2he -.fBaeefelg tar. WILLIAM H; BERN ABD ! Mitoi and Proprietor. WILMINGTON. N, C Friday, - - - March 30, 1900. TANGLED IN THE WEB. The distinguished Mark Hanna once remarked, (and that was some time ago) that he wished the Phil - ippines were at the bottom of the sea. He didn't have half as much reason to wish that then as he and his fellow engineers of the Republi can party have since had. Then it was only a question of our ability to establish American supremacy over the islands, hut now it is a question m to what that 'supremacy means and this has brought with it per plexing questions which are divid ing the Americen people and threat ening to split in twain the party that is responsible for the pet policy of forcible expansion. In their passion for grab, and the glory which they thought would come to them through territorial extension, they didn't see the tan gle it would put them in, nor anti cipate the logical consequences ol that extension. These are some of the problems by which the Republi can expansion statesmen are now confronted, which have been precip itated by the proposed tariff legis lation for Porto Rico, because in the language of Senator Foraker, " be yond Porto Rico came the Philip pines. ' A good many Republicans and Republican organs have, taken up this declaration of the junior Sena tor from Ohio as the keynqfe of the policy wo are to pursue in.the.Pbil ippines. As an illustration- of the stew they have got themselves into -we quote the following editorial from the Dubuque (Iowa) .Times, m n . .1? T i i one oi tne leading jtepuoucan or gans of that State and of the West. i Referring to the anti-Porto Rican tariff resolution recently passed by , ViAJ IV VT vi LVUOW VUV AW 'I M M IB lature, which is overwhelmingly Re publican, it says: "It was illustrated at Des Moines Thursday that the devil soon finds mischief for idle hands to do. The house, having no business of its own prosing lor attention, tooK a nana at running the national government from a distance and made a sorry mess of it. Mr. Eaton introduced his resolution for an appropriation for the Louisiana exposition at St. Louis in 1903, and Mrr Kendall, of Monroe, offered an amendment declaring: That the people of Iowa are unal terably opposed to the establishment ot any tariff duties between the United States and any territory acquired as a result of the Spanish-American war, the people of which accepted the eov ereignty of this government without resistance and voluntarily passed un der the jurisdiction of its constitution and laws.' "This was adopted as a separate reso lution and by a viva voce vote and no vote in the negative, was recorded. It will be observed that it was a declara tion for free trade not with Porto Rico alone but 'with any territory voluntarily accepting ; American sov ereignty and not alone an ex pression of opinion on the -question of expediency but an assertion Jhat the territory whichf passed under our flag and thereby passed un der our constitution and laws. Now the Republican party of State and nation is on record in favor of protec tion for the United States and the open door for the PhiJippines. The, open door means either that we must have a tariff against the Philippines or yield the policy of protection for the United States. It means that the goods of" all countries shall be ad mitted to the Philippines on equal terms. Hence if we are to consider the Philinmnes as nart of nur mm. mon country, between all parts of which there shall be free exchange of commodities, we must admit free all goods that come to us from its ports, no matter the ports from which they come originally. "This is not. the Republican view alone. It is the J democratic view as well. The Nebraska convention ad dressed by Mr. Bryan this week de clared -'the constitution follows the flag' and that 'the Filipinos cannot be citizens without endangering our civilization.' And Mr. Bryan in quired: 'Are they to be allowed to nnmn tn f hn TTnitH nfatos iU1 l:. oriental methods of living to compete, with American labor!' , "Thus we find the Democrats at Lin. cola declaring that we don't want the Philippines because we would have to take free trade with them while the Democrats of the Iowa house doubt less supported the resolution under the impression that they were sup porting rsryan. xnus also we find the Republicans of the House declaring lor a policy that would ef fect the very thine thev didn't want. free trade between the' United States and all European nations holding commerce with the Philippines. Com parison of the resolution with the speeches in its favor simply confirms the belief that those who spoke and voted on it had made no examination Af InA iiiabHaii am nViiAli 4Vn hook w express an opinion and no study of its effect on the policies of their -respective parties and were therefore not qualified to advise the Iowa delegation in Congress on the subject. An expression from the average board of township trustees would have been quite as valuable under the circumstances." It isn't doing much violence to the probabilities to suppose that the devil does figure more or less in Re publican Legislatures, and as the contention of the expansionists is that the Lord had put the Philip pines in our keeping it is not alto gether strange that this expansion editor concluded, that the devil