i fee W&LttMn gfeb.-: I problem conference! ' SENATE DISCUSSED THE NAVAL BILL. Section Relating to Armor Plate and Armament Being Un der Consideration. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Contested Election Case of Pearson Vs. Crawford from the Ninth North Car olina District A Vote to Be Taken To-day. tty Telegraph to the Horning star. Washington, May 9. Practically the entire session of the Senate was de voted to a discussion of armor plate, the section of the Naval Appropriation bill relating to armor and armament being under consideration. The de baito largely hinged on the proposition that the government should erect an armor plant of its own. Senator Till man presented an amendment limiting tbe price to be paid for armor to 1300 per ton and providing also that tbe government should erect a plant of its own. Senators Tillman, Money and Chandler advocated the erection of a plant, while Mr. Hale supported the committee amendment, providing for a plant in the contingency that armor could not be procured for $445 per ton. No action was taken on the proposi tion, the bill going over until to-morrow. dum from Bear Admiral O'Neil, chief of the naval bureau of ordnance, giv ing the latest available information on the subject of armor and particularly on "soft nose projectiles. " The mem orandum stated in part: "No armor that exists to-day, regard less of its thickness or quality, can re sist the power of the modern gun at short range. Therefore, the fact that armor can readily be perforated at short range must not be considered an indication that it is of inferior quality. It simply means that it is over-matched by the gun. Nat urally, that which is the most difficult to perforate is the most desirable." v All tests of armor, the memoran dum states, 'are made with uncapped projectiles and are exceedingly severe. The memorandum adds: "It is a well known fact that a soft steel cap attached to the point of an armor-piercing projectile increases its efficiency to a marked extent, any where from 15 to 20 and often to 25 per cant , and all such projectiles for the United States navy are fitted with caps. A few days ago at Indian Head a six-inch capped shell was easily driven through fourteen inches of harveyized armor, and the same has been done through eight inches of Krupp armor." . Senator Chandler, New Hampshire, who ia ex-Secretary of the Navy, said that if the United States was to build only the ships now authorized it might be well to accede to the de mand of the armor companies, but if we were to become a world power and build ships for the next twenty years it would be far cheaper to make a-uor at the government's own plant. At 5.15 P. M. the Senate adjourned. . House of Representatives. Washington, May 9. The-House Mayor Waddell of Wilmington Opened the Discussion and Was Enthusl astlcally Applauded. By Telegraph to the Horning Star. -Montgomery ALA,, May 9. The race problem conference begun at 10.80 o'clock to day. Mayor Alfred M. Waddell, of Wil mington, N. 0., opened the discussion with an address, largely dealing with the conditions in North Carolina. His statements were given enthusiastic ap proval. When he denounced the leg islation which enfranchised the negro as the meanest political crime in the history of nations, the audience of a thousand people cheered the sentiment as they did when he demanded a re peal of the Fifteenth amendment. In the galleries there were perhaps a including Booker T, Washington, of I Huntsville. . , Colonel John Temple Graves, of Atlanta, who followed Mayor Wad dell, was given an ovation by the au dienca. His plan for settling the ne gro problem, the separation of the races, met with favor, especially from the large number of ladies present. The hrst applause from the galleries where the negroes were seated greeted the introduction of ex Governor Wil liam" A. MacCorkle of West Virginia, who spoke earnestly And pleadingly for the negro in politics as well as in the arts and trades. "I was a rebel," he declared, especially in defending his position. "Don't call us rebels," said Dr. J. L. M. Curry, of Washington; good natur edly, and the interruption gave Gov ernor MacCorkle the- opportunity for defending the Confederacy and the South's cause in the civil war, in the most dramatic manner. ' The speaker denounced the method of restricting the ballot that has been employed in Mississippi and Louisiana, and which is proposed in North Car olina. Mr. W. N. Fickler of Lowndesboro, Ala., followed. He advocated the re peal of the Fifteenth amendment and declared that the white man of the South will not submit to negro domi nation even if it is necessary to employ force and fraud. This sentiment was loudly ap BOERS ATTACK v BRITISH FORCES. Attempt by Gen. Hutton to Seize a Boer Convoy .Repulsed After a Sharp Fight. BRITISH ADVANCE GOES ON. MIDDLE-OF-THE-ROAD POPS. National Convention at CfoclnnatIBntIer and the Pnsion Crowd Denounced by the Speakers. to day entered upon the consideration of the contested election case of Pear son versus