t s js w I x i ii y a i i MESSENGER KILLED, AND SAFE PpJNPERED. WILMINGTON, N, C . -' .- AT - t1.00 A YEAR. IN ADVANCE. " II II II 11 A nrrti-ir--rr-r--rr- -n - V.- . .: . H W WAV UU V V A D j jLJL-llJd V V JUJJLld-JLN II A JL .k 11 jt Ifu,. yf - ; . , . mr ' vwT ' : ' - - " ' - i. H SS8S88SS88S888S8S ---'-'xn-n-i5tS5 SSS8SSS8SSSSSSSS3 moo 11 si 8888888888888888 88S88888888888SSS 14100 5 82888S8SfIH8l8TI ipnom I wiDeiiHogiiifa 888888S8888888888 "-S5SS528S?5SSSS VJAV 8288S88S88S888888 nioaieooHeiieectenea 88888888888888388 id U a, 3 s 1 J 3 :KniereJ at the Po : Office M Wilmtgton, N. C., at wwuu vun nuii i ex. i SUBSCRIPTION P.ICE. The inbscriptioa price ol the "We-kly Star b as iingle Copy 1 rear, postage paid ..tl CO 6 months " " ........ WMIUI ........ ' SO THE UNKNOWN QUANTITIES. I Us the- unknown quantities that are perplexing the political cam paign managers this year. This is true of all campaigns but it is more so this year than ever before, be cause these unknown quantities ex ist in elements which -were four years ago found supporting the Republi o:in candidate for the Presidency. It is the uncertainty as to where the bulk of these will be found at next election, that is giving the Republi c.vx managers so much concern, while the Democratic managers feel hopeful if not absolutely confident th.it a very considerable number of them will desert McKinley and sup port Hry an, enough of them to turn tho scales and elect him. That the result of the election will turn upon the action of these now unknown quantities is generally conceded, and that is-whjr'so much effort is being imaile by the Republican man- II agersto hold these elements in line, y and bythc Democratic managers to wiu yu-i'iu. ;; This, no doubt, accounts for why Mr Bryan in his Indianapolis speech devoted himself almost -x-f cliisively to the discussion of the question of forcible expansion. If this were the only issue McKinley aron'M be beaten before the campaign be;'.in, for there is little question t!i it the conscience of av large : ma jority of-American voters is against t!i;it. Proof of this i3 furnished in tin; efforts of the Republicari mana gers to make the silver question the paramount issue and thus subordi nate the question of imperialism. II which tiiey feel to bo a dangerous one, oho that will not stand the test ef full and free discussion. For some time they have been try ing to work up a scare among, what they call the "sound money" voters, namely, the gold Democrats whoiq voted for McKinley four years agcT or for Palmer and Backner,. which wa3 practically the same thing, and the UepubUcan anti-imperialists who vote l for McKinley then, but are showing a disposition to break away from himnour on the expansion issue. It is said that the anti-Imperialist Laau-j numbers a membership of about .0Q,000. Its greatest strength i3 in thoEa3tern States, where the Republican majorities are sufficient ly large to make them safe for the Re publicans, regardless of the way the anti Imperialists may vote, but they are not entirely satisfied of that for they have forced Senator Iloar to take part in the campaign and stul tify himself by speaking for McKin ley, whose expansion policy he con demned in the Senate as the" sum of human villainies. - They have en deavored to press Thomas B. Reed into the service' in Maine, but he is "too busy," and they have sent as a defender into that State Mr. Bar rett, ex-Minister to Siam, who we believe was once & Democrat, but is now a McKinley expansionist. The fact that they deem it necessary to defend the policy of expansion in'a section so distinctly ' Republican shows that they are fearful even of that. But of all the uncertain factors it is the German American vote which is giving the Democrats the most hope and the Republicans the most" concern, "for there are enough of these in the debatable States to turn the scales if they vote with anything approximating solidity. To a man, almost, the Germans are what are called "sound money" men and hence appeal are now being made to them to continue their support of McKin ey on the ground that there is noth- - mg in imperialism and the election i bryan will ultimatelymean free silver. What effect this is going to nave remains to be seen. If they can to pursuaded of that the possibili ;tlea are that the bulk of the German American voters can be kept inline fr McKinley, but if the Republican 8care-makers fail in this it is equally Wain that tho bulk of this vote Wl11 8 for Bryan, and if it does it is equally certain that ho will be elected. Xew 'York will be a battle Pound but the, battle 'royal will be " JJe Central Western States. One the reasons that makes the Dem Y 80 hopeful of, carrying New 'k is the feeling of the German- Americans of that state, in the in terior of the Stato which is nomal ly Republican. But it is in the Western States where this vote is regarded as theneciding faction and where the greatest - efforts will be made to hold or capture it. To give some idea as to the importance of this vote in these 'states we pub lish the following table giving the number of German-Americans, the number of German-American voters, and the number the Democrats must gain over the last election to elect Bryan, assuming , that McKinley does not draw "votes from other sources to offset losses. German Democrats