Lite W&tMn tim ...nnTiun irrniu at - SELLERS, SOUTH CAROLINA One Mao Wis Mortally Wounded, Several Others Seriously Hurt A Liquor Dispensary PlfhU Br Telegraph to tfit Horning Star. Columbia, 8. C, November 15. As i result of the recent factional differ ences in the State board of liquor con trol, there was last night a bloody affray at Sellers, a railroad station lu jiutiuu cuumj, ' near loe : l ffJSD SUU uvn m tMv&uwa VI uv UMn board. There was a general f usilade. being brought into play. As a result gen Sellers is pernaps mortally wounded in the abdomen, and his father, John 0. Sellers, is seriously hurt with a Winchester ball in his shoulder. Hazelden has a ball in his lejr, his brother, Luther M Hazelden, late adjutant South Carolina volun teers, is slightly wounded in the side, gnd their brother-iu law, Dr. H. A. Edwards, formerly J3tate inspector of diipensaries, is sprinkled with bird shot. J- Aubrey Evans, a former wholesale liquor salesman and cousin of IJazelden, was unhurt. Yesterday morning Hazelden taxed "Ben Sellers with being the author of a letter charging Hazelden with official aod personal impropriety in receiving whicker in j quantity from wholesale houses and in using it in a question able manner. This letter had been published, in connection with other bitter articles, in the recent dispensary wrangle. There were hot words, but no fight yesterday. Last mgnt tiazeiaen ana nis tnree friends were driving through Sellers' station,' when they met Ben Sellers. Information is meagre and it is not known who precipitated the difficulty. Ben Sellers was shot, and his father ran to his rescue. The other three par ties were with Hazelden in buggies. As yet no y fatalities nave resulted. Hazelden was unable to attend a meeting of the State Board to-day. called for the purpose of giving a hearing to I Commissioner Douthit, discharged without a hearing by the Hazelden or majority faction of the boarg. - ' IbTe discharge of Douthit and his clerlf. DAG Ouzts, the result pf bitter feeling in the board, led to long and scandalous controversies in the press between Ouzts and Hazelden, which i li directly caused the bloody affair yesterday. The people of South Carolina are greatly perplexed over the dispensary problem. DISMAL! SWAMP CANAL. A New York Syndicate Trying to Secure Control of the Property Its Fran chise and Privileges. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Baltimore, Md., November 15. Negotiations ! are pending for the sale of the Lake! Drummond Canal and Water Company, which owns and operates the Dismal Swamp canal, and which was formally opened for traffic last month. A New York syn dicate is anxious to secure control of the property,! and has made an offer -for the purchase of the securities of thecompanyj A formal offer, it is said, has been made to Alexander Brown & Sons, who financed the company. When asked about rumors of a consumma tion of a deal with the New Yorkers to-day, Mr. Brown admitted that a deal is pending, but declined to go into details. I The total capitalization of the com pany is $2,200,000, of which $1,200,000 irfirst mortgage five per cent thirty year gold bonds and $1,000,000 com- mou stock. The canal was originally surveyed by George Washington and was constructed early in the century. It was taken possession of by the gov ernment during the civil war, at the dose of which it was returned to the Dismal Swamp CanaL.Company in-a dilapidated condition. The Lake Drum mond Canal aod Water. Company ac quired the properties,. franchises and privileges and rehabilitated the water ways. The Dismal swamp canal be gins in the State of Virginia on the south branch of the Elizabeth river, about six miles from Norfolk and ex tends in a southerly direction about twenty miles to the Pasquotank river in the State of North Carolina. The canal is one of a chain of island waterways extending along the At lantic coast, from Cape Cod, Mass., to Wilmington. N. C , through Long Island sound, "Delaware and Raritan canal," Delaware canal. Delaware bay, 'Chesapeake I and Delaware canal," Chesapeake Bay. ''Chesapeake and Albemarle canal,"and "Dismal Swamp canal," Albemarle sound, Pamlico sound Core fcouud and Bogue sound. It is understood that if the deal is consu mated the locks at both ends of the canal will be abandoned and the waterway widened sufficiently to per mit the passage of larger vessels than those that no w ply the course. WERE DROWNED TOGETHER. Captain Richardson and Wife of the III Fated Schooner Edna and Emma. Bodies Pound In Vessel's Cabin. Br Telegraph to the Morning Star. Philadelphia, November 15. Private advices Were received here to day from St Pierre, Miqueion, a sea port on the Newfoundland coast tell ing of the wreck of the Philadelphia and Baltimore schooner Edna and Emma, and the loss of the captain, his wife, and the crew of five men. The Edna and Emma sailed from Wilmington. N. C. on April 14th, with a cargo of lumber for Baltimore and this city. - Months having elapsed . and no word of the vessel s where abouts having been received she was given up for lost Recently she was towed into St. Pierre, bottom up, When .the ship was righted, in the cabin were found the oodies of Captain Richardson and his the captain, gave meagre information concerning the disaster. The record stated that the Edna and Emma had experienced cood weather until May 1, when a fierce northeast storm over took her and she was dismasted. Later, the rudder became jammed and in this disabled condition the schooner vas driven about at the mercy of the Wind and waves. One by one the niembers of the crew' were Washed overboard, and Captain Richardson and his wife sought refuge in the eabin. At this point the story of the diary ends. Owinsr to the illegibility of some portions of the handwriting, the point at which the Edna and ttmma pet with the disaster could not be learned. The Best