WW. 4 Oiling Up. 9 just a little oil on the engine at the tight time may mean the difference be tween life and death to the passengers and crew. What oil is to the friction of the delicate parts of the engine, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is to the deli cate organs 01 tne body. It eases their labor, pre vents the loss of power and waste of energy caused by friction. Many a man who was all run down, whose Dmbs ached when it walked, whose bftCk ached when tut laid town, who .t)R9fccd with dif ficult, and congh- ceusuauy, nas baen Tjeotly tne use Pierce's Medical It trar- blood, the aeini4 heads HQ 8UD- en 'nor 'tasd- Jwt tne Cbu. Hunwlck, of Lenox, Macomb Co., tea: "I nave nerer nu pcuer w my r An now I have tak4n Dr. Pierce's JiCa MtjUcal Discovery right along- I can UoV brim that away before long, and a Inve kid to,UkcmUfie for nearly two years, I think I am doing fine. I do not cough now and I can alceA Uk a tchool boy. You must know that I hi bean treated In two hospitals and by three doctors beside, and received no benefit; so I think yor medicine the only medicine for inc." Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser in paper cover, is sent free on receipt of ai one cjrnt stamps to pay expense of, mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buf falo, N. Y. WHAT THE CENSUS TELLS. S B ELISKR What does the census say? Study the figures well: Hundreds of thousands of hurrying men, Each with a story to tell 1 Each with a heart and each with a soul, Each with bis joys or cares, Each believing that he, somehow. Should weigtf in the world's affairs. What does the census show ? Hundreds of thousands of men Wearily quitting their tasks to-night To toil to morrow again ; Hundreds of thousands of people, each Faithfully hoping away For a glimpse of the chance for the lucky strike That each is to make, some day. What does the census tell ? " Does it tell of the eyes that ache? Does it tell of the wreath on the little mound? y Does it tell of the hearts that break Does it tell us a story of brotherhood, Of help for the halt and blind? Does it tell of the proud who ride in front And the weary who trudge behind? What does the census show? Hundreds of thousands of hands, Knotted and rough and white and soft, Filling the world's demands; Hundreds of thousands of sons of God Toiling in hope, in doubt, Each with his woes or each with his joys That the world cares nothing about. What does the census say? What do the figures mean ? Hundreds of thousands o'er whom the grass Will some day be growing greea ! Hundreds of thousands of bubbles cast About on a troubled sea Men in myriads hurrying past With neyer thought of me. Chicago Times-Herald. SUNDAY SELECTIONS. ' To repel one's cross is to make it heavier. -Amiel. He that has patience may com p&ss anything. Rabelais. We take no note of time but from its loss Edward Young. Diligence is the mother of good fortune. Miguel De Cervantes. What the Master desires is a wakeful work. Richard Glover. Anyone who does less than his very best is not living fully to his duty. Like strength is felt from hope and from despair.- Alexrnder Pope. Courage consists not in blindly overlooking danger, but in seeing it, and conquering it. History is little else than a pic ture of human crimes and misfor tunes. Voltaire. Nothing happens to anybody which he is not fitted by nature to bear. Marcus Aurelius. What distinguishes us from one another is our varying relations with infinity. Maeteflinck. Nothing is superior to the hu man mind save Him alone who made it. St. Bonaverfiura. Never was there an age in which Jesus would not say "Watch." Never one in wjiich his return would be other than a snare to all whose life is on a level of the world. --G. A., Chadwick. - Few men suspect how much mere talk fritters away spiritual energyr That which should be spent in action spends itself in words. Hence he who restrains that love of talk lays up a fund of spiritual strength. "I hear you are going tohave music at your house to-night." "I don't know about that" "But your wife said she was going to have nearly ' all the members of the choir there." "Yes; I know." mm IS A SYSTEM