- PII1UMM T : viLMINGTON, N. 1.00 A YEAR. IN ADVANCE. SS8BS88S8S888S8SS S33g388Sgggggggij SSSSSSSSSS8SSSSSS i'"W 9 IdoooodoooooooOooc ' I 88888888888888888 82888888388888888 888888S888888888S 8288S882288888888 38888888888888888 . 8 1 : i : i i : , t - . irmt nt the Pint Office at t.'ilmtgtna, N. C, as Second Clasi Ma'.ter.l SUBSCRIPTION P ICE4 The subscription price of the "We . Jy Star It f 'V Copy I year. oostaMMld... fft . n . , - . ............... 8 months S month. " SO AN OBJECT LESSON FROM NEW ORLEANS. , . ; A few days ago a desperate negro; resisting arrest in New Orleans shot and killed two police officers, and seriously, if not fatally, wounded a a third. He then made his escape. The next day his Priding place was discovered and surrounded, bat be fore he was shot he shot and ' killed half a dozen officers and citizens, and wounded several more. ' , . The' city has been throws into in tense excitement, which has not bcn. equalled since the lynching several years ago of those members of the Mafia who had assassinated a police officer. It was with great difficulty and after' most strenuous efforts by 'the city authorities "and the more conservative citizens that the populace was restrained from wreaking indiscriminate vengeance upon the negroes, although it was not known thsft any wero implicated' with the assassin in the killing of these officers and citizens. - It seems that he was a desperate negro and was known to be such by other negroes, and by many of them. In an editorial, commenting upon this, and the known character of this negro desperado, the New Or leans Times-Democrat says: The .Times Democrat has received a number of letters from worthy colored me a of New Orleans in which they ex press their detestation of the acts of thesw negro hoodlums and criminals, bjir protest that the race as a whole should not be made to suffer on their account, and that prejudice should not be created against them because of the misdeeds of others any more than that whifv men should beheld to account for the crimes of other whites While this is undoubtedly true, it is impos sible to overlook the fact that the mgrus as a clas do nothing1 to help the c-mimutiily in punishing the out laws of their 011 race, but on the con ' trarv, they show every disposition to srueid and shetlter them. Take this very man Bobeit Charles, for instance. It must have been evi dent to hundreds of negroes who knew him that he was a dangerous agitator, that with his fanatical hatred of the whit race he was certain sooner or later to commit some such crime . as that of yesterday. Those who knew him, were well aware that he bad com mitted some crime elsewhere proba bly murder for which he . feared ar rest here; knew that he went heavily armed, and that he had sworn to kilJ any ollicer who tried to arrest him. Those to whom he distributed his incendiary 'literature must' have known that such appeals to race hatred and revenge would inevitably lead to bloodshed. They were told that "the oppession of the negro by the white men had reached a ' point where endurance was unbeara ble;' that "they were tortured by v?hite. human devils," "robbed by white employers," and that "the crush ed trampled spirit of the negro must assert itsel f." Such lessons could only lead to-race riots or murders like that of Day and Lamb the murder of the policemen because they were officers -of the law. Yet the respectable negro' element, who must have been acquainted with these things, many of whom had seen Charles' papers and pamphlets, or who knew Charles himself, gave the police no hint or-warninc did nothiner tonre- vent anid check a crime which they should have seen in advance. If they would not see strife stirred up be tween the races by incendiaries life Charles a strife from which they themselves will be the worst sufferers they will recognize that it is to the interest of themselves and their race to help the white people, to assist the officers of the law in arresting all "negro criminals and outlaws, in get ting rid of or "locking up all danger ous negroes, and thus preventing crime a better method than punish ing it." Wo are not especially interested in what happens in New gleans, but this incident presents an object lesson for the people of this State at ""this time when such efforts are being made by unscrupulous dema ' gogues to excite negroes and array them against the white people of the State. And these are not negro incendiaries, but men who call them selves white men and wish to be re garded and treated as white men. If there were any extenuating circum stances in the case of either it would be in the case of the negro incendi- . ary in New Orleans, who was proba bly an ignorant , as well as a. lawless fellow and was influenced by his race prejudice and race hatred. We have white incendiaries going tround this State among the negroes, 11 of whom can't plead ignorance, for they are men of average and some of them of more than average intelligence, telling the negroes sub atantially what this lawless negro murderer in New Orleans tola the the negroes Jthere, that they are oppreBsed, downtrodden, and that the proposed constitutional amend- 7 VOL. XXXI. ment is