RALEIQH'S NEWS BUDGET. New Hotel for Selma County Institutes. The Agricultural Department A. and M. College N. C. S. Q. Special Star Correspondence. Raleigh, N. 0., July 24. A stock company is being formed to erect a new $6,000 hotel at Selma. There are two hotels there already, but they are small and inaccessible. State Superintendent Mebane ex pects County Institutes for public. school teachers to be held in about one-third of the counties of the State this Summer. Institutes have been held already in Mecklenburg, Rock ingham, Burke and Wilson. They have been arranged tor in Jackson, Haywood, Catawba. Lincoln, Surry, Watauga, Caldwell, Rowan, Harnett, Wayne, Edgecombe, Northampton and Warren; An annual appropria tion of $50 to each county is made for this purpose. On account of the smallness of this appropriation few of the counties are trying to hold insti tutes for schools of both races. Most of them are holding institutes for the white, teacners itnis year, and next year they will have institutes for the colored. : -j ...... The Agricultural Department. The committee appointed by the last Legislature to investigate the manage ment of the Agricultural Department met here to day and begun its work. The board of trustees of the A. & M. College meet here next Tuesday to complete arrangements for the opening of the college this Fall under the new administration. There are several vacancies in the faculty to be tilled and other matters of detail to be attended to. Dr. Winston, the new president, will be present at this meet 4ng. He is expected here daily. Rav. Baylus Cade, the Governor's rivate secretary, nas arranged to tase to Colorado this Fall. They will leave here on September 5th, and return as each individual sees fit, tickets being good for three months. The tickets will cost $50 from here to Denver. Adjutant 'General Royster to-day went down to Morehead to review the Third regiment now in camp there. Tuereview and parade will take place to-morrow afternoon. NEWS FROM RALEIGH. Legislative Committee Investigating Agricultural Department and State Penitentiary. the Snttinl Rtn.f C!nmetnryhf1.p.nj'.t- Raleigh, N. C, July 25. The committee appointed by the last , Legislature to investigate tie Agri cultural Department and the State Penitentiary spent yesterday in an informal examination of the books of the Agricultural Department. To day the ex-secretary, J. L. Ramsey, was put on the stand and examined on oath. The committee also went out to the ' penitentiary and looked around preparatory to entering upon its in vestigation of that institution; Supreme Court Library. The changes in the Supreme Court librarysare now about completed and the books are being put back on the shelves. The judges' private rooms have been removed from the main floor to the gallery and the books in the gallery tnat are most often used have been brought down where they will be more accessible. By this change the shelf room of the library has been increased 450 feet and much gained in con venience and accessibility. Besides, the library is now lighter and better ventilated. While alterations are being made it is probable also that the. wooden staircase, which now takes up-so much room, will be taken out and a small spiral stairway of iron put in. This would be an immense improvement and the change would cost only $200.- The wooden stairway takes up some five feet of floor space, while the proposed iron stairway would take only five feet. This change, however, has not yet been definitely decided upon , The immense weight of the. books in this library is causing the founda ' tion to give way. This is not in the main walls, however, but beneath wooden posts under the sills of the floor. These will be replaced by iron posts placed on solid " stone founda tions. - ' This building was never properly constructed and will sooner- or later have to be abandoned for other pur poses than that for which it is now used - . COLUMBIA'S WATER POWER. Purchased From New England Owners. Price Approximates $800,000. By Telegraph to the morning star. .. Columbia, SL C, July 25. It is re ported on excellent authority to-night that the Columbia and Saluda canals, having ajotal of 23,000 horse power, have been purchased from their New England owners by W. B. S. Whaley, of this city, and J. L. Coker of Dar lington, S. C. The belief is that Mr. Johrf E. Searles, President of the American Cotton Company, - which owns the round bale patent, is behind the deal. The price paid is said to an- canal now furnishes power for several cotton mills and the street railway ana lighting plants, it is rumored, has for sometime been desirous of taking an interest in cotton manufacturing in the South. Mr. Whaley is the presi dent of one or more cotton mills in Columbia, and Mr. Coker is owner of a paper mill. Whether it is the pur pose of consolidating the property or not is not known. CHARGED WITH MURDER. A Twelve-Year-Old Boy Jailed at Fitz gerald, Georgia. By Telegraph to the Morning Star, f Fitzgerald, Ga., July 26. Char lie Williams, a 12-year old quadroon Was lodged in jail here charged with wurder. Yesterday be shot and killed a negro woman named Jane Ford, . Bix miles in the country. The testi mony is to the effect that the Ford moman was beating the boy's mother with a hammer. Hearing her cries he seized a gun and that her assailant. For Over Fifty Vetri Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething with perfect success. It Bobthes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It ". will relieve the poor little sufferer im mediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mr. Winslow's Soothing Syrup." and take no other. f NEGROES LYNCHED BY GEORGIANS. Perpetrators of the Ogletree Out rage Pay the Penalty of Their Crime. FIVE OF THE GANG KILLED. Two More Captured and Will be Lynched Early This Morning