Ak, . Population. Vote, most gain. OnlO .....807,000 181,400 &.000 iR?Ia.na 821,000 64,000 9,000 I!nol8 962,000 192,001 72 000 Michigan 880,009 76,000 89 000 Wisconsin 751,090 150,000 52000 Minnesota 8344109 66.800 gr.coo . ,, Nebraska has 196,000 Germans with 39,200 votes, Kansas 150,000 with 20,000 votes, but Bryan carried both of these States four years ago so that it is not necessary to . draw heavily on the German vote to carry them this year; If the German sentiment is so antagonistic to ex pansion as it is represented to be, and they be not terrorized by the free silver scare, there is enough in these figures not only to inspire the Democrats with hope, but to make them feel very sanguine of carrying many if not all of them for Bryan. DELIBERATE MISREPRESENTA TION. , Since the New York Sun threw off its Democratic disguise and went over to the Republican party it has been one of the most vindictive and malignant slanderers of the South published in the North. It has on several occasions since the recent election shown its malignancy and disregard for the truth. The fok lowing is a sample: ', "A Raleigh dispatch to the Rich mond Times is a sufficient cmnmen tary upon the 'election' in North Car- olina. The Democrats of that State elected to disfranchise most of the negroes, donned red shirts, loaded their 'guns,' and demonstrated to everybody who had a rational desire for longevity that it wasn't safe to op pose the North Carolina constitutional amendment that wipes out two amend ments to the Constitution of the Uni fed States. " 'The Democratic victory of yester day,' says the Times' dispatch, 'will sum up between 50,000 and 60,000 for the State ticket and the amendment. Fifty, or sixty thousand, seventy or eighty thousand, what difference does it make? The indications are that the victory shall be large enough to carry the amendment and . to carry terror into the hearts of those who op posed it" No man expects justice or fair play for the South in political matters, from the partisan Republican organs of the North, for there never was an election in the South in which the Democrats were victories when the victory was not attributed to intimi dation, violence, shot-guns, &c. That's an old story and we do not expect anything else, but a paper claiming a reasonable amount of re spectability should have some regard for the truth. If the Sun was half as anxious to learn the truth about North Caro lina as it to misrepresent her people it could very easily have learned why the the constitutional amend ment and the Democratic State ticket were carried by such a large majority, in which there is nothing surprising when not only the Dem ocrats of the Stato voted for them but nearly all the Populists and thousands of Republicans including thousands of negroes. There never was a quieter election in the . State, not because there were shotguns in it,but because tho opposition was indifferent and lost respect for their leaders whose pretty .dickering to hold office disgusted even .the rank and file. The1 Sun knows, or should know, 11 this and yet it proceeds with its deliberate, cold blooded, malicious misrepresentation. But with what grace does this sort of slander come from a paper which when posing as a Democratic paper, and not wishing to support Cleveland for the Presi dency, made its fight for the Dem ocracy On Negro Domination in the South, which was its slogan during the entire campaign. Patrick Henry McGuire, of New York, bears a good name and has recently achieved fame as a. sprinter. He is 84 years old and passes most of his time reading under the shade of the trees in Central Park. The other day a crowd Of bad boys con cluded they would tease him, and during the performance one of them threw a stone which struck him. They old matt dropped his book, they scattered and he gave chase for two blocks when he captured the one who threw the stone and handed him over to a policeman, and then returned and resumed his reading. Willie Sing, a ConnecticnTchina man, isn't paying much .attention to the racket the Boxers are raising, but devotes it to raising truck to feed the denizens of Bristol. Among his products are heads of lettuce as big as cabbage heads and Weighing ten pounds. He is a daisy on miscellaneous greens, ' too. THEY KNEW IT. We clip the following from the Salisbury Truth-Index: "Editor Click, of the Hickory Mer cury, who has been assistant editor of the Caucasian during the campaign, was in Salisbury last night on his way to Raleigh. Mr. Click says the result of the, election' was not a surprise at Populist' headquarters, as It was teen several days before the election how things were going." Mr. Click was assistant editor of the Caticasian; he knew what was going on at the Populist headquar ters, and he tells us that the result of the election was not a surprise to Marion Butler and his assistants in these headquarters, for they antici pated the result several days before the election. Nearly every intelli gent person in the State knew that they had given up hope of defeating either the amendment or the State ticket, and yet Marion Butler had the gall on the night of the election, when the returns were coming in and when it,was pretty well known in Raleigh how the election had gone, to send a signed telegram to the Washington Post claiming the State by a "majority of 00,000, provided the fusionists were not cheated in the count. This in the face of the fact acknowledged by his assistant, Click,1 that he had given up the election and knew how it was going several days before. When he knew how it was going he sent out circulars begging con tributions, assuring those he wrote to that the prospects for victory were bright, and when his only ob ject in soliciting these contributions could have been to use them in trying to carry a majority in the Legislature, which would have in sured his return to the Senate. Con sidering his deliberate misrepresen tations and his deception' of his own people all that is left of Marion Butler is a nauseating odor, j . ' ENT COMMENT. Mr. Bryan's speech appears of appalling length, but no one who readsbeyond the opening-paragraphs will put it aside before he has reach ed tho end. It is an- exceedingly able speech, clear, coherent and log ical and an earnest as eloquent, and all the more forcible -because- it is confined closely to one subject, which he takes as' the significant leading issue that typifies all the general issues of the campaign. Philadelphia Times, hid. The great speech delivered by Mr. Bryan in Indianapolis yesterday will ring through the nation with a force which? will attract the atten tion of the people. The speech is notable for' its omissions as well . as for the point which it makes proper ly prominent, and it fixes the issue for the campaign with a clearness which cannot be mistaken. , It is a complete answer to the inquiry in The New York Commercial Adver tiser: "Is there any difference be tween the Bryanism of 1900 and of 1896?" Atlanta Constitution, Dcm. The democratic Jparty can well rest contented with the presen tation of the issue of imperialism made by Mr. Bryan in his speech at Indianapolis yesterday. it is the most complete and logical argu ment which has yet been submitted. If any evidence were needed to prove Mr. Bryan's ability, it is amply found in this address. Mr. Rryan's speech irlong, but it is worth read ing. It is the ablest, almost logical, and thoughtful, as well as the most adroit and plausible, presentation of the question-of imperialism which has yet been submitted to the Amer can people. Washington Post, Ind. NEW ROUTE ESTABLISHED. Calabash and Little River, S. C, Have Improved Postal Facilities Instruc tions About Rural Delivery. The Wilmington and Little River Transportation Company has been awarded the contract for the carrying of the United States mail on a new route recently established between Wilmington, Calabash in Brunswick county, and Little River,. S. C. A postoffice route agent recently visited the city and upon his recommenda tion a semi-weekly schedule was in augurated, leaving the city by steam boat on Monday and Thursday morn ings and returning on Tuesday and Friday afternoons. The mail for this district was formerly sent via Chad bourn, Conway and by Star route. The new schedule gives' the people a more prompt service and 'they are very ap preciative "of the same. Iredell, Wampee and Hand postoffices are also supplied on this new route. The con tract is from August, 1900, to Au gust, 1901. - The postoflice authorities here have also recently received instructions from the- department that on and after August 1st; the drop letter rate of one cent will not' be effective in the free rural delivery limits. The rural delivery will not increase or Otherwise, however, modify the present rate -of post age on- second-class matter. Further orders have been received that rural free delivery carriers will not bring to the postoffice mail matter collected by them which may be delivered on their routes before completing their trips. mm -"' ' Dr. D. B. Jordan, of Cronly, N. G, was here yesterday. He says that Contractor Fergurson, of Bladen boro, has recently completed an arte sian well at Cronly for the Acme Manufacturing Company. A copious supply of pure water has been secured at a depth of 257 feet WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, AUGJJST 17, 1900. VANCE HONDMENT. Invitation Received by Wilming ton Light Infantry to Par ticipate in Ceremonies. WILL VERY LIKELY ATTEND. Acting Adjutant General Has Granted Permission for the Company to Go. No Impediment Should Be Put in Its Way. Aside from the very large delega tion of Confederate Veterans, which Wilmington will send to Raleieh upon the occasion of the unveiling of the Vance Monument there August 22nd, it is very probable that she will also send a number of citizens individually and a military company to take part in the parade which has been planned for the event. - The Wilmington Light Infantry has been tacitly considering the matter for some time and yesterday7 an invitation was received by the company to take part in the ceremonies and also an order from Acting Adjutant General J. C. L Harris granting the organization permission to attend. Following is the invitation and order from the Adjutant General: Raleigh, N. C, August 7, ItfOO. To the Captain of Co. C, Second Regi ment N. C. State Guard: Dear Sib : The Committee on In vitation cordially invite you to take part in the parade on the occasion of the unveiling of the monument to the memory of the late Governor and Senator ZebulonB. Vance, which will take place in the city of Raleigh nn the 22nd day of August, 1900. The com mittee regret that they have no funds at their disposal to pay any expenses incidental to the parade, but the rail roads have put the transportation of troops on the occasion at a very low figure, and the trains will be so run as to enable yon to arrive in Raleigh on the morning of the 22nd in ample time to participate in the ceremonies and re turn by the afternoon train. Trusting that your company will unite with other troops in honoring with their presence the memory of the great North Carolinian, whose death will ever be deplored by the people. v We are, yours very truly, Jos. G. Brown, C. M. Busbee, Committee on Invitation. Raleigh, August 9. 