7s .1! !! -FUltUSHBD AT- ilVILMIWGTON. N. C . s -At r - ! . ' , . ( ) - i - , . .-,. a veto im AnviNr.F " i 8SSSS88883S8S88S8 I888S888S88S888888 ' - 38S888888Ssiiii88 6 2Sa8SS5W228S8S58 ' 8S8888S88S88SS88S H'"W "Sga88S833533gggg , 8S8S8S88282888888 " T88888S3888888883 --32S252a8S88S8 " I8S88S88SS8S8888S3 ""7" 388888fl8888888l 8 r '. - ' a .' ' a ' ' ' ' if 3!!:Ji"ssi :::::: Entered at the Pom Office at Second Clan Ma Omtgton, N. C. er.l V SUBSCRIPTION P CE. The sabacriptioii price of the We lySter tea ngle Copy 1 year, pottage paid. t month a. ........ ... W M M 0 1 CO 80 3 month I A GOOD SUGGESTION. -tne uovernor recommends the es tabliahrrient of reformatories for youthful criminals. This is not ,the first time' this recommendation has been made, for' there have been - efforts in that di rection for a number of years by many of the State papers, and by citizens who take an interest in such matters. , The majority of the States have such reformatories, and no State should be without .them, even from an economical, , if from no other standpoint. Such institutions -do not always make good men or women uuii ui uepiaveu uuya uuu gifi, ior keep the young from demoralizing ; contact with hardened criminals, and make it possible for them to be come better and fit themselves for some useful employment by which they could when thrown upon their own resources earn a living. I "Many of the ' criminal youth be come so by association and example and they are more to be pitied than condemned, and they should at least be given a fair chance jo show what is in them and whether , they are capable of improvement. This is due not only to them, but it is a duty incumbent : upon the State, whose .wards they became. The State u morally bound to .do the best that can be done "for themi to the end that they may be reformed and grow up better 4 men and wd ' men, instead of worse. Aside from -the moral obligation, there is econ omy in this, for it is cheaper to teach" and train these, youths than it ' will "be to keep them in restraint or punish- them when grown up criminals. y QUALIFIED SUFFRAGE 1- The Legislature is not losing aiiy time in making the movement for quahhecl sunrage. Thus it recog nizes the voice of the people and the great issue which was the vital one in the past campaign, and on which the people rendered their verdict wir.Vi snpVi nnmiafnlriihln nmnliagia ... - " vu.j.y. One bill to amend the constitu- tioii in the matter of suffrage has already been introduced," and the probabilities are that there ,will be others, and wo have little doubt that by selecting: the best points from each we will get a suffrage law that will meet the requirements and the approval of the people at the polls when it is submitted to them. The bill introduced by. Mr. "Win ston, of Bertie, Friday, is, with some additions and alterations, a repro- ' duction of the Louisiana law, which seems to be regarded with consider able favor in Kaleigh. It provides . for an educational or property , qualification, the votel who is not able to read and write being required to have $300 worth of property, and in addition to this it requires the . payment of poll tax for the year in which the election is held and the preceding year. tt It ialso disquali fies for a considerable number of .' crimes. ' -' It is to be submitted to the people' of o rnrrnl oi Altf !aii 4-sv Vv- V A am . the first Tuesday after the first Mon day in May, 1900, it being proposed ; to change the time of holding elec .tions to that date. . The following are the salient fea- tures ef this bill, as condensed by the Kaleighrosf : , Sep. 2. Every person qualified to vote shall have been an actual bona fide resident of the State of North Carolina for two (2) years, of the coun ty pne (1) year, and of the precinct or ward or other election district in which he proposes to . vote six (6) months next preceding election ; provided, that removal rrom one precinct, etc., to another in the same county shall .not operate to deprive any person of the right to vote in the precinct, eto. from which 'he has removed, until six (6) months after such removal, - But no , person who has been 1 convicted or confessed his guilt in 1 open court upon indictment of the fol lowing crimes: . briberv. burclarv in any degree, larceny, receiving stolen gwuB, arauu, QDuuniog money on goods under false pretence,, perjury. forgery, embezzlement, rape, asault with intent to commit raie. fornica tion and bieramv. incest. Immovino crop before paying rent or before sat isfying liens thereon, disposing of mortaged -property with intent to defraud the mortgagee, crime against nature, sale of cotton within nro- hibited fhours, dueling, gambling. houses, churches and fences, shooting. " '"dij, injuries vj nouses, VOL. XXX. At or throwing into cars, locomotives or trainjpslander of innocent women,,se duction under promise of marriage, or an atlemTjt to commit anv of t.Visn of fences, or of felony now prohibited by the laws of North Carolina, or which may hereafter be prohibited, or of any crime whereof the punishment may be imprisonment in the peniten tiary, shall be permitted to vote cr be deemed an elector, unless the said per son shall be first restored to citizenship in a manner prescribed by law. And it shall not be necessary that any pun ishment has been imposed to bring persons within the prohibition of this section. Those under suspended judg ment are prohibited, as well as those under sentence. ' - "Sec. 5. Every person presenting himself for registration shall be able to read and write intelligently, and he shall demonstrate his ability to do so when he applies