1 THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Business Session Held Yesterday In. creased Appropriation for City Hos pital Routine Business. There was a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners yesterday afternoon from 2.30 until 4.30 o'clock. Possibly the mosjt important action taken by the Board was the increasing 0f the county appropriation to the City Hospital $500H more than has herctoforettadBTpaid, so that now the county wilrpay $200Jto this institu tion. Aside from this, little other than ' routine business was transacted. Com missioners present were Chairman Moore and Commissioners Boatwright, Bhrry.' Cowan "and Alexander. Mr, J. Sternberger was granted license to retail spirituous liquors at UK! lrineess street. Mr. Thos. H. Piatt was1 elected county standard keeper and Mr. William Hansley was authorized to survey land entered by George W. Grady in Cape Fear town ship. The assessment on the eastern , part of lots 1 and 2, block 144, owned by J. M. Mayland, was reduced from "$1,-600 to $300. C. W. Norwood, as Register of Deeds, reported seven marriacre li censes issued during September up to rfhe 2Gth. and $6.65 paid to the county treasurer. Messrs. Harden and Brown were al lowed J.o remove their liquor license from Wrightsville beach to 117 Prin cess street, ana J. li. jiulnen was granted license to sell liquor at the corner of Sixth and Swaun streets, in the rear of Martin Kathgen's store. , The matter of -an error in the regis tration of Mrs. Mary Ann Bonham's proDeriti Harnett township was re- ferrett lo uounty Attorney w . a. Mc- Kov with power to act. reduction of tax assessment was refer red to the county attorney. Mr, Ajrdrew Smith's application for reduction of levy on creosote property was not allowed. The contract for fencing the Cdunty Home was deferred. Dr. McMillan reported 188 patients treated during September and 90 visits Daid to 82 patients at their homes. He reported very little sickness among the poor of the county. The chairman-of the Board was voted W stated salary of $50 per month in lieu --et all fees. In discussing the hospital and the increased appropriation Chairman Boatwright of the Hospital committee. told in detail the changes being made there under the direction of Mr. Wer- tenbaker of the Marine Hospital, all of ! which are thoroughly familiar to Star readers. When the board ad journed it was announced that the finance Committee would meet Thursday at 8 P. M., and the Hospital rioarn v eunesuay afternoon at 3 P. M. MECKLENBURG CAMPAIGN. Bellamy Covered the Entire County and Impressed the People With His Earnestness. Charlotte Neics, Hon. JohnJX Bellamy closed his campaign in Mecklenburg couiaty last? night y speaking to a large audience of mill operatives atXMr. R. M. Gates' j hosiery mill. The audience was very aueuuvcanu appiauuetf-aiie speaker liberally. I Mr. Bellamy has about covered the entire county. Wherever he has been ne nas impressed the people with his earnestness and there, is no question but whathe has not only gained votes iyr uiniseii, out nas helped along count v ticket. Next week he opens the campaign u vuiunious county and the week fol- iOwinC lift will pofrirn tr. ki. m v..u.u VV lUiD (KA.UUU ot the district and make a thorough tauvavsoi union copnty. Mr. Bellamv is etS riyllL flown Qmnnr. tl,A MuvnlA preaches Democracy of the clean cut type He does not make any attempt to vilify his opponent, but prefers to deal with the issues of the day, feeling --.w in presenting tnem to the cpie ne is doing his duty as a citi zen and as an aspirant for a high and Honorable office. He has placed his trUSt in t he TUAnlo n TW1.1 1 1 the News feels sure that his reward . m come qn election day. ; should Mr. Bellamy return to Meek- v""u'. "is coming will be welcomed, To Collect Taxes. The sheriff of New Hanover county ives notice in this issue of the Star that he will soon make a round of the townships for the purpose of collect- "K io taxes. He will be at Mason- Wro Hall. Mason hnro tnwnkhm Mn. Jav Oct. 24th; at Keys Store, Federal Point township, Tuesday, October wn; btockley's, Wrightsville. Har nett townshipWednesday, October 26th ; Canady VScotts-. Hill, Harnett township, Thursday, October 27th. and une railroad deppt, astle Haynes, Upe Fear township, Friday, October "9H1. ANOTHER WANDERER RETURNS. A Brunswick Populist Sees Nogro Insolence fr Wilmington and Is Disgusted. Winnabow,BrunswiokCo.,N. d n,. September 30th, 1898. mttOf Wilminatnr, .Qt.. in 1892, thinking that certain re- were necessary, and being per suaded that, f no X llil ...u ... upujinui wuuiu give !S-Saaar Promised .to do, I do in VSa uem 811(1 80 continued to hSvEJ84 and 1896. The Populists wTH the Republicans, I a2& as well .as other good 'aatfOLJ?3!n nave 06611 working W government, and for thl gg gold standard and negro su future I shall v"te the found ltk waich is to be eaSL ih! Pemocratic party, and I ? h Z V VoVLlist Party td come .me ln.to the Democratic fold and done i uao lhe wong that we have this stnT e Deen "unking of taking Se! insolence to epectfully yours, r. ut. Hellers. STOUT a ritU of The