Crawford from the Ninth North Carolina district. This is the fifth of the nine contested election cases to be considered by the House. The report of the majority in the Pearson. Cr&tvford case was against the sittice member, a Democrat, on the ground that Mr. Pearson's election was prevented by fraud, intimidation, bribery and bloodshed. The minority deny all tho allegations of the ma jority, pointing out that the district is normally Democratic. The debate to day was on party lines. Without preliminary business, the House entered upon the consideration , of the case. Mr. Roberts,' Massachusetts, who was in charge of the case, on behalf of the majority, made a proposition to vote immediately after the reading of the journal to-morrow. As an induce ment for closing debate to day, Mr. Roberts said he would move to strike from the majority report that portion in favor of throwing out the entire ote of Asheville. He did this, he said, because many gentlemen seemed to believe that the vote of that whole city would have to be eliminated to seat Mr. Pearson. This was, he said, not the case. With the vote of Ashe ville in, the majority figured out a ma jority of 155 for Pearson. Mr. Miers, Indiana, for the minori ty, rejected the proposition which , he declared indicated that the majority had already seen the handwriting on the wall. The vote of Asheville was not, he said, the only vulnerable point in the case. He said four hours on a side was the least he would accept. This, in turn, was rejected and Mr. Roberts entered upon his opening ar . gument in support of the majority re-1 port without any agreement having been reached as to the time for closing - the debate. Mr. Crawford, the sitting member, a Democrat, had 238 plurality on the face of the returns. Mr.; Roberts sought to prove that the race ques tion was the issue in the campaign in the Ninth district, and that by fraud, bribery, bloodshed and intimidation Mr: Pearson had been aeieatea. ne figured out a true plurality for Mr. "Pearson of 318. In the course of his remarks Mr. Roberts denounced the constitutional amendment and the new election law in North Carolina, which, he said, were designed to elim inate the negro vote. Mr. Roberts said he had offered to allow the vote of Asheville to stand because it was not necessary to throw it out for the establishment of his case and its discussion would only delay - the Case. ' Mr. Miers, of Indiana, presented the case of the minority in a lengthy ar gument, in which he charged that the majority had submitted conclu sions without a syllable of evidence or warrant of law. He called atten tion to the fact that the district-was . normally Democratic and that the election of 1898 was conducted under an election law passed by the Fii sionists. which gave the contestant s political friends control of the election machinery. All the charges of in timidation, bribery and violence were denied. Mr. Kitchin, of North Carolina, con cluded the debate, reviewing the ser vice in the House of both Mr. Craw ford and Mr. Pearson. The House at 5.15 P. M. adjourned. Night Sweats, loss of appetite, weak an.d impoverished blood, colds, la grippe and general weakness are frequent results of malaria. Roberts Tasteless Chill Tonio eliminates the malaria, purifies your blood, restores your appetite and tone up your liver. 25c. per bottle. Insist on having Rob erts'. No other "as good." R. R. Bellamy. t . By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Cincinnati, O., May 9. National Chairman D. Clem. Deaver called the convention of the middle-of-the-road Populists to order at 1.50 P. M. He introduced Mayor Tafel, who wel corned the delegates to Cincinnati in a brief speech, in which he gave e pression to what the delegates were pleased to interpret and applaud as Populist sentiments. When Chairman Deaver rapped for order there were on the floor of the Opera House 470 men and women oc cupying delegates seats and seventy five people in the galleries. National Secretary Jno. A. Parker was introduced to read the call for the convention. . Parker was received with applause. He said, "We have had a terrific struggle to hold together the honest men of the party, but 1 be lieve we have succeeded and the People's party is saved." He ex coriated Senator Allen and that gentle man's alleged remark at Lincoln: "We have thrown them over the transom." Parker declared that the People's party went over the transom at the same time and that 'Butler and Allen at Sioux Falls cannot sell and barter the vote of the People's party." - Chairman Deaver announced that the national committee had recom mended the selection of former con gressman M. W. Howard, of Ala bama, for temporary chairman. The convention unanimously ratified that recommendation. There were loud calls for Ignatius Donnelly of Minnesota. When he reached the footlights he was seized and lifted to the stage, where he was crreeted with continued cheers. Mr. Donnelly felicitated the national committee on its success in bringing together such a body of delegates. He declared the Omaha convention of 1892 nominated a man and gave him prominence which only enabled him to sell out his friends, and he ex claimed: "The traitors are now as sembled at Sioux Falls in obsequeous servility to the Democratic party, They are parting their coat-tails and inviting the bugs to kick them and every time they are kicked they thank God : and take courage." He de nounced Bryan and lauded Thomas C. Watson.