. -. ... . . , . f ! m ? ! ! , 1 . ', f i i-v IS f: mm Y-bl 1 ? WILLIAM H. BEEKABD - idlto nd Proprlotoi. WILMINGTON, N. C. FEIDAT, Septkibbb 21, 1900 NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For President : . WILLIAM J. BRYAN. Of HetlUbL For Vice-President: k ADLAI E. STEYEM. of Illinois. PRESIDENTIAL , ELECTORS, ELECTORS AT LARGE. LEE S. OVERMAN, of Rowan. DAN HUGH McLEAN, of Harnett. DISTRICT ELECTORS. "First District: CHAS. L. ABERNATHY, of Carteret. Second District: T. C. WOOTEN, of Lenoir. Third District: HENRY h. COOK-of Cumberlan4. Fourth District: y B. C. BECKWITH, of Wake. 1 . Fifth District: i WM. A. GUTHRIE, of Durham. 4 . Sixth District: JV, C. DO WD, of Mecklenburg. Seventh District: J. R. BLAIR, of Montgomery. Eighth District: WM. S. PEARSON, of Burke. Ninth District: JNO. M. CAMPBELL, of Buncombe. For Congress, Sixth District: JOHN D. BELLAMY, of New HanoTer. HOW THEY BLUNDERED IN THE . PHILIPPINES Mr. McKinley and they who sup port his imperialistic policy declare that in accepting the sovereignty of the Philippines we assumed obliga-" tions and one of these obligations is to keep pegging away at the Fili pinos until they recognize that sov ereignty, lay down their arms and pay their respects to the flag of the United States. They further say as a justification for continuing the war that the "-f 'insurrection" is practi cally confined to the Tagalos and to a comparatively, small number of these, and to the island of Luzon, although we have soldiers in all of the principal islands and there has been more or less fighting on all of them. Just about this time, as the elec tion draws on, it will be considered expedient to report progress in the way of pacification and we will doubt less be told officially that the war is . again at an end, and that all this racket the anti-expansionists have been making was for nothing and showed what poor prophets they were when they said we never could reduce the Philippines to submission and establish supremacy over them, They have called the anti-expansionists "Aguinaldo sympathizers," "traitors," &c, for asserting that this thing cannot be done, or at least that it would take an indefinitely long time to do it, and then' that it would be at a cost of life and treasure out.of all proportion to the victory gained. - The expansionist deny that - they are aiming at the subjugation of the people of those islands, while they are shooting them down every day and. insist that . all they aBk is that the "rebels" in arms lay llown their arms and acknowledge the au thority of the United States, which simply means to confess that they are subjugated. Further 'than that they will proclaim nothing, nor give any assurance that it is not the in tention to hold these people as sub ejects of the United States, while the "opponents of expansion that is for cible expansion have a policy which they say and believe would bring peace and put a stop to the unne cessary expenditure of treasure and sacrifice of lives. They would as sure the Filipinos that it is not our purpose to hold them in subjuga ' tion, but to occupy the islands only so long as it may be necessary to es tablish order and stable government when wo will withdraw and turn the government over to them at they thought and believed we would do when they united their arms with ours to drive the Spaniards out. There is in the Philadelphia Times of Monday an interesting article based on views expressed by a Scotch merchant who was for many years a resident of Iloilo, and spent some ! time in Philadelphia, on his way to visit Scotland. These views were so nearly identical with the views of an eminent Englishman who is thoroughly "familiar with the Fili pinos, writing in the London Na tional Review, that the Times couples both to show hotr the advocates of forcible expansion have blundered In the Philippines. We . qnote the article because taken as a whole, it is a strong argument in favor of Mr. Bryan' contention against the policy of imperialism, the inevitable result of persisting in the blunder. It says: "It has already been observed that t the President's elaborate apology for J the course of the administration in the i ArXa voa nmAwh&t lackincr in . lucidity and frankness in the statement j of facts,anatnaia kuowi m actual situation there must impair WIG force of his argument. - 'It happened that only last ween a Scottish merchant who has . been long resident in the Philippines, for the past ten years at Iloilo, and who had taken the occasion of the interruption of bis business to visit his home, stopped in Philadelphia, where he has friends who know and esteem him as a man of sound judgment and broad knowl edge of affairs. To them he spoke modestly but frankly of the deplora ble muddle into which we have been brought. He was entirely and cor dially friendly to the Americans, but his conclusion was. that our officials had forever blundered away their opportunity to con ciliate the Filipinos, and that there remained only the alternative of mak ing terms with them or undertaking a war of suppression that would require a regular army of not less than a hun dred thousand men for a long term of years. . At present, he said, we are making absolutely no progress, out fiidn the few torts inadequately held, and though Aguinaldo no longer maintained an organized army in the field, his authority among the people was more complete than ever. "The current number of the Nation al Review, that one of the London reviews that gives most constant, in telligent and friendly attention to American affairs, contains an article entitled 'Will the United States With draw from the Philippines?' The