BUIL0ER.6IYES APPETITE & CORRECTSiTHE LIVER. wras'eso.v is sold Strictly on its Merits. It is The best Chill Tonic at the smalleatjriee, aMy.Qu m o n ey ' ref un d edjif if fails to cure your" 1 - V. EIOES BUjmNO, J. O. SHKPAED, JR., ROBERT B. BELLAMY, mat iv Wholesale ana Betan Drngetots. i : : ill area dv 01 uorapi BERTS 1 aUJ'I'LPI 1 IOOKP0KTX6 W " lC"y N0MCGCNU1NB A HOBO ON A TRAIN. i Bla Brief Interview, With at Brake- I " man and tne Conductor. "I spent several hours in a small country town not far from here a few - days ago," said a young professional man of this city, "and to kill time I joined the usual group in the, corner grocery store. One of the crowd was a freight brakeman, and he told a story about a tramp who was stealing a ride on the bumpers during his last run. " 'The conductor seen him first,' he said, 'and when he came back to the caboose he said, says, he: "Bill, there's a blamed ugly loo kin hobo on the trucks behind the first car. Suppose you go up and fire him Off." "All right, cap," says I, and starts front. When I gets to the first car, I looks down, and, sure enough, there .was a big, greasy hobo squattln on the edge, holdln on to the brake Iron. "HI, there!" says I, "what d'you mean jby tryin to beat the road? We're U$M slow now, and you"hop:rightoffrPhe hobo reached around Into his .'.pocket and pulled put a gun about a'ya&ttlong. When he pointed itat me, tt tlo&fced like a piece of stoyepjpe. ".ToUffifeckle nosed baboon," saSihe, "iffyoilfeiQh'vt go 'bout your buslnssreaijsud,den;l'll cave your face lnf S0p'!,1ayshe. I skipped. 1 " "When I goUpackJ;o jfche ajpose, the conductor says, 'SWellBlUfJdsyou fire the hobo?' o.'ayI'Itdldntt. In chattln with him," teys,'Itfoinid out we was kin, and I didn't rejdly have the heart to 'flounce theipoorfel lerl" "Well, I'll, "do it myself, then!" says the conductor, gettin hot, and away he goes over the tops. Pretty soon I could hear him comin back lickety spilt, on a dead ran. He slid down the brake Iron like a streak of greased lightnln and dropped Into the caboose seat all out of breath. "Did you fire him?" says I. "No," says he, sort of faint. ""Why, how, was that?" says I, pretndlnto.be,surprls ed. "Well, I'll tell ;you," Bays he,jcon fidentlal. "It's funnyimt, d'you;?know, when we got to talkjp, I foundi out-he was some kin to me too." ' "Chicago Inter Ocean. A FISH-CATCHING FISH. He Has a Month One-third the Slae of Hla Body. Most remarkable of strange fishes ,1s the angler fish, whose very name seems a paradox. The fishing -fish Is never theless a reality and a stern one .to 'all that approach those awful Jaws of ;hls. With a body the color of mud he gen erally lies In the. shadow of. somejrock on the bottom of the sea, waltlngjmo tlonless for the approach-ofhlsptey. He is provided with ariodlklndfaii just over the mouth, and -this is held out In front of him to. give warninglbf the coming of something to be swal lowed. One taken alive was experi mented on, and It -was found that; if this projecting fin was ; touched withta stick, even though the stick ,'xlld not come near the mouth, the jawsjclosed convulsively. This shows that,.tefln, by some provision of -nature, closes'the jaws as soon as It Is touched. The mouth Is tremendous, growing to the width of a foot when the .whole fish is only three feet 'long. Onefof these anglers was caught not long since, and, though it was;only25iiiches long, a fish 15 inches long' wasifound sticking in its throat The.angleris provided with peculiar teeth set In double or treble rows along; the; Jaws and at the . entrance of the throat. Some of these teeth are a foot i long. He is not a pretty fish to look.at,;but he attends strictly to,buslness.andwlll swallow anything that touches bis warning fin. whether fit is meant for food. or not All kinds of tblngsthave been, found In the stomachs of mnglers, from .'hits of lead and. stone tofflsh almost nsrlarge as the angler Itself) This Is without doubt one of the moet, peculiar andjin teresting fish In the whole ocean-St LohlsGlobe-Democrat BnllfroK or : Conscience, "Are you one of the f officers iof ..the treasury department?' asked the4 man with the bloodshot