tilt 1 i r t' 1 1 t i' it r ? .J :M 'lit f - r . Xhc WteMn Stat lEfttO DISCOVERY KEEPS YOUR LIMBS STROM DON'T HI AKiS TUG WRINKLES DEEPER. (Mrs! Frank A. Breek) Is father's ejresight growing1 dim, His fqrm a little lower? Is mother's hair a little gray, - Her steps A little slower? Is life's bill growing hard to climb? Make .not their pathway steeper, Smoothe out the furrows on their brows O do not make them deeper ! There's nothing makes a face seem younger, As joy, youth's fairest token; And nothing makes a face grow older Like hearts that have been broken. Take heed lest deeds of thine should make Thy mother be a weeper ; Stamp peace upon a father's brow Don't make the wrinkles deeper In doubtful pathways do not go, Be tempted not to wander: Grieve not the hearts that love you so. But make their love grow fonder. Much have thy parents borne for thee,. Be now their tender keeper: And let them lean upon their tender - love Don't make the wrinkles deeper. Be lavish with thy loving deeds, Be patient, true and tender; And make i the path that ageward leads, l Aglow with earthly splendor. Some day, thy dear ones, stricken low, I Must yield to death, the reaper ; And you will then be glad to Know You made no wrinkles deeper. I Lutheran Evanglist. SUNDAY SELECTIONS. Many men owe the grandeur pf their lives to their tremendous diffi-' cullies. Spurgeon. All things which are not ac complished in their time, shall be left unaccomplished forever. Zoraster. Promptness, politeness, perse verance the young person who minds these three p's will soon learn a fourth prosperity. The Lord's prayer is the only perfect literary production in the world. It is impossible for the most scholarly to pick a flaw or blemish in Jt, : i Never fret about what you can noi neip, Decause it win not do you any good; never fret about what you can, because if you can help it, do so. Our Little Ones. We often condemn others in unmeasured terms terms for sins which, in thd sight of God, are no 11 11 m 1 m worse man mose oi which we our selves are guilty. One of the blessed, unending SEEd of giving forth unto other lives iue Diesseaness wnicn uoa naa poured mio ours. L,ucy uircom. - The deed transforms the place, aa Calvarv. the, nlsrnn nf a-remitinn has become the center of the world's nistory and the world's salvation. "The great central event in all history is the death of our Lord and Saviour. Jesus Christ. The centuries circle around the cross." Dr Collier. Let this and fiTATT dawn nf morninc be to vou as tVin twmnniiiff of life, and let every setting sun be to you as lis ciose; let every one of thftsft fihnrt IfvAn Inn TA itfl fall V A VAsH of some kind thing done for others bulub goou Birengm or Knowledge gained for yourselves. Stevenson. Where Christ places us, we are to remain; where he sends us. we are to CO. And in hn hoot nt lifa'a .nn- nicts, set up on every hand by a host .u.ugo ttuawu wuu tu UlBbrUUfc our peace, we are to maintain an unruffled 'Calm, and all the tp.nriAmesa nnrl eim plicity of the heart of a little child. Brooks "How do ydu like our new neignoors Dy mis time?" Mrs. Brooks "Virat rata TKiav k...H fused me a single thing yet that I have nautcu w uorrow. IS A SYSTEM BUILDER.CIYES APPETITE . ft CORRECTS THE LIVER. ftf9ST'ff' TASTELESS iUHJfM3 Chill tonic is sold Strictly on its Merits. If is the best Chili Tonic at the smallest oriee. ana your rnuney- rerunaea it J . . - . . C I "1 J l jf fails to cure you. ROBERT R. BELLAMY, mar 84 It Wholesale and Retail Druggist. A True Tempcmoct Medicine . ConUlnla Neither , Alcohol, I Whisky, V Opurn, , L or other Narcotic. V f Gives Strength to the faS STOMACH, S&J Purity to the V""" BLOOD, Life to the LUNGS. mm LOOK POM Twe I Iky N0NCGGMUINK neo cross, .fi without vx. NEWS FROM RALEIOB U.S. Court of Appeals Reverses One 'of Judge Simonton's v Decisions. STANLY COUNTY BOND CASE. A. nod M. College The Textile fccnooi. State Farmer's Alliance Peabody School Fond Colored Teach ". . era' Institute. I Special Star Correspondence. -Raleigh, N. G., August 11. The executive committee of the A. and M. t College is in session here. The ; committee met yesterday after noon and for two hours attbo college discussed principally the establishment of the textile school and selecting a site for the building. Last night they met at the Yarborough and were in session till after midnight. The most important action taken was to author ize the ; President of the board, Mr. Primrose, to borrow $10,000, to be used in the erection