ruiuuii AT- WILMINGTON. N. C, M.QO A YEAR. IN ADVANCE. ' sssssssssssssssss " " 88S8S8888888888S8 ' 58888888888888888 ' 88888888888888838 82888888S82888888 8 8 8 8 8 8 S8 8 288T88S8 8383383333338333 888888888S8888S8 ' ' i ' ' 6 .& . - 2 8 ! ' i r 8s s : : v- s : s ! w E ntered at the Pott Office at llmtgtoA, N. C., as f occona tius ma icr. i . SUBSCRIPTION P'.ICE. 1 The subscription price of the "We-Uy Star !i ollows: 1- jingle Copy 1 year, pottage paid. ............... fl 00 ,", 6 months " " 0 " Smooths " " 80 I DEBT-BIDDEN NATIONS. i - - There is nlot a nation la the world to-day which is not burdened with debt, and the tendency is rather to an increase: than to a decrease of those debts. The .expenses of governments seen to be on the increase- all around, both civil and military, but notably military, the order of the-day being great stand ing armies and great navies, and great armies and great navies mean ' a good deal more now than they did a-generation ago. Then a ' respect table fleet of ships could be built and- equipped for what it costs now to build and equip a first-class war ship. There isn't a nation which is not watching every other nation, nor one that is I not more or less sus--picious of phe other, for they haye nearly all entered upon the grabbing- career,! which may brine them into conflict at any time, and the re sult is that they must put them selves rn a position to be able to take care of themselves when the collision comes. ' One nation arms and this forces others to do likewise; one adds to j ' its fleets of fighting ships, this forces others to do likewise, and thus it. goes, increase of armies, increase of (navies and corresponding increase of national debts. It was to prevent thi3. that the Czar of Russia made his disarmament sug gestion, in consequence of which the Peace Conference was held at The Haguo. The representatives of the different nations talked, and while they talked their respec tive Governments went on building warships and buying war machinery, all making themselves stronger to take the aggressive or stand upon the defensive, as the case might be. Great Britain has more warships under construction now than iihe ever before had at one time, and will continue building until she has fleets that will -equal or exceed the combined :leets of any two nations with which she is likely to come into conflict. This, of course, will force other1 nations, which have no love for nor confidence in Great Britain, to increase their fleets, so that Great Britain must continue to build indefinitely if she wishes to maintain her relative strength, and it also means that other maritime nations will have to do likewise until the great armies of the world will be afloat,"ahd the great battles of the world be fought upon, the water or from it. One of the results of all this is a national indebtedness, the aggregate of which is appalling nearly $2G, 000,000,000, three times as much metallic money a3 there is in the world.; The Bureau of Foreign Com merce furnishes the following tabu lated statement of the debts of the leading European nations: Country) Debt. $3,323,819,500 6,248,586,000 England. . France . . , Germany Prussia . . Bavaria . . $ 524,204,853 1,578,016,666 . 345,128,311 $2,447,349,830 Total; Russia. . $4,759,437,000 . Austria Austria... Hungary 579,113,500 880,836,500 Hungary Cotnmondebt 1,114,428,500 Total. $2,574,378,500 $2,482,814,812 1,798,880,799 Italy. Spain Grand total. . . . . . ..$23,635,266,441 To thiij is to be added the debt of the United States, about $1,900,- 000,000; 'of China, over $200,000, 000; of Japan, we do not know how much, wichwill run the total up to nearly $26,000,000,0000, and still leave unreckoned the debts of the minor countries in Europe, and the T -r J l 1 o il - . uaun liepuDiics ooum oi us. In thir ty-three years, or an aver age life time, this country has paid off about! one-third of its debt, which is now on tho increase at the rate of about $2,00,000,000 a year, or the increased expenditures are" about that amount, which is practically the .same thing. The people are taxed to pay what otherwise would bo added to the debt. About four years, at the present rate of in creased expenditures, would put us back where we were at the end of the war between the States and wipe out A VOL. XXX. the $800,000,000 that have been paid. But this is the only country that has made any serious effort to pay its public debt or materially reduce it. Ihey have generally contented them selves; with paying the interest if they could, for failure to pay inter est means a forfeiture of credit and j the inability to borrow more money when needed, and that probably has more to do 'with the paying of the interest than national honor or hon esty has, for . nations have little honor or honesty when it comes to matters of debt. There are few if any of them that ever expect to pay the principal in full -of which they owe, and that is one reason why they regard with., so