eyes. "I am assistant secretary of the treasury," was the reply. "What can I do for you?" y"WeIL if s rather a confidential Jrasi ness, and I don't wantlit to go. any further, but Tve cometo;pay thegoy ernment some money that'll guess I owe It fairly. I came backifronr.Eu rope some thneago wltlwaome Satiable goods concealedi abqutjaeiandgot past the revenue ofrjfWitlBjg. . I iflg ure thatI beatthegoerSaait&iOf about $8, and'l'4retoeiiJ5aro&p and get!tKemattJsrMn3!' "Wellf" -respoiidepSSSutsec-retary, "we haverwMtJevtaj&uja;con science fund, and asythlseema'to be a case of conscience "I don't know that it's my conscience that troubles me," said, the .visitor.Tbut I do know there's a big bullfrpgvthat stays In a pond near) where I'llve. jand he tkeeps me awake.nlght afteriiifght wltbihls Infernal 'coughtupcoughupr - If All CandldatekVWore -jWaJte, The word "candldnte" is from tthe Latin "candidatus!"1' Literally 'irjnes white robed, and'it was.thuacalledibe- -cause'in' Rome those jsvfio soughtofHce wore a glittering white" toga. Fancy, If 'you can, all our modern Americans dressed in: accordance' with tbeirtpollt leal ambitions. In spme sectlonaftbeTe would be no such thing as a dark;sujt of clothes. . Washington would;" Bljjly, be one slinlng center ' of universal whiteness. Saturday Evening dfit That'a All. "I hearthat. Belllngham has married money,"fsald Perkasle. "If s ajfalse reptort," rendled Rottlng dean. "He married a cashgu"l." Do trblt Frtee Press. Stern Resolution. Kind Old Lady You say you haven't worked for "18 years. Have you been blacklisted by. some of these grinding trusts? , Trejnp No, mum; y'see It was jest 18Steafs ago that me brudder died uv oyfirasertlon, , an I've been avengln his ifleath ever since. Chicago News. The Dlatplpllnlnir of Caaer. Bpss Didn't I Bee yez takln two rounds o the ladder wl one step? Casey iris, aoir. Sots 5rfre dtecharged for incompe jtency. DTdn't fez know this job's beta dottB be th' houit Colorado Springs Gazette. Maybe He Fiahea For Cod. I have strong doubts about Ten Bpot's being a genuine fisherman," said Cnmso. "Why?" asked Cawker. "He never refers to trout aB speckled beautQis." Detroit Free Press. Paying a. Snbatltate. i "Pa, please gimme 'nother nickeL" "What for. Tommy?" "Well, pa, f I-go f th' picnic with ma, I want f hire s'm other boy t'. car ry th' basket." Indianapolis JournaL ; ' ; Al)HetVet. "Tbftticeman's been and gone." 1 "Has4he?" t "Yes; l notice there Is considerable humidity In the air near the back gate."-Plxtladelphia Press. 0 THE BEST PRESCRIPTION IS Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonie. The formula is plainly printed on every bottle hence you know just what you are taking when you take Grove's. Imitators do not advertise their formula knowing that you would no', buy their medicine if you knew what it contained. Grovej contains Iron and Quinine put up in correct proportions and is in a Tasteless form. The Iron acts as a tonic while the Quinine , drives the malaria out of the system. Any reliable druggist will tell you that Grove s IS the Original and that all other so-called Tasteless Chill Tonics are imitations. An analysis of other chill tonics shows that Groves is 'superior to all others in every respect. You are not experimenting when you take Grove's Its superiorly and excellence having long been established. Grove S is the only Chill Cure sold throughout the entire malarial sections ot the United States. No Cure, -No Pay. Price. 50c. MINERS WAITING DEVELOPMENTS. Operators Said; to Have Con ceded an Advance of Ten PerCent. OFFER NOT YET MADE PUBLIC The Tie-up Nearly Complete About 134, 000 Men Now on Strike All Quiet at Hazleton Troops to With draw Coal Declining. By Telegraph to tne Morning star. Hazleton, Pa., September 29. "We are closing the mines and await ing developments," was all that Presi dent Mitchell, of the United Mine Workers, would say to-night when asked whether he had received any information from New York or else where as to what the operators are do ing in their efforts to settle the coal strike. Although he had diplomati cally evaded the question, there is a strong belief here that Mr. Mitchell is kept