for; registration, by making under oath, administered to him by the", officer having in charge such registration, or by his deputy, both of whom are hereby authorized to administer such oath, written appli cation therefor upon a blank to be fur nished by such officer. "The said application shall contain the necessary i information toshow that he is entitled to register and vote, and shall be entirely written, dated and signed by him, in the presence of the registration officer or his deputy? withouWassistance or suggestion from any person or memorandum whatever, except the form of application herein set forth. The DDlieation for registration above provided for shall be an exact copy of, the following form, with the proper names, dates and numbers sub' stituted for the blanks appearing therein, to wit. : 1 am a resident or the State jstt North Carolina and' a citizen of the United States. Myname is.:.. .....; I was born in the State of . ... I vuuuijr ui uu tuo.. uajr ui i 4 i.1 J i. I . . . . 1 . in me year or. . 1 am now. .years and . . .months and. . .days of age; 1 have resided in this State since in the county since ..... . and in the precinct (or ward or other elec tion district) since... , and 1 am not disfranchised by any of the pro visions of the Constitution" of this State." : . "Sec. 6. Provides that if the applicant be not able to read and write as above provided, then he shall be entitled to register and vote if 'he shall, at the time he offers to register be the actual and bona fide owner of property as sessed to him in the State at a valua tion of not less than three hundred. ($300) dollars on the tax lists of the current vear in which he offers to reg ister, or on the tax lists of the preced- , : r 11 li 1 a : m yeac u i,ae roil 01 me current year shall hot have been completed and filed, and on which, if the property so assessed be. personal only, all taxes thereon shall have been paid. 'Sec. 7. No male person who was on January 1, 1867, or at any date prior thereto, entitled to vote under the Constitution or statutes of any State in the united States wherein he then re sided, or who prior to that time was a regularly enlisted soldier in the army of the United States; and no person, son or grandson of any such person not less than 21 years of age at the date of the adoption of this Constitution ; and no male person who was naturalized prior to the first Of January, 1900, shall be denied the right to register and vote in this State by reason of his failure a l j X? :i a 1 io mm ; me eaucauonai or property tution ; provided he shall have resided in this State for five (5) years next pre ceding the date at which he shall apply for registration, and shall have regis tered in accordance with the terms of this Article brior to September 1, 1900; and no person shall be entitled to reg ister under this section after said date. "This section also provides for the method which such persons shall pur sue to secure the benefits of the above, and provides also the oath he shall take ; also for a separate registration of this class of voters, and all whose names appear thereon shall be per mitted to vote at all 'elections in the State, etc. "Sec. 8. Provides for' the payment of poll tax of all. persons! under the age of 60 years; and provides that no such person shall be permitted to vote unless such payment is made on or before the 31st day of December of each year for the two (2) years pre ceding the year in which he offers to vote: All between the ages of 21 and 60 not therein exempted come within this provision. i . 1 It is also required by this section that the poll tax receipt for said time shall be exhibited to the election of ficer in official form, or duplicate in event of loss, or proof of payment of such poll tax shall be produced by the affidavit of the party to whom it was paid. . "Heavy penalty is imposed for changing or altering in any way one 01 these receipts;-and any tax col lector, sheriff or other person whor shall ante-date such shall be guilty of forgery. t "Idiots, deaf and dumb or blind persons are exempted; also persons under 23 years of age who. have paid all poll taxes assessed- against them." The other features of the bill pro: vide for the methods of securiner registration where registration has been refused, defining who shallJbe elegible to office, the machinery for carrying the law into effect,, &c - Some doubt is entertained, ' al though there is. a difference of opinion among lawyers on that ques tion, as to the 1 constitutionality of some portions of this bill, and whether it will pass the gauntlet of the 17. . S... Supreme Court if carried there.' 'Wev are under the impres sion that it has been passed upon by some of the lower courts and sus tained, but we are. not sure' of that. If there were no doubt about this this bill would come as near covering the case and meeting withLthe re-? quirements as any election law we know of, b.ut the Selection law of Mississippi has- stood the test of the courts, and perhaps it would bewell to thoroughly consider the doubtful features of this proposed law before it is finally acted upon, and not take any chances on having it ruled out.