1900. To the Captain of Company C, Second Regiment N. C. State Guard. Sib: Referring to the invitation herewith enclosed for yourself and company to be present in this city pn the 22nd instant at the unveiling of the bronze statue of the late Governor Z. B. Vance, you have permission for yourself and company to attend these ceremonies. If the company should decide to accept the invitation, this office will be glad to arrange transpor tatiou for it. Very respectfully. J. O. L. Harris, Acting Adjutant General. It is to be hoped that no impediment will be thrown in the way of the com pany's attending the ceremonies in a body. It would be fitting and especial ly appropriate that the oldest and best organization in the State Guard should thus be permitted to do honor to the memory of one so universally revered by every patriotic North Carolinian. The Star learns that. while it is not definitely settled, it is quite likely that the W. L. I. will attend the unveiling. S. A. L. CONDUCTOR INJURED. Pell from Moving Engine of Freight Train Early Last Night. Capt. J. W. Holmes, conductor on the Seaboard Air Line, local freight train between Wilmington and Ham let, was very painfully injured about 7 o'clock last evening between Clarkton and Cronly, as he was bringing in his train from Hamlet. Capt. Holmes was riding in the en gine cab at the time and from best in formation gathered from passengers on the train an air brake reservoir burst and the engine was quickly reversed. As it slowed up the con ductor attempted to jump from the cab to ascertain as soon as possible the caus&of the pipe bursting. He missed his footing and fell and he thinks he was caught, in some way, in the. driv ing wheel. He sustained a fracture of the right arm near the shoulder and was bruised considerably by the fall. He was placed in the caboose of his train and brought f immediately to Wilmington, arriving here, at 9:30 o'clock last night. - News of the accident had been tele graphed from Cronly and Capt T. D. Meares, General Agent of the S. A. L. here, had a carriage and physician in waiting for the injured man when the train arrived. He was immediately taken to the City Hospital and was reported as doing very well at 11.30 o'clock last night. Capt. Holmes formerly resided in Wilmington and has a brother now living here. Workhouse Convicts. Superintendent M. G. Chad wick, of the county work house, yesterday afternoon received from Sheriff Mao Rae four convicts to be employed in the Castle Haynes' phosphate mines. They were sentenced at last week's term of the. Criminal, Court as fol lows: George C. Moore and Louisa Moore, f. and a., four month each; Burt Green, assault and battery, six months; James Kelley, assault and battery with a deadly weapon, four months. Missionary Safe. Rev. D. W. Herring, formerly of Pender county, but now a missionary in China, for whom some apprehen sion for his safety has been felt, has advised friends that he is now at Kobe, Japan. He and family reached there safely July 10th, and will probably spend the Summer at that point. MMilHlllllllllM ' X-T v I A VERY USEFUL ARTICLE. Has Recently Been Patented by Mr. B. Mercer, of This City A Coin Holder and Mailer. J. Mr, J. B. Mercer, the 7well known and popular shoe merchant of Wil mington, who has shown his genius in former yeara inthe invention of several labor saving and useful contri vances, has just received letters patent for another article which bids fair to make himself and his ' invention ex -ceedingly well known to "changers of money" and commercial men gener erally. The invention spoken of is a metallic rcoin holder and a safetv device for mailing small vials and glass articles of any nature. The coin holder is de signed to supercede and overcome in many points of desirability the paper packages now used by banks, railroads, factories and other institutions for holding coin in skied amounts and convenient form. ! Mr. Mercer's in vention is a skeleton receptacle of tin in which may be placed stipulated amounts of coin Varying, of course, in size to fit the several denominations, and possessing over the paper contri vance the advantage that money may be counted in the holder without breaking the package and exposing at all times the edges of the coin to view. The new contrivance may be used from one to perhaps fifty times, over and over again, and each is fitted with a device which retains the package compact, however much the coin may be worn in circulation. The improved tin coin holder manufactured on a larger die, can be readily made into the mailing case Spoken of. Various other advantages over similar patents cannot well be described in brief -, Mr. Mercer has already received several flattering offers for his patent. Death of J. D. Sellers: Mr. Jeff Sellers, formerly of Wilmington, and a member of the police force, dropped dead in Norfolk Thursday. . His wife, who was Miss Mary Baldwin, of Wilmington, was visiting in this city when the distress ing news of her husband's death came to her. Two small children and the bereaved wife survive the deceased. In concluding its account of the death from heat of Mr. J. D. Sellers, formerly of this cHyvthe Norfolk Virginian-Pilot says: "Sellers had been living here for some time, and has been doing carpen ter work-. When the negro Alex Tate was under sentence of death in Ports mouth several months ago, Sellers went to Chief Kizer and asked him to use his influence with the Ports mouth officials so that he (Sellers) could get the task of tying the knot for Tate's execution. He represented to the Chief that he was an expert at this work, but received no encourage ment, and as Tate's sentence was sub sequently commuted to life imprison ment, Sellers never got the job. "Chief Kizer received a telegram from Wilmington last night stating that Mrs. Sellers would not send for the remains of her husband, and the city will bury the body to day." Mr. Bellamy Will Speak. ' Hon. Jno. D. Bellamy has accepted, an invitation to speak at a big Demo cratic picnic and grand ratification meeting at Willard, N. C, on Friday, August 24th. Mr. J. A. Stanford is secretary of the committee arranging for the big event Other committees have been named as follows: Reception Committee. J. A. Stan ford, (chairman), W. F. Bowen, C. V. B. Balls. J C Jenki E F John ston, J. E. Juiidr.1 mi, ij.ac Cottle. Committee on Music J. M. John ston, (chairman), J. D. Alderman, C. C. Bivenbark. G. J. Powers, W. H. Wells, J. M. Loftin, R. N. Bowen, G. H. Robinson, Oscar Thomas, R. Riven bark, F. T. Croom, J. G. Blake. There is also a committee of over one hundred "on dinner," including many of the good ladies of the com munity who will spare no pains to make the event a success commen surate with the great victory of yester day a week ago. New Crop Cotton. The first bale of new crop cotton to reach the Wilmington market was re ceived by Mr. J. H. Sloan Saturday from Mr. E. Sternberger, of Clio, S. C. It is middling grade and exceed ingly dry for new cotton. The second bale yet reported comes from Maxton, N. C. A telegram to the Stab last night states that a bale was sold there Saturday for 9i cents. Mr. Archie Corbett, of Atkinson, Pender county, Saturday sent the S i ar a pretty sample of cotton raised on his farm without the aid of com mercial fertilizers. He concludes his letter: "I would advise more home fertilizers and less manipulated guanos." Died at Florence. Mr. W. J. Kirkham receivedu tele gram yesterday afternoon announcing the death of his brother, Mr. J. C. Kirkham, at 12:40 o'clock at Florence, S. C. Deceased was a well known en gineer of the Atlantic Coast Line and had numerous friends here. He leaves to mourn their loss two sons and one daughter, all of whom are grown. The interment will probably take place at Lynchburg, Va., Mr. Kirkham's former home. August 18th the Date. Mr. W. C. Maxwell, chairman of the "Congressional Executive Committee of the Sixth District, writes that there is somo misunderstanding about the date for the convention here. The date is Saturday, August 18th, at 4 P. M. County papers are asked to inform their respective delegations accordingly. : . WANTS FACTORY LOCATION. Chamber of Commerce Will Try to duce Manufacturer of Tanks, Et to Locate Here. The meeting of the Chamber of Commerce was not held yesterday af ternoon for the Jack of a quorum but those present informally discussed a number of matters pertaining to Wil mington's commercial advancement and withal the assembling of the-few present, despite the verylhot weather, and the enthusiasm shown, is indica tive of a spirit which is commendable in Wilmington's business men. One of the most important matters that Came up was the notification of ?the Chamber by President Jacobi of the fact that a gentleman in Florida is pasting about for the location1 of a manufactory of tanks, wooden ware, etc. One of the essentials to the estab lishment of this enterprise and one which Wilmington possesses, is a bountifasupply of cypress timber. The gentleman in question also desires five acres of land upon which to es tablishhis plant. He states that his factory will employ about forty men at the start and that the number will be increased as the enterprise succeeds. President Jacobi referred the letter to the Committee on Information and Statistics, which is composed of Messrs. C. C. Covington, J. B. Mer cer and J. G. L. Gieschen. The Secretary was instructed to no tify other committees to' which a num ber of matters have been referred, that early reports on same are earnestly de sired. Received Certificates. The county and legislative officers, of New Hanover, yesterday received their certificates of election from Mr. C. W. Worth, chairman of the County Election Board. . The chairmen of the election boards of New Hanover and Brunswick also met at the Court House yesterday and pressnten a certificate of election to Capt. 