SV OLORnd flavor of fruits, ' Iy-V size, quality and ap pearance of vegetables, weight and plumpness of grain, are all produced by Potash. Potash, properly combined with Phos phoric Acid and Nitrogen, and liberally applied, will improve every Soil and increase yield , and quality of any crop. Write and get Free our pamphlets, ; which tll how to buy and use fertilizers with greatest economy and profit, j -, 1 1 QERHAN KALI WORKS, 03 Nimau St., New York. THE AMERICAN CATHOLICS. The Pope's Letter to Cardinal Gibbons. A Qualified Conffemnalion of the Hecker Doctrines. Bv Cable to the Morning Star. Rome, February 21. The j Observa tor Romano, publishes to night a let ter from the Pope to Cardinal Gibbons,, saying, that "if the term Americanism signifies qualities peculiar to Ameri cans and usages, adapted to their, cus toms, then we have nothing to say against it ; but if it , denotes the opin ions expressed in the 'Life of Father Ilecker,' we sire convinced that the American bishops will be the first to reject them." j 'The letter, which occupies! five col' nouns in the Observator Romano, be gins by lauding Cardinal Gibbons and the American Catholics. . I : . . Alludinp to the many proofs of good will he has given them in the past, the Pope wishes them to see in the present document another proof of his affec tion; for America. While. he makes it clear that the letter is one of warn ing and .correction .with reference to. the 'Life of father Meeker,!' his holi ness carefully distinguishes between the doctrinal aspects of j the new the ories and Questions of practical dis cipline and stronglywges the impossi bility of any change in the former. While admitting that theC hurch has always recognized and acted upon the ' necessity of adapting certain points of discipline to modern' requirements, it rests with the Church, the Pope points out, and not-with individuals, ito de termine how and when such adapta tions can be made. ,tJAll virtues," says His Holiness, "must neoessarily'be active. The con , tempt shown by innovators for; what they are pleased to call passive virtues has naturally led to a contempt: of re ligious life as suited only to the weak and as an impediment to Christian per fection and to the 'good .of the com - munity," i This . error the Pope energetically condemns, declaring it "injurious to the . religious orders and in contra diction to history." ( I He reminds the Americans of their indebtedness to the religious orders, both active and contemplative.! - The letter arouses deep interest in -Home. The Liberal papers declare , that it constitutes a "solemn mani festation of the intransignant spirit in Catholicism, "dpredict that it will , produce an immense effect in America. London, Feb. 22. The Rome cor respondent of the Times says: !, 'Generally speaking the encylical is regarded as a qualified condemna tion of the Heckeir doctrines. It would be erroneous to suppose that it con demns or directly affects Cardinal . Gibbons, Archbishop Ireland, or the group of enlightened -prelates who have so largely contributed-. to the spread of Eoman Catholicism in the - United States, ,! "It is partly the outcome of a deep laid, long matured intrigue, and, if . this is the only result , of twelve months' plotting, it is clear that the letter will strengthen rather than ' weaken the position of -the American prelates whom the intrigue was intend ed to overthrow. . I Throughout the various onases of .-'the bitter conflict which preceded its publication,, the Pope displayed a pru dence and perspicacity astonishing ini a man of his age, placed in a position' where unbiased information is not readily forthcoming." EMBALMED BEEF INQUIRY. A Number of Army Officers Testified and .Without Exception Condemned the Canned Roast Beef. ' tr& v Teleirraph to the Morning- star. . Washington, Feb. 21.--.The Court of j Inquiry engaged in investigating the beef charges preferred .by General Miles, continued to-day the hearing of testimony bearing upon the con troversy. A number of army officers who firticipated in the Santiago cam- , paignwere heard. Practically, with i out exception, the officers condemned 1 the canned roast beef, furnished as a travel ration, and reviewed complaints . about it which the men very generally made, declaring it unpalatable and I wanting in nutriment On the otfrer hand, refrigerated f beef suffered but little at the hands of to-day's witnesses! it being generally conceded that it was good when delivered from the trans - ports, and when it escaped the decom- posing effects of the tropical sun en route to the several commands it was " found to be satisfactory. General commissary methods in Cuba were inquired into. Difficulty in preventing taint in beef cooking was experienced' generally. There . was very little in to-day's evidence pointing to any use of chemicals unon this beef. The contention of General Miles that the army in Cuba and Porto Rico should have been supplied with herds of cattle, or beef on the hoof, instead of refrigerated beef, was supported by every witness who today-gave his opinion upon) this ques- won, b ieaiure or to-aays .session " was the general assertion of wit nesses that they would tnot haye ' telt it their duty to the men or the army organization to have made ,. any special report upon the beef had ii i$ 06611 for tne SP601! orderg call . ing Tor such reports, biit rather would - have permitted the