tic I L L I A M n . B E B U A B r. Bditor and Proprietor. WIUMINGfON, N. C. Fbiday, - - Decsmbbr 7, 1900. rich! pickings. One of the striking differences between Democratic statesmen and Republican statesmen is that tbe former in levying taxes try to avoid levying more than is necessary to meet the expenses of the Govern ment, holding that unnecessary taxation is unjust taxation, while the latter levy taxes withont regard to the strict demands for revenue, the result generally being a surplus. They act on the maxim that it is easier to manage a surplus than a deficiency, for they can ."shovel a surplus out," as Corporal Tanner boasted he was doing when he was - Commissioner of Pensions. The war taxes, levied to meet the ex penses of the war with Spain, are till on and the result is a Burplus in the .Treasury now. But the Re publicans statesmen are not both- ered about that, for they are just simply going to get rid of - it and let the men who helped elect McKinley get the bene m oi it ana oi some more grabs too. One of their boasts is that this is a billion dollar country and the endorsement they- received at the last election has emboldened them to run the coulter still deeper, ana provide jobs wmca will give "Their friends rich pickings. Judg ing from the indications and the talk in Washington the correspon dents have begun to foreshadow the programme, one of whom, thecorre Bpondent of the Baltimore Sun, out lines it thus: "President McKinley is arranging a program for Congress under conditions that are unexampled in the historv of tne u nitea mates. More power to in nuence legislation no President ever had since Lincoln. Mr. McKinley and nit party associates, it is said, intend to take the verdict at the nolJs last November as an -indorsement and a mandate and they' are ; preparing to obey the 'mandate' at home and abroad. Mc Kin ley's second term, to all intents and purposes, has beeun. "He has taken the country throueh the door of expansion. He stands now ready to lead it into what bis friends are so fond or calling the "golden era." It is likely to be a golden era in more respects man one a golden era for the goats as well as for tbe sheep, and Washington is liter ally overrun with lobbyists, attorneys. secret agents and outsnoken capital ists all intriguing for a share of the wealth that is to come from the cornu copia. 'These are only a few thinn in this "golden era" to excite remark as Con gress reassembles. Tbe plans that are going lorwara to further qualify the United States for holding tne place it nsi laKen amoag tne great world powers challenge the imagination. "The great project of cutting a canal to ba owned by the United States through the Central American isthmus is before Congress and has received a Gwenui impetus by expansion. The st estimates of the Nicaragua canal route will cost $175,000,000. The pub lic sentiment behind the Nicaragua route is expected to force action ir tbe Hay-Pauncefote treaty, insuring the neutrality of the canal under Ameri can control, can be ratified. A natural accompaniment oi mis policy of ex pansion in the 'golden era' is an American Pacific cable connecting us wun our possessions in the Far East. If it is built by the Government it will cost $20,000,000. "Congress is expected to take the step, in passing the Spooner bill, that will commit tbe United 8tates to the government of the Philippines by something other than the war power under which the President is now act ing. There will undoubtedly by legia Iatiorproviding for a standing army of 95.766 men, which may be reduced to 68,942, and the Government must meet j&e proposition of fortifying our colonial outpoots in the Philippines, in Guam, in Hawaii and in Porto Rico. "With a greater army, a greater navy must go hand-in hand, and there are Elans for literally belting the globe oth north and south of the equator with coaling stations." "The Administration is confronted with the question, 'What shall be done with the surplus?' The reply heard in a resounding chorus is, 'Spend it.' The war is past, but there is a strenuous re luctance against letting go of the mil lions that are pouring in under the war revenue tax and other revenue laws. There will be a fight against any policy other than keeping war expenses go ing in this 'golden era' of peace. With all the increased expenses due to the war with 8paia there was a surplus of $79,527,000 for the fiscal year ended June 30, WOO, which Secretary Gage managed to cut down about $55,000,000 by-bond purchases, redeeming bonds and carrying out the refunding act. "In the face of all this there is a manifest objection to making a large reduction in the war taxes. The largest cut contemplated is $30,000,000. This would still leave an estimated surplus of $95,000,000. The reason for it is that Congress wants to spend the money. The purposes to which this money is to be applied are not difficult to find. !Ihere is 'internal expansion' to be considered. The River and Harbor 2? !!llnry dArect appropriations of $25,000 000; will authorize large con tracts for several millions more, while the . Sundry Civil bill will have items for contract previously authorized JS?cin5 W.000,000-total more than $34,000,000. "The officeholders, too, are going in