- Cheap cotton is getting away with the paper collar induB,try. -; .Ih 1868 there were - forty; factories which turned out ,400,000,000 collars a year, while now there are only two in frtva f in .'I- wir T-nvn Anf. 1 VMUlUVWUl .: TV UlVU u VUV 20,000,000. . Mrs. Anna Smith, of Worcester, Eng., is the youngest woman of her age in that country. She has a weakness' for fairs,, and has attend ed all that were held in her part of jthe country for the past 100 years. She had sixteen children, and one of her daughters, aged 80 years, also had sixteen. Theold lady does all her own work, eaa f onr meals a days, enjoys an occasional toddy, solaces herself with alclay pipe, and is reasonably happy. The' obstacle to the occupation and civilization of considerable -portion of Africa is a little fl.yr whose bite iseadly to horses, cattle, dogs -and other animals, although not to man. But man hasn't much busi ness where horses,- cattle or dogs can't stay, and therefore that fly infected region must remain a wil derness until they can shoo these flies away, or discover some neutral izer of the poison. . 7 i " The New "York Herald, which is an expansion boomer, rises to remark that "our government' has" as its basic principle the will of the ' people." As far as this is a government of the people this is true, but it-is a govern ment also of law, and' the people are or should be governed as much by the law, and by'right and justice, as the rri nnn.cnn4- r oi tie multitude cannot mate wrong , . . . rignt. Most of the European monarchs are particular about' shaking hands with commoV folks, hut King Hum bert, of Italy, is a regular demo cratic hand-shaker and when he goes out on an excursion or frolic shakes hands with everybody. If they got out of a job and it depended on an election well wager that -Humbert would scoop the whole lot. "A yqnhg man who was found with his skull fractured and unconscious jpn the railroad track at -Buffalo, N. Y.,. 8tv few days ago, began to whistle upon being -carried to the hospital and whistled constantly . for ninety-five- hours, until he died. He whistled all sorts of tunes and seemed to have jan unlimited supply. A German inventor has invented a stone which is a combination of purified paper pulp, mixed with other hardening ingredients. ' It is as hard as stone bnt much lighter, and it is to be used for !. roofs and floors, the special claim made for it being that it is a non conductor of w h fc M . A new raft has been invented for ocean steamers, or other vessels car rying passengers. , They are used as shade decks, but in case of acci dent may be used as rafts having great carrying capacity andhold ing capacity of 2,000 people. .The retiring Governor of Penn sylvania gave much "good advice in his farewell addiess. .It is much easier for some Governors to give good advice when going out of office than, to practice it when m. The late Calvin S. Brice left only $000,000 worth of personal prop erty, but he left a comfortable little $7,000,000 or thereabouts in stocks and other kinds of property. Boston's claim to fame will not now be confined to beans, for she claims to have the largest railway station in the world, one that will accommodate 2,000 trains a day. Governor Roosevelt gives due no tice that habitual criminals or vwif e beaters need expect no sympathy and no pardons from him. j: ; It is predicted that the African gold mines will produce this year $100,000,000 worth of the yellow stuff. Hungarian statesmen aim high. Whenthev fieht duels they shoot into the roofs of neighboring houses. SHIPPING AT S0UTHP0RT. Revenue Cotter Hamilton Arrived Tog Iron Kins Transport Hartford. Special Star Telegram.' SdUTHPOKT, N. 0., January 7. The Eevenue Cutter Hamilton, Capt. Roath, arrived at five o'clckthis afternoon. - She left Charleston yes terday morning . and in cruising : up the coast experienced rough weather during the gale last night. ' - f The transport Hartford is an chored in the harbor for the night, and expects to proceed at daylight on her wav to Cuba" The U. 8. tug Iron King sailed to-day, bound to Havana TAXES IN CUBA. War Department Will Continue Spanish System for a Short Time. .. "j. By Teleitraph to the Morning Star Washington,; Jan. 7. -The i War 1 Department has " finally decided to continue in force, for a time at least, the system of collecting taxes in Cuba' practiced by the (Spanish autnonues, hot' . with .some important chanees made in the plan.: all in the direction j of liberality toward the taxpayers and ! in the honesty of administration. ; ' - WEE WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, JNUAKY 13, 1899. NEW SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Farther Particulars Regarding Prof. Jno. J. Blair's Acceptance His Enviable Career As An Educator. Yesterday morning the Stab an nounced that Prof. Jno. J. Blair had resigned the superintendency of the City Schools of Winston to succeed Prof. M. C. S, Noble as superintend ent of the Wilmington Public Schools, Prof. Noble having some months ago resigned that position to accept the chair of Pedagogy of the University of North Carolina. " The Winston papers refer extensive ly to Prof. Blair's resignation and give expression to sincere regret that the Winston 'schools are to lose him as a superintendent. The Journal declares that he is "one of the best superin tendents in the State, and Wilmington will be largely the gainer in his trans fer," , ; " The folio wins is Prof. Blair's resig nation, to-wit: To the:J3oard of School Commis sioners, Winston, N. C: ' Gentlemen On the first of the month, I received a communication' from the proper authorities in Wil- sition of Superintendent of Schools for that city: In view of the fact that these schools are the largest and best equipped in the State, that the posi tion is regarded as the most responsi ble and important one, and that the salary paid the ' superintendent there is greater than that given by any other of our cities, I very reluctantly and with many regrets most respectfully ask you 'to release me from my en gagement here so that I may proceed