unsatisfactory ra . tion to pass without further notice as . incident to warfare and to the trying - conditions with which the army was v confronted at the outbreak of the war. A number of officers ' testified to the belief that a very small proportion of sickness in Cuba was due to the beef or unwholesome rations, but rather to the climate. The examination of wit nesses will continue to-morrow and ' perhaDS all of this week in Washing ton, and the testimony henceforth is expected to pe generally cumulative. Municipal elections held in Pitts- , burg and Allegheny, Pa. ; with the re-" suit that victory nas been scorea bj , jjib xvepuDiican ucjcei in oow ciues. GENERAL ASSEMBLY. ..: --v Finance Committee Propose a Graduated Tax on Rail- road Earnings. MERCHANTS' PURCHASE TAX. Hot Fight Over Adoption of Text Books for Public, Schools Bill to Create County of Scotland Passed Sec ond Reading in the Senate. Special Star Telegram. Raleigh, N. O., Feb. 16. The Fi- ' M . a A.Z lL.' nance committee, hi a meeunic wu afternoon, voted unanimously to im- pose a graduated , tax of from one eighth to one per" cent on gross earn ings of railroads. The Committee es timates that the tax will yield an an nual revenue of $70,000. The tar would have been higher, but for the fact that the separate car bill is now pending, and is expected to become a law, thereby entailing extra expendi tures on the part of railroads. - Instead of the merchant's purchase tax heretofore collected, the finance bill will carry a graduated license tax. The hot fight which has been waging for some weeks over the adoption of textbooks for public schools, is ex pected to be brought to a close to-morrow afternoon, when, the book men have a final hearing in1 committee. Messrs. Johnson and Bowen, of the B. F. Johnson Company, Richmond, Vai, are here to appear in the interest of their firm, which will submit a proposi tion fpi the whole State. The bill to create the county of 'Scotland" passed its second reading in the Senate this morning, having previously passed the House. The Morf anion School. ' ! Directors were not elected for the Morgan ton school for the deaf to-day as was expected. Great opposition was manifested to some of the names pro posed and it was decided to settle the matter in caucus and hold the election Monday., The names proposed Jfor election were: M. L. Reed, o Bun combe; W. H. Holt, of Guilftrd;N. B Broughton, of Wake; V. V. Rich ardson, of Columbus. These consti tute four of the present board of six directors. A-J. Dula and S. H. Huff man, the other two directors, remain in office until 1901. The opposition came from friends of tor. J. C. Her ring, of Concord, who wants to he on the board in place of Richardson. The contest in the Senate ower the matter was very hot.' House Held Two Sessions. Two sessions were! held by the House to-day. One from 10 to 2 o'clock and one from 4 to 6 o'clock, and in these six hours exactly 87 bills were disposed, of ; 46 it. the morning session and 41 at the afternoon session. These 87 bills. were divided as follows: LSeventy-one passed third reading, nine passed, ' second i reading, three Senate amendments Were concurred in, one was referred back to the com mittee, 'and-three were tabled. The number of petitions presented ' arid new bills introduced showed quite a falling off. 1 ' Among the new bills were the fol lowing, of more than local impor tance: Tq incorporate the Granite City, Western and Short Cut Railway Company Elizabeth City and West ern Railroad Company; Pungo and Mattamuskeet Railroad Company; to change county line between Lenoir and Greene; to allow King's Mountain and Washington to establish graded schools; to incorporate Slater Indus trial School, Winston; Savings Bank, Salisbury; and amend, charters of Granite City Land and Improvement Company, "Raleigh Water Works Company and Raleigh Electric Com pany. Bills Passed Third Reading. The following is a summary of the most important bills passed on third reading: To appoint commissioners for- Greene county. To incorporate Elizabeth City and Western Rail road Company : also, the ' Atlantic and Yadkin Railroad Company; the latter is successor of the Cape Fear and, Yadkin Valley Railroad Co. To allow cities to use all fines for mu nicipal purposes. To amend the char ters of Winston, Wadesboro, States viile, Hertford, Gastonia and Jones boro To incorporate Aurora High School, Beaufort county; Thomp son Institute, Robeson county; Suie's Creek Academy, Harnett county; Sylvia High Training SehooL Jack son county; Neuse JRiver Institute, Halifax county. , To give the Board of Internal Improvements power to ap point State directors and State proxy for" the North Carolina Railroad. To make mayor's certificates, prima facie evidence in proving town ordi nances on appeals from mayor's court To allow the use of Dutch and pound nets in Neuse river, in Pamlico county, on payment of a license tax of $10 to the county. To establish graded schools at Mount Airy and Dobson. To submit to the people of Lexington the question of establishing a dispensary. To. amend the road laws of Ashe, Watauga and Wake. To regulate hunting in Stokes and Surry. To pay school claims in Johnston, Surry, Robeson, Halifax, Rutherford, Gaston and Randolph. To amend charters of - Goldsboro Lumber Company; Southern Guaranty and Investment Company, Greens boro ; High Point Loan and Trust Company; Cdell Manufacturing Com pany; Concord; the Levy Bank, Tar boro; Albermarle and Chesapeake Canal. Company ; Bank of Maxton. To charter Home Protection Insurance Company, Salisbury. To appoint justices of the peace of Quewhiffle township in Cumberland county. Willard introduced a bill to amen the act of 1897.; for erection of a hos pital itf Wilmington." 