writer is John Foreman, the author of a standard work on the Philippine Islands referred to as authority by the first United States Commission, and one of those invited to Paris to give expert advice in the formulation of a treaty of the peace. He also was friendly to the American occupation, but his view of the dreadful mess we have made of it is so closely identical with that presented by the indepen dent observer just mentioned that the coincidence is startling. "It appears to Mr. Foreman 'that the United States Government en tered upon the conquest of the Phil ippines under a misconception of many points1 and the sad part is that this misconception seems still to Drevail at Washington. To achieve such an end 'two conquests must need be made simultaneously, the military and the moral. In the Phil ippines the latter was apparently overlooked or not even thought of.' From the outset, he insists, as others have insisted, 'it was a mistake to treat the Christian Philippine popu lation like savages ignorant of west ern civilization, considering that there are thousands of Filipinos mentally equal to the invading forces and com parable in intellectual training with the average middle clas3 European.' Mr. Foreman does not blame the ill conduct of the Americans so much for the acts themselves' as for the 'bad pol icy of their commission.' Under the circumstances, as he explains, 'the probability of the Americans ever gain ing the sympathy and acquiescence of the natives is very remote. Unless the Americans are prepared to maintain a large permanent army in the islands, there seems to be no prospect of their ever being able to administer the inte rior of the archipelago. Their whole system of government, which might appear to the Anglo Saxon mind rea sonable enough in principle, clashes everywhere with the instincts, ideas, traditions and aspirations of the Fili pinos.' "It is to be observed, by the way, that those who have lived in the Philippines do not speak so con temptuously as Mr. McKinley does of the 'minority' who are seeking to govern. There are other races than the Tagalos, but they are all one in their desire for independence. Mr. Foreman quotes Agoncillo, whom he refers to respectfully: 'Independence or death, or perpetual warfare, is the only concise answer I can give to any conditional peace overture." Agon cillo is but of the country, but the merchant from. Iloilo of whom we have spoken told of another prominent Filipino whom he met just before he sailed, who assured him that the war would not abate and that they could carry it on for ten years without ex haustion. Can we carry it on so longt "Mr. Foreman thinks there is a way out, but it is not the McKinley way. 'America,' he says, 'is undoutedJy in a dilemma over the Philipine question and we do not want to see her become the laughing stock of Europe. I be lieve there are thousands on both sides of the Atlantic who would gladly see her extricate herself with honor. It can be done.' His recommendation is to 'gradually but conditionally relin quish control over the islands,' an nouncing that policy at once, and he outlines a plan for the government of the Philippine Protectorate that be believes would be acceptable and that would secure to the United States "all the rightful advantages of occupation without its evils. "What Mr. Foreman writes is abso lutely without reference to American politics. He is not concerned with the effect on our home institutions. He has no objection to expansion. He is in favor of it. While there was no ne cessity for our going to the Philip-, pines, it would have done no harm if we had had a policy. The policy of attraction, the moral conquest, would have been best. If not that, then a policy of coercion in earnest, if we were still . bent on conquest "But seemingly to appease the Washington political wiseacres, ignorant of the conditions of the archipelago or its Asiatic inhabitants, a wavering policy was initiated, and we are now . wit nessing a sorry spectacle of useless bloodshed, which, 'for the sake of hu manity,' we should be glad to see brought to a speedy close through any legitimate channel." So should we all. But the President thinks this would be 'desertion.' " The Times is not a partisan paper, and it is not an enemy of the ad ministration, nor an extreme Oppo nent of expansion, if there' be de fence for it, but it here quotes the opinions of disinterested witnesses, showing where and how the McKin ley administration has blundered, how it persists in the blundering, and the way out without sacrificing any more honor than has already been sacrificed. We quoted a few days ago from an interviewwith an army officer, juBt returned to Washington from Manila, who, after expressing the opinion that it would take a large army and twenty-two instead of two years to conquer these peo ple, followed it up by predicting that even if the Republican party were continued in power it would before the next four years expire find some pretext to get out of the f niuppinea ana would mase a "mas terly retreat." Whew others fail, take Roberts Tasteless Chili. Tomo. " It cures chills, fevers, malaria and general bad health. 