fully advised of the progress of events in the metropolis. If the reported advance of ten per cent, has been finally agreed upon it has not, so far as can be learned, been offered to any of the mine workers in the anthracite region. President Mitchell, speaking on the general situation from the strikers' point of view, said: "The newspaper reports that the operators have con ceded an advance of ten per cent, has aroused great interest in the ranks .of the strikers. The people are standing united, awaiting authentic informa tion from the omcuus of the organiza tion. There are more men idle to-day than at any time since the strike was inaugurated, and I have every reason to believe that the tie-up will be com plete. About 134,000 men are now on strike." New Yoek, September 29. Anthra cite coal was quoted one dollar a ton cheaper to day than it was two days ago. This was taken as an indication that the railroads and others with stocks of coal on hand regard an early settlement of the miners' strike probable. Troops to be Withdrawn. Shenandoah, Pa., Sept. ?9. The only incident of any importance here to-day was the conference between Gen. Gobin, Sheriff Toole and repre sentatives of mine operators, relative to the withdrawal of the troops. The meeting was held at the solicitation of Gen. Gobin, who said he did not believe the presence of the troops necessary, since there is absolutely no indication of violence on the strikers' part; with the additional fact that this district is completely tied up. The operators were undecided as to whether the troops should be ordered home or kept here several days longer. They finally agreed that Sheriff Toole was the proper person to decide that question. The sheriff was unwilling to assume the responsibility, and told the Associated Press correspondent that the matter was in the hands of Gen. Gobin. The General said there was no necessity for keeping such a large body of troops here and that he had decided to send one regiment away on Monday. He said to-night that the Twelfth regiment would prob ably be the first to depart, though he could not say positively before to-morrow. ' ' Plans for Settlement. New York, Sept. 29. The Evening Post says to-day: "While the final announcement of the coal strike settlement is yet forth coming, there was to day reliable au thority for the statement that the mat ters still under discussion are of detail merely, and that a satisfactory con clusion will be 'reached in a short time:" . "It is conceded every where in the coal trade that the price of coal after the strike will never settle down to the same leyel as before. More than 10 per cent, increase In wages is gen erally believed to be the concession the miners will demand, and this will mean, according to reliable estimates, an increase of fully 25 cents in the cost of every ton mined. This will make the cost at the collieries about $2.76 a ton. The consumer, of course, will pay thia difference." According to the Evening Post a coal operator said to-day that the rail road presidents have submitted the terms for a settlement to the mine su perintendents to learn whether the mines could be operated profitably under them. The PosVa informant thinks President Mitchell will get around the difficulty caused by the non-recognition of the union in this way. The proposition, the 10 per cent increase in wages or whatever it may be, will be submitted separately to each chapter of the mine workers union. When a chapter votes to accept it and notifies President Mitchell of its action he will endorse it on the ground that the conditions in that particular place warrant the suspension of dealings with the main union direct. The weekly bank statement shows: Loans $817,472,600, decrease $5,668, 400 ; deposits $884,706,800, decrease $12,764,700; circulation $29,865,700, increase $203,300; legal tenders $64,-' 962,900, decrease $2,158,500; specie $169,156,400, decrease $4,642,400; re serve $234,119,300, decrease $6,800, 900; reserve required $221,176,700, decrease $3,191,175; surplus $12,942, 600, decrease $3,609,725. Chilis rl MAKES MAKES :! k1A jCMabRl f cHllORE - VSJ" f AS FAT ASf AS PAT AS J v rBtl yrii r ai iii