much indiffer ence the increase in their debts, and go on adding to them. When an individual heavily in debt, without visible resources to meet his obliga tions, continues to add to his indebt ednesSjVthe fair presumption is that he does not intend to pay nor to try to pay, and the presumption is just as fair in the case of a nation, which continues to add to a debt that it is unable to pay. And yet we hear a great deal about the "good faith," "the honor" and "the honesty" of nations, and the demands from the self-constituted custodians of the honor and honesty of nations that they discharge their obligations in gold, when not one of them Sis able to do it or ever will be or has the remotest intention of doing bo. And most of them delib erately put themselves in a position to make that impossible when they consented to the demonetization of silver 'and thus destroyed; for debt paying purposes one-half, and at that time more than one-half, the me tallic money of the world. They did this deliberately, and thus, put themselves in the power of their conspiring creditors, and at the same, time reduced their ability to meet their obligations if they had the honest intention to do so. The na tions are now simply debt-ridden, -in the clutches of the money-lenders, and will never get out. . THEY CAN'T ATTACK IT. The New York Sun is now a rabid Republican paper. It has, we think, a correspondent at 'Raleigh, who essays to keep it informed on politi cal events in this State. "We sup pose the following, which the Ra-. leigh Post clips from the Sun, fol lowed by appropriate comment, is based upon information f urnisned by the Raleigh correspondent: "Some question has been raised as' to the constitutionality of the proposed amendment to the North Carolina Constitution disfranchising colored voters. A careful study of it by Re publican lawyers is said to disclose the fact that its provisions do not contra vene the fifteenth amendment to the Constitution of the United States, or abridge the rights of the black man to vote on 'account race, color or previ ous condition of servitude,' but simply establishes a qualification of suffrage. It is pointed out that several hundred colored voters qualified to the suffrage in North Carolina prior to 1867 will be protected in their rights under the pro posed amendment, which in this par ticular makes no discrimination and establishes no color line." j The Sun might have added that there are a half dozen or more of the best Republican lawyers in the State who not only believe in the constitutionality of the proposed amendment, but have announced that they will support and vote for it. ! They might as well try td keep back the tide with a pitchfork a3 to nullify this amendment by judicial process, for there is nothing to base such a process on. There is no dis crimination in it on account of race or color, and no provision in it that applies to one citizen which does not apply to all. The talk of con testing it in the courts is all bluff.' BULLDOZING THE BOER. It is quite evident that the pur- i . m . t " ' A X pose 01 tne unamoenain party is w bulldoze, if they can, the Boers into the acceptance of the British de mands without qualification. At first the complaints came from the Outlanders (which practically means the Englishmen residing in the Transvaal) that they were not ac corded" political and commercial rights enjoyed by the Boers. Con cessions were made in these and some reforms were instituted. That the franchise is not a seri-. ous cause of complaint is shown by the statement of President Kruger that there are now in the Transvaal fifty thousand aliens who are en titled to the - franchise under the seven years residence requirement, and yet, although they are regis tered very few of them have availed themselves of it, and those thai have are mostly Africa-born. But the Chamberlain party now seem to have planted themselves on the conces sion of British authority, refusing to discuss the treaty of 1884, which practically means that the Transvaal Republic must admit that it is British territory and exists as a Government by British sufferance. j The real animus is shown by the dispatch of Sir Alfred Milner, (Chamberlain's right bower), when he protested - against the delay in bringing matter to a head, and said this dallying might cause a "reac tion" in England. He evidently wants to strike "while the iron is hot," and before the British people can take a sober second thought and discuss that question on its merits. ne is tne gentleman who on ae parting for South Africa, wbgin asked what he proposed to do, re plied, "If you saw a pile of $500,000, 000 of gold and an armed Boer sit ting upon it, what would you do?" A very significant answer and very suggestive of the animus of the Brit ish schemers in this whole business. Simmer it all down, they are sim ply trying to .bulldoze the Boers, who are numerically weak,' and get possession of those mines, and for that they are willing