of the Textile School ; building and to pledge such revenues of the college as may be necessary to secure payment of in terest on the same. The president of the college is also authorized to secure such funds for this purpose as he may be able. The Farmers Alliance. . The State Farmers' Alliance, which has been in session this week at Hills- boro, adjourned yesterday. : One of its most important acts was tbe ap--f pointment of a committee consisting of the most energetic alliancemen in each of the three political parties, to draft an address to ihe farmers of the State urging them to join together to build up a great fraternal organization, such as the alliance was ten years ago. As an experiment, State Superin tendent Mebane, has this year spent $300 of the Peabody school fund, that goes to colored Normal schools in hold ing institutes for colored teachers. lie is so far greatly pieasea wun me result and thinks the expenditure will prove to be a wise one. The Next State Fair. Mr. L. A. Carr, of Durham, has been appointed chief marshal of the next State Fair and has accepted the appointment. He will name a corp of representative business' men of the State as his assistants. The lumber road of Mr. T. M. Hall, extending from the Atlantic Coast Line railroad, at Dunn, four miles west into the pine forests, together with Mr. Hall's lumber interest and mills, has been bought by Mr. J. C. Angier, general manager of the Cape Fear, and Northern railroad, which runs from Apex, on the Seaboard Air Line, in this county, to the Harnett county pine forests. The link between the two roads will shortly be built The trade cost1 Mr. Angier about $15,000 cash. Special Star Telegram.' vStanly County Bond Case. L telegram from Richmond an nounces that the Circuit Court of Ap peals has reversed Judge Simonton's decision in the Stanly County bond case, and remanded it with directions to dismiss the bill. The jtitle of the case is the Commissioners of Stanly county against Coler and. Do. Coler filed a bill in equity before Judge Simonton to enjoin Stahly county from repudiating its indebtedness on county bonds. Simonton decided in Coler s favor and appointed a receiver, Stanly - appealed the case and it was heard at Richmond last Spring. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Mount Airy News'. Cabbage growing played out in this sec tion almost entirely a few years ago, but last year, and especially this year, large quantities have been raised in Surry county. Red Springs Citizen'. We learn mat there are already about twenty nrisoners in the omint-v inil wnitino- trial at the October term of Criminal Court. It is probable that an extra' sitting will be required unless there is a let up to crime. Durham Sun: At a recent meeting of the directors of the Inter- State Telephone Couroanv all the old officers were re-elected for another year. The directors also decided to establish a factory here for the purpose of manufacturing telephones, at an , early date. Monroe Enquirer: Samuel Mc Donald, colored, accidentally shot and killed himself last Saturday. While crossing a fence the hammer of the shot gun he was carrying struck a rail, the gun nred and the load entered Mc Donald's stomach, killing him in stantly. Washington Proaress: The heaviest rain that has been seen here in many a day fell on Saturday even ing last. Parts of the town were under water. In the Aurora section crops have been badly damaged by recent rains. Prior to these recent rains they had the finest crops that had ever been known in that section. Wadesboro Messenger-Intelli- cer: Mr. E. F. Fenton. th wll known collector of curios, has in his possession a repeating shot gun, made after the pattern of the Colt's repeater. This gun was made in 1853 by Colts Bros., Bridgeport, Conn. It his fiye chambers and is fired by caps placed on the tubes in the cylinder. Not withstanding its age, it is in perfect wormng oruer. Charlotte JVews: The New learns upon the most reliable infor mation that Charlotte within a few months will have one of the finest and best systems of automobiles to be found in the entire country. People have often remarked that the roads of Charlotte and of Mecklenburg county appeared to be only waiting ior com pletion by having the automobile to run over their smooth surfaces, and now this important matter is to all in tents and purposes as good as settled. Monroe Journal: The Oil & Fertilizer Company is sinking a well on the site of the mill. They have gone 32 feet and struck