Posse in Pur suit of Another Negro Concerned in the Affair at Saffold. Bainbridge, Ga., July. 23. One negro lynched by hanging after being tortured, two found dead, who were possibly lynched, and an excited mob chasing five other negroes is the situa tion regarding the Ogletree outrage to day. There is the wildest excitement throughout this section of the State, and it is feared by the law-abiding citi zens that others will be put to death by those who are searching for the ne groes implicated in the assault of Mrs. Ogletree at Saffold, Ga.. Thursday nignt. Late last night Louis Sammins, a big, yellow negro, who answered to the description of one of the men who committed the assault, was captured near Brinson, Ga., and at midnight he was taken to Saffold, and Mrs. Ogle tree positively identified him. He then made a full confession, swearing that he belonged to a band of seven other negroes who recently. broke jail at Augusta, Ga., and who had been in hiding in the Chattahoochee river bot toms near Saffold for several weeks. Intended to Rob. lie said that heandanoth -he gang were selected 'o rob Ogletree's store and divide the spoils with their pals in the swamp. No assault on the woman was contemplated until the two negroes saw her. Sammins gave the name f his companions in the crime and described them. This morning at sunrise- Sammins was taken to an oak tree near the Ogletree house. He was chained to the tree and parts of his body were cut off. A stout rope was tied around his neck and he was told that he could' pray if he wanted to before being hanged. "Oh, Lord, have mercy on my soul," was all that he could say. While a great shout arose from 200 men, 50 of them pulled away on the rope and up shot Sammins' body through the air. He kicked and swayed for ten minutes and then life, became extinct. His body was riddled with bullets by the mob as it dispersed. The body was left hanging to the limb to-day as an object lesson to the negroes of the community. r - Unknown Bodies Found. Early this morning the bodies of two unknown negroes were found on the railroad embankment near Bain bridge. A big crowd examined the bodies. It was believed by some that the men had been accidentally killed by a train, but others asserted that they, had been hanged by a mob, and their bodies placed on the track to be run over by a train. The heads of both had been neatly scalped. The officers of the law are power less to check the fury of the people. The man who was with Sammins has not yet been captured. He is regarded as the more guilty of the two, as he proposed the assault on the woman and first committed the crime. Sev eral negroes have been captured and taken before Mr. and Mrs. Ogletree, who have declared them innocent. I Two More of the Gang Captured. Bainbridge, Ga., July 24. There will be a double lynching in West Bainbridge early to morrow morning unless something unforseen occurs. Two more members of the band of robbers, murderers and rapists are in the hands of a determined posse of whites. One of the captives is Charles Mack, the companion in crime of Louis Sammins, who was lynched yesterday. It was Sammins and Mack who out raged Mrs. Ogletree in the presence of her husband at.Saffold, one holding a pistol at the head of the husband to nOATant Tits intapf apatirA- Mack was captured at iron Uity by white man named CardelL , Cardell tried to get his prisoner through to the jail and secreted him. A mob of sev eral hundred country people met Car dell and asked the whereabouts of his prisoner. He declined to say. A rope was quickly put about his neck and he was given ten minutes in which to give up the rapist or his life. He then told where the negro was. In a short while the crowd had Mack. While ar rangements were in progress for the lynching a telegram was received from Iron City that another member of the gang had been captured. Will be Hanged To-day. It would require several hours to get the new prisoner to the scene, so it was determined to postpone the execu tion of Mack until to-morrow, at which time it is proposed to have a double hanging for the purpose of impressing other possible members or me gang who are not yet known. -' Before Sammins was lynched he confessed, and said that he and Mack had robbed - the Ogletrees, and that both had outraged the woman. While they were committing their crimes, he said, six others, whose names he gave, were on watch outside. Mack is said to have confessed, corroborating Sam mins' statement. The men, ne saia, were banded together for murder, robbery and rape. Five of the negroes named, .including Sammins, are now dead, and every indication favors the death of two more to-morrow. ThA information is that the prisoner from Iron City will arrive at about 2.50 A. M., and the lynching will probably occur shortly thereafter. Macon, Ga., July 24. The Tele graph has a special from Leesburg, Ga., saying a negro supposed to be one of the Saffold ravishers was killed by citizens to-night while resisting ar rest. . 1 V ) . LrtJCAS UOUNXX. J ) Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J.v Cheney & Co.. doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cttre FBANK J. CHENEY4 Sworn to beore me and subscribed in my presentee, this 6 th day of De cember, A. JD. 1886. 1 n (Js) A.W.GLEASON. ) seal. Y .. ., Notary Public. HaUVT Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. . 7 F. J. CHENEY & CO .Toledo, O, ... RnA Kir DriiiriristS. 75Cr Hall's Family Pills are the best, t TheEast Carolina Real Estate Agency is prepared to give prompt andefficient service to all persons wishing to sell farms or town property. Address . G. Grady & Co. Burgaw, N. C. t ' TROOPS ORDERED C TO BA1NBRIDGE. 