pxWUtmstxK. A CHANGE . IN pure Blood sverv thought, word and action .keg vitality trom the blood; every nerve, muscle, bone, organ and tissue depends on the blood for its quality and condition, o Immrv Therefore pure Spring blood is absolutely necessary to right MedlCme Hying and healthy bodies. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the great blood purifier and the best Spring Medicine. Therefore it is the great cure for scrofula, salt rheum, burners, mm4. rheumatism, catarrh, etc. ; the jreat nervine, strength builder, appe- THE SITUATION. - y - - tTE . President McKinley Again With holds His Message to the Congress. I OUTLOOK MORE PEACEFUL. The Present Aspect of Hope of a Solution of Question Without and Satisfactorily. J Affairs Renews the Cuban Bloodshed By Telegraph to the Morning Star . Hoods Washington, cannon's flash situation to dav. Sarsaparilla Is sold by an druggists. l it for $5. Prepared only by c. I. Hood & Co., Lowell. Mass. America's Greatest Medicine. Mood's Pill taken after dinner aid digestion. Excitement in Havana. Consul General Lee Remains at Post An Exodus of Americans for Key West His By Telegraph to the Morning Star. ' Key West, April 6, 9.40 P. M. The Mascotte arrived with ninety-six passengers on board. She is coaling at tint government dock and will-return ! to Havana as soon as through. Consni General Lee did not come. There is great excitement here. Every state room on the Mascotte was en gazed. -The City of Key West will have a big crowd to-morrow. It is reported that there is great excitement iUrYaua. Consul Geueral Lee is ""spending firm and doing his duty. Havana, via Key; West, Fla., April 6. After many days of foolish confidence that nothing would hap- v 'Am. T - , a numoer oi people nere, -aonen- April 6. Swift as a changed the Cuban The galleries of Congress were crowded, Senators and Representatives were anxious and agitated, even the diplomatic corps was in a ferment, awaiting a message from the President of the United States to the Congress of the Amerj ican people that might mean a war, when, with excitement afcthe very highest, tike an electric flash, the word was passed that there would be no message to-day. Its suddenness stunned the public, which heard the news in distorted form and amazed veteran members of Congress. Ulti mately it became known that not only would there be no message to day, but no message this week, and that it was at least a possibility tne message written and approved might never go to Congress at all. The first reason for the delay was that the ad- received advices from at Havana, indicating all Americans would island be in grave got to-day and .peril if riPTl 5 i .-i f i 1 1 cans anu ouiers, nave ueen piuugeu into equally foolish fears, turmoil and :,!Lserts of wild rumors iu advance of the message of the President to Con gress. People who should know bet ter, insist that war has been declared others are equally sure that the.Fopo has secured peace with honor. Bank er., with close American connec tttuis are packing their papers, collecting all possible debts, ar ranging for guards for their steel v':ui!ts and sending their families away. Cuban woshen, with husbands, fathers or brothers in the insurgent ranks, are in a state of terror and are really to be pitied, since if any one is marked it is theru since all history on parallel lines shows no very great con sideration from Spanish rioters for the gentler sex- , ". . The few simon-pure Americans who .amain keep as cool as may be with the temnerature at 85 degrrees in the up niiing hours. When Consul Gen eral Lee says, with that delightful chuckle of his, "Well, gentlemen, guess we would better be getting our traps together," all will stand to atten tion, formally salute, say "Very good, sir." and pack up. Consul General Lee assures the cor respondent of the Associated Press that he has received no instructions to tegsit. Havana. It is reported, how evr, that some of the consular records were sent north by the Mascotte to day. She is expected back from Key West Oil r riuav. W lUl uie Davuc. jiiin- f TT, .1 in 1 1 grove ana rern mere win ue umyic accommodations then to take away all who are entitled to go. To-morrow, Holy Thursday, and the next day, Good Friday, will both be religiously observedan all quarters Xo business of any kind will be trans acted and even carriages, cabs and stivet cars will be forbidden on the streets, r . ." ,. It is possible that telegraphic commu nication will be cut off on account of (to Holy Day. - Tampa, Fla., April 6. The steam ship Olivette sailed to-night for Havana, to bring over Americans de- undergoing repairs, and it was with the greatest urgency that she was made ready for the trip. ministration General Leef that ten off the would be the messaere pressed their departure. The second reason, and perhaps equally potent with the other, slowly drifted into public comprehension late in the day. chieny through tne meaium oi published Associated Press dispatches from Madrid, for extreme reticence was maintained on the subject by the. few in Washington who knew the. facts, and even cabinet officers were unadvised on th subject. This im portant news wis vthat the Spanish Government, aflgr what plainly had been most exciting times in inner S Danish circles atliadrid, had decided to re-open the caSti closed, so far as this government was90ncernea, oy tne re f usal of Spain tojiiake satisfactory re sponse to the representations made by the United States Jast week, and in or der to avert inwfendine war bad de cided to make