a tremendous amJ"it of water, the yield now being 12,000 gallons per day. An engine and vv m required to iceep clear enough ior the workers to co down. stopped it had bitten six persons, most of them children of Mmm r. TT , Tv n.. U" xxempy, u. u. Otinson. Hamn Starnes. and Frank Smith. The children were carried 10 a maa eaone in Charltote The dog was killed, beside twelve others which it had bitten. A gentlemen informs us that on one occasion before the war there were encamped at Pleasant Grove 7,500 persons, by actual count. This did not include those coming in and out, out oniy tne persons actually Jlv mg in the tents, of which latter there were then three rows all around the ground. verily, they had camn-meet ing in those days.- The people came from above cnanotte and below Lan caster, and as far down as Camden. A dog belonging to Mr. George Bitch, of Indian Trail, was thought to be mad last Friday. Befm. it "IU,M v I ' PtOT AGAINST FRENCH REPUBLIC. Many Arrests Made of Politi cal Leaders and Others in Paris. 7 AN ORLEANIST CONSPIRACY. Backed Up by Anti-Semite and Patriotic Leagues and the Young Royalists President of the Anti-Semite League Defied Arrest. B v Cable to the Morning Star. 1jaris, August 12. M. Droulde, founder of the League of Patriots ancl a member of the Chamber of Deputies, for the Angouleme division of Cha rente, was -arrested at 4 o'clock this morning at his estate at Crossey, near Paris. A number of members of the Anti-Semite League and Patriotic League were also arrested this morn ing. , M. Droulde was taken into custody by four gendarmes and was driven to Paris. On his arrival here he was in carcerated in the conciergerie prison. The arrest of M. Mariel Habert is expected. . . The police have closed the omces or the Puuio io L.-ague, which are now guarded by gendarmes. Refused to Surrender. . When an attempt was made to ar rest M. Guerin, president of the Anti Semite League, he refused to surren der and barricaded himj:Jr iu his house. He says he is prepared to hold out for three weeks, having a good stock of food and firearms. The doors and windows of his residence are bar ricaded and M. Guerin announces he will blow up his house before he sur renders. On the application of M. Ferbri, fresh searches of various houses were made this morning, including, the head Quarters of the Anti-Semites, where only unimportant papers were seized. -Anti Semite and Patriotic Leagues and the Young Royalists have been arrested. M. Guerin. as this dispatch is sent, armed with revolvers and knives, still holds possessionof his apartments, the headquarters of the Anti-Semite League, to which, entrance is secured only after running the trauntlet of a strong guard of Anti Semites. Discovery It is reported that M. Andre Buff ett, president of the Young -Royalist League, has been arrested. It is reported that the officials un earthed telegrams sent to the Duke of Orleans from Brussels at the time of President Faure's funeral, the' first saying: "AH our men are ready." The second telegram was dispatched the following day, saying: It is use less to come." . An attempt at an insurrection against the government had in the meanwhile failed. - Later, during the trial of M. De- Roulde, traces were discovered of a fresh plot and of consultations at which the question was discussed whether the attempt should be made to change the form of government be fore or after the Bennes court martial. The government thereupon judging that the time for action had arrived. ordered a number of arrests to be made.all of which apparently have not been effected. The ministry of the interior declines to give the names of prominent per sons already captured or who are to be taken into custody. When arrested M. DeRoulde shout ed: "It is rascality on the part of the government, which is trying to impli cate me in the same affair as the Orleanists, whose adversary lam." To Seize the Government by Force. A semi-official note issued this morn ing reads as follows; "A. certain number of arrstes were made this morning as the result of a magisterial inquiry and by virtue of Article 89 of the Penal Code, regard ing a conspiracy organized for the nur pose of accomplishing a change in the form of government. Persons impli cated belong to the group of Royalist Youths and the Patriotic and Anti Semitic Leagues. At the trial of the Meuilly barracks affair facts relating to that incident alone were used as the basis of the prosecution : but searches were then made and documents