1 Rountree, act relative to taxation of costs in magistrate courts in New Hanover; to amend , Chapter . 450, Public Laws of 1897, with reference to stevedores ; to amend Chapter 280, Public Laws of 1897, to pay special venire in capital cases in New Han ovet " sr-', '''r,'' '- t-; r- . .. -I . In the Senate.!'-- The following bills were introduced in the Senate.: To appoint a State educational and text book association j to authorize constables to appoint depu- j ties; to prevent fraud on the part of persons obtaining advances on agricul tural liens. ' The calendar was taken up, and bills passed To restore white goyernment to counties of the State. To allow Wil mington & Weldon Railroad, to con solidate with-the Atlantic Coast Line. To incorporate the Carolina and North ern Railroad Company. To amend the charter of Nashville. To. prohibit the sale of liquor in Columbus county, and establish a dispensary at White ville. To amend and codify the laws in regard to probate of deeds and the private examination of married wo men. To incorporate the Northern and Southern . Railroad. To amend .Section 435 of the Code, by allowing judgment of magistrate . to merge in judgment of Superior Court; when it is rendered in thV same case. To amend the charter of Polk County Railroad Company. To incorporate Elizabeth City and Western Railroad. 'o allow Rockingham county to issue bonds to pay indebtedness. Senator Osborne requested that the special order for Judge Norwood's im peachment be postponed until to mor row. He. said Governor Russell had not yet cOme.tohis office, and he sup posed the resignation of Norwood was in his hands, a Norwood had wired him several days since that it had been sent to the Governor. The special order was accordingly postponed un til to-morrow at 11 o'clock. County of Scotland. The bill to create the new county of Scotland came, up on its second read ing. Senator Mclntyre opposed the bill and said that the Democratic party would be hurt if a division was made. He asked that settlement of the mat ter be left to a vote of citizens living in the area of the proposed new county of Scotland. Senator Glenn was in favor of crea tion of the county. V He believed the new county wouldV be ' sufficiently large to stand on it own strength. He did not think division wold hurt the Democratic party, and he believed that in consideration of the matter the Senate should leave out the element of politics. Glenn was loudly "ap plauded by the Scotland county con tingent which, had filled the lobby and galleries. Senator Hicks also made a speech Sot Scotland county, as did Senator Travis. Upon the roll being called the vote on the bill stood ares 38. noes 4. The bill has now passed its second reading, and goes on to-morrow's calendar for final passage. The Primary at Greensboro. The primary at Greensboro to-day on the dispensary question resulted: 530 for and three against dispensary. An ti-dispensary people declined to vote. Governor Russell to-day commuted the sentence of Millard F. Moore, con vict who was tried at the last term of court in this county for killing a guard named Shaw, and sentenced to be hanged I March? 30. The . Governor gives as his reasons for commuting the sentence . (1) that the killing was done without malice, (2) that mercy is asked for the condemned by the judge who sentenced him, the solicitor who prose cuted, and the jury which convicted. Raleigh, N. Cv February 17. The legislative event of to-day was the pas sage of the suffrage amendment to the constitution on its several readings by more than three-fifths vote of the House It came up as the special order at noon and after three hours debate passed a second reading "by a vote of 89 to 29, and a third reading by 81 to 27., All the Republicans and several Democrats voted against the bill. Crumpler (Populist) and Johnson (Populist) of Sampson, and Tarkenton (Populist) of Washington, voted for it The Democrats voting against it were Barnhill, of Pitt; Currie, of Moore; Curtis, of Buncombe; Flem ing, of Clay; McNeill, of. Brunswick; Redding, of Randolph; Reinhardt, of Lincoln. ' The speech of the day in support of the bill was made by Rountree, of New Hanover. " It was a great effort and the applause lasted f 05 nearly a mi nute when he finished. He said the bill was the result of the mosf anxious .and painful consideration by the com- mittee; it was also the result of mu tual concessions oh the part of mem bers; but such as it is, has the unquali fled approval of all committemen, and all la wyers in the Legislature; it is measure to secure to North Carolina, for many years at least good govern ment; it is a just and constitutional umeasure. He spoke of the experiment of universal suffrage in the earlier years of the century ; that it was found to be impracticable; that in late years this feeling has ben deepened ; that as to Hawaii and Cuba, there is qualified suffrage ; that if the people of North Carolina had anyN doubts about the future of universal suffrage, the Fusion rule of the past four years, and partic larly of the past two years, had