V i M.00 A YAR. IN ADVANCE. . . . --,'7- -LJ- A1.UU1 . V V .11 1 II U II l -U. ' rSUl. JJ-. l SSSSSSSS8SSSS88SS tnoW CT s?Sg3882gf SSSgg Trr" SSSSS82888S8S8888 4 88 ss 88888 S8888888S8S2 88888888888888888- 88888888888888S88 qiooW I 8S8S88SS828S3SS3S 8S88S888888888883 8888888888888888 s : 8'- Si S S j - o 0. Kotcred at the Port Office at ' nmtgtoa, M. C, i Second Clan Ma'ier.l - SUBSCRIPTION P ".ICE. The rabacription price of the W-Jj Btw ia as ollowi; s invle Copy 1 year, pottage paid.,,,, .....tl 00 " 'f Smooth " " , 80 " 8 month " tO EVADING TB RESPONSIBILITY. President McKinley haB achieved .the distinction since he has been in office of being a President who' can change his views with remark ablejrapidity and hold one day views diametrically- the opposite of the views he held the day before. The (reason of this is because- the views jof Mr. McKinley are not so much Mr. McKinley 's? views as they are the views of others who have influ ence over Mr. McKinley. In his messages to Congress he was as far from expansions any man in the. United States now is, and he never announced a change of views upon that question until he madethat Western tour after the protocol was agreed upon when he gave the first intimations of that and he Went back to Washington under the impression that expansion was popular in the West. When he came South he was to all intents and purposes an ex pansionist, declared that our flag had .been raised over the soil where our soldiers had been victorious and askedwho would pull it down?" as if there were something unpatriotic or reprehensible in the mere sugges tion to pull it down, i It is a well known fact that up to the time our cpmmissionsers met the Spanish commissioners in Paris there was no , definite conclusion arrivedat as to anything save ac quiring a base- of supplies ' in the island of Luzon, for which ',we' need ,not have negotiated with Spain," for that island was after the surrender 'of Manila in our own possession with the assent of the Filipinos who were co-operating as allies with our forces. If there was any intention to do more than that, to claim more territory, then Mr.1 McKinley didn't know it or he was playing a decejuive and a very discreditable part in that protocol foirhe was specific as to Cuba, Porto Eico, and Guam, but as to the Philippines only said that their status was to be determined by future negotiations.. Why this non-committal phrase ology? Was it to fool Spain, the Filipinos or the American people, or all three? It led the Filipinos to believe that the intention was to i negotiate with Spain to evacuate the archipelago so that a govern ment, by the Filipinos might be established . without further blood shed, but when the Filipinos were ignored in , all the subsequent pro ceedings and they were not con sulted about anything, when they were the most interested in all that was done, they -naturally began to suspect the sincerity and disinter estedness of our friendship. Egged on by British sentiment to take pos session of all the islands and .influ enced by greed for the lands which were reported to be rich in valuable resources, the- commission, which first-had Luzon only in "view, de manded all, but in return agreed to pay fepaiii a stipulated sum of money. All this without any understanding with or recognition of the Filipino Is it to be wondered at thaT they became suspicious, and resented be ing bought and sold like chattels? .When they did that they were called "rebels," and Aguinaldo, who but a I few shortweeks befdre was lauded ; as a patriot, a liberator and a hero7 became a "traitor." It was impossible J;hat this state of . things dbuld last long without cul "minatirig in bloodshed, as it has done, most of which, however, was shed- by our late allies who frere ; mowed from the face of the earth by our death-dealing guns. , Whether the Filipinos or Ameri cans fired the first shot doesn't mat- ter. It isn't thai, shot which fixes the responsibility for the blood shed. It was the events which led up to that shot and provoked it. Since that shot was fired and blood shed the expansionists have begun to realize what it may possibly mean and are trying to throw the respon sibility ujjon the Filipinos. The President did this in his Boston speech," as other expansionists had done before, and as he will doubt less he will do in any other speeches he may make j or public papers "iie ; . my write. .: , -' - m .. To intelligent' people who are ' familiar with the .. history of the Philippine drama all thisla as trans- . parent as glass. . Andrew. Carnegie .VOL. XXX. belongs to the Bame political house- bold as the President, but he doesn't believe in forcible expansion and he doesn't believe what Mr. McKinley says about it either, ' for hejuees through the pretence and the effort to evade the responsibility for the subsequent proceedings, which he thus shows in a letter to the New York World: : N ' "The President in his Boston speech yesterday makes this extraordinary statement: The Philippines, like Cuba and Porto Rico, were intrusted to our hands by the war.' "On the contrary, the protocol signed as the result f the war pro vided for the Philippines not "like Cuba and Porto ' Rico," but