i in"' - Sss mi f THE ALLIES IN PEKIN. Waldersee Will Occupy a Palace in the Forbidden City The German Army Will Be Quartered There. rcopyrighted 1900 by the Associated Press.1 Pekin, Sept. 24, via Taku, Sept 27. Prince Ching has addressed notes to the ministers, acknowledging their let ters suggesting that the jcourt return to Pekin. He announces that he has dispatched a memorial covering the subject to the Dowager Empress. It is practically determined that Count Von Waldersee shall occupy one of the Imperial palaces in the Forbidden City when he arrives, and a large portion of the German army will be Quartered there. There is a complete reversal or the former policy to protect the Forbidden City. The Americans disapprove of this, but will not enter a protest. General pre parations for a winter encampment were resumed on the 16th. The Bengal Lancers have arrived. ' Reports From Tien Tsln. Tien Tsin, September 29. Count Von Waldersee and his staff arrived here at noon to-day. Guards of honor from all the allies received him at the railway station, which was decorated with the flags of Germany,' Russia and France. The flags of Great Britain and the other allies were con spicuous by their absence. The Russians are now at Lu Tai, and there is no immediate prospect of an advance upon Tong Shan, as it is said they fear the Chinese will wreck the mines and the railway plant It is reported that German and Rus sian warships and transports have left Taku to attack Shan Kai Kwan. Many French troops are arriving. BRYAN IN THE DAKOTAS. Speech at Fargo His Answer to a Qaes . Hon About the Negroes in the ' Southern States. Br Telegraph to the Horning Star. Cranston, Minn., "Sept. 29. Mr. Bryan to-day explored the valley of the Red River of the North, travers ing this rich agricultural section from Washpeton to Grafton and turn ing back from Grafton to Grand Forks, then started eastward and reached this place to-night. He made nine speeches again to-day and several of them were more than an hour in length. The speeches were generally addressed to farmers and Mr. Bryan spoke to them as a farmer. At Fargo, while Mr. Bryan was dis cussing the status of the Filipinos, some one in the crowd asked : "How about the negroes?" , This question aroused the speaker and he answered warmly, saying that the Republicans never wanted to dis cuss the race question except in cam paign times. "If you will look at the Sulu treaty," he baid, "you will have a chance to talk about th negroes during the campaign. I do not know of a purer piece of hypocrisy than the hypocrisy of the Republican who defends the Sulu treaty and condemns the amend ments in the Southern States.- The Republican party has taken the negro for thirty yearsHo an office door, and then tied him on the outside. The negro has bestowed presidents on the Republican party and the Republican party has given to the negro janitor ships in return." WARM WIRELETS. Arrangements for Gov. Roosevelt's tour of .West Virginia were perfected yesterday at the Republican National headquarters. : Lieutenant Hobson has applied to the Navy Department for six months leave of absence because of trouble which has developed with his eyes. The Census Bureau announces that the population of Knoxville, Tenn., is 32,637, as against 22,535 in 1890. This is an increase of 10,102, or 44.83 per cent. Alderman Frank Green was form ally elected Lord Mayor of London for the ensuing year, at the Guildhall yes terday. Mr. Green is a native of Maid stone, Kent, and is a paper merchant. Fire broke out in the third hatch of the steamp8hip American at New Orleans. There are stored in the compartment 35,000 bushels of wheat many oak logs and 2,000 bales of cotton. Eight engines pumped water into the ship for several hours. George Covington Schorn, supposed to be the travelling representative of P. K. Wilkinson & Son, 473 Broad way, New York, was found dead in his bed at the Hotel Ara'gon, Atlanta. A hemorrhage is the pronounced cause of death . Our Greatest Speciality . For twenty years Dr. J. Newton Hathaway has so successfully treated chronic diseases that he is acknow ledged to-day to stand at the head of his profession in