swept away these doubts. The committee had set to work to solve the question in a just, humarie and legal way There were to be looked after white men, who though unlettered, are capable of the duties of citizen snip, xne -committee ieit tnat no one ; should take part in the control of the State unless a poll ; tax was paid. It further decided that there must be sufficient intelligence to per form the duties of a citizefa. Some 1 31 : . . . . . ltnuung negroes were oeioretne com mittee, and admitted candidly that the negroes yoted en masse at the crack of the whip. The committee considered that intelligence should be acquired by inheritance: that this tght to franchise might be handed rn from father to son. The com j '11 : s ? a . n n ' ' 1 minee lasisis mat mere snouia be an exception from' the rule as to being able to read and write in favor of those whose ancestors have- for- long years governed : this country. The question came up, what will be done as to the fifteenth amendment to the Federal constitution ; but the 'commit tee say there is no .-' conflict, ' because ENDORSED BY Paine's Celery ifiomponnd ous Strain of the "I know of nothing so good as Paine's celery compound," says Miss May Sherwin, for the past 17 years principal of the largest public school in Bloomington, III., "to counteract the nervous strain incident to a con stant life in the school room. "I have myself used Paine s celery compound," she continues, "with most satisfactory results. It is a splendid nerve tonic." The discoverer of Paine's celery compound was himself one of the greatest teachers thai ever lived. ttdwara tt. i'netps, M. u., uu. u., held- a famous professorship in Dart mouthcollege, and was a lecturer in other great universities all thejwhile he was engaged in that momentous study which led to the chief accom plishment of tne medical researcn or this century the development of Paine's celery' compound. , , The general complaint now among intelligent women is that they are hurried and driven and fretted almost out of their senses by the demands upon their time and strength. No wonder, then, the average woman has, lost the capacity for sound there is no mention of any race; or color, or of discrimination, as such. Some lawyers have (y. said the bill is to disfranchise he negroes, but we say it is "only to disfranchise negroes who are unfit for citizenship. Many negroes will have the franchise. ; The United States Supreme Court opinion as to the Mis sissippi franchise, law, enabled that State to disqualify many 'more of one race! than of another, v He said that prior to 1835 a great many negroes were voters. Their descendants can vote. '' There are also negroes who prior p January 1, -1867, lived in States where they could vote; they, and their descendants can vote.- He went on to say that seventeen States north of this had qualified suffrage. All descendants of founders : of this State are not affected by the amend ment 'The amendment does not seem to be at all different from the present law in Massachusetts, the lat ter State having an amendment to ex clude the foreign , illiterate vote. ..The Supreme Court of Massachusetts, than, which none is abler, has decided this is constitutional. This exception is a reasonable one and is confined entirely to present conditions. Negroes have not voted individually, have not exer cised the faculty or right of oting for themselves. In conclusion, Mr. Rountree said the amendment was entirely compat ible with the Federal constitution. It is founded upon fact and principle. The white people have been and will be just to the negroes; have been liberal in education, and will continue to be so. . ... ' Speeches were made in opposition to the amendment by Smith (colored), of Craven; Eaton (colored), of Vance; Wright colored), of .Vance; Hampton (Republican).of Surry, and Petree (Re publican), of Stokes. The debate was closed by Winston, of Bertie, in a short but eloquent every sentence of speech, , almost which was ap plauded. , The House held another afternoon session and passed some thirty local measures. " : - , The Senate passed many purely, local bills. Bills were passed giving Colum bus county a dispensary, creating the county of Scotland, and suppressing t,blind-tiger8,' in Mitchell county, and incorporating the Atlantic and Yadkin Railway. . The Norwood matter was deferred, since he has resigned. The Charlotte dispensary bill will to-morrow be favorably reported to the House. Bar-rooms are given till Jan uary, 1900 to close. The Education : Committee decided to retain the present school books two. years longer, provided change, can be made during that time if they can be obtained at 10 pet cent lower price than is now paid. The Senate : Judiciary Committee had Captain Day before it and-accept-ed his resignation, as superintendent of the penitentiary, to take effect February 20th7 He wanted to malke it March 1, but the committee would not hear to it A caucus was held to-night to con , sider the electiqn law. Raleigb, N. C. February mi-Little was done in the Senate to-day be sides pass the suffrage amendmentto the constitution. J " . , " . ) Speeches were jmade by Senators TEACHERS. Counteracts the Herv- School Room. sleep, good digestion and the freedom from aches and pains that follow healthy organic functions. Many years of suffering might be avoided, weary months of lost time But to good service, and