- 1 TRAINS IN COLLISION. Man Accident on the Southern One I Killed Fonr Injured. By Telegraph to the Horning Star. Hardevillb, S. C, May 9. Trains Nos. 23 of the Plant system and 36 of the Southern collided at a siding here this morning. No. .23 was backing into the siding to permit No. 36, north bound, to pass, when the Southern train dashed up at forty-five miles -an hour and crashed into the other. The accident ii unaccountable for, as there is a stretch of two miles of perfectly straight and level track uo the siding. The night was clear and all lights were burning. John Jackson, colored, of Columbia, fireman of the Southern train, was killed The injured are C. T. Plane, E. M. Kearney, C. R. Watterson, Charleston, and A. C. Stanley, Jack sonville, Fla., all mail clerks. Both trains carried many passengers but none sustained more than bruises. A relief train with four physicians was sent from Savannah. The Savannah Cotton Exchange has received replies to queries with regard to the coming cotton crop from points in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, North and South Carolina, and Florida. They indicate that there will be an increase of 10 per cent, in tms year's crop over last year. Oar Greatest Specialist. For twenty years Dr. J. Newton Hathaway has so successfully treated ohwnriri Hineases that he is acknow ledged to-day to stand at the head of hia profession in this line. His exclu ;a mAthnd of treatment for Varicocle ami Htrirttni without the aid of knife n .ontnrv mires in 90 per cent, of all Tn the treatment of Loss of Vi tal Forces. Nervous Disorder, Kidney anri TTrinarv Oomnlaints. Paralysis, Blood Poisoning, Rheumatism, Catarrh and Diseases peculiar to wemen, ne u equally successful. Cases pronounced hopeless by other physicians, readily irinld to his treatment Write him to day fully about your case. He makes no charge for consultation or advice, either at ms oiace or py man. J. Newton Hathaway, M. Dm t ' 221 boutn uroaa du, Avianva, jth. Sharp Skirmishes Are of Daily Occur rence An Engagement Near Win bnrg The Boers Taking Up a Position -Near Kroonstad. By Cable to the Horning Star. London, May 10, 4:10 A. M. Gen eral Huttoh's mounted infantry brig ade, including the Canadians, with a part of General French's cavalry. crossed the Zand river Tuesday and began to work its way cautiously along the railway northward ia the track of the retiring Boers. About 8,000 horsemen were probably engaged in this advance. General liutton, before he was joined by a part of General French's force, had a sharp fight. This was on Monday, when ho reached the river and saw the Boer convoys on the other side and pressed forward intending to cross and capture them. The Boers, how ever, opened' fire with from eight to ten guns, forded the river above and below, seemingly in thousands, and sought to envelop the- brigade. Hut ton fell back several miles, the ttoers following until other British cavalry reinforced Hutton. During the night the Boers retreated, not further con testing the crossing. The Boer attack on Gen. Hutton does not indicate any such panicky condi tions as have been alleged to exist among them. Nevertheless, the British advance rolls on steadily. Gen. Broad- wood and Gen. Bruce Hamilton have penetrated fifteen miles beyond Win burg. - According to Boer advices sharp skirmishes are of daily occur rence, and there was a brisk rifle en gagement outside Winburg on Satur day. . From isoer sources come also the re port that in a skirmish outside Mafek ing, May 5tb, Colonel Baden-Powell was slightly worsted. The Transvaal Volksraad adopted resolutions on Tuesday expressing in- digaatio i at the British for not con -ducting the war in a civilized manner, for killing wounded Boers with lances, for using armed Kaffirs, under British officers, and for ill-treating prisoners. n j a. it i i irresiaent ivruger, alter ms iormai speech on Monday, said the British were prepared for war in 1896, as docu ments which the burghers had cap tured showed, but that the Transvaal to avoid bloodshed offered a seven years' franchise, and then a five years' franchise. "Great Britain still de manded war," he declared, "and the republic at length accepted the chal lenge. Even should the British enter the Transvaal and take Pretoria, the Boers will still remain a free people." Adelbert Hay was present when this speech was delivered. TheRaad continues in secret session. A dispatch credited to a semi-official source in Pretoria says: "The Euro pean powers have delivered a collec tive note to President Kruger, inform ing him that they will hold him per sonally