this line. His exclu sive method of treatment for Varicocle and Stricture without the aid of knife or cautory cures in 90 per cent of all cases. In the treatment of Loss of Vi tal Forces, Nervous Disorder, Kidney and Urinary Complaints, Paralysis, Blood Poisoning, Rheumatism,Catarrh and Diseases peculiar to women, he is equally successful. Cases pronounced hopeless by other physicians, readily yield to his treatment Write him to day fully about your case. He makes no charge for consultation or advice, either at his office of by mail. J. Newton Hathaway, M. D., : 22i South Broad St, Atlanta, Ga. "Pi CONDITIONS IN GALVESTON. Imperative Need of Homes for More Than Eight Thousand People. By Telegraph to the Horning Star. New York, SeptT 29. The system of relief distribution now in operation in Galveston is described in a long tele gram from Clara Barton, president of the American National Red Cross, re ceived to-day at the rooms of the Red Cross Texas relief fund in this city. Miss Barton says: "The most imperative subject now before the committee and the one next in importance to the sanitary relief in cleanine the city, is the ques tion of providing suitable homes of a temnorarv nature for more than 8,000 homeless persons. The committed is formulating a com prehensive plan now for the purpose of meeting with that great necessity. Immense Quantities of lumber, nails. roofiner and carpenters' tools and a large fund of money, will be necessary to suitably meet this end. In every instance, where possible, the sufferers will be expected to furnish their own labor in the reconstruction of their homes, thereby keeping every one employed." Galveston, Texas, September 29. Twenty -eight bodies were reported to hav9 been recovered from the debris to-day. This report includes but three wards out of the six wards where bodies are known to ba buried in the wreckage. To date 2,339 bodies have been officially reported found. United States Consul W. W. Mills. at Chihuahua, Mexico, has sent a note to the State Department at Washing ton, detailing an insult to the Amen can flag on September 19, the anniver sary of Mexican independence, by a mob of Mexicans. He had hoisted the United States and Mexican flags in honor of the day and the mop tore down the United States colors'. f For FBEB POSITIONS GUARANTEED. Undw 93,000 Qash Deposit. LiroM ran rata. 0f b an rat W fettL M VT Chi sep la Cm w GROCERIES. CLOSE PRICES, BEST QUALITY, PROMPT SHIPMENTS. Send us your orders. D. McEACHERN, Wholesale Grocer. ,204 and 90S North water street. teb 11 tf SEED RYE AND SEED WHEAT. Bushels Seed Bye. Bushels Seed Wheat. 25 000 Ponna R SWes 5000 T83- 7 Barrels Nice Mullets. 20 000 Ponnd8 Hoop Iron l'OOO 8econd Hand and New Caaks- 'S00 Bnsuels Va' Water Gronna Heal. And car-loads of other stuff. Get onr prices. D. L. GORE CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, seo 23 tf Wilmington, N. C. REASOHABLE GOODS. MULLETS, new catch. Best Cream Cheese, Martin's Gilt Ege Butter, Bagging and Tifes. SALT. A GBJ8EBA.I1 LIXK OF CASE GOODS IN DEMAND AT THIS SEASON. Sole agents for ROB BOY FLOUR, HcHAIR & PEARSALL. sep 19 To. Repair Broken Arti cles use Major's Remember MAJOR'S RUBBER CEMENT, MAJOR'S LEATHER - CEMENT. Hal mar 9 ly DAW ILLINOIS DRIFTING AWAY FROM H ANN A. Republican Managers Are Much Alarmed by Results of a Recent Poll-Bryan s . Heavy Gains in Chicago. ' New York Herald, 27th. Illinois has become more doubtful than Indiana. This astonishing development of the campaign was contained in news re ceived at Republican National head quarters yesterday, A poll of the State, taken for the purpose of arriving at the exact situation, has shown the Republican leaders that, while Mc- Kinley is holding his strength in the rural districts of the State, Bryan is making decided gains in the cities. It is well-known that the Republi cans are weak in Chicago because of the strike of the building trades unions there. The canvass of the State indi cates forcibly that the Republican ma jority outside the city of Unicago may be insufficient to overcome the Demo cratic majority in that municipality. Senator uanna, during his trip to he West, endeavored to stop the