25c A red cross on the label assures you of the -pure, high-class material that makes Roberts' a suc cess. Don't take a substitute. R. R. ttwT iYiMY. Jos. C. Shkpaed. Jr.. and J. Hicks Bxmniio. AN OBJECT LESSON. The Democratic National plat- form demands courts 01 arbitration for the hearing and settlement oi between corporations and ! their employes, the object being to ; thus prevent strikes, the derange I mants of buBinesB, and the losses to T , . j the corporations, the employes and j the public resulting from these strikes. The coal miners' striae just inaugurated in Pennsylvania is a striking object lesson showing the necessity for such courts. If this strike becomes as general in the anthracite region as it promises to become it will involve about 145,000 workmen, and there is great proba bility that it may in a short while draw in the miners in the soft coal mines of Pennsylvania and adjacent States and possibly also the railroad. men operating the coal trains. In this event not only 'the- facto ries and other establishments; which use hard coal, bnt the steamships, steamboats, electric Btreet cars, elec tric light plants, water works, etc., and the public generally would be come the sufierers, for it would jnean a coal famine, which, aside 'from the business inconveniences, would be with the approach of cold weather a very serious business. Already, just at the beginning of the strike, some of the companies have announced an advance of 25 cents a ton on hard coal, which will doubtless be followed by other ad vances as the strike progresses, and in addition to this speculators will take advantage of the condition to buy up and corner the coal in sight, make their own prices and the pub lic will suffer accordingly. This is where the public becomes interested in these labor disturbances, and this is why it is much interested in see- may be averted. STATE CONVENTION OF DEMOCRATIC CLUBS To Meet Next Wednesday la Raleigh A , Large Attendance Expected Prom ioent Speakers Will Be There. Special Star Telegram. Raleigh, N. C, Sept. 19. The State Convention of Democratic Clubs will meet here next Wednesday and a large attendance of delegates and prominent Democrats is expected. To day Sena tor Daniel, ofVirginia, and Governor Stone, of Missouri, were invited to be present and deliver speeches. It is be -lieved that they will accept Other speakers will be Hon. Lee S. Overman and Hon. Dan Hugh McLean, electors at large. News was received here to day that the torpedo boat Bagley, named in honor of Worth Bagley, the first offi cer killed in the Spanish-American war, will be launched at Bath, Maine, on September 25th. It will be chris tened by Mrs. Josephus Daniels, oldest sister of Ensign Bagley. Chairman Simmons left this even ing for Chatham county, to be present at the trial of the judges of election in Williams township, who are charged with violation of the election law. These judges were recently bound over by a fusion justice of the peace and a bill of indictment has been found against them, charging that they did not properly label the boxes and failed to perform their duties with relation to depositing ballots in boxes. SIXTY.FKST REGIMENT, C. S. A. Interesting Sketch Written by Capt. N. A. Ramsey, of Durham, N. C. On the third pace of the Stab this morning may be found an interesting sketch of the Sixty-first regiment N. C. Troops, C. S. A., written in an ac curate and pleasing style by Capt N. A. Ramsey, of Durham, who com manded Company D, of the regiment during "the war. The regiment, of which Capt Ramsey's paper treats, was organized in Wilmington and a major portion of the field and staff of ficers were from this city. Companies comprising the regiment were for the most part made up of men from Samp son, Beaufort Craven, Chatham, Le noir, Wilson, New Hanover, Martin, Ashe, Onslow and Jones counties. Included in the sketch is a clipping of an article from the Wilmington Journal, telling of the bombardment of Battery Wagner, near Charleston, and the , conspicuous and courageous conduct of Robert Winship Stedman, a brother of ex- Lieutenant Governor Chaa. M. Btedman and Sheriff-elect Frank H. Stedman of this city. There are other features of the sketch which make it of much local interest. Copies of the paper, containing the ar ticle may be purchased at this office. Cleared $250 Dollars. The ladies succeeded yesterday morning in disposing of the greater portion of the cream and cake which had been left over from the reception the night before and the already large sum for the Galveston sufferers was swelled still more. It was estimated yesterday afternoon that the enter tainment netted about $250. To Mr. H. K. Holden, who was one of the in stigators of the movement and worked so valiantly towards making it a success, and to Mrs. J. D. Smith, lady manager who prepared -the programme, is due much credit for the success of the entertainment. Announcement. To accommodate those who are partial to the use of atomizers in applying liquids into the nasal passages for ca tarrhal troubles, the- proprietors pre pare Cream Balm in liquid form, which will be known as Ely's Liquid Cream Balm. Price including the spraying tube is 75 cents. Druggists or by mail. The liquid form embodies the medi- cinai properties oi me soiia prepara tion. Cream Balm is quickly absorbed by the membrane and does not dry up me secretions but changes them to a natural and healthy character. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren street N. Y. t MERGER & EVANS CO. New Wilmington Concern Will Apply for Incorporation Papers To-day. A BIG DEPARTMENT STORE WIU Be Conducted oa Princess Street Bexloning Aboat October 15th Will Occupy Two Buildings and Car ry An Up-to-Date Stock. Application will be made to-day through Messrs. Bryan & McNeill, attorneys, for incorporation papers for the "Mercer & Evans Company," which will succeed . the well known wholesale and retail shoe firm of Messrs. Mercer & Evans, No. 115 Prin cess street The capital stock of the new company is $14,000, divided into 280 shares of the par value of $50 each. The privilege to increase to an amount as deemed best by the stockholders is reserved in the application for incor poration.