to spend Brit ish money and shed British blood. It is an . ill wind that blow3 no good. The high price of beef is creating an extraordinary demand for cheese, and the diarymen are in clover. About the time the hanker ing for cheese is fairly developed some cusses will form a trust on that and up wjll go the price. Cheese is not immune from the trusts. President McKinley has "grace fully" declined to be present at the Dewey reception in New York. That was thoughtful. Mr. Mc Kinley doesn't like to play second fiddle at a frolic. According to the New York Tri bune, there are 250,000 people in Porto Rico who must be provided for until the next crop comes on. DIED YESTERDAY MORNING. Mr. H. A. Tucker Relieved of His Suffer ing in Death Funeral With Odd " Fellow Honors. Mr. Harry A Tucker, who was so severely burned by the explosion of a lamp at his hotel in Charlotte Thurs day night died at 3 o'clock yesterday morning from the effects of the injuries received. A telegramto Capt J. M. McGowan, secretary of Wilmington Lodge No. 139 L O. O. P., of which Mr. Tucker was a useful member, conveyed the sad intelligence to the deceased man, many friends in this city. The telegram was sent by Mr. Robert Tucker from Hamlet, while on his to Wilmington with the body of his dead brother. The following is taken from yester day's Charlotte Observer: "Mr. Harry A. Tucker, who was badly burned at the Charlotte Hotel Thusrday night, died this morning at 3 o'clock from his injuries. It was learned soon after the accident that he was an Odd Fellow, and the Odd Fellows' of the city gave him every attention possible yesterday and last night. His ' brother, Mr. Robert Tucker, arrived here last night from Wilmington, and had completed all arrangements for taking his brother to Wilmington this morning at 5 o'clock. Mr. Tucker was conscious yesterday for a few moments, when the effect of the opiates was wearing off. He said he was aroused from his sleep the night before by the explosion of the lamp. Mr. Moore, proprietor of the hotel thought the lamp had not ex ploded, but that Mr. Tucker had knocked it over. Mr. Tucker said: "I had been asleep." Just how the accident occurred will now never be known. The man's injuries were con sidered serious from the first. He was dreadfully, burned in the side this wound caused his death. The affair is truly a deplorable one. Deceased wa3 highly spoken of by all who knew him. He was steady, quiet and a most estimable man in every respect." The following committee of Odd Fellows met the 12.05 o'clock S. A. L., train yesterday and escorted the re mains to the Rock Spring Hotel, where Mr. Tucker made his home while in this city: Messrs. G. T. Bland, I. Shrier, J. H. Boatwright, Thad F. Tyler, W. C. Smith. W. H. Badon, j. W. Monroe and M. Kirsch baum. The deceased was in the forty-first year of his age and was unmarried. He was born in Cornwall, England, and had spent about 12 years of his life in Wilmington and at Goldsboro, at which place he conducted a branch of his marble business here. He leaves a father, Mr. Wm. Tucker, of Corn wall, Eng., and three brothers, Mr. R. D. Tucker of this city and his part ner in business, and Messrs. William and James Tucker, of Milford, Mass. The funeral was conducted yester day afternoon at 5 o'clock from the Rock Spring hotel by Rey. A. S. Barnes, pastor of Market Street M. E. Church, and the interment was in Oakdale cemetery, the pall bearers being from the fraternal orders of which he was a member, as follows: Past Grands James W. Monroe Frank Myers, J. M. McGowan and I. Shrier, of the Odd Fellows,1 and Messrs . Kelly Jewell, ' C. A. Stead and E. J. Grimsley, of the Hepta sophs, and Mr. M. P. Taylor, a friend, Odd .Fellow burial rites were ob served by. Noble Grand B. J. Jacobs and Chaplain J. M. McGowan. Damage Suit Against C. C. R. R. Co. Herbert McClammy, Esq., counsel for L. C. McKoy, of Brunswick coun ty, yesterday instituted suit in the Superior Court against the Carolina Central Railroad Company for al leged .damages to jthe plaintiffs prop erty near Phoenix, N. C, in the burning of a large area of forest land, fences, etc., by a fire said to have been started by a spark from an en gine of the defendant company. Al though the qomplaint has not yet been filed, Mr. McClammy says that the complainant will ask .for $1,500 damages. WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, COTTON AND NAVAL STORES RECEIPTS Those of Uttoa Far in Excess of Corre sponding. Period Last Year. A comparative statement of the re ceipts of cotton and naval stores at the port of Wilmingtou was posted at the Produce Exchange yesterday, as fol lows: ' Week Ended September 15, 1899 Cotton, 11,096 bales; spirits, 812 casks; rosin, 2 barrels; tar, 169 barrels; crude turpentine, 61 barrels. , Week'Ended September 15,1898 Cotton, 4,707 bales; spirits, 594 ; casks; rosin, 3,879 barrels; tar, 1,401 barrels; crude turpentine, 109 barrels. ' Crop Year to September 15, 1899 Cotton, 