THE BRAVE AT HOWIE. THOMAS BUCHANAN. The maid who binds he warrior's sash With smile that well her pain dis sembles. The while beneath her drooping lash One starry teardrop hangs and trem bles, Though Heaven alone records the tear, Ana fame shall never know her story, Her heart bas shed a drop as dear . as e er oeaewea ine neia oi giorjr i The wife who girds her husband's sword, 'Mid little ones who weep or wonder, And bravely speaks the cheering word, What though her heart be rent asunder; Doomed nightly in her dreams to hear Tha KrHa rwf HnoiVv omiinrl him rattle Has shed as sacred blood as e'er Was poured upon the field of battle. The mother who conceals her errief While to her breast her son she GEN. MILES ARMY MOVES FORWARD. I Captured the Town of Quay mo After a Slight Skirmish With the Enemy. WASHINGTON IS WITHOUT ADVICES. Spanish Government Has Not Yet Signified Its Intentions as to Peace Conditions. THREE AMERICANS WOUNDED BUT THERE IS NO ANXIETY Then breathes a few brave words and ') brief. Kissing the patriot brow she presses, ttt:i i a. i x -i J vv iui no one out uer secret, uruu To know the pain that weighs upon her, Sheds holy blood as e'er the sod Received on Freedom's field of honor! Washington Star. SUNDAY SELECTIONS. give the fur- The rich man wha don't wilt always remain poor Beware of him who hates laughing of -a child. Lavater. If good resolutions could nish wings, everybody would fly We cannot always be doing a great woVk, but we can always be do ing something. The most pious church members- generally have the least to say about their piety. 7 He who lives in the habitual contemplation of immortality cannot get in bondage to time or enslaved by transitory temptations. F. W.Robert sou. the Son of Man has snf- ferred suffering can never be proof that life has given Sway beneath our feet or that our existence has been a failure. Wilfred Monod. . If Providence calls us to soli tude and retirement, it becomes us to acquiesce ; when we cannot be useful we must be patient, and when we can not work for God we must sit still quietly for him. Henry 1 iRflrf Christian, throw yourself upon God's work and get thefabilitv you want in it No Christian will ever be good for anything without Christian courage, or what is the same, Christian faith. Horace Bush nell. L As ships meet at sea, a moment together, when words of greetings must Soanish Officers Who Evacuated Ponce Tried by Court Martial and Shot. Colonel Who. Evacuated Unao ka Committed Suicide. By Cable to the Morning Star. Ponok, Porto Rico, August 5. (Delayed in transmission.) United States Consul Hanna has received in formation that the foreign consul, at San Juan de Porto Rico, the capital of this island, advised the Spanish au thorities to surrender the island to the American troops. The Spaniards, however, in reply, announced that they had resolved to fight. Thereupon the consuls notified the Spanish com mander. Captain General Macias, that they would establish a neutral zone . between Rayamon and Bio Piedras, in which to gather the foreign residents and their portable property, in Order to insure their safety in the event of a bombardment of the place by the American forces. The consuls sent a fintirm tr fiftnernl MilftS. In spite of this brave talk, it is under stood, that the Spanish officers of minor rank have refused to fight or to imperil their lives in the defence of San Juan. Colonel San Martin, who evacuated Something Is Gained Every Day in the Prosecution of the Campaign in Porto Rico and Naval Operations Are Moving Forward Steadily. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Washington. Ausrust 6. Just a a week aero to-day, Ambassador Cam- bon received from the President- the terms of peace that would be granted by the United States. When the State Department closed its doors this after noon, the Spanish Government had not signified whether or not it was . 