thousands of ves saved if persons who do not sleep well and those with overworked brains and nerves would take Paine's celery compound. In the cure of nervous diseases this remedy has again and again demonstrated its power to com bat these tenacious ailments. ' It is to general poor health that we are to look for the cause of headaches, rheumatism and neuralgia, and to overcome these troubles it is the gen eral health that must be raised. Sick headaches that recur so periodically with most women and are so grievous am affliction should be treated as due to lowered nervous tone, and a thorough in vigoration-of the body should be undertaken with Paine's celery compound. The best test of the wonderful value of Paine's celery compound is to use it Any woman will soon be con vinced that it is the one remedy that can make and keep her well , and healthful and strong. Glenn, Collie, Mclntire, Travis, Camp bell, Robinson, Hicks, and Fuller (colored.) ' Senator uoodwin ottered as an amendment to the constitution amend ment "that should the amendment be adopted by popular vote, Tiheh all persons who may thereby be de prived of the right of suffrage shall be exempt from all v civil and military duties and from poll tax." Xnis was lost, by a vote of 42 to 6. The vote on passage of the amendment was also 12 to 6. v Only one bill was introdacedto day. at was to work convicts on roads in Franklin' county. 4 Bills passed their third reading: To incorporate the North and South Caro lina Railway. To incorporate Hoff- manrTo incorporate Ohio River and Franklin Railway. To amend the charter of Goldsboro. In the House. Bills were introduced, , as follows To incorporate the Bank of Wades boro. To prohibit the carrying of con cealed weapons by soldiers. By Roun tree, to amend Chapter 194, Acts 1893, as to New. Hanover and Pender, re garding the ferry over Northeast river; also, to amend Section 1964 of the Code, in regard to the refusal of railways to receive and forward freight To except beds of floatable and other navagable streams from entry, j To provide for working Cum berland's roads by taxation. To allow .Wake county to have two additional county commissioners. . A bill was passed authorizing the Printing Committee to give out the public printing to the lowest bidder. This, it is understood, means it will go to Nash Bros., at Goldsboro, who have been offering to do the. printing for 16 per cent, less than the price named in the bill. ; The ; next bill taken up was to es tablish a Bureau of Labor and Printing, J under charge of a commissioner, with the assistance of a practial printer. This was a pendant to the printing bill. The Democratic caucus will se lect the commissioner. Thesalary of the commissioner was reduced to 11.200, and the assistant from $900 to $700, and the appropriation from $3,- 500 to $3,000. . ;.yy The machinery act was introduced and ordered printed, and the Revenue bill was made the special order for Tues- 3 nay uuuu. ' The bill making an appropriation ,of $16,000 for the State Guard is the special order for Wednesday, and con sideration of the Insurance bill, creat ing the office of Insurance Commis sioner, is set for Thursday. runs were passea: to estaDiisn a dispensary at Clayton. To allow Tar boro to establish water works and sewerage and electric lights ($40,000 for former and $10,000 for latter). To establish a dispensary at Charlotte. To provide for working roads of Cum berland county by taxation. F - -Willard's bill to fund indebtedness of Wilmington-passed second reading. Bill to establish a dispensary at Greensboro will-be reported favorably. The new county of Scotland has pre sented Speaker- Connor with a hand some gold pen. On it is inscribed. "Scotland", 1899, Connor." . " The question of a dispensary for Ra leigh will be considered at a meeting to be neld to morrow atternoon aae Academy of Music, - . . - --"V"" fBy Associated PresaJ,- J ' - Raleigh,' N.' C. February 18. An amendment to the - constitution of 1 North . Carolina, limiting ' suffrage, j has been adopted by - both branches of the General "Assembly.': It passed the House vesterdav bv a votei of 81 to 27, and the Senate to-day hy a vote of 41 to 6. It will be submitted to a ! vote of the people in August, 1901, at the same' time State omcers are votea for.-- " - The avowed object of the amend - ment is - to eliminate the ignorant negro vote. ' To do this educational, property -and . poll tax qualifications are prescnoea. xsui uus is miue in effective as to white people by the further provision that any person can vote who was entitled to vote on Jan uary 1, 1867, or any time prior thereto, or wnose ancestors were so nuueu ui vote. . . Raleigh, N. C. Feb. 20. The bill amending the charter of the city of Wilmington was to-day favorably re ported to the House by the Committee on Counties, Cities and Towns.) . - Some amendments have been made in it by the committee, however; as fol lows: The Board of Audit and Finance will be composed of Messrs. Jesse Wil der, Q W. Yates, S. P. McNaift H. C, McQueen and W. A. Riacb. The Police Commission will be as in the original MIL" It is provided that in the primaries a majority vote shall be required to nominate instead 01 a plurality, as provided in the original bill. The mayor, city clerk- and treasurer, . and chief of police, are to-be voted for in the primary. "These provisions' have been agreed upon by all parties. Bill to