concessions heretofore refused. An Armistice. What will be e final outcome it is too earlv to safe but the aspect affairs oertainlv ss, considerably more pacific and suffidwa&t to renew the hope of the President a solution of the Chihan nuestiort Satisfactory to the American neonleand achieved with out, bloodshed. Tme details remain to be worked out. bSf-it is expected that betweennoW an HI Monday a clearer liwht will be thrdrWh on the future by action at Madridjcgf which one impor tant feature at le&st is the declaration of an armistice W the Queen Regent of Snaln This armistice, it is expec ted will load to ultimate independence of Cuba from Sjpanish rule, but by wliat intermediate steps, perhaps even Via rrnvArninfr TMIkWers do not at this time know. Miftk, it is supposed, will denend upefttthe Cuban insur gents and the petjjje of the two coun tries or tne umt a flaxes anu oyam. The Powfert of Europe, The Flying Squadron. The plan of action of the naval forces in the event of hostilities is now practically completed as a result of several weeks constant work on the part of the officers to whom was entrusted this important feature of the war preparations. While these plans -are naturally most closely guarded, it may be stated on high authority that one feature of. them contemplates a dash by the flying squadron under Commander Schley to the Canary islands. This proposi tion is as yet tentataveos all projects subject to unforeseen conditions must be, but has received most careful con sideration by the naval authorities. A telegram received at the Navy Department to-day from the naval attache at London announced that the Spanish officials have contracted with vickers Sons, Maxim and-other European manufacturers, for the prompt delivery of 200,000 stands of small arms and the necessary ammu nition r The most careful investigation in official circles to-nieht failed to de velop anything in support of the theory that the delay of the Presi dent's message was due to the situa- A. ' - J r 1 1 tITl ll. . nop. ai maarm. w nen me announce ment was first made to-day that the message had been withheld, the in ference was drawn in some Congres sional circles that the delay was partially influenced by the attitude of the Queen Regent, who was re ported willing to yield everything demanded by the United States pro vided it could bedone without precipi tating a popular disturbance in Spain. Press dispatches of a pending cabinet crisis in Madrid tended to con firm this. Those closest to the Presi dent refused to discuss the Madrid situation further than to say that there was no information from that quarter, and that no fresh negotiations had been opened. It was reiterated that the crux of the situation was. in Havana. This was confirmed by mem bers of tiie Foreign Relations Com: iqittee.-to whom this explanation had been made in such form that tney pro fessed themselves satisfied to accept it. IN THE PAR BAST. England and Japan Are in Complete Ac cord Regarding Wei-Hal-Wei. ' . By Cable to ttie Morning Star. 'MMtDON, April 7. The Daily Mail says this morning: "We learn from authoritative source that England and Japan are in complete accord regard ing Wei-Hai-Wei, but secrecy is en tailed until a complete settlement has been achieved which, it is believed, will include an arrangement whereby England will advance the money to enable China to pay the indemnity in full and thus to obtain! a Japanese evacuation of Wei-Hai-Wei. The Yokohama correspondent of the Times says : "For the first time public opinion in Japan is vehe mently excited. There is no general opposition to a British Occupation of Wei-Hai-Wei, but there is a feeling that Japan must assert; herself and secure some other foothold on the Asiatic continent." TREATMENT FOR WEAK MEN. TRIAL WITHOUT EXPENSE. The Camous AppUanoe and Remedies of the Erie Med leal Co. now for the first time offered on trial without expense to any honest man. Not a dollar to be paid In advance. Cure Effects of Errors or Excesses In Old or Young. Manhood Fully Restored. How to Enlarge and Strengthen Weak, Undeveloped Portions of Body. Absolutely unf ailing Home Treatment No C. O. D. or other scheme. a puun oner Dy a arm oi nign standing. NIAGARA 5T rrALO, N. Y. a a t'issiii wuw jj we iu man vi u ERIEMED1CM.C0. Quotations same Spirits turpentine rosin quiet, $1.45, m m dwf a last year. sty, 27 26c; WW; tar firm. mm.- ate - i j ft day Itust ,ue. 716 215 my 20 Dft W tf th SU tu COMMERCIAL. WILMINGTON MARKET. 95 cents; crude turpentine quiet. $1.30, 1.8Q. i- RECEIPt- Spirits Turpentine Rosin. . Tar 77: Crud Turpentine . f Receipts same casks spirits turpem ; rosm, 323 bbls t Dentine. COTTO: i Market firm on at "basis : ner nound for middling. ! Ordinary.... 3 S16 U-ood Ordinary ' Low Middling. Middling year. 52 808 bbls tar, 7 bbls crude tur 1:! I !' : id. Of 5c. Quotations: cts. m n 11 u STAR OFFICE, March 31. SPIRITS steady at 30c TURPENTINE. Market per gallon for machine The need of a good Spring Mediciue is almost universal and Hood's Sarsa- parilla exactly meets the; needs. Be sure to get Hood's. ' GREAT BRITAIN'S SYMPATHY. The Government's Assurances to the United States. By Cable to tne Morning Star. - made casks and 89c for country cits its ROSIN. Market steady at $1.20 per bbl for Strained and $1.25 for rood Strained. TAR. Market quiet at 90 cents per bbl of 280 lbs. CRUDE TURPENTINE, Market steady at $1.50 per barrel for Hard, and $2.00 for Dip. Quotations same day last year. Spirits turpentine steady, 27, 26c; 3-16 5M Good Middling 6 Same dav last year.' middling 7c. Receipts 189 bales; same day last' year, 8. COUNTRY PRODUOB. PEANUTS-North Carolina--Prime, 4050c per bushel of 28 pounds; Extra Prime, 55c; Fancy7 6Qc. Virginia Extra Prime, 55c; Fancy, 60c. COKN. Firm; 47(j50 cents bushel. I ROUGH RICE. $1001.05 bushel. N. C. BACON. Steady; hams, 9c per pound; shoulders, 6 to sides, 7 to 8c. SHINGLES. Per thousand, per per 8to 7c; TO PROTECT HARBORS. Preparations for Submarine Mining Along the Atlantic Coast Rapid-Fi re Guns for Fortifications. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. New York, April 6. The engineer- mg corps, under direction or uoionei M. Robert, has begun operations for the submarine mining of the entrances if Y Ulieuinatlsm Cared. My wife has used Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism with great relief, and I -can recommend it as a splendid liniment for rheumatism and other household use for which we have found itvaluable.-W. J. Cuyler. Creek, N, Y. Mr. Cuyler is one of the leading merchants of this village and one of the most prominent men in this vicin ity W. G Ahippin, Editor Red Creek Herald. For sale by R. R. Bellamy, .1 x - A CONSUL GENERAL LEE Says He Will Remain in Havana Until the Clouds Fall or He is Recalled by the U. S. Government. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Richmond, Va., April 6. Fitzhugh Lee. Jr.. who contemplated leaving Richmond to-day to join his father, Consul General Lee, at Havana, rer ceived about noon a cablegram from his father advising him 4) "hold the fnf fv. fV,oi. nrHorn " He there- 1 VJ1 IU1 lUl v.. m. : I 1 upon gave up his trip. A close personal friend of General Lee's here received a letter from him to-day in which the Consul General itated that he would remain at Havana "until the clouds fall, or until I am re called by the Unitea states u-overn-ment." For the present he says he is going right along, "keeping in the middle- OKhe-roadT" Mrs. Lm received a cablesrram from kf husband to-day, couched in reas uring terms. How to look Good. CJood looks are really more than "ktti deep, depending entirely on a healthy condition of all the vital or Pns. If the liver is. inactive, you nave a bilious look; if your stomach is A'.- , , . , i 1 1- . "iMjruerea, you nave a ayspepuc nw , ''your kidneys are affected, you have 1 pinched look. "Electric Bitters" is a $ood Alterative and Tonic. Act di "ctly on the stomach, liver and kid Jeys. purifies the bjood, cures pimples, Notches and boils, and gives a good mplexion. Everv bottle guaran- ed. Sold at R. R. Bellamy's Drug re. 50 cents per bottle. t material and moVal. it is known. brought to bear all their influence on the government m Spam and still are actively at work Seeking by the wisest and most oolitic? bourse necessary in view of the circtofetances and senti- mp'nta of the tWtov irreat nations in volved, to bring pd&ce out of the gath-erine- war clouds,. All the capitals of Eurone have beeiiin communication . , - rr i T t at to th end a tacteeviQencea oy uieas semblage at the Btriish embassy in this nitv T7At.erdav of the representatives of the great six poMf drs of Europe, who then and there Were made mutually acquainted with kat had been done nhroad ad with .tbe desire of those who nrcrfedited Kiem to Washington that fhov should work in accord here ; """" . sr - it. tt this concert, nowever, in ine umteu Rtjit.es not to ero bepond a mild tender f o-ood offices to secure peace and de lay a definite declaration of war hostilities flnallv became inevitable. The imnrnved condition of affairs was reflected throughout all public quarters late in the day. It was mani fested at the White House, among ahinet, officers and at the embassies including the Spanish legation. At the latter establishment Senor Polo said that while he could not. disclaim anv of the information v.;n. vim in an official character. yet he felt that the strain of a feW hours aeo was materially relieved and that the prospects for peace looked mr,h hriorhter He in no way con firmed, nor would he even discuss, Triewa entertained in other high offi ciall quarters that Spain hiitvsurelv vieldiner. and nttorancM to' the eeneral statement that, conditions were improving Sensational Rumors. Accompanying the actual develop mnit of the dav came a flood of re ports and rumors of a sensational char acter, little of it, however, having any onthontic basis. The rumors of dis- turhancn at Havana were not borne m,t w nnv official advices here Great uncertainty following a great disappointment was the condition ex isting at the Capitol at the close of the dav when the unexpected did not hap- nen. Senators and members were to New York and other the Atlantic coast. Detachments of ensrineers from Wu- lets Point were to-dav sent to Port land Maine: Boston: Uuarleston, s. n TTamnton Heads. Port Wadsworth and Fort Hancock7 to bay cables and electrical apparatus- for the mooring and operation ot mines. , Arrangements were oeing maue wj Amr o receive the thirtv-four rapid fire guns recently purchased abroad nnH due in arrive to-morrow on the omisftr New Orleans from hinfiriana. The shinment weiehs nine nunarea thniisnnd nonnds. and it is peine ar ranged to send two of the guns to each rf the seventeen nrincinat fortifica tions alone the coast, to be mounted as harhette wins. The most complete preparations have been made for the purchase and shinment of mrovisions and supplies to the various points at wmcn mey will he needed in case war is declared No larse ntfrchases have been made as vet, but the department knows just rahow. anr m what nnantities