1 l . A. Ll mission and laid up in the navy yards, or, in- the case of the former, will be sold. A sufficient force of the remaining vessels will be retained on the; North Atlantic station to maintain this as tha mjW i rr rvri o n t Tinvol nmnmonJ WUV llilV. Will. i. u. The others are to be distributed be tween the various other stations the Pacific. Asiatic and South Atlantic The European, which was vacated completely just prior to the declara tion of war. will be rehabilitated. But with the exception of the East ern squadron, the North Atlantic fleet is not to be diminished as long as the war continues. More clearly than ever, it is now preceived to be the strong, arm of the country, ana tne naval officials are congratulating themselves that they were able to re sist the pressure brought to bear at One time upon them to expose this tremendous force to dissipation, by profitless attack upon lorn tied points. THE BLOCKADE SQUADRON. Effective Work Done by the Marines at Guantanamo Reports of Starvation in Cienf uegos Confirmed. A T I F I I In V I V prepared to accept tnese conditions. Everyday during the past week an answer has been expected and that same feeling of expectancy prevailed at the close of the week. It is signifi cant that all responsible government OUlDuua arc nuitucu tuc igjjxj niu w an acceptance of our terms when it fines come. About half -past 2 o'clock, Secretary Thiebaut, of the French embassy called at the States Department, thus oriinnff man ir t Via sn nnnsi t.i on that he was seeking to make an appointment for the ambassador to meet the Pres ident to deliver the Spanish answer. This, however, turned, out to be erron eous. . Theibaut's business being con nected with some of the recent seiz ures of JJrencn merchant vessels oy wiuuwoMi w" I ,iKa nf H'wnc.h raei Ponce on the approach of the Amen- o fleet, and relating in no hTW 1 bVnrt martialand have been tried bv court martial and shot, and. Colonel Puig, who evacu ated Guahica when the Americans landed, committed suicide on the road between Ad juntas and Arecido, on the north coast, yesterday. Gen Miles held a conference of war with his generals to-day and then rode awav. eoine in the direction of the front. A battalion or me njevenm regular infantry has been sent to rein force Gen. Boy Stone. The American army moves forward in three columns. The Unitea Stales transport Massa chusetts, which went ashore off the coast, has been floated. Ouayamo Captured. "Washington, August 6. Late to day the firsFnews dispatch came to the War Department from Gen. Miles. It was as follows: l!Ponce, August 6. Gen. Brooke re ports that Haines' brigade, the Fourth Ohio and Third Illinois, captured Gua vamo yesterday ; slight skirmish with the enemy m ana aoout tne town ; mo enemy's strength estimated at about 500; not ascertained if any of them were regulars; resistance not strong. Private Jno. C.- Cordner wounded be low the knee; C. W. Biffee. both legs below the thigh; T. W. Wolcott, right foot; none serious; all Fourth Ohio. One Spaniard Jnlled ana two wounu- toqit in tha Simnish rtfnfft nfiCOtiailOnS r c- . , The fact that secretary uay, wno iibu. contemplated a trip to Atlantic City this afternoon, aia not leave wwu was also the basis for - another guess that he had notice the Spanish note was coming immedi ately and that his presence would ViatA Asa matter of fact. the secretary was detained beyond his train by his reception of the Italian ambassador, who had a long confer ence over the Cerruti case. Although fhA ovner-fnlinn nf an earlv answer is still cherished, it was the belief ot the . . -a VJ1 Al A officials when the day ciosea inav there is now no likelihood of its re ceipt by the President before Monday. It was rumored in some quarters that the Spanish government had sent a long notice that it had accepted the principal American terms, and would k nnonaMul t- mntrA final answer Mon- p. V.pMA.M W ... . day, but the French embassy, which would be the only recipient of any such notice, gave a very quick and effective denial of this story. The War Situation. While all this delay is deprecated, deed, so men meet in this world; and I ed. as far as known. I think we should cross no man's path I (Signed .nth rvti f Vioilino him Arid if he needs. giving him supplies. Henry Ward Beecher. To the real Christian, the pe culiar doctrines of the Gospel con stitutes the centre to which he gravi tates; the very sun of his system; the soul of the World; the origin of all that is excellent and lovely; the source of light, and life and motion, and genial warmth, and plastic en "ergyv WijRwrjPCfr. TWINKLINGS. (Signed) "Milks." PbscE. Aueust 6. General Brookes advance guard entered Guyama yes terday after a sharp skirmish, in which several otvboth sides were wounded. The general advance was delayed by the grounding of the transport Massa chusetts with General Brooke's head quartefc aboard. The Massachusetts floated mst night and will proceed to a .nxiTin-mnrmv. The cavalry - rmt i iiia.1 ii mtfl it TVAOAA 1C Ac. plans of tha. army are to i Trtbr f-11 and they will probably he unmolested. "Major Flagler, while rcconnoitermg near vjoamo last mui, ww JNO (enemy's picketsand was fired upon, one was injured. 