15,837 bales; spirits turpen tine, 18,891 casks; rosin, 63,336 barrels; tar, 26,730 barrels; crude turpentine, 5,925 barrels. Crop Year to September 15, 1898 Cotton, 5,562 bales; spirits turpentine, 77,553 casks; rosin, 85,955 barrels; tar, 25,370 barrels; crude turpentine, 5,863 barrels. - A noticeable feature of, the state ment is the great difference in the re ceipts of cotton for this year and those of the past year, not only for the week, but also for the crop year up to September 15th. The heavy receipts are probably due to the forwardness of -the crop and the favorable weather for picking in the up country, as it has been established for some time that in the territory tributary to Wilmington the crop is approximately one-third short. COTTON AND NAVAL STORES A Review of the Week's Business On the Local Market. There was an advance of one-half cent in spirits turpentine on the local market yesterday, closing quotations having been posted at the Produce Ex change at 4545 cent3, with receipts of only 49 casks and tone of the mar ket firm. The market opened during the first of the week at 4343f cents. but a steady advaaca for the past several days has been experienced and the close of the present week has left the market slowly creeping" up to the unparalleled prices realized about the middle of August Rosin continues firm with sales at 9095 cents and tar at $1.30.- For the first time in several weeks there has been activity in the hard grade of crude turpentine and the quotations yesterday were very firm at $1.30 per barrel for hard and $2.50 for virgin and dip. The receipts of cotton yesterday were the heaviest of any single day this sea son, 3,232 bales having been brought in on the various trains and transporta tion lines up to noon. The market is Quoted steady at 6 Scents for middling, as against 5 cents on the correspond ing date last year. A typographical error in the state ment of the receipts of naval stores published in the Stab yesterday gave those of spirits turpentine for the crop year to September 15th, 1898 as 77,553, when it should have been 17,553 as compared with 18,891 for the corres ponding period this year. ; The daily receipts of rosin, tar and crude were also given for those of the week end ing Friday. LOCAL SHIPPINQ INTELLIQNCE. List of Vessels Reported Having Cleared for Wilmington Cotton Steamers. The New York Maritime Begister of this week gives the following record of vessels which will arrive at the port of Wilmington during the next several days: British steamship Marian, 1,218 tons, Martin; arrived at Manchester August 31st, for Wilmington and Liverpool, Bremen or Ghent. w British steamship Isle of Ramsey, 1,062 tons; sailed from Huelva Au gust 31st. i , . ' Schooner J. Percy Bartram, 320 tons, Lord; cleared Havana Septem ber 3rd for Wilmington; Port-au-Prince and New York. Brie Caroline Gray, 289 tons, Meader; at South Amboy, Sept. 12th. Norwegian barque Argo, 584 tons; Arentsen; sailed from Pernambuco August 25th. Norwegian barque Rosenius, 532 tons; Bogerald; passed Deal for Wil mington Sept. 4th. Norwegian barque Skuld, 913 tons : Hamburg to Wilmington; cleared Shields Sept. 1st. . Accident to the Steamer New York. The Clyde steamship New York, which sailed from Wilmington Satur day last, lost her rudder off Cape Hat teras and had to be assisted to New York by the steamship. Seminole. Messrs. Wm. P. Clyde & Co. have written to Mr. .EL G. Smallbones, agent of the Clyde Line here, that in order to protect the interests of the Wilmington merchants to tho fullest extent practicable, they will probably arrange to have the Seminole sail Sunday evening for this port. The steamship Seminole has a tonnage of 1.967 and is in charge of Capt Bearse. She has hitherto been on the run of the Clyde Steamship Company from NewxYork to Jacksonville by way of Charleston. - e The Bell Buoy. Southport Standard: Although we made note of the fact two weeks ago that the. bell buoy, which marks the entrance to the Cape Fear bar, is capsized, and that the same has been reported by shipping men no steps haye been taken to relieve the perilous situation. The importance of this buoy is such that an early adjustment is very necessary. Sandsucker Cape Fear. Baltimore Sun, 15th; The United States sandsucker Cape T?ear, which has received a new boiler and thor ough overhauling of machinery at the works of the James Clark Company, made a trial trip in the river yester day and made a creditable showing. It is expected to have her ready for departure for Cape Fear river in a felir days. PROPOSED RAILWAY I LINE TO SOUTHFORT. Survey Began Yesterday, But Whether for the Railroad or Real Estate Par chase Is Unknown. Speculation has been rife for sev eral weeks as to just what are the in tentions of the corporation of Phila delphia capitalists who were recently granted a charter for the building of a railway from this city to Southport and for the establishment of a coaling station at the latter point. Those