Kind Yw i Haw Alwars ASSAULTED NEGRO. Mr. Frank Green tt Mill's Uvery Stable Attacked Sunday Nifht. ate Sunday evening Mr. Frank SD.wbo 8taya at Mr- Frank T. Mills livery and feed stable, had a difficulty with two negroes. The oc currence is significant in that it is another illustration, of impudence that is frequently manifested by negroes under the present regime. Two negro men stopped at the stable and asked some boys for a match. As they started to move away one of them asked Mr. Green if he wanted any trouble. Mr. Green noticed that they were drunk and told them to move away from his place. One of them cursed him ,ahd picked up a chain to assault him. However, see ing that Mr. Green had gotten a stick tney made off up the street. Soon thereafter the came back and we one who bad made the assault told Mr. ; Green that he wanted to apologize and "shake hands and be friends." Mr. Green told him to go away and behave himself and he would not molest him : but that h was not shaking hands with The fellow loitered about the door for a few moments longer and catching Mr. Green off his guard surMnnW sirucKamow at his head anil ni. .A. ... away. Mr. Green ehased him distance but some of the necrroe's rals joined him at the foot of Princess stieet and having no weapon to defend nimseif be returned to the stable. The names of the negroes are known; and it is probable that there will be a s q uel to the affair. DEATH OP MR. ATLAS J. GRADY. At tlis Home in Burtraw at th a of Eig hty-four. Mr. Atlas J. Grady, once a resident or iNew Hanover county and for a long time County Commissioner and Justice of the Peace of the same county, died suddenly vesterdav ing at his home in Burgaw at the a,d- vancea age of 84 years. For several years before the war, Mr, Grady was identified with Wilmington's business interests as a member of the firm of Murphy, Hyer & Co. His aspirations in jite Jiave only been those of a auiet. . - - - 1 1 nonest man, striving to do his dutv to his fellow man and to his creator. He was an uncle of ex-Congressman B. P. Grady, of the Third Congressional district, and also of Mr. R. G. Gradv. attorney at law, of Burgaw, and Mr. Li. V. fradv. a memlwr tha Wil. unugion oar. tie leaves onlv one child, Mrs. W. T. Bannerman. of Bur gaw, who has the sympathy of many friends in the irreparable loss which she has suffered. The funeral services will tafe nlm at Burgaw to-dav an A Mr T. "V Grady, of this city, will go up this morning to attend. The deceased is well remembered in Wilmington bv manv of th nIH citizens, who will hear of his death with much regret. A SEVEN SHOOTER. Populists Coming Back to the Democratic Party la Urge Numbers. The Stab received the following let ter yesterday : Shallottb, N. C, Sept. 30, 1898. Editor of Wiuhngton Stab:- We, as voters of Brunswick countv. N. C. ioined the PAonln's nai-fv in good faith and voted with them until we found that they had made mer chandise of us and traded us off for the negro. Now we are white men and believe in whitp mverrmotif The Popscan take Rads and negroes and go with them ; as for us we are going with the white men. M. U. MILLIKEN, A. A. MlLLIKKN, J J. H. MlLLIKEN, C. L. Stanley, R. E. MlLLIKEN, E. Clemmons, ROBT. PlEBCB. BITTER .NDAB Butler's Speech at Hundred Populists Prese Special Dunn, N. C Marion Butler crowd of about' four hundred. posed Of about two hundred Populists and negroes, the balance being Demo crats. The Democrats ex Dec ted to see the Populists of Harnett, Sampson, and Cumberland counties out in full force to hear this noted Ponulist leader, but the Pops, with the negroes, . A . P numbered only two hundred. But ler's speech was bitter and abusive He charged the failure to pass good laws to the Democratic minoritv of the last Legislature Overhauled and Repainted. The steamer A. P. 'Hurt, which plies between here and Fayetteville, has been overhauled, repaired and painted. She arrived in port vesterdav aad was admired bv all who saw her. Mer house is a beautiful white and the trimmings are a handsome yellow The work was done without loss of time, most of it while the Hurt -was making her regular trips. Capt Sandy Robeson is in command of this boat. She had a full cargo of freight yesterday and a fairlv large passenger ist. ane leit tor avetteville vester day afternoon at 6 o'clock The Township Registration. The white men of: Mason boro. Cape Fear and Federal Point townships must not forget there is to be an entirely new registration of voters. There are only three mo Saturdays for this important du October 8th. 15th and 2Zd are the dates, and the hours are from 9 A. M until 4 P. M. If you fail to register you will lose your vote Madison Observer: "The Wil mington Stab reached its thirty-first vear last Fridav. and we hone the good old paper may live to see twice as many more, for it is a number one paper. We wish the Stab success. .BTonz, The Kind You Have! M; gf8 -. -Kisr. icsrsr- -a OA Bntha yIh8 Kind You Have Alwap Boiighl INVESTORS DRIVEN AWAY Too Much Negro Ride in Wilmington for People Who Have Money to Invest. The effect of negro rule in a com munity may be seen from the