8chool Teaser "What is necessary I : , , FIRST NORTH CAROLINA. to salvationtT Tommy (who reads the papers) "Udal." -Pus. "What is it," asked the teach er, "to hibernater' '"To hibernate,'' tnswered Tommy Tucker, 'is to get on the police force." Mamma "I'm surprised at you, Johnny!" Johnny (thoughtfully) "I wonder if you'll ever get used to me, mamma? You're always surprised at me." Puck. She "As a rule a man judges all other women by his wife." f He "Yes; alid a women judges her hus band byhe worst things she hears about othfer men." Chicago News. Wilberforce "They claim th&t diamonds can be made out of coal. Littleton-"Sure. That', how I made mine.'? New York Evening Journal. Mrs. Sweet "Isn't it strange that Harry will never permit Edith to onMsatch ?" JFt3 There must oe casev" Jeweller'? Weekly. Felt Her Eesponsibility "Dear me?" exclaimed the girl with pensive brown eyes and ink on her fingers. i -wish I had entered school a year sooner." "What is the matter, dear? "Things are in such an unsettled state that I scarcely know what advice to ive the country in any graduation essay. Washington Star. Railroad Engineer Testifies to Benefit Received From I. Miles' Remedies. The Regiment With Others Ordered Readiness for Early Departure r Porto Rico. in By Telegraph to the Horning Star. JacKBOimiJiK, Fla., August 6. r,iQo Tiotta VtAnn received for the 1 )1UIJ .3 " - First JTorth Carolina regiment, in camp here, and the First Alabama and Sec ond Texas regiment, now at Miami, to communicate with General Wade at Txr;nfnn and tn bold themselves in readiness' for early departure for Porto Rico. These orders were sent from Washington before the pros pects for peace were so favorable as in Qrl it i surmised that there may be a change and that the regiments will remain in the State. Brigadier General W. W. Gordon and staff, of the First division.Seventh Army Corps, have come up from Tampa and taken up their head- quariers ucid. , , Major Harrison, as provost marshal, has had five companies on duty to day doing provost duty. The fact that the troops are oeing paiu uu natural inclination at such times for more or less boisterousness to display itself, has made a precaution of this kind expedient. Corporal Trace, of Company I, Sec ond Virginia regiment, is in the divis ion hospital, seriously injured from being struck over the head with -a heavy stick in the hands of private Page in the same company. Page be came incensed at Trace for ordering him to do some light work and follow- 1 1 - - Alr him ine him to an outnouse, nra over the back of the head. While se : i- ;nii the skull was not riuunij -d-- fractured and he may recover, .rage will plead temporary insanity. CATHOLIC CLERGY AT MANILA Assured of the Same Protection Ac. corded to Representatives oi inner Denominations. if id MUklize! that. Rae-asta nrobablv is maUinff the Rtrucerle of his life to bring the Spanish party leaders to the point where they will agree to stand by him in his acceptance of the terms of peace. This fact tends to secure the indulgence of our gov ernment in some degree and this is more readily extended in consideration of the fact that so far from having" sur rendered any advantage in agreeing to discuss terms of peace we are gaining rmtVunr substantial everv dav in the prosecution of the campaign as re vealed by the reports from Porto Rico. The naval plans of operations are also .moving steaauy iorwara, via uum im standing statements to the effect that the projected cruise against the Span ish coast by the Easter squadron has been abandoned. Secretary Long stated this afternoon that no change ad been made m the plans of the de partment respecting this squadron. Up to this point not-the slightest com plaint has reached the department re specting the management of the Porto Rico campaign, a tribute to General Miles' ability. No word has come of soldiers without food or ammunition or of sick men without doctors or medicine, nor is the inward movement of the American army delayed by the lack of artillery," owing to General Miles' insistance upon keeping his ar tillery in the very vanguard and giv ing personal attention to the commis