for their share of the war tax that will in ordinarv civil ..nimriitnTa. rZrTZl n - . . v. iug wovernment or about $3,000,000, these I uHuwrca uemg in me execuuve. legis-1 lative and judicial department." On f f.v, M.n- brinir rr.T.l.fn anA v u utvuiuvua lU I ' iaw3Jf upou making millions and are not over particular as to how they make them. This is one of the results of wars not only in this but in other countries. Wars are harvests to men of this kind. The: "War for the Union" as it ie sometimes called, produced a multitude of this kind of men who soon owned the Govern ment and controlled both Houses of Congress and raked in millions upon millions of dollars, and millions upon millions of acres of the public domain granted in subsidies to rail roads. The Republican party was yonng then, the promoters and the speculators got . such a hold on it that they have held it ever since, and now they have tbe opportunity to get in some more of their work, with the grand schemes they have planned. Ship subsidies, a big army and navy which means big contracts for army and navy supplies, big con tracts for ships, big canals, ocean cables, coast fortifications, all involv ing an expenditure of hundreds of millions, to be shared among the gentlemen who have a pull on the Eepublican statesmen. One of tbe principal promoters is a man who stands nearest to the President, a man who has more in fluence over him and in shaping the policies of this administration than any other nail dozen men in the country Mark Hanna, who runs his politics and his statesmanship on the dollar schedule. He has sur rounded himself with men of his own stripe, and it is these who con trol and shape the policies of this administration. Mr. McKinley is as wax in .their hands. They have filled bim with the idea that his name is to be associated with some of the greatest enterprises in the I history of the country, enterprises that will make a new era in its his tory. They are going to make the American people pay for it all, and they will in the meantime rake in their millions, and have the cheek to tell the people it is all for them and for the glorybf their country. And while all thisis going on, while they are planning to raid the Treas ury, they are preparing the way for one of tho most colossal financial collapsethis country ever saw. i AND IN NORTH CAROLINA, TOO' A few days ago we published an article on North Carolina's small in dustries in manufactures of wool, suggested .by some figures taken from the Dixie Magazine. Here is something on the ."small industries' of the farm, which may interest North Carolina farmers, as it applies as pertinently to them as it does to the farmers of Georgia, for whom it was published. We quote from the Augusta CJironicle: "If the farmers of Georgia could see in one pile ail the butter that is ship ped into this State, in another pile all the eggs that are brought from other States, and in another pile all the poul try, their eyes would open wide in astonishment. And then, if they could see in another pile all of the money that goes out of Georgia for tnese imngs, tneir eyes would open wider still, and their cupidity be thor oughly aroused. Writing on this sub ject recently, the Savannah Morning xveuw says: "It is to be honed that the farmers of Georgia are watching the prices of eggs ana nutter. icggs are now re tailing around 25 cents a dozen, with the prospect that they will go higher as Thanksgiving and Christmas ap proach. And butter has taken a jump upward. Is there any good reason why our supplies of eggs and butter should not be raised at home? It must make Georgia ' farmers feel manv pangs of regret to know that thousands and thousands of dollars are going out oi me otate tor eggs and butter which better than not might be going into their pockets. We need a million more hens and a hundred thousand more high grade cows in Georgia. -xnemisiaxe mat is made by our farmers who venture into these fields largely is that tbey do not make proper arrangements for a market for their produce in advance.. They depend upon some small local town and send a lot of stuff just at the time that all otners are marketing theirs. The natu ral result is a glutted market, poor prices or aosoiute loss of goods with no sale at all. Then the' foolish far mer declares there is no use is raisin r tningsm large quantities for market. and his fate keeps others from ventur ing, it is just as important to sell your crop as it is to raise it This ought io oe arranged lor in advance and ueorgia farmers would keep millions ui money in me cjtate." Whatever the cause may be, whether on account of scarcity or Irusts, the ruling price for eggs has been for some time twenty fivn cents a dozen, even in small towns, and hard to get at that, while good butter has been selling for thirty cents a pound, and scarce at that. Even at these prices we have to de pend upon other States for butter if not for eggs. And poultry has been proportionately high. THE SUBSEDY BOOMERS HUST- .HUG. The ship subsidy boomers had their plans laid before Congress met, and as a result the subsidy bill was brought to the front on the first day and given the right of way. The vote by which it was brought to the front is significant I oi its strength m-the Senate, where the only chance to prevent its pas sage, in some shape, if not precise ly as it is now phrased, "will be to talk it to death under the "sena torial courtesy" rale, a nUn .a which ita opponents may resort. As it is a party measure, backed by the administration all the influ- ence e administration will be . .... wieiaea 10 carry it through and that means a good deal, with a Rcmnfcli nari n " t' epubli- o6iC, wuero tne wnip ana f . 