follow ing, which is part of a letter wntten to a gentleman in Wilmington by Mr. G. Fred Ausland, of Cambridge, Md., one of a party of real estate men and capi talists, who came to Wilmington on a prospecting tour; ; "While in Wilmington we were Vei7 comfortably located. We spent "i oaiuraay, August 13th, at Ocean view, where the spectacle of a burly negro fighting a white and defying everybody, was wit- nessed bv mvself an A tlt r- tensten. Sunday, August 14th, we spent a very pleasant day at the Hanover Club, Carolina Beach, and I must say that we thought your white population charming and your city and surrounding country all that could be desired; but the power of the negro was more than we could stand. With a feeling of regret, nay of sorrow, I saw a fine country, with the greatest possibilities, ruined of its prospects, through the baneful in fluences of a race that few white men and no women can trust, ton have negro police in your city, and wo wuuxu aDsoiuieiy ret use negro pro tection for our families. We saw thousands of acres of land lying waste, but 1 would ,not advise any of my clients to settle on them with the negro as a power in your State. "We fpund the same deplorable condition in Weldon tfnlnaA State"' etC , Wi,SOD' and allover the RED HOT IN RICHMOND. There White Men Are United and Deter minedThey Are Now Wearing Red Shirts. Raleigh jpoaf, 5th. Mr. Maxcy L. John, of Richmond county, who was; in the city yester day, brought most encouraging news from his home. He SATS that thft Flpmfatc -um 1 1 w T ' VMAWAMtW VT 111 deem the county, and that the Repub- llsA.nS JlfA n wq rvf -fast ' 1TI, ' - buu luv i - J. UXJ Johnson remarked, "more so than T ever knew. We are making big gains everywuere and will certainly carry the county." : ? The white people are all getting together. In the lower section of the Of the COUntv nearlv VArv wiifft man you meet wears a red shirt. They have Dorrowea tnis idea from the South Carolinians and they are as earnest asou ever saw men. : ' 'When IJlef t Laurinburg there were 400 or 500 white men ih town wearing red shirts. The white government unions are doing good in our section Nearly every member wears his red shirt." INCENDIARY UTTERANCES. Geo. H. White, the Colored Congress Tells Colored Men to Go to the Polls With Guns. man, 1 !".' Ealeigh Post. Geo. H. White, the necrm ("Vino-rocc- man of the Second district, made a speech in Northampton county a few davs BtO that omniet.elTr HioyrM,Tifa his rank utterances here at the Repub- luaw ouie convention. A gentleman whose vnmnitv anA inteeritv cannot he miAstinA - in. forms the Post that White counselled the negroes in his Northampton speech to get their gups and ammu nition ready, and ndt to delav the matter. He told them not " to wait until election dav to do thin a.r,A ir on to me nous armed and demand their rights. " A white gentleman had permitted White to sneak on his lanrl A a umn as the -fiegro Congressman gave utter ance to this incendiary language he ordered him off, his premises. White was informed that he couldn't n such incendiary language on his premises. White and his crowd of negroes then went to a school house wliprp be concluded his speech. . TRYING TO BUY CROATANS. r Leaders of the Nefro Party Hope to Boy Them at $1.0 per Head. rton RoheaonianA int. S. A - TCdmnnd arA r Sheriff Ball spoke to the Croatans at V mon unapel last Friday night. The Sinews of war were in evidence, we and Hector lxwkjear left the with $150 to $J76 in his For t.hft monmr TTiHn nnv " . J VWl nformnnt ea-c-a is tr AcAitrtat un n 17s : . J ... XV MWU T iUU W -J I ' ' Ooatan votes for the fusion ticket or one vote for every dotlarpaid him. We ao not oeiieve mat tne Uroatan voters Of the COuntv are SO easilv commteH and Tf tli pi r Wiw oka nn.in..ikln which we doubt, they are worth more tnan a ooiiar eacn. , ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS. A Uolden Opportunity for Those Who Thfnk 0. H. Dockery Will he Elected to Congress. For tiie special benefit of Republican financiers, the editor of the Star is authorized to offer the following op portunities: ; - One Hundred Dollars that John D. .Bellamy will carry the county of Mecklenburg. Jr, One Hundred Dollars that Bellamy will carry the county of Union. One Hundred Dollars that Bellamy will carry the county of Anson, i One Hundred Dollars that Bellamy will carry the county of Richmond. One Hundred Dollars that Bellamy will carry the county of Robeson. One Hundred Dollars that Bellamy wilt carry the county of Columbus. One Hundred Dollars that Bellamy will carry the county of Pender. One Hundred Dollars that Bellamy will carry the county of Brunswick. One Hundred Dollars that Bellamy will carry the county of New Han over. One Hundred Dollars that Bellamy will be elected. All the above propositions to be ac cepted as a whole. . " As Martin, the Fusion candidate for Congress in 1896, carried all of the nine counties in the Sixth District Ac cept Anson and lost that bv onlv 110 majority and had a majority in the District of 5,006, the above proposi tions should receive the fa-trnrarilo consideration of