams assorted. Picks and Greens 75, 50, 35c and $1 00 Wedgewood In Tea Pots at 42 50; Cream Pitchers at i$1.00 aDd $1 50 Cat Glass Vinegar Bottles at $L75. Venetian Vases 35 and 90c. RUGS -FROM THE ORIENT trilTTS. "Nothing certainly is as well adapted as it combines beauty with usefnlness;" "a combinatlon not at all times obtainable." 20th; to - elicate Balms, Creamy Unguents, Stimolatino; -Lotions and Soothing Powders that could not harm thekin of a babe, find place;withn the. sane turn of. the woman who bat a few years ago was practically ienorant of toilet arts. , ,' ,, W are sole Agents for HUDNUT'S TOILET REQUSITES. , Dress Goois, Kotions, Hanrlt ercliiersi Cariets, Laces and GI Tes, declOtf WE ARE N Our Christmas For tbe Star of the Old North State that standt by us and for cur interest the -year-round, carries our message in tbe homes of many of our best, citizens of this country, and tells them of tbe many Rood things we have to sell. . , Christmas comes but once a year; : Let every fellow have his share. ' . Buy your Toys; and Dry Gods now, before the holiday season is past.- .- Our trade has been splendid this sea son, but we are sorry to say the season is nearly over and we are aoxtous to un load lots of cur goods. We have made 2uue a lot of preparations for Santa Jaus. He has for the past eight years made his beadqaarters with us, aid we have found him to be a very generous old fellow, and be is also Welcome tbis Christmas. We respectfully invite tbe little ones tbat Santa loves to come and leave their orders for Santa. He will be sure to attend to tbem. We have at Santa's disposal Dolls of all kinds dressed, from 5c to 60 each. China Dolls,. Bisque Indesruct ble Cloth Dolls, Baby Dolls and Esquimo Dolls to please tbe eye aad tbe Docket both. .. Large and small . Bureaus, Cbairs. Beds. Cradles. Horns. Horses, Cans. Wagons. Pistols, Gans. Stoves, Tool Chests, Boats, Rattlers and Toys of al Braddy & Caylok-d, Prop, Of Wilmington's Big Racket Store. dec SO tf -Boots, Boots, Boots. . z - . ' ' , BasSBasassaBSBBssBMasaaaMaaMassal BR0GA11S, BR0GA11S, BRC6AHS, BROGANS. Harvard Tiesi Harvard Ties. Wholesale oet 6 Wtfl 7 North PETERSON &RULFS Bovden C011TAI11S MORE L1THIA Tban ABr Oher NaUstrsa 4 V" '' - .: ntnenu Water la la World.fi - The Only Known Solvent - of ' Stone in the Bladder :jand iKidqeys1. Lilbia Water ; Dr. J B. S. Holmes, ex-President Georgia State Medi cal Association, says: "Have used Bowden Lithia Water extensively in bladder and kidney troubles, and ihe re sults have been most gratifying," v ; : - ' W. A WaWolv . Tir ' n lnKnra V" V . ; aitr From L.unia 5prings,Ga. obtained .quick iropniar rrtces. Kbeamattsm and Bright's Disease." BOWDKM LITHIA WAtrR b giianuleed to cire all tVssases of tks Kld- Our Bparkling Table Water Has no Eflual, For Sale in Any Quantity By BOvVpElU LITHIA SPRINGS CO., naiSD&wiy 174 Peachtree St. Atlanta. Oa. READY, AIM, FIRE. EX TBA INDUCEMENTS ON GUNS GUNS AMMUNIJION.LSO, AND A Assortment Hujte St. r - j' and Pink at 40c, $1.( :.00 and 2.00. Bread and Buuer Plates 20c each; and tireens, set. AND nnMRSTlf! RTTr.5 T?nu yup OW WRITING- Advertisement most every kind. We are selling these goods lower thao ever before, and will trytodovou good it you will give the line a look. . The trade in our Millinery Depart ment is extra good.. We are selling lots ot Hats of all kinds. Felt, new style Sailors, - nicely banded, at 60c each. Trimmed Hats in tbe latest stylrs ei 60c to 5 00 each. Ribbon of all trades and prices tbe largest and best stock to select from. All tbe new shades of the season represented. J ? ? v Our Cloakes and- Capes and Dress Skins is one of the best and brightest lines.' . ... , ; Our nice, new style seven gored Skirts in Crepon, at $100t 10 Bnlliaa tine. Velvet bound, nicely lined, new and best style, at 12.00, finer, all-wool, rougbl new style s Skirls,, at $8.00; all Black and D"k Navy inffineCapes, rea Plusb, at $4 00; longer and finer at $5 00: the newest style of Seal worth $7 1 now $6 09. A' very fine- Hne of long; Fur Capes. Silk lined, large Fur Collars, worth $18 00, we want ,to close at $11.00. J , We want your trade, and to get it we will offer yon the best of bargains. We are at 118 North Front street, op posite the Orton House. - and Retail. -Front Street, Wilm'ngtonrN.- C. and satisfactory results in Chromi of Hardware. GUNS j:7-nuRCHisoir, . Orton Building Wilmington, N. C

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