at once to this field. - For twelve years I have served in your schools to the best of my ability and I desire to express to the gentle men of this and former Boards my hearty and sincere thanks for the many favors and kindnesses, official and personal, which you have done me. Uur relations have always been of the most pleasant and cordial char acter and not an incident of an un pleasant kind has arisen between us during this long term of service. I desire to thank you, too, as an . edu cator, for the deep, earnest and un selfish interest and devotion which you have shown to the cause of education and in behalf of the important work which your schools . . are doing here. Through you I desire also to express my grateful eelm3 to the eood peo ple of this city who have always shown such a liberal, progressive spirit' tow ard the schools, and who have been so kind to me. r To the teachers and scholars. I am particularly attached, and desire to say, that to them 1 1 am indebted for whatever of success the schools have accomplished. My work here has been of the most pleasant and agree able character and it is hard for me to leave it, but, under all the circum stances, I shall be glad if you will allow me to enter immediately upon my work in another part or the State, which was tendered me unexpectedly and for which I made no application. Very sincerely yours, . Jno. J. Blair. The Winston Board of School Com missioners have accepted Prof. Blair's resignation and addressed to him the following letter, to wit: . ' Winston, N. C, Jan. 5th, 199. Prof. John J. Blair, Win6ton, N. U. Dear Sirs We are instructed by the Board of Graded School Commis sioners' for the city of Winston to in form .you, that your communication tendering your resignation as Superin tendent of t the Graded School of this city,' has been received, considered and accepted by the Board. While we do it with, regret, we will not stand in your way to better your condition. We desire to express the high esteem our people entertain for you, with inanKS ior your iaiimui service in tne schools continuously for twelve years. Our schools are now in the most flour-. ishing condition since their organiza tion, due largely to your faithful and untiring etrorts and splendid manage ment. . , We are confident that the Board voices the sentiment ot tnis entire community in wishing you success in your new field of labor. . xours truly, W. C. Pollard, Chairman Pro Tern. The Winston Sentinel gives the fol lowing concise sketch of Prof. Blair's career, to-wit: Prof. John Jay Blair is a native or Guilford county, N. C. He took a pre paratory course at Guilford College and graduated with high honors at Har vard University. Jj'or several years he was a professor in the State Nor mal school ofNorth Carolina and he has ' conducted with great success county institutes in nearly all sections of the State. He has taken several Summer courses in Northern schools for teachers and has remarkable tal ent for painting, drawing, etc. He has travelled extensively in Europe and is a great reader and student. He came to Winston in 1886 and taught in the schools until 11890, when he was elected Superintendent, which po sition he has held ever since. In 1893 he was President of the State Teach ers' Assembly, and in 1896 was elected Graded School Superintendents. He is a Mason, an Elk, President of the Golf Club. Manager of the Dramatic. Club, 8k- member of the Twin-tJity Club, etc, etc . To Make Way for the'TempIe. Mr. James C. Munds," as secretary. of the Masonic Temple Corporation, gives notice elsewhere in. this issue of the Star that bids will be received up to noon on Fridayv the 13th instant, for taking down the old First National Bank building now on the site upon which the new Masonic Temple is to be erected. The building is to be torn down and the lot cleared not later that February 20th. . The cotton market was un market changed yesterday at 5J cents for mid dling, with receipts 251 bales against 661 bales received same day last year. The crop year receipts up to the pres a. - . MIA AA 1 -1 Ti i. em . lime are ius agauiBb 274,311 bales received up to the cor responding date last year.-y ; - ; Wesley Gray, a very old iiegro, who' lived in the Purcell Alley, was found .dead Jin his room yesterday morninar. Dr. Price? the coroner, was notified and held an inquest, but found that death : resulted;; from j natural causes. 'Yr- ::rf ' :-i.LY THE TRANSPORT HARTFORD. Here : to Take on Supplies doing to 1 HavajM tor-Service Miss Clara . I Barton on Board. About lLSff o'clock yesterday morn- ! ing , the U. S. transport Hartford, I bound from New York - to .Havana, 1 steamed into this port for supplies and slight repairs. She is moored at the government dock and will "probably resume her voyage sometime this 1 afternoon. r The announcement that Miss Clara Barton is aboard the Hartford bound j for Cuba to look after the interests 1f the work of the Red Cross Society of which she is the founder and chief officer, -v will be. of pneral interest She spent the entire day. yesterday on board the ship and . will pro bably not. come ashore at all duriDg her stay in port The 6ailors on board the transport sing Miss Bar ton's praises with a will." She has al ready several times during the voyage, they say, distributed tobacco and-other luxuries to taern and in many ways striven to add to their pleasure.