but the precursor to further oppression. One of these incen diaries went so far as to condone assassination in another State and indirectly incite negroes to it by virtually justifying it . in advance. ihis incendiarism has already brought forth its fruit,, not in mur der, but in violence and midnight burnings, Tin one of which murder was barely averted, as the family in the burned house narrowly escaped with their lives. The white men who are engaged in this infernal work of banding the negroes against the . whites know better and know the danger of what they are doing, for they know the inflammable temperament of the ignorant -mobs they talk to, and know the race hatred that dwells in the hearts of many of them, and yet knowing that, they for base and mercenary purposes, advise these negroes' to organize, to band to gether, and with arms if necessary, to protect tneir rights. This iff crimi nal and it is basely mean, for if these banded negroes acting upon the ad vice given them should provoke conflict, these white incendiaries would not be any where around to help shield them or share the punish ment that would be inevitably visited upon them. Fortunately for the negroes of this otate the better class of them are counselling the more thoughtless of their race to beware of the men who are arraying them against the, whites, men who are, staking all things into consideration, more culpable than this New Orleans uegrd incendiary and murderer, who has paid with his life the penalty of his murders. THE ONLY CHANCE. J. A. Pritchett, of Greensboro, has been a Bepublican ever since the Republican party was organized in North Carolina. For many years he has been a magistrate, and is now. When the constitutional amendment was submitted to the people he announced that he would vote for it, and at once the Republi can managers began to bring pres sure to bear to bring him on their side. He was "interviewed" by some of the bosses who tried to .whip him in, but failed. That his party friends may know where he stands, and why, he publishes the following in the Greensboro Patriot: "Editor Patriot: I have been in terviewed by a number of my Bepub lican friends as to how I stand on the political issues of the day, and espe cially as to my attitude toward the greatest issue since 1861 that of the amendment, and I take this method of answering all such inquiries. "This is the only chtoee the present generation has had or will have to set tle the great question of white subre macy, and I am aligned with the white people. I believe the amendment will prove to be best for the white man and best'f or the colored man. Others differ from me, a privilege I would not deny, but these are my honest convictions and I mean to stand by them. "I intend to vote for the dispensary as well as the amendment; and. last but not least, I will not vote for any man who will vote to return Marion Butler to! the U. S. Senate in case he is a candidate before the next Legisla ture, and this compels me to -vote for the Democratic legislative ticket, as all my party friends are wearing the Bauer fntchard halter. "J. A. Pritchett. " He properly characterizes the constitutional amendment as "the greatest issue since 1861," the settlement of which will determine whether North Carolina is to be ruled by her competent white citizenship, or be left at the mercy of thejwgro mob, led by an unscrupulous and mercenary gang of white office hunters, of whom Marion Butler, whom Mr. Pritchett patriotically wants to relegate to private life, is a typical representative. A CHARACTERISTIC MISREPRE SENTATION. The anti-amendment machine run ners and stumpers are nothing if not tricky. There is not an honest bone in them, and when not engaged in deliberate lying they are resorting to trickery that ought to put to shame a side show fakir. The latest mis representation is reported as coming from Cy Thompson, who in some of his speeches tries to deceive white voters by asserting that the grand father clause doesn't amount to miias itfwill apply only to those personrswiiose ancestors were enti tled to vote-in 1867 and are still liv- f ihg, but not to thoseehose ancestors then entitled to vote are dead. The , man who would indulge in such a trasparent misrepresentation as that with the hope of fooling some innocent-minded person, not only insults the intelligence of the people he thus talks to, but adver tises his own dishonesty and dis credits his own sense, for rot like that wouldn't pass in a lunatic asylum. They must be very hard .pressed when they resort to such miserable fakes. Lightning struck a negro in Mary land Wednesday, while he was clos ing a window, killed him, tore all his clothes from his body, 'melted the watch he wore and set nre tonne house. TheHre, however, was ex- tingished before the house was much damaged. 