'George L. Morton, as State Sen ator from the district comprising the two counties. The certificate is signed by Messrs. George H. Bellamy and , C. Worth and shows Capt. Morton's ma jority to be 2,898. His total vote was 2,935 from New Hanover and 888 from Brunswick. His opponent John Jenerett received qaly 925 votes, all of which came from Brunswick. The cottonsreceipts at the port of Wilmington for the crop year . to date are 280,632 bales against 289,692 bales for a Corresponding period last last year. Naval stores receipts show a falling off of about 2,000 casks in spirits turpentine, 9,000 barrels of rosin and a gain of 125 barrels in tar and 4,000 barrels in crude. MARRIAGE! AT DUNN, N. C. Miss Foy Barnes Became Bride of Editor J. P. Pittman Thursday Evening. Special Star Correspondence. Dunn, N. C, August 10. There was a beautiful home wedding in Dunn last night, the contracting par ties being Mr. I. P. Pittman and Miss Foy Barnes, both 'residents of this town. The nuptials were sol emnized at the residence of Mr. W. F. Pearson, uncle of the bride, in the presence of a few intimate friends and relatives; Rev. L. R. Carroll, pastor of the Baptist Church, officiat ing. The ffesteem in which the young couple is held makes their marriage an event of peculiar interest to their numerous friends. The groom has long been identified with the news paper interests of Dunn, and is now editor of the Democratic Banner. The bride is a young lady of rare grace of person and beauty, of char acter, and possesses with the groom a large circle of friends, who unite in bespeaking for them a bon voyage as they embark upon the sea of life amid such bright promise of happiness and success. NOTORIOUS BANK BURGLAR. Arrested in Brooklyn Suspected of Par ticipation in the Strasburg, Bank Robbery. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. New York, August 11. "Frisco Slim,',' whose right name is John But ler, suspected of a daring and sensa tional bank burglary in Strasburg.Va., in which $15,000 was procured from a blasted safe, was arrested in Brooklyn to-day. Butler is suspected of having been an associate at times of "Topeka Joe," or Jos. Rapley.who was arrested in Portland, Oregon, and brought to this city. It was thought he was one of the men wanted in Williamsburg, Va., for a bank robbery there, May 24, when the burglars worked at the safe while the town surrounded the bank armed to the teeth. The men shot their way out and escaped with some thousands of dollars of the bank's money. The Strasburg affair was of a similar kind. Butler is charged With being a fugitive from justice from Virginia. PROF. CHAS. S. VENABLE, One of the Most Distinguished Men of the x-" South, Died Yesterday. Bv Telegraph to the Morning Star. Richmond, Va., August 11. Prof. Charles S. Venable, for many years professor and for the past five years professor emeritus of mathematics at the University of Virginia, died at his home at Charlottesville. He was one of the most distinguished educators in the South ; the author of several text books, and during the war between the States served with distinction on the staff of General R. E. Lee. The official visit of the Shah of Per sia to Paris ended yesterday. Accom panied by Loubet and M. Del Casse, the minister of foreign affairs, his majesty rode to the railroad station, surrounded by an escort of cavalry and started for Ostend. in V SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Goldsboro Argus: There is be ginning to be a cry for rain. The sun is scorching, and no rain has fallen for nearly two weeks. Crops are now fine, but if there is no rain within a short while it will deteriorate rapidly. Mount Ol melon raisershave been very successful j wucii mey compare mis season's re turns with those of last year. Supply and demand establishes the price of melons as well as strawberrHs; and our people have made money this year by not having too much produce to market. Charlotte Observer: At the in stance of the stockholders of the Gold Hill Copper Company, United States Circuit Judge Simonton, at Flat Rock, granted a receivership Friday.appoint ing Capt. W. Murdoch Wiley, of this city, receiver. The sheriff is enjoined from executing any of the judgments obtained against the company. The concern is a New Jersey corporation; hence its right of resort to the United States Courts. President Newman is still in New York. Sanford Express: Mrs. Mar garet Cole, wife of Mr. B. H. Cole, died very suddenly at her home near Carthage on last Monday of heart trouble. Mr. DavidxMatthew, of near Jonesboro, presents the Express with a number of delicious pears which grew ou a tree that has been bearing fruit continuously for more than a hundred years. This tree was planted soon after the revolutionary war. "It has defied the winds and storms of a century, and. has furnish ed pears for three generations of peo ple. Rocky Mount Motor: Mr. Campbell of the Burt mines in War ren county shipped, from here on Friday of last week a bar "of virgin gold, the product of a few day's "pan ning" from the placer deposits, valued at six hundred dollars. Among other finds were several fantastically shaped specimens of ore just as taken from the earth. -Over eleven miles of paying places is ready for work which is made easy by an artificial canal which fur 'nishes a large and inexhaustible supply of pure spring water. Fayetteville Observer: Mr. Jesse A. Hedgpeth died Wednesday evening at his