1 he Second Assailant" of Mrs. Ogletree; Strung Up by Citi zens of Saffold. ' MORE LYNCHINGS FEARED. A Mob Seeking John' Williams, Negro, in Jail for Assaulting Two White Girls. Threaten to Dynamite Building. Another Negro Killed. ' By Telegraph to thoMonung Star. Bainbridge, GA.,tfuly 25. -Charles Mack, the second of the ' Ogletree rapists, was lynched this morning at Saffold. His crime was committed in Early county,, and citizens of this (De catur) county refused to let the mob bring the man into West Bainbridge, since it was desired that an innocent county should not suffer the odium cf a lynching committed by citizens of another county. . Mack was therefore taken to Saffold, the scene of his crime in Early county. When that place was reached the mob found the body of Louis Sammin, who had been lynched forty-eight" hours before, still,' swinging to the limb on which had' been left. Mack was carried before Mrs. Ogletree. She recognized him at once, as did also her husband. Mack then made a con fession to every fact, except holding a pistol to Ogletree's head while Sam min committed his assault. Mack was then taken to a tree near that on which hung the body of Sam min and strung up. As he was pulled off the ground his body was riddled with bullets. The story that two negroes were lynched and scalped in the lower part of the county day before yesterday is denied by the sheriff. Troops Ordered to Bainbridge. Savannah, July 25. Telegraphic orders were received here to-night from Governor Candler, addressed to Captain Middleton, of the State militia, at Valdosta, and Captain Smith, of Thomasville, to "report to Bheriff Pat terson at Bainbridge with all your available men at once," and "to "act strictlv under his orders." The Gov ernor's message is mandatory. It says, "Go at once." The commercial wires having plosed, these messages were transmitted over railroad wires from here, and arrangements were imme-. diateiy made for special cars on the Plant system to take the troops. . The tram will arrive at Bainbridge at 3 A: M. . The troops are wanted to protect the sheriff and the jail against the attack of a mob- that is after John Williams, a negro who is charged with assault and attempt to rape upon two white girls. Williams entered their room while they were asleep and had seized one of the girls when he was frighten ed away. A large crowd of country people are in town, and swear they will have Williams if they have to dynamite the jail. The Decatur jail is one of the strongest in the State. Should an attack upon it be made be fore the arrival of the troops there would probably be bloodsned. An Unknown Negro Killed. Atlanta, Ga., July 25. A special to the Constitution from Leesburg, Ga , says: An unknown negro was shot and killed in a remote part of this county yesterday by a posse composed of three men. There were two negroes in nia ing in that vicinity, and they were thought to be members of the Bain bridge gang. G. A. McDonald, who discovered the negroes, came to town and reported the matter. Both the sheriff and his deputy being out of town, Mr McDonald was advised to get up a posse and arrest the negroes. This he did, getting W. E. Smith and W. H. Sanders to accompany him on his mission. When the negroes were approached they showed fight and one of them was killed, the other get ting away. The coroner's jury has returned a verdict that the dead man was -killed by shots fired by the three men named in self defence. Arrested in Alabama. Atlanta, Ga , July 25. Will Wright, a negro identified, by J. E. Ogletree as One of his wife's assaulters, was arrested yesterday at Troy, Ala., and brought to Montgomery for safe keeping. , As a further safeguard, Gov. Candler to-night ordered that the prisoner be brought to Atlanta on the train leaving Montgomery at 6 o'clock to morrow morning. SOUTHERN MERCHANTS. Permanent Organization of the Southern Industrial League Perfected. Its Objects. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Atlanta, July 26. Permanent or ganization of the Southern Industrial League was perfected to day by the convention -of Southern merchants now in session here. The committee appointed on organization named J. K. Orr, of Atlanta, for president. The committee also recommended that each State be represented by a vice presi dent, to be chosen by the delegates from the respective States. The object of the Leaeue will be to encourage the payment and collection of all debts; wipe from the statute books laws in tended to. hinder the collection of debts; protection of all forms of in vested capital; to prevent the dis counting of debts, ancL,to further the completion of the Nicaraguan canal. D. A. Tomkins, of Charlotte, N. C, delivered an address on "Our Export Trade from a Southern Standpoint." Hon. Pope Brown, president of the State Agricultural Sqciety, spoke on "The Inter-dependence or Commerce nd Agriculture." S. G. McLendon, of Thomasville, Ga., made an address on "Are We Equal to Our Burdens." A Reply to F. B, Thurber. At a Bohemian smoker given by the entertainment committee to-night to the guests attending the convention, Hon. Clarke Howell made an address in which he replied to the speech of Hon. F. B. Thurber, of New York, which was read here yesterday. Mr. Howell said that the conditions which Mr. Thurber stated existed in the South were no worse in that section than they were in every other section of the country. He said that the ruin of certains, valuable properties in Georgia was not due to the repudia tion of obligations of the Southern people, but to the manipulations of Wall street brokers. . . itTf HnwAll condemned ivncnme in the South and said that mob violence in this section was not as bad as in Illinois, wheje-negrpes were shot down for coming in honest competi tion with white labor. He said that every complaint Mr. Thurber made of the South applied equally as well to other sections. " - - ": If you wish to Bell a farm or city property place it in the hands of the East Carolina Real Estate Agency. R. G. Grady & Co.Burpwf N. O. STRIKE SITUATION IN CLEVELAND; Vigilance of Military and Police Prevents Trouble of a Se rious Nature. STORM CENTRE IN SUBURBS, A Small Riot Motorman and Conductor Severely Beaten Preparations for Mass Meetings Bad Peeling Be tween the Two Mayors. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Cleveland, Ohio, July 26. The storm centre of the street railway strike has, according to the authori ties, settled in Brooklyn, a suburb connected with. Cleveland by a long high bridge. At noon one hundred and nfty em ployes of the Born Steel-Range Com pany, blockaded a car on tne bridge and dragged the. motorman and con ductor from their posts, inflicting with their fists and other weapons injuries move painful than serious. Soldiers on guard at the barn, about half a mile away, hurried to the scene, but the rioters had taken refuge in the factory which stands under the ap proach to the bridge. The factory was surrounded and the premises' searched, but there was no clue by which the guilty ones could be picked out. i General Axline, in command of the troops here, in order to personally view the situation, took a ride to day on an Orange street car. He was in civilian dress and the car was stoned at various intervals all along the route. A rock came near hitting him. The General took other trips through the troubled districts but declined to give his views of the situation, j Preparations for Mass Meetings. The vigilance' of the guards while day light aided them, prevented trouble of a serious nature, preparations 10: mass meetings at various points were made during the day. It is expected that a large one will be held in Monu mental Square, in the heart of the city, to-morrow night unless the may or prohibits it A meeting will.be held in Brooklyn to protest against the action of Mayor Farley,! of Cleve land, who has assumed, under the authority of an almost I forgotten statute, supreme 'police power in Cuyahoaga county. This leaves Mayor Phelps, of the suburb, together with his constabulary short of the power and they don't like it. Mayors on Bad Terms. The two mayors are not on the terms that existed between the storied gov ernors of the two Carolinas. The sol diers and the Cleveland chief execu tives' special poUce in Brooklyn are not allowed to use the public hydrants to get water, it is said, and upon various occasions bayonets were of necessity used to convince shop keepers that it was wisest io sell sol diers what they wanted. Mayor Far ley to day mailed Mayor Phelps a let ler in which he declared that if the Cleveland cohorts had any more trouble about getting water, Cleveland which pumps the water to the suburb, would attempt to abrogate the water truce and let the whole hamlet go thirsty. Mayor Farley afso issued a statement to the strikers in ;which he said that a man who was more loyal to his labor union than to himself and his country was a coward and a bad citi zen. Cars Running Last Night. Cars were running on twelve lines of the Big Consolidated to-day and most of the lines ""last night. From this the authorities take hope for con-. tinued improvement. President Ma han, of the National Unions df Street Car Employes, in an interview to day, declraed that as the street'" car com pany according to his information, was losing thousands of dollars every day, the strike would have to be set tled soon upon advances made by the Company. On the face of this Presi ' dent Everett to-day again told the board of arbitration that the company had nothinir to arbitrate. The board is unable to take action looking to Battlement m view of the attitudes ol of the onnosinsr forces. The task of distributing the soldiers was to-day completed by General Ax line. Mayor Farley 'declared that he would suppress violence if he had to call out the entire NationalsGuard of Ohio: A boy was shot this evening by a non-union conductor, but whether or not accidental is not known, j To Patch Up an Agreement. - A step in which there is hope of con ciliating the street car company' and its striking employes, was taken here to night by the committees of the council which succeeded in patching up an agreement over the difficulties that caused the first strike a month ago. The committee to-night made a request for a special meeting of the council to meet to-morrow night to discuss ways and means of putting an end to the present distressing situa tion. It is regarded as probable that the old committee will be appointed and at once set about its labors. The action of the old committee in seeking to repeat its former success, meets with the approval of General Axline, members of the State board of arbitration, and the mayor and his ad visers, as well as citizens generally, it is said. - , ' ' COINS PROM INDIA. A Large Importation Entered at New York As Copper Scrap. By Telegrapn to the Morning Star. New York, July 26. The- steam ship Cevic brought to this city 9999 bags, or 250 tons of copper coins from India, consigned to the Oxford Copper Company: The coins will be melted over for refining purposes as they are imported as copper scrap. It is ex nlained that thecoins are worth more as copper than as coins with the price of copper standing at or about the present value of 18.50 for lake, The statement is made that when copper stood at 10 cents there was a profit in coining for the Indian govern ment but conditions are now changed by the prices ruling for copper. It is said that the copper coins of China can also be imported and melted into cop per at a profit - j," Why were 25,000 BOTTLES OF ROB ERTS' TASTELESS 25o. CHILL TONIC sold the first year of its birth? Answer : Because it Is the BEST AT ANY PRICE, guaranteed to cure, money refunded if It falls, pleasant to take, 25o per bottle. It is sold and guaranteed by . ROBERT B, BELLAMY, . mar 24 ly Wholesale and Retail Druggist Matt Stanford, one of the most prominent white farmers in Washing ton county, Tenn., shot and instantly killed Preston Carson, and then went to his victim's home and fired five shots through the front door. ; Two of Carson's children were nn. anu we younger probably will die. i EXCITEMENT IN BAINBRIDGE, GA, Negro Rapist Taken Under Mili y tary Escort to .Thomas ville for Safety. BARELY ESCAPED LYNCHING. A Mob With Dynamite and Battering Ram Moved On the .'Jail Judge Bowen Promised a Special Term of Court to Try Williams. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Bainbridge, Ga., July 26. On ac count of the excited stale of the peo ple here, Sheriff Patterson to-night took John Williams, the negro rapis in jail here, and whose life has been clamored for by a mob for two days, to Thomasville for safe-keeping. Under guard of two companies of militia which arrived this morning and be tween lines of ieering people, the negro was taken to the depot and put aboard a Plant train due to arrive in Thomasville at 7 P. M. There is some talk of the mob going to Thomasville, but this is not taken in any serious-, nessandit is thought the trouble is over. , The action of the leading citizens of the town late last night in confronting the mob as it marched to the jail, saved the life of Williams. The lynch ing party with dynamite and telegraph poles for battering rams was on its way to the jail when Judge Bower and two other gentlemen stopped the mob and Dlead with them to let the law take its course. Judge Bower promised a special term to try Williams and promised speedy justice. After some replies from members of the mob they finally disbanded and the night was passed in quiet. More Troops Called Out. - Albany, Ga., July 26. Colonel Wootten, commanding the Fourth :eeriment of Georgia militia, received orders from the Governor at 6 o'clock this afternoon to proceed immediately to Bainbridge and take command of the troops there. - He was further ordered to carry with him such addi tional companies of his regiment as he might deem necessary to preserve the peace. Colonel Wootten, there fore, ordered out the two companies of the Albany Guards, and with them left for Bainbridge at 8 P.M. This will make four companies on duty. One of Mrs. Ogletree's Assailants. Atlanta, Ga., July 26. Sheriff Reeves, of Pike county, Alabama, placed Albert Wright, one of the negroes accused of assaulting Mrs. Ogletree, in jail here this afternoon. The sheriff stated that when the train passed through Newnan, a mob of armed men boarded it and demand ed that the prisoner be turned over to them. Wright had been concealed in the baggage car, however, before New nan was reached and after making what they thought to be a thorough search of the train the would-be lynchers permitted the train to pull out, thinking the negro was not aboard. The negro denies his guilt, but Sheriff Reeves stattes that he has been identi fied by Mr. Ogletree. Camille, Ga., July 27. When the two companies of militia from Albany, under command of Colonel Wootten, en route to Bainbridge reached here to night, they were turned back home. Colonel Wootten was advised by Cap tain Smith that there was absolutely no use for them at Bainbridge. It is believed that all danger of further trouble has passed. Tho Best Prescription for Chills and fever is a bottle of Grove's Taste less Chill Tonio. Never fails to cure; then why- experiment with worthless imitations f Price 50 censt Your money bach if it fails to cure. TO PREVENT LYNCHING. Alabama State Troops Hurried to Cull man by the Governor. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Birmingham, Ala., July 26. State troops are being rushed to Cullman to save from lynching Henderson Tun still, the negro who killed Justice of the Peace J. K. Hamilton, at Blount's Springs last Friday night while resist ing arrest Tunstill was arrested at Cullman last night When the news reached Blount's Springs, a mob was formed to go to Cullman to lynch Tunstill. The mob left Blount's Springs on the north-bound passenger trains passing that place about 1 P. M. On hearine this the Governor ordered out the Birmingham rifles to protect the negro. - ' Proof of the pudding Ilea in the eating of it Proof of ROBERTS' TASTELESS CHILL TONIO lies in .the taking of it COST NOTHING if it falls to cure. 25 cents per bottle if It cures. Sold strictly on its merits by ROBERT R. BELLAMY, mar 24 ly Wholesale and Retail Druggist. EXPORTS FOR THE WEEK. COASTWISE. Boston Schr Sam'l B Hubbard 484,000 feet lumber, cargo by Cape Fear Lumber Co, vessel by Geo Har riss, Son & Co. FOREIGN. Kingston, Jamaica Br schr Sya nara 248,509 feet lumber valued tat $3,603.38 ; 25.000 shingles, valued at $1,612.50; cargo by Chadbourn Lum ber Co, vessel by Geo Harriss, Son MARINE. ARRIVED. Barge Maria Dolores, 610 tons, Bon neau, Charleston, S C, Navassa Guano Company. Steamship Morgan, 537 tons, Athony, Richmond, Va., Navassa GuanoCompany. Steamship Geo W Clyde, 1,514 tons, Robinson, New York, H G Small bones. CLEARED. Steamship Oneida, 1,091 tons, Sta ples, New York, H G Smallbones. Br schr Syanara, Verner, Kingston, Jamaica, Geo Harriss, Son & Co. Schr Samuel B Hubbard, Maheff ey, Boston, Geo Harriss, Bon & Co. S1 tTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY Or NIW HANOVER. Superior Court, Sept Term, 1899. A. Sartor vs. Hettle B. Sartor. . . This la an action brought by plaintiff against the defendant to recover a divorce from the bonds of matrimony on account of abandon ment and it appearing to the Couit that the defendant is a non-resident and cannot after due diligence be found within the State, and that plaintiff has a cause of action against the defendant and that this Court has jurisdiction nt tha anhiftct. rvf this action. NOW thlfl iS tO notify ths said defendant to be and appear at the next term of the Superior Court of New- Hanover county, norm uaroima, va uo unm Wilmington, N. C, on the 85th day or Beptem- granted said plal rf nald complaint. Dated July 81st 1899. jyasto JNO. D. TAYLOR, Clerk Superior Court I COMMERCIAL. : j WILMINGTON MARKET. ! : STAR OFFICE. July 20. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Market . firm at 40 cents per gallon for ma 1 chine-made casks and 39 cents per j gallon for country casks. ROSIN Market steady at 90 cents per barrel for Strained and 95 cts for ! Good Strained. 1 TAR. Market firm at $1.40 per DDI OI ZtSO IDS. ' CRUDE TURPENTINE. Market firm at $1.35 per barrel for Hard, $2.00 for Dip, and $2.10 for Virgin. Quotations same day last year. Spirits turpentine firm at 2524c; rosin dull at 95c$1.00; tar quiet at $1.10; crude turpentine steady at $1.00 1.50. j RECEIPTS.! Spirits Turpentine 1 Rosin 2. . . . Tar i ... Crude Turpentine. . . . L . . . Receipts same day last 166 ,789 107 113 year. 160 spirits turpentine, 6U9 bbis rosin, 260 bbis tar, 62 bbis crude tur pentine. ! oottonJ Market steady on a basis of 5 cts per pound for middling. Quotations: Ordinary. 3 7-16 cts. $ lb Good Ordinary. .... . 4 13-16" Low Middling....... 5 7-16 " " Middling ...5 " " Good Middling 6 " " Same day last year middling 5c. Receipts 0 bale; same day last year, 1. i X30UNTBY PRODUCE. PEANUTS North Carolina Extra prime, 75 to 80c per bushel of 28 pounds; fancy, 80 to 85c. Virginia Extra prime. 55 to 60c; fancy, 60c; Spanish, 82 to 85c. CORN Firm; 52 to 1 52 cents per bushel for white. ij ROUGH RICE Lowland (tide water) 90c$1.10; upland, 6580c. Quotations on a basis of 45 pounds to the bushel. I N. C. BACON Steady; hams 10 to 11c per pound; shoulders, 7 to 8c; sides, 7 to 8c. j SHINGLES Per thousand, five inch hearts and saps, $2.25 to 3.25; six-inch, $4.00 to 5.00: seven-inch, $5.50 to 6.50. v TIMBER Market steady at $2.50 to 6.50 per M. i STAR OFFICE, July 21. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Market firm at 40 cents per . gallon for machine-made casks and 39 cents per gallon for country casks. ROSIN Market steady at 90 cents per bbl for strained and 95c for eood strained. ! - TAR Market firm at $1.40 per bbl of 280 lbs. 1 CRUDE TURPENTINE. Market firm at $1.35 per barrel for hard, $2.00 for Dip and $2.10 for Virgin. Quotations same day; last year. Spirits turpentine firm: at 2525c; rosin dull at 95c$1.00; tar quiet at $1.10; crude turpentine steady at $1.00 1.50. receipts, 138 yuuiiN v KVUVIUU M Rosin 806 Tar i 80 Crude Turpentine 23 Receipts same day last year. 194 casks spirits turpentine, 430 bbis rosin, 162 bbis tar, 50 bbis crude tur pentine. I ! I COTTON. Market steady on a basis of 5 cts per grand for middling. Quotations: rdinary 3 1 7-16 cts $ lb Good Ordinary 4 13-16 " " Low Middling 5 7-16 V " Middling 5 " " Good Middling 6X " v" same day last year middling ssc. Receipts -19 bales; same day last year, 0. 1 COUNTRY PRODUCE. PEANUTS North i Carolina; Extra prime, $1.00 to $1.10 per bushel of 28 pounds; fancy, $1.10 to $1.12. Virginia Extra prime,! 75 to 80c; ffuicv 95c ' T CORN Firm: 52 to 52 cents per bushel for white, ; ROUGH RICE Lowland '(tide water) 90c$1.10; upland, 6580c. Quotations on a basis of 45 pounds to the bushel. 1 N. C. BACON Steady; hams 10 to 11c per pound; shoulders, 7 to 8c; sides, 7 to 8c. j SHINGLES Per . thousand, five--inch hearts and saps, $3.25 to 3.25; six-inch. $4.00 to 5.00; seven-inch, $5.50 to 6.50. TIMBER Market steady at $2.50 to 6.50 per M STAR OFFICE, July 22. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Nothing doing. f ROSIN Market steady: at 90 cents per bbl for strained and! 95 cents for good strained. ! ' TAR. Market firm at $1.40 per bbl of 280 lbs. i CRUDE TURPENTINE. Market firm at $1.35 per barrel for hard, $2.00 for dip and $2.10 for virgin. Quotations same day last year. Spirits turpentine, firm at 2525c; rosin dull at 95c$1.00; tar quiet at $L10; crude turpentine steady at $1.00 1.50. RECEIPTS. J Spirits turpentine 279 Rosin... 1 497 Tar 128 Crude turpentine ... 83 Receipts same day last year. 95 casks spirits turpentine, 316 . bbis rosin, 88 bbis tar, 131 bbis crude tur pentine. I COTTON. 1 Market steady on a.basis of 5Jgc per pound for middling. Quotations: Good Ordinary 3 7-16 cts $ lb Good Ordinary 4 13-16 " " Low Middling, 5 7-16" " Middling 5ft " " Good Middling 6! " Same day last year middling 5c Receipts 0 bale; same day last year, 0. 1 COUNTRY PRODUCE. PEANUTS North Carolina Extra prime, $1.00 to $1.10cper bushel of 28 pounds; fancy. $1.10 to $1.12. Virginia Extra prime, -75 to 80c; fancy, 95c. . -i . CORN Firm; 52 to 52 cents per bushel for white. ! ROUGH RICE Lowland (tide water) r90c$L10; upland 65 80c. Quotations on a basis of 45 pounds to the bushel ! N. C. BACON Steady; hams 10 to 11c per pound; shoulders, 7 to 8c; sides, 7 to 8c. SHINGLES Per thousand, five inch hearts and saps, $2.25 to 3.25; six-inch, $4.00 to 5.00; seven-inch, $5.50 to 6.50. ! TIMBER Market steady at $2.50 to 6.50 per M. j STAR OFFICE July 24. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Nothing doing. i ROSIN Market steady at 90 cts per barrel for Strained and 95 cents for Good Strained. i TAR Market firm at $1.50 per bbl of 280 Rs. CRUDE TURPENTINE. Market firm at $1.35 per barrel I for Hard, $2.10 for Dip, and $2.20 for Virgin. Quotations sameday last year. Spirits turpentine quiet at 25)4 25c; rosin dull at 95c$L00; tar quiet at $1.10; crude turpentine steady at $1.00 L50. j RECEIPTS. Spirits turpentine......... 72 Rsin....! 5f2 Tar H7 Crude turpentine... ...... 21 Receipts same day last1 year. 71 casks spirits turpentine,! 371 bbis rosin, &s bbis tar, oj. dois cruue tur pentine. I COTTON. Market steady on a basis of 5c ; per pound for middline. Quotations: Ordinary.......:.... 3 7-16 cts lb 3 7-16 cts $ 4 13-16 " ' 5 7-16 " ' Good Ordinary. . Low Middling. . . Middling...;.... Good Middling.. 