responsible for the safety of me mines, ana, win suppuri. xjpgianu in eniorcing compensation in me event of their destruction." - Lord Roberts' Stern Policy. Cape Town, May 9. It is believed here on the arrival of the British at the Vaal river, a proclamation was issued annexing the Orange Free State to the dominion of the Uueen and demonstrating the determination of her majesty's forces to assert British supremacy over the annexed territory. The Boer losses at uranatort are now reported to nave been mucn heavier than was at first understood. After the battle British patrols visited the farm houses in the surrounding district and all the man were taken prisoners, while the horses and guns were removed. Lord Roberts is thus adopting. a sterner policy, with a view of prevent ing guerilla lighting in the rear or the British. Horses are now commandeered and farm houses where guns are found are, destroyed, while the men are ar rested. British Attack Kepnlsed. Smaldeel, May 8. Yesterday Gen. Hutton attempted to seize a Boer con voy that was leaving the Zand river. He advanced toward the river with mounted infantry, including the Cana dians. A long line of wagon was plainly visible. The Boers stopped their retreat and opened - fire with ten guns. They seemed in great force and threatened Hutton's flank. Presently mounted Boers were seen crossing the dry bed of the river. They circled to the right and began to enfilade the West Aus tralians, while many of the British were hit by Boer shells. The position became serious. The Boers sent up reinforcements, placing the Australians in danger of being cut off. Thereupon General Hutton ordered a retirement to Welgelegen, where he had left his own convoy. A portion of the forces advanced and en gaged the Boers to cover tnis retire ment, which was successfully accomplished. The Boers continue a 10 sneu ine re tiring troops, but showed no desire to press the attack- xurtner. Meanwhile the Boer trains streamed away northward, blowing up the cul verts as they went. The Boers' Movements. London, May 9. Although the British expected considerable opposi tion at the dimcuit aim oi me ziana river, the latest advices from Smaldeel, Orange Free State, indicate that the Federals are not yet ready to mane a determined attempt to stop Lord Rob erts' advance. The latter's front is so wide and overwhelming in numbers that it is difficult to see how the Boers can help being ousted out of Virginia Siding as they were out oimaiaeei, even if they elected to give battle. The same considerations would probably affect the situation at itroonstaa, hence the general belief that little real opposition will be encountered south K. . MM . 1 . ll 1 !J of the vaai. xne repairs w me cnages over the Vet river and the Vaal are expected to retard the general march from Smaldeel and Fourteen Streams for three or four days, when General Buller will also be ready. The general idea is that Lord ttoberts will direct Jiis right on Harrismith in order to get in touch with the Natal army coming through Van Reenen's pass. A dispatch from Maneru, dated May 8th, says the Boers have deserted both Ladybrand and Fickbburg in a pa nicky condition, owing to reports that the British had occupied Senekal, thus threatening their retreat to the Trans vaal. . London, May 10. Lorenzo Marques correspondent of the Daily Mail, tele graphing May 9th, says: . ! "Great dismay was caused among the foreign merchants here to-day by the new Portugese governor declaring bull beef, blankets and clothing con- COMMERCIAL. WILMINGTON MARKET. Ordinary Good ordinary. ...... Low middling. . . ..... Middling Good middling... i 6 13-16 eta. lb 8H rV 8 13 16 9 9 ' PRODUCE, MARKETS. By Telefcrach to the Kornlnsr star. New York, May 9. Flour STAR OFFICE, May 8. waa Same day last year middling quiet- rt..t o d pricL wkh SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market firm at 47 cents per gallon for ma chine made casks and 46 j cents per gallon for country casks. - KOS1N Nothing doing. TAR. Market firm at 1.35 per bbl of 280 lbs. CRUDE TURPENTINE. Market quiet at $1.85 per barrel for hard, $2.90 Jor dip and - for virgin. Quotations same day last year. Spirits turpentine steady at 404 40c; rosm arm at aoc(Sfi.uu; var nrm at $1.15; crude turpentine steady at $1.35 Z.4U. . RECEIPTS. Spirits turpentine. . 27 Kosm.... Ill Tar'...... 407 Crude turpentine. 49 Receipts same day last year. 92 casks spirits turpentine, - 484 bbls rosin, 93 bbls tar, 14 bbls crude turpentine. COTTON. Market steady on a basis of 9 Sic per pound for middling. Quotations: urainary. ; Good ordinary . Low middling. . JSliaaimg ...... Good middlinsr. Same day last year middling quiet at 6c. Receipts 105 bales; same day last year, 34 bales. COUNTRY PRODUCE. PEANUTS North Carolina Prime. 70c. Extra prime. 