ThRHaniliKK paw B t $3x2 WetVhx tar. rii Ips the world. But few appreciate the dancer to which the expectant mother is exposed, and the foreboding with which she looks forward to the hour of approach ing motherhood. By the use of AN EXPEDITION THAT FAILED. "Mother's Friend" the body is made to yield pleasantly to the change. Headache and nausea n ri I , 1 1 . . ,) 1.,, JurvKiii-cuH OnH OTAT ous feeling yields to one of hopeful ex pectation. Danger to life of mother is avoided, and she passes through the trial quickly and her recovery is rapid. Sent by express, on receipt of price, $1.00. Book to " Expectant Mothers"' frco upon application. The llradfleld Krgalator Co., Atlanta, ia. 80LD BY ALU DRUGGIST8. Steamer Gussie Unable to Land Men and Munitions for the Cuban Insurgents. RETURNED TO KEY WEST. Had Skirmishes With Spanish Troops Near Cabanas and Matanzas Co bans Unable to Meet the Land ing Party. THE LOST KISS. "JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY. I put by the half written poem, While the pen idly trailed in my hand Writes on: "Had I words to com plete it, Who'd read it, or who'd under stand?" But the little bare feet on the stairway, And the faint, smothered laugh in the hall, And the eerie, low lisp in the silence, Cry up to me over it all. So I gather it up where was broken The tear-faded thread nf mv thama: TeTlihg how, as one night I sat writing Arfairy broke in on my dream ; '. A little inquisitive fairy My own little girl, with the gold Of the sun inlier hair, and the dewy uiue eyes or trie mines of old. 'Twas the little girl that I scolded , '"For was it a moment like this," I said, "when she knew I was busy, To come romping in for a kiss? Come rowdying up from her mother, And clamoring there at my knee, For one 'ittle kiss for my dolly, And one 'ittle uzzer for me; God pity the heart that repelled her. And the cold hand that turned her . ; away! rf And take, from the lips that denied her. This ansvverless prayer of tp-day ! Take, Lord, from my memory forever. mi a. i i i T j.aai punut sod oi aespair, And the patter and trip of the little bare feet, And the one piercing cry on the siai r ! I put by the half written poem, While the pen, idly trailed in my hand "Writes on: "Had I words to com plete it, Who'd read it, or who'd under stand?" i But the little bare feet on the stair way, , And the faint, smothered Iaugb in the hall, I And the eerie, low lisp in the silence, Cry up to me over it. SUNDAY SELECTIONS. Keminiscence ia the soul's searchlight; by it we discern that some of youth's vices Were virtues, and some of its virtues were vices. There jvre about 70,000 TJni - tarians in the United States. They have wealth and scholarship. But they have practically no progress. The reason of this is clear. Their labors are not directed tn men to Christ, but to convert those who are already professing Chris tians to Unitarian ism, and this they do, not by increasing but diminish ing their reverence for the Great Teacher. So that. a7an rliain nr. version represents a decline of faith and zeal. They seek to reconstruct the creeds of men rather than to save their souls. Arkansas Methodist. , We must take timn tn ha nltmn with God. The closet and the shut door are indispensable. Happy are (lia,r 1 1 . . , uu uave au uoservaiory m tneir heart house to which they can often retire beneath the great arch of eter nity turning their telescope to the mifi'htv constfillntifinc WnnJ c .... pa xxi c a fever and reaching regions where the breath of human applause or censure ui- appiause cannot ioiiow. it is im possible to rush into finTo catch up anything we fancy, and run ntr with it x il:: -n , " inicuipi i ins win end in mere delusion and disappointment. F. B. Meyer. "Doiner. not (lreRmino- a tha secret of success. Not the faithful talker, but the faithful toiler, leaves the broad mark of work accomplished. 'Not he that saith, Lord! Lord! but he that doeth my Father's will; not the son that promised, but he that went,' was the one who received the Reward. 