Prescription for ChUIs and fever is a bottle of Grove's Taste wsa Chill Tonic. Never fails to cure; then why experiment with worthless imitations ? Price 50 cents. xour money bach if it fails to cure. FIERCE FIGHTING AT MAFEKING, A Magnificent Bayonet Charge Was Made Upon the Boers' Entrenchments. BOMBARDMENT INEFFECTUAL Boers Pushing Gradually Closer to Fortifi cations Reports Prom Ladysmith. Heavy Cannonading -r British Troops Arriving. . By Cable to the Morning Star. -Cape Town, Nov. 10 A .dispatch received here from Pretoria, under date of Thursday, November 9th, says the reports received there from Lady smith said heavy cannonading started at daybreak ; that some of the Boer forces were within 1,500 yards of the British when the cannonading ceased and rifle fire commenced. An undated dispatch from Mafe king, recived,by runner, via Maga lapye, Wednesday, November 8th, says: "To day all is quiet. We have been bombarded pretty heavily all the week. Friday night Captain Fitz Clarence and Lieutenant 8winburn, with D squadron of the Protectorate regiment, made a magnificent bayo net charge upon the Boer's entrench' ments, driving them from their posi ti j&s and bayonetting numbers of the Bors who must have lost very heav ily. The party could not hold the trenches and lost six men killed, two prisoners and nine wounded in their regiment. Ineffectual Bombardment We expect a general attack to-mor row. The bombardment has been most ineffectual, every one remain ing under shell-proof cover. So far the shells have only wounded one man The enemy are using one 94 pound howitzer, and seven other guns, from seven to fourteen-pound-ers. The town is most cheerful and determined to resist attack to the utmost The Boers are entrenched on every side in great numbers and are pushiug gradually closer to the town fortifications. We are well off for provisions and water, though very tired d dging shells and . fighting. Quite, on civilized lines, General (Jrouje has always given due notice of a bombardment, and allowed an am bulance party two hours on .Saturday to remove the bodies of six dead left in the vicinity of the Boer trenches. On Friday night Jan Botha, the weir known Boer commandant told a man with the ambulance partv that their loss had been heavy; and that his heart J was very sore. "Iq a skirmish at' the outposts yes terday, one trooper was killed and nine were wounded. The Night Attack. ''Only fifty five men of D squadron were engaged in the attack, though they were assisted by the flanking fire of a gun of the Cape police. The Boers made a desperate attempt to drive back the British and their rear trenches opened a terrific fire in ever direction, the flash of the rifles lighting up the entire position. A hail of bullets rat tied on the roofs of the houses of the town., . "Upon completing a circuit of the Boer front and the line of trenches the British withdrew in independent lines of ' retreat covered by the flank fire from the Cape police. The Boers con tinued to valley at intervals daring the night The Boer loss is estimated at one hundred killed and wounded The Boer commander informed an of ficer in charge of a flag of truce that he estimated the attacking squadron at one thousand and he was not aware that the British force at Mafekihg was so large. ''Tne Boers were observed from Mafeking burying their dead all day long." A Report from Paris. London. November 15. A Paris Da oer to-dav gleefully announces the fall and capture of Lidy smith, but re ports from this source no longer cause a ripple or excitement, jxevermeiess there will be considerable anxiety here until the war office or some mdepen dent version of the latest developments at Ladysmith is known. . A private message from Mafeking reports that all was well there Monday, . . , i . -1 e November otn. . ina oi mo fighting at Mafeking reoeived by way of Caoe Town aud Magalapye, relate to the engagement of October 25th alreadv reoorted. The story, how ever, is pleasant reading to the British, as it shows, the garrison was cheerful, well provisioned and confident. British Troops Arrvlng. TjOndon. Nov. 15. It was officially announced this afternoon tnat tne British troopship Goorkha, with the First Brigade staff, the Third battal ion of Grenadiers and a detachment of the Royal engineers; the transport Manila, with ;the second Lievonsnire and the transport- Nomadic with tne remounts, have arrived at Uape lown London. JNovemoer id .a. iener in the' Times' written by an officer on hoard the transnort Nubia asserts that "1.000 rations of salt carrion labelled New York. 1899.' had to be thrown overboard, as it was full of - disease. ftddinc: "Thev only salt down tne verv worst portions oi very mienor A mm VtAaats and Dicrs. " This has aroused a storm or inaigaa tion ae-ainst the "rascally contrac tors and incapable admiralty transport nffinera who allowed nitny. saiiea brisket beef to be furnished to the troops." The War Office has accepted a gift of 10,000 plum puddings for the troops in South Africa, inese puaaings win aggregate upwards of ten tons in Weight. .. London, November 15. The troop ship Elowardin Casile, with the second battalion of the Royal Irish Fusiliers, had arrived at uuroan, bringing the number of reinforcements that have landed there tip to 5,227. Five other troop ships are now en route from (Jape Town to iuroan. The total reinforcements that have afirAfl in South Africa since unuay are 19 000 men, chiefly infantry, nearly 13 000 horses, and mules, tnree oat teries of field artillery, and a numer of quick firing Maxim guns. Boers Defeat at Mafekinr. London, Nov. 16. A dispatch to the Daily Mail from Mafeking, sent by the way of Magalappe, because the runners sent southward were unable to traverse the Boer lines, gives an in teresting account of the fighting dur ing the last week in October. The -dispatch describes General Crooie's great attack of