were seized which led to the discovery of an " i. J i 1 i T 1 A.A organization aaung uacK to J uiy, 189a. and of a plot to seize the government by force. The documents leave no room for doubt, either in regard to ex istence of the plot or as to the chief actors therein. After very close watch organized proof was obtained that the same groups were preparing for a fresh attempt at an early date, the proof be ing such as to enable the disturbance to be averted by immediate measures, mi A A At At 1 xne investigation ot tne arrair is en trusted to M. Fabre, examining magis trate." RELIEF FOR PORTO RICO. Appeal in Behalf of the Storm Sufferers Meeting With. Hearty Response. Ship to Sail.Monday, By Telegraph to the Morning star. Washington, Aueust 12. Re sponses to the appeal of Secretary Boot for aid for the suffering and des mute in Jforto itico are cominsr in from the Mayors of the different cities in the most gratifying manner. Prom ises 01 money, 100a and ciotung are made, and it is said that the work of relief will be commenced immediately and pushed with all vigor. xne war department is,already as sured of having a full shipload for the mcrnerson, which sails next Monday. In addition to the neasand rice order ed by the subsistence department, the ship will be filled with donations that have been generously offered. The secretary has designated the Bank of North America. New York, as the depository for funds, and Col J5. r: Jones, Chief Quartermaster, to receive supplies and provisions. His office is in the army building, . White hall street, New York. QUARANTINES RAISED. Yellow Fever Situation No New Cases and No Deaths at the Soldiers' Home. TeleBT&pn to the Morning- Star. Newport News, Va., August 12.- There is no change in the situation at the Soldiers' Home. "No new cases and no deaths" is the official report to day. The quarantine against all points on the peninsula, except the Soldiers' Home and Phoebus, was raised to-night and communication between Newport News, Hampton and Old Point and the Northern cities, : as well as Nor folk, was resumed. Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston raised the quarantine at 6 o'clock to night, against all of the Vir ginia points except the Home and 1 Phoebus. of the Plot. THE ROUND BALE TRUST, Fairfield,, S..C, News and Herald. No one questions that the present ; system of packing cotton for the markets needs improvement. A casual 1 observer will notice the great loss I by ware and tare in handling the i square bale as it is generally packed i and brought to market The round : Jale may bean improvement, though ! many competent authorities are con- demmn? it. isut the machinery for : turning out the round bale is in the i hands of a big trust, the American i Cotton Company. t Considerable literature pro and con ias been sent broadcast throughout : the country. With the light before us, we are not kindly disposed io wards the round bale trust. ' It appears to be tfthftmft nracticallv to control the business. The American Cotton Com pany do not, and will not, sell the machinery outright, but the company ' eases the outbt something on the plan of the Bell Telephone Company, and similar concerns. "We have before us. a copy of the contract which gin- ners of the round bale are required to sign. The contract in the main is in favor of the trust. The farmer or the ginner must pay, "as rentals or royal ties, for the use of the said machines, at the rate of twenty cents per 100 pounds of bales turned out by. said machines," rendering a report to the company on tne &tn aay oi eacii month. The Company practically takes charge t the vast busiy ness of ginning and 'packing cotton. The company "shall be 'decreed," reads the contract, "to have control of the manufacture shall at all times have full and free access to the property." If in any one year the royalties fall be- ow $1,000, the trust mayrefuse to re new tno contract ior anoiner year, unless the ginner willpay "for such preceding year a sum which, added to the royalties alceady paid for such year, shall aggregate equal to $1,000 minimum." This feature alone should kill the trust. For instance, & ginner f AAA 1 A i i pays one yea, say j?,wu, royalty; me next year is a poor crop, and he pays only $500 The trust can then require him tosurrender the machinery and go out of business, unless the ginner willpay $500 to make up tbe $l,uuu. Bps having paid the $2,000 the first ear is of no advantage to mm. me royalty must at least be $1,000 in a bad crop year, no matter how much more it may have been in a good year. The whole system points to placing the cotton crop in the hands of this trust. Samples of every bale turned out must be sent to the trust. Other points in the contract are equally objectionable, if not more so. The farmer nas nis Land tied now, and we cannot advise him to allow this trust to put a rope around his neck. HOUSE PARTY AT ROWLAND. Given at Hospitable Homes of Misses McCallum and McQueen. Special Star Correspondence. Rowland, N. C, Aug. 10. 