irs Time wasted And strength wasted, to try to push, back the rising tide with a broom. It's just as great a waste of time and a far more serious waste of strength to try to push back the rising tide of disease with the nervines," com pounds" and "nerve foods" which simply drug the nerves into a drunk en stupor. They make you feel good? So does whisky, while the feeling lasts, but the reaction is dan gerous and deadly. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is a tem perance medicine. II contains no al cohol, opium, cocaine or other nar cotic. It strengthens the body by purifying the blood and increasing the supply of that vital fluid. It heals diseases of the stomach and or gans of digestion and nutrition and thus removes the obstacles to a per fect nourishment of the whole body. "Six years ago my ftomach and heart troubled me so much I had to do something-, as the doctor could not help me," writes Mrs. 8. A. Knapp. of San Jose, California. Box 392. "I went to San Francisco and had treatment for catarrh of the stomach ana was better for some time, then it came back. I then used Dr. Pierce's Golden MeflioU Discovery and 'Pleasant Pellets.' These medicines cured my stomach. I do sot have the pain and indigestion as I did. It Is very nam lor me to tell you what I suffered be fore I commenced taking ?our valuable medicine, recommandi' it to all the sufferers whom I meet" t Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets strengthen and stimulate the liver. THE POOR HriTHEK, .Let us go and find the heathen ; let us take him by the hand; Let us take his evjl from him, let us also take his land; Let us break it to him gently that it's wrong to be so nude. And inculcate proper notions of the style, as it's pursued. Let us show him all the. glories of the white man's kingdom come. And, by way of introduction, sell him lots of white manVrum. Let us seek our heathen brother iu be nighted lands afar. And impress him with the wrongness of his habits as they are: Let us guide him slowly, surely, till he's nobly civilized. And has banished all his foibles, all his fancies, so despised ; Let us show him how he'd destined to go forward with a jump. Lest our grand, resistless progress take him midships with a bump Let us teach him that the bolo and the dagger are not right. When the seven shooier follows up its barking with a bite; Let, us bring him to the gospel of the skirt and full dress suit, And the glad and glorious tidings of the proper sho or boot; Let us lift the poor old heathen from the bog wherein he sticks. And explain to him the beauties of the game of politics. Thus we'll labor with the pagan till he understands our ways. And will ponder with a shudder on his old unhappy days. We will stock his latd with clothing, we will dot it with golf links, And he'll bail the architecture of the home of fancy drinks; And we'll get the glory for it for the good that we will do All the grand, impressive glory and we'll get his money, too. Baltimore American. TWINKLINGS. Poor Stuff: De Reader "Is Scribbler a great poeif" Do Booker J'l guess not He had an ode accepted hv , fihration committee."-iVew YorhiWeeTcly. iage You don't believe, then, that we were originally monkeys? Uptodate N; I've seen too many jackasses in my time, to give credence to that theory, Syracuse Herald. Benevolent Party "My man, don't vou think fishing is a cruel sport?" Angler 'Cruel? 1 should say so. I have sat here- six hours, have not had a bite, and am nearly frozen to death." Tit-Bits. A Point in Ethics. "What is the law ol compensation?" "Well, here's how it is:. The things we don't want are given us to console us for our lack of the things we want." Chi cago Reeord. . ' "He is accused of using money in his ' political campaign." "Non sence,'l answered Senator Sorghum, scornfully. "He didn't use money. He. just wasted it. '' Washington Star. St Mrs. v on uiumer "Don't yon a think you would better get something for the children to play with dear? Everything they have is used up.' Von Blumer "All right I'll order a new set of furniture." Harper's Bazar. T" "So you want' to marry my .daughter? Well, what are your pros pects, young man?' "I expect to come into possession of one hundred thousand dollars in a short time." "Why. that is just the amount of my daughter's fortune." "Yes; that's the hundred thousand I meant " Life. Mr. Selfmade "Eemember, children, when I was a boy I often went to bed hungry, and seldom had a square meal." -Little Tommy (who is tired of