'This one thing I do' not This one thing I think' made a St. Jr&Ul. ' W ri a trw vrr heartily. Going about continually doing good was the example left by Christ, and- the promise is given to them who, by patient continuance in well-doing, seek for glory and honor xxou lmmpriaiiiy eternal life " QtreenssborohChristian Advocate. Copyright 1898 Dy tne Associated Press. Key West, Fla., May 15. The steamer Gussie, which left Tampa. Fla., May 10th, with two companies of the First infantry on board, in charge of seven thousand rifles and two hun dred thousand rounds of ammunition, intended for the insurgents in the pro vince of Pinar del Rio, remained off the coast of Cuba Thursday, Fridav and yesterday, "convoyed by the aux iliary gunboat Manning, in a vain at tempt to land her cargo. Captain J. H. Dorst. of the staff of General Miles and formerly United States military attache at Vienna, headed the expedi tion wnicn retucnea aere this morn ing:. He says the Gussie will so to Tampa, Fla. Previous to leaving" Cuban waters the Dorst expeditionary force . " ' Had a Skirmish with Spanish cavalry near Cabanas, fifteen miles west of Havana, where an attempt was made to land part of the cargo. On Friday morning, Capt. Dorst abandoned the attempt at this eint and steamed eastward to atanzas, where an arrangement had been made with the insurgents to send supplies ashore at Point Maya, a mile or so east of the entrance of the harbor. The Gussie and her convoy yester day morning steamed until about two miles off snorp wlipn tha r-attla nf -a- -J .WM. VUW J. UlllV VI. musketry from a considerable force of O 1 --ijt? . a . . . opamsii soiaiers concealed behind underbrush ashore, warned them that they would receive a lively welcome if thev landed. Th - f ' fnmm mmmm VI WHM I seerhed to have been -furnished withl ing at both points. After this second failure Captain Dorst decided to aban don the attempt to land the arms and ammunition and return to Kev it r i - J vv est. A more disgusted looking lot of troopers than those aboard the Gussie tuis morning it would be hard to find. They had received orders not to speak of their trip, and sullenly lined the ran or me uussie as tne Associated Press launch ran alone side nf li. But grunts were the only answers wjucn cuuiu c oDtained to tne ques tions asked. Soon after the arrival of the Gussie captain Dorst was rowed ashore and j-eporieu ine failure of his expedition uy caoie u ine vv ar Department. Cause of the Failure. ENGAGEMENT OFF HAVANA. Two Spanish Warships Try to Draw the Blockading Vessels Into a Trap. BUT THE SCHEME FAILED. Ships Open Fire A Lively Actios Last lag an Hour Batteries on Shore Waste Their Ammunition No Damage to Americans. f Copyrighted 1898 by the Associated Press.! Key West, Fla., May 15. (On board the Associated Press dispatch boat Kate Spencer, off Havana, May 14, 8 P. M. Captain General Blanco. two hours before sundown to-night, Attflmnted tn evemita ruto nrkiAli X " J TTXXXVXX, if successful, would bave cleared the front of Havana of six ships on that blockading station. Unable to come out to do battle he adopted the tactics of the snider and Riinninorlir nlanmul to draw the prey into his net, but inougn a ciever ana pretty scheme, as an original nronosition it cally a repetition of the trick by which pni uuuuai v lUKsourg ana tne little converted revenue cutter Morrill were "J " xxoxxxxxg amaftl under the big Krupp guns of Santa viaru uatittnes. Two Spanish Warships. T Jitp this aftjmnnrm ftia eiino VWM W&KW OUli, VXX bXlG Havana station top Am r- - " Miwuuucu to see two ships steam out of Havana 1 I , , 1 . naruor ana neanea east. Dense smoke was stream ntr likr blnrlr nklunii fi.Am their stacks and a glance showed that tney were under a full head of steam. By aid of glasses Commander Lilly, of nit: iiiayiiuwer, wmcn was nymg the neunant. made out tbA 1 ui me iwu, vmcu was aoout zw feet Ions' and 4.500 tons disnln nam ant tt be the cruiser Alphonso XII, and the smauer one 10 oe tne gunboat Liegazpi, both of Which were lrnnnr tn Kn Wr. - ' - v " tKj Wit tied up in Havana harbor. At first he supposed that they were taking ad vantage of the ahsAnro rf tha L fighting; ships and were making a ouna-iiue run lor ine open sea. As sunpnor ottirar h imTrtj;Un r- , .w .iuufuiaKlf nailed the other ships on the station, ine vicKSDurg, Annapolis, Wasp, Tecumseh and Osceola, which were moving ib to form a column en echelon, with gunboats on the rieht nariK. xne ntue squadron moved in obliuuelv toward thn fl iards, keeping up a running fire as they went. The Alphonso and her consort circled in shore about five miles below Havana, and after run- uuig in ior nan a mile headed back for If ram Castlft Chi -- guuuvau auu other thin-skmried vessels of the mos quito neet did not follow in. The Associated Piwm di Kate Spencer witnessed the action, which lasted over an hour. As a spec- tnnln X- A X x m , - xic, mc Hicaiesi, master ot stage craft could not nave evolved a finer setting. A Chase. Naval officers here say that if Cap tain Dorst had secured thaAA-AtuMmA.. of some of the ships of the- blockading squadron at the point selected for the landing, the Spanish troops ashore vHmiu nave Deen sneiied and a way would have been cleared for the land ing of the soldiers and the cargo they had in charge, but no instructions were given to the ships to co-operate with Captain Dorst's