7"6V . vu m DTlTi On n CT in riiaant. TTM i. objection there may be by the Re- puoucan Senators or Representa tives is not to the subsidy idea, for they all believe in that, but to the matter of distributing the subsidies. DM SOme Way Will. donhtlAna. ha (irn.J J. -.1 J., il ivuuu nu yiawtutj buese ana secure tneir voter lor -the measure when the time comes to vote. The schemers and grabbers hold the reins. There is a movement to erect a monument to Philip Genter, . the man who discovered coal at Mauch Chunk, Pa., 109 years ago. It onght to be a chunk df coal. ANNUAL CONFERENCE Eastern North Carolina Metho dists in Session This Week at Newbern. DR. KILGO IS ENDORSED. President of Trioity Collere ard His Co - dependants la Osttis Suit Are Sub jects of Commendatory Resolu tions Large Attendance. . v Special Star Telegram- Newbibu, N. C Deo. 5. The Sixty-fourth session of the North Car olina Conference of the Methodost Episcopal Church South, met in Cen tenary church this morning. . Bishop H. C Morrison conducted tbe open ing service. He is presiding over the conference" with grace and dispatching business rapidly. The time for the daily meetings was fixed at 9;30 A. M., and adjournment at 1:30 P. M. . Interesting and eloquent addresses were made by Drs. Tbos. H. Law, agent of tbe American Bible Society, W. P. Tillett, Dean of Vanderbilt University, and E. Thompson, representing tbe American Sunday I League. Reference by Dr, Tillett to . the influence of his sainted father brought tears to the eyes of many, who had known him. Henry Spence, of the Nashville Publishing House, and Dr. Brooks, of the Western N. C. Conference were also introduced. The report from the book agents show ed increasing profits, and that all pub lications except the Review, and Era are self sustaining. : Dr. Kilgo reported for the trustees of Trinity College, which report showed it'a endowment ' to be over three hundred thousand dollars, and total property value over seven hun dred thousand dollars. About two hundred students are enrolled. The following resolution was intro duced by Dr. Yates and unanimously passed by a rising vote: Whebbas, certain events having recently transpired touching the moral integrity of Dr. J. C. Kilgo, "president of Trinity Uollege, W. K. Odell, mem ber of tne M. ft. Uhurch South in Concord, N. C , and B. N. Duke, of Jllain Street Methodist Church, Dur ham, N. C, therefore. Resolved, That this conference has unabated confidence in said J. C. Kilgo. W. R. Odell and B. N. Duxe. and assure these brethern that it shall be the pleasure and faith of this con ference to aid tbem in overcoming in tne name oi our ixrd, tbe efforts be ing made to destroy our college, and to damage the influence of the Metho dist church in North Carolina. Resolved. That in our judgment the church will be more united than ever in her prayer, help and purpose to sustain the college with its able presi dent and faculty, and we hereby offer to the Messrs. Dukes, the most gener ous Dene factors or tne college, our sincere thanks for their support of the institution. 8igned E. A. Yates, J. B. HUSLKT. Rev. J. M. Rhodes, president of Littleton Female College, reported fine progress for that excellent institution. Sixty-five rooms have been added the past year. There are one hundred and sixty three students. Newbern is a pleasant and interest ing old town, and her people have given tbe conference a most hearty welcome. The preachers have come up with good reports, as shown by the presiding elders' verbal statements, and Methodism is very much alive just here and now. The resident pas tor, Rev. R. B. John, seems at his best as host. Miss Mamie Bays is reporting the proceedings for the Journal and 06 eerver. Dr. Tillett preached to-night. DEATH OP A. D. McKEITHAN. Oae of Brooswlck Coonty's Most Esteemed Citizens Passed Away Ssaday. The Btas learns with regret of the death of Mr. A. D. McKeithan, which occurred at 8 o'clock Sunday night at bis home near Lock wood's Folly. Brunswick county. He lacked only a few days of reaching his eighty-eighth year. Mr. McKeithan was one of Bruns wick county's most popular and es teemed citizens, and his death is a loss to the entire community. He was a devout Christian gentleman and lived a life of much usefulness. Mr. McKeithan was married three times and his last wife has been dead twenty years. He is survived by seven children, five daughters and two sons, all by his first wife. The sons are Capt. R. W. McKeithan, of Sup ply, N. C, and Mr. Moses McKeithan. ofSouthport. Two of his daughters are living in Texas, one in Florida, one in Georgia and the other at Tt. wood's Folly. The remains were laid to rest Mon- dy in tk family burying ground. New Baaks. - A new, bank : has been opened at Red Springs, N. 0., with a capital of $15,000. W. H. McDonald, of En field, is president and R. Li Green, of Rocky Mount, cashier. The National Bank of Fayetteville has also asked for a charter. The directors are W. J. Edwards, of Sanford; H. E. Clem ents. W. H Britton, T B. Uichurcb, J. W. McLauchlin and W. H. Bikes. Congressional Contests. It is stated upon good authority in Washington that John E. Fowler will contest the seat in Congress of Hon. C. R. Thomas in the First district Martin, it is said, will probably con test Claude Kitchin's seat in the Sec ond, and Joyoe W. H. Kitchin's seat in the Fifth. $100 Reward, $100. ThB raadAMi nf thta hu Wfll Ka tvlaaaAil learn that there is at least oae dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that to Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu tional disease, requires a conttltarJonal treat meut. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, aotlnsr dlrectiv noon Um hinmi on mn. ? .itSivJi oe oyBiem. inerepy destroying he I IUUndatiOn Of the dlwvuw a.nd or1Tiifrth.n.i.n I ativngth ly buUdUiKno the coSfltntiJiii I ion nare so much I that trey offer m case that It laUs to core. monlala. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. gold by Druggists, 75c. wurac amuy j DUB IUV PUls are the beet t am won. Tne Droone- I Hnn rETiaXS JKrri"" gooa appetite Bend for list or tMt I taker-1 . can No crop can be grown without Potash. Supply enough Pot ash and your profits will be large; without Potash your crop will be "scrubby. Our books, telling about composition of fertilizer best adapted for all crops, are free to all farmers. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 03 Nassau Sb. New York. . . HOSPITAL BOARD MEETING. Contracts for Furnishing Supplies Award ed Under Bonds Monthly Report of Dr. W. W. Lane, Superintendent. The Hospital Board met yesterday afternoon at the courthouse. Present were Mr. D. iMcEachern (chairman), Commissioners Holmes, Montgomery, Alderman Spencer and Dr. W. W. Lane. The principal business transacted by the board was considering bids for fur nishing hospital supplies and the fol lowing were accepted and bonds named: Groceries Holmes Grocery Com pany; $500 bond. Drugs K K. Bellamy; $500 bond. Bread Warren's bakery: no bond required. wood U. K. Savage; $100 bond. Coal J. A. Springer & Com Dan v $100 bond. Meats L B. Rhodes; $150 bond. Milk L. Y. Stein ; $150 bond. No ice contract has been awarded yet Dr. Lane, the superintendent, sub mitted the following hospital report for the month of November, and it was approved : White patients treated during the month 27, colored 15; patients remain ing October 31st, 15; patients dis charged during November, 25; patients died during November, 3; patients re maining November 30th, 14 Total number of day pay patients treated, 50; charity patients, 469; treatment furnished, 519. Rations furnished pay patients, 50; charity patients, 469; employes, 405. Aver age cost per capita per day, 14 cents. expenditures ueneral expenses. $133.38; pay roll $191.50. Receipts Prescriptions, $35 55; pay patients, $88 10; city, $166.66; county, $350; total, $510.31, When others fail, take Roberts1 J.ASTBLES3 JHIU. TONIC It CUTPB chills, fevers, malaria and general bad neaitn. zsa. A red cross on the label assures you of the pure, high-class material mat maicea kobebts' a sue cess. Don't take a substitute. R. R. .BELLAMY. J OS (J. SHEPABD. Jr.. and J . hicks Bunting. MARRIED AT S0UTHP0RT. Popular Yoasj Couple Wedded ia Trinity M. E. Chares Yesterday Afternoon. Miss Josephine Pepper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Pepper, of South- port, and Mr. M. Victor Martin, of Mullins, S. C, were happily married at 1:30 oVock yesterday afternoon in Trinity Methodist Church, South port, in the presence of a large assemblage of relatives and friends of the con tracting parties. The church was prettily decorated in palms and white and pink chrysanthemums. The cere mony was performed by Rev. R. W. Bailey. The bride, who was attired in a stylish gown of' blue broadcloth and carried a bouquet of bride's roses, was given away by her brother, Mr. E. L. Pepper. The groom entered with his brother, Mr. M. Clyde Martin, - of Mullins, S. C, who was beat man. The other attendants were Miss Mary Pepper, sister of tbe bride, maid of honor; Miss Lillie May Drew with Mr. FredR. Mintz: Miss Louise Haskett with Mr.' C. Ed Taylor; Miss Mabel Price with Mr. Norcum Sweeney, of Wilmington. The following were ushers: Messrs. Carl R. Pepper and Hoyle Dosher. The music was ren dered by Mrs. S. W. Watts. , After receiving congratulations and best wishes of many friends, the bride and groom, accompanied by the bridal party, came up to the city oa the steamer Wilmington and are stopping at The Orton until this afternoon. when Mr. and Mrs. Martin will leave oyer the W., C. and A. road for Mul lins, their future home. The bride is one of Houthport's fairest and most popular young ladies and the groom is a prominent young business man. Fire at Warsaw. A small fire at Warsaw Monday de stroyed an old store owned by John Bowden, colored, and stock of goods belonging to J. M. Blackburn. There was also destroyed a lot of furniture stored in the building by Mrs. R. N. Bryan, mother of Mr. E. K. Bryan, Esq., of Wilmington. The