charter the Wilmington Hospital was also favorably reported, Capt Day Surrenders. Capt Day to-day gave up the keys to the Penitentiary. They were put in the, hands of Directors Rogers and Osborne, tf the new board, who will be in charge of the institution untiTl March 1st, when the board will meet Until that time all the present forc will be retained. The hew board has committees examining all the farms in the State. They will intake report at the March meeting. -I The resignation of Judge ' Norwood and its acceptance by the Governor were read in the House this afternoon To-morrow a resolution will be intro duced directing the House committee to proceed to the Senate and withdraw the charges of impeachment. Judge Allen will to-morrow intro duce in the Househis bill reorganiz ing the Railroad Commission and making it the Commission of Rail roads, Banking and Insurance., Democratic Caucus. The Democratic caucus to-night com pleted consideration of the new elec tion law. It sill be introduced in the House to-morrow. s i The caucus also considered ! the re port Of the special committee, in the Wilson case, and decided not to take the matter up to-morrow in joint ses sion, as agreed last week, but decide it in caucus to-morrow night. ! A hot fight is being waged against the re port, and it may be defeated. House Proceedings. The House spent most of to-day con sidering the question of a reduction of fees. After a lengthy discussion, bill was passed 'making the following reductions in State offices: State Treas urer, $2,250; was $3,000. Chief Clerk to Treasurer, $1,250: was $1,500. Sec retary of State, $1,800; was $2,000. State Librarian. $900. Reporter of Supreme Court, $750; was $1,000. Clerk to Supreme Court, $200 and fees was $300 and fees. Secretary to Board of Public Charities, $3 a day ; was $4. Tne salary of railroad commissioner will be fixed to-morrow in the new railroad commission bill. ! All the afternoon session of the House was occupied with consideration of the bill reducing fees of county officersTbut at 6.30 o'clock the bill was only about half completed,' and the House adjourned without finishing it This bill, like that matting reduction in the salaries of State officers, makes cut of about 20 to 25 per cent. ! Another special order was the elec tion of trustees of the deaf school at Morgahton. M. L. Reid, of Buncombe; M. H. Holt of Guilford; V. V. Rich- ardson.of Columbus; N. B. Broughton, of Wake, and Ri A. Grier, of Mecklen burg, were elected. D. H. C. Herring, of Concord, was1 put in nomination, but received only one vote ; in the Senate he received thirteen. He has been making a fight against Superin tendent Godwin. Bills were introduced as follows : To allow the Governor . to appoint three commissioners from this stats to tne Paris Exposition in 1900. To regulate fire insurance rates in North Carolina. To amend the charter of Warsaw. Duplin county. Bills passed: To allow Greene county to levy a special tax. To allow Wilmington to refund its $250j000 of railroad bonds, issuing , thirty-year coupon bonds instead. A resolution was adopted fixing next Friday as the time to elect State Librarian ; the Dem ocratic caucus has already chosen man for the place Capt SherrelL- A resolution was introduced to raise a committee to ascertain what has be come of the report of the State Board of Agriculture, called for early, in the session. ' Another resolution provides for raising a joint committee of five to re commend trustees of the A. and M. College. The Speaker tmnounced Bunch and Patterson, of Caldwell as the committee to ask the Governor for names for trustees of that college. House branch of the joint commit tee on ventilation of the two houses Currie of Moore. Trotman and Hen derson were appointed. - - h 1 Jn the Senate. i Bills were introduced in the Senate To appropriate $1,800 to clearing out Hoskie swamp. To prescribe certain books to be used in the University and other colleges. , I Bills passed final reading : To incor porate Union City. To amend char ter of Winston. To amend charter of i Goldsboro. To authorize Fayetteville . to establish andjpperate electric lights and power plant For graded schools in the towns of Lincolnton, Mt Airy and. Newborn. To amend Mecklen burg road law. To incorporate! Pungo and Mattimusket Railroad. Tov pre- vide short form of agricultural lein and chattel-mortgage; this bill allows cierk ten cents for probating and register , , of 4 deeds! thirty cents for..; registering; " it y applies to -Granville, . Cumberland, Vance, Nash, . Edgecombe,- Greene, Duplin, Wayne, . Lenoir, Buncombe, Per son, McDowell, Martin, tfutner- ford, Onslow,' - Pender, Wilson, Rockingham, - Rowan, r Davidson,' Caswell, Robeson, Bladen, Bruns wick, New ; r Hanover, - Moore, Polk, Burke, Beaufort, Chowan, Ashe, Watauga, Sampson, Alle ghany, Carteret, Catawba, Pitt, Ala mance, Craven, Jones, Gaston, Rich mond, Lincoln and Gates. The bill relating to the establish ment of a Geological S Survey (provid ing for the investigation of oyster and fishinterests of the State) passed its final reading. - The Greensboro dispensary bill was made the special order for to-morrow at 12 o'clock in the Senate. Raleigh, February 21.