sunuues . . IH.J V, .. " 1 i ' . an to ne naa. meir cusi, auu miilrlv thev can be delivered A force of 120 men from Willet's Point has been ordered to be ready to leave the post at a half hour's notice to assist in the worlc or preparing ior iu lou-inw of mines and toroedoes De- HI ' Q - tween the Virginia Capes at the trance to Chesapeake Bay. London, April 6. On ; the highest authority, the Associated Press can announce that tho British government has assured the United States of its fullest and most cordial Sympathy in its Cuban policy. This assurance was given with the most complete knowl edge of the latest deveiopmewta m ine, negotiations between the United States and Spain, and oni the Under standing that even theseiare tending steadilv toward armed intervention in Cuba. The British government is even more friendly to toe unueu oiaies than the newspapers here, having more accurate knowledge of the real i nature and ouroort of the dealings between the United States and Spain. April Wisdom. Be sure that your blood is pure, your appetite good, your digestion perfect. To purify your dioou, ana ouuu up yourJiealth, take Hood's Sarsaparilla. This medicine has accomplished re markable cures of all blood diseases. It is the One True Blood Purifier. -j Hood's Sarsaparilla has power to make you well by purifying and en riching your blood, giving you an firm, $1.45, $1.50; tar quiet, 95 crude turpentine firm, $1.30, rosin cents $1.80 RECEIPTS Spirits Turpentine Rosin. . . . . -.' Tan Crude Turpentine 5 Receipts same day last year. 18 casks spirits turpentine, 18 260 214 ! SHINGLES. Per thousand, five inch, hearts and saps, $1.60 to $2.25; six inch, $2.25 to $3.25; seven inch, $5.50 to $6.50. TIMBER. Market steady at $3.00 to $7.50 per M. v STAR OFFICE, April 5. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Market 99 bbls rosin, 5e pentine. Market bbls tar, 0 bbls crude tur- COTTOS. firm on a per pound for Ordinary. Good Ordinary Low Middling. Middline Good Middling. . basis of 5c midd liner. Quotations: 3 5-16 cts. ftt i " f 5 5-16 ". V 5 ; " per arallon for and 26- cents Same dav last year, middling 7c. Receipts 176 bales; same day last year, 285. , COUNTRY PRODUCE. PEANUTS-North Carolina-Prime, 4050c per bushel of 28 pounds ; Extra Prime, 5c; Fancy, 60c. Virginia : Prime, 55c; Fancy, 6Qc. -Firm; 47 to 50 cents per firm at 26 cents machine-made casks bid for country casks. ; ROSIN. Market flrna at $1.20 -per bbl for strained and $1.25 for good strained. .TAR. Market quiet kt 90 cents per bbl of 280 lbs. i CRUDE TURPENTINE. -Nothing doing. Quotations same da. Spirits turpentine stead rosin steady, $1.40, l.i cents; crude turpentirie quiet, $1.30, last year: 27, 26c; tar Arm, 95 $1.80. RECEIPT. Spirits turpentine- i Rosin.... hi Tar....., Crude turi)entine . . same 16 304 123 0 year. 50 day last turpentine, 40 tar, 11 bbls crude harbors along I appetite, and nerve, mental and diges live sirengin. WARM WIRELETS. thousand. it $1.60 to J.25; seven five $2.25; mch, en- ilhe United States trunboat Helena arrived at Key West yesterday from Lisbon. r - Savannah defeated Augusta yester day by theoHowing score : Augusta, Zj; Bavannan, u. The hattleshio Texas sailed yester day from New York to join the squad ron at Hampton Roads . The Chicagoes defeated Atlanta yes-. terdav 21 to 4. The game was one sided from the start and the weather cold. 1 ," The story told by Carr, the United States mail carrier, that he nad news from Andree, the balloonist, proves to be a fake, pure and simple. The steamship yacht Norwood, said to be one of the fastest iij the world, left Trenton, N. J., for Charleston, S.'C-, where it is said she will be used by the government as a dispatch boat. Three hundred men employed at the United States armory, Spnngfiehf, Mass., were discharged yesterday on orders from Washington. These men were employed on the old springneia rifles. The United States cruiser Cincin nati struck a mud bank at ROUGH RICE. $1.00 to $1.05 per bushel. " ' NC. BACON.-Steady; hams, 8 to Semper pound; shouldfers, 6 to 7c; SHINGLES. Per inch, hearts and sai six inch, $2.25 to $5.50 to $6.50. . TIMBER. Market steady at $3.00 to $7.50 per M. STAR OFFICE, April 1. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Market steady at 28 cents per gallon for machine-made casks and 28 cents for country casks. . ROSIN. Market steady at f l.ZU per "bbl for Strained !and $1.25 for Good Strained. TAR. Market quiet at 90 cents per bbl of 280 lbs. - CRUDE TURPENTINE. Market steady at $1.50 per barrel for Hard, and $2.00 for Dip. r ' Quotations same day last year. Spmfe turpentine, -steady, 27, 2bc; rosin firm, $1.45, $1.50 tar quiet, t Si 5-16 bbls tur- Receipts casks spirits rosin, 75 bbls pentine, COTTON, i Market firm on abasis of 5c per pound for middling. Quotations : Good Ordinary. W5-16 cts Good- Ordinaryr. Low Middling, . . . Middling Good Middling. . . Same day last V lb middling 7c. cents; crude turpeafeie firm, $1.30, $1.88.. imp. - RECEIPTS. Spirits Turpentine . . . . ... Rosin . : . Tar , . ids ... ... .- Crude Turpeneaer jasi casks spin rosin, 98 bbls tar, 0 bbl pentme 3H Market firm on ,'..: 80S Zr. .. 122 1 L-" OA WjfggS last year. oo pfontiae, 47 hbls lSFcrude tur- a basis or Receipts 227 bales; same day last year, 19. COUNTRY PROpUCE PEANUTS North, Carolina Prime, 40 to 50c pel bushel of ; 28 pounds; extra prime, 5fc; fancy, 60c. Virginia Extra prime, J55c ; fancy, 60c. CORN Firm ; 47 i 50 cents per bushel. ROUGH RICE fl.qo. to 1.05 per bushel. - ' , i ' N. C. BACON Steady ; hams 8 to 9c per pound ; shoulders-15 to 7c ; sides, 7 to 8c. SHINGLES Per ' thousand, five inch hearts and saps, 1.60 to 2.25; six-inch, $2.25 to 3.2S; seven-inchc $5.50 to 6. 