was about somewhere and had something to do with this resolution, to which the writer of the editorial takes such decided objection. But the resolu tion and the remarks it inspired show how minds which on party matters usually ran along harmoni ously together can at times take widely divergent pathB. The reso lution shows what the members o the lower House of the Iowa Legis lature think about the new depart ure of their party leaders, while the comments; upon it show the mess into which the expansionists have gotten themselves by undertaking to bring under the flag .territory for some purposes and to keep it out for orther purposes, thus trying to evade the logical consequences of their own action. The framers and adopters of his resolution agree with Senator Fora ker that "beyond Porto Rico come the Philippines," but they do not agree with him that we should adopt an un-American, dishonest and op pressive policy towards Porto Rico as a precedent tyfy"6 8ame kind of a policy for the Philippines. In other wordB they believe that Porto Rico having come voluntarily on its part and with our co-operation under our flag has become a part of this country, entitled to the same treatment as other parts, and that other territory acquired under similar "conditions stands upon the same footing as Porto Rico and is entitle! to the same treatment. .s ThatJ is the logic of the events re sulting in the acquisition of this territory which no quibbling can get around and no subterfuge can alter without a total ignoring of pre cedents and of the fundamental law of- the Republic. If they didn't expect this then they should never have taken those islands and called them ours, and if they are unwilling to accept the logical situation now they had better admit their mistake and let the islands take control of thejr own destinies and thus get out 6f all this mess into which they have been led by blind or by thoughtless or culpa bly reckless leaders. The Democrats don't want these islands because in the first place they don'i want us and we have no right to hold them without their consent, and in the second place be cause by letting them govern them selves we escape the perplexing problems that are now giving the Republican leaders so much trouble and are dividing the party against itself. There is but one honorable, consistent and effective solution of these problems, and that is to turn the islands loose, as soon as practica ble, as we propose to turn Cuba oose. THE BEGINNING OF THE NEW DEPARTURE. The New England cotton manu actnrers have been taking some comfort from the belief that although the Southern mills might eventually take from them the manufacture of coarse goods, they would have a pretty sure thing on the finer and more .profitable goods, for the manu facture of which they fancied they had advantages over the South. They had persuaded themselves that the climate of the South was not favorable for the manufacture of the finer grades on account of too much humidity, or something else, but they seem to have lost sight of the fact that there has been steady improvement in the quality of goods made in the South' and that there are now annually produced millions of yards of goods of a quality which they a few years ago would have thought it impossible to profitably make in this section. In discussing this question we have all along contended that there were no climatic or other obstacles in the South to prevent the manu facture of the finest grades of goods and that it would be only a question of time,' and of expediency when the finer grades would be as successful ly produced as the common grades have been. As bearing upon this, and showing that this was not a mat ter of mere empty speculation ,7 we quote the following from the Balti more Sun: ? . "The significant announcement comes from Columbus,. Ga.t that the lii bo Manufacturing (Jompany, of Macon, has purchased a site in the suburbs of Columbus and will at once let a contract for the construction of a new 20,000 spindle cotton mill for the manufacture of high grade goods. This will be apt to open the eyes of iMew England manufacturers, who, while willing to concede the superior advantages of the South for producing me coarser iaorics, nave all along con tended that because of climatic condi tions, the want of educated labor, etc., the South would never be able to compete with New England . in the production of the higher grades of goods. Referring to this new move the Columbus Enquirer-Sun says: 'It is . understood that promi nent English capitalists are interested in this enterprise, and it is certain tnat tne company controls all the capital that will be needed to carry out any enterprise it may project, no maiier on now large a scale it may be planned.' The Bibb Manufacturing Company has also secured control of the. Columbus Power Company, whose plant is now nearing com pletion. This will be one of the larg est power plants in the world, using water power for generating and transmitting electric power. The Bibb Manufacturing Company has a capital of $1,800,000. Eighty hand some tenement houses, to be occupied oy me operatives or the new mill, will be erected at once." That the promoters of this enter prise have no fears bf failure may be taken for granted, for they would never have invested the amount of money herein stated in a mere ex periment. With this as a stater, we expect soon to see announcements of the establishment of other plants for the manufacture of high grade goods in other localities. Red Hot From The Gun Was the ball that hit G. B. Stead- man of Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It caused horrible Ulcers that no treatment helped for 20 veara. Then Bucklen'a Arnica Salve cured him. Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Boils, Felons, Corns, Skin Eruptions. Best Pile Cure on earth. 25 cents a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by R. R. BELLAMY, druggist. t WILLING TO 8WEAR TO IT- The repotted interview with a Re publican member of Congress who voted for the Porto Rican tariff bill is still the subject of comment in Con gress, some of the Republicans deny- ingt hat there was any deal, and others, Mark Hanna among the num ber, denouncing the statement in the published interview as a, "malicious lie." In the interview, as published in the Washington Star, a Republi can paper, and a strong supporter of the administration, but opposed to the Porto Rican bill, the Con gressman is thus quoted: "Hka Jpal hat hnAn made. It is a matter ol money for the campaign and the taris measure will be carried through. The carrying out of the PveEiriontVi recommendation for free trade for Porto Rico would have de prived the party of considerable con tribution to the national campaign fund The adoDtion of a reverse policy insures a very Jarge contribution. The possible unpopularity .01 tbe .forto Rirs-i tariff was balanced against the certainty of money to ute in the cam paign and the decision was in favor of the campaign contribution, it was not expected that the storm of protest would be as strong as it is, but it is now too late for a change." If this had been published by an anti-administration paper they might have some reason to pronounce it a ie or a fake, but the paper which publishes it is a strong and consis tent supporter of the administra tion. For obvious .reasons it did not give the name of the Congress man quoted, for that would have made it very unpleasant for him .with his Republican associates, who would never forgive him for his candid confession of a deal that they wished to have kept from the public, but the Star reiterates the statement and, referring to the denial of Con gressman Payne, Senator Hanna and others, says: "The interview was had, as reported in the Star Friday, with a Republican member of the House who supported the Porto Rican tariff bill with his vote. It was written a very short time after the conversation between the representative and the Star re porter closed. This fact can be sup ported by the oath of the man who wrote the interview, who is perfectly willing to take oath to it." Now if they want to settle the question of veracity let them put the Star reporter on the stand and hear what he has to say about it, under oath. It is pretty safe to predict that they will not dare to do it. JUDGE BATTLE DEAD. The announcement of the death of Judge Dossey Battle will be read with much sorrow ;by the thousands of people who enjoyed the pleasure of his acquaintance or knew him by reputation. Endowed with all the graces of genial fellowship, - bright and sunny in temperament, ever courteous and considerate of all with whom he came into contact in pri vate or official intercourse, he made friends of all who knew him, and never an enemy whose good opinion an honorable man might desire. . , For years identified more or less with the press of the State he won enviable reputation as a witty and brilliant writer, as a lawyer he stood in the front rank of his profession, as a Judge he was fearless, able and impartial, as a citizen he was true to his State and wore his princi ples upon his forehead, as a man he could always be counted on as the soul of honor, as a husband and father he was affection personified. Such was Dossey Battle, as we knew him. We could Say more, we could not say less. May he sleep the sleep of the good. State op Ohio. City op Toledo, - L.U0A8 county, - Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co.. doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL- XiARS for each . and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. PrankJ. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6ih day of De cember, A. D., 1886. I seal I A. W. Gleason. Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, and acts directly on the .blood and mucous surfaces of the svstem. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best, t NEWS FROM RALE1QH. Opinions Handed Down by the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Special Star Telegram. Raleigh, N. C, March 27. Opinions were handed down by the Supreme Court to day as follows: Graves vs. Barrett, from Moore ; affirmed. Muse vs. Caddell, from Moore; new trial. Little vs. Ratliff.from Anson ; affirmed. State vs. Carter, from Robeson: no error. Ferrell vs. Broadway, from Lenoir; remanded Lumber Co. vs. Hines, from Jones; reversed. Darden vs. Blount, from Greene; reversed. Cheek vs. Building and Loan Associa tion, from Durham, .two cases; decided in favor of plaintiff.) tfeer vs. Brown, from Orange ; affirmed. Kennon vs. Telegraph uo., from uuiirora; new trial. State vs. Green, from Durham; reversed. State vs. Higgs, from Wake; error, btrause vs. insurance Uo. from Pitt; affirmed. State vs. Davis, from Edeecombe: no error. The fol lowing cases were disposed of. by per curiam order: worth vs. Lancashire, from Cumberland: affirmed. Me Caskill ys. Lancashire, from Cumber land; affirmed. Working Might and Day. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. Every Dill is a sugar coated globule of health, that changes weakness into strength, listlessness into energy, brain fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25 cents per box. Sold by R. R. Bellamy, druggist. t ASSESSMENT CASE. Before Standing Master Shep .herd in the Railroad Tax Valuation Matter. HEARD IN U. S. COURT ROOM. Officers of Private Corporations Refuse to Permit aa Examination of Their Books-The Matter Referred to Judge Slmontoe. The hearing of evidence in the rail road tax assessment cases, reference to which was made in the Star yes terday, was begun yesterday morning at 10 o'clock in the United States Court room before Hon. James E. Shepherd, Standing Master of the U. S. Circuit Court of Equity, whi;h court is pre sided over by Judge Simontonwho will pass upon the matter of whether the Corporation Commission is assess ing lbs jroperties of the A. C. L.; S. A. L. and Southern railroad sys terns in the State at a higher valuation for taxation than other property in the State is assessed. The railroad companies are repre sen ted by Messrs. George Rountree. of Wilmington'; R. O. Burton, of Ra leigh; Charles Price, of Salisbury, and Maj. John D. Shaw, of Rocking ham. The - Corporation Commis sion is represented by Hons. H. G. Connor, of Wilson, and Jas. H. Pou of Raleigh. Hon. Franklin McNeill, chairman of the defendant Corpora tion Commission, is also in attendance upon the bearing, as are also quite a number of other attorneys, who are guarding the interests of several pri vate corporations, the officers of which are summoned as witnesses. Miss Stella Shri-r is engaged as Court steno grapher. The complainants opened their case by introducing as a witness Mr. W. H. Biddle, Register of. Deeds of New Han over county, who testmed as to the valuation of property of individuals and private corporations in the county. He referred frequently to the record and admitted that the County Commis sioners had in many instances reduced the valuation of property as fixed by the assessing board. Capt. A. L. DeRosset, one of the list takers, was also examined as to the valuation of property in New Hanover county, and at 1 o'clock an adjourn ment was taken until 3 o'clock in the afternoon In the afternoon Mr. J". W. Nor wood, president of the Atlantic Na tional Bank, testified as to the valua tion of property in the county and al so as to the value of certain railroad stock owned by him. In the latter point some technicality arose and the record was arranged for presentation to Judge S imonton as to the relevan cy certain questions asked the wit ness regarding the comparative valua tion of properties in which he is in terested. The next witness was Capt Henry Savage, secretary and treasurer of the AcmeManufacturing Company, and it was sought to prove by him that the property of his corporation is not valued for taxation at more than seventy-five per - cent, of , its actual value, while that of railroad corpora tions, a matter of fact, is assessed at full valuation. The order for Capt. Savage's appear ance enjoined him to bring for the ex amination of the court the books of the company, showing the gross earn ings and net profits of the corporation. He was asked the usual preliminary questions and upon a request for the books of the company, accord ing to advice of counsel, he re fused to produce " them. . The net and gross earnings of tbe company are wanted by the court to assist them in determining the actual value of the Acme Mat ufacturing Company's plant, as it would be valued at more or less in proportion to the profit accru ing from its operation. The question was argued for the testifying witness by Messrs. E. K. Bryan, Eugene S. Martin, of this city, and- Cameron Morrison, of Rocking ham, who are attorneys for several corporations, the managers of which have received like summon to appear with their books, to which the attor neys for witnesses object on the ground that the net and gross earn ings of the private corporations are irrevelant and incompetent as testi mony and that if relevant and compe tent, it is depriving the witnesses of valued property rights without due process of law; that the pri vacy and secrecy of their business affairs are valuable and protected un der provisions of the constitution. In formal argument upon the question at point was had and an ad jpurnment was taken until 11 o'clock 'this morning, when the record and objection to the duces tecupi will be arranged for pre sentation 'to Judge Simonton, who will pass upon the constitutionality of the requirement. After this arrange ment is made it is very probable that a recess will be taken until a decision is handed down by Judge Simonton upon the question. A test case of the Acme Manufac turing Company will be made to de termine the right of the Court to re quire of it the books referred to, and as there are numerous other private corporations, who have received simi lar summons to that of the secretary of the . Acme Company, the attorneys for