-ile House took up for consideration the revenue act and disposed of five sections. The poll tax was fixed at $1.29, the general State tax at 21 2-3 cents, pension tax at 3 13 cents, and school tax 18 cents, making the total property tax 34 cents on the $100 valuation. Theincome tax is as follows: On gross profits and income from untaxed property, 5 per cent; on gross income from salaries and fees, public or private, one half of one per cent on excess over $1,000; one-fourth of one pet cent on excess over$l,000 to $5,000 ; one-half of one per cent on excess over $5,000 to $10,000. Local building and loan companies are taxed as heretofore, but from the value of each share is to (be deducted the amount of money loaned on it This is a new provision and applies only to State associations. There was some discussion in regard to a section tax ing bank stock, assertion being made that counties failed to get taxes on $3,000,000 of this class of property. The section has been specially ar ranged to secure this tax. . It provides that taxes imposed for State, county and school purposes upon shares of. stock and deposits of non residents of the j State in any bank, building and loan association or banking association! (whether State or National) in this State, shall be paid by the cashier of such bank di rectly to the State 'Treasurer within thirty days after July 1st v of each year, and upon failure to-ipay the State Treasurer he shall institute ac tion against the bank or building and loan association to enforce the same in the county of Wake,, or in the county in which the bank or building and loan association is located. This section, "owing to disagreement as to some details as to collection of tax, was passed over for final action to-morrow. Consideration of the bill will be resumed at the expiration of the morning hour to-morrow. The Jim Crow car bill, prepared by the Railroad 'Committee and printed in the Stab last week, passed its second reading in the House to-day by a good majority. It will probably be put on its third reading to-morrow. j The State Guard bill was fixed as the special order for Thursday. Otho Wilson's resignation as rail road commissioner ; was sent to the Speaker of the House and the Presi dent of the Senate, j It Was read! in both houses, but no action was taken on it. ' . ' j I 1 j The following billsi were introduced: By Thompson, of Onslow, to withdraw exemption from taxation where per sons have invested in trust stocks or securities this is aimed at Trinity Coir lege and other institutions which had trust stock or securities as a part of their endowment. To provide trustees for the negro normal school at Golds boro. To amend the Act establishing the Geological Survey. 1 By Rountree, to incorporateWrights ville Beach; to protect partridges in Richmond county; .to establish a graded school at Maxton; to extend the time for settling the State debt I Bills were passed on third reading: To amend thechartler of the cjty of Wilmington. To facilitate the regis tration of deeds by railroads Roun tree's bill. To regulate the shell-fish industry in North Carolina, and amend the oyster laws of the State. Bills, passed second reading: To establish a dispensary at Whitevillej to incorporate Siloam, Brunswick county; to amend charters of Monroe and .Sandford; to authorize Rocky Mount to issue bonds. In the Senate there was a great fight over the Greens boro dispensary. Senator Bryan offered. L an amendment that it be left to the citizens ot Guilford county at an elec tion to be held June 1st, 1899. Senator Wilson, of Guilford, said the white people of Greensboro had already set tled the matter, and the amendment was a plan to let thei negro vote - L ..... trol, against the wishes of the whites. The amendment was defeated, by a vote of 39 to 14, and the bill passed its final reading. t . Besides a number (of strickly local bills others were introduced for relief of ex-Confederate soldiers and for aid of the Soldiers Home ; for efficiency of the colored normal schools of the State; to supply sewerage to A. & M. college. j Senator Justice moved that . -the Senate takea recess for ten minutes. Lieutf Reynolds was then asked to take! the chair while Senator Bryan presented Senator Ward a gold-headed cane, sent by the latier's constituents in appreciation of his services. . Bills were passed to establish graded schools in Morganton ; to incorporate, Punco and Mattemuskeet Railway Company; . to allow Fayetteville to establish an electric light plant ' Bill to codify the school laws was made the special order for to-morrow at 10 o'clock. - 1 Mr. Willard's bill, to protect stur geon was to-day favorably reported by the Fish Committeet His stock law bill has been favorably reported by committee to the Senate. - The constitutional amendment bill was to-day ratified, i - Virginia Carolina Chemical stock was quoted in i Richmond Mon- day at .121 for preferred and 78 for r common. " , "-,.