expressly reserved them for negotiation with Spain as to their future control, dis position and government.' "The Philippines have been 'in trusted to us solely by the unexpected demand for them made by the Presi dent himself after he had suddenly changed his mind, which was at first that we should not burden ourselves with them.' ' "The Senate asked him to lay before it his instructions or correspondence with the Commissioners, which would have proved this, but he refused. "The Philippine burden is not ' chargeable to . the war. This is the President's own Pandora box, his New Year's gift to his country, for which he alone is responsible. v Neither Con gress nor the people had any voice in the matter. But one 'need not wonder why he f should now at tempt to evade the, responsibility, since he tells us that "evey red drop. whether from the Veins of an - Ameri- can soldier or a misguided Filipino, is anguish to my heart." His conscience smites him. No wonder. The guilty Macbeth also cried out. Thou canst not say I did it!" Whether the acquisition of the Phil ippines was wise or foolish, they are upon our hands not by the war but by the President's own act, and he had better stand up like a man and assume the responsibility, asking his country men to forgive his mistake if he now sees he has made one. " -The pretence that we -were com pelled to accept the obligation put upon us and possess! ourselves of these islands when our commis sioners deliberately bribed Spain to turn them over to us for $20,000,000 is one of the -rottenest of frauds. We could just as well have demanded that Spain vacate these islands as we could ojfler to buy them, .and we were under no obligation to hold them or to turn them over to Spain. They Were not ours to turn over to Spain! and consequently we could not do that. We could have had an understanding with the Filipinos, and then off ered, if they were will ing, a specified sum of money with the understanding that this money should be refunded out of customs, and then let the Filipinos go .oh and form their own Government, under an American protectorate if heed be. All this could have been done; the friendship between the Americans and' Filipinos remain unbroken; and not a drop of rblood shed. No wonder Mr. McKinley is trying to evade the responsibility. THE AFTERMATH. Whatever of honor or glory Chere may have been in the successful war with Spain it. is considerably dimmed by the unfortunate' and disgraceful wranglings, between those in high position, since the war closed. With strained relations that have culminated in almost open warfare between the Secretary of War and the commander of the army, .we have a similar state of affairs existing between the Secre tary of the Navy and Rear Admiral Schley, . whose achievements the friends ef Admiral Sampson are trying to discredit. - Personal feel ing and professional jealousy re at the bottom of all this,personal feeling with Alger in the case of Miles and professional jealousy in the case of Sampson against Schley. - ' The Alger - Miles controversy, growing apparently out of the bad beef charges, might have been altogether avoided if Alger's j Com missary General had admitted that possibly some of the beef sent to the soldiers In Cuba and Porto Rico might have been in bad condition When it arrived, into a rage and Miles and others instead -of flying denouncing Gen. who found fault with it as all sorts ol liars, it is a fact that much of the beef sent was unfit for use, which might hot be considered remarkable after the dis- tance transported and . the warmth of the weather when it was delivered. The denial, and the insistence that the beef was good, in'spite of all that was said to the contrary, -invited dispute, magnified: the conten tion and intensified the scandal, all of which might have been avoided by simply admitting the facts, and properly accounting for them. The Sampson-Schley controver&y could have been avoided if Samp son's friends had been willing to concede to Schley the laurels which he had won, and had not sought not only to deprive him of his laurels, but to reflect upon his ability as a commander and his courage as a fighter. - ' . These two chapters in the sup plemental . proceedings as to "Cuba and Porto Rico are unfortunate and diminish the glory of the achieve ments of arms that preceded them, An exchange rises to remark that ''there is no demand anywhere for more silver." Isn't there Send some more Of it along this way and see. I Running ; for Congress ' was . first suggested to Representative Dock ery, of Missouri, by his shoemaker. Dockery, jwho , was then . a bank cashier, didn't think he could make a speech, but his shoemaker did, and billed , him . as orator at a Fourth of July celebration which came off shortly after.! Z Dockery made the speech, made a hit, was nominated for Congress some time later and elected. He should have . a lasting remembrance of that knight of the last.