Monday, the details of which have already been cabled from CpL Baden Powell's offi cial dispatches. , . "The end came," says the correspon dent, "after five hours' fighting. The enemy retired, being heavily beaten t ii ti-mm am far a Mafeking is con- cerned. It was the hottest day of the niece and the firing was terrific, the . ; :; i .SJra way ui - ji -- - into which was gananwy defended IrnriiM. wmcn wan ... A. 1 bv COJ. wauora a meu. i"."u ia Sibilant while U jubilant, wMto !jfcW.J51? hurled back in disorder on 1 I UiVM and will have to content themselves with a long range bombardment unless they are strongly reinforced, "Th enemy lost heavily. For hours alter their fighting line had been roll ed back two wagons went Blowly ; along their position, picking up the ' dead and wounded. The Boers at first held on in ihmr advance pluckily, but they could not ! liv when the came to short range, ; the men being shot down at three hun dred yards. The enemy is expected to draw off early in order to defend Pretoria. TK li t .i . . a"cio oLiii uu uimi iron me soura. As send this message off. 600 Boers have gone south with wagons and have commenced shelling. RUSSIA AND JAPAN. Reports of Imminence of War Between the Two Countries Denied by the Russian Minister, to Korea. By Telegraph to tne Horning Star. Washington, November 15. In view of the reported imminence of war between Russia and Japan, concerning rights in Korea, the st tement made by Mr. Alexander Pavloff, the Russian minister to Korea, who happens to be in Washington as the guest of Count Cassini, the Russian ambassador here, are most opportune and important Mr. favloff is an accomplished diploma tist with extended experience id the Far East and was on the Stan of Count Cassini at Pekin when Russia acquired Port Arthur and Taliep Wan, and later was advanced to the post of min ister to Korea. . Mr. Pavloff was seen at the Russian embassy to-day and spoke quite frankly of the recent war rumors. He said : "I left Korea only four months ago. going to St Petersburg, so that my in formation is quite direct and official, and I assure you there is no basis what ever for reports of a conflict between Hussia and Japan over Korea. Ua tne contrary, the two countries have en tered into formal compacts by which it is agreed that the independence of Korea shall be maintained. These com pacts were concluded at St Petersburg and Tokio, and they are so explicit that the reports of conflict as to sovereignty over Korean territory show an entire ignoratfce of the written agreement un der which Russia and Japan are acting towards Korea. "The war rumors appear to be based on an alleged conflict over the port of Masanpo. It happens that 1 am per sonally familiar with this affair, as it developed b-fore I left Korea. Mas anpo is one of the new treaty pons on the southern coast of Korea. There has been no Question as to the freedom of the port to all nations alike, and no questions of favor or discriminations between Russia and Japan) have occurred as to the port But a purely personal and private difference arose months ago as to the ownership of cer tain lots at Masanpo. Russian resi dents had secured a right to purchase the lots and were awaiting the assent of the Korean government. Pending this consent Japanese citizens pur chased the same rights. This, how ever, was purely a private difference, in which the governments of Russia and Japan had no part." UNITED STATES BONDS. The Secretary of the Treasury Announces His Readiness to Bbt $25,000,000 of Five and Foot Per Cents. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Washington, Nov. 15. The Secre tary of the Treasury late to-day made the following announoement of his readiness to buy $35,000,000 of five per cent United States bonds of 1904, and fours of 1907, at the price at which they were offered on the New York Stock Market yesterday. These figures are net and holders of the fours will re ceive the accumulated interest sinee October 1st and holders of the fives will receive interest from November 1st At these prices the bonds would realize to the investor .0224 per cent, for the fives, and .0218 for, the fours. li Treasury Department, Office of the Secretary, Washington, D. C, No vemberl5, 1899 The Treasury .de partment announces its readiness to purchase any part or all of $25,000,- 000 in Government bonds of the four ier cent funded loan of 1907, or the fiye per cent loan of 1904, at the prices below indicated : "The four par cents, of 1907 will be received and paid for at 112.75 net "The five per cents, of 1904 will be recived and paid for at 111 net. "Bonds of either class, or mixed offerings of both, may be presented at the sub treasuries in New York, Bos ton, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Cincin nati, Chicago, St Louis, New Orleans and San Francisco. "The above proposal to hold good until the close of business on Novem ber 30th instant, or until the amount "of $25,000, 000,shall have been secured if prior to that date. (Signed) "L. J. Gage, Secy." . WILL NOT RESIGN. Congressman Roberts of Utah Denies Re ports That He Will Retire. By Telegraph to the Herntng Star. New York, November .15. Con gressman Roberts, of Utah,, who is at present in his city, denied the report that he intends to resign his seat, shortly after Congress meets, in pur suance of the orders of elders of the Mormon Church. "J have seen many such stories since I came east," said Mr. Roberts, "but there is absolutely no truth in them and absolutely no basis for the state ment I will say as emphatically as I can say it that I do not intend to re sign and never have had any such in tention since my election. I was fair ly elected, and purpose to fight it out to the end with all the vigor at my command. "The Mormon Church has no more to do with politics than the Episcopal Church or the Roman Catholic Church. It is hot in politics., I