hearing about it) "Well, that just shows how much better off you are since you've known us." Life. W4- nnn riTv 1 Mui wfu xcu. jeac inei This is really exasperating," sighed Aruinaldo, after reading the dispatch. "What's the matter, love?" inquired his wife anxiously. "Why, small bands of Americans still continue to annoy our troops," replied the step father of his country. Puck. SENSATIONAL' MARRIAGE. A Nan at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lancaster, Pa , Elopes rV lib a Patient. By Telegraph to the Ifornlng Star. "Lancaster, Pa., January 19. A sensation was caused to day by the elopement and subsequent marriage at Camden, N. J., of Roland D. Moore, prominent resident of this city, to Miss Ellen Dugan, of Shamokin, Pa., who was a nurse, known as Sister M. Leonica, at St Joseph's Hospital. which is conducted by the Bisters of St Francis. Miss Dugan has been a nan for "even years. A year and a half ago she came to St Joseph as a nnraa and she and Moore fell in love while the latter was a patient in her care. ' Miss Dugan quietly left the hosDital last evening, went to the homa of a friend, and early this morn log left for Camden. Mr. Moore is thirty-eight years old and Miss Dugan ten yean hia junior. (7 A WARM DISCUSSION. ! JERICHO AGITATED ABOUT A SCHOOL HOUSE LIGHTNING ROD. Pap Perkins, the Postmaster, Tells About the Points That Were Made : on Both Sides and How the Build . Ins Itself Settled the Question. (Copyright. 1900, by C. B. Lewis. It was a llghtnln rod man who start rd the schoolhouse discussion. He came -along the other day and saw that the schoolhouse was 'without a rod, and he went to the town board and of fered to put one up for so much. The town board wrestled over It all day without comin to a conclusion, and when it got to be known all over Jericho a big crowd assembled at the postoffiee In the evenln to talk the matter over. It was Deacon Spooner who called the crowd to order and said: "As it appears to me and to a major ity of the citizens of this town that an epoch in the history of Jericho has ar rived, I call upon the lightnln rod man to state his case." - , "There ain't much to state," replies the man. "I've offered to put up two rods on the schoolhouse and warrant it a good job for $40. Bein as a school house is an emporium of knowledge hnd bein as the cause of education may be said to be the bulwarks of liberty, I've knocked $15 off the reg'lar price." "I take it that he's made a p'Int," says the deacon as he tunks on the floor with his cane. "Emporium of ed- "HK'S HADE A P'nfT. ucatlon and bulwarks of liberty seem to come in jest right and hit the school- house on all sides at once. I fur one am standin neutral In this bizness, and I'd like to hear both sides of the ques tion. Mebbe Silas Lapham, who lives next door to the schoolhouse. would like to make a few remarks." "As fur me," says Silas as be rises up, I m ag in the Idea of a lightnln rod. That there schoolhouse was built 13 years ago, and durin them 13 years we've had 72 thunderstorms. If she's dodged 72, .why can't she dodge 200? Why can't Bhe keep right on dodgia till she tumbles down of old age? Forty dollars fur a lightnln rod means more taxation. Thar's sich a thing as an emporium of education, but thar's also sicb a thing as an emporium of taxa tion. Jericho is out of debt and no one kickin. but let the band of ex cessive taxation clutch her throat, and how long would it take to strangle the life out of her? I'm askin you to pause and ponder afore it is too late." "Silas, you've made a p'Int and a strong one." says the deacon when the applause has subsided. "If the school- house has dodged 72 thunderstorms, thar's no reason to think she won't keep tip the record. Yes, It's a p'Int, and mebbe the lightnln rod man would like to answer It." "I. don't think much of the p'int," says the man as he gits up ag'in. "Thar's 80.000,000 people in these Unit ed States, and because none of 'em fell down stairs last-year It don't foller that a heap of 'em won't tumble down this year. I've known a man to go on dodgin a mule's heels fur 16 years and then git 'em both in the stomach at once. Mebbe your schoolhouse will dodge a hundred more thunderstorms, and mebbe we will skassly hev sought our virtuous couches this night before a thunderbolt as big as a bar'I will go drivin through her and leave nutbin but a heap of splinters to mark the gpot where your emporium of educa tion once reared its proud roof to the blue vaults of heaven. I said $40 to