75c per bushel f 28 pounds; fancy, 77 XA 80c Virginia-Prime,- 50c; extra prime, 55c fancy, 60c. , CORN Firm; 53 to 53 cents per bushel for white. ROUGH RICE-Lowland (tide water) 85c: upland, 5060c. Quota tions on a basis of 45 pounds to the bushel. N. C. BACON Steady; hams 10 to 11c per pound; shoulders, 7 to 8c; sides, 7 to 8c. . SHINGLES Per thousand, five inch hearts and saps, $2.25 to 3.25; six-inch, $4.00 to 5.00: seven-inch, $5.50 to 6.50. TIMBER Market steady at $3.50 to y.uu per al. 6 13-16 cts. $ B 8 " " 8 13 16 " " 9M " " 78 42 30 48 32 PAMS CELERY COMPODHD Strengthens Muscle Tissues, Invigorates the Nerves, Makes Rich Blood. O. T. Crump, Richmond, Va.f writes : "For several weeks before I commenced using Paine'a Celeiy Com pound I had a tired and all-gone feeling, my blood became impure, and I was daily losing flesh. One of my friends advised me to use Paine's Celery Compound, and I found relief from the first bottle. I used three more bottles, and it made my nerves strong, my blood pure, and muscles firm. Paine's , Celery Compound is a resource for health, strength, vitality. BUBONIC PLAGUE. Fourteen Deaths at Port Said Disease at Alexandria and Smyrna. By Cable to the Morainz stari . Caibo, May 9. There has i been a total of fourteen deaths from the plague and seven cases of that disease at Port Said. At Alexandria there have been four deaths and five cases of plague. There is a suspected plague case at Damietta. Constantinople, May 9. A case of bubonic plague has been reported at Smyrna. London, May 10. The Daily-Ex-press publishes this morning a series of telegrams which illustrate the al larming spread of the bubonic plague, which is ravaging the shores i of the Red Sea and is rapidly increasing at Hong Kong, where they have been 65 cases in twenty days, and is spreading into aditionalal towns in Australia. AMERICAN T03ACC0 COMPANY. COTTON MARKETS. Annual Meeting Net Earnings of the Trust Over Five Millions. Bv Telearapb to t&e uornlnK Star. Nkw York, May 9. The report of the year- ended December 31st, sub mitted at the annual meeting of the American Tobacco Company to day shows: Net earnings $5,202,384, in crease $244,580; surplus $23,575,430, increase $1,017,741; deduct scrip divi dend, $21,000,000, leaves available sur plus $2,575,430; decrease $19,982,259. The retiring directors were re elected. Two new I directors were elected, they being B. L. Patterson, for a term of three years, and H. D. Lee, for a term of two years, j bt Telegraph to the Horninc Star. Nkw York, May 9. The cotton market was quiet today. The mar ket started with the present crop months one to two points higher on better British advices, the feature of the latter beiner larsre snot sales at full prices. New crop positions open ed off one to two points, under re ports of general improvement in af fairs in the belt. Up to midday there s little further cha jge in values, but early in the afternoon good weather predictions and promise of arcer recemts brousht out consider able long cotton and led to fairly ac tive short selling. Prices gave way sharply to this pressure and failed to fnllv recover much uo to the close. The market was finally quiet, with prices one point higher to two points net lower. New York. May 9. Cotton was quiet; middling uplands 9 He lAftion luiiures uitu-icii uivwcu 4iuo. May 9.67, June 9.51, July 9.48, August 9.22. September 8.51, October 8.26, No vember 8.05, December 8.04, January 8.05, February 8.07; March 8.10, Snot cotton closed quiet anasteaay; middling uplands 9c; middling gulf. 10Hc; sales 1,680 bales. NAVAL STORES MARKETS, Between 250 and 800 men will be turned off at the Washburn and Moen branch of the American Steel and Wire Company Saturday. Millions Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to the pub lic to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. The propri tnw of Dr Kinc'sNew Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bot tles of this ereat medicine: and have ih a satisfaction of kno win e it has ab solutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarse- nMn and all diseases Of the lnroat. Chest and Lungs are surely cured by it. Call on R R BELLAMY. Druggist, and c-et a 10c trial bottle. Regular size 50c. and $1. Every botUe guaran teed, or price refunded, j T OR I A Tor Infants and Children. Ths Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of !y TelezraDh to tbe Mornlnz Star. New York, May 9. Rosin was steady. Spirits turpentine steady. Charleston, May 9. Spirits tur pentine was steady at 47c; sales sks. Kosm quiet; sales iuu Darrein. Quote: O, D $1 15; E $1 20; F, fl 25; G, $1 35; H, $1 50; L$l 60; K, $1 65; M, $705; N, $2 20; W Ot. $2 35; W W, $2 55. H v v w ah. May 9. Snirits tur pentine firm at 47jsc; sales 686 casks; receipts 1,853 casks; exports 335 casks. Uosin firm ana uncnangea; , b&u 856 barrels; receipts 2,795 barrels; exports 422 barrels. OFFICE, May 4. SPIRITS TURPENTINE-Nothing doing. ROSIN-Nothing doing. TAR Market firm at $1.35 per bbl of 280 lbs. i CRUDE - TURPENTINE .Market quiet at $1.85 per barrel for hard, $2.90 for dip, ancL for Virgin. Quotations same day last year. Spirits turpentine firm at 40 j40c ; rosin firm at 95c$L00; tar firm at $1.15; crude turpentine steady at $1.35 2.40. ip RECEIPTS. Spirits turpentine. . Rosin