residence, after a long illness, in the 74th year of his age. Mr. Hedgpeth was born in Nash county, and in early life was a car riage builder of considerable reputa tion. Later he was a prominent mer chant at Hillsboro, retiring from active business about, ten years ago. Two years later he moved with his family to this city. The deceased was a gal lant Confederate soldier, serving throughout the entire war. Southport Standard: In an affray at Fort Caswell -Private Gunns was seriously wounded, by Private Kendrick, who has since made good his escape and all attempts to ascertain his whereabouts have been failures. On August 1st, 1900, a bottle was found a quarter of a mile northeast of the Cape Fear Life Savcng Station, containing a note supposed to be from the captain of the Mary J. Bell. He made an urgent call for help, saying that his vessel was leaking, and that that they had ladies and gentlemen on board and had lost their boats. " Columbus News: Mr. J. P. Stanly died at his home near here last Sunday at noon. Mr. Stanly was elected as one the County Commis sioners many years ago and served about eight years. Joshua Ward,. a veteran of the civil war died at his home near here on Thursday last, August the 2nd. Mr. Ward enlisted asaprivftfe'in the ranks of the Con federate army, . through which he served faithfully. During a battle he was shot in the head, the ball pene trating the right side of his skull, pass ing through the left lodged, which brought pn paralysis, the cause of . his death. - At times he was subject to fits and spasms caused by the ball which he has carried in his head for nearly forty years. Wadesboro Messenger-Intelligence: i Mrs. Cornelia Tillman, widow of the krte Dr. J. A. Tillman, died at her horns near Brown Creek church yesterday morning, aged about 65 years. Mr. J. Caudle died at his home near Peachlund, last Thursday, of fever, aged about 26 years. Paul Moses, colored, who was bound over io court about a year ago for shoot at Gus Graham, also colored, and who forfeited his bond, was captured at the depot here Moaday and is now in jail. -Mr. Marshlili L. Doty died at his residence in this place, last night, after a long illness, aged about 68 years. Mr. Doty was a native of New Jersey, but had been living in Wadesboro 48 years or more. Goldsboro Argtis: As a result of a family feud Mr. Bob Davis, who lives in the Providence section of this county, lies near death's door to-day. Wednesday afternoon Mr. Davis went to the home of his son-in Jaw, Mr. J. B. Faulkner, who was at work in his tobacco barn. Mr. Davis asked if he could be of any assistance and receiv ed a discourteous, negative answer from his son-in-law. Davis turned to walk away and said Faulkner had to quit talking about him. Faulkner grabbed a chair and ran up behind Davis and knocked him down. Davis got up and clinched Faulkner and had him on the ground beating him when a younger brother of Faulkner named Noah came up and stabbed Davis twice with a knife. The wounds may prove fatal, as the point of the knife entered the lungs. Greensboro Record: It is pas sing strange how many people are poisoned by ice cream. Almost any clay yon can pick up a newspaper and see ' where numbers of people have been made sick and occasionaly death occurs as a result of cream parties. An accident occurred in Greensboro Sunday night among the boarders at Mrs. Ellis', corner East Gaston and North Davie streets. Mrs. Ellis runs a very popular boarding house and has a large number of boarders. On Sun day night they had cream and as a re sult about twenty af them were very sick vesterdav and Inst nicrht an a nt them violently so. They and all im-r pruvcu nuu uu Bcnous rebuiis are feared. Messrs. L. C. Howlett and Everitt King were were among those weo suffered most. ' The Navy Department has been in formed that the gunboat Nashville has sailed from Taku for New Chwang, about 275 miles northeast of Taku. The district around New Chwang is re ported to be in a disturbed condition, and there have been several reports of collisions between the Russians and Chinese in the vicinity. The match race between the trotting stallions Tommy Britton and Cresceus. at Chicago yesterday, waajWon by Cres ceus in two straight heats'. Time 2.061 and 2.07. The time in the first heat is the record for the track. Daring Murder and Robbery on Passen ger Train Between St Louis, Mo , and Columbus, h!o. By Telegraph to the Morning star. Columbus, Ohio. August YL A darinir murder and robbery was com mitted on the Pennsylvania railroad's passenger train No. 8, which arrived here from St. Louis at 11 :40 last night. Charles Lene, an Adams7 Express mes senger, formerly of St Louis but ro- rouuy oi uoiumDus, was snot ana killed shortly before the train reached the Union Station in this nitv anil Hi "local", safe was robbed of allele money and valuables which it con tained. The safe robbed contained onlv the Trackages nf mAftav on1 valu . ables collected after the train left St. Liouis, ana the officials of the Express comDftnv insist that thu nm vocnni large. All the money forwarded from Oa. T" i . A m ot. uguu ana points west was in a wuoa saie wnicn was not aisiurnea Dy the robbers, nmh&hl v fnr IVia nwtnn that they did not have time. xne crime was not discovered until the train pulled into the union station here. Lane's body