was elected on purely political lines, and will go to Congress absolutely free of this so-called church influence over me. MICHIGAN DEMOCRATS. Will Endorse Bryan As the Next Demo , cratic Presidential Candidate. . Bv Telegraph to the Horning Star. Detroit, November 15. The Demo cratic State Central Committee, after a meeting to-day, announced its inten tion of endorsing W. J. Bryan as the next Democratic presidential candi date. They also declared in favor of a campaign conducted on anti-imperialism and antitrust lines, at the same time reaffirming their allegiance to the Chicago platform and its free silver plank. The steamship Managua, from Gua temalan ports, arrived at Mobile, Ala., with half a cargo of bananas, one rerJ ihat since the Guatemalan , - - i government put on their export duty of ten cents a stem on bananas ? Eti5&ott have stooped cutting ana 1 V9mmm --7- . . THE CAMPAIGN IN THE PHILIPPINES. General Hughes': Advance From Iloilo Met With Slight Opposition. INSURGENT LEADER CAPTURED Aguioaldo's Orders to the Filipinos Heavy Rains Roads Impassable A Fiht Near Jaro The Snln Islands Closed to Commerce. ' By Cable to the Morning Star. Manila, November 15. General Hughes, with parts of the Nineteenth and Twenty sixth regiments, moved from Iloilo Thursday, November 9th, to Otton, six miles west, for the pur pose of capturing Santa Barbara, the rebel stronghold, ten miles north of Iloilo. Heavy rain preceded the move ment and the roads were in places impassable. - The same night Colonel" Carpenter, with the Eighteenth regi ment and battery G, of the Sixth ar tillery, moved westerly from Jaro to connect with General Hughes. Col. Carpenter was forced to return to Jaro on account of the roads, and the entire movement was himpered by lack of proper transportation. Com panyTG, of the Twenty-sixth regi menthad the only fighting. When three miles out of Jaro this company charged the rebel trenches and three of the enemy were killed. One Amer ican was wounded. General Hughes, November 12tb, occupied Tagbanan and Guimbal, on the southern coast and also Cordova, in the interior. The enemy did not oppose General Hughes' advance. Recent orders, from Aguinaldo, found in the trenches said: "Do not oppose the Americans' advance. Burn the villages las they are evacuated. Divide the forces into bands of forty. Harass the Americans on every occa sion." Araneta, the rebel Leader of the islan i of Panay, was captured at Tag banan while attempting to pass the lines into Iloilo. Two battalions of the Twenty sixth will garrison Iloilo and Jaro. San Miguel, visible from Iloilo, has been burned by the rebels. ' It is reported that an expedition, evading the navy, recently landed arms and ammunition on the Antique coast, and that the rebels threaten op position with an armed force of 3,000 men. These stories are not believed. All ports of the Sulu islands outside of the American possessions have been ordered closed to commerce. STEAMSHIP ON FIRE. Hambarg-tmerlcan Liner From Few York for Hamburg AH the Passen gers Were Rescued. WerRe By Cable to the Morning Star. London, November 15. The Hamburg-American steamer Patria, Cap tain Frohlich, which left New York November 4th for. Hamburg and pass ed the Lizard yesterday, is on fire near Dover. All the passengers were res cued and have arrived at Dover. The Russian steamer Ceres sighted the Patria, showing signals of distress and damage, about twelve miles from North Hinder lightship. , The liner was enveloped in smoke. Putting on full steam the Ceres soon reached her, and sending a boat, learned that Cap tain Frohlich was' in urgent need of assistance. The boats were got out, and with great difficulty all of the Patria's pas sengers, numbering 150, were trans ferred to the Ceres, which proceeded for Dover, where she arrived just be fore midnight Francis W. Prescott the United States consul at Dover, was imme diately notified and he consulted with the harbor authorities, who arranged to send out the harbor tug Lady Vita, which brought the rescued per sons ashore. Among the saved are many ladies and children, as well as six babes in arms. The hurry of the rescue was indicated by the fact that most of the passengers were enveloped in blankets only. They were rapidly distributed among the hotels or sent to the sailors' home, and everything possible is being done for their comfort. According to the interviews with some of the passengers, which elicited the fact that most of them are Ameri can citizens who have come for a vaca: tion in Europe, all were ordered on deck at 6 o'clock Wednesday morn ing, when they were informed that a disastrous fire had' broken out among the general cargo, and as the crew were unable to master it the captain said he thought it advisable for the passengers to take to the boats. There was no panic, all of the passengers being gotten into the boats and into two fishing boats said to belong to Yarmouth, which had come up in the meantime. The Ceres also offered to take off Captain Frohlich and the crew, but the latter preferred to remain by the ves sel so long as there was any chance of saving her, although there was the greatest danger in doing so, her hull being red hot at the time and there being every evidence that she would burn for a considerable period. - The passengers say they learned from the officers that Captain Frohlich hopes to put his steamer ashore at some point on the coast where there will be a possibility of saving her. CHRISTIAN SCIENTISTS In a Tangle With the City Authorities 61 , Americas, Georgia. By Telegraph to the HorntogStar. Atlanta, November 15. A special to the Constitution itom Americus, Ga., says: "The city authorities of Americus are in a tangle with the Christian scientists here on the issue of compulsory vaccination. A month ago the city council adopted an ordir nance reauiring compulsory vaccina tion and nearly the entire