- The period of duration asked for is 30 years ' and the stock holders are J. B. Mercer, M. L. Mer cer and S. S. Drew, all of this city. The incorporation of the new com pany means that Wilmington is soon to have a new and up-to-date depart ment store, conducted strictly on business principles and upon a cash basis, thereby ensuring to patrons all the advantages accruing from a clean business, with no profit and loss ac count. On October 1st the store ad joining the present location of Messrs. Mercer & Evans and occupied by Mr. W. V. Hardin will come into posses sion of the Mercer & Evans Company and both stores will be. thrown into one. Contractors will then be put to work and the three floors of both buildines will be thoroughly remod elled and put in excellent form for the needs of such a business as the new I comDanv nronoses to conduct. With I 2i i . a j i : all the alterations and extensions the proprietors of the'store will then have upwards of 6,000 feet of floor space, every available inch of which, Mr. Mercer, the senior member of the firm, says, will be filled with the newest and most up to date line of dry goods and notions he can purchase in the North ern markets for which he will leave next week. The formation of the new company and the launching out into the depart ment store world does not mean an abandonment of the sho3 business, for which the firm of Mercer & Evans has long been famous. Mr. Mercer says he will add new features to his shoe line and make it more up-to-date, elimi nating all but standard and guaran teed manufactures. The new company retains the agency for the Douglas shoes for men and boys and the Dut tenhofer's for ladies and misses. All shoes in the present stock, except the Jines that will be retained, are now being sold at a sacrifice many of them at and below cost to make room for the new goods. Work: on remodelling the present store occupied by the, firm has been commenced on the second and third floors, and on October 1st work on the adjoining store will be begun and pushed as rapidly as possible. The Mercer & Evans Company hope to have their new business in full blast by October 15th. Additional clerical force has already been secured and the Stab predicts a successful busi ness for the new concern from the very outset BRYAN AND STEVENSON BANNER. Received Yesterday by the First Ward from a Gentleman In Fayettevllle. President John N. Bennett, of the Bryan and Stevenson Club of the First Ward, yesterday received a hand somely painted and appropriately de signed banner for the club which was organized last Friday night for the national campaign. It was designed and painted by Mr. T. T. Wright of Fayettevllle, and is "set off" in fine shape by an excellent likeness of Bryan. The words "Bryan aud Stevenson Club" are handsomely finished in a curvature over tbe paint ing of the "nation's favorite" and be neath the picture are the full names of the national standard bearers. . In a letter accompanying the gift, Mr. Wright says: "Allow me the pleasure of present ing to this club, this banner as a token of the love and friendship I have for all true Democrats in Wilmington. The banner was painted by myself and I hope it will be appreciated by all true Democrats in your city. I trust New Hanover will again be among the many counties that will help swell the great majority that will be given in November to Bryan and Stevenson by our good Old State. "Yours truly, "T. T. Wright, Painter." REMOVED TO NEW QUARTERS. Messrs. D. Newman & Son Have Moved Into New Store. " The store, No. 12 Market street,' formerly occupied by Mr. Samuel Bear, Sr., has recently been thorough ly overhauled and nicely repainted and is now occupied by the wholesale dry goods and notion establishment of Messrs. D. Newman & Son, which was formerly located one door east of the present new and elegant store now oc cupied by them. The new building affords, besides a more convenient lo cation, every facility for doing a larger business with more satisfaction to customer and proprietor alike. With a large Northern connection, Messrs. Newman & Co. are now in a position to sell goods at rock bottom prices and invite customers to call on them at the new place. The Populists of Cumberland county are arranging for a big "Far mers' Dinner," which is construed to mean one of their "monster indigna tion meetings," in Flea Hill township on Friday, September 21st The Har nett Populists are arranging for an other at Dunn, N. 0., on the follow ing Saturday. - Butler is advertised to speak at both. THE UNITED STATES COURT, Next Term Will Last Oaly One Week, i u Notice to Jurors and Witnesses. Mr. W. H. Shaw, Deputy Clerk of the United States Court, yeUerday re ceived a letter from Judge Purnell, stating that he had again been desig nated as a member of the Circuit Court of Appeals which meets in Richmond on November 6th, and would be able to be here for only one week of the October term, which convenes on the 29 th. It was therefore ordered that jurors, witnesses and defendants be here on Monday at noon instead of Tuesday as prderded before and that the regular business of the term be taken up immediately so as to finish the docket, if possible, by the end of the week. There was some delay in opening the last term and for this reason it is be lieved that the docket can be cleared in time for Judge Purnell to leave for Richmond as appointed. However, in the event the docket cannot be cleared, Judge Purnell writes that an adjourn ment may be taken until January. The Stab is authorized to say that jurors living along the