1 HI WENT TO THE WRONG MAN. It iff said that Marion Butler ' has become so rattled by the task which he has undertaken in this campaign mat ne doesn't always Know what he is doing and gets things and peo ple badly mixed. A case in point was when he sent the following to the chairman of the Democratic committee of Forsyth county, in stead of to the chairman of the Populist committee, if they have one there, or to the chairman of the Bepublican committee, for either or both of whom it was evidently in tended. It reads: "Peophs Party of North Carolina. Office of State Executive Committee. Marum Jiutier, unairman ; Hal W. Ayer, vtce-unairman; K. B. Davis, Secretary lialeigh, N. C- "My Dear Sir: I have just billed Hon. Baylus Cade to speak at Winston, Wednesday July 25th. "Please advertise this speaking at once thoroughly all over your county. I know the notice is.short, but this is why I am writing to you. Get out as large a crowd as possible for this speak ing and it will probably be the means of helping you to carry your county. Your county is one .of those that we have on our list that must be carried, ana if we carry it ana others we are counting on we will have a big major ity in the Legislature. "Attend to this matter promptly and let me hear from you. , - "Yours truly, "Marion Butler, Ch'm. 'July 20, 1900." We don't think the "Hon."(?) Baylus Cade orated there, as Chair man Joyner didn't care to accommo date Butler by going out and whoop ing up the faithful for him. But there is one part of this letter worthy of note, in which Boss But ler states that Forsyth is one of the counties which they (that is he, Pritchard, Holton and Abe Middle ton) have down on the list which must be carried for the Legislature. If they carry these counties which must be carried they will have a "large majority in the Legislature" and then Marion would feel pretty sure of going back to the Senate and holding on to that si years, $30,000 job. Must is an imperative word. It means a good deal, and these fel lows are. desperate enough to under take anything to carry the counties that must he carried. They have shown that already, but the Demo crats- are on to their games. It . is reported from Washington that Mr. McKinlev will knuckle to the pension attorneys and appoint Pension Commissioner Evans to the Postoffice Department as First As sistant r. M. to nil the vacancy made by the resignation of Perry S. Heath. They have been working for a good while to get Evans out of the Pension Office, where his reform efforts do not suit them. Mr. P. B. Slocomb, chairman of the Bepublican committee in Cum berland county, has resigned, giv ing as a reason that nearly all his friends and kindred in Fayette villa are Democrats and he can't afford to antagonize them to run the Re publican machine. Sensible young man. We haven't heard much from South Africa since the fall of Pre toria, -but it has been recently brought out that 12,O0O troops have been sent to Gen. Roberts since then. And the grab bill is growing to co lossal proportions, nearly 1400,000, 000 already. All King Richard wanted was a horse, although he wanted that, very much, but Gen. "Bobs" wants a lot of horses, as the 30,000 he had when he began his march to Pretoria are about nlaved out. dead or almost useless. In Hamburg they tax dogs by weight, the more the weightthe more the tax. In this country the weight don't make 'any difference. The people who would like to see see dogs taxed are waiting yet. W. W. AstQr left this country because it wasn't tony, enough for him, and became a Briton. Since then, according to the Prince of nr.l.. L. 1... J...lAtiAi1 inf't . ttnnA " n ttiei) ue una uctdiupcuiuvv a uu, whatever that is. Texas and Mississippi, in1 both of which considerable attention has been eiven to pecan culture, will have large crops this year. The trees are said to be literally loaded with nuts. A hundred year old female deni zen of Cincinnati says she has heard of George Washington, but never had the pleasure of meeting him. George didn't visit her town much. ' Morion Butler should have his brains taken out and washed. They are getting muddled. Deeds Recorded. The following real estater transfers were recorded by the Register of Deeds yesterday: Thos. Bivera and wife to Martin Rathien. property 50 ft, 2 in. x70 ft. 9 in. on Sixtti street between Swann and Harnett, for 1600. TtamV F. . Brittain to K. T. Mason, tract of property on the north western nnrner oi inira nu vv uuawar ibwi for $300. Weekly WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, ATJGTJST 3, 1900. GREAT DAY IN DUPLIN Impressive and Formidable Dem- onst ration by the Democracy at Kenansville. THE MARCH FROM WARSAW. Procession Two Miles Long Great Caval cade of Red Shirts A Lesson to Pa- slonists Speakers Meeting at Clinton Saturday. Special Star Telegram. Raleigh, N. O.,, July 26. A special to the News and ' Observer says this has beerni Bed Shirt day in Duplin and no such political demonstration has .ever been enacted as was witnessed at Kenansville, The recent arrest and trial of Dick Williams, registrar, has aroused the county from border to border. . The coming of Aycock into the county to day furnished the Dem ocrats the opportunity to manifest their interest and enthusiasm. It was the greatest crowd that eve assembled in Duplin and it was the most demon strated gathering that has come togeth er during this campaign in any part of the State. The march from Warsaw to Kenansville, a distance often miles, was one grand continuous swell of hurrahs and cheers. The proces sion, when