-;x--- . PROGRESS OF RAILROAD V V OFFICE CHANGES. Several, of Old C. P. and Y. V. Clerical Force Here to Take Positions With A. I. L, Depot Consolidation. Mr. W. M. Creasy, travelling audi7 tor for the Atlantic Coast Line, arrived in the city last night from Fayetteville, where he has been the past two days directing the consolidation of the de pots of the A. and Y.and W. and W (A. C. L.) roads. Capt R. A, South- erland, the regular W. and W, agent, assumes control of the business nf both 'depots. The old W. and W. freight depot has been - abandoned and the freight of both roads is now handled in the A. and Y. depot. However.there will be no change in the passenger service. Both depots will be used as heretofore until a track can be constructed over which the A. and Y. trains can be run into the W. and -W. depot, after which the ; present A, and Y. depot will be abandoned. , The shops at Fayetteville were closed Saturday and the machinery is beint; moved to this city. - Twb extra en gines were brought . down yesterday morning. They are to be used as "subs," so that those in regular us can be laid off in turn for for repairs A number of the C. F". and Y. V. clerical force heretofore employed in Fayetteville have already been1 trans ferred to Wilmington andassighed to duty. Those who arrived last night are Mr. O. H. Page, operator aiid stenographer, who will take a position in Mr. Borden's office, and Messrs. J V. Bidgood, Charles Haigh, Jr., and J. B. Tillinghast, late of theC. F. and -T tt 4 1 1 1 . nr th j i 1 1 x. v. auditor s omce. in n aveueviue who will be assigned to desks in the A C. L. Auditor's office: Monday ee me the clerical force formerly in th C. F. and Y. V. General Passenger Agent's office arrived. They are Messrs. J. A. Huss (chief clerk), Howell Fry, E. R. Robsy and li. A. McLean. Mr. W.: E, Kyle, late General Passenger Agent, recently appointed Special Agent for the A. . and Y.,, has also been in the city since Monday. -." THE REV. DR. J. C. HIDEN. Sudden Severance pf His Pastoral Rela tions With a Klchmond Church. At an adjourned meeting of the i monthly conference of Grove Avenue : Baptist church, Richmond, Va ,. held ; Monday night, the pastoral relations i with Rev. Dr. J. C. Hiden, formerly of , Wilmington, were dissolved. The pastor had some time since tendered his resignation, to take effect next August' The Richmond Times says: There were seventy-two present last night Dr. Hiden presided as usual. but when the matter affecting himself ; was, brought up he vacated the chair to -Dr. John H. Dickersori, Sr., 1 aikd re mained a silent spectator of tho pro Mr. Caleb Jacob offered the resolu tion which provides that relations be tween pastor and people be at once severed and that he be paid his salary up to the 1st of August No reason for this was assigned, the ad vocates. of the resolution being silent as to their motives. Friends of Dr. Hiden pro tested in vain. . r A recorded vote was not taken on tne adoption of tne resolution, put a mIa r. V. n mn flini 4ln. nvnn aVa... bcob vubo suincu uichb uiciq nwo auuub- forty-seven in favor of it to twenty -five in opposition. ' Dr. Hiden will, of course, not preach at Grove Avenue again. The ehurch will go to work to select a nevv pastor. Some of the members will' withdraw. After last night's meeting . Mr. " John H. Dickerson. Jr., the churctl clerk, resigned. Letters " of -withdrawal were given those who ask ed for them. ' REFRIGERATOR CAR SERVICE. Conference HelJl in Raleigh by Prominent Truckers With Mr. T. M. Emerson. Better Arrangements Wanted. The fruitgrowing and trucking in i. i. . tvt . i l n i , . i terestoi XNortaAjaroimaisa great iu- hdustry and is ion the increase every ' year. ' . ": The Raleigh News and Observer of yesterday contains an account .of a conference held' in that city; Monday night by the executive committee of the Eastern Carolina Truck and Fruit Grower's Association with Mr. T. M. Emerson, traffic manager j . of the Atlantic Coast Line, regarding some . legislation now pending in the Gen eral Assembly,, looking to an arranged ment of a better refrigerator car ser vice for the Shipment of truck to tlje Northern markets. ; The News and Observer, says. The following gentlemen, who com pose the board, were present: Mr. W.' L: Hill, of Warsaw,, president; J. S Westbrook, of Faison, vice president; brook", Mt. Olive, and J. A!, 'Brown, WW MM m J-MWM-J W -MM. WW A I A.! - J-. . WW W .t U The matter was freely discussed by I IUO VUllIUUlliCC, HUU JILT. JUIUBTBUU V a ZLl -1 -r T7I ,1 - RBnWKfiTitativA Allen nf Wivka was also present and assisted in the adjust ment, r The complaint was the contract held with the refrigerator company by the railroad company left the truckers lit tle redress. v -: 1 Mr. Emerson was anxious to protect the interest of the truckers and mani fested ; great interest in their wishek It was a highly satisfactory conference and an adjustment was substantially agreed to which was thoroughly satis factory to the Association committee and Mr. Emerson; but 6 before the agreement could ba final it will have to be endorsed by the refrigerating company." ; Mr. : Emerson stated that he was quite certain that the terms would be satisfactory to the refrigerating com pany and the whole matter . satisfac torily concluded. - ! ; Funeral of Mr. M. Dowling. ; Yesterday afternoon, at 3.30 o'clock, the funeral of the late Michael Dow ling was held from the residence, 713 a.-ccr cit.fL i - 1 r m v. o uuutu jouguiiu birccb, ujr jlvov. jcbiuw Dennen, of St Thomas' Pro-Cathedral, according to the Solemn and impres-1 sive ritual of that church. At the conclusion of the services the remains were carried to the Pro-Cathedral, where requiem mass was said, and im mediately; afterwards the interment ,r was-made in Oakdale cemetery. A 1 1 . . . . ,' i . ; t -uu-gu auuiut3rwi. irienuii.auu reuui-" of the deceased and his family .were in attendance upon the services. The Ndrwegian barque Mercw, Capt' Hansen, has arrived, to Messrs. Heide & C0.7 from East London.

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