Carolina Cen tral and W. C. & A. railroads need not come to the city before Monday on the trains arriving at 12:05 and 1:20 o'clock P. M. respectively. Pender Wants Special Term. Pender county Superior Court ad journed Saturday night at 12 o'clock. No cases of unusual interest were tried. Only one of the many cases against the W. & W. Railroad Com pany for the burning over of lands was disposed of and that was in favor of the defendant company. It was brought by Mr. D. J. McMillan for damages claimed in the sum of $250. The other cases of which there are twenty or more will come up at a special term which the bar has request ed the Governor to call on December 16th At a meeting of the attorneys it was decided to request the Governor to send to hold the special term, Jude Fred Moore, who presided with such general satisfaction over the term just closed. 0 ILVESTON'S MAYOR GRATEFUL. Acting Mayor Springer Received Telegram of Thanks from Texas City. The following telegram acknowl edging receipt of the $500 appropria tion recently made by the city to the Galveston sufferers through Mayor Jones, r-f Galveston, is self explan atory: W. E Springer, Acting Mayor of Wil mington: Your telegram of the 13th came duly to hand, and we wish to thank the Aldermen and the citizens of Wil mington for their prompt and gener ous assistance to ns in our suffering. We note that you have forwarded a check for $500, which upon receipt will be turned over to the finance committee and promptly expended through the relief committee. Ac cept for your Board of Aldermen and your citizens the deepest apprecia tion of the Galveston storm sufferers. W. C. Jones, Mayor. VOTERS OP GERMAN DESCENT. Objects of Especial Solicitude Amoog the Republicans Nowadays. Philadelphia Record. Voters of German descent are ob jects of especial solicitude among Re publican managers and organs now-a-days, owing to their scarce-concealed fear that this influential class of citi zens may desert the grand old party on the issue of Imperialism. The power ful Stoats Zeitung in New York is supporting Bryan this year, although in 1896 it was one of his stoutest and most formidable antagonists, and the drift of German-American sentiment thus far seems to vindicate the paper's position before its wide reading con stituency. If the Stoats Tieitung's flop should correctly indicate the national attitude of the German vote Boss Hanna's perplexities would be seri ously increased. This vbte cannot be bought; it must be argued into con viction and compliance. COTTON CROP CONDITIONS. Drooght Relieved by Abundant Rains, Bnt Too Late to Be of Material Benelit. Storm Damage la Texas. By Telegrapn to the Morning star. Washington, September 18. Fol io wing is the weekly summary of crop conditions issued by the Weather Bureau: The drouehtv conditions in the At lantic coast districts have been relieved by the abundant rains, which, how ever, came too late to be of material benefit to many crops. Drought con tinues in the Ohio and central Missis sippi valleys and portions of the lower lake region. Heavy rains have caused damage to cotton in South Carolina, Georgia, Florida and Alabama. No improve ment in the condition of cotton is re ported from the central portion of the cotton belt except in Southern Lou isiana, where as a whole the prospects are somewhat better, while in Texas the tropical storm of the 8th and 9th completely .destroyed the crop in the southern portion of its path and dam aged it in the central and northern portions. Outside of the storm area cotton made favorable progress in Texas, though insects caused damage in some localities. The reports gener ally indicate that cotton is opening rapidly and that picking is well ad vanced and will be completed at a much earlier date than usual. The Manchester Guardian says that at present there is not the slightest prospect of a prolonged scarcity of cot ton. The paper adds: Whatever the American crop, it is certain the con sumption of American cotton will be substantially reduced by the abun dance of tbe Indian crop now ap- Capt Wm. H. Wilds and Wm. Rus sell, a negro, were run over by a train and instantly killed at Tuscaloosa, Ala. Capt Wilds- was a prominent Confederate veteran. How's This-? We offer One Hundred Dollars Rew&a for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cored by Hall's Catarrh Cure. . F. J. CHENEY & CO Props., Toledo, O. We, the anderslfrnea. have known F. J. Che ney tor the last is years, and believe him per fectly honorable In all business transactions, and financially able to carry oat any obligation made by their nrm. West & tbuax, Wholesale Drogtrists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan& habyin, wholesale Drng gists.'Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure 1b taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75o. per bottle. Bold by all drngglste. Testimonials free. tiau's jramuy trua are tne nest. t LOSS OF LIFE BY THE GREAT STORM The Governor of Texas Says It Cannot Be Less Than 12,000. THE DAMAGE TO PROPERTY. Estimated That It Will Reich $20,000,000. The Conditions In Galveston Improv ing Relief Measures Sani tary Matters Railroads. by TeleKrapn to tne Morning star. Houston, Texas, September 19. Gov. Joseph D. Sayers to-night wired the following statement to the Associ ated Press: ' -The situation to-night in all parts of the stricken district so far as known to me is improved and will, I believe, should we have fair weather, continue to improve. The method of distribut ing the benefactions of these people has become systematized and has been reduced to the lowest expenses possi ble, and in this I have had the hearty