8M. same day last year middling 5c. Receipts 0 bales; same day last year, 0. COUNTRY PRODUCE. PEANUTS North Carolina Extra prime,; $1.00 to $1.10 per bushel of 28 pounds; fancy, $1.10 to $1.12tf. Virginia Extra prime 75 to 80c; CORN Firm; 50 to 52H cents per bushel for white. ROUGH RICE Lowland (tide water) 90c$1.10; upland, 6580c. Quotations on a basis of 45 pounds to the bushel, i N. C. BACON Steady ; hams 10 to 11c per pound; shoulders, 6 to 7c; sides, 7 to 8c. SHINGLES Per thousand, five inch hearts and saps, $2.25 to 3.25; six-inch, $4.00 to 5.00; seven-inch, $5.50 to 6.50. ! TIMBER Market steady at $2.50 to 6.50 per M. - STAR OFFICE5 July 25. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Market firm at 39 cents per gallon bid for machine-made casks and 39 cents per gallon bid for country casks. Sales at4039 cents. ' ROSIN Market steady at 90 cents per barrel for Strained and 95 cents for Good "Strained. TAR Market firm at $1.50 per bbl of 280 lbs. CRUDE TURPENTINE. Market firm at $1.35 per barrel for Hard, $2. 10 for Dip and $2.20 for Virgin. Quotations same day last year. Spirits turpentine steady at 2525c; rosin quiet at 92X97c; tar quiet at $1.10; crude turpentine steady at $1.0U1.50. RECEIPTS. Spirits Turpentine. 64 Kosin 415 Tar 76 Crude Turpentine. .- 30 Receipts same day last year. 110 casks spirits turpentine, 125 bbis rosin, 135 bbis tar, 37 bbis crude tur pentine. COTTON. Market steady on a basis of 5c per pound for middling. Quotations: Ordinary . . . 3 7-16 cts. Tb Good Ordinary 4 13-16 Low Middling. 5 7-16 Middling 5 " " GoodMiddling 6M Same day last year middling 5 f c. Receipts 0 ! bales; same day last year, 0. COUNTRY PRODUCE. PEANUTS North Carolina Extra prime, $1.001.10 per bushel of 28 pounds; fancy, $L10l.e2j. Virginia Extra prime, 7580c; fancy, 95c. CORN Firm; 52 to 52K cents per bushel. ROUGH RICE Lolnd (tide water) 90c$1.10; upland 65 80c. Quotations on a basis of 45 pounds to the bushel. N. C. BACON steady ; hams 10 to 11c per pound; shoulders, 6 to 7c; sides, 7 to 8c. SHINGLES Per thousand, five inch, hearts and saps, $2.25 to $3.25; six inch, $4.00 to 5.00; seven inch, $5.50 to 6.50. TIMBER Market steady at $2.50 to $6.50 per M. STAR OFFICE. July 26. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market firm at 40 cents per gallon for machine-made casks and 40 cents per gallon for country casks. ROSIN Market steady at 90 cents per bbl for Strained and 95 cents for Good StrainedL TAR Market firm at $1.50 per bbl of 280 lbs. CRUDE TURPENTINE. Marke firm at .$1.35 per barrel for Hard, $2.10 for Dip and $2.20 for Virgin. . Quotations same day last year. Spirits turpentine, nothing doing; rosin quiet at' 9297ic; tar quiet at $1.10; crude turpentine quiet at $1.001.50. j RECEIPTS. Spirits Turpentine 86 Rosin 323 Tar.. 129 Crude Turpentine 44 Receipts same day last year. 123 casks spirits turpentine, 664 bbis rosin, 129 bbis tar, 182 bbis crude tur pentine. COTTON. Market steady on a basis of 5c per pound for middling. Quotations: Ordinary Good Ordinary , Low Middling. Middliner .... . 3 7-16 cts. Ib 4 13-16 " 5 7-16 " " Good Middling. ..... 6 U Same day last year middling 5c. Receipts 1 bale ; same day last year, 0. COUNTRY PRODUCE. PEANUTS North Carolina -Extra prime, tL001.10 per bushel of 28 pounds; fancy, $L101.12. Virginia Extra prime, 7580c; CORN Firm, 52to 52 cents per bushel. ROUGH RICE Lowland (tide water) 90c$140; upland, 6580c. Quotations on a basis of 45 pounds to the bushel. ' N. C. BACON -Steady ; hams 10 to 11c per pound; shoulders, 7 to 8c; sides, 7 to 8c. ; SHINGLES Per thousand, five- 1 i A tl nr i O OK. ci-r. lUVU ULCOI UI ULU CKn3 J.W tUUiOV , OiJV inch, $4.00 to $5.00, 6even-inch, $5.50 to 6.50. TIMBER Market steady at $2.50 to 6.50 per M. ; COTTON MARKETS. By Telegraph to the Mornlmi Star. New York. July 26. Business on the Cotton Exchange to-day consisted largely in switching from the near to the remote futures. There was, how ever, some investment buying and more considerable covering, the basis of which was, for the most part, a reconsideration of the weekly govern ment report The report indicated a poor situation in the Carolinas, with the Georgia condition also unsatisfac tory by reason of shedding, while Texas showed a poor average than a week ago. In its entirety the govern ment report, as locally considered, became a bullish offset to the cotton crop advices so numerously in circu lation at the present time. The mar ket closed steady and four to six points net higher. ; New York, July 26. Cotton steady ; middling uplands 6c. Cotton futures market closed steady ; July 5.49c, August 5.50, September 5.55c, October 5.71c, November 5.75c, December 5.80c. January 5.84c, Feb ruary 5.88c, March 5.92c, April 5.95c, May 5.98c 1 Spot cotton closed steady; middling uplands 6c; middling gulf 6c ;sales 476 bales. Net receipts bales; gross receipts 15 bales; exports to the Continent 221 bales; stock, 147,387 bales. Total to-day Net receipts 413 bales; exports to the Continent 27 bales; stock 402,507 bales. Consolidated Net receipts 5,026 bales; exports to' Great Britain 1,933 bales; exports to-Prance 200 bales; exports to the Continent 4,676 bales. Total since September 1st Net re ceipts 8,301,121 f bales; exports to Great Britain 3,469,436 bales; ex ports to Prance 788,851 bales; exports to the Continent 2,798,704 bales. The Petit Journal says that Captain Dreyfus is 111 with fever and that his condition is serious. PRODUCE MARKETS j By Telegraph to the Morning Star. New York. July 26. Flour, was fairly active and steady. " Wheat Spot firm; No. 2 ed 77c; options opened stead v on cables and ruled firm most of the day : the demand from the shorts was stimulated chiefly by hot weather news in sprine wheat States: at the close the tone was firm hand prices were