the town board today, but in order to show my interest in the cause of edu cation and to prove to you that my hand is ever stretched forth to uphold the prestige of a nation of freemen I'll make the price $38." "He's made a p'int, gentlemen-he's made a p'int," says the deacon as he whacks on the stove and looks around. "Yes, ' sir, when he talks about our schoolhouse rearin it's proud roof to the blue vaults of heaven he's made a p'int, and I'm more favorable to the ligbtnin rod than I was. I think this crowd would Uke to hear from Enos Williams." "I'm with Silas Lapham," says Enos as he shets up his jackknife and gits his feet under him. ."I'm fur lettln sartin things dodge or bust. .They wanted to insure the meetln house 24 years ago, but my advice was to let per dodge. She's thar yit. I've got a barn 30 years old, and she's never had a lightuin rod or been Insured Jest bad to dodge or bust all these years and she's thar yit Seventeen years ago, when I built my house, I put a bell ion the front door. Nobody has rung that bell to this day. It would be the same if we put a ligbtnin rod on the schoolhouse you wouldn't see a thunderstorm around here fur the next 15 years. I'm all right on the empo rium of education bizness, and I can see that thar schoolhouse rearin It's proud roof to the blue vaults of heaven as plain as If it wasn't 9 o'clock at night, but 1 don't see no call to pay out $3S. Let her dodge or bust!" "Thar's a p'int thar. Enos thar's a p'int," says thtacon as he hits a cracker bar'I W&1I3 cane. "Yes, sir, thar's a good deaTlu .your theory about dodgin. When all- tho cows around here was hevin the lump jaw, a feller offered to protect mine ag'in it fur $3. I said I'd let her take her chances, and she come through all right I obsarve Moses Forbush among the audience, and, as Moses built the fence around the schoolhouse, mebbe he's got sun thln to say." "I ain't ag'in lightnln rods," says Moses in his slow way "I'm not ag'in 'em fur what they are. It 'pears to me, however, that we'd better begin at the bottom Instead of the roof. Thar's about 20 hogs nestin under the school house, and thar's about 20 holes In the floor. I sorter like the idea of a light nln rod, and I sorter like the idea of a new floor and drivin the hogs out One idea sorter balances the t'other, and I don't want to cast my vote either way." "You hevn't made a p'int" says- the deacon, "but nobody expected you to. I take it, however, that you go in fur an emporium of education, bein you got the Job of buildin the fence and hev seven children goln to schooL" ("Yes, I think I do," replies Moses. "I've alius felt that it was my duty to uphold the Magna Charta of liberty, and when it comes to boostin the wheels of progress and civilization I'm good to lift a ton." It was then susrsrestml that tho iirh. nin rod man might want to say sunthln more, and he went at 1 nA regTar jTonrth of JnlyoraMon. Hepto l I j'l j turetf George T!asLlugton, Johu iiail- cock, Thomas Jefferson and nair a doz en more goln to school to learn how to spell such words as liberty," "free dom" and "bulwarks." He pictured them schoolhouses bein struck by light nln fur the want of rods, and he had tears in Joab Warner's eyes In less'n five minlts. Then he pictured the hap py children of Jericho crowded into the schoolhouse on a summer's day. Among them was future lawyers, -doctors, editors, statesmen and poets. They was drinkin In deep drafts of education when a black cloud appeared over Jim Taylor's barn, a rumble of thunder was heard, and a minlt later a thunderbolt shot out and struck the schoolhouse, and thar was a tragedy to convulse the world. The town hat! saved $38 on a lightnln rod, but whar was the schoolhouse. the schoolnia'am and 44 scholars? Some was shoutin and some was wipin their eyes when the man sot down, and after Deacon Spooner had declared it the strongest p'Int he ever heard he made ready to put the question to a vote. Jest then in comes LIsh Billings, and the deacon turns to htm and says; "Lish, we are hevin a nieetln about that lightnln rod on the schoolhouse. As you painted the buildin mebbe you'd like to say sunthln. Are you fur it or ag'in it?" "Neither one," answers Lish after awhile. "Are you standin neutral?" "Not exactly." "Then, how do you make it out?" "Why, the durned old buiiain reu down about an hour ago of Its own self, and I don't reckon that's any call to waste any breath about the mat ter." M. Quad. Talismans la China. The belief In the potency of charms, etc., is