50. TIMBER Market steady at $3.00 to 7.50 per M. STAR OFFICE, April 6? SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Market steadv at 27 cents per machine-made casks, arid ior country casks. ... ROSIN . Nothingr-doing 5c Key THE FLYING SQUADRON. Satisfactory Guns Trial of the Eight-Inch On the Flagship Brooklyn. was siowiy confined his By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Fort Monroe, Va., April 6. The Brooklyn, flagship of the flying squad ron, tried her eight-inch guns to-day, in order to test the new elevating ap- naratus Hesio-ned to e-i ve them greater ranee. The test was not only made to demonstrate the utility of the appa ratus, but also to see if the turrets, offer hi nor so materially changed, would stand the shock to wnicn tney are subjected. The test, which was under the direction ot uraimuuure CUhloTr art A Hantam Cook. Was OI a mnct satisfaetorv nature, and Com modore Schley said that tne isrooKiyn was in the best of hgnting trim. Thi firaf shot, was sent out with a sino-le ebarce of 85 pounds of powder, tho mm heme P evateu aL live ucsicra. The 200-pound shell left the muzzle of at a veloeitv of 2.000 feet a Hl - " ' . j Tt struck the water two and three-auarter miles from the ship, :. im o rraat. eolumn of water, ocm6 -f - - -----.,n Tho oocnnrt snOT. Was Willi mc iuii powder charge, Tm A ' 1 110 pounds, and sent the projectile very nearly four miles putting it in the water at a speed of i nnn Ai ru connnA There was no .in;Kii TQirino- from the shot. - L Ae. Onhlair said to-nlffht that he had not yet received any orders from Washington. West yesterday. Tugs succeeded m pull- f 1 ir l.. TOn.lr Tf ing ner uu aiier iwu uuma is hot believed that she sustained any injury. Captain Sampson's big war fleet at Key West will be still further strength ened in a day or two by the arrival of the double-turreted monitor Ampbi trite, which left Beaufort, S. C, for that purpose. IU, j The United States fleet at Hong Kong is preparing to go to sea, and supplies of coal are being purchased for the use of the American warships. The British steamer Manahan has been purchased for a store-ship. ; Preparations are rapidly going on for the reception of Government troops at Chickamauga fara. All tne avail able regiments of infantry in the army are expected to be in camp there by the early part of the week. Indications from advices are t.har. tne coia snau ui nisrht seriously damaged the fruit in all sections of Virginia. It is thought 11 the fruit in the extreme south western counties is killed. When Travelling Whether on pleasure bent or business, take on every trip a bottle Of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and effectually on the kidneys; liver and bowels, preventing fevers, headaches and other forms of sickness. For sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug cists. Manufactured by the California gallon for 26 H cents - i TAR Market quiet at 90 cents per bbl of 28Q Tbs. CRUDE TURPENTINE. Nothing doing Quotations same day last year. perpoundTfor middling. Quotations: Spirits turpentine steady, 27, 26 c; 6 li year, middling 7c. same, day iasf received Tuesday gists. Manufactured by the Fig yrup uo. oniy. r THE KEY WEST FLEET. sea as . to what was coming at next. wmio thn n-iessare was awaited there- came a hurried summons of leaders of I the Senate and House to tne wnue TTnnue and f.hev were there informed that the messaere was to be withheld tinon the information received from Consul General Lee. The reasons he gave were deemed entirely satisfactory hw nil and Senator Davis informed the V ' ,,. . TT 1 senate, wnne me nuuse icaucra -ried the news to that body. That the danger to American life was consid ered sufficient reason for non-action appeared in the postponement of all proposed meetings to consiucr im situation. . ; The proposed armistice by Spain injected another feature into tbe discussion of the situation. While some were very hopeful that a satis factory solution of the problem might eventuate from it, the general feeling was that the condition in Cuba, the determination of the insurgents to continue fighting until independent of Spain, possibly made overtures on this line too late. . At the War and Navy Departments, in contrast to the feverish excitement of the past week, the feeling was al most apathetic. usual amount of Intense Disappointment of All the Reported Settlement of Cuban Affair. At Hands the A Likely Place: Jane (reading) "The wearied sentinel leaned on his gun and stole a few moments' sleep." Little Robbie "I know where he stole it from." Jane "Where,; Robbie?" Robbie "From bis napsack." Cleve land Plain Dealer. t I was reading an advertisement of Uiamberlain's Colic, Cholera and arrhoea Remedv in the Worcester terprise recentlv. which leads me to rite this. I ean truthfully say I never used any remedy equal to it for- colic nd din hnA tn e more than one or two doses to cure "te worst enoA with mvself or children. A a T Jm nif-rr "MA orsal wp M Rtm ivt d m rrist. Ktirelv disappeared While there was the routme attendant ii nnn the recent work of preparation, things to day settled down almost to the normal. No more, contracts for new vessels were closed"by the Navy Department and no changes in the stations of ships announced. To-day was also noticeable for the absence of the conferences of high officials, and the great tide of visitors, congressmen, public