in authority who have been here and at Southpprt for some time, are very reticent ia. speaking of their plans for the f uturebeyoaid-'that the railroad will certaimyhuilt and that, too, in the near futui Mr. Charles N. Wire; orPhiladel- phia, one of the chief promoters of the enterprise, has Cbsen in the city. ior- several wee conferring with acquainted with local engineers the lay of t 0 proposed route, and this week e was joined by Engineer Jpoe, a orthern gentleman, who is also looking over the ground. Both went down to Southport this week to look after Nthat end of the line, and a gentleman residing at Southport, who cameup ,on last evening's boat, in conversation with a reporter of the Star, said that a party of engineers had begun a sur vey, starting from near iihe steamer Wilmington's wharf, but whether for the line of railway ovtov a proposed purchase of real estateat Southport he was unable to say. He stated that he was interested enough to inquire as to the survey being made, but that the promoters preferred at the present to make none of their plans known to the public. It is surmised that the new com pany are after purchasing the fran chise and the ten miles already grad ed along the proposed route of the old company, which went to pieces some years ago. However, this is all a matter of speculation thus far. - HAD HIS LEG CUT OFF. Negro Excursionist by His Own Careless ness Was the Victim of An Acci dent Last Night. A middle aged colored man, who came to town on the excursion yester day, and who wound up the day's fes tivities with a spree, was run over by one of the Atlantic Coast Line'sjshift ing engines in the yard just below Fourth street bridge about 7 o'clock last night and his .leg crushed off about four inches below the knee joint. . The negro, whose name could not be learned either from the railroad people or from the City Hospital authorities, where he was afterwards sent for treatment, wandered down, the track while waiting at the depot for the return of the excursion, and without cause began violently abusing and cursing the railroad watchman on duty there. The watchman called to Policeman Guy, who was passing on the bridge, to come down and arrest the negro, but before the officer could reach him, he stepped in front of a shifting en gine with the result before stated. Dr. C. D. Bell at fiMft attended him, but after being senwto the Hospital Dr. D.-W. Bulluck, the Coast Line surgeon, and Dr. Bolles, superintend ent of the hospital, examined the wound and found an amputation necessary, which they performed, tak ing off the leg just above the knee. The negro is employed on a trestle force or "floating gang"of the Coast Line and came down from Whiteville on the negro excursion yesterday. No blame is attached to the engineer or fireman on the. engine which did the damage. SUIT AGAINST CAPT. HARPER. Alleged Damages to Amount of $2,000 , Asked for Little Girl Who Fell Through Hatchway. Messrs. Empie&Empie, attorneys, yesterday morning instituted a suit against Capt. J. W. Harper, owner of the steamer Southport, for their client, Jno. Hales, who resides near corner Third and Wright streets, this city. The suit is an action for alleged damages and a Stab representative learned yesterday from one of the at torneys, that $2,000 will be asked for. The complaint, he said, would allege that on or about April 3rd, an eight year old daughter of the plaintiff, while a passenger on the steamer Southport, fell through a hatchway in the aft cabin, which was negligently and without warning left open by one of the deck hands, and sustained injury by losing a front tooth and damaged otherwise more permanently. The suit is brought in the name of the daughter by the father as com plainant Mr. Hales and family were returning from the funeral of a rela tive at Southport at the time the alleged accident took place. Accident at Elkton. John Utley, a colored man employed at Mr. L. T. Cottingham's lumber mill at Elkton, had three of the fingers and thumb of his left hand cut off by con tact with the circular saw at the plant yesterday morning, whiie engaged in clearing the saw pit of dust The ac cident happened early enough for the' negro to be sent on the 12.05 o'clock Carolina Central train to this city, where he received temporary surgical attention by Dr. W. J. Love, after which he was sent to the City Hospital. 