and voluntary assistance of the rail way x express, telegraph and telephone companies, all of whom- have promptly and witnout cnarge trans mitted supplies and messages, besides contributing to the relief of the suf ferers. Galveston is being managed by its own municipal authorities, sup plemented by the assistance of com mittees composed of the best citizens and also by the aid of Gen. Scurry. "The loss of life occasioned by the storm in Galveston and elsewhere on the southern coast cannot be less than 12,000 lives, while the loss of property will probably aggregate $20,000,000. Notwithstanding this severe affliction, I have every confidence that the stricken districts will rapidly revive, and that Galveston will from her pres ent desolation and sorrow arise with renewed strength and vigor." Conditions in Galveston. . Galveston, Tex., Sept .19. Normal conditions are fast being restored in Galveston. The work of clearing the streets of debris continues unabated and all relief work is now thoroughly systematized. Several human bodies were found today. HO attempt wa? made to identify them and they were immediately cremated. John Sealy, the chairman of the Fi nance Committee, made the following statement to day : "An inquiry as to the funds is pertinent and the public should be informed. In the first place I am not paying out any7 money to any one except on the order of Wm. A. McVittie, chairman7 of the relief committee. What we are looking after now is the immediate relief of those in distress, such as fur nishing clothes food and the payment of the men who are working on the streets, cleaning up the debris and burning dead bodies. On the 18ttt inst we began paying these $1.59 per day and furnishing supplies for their families. Men who are not working and whocannot show tickets to the effect that they have been employed, getno supplies. "The question of judicious distribu tion of all funds will be taken up by the central committee and a plan worked out for the best interest and benefit of alL Each member of the committee has under consideration some suggestion and a general plan will be perfected at an early date, "A full record of every description has been kept which I will publish in due time in connection with the lists Gov. iSayers has received at Ausjtin. The Governor and I think best n6t to publish these lists up-til matters are more settled. I am ready at any time the Governor advises to publish the entire list The mayor is turning over to me all moneys he receives. "Everything is working with perfect system, harmoniously and intelli gently between the officials and the different committees. The Governor has aided us greatly with his zeal and interest in our trouble " Small Number Wounded. Dr. Donaldson, chief surgeon of a New York newspaper corps, says it will not be necessary for visiting sur geons to remain here for more than two or three days. He has written an article for a medical journal comment ing upon the comparatively small number of seriously wounded persons by saying that most of those so wounded were drowned, but says it is surprising that more people, especially women and childen, did not become ill f rom-such trying experiences. The losses to the life insurance com panics are estimated at $500,000. Most of those who carried old line life policies escaped. The fraternal orders- will lose quite heavily. Dead Over 5,000. The most reliable information ob tainable places the dead between 5,000 and 5,500. A census bureau was es tablished and placed in operation to day. A mortuary bureau has also been opened where relatives or f rielids are to make oath of the known death of persons lost in the storm. These bu reaus will materially assist in a more accurate record of the dead. Insurance Inspector J. G. Youens has begun to go over the city to make a detailed report of the houses des troyed. The fire insurance companies are arranging to refund a pro rata on policies on houses and furniture where they have been entirely destroyed by the hurricane and the holders thereof want them cancelled. Dr. George fl. Lee, inspector of hos pitals and dispensaries, to-day made a favorable report on the sanitary condi tion of the city. Estimates to Remove Debris. At a meeting of the General Relief Committee to-day no one was found who would undertake the job of re moving the city's debris on contract as all state it would be impossible to make a definite estimate.BThe nearest estimate expert wreckers will make is 2,000 men, ninety days, to clear away the debris and set all of the bodies out, and'that this will cost half a million dollars. The board adopted a resolu tion stating that it was its opinion that the best way to solve the problem of clearing away the debris was to let a contract to some one to do the work. They recommend to the General Com mittee that this be done. Lumberton Argus: Friday night the dwelling house of Mr. Lewis Jenkins, who lives about eight miles from Lumberton, in Britt's township, was burned. The fire was discovered in time to save only a sewing machine, an organ and some bedding. The nre is supposed to have originated from a spark in some wood lying near the fireplace. Mr. H. E. Haman, of Wlsnart's township, informs. us tnat Mr. Joseph Bryant was digging a well on his place last week, and about 12 feet from the top of the ground he found a pipe, apparently in good con dition. LOOK I A STITCH IN TIME. taste re- cca on the liver, tones up the system. Better than Quinine. Guaranteed, try It. At Druggists. 