population has been punctured. To-day one of the most estimable ladies in Americus, a Christian Scientist, was brought be fore Mayor Nixon for refusing to be vaccinated, and the mayor sentenced her to thirty days in the police bar racks. Before the sentence was exe cuted the Christian Scientists asked for a suspension until to morrow, when a dozen other ladies of that faith will be summoned before the mayor. The ladies declare emphatically that they will resist vaccination to the end, and will go to jail m support of their posi tion." - .. , Jim Johnson, a negro, about 20 years old, killed his grandmother and grandfather with an axe at Midville, Ga. He has not been captured. - John Allen, the Christian Brothers College foot ball player who was in iured in the game with the St Louis University alumni last Saturday, died I yesterday: WARM WIRELETS. : Vice President Hobart passed a com fortable day and last night was resting easily. He has eaten solid food for sev eral days now. f Officials at Miami. Fla.. report to the State officials eleven new cases of yel low fever there within the past twenty four hours. No deaths. ' The Supreme Court of Tennessee has decided against the American Tobacco Company in the test case brought to ascertain if cigarettes could be sold in Tennessee under the Rogers anti- cigart-tte law of 1897. The trial of Rowland B. Molineux, charged with the death of Mrs. Kathe rine J. Adams, was continued yester day. Efforts were directed toward se curing a jury, but notwithstanding that forty-six talesmen were examined, not one juryman was securou. In a freight wreck on the Norfolk & Western road, near Riverton, Ya., brakemen Daly and Metz, of Hagerstown, Md , and an unknown negro tramp, were killed, and Wilbert Carey, station agent at Riverton, was seriously injured. The New. York Cotton Exchange will take steps to discover how it came about that the special crop report published by the Department of Agri culture was known to private indivi duals and firms before being sent to the exchange, . EXPORTS FOR THE WEEK. FOREIGN. Bremen. Br steamship Wandby, 14,531 bales cotton, 7,197,382 pounds, valued at $539,900, vessel and cargo by Alexander Sprunt & Son. COASTWISE. New York. Clyde steamship Oneida, 66 bales cotton, 293 casks spirits, 383 barrels rosin, 566 barrels tar, 38 barrels crude, 65,696 feet lum ber, 5 barrels pitch, 68 cases cotton goods, 55 bales yarns, 140 packages merchandise, vessel by H G Small bones. New York. Schr B I Hazard, 270, 000 feet lumber from Cape Fear Lum ber Co, vessel by Geo Harriss, Son & Co. NAVAL STORES MARKETS. By Telegraph to the Horning star. New York, November 15. Rosin dull; strained common to good $1 251 30. Spirits turpentine quiet at 52X53c. , Charleston, November 15. Spirits turpentine firm at 48c; sales casks; no receipts. Rosin firm; no sales; quotations unchanged. Savannah, November 15 Spirits turpentine firm at 4949c; sales 465 casks; receipts 677 casks; exports 2,483 casks. Rosin firm; sales 1,321 barrels; receipts 2,320 barrels; exports 5,500 barrels; prices unchanged. Sandy-8cbejol Workers Read. County Sunday School Convention Institute under the auspices of the North Carolina State Sunday School Association, Will be held as follows: Duplin County, Kenansville, Sat urday and Sunday, November 11th and 12th. Pender County, Burgaw, Wednes day, November 15th. New Hanover County, Wilmington, Thursday and Friday, November 16th and 17th. Brunswick County. Southport, Sat urday and Sunday, November 18th and 19th. Columbus County, Whiteville, Wed nesday, November 22d. Samisson County. Clinton. Saturday and Sunday, November 25th and 26th. The purpose of these meetings is to increase interest and stimulate and help to better work in the Sunday school, and to reorganize local associ ations as a means to this end. All in terested in this work are urged to attend and- help make the meetings successful. Meetings begin at 10:30 A. M J. W. Bryan, Field Sec'y N. C. State 8. S. Ass'n. APPOINTMENTS For Visitation by the Bishop of East Carolina. November 19th, Sunday, twenty M. P., St John's, fifth after Trinity, Pitt county. ' November 21st Tuesday, E. P., St. Paul's, Greenville. November 22d, Wednesday, Com. St. Paul's. Greenville. JNovemoer zotn, sunoay Deiore vent, E. P.', Trinity. Chocowinity. November 26th, Sunday before Ad vent, E. M., St. Peter's, Washington. November 30th, Thursday, Thanks giving, M. P., Zion Church, Beaufort county. December 3d, Sunday, first in Ad vent M. P., St Martin's Hamilton. December 10th, Sunday, second in Advent M. P., St Peter's, Gates coun ty. December 10th, Sunday, second in Advent E- St. Mary's, Gatesville. December 11th, Monday, Com., St Mary's, Gatesville. - ' December 13th, Wednesday, St. Bar-, nabas', Murfreesboro. December 17th, Sunday, third in Advent M. P., 8t Mark's, Roxobel. v. A aw. 1 r il. ' J JDecemoer ltn, ounaay, imru in Advent, E. P., Grace Church, Wood ville. December 21st, Thursday Fest St Thomas, St. Thomas', Windsor. December 24th, Sunday, fourth in Advent, M. P., Advent Williamston. December 25th, Christmas, Grace, Plymouth. December 31sx Sunday after Christ mas, St. Thomas', Atkinson. M. P., morning prayer; E. P., even in sr oraver. Holy communion at all morning services. ?he children catechised when prac- icable. The vestries will pleased be prepared to meet the bishop. Offerings to be for Diocesan Mis sions. QUARTERLY MEETINGS, M. E. Church, South, Wilmington District Onslow, Tabernacle, Nov. 18-19. Bnruraw. Borrow. Nov. 84. Kenansville, weeiey's ' hapeL Nov. 85-26. Rose am. Nov. Hcnti'a Hill. Scott's HUL Deo. 2-3. Wilmington, Bladen Street (at night) Dec. 8. tt, v. Duaru, Presiding Wider. MARINE, ARRIVED. Clyde steamship Oneida, Staples, Georgetown, H G Smallbones. Br schooner Brothers, 125 tons, Kel ly, Nassau, Geo Harriss, Son & Co. Barge Carrie L Tyler, 638 tons, Jones, Charleston, Navassa Guano Co. Clyde steamship New York, 2,111 tons, Ingram, New York, H G Bmall bones. Schr Nellie Floyd, 414 tons, Niel son, New York, Heide & Co. Schr Jno R Fell, 347 tons, Loyeland, New York, Geo Harriss, Son & Co, CLEARED. , Clyde steamship Oneida, Staples, New York, H G Smallbones. Br .steamship .Wandby, Pearson, Bremen, Alexander Sprunt & Son. Schr B I Hazard, Blatchford, New York, Geo Harris&r Son & Co. COMMERCIAL. WILMINGTON MARKET. STAR OFFICE. Nov. 9. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market steady at G cents per gallon for machine made casks and 47. cents per gallon for country casks. ROSm Market firm at 95 ' cents per bbl for strained and $1.00 for good strained. TAR. Market steady at $1.30 per bbl of 280 lbs. CRUDE TURPENTINE. Market quiet at $L50 per barrel for hard, $2.80 for dip and for virgin. Quotations same day last year. k Nothing doing; race troubles. RECEIPTS. Spirits turpentine Rosin........ Tar , Crude turpentine. 81 393 196 23 Beceipts same day last year. 50 casks spirits turpentine, 240 bbls rosin, 64 bbls tar, 172 bbls crude tur pentine. OOTTON. Market steady on a basis of 7c per pound for middling. Quotations: Good Ordinary 5 1-16 cts fl lb Good Ordinary 6 7 16 " ' Low Middling. ...... 7 1-16 " " Middling : 7 " " Good Middling 7ji . " " Same day last year nothing doing. Receipts 2,483 bales; same day last year, 1,487. COUNTRY PRODUCE. PEANUTS North Carolina Prime, 85c; extra prime, 90c per bushel of 28 pounds; fancy, $1.05. Virginia Prime, 65c; extra prime, 60c; fjuicy 65c " CORN Firm; 52 to 52 cents per bushel for white. ROUGH RICE Lowland (tide water) 90c $1.10; upland 6580c Quotations on a basis of 45 pounds to the bushel N. C. BACON Steady; hams 10 to 11c per pound; shoulders, 7 to 8c; sides, 7 to 8c.' SHINGLES -Per thousand, five inch hearts and' saps, $2.25 to 3.25; srs-mch, $4.00 to 5.00; seven-inch, $5.50 to 6.50. TIMBER Market steady at $3.50 to 9.00 per M. STAR OFFICE. Nov. 10. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market firm at 48 cents per gallon for machine made casks and 47 cents per gallon for country casks. ROSIN Market firm at 95 cents per barrel for strained and $1.00 for good strained. TAR Market steady at $1.30 per bbl of 280 fts. CRUDE TURPENTINE. Market quiet at $1.50 per barrel for hard, $2.80 for dip, and for virgin. Quotations same day last year. JNothing doing; race troubles. RECEIPTS. Spirits turpentine 72 Rosin 378 Tar. , 187 Crude turpentine 76 Receipts same day last year. 39 casks spirits turpentine, 236 bbls rosin, m DDIs tar, 74 ddis cruae tur pentine. OOTTON. Market quiet on a basis of 7jc per pound for middling. Quotations: Ordinary 5 1-16 cts $ BE) Good Ordinary...... 6 7-16 " Low Middling. ...... 7 1-16 " " Middling 7 " " Good Middling 7 " " Same day last year nothing doing. Receipts 2,394 bales; same day last year, 770. COUNTRY PRODUCE. PEANUTS North Carolina Prime, 85c; extra prime, 90c per bushel of 28 pounds: fancy, Z1.U5. Virginia Prime, 56a; extra prime 60c; fancy, 65c. COKN Firm; 62 to 52X cents per bushel for white. ROUGH RICE Lowland (tide water) 90c$l. 10; -upland, 6580c Quotations on a basis of 45 pounds to the bushel. N. C. BACON Steady; hams 10 to 11c per pound; shoulders, 6 to 7c; sides, 7 to 8c. SHINGLES Per thousand, five- inch hearts and saps, $2.25 to 3.25; six-inch, $4.00 to 5.00; seven-inch, S5.50 to 6.50. TIMBER Market steady at $3.50 to 9.00 per M. STAR OFFICE, Nov. 11. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market steady at 49 cents per gallon for machine made casks and 48 cents per erallon for country casks. ROSIN Market firm at 95 cents per bbl for strained and $1.00 for good strained. TAK Market steady at fl.30 per 'bbl of 280 lbs. CRUDE TURPENTINE. Market quiet at $1.50 per barrel for hard, $2.80 for dip and for virgin. Quotations same day last year. Spirits turpentine steady at 3d 333lc; rosin nothing doing; tar firm at $1.15: crude turpentine steady at $1.25, $1.90, $1.90. RECEIPTS. Spirits Turpentine. ......... 92 Rosin..... V. 271 Tar... 146 Crude Turpentine 56 Receipts same day last year. 105 casks spirits turpentine. 372 bbls rosin, 207 bbls tar, 24 bbls crude tur pontine. COTTON. Market quiet on a basis of 7(o per pound for middling, uuoiauons Ordinary... 5 1-16 cts. 1? Ib Good Ordinary 6 7 16 Low Middling 7 1 16 Middling: 7X Good MTddlinff 1 Same dav last vear nothing doing. Receipts 2,221 bales; same day last year, l,5U4. . COUNTRY PRODUCE, PEANUTS North Carolina Prime, 85c; extra prime, 80c per bushel of 28 pounds; fancy, $1.05. Virginia Prime, 65c; extra prune, 60c: fancy. 65c. CORN Firm; 52 to 52 cents per busheL ROUGH RICE Lowland (tide water) 90c$1.10: upland 6580c. Quotations on a basis of 45 pounds to the bushel. N. O. BACON steady; hams 10 to 11c per pound; shoulders, 6 to 7c; sides, 7 to sc. SHINGLES Per thousand, five inch, hearts and saps, $2.25 to $3.25 ; six inch, $4.00 to 5.00; seven inch, $5.50 to 6.50. TIMBER Market steady at $3.50 to $9.00 per M. STAR OFFICE, Nov. 13. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market steady at 49 cents per gallon for machine made casks and 48U cents per irallon for country casks. ROSIN Market firm at 96 cents tier bbl for strained and 11.00 for cood strained. - TAR Market steady at per bbl of 280 lbs. CRUDE TURPENTINE. Market quiet at $1.50 per barrel for hard, $2.80 for dip and for virgin. Quotations same day last year. Spirits turpentine steady at 33 3 33Xc; rosin nothing doing; tar firm at $1.15; crude turpentine steady at $1.25, L90, $1.90. RECEIPTS. Spirits turpentine......... Rosin Tar... Crude turpentine. Receipts same day last year. 101 900 165 74 58 casks spirits turpentine. - 279 bbls rosin, 114 bbls tar, 76 bbls crude tur pontine, ' ' , OOTTON. . . ! Nothing doing. Same day last year middling 4&c. Receipts 2,587 bales; same day last year, 3,423. f . I COUNTRY PRODUCE. PEANUTS North Carolina Prime 85c. Extra prime, 90c per bushel of 28 pounds; fancy, $1.05. Virginia Prime, 55c; extra prime, 60c; fancy, 65c. CORN Firm: 52 to 52 M cents ner bushel for white, KUUttii Kiuifr Lowland (tide water) 90c$U.O; upland, 6580c. Qwtationsonabasisof 45 pounds to the bushel N. C. BACON Steady: hams 10 to 11c. per pbund; shoulders, 7 to 8c; siaes, i to SHINGLES Per thousand, five- inch hearts and saps, $2.25 to 3.25; six-inch. $4.00 1 to 5.00: seven-inch. $5.50 to 6.50. TIMBER Market steady at $3.50 to 9.00 per M STAB OFFICE. Nov. 14. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market steady at 49 cents per gallon for machine made casks and 48 cents per gallon for country casks. ROSIN Market firm at 95 cents per barrel for Strained and $1.00 for Good Strained. TAR. Market steady at $1.30 per bbl of 280 lbs. CRUDE TURPENTINE. Market quiet at $1.50 per barrel for hard, $2.80 for dip, and for virgin. Quotations same day last year. Spirits turpentine steady at 33 33jc; rosin nothing doing; tar firm at $i.15; crude turpentine steady at $1.251.90, 1.90. RECEIPTS. Spirits Turpentine 31 Uosm , 533 Tar 149 Crude Turpentine. 41 Receipts same day last year. 67 casks spirits turpentine, 274 bbls rosin, 155 bbls tar, 15 bbls crude tur pentine, t COTTON. Nothing doing. Same day last year middling 43c. Receipts 1,997 bales; same day last year. 3,188. COUNTRY PRODUCE. PEANUTS North Carolina Prime, 85c. Extra prime, 90c per bushel rf 28 pounds; fancy, $1.05. Virginia Prime 55c; extra prime, 60c: fancy. 65c. ! CORN Firm; 52 to 52 cents per bushel for white. ROUGH RIDE Lowland " (tide water) 90c$1.10; upland, 6580c. Suotations on a basis o 45 pounds to le bushel. I N. C. BACON Steady ; hams 10 to 11c per pound; shoulders, 7 to 8c; sides, 7 to 8c. i SHINGLES Per thousand, five inch hearts and saps, : $2.25 to 3.25 ; six-inch, (4.00 to 5. 00: seven-inch, $5.50 to 6.50. ! TIMBER Market steady at $3.50 to 9.00 per M. STAR OFFICE, Nov. 15. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market steady at 49 cents per gallon for machine made casks and 49 cents per irallon for country casks ROSIN Market firm at 97j cents per barrel for strained and $1.02 for good strained. tak juaritet steady at per ddi of 280 lbs. CRUDE TURPENTINE. Market quiet at $1.50 per barrel for hard, $2. 80 for dip and for virgin. Ouotations same day last year. Spirits turpentine, steady at S3 66 c; rosin nothing doing; tar nrm at $1.15; crude turpentine steady at $1.25$1.90, $1.90. RECEIPTS. Spirits turpentine 79 Kosin i u Tar. ..i 102 Crude turpentine 37 Beceipts same day last year. LSI casks spirits turpentine, 288 bbls rosin, 105 bbls tar, 12 bbls crude tur pentine, i COTTON. Market steady on a basis of 7ic per pound for middling. Quotations: Ordinary 4 15 16 cts. "ty B Good ordinary ...... 6 5 16 " " Low middling....... 6 15-16 " " Middling: 7H " " Good middling...... 7 " ! Same day last year middling 4c. Receipts 2,393 bales; same day last year, 4,403. r COUNTRY PRODUCE. PEANUTS North Carolina - Prime, 85c Extra prime, 90c per bushel of 28 pounds; fancy, $1.05. Virginia Prime ' 55c; extra prime, 60c; fancy, boc. i COrlrJ Firm, 53 to 52J6 cents per bushel. I ROUGH RICE Lowland (tide water) 90c$L10; upland, 6580c. Quotations on a basis of 45 pounds to the busheL N. C. BACON -Steady ; hams 10 to lie per pound; shoulders, 7 to 8c; sides, 7 to 8c. SHINGLES Per thousand, five inch hearts and saps, $2.25 to 3. 25; six inch, $4.00 to $5.00Hseven-inch, $5.50 to 6.50. TIMBER Market steady at $3.50 to 9.00 per M. COTTON j MARKETS. Bv Telegraph to the Mornlna star. New York, November 15. The cotton market made fair progress in an upward direction this morning. but most of the session there was a feeling of nervousness apparent in the pit generated by persistent circulation of conflicting rumors as to the feeling abroad. Shorts were made extremely uneasy by an estimate on a crop of 8,700,000 bales, following as it did, last . . . . - , i , , nignt s estimate or nine miuiou paiea by the government. An effort to cover, togetner witn active puying ior Wall street account, sent prices up four to nine points on the opening call and gave the marlket a steady tone. The trading level immediately following the opening was nine to twelve points above the close 1 of last night, but later, profit taking caused a substan tial reaction. Liverpool responded to our advance of yesterday to the satis faction of holders here, but lost a good share of the improvement before our ! market opened under heavy realizing and bear hammering. Re ceipts not only in the interior, but at the ports as well, fell short of the amount predicted early in the week. Dispatches reported an advance of l-16c in Southern spot markets. Within the last few minutes the mar ket dropped rapidly under heavy real izing and bear selling and closed weak at a net loss of one to three points. New York, November 15. Cotton quiet; middling uplands 7 9-16c. Cotton futures closed weak: Novem ber 7.22, December 7.23, January 7.26, February 7.29. March 7.32, April 7.34, May 7.36, June 7.37, July 7.36, August 7.33, septemoer uciooer o.. Spot cotton closed quiet at 1 16 ad vance; middling uplands 7 9 16c; mid dling gulf 7 13-loe; sales Dales. Net receipts 111 bales ; gross receipts 3,095 bales; stock 104,983 bales. Total to-day Net receipts 41,026 bales; exports to Great Britain 14,972 bales; exports to France 9,952 bales; exports to the Continent 38,233 bales; stock 912,674 bales. Consolidated Net receipts 183.732 bales; exports to Great Britain 34,268 bales; exports to France 11,928 bales; exports to the Continent 69,293 bales. TWai linee Bentember 1st. Net re ceipts 2,443,517 bales; exports to Great i Rrftain 669.778 bales rexports to France - , 254,071 paiea; exports, tu we vuuuuw I $90(K57 bale. i PBODUCE MARKETS. Br TeleitraDQ to the Kornlnz Star. New York, November 15. Flour opened with wheat ruled moderately active and closed firm in keeping with