Tar. Crude turpentine.. Receipts same day last year. 67 casks spirits . turpentine, 120 bbls. rosin, 78 bbls tar, 33 bbls crude tur pentine. - COTTON. Market firm on a basis of 9c"per pound ior middling. Quotations: Ordinary 6 13-16 cts f) lb Uood ordinary 8 " " Low middling 8 13-16 " " Middling 9M " " Good middling 9 " " Same day last year middling quiet at 5c. Receipts 135 bales; same day last year, 43. COUNTRY PRODUCE , PEANUTS North Carolina Prime, 70c Extra prime, 75c per bushel of 28 pounds; fancy, 77 80c. Virginia Prime, 50c; extra prime, 55c; fancy, 60c. CORN Firm; 63 to 63 cents per bushel for white. ROUGH RICE Lowland (tide water) 85c: upland 6060c. Quota tions on a basis of 45 pounds to the bushel. N. C. BACON Steady; hams 10 to 11c per pound; shoulders, 7 to 8c; sides, 7 to 8c. SHINGLES Per thousand, five inch hearts and saps, $2.25 to 3.25; six-inch, $4.00 to 6.00; seven-inch, $5.50 to 6.50. TIMBER Market steady at $3.50 to 9.00 per M. STAR OFFICE, May 5. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Nothing doing. ROSIN Nothing doing. TAR Market firm at $1.35 per bbl of 280 lbs. ; CRUDE TURPENTINE. Market qaiet at $1.85 per barrel for hard $2. 90 for dip and for virgin. Quotations same day last year.-! Spirits turpentine firm at 40 40c; rosin firm at 95c $1.00; tar firm at $1.15 ; crude turpentine steady at $1.35, 2.402.50. RECEIPTS. Spirits turpentine 71 Rosin 95 Tar 227 Crude turpentine 26 Receipts same day last year 23 casks spirits turpentine, 392 bbls rosin, 57 bbls tar, 41 bbls crude tur pentine. COTTON. Market firm on a basis of 9c per pound for middling. Quotations Ordinary Good ordinary ...... Low middling Middling Good middling ?6 " " Same day last year middling quiet at5c. Receipts 12 bales; same day last year, 5. COUNTRY PRODUCE. PEANUTS North Carolina Prime 70c Extra prime, 75c per bushel of 28 pounds; fancy, 7734 80c Virginia Prime, 50c; extra prime, 55c: fancy, 60c CORN Firm: 53 to 63K cents per bushel for white. ROUGH RICE Lowland (tide water) 85c; upland, 5060c Quota tions on a basis of 45 pounds to the bushel. N. C. BACON Steady ; hams 10 to 11c per pound; shoulders, 7 to oc; sides 7 to 8c SHINGLES Per thousand, five inch hearts and saps, $2.25 to 3.25; six-inch. $4.00 to 5.00; seven-inch, $5.50 to 6.50. TIMBER Market steady at $3.50 to 6.00 per M Receipts 149 bales; same day last year, 1. COUNTRY PRODUCE. J PEANUTS North Carolina Prime, 70 cents ; extra prime, 75 cts. per bushel of 28 pounds; fancy, 7754 80c. Virginia Prime, 50c; extra prime, 55c; fancy, 60c i CORN Firmj 53 to 53 cents per bushel for white. - ROUGH RICE Lowland (tide water) 85 cents; upland 5060c. Quotations on-a basis of 45 pounds to the busheL T ' . N. C. BACON steady ; hams 10 to 11c per pound; shoulders, 7 to 8c ; sides, 7 to 8c. SHINGLES Per thousand, five inch, hearts and saps, $2.25 to $3.25; six inch, $4.00 to 5.00; seven inch, $5.50 to 6.50. TIMBER Market steady at $3.50 to $9.00 per M. 7 ' X STAR OFFICE, May 8. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market steady at 46J4 cents per gallon for machine made casks and 46 cents per gallon for country casks. ROSIN Nothing doing. TAR Market firm at $L40 per bbl of 280 Bs. CRUDE TURPENTINE Market quiet at $1.85 per barrel : for hard, $2.90 for dip, and for virgin. Quotations same day last year. Spirits turpentine quiet at 8938c ; rosin firm at 95c$1.00; tar firm at $1.15; crude turpentine steady at $1.85. 2 402.50. RECEIPTS. Spirits turpentine. 40 Rosin 75 Tar.; , 130 Crude turpentine 18 Receipts same day last year. 87 casks spirits tiirpentine, 392 bbls rosin, 72 bbls tar, 24 bbls crude turpentine. COTTON. Market firm on a basis of 9Mc per pound for middling. Quotations: Ordinary 6 13-16 cts $ lb Goodordinary 8 " " Low middling 8 13-16 " " Middling... 9M " " Good middling 9H " Same day last year middling quiet atSc. Receipts 18 bales; same day last year, 48. - COUNTRY PRODUCE. PEANUTS North Carolina r Prime, 70c. Extra prime, 75c per bushel of 28 pounds; fancy, 7780c. Virginia Prime, 50c; extra prime, 55c; fancy, 60c. CORN Firm, 53 to 55 cents per bushel for white. ROUGH RICE Lowland (tide water) 85 cents; upland, 6060 cents. Quotations on a basis of 45 pounds to the busheL N. C. BACON Steady ; hams 10 to 11c per pound; shoulders, 7 to 8c; sides, 7 to 8c. SHINGLES Per thousand, .five inch hearts and saps, $2.25 to 3.25; six-inch, $4.00 to 5.00; seven-inch, $5.50 to 6.50. 