- That's awl. ' ; N " A Boston alderman visiting Chi cago was shocked to see the mayor with a big cigar in his teeth while presiding over a meeting of the aldermen and a number of the alder-. men with their feet on the desks. Chicago aldermen's feet are harmless. It is the other extreme that causes trouble. r - President McKinley says ho is glad he is alive. If he wasn't alive he couldn't have half as much fun distributing offices among his Ohio friends and circling 'round the country, enjoying - big banquets, etc. There are lots o people who, under these circumstances, would be lad they were alive.", . An American syndicate has closed a deal for a lot of the largest tobacco manufactories in Havana, and also for a lot of tobacco land and will thus have a string on the Havana cigar. j ; - . MRS. MARY LOUISE RANKIN. 'Died at Her Home in This City Yesterday.- Funeral This Afternoon From St. James' Church. V A host of friends in Wilmington and a large number of acquaintances in eastern North Carolina will deeply sympathize with Mr. Robt G. Rankin in the loss of his wife. Mrs. Mary Louise Rankin, whose death occurred at the family residence in this city yesterday afternoon. - Mrs. Rankin was daughter of the late Col. S. W. G. Andrews, who was prominent in Wilmington business circles just after the war, as a member of the firm of Andrews & Borden, for warding and commisssion merchants. The deceased had been in feeble health for some time, and while her death was not wholly unexpected, it nevertheless came with a shock to her many friends and to . her relatives, to whom she had endeared herself by her Christian traits and amiable dispo sition. ' She was fifty years of age at the time of her death,' and for a number of years had been ft valuable and con sistent member of St. James Episco pal church. A bereaved husband, and one son, Mr. Robert G. Rankin, Jr., survive her, and to them the sympathy of the community goes out in the great loss they have sustained. : The funeral will be conducted this afternoon at 4 o'clock from St. James' church by Rev. Robt. Strange, D. D., and immediately afterwards the inter- jnent will be made. Small Fire at Wrightsville. The oyster roaster and pavilion of Mr. William Stokeley on Wrightsville Sound came near being destroyed by fire- Sunday afternoon. A party of Wilmington and Wrightsville people were gathered there for an- oyster roast, when it was announced that the-roof of the building was on fire. The party immediately set about, pro- rcured buckets and succeeded in 'extin guishing the flames before any great damage was done. To the heroic ef forts of .CapL R. O. Grant and Capt. A. B. Norton, of the schooner Jno. I. Sjiow, who bore themselves like mas ter firemen, is due the fact that the building was" not entirely consumed, The damages are about $15. Schooner In .Distress. The schooner Sarah A. .Fuller, Capt. Brown, bound for Boston with a cargo of lumber, from Fernandjna, Fla., put in at Southport yesterday morning in distress. Capt. Brown, who came up to the city last evening, says that he encountered a heavy blizzard off Frying Pan Shoals, which carried away most of the schooner's head gear, consisting of standing rig srinsr. sails, booms, bowsprit, etc The Fuller arrives to Messrs. Geo. Harriss, Son & Co., and after repairing tempo rarily, will proceed. A Successful Shot A most beautiful specimen of the wild turkey was - brought up from Orton plantation on the steamer Wil mington yesterday. It was a hen, weighing twenty pounds, and its plumage "was magnificent. It was killed early yesterday - morning by Col. Kenneth M. Murchison,, .the owner of "Orton," who is how one of the most successful hunters in the State. Confidentially, ' though, the writer saw the Colonel, a good many years ago, fire two shots at a deer, not thirtylyards distant, without "touching a hair." - At Maxton and Unrinbor;. : Hon. Jno. D. Bellamy received no tice yesterday that contestant Dockery would take depositions at Maxton, Saturday, 25th, before J. D. Jowers, Notary Public, and at Laurinburg, Monday, the 27th, -before W. M. Kelley, Notary Public. Bellamy's counsel at 'Maxton will be JohnD. Shaw, Jr., and at Laurinburg Major John Br Shaw and Walter i. JNeaL O. J. Spears will represent .Dockery at LaurinDure and B. .F. McLean will appear for him at Maxton. WILMINGTON, N. C.; FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1899. REMARKABLE CATCH OF FISH. New River Troat Were Easily Caught by Thousands After the Recent Freeze. . A gentleman who' returned to the city yesterday afternoon from Jack sonville, Onslow county, reports some remarkably large ' catches of trout that were made in New River ' below Jacksonville after the unprecedented cold weather of the ' early part of the week. - : ' - Vs He says that there were on .a con servative estimate at least 15,000 on the landings at Jacksonville 'Friday, varying in weight from three to fifteen pounds each. . They were brought to Jacksonville in boats and were sold ia quantities as low as four cents each, taking the lots as they came. A large quantity of them were brought to Wilmington yesterday and the dealers -found ready sale, for them at 25 to 75 cents each. ' There were also quite heavy shipments made to the Northern markets via Newborn and via Wil mington. " . . ' ' fc r Fishermen say the trout were be numbed by the cold and were easily J scooped up in dip nets and some were even caught hf lrand. AUGUSTA AND THE A. C. U Large Purchase of Real Estate in . the City Supposed to be for Rail. road Terminals. The Stab announced several days ago that Attorney Joseph R. Lamar, of the Charleston and Western Carolina Railroad a branch line of the A. O. L. had purchased five' blocks of city property in Augusta, Ga , and that the presumption in Augusta was that the property had been bought for the pur posefcof establishing a terminus for the A. C. L. at that place. It was also stated atihe time that prominent ofii cials of the road would neither deny nor confirm the report. : The following from the , Augusta, (Ga.) Chronicle of Friday, 17th ins t , will be interesting reading in this' con nection: One of the biggest real ' estate deals in Augusta, for many a day and one that is of vast importance to the city was closed yesterday. By it five blocks of city property changed hands and the Bum involved is $30,000. Mr. Joseph S. Lamar is the purchas er of the property, but . further than this all is surmise. The surmise however has a very rea sonable basis to rest upon.'' Mr. Lamar is attorney for the Uhar eston and Western Carolina railway. The C. & W. C. is owned by the At lantic Coast Line. The Atlantic Coast Line is building a connection from Denmark, where it at present connects with the South Carolina- and Georgia road to Robbins on the Port Royal and Augusta branch, of the J. and w. u. These are facts Well known to the public. When the connection is com pleted it will be seen that the Atlantic Coast Line will enter Augusta on its own tracks instead of via the South Carolina and Georgia, as at present The Atlantic Coast Line always works for the upbuildine of the interests along its roads. . The C. W. & C. part of its system is so vitally concerned in Augusta's welfare that what helps the C. & W. C. is bound to help Au gusta and what helps Augusta is bound to benefit the C. & W. U. Augusta may well celebrate the ar rival of the Atlantic Coast Line trains over its own track, and the day should be made a memorable one in its festal annals, DEATH OP MR. M.D0WLINQ. Occurred at His Home in This City Yes terday Afternoon. The Stab regrets to announce the death of Mr. Michael Dowling, which occurred at his home in this city, No, 713 South Eighth street, about 1.30 o'clock yesterday afternoon, after a long and painf ul suffering with cancer covering a period of about eight years. Mr. iDowling was born in Ros common. Ireland, in tne year it4 and was therefore 65 years of age. He came to Wilmington about 42 years ago. and was an active, industrious citizen until he was seized with the ter rible disease which ended his life. yesterday, H was a gallant- Con federate soldier and left Wilmington at the opening of the war with Col. E. D. Hall's "Tigers;" was subsequently transferred to (Jol. McDowell's com mand, where he served faithfully un til the close of the war.; Mr. , Dowling married a sister of Messrs. Timothy and P. Donlan, both of this city, and she with three sons, Mr. M. F. Dowling, foreman of En gine Company No. 2, Mr. T. J. Dow ling, of Davidson, ' N. C, and Mr. -F. M Dowling, of Charleston, S. C, survive him, and have the sympathy of many friends. . The funeral will be from the late residence at 3.30 olclock this afternoon, thence to St Thomas' Pro-Cathedral thence to Oakdale Cemetery. Boat-honse and Yachts Destroyed. Mr. George Harriss, Jr., yesterday received the news that his boat-house at Summer Rest, on v Wrightsville sound, had been burned, - together with the entire contents. He re ceived the intelligence in the morning and went down in the afternoon to in vestigate the origin of the fire, etc. It is thought to have been the work of an incendiary as there' was no other - possible way in which the building could have caught. ''- The yachts Harry T. and Nixie beloneine to Mr. Geo. Harriss, the yacht- Restless, owned by Mr. W. N. Harriss and a lot of spars, rigging, sails and other equipments for the boats, 'were stored in the house and were also completly destroyed. The loss is quite heavy and is only partially covered by insurance. An epidemic of influenza has pre vailed in the greater part of lUurope for some time past. In England mild type of influenza is very preva lent. . . -X RASBERRY-CROOM MARRIAGE. Celebrated in the Buiraw Presbyterian Church Wednesday NlxbtThe " : Attendants. " Wilmipgtoiuanjs who attended the marriage of Miss Lizzie Groom, of JSurgaw, to Mr. P. A. Rasberry, of Scotland: Neck, in the Burgaw Pres byterian Church Wednesday night, announcement of which was made in yesterday 'aSTAE, returned to this city yesterday. They report a very pretty marriage. 