sary and quartermaster uepuriureuw. Shatter's Army. The War Department officials now say that Shaftes army will begin em barking in earnest to-morrow, the transports which are arriving being obliged to take on stores for the home ward trip. These, however, win pe limited in quantity in order to avoid unnecessary delay and only ten days rations will be placed aboard each ship. Colonel Hecker, in eharge of transportation, said that he believed it Would be scarcely necessary for the transports to make two trips, for in addition to the ships already at Santi there will be available for trans port purposes the steamers which are carrying to Santiago the immune regiments to replace the fifth army corps at that point. The Maria Teresa. . By Oable to the Horning Star. Playa- Del Estb, Guantanamo Bat, August 6 The marine camp here was broken up on the afternoon pi & nmief Kt h and the. marine battalion was transferred to the auxiliary cruiser m 1 A C KesQlute for service m oiner parts As indicated in these dispatches the main bodv of the fleet will remain here ready for any kind of service, awaiting orders from Washington. The idea rather gains ground that the navy's active part in the war is nenrlv over. Rear Admiral Sampson," as he watched the flames at Camp McCalla light the hills, paid high encomiums to the marines, which were echoed by all the navuT officers. Admiral Samp son said: I don't know what we would have done without Guantanamo bay, Which is better as a harbor and base than Santiago or any other place in South Cuba. Nothing could nave been better than the results accom plished by the marines, backed up by the ships ; ana in tneir next unuermn. ing they will doubtless do just as well." Chief Master-at-Arms Gratz, of the battleship Oregon, yesterday com mitted suicide, by shooting. The Scorpion has arrived from Cienfuegos. Lieutenant Commander Manx connrms tne previous reports ui starvation-in that section of the coast. The blockading work is tedious, but is nerformed. The men bear the dreary routine and the continual wallowing of the small boats without a word of complaint Lieutenant Commander Marix said that Naval Cadet Combs, who has not yet gradu ated, butisaoingduty on me ocorpiuu, is down with malaria fever. While the Scorpion was off Manzanillo, with the temperature at 105 degrees, "gen eral quarters" was sounded suddenly. rx, At rvm)c ii eh er) from his sick bed vyaucu uw to his station, stark naked, but with his sword buckled around his waist This plucky young officer will have to be sent home to recuperate. The incident is merely characteristic of the hard, unheralded with nniet braverv and endless patience aboard the small craft blockade dutv on the Cuban It is honed that the international Thrill crwn ARSume a t)hase that will enable the fleet to take either Afrmressive action or a much needed rest in dry dock. SPAIN ACCEPTS PEACE CONDITIONS , - The Reply of the Spanish gov ernment Approved by the Queen Regent. a. ; ; WILL BE FORWARDED TO-DAY -i it is Stated on Good Authority That the Spanish Reply Will Give No Occa- sion for Respoase Prom tne United States. By Cable to the Morning Star. Madrid, August 6.-The Spanish re ply to the United States, which, it has been learned on high authority, ac cepts the American peace conditions, has been completed, and wiU be sub mitted to the Queen Regent this morn--ing, previous to this afternoon's cabi- 2 M. The Queen Regent this mornlne conferred with Silvela, the Conservative leaaer, wim tne wiuie ui TM.n v.o f nrmer minister of forei&rn fairs, and with jnarsnai aaruu trnrjos. the former captain general of Cuba. This afternoon her majesty will receive Senor Romero y Robledo, whose views are said to be shared by Gen. Weyler. ' The series'of conferences between the Premier, "Senor Sagastaand the leaders. of the various parties, con cluded this evening with interviews with General. Canaleias and others. Senor Barrios, the Cariist leader, has f n Spnnr acrasta's in vita - tion to come to Madrid in order to dis cuss matters. r . . August 6. (Evening) The cabinet to-day approved the basis of the reply to the peace conditions proposed by the United States. . ; V. Duke Almodavar Me;Rio, the Min ister of Foreign Affairs, is charged with revising the reply, which will be rend and auoroved at the cabinet OR PRINTING. BOOK BINDING AND RULING. I TEE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and' simplicity of