1899. Oae of the most successful and en joyable of house parties was that given last week at the beautiful and hospi table home of Misses McCallum and McQueen at Rowland, N. C The following were the parties in attend ance: Misses Margaret and Louise Purcell. Miss John Fulmore. Red 'Sbriners. N. C; Miss Annie Farley, Mr. Thad Carmichael. Dillon. S. C: Miss Mat- tie McCall, Messrs. T, K McCall, C. S. McUall fcnd D. C. Pate. Bennettsville. S. C. ; Messrs. N. A. McNeill and L. S. Covington, Lumberton. N. C: Messrs. Sandy McGeachy and Will Bethea, Dillon, S. C. ; Mr. T. C. East erlmg, Tatum, S. C. ; Mr. Walter Cot- tmgham, Uallavan, S. C. rsever was there a more lively, con genial set of young people gathered together. lhey were entertained royally and will always associate this with the most pleasant events of their lives. The week passed all too quickly and the crowd returned to their respective homes with words of highest praise for Misses McCallum and McQueen. Gentleman "Cabby, I'll give you a sovereign if you catch the 4.30 train." Cabby (excitedly) "Jump in. guv-nor, an' I'll do it or break your necK in the attempt !" Tia-Bits. THE .... I ATLANTIC NATIONAL IK, WITH ASSETS OP OVEH OFFERS ABSOLUTE SECURITY TO DE POSITORS. CUSTOMERS' NEEDS PROMPTLY AND INTELLIGENTLY ATTENDED TO. POLITE AND COURTEOUS ATTEN TION GUARANTEED TO EVERY PATRON. I ACCOUNTS BOTH LARGE AND SMALL SOLICITED. - J. W. NORWOOD, President. LEE H. BATTLE, Cashier. jy 29 tf -Kainit. - General Stock Groceries At Wholesale. McMIR & PEARSALL. Jystr NEW MULLETS. 200O pounds New Mullets. 1500 bushels 17. C. R. P. Oats. 110 Picnic Cheese. 1400 buahela V. Meal. ' 1200 bushels Prime Corn. 1000 bushels Peanuts. - 150 cases Oysters 175 cases Sardines. 123 boxes Candy. 73 palls Fancy Candy. 28 cases Potted Ham. ISO boxes Meat, - W. B. COOPER, ' "ntSolesale Grocer, angiitt Wilmington, N. a 1 ADVICES FROM MANILA. Town of Santa Rita Occupied by General Msclrtnor's Forces Filipinos Still Holding Angeles. By Cable to the Mornliur Star. ' Manila, August 12. Advices from Calulut, under date of August 11th, report that General Mac Arthur tot.k the Ninth regiment, a battalion of the Twenty-second and detachment of the First artillery from Calulut to Santa Fridav morn Mbit, u" iv..w, " Il ing. The entrance of the troops iflto tbe town was-not opposed, tnejasur gents fleeing as-tne Americans ap proached.- The troops naqr a nara march of ten miles, in some places being obliged to wane waisi-aeep in wntpr and many were exnausiea. The troops will spend the night at Santa Kita anaproceeu oaiuruaji Lieutenant Hazard, of Gen. Whea- ton's staff, with five scouts of the Iowa regiment,marcnea up io rail road into Ang"eles. A small force of rebels attacked the scouts outside the town, aod lieutenant Hazard sent for reiuf orcMoents. wenerai w neaion s orders were, however, that the Amer icans sliould not occupy Angeies, an Lieutenant tiazara reurea. MORE TROOPS NEEDED. A Call for Volunteers Under Consideration at the War Department. By Telegraph to tbe Morning Star. Washington, Au? VI Sscretar , Boot has under consideration the ques tion of calling for volunteers While he has not decided definitely to do so, preparations are being made for the call should it be decided to issue it when the thirteen regiments now be ing called are completed. It is said that additional troops may be needed to relieve those who have served some time in the tropical coun tries. It is also suggested that it may be deemed advisable to increase the army of General Otis. Secretary Koot nas under consider ation suggestions from General Brooke for bringing home some of the troops now in Cuba. It has been practically determined to have five battalions sent to the United States. HUGHES' TONIC Improved, Palatable. Splendid general tonic. If "ran down," "played ont," lost wau you neeu. . rromuua neaiiny appeuie, strengthens. Ton will feel better after second dose Try It. Better Than Quinine, Because It Regulates Liver and Bowels, Invigorates the Whole System. It will do the work. No after de pression, no ear buzzing or deafness. Certain ear for Chills and malarial Fever. Guaranteed. At Druggists. Don't accept any substitute. 