'The ceremony was per-' formed by Rev. Geo. McMillan and the wedding marches were played by Mrs. J. B. Moore, of Burgaw. Miss Mamie Croom, sister of the bride, was maid of. honor, and" Mr. "Augustus Bowers, of Scotland Neck, best man. The bridal attendants were: Mr. Bruce Black with Miss Bobbie Croom j - Mr. Vance Croom j with Miss Robbie Sutton: Mr. Claude' Dollar With Miss Katie Hand: Mr. - Burr Croom with Miss Mattie Blood worth. The ushers were Messrs. P. T. Croom, Luther Hand, Sam Hand and Wright McNeill. ; r ... Alter tne marriage a reception was held at the home pf the bride's par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Rasberry left Bur gaw yesterday for the groom's home in Scotland Neck. .. RESUMABLV FOR A. C. L. TERMINALS. Five Blocks of City Property In Augusta Purchased Yesterday by C. and W. C. Railroad. A special telegram to the Stab from the Augusta (Ga.) Chronicle, received last night, announced that Attorney Lanpar, of the Charleston and Western Carolina railroad, a branch of the Atlantic Coast Line, yesterday pur chased five blocks of city property in Augusta. The telegram also states that the presumption in Augusta is that the property is bought for the purp'ose of establishing .a terminal for the A. C. .' L. at Augusta. . However, Mr. Lamar would make no statement as to the object of his purpose. A member of the Stab staff called upon Mr. J. R. Kehly, General Man ager of the A. C. L. last night, and showed him the telegram. Mr. Kenly said that there was nothing th it he could say at present in regard to the matter and would -neither deny or confirm the statements made in the telegram. , 3,125 IN REVENUE STAMPS. That Was Amount Required for' Deed to C F. & Y. V. Property Filed for Registration Yesterday. The deed conveying the old C. F. &. V. Railroad property to EL Wal ters, B. F. Newcomer, Michael Jen kins, Warren G. Elliot and their as sociates, was tiled for registration in the office of the register of deeds of New Hanover county yesterday. The sum of money involved, including the purchase price of rolling stock is $3,- 125,000 and the instrument required $3,125 worth of documentary internal revenue stamps, 62 of the number be ing of the $50 denomination, two of the $10 denomination and one $5 stamp. The deed conveys the property to the purchasers as joint tenants and not as tenants in common for the use. benefit and behoof of the new corpora tion, the Atlantic and Yadkin Rail way Co., created by the purchasers under and in accordance with the laws of the State. ' It is signed by Eugene Martin, Esq., and Clement Manly, Esq., Master Commissioners; Gen. Jno. Gill, Re ceiver: E. S. Marston and Samuel Sloan, Jr., president and secretary,- respectively of the Farmer's Loan & Trust Co., of New York!- and by H. Walters, B. F. Newcomer, Michael Jenkins and Warren G. Elliot, as the purchasers. Details of the sale, the consideration, etc., nave aireauy been published in the Stab. S. C. TRUCK FARMS. Great Damage by the Freeze Some v Crops Totally Destroyed. Charleston News and Courienl7Z One of the truck farmers from St. Andrew's Parish said yesterday that great damage had been done to the ten- aer crop- by the freeze, lie went over his farm after the snow began to melt ana ruin was found everywhere. Ac cording to his estimate, which is made after a careful examination, the lettuce and peas are about completely destroy ed, while the cabbage crop is damaged 33 per cent The beet crop is about wholly destroyed The loss will be se rious to the farmers, as good headway had been made toward getting in a fine early-crop of vegetables for the North ern markets, where high prices are paid for everything sent out from this -egion. The truck farmers up the road have also suffered seriously from the snow and the storm. There 'is satisfaction in the fact, however, , that the , entire crop is not killedj though some of the farm owners are inclined to think little good will come from whafr escaped. lne reports irom various sections are coming in rapidly, and it is only a question of how much has been saved. Mr. Kyle Appointed Special Agent j Mr. W. EL Kyle, late General Pas senger Agent for the C. F. and Y. V. will continue with the Atlantic and Yadkin as special agent with headquar ters at Fayetteville. .-The appoint ment has just been made by Mr. T. M. Emerson as Traffic Manager. Other appointments recently made are Mr. H. M. Emerson, General Freight and Passenger Agent 1 and Mr.- W. G. Pulliam. Freight Claim Agent, the offices of both of course in Wilming ton.. .Z, .-. V- MURCHISON NATIONAL BANK. Organized at a Meeting of Stockholders. Board of Directors President and Cashier Elected. I As foreshadowed in the Stab sev eral days ago, the new national bank to be established in Wilmington is to be known as "The Murchison Na tional Bank," and the institution is to begin business on or about March 1st. The first meeting of the subscribers to stock was held yesterday afternoon in the office of Murchison & Co!, when organization was perfected,4he name for the 'corporation adopted and a board of directors elected. - j ! Capt. W. R. Kenan was elected chair man of the meeting of subscribers to stock and Mr. J. Grainger was se lected assecretary. The first business, of course, was the selection of a name for the bank and on motion, "The Murchison National Bank", was unani mously 'adopted. j " The capital stock of the bank ' was fixed at $200,000 and the following Board of Directors was elected: Mr. J. A. Springer, Mr. N. "Jacobi, Mr. W, H. Sprunt, Mr. J, C. Steven son, Mr. JL. M. Emerson, Mr. tL. C. ; McQueen, Mr. A. B." Nichols, Mr. A. S. Williams, Mr. J. V. Grainger, ' Mr. Frederick Kidder. Col. K M. Murchison, Mr. N. B. Rankin, Mr. W. G. Whitehead, Mr. M. J. Corbett and Mr, R. W Wallace. All the subscribers to stock were represented in the meeting either in person or by