tne combination, out aiso to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Sraur Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing' the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fie Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Strop Co. with the medi na rawfefiKirm- and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acta on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, OsL Louisville. Ky. new tore. n. v. WILMINGTON STAMP WORKS, THE STAR JOB PRINTING OFFICE, BOOK BINDERY AND RULING ROOMS ARE COMPLETE IN THEIR APPOINTMENTS. f i 1 I I i i EVERY VARIETY OF PRINTING, RULING AND BINDING DONE t NEATLY, EXPEDITIOUSLY & f CHEAPLY. WM. H. BERNABD, Proprietor. nrTY WTWIlipniV. w. C nrnn irn WlJUL 29 18981 I Wall Paper, Wall Paper. Remember, we nave the largest stock of WAtL PAPER to J the State; all tha LATEST STYLES, with suitable BORDERS I TO MATCH. . - x HTOTTmm! SPf council to-morrow morning. - Tt u stated on cood autboritv that the Spanish reply will give no occa sion for a further response from the United States. , New York, August 6. A Madrid special to the New York Journal says : "The Queen Recent has approved the reply of the Spanish government to the United States accepting the con ditions laid down by the latter under which peace will be concluded." CONDITIONS AT SANTIAGO. Sanitary cans Affairs Ente Seeking Business portnoities. Ameri- Op- THE PEACE AGREEMENT. Expected That Hostilites Will Be Sua peaded at One e. - What Will Be Done With the Army and Navy. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Washington, August 6. Assuming that Spain has decided to accept our terms for the negotiation of peace, it is expected that the peace agreement will be formally completed by the first of next week and that hostilities will be suspended at once. This will not be followed at any early date by the disbanding of the army, but on tne contrary the period before the signing of the formal peace treaty and its rati fication by the Senate will be devoted to perfecting a compact and effec tive organization of tne army, anu cleaning, repairing and placing all the vessels of the navy. The siok and wounded of the army who are re garded as incapacitated for further service will probably be given their discharges at an early date. The men who are in good condition orsunenng irarv disability, will beneia THERE is no more responsible position on earth than that of a railroad engin eer. Da his steady nerres, lear brain, bright eye and perfect solf command, de oend the safety of tho andHbe lives of its passengers. Dr. Wiles' Ncrrine and other remedies are especially adapted to Keeping the nerves steady, the brain clear and the mental iacniues unni v-. Engineer F. W. McCoy, formerly of iaZ3 Broadway. Council Bluffs, but now residing at 3411 numboidt St., Denver, writes that he "suffered for years from constipation, caus ing sick, nerroas and billow he adaches and wm fully restored to health1 by Dr. Miles ZIVZ Urer Puis. I heartily recommend- ttm: Miles' Remedies." Dr. Miles' Remedies nld bv all drug- it under a positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or money re nHii. Book on dis- f t he heart and nuc. v. t-. - Address. BrfCTMw -7 ' mi Mfl.RH MEDICAL CO. mlgia curea ny ur. "One cent a dose." . r.r onlnm in Dr. Mlies'S ru For sale by all Draggtete. Ilm ' jeBly satutn KRemeaiesa t Restore J . u lU vH Elkhart, Ind. By Telegraph to the Mornuig Star. Washington, August 6. Inasmuch as it has been stated that the Arch bishop of Manila has been directed by the Vatican to place himself and his clerey under the protection of the American commanders,, it may be i x j ii,i rmntiutinn will De at- forded on exactiy the same terms and conditions that it will be extended to the clergymen of all religious denom Sati6nir and to all non-combatants in Manila and the remainder of the SLru : t irnnwn that the in- surgent. prj the uatnoiic ciomy w their vengeance, without doubt in spired by the powerful assistance af- L , . 1. .1 o ..... u aaiioa ntr i hp forded to tne opwuio" , i priests and friars in their efforts to re press the rebellion ia its earhest stages. However, so long as the clergy refrain from -taking up arms in it.