strike but did not succeed in doing so. Illi nois has hitherto been counted among the certain Republican States, and the results of the poll have had a decided chilling effect upon the campaign managers. Another cause for anxiety at Repub lican National headquarters is the in sufficiency of campaign funds. Where a dollar was spent four years ago, the managers can now spend only half as much, and they have oeen forced to shaDe and curtail their plans accord ingly. This economy extends to the Republican State and (Jounty com mittees. Senator Hanna called a meeting yes terday of the Eastern members of his Advisorv Committee. Senator Hanna told the Advisory Committee that there was urgent need .of more money. He went over the sit- uaiion wiiu me memoers anu as&eu them to aid him in filling the cam J - "J. A 1 1 J 1 paign chest. Hughes' Tonic. PALATABLE. Better than Calomel and Quinine, The Old Reliable. . EXCELLENT GENERAL TONIC as well aa A Sure Care for CHILLS anil FEVER. It Never Fails. Just what you need, at this season. Mild Laxative. Nervous Sedative. Splendid Tonic. Guaranteed by your Druggists. Don't take any substitute. 50c and $1.00 Bottles. my 18 8m i r v y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y x y x y y y y y y y y y y X X pn October 1st we change. But do not move. We have had no REMOVAL BALK, nor will we have. Bat we are selling lots ot SHOES. The fact Is, the low prices at which we are closing; ont some ot oar lines are at tracting people from far and near. Everything that we do not expect to keep np sizes and styles on in our Shoe Depart ment, go- Regardless of cost. This Department of onr busi ness will be OUR SPECIALTY yet. We shall make It interest ing in all the different depart ments. We hope to be ready to serve the public In splendid shape by the 12th or 13th. Watch our space in this paper. Try us once and yon will come again. Respectfully. X y x y y MERCER & EVANS. sepSOtf Bow For The Fall Trade. We are now prepared to nil all order for goods In onr line, whole sale and retail, at prices that will surprise yon. Quality, too, la a feature in which we excel. Agicultural Implements, Fine Cutlery, Tinware, Saddles, Horse Collars, Guns, Pistols, Ammunition of every kind, Stoves, Ranges wen, it wonld require too much space toemi merate the thousand and one articles that make np one of the most complete stocks ever offered In the Bonth Polite attention, prompt filling of orders and perfect satisfaction guaranteed. J. W. Mnrchison & Co. Orton Bnlldlne, aepatr Wilmington, N. C. STATEMENT OF WILMINGTON, N. C. At the Close of Business Sept. 5th, 1900, Con densed from Report to Comptroller. RESOURCES. Loans 640,613.23 Overdrafts 86-83 17 H Bonds (at nar) 216,100.00 Banking House and Fixtures 10,000.00j DUerromapp u reu voagu a as,oo. Due from other banks. 162,145.02 Cash on hand 98,592.78 293,221.29 Total 11,359,971.35 LIABILITIES. Capital..... I 125,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 108,307.65 Circulation , 95,100.00 Deposits U. 8 Trea8 ...$120,875.00 Deposits from Banks 179,645.4? Deposits from individuals 73i,043.23-l,03l,i63.70 Total .......11,359,971.85 . COMPARATIVE STATEMENT. ' ' Sept-S-aS. Sept. S,. Beat. 5, 1900 Total deposits. . . .$531,800 f867J00 11,031,500 Surplus and net profits 830O - 95,900 108,300 UJS. bonds at par 45,100 95,600 - 816,100 Dividends Paid 6 Per Cent. Per iimmn. l Instalment of Capital Paid la October 1893 . .. sepistf DOT Atlantic Rational Ban 1 The Kind You Have Always in use ior over tv years, si ana nas been made under his per- 72. sonal supervision since its infancy. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are but. Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor, Oil, Pare gbric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pheasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Won and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. : The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The KM You Have Always fought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CIWTHUR COMPANY. TT MUMMY STKCCT. NEW YORK OITY. Botice to Depositors. Money Has been paid ont by this bank In interest to de positors within the past 13 month?. It you are Dot receiving an; ot this interest, lie eln a Savings Account at once. Ton will be surprised at the result Tho Wilmington Savings and Trust Go. sep29tf Look Out - ON ALL GOODS THIS WEEK AT GAYLORD'S SBS? Corner Fourth and Campbell Street. Don't miss this chance. It won't last long. J. R. BOYD, nanactr. Bell 'Phone 557. sep!6tf Open every nlsat nntfJ o'clock. Wilmington's Grand New Rackets Just north of the Post office, " is completed, and I have finished raoying, and am now ready for customers. We will begin our Fall business in good earnest, making it hot for competition. I want you to come and seo us, and take a look over our new place and ride on our new elevator. We will promise to please you, do all in our power to save you money, and sell you the best values in the city. 5 MISS ALMA BROWN has returned home from her North ern tnp, wnere sne nas been for the past two months learning all the Fall styles and selecting pretty things in the Millinery line for the ladies. She would be glad to have all of iier friends to see her for their Fall headwear. We will have our Fall open ing about October 10, and we have now a nice line of Ladies' new Golf Hats to show, and Trimmed Hats at all prices. We would like to offer our services to all merchants in the wholesale line for JTrimmed Hats at $9.00, $12.00, $15.00 and $18.00 per dozen. We will fill your orders and guarantee the Hats to please you, or will let you-return them and at our exnense. If von think of handling the line, you have nothing to lose, and I would be pleased to have a trial order. I have about 50 rolls of Matting to close out from 10c per yard to 18c. , Thirty rolls of Carpet at Cost, as I want to close out my whole stock of Carpet. Good Brussels Carpet at 37c, we sold at 50c. I have Window Shades with spring rollers and fixtures complete at 10c. Opaque line Shades at 25c. Good Umbrellas at 39, 48, 75c and $1.00. Writing Paper at 10c per pound of 72 sheets. Ladies' Nice Wool Capes at 49c. I have everything in the Dry Goods line to sell, and Bell -cheap. I want your business if fair dealing, low prices and good goods will keep it; and yet more I will promise to do my best. Come to see us and give us a look over our handsome new store, just north of the postoffice, 210, 212 North Front street. GEO. O. GAYLORD, PROPRIETOR. Just one block from where 1 moved from, opposite The Orton. sep 30 tf September Mullets. 14.000 Pounds New MnlUta. 100 BbU. very best Pat. Flour. 800 Sacks very best Pat. Flour. 1,000 Sacks Half Pat. Flour. 840 Bbls. Half Pat. Flour. 70 Ba&s Granulated Sugar. 86 Bbls. Sugar. 300 Gross Little Star Matches. S40 Gross Globe Hatches ISO Gross Coast Matches. 165 Gross B. ft C. matches. 125 Cases Lump Starch. 110 Cases Celluloid Starch. W. B. COOPER, 8io and 313 Nntt street, sep 30 v viimmsfcir, . Littleton Female College A VERT PROSPEROUS INSTITUTION WITH MODERN BUILDINGS, SPLEN DIDLY LOCATED IN A REMARKABLY HEALTHY SECTION IN WARREN COUN TY, ON S. A. L. ROAD BETWEEN RA LEIGH AND WELDON, N. C. PANACEA WATER KEPT IN BUILD ING AT ALL TIMES FOR PRRK TT.1H! nil INMATES. TERMS VERY LOW. For Catalogue, address, , Rev. J. M. RHODES, A. at, Pres., JeUSm, UtUeUm, N. C. . Ai Bought, and which lias been nas norne the signature of Signature of deposited Saturday or Monday will begin -Searing interest from october first. $23,686.28 FOR YOUR INTEREST. Something very Interesting In regard to Low Prices tore Mullets, Our Oi Catch VIRGINIA WATER GROUND MEAL FLOUR, all grades in barrels and bags. LARD, SOAP, LYE, MULLET. BARRELS. A full line of Tobacco, Cigars it Cigarettes. SALT in 100 lb., 125 lb. and 200 lb. bags. CAKES AND CRACKERS of all kinds. CANDY in Buckets and Boxes. SARDINES, MOLASSES AND CHEESE. WRAPPING PAPER, PAPER BAGS. TWINE, NAILS AND COTTON TIES. For sale by . WILLIAMS BROTHERS Wholesale Grocers and Mn1R Commission Merchants. seplStt THE GROCERY TRADE Will find onr stocks and prices Interesting:. Correspondence solicited. - TRUCKERS. We have Fine Ground Pish Scrap and Hlsh Grade Guanos for Lettuce Beds and ai: crops, ee us before buying. HALL & PEARSALL, WHOLESALE GROCERS. - - an S3 tt Nntt and Mulberry streets.