proxy. Those in attend ance were Col. K. M. Murchison, Mr. EL C. McQueen, Mr. J. C. Stevenson,. Mr. M. J. Corbett, Mr. W. R. New bury, Mr. J. V. Grainger, Capt W. R. Kenan, Mr. W. B. Cooper, 1 Mr. F. H. Stedman, Mr. N. B. Rankin. Hon. Jno. D. Bellamy, Mr. Sam Bear, Jr., Mr. M. H. ,ICurran, J. D. Bellamy, Jr., Esq., Col J. W4 Atkinson, Mr. R. W. Hicks, Mr. N. Jacobi, Mr,. H. Lippitt, Mr. George Honnett, Col. Walker Taylor; Mr. L. P. McKenzie, Mr. James Sprunt, Mr. S. Behrends, Mr. F. A. Lord, Mr. T. M. Emerson, Mr. H. L. Miller, Mr. J. A. Springer, Mr. Frederick l Kidder, Mr. R. B. Lancaster, Mr. A. B. Skeld- mg, Mr. K. w. Wallace, Mr. w. G, Whitehead and Mr. Wm. H. Bernard. Meeting of the Directors. After the adjournment of the sub scribers to stock, a session of the new ly elected board of directors was held, during which Mr. H. C. McQueen was elected president and Mr. J. V. Grainger cashier. I A resolution was adopted reauirinsr that fifty per centrof the subscriptions to the capitarstock shall be paid in on or before February 25th; so that the institution may open for "business March 1st. The bank will start under most fa vorable conditions, as it will succeed to the large and well established busi ness of the banking . house j ot' Mur chison & Co. It is well officered, too, and the Board of Directors is com posed of excellent material, f Banking House Improvements. A force of workmen, carpenters and painters, are now busy repairing, renovating and beautifying the bank ing house on Front street, so that the new institution will begin business in handsome and well appointed quarters COTTON AND NAVAL STORES. Receipts for Week and Crop Year As Posted Yesterday. After several days inactivity on ac- count of the snow storm, the local cot ton and naval stores markets opened again yesterday with the following quotations: Cotton firm at 6 cents for middling; spirits turpentine steady at 43J44 cents; rosin firm at 9095 cents and tar steady at $1.00. There was nothing doing in crude turpen tine. ; ' I ' " The following weekly and crop year receipts were'posted at the Produce Exchange yesterday: Week ending Feb. 17th, 'gi-Ootton rosin 1133 332 bales ; spirits 47 casks ; barrels; tar 425 barrels; crude 58 casks. Week ending Feb. 17th, '98 Cotton 568 bales: sprits 205 casks; rosin 2395 barrels; tar 1494 barrels; crude 50 bar rels. - . . " ' I - Crop year, '99 cotton 284,010; spirits 27,191 casks; rosin 151,066 barrels; tar 62,579 barrels; crude 10, 606 barrels. Crop year, '98 cotton 297,610 bales; spirits 33,789 casks; rosin 145,195 bar rels; tar 56,745 barrels; crude 9,933 barrels. i Death of a Popular Travelling Man. Capt. Edgar L. Hart, who came down on his usual trip on the northern train yesterday afternoon, brought news to1 the city of the death of Mr. Joe Pippen, a well known and very popular young travelling man of En field, N.1 C. Mr, Pippen was about 21. And was a son of Mr. F. L. Pippen, A. C. L. agent at Enfield. He was well and favorably known in Wilmington, and for the past few months has been travelling for Ades Bros., jof Balti more. While on his last trip, about ten days ago, he" contracted typhoid fever at Atlanta, was removed to his home at Enfield two days later and died there yesterday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. ; . . " - j " '.- - The funeral will take place to-morrow afternoon, and the interment will be made at Enfield. Baron Paul Julius deReuter, form erly of Router's Telegram' Company, who is over1 80 years of age, is lying at the point of death in his villa at Nice. George" F, Baer. president of the Reading Iron Company,- to-night or dered a voluntary advance . in the wages of its two thousand employes. beginning . March - 1st. . - The amount has not yet been determined. Z i."-f V.. NO. 19' CONGRESSIONAL CONTEST. Dockery" to Take Testimony Here Next : Saturday Has Only Five Days for" ..- the Whole District. The first act in the roaring farce en tittled "Oliver H. Dockery, Con testant," will be presented in this city next Saturday, as will be seen by the. following notice served on ' Hon. Jno. D. Bellamy yesterday:. CONGRESSIONAL CONTEST. Oliver EL Dockery; Contestant, vsl Jno. D. Bellamy, Contestee Fifty sixth Ctongress---Sixth District of North Carolina, j To Jno. D. Bellamy - Contestee, Wil mington, N. C: ; Sib: You will take notice that I will proceed to take testimony in the above entitled cause in the Federal Court room, in the U. S. Postoffice hlliJrJino. Wilminirfnn Vavma T - U1 Wallace, a Notary Public, beginning at .9 o'clock A. M, on Saturday, 25th day of February, 1899, and continuing from day to day if necessary. I will exam ine the following witnesses, namelv: Jas. G. Blain. J. S. W. Eacles. Jack Moore, Lewis Guyer, Joseph Ander-J arm WiIKo . T a ir V JVC. Williams, Jno G. Norwood, C. W. Norwood, John! Whitehead, Jos. Scarboro, David Bryant. Joseph Mc Farland, Robt Simmons, J. J. Guyer, Fred Guyer, Alex Rhone, Calvin Bell, Jno. D. Franklin, George Littleton, E. M. Green, J. A. Sharpe, Watson McNeill, J. W. Murchison. William Perdew, Marcus W. Jacobi,-Joseph Jacobi, Owen F. Love, F. W. Kerch ner, Wm. E. Springer, C. D. Foard. --This, the 18th day of February, 1899. - OlivkbH. Dockkbt, Per Oscar