-SL :u tliA Amman com- manders, naval and military, will af ford them such protection as ine ruies of civilized wariare require. The steam yacht May, carrying ; sixty x t mnniiag BAnt. bv the National w-liAf nommittee to the American army in Porto Rico, left Philadelphia yesterday. The Merritt & Chapman Wrecking Company has informed the Navy De partment tnat tne wrecKera u" jj fltuKnir thft Srtanish cruiser Maria Teresa, and are about to start her under her own steam to Norfolk. The navy has nothing to do with this voyage, me wrw;" - . tracted to deliver any of the vessels of Cervera's fleet that might be recovered , ... xt en, Tf ii amMtAd that the bat- tie-scarred Spanish ship will attract thousands of curious visitors when sne reaches Hampton Roads. It is fully expected at the Navy Department that the Maria Teresa will require very ex . j, iiodtiff suffered not only from shot, shell and. fire, but also from a month's submersion in the quickly flowing water oi oouiu yj. -Irr tUa iwuini will certainly be maAa fnr the sensational reason alone is strong enough to warrant the ex penditure of money to put the ship into servitca-uic". The Eastern Squadron. If the Navy Department contem plates any further change in the com position of the Eastern squadron which was destined for a cruise to Spanish waters, the matter bas not taken form as yet. This statement applies to the commanders of the ships of this squad- aa t- tliA shins themselves. ruu, aa noiio" uv r - and the talk or sending Aumirai suf togetner ana put in we wi shape for service. A part of the forces at Porto Rico will be kept there and others sent to Havanaand other Cuban cities for garrison iiuty. It is regarded as quite probable that some of them may have to be sent to Cuba again. The "immunes" who will take the place of General Shaf ter's force at Santiago are not, in many cases it is believed, really immune, and there fore it is probable that some of them titJII Vu viotimo fr tViA climate. The protest of Senator Bacon against sending the Georgia "immunes" to Santiago indicates lack of confidence in the locality from which the so called ''immunes" came, in then ability to stand the "heat Communi cations to the department from friends of the "immunes" show the feeling of anxiety which exists. The depart ment, however, while anticipating that there will be sickness among the "immunes." and that some of them will have to be brought back inca pacitated, does not feel that the great iai-rr nwtfViifoatArl is warranted. The ttUAlDHJ " regiments sent to Shaffer, whether immune or not, will land there under much better conditions than General Shaf tor's army, will be provided with every comfort possible under the cir cumstances, and will not be called on to endure exhausting and fatiguing exposure, and will be provided with shelter, sufficient food and medical at tention. ' Correspondence of the Associated Press. Sawttaoo de Cuba July 27. The dirtv condition of this city, the heaps of foul refuse that encumber the streets, the maladorous alleys and by ways, the lack of sanitary arrange ments and drainage of any description are ail matters mat win rcuuo remedying if this is to become an American city. "i 1m. It should be remembered that the weeks of blockade, the fear of bom bardment, the scarcity of food and the Minl rlpmnralizat.ion existing in a beseiged town have done much to add to the conditions of filth and poor sanitation that normally prevails. Extreme measures will have to be taken to bring about a proper condi t; nf affairs in this resnect. ana it will take many months of example airimmnt enforcement of regula tions to bring the people to an obser vance of what is clearly best for their health. Already the enterprising American is present There is around town a ragged man, with a smatter of Span- ish, who has turnea several uuiiara uy buying up swords and machetes from Spaniards and the city pawnshops to sell them again to American relic hunters. There is the man with the capital to invest who awaits but a sure and remunerative opportunity, and there is the man who buys up bargains in American horse flesh from sick or wounded officers going home, hoping to sell the animals at aprofit The first steamer from the United States has brought many men to look over this new field for business oppor thara will be American tUUi.ivu, - jr . . - ch o rnnABS arm enter rinse Ditted against the Cuban and Spanish. If Santiago prospers and money is easy there will be a good field here for the gambler and his outfit, if the laws will allow him to operate. - With prosperity and a good hotel there is promise in San tiago of a wide open