all will join hands to confront such action if possible. new corroN mill, Organized at Lanrinburg With $129,900 Capital The Scotland MII. Special Star Telegram. Laxjrinburo, N, C, March 27. A new cotton mill was organized here this afternoon with $129,900 stock. In January, Scotland mill was set run ning and it is being doubled, so that this practically means the third mill for Laurinburg this year. Scotland mill was organized last July, and its stock is now worth 150. The nejw mill has not been named; some haw pro posed the name of -"The Thistle," the national flower of (Scotland. POTASH giyps color, flavor and firmness to all fruits. No good fruit can be raised without Potash. Fertilizers containing at least 8 to 16 of Potash will give best results on all fruits. Write for our pamphlets, which ought to be in every farmer's library. r They are sent free. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York. JUDGE DOSSEY BATTLE. Died Yesterday Morning at His Home in Rocky Mount, N. C, After an Ill ness of Two Weeks. Judge Dossey Battle, of the East ern District Circuit Criminal Court, died yesterday morning at 7:40 o'clock at his home at Rocky Mount, N. C, af ter a two week's illness with la grippe and heart complications. The news came early yesterday morning in the nature cf a private tel egram to a friend in the city and it was received with unfeigned sorrow by a wide circle of Judge Battle's friends and acquaintances here. He had been appointed to hold court in this city March 12th, but th8 term had to be continued on account of his sickness, which was . announced in these columns at the time Later, it was reported that Judge Battle was doing well and onthe road to a rapid recovery. His friends were gratified to learn of bis improvement and the announcement of his death yesterday morning came as a sur prise to all. Judge Battle was well and favorably known in Wilmington. In his earlier life he was engaged in the newspaper business at Tarboro and laterwas en gaged here on the reportorial staff of the Messenger and for a short time on the Morning STAR.After leaving Wilmington Judge Battle entered into practice of the legal profession and for some time' travelled in the interest of the Keeley Institute. He was a versatile writer, a fluent speaker and an able lawyer. He presided with ability and dignity as a judge of the court and was very popular over his district. Deceased was about 60 years of age, and leaves a sorrowing wife and sev eral children, all of whom have the sincere sympathy of many friends. The Eastern District comprises the counties of Mecklenburg, New Han over, Edgecombe, Robeson, Halifax, Cumberland, Craven, Nash, Warren, Wilson and Northampton, and the position which Judge Battle held was one of responsibility. His term would have expired one year from April. His funeral will be held with Ma sonic honors thisafternoon at 4 o'clock from his residence at Rocky Mount. EIGHTY-FIRST ANNIVERSARY. Of Establishment of Odd Fellowship in America Will Be Celebrated by tbe Wllmioftoo Lodges. The four subordinate lodges are al ready making preparations for tbe celebration of the eighty-first anni versary of Odd Fellowship in Amer ica, which occurs on the 26th of April. The order in Wilmington is com posed of four lodges Cape Fear No. 2, Orion No. 67, Wilmington No. 139 and Hanover No. 145, together with Letitia Lodge No. 3, Daughters of Re bekah, the ladies' branch of the or der, and Campbell Encampment No. 1, all of which are active and enthusi astic and which have a membership of upwards of 750, with a steady in crease. The anniversary celebrations in past years have always been elaborate and enjoyable. At the meetings of the several , lodges this week an orator will be chosen for the occasion, and a joint committee from all the lodges will be selected to arrange a musical programme and make preparations for the spread of an elegant repast, which is alwaya-a feature of such lodge func tions. Several of the lodges, it is un derstood, have already named their committees, and when the list is com plete active work will be begun. When others fail, take Roberts' Tasteless Chill Tonio. It cures chills, fevers, malaria and general bad neaith. . 25c. A red cross on tbe label assures you of the pure, high-class material that makes Roberts' a suc cess. Don't take a substitute. R. R. Bellamy. " t FIRE AT SPRINQflOPE. Tobacco Stemmery Burned Loss Esti mated at $15,900 Small Insurance. A Residence Damaxed by Fire. I Special Star Correspondence.' SpeInghoPe. N. C, March 26. One of the largest fires occurred here Saturday at 5.15 P. M , that has been witnessed in a number of years. The tobacco stemmery run by Messrs. Chamberlain & Woodard, took fire in the dry room and was beyond control in a few minutes. While seventeen tierces of tobacco were rolled out and saved, the loss, estimated by Mr. Frank Chamberlain, is about $13,000, par tially covered by insurance. Mr. W. A. Carter also had about $200 worth of tobacco in the same building, with no insurance. The building was insured for $2,000 and owned by the business men of Springhope. The building cannot be replaced for less than $3,600. About half an hour before the stem mery took fire an alarm was given that Mr. Oliver May's residence was on fire. At least a hundred people rushed to the scene and put out the