'TIMBER Market steady at $3.50 i 9.00 per M. mills holding firm. Choice bakers also were in good demand. Wheat Spot easy; No. 2 red 79tfc. Options opened steady and were sustained during the forenoon by steady cables of a bullish government report and moderate cov ering. : Weakness developed subse quently and on large deliveries of con- . tract wheat, and a smash in the May option. Closed easy at H&Ho net decline. No. 2 red May closed 71c; July 72c September 73o. Uorn Spot weak; No. 2 44& Options opened steady . with wheat, but afterwards turned heavy, especially on May, . owing to free deliveries and weakness abroad. Closed weak at &3c net' decline. May closed 43 He ; July 44Uc; September 44fc. Oats - Spot dull i No. 2 27c; options slow and entirely nominal. Lard -firm;' refined quiet; South American $8 0O;continent $740. Pork quiet. ' Tallow easy. Butter firm.. Western creamery 1620c ; State dairy 1519c. Cheese irregular ; fancy laree white 10 c; fancy large colored 10 10Jtc; fancy small white 99c; fancy small colored 99c. Eggs steady; Southern at mark HJi13c; regular packing at mark 12&12c; State and Pennsylvania 1314o at mark. Potatoes quiet; New York $125 1 62; Florida $3 006 50; Jersey sweets $2 503 25. Cabbage auiet; Florida, per crate, $1 601 75. Freights to Liverpool quiet. Petroleum steady. "Cotton seed oil steady and a trifle more active for distant delivery on prime summer yellow. Quoted : Prime crude, in barrels, 84 c nominal; prime sum mer yellow 37Jc prompt; off summer yellow 3737 -butter grades nominal ; prime winter yellow. 4042c; prime white 4041c; prime meal $26 00. Coffee Spot Rio irregular; No. in voice 7c; mild quiet; Cordova 9 13Kc. Sugar-Raw steady; fair refining 3 1516c; centrifugal 96 test 4 7-16c; molasses sugar 3c; refined quiet. Chicago, May 9. A drop of one cent a bushel in May wheat at New York, a poor export demand and heavy May deliveries, continued liqui dation of small holdings depressed corn, July closing at a decline of fc Oats closed a shade lower. Provisions ruled strong and closed with material gains all around. The activity of Vesuvius is becoming more formidable and the observatory officials announce that the seismic in struments are extremely agitated. A thick column of smoke is rising from the crater and the earth shocks . are violent. ror wver fifty Teirt Mrs. WinslowV Soothing Syeup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething trith perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer im mediately. Sola by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for " Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other. t STAR OFFICE, May 9. . SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market steady at 47 cents per gallon for machine made casks and 46 cents per gallon for country casks. ROSIN Nothing doing. . TAR Market firm at $1.40 per bbl of 280 lbs. CRUDE TURPENTINE. Market quiet at $1.85 per barrel for hard, $2.90 for dip, and for virgin. Quotations same day 4ast year. Holiday. RECEIPTS. Spirits turpentine 43 Rosin 41 Tar... 69 Crude turpentine 15 Receipts same day last year. 33 casks spirits turpentine, 270 bbls rosin, 59 bbls tar, 10 bbls crude tur pentine. COTTON. ' Market firm on a Basis of 9Mc per pound for middling. Quotations: Ordinary. 6 13 16 cts. $ ft Goodordinary...... 84 Low middling 8 13-16 " " Middling 9 " " Good middling 9 " Same day last year Holiday. Receipts 228 bales; same day last year, 22. COUNTRY PRODUCE. PEANUTS North Carolina Prime, 70c Extra prime, 75c per bushel of 28 pounds; fancy, 77J4 80c. Virginia Prime 50c; extra prime, 55c; fancy, 60c. CORN Firm, 53 to 53X cents per bushel. ROUGH RICE Lowland " (tide water) 85 cents; upland, 50 60 cents. Quotations on a basis of 45 pounds to the bushel. N. C. BACON -Steady; hams 10 to tic per pound; shoulders, 7 to 8c; sides, 7 to 8c. BHXNGLHS3 For thousand, nve inch hearts and saps, $2.25 to 3.25; six inch, $4.00 to $5.00, seven-inch, $5.50 to 6.50. TIMBER Market steady at $3.50 to 9.00 per M. LOCAL SECURITIES. - Quotations on local securities, furnished and regularly corrected by Hugh MacBae & Co. : CXO 17 7 O 7J 1SH O Q 1 40 1 oa 1 80 1 1 0 O SB 8 75 0 00 O 7 00 14 00 WHOLESALE PRICES CURREKT, Tbe quotations are always given as accurately as possible, but the Stab will not b responsible tor any variations from the actual market price of the articles auoted BAQGINQ . alb Jute.. Standard... Burlaps WESTERN SMOKED Hams m . Bides s snouiaersy DRY SALTED Bides y Shoulders BARRELS Spirits Turpentine Second-hand, each New New York, each New City, each BEESWAX B BRICKS 1 Wilmington in Northern ..t BUTTER J jNonn uarouna v " Northern CORN MEAL Virginia Heal S3 COTTON TIES bundle...... 1 89 Sperm.. Adamantine CHEESE V lb Northern Factory vairy uream State COFFEE D Laguyra Rio... DOMESTICS . Sheeting, 4-4, V yard Tarns, v bunch of 5 t.... EGGS V dozen -. FIBH ' ' Mackerel, No. 1, V barrel... Mackerel, No. 1, half -bbl. Mackerel, No. 8, barrel... Mackerel, No. 2 naif -bbl.. Mackerel! No. 8, ll barrel . . . Mullets, V barrel Mullets, Vpork barrel n. u. Hoe-uerring, v Keg.. Dry woo, d 30 O 5 85 O ;?0 . ko A a-fc t0 I'M 5 13 8 & 11 18 - 13 ' isa 14 imi ia r 13 Q 18 1 K n a 70 10 11 80 00 15 00 18 UU S 00 14 00 4 00 8 SO 23 00 11 00 IB 00 8 00 13 00 8 75 8 00 8S6 5 10 4 85 4 50 8 60 8 75 , 4 00 ' 4 60 13-16 8H 8 13-16 cts lb -STOCKS. BID. ABKXD. A. C. L. of Conn., 5 per ct. Certs 110 A. C. L. of Conn., stock 23) A. C. L. new preferred W. 1 10 A. C. L. Of 8. C 52 A. O. L. new Common. W. I ......... . 64M. Wilmington & Wel don .-. 838 w. &. w.TperctCerts 140 N.C.R.R . 