J. Spears, Attorney. . . r Of the thirty-three witnesses named in the foregoing list there are, we be lieve, nine white Democrats and twenty-four negroes,and the striking feature is the fact that the name of not one white Republican appears in the list. Why is this? Haye the white Re publicans all turned! Democrats?' Or is Col. Dockery's attorney afraid of their testimony? I - ' - i ' But another -remarkable feature of this so-called contest, is the fact that Dockery will have but five days in which to ,take his direct evi dence . in, the j entire district. The law governing these contest is very plain. After notice of contests is served oh the contestee the latter serves his answer on the con etstant, who is allowed forty days from date of service of answer to take , testimony. Then the contestee is al io wed .forty days to take testimony and the contestant has ten days in which to take evidence in rebuttal, As Bellamy's answer was served on Dockery on the 21st of January,'. Dockery's forty days will expire on the 2nd of March, or five days from next Saturday, when his first witness will be examined. There is no provision in the law for any extension of the time allowed for direct evidence. So, Dockery must be content with what he can do in -five days; Bellamy will then have forty days, and Dockery can fol low with ten days for testimony in rebuttal. I . , This statement of facts indicates very strongly that Dockery is engaged in a hopeless struggle, so far as any con test is concerned, and that his real ob ject is to manufacture "campaign thunder" for the Republican Congres sional Committee, j FAYETTEVILLEwSH0PS WILL BE CLOSED. Conference of Fayetteville Board of Trade and City Officials With Oeneral Manager Kenly. . The Fayetteville i papers of Friday afternoon publish particulars of a con ference which was held in that city in the afternoon, by General Manager Coast Line system, Mr. J. R. Kenly, of the Atlantic with a committee from the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce and city ; officials, recently appointed to confer ' with Mr. EL Walters with reference to the reten tion of the C. F. & Y. V. -shops in that city and generally to look, after the in terests of Fayetteville in the premises, The Observer's report of the con ference says: Mi Kenly explained'' that he came instead of Mr. Walters to keep the lat- ter's engagement with the committee, because of Mr. Walters'- unavoidable absence. Mr. Kenly exhibited the kindliest feeling for our people and the town generally, and declared that he had never had a more to perform than that which the busi ness interests of those whom he rep resented reduired him to do viz: to order the closing of the shops, which would take place i to-morrow night. The committee had hoped that the company would find it to be to its interest to retain and even to enlarge the shops in view of the fact that Fayetteville was the hub of a wheel from which five railway spokes . radiated. Mr. Kenly replied that the costly shops at Wilmington, Rocky Mount and Florence were am pie for the whole system and were near enouirh to Favettevule for all reauire- ments. He added! however, that his mpany was resolved to ao every thing they could to build up Fayette ville as, indeed, it was their interest to do in the case of all places which supplied business for their roads. , He also declared that it was their-purpose to take care of every j. V & xV , V .' employe whom they could. Preference would, of course, be given to their own ten where there had to be a choice and other things being equal. Mr. Kenly stated that the freight business of all the roads would be con solidated at the present Atlantic & Yadkin depot, but that, for the present at least, the passenger stations would remain as before, j An explosion or gas in jno. z mine at Birmingham, Ala., resulted in the death of R. L. Davenport and Wil liam Davenport, brothers; and three negroes. . Senator Pritchard of North Carolina yesterday made a plea in the executive session of the (Senate for the confirma tion of the nomination of Judge Ewari. jno tune was fixed for a vote, -, TUB PHILIPPINES. Insurgent Leaders Plan for Outbreak in theXity of zx; Mamla. 'r A WAR OF EXTERMINATION. Bat the Plan FailedOtis and Miller Re port That the Insnrfentt Forces Are Disintegrating Resumption of ; Bqslness In Hollo. " :k By Cable to the Morning- Star.. y:'-;-.' ; Washington, February 21.-The ... V. ; s War Department has received the fol lowing: ... Z"Manilal February General XAi'tUk Miller reports on the 19th instant that i C : j the insurgent forces a few miles out' l, ' j from Hoilo are.' believed to bedisin- . j- - tegratingi Can maintain his position' ;. , ( with his present force. present force. Jousiness m the city is being resumed. -He has sent up four representative men, offi cials from the capital of the island of Negros, where the American flag was raised and American protection ! re quested against a small insurgent force in the island. Affairs , there and ,.' in Cebu are very encouraging. Shall ,. , endeavor ter maintain and improve the present promising, condition Affairs in Manila-quiet; a small insur- ' gent force, east of the city, was driven ' away yesterday