it landed in Kenansville, was two miles long. There was a measured mile of mounted Bed Shirts, marching two abreast. They had come in battalions from Warsaw, Wallace, Faison, Rose Hill, Magnolia and Chinquepin. Impressive Scene. It was the most impressive and formidable scene that has been wit nessed in this section of the State. It taught the Fusionists a lesson that they had been refusing to learn. Du plin county is safe for the Amendment and the ticket by six to eight hundred majority, and all attempts at intimida tion cannot change it, or affect it, ex cept to make the majority greater. Aycock added another gem to his crown of matchless oratory and won the crowd in an hour's powerful speech. They wanted the "Pure stuff, straight from the shoulder," and they got it. V "Can Butler or his cohorts intimi date such men and women as these or 'their sons or daughters!" asked Mr. Aycock, and a thundering "No" came from ten thousand throats. Hon. F. A. Woodward preceded Mr. Aycock in one of the best speeches of the campaign. Neither Mr. Aycock nor Mr. Woodard were among strangers. The Duplin county people know and love them both. Mr. B. F. Aycock. Democratic nominee for the state enate, was present, and in response to a continued call of several minutes he arose and gave them one of the effective speeches for which he is noted. Foretells a Oreit Victory. Dr. Faison, of Faison, was called out by the cavalcade of Bed Shirts, and, arrayed in a red shirt himself, he made a spirited speech. The meeting at Kenansville was an other one of those mammoth county gatherings that has for weeks and weeks been foretelling a great victory for white supremacy. Dr. Faison called for Bed Shirt volunteers to meet Aycock at Clinton Saturday and a great crowd of nearly Jour hundred volunteered. Atlantitn Caught a Shark. Mr. Thos. W. Jackson, ofAtlanta, Ga., who has been visiting Mr. Thos. H. Thompson, at Southport, related to a Star reporter yesterday a rare ex perience with a 100-pound shark. While out fishing Thursday afternoon in the bay at Southport with several friends, he suddenly found that he had a larger fish on his hook than he had bargained for. He soon discov ered that he had a shark to contend with! The monster assumed a very pugnacious disposition at once and for a while it seemed that the occupants of the boat would be thrown into the deep. But finally, after a hard strug gle, he. managed to pull the shark within ten feet of the boat and shot it with his pistol, thereby ending the fun. Mr. Jackson says he has had sufficient experience with sharks un der such circumstances. Ordered to San Francisco. Mr, Lonnie B. South erland, a very popular Wilmington boy, who is now a paymaster's clerk in the army, sta tioned at Chicago, has been ordered to San Francisco for duty at once. The Chicago papers speaking of the ordering of Maj. H. B. Belknap, who is Mr. Southerland's superior officer, to San FranciscoT say that the proba bilities are that this means duty in the Philippines or China, owing to the ac tivity in the movement of troops at present. . "ORNATE AND APPR0PRHTF Raleigh Post.' The day of genuine oratory has not assed from the Old North State. There have been more efforts in which the elements of srenuine eloquence and superb rhetoric have prevailed in this campaign than for years. We cannot undertake to enumerate thespeakers of the occasions when this has occurred, but will take the - liberty of refer ring to two short efforts, which really are classicalisms. These were the speeches made by Hon. Clem Manly ana .Hon. unas. maniy Bieaman, in. introducing the Old Man Eloquent General Ransom, at Winston and Greensboro respectively. We have never read anything more ornate or more appropriate. , . a This has been a campaign of fervid oratory an well as of honest, sincere, patriotic argument and appeal. - transferred TO charlotte Mr. L. P. McKenxle, Wilmington Manager for Annonr Packing Company, Re celves Deserved Promotion. Mr. L. P. McKenzie, for seven years past manager ofjhe Armour Packing Company's branch house at Wilming ton, and one of the best known and most highly esteemed business men of the city, has been promoted by his company to the position of manager of the Charlotte branch house and his duties here will cease Tuesday. He will be succeeded by Mr. J. P. Somers, of Augusta, Ga., who will arrive to day or to-morrow to begin his work. Mr. McKenzie and family will, how ever, not leave Wilmington until Tuesday week. Their departure will be attended by much regret- on , the part of a host of friends in this city. Mr. McKenzie i a member of the Wil mington Chamber of Commerce and of the Board of Managers of the Pro duce Exchange. He is exceedingly popular with his Dusiness associates and his estimnble family also n amber their friends by the score. . As a token of their high regard, the employes of the Armour Packing Com pany yesterday afternoon updn learn ing the. news of .Mr. McKenzie's contem plated departure, presented him with a handsome silk umbrella with gold mounted , handle. The presentation took place at the Palace Market and Mr. McKenzie received the gift in words of deepest appreciation and as surances of his pleasure