flames in a short while. This fire took place in a room occupied by Mr. Car ver and family, a tobacconist. The fire burst through the floor, ceiling and a large hole in the weather boarding. More damage was caused from carry ing out furniture than from the fire. STATE SENATORSBIP. Majority of Brunswick Delegates Instructed to Vote for Ire dell Meares, Esq. THE CONVENTION YESTERDAY Large Gathering at Lockwood's Folly Three Oat of Four Delegates Are Against Morton Aycock and . Waddell Endorsed. Wilm'ngton's delegation which at tended the Brunswick county con vention at Lockwood's Folly, yester day, returned last night. Much interest was manifested in the meeting, as tfpon the occasion it was known that tbe Brunswick Democrats would take final action upon the State Senatorial question, "which has become quite interesting, as between Capt. George L. Morton, who was nomi nated at the New Hanover Democratic primaries last Thursday, and Mr. Iredell. Meares, who is also a candidate before the convention. The action of the convention is best told i a the fol lowing special telegram, which was received last night from the Stab's special correspondent atSouthport: Socthfoet, N. C, March 28 The Brunswick County Democratic Con vention met at Lockwood's Folly to day for the purpose of electing dele gates to the SMe Convention, also the District Senatorial Convention, com posed of Brunswick and New Hanover. Of the four delegates to the Sena torial Convention three were in structed to vote for Iredell Meares and one for George L. Morton, both of New Hanover. , The delegates to the State Conven tion were instructed to vote for Charles B. Aycock for Governor, and to vote fof an endorsement of Hon. A. MWaddell, of New Hanover, for the United States 8enate. There was a very large gathering at h he convention and everything passed off quietly. Both Mr. Meares and Capt. Morton addressed the convention and set forth, their respective claims. Mr. Meares contended that according to the State plan of organization the two counties comprising the tenth district had in hand the nomination of a can didate; that each candidate bad a right to representation in the convention in proportion to the vote as received in the primaries. He further set forth his claims as embodied in a letter addressed to Brunswick Democrats, which was published several days ago in these columns. Capt. Morton, in his speech to the convention, contended that he was the regular nominee of the Demo cratic party in New Hanover county, as was evidenced by the result of the primaries held last Thursday, and that as tnis was tne year, according to a Hanover to name the candidate, that he was entitled to the endorsement of the convention. '' The naming of delegates to the Sen atorial Convention to be held here was then entered into with the result as given in the special telegram print ed above. Brunswick is entitled to a represen tation of 16 votes 1 in the Senatorial convention, which will be called to meet here later and New Hanover county is entitled to a representation of 45. According to the instruction given the Brunswick delegation, there fore, Mr. Meares will have 12 votes of their number and Mr. Morton 4. The total vote of this convention is 61 and it is therefore apparent that 31 votes is required to give a majority for either candidate. The contest will now shift "to New Hanover, and it will be a question as to which of the candidates will receive enough of the strength accorded New Hanover . to make his majority certain. A friend of Capt Morton, who re turned last night, stated that while there was a large crowd in attendance upon the Brunswick convention, there were two townships Waccamaw and Northwest which were not repre sented at all. FORT CASWELL SEA WALL.f Secretary of War Asks an Appropriation tor Its Protection. - Special Star Telegram. Washington, D. C, March 27. The Secretary of War to-day submit ted to Congress a second communica tion relative to the condition of the sea wall at Fort Caswell, N. C. He asks that an appropriation for the protec tion of the wall bejmade at once, as the storm tides have damaged the same greatly and if nothing, is done the wall may become a total loss. Representative Thomas returned to the Capitol this morning. The Court of Claims to day submit ted findings of facts in the case of the estate of Jacob Uoggle, Cherokee county, N. C, for supplies seized by the Union army during the civil war, and recommended that Congress ap propriate and pay to claimants $105. The condition of Mr. James W. Monroe was somewhat improved yesterday. THE FAT the food supplies warmth and strength ; without it the digestion, the muscles, the nerves and the brain are weak, and general debility follows. But fat is hard to d i gest and is disliked by many. supplies the fat in a form pleasant to take and easy to digest. It strengthens the nerves and muscles, invig orates mind and body, and builds up the entire system. 