- Miss Barton does not know exactly how : long she will ' remain in Cuba. -. ;vO"" -L--' '' . The Hartford has until recently plied between New York and Hartford as a passenger boat and was but re cently purchased "by the United States government and is being sent to Cu ban waters, in charge of Capt Thomp son, to do a general transport service between the various ports of the Antil es. This is her first voyage on the "high sea," her service heretofore having been in the sounds onlyv EDWARD F0Y WAS ACQUITTED OF BURGLARY. Case Tried Before Judge Battle In Criminal Court Prisoner Was Much Affected. the - v - The entire session of the Criminal Court yesterday was occupied with the taking of evidence' and hearing argu ment in the case' against Edward Foy, colored, charged with . burglary. . It was about 6.30 o'clock last night when the jury returned a verdict of "not guilty" in the case. Star readers will remember ' that the charge against Foy was that of en tering the house of Jordan Nixon, colored, he ' having been found by Nixon under a bed about 2 A. M. on the occasion complained of in the in dictment During the trial yesterday Foy ac knowledged that he was in the house and under the bed as charged, but pro tested that he was there without felo nious intent and by knowledge and consent of certain members of Nix on's family. Six State's witnesses were examined. - The-only 4 testimony for the defence v as by the defendant, who was defended by L. V. Grady, Esq., in a manner which elicited many compliments. : Solicitor Duffy isalso highly com plimented for his very able and forci bly delivered address to the jury in the interest of the prosecution. Yesterday evening the court had been adjourned for fully an hour when the jury reached a verdict. It re quired considerable time to' notify Judge Battle and the counsel for the defence so that the verdict could be taken. In the meantime the prisoner, Foy, was brought into the court room. The trial was a matter of life or death to him and. he was deeply affected, weeping much of the time. When the jury announced the verdict he lifted his hands and almost shouted, "Bless God for that 1" -There is another charge for house breaking connected with the same in cident which will be tried to-day. Fpy was therefore remanded to jaiL The jury which sat curing the trial yesterday was as follows: Isham Quick, Dan'l J. Price, Jno. A. Holt E. A. Ovett Prince Le Boo, C- C. B. Parker, Jas. M. Moore. Geo. E. Bar nett Jno. B. Quelch, Abram Leonard, T. F.' Tyler, A. J. Hanby, J. W. Eubank, C. R. Branch, B, J. King, Richard.Pesen, T. M. Kure and J. W. Alderman. - ' . Court will reconvene at 9.30 A. M. to-day. CITY CART' DRIVER INJURED. Mr. Windsor Harrelson Had a Leg Frac tured Yesterday Morning. Mr. Windsor Harrelson, who lives in Masonboro township, had quite a mishap yesterday morning. He was employed by Mr. Jesse Williams as driver on a cart hired to Superintend ent Perry, for hauling rock on the streets, and yesterday morning the horse attached to his vehicle became frightened at a street car near the corner of Ninth and Princess streets and ran.-- , 'N, . The horse got' beyond Mr. Harrel son's control, . and he ' made' a jump from the cart to save himself, but be coming entangled with 1 the lines, he fell under (he cart and one 'wheel passed over his right leg, breaking both bones near the knee. : , - Superintendent Perry immediately had him removed to the City Hospital where Dr. Fife set the broken mem ber, and at last accounts he was doing very well. - :. "r - The Eayetteville Observer an nounces that President Harry Walters of the Atlantic Coast Line, will meet a special committee from the Fayete- ville Chamber of Commerce within . a few day to confer in regard to Fayette- ville's ad vantages for the reteintion of the present C. F. and Y. V. railroad shops. .. ;: . r " Only t wo marriage' licenses were issued by Register of Deeds Biddle during the past week, i Both were to white couples. . - -l. '. ;'. REV. MOSES D. H0QE, D. D. Died Yesterday Morning at His Residence in Richmond, Va. The Fineral To-morrow Afternoon. ; By Telegraph to the Morning Star. 1 Richmond, Va., January 6. Rev. Dr. Moses D. Hoge, the eminent Presbyterian divine and pastor - of the Second Presbyterian church, here, died at his residence in this' city at 2 20 o'clock this morning. 4- Early in November last Dr. ' Hoge while recovering from a severe spell of illness was thrown from his bucrgy by the . vehicles getting in collision wiiha trolly. He was badly j bruised. Two of his ribs were broken and he was unnerved from the t-hock of" the accident. He was a great sufferer at times, but was conscious to the last The funeral will take place .Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. 1 . Dr. Hoge was - born in Prince 'Ed ward county in 1818. He was de scended on his father's side from a long line of distinguished Presbyterian di vines. He was educated at Hampden Sydney College and -Union Theologi cal Seminary, and soon after being licensed to preach was v called to this city as an assistant io Dr. Plummer, of the First Church. His first and only independent charge was the Second Church, which he built up, : and has been pastor of for fifty-four years.' ; He stood in the front ; rank of Pres byterian ministers of the South, was an authority in r Church I courts, and was several times moderator of the Southern Assembly. . He had also represented his church on several occasions abroad as delegate; to pan Presbyterian and pan-Evangelical gatherings. Dr .Hoge threw- himself eart and soul into the Confederate cause and during the war j ran the blockade . to England, where he se cured from the British Bible Society a large grant of Bibles and Tes taments for the Confederate army. He had taken part in nearly every great Confederate function and demonstration occurring since the close of the war, such as the unveil ing of the Jackson statue and the laying Of the corner-stone and the un veiling! of the Lee statue, : and the Soldiers and Sailors' monument He took an important part in the cere monies incident to the re-interment of the remains of Mr. Davis, and one of his last appearances in public was as one of the officiating clergymen at Miss Winnie Davis' funeral.