very widespread among the low er class Chinese and the Shans in parts of Yunnan. The latter in particular have all kinds of amulets to ward off evil, the gem of their collection being one which confers invulnerability on the wearer. This useful quality may also be obtained, I was Informed, by undergoing a very painful process of tattooing. During my trip I was shown a "dragon's nest," which looked like a bit of the horsehair stuffing from a for eign saddle, guaranteed to render the purchaser's house safe from fire, and a "female deer's horn," which would ena ble the fortunate owner to walk a great distance without fatigue. Not being a landed proprietor or a professional sprinter, I had no use for these things, and though I entered into negotiations with several people for the talisman which would render me invulnerable none of them was willing to stand the test of western skepti-clsm-r-a revolver at 30 pa'ces even though I offered - them an enormous sum and a handsome funeral in case of accident. Geographical Journal. The First National Convention. What may be called the first national convention was not held by either of the great parties. It was conducted by what was known as the Anti-Masonic party and was held in Baltimore in September, 1831. Delegates attend ed from every state (not chosen, how ever, on a basis of electoral strength), a president and vice president were nominated, and a platform was adopt ed. The Democrats held their first na tional convention in Baltimore in May, 1832, 313 delegates being present. As this year, the only contest was over the vice presidency, General Harrison having a walkover for first place. His opponents convene(Fin Washington and named Henry Clay, 17 out of 24 states being represented. Since then nomi nating conventions have been the rule. New York Sun. Living on the Bylaws. Itufus Choate once by overwork bad battered his health. Edward Everett expostulated with him on one occasion. saying: "My dear rriend, If you are not more self considerate, you will ruin your constitution." "Oh," -replied the legal wag. "the con stitution was destroyed long ago. I'm living on the bylaws." Some of the greatest, fishing grounds of the great lakes are in the Georgian bay district. From the cold, deep and clear waters of Georgian bay thou sands and thousands of rooky islets rise. He Had the Characteristics. Mamma was sitting ud readinir "Un leavened Bread." She looked over her spectacles at Mabel as the fair girl en tered the room. "That was Mr. Cooper Who Just went out, wasn't it?" "Yes, ma." "He's a dealer In stocks, isnhe?" "Yes, ma." j "What sort of dealer a bear?!' "I'm inclined to think he's a bear, mamma," said the fair girl as she smoothed her ruffled waist ribbon. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Conclosive Proof. "People talk about this being an age of inventions! Why, there's nothing new! Lately in some- ancient Egyptian temples they have found wires which prove that the priests had a certain sort of telephones!" "Yes, but In Assyria they had made still more progress. In excavations there they found no wires at all, prov ing that the ancients understood the principles of Marconi's wireless teleg raphy." Fliegende Blatter. Seemed Fair, "I'd like to know, of course," said the new man, with some concern, "wheth er my job Is to be permanent or not." "Well," returned the employer, "you can stay here as long as you please. That's fair, isn't it?" "Certainly. I'm much ob" "On the other hand, "I reserve the right to discbarge you whenever I please. That's equally fair, isn't it?" "Ye-es; I suppose so." Chicago Trib une. Now, What Could He Sayt Wife Tell me honestly, John, if I should die, would you marry again? John (desiring to please) Marry again! Of course I wouldn't. Such an idea would never enter my mind. Wife (angrily) Oh, you wouldn't? You don't find marriage pleasant, I sup pose? No doubt yon are sorry you mar ried me. John (still desiring to please) Yon don't understand, my dear. I was jok ing, of course. I meant that I would marry again. Wife (more angrily) You would, eh? You're in a great hurry to get married again. Perhaps you wish that I was out of the way. I know you would be glad If X died. Ugh! Exchange. The Richmond,' Va., Dispatch de nies a rumor that control of the paper naa paasea into new nanus. NOTHING ELSE CURES. WhvPaine's Celery Compoundistlie Best Remedy "When everything else has failed Paine's celery compound has brought me back to health." The thousands of