expedition and T rlO liliPL'in tit . , . r, 1 - ' i " vjixoaic nua several umes compelled to heave-tn wbile down the coast, by the blockade vessels wuose commanders were under the apprehension that she was tryine to run the blockade Tha TTeji ott. gunboat Machias which was lying off x.xauauis un rnoay night, reported that signal lights were seen ashore east of Point Sabilla and some of her officers say they believe the insur gents, having ascertained that the ren dezvous at Point Maya had been dis covered by the enemy, desired a land ing to be made at another point, but Captain Dorst held to his original plans auu louna me epanish troops awaiting him. He did not jeturn empty handed ixuncvci. a.i aoanas tne American party captured a prisoner of war in a Ca ntain TVnit . w.ow ioic lauure or me expedition was due to the fact that the yuuaus were unable to meet the land iiir nartv at. tha iunJa.n... i n. Americans could not land supplies iiu uiic lu receive tnem. The bit? Alnhonsn an A haf Mm trw steamed swiftly from the dark shadow 01 tne harbors mouth and turning sharnlv east ran al though to slip through the cordon of blockade. It was a bold trick and not at first transnarent aUK.nV, tha f of it created a suspicion, as there was no Mpe ultimate escape and no object in escaping1. The Mavf)nwa cia,wi; Mfell out, like a cat with a mouse, gave a slight start, then swinging her en gines and tiny squadron into line, dashed in to cut tbm nff ti, q ish boats crowded on steam and stood along the coast as lone: as they dared to give zest to the chase. The May flower signalled her consorts "Close in and charw " WnrH woo fl ... from ship to ship as thev steamed in column en prhj1r,n the bait had annarentlv tnL-o,, Spaniards veered ahnut ami K-f..,. t . "...v. u&uigiut; their stern chasers tn Hon nr. v. a . I . , " vrxx HH. . Xil 1 " encans doubled back for Morro. Two of the shells fmm tK - -J buc . itxa- ourer burst in the pimnnir f ik u phonso and some of it came down, but ft U'QtJ nf nnmn " 1 1 . . i t wui impossiDie to Know whether anv fatalitiM, American fi re was mnph m rw auvaxy uv v,u" rate than the Spanish, as every shell ten soon or their pur- GOOD NEWS FROM ADMIRAL DEWEY. Maintaining Strict Blockade at Manila and Can Take the City at Any Moment. IN POSSESSION OF CAV1TE. CONDITIONS IN HAVANA. PHILIPPINES EXPEDITION. Little Sickness Bat Much Starvation Re concentrados Nearly all Dead-Threats to Barn the City. Delay ia the Departure of the Charleston from Saa Francisco Vessels Not Yet Ready. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure OUfM a Prominent Attorney. MR. K. C. PHELPS, the leading pension attorney of Belfast, N. Y.. writes: "I was discharged from the army on account of 111 health, and suffered from heart trouble ever since. I frequently had fainting and smothering spells. My form was bent as a man of 80. I constantly wore an overcoat, even In summer, for fear of taking cold. I could not attend to my busi ness. My rest was broken by severe pains aoout the heart and left shoulder. Three years ago I commenced using Dr. Miles' Heart Cure, notwithstanding I had used so much patent medicine and taken drugs from doctors for years without being helped. Dr Miles' Heart Cure restored me to health. It Is truly a wonderful medicine and it affords me much .wviuaiBiiu buxs rem- xj iaj wveryone. " Dr. Miles' Remedies are sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or money re- KpJtw funded. Book on dis- K-fK'l "-ijijijgeof the heart and Efe7'tit'atifl Batarwd dress. laflsSlttllaVfl LOO.lkhart. Ind. te ft'es' Pain Pills. . Dr Milee's Pain Wi a dose." et Change. The Arrangements for makinff a landing at Cabanas were made ten d. arm Kt. n. x t . with General Delgado, in command of 4H msurgent lorces m the province of f J j xvio, ana tne supplies to be landed near Matanzas were to be con veyed to General Gomez by a force of xxxoLxxgcxxM encamped tnree miles back i. uie coast nne. lioth of the Cu ban Darties WP.rA nnahU xi appear at the rendezvous, owirfg ohe .of the Spaniards xu F o" yrl .1S convinced that tue opaniaras nave a good sys tem of communication alontr the , vx tuai mejr can quickly raise enough troops to prevent the landing of a small force, such as the one he commanded, and the Captain believes LZTZ x? and ammunition rr" lue insurgents is to land them under the cover of warships with mine ci, ffin t i i . , r "im rrr" j; " jj "S. oeai on &n7 attack Inen. he adrla tha j 1 . ' , ' '"v cuuiaauu aiiimuni- inlan by &PJ&JtoV. which .xxivsugu ine sun at uabanas Had a Narrow Escape. The sold 7, the Wed with rVT ' ix x? nre was replied to with the result that one Spanish officer and three men were hit Onlv uo xiuencan side was