- As a pulpit orator he stood in the front rank of the preachers of this country. THE GRAND JURY'S WORK IS FINISHED. Their Report Submitted and They Dis charged Cases Disposed of By the Criminal Court Yesterday. The work before the .Circuit Crimi nal Court is being disposed ! of with considerable dispatch, so that there' are now but twelve prisoners in the county jail awaiting trial. Cbirt will continuein session during the greater portion of this week.' A recess was taken about 5.30 o'clock until 9.80 to morrow morning. The case-Df - hotise-breaking - Against. Edward Foy, colored, will ba the firtt case called for trial. 1 Yesterday W. H. Hansley, colored charged with stealing dressed hogs from Mr.'R. B. Moore a , few weeks since, was given a trial, which resulted in his conviction. Judge Battle sen tenced him to seven years in the peni tentiary. Other cases disposed of wereas fol lows.: . j " .' Daniel Keen, colored, perjury; nol prossed. Thos. Lane, colored, secret assault; nol prossed. . jj . ' Jno. A. Odham, larceny; not guilty. James Harper, colored, carrying concealed weapon ;' submitted. . Eugene James, colored, larceny of a saddle; submitted. Sentenced to four months in jail, to be hired out by commissioners. , ! Judgment was suspended on the payment of the costs in the case against two young men for driving a , horse to death, reference to which . has hereto fore been made. They also paid S. P. Cowan and Co. for the horse: The Grand Jury finished their work yesterday, submitted their report and were discharged for the term. The re port is as follows, to-wit: ! To his Honor Judge Dossen Battte, of January Term of the Criminal Court, tof New Hanover County, Presiding'. We, your Grand Jury for this term of court beg leave to report that we have performed the duties assigned to US. .:..:!". We have had before us 65! bills, of which number we have found 53 true bills and 5 not true bill; j we also made 4 presentments. i We have visited the county jail, the county home and court house. As to the county jail we found it to be in a very . filthy condition. The county home we found in good condition. The inmates were questioned and said that they had plenty to eat and a good supply of wood and their condition gen erally is as good as could be expected and they speak in high terms of the present superintendent Mr. Chad wick. ' The court house we found to be in excellent condition. We would rec ommend that seats be placed near the grand jury room door for the use of witnesses who are waiting to be called before that body. We also recom mend that the sewerage in the jail be overhauled and repaired at once and the jail be thoroughly cleaned imme diately. We also recommend that a telephone be placed in the County Home, so. that the county phy sician can be called in case of the severe sickness of any of the : inmates. We also recommend that the windows in the insane departments and the din ing room be repaired at once, as the glass is nearly all broken out and it is impossible to keep the insane depart ment warm in its present condition. We now beg to be discharged. Very respectfully, Geo. W. Branch, Foreman. ' Attest. i . - -J. F. Stanland, Clerk, m Provost Guard Henry i Denton, Third Kentucky regiment, was ' shot and instantly killed at uolumnus, ua., in the Tenderloin district, by Private Lambert, of the same regiment. - Lam bert disappeared and up to mid-night had not been captured, r . NO. 13 r MESSAGE Lengthy Document Read Yester day in Both Houses of the State Legislature. NOTHING REMARKABLE IN IT. Recommends Increased Appropriations for 7 Educational Purposes The State Guard Establishment pf a Re " formatory Other Notes. Gov. 'Russell's message to the State Legislature makes j no reference to race troubles.. Recounting the- begin ning of the war between the United States and Spain, and the President's call folvolunteers, he says: ' "North Carolina j has reason to be proud of the record imade by her sons in this war so rightfully declared and so quickly brought to a successful conclusion. The First North Carolina regiment was mustered into the ser vice of the United iStates among the very first in all the! country. In the battle of Santiago it was North Caro lina that gave up on i of the bravest and best in all the land when Lieut. Wm. E. Shipp was stricken down. He was recognized in the army and through out the country, as an officer of excep tional merit Among those who fell at Cardenas was another North Caro linian, Worth Bagiey, whowas the first commissioned officer killed in the war. . Upon the occupation of Cuba by our army, the First North Carolina 'regiment was the first to enter the capital city of Havana, and the first to bear the flag through its thorough fares. , Reports of the Secretary of State, of the Auditor' and Treasurer and heads of other departments are submitted. The work of the Geological Survey is shown; legislation for the prevention of forest fires is . recommended ; also legislation for the improvement of the public roads. The State Agricultural society, the uovernor says, has done good work the past two years : the State Museum is commended; also, the Normal and Industrial College, and the College of Agricultural, and Me chanic Arts; . the colored college at