at realizing the generous motive which prompted it. m FAMOUS BATTLE GROUND. Directors of Moore's Creek Monumental Association Met at Carrie Yesterday. May Purchase Lillington Hall. The annual meeting of the directors of the Moore's Creek Monumental Association "was held yesterday at Currie, 'and there was a very large attendance. The meeting was called in order to transact routine business' and to decide upon several matters of importance which were before them. Bruce Williams, Esq., of Burgaw, who is vice president of the Association attended the business session yester day and told a Star reporter that the most important matter decided upon was the appointment of a committee to ask the Legislature to amend their charter in order that they may pur chase the old Lillington Hall, near Rocky Point. The remains of Gen eral Lillington are buiied there and the place was headquarters of the Colonial leaders in the State in Re volutionary times. They are very anxious to incorporate that ' historic spot in their valuable possessions. The big celebration Will not be held until the date of the anniversary of t) famous battle, which is February 27th. The grounds at the present do kot af ford the necessary conveniences and comforts for the large number of peo ple who would attend ther celebration. The directors will endeavor to have everything in perfect readiness before the next anniversary occasion. If the bill which is now pending in Congress, asking for $10,000 to be used in beauti fying andpreserving the cemetery, passes that body, they will have suffi cient funds to carry out their plans fully. All the old officers were re-elected. They are as follows: Jas. F. Moore, president ; Bruce Williams, vice presi dent; B. P. Paddison, secretary; Gea. J. Moore, treasurer. The above are all from Pender county. RED SHIRTS AT WILSON. Had a Big Demonstration and Speaking There .Yesterday. Special Star Telegram. Wilson, N. C. July 28th Maj. W. B. Shaw, of Vance made one of the greatest speeches ever made here in behalf of White Supremacy 'to-day. Three thousand' red-hot, enthusiastic Democrats were congregated about the Court House square and showed their approval of the manly utterances of the Major by great and frequent out bursts of applause. Major Shaw was followed by Capt. T. W. Mason in another powerful speech which will have its effect upon this and adjoining counties represented here to-day. This has been a great day for the Democracy of Wilson county. Before the speatong there was a magnificent parade of the military, Confederate Veterans, citizens and 250 Bed Shirts. Put Wilson county down for 1,500 majority for good government and White Supremacy. New Disease Of Dogs. Dr. Thomas B. CarroU, veterinary surgeon, has recently made investiga tion of a disease which is killing many dogs in the city and which ap pears to be epidemic with the canine race. In the cavities of the hearts of several of the animals upon which Dr. Carroll has performed a post mortem examination he has found a species of parasite in the form of a long worm. The heart is affected to such an extent that the lower jaw is . paralyzed and death results in from two to three days. A sample of the parasite found has been forwarded by Dr. Carroll to Dr. Hassell, of Washington, with re quest for a preventative. It is believed that in many cases dogs have been Jrilled for hydrophobia when they were only affected with the complaint dis covered by Dr. Carroll. ' ' About seventy-five persons left yesterday afternoon on the excursion to Charleston via the Atlantic Coast Line. They will return Tuesday. tar. AYCOCK AT CLINTON. I Spoke to Five Thousand Enthu siastic and Determined Peq- ! pie There Saturday. THERE WAS NO DISTURBANCE Day Passed Off Qnietly and "Many Popu lists Renounced Fusion and the "Nig ger"Red Shirts Were Present r .in Abundance.. ' 4 Special Star Telegram. Clinton, N. ' C, July 28. Hon. Chas. B. Aycock concluded the last full week: of his wonderful campaign for 'white supremacy in North Caro lina here to-day, and his speech was one which gave great encouragement and added inspiration to that which even before the speaking was at fever heat. Five thousand people, a large per cent, of whom wore the prevailing red shirt, were present and to them Mr: Aycock delivered what is pronounced by many the greatest speech of the en tire campaign. Hon. F. A. Woodard also spoke and made a favorable im pression. A sumptuous dinner was spread and the great congregation of honest people frond three counties Wayne, Duplin and Sampson sat down and were filled. The threats of Populists that they would make trouble for Aycock here probably increased the crowd, and many of Mr. Aycock's own people from Wayne were here attired in red shirts and anxious to uplift a hand in defence of their idol in case trouble came. There was no disturbance what ever, and without a doubt much good was accomplished for the Amendment. Democrats were greatly enthused and 'determined, and several Populists openly declared after the speaking against fusion and the "nigger." Messrs. Aycock, Woodard and the Wayne and Duplin's contingents left on this evening's train. Case was Discharged.' Hunter Keathon, the