Republican investors. Bean the he Kind Yoii Have Always Bought Signature of M A. Dr- Normf - - - - 1 ' - AT PARMER'S TURNOUT. A Large Crowd Present and a White Gov eminent Union Organized. A gentleman who was at Farmer's Turnout, Brunswick county, yester dey, for a short time, informs the Stab that the Democratic meeting ield there ras largely attended. In the forenodn L. V. Grady, Esq., of Wil mington, addressed the crowd, Which was composed of voters of all the par ties. He spoke for nearly an hour and made a good speech. - In the afternoon Jno. D. Bellamy delivered a fine speech which made a splendid impression. A White Gov ernment Union was organized with 108 members, and the working ele ment of the Democratic party in that section is beginning to get itself in shape for a victory this Fall. RALEIGH NEWS BUDGET. Judge Ewart Holding Court Pritcbard to Speak in Greensboro A Plim- Flam Game. Special Star Correspondence. Raleigh, N. C, October 5. Judge Ewart is holding his first Fed eral Court at Greensboro this week. Senator Pritcbard is on his way East, campaigning now. He speaks at Greensboro ito-night. The Mecklenburg decision may work two ways. The Republican clerk of the court in Richmond county is sum moned to appear before Judge Clark next Saturday to show cause why some of the registrars he has appointed should not be removed. The Secretary of State to-day granted a charter toHhe "Monroe Warehouse Company,?' with a capital stock of 13,250. ' 1 j A man named Chambers, with his wife, came to Raleigh Monday. The next day he went to a store, asked for a bill for ten dollars in change. He counted out niie dollars then having put the bill in a sealed envelope gave it back to the clerk and said he would step out and get the other dol lar. He never came back and the clerk finally opened the envelope and found it empty. The man was arrested in Norfolk, and to day nisi wife came to Raleigh and began interceding in behalf of her husband. The flim-flammer should be brought here and punished to the full extent of the law. DON'T LIKE THE NEGRO. Northern and Western Residents of Jack sonville, Fla.. Outraged at Appoint ment of a Negro Collector. By Telegraph to the Mornlne Star. Jacksonville, F&4 Oct&ber 5. Considerable feeling is openly dis played here i by the appointment of a negro to the important position of collector of internal revenue. The feeling is not confined to any particu lar ciass. xne population of Jackson- ! villeis made up largely of Northern I and Western people. Manv have influ- ! ential connections all over the coun- try, and 'a large per cent, of the i property., is owned by them; ' therefore, the sentiment oannot be attributable to a distinctive Southern prejudice regarding ne gro appointments to Federal of fices. The community , was specially loyal in support of the administration uunng me war; tne local press defend ed it against yellow journalism and after the war demanded fair treat ment for Alger. Surprise is expressed by men in all walks of life why a negro should be placed in such an import ant office when there are hundreds of white men who are loyal Republicans quite competent to conduct so im portant an office with credit to the administration!. Men here, influential in affairs and staunch Republicans, think that so far as the general effect in the South is concerned, that it is very inopportune to raise the question again. fc - BELLAMY IN COLUMBUS. He Will Make Three Speeches in That County This Week. John V. .Bellamy the white man's Democratic candidate for Congress, will address the white men of Co lumbus countjy, at the following times At Evergreen, in Tatom's Township, Friday, October 7th. At Cerro Gordo, in Fair Bluff Township, Saturday, October 8th. Turn. out, white men of Columbus, and near tneaole champion of your rights. Ladies specially invited to attend. Rocky Mount Butler spoke to about four Hundred people at Lum berton Monday. Of these, two hundred weire Populists, including many who will vote the white man's ticket." Bniler cannot attract the people as he once did. His speeches now are said to be characterized by low and villainous abuse of Demo crats. He is doing what he can to aid the negro party, but it will go for naught. The negro oartv W' O A J in North Caro ina iB doomed. - Mr. J. Dj Allred. a Republican of a. Randolph county, didn't believe the stories told about negro office hold ers in Raleigh and in the public in stitutions, so he went to see for himself. He Baw, and went back home a thoroughly converted man, who will henceforth vote the white man's ticket. , In Georgia, too, many Populists have repudiated their discredited leaders and returned to the Demo cratic party, as they are doing in! North Carolina. The fact is, a great, many of them never felt right comfortable after they left the Democratic party. If white people prefer negroes in office to white men in office all they have to do is to vote that way on election day. This is a free country. Relief In Six Honrs. Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved in six hours by "New Great South American Kidney Cure." It is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in bladder, kidneys and back, in male or female. Relieves re tension of water almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is the remedy. Sold by R. R. Bellamy, Druggist, Wilmington, N. C, corner Front and market streets. GEORGIA'S ELECTION. Democratic Nominee for Governor Elected by Not Less Than 70,000 Majority. By Telegraph to the Morning star. Atlanta, October 5. Georgia voted to-day for a Governor, a full ticket of State House officers and for a constitu tional amendment providing that judges and solicitors be elected W tha people. Hon. Allen D. Candler, Dem ocratic nominee for tiovernor. was elected over Hogan, Populist, by not ibbs man u,uw majority, this being more than double the Democratic ma jority for Governor two years ago. The constitutional amendment is adopted. A Narrow Escape. Thankful words written by Mrs. AdaE. Hart, of Groton. S. D. "Was taken with a bad cold which settled on mv lunffS onucrh enf in a-nA fin.lln terminated in Consumption. Four lJoctors gave me up, saying I could live but a short time. I gave myself uo to not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. Mv husband WAS flriirisarl tn mt Flv. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured me. and t.Vi 7 i . , j. inn DO T vvl and now a well and healthy woman." inai Dotties iree at k. is. uellamy's Drue Store. Reculnr S17P ? Ar on) $1.00. Guaranteed or price refunded. LYNCHING IN MARYLAND. Negro Ravisher Taken from Jail and Shot to Death by a Mob. Bv Telegraph to the Morning Star. Annapolis, Md., October 5. Wright Smith, colored, who on September 2d attempted an assault on Mrs. Morrison, the wife of Capt. James Morrison, of the Third district, residing near Jones station, was taken from jail shortly alter z p clock tnis morningand shot The lynching party went to the jail, pointed guns at INie-ht Watchman Du vail and took the prisoner to Sanders lot, near tne city cemetery, and rid died the body with bullets. TUree Doctors In Consultation. From Benjamin Franklin. "When yon are sick, what you like best is to be chosen for a medicine in the first place; what experience leiis you is Desi, to De cuosen in the second place; what reason (L e.. Theory) says is best to be chosen in the last place. But if you nan crpt fir Ttirli nntiivn n. K-)i.w... Dr. Reason to hold a consultation together, they will fflv Vftn IhAlMfit. arliHrat.iQt ran hat.Va. n When you have a bad cold Dr. In clination would rAcnmmnH PtViom. e- " t " wx VUU UV VLF.11. i berlain's Cough Remedy because it is : 1 i j r J . i it T TT1 . : pieasauL una saie to taae. ur, rxperi ; ence would recommend it because it never fails to effect a speedy and per manent cure. Dr. Reason would rec o mm end it because it is prepared on scientific principles, and acts on na ture's plan in relieving the lunes. opening the secretions and restoring tne system to a natural and healthy condition. For sale by R. R. Bel lamy. - The Sure La Grippe Cure. There is no use suffering from this dreadful malady, if you will only get . f, A"u, aic uvus PMn lroufi:Q your body, your liver J?.out of ..er' h.ave no appetite, no tne nent remedy, xou are ha vine- i ? , . . . . . . . me or amDiuon, nave a baa cold, in fact are completely used up. Electric Bitters is the only remedy that will give you prompt and sure relief. They act directlyi on your Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, tone up the whole sys tem and make you feel like a new be ing. They are guaranteed to cure or price refunded. For aalr at. H T? Tim.. lamy's Drug Store, only 50 cents per Dome. f ' """" " How io rreveut Croup . We have two children who are sub ject to attacks of croup. Whenever an attack is coming on my wife gives them Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and it always prevents the attack. It is a household necessity in this country and no matter what else we run out of, it would not do to be without Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. More of it is sold here than of all other cough medicines combined. J. M. Nickle, of Nickle Bros., merchants, Nickleville, Pa., For sale by R. R. Bellamy. , t Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to enre deaf ness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an mnamea condition of the mucous lin ing of the Eustachian Tube, When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the inflama tion can be taken out and this tube re stored to its normal condition, hear ing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed con dition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. JJ'. J . UUUJNJfiY & CO.. Toledo. O. Sold bv Drusreists. 