men and conirac&ura annum " By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Ket West, Fla, April 6. On Board the Flagship New York.) In tense disappointment was exhibited by all hands on board the flagship New the Associated Press bul- X Ul rv ? ivi r letin regarding the reported settlement at Madrid was read. m Until 6 o'clock this evening it was confidently believed the fleet would sail to-morrow or Friday for Havana or Porto Rico. Captain Sampson read the dispatch with eager interest, after which it was read at the messes. He believes there is still a chance that the American navy may have an opportunity to show what it is made of, but he regrets frii will nrobablv enable IUC r-- I'll J Spain to bring her torpedo flotilla and other warships to these waters. AU the high naval authorities on board maintain that Spain shoMd not be al lowed to bring her forces over pend ing a settlement. PITCHER'S CASTO R I A THE USD YOU HAVE ALWAYS BOUGHT Huthf fo-imll Of - Mrs. O'Toole -"Faijth, an' it's th' harrud luck that pursues th' Kerri gans. Tin shtories aff a shlate roof falls on owld man Kerrigan yishterday an' nivver hurrts himself at all an wid sivin hoondren dollars' worth av insurance an th' loife av'im.' Judge. j Bncklen's Arnica Salve. sThe Rest Save in the world for Guts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, &au Rheum, 'ever oores, xenon vnappeu Hands, CMlblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posiuveiy cures c uc or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisiacnon or iuuuoj refunded. Price 25 cents pfcr box. For sale by R. R Bellamy. t "Pessimism, said the Sage, is but a matter of temperament. One pessimist I knew was always saddest on pay day, because he realized that there would De nommg mwio to him for a week." Cincinnati En quirer. , "Was Mrs. Yungflirte much cut up over her husband's sudden death, doctor?" "Not anything like so much as he was. You see, there were ten surgeons at the post-mortem, and none of 'em agreed on where the trou ble lay." Ally Sloper, totttr .i-ji. 1SU1B rloatcn ' or Ordinary (rood UTcunary. . Low Middling. . Middling Good Middling. . 1 Same day Gist Receipts 245 bales; year, 35. COUNTRY PRODUCE. PEANUTS-North Carolina- Prime, 4050c per bushel of 28 pounds; Extra Fnme, 55c; rancy, ouc. Virginia Extra Prime, 55c; Fancy, 60c. CORN. Firm; 4750 cents per bushel. ROUGH RICE. $1.001.05 per bushel. ' N. C. BACON. Steady ; hams, 8 to 9c per pound; shoulders, 6 to 7c; sides, 7 to 8c. SHINGLES. Per thousand, five inch, hearts and saps, $1.60 to $2.25; six inch, $2.25 to $3.25; seven inch, $5.50 to $6. 50. TIMBER. Market steady at $3.00 to $7.50 per M. - STAR OFFICE, April 2. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Market firm at 28 cents per gallon for machine-made casks and 274 cents for country casks. ROSIN. Market steady at $1.20 per bbl for Strained and $1.25 for Good Strained. TAR. Market quiet at 90 cents per bbl of 280 lbs. CRUDE TURPENTINE. Market steady at $1.50 per barrel for Hard, and $2.00 for Dip. J J Quotations same day .. last year. Spirits turpentine steady, 27, 28J4C; rosin firm, $1.45, $1.S0; tar quiet, 95 cents; crude turpentine firm, $1.30, $1.80. 1 RECEIPTS. Ii Spirits Turpentine ....... 34 Kosin.. , -xii Tar 72 Crude Turnentine ...... 2 Receipts same day last year. --9 casks spirits turpentine, 116 bbls rosin, 69 bbls tar, U bbls crude turpentine. COTTON. Market firm on a basis of 5&c Sir pound for middling. Quotations: rdmary.... 3 5-16 cts. lb. Good Ordinary. . . . 4 Low Middling. ... . 55-16 " " Middling.. 5 " " Good Middling. .. . 6 c " Samp dav last. vear. middling 7c. Receipts 90 bales; same day last year, 5. rosin steady, $1.40, 1.45; e turpentine $1.80. RECEIPTS. tar firm, 95 quiet, $1.30, Spirits turpentine. Kosin i-.. . . Tar p- ........ Crude torpentine . Receipts same day last casks spirits turpentine. rosin, 104 bbls tar, 8 bbls crude tur pentine. COTTON. Market firm on a basis of 5c per pound for middling. year 439 14 633 123 0 -11 bbls Quotations : Ordinary.'. ......... 3 5-16 cts. $ lb Good Ordinary i Low Middling 5 5-16 Middling 6f ' Good Middliug 6 Same day last year middling -187 bales; same day AN OPEN To MOTHERS. LETTER WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD ' C ASTORIA," AND " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADE MARK. DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, qf Hyannis, Massachusetts, the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same has borne and does now . , on every 44C mapper. W08 that bear the facsimile signature of This is the original - PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFUtFb the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always boisght and has the sianatttfe of jNo one has authority from me Centaur Company of which per. cent The President. March 8, 1897. on the wrap- to use my name ex Chas. H. Fletcher is Do Do Not Be Deceived. endanger the life of your child by accepting substitute which some druggist may offer you he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" SIGNATURE not cheap ause BEARS THt FACSIMILE SIGNATURE. OF 1 :V -: Insist on Havine The Kind That Never Failed Ton. THC CITU CC.MBt, TT UMIUT TT. r YOUR c (TT. v. COTTON MARKETS. EXPORTS FOR THE WEEK. 7c. last Receipts year, 8b. COUNTRY PRODUCE. PEANUTS-North Carolina- Prime, 40 to 50c per bushel of 28 pouuds; Ex tra Prime, 55c ; Fancy, 60c. Virginia Extra Prime, 55c; Fancy, 60c. CORN Firm; 47 to 50 cents per bushel. ROUGH RICE. $1.00 to 1.05 per bushel. N. C. BACON. Steady ; hams, 8 to 9c per pound; shoulders, 6 to 7c ; sides, 7 to 8c. SHINGLES. Per thousand, five inch, hearts and saps, $1.60 to 2,25 ; six-six, $2.25 to 3.25; seven-inch; $5.50 to 6.50. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. New York. April 6. To-day's cot ton market was at the mercy of politi cal news, with speculation restricted as in the weeks past to the professional element. Throughout the forenoon fluctuationswefe narrow and the mar ket devoid of feature worthy of men tion. After opening steady with prices - i i Si j.- i. i l l poini lower w iwu points mguci , there was an advance to a net gain of 2 to 3 points on light foreign buying. New York, April 6. -Cotton was steady ; middling 6 3-16c. Cotton futures closed steady ; sales of 54,700 bales; April 5.94c, May 5.98c, June 6.01c. Julv 6.05c, August 6.07c, September 6.04c, October 6.04c, No vember j6.05c, December 6.06c, January 6.08e. ; Snot, cotton closed steadv : middling uplands 6 3-16c; middling gulf 6 7-16c; sales 905 bales. , Af PRODUCE MARKETS. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. New York, April 6. Flour was without: activity or important change, the close beiSg steady. Wheat Spot steadv: No. 2 red nominal; options after a firmer opening on higher cables were adversely affected by liquidation brought on by unfavorable Washing ton news: near months were chiefly influenced; No. 2 red May closed $1 OOc; July closed 88 c. Corn Spot steady ; No. 2 37c; options opened steady with wheat and followed the general midday weakness only to re cover later on heavy export transac tions closed unchanged; May closed 34c; July closed 35 c. Oats Spot quiet; No. 2, 305c; options were with out other feature than steadiness and closed unchanged ; May closed 29 c. Lard easier; Western steam $5 55, nominal; May $5 60, nominal;- re fined lard quiet. Pork was steady. Butter market quoted very firm; Western creamery 1722c; do. fac tory 12j16c; Elgins 22c; imitation creamery 1418jlc; State dairy 15 20c ;do creamery 1723c. Cheese quiet ; large white September 7c. Cotton seed oil dull and easy; prime crude 19c, nominal; do, yellow 22Z24c. Petroleum dull. Rice steady. Molasses steadv. Cabbage quiet; Florida 75c $1 25; Charleston and Savannah $1 25 1 50. Coffee Spot Rio weak; No. 7 invoice 7c; No. 7 jobbing 7c; mild was strong; vjoraova oic; ntjavy business in mild and Brazilian grades. Sugar Raw was strong; fair refin ing 3c; centrifugal 96 test 4Jc; re fined strong. Chicago, April 6. Wheat to-day, after breaking 2 cents a bushel on the closing out of a number of heavy long lines, recovered to within ic of Mon day's closing price on the announce ment of the postponement of the Presi dent's message to Congress. The news of the postponement greatly relieved the selling pressure. Corn and oats were steady, with scarcely any change for the day. Provisions were firm early, but dosed irregular; pork at a small advance and lard and ribs 5 7c lower. 1 Chicago, April 6. Cash quota ions: Flour steady. Wheat No. 2 spring c; No.3 spring 9195c -,No.2 red103Ml 04. Corn No.229 29. Oats No. 2 25c; No. 2 white, free on board 294c No. 3 white, free COASTWISE. New York Schr Roger Moore 275,250 feet lumber. Vessel by Jas T Riley & Co ; cargo by Hilton Lum ber Co. New York. Steamship Oneida 199 bbls spirits turpentine, 5 do rosin, 538 do tar, 135,384 feet lumber, 49 cases 'cotton flannels, 90 pkgs indse, 147 bags s. blocks, 10,000 bolts, 46 bdls green hides, 174 bags clams. At toe- 7 - (lniit 2r V . s? ... MARINE. ARRIVED. Nor barque octor Mezger, 623 tons, Horn, Tybee, Paterson, Downing & Co. . . Nor barque Rigi, 499 tons, Sopff, Tybee, Heide & Co. Steamship Oneida, 1091 tons', Staples, Georgetown, H G Smallbones. Steamship Croatan, 826 tons, McKee, New York, H G Smallbones. . .i.. CLEARED. . Schr Roger Moore, 277 tons, MilleV, New York, Jas T Riley & Co. Steamship Oneida, 1091 tons, Staples, New York. H G Smallbones. Wholesale Prices Current The quotations are always given as accurately as possible, but the star will not be responsible for any variations from the actual market price of the"artlcles quoted. The following quotations represent Whole Prices generally. In making up small orders higher prices have to be charged. ro- 2 lb Jute Standard WESTERN SMOKED Hams jB tt .1 Sides lbi...... Shoulderrw J DRY SALTED Sides 3 ft ...; Shoulders ft BARRELS -Spirits Turpentine-Second-hand, each New New Mork each New City, each BEESWAX ft BRICKS- Wllmlngton 9 M Northern BUTTER ' North Carolina ft . . Northern CORN MEAL Per bushel, In sacks. . . Viroi nl a Meal COTTON TIES V bundle CANDLES V ft Sperm 8 AQamaniiue CHEESE V Nortnern factory. Dairy, Cream. State..... COFFEE ft ye-. K...V- DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, V yard. Yarns, bunon. ::::: I f is a 14 ::::: J8 1 00 & 1 10 S 1 90 - -IS w uu. i uu IS Q IS 18 $J V 5 45 m? 48 45 a 48 a ss as ts. 1 rt a ui iu io o n n 10H 1 16 10 18 9 22 00 11 00 16 00 8 00 13 00 3 00 TLMBER- .50 per M. Cotton and Naval Stores. MONTHLY STATEMENT Cotton. 9,573 Cotton. 2,572 1,254 Market steady at 13.00 to Mess pork .per J L 909 95. Short rib sides, loose. $5 055 35. Dry salted shoulders, boxed, $4 75 4 oi. onort clear siaes, ooxea, o vj 5 50. Whiskey, distillers' finished oronds. ner e-allon. il 19 4 . J3ALTIMORE, April O. JC luur uun and unchanged. Wheat easy; spot and month 99X99c; May 99c 1.00: steamer No. 2 red 95X96c; Southern wheat by sample 97c $1.00; do on grade 96X99c. Corn easy; spot, montn ana may o?& 34c; steamer mixed 34346c; Southern white corn 3636c; do yellow 35Xc Oats quiet ; No. 2 white 3333c; No. 2 mixed 3030c. RECEIPTS. For month of March, 1898. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. f,170 12,584 7,981 RECEIPTS. For month of March, 1897. Srtirits. Rosin. Tar. Crude. 210 5,196 Domestic Foreign 10,374 EXPORTS For month of March, 1898 Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. 1,602 8,291 762 16,834 504 15,471 Cru de. 156 Tar. Crude. 5.341 5,104 10,445 000 YEARLY STATEMENT. -mc vr -r w j r x mm i i i nUo- U urn COUNTRY PRODUCE. PEANUTS North Carolina Prime, 4050c per bushel of 28 pounds ; Extra Prime, 55c; Fancy; 60. Vuginia Extra Prime, 55c; Fancy, 60c. CORN Eirm; 4750 cents per bushel. RICE $1.0001.05 Domestic Foreign 17,386 2,795 16,238 EXPORTS. For month of Marcn, 1897. Cotton. Spirit. Rosin. Tor. Crude. 2,137 000 2,187 f,774 468 000 25,700 3,467 4,956 8.428 302 000 per ROUGH bushel. N. C. BACON steady; hams 8 to 9c per pound; shoulders, 6 to 7c; sides, 7 to 8c. SHINGLES Per thousand, five inch, hearts and saps, $1.60 to $2.25; six inch, $2.25 to 3.25; seven inch, $5.50 to 6.50. TIMBER Market steady at $3.00 to $7.60 per M. . STAR OFFICE, April 4. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market steady at 27 i cents per gallon for machine-made casks and 27 cents for eountrv casks. ROSIN. 'J&arlcet firm at per Cotton. Spirits. Rosin Tar ... Crude 1,774 26,234 STOCKS. Ashore and Afloat April t, 1898 Ashore. 6,847 - 156 30,934 7,206 Cotton. 12,179 Afloat. m 000 23 00 STOCKS. Ashore and Afloat April 1, 1897. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. 166 19,259 4,484 Total. 18,053 216 30,934 7,229 Crude. RECEIPTS. For crop year, April 1, 1897, to April l, 1898. Spirit. Rosin. Tar. Grwf; 85,273 168,469 67,498 10,214 RECEIPTS. For csop year,-April 1, 1896, to April l, 1897. Rosin. Tar. rua. 192.640 50,646 10,466 EXPORTS. For crop year, April 1, 1897, to April 1, 1898. Rosin.. Lor. vruae. 9,054 55,378 10,411 142,730 9,380 000 Spirit. Spirits. Domestic. 28,081 Foreign... 7,191 35,222. 151,784 64,753 10,411 EXPORTS. For crop year, April 1, 1896, to April 1. 1897 NAVAL STORES MARKETS. Domestic. Foreign . . -irits. 38,431 2,980 Rosin. 16,502 195.490 41,411 211,992 Tar. 47;418 11,720 59,183 Crude. 10,729 200 10.929 By Telegraph to the Morning Star. New York. April 6. Rosin quiet. Spirits turpentine 3132c. -Charleston, April 6. Spirits was steady at tur- Rosin A nentine firm at 28 : no sales. firm and unchanged ; no sales. Savannah, April 6. Spirits tur TTit.ine firm at 269c. with sales of and $1.30 for Good I 595 casks; receipts 1150 casks. Rosm bbl for Strained Strained. TAR. Market quiet at 90 cents per MJ rtf 280 lbs. CRUDE TURPENTINE. Nothing doing. ( N Relief In Six Honrs. Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved in six hours by the "New Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in me Diauaer, Kianey, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves re tension Ul wuier auu paui. iu puna- EGGS V dozen FISB Mackerel, Ne. 1, barrel Mackerel. No. 1,9 half -bbl Mackerel, No. 2, V barrel. Mackerel. No. 2 half -bbl. Mackerel, No. 8, f barrel. Mallets, S barrel. ........ Mullets, v pore uarrpi. .... N (!. Roe Herrlne, V keg. DryCod, lb 5 Extra 4 86 FLOUR 9 Low graae unoice Rf.mlffht First Patent 5 50 0LUE 9 V GRAIN bushel Corn.from store.bgs White Car load, in bags White. . . Oats, from store Oats, Rust Proof Cow Peas HIDES v id Green , Dry HAY, 100 B8 Clover Hay Rice Straw Eastern Western .... North River HOOP IRON. 9 t ' LARD, 9 lb Northern North Carolina LIME, 9 barrel I ITVPFR (pltvaawwllS M ft Ship Stuff, resawed.... 18 00 Rough-edge Flank 15 00 West India cargoes, accord ing to quality 18 00 Dreaoed Flooring, seasoned 18 00 Scantling and Board, com'n 14 00 MOLASSES, V gallon Barbadoes, in hogshead ... Barbadoesin barrels Porto Rico, in hogsheads. . . Porto Rico. In barrels Sugar-House, in hogsheads Sugar-House, In barrels Syrup, in barrels nails f keg. Cut. 60d basis. . ORK. V barrel City Mess....... Rump Prime ....i ROPE, 9 B i SALT, & sack Alum Liverpool Lisbon American On 125 9 Sacks.. SHINGLES. 7-inch. V M. ....... Common .. l oo Cypress Saps 2 60 SUGAR, 9 1 Standard Gran'd Standard A White Extra C Extra C, Golden C. Yellow SOAP. 9 lb Northern STAVES, M W. O. barrel. . . 6 00 R. O. Hogshead TIMBER, 9 M feet Shipping. . -- Mill, Prime Mill. Fair 6 60 Common Mill 4 00 Inferior to Ordinary SHINGLES.N. C. Cypress sawed 9 M 6x24 heart " Sap 5x24 Heart; " Sap 6x24 Heart " Sap TALLOW, 1 WHISKEY, 9 gallon-Northern, North Carolina WOOL V Ib-Uuwashed........ 5H 20 1- 30 00 a 15 oo a is oo a 9 oo & 14 00 3 50 6 50 I 9 325 A 10 4 50 t) 4 00 e (to 5 25 6 00 & 48 40 47 40 46 GO 12 80 & 86 & 60 J90 86 9 OH 7 C 10 1 15 1 25 11 00 5 00 tao oo 16 00 18 00 22 00 15 00 28 & 38 27 St 28 12 & 14 14 IS 12 16 40 I 1 50 11 60 11 50 11 50 22 06 66 i. so & 2 25 jl 8 60 v I h m 4 14 00 10 00 9 00 & 700 650 350 a mo U 4 50 H 6 60 It 5 60 200 9 00 & ' a 1 80 5 00 4 50 4 00 6 00 6 00 1 00 1 00 8 cqIo'q s ma w0s- receipts 3.495 I im? it almost immediately. If you 1 ZU, T I want quiCK reuci auu uure, uus is v uur $1 55, K I remedy. Hold, by K. K. Bellamy, window I Druggist, Wilmington, JN. U., corner of Front and Market streets. t barrels: A. B. C. D tl 15. E $1 25, f 1 40, xl i ou, a 1 B5. M tl 6f0. N $1 70, glass $1 80. water white (1 95. WANTED TRUSTWORTHY AND ACTIVE gentlemen or ladies to travel for respon sible, established house In North Carofl Monthly $66.00 and expenses. Position steady. Reference. Enclose self -addressed stamped en velope. The Dominion Company, Dept. R Chicago. jan 14 wiet v. j u j t M" BB '