store was insured for $320, stock for $100 and furniture for $500. Cargo of Cottoa. The British steamship Wandby, Cap tain Pearson, cleared yesterday with a cargo of cotton for Bremen. The cargo consists of 14,596 bales, valued at $743, 000 and is consigned by Messrs. Alex- anaer Bprunt & Bon. She expected to leave early this morning for South port and out to sea Brave Blen Fall Victims to stomach, liver and kid ney troubles as well as women, and all feel the results in loss of appetite, poisons in the blood, .backache, nerv ousnesa, headache and tired, listless, run down feeling. But there's no need to feel like that Listen to J.W. Gardner, Idaville, Ind. He says: "JUectric Bitters are just the thing for a man when he is all run down, and a mai , uon 1 care whether he lives or dies. It did more to give me new strength and man anytning I could now eat anything and have a new lease on life." Only 50 cents, at tt. a. uellamy s urug store, n.very Doiue guaranteeu. t taking a police census. Eeamerators Are Maklog a Canvass i Actually Determine Wilmington's ' ,:-Populatioe. - - There has been such general dissat isfaction in Wilmington at the result of the present census that a police cen susia now being taken to ascertain the exact population of the city ; for almost every body is willing to contend that the Census Bureau has announced its calculations from per feet returns In some of the wards in Wilmington. A detailed statement of the census for this year, with conclusions drawn from a comparison of the returns for the past thirty years, was given in a recent issue of the Stab, and it is un necessary to recite again the necessity for the police census now being taken. The work is being done under, su pervision of the police committee and will likely be finished in ten or fifteen days. The city has been divided into five districts and a man placed in charge of the enumeration of each of the same. They began yesterday and are going carefully over the city just as the government enumerators did in the Spring. Reports are made to police headquarters and when the work is done the "police census bureau" will begin compiling the figures. The policemen having in charge the work in the several districts are as follows: First Division B. R. King. Second Division W. H. Barden. Third Division M. E. Guy. Fourth Division J. A. Martin. . Fifth Division E. L. Smith and George Smith. Each house ia the various districts is visited and people should not hesi tate to give the enumerators all the information desired. Oar Greatest gpeetalHa . For twenty years Dr. J. Newton Hathaway has so successfully treated chronic diseases that he is acknow ledged to day to stand at the head of his profession in this line. His exclu sive method of treatment for Varicocle and Stricture without the aid of knife or cautory cures in 90-per cent of all cases. In the treatment of Loss of Vi tal Forces, Nervous Disorder, Kidney and Urinary Complaints, Paralysis, Blood Poisoning, R heumatism , Catarrh and Diseases peculiar to wemen, he is equally successful. Cases pronounced hopeless by other physicians, readily yield to his treatment Write him to day fully about your case. He makes no charge for consultation or advice, euner at ma omce oi Dy mail. J. Newton Hathaway, M. D., 22i South Broad St, Atlanta, Ga. MARRIED YESTERDAY M0RNINQ. Miss Minale P. Caia and Mr. Elbert Z. Mfltoa United ia Matrimony. At 8.30 o'clock yesterday morning, at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Margaret J. Cain, No. 415 South Front street, was solemnized tbe mar riage of Miss Minnie Florence Cain and Mr. Elbert Z. Milton, both popu lar young people of Wilmington. The wedding was very quiet on account of the recent death of the bride's father. The parlor and halls were tastily decorated with cut flowers, potted planU and evergreens. Tfie ceremony was impressively performed by Rev. a S. Blackwell, D. D., assisted by Rev. R. H. Herring. The attendants were Mr. R. M. Cain, brother of the bride, with Miss Cattle Everett of U'ayetteville, and Mr. John J. Wind ley with Miss Emma Cook. There were many beautiful and useful bridal presents. The bride and groom left on, the morning A. Ct-L. train for Raleigh. to attend the Baptist State Convention. The bride is a charming younr lady and Mr. Milton ia a clever sales man at the Racket Store. Roderick Escaped Aisle. Geo. Roderick, who was sentenced to four months on the county convict force at Castle Haynes at the last term of Criminal Court for assault and battery with a deadly weapon, made his escape from the camp yesterday and up to late hour last niirht bad not been captured Roderick, it will be remembered, effected an opening in the ceiling of the county jail a few weeks ago and he, with several other prisoners, made his escape, but was re-cantured soon after by Jailor Millis. Several deputies are now on his trail for the last escape ana expect to arrest nim without much delay. A new post office has been es tablished at Hollo w.Brunswlck county. with John B. O. Gore as postmaster. SYRUPrfiGS. Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually when bilious or costive. resents in tlie most acceptailefcma the lajratjre principles of plants Jcnowjt to ' act most Jbeneficislly: TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS ' BUY THE GENUINE MANFD. BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUPC0. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE . KY. - NEW YORK. KX for saU by druggitts -price SOtptrtcttU, CONSUMPTION j is, by no means, the dreadful disease it is thought to be r i in the beginning. : The trouble is: vou don't' j ... know you've got it; you don't believe it ; you won't; believe it till you are forced , to. Then it is dangerous. .Don't be afraid ; but attend to it quick you can do it your self, and at home. Take Scott's emulsion of cod-liver oil, and live carefully every way. This is sound doctrine, what ever you may think or be told; and, if heeded, will save life. We'll send yon a little to try, if yon like. SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Paul street, New York. A SCHOONER IN DISTRESS. The Oliver S. Barrett, Bound from Balti more to Jscksonville, Encountered ( Heavy dale OH Hatteras. The American schooner Oliver 8. Barrett, 651 tons, Capt. Gould, bound from Baltimore to Jacksonville, Fla., put in at Soutbport at 1 o'clock jester day afternoon in distress. The Barrett is a Bath, Me., schooner and is laden with railroad iron and coal. She encountered a gale off Hat teras Sunday, November 25tb, wheu she was only three days out and had experienced very rough weather until she arrived for harbor yesterday. Her mizzenmast, mainmast, sails and four chain plates are gone and there is other slight damage. Gapt Gould said his experience was trying, and with the cargo he had on board he did not know what minute he would lose his. vessel. Tuesday he anchored off the bar at Southport and the tug Alexander Jones went out to him, but on account of the heavy seas the tug was unable to do anything for the distressed schooner. The Jones went out yesterday, however, and brought her to a safe anchorage. This morning Messrs. Thoa. Evans, W. N. Harriss and Col. John W. At kinson, comprising a board of surve; , will go down to 8outhport on the steamer Wilmington and determine what disposition to make of the dis abled vessel. It is very probable that she will tow to her destination and re pair after discharging. WILMINGTON SCHOONER IN TROUBLE. Tbe N. H. Sklaoer Io at Norfolk oo Ac count of a Leak. The schooner 2V. 27. Skinner, Capt Wheatley, which cleared from Wil mington for New York on November 25tb, with a cargo of 260,000 feet of lumber from the Cape Fear Lumber Company, is in at Norfolk, Va., tm account of a leak which she sprung on November 30th. She had very heavy weather on her up trip and lost most of .her deck load. Capt Wheatley noted protest with the underwriters' agent at Nor folk and aa soon as the necessary re pairs are made she will proceed on her voyage. Avoid all drying inhalants and use that which which cleanses and heals the membrane. Ely's Cream .Balm is such a remedy and cures Catarrh easily uu uietisaauy. uoia in tne nead vanishes quickly. Price 50 cents at druggists or by mail. uatarrn caused difficulty in speaking and to a great extent loss of hearing. By the use of Ely's Cream Balm drop ping of mucus has ceased, voice and hearing have greatly improved. J. W. Davidson. Att'y at Law, Mon mouth, 111. Bryan-French Weddlag . The marriage of Mr. Robert Strange French, of Wilmington, and- Miss Mary Bryan, of Charleston, in the "Palmetto City by the Sea" at 8.30 o'clock this evening, is of much social interest here as well as in Charleston. The ceremony will be performed in 8t Michael's Episcopal Church, by the rector. Rev. John Peschau, .as sisted by Bishop Ellison Capers and Kev. Robert Strange, D. D. Among the Wilmingtonians who have gone to Charleston to attend the wedding are Mr. and Mrs. W. R. French, Miss May Beverly French, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Uarmichael, Miss Carrie Myers, vMr. and Mrs. O. W. Bidgood and Mr, H. H. Mcllhenny. - St. James' Church Vestry Elected. The following gentlemen were elected Monday night as the vestry of St James' Episcopal Church: CoL W. L. DeRosset, Col. A. M. Waddell. Capt James L Metts, CoL J. W. At kinson, Capt. T. D. Mearea, Messrs. Wm. Calder, Clayton Giles, J. H. Boatwnght, J. V. Grainger, J. H. Hardin, D. H. Lippitt and W. F. Robertson. At an organization meet inglast night, the following officers were elected: Mr. Clayton Giles, senior warden; Capt T. D. Meares, junior warden; Mr. Wm. Calder. treasurer; Mr. W. F. Robertson, secre tary. CaUtoDr.VoIgt, Rev. A. G.Voigt, D. D:, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran church, has recently received a call to a very influential church at Staunton, Va., but the Stab learns mat ne will not accept He ia very much loved by his congregation here and every inducement will be made to get him to remain. Worklac Nlsfct ad Day 4uThe busiest and migtiest little thing Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated globule of health, that changes weak ness into strength, listlessness into in-iag into metal ; power. BKSeSSS!1 building up the ubwui. voijaic. Der no, nam R. R. Bellajct, PERHAPS FATALLY INJURED. An Employe of Delgsdo Mills Crashed la aa Elevator He May Die of tils Wounds. ' ; A horrible accident occurred yest.r. dsy afternoon? about 4:30 o'clock at Deigsdo. Mr. J. E. Erby, a