wounded. Tha iatta correspondenl, received a slight flesh L v lue ,arm- lne Wasp and the Manmntr nValio it iri , j 77 mo wooas and covered the retreat of the soldiers to On tha atitJbiJ x. a . ... tL. r V "puiaru tried to hit UTJ1 battery and boarH W Close n board but none of fragments Wounded Seaman Dead. Ernest Suntzenech, one of the American seamen wounded at Cien- ianASZ 'yesterday even- aZFZZ uunw MJ-oay. tie was a hret class seaman apprentice and be iE&Jt States cruiSr Marlehead, He was shot through the left leg, ia a boat, while assistintr in euttmg the cable off CienfueZg L3 ,eaterhis limb had beenampu SS eased lived onMonffir ia axap xnjutxiyil. mi i xUcr nas been little material change m Mr. Gladstone he is 'SZJ-, ,pp"y. MriML "r"-""CI" ns mind of the latter suers Batteries Open Fire. The Soaniartls j 77 T " v u Via. illUU U iuu our snips mily four miles further Mini ncn name leaped from the batte- wirne smoke drifted un 0ia noof Half a inmute later .1 dull lo w. a-aJW4U X. XX. J I UUI ct iii' .iL wiiii i lira o noon iiAnn a a uijs uuxua f OU n or&an on the high treble of JJ o"a.iier guns, it was from one of the twelve-inch KrunmmAiinM(i.o. and an 850-pound projectile plunjred . wttLer uair a mile inside of me American line h mu-iwr .. tower of white snrav Tf rinl.n.t auu sirucK again half a mile outside. The mask was nnw ntr th j oy the failure of thai rilnt fKx. a iards continued to fire at intervals of ouuutten minutes, in all thirteen StlAfc nrflim fiA I X I x ... xii cu, uui not one struck wnniu zuu yards of one of our shins ovnn its laue uauery opened Com- luajiuci. uiiiv si(rnai in on ko stood off shore. Captain McKenzie, u uk) unuge or tne vicksburg, watch ed the fall of t.h ahalU Kf EL v,xxa, wui xxo tUU- maered it useless towaste ammunition l Y uisiance. tie appeased the de Sire of the men at r.hft mine v. -x. 6uua uuvyever, by letting go a final broadside at the r' ll uuauw nope or mak ing: tnem nav for thm tney gained the harbor, but thev """ uuutsr morro s guns un touched and as they disappeared fired cauownl x-.V A l JT , a. t iiuus. il urnraiP fT chAtc. m-A sent after them at that moment by the Annapolis, which dropped inside the harbor, nrobablv creatine- n tion among scores of bum-boats on the water jrum,. Commandnr McVanvia. i.;i. j 1 7, uo "'UC1 "muera or me neet, that the Al- puuuso nas Deen stripped of her bat- aj ttmi truus. i n r.nrraa noaJ j - o , ' bu UtlV were oniy temporarily mounted. If ft uue .ojpuonso Ail she must have fOUnd new boilers ninnu lotK. 1 i i , . r j -r" "ww bug was a helpless cripple in Havana' harbor. A.i-uui i tne acuon or the Krupp guns it is evident tha SnQr,;Qio . j. "i""" ua uavo uu cor dite and are using ordinary cocoa pow- A Soanish Arrmint Madrid. Moitik io a r a j- patch from TTuvona nrrti : oujo. bombarded Hairlonao i v, , . ; . wxx aueii anu "vC uestroyed me British consulate, ine Amen! otfmn x i j ... Mmiupcu iu xiuiu men and ammumrinn vhan i was the hotter. The SnaniftT-rlQ A tm nr. 1 a. F r "" "xx ouurc, repuen notly. to the American flro iWairi " i k xxxxxaxi,xuK severe loss on the enemy. Seven Spaniards were 1 P. M. Thn fnitv.M xi.; , r. . x.jiv,h nun morn ing publishes a dispatch from Havana, giving another extraordinary Spanish 'f T31 "J wj.xua7. it sSilVS xr Un.fnday the gunboats Cohde de n,,i t xi r . poua awainea OUt Of thn hflrhnr on.l -u..l t A . x atutcKeo an American squadron of two cruisers flSl TOUtside .The SIani8b- vessels the Amer- tutrs followTtrr- crowded niA. anrri'w.'" peo- r -iuu vuecruig mem. It is Probable the Spanish Governor Will Surrender U.S. Government Mak ing All Haste to Rash Troops to Manila. s : j By Telegraph to the Horning Star. Washington, May 15. The dis patches from Hong Kong brought welcome news to-day from Admiral Lewey to the President, and particu larly to Secretary Long and the naval officials who are watching the Ad miral's movements with so much in terest. While no apprehension exist ed as to his security, nevertheless re assurance of safety is always pleasant. The telegrams indicate mat Dewey has lost none of the prestige gained in his memorable fight of two weeks ago and that while he refrains from taking the city of Manila he has it practically at his mercy. The Admiral expresses the belief that the rebels are hemmine in the city by land, but the fact that he says explicitly, that they have made do demonstration seems to disprove thoroughly the pub lished report that they had already en tered Manila 'and had begun a career of bloodshed and rapine. The best evidence of the effectiveness of the blockade maintained by the American Admiral and also nf tha nrnvlr nf fha insurgents in surrounding the city is shown in the statpimpn