small colored boy who turned in the false fire alarm Friday evening from box 18, corner of Seventh and Harnett streets, was be fore Mayor pro tern. Springeryester day and was discharged. The evidence showed conclusively .that the negro was entirely ignorant of the offence. He was sent out to mail a letter, found the fire alarm box open, pulled down the lever, and the fire department re sponded to his call instead of the mail carrier. Vessels Chartered. le following vessels have been iartered for Wilmington or are bound to this port: Schooner Charles C. Lister, 266 tons, Robinson ; at New York. Schooner J no. C. Gregory, 323 tons, Hutchinson; at New-York. Schooner Carrie Strong, 412 tons. Strong, sailed Philadelphia July 14th. German barque Cerastes, 571 tons, Bass; sailed Rotterdam July 9th. Norwegian barque Louise, 621 tons,' Tonnesen; sailed Hamburg, July 19th, Brig If. C. Haskell, Wingfield, 299 tons; at Barbadoes. Fayettevllle Excursion. An excursion from Fayetteville and intermediate points on the A. & Y. railroad arrived in the city yester day morning .and was carried on through to Wiightsville Beach. The excursion was run by Mr. A. M. Hall, of Roseboro. Capt. Landon C. Jones was in charge or the train, xnere were five coaches and about 300 people. The train left at 8 o'clock last night UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER. Lord Roberts' Reply to the Boer General Christian De Wet. By Cable to the Horning Btar. London, July 28. A special dis patch from Cape Town says: "General Christian De Wet has offered to surrender, on condition that his followers be permitted to return to their homes unmolested. Lord Roberts has refused anything except uncon ditional surrender." A dispatch from Lord Roberts to the British War Office yesterday said: "Broadwood is still watching. Chris tian De Wet, who has taken up a posi tion on high hills hear Beitzburg, about seven miles south of the Vaal. P. De Wet, a younger brother of Christian, surrendered at Kroonstado yesterday." S Cape Town, July 28. Consul Gen eral James G. Stowe has gone to Pre toria. He will probably proceed- at once to Kruger's headquarters. THE THIRD PARTY. Circulars Sent Out for the Mass Conven tion to Be Held In Indianapolis. Bv Telegraph to the Morning Star. New York, July 28. Copies of the call for a mass convention, issued at Indianapolis last week, were received from the printer to-day at the head quartern of the third ticket move ment and - the work of sending them out was begun at once. The circular will be mailed to men all over the country who are known to be sympathizers with the movement, and to many of those who have written letters to the committee and offered to co-operate and work for the third ticket i ARRESTED IN HAVANA. Estes O.-Ratbbone, Recently Director of Posts In Cuba. . By cable to the Horning: Star. Havana, July 2a Estes G. Bath bone, recently director general of posts in Cuba, was arrested at U o'clock to day on four charges. These allege the unlawful drawing of two orders for $500 each, paying his private coachman and gardener irom the postal runds, and drawing per diem allowance when not entitled to do so. Mr. Bathbone was held in bonds of $25,000. NO. 41 SP,R,TS Sanford -Express: At some places in the State the negro cooks are boycotting the families who are work ing for white suprmacy. --. Jonesboro Progress: We regret to learn that Mr. Jas. A. Campbell was killed by,, being run over by his team last Monday afternoon. Southport Standard: A forest fire raged for some time In the commu nity of Lebanon, it being set by light nuig, striking on Sunday afternoon. We have not yet heard the damages, if any. Concord Standard: , Mr. wl B. Dewese, deceased, many years ago laid aside several gold dollar pieces which he instructed his family to use in paying for his coffin. They were Monday paid to Bell, Harris & Co. and are quite interesting to examine. Mount Olive Advertiser: Not a single white woman, two hundred Populist and one hundred negroes as sembled in the tobacco warehouse Fri day afternoon to hear one of Senator Butler's political death spasms. As he failed to materialze, one Bob Maxwell, of Duplin delivered a few remarks. Monroe Journal: Thebarn of Clarence Perry, who lives near Win gate, was struck by lightning Saturday afternoon. A cow and mule were killed and the barn caught fire and was destroyed It is said that there is not a single white man in Lanes Creek township, who will vote against the amendment. Monroe Enquirer: A negro named Ford, who lived near Waxhaw, and had been giving the white men a great deal of trouble, found a coffin in front of his door a few mornings since. A placard on the coffin said "Git." In the language of his colored neigh bors, "He has done got." He left that same day. Salisbury Truth-Index: Mr. Jacob Honbarger, of China Grove, died Tuesday morning as the result of being sunburned about two weeks ago. Mr. Honbarger's shoulder was blistered while he was in the sun, but no attention was at first paid to it. It grew worse, however, and blood poison finally resulted. T Bed Springs Record: Vance Taylor committed suicide July 17th4y shooting himself in the head with a 44-caliber pistoL He