157 Wilmington Compress Co ueigaao bluib Wilmington Cotton Hula, pfd Wilmington uaa ugnt uo uarouna insurance uo Underwriters' Insurance Co..... National Bank of Wilmington.. . Atlantic National Bank Murchlson National Bank....,. W1L Bavlnm & Trust Co :.. Blue Ridge National Bank no 70 110 1C6 110 800 H2tf 800 110 Warren Manufac'lngOo., preferred. 103 l mills.......... 101 Abbeville Cotton 1 Rnnt.hAm fVittan Milla Piedmont Manufacturing Co 185 Facolet Manufacturing Co 850 F. W. Foe Manufacturing Co 128 Anderson Cotton Mills 128 Pelzer Manufacturing Co 185 Union Cotton Mills, preferred ..... 102 Avondale Cotton Mills Orendel Cotton Mills 105 Clifton Manufacturing Co 180 Orr Manufacturing Co 103 BONDS. 112K 285 105H 259 67 845 144 161 . 10 118 115 74 115 113H 105 110 101 2C0 132' 200 106 110 200 105 FLOUR Low grade Choice Straight First Patent 4 25 GLUE-? 10H OBAiN y nusnei Corn, from storcbgs White Oar-load, In bgs White... Oats, from store Oats, Rust Proof... Cow Peas HIDES f Green salted.. Dry flint Drv salt HAY v 100 s Clover Hay Rice Straw... Eastern Western North River HOOP IRON, fl ft. LARD, W Northern 7 North Carolina 8 LIME, barrel 1 10 LUMBKH (city sawed) y m rt Ship Stuff, resa wed..- 18 00 Rough edge Flank 15 00 west maia cargoes, accora 68 58M 40 8 45 SO 10 l? 8 1 00 40 60 90 1 00 90 1 00 80 85 8H 4M 8M 10 1 15. 109 106X 180 Brave ITIen Fall Victims of the stomach, liver and kidney troubles as well as women, and all feel the result in loss of appetite, poisons in the blood, backache and tired, listless, run-down feeling. , But there's no need to feel like that. Lis ten to J. W. Gardner, Idaville, Ind. He says: "Electric Bitters are just the thing for a man when he is all run down, and doa't care whether he lives Or dies. It did more to give me new strength and good appetite than any thing I could take. I can now eat anything and have a new lease on life." Only 50 cents at R. R. Bel lamy's; Drug Store. Every bottle smaranteed. t Am - j9 The Kind Yoa Have Always Bought Signature of STAR OFFICE, May 7. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Nothing doing. ROSIN Nothing doing. TAR Market firm at 11.40 per bbl of 280 lbs. CRUDE TURPENTINE. Market quiet at $L85 per barrel for hard, 13.90 for dip and for virgin. Quotations same day last year. Spirits turpentine steady at 4040c; rosin firm at 95c$L00; tar firm at $1.15; crude turpentine steady at $1.35, 2.402.50. RECEIPTS. Spirits turpentine 40 Rosin....;.... S32 Tar..... 181 Crude turpentine 78 Receipts same day last year. 31 casks spirits turpentine, 214 bbls rosin, 92 bbls tar, 5 bbls crude turpentine. OOTTOH. Market firm on a basis of 9c per pound for middling. Quotations: U. 8. 3'S 1908-1918, con N. 0.4'B N. C. 6'8 City Wilm, con. 5's, gold, 1932 lis uity wum. con. o b, cur.... City Wilm. 5's 1919 100 City Wilm. 6's : 101 Masonic Temple 1st 6'a. 105 Masonic Temple 2d S's Wilmington Compress Co.'a 5's 85 Wilmington fiWeldon 5's. 119 A. C. L.4'8 100 N. H. County 6's, geld ... City of Wilmington 4'a. 1929 103 MARYLAND REPUBLICANS. 109M 107J? 137 115 105 iota 105 H 1032 ins to duality IS 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned. 18 00 Scantling and Board, com'n 14 00 Common mill BOO Fair mill 8 60 Prime mill 8 60 Extra mill 10 CO MOLASSES V gallon fiarbadoes, In hogshead. .... Barbadoes, In barrels.. - Porto Rico, In hogsheads 98 Porto Rico, In barrels 88 Sugar House, In hogsheads. IS Sugar House, In barrels.... 14 Syrup, In barrels , IS NAILS, ji keg. Cut, 60d basis... 8 95 PORK, V barrel CitrMess .....4 18 00 Bump ii ou Prime 11100 ROPE, 10 SALT. V sack. Alum... ; . . Liverpool , 90 American. 85 On 125 Sacks SHINGLES, 7-lnch, per M 5 00 oommon tn w Cypress Saps . 9 60 BUOAR. V Si Standard Oran'd Standard A White Extra O . Extra O, Golden....... n Vnllnw SOAP, Northern MQ BTAVES. m w. o. oarrei... . o oo B. O. Hogshead... TIMBER. M feet-Shipping.. 80 SHINGLES, N.O. Cypress sawea V BUM anutM.i.,1 . Ban S 90 00 18 00 18 00 883 00 15 00 860 8 00. tlO 00 10 50 7 50 6 00 800 8 00 otu. ............... 6x8 Heart....... ....... San 6x24 Heart..... 8 00 ' Sap 6 00 TALLUW, T WHISKEY, y gallon. Northern 1100 oarouna i w North WOOL oar Unwashed 15 State Convention Delegates to National Convention Instructed for McKinley. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Baltimore, May 9. The Republi can State Convention met to day at the Academy of Music. The proceedings were harmonious and the session brief. Delegates to the National Convention were instructed to vote for McKinley 'a re nomination. The platform warmly endorses the administration ot Mc Kinley, both at home and abroad, con demns trusts and arraigns the local Democracy upon charges of corrup CATARRH LOCAL and CLIMATIC Nothing bat a local remedy or change of climate win cure CATARRH. The 8peclflcls Ely's Cream Balm It la quickly absorbed, ntves Belief at once. Opens and cleanses i the -Nasal Paa&Mras. Allays Inflammation. Heals ana protects ine Membrane. Restores the senses of Taste and SmelL No Mercury- No Injurious drug. Be- SMy maTte: 66 Warren street, New York. fills COLDMiEAD j

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