fa in tha Ala. patches that provisions are scarce in the city of Manila, which seem to indicate X A .1 ' 1 T . tu Aumirai iewey an early surrender bv tha. Ssnnniah published report seems also to be re iuteu oy ine .umirai s advices, and that is tha tthe rebels haA vite, where the Spanish naval station was located and where presumably larCe SUDD UPS Of arms nn1 ammnnitmn x x awpwaawwi were kept. If the rebels have been supplying themselves with arms it must have Wn with tha. a ri-.irc. " ... auo xxuuuiai a consent, as his dispatch is originally uci7u xxuxxi uariw, uxuxcaung LuxiL ne is still in possession. The greatest sat isfaction ure vails heiA nvA tVic. rrruA work being done and the effectiveness of the blockade being maintained by him. The (lisn.ifr-h an maron n..t u 1 , giivu vub ljr Secretary Long, is as follows: vainie juay les, ma Hong Kong, Mail lf. Maintninino- sfinnt ninnh-aA. & UllAiUMIQ. Reason to believe that the rebels are hemming in the city by land, but have made no demonstration Smaifr nt provisions in Manila. Probable that the Spanish Governor will be obliged to surrender soon. Can take Manila it any moment. Climate hot and moist On May 12th captured gunboat Callao attempting to run the blockade. Have plenty of coal. One British, one French, two German and one Japanese vesaeis nave Deen observing lld! jaV y (.oigneoj Dkwky.'V Rushing Troops to Msnila. ' The officials are mnlrinw all nooiKlo - t O CTCixrxc tiaste to rush trnnna in a.,nrLU.-x Admiral Dewnv's fnrra en tUt it t. t j -1 . -xxcxa ax buo bpanish governor does surrender, the former will not be dependent upon the Small nurnkfli. nf ' : 1 - 1 a - uioriwa wnicn ne can illy spare from his ships but will have the assistance of soldiers in hold ing his position and maintaining order. It is Confident lv llonod Viaa thnt XI. j ..v.j.v.v. uuc wiab tne (Jity of Pekm, chartered as a transport vessel, will be able to clear from San Francisco in a very short time, to be followed in , rapid succession by the other th for a similar purpose. The Pe kin can carry 1,000 men which With the mnrinoc oUnJ tt. -xxxv, auuaiu tile Charleston just about to sail Will be of considerable the admiral, but far from the number he will need. The total nnmha nf men tO be sent will mrmamifa k ably 12,000, as Major General Wesley ''"i uu is mi command tne ex uedition and subse.nne.nflv . - v uiaw military governor, regards that as the lfeast which can maintain order in a citv litre fanila mo.u r --- - I xxxaxxa? IX p UI XI lull V discordant elements. Over ten regi- xx.x.axxj auu iuuf uaiieries of artillery from the volunteers have been ordered tn . - - vvuvciiiiow; at ottlx Francisco, and from these and the regulars now in the extreme West will be taken the Phili m jx". o cxpmi- tion. It is expected here tliot v ras cally all the volunteers will go. , Copyright 1898 by the Associated Press. I Kby Wbst, Fla., May 15. The ! conditions in Havana, resulting from the blockade, are being gradually brought out by information obtained ; from fishing smacks and other small ! vessels captured off the coast Affairs at Havana now appear to be ; worse than at any time since the j WeyleT regime. The fishermen who i -A A 1 J Al L 1 1 aa m I at urn i. uraveu me oxocsaae for the high price which fish 'brought in Havana, now run the riskj not "for money, but for the food which they obtain from the sea. A number of these men have been captured at differ ent times by the vessels of the blockad ing fleet, nearly all of them being released after having been questioned by our officers. They all unite in picturing the state of things at Havana as being pitiful in the extreme. The Associated Press dispatch boat Kate Spencer has accumulated all the facts obtainable along the blockading line, the latest news being obtained through two captures made by the United States gunboat Machias, which has just returned here for the first time since the blockade opened, mak ing the longest single service of any blockading vessel off Cuba. The Machias caught two fishing boats off Havana just before her re turn here. The Americans offered the nsnermen money for part of their catch, as ' the fish wns nuwloil nr. board. But the fishermen demurred at taxing money. They preferred to have bread, adding that they were desperately hungry. As to Yellow Fever. When questioned as to the preva lence of yellow fever at Havana, the nsnermen saia mere was little sickness at the Cuban capital ; but they added there was much starvation. The recon- cencrados, tney said, are nearly all dead, or lmve Vuwn evnollorl tnm 4V..-. j .