instances where this has been said the scores of people, in every community who have told this simple story; the downright, hard, cold facts; the grateful acknowledge ments of men and women who have suffered from the diseases that have their origin in im paired nervous systems and slug gish, impure blood these are what have made Fame s celery compound far and away the one remedy above all others that physicians prescribe and the public indorse. It is by merit, and merit alone that Paine's celery compound hastchieved its wonderful pre eminence, not only in this country but throughout the civilized world. After the unfortunate person who is ailing because the blood needs new life, and the nerves require nature's food, finally tries fame s celery com pound, and gets immediate relief, an other is added to the great multitude of people whose praise of this remedy has made the demand for it many times larger than that of all other remedit-s put together. A person must have lost all confi dence in his fellowmen who can read the following letter and not be con vinced of the great benefit Paine's cel ery compound has done, is doing, and will continue to do for sick and ner vous people wherever it finds them. When a sick man or woman finds that he or she has taken a remedy that has actually done for him or her all that is claimed for it it can be safely predicted what will follow. Every ac quaintance, sick or well, will be told about It. Gen. Rodriguez has written down his experience in the hope of helping others who may le so sffl'ctd. Th THE WEISBARD MURDER. Developments Point to a Woman as the Murderer of the Pedler Whose Body Was Found in a Trunk. By Telegraph to the Moraine Blar New Yobk, Jan. 19. The Herald 10-morrow will print the following: "The newly developed clews of the police, working on the daughter's theory, point to a woman as the mur derer of Meyer Weisbard, whose body was round in an old truntc on ner 11 last Wednesday. The last journey of thin nod lap ImI tn Miilherrv Rand, and Captain Titus thinks the murder was done there. Rebecca Weisbard, tne dead man's oldest daughter, says re venge led a woman into the crime. "Rebecca Weisbard declared the nrnman nmaii hni father Xn(l(I tnr jewelry and house furnishings. When the pedler went to coneci me seconu n&tallmerfbfi the eoods. Jthe woman bad disappeared. The pedler's family have a letter demanding payment of written bv an uivuvj attorney for Weisbard before bis death. The letter is addressek to Mary Triano, of No. 227 Mott street. There is a woman, Maria Defino, who says she bought jewelry from Weisbard, at No. 84 James street There is also a woman at this address who answers- the description eiven out by Rebecca Weisbard. This one refused to give her name." HAZING ABANDONED. Action Taken Last Night by the Cadets of West Point. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. West Point, N. Y., Jan. 19. The Congressional investigation, of the West Point Military Academy bos borne fruit rather unexpectedly. To night, when the Congressmen ware hurrying their inquiries to a termina tion, the cadets of all four classes held a meeting in Grant hall, and unani mously decided to abandon exercising and hazing of every form as well as the practice of calling out fourth class men. This is exactly what Gen eral Dick and . other members of the Congressional Committee have been trying to impress on the cadets who have testified before them, as the only course open to them if they desired to see the fair name of .the United States military academy unsullied and above reproach. The weekly statement of averages of the Associated Banks shows: Loans $830,873,400, increase $22,841, 000; riennaita ft921.787.S00. increase $36,451,000; circulation $30,973,200; increase $z ouu; legal tenners to.uou, 600; increase $2,476,000; specie $184, 652,800, increase $11,495,300 Total reserve $257,703,400, increase $13,971, 800. . Tugs and lighters have been unable to get alongside the Ward Line steamer Vigilancia, which is aeround about eighty miles west of Havana. The crew of the steamer have not been taken off and many cattle and much freight are still on board. . In the World. General is to-day connected with the civil government of Havana. During the struggle for Cuban Independence he rose from the ranks to the grade of brigadiergeneral, and in 1896 won a decisive victory over Gen. Campos. Gen. Rodriguez was a very sick man. He was as near nervous pros tration as one can be and live. After five years' suffering