was found to have been riddled with bullets and thero were evidences that-sstruggle had taken place. The robbers had taken the key to the local saie from the mes senger's pocket, opened the safe and looted it of everything of probable value. The key was left in the safe door. The messenger's revolver, with two chambers empty, was found in the safe, where it had probably been laid by the robbers . after being wrenched from his hands. The entire local detective forced the detectives from both East and West, all railroad and express officials as well as the police departments within fifty miles, are using their utmost endeavors to can turn thn mn. nf whnm tharA nr supposed to have been two. xne only bit of light thrown on the affair is by John Fletcher, baggage master on the train, whn (wiiniod tha car directly in the rear of the one in 1. 2 l A 1 . wuicn toe muraer occurred, as a re sult of his narrative the police are have slight descriptions. None ' of XI 1 1 , . 1 mese naa Deen i oca tea. WILL TOUR THE COUNTRY, The Programme for Hon. Wm. J. Bryan. Sliver Republicans to Make NotlT flcatlon at Topeka. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Chicago, August ll.-VWilliam J. Bryan's visit to Chicago has practically resulted in an understanding that he will travel almost as much during the present campaign as he did in 1896. The first inclination on his part was to avoid the making of many speeches this year, but there has been such general pressure that it is understood . mat U9 la UlTTV w jrio.u HUU WJ visit many parts of the country. : No positive promises for participation in the campaign have - been made for other States than New York, but the probabilities are that he will go from that State to Maryland, where there appears to be great anxiety for hisp pearanca. After that time he is likely to make quite a general tour of the North Mississippi valley States, in cluding Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Min nesota, etc. No authorized statement has been given out to this effect, but .1 . ! J I- i At- - A . 1 ' II mere is no uuuut mat inis is tue pres ent tendency, and, indeed, the plan is practically decided upon. In New V7" 1 : . Z A.l xl X Tif - : T iur., it, is eApectcu mat iur, oryau Will speak only in the larger cities The Silver Republicans originally expected to notify Mr. Bryan of their nomination of him for the presidency at .the same time that the Populists make their notification at Topeka," Ks , August 23d. but this purpose has been changed. Their notification will come . later, and the probabilities are that it 1 will. be made at St. Paul or Minne apolis. Hon. T. M. Patterson, of Denver, .. will make the speech notifying Mr. Bryan of the Populist nomination at , There will be no notification to a vice presidential candidate, as in view of Towne's declination the Populists at present have no candidate for that ' office-. " RUHLIN IN BAD SHAPE. His Condition for a Time After the Fight Was Critical Jeffries Wants to l Fight Pitzsimmons. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. New York, August 11. With his face bruised and discolored, his right eye almost closed and his nose flat tened out, "Gus" Ruhlin walked about his training quarters at Bay Ridge to day, wondering how it all happened. The big Ohio fighter appeared to be quite weak.: In spite of his appear-' ance, Ruhlin said he felt all right, and in the same breath expressed a desire for another bout with Fitzsimmons. was taken ttf a Turkish bath establish ment. While there he became uncon scious, due to loss of blood and the extreme heat. His condition for a time was critical. Ruhlin's collapse in the bathing establishment gave rise to many sensational rumors. One of these was that Ruhlin had died as the result of the injuries sustained in the battle. Although it is true that Ruh lin was very ill for several hours, his , life was never despaired of. He came 2 around in good shape about sevenj. o'clock this morning and left for the . home of his manager, Billy Madden, at Bay Ridge. There he spent the " day. James J. Jeffries, champion heavy CTciKixii ui mo wuriu, uj-uajr utaueu au open letter, in which he says he is anxious to give Fitzsimmons and Tom Sharkey each another chance for the champion belt before September, and states he proposes to doit He offers to meet both Fitzsimmons and Sharkey before that date. THE ADVANCE ON PEKIN . U I - XI 1 J X. J J A Force Sent to Occupy Tsal Tsnn, Five Miles Beyond Yanr Tsun. By Cable to the Horning Star. a London, August 21, 4 A. M. The jbtily news last night relative to the Advance on Pekin was found in a be- - lated Tokio dispatch of August 9th, according to which, after the capture of Yang Tsun on August 6th, .it was arranged that two battalions of Japa nese infantry, a squadron of cavalry, a battery o' mounted artillery and a company of engineers, should march, on August 7, m advance of the main body of allies and occupy Tsai Tsun . five miles north of Yang Tsung. Other dispatches merely repeat the details of the capture of Yang Tsun. One cable message, however, credits the Emperor of Corea with giving per mission for the laying of a cable be tween Taku and Chemulpo. The laying of the new German cable Lio the Azores was begun yesterday off rConey Island. "9"

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