Greensboro has not been aS largely patronized as the amount or money expended upon -it would demand. Ap propriation is recommended for Ox ford Orphan Asylum. The State Peni tentiary is treated upon at some length. Since the beginning of his term, the Governor says, he has issued hiteen commutations and 107 pardons, 0her subjects briefly treated of are The A. & N. C. railroad; disburse ment of some $25,000 for mobilizing and mustering troops which the United States refuses to pay ; the Sol diers' Home; the State's credit; public printing; public charities; health mat ters: the public schools. As to other matters, the Governor says: The University. The statement of the condition of the University sent herewith is one made - to the Governor . by- the president of that institution in an in formal way. The report in full of the University will be made to the Gen eral Assembly at a later dv. . --v . It is a matter for profound gratitude that the University has now the largest attendance upon its classes that it las ever had in its longandjuseful history, And this increase in the number of. its students has been secured in the midst of business depression, such as hereto fore has never been known in this State. It is believed that larger-and more beneficial results are being secured by the public from ouri University than have been gotten from any other edu cational institution of a similar kind in the country upon an equal expendi ture of money. j It is also to be recorded that the spirit and practice of the North Caro lina University is thoroughly cath olic. It stands fori no castes in so ciety; for no school of theology; for no special set of speculations in science or philosophy; for no special view of economic thoughts It throws its doors wide open-to all classes of young men who seek Cultivation, without regard to their wealth or en vironments, or connections or convic tions. The- appropriations made to this institution heretofore have been wisely and economically used, and I recommend to the Legislature to make such additions to the appropriations or its treasury as may be demanded by its increased attendance and as " . .an An t"J" may be jusnnea ny j me. conditions 01 the public finances, j The Insane, Deaf, Dumb and theJUind ' The reports, respectively, of the Western, the Central and Eastern Hospitals for thejlnsane are transmit ted herewith, and your, attention is called to the recommendations there in contained. These recommenda tions are made by experts in these matters and things to which they re late, and will be more valuable m in forming and directing the legislation -than anything that might be advised by non-experts. I It is to be ho$ed that the Legislature through, its committees, will make a careful study of the accompanying re ports of the boards of these hospitals, with view of providing operating rooms and facilities f op the colonizing of certain patients mentioned in the reports referred to. I The reports of the boards having control of the School for the Educa tion of the Deaf and. Dumb and Blind are transmitted herewith, and the recommendations ' in these reports deserve careful consideration and study at the hands of the people's represent atives. During theJast year commo dious and ' well adapted structures have been erected upon the grounds of the institution for tie education of the blind in the city of Raleigh, and these buildings will, it is believed, enable these institutions to do theif work more comfortably I and more thor oughly than heretofore. I recommend to the Uenerai Assembly to take sucn steps at this session as they may deem necessary to gather into these several schools all those unfortunates who oucht- to be in one or the other of these "Institutions, but .who ' have not been, reached hitherto. The stage of progress of a Christian . people is determined by the provision they make for the care, comfort and edu cation of the unfortunate, more than by anything else. 1 And this is as it should be. No people can be justly entitled to the name of Christian that does not look after . the unfortunate and protect the weak. Special atten tion is invited to the report of the North. . Carolina Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb and theBlind. wherein the special needs of that institution are specially set forth. :-S'V: J;:-. 'H -H GOVERNOR Reformatories Recommended. The most enlightened statesmanship. : the dictates of comman humanity and the teachings of Christianity, unite to .t urge upon the lawmakers of this . State to establish one or - more refor- matories for the care and reformation ' of young criminals. To send a youth to the State's Prison, and compel , him i to be, for months and years in associ- -tion with hardened ' and confirmed criminals, is to make it sure that he will receive an education An crime. - and be turned out upon society la des perado. All those : who have given special study to the subject, are of ' opinion that it is better and v cheaper to prevent crime' than it is to. punish k it And the experience of those States which"1- .have erected reformntnriea- v should encourage us tolose no further - time in providing institutions wherein . youthful evil doers may be retained and taught to be useful citizens. I, -therefore, recommend to the General Assembly to take, this matter lip at the present sessionand-do what may be ' J J no . . uecuieu wise - ana sumcient to put ' North Carolina in line with many . of her sisters in this regard. It is believed that the penitentiary " authorities have done all they could ' to protect the juvenile criminals from - the results of evil associations, but