his first good night's sleep came immediately upon bis takine Paine's celery compound. His letter reads: "Dear Sirs: For five years I bad not had a good night's rest I had a serious case of nervous prostration, my strength seemed to be leaving me, and I felt tired and weak all the time. My blood was impure and I suffered from pains in the back, constipation and an inactive liver. I had no ap petite and no ambition. I was con stantly consulting physicians, and it seemed as though I was nearly-ready to die. Providence sent me a bottle of Paine's celery compound, and this great remedy cured me of all the irri table symptoms with which I was af flicted. I can frankly and sincerely say that had it not been for Paine's celery compound, I would to day be either in the cemetery or in the insane asylum. Among the many prominent people who testify to the virtues of Paine's celery compound are Santiago Rodriguez, M. D. ; J. M. Bracho, Ed wardo de la Torre, Porfirio Masvidal, E. F. Gato, O. E. Pineda, Pedro Her rera y Hermanos A. Rincon. Andres Angulo. Aurelio de Varona Quesada. "Very truly yours, "Get. J. M. Rodriguez " No remedy ever had the outspoken approval of men so highly esteemed in business and professional life. No remedy ever deserved so well of peo pie in the ordinary walks of life, and none ever got such instant recogni tion from the discerning public. Its success has been confined to no one c'a of gncietv. LOCAL avnd . CLIMATIC Nothing bat a local remedy or change of climate will cure CATARRH. The specific Is Ely's Cream Balm It Is quickly absorbed. Gives Belief at once. Opens and cleanses the Nasal Passages. ATARRH Vj -i COLD 'N HEAD Allays Inflammation. Heals and Protects the Membrane. Restores the seneee of Taste and BmeU No Mercury. No Injurious drug. Be eUatsize, SOcenta; Family size, $1 00 at Drug- gisis or ny man x wwmuiM, 60 Warren street, New York. seplStf satn th For FREB fSckoUnkij POSITIONS GUARANTEED. Under 93,000 Cash Deposit. Baiiroad Far Paid. Opsn aU ysar to Both Bazsa. Vary Cheap BomA. OoorgiaAlaPTia Boalnesw PoMaa sep 13 6m w Poor Seed Dear at Any Price. GET THE BEST. GENUINE HOTTLTON ROSE, E ; EAttLY onion, PRIDE OF THE SOUTH. or WHITE BLISS SEED POTATOES. Let us book your orders s gainst thelriirrlyal." SALT! SALT! SALT! dan All 'orders promptly 100's and ISO's American Fine, Table ana s a Pockets. HALL & PEARSALL, (INCORPORATED.) WHOLESALE GROCERS. Janmr food's Seeds are grown and selected with special reference to their adaptability to the soil and climate of the South. On our seed farms, and in our trial grounds, thousands of dollars an expended in testing and prow inv? the very best seeds that it is possi ble to grow. By our experinu nts we are enabled to save our custom ers much expense and loss from planting varieties not adapted to our Southern soil and climttte. Wood's Seed Book for 1901 is fully up to date, and tells all about the best Seeds for the South. It surpasses all other pub lications of its kind in helpful and useful information for Gardeners Truckers and Farmers. Mailed free. Write for it. s T. W. WOOD & SONS. Seed Growers & Merchants, RICHMOND, VA. tARBEST SEED H00SE III THE SOOTH. Jan98t wesa Wot WILL NOT OPPOSE RUSSIA. 5 i - i Oermcoy Oives Assaraticeavf bat It Will Offer No Obstacle to Cassia's Claim Upon Maachnria By Cable to tne Mornlnn Star. ' Berlin, January 19. From an un exceptionable source the correspon dent of the Associated Press learns that Germany, neither in the past nor in the future, has interposed or will offer any obstacle to Russia's claims upon Manchuria. Count Von Bdelow has given the Russian ambassador re peated assurances since the beginning of the Chinese troubles, anduite re cently again, that Manchuria lies out side of Germany's interest or commer cial sphere, and that it is in nowise touched by the Anglo-German agree ment. Foreign officials here know nothing of the alleged telegram from Emperor Kwang Su to the ambassadors regard ing the occupation of the Taku forts, etc., but they say the Chinese com missioners hare written to the ambas sadors, expressing certain wishes which will be discussed during the peace negotiations. The Foreign Office here discredits the statement that fresh German troops are to be sent to China for the relief of sick, wounded and returned soldiers. Only supplies for the troops will be sent hereafter. No plans exist for the withdrawal of the German troops or the return of Field Marshal Count Yon Waldersee. Germany has no plana in this connection