50c and 11.00 bstt'.es. For sale by ROBINSON-PETTET CO., (Incorporated). aug4 3m LoalavIUe, Ky, S. P. McMIR, Wholesale Grocer, North Water Street. OFFERS FLOUR. RIB SIDES. D. S. PLATES. PURE LARD. FOR SALE LARD COMPOUND. STAR LYE. MENDELSON'S LYE. TOMSON'S LYE. CRACKERS. PIC-NIC CHEESE. SUGAR. 1COFFEE. Rust Proof Oats. , September Mullets. POBK, PORK. 200 bbls Reg. Mess Pork 1 00,000 lbs Rib Sides. 500 bbls Molasses. 200 bbls Sugar. 300 bags Coffee. 2,000 Machine Spirit Casks 4,000 bushels Corn. 1,000 bushels Meal. Also.' Salt, Bice, Tobacco, Drugs and other gooaa. D. L. GORE, ISO, 122 and 131 North Water street. ang 11 tf sHortR Get Coupons and Begin Now. A Useful Household Present For You! Look in our Window Same place 115 Princess St P. 8. WE SELL SHOES. ER & EVANS. ang 6 tf STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COCNTT OP NiW HANOTER. Superior Court, Sept. Term, 1899. A. Sartor vs. Hettle B. Sartor. This Is an action brought by plaintiff against the defendant to recover a divorce from the bonds of matrimony on account of abandon ment, and it appearing to the Couit that the defendant is a non-resident and cannot after due diligence be found within the State, and that plaintiff has a cause of action against the defendant and that this Court has jurisdiction of the sublect of this action. Now this is to notify the said defendant to be and appear at the next term of the Superior Court of New Hanover county. North Carolina, to be held at Wilmington, N. C, on the 24th day of Septem ber, 1899, and answer or demur to the complaint already filed In said cause, or Judgment will be granted Bald plaintiff according to the prayer ui sua compiaiaia. Dated July 81st, 1899. JNO. D. TAYLOR, jy 28 S Clerk Buperior Court- rfiet MERC ACTS GENTLY ON THE Kidneys, Liver and Bowels UUAL PERMANENTLY ITS ton. te 1 ICYAL Buy the GEHvnNi mah:f'o ?&S25 East Carolina Real Estate A R. G. Grady & Co., Burglw. N. C? All elaaae of desirable Real Eatale (elty and country) bought and Mold on Commission. Spe : clal attention to Farms and Timbered Lands. ! We now offer the following valuable pro perty: Eighty Acres Near Bareaw, One 80-acre tract ot Land within half mile of Burlaw. None cleared, but easily put in state of cultivation. Valuable Farm near Greenville, N. C. A Farm of 250 acres four mites from Oreen- Ville, one mile from House station on the At lantic Coast Line. One hundred and eighty-live acres cleared and in fine state of cultivation. One nice two-story dwelling with six rooms. One cook room ana kitchen. One office. One set two-story stables .with eight stalls. Two bams. Two tobacco barns, i One 16-horse power engine. Kin house, gin, press, etc. All necessary machinery attached. Ail kinds of farming implements, Including wagons, carts, tools, etc. Also, four mules and one norse. Will sell all together or the land separate. Farm of 143 Acres in Long Creek village, Pender county 25 acres cleared, balance well timbered. Four acres in strawberries, 2 acres In apple trees. Fine grape vine. Large two-story house. One good New Store House. All necessary out houses. Two tenant houses. Two miles from Montague, a station on Atlantic and Yadkin Railroad; six teen miles from Wilmington. Fertile land, in a high state of cultivation. A bargain for some body. 2,000 Acres or Land in New Hanover county on navigable stream; borders tide water. Three clearings on place one of 25 acres with house and outbuildings on same; two ot 20 acres each; balance well tim bered. Twelve miles from Wilmington. Four miles from Castle Hayne, a station on the W. & W. R. R. The nearest point of the land to the Newbern railroad Is two miles. House In Kenansville. One valuable six-room house in Renansville, Duplin county, N. C, just completed. Known as "Blrchwood Cottage," with nice office on lot; also, garden and outbuildings. Located in a desirable part of the town. Kenansville is a pleasant town to live in famed for its pure spring water and healthy locality. James Sprunt Institute, one of the best schools in the State, is located there. j Fifty Acres of Land One-half mile from Sonth Washingtonon the W. & Wr R. R., in Pender county. Borders on county roads. Very valuable for trucking: Property In Bnrgaw, Four good Building Lots In the town of Bnr gaw, consisting of one-half acre each. One neat three-room House in town of Bnr gaw, on lot consisting of one and one-half acres. All set out in strawberries except garden and yard. A desirable building lot In the town of Bnr gaw, consisting of one-tourth of an acre, front ing raitroaa, ana it is a corner 101. Farm at Bnrgaw. A desirable farm at Bnrgaw. Toe residence and about one-third of the farm arfthin the cor porate limits of the town. Abourawenty acres cleared;" six acres in strawberries; one acre in fruit trees and grape vines. AIT necessary out buildings. A nice desirable slx-mm residence. Farm contains 100 acres. 