60o and ll.oo bottles. t Uf II II 111 - I Thirteen Thousand Dollars la Gold Taken by Three Armed Men Desperadoes Escaped With Their Plunder. By Telegrapn to tbe Moraine star. Winnemtjooa, Nev., September 19. The First National Bank was robbed of about $13,000 at. noon to-day by three men, who entered the front door of the building and with revolvers made all present throw up their hands. There were five people in the bank at the time Cashier Nixon, Assistant Cashier McBride, Bookkeeper Hill, Stenographer Calhoun and a hotse- buyer named Johnson. The robbers threatened with instant death the first man who made a show of resistance. One robber, at the point of a pistol, made Cashier Nixon open the safe and take from it three sacks of gold coin. They threw this in an ore sack together with all the gold coin in the office drawer. The robbers then marched the five men out through a back door to an alley, where three horses were waiting. The five men were kept cov ered with guns until the desperadoes mounted their horses and escaped. The whole affair occurred - in about five minutes. An alarm was quickly given and several shots were fired at the des peradoestas they sped through the town. but without effect The robbers re turned the shots, but no one was hit Officers and armed citizens have started in pursuit of the robbers, who took a course up the river. A posse has also started from Gold Uonda to head them off. and it is thought they cannot escape. FAVORABLE FOR MR. BRYAN. Chairman Jones' Forecast of the Election in the Eastern States, West Vir ginia and Maryland. By Telegraph to the Horning Star. New York, Sept 19. Senator Jas. K. Jones left for Chicago this evening. Before he left he said: "The situation in tbe Eat is very favorable for the election of Mr. Bryan. It has im proved wonderfully since I last was here The situation in this State is excellent, so far as the election of Mr. Bryan and the State ticket is concern ed. The ' situation in the States of Connecticut and .New Jersey exceed the expectations I had before this, my last visit, and I am very hopeful that Mr. Bryan will carry these 8tates. I am sure that he will carry West Vir ginia and Maryland, and I might say that Delaware can safely be placed in the Democratic column." Senator Jones does not expect to re turn to this city before election day. The sub committee will have full charge of the campaign in the East. According to information given out at headquarters ex Secretary of State Olney will speak before the Iroquois Club of Chicago, soon, for Bryan. Judge Dunne, of Chicago, and a mem ber of the club, returned from Europe last ' Saturday. On his arrival Mr. McNeal telegraphed him to await him in this city. They met and went to Boston, where an invitation was given to Mr. Olney and he accepted. The date was not named. DR. HUNTER McQUIRE Died at His Home Near Richmond, Va , from a Stroke of Paralysis. By Telegraph to the Horning Star. Richmond. Va., Sept. 19. Dr. Hunter McGuire, who was Stonewall Jackson's medical director, died at his country house near this city this morning from the effects of a stroke of paralysis sustained six months ago. He was One of the most eminent sur geons in the South. He was born in Winchester, Oct 11, 1835, and received his medical educa tion there and at Philadelphia. He headed the movement which brought from Philadelphia to Richmond some three hundred Southern medical students during the excitement inci dent to the John Brown raid ; had filled the chair of surgery in the Medical College of Virginia, and founded the University College of Medicine here. He was the author ofjseveral import ant medical works, had served in lead ing positions in medical and surgical organizations of the country, and was chairman of the History Committee of the Grand Camp of Virginia, Confed erate Veterans. THE LADIES. The Pleasant effect and perfect safety with which ladies may use Syrup of Figs, under all conditions, makes it their favorite remedy. To get the true and genuine article, look for the name of the California Fig Syrup Co, printed near the bottom of the package. For sale by all drug- Kinston Free Press: Monday afternoon Deputy Collector Cameron paid Conductor Royall, on the A. & N. C.j a cash fare from Qoldsboro to Kinston. Everyone knows the fare paid to conductors is in excess of the fare when tickets are bought For the excess fare Mr. Cameron asked for and received a rebate check., The check calls for a certain amount of money, and the deputy claims should bear a documentary 2 cent stamp. It is intended to have a test case made. Some time ago, just previous to the election, it will be remembered that Mr. R. R. Carr, of near Wil low Green, Greene county, was as saulted by two negroes. He was struck several times over the head with a chair by one of them and was severely injured. The negroes escaped, and a reward of $100 was offered for their capture. We have heard it rumored that one of the fel lows was captured in Greene county. All trace of the otherjjne, Albert Bar rett was lost until last night when Detective J. Geo. Wolfe and officer F. M. Barham, of Norfolk, Va., came to Kinston from that city, bringing the negro to Kinston, and placing him in jail. They left early this morn ing for Snow Hill with their prisoner, where they will claim the reward. The negro had been shadowed in Norfolk for several days, and when his iden tity was beyond question the arrest was made. He was simply paralyzed with fear. Clarkton JExpress: For the last two months some negroes living on the west side of Waccamaw Lake have been terrorized by the visitations of a strange creature which according to them was his Satanic Majesty, mi nus the pitchfork. Yr7B U G J FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLsTl "IlcwRival," " Lender," and "Repeater Insist upon having them, take bo others and yoa will get the bat shells that money can buy. . ALL DEALERS KEEP THEM. iHnitiHmiiiiing NERVOUSNESS, in American Disease. Dr. S. Weir' Mitchell is au thority for the statement that nerv ousness is the characteristic mal ady of the American nation, and statistics show that nerve deaths number one-fourth of all deaths recorded, the mortality being main ly among young people. Johnston's Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLE. is the grand specific for this great American disease, because it goes straight to the source of the weak ness, building up health and strength by supplying rich, abund ant food and pure blood to the worn-out tissues, rousing the liver . . 