with considerable loss to the enemy. - ' f ; (Signed) . "Otis." Washington, February 2L Owing . to lack of punctuation and regard to -economy in cable tolls Oeneral Otis' bulletin is hot very clear inr some essential points, ' particularly the ' reference to the island of Negros. ; A careful study of the dispatchZJ on that point nas convinced the officials here that General Otis means' -to i say that . . four representative inhabitans of theisland of Negros have ; come to Manila, having been sent by tteneral Miller to meet and confer with General Otis in regard to an ex tension .of American occupation to that island. ' Negros is -the fourth island in the Philippine group in im- -portance. It lies at its nearest point ' about ten miles from the Island of Panay, , and General' Miller's forces ! must have been in plain sight of Ne- . gros during the weeks preceding the capture of Iloilo. Just to the east of Negros, separated by a very narrow strait, is the island of Cebu, which it is also a part of General Otis' purpose to . occupy. From Qenera) Otis' dispatch it is gathered that neither at that point J- "NT XT 151 J - 1 iiur hi inegrus is mere uiteiy 10 po substantial resistance. - Washing'ton, Feb. 22. Theiollow-: ing dispatch -.was received this after-: noon from General Otis: ''Manila. Feb. 21. Adjutant Gen- . eral, Washington, D, C The follow ing was issued by an important officer of the insurgent government at Malo las, Februaryl5th, 1899, for execution during that evening and night in this cttyi. ... .. . . "First. You will so dispose, that at -8 o'clock at night the individuals of the territorial militia at your order will be found united in all of the streets of San Pedro, " armed with their balos and revolvers, or guns and ammunition if convenient. - Second. Filipino families only will be respected. They should not be molested, but all other individuals, of whatever race they may be, will be, exterminated without any compassion, after the extermination of the army of occupation. , Third. . The defenders of the Fili- pines in your command will attack the guard at Bilibid and liberate the ' prisoners and "presidiarios" and hav ing accomplished this they-will be armed, saying to them: "Brothers,"" we must avenge ourselves on the Americans" and exterminate them, -that we may take our revenge for the infamy and treachery which -they have committed upon us. Have no compassion upon them ; attack with vigor. AU Filipinos en masse will second you. 'Long Live Filipino's Independence.' 'Fourth. The order which will be followed in the attack will be as fol lows: The sharpshooters of Tondo ancLSanta Ana will begin the attack from without, and these shots will be the signal for the militia of Trozo, -Rinondo, Quiato and Sampaloc to go out into the streets and do their duty; those of Pako, Ermita, Malate, Santa Cruz and San Miguel will not start out until 12 o'clock, unless they see that their companions need assistance. 'Fifth. The militia of Tondo will start out at 3 o'clock in the morning. If all do their duty, our revenge will be complete. , . "Brothers, Europe contemplates us. We know how to die as men, shedding " our blood in defence of the liberty of our country. Death to the tyrants! War without quarter to the false Americans who have deceived us! Either independence or death.'' . GEN. Q0MEZ IN MATANZAS. Escorted by i Military to the Palace A . ; Reception In His Honor. j By Cable to theMornlnn Star. v y - t I Havana, Feb. 21. General Gomez arrived last night at Matanzas from' Cardenas. He was met by Major General Wilson, military governor of the department of Matanzas, -Gen. Sanger, military governor of the city of Matanzas, and the Cuban Gen- . end Betancourt, who is in command of the Cuban forces in Matanzas pro- - vince. From the railroad station he was escorted by the Eighth Massachu setts volunteers, the Second United states cavalry and several local clubs to the palace, where he is the guest of the civil gdvernor. A reception was given in his honor soon after his arrival, but he did not I deliver an address. This evening he r i j j 4- : - AGUINALDO'S EMISSARY. AeoncUIo Reported to Have Sailed from Halifax for London. By TelescrSph to the Monans Star, , Halifax, February 21. From the fact that the name of F. A. Agoncillo appears at the foot of the list of. cabin passengers on the steamer Labrador, which sailed for Liver pool this morning, it is confidently . asserted that the chief agent of the Filipinos has left this country Europe. "As the. first-class passengs for this steamer arrived on a night f ship and immediately embarked no one is able to establish; the identity or , the passenger registered as Agoncillo. , The British Off teal Gazette an-H nounces that the decoration - of the ! Imperial order of the Crown of India j has been conferred upon Lady Curson, wife of the .Viceroy . of India and daughter of L. Z. Leiter of Chicago. No breaks were reported yesterday : in the Senatorial deadlocks existing in a number of States. In Nebraska and California there was. some change ' in the voting but nothing developed to indicate that the end was in right- 1 ,V-.;-.v t -V. ..-Si- ' t j

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