1 Xobacco and Truck Farm Containing 265 acres, four miles Erom Magnolia, N. C, In the great truck belt. About seventy acres cleared; thirty acres of black branch land well timbered with curly yellow pine. Fine meadow land and best range for hogs, sheep and cattle Five-room dwelling, with barn, stables and other out-houses. Nearly a half acre In prolific grape vines. Lot of apple and plum trees. Beautiful oak and hickory grove surrounds dwelling. Good water. Admirably adapted to tobacco culture, and now has eight acres in cultivation. Also, two tobacco barns. Fences and ditches In good condition. A Nice Farm. A desirable farm of one hundred and -flf tv acres. Fifty acres is within the cetporate limits of the town of Burgaw.'N. C. Twenty two acres cleared. There is one nice, new three-room cottage, painted and plastered. Large stables and barns. A tenant's house, and strawberry packing house. A well of very fine drinking water A nice orchard of 500 young fruit trees, consisting of Japan plums, peaches, pears, apples and figs, j A Real Bargal A desirable farm of 272 acres, three miles east of Rose Hill. Fifty acres cleared and in good state of cultivation, balance well tim bered. Four-room house on premises. In good neighborhood. Will exchange for desirable house and lot in Wilmington. 7 1 Farm Rear Aabton, One hundred and fifty acres two miles from Ashton, four miles from Burgaw. Four acres cleared, most of which is very fertile low land. Damoce weu iimoereu ior ianmng purposes i. wo ronanii Houses. For terms, &c, address, R. GL GEADY & C0., Bnrgaw, N. 0. 3e7 HELP YOU SELL YOUR LANDS! The Department of Agriculture was author ized by the last General Assembly to advertise for owners such lands as may be i offered it for sale. If you have FOREST. MINERAL, FARM ING or TRUCKING LANDS, or water-powers for sale, correspond with j JOHN W. THOMPSON, Assistant Commissioner in charge of Immi gration, Raleigh, N. c. 1 je 30 4t We Offer Bagging and Ties, Groceries and Provisions TO THE TRADE AT CLOSE FIGURES. Correspondence Invited. . HALL & PEARSALL, WHOLESALE GROCERS, 1y 27 tf Nutt and Mulberry streets , r s SHOES, SHOES. 1 GOOD SHOES, NEW SHOES CHEAP SHOES, NICE SHOES. For the Low Price on them, Just cast your eye in the Show Window at No. 109 Market street, and you will see the nicest and prettiest ' line of brand new up-to-date Shoes In the city. .These Shoes were bought cheap for the hard cash down. That places ns In a position to sell onr customers a good Shoe for a remarkable low price. We want to build up a good trade in the hoa i business, therefore we will sell Shoes very cheap. REMEMBER our terms are strictly cash. PJDN T FORGET THE PLACE H. VohGlahn'ta oldsttnct, 109 Markt street. We have 500 pairs of ladles' rw . close ont at Tic a pair. 200 pairs Men's Shoes to close cut at 90c, at 10 GEO. ang 13 tf SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR AN Investment. LOCATION THE 3IOST ELIGIBLE IN THE TRUCK REGION OF NORTH i CAROLINA. The Entire Plant INDUSTRIAL MANUFACTURING COMPAHJ, Wilmington, N. C, FOR SiLE, CONSISTING or three Brick Buildings, with all necessary adjuncts. One Kundrui Horse-power Engine, Two Boilers, Shafting, Pulleys, Veneer Machinery and Butter dish Dies. Basket and Crate Machinery and Shapes, Automatic Saw Mill, Rip Pawn. Ba:.d J?aws and Cut-Off Baws. Also, a Brand new Planer, costing $900. In fact, all ncceeaary machinery for the successful manufacture 0f Street-gum Butter Dishes, Berry Batkets, Vegetable Crates Bar rela, and Packages of every kind. Modern Dry Kiln in connection Also, a Boston Blower ' This property has a river front and wharf of 100 feet, with rail road track running into the yard. There is an inexhaustible supply of 'gum and raw materials for miles In every direction tributary to this factory, and to be had at a nominal sum. The machinery is all practically new, and the owners will either sell everything -outright on easy terms or will take stock in a company for the : operation of tbls ""pjant. This property Is valuable In many respects and is capable bt being converted into almost any kind of a manufactory. Freight rates to ail commercial centn-s of the Interior and coastwise cities very favorable to this point. Apply in person or by mail to THE MORNING STAR, Wilmington, N. C apr 15 tf ' We are Always Ready To Wait on You. We have a force of 18 clerks in our store that have plenty of experience in their respective departments. We do the Millinery business of the State. Through the dull season we have five ladies and in the busy sea son we have nine ladies. 