1899. ACCIDENTALLY SHOT HIMSELF Mir. John E. Cowed Wounded by Discharge i of (lun With Which He Had Started Rice Bird Hunting. While on his way over the river yesterday afternoon about 5 o'clock for a rice bird shoot, in company with his friend, Mr. F. W. Ortmann, Jr., Mr. John E. Cowell, a well known and popular young sportsman, acci dentally shot himself in the! right wrist and arm while disembarking from the canoe in which he and his companion had rowed themselves across the stream. ' Mr. Ortmann was sitting in the stern of the boat as they reached the ! bank near Governor Russell's rice farm and Mr. Cowell, who was row ing, arose from the seat and was lift ing the gun from the bottom of the boat by the barrel, when the hammer was drawn against sjme obstacle which raised it and discharged one of the barrels, which was loaded with No. 8 shot, with the result as stated- By the assistance of a colored man, whom they called, the young men were quickly rowed back to the city and Mr. Cowell was taken in a carriage to the City Hospital, where he is being attended by Dr. A. H. Harriss. Though none of the wounds are serious, the worst is at the wrist and the arm was more or less sprinkled with shot to the shoulder. Several shot also entered his right cheek. A telephone message from the hospital last night said that he was doing remarkably well and would be out in a short time. The wounded young man was a member of the Jsantuccets crew during, the late war with Spain and has many friends and associates, who are glad to note that the accident was not more serious. wsSTn ODD FELLO AMERICA. Interesting Figures Gleaned From Advanced Report to Sovereign Grand Lodge. Past Grand Sire Charles M. Busbee, of Raleigh, left yesterday morning for Detroit, Michigan, to attend the an nual session of the Sovereigu Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows. An advanced sheet of the annual report gives the following interesting figures of Odd Fellowship in America: "December 31st, last, our subordi nate lodge membership : was 830,961 and the number of sisters enrolled in the Rebekah lodges numbered 190,007, These figures in combination exhibit a total membership of 1,020,968, and enables us for the nrst time to honest ly claim fraternal affiliations with over a million persons.! The above figures show an increase of 18,041 in subordinate lodge membership, and of 12,184 in female membership of Re bekah lodges. A total net gain during the last calendar year of 30,225. The number of subordinate ; lodges has been increased by 190 making 11,419 now in existence, while the 5,053 Re bekah lodges indicate an increase of 275. : "The total revenue during 1898 was $8,765,393.56. Thb total expenditure $7,582,712.96. Surplus of revenue over expenditure $1,183,680.60." ARE WORKING NEW TERRITORY. Megsrs. Alexander Sprunt & Son Are Ex tending Their Business to New Fields. The following with reference to the progressiveness of the firm of Messrs. Alexander Sprunt &Son, Wilming ton's wide-awake cotton exporters, is taken from yesterday's Florence Times: - Reports from Barnwell, S. C, say that Sprunt & Son, of Wilmington, are working that new territory of tne Coast Line to great effect The reports from Wilmington are to the effect that these same men are sending out the first shin of cotton of the new year. Such men as these do not require natural advantages in a town m which they find their lines cast. They constitute advantages that outweigh natural advantages too far to ount When such men as these are interesting themselves in a town it is not hard to get railroads to take an interest in that town. In fact it all comes back to the position that we have always held that it is the men who make the town, and that all other things taken together do not weigh a pinch of snuff. . ' . AFTER COLORED RECRUITS. A Great Opportunity for the Negroes of Wilmington. News and Observer. Lieutenant Settle yesterday received orders to begin enlisting men for the two colored volunteer regiments, the Forty-eighth and Forty-ninth. The Forty-eighth will be stationed at Fort Thomas, Ky., and the Forty-ninth at Jefferson barracks, near St. Liouis, Recruits can select either, but those having no preference will be sent to Fort Thomas. These ape the only col ored regiments to be raised, and they will probably be filled very quickly. The recently appointed colored officers of this State will probably be assigned to help recruit, and if so offices may be opened in Durham or vvinston. Stricken With Paralysis. Mr. J. A. McGeachy left for Lum ber Bridge yesterday in response to a telegram announcing the serious ill ness of his father, Mr. J. D. Mc Geachy, of that place, who, the tele gram stated, had received two strokes of paralysis. Rev. D.! P. McGeachy and wife, of Burgaw, were in the city when the telegram was received and accompanied Mr. J. A. McGeachy to the bedside of their father. mwm9$ mmk is usually so full of suffering and danger that she looks forward to the critical hour with appre hension and dread. Mother's Friend, by its penetrating and soothing properties, allays nausea, nervousness" and aU unpleasant feelings, and so prepares the system that she passes through the event safely with but little suffering, as numbers have testified and said, " it is worth its weight in gold." It is sold by aU drug gists. Boole containing valua- ble information to all, mailed I ' I flfcTf free, upon application to the ly. Bradfield Regulator Com- IV I .1. mw m NO. 48 CARPENTER FATALLY INJURED YESTERDAY. Fell From the Roof of the Delgado Cotton Mill