their efforts in this behalf are necessa- rily limited. .7 ' . ! The North Carina Railroad. . In the early part of the Tear 1897 a suit in equity was brought by ' the oouinern fwiiroaa iJompairy in jthe Circuit Court of the United States ifor the Eastern district of North Caroli- na, to set up the 99 year lease of that road to the Southern, to have the lease declared binding and valid in law, and to enjoin the North Carolina Railroad Company and certain officers of the State, from bringing actions for the purpose of invalidating said lease. , ' In the course of this litigation it be came apparent that the Federal court would entertain the suit and would - decree the relief which was prayed for . by the complainant . Seeing that this would be the result, I advised the di rectors of the North Carolina Rail- ' road Company to submit the matter to the court upon the- pleadings and proofs without further resistance, Jpro- . vided the Southern Railroad Com- any would pay all the' costs of the itigation and would save the State treasury harmless against all expense. This was done, and- thereby a larger amount of, money was saved to the -State and to the North Carolina Rail road Company. The court entered up a decree- in favor of the Southern Railroad Company. ... By thu action, the rights of the . State as a sovereign are in no wise im- ' paired or affected. The suit was sub- stantially between the Southern. Rail- road Company and the North Carolina Railroad Company. The decree is ixv no wise binding upon the Legisla ture. - ' '. The Railroad Commission. In the month of September, 1897, two of the railroad commissioners were sus pended, and two other qualified per- 1 sons appointed in their stead, under the authority of law vesting this power in the Governor, by the Railroad Com-, mission Act of 1891. The documents, notices, correspondence and reasons for this suspension, will be submitted to the General Assembly at this ses sion. v An attempt has been made by the Railroad Commissions make a mate-' - rial reduction in telegraph rates. The Western Union Telegraph Company has'resisted this reduction, and has ob tained an injunction in the' United t States Court to prevent the reduced rates from going into effect ' The Railroad Commission has also made a reduction against one of the greatest railroad systems of the State in the matter of passenger rates. This reduction is also resisted by the rail road, which has obtained an injunc tion against it in the United States Court r -i v In-both these cases counsel have been I employed to represent the in terests of the people of the, State,1 and test the question involved. -" North Carolina State Guard. The incorporation of many of the companies of the State Guard into the volunteer army of the United States, has made a reorgnization of the Guard necessary.. This work of reorganization has been already, commenced, and is being prosecuted as rapidly as thor oughness will allow. Major Charles L. Davis, of the United States army is assisting in this reorganization at this time, and for the good of this service, it is hoped that the National wartoffice will -permit us to continue to avail ourselves of his knowledge and ex perience in military matters. 1 I recommend that additional appro priations be made for this service. An increase in ' the funds to be made available for this service is necessary, if our military organizations are to be kept up to the requirements bf the times. It is especially necessary that the salary of the adjutant general should be increased to the sum of $1000 per annum. Heretofore, the gentle men who have filled this office have ' done so' -atf considerable personal sacrifice. to themselves. . And, an ad ditional reason why this officer's sal ary should be increased, is found in the fact that heretofore the work of ' this office has been done by an officer of .the United States army. And, in the future, it is understood that the. services of a United States army of ficer cannot be obtained. The State , ought to be willing to pay this officer a just compensation for the services he renders to the public. THE NEGRO REQIM&JT An Atlanta Paper Refers to Russell's pW As a Vicious and Worthless Set : of Ruffians. As Jim Young's- Negro j Regiment will soon be out of service and back in North Carolina some of them" in Wilmington the following from the Atlanta Journal will be read with in- terest: ; , meat on its aeierminauon vj muster . . J . L A 1 1 unteerafrom -Virginia, and " another Lux ti. ' "Both these regiments are stationed in Macon, and we do not hesitate to -say that a more utterly vicious : and -worthless set of ruffians never served; under theair of the United States. regiments nave met ncniy . aeservea deaths oy reason 01 tneir assaults upon the person or property 01 citzena 01 . this State. They have been a nuisance. a pest and a menace ever since they were located in Macon. When they passed the bounds of toleration the. good men 01 that community attended to them properly, out tney nave -; an noyed and disgusted the decency 01 Macon to an unprecedented degree. - ine Journal, nas asKea - ior weexs . past wny sucn regunencs were not at once i mustered out They should t v- . ir.- Uover uuvo umu uiiuwreu u. xucj uluav uayo ' msu.-' Kauioreu iiuiu tug A 1 V. mm.-X.A. WiM urns of the lowest Order of popula tion in the States to . Which they are credited, and it is hard to understand how the administration has kept' them saddled on the government so longv However wer will yp far toward for- ment of an immediate mustering; out i - - -- ! : -:::

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