quoted at ViCcbKc not ad- - vance; sales July closed 76 c; (Sep tember closed 76c; December closed 78c: Corn Spot firm; No. 2 3$c; options opened steady and were Isub- -sequently advanced by hot winds in Kansas, .Nebraska and lowa; closed firm at 34c net advance; July closed 37jic; September closed 37jc; December closed S8c Oats Spot dull ; No. 2 28c; options steady but dull. Lard weak; Western steam $5 60; renned easy. Cotton seed oil auiet. Rice steady. Butter steady; Western cream ery 15 18c; State dairy 13 17. Cheese nrm; large wnite 9c. .Potatoes quiet; fair to prime $1 001 75; fancy $2 00 2Z5; southern sweets $3 004i 00. Cabbaee steady; Long Island $4 00 5 00 per hundred. Freights to Liver poolcotton by steam 15c, nominal. Petroleum firm. Coffee Spot Rio dull and weak; No. 7 invoice 5Jic; No. 7 jobbing &U, ; mild quiet. Sugar Raw steady ; renned steady. . t Chicago, July y,b. Apprehension of damage by the hot dry weather prevailing throughout the country strengthened wheat and corn to-day. September wheat closed with a gain of ifc and corn fc. Oats unchanged. Provisions suffered from liquidation. Pork lost 12i15c, lard 5 to 7c and ribs 7ic. I Chicago, July 26. Cash quotations : Flour steady. Wheat No. 2 spring 7071c;No.3spring 66tf70c; No. 2 red 7272c. Corn No. 2 32 S2c.5 Oats No. 2 24c; No. 2 white 24 26c; No. 3 white 22 26c. Pork, per bbl, $8 65S 70. Lard, per 100 lbs, $5 275 37M. Short rib sides, loose $4 955 15. Dry salted shoulders, $5 37 5 62& Short clear sides, boxed, $5 25 5 35. Whiskey Distillers' finished goods,! per gallon, $1 26. Baltimore, July 26. Flour quiet, steady and unchanged. Wheat inac- . tive and firmer Spot and month 72 , 72JsCc; August 72X72c; Septem- I ber7373Mc. Southern wheat by sample 6373jc. Corn firm Spot 36c; July 36c; August 36c; Sep tember 36c. 'Southern .white corn 4041c. Oats dull No. 2 white 30K31c. 1 I The Melon jMarket. New York, July 26. Muskmelons were plentiful and the qnotations tend to buyers' favor. Watermelons weak. Muskmelons, Jersey, per half barrel crate, 75c $1 00; do., Baltimore, per bushel basket, 60c$100; do., Bal timore, large kinds, per barrel, 75c $1 00; do., Maryland Rocky Ford Seed " per cratOj $1 251 75; do.. Gem and Jenny Lind, per carrier, 75c$l 25 ; do. Virginia, per barrel, 50c$l 25; do., per carreir, 3055c. Watermelons, per car load, $100175; do. per 100, $10 0025 00. NAVAL STORES MARKETS. By Teleerapn to the Mornlnz Star. New York, July 26. Rosin steady ; strained common .to good $1 30 1 32. Spirits turpentine firm at 44 44Jc. U Charleston, July 26. Spirits tur pentine firm at 39c; sales casks. Rosin firm and unchanged; no sales. Savannah, July 26. Spirits turpen tine firm at 40c; sales 293 casks; re ceipts 1,529 casks. Rosin firm and unchanged; sales 2,301 bales; receipts 4,395 barrels. Colonel Edmund Pendleton, widely known throughout Virginia and the .South, died at Lexington va., yester day, i - WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT. Tne following 'WhnlAfuiln Prices sren quotations represent In making small orders hhzher Drlcea have to be chari Tne quotations are always given as accurately as possible, but the Star win not be responsible for any variations from the actual market prloe ol the articles Quoted. BAGGING 2BJute?T. Standard WESTERN SMOKED - Hams St ShomdJrsV . DRY SALTED Sides B Shoulders . Bides . 6 BBRlCT,fl Rnlrffcs Tiirnentlne Second-hand, each 1 26 1 85 New New York, each 1 40 New City, each -1 40 BEESWAX V 24 BRICKS Wilmington v a oo i wi Northern 9 00 14 00 BUTTER North Carolina V 15 Northern 25 18 80 47M ' 47 90 25 11 11 13 10 CORN MEAL Per bushel, In sacks Virsrinla Heal 47 iOUDl, 111 OMUAl. " " 47 COTTON TIEo bundle CANDLES V Sperm 18 Adamantine 8 CHEESE Northern Factory Dairy Cream State.. COFFEE V Lasfuyra......... Rio... DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, V yard Yarns. V bunch of 5 Bs EGGS V dozen IS 8 IT SO 00 15 00 18 00 9 00 14 00 400 8 F1HH t Mackerel, No. 1, Mackerel, No. 1, Mackerel, No. 2, Mackerel, No. 2 barrel... 82 00 half-bbl. 11 00 barrel... IS 00 half-bbl.. 8 00 barrel... 18 oo Mullets, barrel 8 00 Mullets, v pork Darrei o uu a w 8 25 10 4 60 N. O. Roe Herring, V keg.. Dry Cod, Kxtra . FLOUR Low grade Choice 8 OO 4 35 8 00 8 60 4 00 425 4 60 5 00 11 18 52 62H 52 38 40 45 65 75 Straight First Patent.. GLUE V v GRAIN bushel Oorn,rrom store,bgs White Car-load, in bgs White... . Oats, from store Oats, Rust Proof Cow Peas HIDES V B Green salted 12h! Dry flint urv sait HAY V 100 lbs Clover uay Rice Straw 85 40 80 80 80 90 60 85 85 85 mr i . 10 1 25 Eastern Western North River. . HOOP IRON, Northern North Carolina LIME, V barrel LUMBER (olty sawed) M ft 5 6 1 15 18 00 Ship btuix, resawea 20 00 16 00 18,00 23 00 15100 0 60 t8 00 10 00 10 60 Rough edge Plank 15 00 West India cargoes, accord tag to i 'Dressed : inauty.. is w 'loorlne. seasoned. 18 00 Scantling ana uoara,com;n i w common mm ... Fair mill 6 50 ....... o w Prime mill 8 60 Extra mill 10 00 MOLASSES V gallon Bar badoes, In hogshead. .... Barbadoes, In barrels Porto Rico, In hogsheads. ... 23 Porto Rico, In barrels....... 25 Sugar House, In hogsheads. Sugar House, In barrels. ... 14 Syrup. In barrels 16 NAILS, V keg. Cut, 60d basis... 2 00 PORK, V barrel - -Citv mess 9 50 ' Rump... L prime... ROPE, ............ SALT, V sack. Alum, 10 Liverpool s American....... 70 On 125 Sacks SHINGLES, 7-Inch, per M 5 00 Common 1 60 Cypress Saps 8 60 SUGAR, V Standard Gran'd Standard A. White Extra C Extra C. Golden C, Yellow , SOAP, lb-Northem. ......... 8fc 8TAVES, J M W. O. barrel.. . . 6 00 B. O. Hogshead TIMBER, r M feet Shipping.. Mill, Palme Mill. Fair.' Common Mill. 460 Inferior to ordinary. SHINGLES, N.O. Cypress sawed m 6x24 heart 8ap.... 6x24 Heart " Sap 6x24 Heart...... " Sap TALLOW, t WHISKEY, 9 gallon, Northern 8 00 1100 1100 15 Bonn Carolina.... WOOL per Unwashed...... 'Ji