-w wwwxx vxinjivu Hum UIO city to die in the suburbs. This agrees wiui outer reports rrom Havana and Matanzas, to the effect that the Span ish authorities, on the departure of the A a a . . ... iiiuerican consul, seized all tne relief supplies and applied them to the use of the army. The Spaniards then drove X 1 x a . j . . . me reconcenr.ra.dos into me desolated sections of the country between the coast towns and the insurgent lines, the regions described by Senator Proc tor and others as being too barren and desolate to support grasshoppers Dying of Starvation. The insurgents themselves have been chary of receiving reconcentrados and hundreds of the latter who had no per sonal friends in the insurgent camps had been left tn starve hataar, th - w WVVTT Wll Ull- Mines, which they did. ADout Havana the situation is even worse. Hundreds of reconcentrados i rom ixos ri osas, tne big reconcentra dos barracks in Havana, ware too weak to walk out of the town and fell in the streets or died in the suburbs, where UOCKS Ot VUltllres "Wevler'c hlnlr ens" as they are termed in Havana, have feasted on the remains. In Matanzas this feature of the situ ation is equally distressing. The fishermen who have been brought here are mostly soon recon ciled to cantn re wl inli k j iii.uiio iwu auu decent treatment. They say that if mo uiucKaue continues much longer bread riots must follow i n oil f Via large towns, as food is reserved ex- tiusiveiy ior me army, mus forcing xxxaxxr pwpio ij ohok wno would not otherwise do so. Finally, the fishermen say that cer tain of the moat desnarofo nf t.n iards threaten to burn Havana or blow the city up in the event of the authorities deciding to capitulate to the American forces. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. San Francisco, May 15. The United States cruiser Charleston is still at Mare island and nothing definite can be learned regarding the time of her departure or whether or not she will convoy one or more of the troop ships which have been chartered to take the supplies and men to Admiral Dewey. It has been given out un officially that the first shipload of men will leave to-morrow or Tuesday, but this is impossible unless the men go almost totally unprepared for the duties they may be required to perform in the Philippines. They have not been supplied with sufficient clothing, or arms and ammunition. The quarter master's department is unable to sup ply the thirty days rations necessary for the first month's services, and these must be secured before any of the troops can leave. Orders have been received to get the First regiment ready for departure. The City of Pekin, doubtless, will be the first vessel ordered to the Philippines, and she is not in condition to receive the troopsbut a large force of men is at work on her and she will be pre pared for the reception of men on twenty-four hours notice. The steamers Australia, City of Syd ney and Ohio are being gradually pre pared for service as transports, but it will tako at least a week or ten days before they will be ready for sea. It is given out to-day that the steamer tonemaugh has not been chartered by the government, as previously stated. Washington, D. C, May 15. -It was announced definitely to-night that the transport ship City of Pekin, now at San Francisco, would sail for Manila to-night or to-morrow with about a regiment and a half ot-the volunteers already selected for the expedition. Other forces destined for Manila will be hurried to San Fran cisco as rapidly as possible, and will be sent to the support of Admiral Dewey as soon as they can be thoroughly equipped. Save Something Every Week AND DEPOSIT IT IN The Wilmington Savings and Trust Company, WILMINGTON, N. C. SURPLUS $10,000. CAPITAL $25,000. Wa wont Vnur Rnainooa an A 'Vhamtnnr. V. -L . ... Ijt - i O 1 J -a-r . . 1 K xsvery oaeuraay in ight. 1. Your money will be safe from fire or burglars. 9,. Ynn o.a.r draw it. nn. when ynn need it. 3. It will be earning interest at the rate of 4 per cent, per working for you while you are asleep. ' nnuw, ami l"We will tako pleasure in explaining our system" to anv m , child, wishing to" deuosit. y mMvoin;m or O LI THE OLDEST DAILY NEWSPAPER in north Carolina! t a. I The Morning I Star. CHEAPEST DAILY pF ITS CLASS. g Note the following Reduced xTi 4 - j A DELIVERED, BY CARRIERS," & TO CITY SUBSCRIBERS AT xjfc 46 CENTS PER MONTH. i 1 i One Year, by Mail, Six Months, by Mail. Three 'Months, by Mail, Two Months, by Mail, One Month, by Mail, xU 2.50 V Address, WM. H. BERNARD, I Editor and Proprietor, WILMINGTON. W n ' v. .. Statement of Atlantic National Bank, Wilmington, N. C. At the close of Business May 5th, 1898, Condensed from Report to Comptroller ORDER FOR ASSIGNMENT OF VOLUNTEER TROOPS. Total Number Mastered In 65,000 One North Carol .aa Regiment to Go j f to Tampa. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYBUP0FHGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, bat also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Sraup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless ' imitations manufactured -by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig SrRtrp Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its benefleial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAW FRANCISCO, CmJ. Louisville, kj. kew tore, n. v. s we f r RESOURCES. Ixvana - . -.xL U- 8 4 per cent. Bonds (at par) 46,100 00 Banking House and Fixtures. ' 10000 00 Due from other Banks $173,132 12 Cash on hand 104,318 42-277,450 54 Total- M ..........$861,630 10 LIABILITIES. 8ttnV.V.V.tV.V.V.V.V.V.V$&-oiw-w 00 'otal Deposits!' .' .' .' '. '. '. '. '. '. '. . Total $8ic 10 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT Totar Depostts SnmlriR and Kat VmHta Bills Pavable and Re discounts . Ma IV 5, 96. $545,000 57,600 NONK. May 5, '97. $556,000 68,700, None. May 5, ;8. t62,000 78,500 NONK. Dividends pald-6 per cent, per annnm. Iast Instalment of Capital paid In October, 1892. my 13 tf OB PRI I i BOOK BINDING AND RULING, i Spanish Torpedo Boat Sw.rp.tarir T .rill rr ,irnn A Al "KT 7 -v'"fe rvaa ai iie laVV day and m addition to a dispatch from the- Admiral he authorized the publi cation Of tha atatama.r.r 1 X T X ' pedor boat Terror belonging to the Bpanish fleet was disabled at Port of France. Martininno tk0 ,i:nxi. si -jl 1 - auc uuunwu us as follows: "Spanish torpedo boat Terror disabled at Port of Prance, There of those who saw the statement to re gard it with suspicion, suggesting that the rennrf. nf Aiah;i; . j 1 . -x wiutY was iiuenueu simply as a bluff and that thi Spanish government has caused it to be spread SO that nn nomnlsint nnnlJ U j- x .--xx. wum UC IIIWW MJ V ranee on account of the stay of the boat at a neutral port. None of the officials, however wm ilt Tnail. selves on the subject. . To Exchange Prisoners. SenreLn r j nuu uiauo jiuuuu a message which has been received from from Kev West telli parture of the United States vessel Uncas, in command of Capt. Brainard. She is bound for anmc nninf ir. n,.h ... . VH1. xxx vuw with a view to securing the release of two American, prisoners under a flag of trnee. in ayViq oners held by this government. l m , and War Departments the Officials warn nn hanA ir, i- . . -- "-.x JMuiu xxx ixxauv Ol tne bureaus fni the of. x .1.1. . caaci pari, ui me day. Secretary Dav and AssistAnt becretary Adee and Cridler were at their desks. Sto.Tr rm. c:a xi . 1 , , . - .' -wm j Tmj miu iutu be had no important news to com mumcate to the press nor had he anv COinmeilf. tn maU An V,rt nA i Madrid telling of the resignations of "" Dnre opanisu ministry. j - ixv.xx vwuuri uuice. War Department, important action in tbe assignment of volunteer troops to the van nn a mnKiHiTir, :x taken during the day. The order of assignment shows that there has been some change regarding the points to which volunteers shall be sent, as a great portion of them go to Chicka- maup-a wMIq thnon :n x. Washington are less by ten thousand city vijjjiixttxxjr tuisig-ueu w mis WARM WIRELETS. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Washington, May 15. After going over the situation last evening with General Miles, Adjutant General Corbm and the heads of the supply departments, the Secretary of War made an order for the assignment of volunteer troops now being mustered into the service of the United States and designated points where they will assemble with the least possible delay. This step was rendered necessary from the fact that the State very fast relinquishing control of troops that are passing oyer the muster line under the authority of the general government. It became necessary to assemble these troops at once in order to meet the problem of their subsistence, no less than that of their equipment in the way of arms, clothing, camp and garrison Huijiage, w say notning ot the su perior advantage of drill and instruc tion under trained officers, as it is the intention that it shall be in every in stance. The officers to organize these troops into brigades and divisions will be determined upon very soon and be ordered to stations accordingly. The impression that seems to obtain that any particular corps or camp will have superior advantage over others m being sent to the front is wholly erroneous. The distribution of camps was made upon the lines of transporta tion and supplies. The supply de partments will have a depot in each camp, which can be more readily reached than the troops could at their rendezvous in their several States. At the flnsp nf