the favorable turn in the. price of wheat Wheat Spot firm; No. 2 red " 73c; options opened weak at a decline of o under unsatisfactory cables and bearish tendency of statistic. Prices further declined o with local liqui dation quite active. Later there was a rally of 3c on covering, follow-j ing reports of warlike attitude of Rus sia. Closed firm, at net unchanged S rices to Mc advance; No. 2 red larch closed 75c May closed 76c; December closed 72c. Corn Spot easy; No. 2 40c; options opened quiet at about unchanged prices, ruled mod erately active and steady with the late reaction in wheat Closed steady at yia net advance: May closed 38c; De cember closed 39o. Oats Spot quiet.;; options nominal. .Lard easy; Western: ' steam closed $5 30. Butter strong; Western creamery 2125.tfc; State dairy 1724c Cheese steady; small September colored 12X12yc. Po tatoes quiet; Jersey $1 00 1 Z7 New York $1 001 30; Long Island $112tfl 62; Southern sweets $1 50 1 55; Jersey sweets $1 602 25 Rice steady. Pork steady. Cotton sed oil continued firm in position on spot property by reason of continued scarcity, but still very quiet and v. ith out change. Prime crude in barrels here 24 25c; prime summer yellow 27tf28c; off summer yellow 27 28c; butter grades 8QSlc; prime winter yellow 3131.Kc; d. white 2930c. Petroleum steady. Cabbage dull ; Long Island $2 003 50 per hun dred. Freights to Liverpool Cotton i by steam 26Md. Coffee Spot Rio I nominal; No. 7 invoice 6ftc; No.7 job bine 6c; mild quiet Sugar Raw steady; fair refining 3 13 16c; centrifu gal 96 test 4Xc; molasses sugar 3" 9-1 6c; reported sales of 4,000 tons centrifugal at 4Xc and 9,000 tons Java, two car goes, on private terms; refined steady. Chicago, November 15. Wheat was weak early with Liverpool to-day, but stiffiened on the re-opening of Northwestern flour mills and buying to even up McLain trades, closing ilc under yesterday.. Corn aud oats ' closed unchanged, and provisions a shade to 5c lower. Chicago, Nov. 15. Cash quotations: Flour steady. Wheat No.2 spring o: No. 3 spring 6366o; No. 2 red 67 68Xc. Corn No. 2 81 32. Oats No. 2 2323Xc; No. 2 white c; No. 3 white 2425c. Pork, per bbl, $7708 10. Lard, per 100 lbs, $4 85 505. Short rib sides, loose, $4 75 5 15. Dry salted shoulders, $5 37 j 5 50. Short clear sides, boxed, $5 15 i 5 ZO. whiskey Distillers' hnished goods, per gallon, $1 23. Baltimore, "November 15. Kiour steady and unchanged, Wheat steady spot and month. 6767?c; De cember 68$i68c; Southern wheat by sample 6068c. Corn firmer mixed spot and month 3738c; No vember and December, new or old, 36f37c; January S6K36c; Feb ruary 36c bid; Southern white, new corn, 8437o. Oats firmer No. 2 white Sl3IKc. Proof of the pudding lies In the eating of it Proof of ROBERTS' TASTELESS CHILL TONIC lies In the taking of it. COST NOTHING if it fails to cure. 25 cents per bottle if it cures. Sold strictly on Its merits"by ROBERT R. BELLAMY, mar 84 ly Wholesale and Retail Druggist. WHOLESALE PRICES CDRREHT. car The toHowiniz quotations renresent Wholesale Prices eener&llv. In making n smau orders higher prices have to be chargi The quotations are always given as accurately as possible, bat the Stab will not be responsible for any variations from the atoal market price of the articles Quoted. BAGGING 2 Jute. 6HO 6& S Q Standard Burlaps . WESTERN SMOKED Hams t Sides 8houidersV . DRY SALTED BldeeW ..... Shoulders BARRELS 8Dlrits TnrDentlne "I 5HO. Second-band, each 1 25 -1 85 1 40 a i to 7 Oil 14 00 New New York, each New City, each BEESWAX V S .... BRICKS Wilmington VX 6 00 Northern 9 00 BUTTEB North Carolina V Northern CORN MEAL Per bushel, in sacks ........ so e n 26 & SO mi a i is 18 25 B t) 11 is a 16 S, 16 i 14 15 to a i 12H5 15 Virginia neat OOTTON TIE& bundle OANDLE8 V B Sperm .'. Adamantine CHEESE Northern Factory . Dairy Cream State COFFEE B- Lagayra,,. Bio DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, V yard Yarns. V bunch of 5 ts .... EGGS dozen FISH Mackerel, No. 1, 9 barrel 22 00 O 80 00' 15 00 tl8 00 9 00 14 00 4 60 Mackerel, No. 1, Mackerel, No. 2, I half-bbl. 11 00 i barrel. 16 00 800 18 00 4 CO BLacaerei, o. Mackerel. No. 8. I half-bbl. 1 barrel.. Mullets. barrel Mallets, vpork barrel N. 0. Roe Herring, V keg.. rLOUa V - Low grade .................. Choice Straight First Patent BLUE GRAIN a bushel Corn,rroi im 8tore.bzs White 52 car-ioao, in bgs wnite... Oats, from store 88 Oats. Rust Proof. Cow Peas.. HIDES ft 1............. Green salted Dry Dint I......... ........ 10 Drvsait HAY 100 KB Clover Hay....... 85 Rice 8traw 40 Eastern.... 80 Western.. 60 North River 80 HOOP IRON, V Sy ILLUMINAINO OILS Diamond white, bbls V gal Alao din Security " Pratt's Astral : " Carandlne " LARD. V - Northern' 7 North Carolina (8 LIME, barrel 115 LUMBER (city sawed) Mft Ship Stuff, resawed 18 00 Bough edge Plank 15 00 West India cargoes, accord ing to quality 18 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned. 18 00 Scantling and Board, com'n 14 00 Common mill 500 Fair mill 6 60 Prime mill 8 50 Extra mill 10 00 MOLASSES V gallon Bar badoes, in hegsheaa..... Bar badoes, in barrels Porto Rico, in hogsheads. ... 98 forto moo, in oarreis Sugar House, in hogsheads, is Sugar Hoase, in barrels.... 14 Syrup, in barrels... ......... 15 NAILS, J keg. Cut, od basis... 3 60 pun, V barrel Cltv Mess Rump.......... Prime 10 00 gALT, sack. Atom, aorit v ... 10 Liverpool ..... i............ erlcan..... ................ On 185 9 Sacks.. Amnrwttu. SHINGLES, 7-lnch, per M. common.. BUG taudard Gran'd Standard a.. TV U1M3 um Extra 0, Golden O, Yellow niP STAVES. M W. O. barrel S 00 a. o. Hozshead. TIMBER, V M feet-emppmg u. tic Mm, prime Min, Fair Common Mill Inferior to ordinary. SHINGLES, N.O. Cypress sawed MOxiM heart " Sap 5x90 Heart " Sap 6x94 Heart.... " Bap.. TALLOW, WHISKEY, 9 gallon. Northern worm uarouna wool par un'

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