50c. ana n.oo, ail araggisis, SCOTT & BOWNE, OhwnisU, Nw York. I L SCROFULA AND ITS CUBED Johnston's y QUART 1 BOTTLES. j L MOST WONDERFUL CUBE. A Orand Old Ladv GlTea ExDricnca. Mrs. Thankful Orilla Hurd lives in Livingston Co.; Mich. This venerable and highly respected lady was bora la the year 1812, the year of the great war, in Hebron, I Washington Qp., New York. She came to Michigan in 1840, the year of "Tippecanoe and Tyler too." All her faculties ae excellently preserved, and possessing a very re tentive memory, her mind is full of interesting reminiscences of ber early life, of tbe early days of tbe State of Michigan and the interesting and re markable people she has met, and the stirring events of which she was a wit ness. But nothing in her varied and maaifold recollections are more mar velous and worthy of attention than are her experiences in the use of JOHNSTON'S) SARSAPARILLA. Mrs. Hurd inherited a tendency and pre disposition to scrofula, that terribly destructive blood taint which has cursed and is cursing the lives of thousands and marking thousands more as vic tims of the death angeL Transmitted from generation to generation. It Is found in neary every famny m one form or another. It may make its ap pearance in dreadful running sores, in unsightly swellings in the neck or goitre, or in eruptions of varied forms. Attacking the mucous membrane. It may be known as catarrh in the head, or developing in tbe lungs It may be and often is, the prime cause of consumption. f ' Speaking of her case, Mrs. Hurd "ays: "I was troubled for many years with a bad skin disease. My arms ana limbs would break out in & mass of sores, discharging yellow matter. My neck began to swell and became very . unsightly in appearance. My body was covered with scrofulous eruptions . My eyes were also greatly inflamed and weakened, and they pained me very much. My blood was in a very bad condition and my head ached severely at frequent Intervals, and I had no appetite. I had sores also in my ears, r was in a miserable condition, I had tried every remedy that had been recom mended, and doctor after doctor had failed. One of! the best physicians in the state told me I must die of scrofulous consumption, as internal abcesses were beginning to form. I at length was told of Dr. Johnston, of Detroit, and his famous Sarsaparilla. I tried a bottle, more as an experiment than any thing else, as I had no faith in it,-and greatly to my agreeable surprise. I began to grow better. Ton can be sure I kept on taking it. I took a great many bottles. 1 But I steadily Improved until I became entirely well. All the sores healed up, all the bad symptoms disappeared. I! gained perfect health, and I haVe never been troubled with scrofula since. Of course an old lady of 83 years is not a young woman, but I have had remarkably good health' smce then, and I firmly believe that' JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA is the greatest Wood purifier and the best medicine in the wide world, both for scrofula and as a spring medicine." This remarkably Interesting old lady did not lok to be more than sixty, and she repeated several times, "I believe mr life was saved by JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA." j H.X73r COMPAWT, DSffTXtOXT, For sale by ' THE CRIMINAL COURT Judgeship Made Vacant by Death of Judge Battle Tendered to Chas. A. Cook. HE HAS NOT YET ACCEPTED. Blackwell Durham Tobacco Company Suit. Major Gnthrie's Answer Filed In tbe U. S. Circait Conrt-ContentioB of Defendant Company. Special Star Telegram. ! Raleiqh, N. C, March 28. Gov, Russell has offered the Judgeship of the Eastern Criminal Court district, made vacant by the death of Judge Dossey Battle, to Chas. A. Cook, of Warr&nton. He telegraphed for Mr. Cool this morning immediately after the hews of Judge Battle's death was received, and Mr. Cook arrived here this afternoon, but has not yet an nounced his acceptance of the appoint ment. No formal tender will be made of it unless he agrees in advance to ac cept, i The answer of Major Wm. A Guth rie to day in the Blackwell Durham Tobacco Company suit, was filed to day in the United States Circuit Court. This is the suit; it will be remembered, brought by officers, directors and em ployes of the American Tobacco Com pany, who are also large stockholders in the Blackwell Company, to have a receiver appointed for the Blackwell Company and close up its . business. The suit is brought against the Black well Durham Tobacco Company, and the minority stockholders in it, and is based on an interview given out by Maj. Guthrie, j one of the minority stockholders, in which he declared his intention to ask the Legislature to re peal the charter of the Blackwell Com pany, on the: ground that it was a trust. As soon as the interview ap peared the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and several direc tors and employes of the American Tobacco Company, went before Judge Simonton at Charleston and asked that a receiver be appointed. The petition was granted, and P.' S. Hill, secretary of the American Tobacco Company, was named as temporary receiver, and April 17th, at Charleston, was fixed for hearing argument as to whether the appointment of a receiver should be made permanent. In the papers filed to-day Major Guthrie makes answer only for him self, and bases bis defence on the fol lowing grounds : First, that the court has no jurisdiction; second, that if it had jurisdiction, it ought not to grant the relief, for the reason that plaintiffs! have come into court actuated by: an improper and illegal purpose on their part, to merge the Blackwell Durham To bacco Company with the American Tobacco Company, in order to create a monopoly in the smoking tobacco business, in violation of tbe constitu tion of North Carolina, and contrary to the geniua of a free State; third, that the Blackwell Durham Tobacco Company being a solvent goin? cor poration, chartered under the laws of North Carolina, the only competent authority to. repeal the charter, dis solve the corporation and wind up its affairs is vested in the General Assem bly of North Carolina,, under article eight, section! 