aarrvnlr nut.l. -X b o clock, the total number of tmnns mustered was 65,000. Taking into consideration the careful physical ex amination to which these men have been subjected, the progress has been wonderfully rapid. The order assigning the troops has been issued, and contains tin follow ing: One regiment of South Carolina in fantry to Chickamauga. To department commanders: One regiment North Carolina infantry one battalion South Carolina infantry and one battery (heavy). i One battalion Virginia infantry to Washington, D. C. One regiment North Carolina in fantry to Tampa, Fla. ; also two regi ments Virginia infantry, same place. ENSIGN WORTH BAQLEY. TUBE-ROSE BULBS. We have quite a. nice lot of Tube-rone Bulbn on hand at 10 Cents Per Dozen. Specially low ;price to any one purchasing from 100 to 1,000. EASTER EGG DYES, FLOWER SEEDS, NURSING BOTTLES, any everything else pertaining to the Drug business. 1 J. HICKS BUNTING-, Wholesale and Retail Druggist,. Y. M. C. A. Building, mar B tf Wilmington, N. C. Skin Diseases. Foi the speedy and permanenr care of tetter, salt rheum and eczema r'him berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment is without an equal. It relieves the itch ing and smarting almost instantly and its continued use effects a permanent cure. It also cures itch, barber's itch. Scald head. snra. vnnnlao H-u-i . chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and granulated lids. THE STAR JOB PRINTING OFFICE, BOOK BINDERY AND RULING ROOMS ARE COMPLETE IN THEIR APPOINTMENTS. EVERY VARIETY OF PRINTING, J w RULING AND BINDING DONE ft NEATLY, EXPEDITIOUSLY & CHEAPLY. WM. H. BERNARD, Proprietor. A WILMINGTON, N. C. Dr. Cady's Condition Powders for horses are the b$st tonic, hlo . o M-ifier iuvrruuilise, fnce, 25cei r ' -;dl)V rr f K"or aalfi Kv fel) 1 tf KIR. H. RV.I.T.AMV i Druggist Hay, Oats, Corn, Peas, Bran and Wheat Headlines. ODR PENINSULAR STEEL RANGES BOTTOM FACTS In the Maine investigation make startling News. The bottom facts in connection wiUi our hard ware stock reveal the largest assortment and lowest prices for quality to be found anywhere. Everything comprised in the term of "Hard ware," all of the best quality and marked at prices admitting of no argument. Dealers can here find the best source of snpply for their wants. - Pui chases delivered at depots without ex pense, and patron's interest carefully looked after. Cleveland beat CfhioAtrn 5 tn 9 in tha w -i 1 . f w tr in tixac game played yesterday at Chicago. At Cincinnati yesterday, the Eeds won an eleven inning game from the Uoionels. Th . wmmtm --vri v tv CIO VyiUUIXUlCiU 4, Louisville 3. , Edouard Reiriiny; the Hunga rian Vinlinicf An. 1 A J x x - - - uiujireu ueciu a.l ine Urpheus theatre, San Francisco, while performing yesterday afternoon. Remains Met at Savannah by North Caro linans With Floral Tributes. , By Telegraph to the Morning Star Savannah, Ga., May 15. The re mains of Ensign Worth Bagley who was killed in the torpedo boat Win slow off Cardenas last Wednesday passed though here to-day on their way to Raleigh. About forty North Carolinians met the train and received the coffin with a number of beautiful norai iriDutes. The body will arrive ! at Raleigh about 5 A. ST, to-morrow. I According to a Missouri cor oner's jury, he deceased "came to his death by being struck by a railroad train in tree hands of a receiver " Crypt. Sugars, Coffee, Flour, Molasses, &c. &c. HALL & PEARS ALL, my 7tf Nutt and Mulberry streets. tZflT "la quickly abwrb!. go if? 'I5,?fLetar b? mail ; gampleelOc by mail. ttY BROTxTBRS, M Warren St, New York Oty. I 1T4vvuvlii, auu 11 w ill iro a l yicooiuo iui us w ouuw you lueir construction a nn m rt n .I in .a n n -. A 4 .-. n a - J J ii m Cooking and Heating Stoves constantly on nana at low drm-n i,rinf Tw no oth n,a convince you. Our lines of general Hardware, Cutlery, Brass goods, &c, are complete in each department J. W. MTJRCHISON, maraotf ORTOH building. Flonr From Wheat. 250 Barrels Wheat Flour. 000 Barrels Corn Flour. 900 Bags Wheat Flour. 000 Bags Mixed Flour. 100 Barrels Sugar. 185 Boxes Cakes. 100 Cream Cheese. 75 Bags Rio Coffee. 26 Bags Table Salt. W. B. COOPER, A Fresh Supply of All Kinds of Duttenhofer's and Mundells FINE SHOES ' : . JST RECEIVED. Look in Our Show Window. We Invite the Ladies especially to try these Shoes. ' . . . ..not We from corner my 15 tf Wholesale Grocer, Wilmington, N. C. keep at the same old place, Kite steps corner of Front and Princess streets. MERCER & EVANS. ap 17 tr j i ; KAINIT! KAINIT!! Only a Smalt Lot Left That We Are Offering at Cost for Cash. ROBT. B. STONE CO.. Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants, xi . ., a,th water street. my 15.H os. o ' o"-