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. t Old fashions in dress may he re vived, but no old-fashioned medicine can replace ' Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by R. R. Bellamy. t EXPORTS FOR THE WEEK. COASTWISE. New Yore Steamship Benefactor 74 pkgs mdse, 34 cases cotton flan nel, 15 bbls syrup, 10 m bolts, 55 bbls crude turpentine, 100 bbls rosin, 187 bbls spirits turpentine, 146 bbls tar, 229 bbls tar, iron bound; 88 bales deer tongue, 100 bales cotton, 180 bales soft cotton. r FOREIGN. Liverpool Br steamship Hawk hurst 8,535 bales cotton, 436,264 pounds, valued at $239,944, by Alex Sprunt & Son.i . LondosT- Nor barque Passat, 6,467 barrels rosin, 1,985,245 pounds, valued at $7,799.15; by Murchispn dc Co. MARINE. ARRIVED. Nor barque Ore, 574 tons, Ostensen, Liverpool, A S, Heide 6fc Co. Br steamship Beltisloe, 1851 tons, Chamberlain, Grimsby, Alex Sprunt & Son. " Br steamship Aurora. 1 RSfi tnno Green, Cape de Verde, Alex Sprunt & con. Steamshin Croatan. 827 tons Main New York.. H G Smallbones. ' Schr Longfellow, 220 tons, Chase, New York. Geo Harriss, Son & Co. " CLEARED. Br steamshin Hawlrhnmf 1 53ft tr.no wt t ; i -i .-V , " "! uivcruuui, Alex Dprunt & c - - - I Don. Steamshin Renefnctor K37 fvno Ingram, New York. H G Smallbones! Nor hnrrme Poat RKK Aanonsen, London, vessel by A S Heide & Co; cargo by Murchison & Co. Steamshin OrOA.fa.n - S9R trnit TTola Georgetown. H G Smallbones. - - - . . i . COMMERCIAL, WILMINGTON MARKET. STAR OFFICE, Sept. 29! SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Market urui at es cents for machine-made casks and 28 cents per gallon for country casks. ROSIN Nothing doing. Ai? "Market firm at $1.25 per bbl of 280 lbs. T CRUDE TURPENTINE. Market Steady at 21.10 ner hairol $1. 60 for Dip and $1. 60 for Virgin. Quotations same day last year. Spirits turpentine firm, 30 XC 29Mc rosin firm, il.10. tLls? far firm 1 t! crude turpentine steady, $1.30,' $1.80,' 1. 90. ' . T , RECEIPTS. Spirits Turpentine i 78 i08111 288 J.ar jgg Crude Turpentine .!." 43 Receipts same day last vear. 75 casts spirits turpentine, 227 bbls rosin, iau DDIs tar, 40 bbls crude tur pentine. COTTON. Market firm on a basis of 4c per pound for middling. Quotations: 1 td pWF 2 7-16 cte lb uwu uruiaary 33 ? j Low Middling, 4 7-ig w Middling , 4 i Good Middling f ' Same day last year middling 6c. Keceipts 3,714 bales; same day last year, 2T253. flOTTTfTPV' rrM-TTtTj PEANUTSNorh narvAinaX 5560c per bushel of 28 pounds ; Extra Prime, 6 5c ; Fancy, 70. Virginia Extra Prime, 65c; Fancy, 70c: Spanish. 70 ouc. ! . 1 bushel. UUKN H'lrm- SaW per ROUGH RICE None offering. N. C. B A CON sten.fl v 1 nV 1 1 per pound ; shoulders, 6 to 7c ; sides, 7 to 8c. SHINGLES Per thousand, five inch, hearts and saps, $1.60 to t2.25: six inch, $2.25 to 3.25; seven inch, $5.50 to 6.50. TIMBER Market steady at $2.50 to $6.50 per M. STAR OFFICE. Sept. 30. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Market firm at 28 cents for machine-made casks and 28 cents per gallon Vor country casks. ROSIN Nothing doing. TAR Market firm at $1.20 per bbl of 280 lbs. - TT CRUDE TURPENTINE.-Market S Lead V at Kl 10 run. koiml t- U 1 $1.60 for Dip and $1.60 for Virgin. Quotations same day last year. Spirits turpentine firm, 30Xc, 29c rosin firm, $1.10, $1.15; tar firm, $1.25 ,: crude turpentine steady, $1.30, $1.80, $1.90. . RUfiHITPTn Spirits turpentine. 69 E08"1 -.. 374 Tar f 374 Crude turpentine U i 14 Receipts same dav lkl. casks spirits turpentine. 182 bbls rosin, 06 uuis tar, ox. ddis crude turpentine. COTTON. Market stead v pound for middling. Quotations: Ordinarv '9 f.-in , ?a n. trood Ordinary..... s xjow middling 4 7-16 M 4 Middling J Good Middling 5 " y bame day last year middling 6c. Receipts 3,803 bales; same dav last year,. 59. r COUNTRY PRODUCE. PEANUTS Knt-th noHr,o Prime, 55 to 60c per bushel of 28 DOUIlds- Pvtra nriniD Attn. f Virginia Extra prime, 65c; fancy, 70c;. Spanish, 7080c. - T UU1CJN Firm; 524 to 55 cents per bushel. T ROUGH RICE None offering 11. v. J3ii.UI NIMUlv httma in tj- iiu oer Dounn tnnn more k n in. . , -.m - r- 1 v w ap sides. 7 in Rr SHINGLES Per tVioucnr.fi fiT,. inch hearts and saps, $1.60 to 2.25; six-inch. $2.25 to BO TT ATI -in dh $5.50 to 6.50. ' TIMBER Market staaAv at 49 ko t c Ki if J f " y. per ji. STAR OFFICE. Oct 1. SPIRITS TURPENTTM1T. Mar.lrt quiet at 2814 cents for mMna.nio casts and 28 cents per gallon for country casks. KOSIN Nothino- Anino .. ! - TAR Market stead v at ftl 9.n hWi of 280 lbs. f-T T" CRUDE TUHPRNTTNTTT. mw Quiet at $1.10 nm Knrrol f. V.o1 $1.60 for Dip and $1.60 for Virgin fv.. a: , . . . 0 t!uuuuiuua same aay last year. Spirits turpentine firm, 30 c 30c; rosin firm. $1.10. $1.15. - far firm 1 9K. crude turpentine steady, $1.30, pjSL 1.U. 6 " RECEIPTS. , Spirits Rosin Turpentine, ... 54 260 Tar..;.., ..... Crude Turpentine. 144 .... T.4 Receipts same- dav last, -it oar KO casks spirits turpentine, 176 bbls rosin. oa 001s tar. i ddis crude turpentine. T COTTON. Market firm Oil B. hasis rf Xl.if nu pound for middling. Quotations: Li: Ordinarv 9. 7-IRatc. tW Oood Ordinary; 3 " T Jjow middling. . ..... 4 7-16 " , f Middling . it Good Middlins- 5 S-l B M Same day last year middling 6c. Receipts 2.347 bales: same dav last year 3.834. ! COUNTRY PROIltCE. PEANUTS NortVl Pamlina Prime, 55 to 60c per bushel of 28 Pounds: extra nrime RSr- fooxr r- X I WWW, lWJ, VW. Vircnma Tfi-rtra nmmo KK. f, 70c; Spanish, 7o8Sc. ' uukjn J"irm, 52 to 55 cents per bushel. ROUGH RICE None offering. N. C. BACON Sten rl tr Helper pound; shoulders', 6 to "7c; sides, 7 to 8c. 1 i SHINfJT.ER Pai ihnnaanA tt 1 ' nil, T U inch hearts and sans $1 BO to 9 9 ? tnV. inch. $2.25 to 3.25 seven-inch, 45.50 to 6.5q. . TIMBER Market steadv at. 2 KO to 6!50perM. . ! r STAR OFFICE, Oct. 8. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. MarW. firm at 28 c nts for machine-made casks and 28 cents ner trallnn fnr country casks. ROSIN Nothing doing. ! TAR. Market steadv at $1 . 20 ner h hi of 280 lbs. i !- - ' CRUDE TURPENTINE Marlrt quiet at $1.10 per barrel for Hard, $1.60 for Dip, and $1.60 tor VirginL Quotations same dav last var Spirits turpentine nothing doing; rosin nothing doing: tar firm. $125: crude turpentine firm. $1.30. $1.80 $1.90. " i ' ' ' ' RECEIPTS. Spirits Turpentine. 69 Rosin 148 Tar I WB Crude Turpentine 51 Receipts same day last year. 59 casks spirits turpentine, 217 bbls rosin, lou ddis tar, tt ddis crude turpentine. COTTON. ' Market firm on a hasis of A.z6n. pound for middling. Quotations : Ordinary 2 7-16cts.lb Good Ordinarv Stf ' Low Middling . . ,4 7-16 " Tl Iflll 1 1 flLT Good Middling...... 5 8-16" " same day last year middling 5c. Receipts 6,121 bales; same day last year, 3,577. COUNTRY PRODUCE. PEANUTS North On rnl ina Prime, 55 to 60c per bushel cf 28 pounds; extra prime, 65c; fancy,- 70c. MimmmHIIMHIIIlHIMMHIIIH jru,MlnnnilltfmilllliiilntiiMnt.i.m . 'i AVflJeiable ionforAs- similaUrig theTodd andBegula ling the Stomachs aniBowplnf Promotes tHesaon,Cneetful nessaivirt6onfMnsncuncp OpmmloTpliiueiioriJiiral WOT NAHC OTIcf, A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion , Sour.S tomach .DiatFhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feveri sh ness andLoss OF SLEER Tac Simile Signature ot yEW "YORK. EXACT COPyoeWHAEHEB. httv aai October lt ever out on ronr. in this .-it rpy,,, It's the Chance of a Life Time. without hesitation Out ot town orders nllf!K0'?iLtw?fT50,' SLe Also, Moquette, For, andlSmyrna Ru. Floor SaSv'., Window Shades, Lace Curtaine, Curtain Poles, Door Mats, Hassocks, &c. Come early and Secure Bartrains. hui muih 01 umoa UUUUB AKU MOTIONS O". J". ocatf Virginia--Extra prime. 55c ; fauep, 70c ; Spanish, 7080c. CORN Firm; 52 to 55 cents per bushel. ROUGH RICE None offering. N. C. BACON Steady; hams 10 to 11c per pound; shoulders, 6 to 7c; sides, 7 to 8c. SHINGLES Per thousand, five inch hearts and saps, $1.60 to 2.25; six-inch, $2.25 to 3.25: seven-inch. $5.50 to 6.50. x TIMBER Market steady at $2.50 to 6. 50 per M. STAR OFFICE, Oct. 4. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Market firm at 29 cents per gallon for machine-made casks and 28 cents per gallon for country casks. ROSIN Nothing doing. TAR. Market firm at $1.20 per bbl of 280 lbs. - CRUDE TURPENTINE. Nothing doing. Quotations same day last year. Spirits turpentine, nothing doing; rosin, nothing doing ; tar firm, $1.25; crude turpentine firm, $1.30, $1.80, $1.90. RECEIPTS. i! Spirits turpentine 29 Rosin .... ........ 78. Tar...: 145 Crude turpentine . 0 Receipts same day last year. 50 casks spirits turpentine, 147 bbls rosin, 105 bbls tar, 31 bbls crude turpentine. COTTON.' , Market firm on a basis of 4c per Sund for middling. Quotations : rdinary 2 7-16 cts $ lb Good Ordinaryr. . . , . Z " Low Middling . .. 4 7-16 " Middling.;. 4 Good Middling. ..... 5 3-16 " ' . Same day last year middling 6c. Receipts 3,647 bales; same day last year, 3,104. i COUNTRY PRODUCE. PEANUTS North Carolina Prime, 55 to 60c per busbil of 28 pounds: extra prime, 65c; fancy, 70c. Virginia Extra prime, 65c ; fancy, 70c ; Spanish, 7080c. CORN Firm; 52 to 55 cents per bushel, ROUGA RICE None offering. N. C. BACON Steady; hams 10 to 11c per pound; shoulders, 6 to 7c; sines, 1 10 oc. SHINGLES Per thousand, five inch hearts and saps, $1.60 to 2.25? six-inch. $2.25 to 3.25; seven-inch, $5. 50 to 6.50. v STAR OFFICE, Oct. 5. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Market firm at 29 cents per gallon for machine-made raslra an A 9 a for country casks. rvwoxn iNoming aomg. TAR Market stpnrH- at 1 bblof28QIbs. , ' CRUDE TURPENTINE TVTarlrAt steadv at 1 10 $1.60 for Dip, and $1.60 for Virgin. Quotations same day last year. Spirits turpentine firm, alc, 31 c; rosin firm, $1.15, $1.20; tar firm, $1.30: crude turpentine firm .1 sn $1.80, $1.90. , ' , RECEIPTS. - Spirits turnentine. 1 . . A inn c - ........ auu Rosin 293 Tae... 375 Crude turpentine 55 Receipts same dav loot, mar ati I casks spirits turpentine, 263.bbls rosin, xo ddis lar, a ddis crude turpentine. COTTON. Market very firm on a basis of 4c per pound for middling. Quotations : Ordinaryr....1 ... 2 7-16 6ts ? lb Grood Ordinarv 33 ' Low Middling . .. 4 7-16" " miaaung... " Good Middling 5 3-16 " " Same day last year middling 6jc. Receipts 4,278 bales; same day last year, 2,678. COUNTRY PRODUCE. PEANUTS North Carolina " Prime, 55 to 60c per bushel of 28 pounds; extra prime, 95c; fancy, 70c. Virginia Extra prime 65c , fancy, 70c; Spanish, 7080c. CORN Firm; 52 to 55 cents per bushel. ROUGH RICE None offering. N. C. BACON Steady! hams 10 to 11c per pound; shoulders, 6 to 7c; sides, 7 to 8c. SHINGLES Per thousand, nve mch hearts and saps, $1.60 to 2.25; six-inch, $2.25 to 3.25; severianch, $5.50 to 6.50. TIMBER Market steady at $2.50 to 6. 