Died at Seven O'clock Last Night. Fatal injuries; were sustained by Mr. W. W. Harvellatthe new Del gado cotton mill yesterday forenoon, he having fallen from the roof of the building to the ground, a distance of about 35 feet, breaking his left leg, fracturing his lower jaw bones, be sides sustaining . serious- internal in juries from the effects of which he died at 7 o'clock last night. Mr. Uarvell was about 35 years of age, a carpenter by trade, having come to this city some weeks ago, accom panied by his wife and two children, to work for Messrs. Zacharv and Zachary, contractors, on the Delgado Cotton Mill. They came from Dunlin county. At the time of the accident Mr. Harvell was nailing9 sheathing on the roojlof the main building preparatory to placing the fin.' He intended to draw the edges of the two planks to gether by putting his hammer over the edge of the upper one, when the hammer slipped off, giving him -such an impetus in a fall backward that he went over the eave of the building clear beyond the scaffolding and head long thirty-five feet to the ground, striking as he fell a scantling about three feet below the roof. He was car ried to his home, one of the new mill cottages, where (Dr. Bellamy and Dr. Russell attended him. Mr. Zachary spoke very regretfully to a Stab reporter of the accident, saying that the deceased was an in dustrious and skilled carpenter and a steady straight-forward man. The remains will be carried to Du plin county for interment to-day. DIED EARLY YESTERDAY MORNING. Mr, Wallace H. Styron Passed Away at His Home in This City. At his home on Fourth street, be tween Princess and Chesnut, early yesterday morning, Mr. Wallace H. Styron, a well ! known and esteemed citizen of Wilmington, died in the 50th year of his age after an illness of about one week. Mr. Styron was a native of Carteret county, but moved to this city when a boy, where he has since resided, having been in the tobacco business here for a number of years. He was last employed by the N. Jacobi Hard ware Company, whom he was serving at the time of his death. He is survived by an aged mother, Mrs. C. H. Styron, a wife and eight children. He also leaves two brothers, Mr. O. W. Styron,, of Knoxville, Tenn.;Mr. E. G. Styron, of Monti- cello, Ark., and one sister, Mrs. George Laidlaw, of Cuirrie, N." C. Mr. Styron was a man of many ex emplary traits and. was a member of Wilmington Lodge No. 319 of Masons, Cornelius Harnett Council No. 231 Royal Arcanum and Cape Fear Lodge No. 2, 1. O. O, F., which is called to assemble at its lodge room this after noon for the purpose of attending the funeral, which, will be held from the late residence at 4 o'clock. He will be buried with Odd Fellow honors. DR. STRANGE RETURNED YESTERDAY. Arrived From I His Vacation Spent in Europe On Last Evening's Train. Rev. Dr. Robert Strange, rector of St. James Episcopal Church, arrived in the city last evening on the return from his European tour, whither he went on, a vacation granted him by the vestry of St James' Church for his health which many friends will be glad to learn is greatly improved. Dr. Strange was met at the train by almost the entire vestry of his congre whom he is greatly beloved, and a carriage in waiting took him to the rectory for a short while, after which he left on the evening Seacoast train for the Sound where he visited the bereaved widow of his lamented brother. Col. Thos. W. Strange, who died while he was away. Dr. Strange will return to the city to-day and will conduct i the usual "services in St James'-Church to-morrow morning and evening. Mrs. Strange, who is visiting her parents at Lawrenceville, Va., will not return until next month. "Cousin" Ansel Was Here. The Stab had the pleasure of a visit last evening from Mr. Ansel D. Roeers. of Bennettsville. He said he had lost 34 pounds in weight. Never theless, there was no chair in the Stab office big enough and strong enough to hold him, and we were compelled to ask him to take a seat on the floor. "Cousin" Ansel was loaded with jokes which he fired at us incessantly. The best of the assortment was the state ment that he had not been to Maxton for more than a year. New Postmaster for Maxton. Maxton Scottish Chief: Col. W. G. Hall has been appointed postmaster at this place, yice W. J. Currie re moved. Col. Hall is a staunch Repub lican but never goes back on his own people. We believe the appointment meets with tne approval of our people, and we congratulate Col. Hall on his appointment Is to love children, and a hon e can be completely hap py without them, yet the ordeal; through which the expectant mother must past - A Iffk Aftmi K rCrrtrTArTftjril iini :mnmr Va ii ii liar nr.. in 7 - Committees to be Appointed at Joint Meeting of Masons Tuesday Night. f MR. NOBLE F. MARTIN HERE. Will Lay Plans for Fair Before Wilming ton Masons Will Have County Fair and Japanese Village Valu able Donations. During the week the movement for holding a big Masonic Fair in the