4 "We are selling a good many new and pretty between-season Hats. The new Cow Boy gray, navy and black Hats are the newest rage, and we keep them from $1.00 to $2.50. We have a new lot of Eagle Quills at 10 and 25c. I We have four dozen Knox white Sailors, best silk bound fine large straw Hats in white and black, at 50c We have fifteen dozen very fine silk bound rough straw Sailors in blue and brown, at 25c, worth 50c. We have all grades of new Buckles and Belts, Ribbon, Beauty Pins and Waist Sets. We have just received a very fine line of Ladies' and Gent's Neckwear. Also, Boys' and Girls' Ties. Look at our Neckwear. Come and see the most complete assortment of beauti f ul Ties for 25c ever shownf in the city. We have just received our second lot of Mosquito Canopies, which we sell at $1.15. Sand Fly Canopies at $1.50. We havo jusf bought a lot of fine all wool Dress Suiting for Ladies' Wilmington's Big Racket Store, and get a useful present FREE of cost to you. GEO. O. GAYLORD, Prop. Opposite The Orton house on Front street, near the post office. Headquarters for Bargains. aug 12 tf N EW G OUR BIjYER having visited the markets early, has shown exceptionally good taste In CAREFULLY SKIMMING and accepting none but the Pare and. Unadulterated Cream. AXMINSTERS, - YELYETS, - TAPESTER1S, EXTRA SUPERS and AXMINSTER ART SQUARES. THE ART SQUARES Are something very artistic In desig and made of best goods, and are well worthy of yonr consideration. The Carpets are most exquisite In effects, and those who have homes to tarnish will make a mistake by not seeing them before making their purchase. ; An invitation is extended to all, to call and inspect the stock. j I The best work guaranteed and promptness is a characteristic of the house, i Yours, truly,. A. D. aug 6 tf Agent for "Her NINE RICH MEN IN NORTH CAROLINA i - Out of every ten commenced life poor. They became rich by spending less than they made. No one gets rich who does not spend less than he makes. Every young man of ordinary , ability in Wilmington can and should save something each . month. The man who will not save a portion of a small salary will npt save a portion of a large salary. The boy who saves something every month will be promoted before the boy who spends all he makes. True manhood Is required to deny one's self and save. It is weakness and folly to soend all, regardless of the "rainy day." INDUSTRY, ECONOMY and INTEGRITY UAU8E PROSPERITY not "LUCK" or "GOOD FORTUNE." For reasonable interest and absolute security, deposit your savings in t : The Wilmington SaYings and Trust Company. aug o u : , O. GAYLORD'S i NBWSMOE STouk. of the Suits, strictly all wool, pretty patterns and nobby goods; would be cheap at 50c, now we can offer these newgoods at 33c. ! We have five pieces of new Plaid Silk, bright showy goods we bought in broken bolts, worth 50c, we can offer at 33c. We have the finest Wool Crepon in black and shaded colors, something altogether new, 36 inches wide at 50c. We have a lot of fine Silk and Linen Linings, 36 inches wide, the nicest Jacket Lining in the city, color red and black shaded. looks like silk and has the strength of linen, at 50c per yard. We have 500 trunks, and sell them at factory list prices. You can buy a Trunk from us at the same price -you could order of the factory. We get a special cash discount by ordering by far lnnrl lots Tf xrrm moArl a finA Trunk, Leather Grip or Suit Case look at my line. We have all styles from 25c to $12.00 each. We have all grades of Window Shades from 10c to 50c, spring rollers and fixtures complete. Come and bring your card and get it punched with every cash pur chase at ARPET S THEY ARE ARRIVING, MANY HAVE COME IN, AND OTHERS TO FOLLOW. BROWN, Majesty's" Corsets and Butterlck's Patterns. . ! V

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