loom fixer at the mills, in attempting to jump into a moving steam elevator on the second floor, missed hts fooling and was severely crushed ) against a brick arch above liim. His injuries are about the abdomen . and are con sidered fatal thousrh- there is a slight chance, if is said, of his recovery. Dr. J. T. Schonwald is giving the injured man the necessary surgical attention at the hotel in the village where he is boarding. The injured man is about 25 years old and is unmarried. He came from Spray, N. 0., some months -ago and is universally liked by his as sociates. He is a member of the Odd Fellow fraternity. An employe of the mill with whom the reporter talked last night, said the accident was the result of the young man's carelessness. The employes of the mill had been frequently warned of the danger in jumping on or off the elevator while it was in motion. HEAVY GALES AND WRECKS ; ON NEW ENGLAND COAST. More Than a Dozen Schooners LostThe trews of Some Perished-Bodies and Wreckage Washed Ashore. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. . Boston, Mass., December 5. The heavy gale which swept the New Eng land coast last night and to-day cre ated bavoc among the large number of schooners caught off the north shore of this State and the beaches of New Hampshire and South aes tern Maine. More than a dozen schooners were wrecked, and a lare number of others were damaged and several narrowly escaped being dashed to pieces. Serious loss of life is reported, up to early this afternoon, in tbe wreck of the Gloucester fishing schooner Mary A. Brown, which was wrecked off Hampton Beach,. N. H., and its crew of seven men perished. At 2 A. M. life savers discovered parts of a vessel coming ashore. A patrol of tbe shore then began. 8hortly afterward the body of a sailor was picked up and much wreckage washed in. A schooner was reported on Scar boro beach at noon. The storm moved northwesterly. Severe gales swept over Nova Scotia this afternoon and over New Foundland to-night Tbe wind last night along the New England coast attained a velocity as high as seventy five miles an hour. Thick weather accompanied the blow, making last night one of the most trying for seamen that has been ex perienced in two years. , Most of the damage in New England was that experienced by shipping. Land damage was confined to small buildings, trees, etc.. and to telegraph lines Communication with Vermont by wire was practically impossible to day, owing to damage at several points in that State and New Hamp shire. Oa the New Jersey Coast. , Lewes, Del., December 5. The severe gale which has been prevailing along the New Jersey coast continued to-day. The dredge Potomac, valued at $10,000, bound from Alexandria, Va., in tow for Atlantic City, and which put back to the Delaware break water from Atlantic City because of the gale, sunk last night in seventeen feet of water. Her crew was taken aboard the tug which had been towing her. The schooner Oliver Schofield, lum ber laden, bound from Norfolk to New York, which went ashore yesterday, near Tojis River Life Saving Station, began going to pieces to day. Por tions of the, vessel are being washed ashore. Storms have been sweeping over the British coasts and the ships in the channel have had rough experiences. Several minor wrecks have been re ported. The steamer Rossgull, of Plymouth, foundered off the island of Jersey. Her passengers were saved but a boat containing nine of her crew is missing. Red Kot From The Can Was the ball that hit G. B. Stead- man, of Newark, Mich, in the Civil War. It caused horrible Ulcers that no treatment helped for 20 years. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him. Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Boils, Felons, Corns, Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth. 25 cts. a box. Cures guaranteed. Bold by R. R. Bel lamy Druggist t VIRGINIA'S ELECTION LAW. Senator Daniel Draftlag a Provision to Effect Negro Disfranchisement. By Telegraph to the Morning star. Richmond, Va., December 5. Much interest is shown in the negro disfran chisement question in this State which is to come before the Constitutional Convention. U. a. Senator Daniel is drafting a provision, which, it is be lieved, will stand the test in the court of last resort'better than the 4,grano father" clause of Louisiana and North Carolina. Senator Daniel's preposition is to exempt from the illiteracy clause all persons from Virginia who served in any war. . , -Raleigh Netoa and Observer: Mr. E A. Garner, nieht watchman at tbe Selma Oil inH Vavtiii.. w i- was instantly killed 8und.r i, ih . iL.i iv r J tueru. it seems that Mr. Garner was assisting the en- gmeer in siarung me engine, by pry-' ing the drive wheel off of centre, not knowing that it was under any pres sure of steam, when suddenly and rB1 tbe wheel rushed off, entang ling Mr. Garner and killing him in stantly, and very painfully injuring? " v ""ie. xne Milton chair factory was incorporated yester day with a capita stock of $35,000. U is to last 30 years. The stockholders ere ten prominent business men of Caswell county. Representative Kitchin, of North Carolina, has introduced in the House a resolution for a constitutional amend ment to repeal the