city will be fully launched and the Ma sons of Wilmington will leave no stone unturned for making the oc casion a tremendous success. Mr. Noble F. Martin under whose direction the fair is to ba gotten up, arrived yesterday and in another column will be found a notice calling a joint meeting of all the Masons in , the city to be held at 8 o'clock Tues day night in St. John's Hall for the purpose of meeting Mr. Martin, whop will on this occasion explain his plans. At this meeting the committees neces sary for arranging the fair will be ap pointed. Later on a number of com mittees composed of ladies are to be selected. The meeting is called by the Directors of The Masonic Temple Cor- ' poration. In conversation with a member of the Stab staff, Mr. Martin said last night that while his plans are not fully formulated, it is certain that the fair will be open November 13th to 25th in the Masonic Temple. Everything in the fair will be for sale. A special feature will be the "country store," every article in which will be sold at ten cents each. There will also be probably ten booths, which will be ar ranged as a Japanese village. Suppers will be served to the public every night of the fair, and there will be dancing in the superb dance hall, which is a feature of the new Temple. Mr. Martin has his office, for the present in room No. 41 at The Orton. A Star representa tive called there last night and was shown a number of articles which have been donated by various friends of his, and will be on sale at the fair. All were donated by people of Utica, and were brought here by Mr. Mar-, tin. Notable among them is a lance wood bass fishing rod, donated by Mr. F. D. Devine. It is a rare and finely finished rod, capable of haul ing in a six-pound fish. Mrs. Noble F. Martin presented a richly wrought Knights Templar pil low, with the cross and crown in red and gold, with jewels in yellow, red and blue, and bearing the motto ' 'In Hoc Signo Yinces." It is to be placed in the commandery booth. Little Miss Jessie Louise Martin daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Noble F. Martin, presented an exquisite centre piece. The outer edge is deftly em broidered with white silk and the in ner circles with- red and two shades of green. Mr. Wm. H. Cloher, Jr., has pre sented, through Mr-Martin, a bolt of 60 yards of cheese cloth to be used in making table dusters. Mr. Cloher is a cotton manufacturer of Utica. THE FALL SESSION OF WILMINGTON PRESBYTERY. Successfuly Held at White Plains Thurs day, Friday and Yesterday Every Evidence of Great Success. Rev. A. D. McClure and Rev. P. O. Morton returned yesterday from at tendance upon the Fall session of the Wilmington Presbytery which was held at White Plains from Thursday evening at 7.30 o'clock until yester day at 10 A. M., when adjournment was taken until Wednesday before the first Sunday in April at Faison, N. O. Rev; P. C. Wooton was Moderator at White Plains and the opening sermon was preached by Rev. R. Li Lancas ter. "The clerks were Rev. R. Murphy Williamsjind Mr. W. I. Shaw. . The call of Mr. McGeachy to the Burgaw group of churches was taken up, but as Mr. McGeachy was hot pre sent by reason of the sickness of his father, it was ordered that a called meeting of the Presbytery be held at Burgaw on Tuesday, the25th inst, for the purpose of ordaining and install ing Mr. McGeachy as pastor of the group. Rev. A. D. McClure, Rev. Jno. Stanly Thomas and Rev. S. H. Isler were added to the Home Mission Com mittee and Rev. Mr. McClure made chairman. A memorial to the late Rev. K. Mc Donald was read by Rev. A. Mc Fadgen, Mr. Eugene B. Carr, of Wallace, was taken under the care of the Pres bytery as a ministerial student and the name of Mr.' Marcellus Wootten .: dropped from the role, of candidates for the reason that Ihe has entered, upon the study of law. Rev. R. Murphy Williams was elected trustee for Davidson College and agent for the Bible course, and Rev. W. M. Shaw was selected agent for Church and Christian Education. The Presbytery appointed Revs. R. V. Lancaster, W. M. Shaw and Mr. Henry Farrlbr to install Rev. R. Mur phy Williams at Rockfish on the fourth Sunday in October at 11 o'clock and at Mount Zion Church at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. And on the third Sunday in November he is to be installed at Warsaw by Rev. A. D. McClure, Dr! Jno. M. Faison and Mr. A. F. John son. " . A member of the Stab staff was told last night that the reports, etc., at the session just closed showed the religous status of the Presbytery to be very good. Especial progress was made in the Brunswick field, which is in charge of Rev. W. M. Shaw. Among those who passed through the city yesterday en route home from the Presbytery were Rev. R." V. Lan caster, president of James Sprunt In stitute, Kenans ville; Rev. S. H. Isler, of Goldsboro; Mr. Henry Farrior, of Kenansville, and Mr. J. W. Cowan, of Burgaw.

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