lived till 3 P.M. next clay. 7 His girl refused him that morning, and he was in trouble be cause he was not able to start a block ade still he had. on hand. The revenue officer got itthat night. Smithfield Herald: Ex-Reverend Fet Peedin said last week while speaking in opposition to the Constitu tional Amendment that if it passed and became a law it would be such that it would disfranchise Jesus Christ if he were here on earth. He mentioned the fact that the Bible informs us that he never took a course in the schools. Fayetteville Observer : Thomas Fort, the young white man from Hope Mills, who was to have been tried be fore 'Squire Oyerby yesterday, on the charge of carrying concealed weapons, iailed to aoDear and forfeited his bond. on which Mr. Deens was security, for $50. Fort is also under a $500 bond for his eppearance at court on . the charge of attempted criminal assault. Wadesboro Messenger-Intelligencer: At Troy, Montgomery , county, Thursday, Deputy United States Mar shal Cox arrested Registrar B. O. Fry, who was charged with refusing to reg ister . negroes. The warrant was sworn out by Daniel Pankey, a negro. All the witnesses are negros except I. M. Deaton. Mr. Fry wai ved examina tion and asked to be allowed to give a five thousand dollar bond. United States Commissioner Moore would take only a thousand dollar bond for his appearance before him on the 6th day of next August. Winston Sentinel: Mr. N. Glenn Williams of Yadkin county, is one of North Carolina's leading farm ers. His wheat crop this year thresh ed out 5,8151 bushels. . This was grown on 220 acres. His individual crop amounted to 5,659 bushels. Av erage per acre was 25 5-11 bushels. His best field of wheat was 37 acres, which produced .1,210. - The twelve year-old son of Mr. "Bun" Nelson was killed by lightning Monday evening, three miles from Piedmont Springs. It appear that the boy was coming down the stairway when the house was struck. He was found at the bottom of the steps dead. The clock in the house was torn to pieces. MINISTERS WERE MURDERED. Report Brought to Shanghai by a Russian Banker Who Left Pekln on the 7th of July. By Cable to the Horning star. London, July 28, The Daily MaiTa Shanghai - correspondent telegraphs that a Russian banker, who left Pekin July 7th and arrived at Shanghai Wednesday, July 25th, says that when he left Pekin all the legations had been destroyed. The full text of the Daily MaiVs telegram is as follows: "Shanghai, July 28, Newpapers ere miblish a statement bv an influ ential banker residing in Pekin, near the British legation, who arrived in Shanghai July 25th. having left Pekin July 7th. He states that the legations were then destroyed. All the foreigners had diappeared and he could not say positively if they had been murdered, as he was too frightened to inquire." ' The MaiVs correspondent proceeds: "Investigations prove this informa tion is reliable. The banker in ques tion has gone to Ning Po. His friends will not disclose his name, fearing that to do so would cause him to lose his head. "The manager of the Bussian bank at Shanghia has received a letter from the bank's New Chwang branch, stat ing that one of the Chinese .representa-' tives from Felon who has just arrived, confirmed the report or the rekin mas sacre. He states that all the foreign ministers were murdered. Seeing death was inevitable as the Chinese swarmed into the legation, the min isters killed their families at the last moment Sir Robert Hart, in despair, com mitted suicide. President McKinley has promul gated an order drafted by the marine hospital service, establishing a national quarantine against Cape Nome and Dutch Harbor, Alaska, on account of the epidemic at those points. . ' A limited number of scholarships is being offered by Littleton Female College, Littleton, N. C, to young ladies without property preparing to teach who apply at once. The de mand for teachers holding diplomas from this institution has been increas ing for several years and during the past year went beyond the supply, t SAYS MINISTERS ARE WELL Imperial Edict by thfeXAinese Emperor - That All Except German Minister Are Alive. : V ' BrToieJtraDhtothaMorninKStar. Washington, July 2a The Chi nese minister came' to the State De partment early, expressly, to deliver an edict received by him to Secretary Hay. It is similar in form to the edict published yesterday in London. The minister says that the only differences are those involved in separate transla tions. Mr. Wu's translation of Sheng's dispatch is as follows: ' ' "Edict of 28th of the Bixthr moon (July 24th) states that fortunately all ministers, except Baron von Ketteler, are alive and unhampered. They are now being supplied with vegetables, iruit an.a provisions oy me govern ment to snow its sympathy for them If Mr. Wu had any doubt as to the safety of the ministers, it seems to have been dissipated by this edict He labored earnestly with Secretary Hay to convince him that he was bound to accept this official declaration of the Chinese government. He pointed out that this last declaration did not repre sent merely the belief of a minor official or a viceroy; it was the solemn declaration of the Chinese govern