50 per M. We orvE no rewards, an offer of this kind is the meanest of deceptions. Our plan is to give every one a chance to try the merit of Ely's Cream Balm the original Balm for the cure of Catarrh, Hay Fever and Cold in the Head, by mailing for 10 cents a trial size to test its curative powers. We mail the 50 cent size also and the drug gist keeps it. Test it and yon are sure to continue the treatment Relief is immediate and a cure follows. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren street, New York. - 1 CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought The Kind j Have Always Bought. CASTORIA IS THE BEGINNING OF THE LARGEST CLEARING SALE OF CARPET i. nP iri,.. n They are Going to be Sold solicited. Bear in mind we etlll keep a Most Respectfully, she: PAED. No. 18 MARKET STREET. Cotton and Naval Stores. MONTHLY STATEMENT. ' RECEIPTS. For month ended October 1, 1898. Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Crude SS,404 1S!,S4U I 5,515 744 ..RECEIPTS. For month ended O&tober 1, 1897. j Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Crude 65,376 ,498 11,445 8,468 832 EXPORTS. For month ended October 1, 1898. Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Crude Domestic 1,272 2,300 1,037 4,404 062 Foreign 27,339 1,000 5,135 2 000 28,611 3,300 6,172 4,406 663 EXPORTS. For month ended October 1, 1897. Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tvr. Crude. Domestic 1,989 1,876 382 4,661 822 Foreign 38.674 000 000 000 000 40,663 1,876 382 4,661 822 STOCKS. f i Ashore and Afloat October!, 1898. Ashore. Afloat. Total. Cotton 18 462 6 320 22,772 Spirits 176 00 176 Rosin 45,627 6,000 51,627 Tr. 3878 000 3,378 Crude H4 t ooo 114 STOCKS. -Ashore and Afloat October 1, 1897. 88B- gjg Tfv COTTON MARKETS. Dy Telegraph to the Morning Star. New, York, October 5. The cotton market continues to show a moderate amount ofj .recuperative energy, but lacks considerable volume as to specu lation. The bear element found influ ences at the start to-day very much against them, the most important of which was an adyance of id in the price of spot cotton at Liverpool and exceptional activity on the part of Manchester springers. Among other factors were buying orders from abroad, reports that stiffening rates were being entertained by Southern spot cotton dealers, further rains in the northern portion of the cotton belt, and a marked drop in tempera ture in the Southwest The smaller shorts became nervous and covered as far as practical on the opening. First sales were at an advance of 2 to 4 points and tor the rest of the session of the general market was toward a higher level of values. The official weather bulletin attracted unusual at tention and indicated the formation of another cold wave in the Dakotas which took on almost the proportions of a blizzard. Thedfaot that the tem perature at Amerillo, Tex., had fallen an additional fourteen degrees caused even tne more confident dealers to be come uneasy, especially as the fore cast from Washington was still lower temperature throughout the Southwest to-night and to-morrow. In the after noon the more active futures further advanced 2 to 3 points, with the mar ket at the close firm with a net gain of 5 to 6 points. New York, October 5. Cotton steady; middling uplands 5 7-16c. Cotton futures market closed firmer; October c, November 5,30c, Decem ber 5.35c, January 5.40c, February 5.45c, March 5.49c, April 5.54c, May 5.59c, June 5.63c, July 5.66c, August 5.69c. Spot cotton closed steady at an ad vance of l-16cmiddling gulf 511-16c: middling uplands 5 7-16c; sales 648 bales. Net receipts 675 bales; gross receipts 6,611 bales; sales 648 bales; stock (act ual) 57,735 bales. Total to-day Net receipts 3,534 bales; exports to Great Britain 43,520 bales; exports to France 5,250 bales; exports to the Continent 10;820 bales; stock 614,901 bales. PRODUCE WABKETS, By Telegraph to the Morning Star. New York, October : 5. Flour was steady and fairly active for low grade winter. Wheat Spot steady; No. 2 red 73&c, f. o. b. afloat; op tions opened steadier on continental buying, favorable cables and activity among shorts; a brief midday reaction under realizing was followed by re newed strength on export demand, bullish Russian news and higher late cables; closed c net higher ;No.2 red MarOh closed 69jtfc; May closed 69c ; December closed 68c. Corn Spot firmer; No. 2 35z$c; options opened firm and were supported, all day by a fair demand from shorts, higher cables and bullish talk on the government report; closed c net higher; May closed 36c; December closed 34c. Oats Spot firm; No. 2, 26Jc; options dull. Lard steady West ern steam $5 00; October closed $4 97, nominal; refined quiet. Pork dull. Butter dull; Western creamery 15 20c; do. factory 12U ; Elgins 20; imitation creamery 1317; State dairy 14&19c. Cheese dull- large white 88c. Potatoes steady; Jer seys $1 12X1 37 ; Netv York $1 25 1 62& ; Long Island ft 501 76 ; Jer sey sweets $1 252 00; Southern sweets 75cfl 00. Petroleum firm. Bears the J Signature jryi I 1 I L