1 l.T . . I . t to activity ana rcguiaung au ue organs of the body. " The Kiefclgu Bra Co.," Detroit, Hlch. hn El Lhrarette the famoui little liver pin 15c. r-.. 7.1 For sale by HERBERT L. FENTRESS, Wilmington, N. C. POWERS DIVIDING AS TO CHINA. Great Britain and Germany Are Aligned Against France and Russia. mr. Mckinley in a dilemma Both Sides Seeking Adherence of the U. S. Government Chinese Minister Trying to Influence the Uov ernment Against Germany. By Telegraph to the Horninic Star. Washington, September 19. With the German proposition to post pot' f peace negotiations with China uutii the persons responsible for tbe Pekin outrages are punished and the French and Russian notification of the pur pose of, those governments to beein such negotiations at once awaiting him, the President found much matter of importance to dispose of. upon his arrival in Washington from Canton this morning. He lost no time in no tifying the officials he desired to con sult on his return and the rday was largely given up to private discussion. Although it was stated that no answer would be ready to the German noip to-day, it appeared that the President, after talking over the situation with Attorney General Griggs, Acting See retary Hill and Assistant Secretary Adee, had arrived at a conclusion as to the nature of the response that should be made. d.r. Adee spent the after noon consulting Acting Secretary Bill and in drafting the note of response, but all information as to its natuiu was refused at the State Department . It is said that the note is to be gone over carefully at a further meeting be tween the President and such of his advisers as are in the city. The Ger- man government apparently is sbx ious for a speedy answer, as Barou Sternberg paid two Visits to the Sta it Department after the German note was delivered. The Chinese minister also was twice at the State Department to-day, seeking to influence the gov -ernment not to agree to the joint action suggested in the German note. No Final Action. Washington, September 19. Au important conference over the answer to the German note was held at the White House to-night The parties, to the conference were the President, Attorney-General Griggs, the only cabinet officer in the city, Dr. Hill, acting Secretary of State, Assistant Secretary of State Adee, and General Corbin, who by executive order is acting Secretary of War. The Presi dent entertained these gentlemen at dinner and the subsequent conference lasted until 11 o'clock:. At its close one of the participants said that no final action had been taken. It is understood, however, that U; answer of this government as now framed, is in effect a diplomatic ref ush! to accede to the German proposal. Peace Negotiations to Begin. Washington, September 19. The first definite determination to begin peace negotiations with China seems to have been reached by the French and Russian governments, which have made known their purposes to pro ceed with negotiations with Li Hung Chang and Prince Ching, as soon as feasible. This doubtless will have an important influence on the present negotiations, which are hinging to a considerable extent on the opening of peace negotiations. Within the last J few days the United States minister at 1 . l TT A 1 iraris, urenerai norace ir oner, nus been seen frequently at the office of the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, M. Delcassse, and it is understood that sentiments of the most friendly accord haye been exchanged between the two countries. The Powers Dividing. The conclusion reached from tbe day's developments is that the powers are dividine as to China and that at present Germany and Great Britain stand aligned against France and Russia, while both sides are seeking the adherence of the United States government. The issue appears to be made up in such shape as to dismiss further hope of obtaining that harmony of action respecting China that the President has been seeking so far, and the point apparently has been reached where the United States must take sides or at once proceed to act entirely indepen dent of the powers in reaching a settle ment The Chinese government is urging the latter course upon the State Department but thus far there has been a restraining force in the desire to avoid making the United States the first of the powers to break the solid front that has been maintained up to the present time in dealing with China. He Fooled the Surgeons. All doctors told Renickf Hamilton, of West Jefferson, O., after suffering 18 months from Rectual Fistula, he would die unless a costly, operation was performed ; but be cured himself with five boxc s of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the surest Pile cure on Earth, and the best Salve in the World. 25 cents a box. Sold by R. R.; Bellamy, Druggist I ". iAiAiAiAiiAiAi4i it it i 4ji a i A i Ai H EST E 9f

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