ment. The Secretary of State has received a dispatch from Mr. ' Fowler, the American consul at Che Foo, dated at midnight on the 26th: This morning, by request of the allied admirals, I wired to , the gov ernor (supposed to be Governor of Shang Tung)-their wish to get news from the ministers themselves. The governor now replies: "Have received to day an edict from the Emperor saying that the ministers are well. They are sending provisions to the legations. Am confident min isters - are out of distress and request you (Fowler) to transmit this prelimi nary announcement to admirals. (Signed) "Yuan, Governor." A later dispatch from Mr. Fowler, dated 1 A. M., 27th, to the State De partment, is as follows: . "Another telegram from the gover nors: 'Have just .received imperial edict oL24th, saying the various minis ters, excepting German, are well: and some days ago had supplied provisions to the legations. Am satisfied the min isters are out of distress. (8igned)- . "'Yuan.'" The Secretary has also received a cablegram from U. S. Consul MoWade at Canton, stating that Viceroy Tak assures him the ministers were all alive and well on July 24th. A GREAT AIR SHIP. Trial Trip as Witnessed by U. S. Consul Dubois, on Lake Constance, Switzerland. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Washington, July 28. United States Consul General Dubois, at St Geall, has sent to the State Department an interesting account of a trial of a great air ship, witnessed by him, which took place on te afternoon of July 2d, at Manzell, on Lake Constance, Switzerland. The great ship, 407 feet long and 39 feet . in diameter, and contain ing seventeen separate balloon com partments filled with hydrogen gas, was floated out upon the waters of the . lake on a raft Count Zeppelin and Mr. Eugene Wolf, the famous ex plorer, together with Baron Bassus, who accompanied the party as meto roloftist, were in charge of the trial. When all was made ready the balances were adjusted so as to give the ship an ascending direction, the propellers were set in motion, and with the wind blowing strongly at twenty six feet per second the cigar shaped vessel made a slow grace ful ascent, and started on her cruise through the air. For a' totall distance of ten miles the ship soared high above the lake, reaching at one time an elevation of thirteen hundred feet above its waters, when it. suddenly stopped Bhort, set tled gradually and floated safely on the water. The case of the sudden stoppage in its flight was a slight mis hap to the steering apparatus, but this happening created no danger, as the vessel sank upon thn surface of the lake without taking any water. The trip consumed about fifty min utes. The fastest time made was five miles in seventeen and a half minutes. The ship weighs 22,000 pounds and , cost considerably over $200,000. QUIET IN NEW ORLEANS. No Fresh Outbreaks Reported Mllhla and Special Police Force Are ) Still on Duty. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. New Orleans, -July 28. Mob vio lence seems to have spent itself, and the city if not actually serene is at least more quiet than it has been for several days. No fresh outbreaks are reported. The burning of the Thomas Lafon schoollast night was evidently the crowning piece of mob violence. Mayor Capdeville believes that law lessness such as that which has shocked the community during the past few days can only be suppressed with force. He said to day that he had no inten tion of disbanding the special police or discharging the militia until the last vestige of mob violence has disap peared. Both of these branches of martial government will be held in readiness for several days. Amongthe communications received by the mayor to-day was an offer from the "leading , citizens" of Tangipahoa of a sufficient number of able bodied men to "annihilate the negroes of New Orleans." At police headquarters to-day every thing seemed to be quiet . Affidavits were made against tnose parties wno were arrested yesterday charged of harboring the negro Robert Charles. The identification of the latter was made complete and the negro will find a resting place in Potters field. The grand jury is investigating theotiots. ROCKHILL'S MISSION. Sent to China to Ascertain Conditions for Guidance of State Department. Br Telegraph to the Heratng Star. Washington, July 28. Special Commissioner Bockhill- called at the State Department this morning and had a final conference with Secretary Hay respecting his mission to China. It was not deemed proper to make public the exact instructions given to Mr. Rockhill, but it in stated gen erally that he is being sent out to ascertain the condition, in unina ior the guidance of the State department and to serve as its direct representa tive and that in case itjshould oe neces sary hereafter to conduct negotationi there instead of in Washington. There also is the possibility that a commis sioner will be required on the spot in case anything in the nature of an in ternational commission in created to leal with the Chinese question. Mr. bockhill left Washington this after noon for the Pacific slope. .-7 1 I) if,' i mi is i i

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