fifteenth amend ment to the constitution. Tn7B HGIHl ESTER A "HEW-RIVAL" ' FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS SaYZ e" market compare with the " NEW RIVAL" la uni Weiwtrngtoottag quutle. Spre fire and waterproof, flet tbe genuine. CS5KESTEB BEPIATK8 ARMS CO. ' V . - - Ne town, Conn. GOOD HEALTif by the Quart. T ?:i7,t"e yn take of Johnston , iV.iriU menus Detter healo, and reiy bottle contains a f,,,,' quart. It makes better blood-Dur blood. For thirty years this tasoZ remedy has been creating ana mai talnlng good health. ln' Johnston's Sarsaparilla Q: I builds up tho system, tones Ah. nerves, ana strengthens the muscles more promptly and effectually th.. any other remedy known. The pallor of th cheek disappears, energy takes the place of languor, and the rich color of health flows t0 the cheeks. Unequalled for all disorders of th stomach and liver, and for all weakening com" plaints of men, women and children. 8oMviM7fct. im VlO0prru!lfnartlMit,. MICHIOAN DRUO CO., . Detroit, nic!,. For sale by HERBERT L. FENTRESS, Wilmington, N. C. MINISTERS REACH m AGREEMENT. Views of the United States Gov ernment Reported to Have Prevailed ON TWO IMPORTANT ISSUES. Punishments to Be the Severest That Can Be Inflicted by Chinese Govern-ment-AdjBstmest of Indemnity to Be Settled Later. By Telegraph to the Morning Btar. Washington, Dec. 5. The State ' Department has been informed that the foreign ministers at Pekin reach d an agreement, which was submitted to the home office and Secretary Hay to day cabled Mr. Conger authoriza tion to sign the agreement on behaif of the United States government. It is difficult to gather details of tbe un derstanding at this time. However, it is known that in the two important is sues that were still open, natmlv those relating to punishments and m' demnity, tbe views of the United States government have prevailed As to punishments, they are to bs th severest that can be inflicted by the Chinese government. As to in'dem- nity,.the Chinese government is it formally admit its liability and thu. the matter is to be left for future n., gotiation. It was understood that oi--the other points, the French propmi tion has formed the basis of lb- agree ment. Chinese Troops. Berlin, December 5. A dispatch from Field Marshal von Walders(. dated Pekin, Tuesday, December 4 b, says strong detachments of Chins regulars, under General Ma, are re ported from Shan Si to be holding th mountain passes on the frontier i f Chi Li. An explosion at Pao Ting Fu during the clearing out of a powder mapa" zine, killed one man and woundtd Lieutenant Wolf gram and four others. Chinese Lesders Executed. Berlin, December 5. The Chinese minister here has banded to foreign office officials a telegram from Li Hung Chang, to the effect that 8ih Liang, the new governor of Shan Si, has pub licly executed upwards of eighty rebel leaders and asserting that he is other wise acting with the greatest severity in the suppression of the Boxers and energetically protecting the mission aries. EXPENSES OF GOVERNMENT. Estimates for the Coming Year Aggregate $626,741,762 -A Decrease from Last Year's Estimates. By Telegraph to tne Horning 8tar., -Washington, December 5. The Secretary of the Treasury to-day sent to Congress the annual estimates of tbe expenses of the government for the coming year. They aggregate $636,741,763. This is a slight decrease from the total estimates of last year. The appropriations for the present year are $586,655,352. The estimates coyer every branch of the govern ment service, and by departments are as follows: Legislative, $10,956,700; executive, $383,400; state department, $3,125,148; treasury department, $158,869,136; war department, 176,658,345; navy depart ment, $88,913,248; interior department, $170,799,705; postoffice department, $6,295,877; department of agriculture, $4,669,050; department of labor. $177, 980; department of justice, $6,993,170. The details of the war and navy esti mates, including rivers and harbors have been published. The public building estimates include Baltimore, Md , custom house $500,000; New York custom house $500,000. and Tampa, Fla.. court house, postoffice and custom house, $100,000. Marine hospital at Honolulu $300,000. The total for rivers and harbors including continued contracts is $33,881,317. . Tbe total for pensions is $144,000, 000; for fees and examinations $700, 000, and for pension agencies $545,230. New consuls are estimated for as fol lows: Nu Chuane and Hang Chow, f3.000 each ; Port Limon, Costa Rica, niiKo i nn tp tj:.. affaira 19- $3,000 each ; Port Limon, Costa Bica, WMWCft VAVVV J.' 147 lUUiaU BUWli vi 250,571. The cotton crop of Central Asia is expected to be excellent this year, ac cording to Vice Consul Smith, at Moscow. This year's crop is expected to aggregate between seven and eight thousand poods, or enough to meet half of the general demand. The re maining cotton required for manufac turing purposes in Russia will have to be imported. I.OOKI A STITCH IN TIMEf 8aves nine. Hughes' Tonic new improved, taste pieasanc taien in early spring ana eu touib . auis, uengne ana juuaritu jevoro. ACtS on tbe liver, toneu np tbe system. Better tnan Quinine. ana St.00 bottles. unaranieea.Try it At iruKB'OW3- . " ' - t.