1 of the State constitu tion. ! Married ia WflmiagtOBs The Fayetteville Observer says: "The wife of Walter Cotton, who was lynched at Emporia at noon Saturday, is a well known colored woman living in this city. , They were married in Wilmington several years ago, but have not lived together for some time. Cotton, while under sentence of death at Portsmouth, Va., made his escape several! months ago and since then committed a number of murders, burglaries, etc." Brave men Pall Victims to stomach, liver and kind ney troubles as well as women, and all feel the results in loss of appetite, poisons in the blood, backache, ner vousness headache and tired lisiiaee rundown feeling. But there's no need to feel like that. Listen to J. W. Gardner, Idaville, Ind. He says 'Electric Bitters are just the thing for a man when ! he is all run down, and don't care whether he lives or dies. It did more to give me new strength and good appetite than anything I could take. I can I now eat anything and have a new lease on. life." Only 50 cents, at R. B. Bellamy's drug store. Every bottle guaranteed. f AWFUL HORRORS BT I Sarsaparilla theVJjeautiful! vlllaee of BrlhtM HERBKKT L ENTRESS. Druegkt, I I Wilmington, N C. WASHINGTON NEWS BUDGET. Senate Officers and Emplojes Express Regard for Qcb. W. R. Cox Rep- reseotative Kitchio. Special Star Telegram.) Washington, D. C, March 28 The officers! and employes of the Senate held a meeting to day for the purpose of expressing their feelibg of high personal regard for Gen. V. R. Cox, of North Carolina, ihe former secretary of the Senate. AppropriMn' resolutions were adopted which will ba' communicated 10 mm at an ear w date. j The President has appointed Herbert Lloyd postmaster at Chapel Hill, N C. Representative Kitchin yesterday called on Speaker Henderson atid asked him to reconsider, so as to bring up the Senate bill making appropria tions for monuments for Generals Nash and Davidson. Speaker Henderst n said he could not do so at this session, owing to the many similar bills. Representative Kitchin to-day re quested thej director of the 'tensus bureau to put J. P. Clendenite, of Graham, Nj C, who has teen ap pointed to a position in the bureau, to work at an early date. The North Carolina delegation to day heard with regret the announce ment of thej death last night at Balti more of Congressman Kuttz's daugh ter, Mary "'Troy, ho recently uuder went an operation for appendicitis NEW Ys . C. A. SECRETARY. Woman's Auxiliary Planolng to Give Him a Reception Monday Evening The Ladies' Auxiliary of the-Y. M. C. A., under whose auspices thfe re ception will be given Monday night to the new general secretar?; Mr. W. W. Turner, of Chattanooga. Tenn , is ar ranging to afford him a royal welcome. Mr. Turner is expected in the .city some time this week, but the formal reception wiill not be given until the date named. Mrs. A. J Howell, Jr. who is pres ident of the auxiliary, has announced the following committees for the oc casion: ! Reception Committee Mrs. C. C. Covington (chairman), Mrs. A. D. McClure, Mrs. B. P. Hall, Mrs. M. S. Willard. Avv.11 oauLUCUb JU11J UJ iiicc ill I 0. A Pearsall, Mrs R. W. Hicks, Mrs. W. J. Crosswell, Mrs. W. H, Howell, Miss Blanche Fentrees. ; Decoration Committee Miss Clam Belle Woodward, (chairman), Mrs. H. H. 8mith. Miss M Smith, Mrs. J. J. Hopkins, I Mrs. G. D, Bernheim, Miss Van Dyke, Miss Hancock. Music Committee Mrs. John Prank, Mrs.jW. L. Latta. It is hoped to have State Secretary A. G. Knebel present at the reception and Mr. W. L, Latta is corresponding with him with this end in view. RIcbmoBd People Here. Quite a number of witnesses before the Master's hearing in the U 3. Cours room here are parties interested in the several cotton mills in Rich mond county. Among those who are here are Cameron Morrison, Esq., at torney for the Pee Dee Mills, of Rock -ingham; the R berdel Manufacturing Company, QFKoberdel:. .and tbe Steele Mill, n r Rockingham ; Messrs. R. A. Johnsi , G. P. Entwistle, H D. Gibson, J, L. G. Everett, and Rid MacRae, of Laurinburg. 1 , 'l -Columbus All Rljht. State Senator J. A. Brown, of Chad bourn, was jin the city yesterday, re turning to his home in the afternoon. He says that politics is beginning to "warm up" in Columbus and they are promised an interesting convention at Whiteville Saturday. The Star has on frequent occasions referred to tbe remarkable! solidity of Columbus on the Amendment question. Drying reparations pimply de velop dry caiarrb ; they dry up the secretions which adhere to the mem brane and decompose, causing a far more serious trouble than the ordina ry form of catarrh. Ayoid all drying inhalants and use that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleas antly. All druggist sell it at 50 cents or it will be mailed by Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St, N. Y. t Brs the ) no rd Yoa Have Always Bought Signature ef A L r