town that will be a sure attraction to men of a certain stamp. . J Wilminarton, N. C. "WILMINGTON STAMP WOWS, ftunuirnrn A AUG 1 1898 HhumrTLu . Wilmington, N. C. Band Dating Stamps with Air Cushions w. s. w. AUG 1 1898 For Cancelling Revenue Stamps with or with OUl ft rr VUOiUVUO Band & McNaUy's WaU Map, 4x6 feet, only 99c. WILIIN&TOM STAMP WORKS, Jy " tf Those haviug Pictures to Frame will no wen ro sew uur r LINK OF MOCIJ)INGS O. W. YATES CO., Booksellers and Stationer, Wilmington, N. O. . inn ULutai DAILY NEWSPAPER 9 Thfi Morning Star. I i I IN NORTH CAROLINA. Bell Mw.m druAt, Wilminarton. N. C 'Phone 840. ItW tf Irtp W. Ill taktks. OHEAPISST DAILY OF ITS CLASS f Note the following Reduced Bates of SubscriDtion : FRESH LOT JUST RECEIVED. $ Guaranteed Rock Bottom 1 i One Tear, by Mail, Six Months, by Mail. Three Months, by Mail, Two Months, by Mail, One Month, by Mail, DELIVERED, BY CARRIERS. TO CITY . SUBSCRIBERS 45 CERTS PER MONTH. j L Address, Prices. : J. Hicks Bunting:, Jy29tt Wholesale and Retail Druggist, M. U. A. BTU1U1UK, WM. H. BEBNARD, Editor and Proprietor, WILMINGTON, N. JR. J. A. DUiiuiuat Wilmington, N, C, Paregoric ! 1 $5.00 5 1.0O V .60 and Quinine. SAVE SOMETHING EVERY WEEK, 115 Dosen Paregoric 150 Ounces Quinine. 78 Dosen Extract Lemon. 54 Dosen Essence Cinnamon. 48 Dosen Essence Vanilla. 29 Dozen Essence Peppermint. 95 Dosen Castor Oil, 28 Dosen Jamaica Ginger. 15 Dosen Godfrey's Cordial. 18 Dosen Soothing Syrup. AND DEPOSIT IT IN The Wilmington Savings and Trust Company, Capital $25,000. WeiWant Tour Business, WILMINGTON, N C. aud Therefore Keep Saturday Night. Surplus $10,000. Open till 9 O'cloeU Kth an 6 tf W. B. Cooper, Wholesale Grocer, Wilmington, N TERRITORIAL EXPANSION. D. It Wi)l be the Paramount Issue at the Democratic Convention ia inissoari. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. St. Loins, August 6. The para- mnimt. laailA At thft comine Democratic State Convention, which meets at Springfield on August 10th, will be territorial expansion. Democrats, of New York in particular and the East Si AnMil am - it in anid. anxiously ill KDUClUi) " - awaiting the action of this convention on the question of territorial expan sion. Ex-Governor Stone, wno re cently in a speech at the Jefferson Club favored such a policy on the part of this country, and who is a delegate i v, v,TTOY,tirvn ia lrtokftd udoii as a IAJ LUC WM - leader of the expansion idea in Mis souri The State administration and a majority of Missouri's Congressmen are, opposed ta any such policy. PROM THE YUKON. M S. Sides, ' Backs, Bellies, Plates, N. O. Hams. FLOUB ALL. GRADES. Write for ITicea. N Hall & Pearsall, Nutt and Mulberry streets. 1. Your money will be safe from fire or burglars. 2. You can draw it out when you need it. 8. It wUl be earning interest at the rate of 4 per cent, per ing for you wmie you are asieep. aaw-We will take pleasure in explaining our system to any man, ' child, wishing to deposit annum and work woman or ietf Statement of ATLANTIC NATIONAL BANK, Wilmington, N. C. ;At the close of Bustne July 14th, 18981 condensed from Report to Comptroller. RESOURCES. Loa o ...$543,255 53 ,tt7 Off uTncentBo' .loo Banking House and 10'000 00 Due from other Banks "?i24anQ am ir Cash on hand w,74l 94 909,406 16 Total. ..J802.929 65 Capital Surplus... .... ... Undivided profits Circulation '. Total Deposits Total LIABILITIES. fli.00C 00 7n nnn oo , 9,SB8 85 79,068 25 86,00000 561,976 40 ...1808,929 05 COMPARATIVE "STATEMENT: jy7tf WILL NOT SHUT DOWN. New U.UU U1C Ulia Vf Evav"ft i son in charge of this Eastern squadron, consequently, is rather speculative at this time. Of course, it is well under stood that in the event peace is re stored there must b a complete re organization and redistribution of tne Unitea Dtates navtu raw, will involve undoubtedly tne separa tion of the four naval commanders of high rank now on duty in connection with the North Atlantic fleet ; namely , Admiral Sampson, Commodore Wat- pmmodnre Rr'hifiv and CommO- dore HoweU. The North Atlantic fleet comprises about a hundred ves- i- .u nnmawifia nnd nowerful f orce ever commanded by an American Admiral. Such a gigantic force would notjbe maintained on one station in time of peace. Vessels to Be Retired. Many of the auxiliary cruisers and the monitors which are unfit for gen eral cruising will be retired from corn- England Mills Abandon the Move ment to Curtail Production. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Fall River, Mass., August 6. The movement which was begun here last month for its purpose, the closing or - - .- i Stlm 25 or 30 of the principal woui uuu' of this city for four wks, nj The Fall River cotton manui w;- association held a meeting tnisiore- noon and voted to aoanuuu tempt to agree on a general curtail- ? viewyof the decision not to push the agreement nearly all the mills will continue in operation,though sev eral may stop independently for a U About two hundred thousand pieces of cloth were disposed of here tins week, thereby considerably lessening the surplus on hand. Goldsboro Argus: The water melon crop has come to be a big thing. Several car loads are . aMpP?d every day from points along the W. & . W. R R The sand hills on the souther side of Neuse river are better suited to ?hcrop than any other. Shippers have receivedgood pncea so far. Reports of Pa&ieng era by Steamer Arriv ing at San Francisco. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. San Francisco, August 6. The steamer Lenwa arrived to-day, twelve days from St Michael's. She brought seven passengers who returned with out any gold. Her passengers report the conditions existing at St. Michael's as being extremely precarious. They say that thousands of people are stranded and that relief must be sent by the Government, vjommerciai companies control the only available landing places at St. Michael's and vessels are unauie w ilulu ' SSS sengers or their cargoes, luou is getting too low for navigation and the distress will be very great unless the government takes energetic relief action. SPAIN'S ANSWER, Drugs, Drugs. 12 Dosen 2 -ounce Castor OIL 12 Dor en 3-ounce Castor Oil . 4 Gross 1-8 ounce Quinine. 1 Gross 1-4 ounce Quinine. 1 Groan Laudanum. L G-rpee Paregoric; Assafoetida, Cmphor, Pills, etc. Ask for Quotations before purchasing elsewhere. R. R. STONE & CO., Total Deposits.. Surplus and Net Pronto Bills Payable and Re-discounts . July 14, "96. .... $484,000 58,700 Nome. July 14, VI. 1514,000 09,000 Nom. July 14, . 9563,000 79,900 No. Dividends paid 6 per cent, per annum Lst Instalment of Capital paid In October. 1898. Jy88tf JylStf Wholesale Grocers, 5 and 7 South water St. BAGGING AND TIES. .1000 Roll Bagging. 5000 Bundles Ties. S00 Barrels Flour. 600 Busnels Meal, inno Rnahln Corn. 10 Boxes Smoked Shoulders 100 Boxes D. S. Sides. 50 Barrels C. SI. Pork. Also, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses and other goods. 1y 17 tf D. L. Gore, No. 180, 128 and 184 North Water St. SAHTIAGQ . HAS CAPITULATED! But We Have Not. We are still holding the fort, AND HAVE BEATEN ALL COMPETITION On Hardware, House Furnishing Goods, Agricultural Implements, Mechanic's Tools, ana It Ws Not Received by the French Am bassador Up to Midnight. Washington, August 6. Spain's answer to the American demands was not received by. the Freh ambassa dor up to midnight to-night. M. Cambon and his staff, who had been awaiting it throughout the evennig, at that hour yier convinced that it would not arrive before to-morrow, the ambassador reureu bers of his staff went to iueir Land rrmVT Skin Diseases. Fi the speedy and permanecr .- are of . tetter, Salt rheum and eczema rjham berlaio s . Eye and Bkm vnntnieat is without an equal. It relieves tbe itch ing and smarting almost instantly and its continued nse effects a permanent cure. It also cures itch, barber's itch, scald head, sore nipples, itching. piles, chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and granulated lids. Condition Twd?rs for iter vy BELLAMY, Druggist, Everything IS THE Hardware Line, This Cut RttPRENJS ONE OF TOE MANY N IUSBUi inio "v" Famous Cine of Pine Footwear at $2.00, $2.50, and $3.00. Also, Low Cat Shoes at Low Cut Prices. Wholesale and Retail. Mail orders given s ecial attention. J. 1. MURCHISOS, Hardware Dealer. Our Popular Watch Contest 1b now on for 60 days. Look in Our Window! Rfisnectfully, V MERCER & EVANS, au4tf rdv'a the best tonic, bio- Dr. horses are and vermifuge. The Leading Jywtf For sale b" febltf R. snip our cotton, tsi '- all kinds oi uountry rroouce i ,w. -'iSd hStandntTne. Briegtott ,r i North Water street, Wilmington, N. v. Jy tf FOR RENT. The Cantweil Bowse, corner Sixth and Market streets. Nine rooms; modern improvements. PonglTenOctotlstljto I . - X,' i - . if EH 1 01$ IBt" 9nmm mmm A

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