apart from the Powers and will not take indepen dent action. How long the German troops will remain in China depends upon the Chinese themselves. PEST HOUSE BURNED. Masked Men, Armed, Destroy a Smallpox Hospital at Omaha. Bv Teiegrapn to tne Morning Star. ( Omaha, Nkb., January 19. Two hundred masked men, armed with guns, to-night stood off the guards and police and burned the pest house at South Omaha. The building was a small one, recently purchased by the J City as an cmcrgcuujr uuspiHu iwi the reception of smallpox patients, and was to have been put into use this morning. The citizens became enraged at the location of the building within the city limits and Friday night an attempt was- made to burn the structure, but it was saved by prompt action by the fire de partment To-night a crowd of men gathered near the building, overpow ered the guards stationed inside, stood off the police with guns, .and again set the place on fire. They quietly watched the building burn to the ground and dispersed. No arrests have been made. To Repair Broken Arti cles use Major's ICement Remember MAJOR'S RUBBER CEMENT. MAJOR'S LEATHER CEMENT, mar 9 it daw FOX RIVER BUTTER. SMALL TUBS FOX BIVEB BUTTER LARGE TUBS FOX BIVEB BUTTSB. BUSHELS VIRGINIA MEAL. CAR-LOADS CORN. CAR-LOADS OTHER GOODS. 50 15 1,300 5 175 D. L. GORE CO., ISO. 12-2 and 194 North Water street, janSO t wtimlnirton. N. C Our Loss Has Been Adjusted wlththe Insurance Companies, OUB HOME CO., "The Wilm'ngton Under writers," wltn Col. walker Taylor. Its effle'ent, prompt and energetic aent belDg first to settle. We wish to thank all the agents concerned who showed as courtesies pending the settlement The Fire Sale 13 now on, and we are too busy to enumerate the hundreds ot bargains we are moving. If you don't get your pick, blame yourself only. Respectfully, MERGER & EVANS COMPANY. Jan9tf We Have Sold Oar Christmas Goods! but we still have a full line of Groceries. Which We will sell as CHEAP any others. Give us a call and see for your selves. Williams Bros., Wilmington, N. C. Janistf REASONABLE GOODS MULLETS, new catch. Best Cream Cheese, Martin's Gilt Edge Butter, Bagging and Ties. SALT. A. GENERAL LIKE OF CASE GOODS IK DEMAND AT THIS 8EASOK. Sole agents for ROB ROY FLOUR. UcllAIR & PMSALL. C 1:1 nfl &f 1 i 1 Mm -rfvi,:T: l k I I 11 aim 111 The Kind Ton Have Always in nse for over 30 years, and LKy Ji- sonal supervision since its infancy. ' r"&CCU4& Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good" pre but Experiments that trifle with' and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Kxperiment. What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute fori Castor Oil, Pare, goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms ' and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMI CCNTSU eOMMHV. TT SUDIMt STHCCT, HCW VOMK CITY. New Goods at the Big Racket Store. ALL SHADES OF NICE, NEW SILK SATINS for 50c a yard. Nice Black all Taffeta Silk for 50c a yard. 27-inch heavy Black and White China Silk at 50c a yard, extra quality. We have several colors in China Silk red, blue, brown and black full width, at 29c a yard. A mixed Changeable Silk at 22c a yard., A beauti ful Appliqued Satin, very fine ..quality, at $1.75 per yard, regular price $4.00. Black Satin, 27 inches wide, at 75c and $1.00 per yard. In nice Dress Goods we have nice Serges from 29c, 40c-to 50c. The Scotch Serge, (54 inches wide, beautiful goods, 85c a yara. In Cashmeres, we have all the new shades and -black good colors, at 25c a jard. 46 inch wide Black Henrietta, special at 50c a yard. We have a very fine line of Crepons worth $2 00 a yard our price Is $1.15. Our $1. 50 quality in Black Crepons are now 85c. Our all wool Dress Plaids, 36 and 38 inches wide, we sold for 50c a yard, are now 29c Very heavy Wool Suitings in Flan nels and Homespuns, 50 inche; wide, two pieces gray and brown we sold at 55c, now selling for 40c a yard. Our Broad Cloths we nave all colors at 98c a yard. We have the all wool Venetian Cloths at 50c a yard. 1,000 yards Percale in remnants to close at 5c a yard. We have 5 pieces Selicia Lining to sell at 8c 10 pieces of Duck for Skirts, heavy and good quality, worth 10c, we will sell at 7c. Sacking Flannels for Undershirts in gray and pink at 18c a yard. 5piects fine Red Plaid Ginghams, regular 10c quality, my price 6c a yard. Best Apron Checks at 5c a yard. BABY CAPS, HOODS AND SACQUES-In this department we have a full supply. We can sell you a beautiful Embroidered Silk Cap for 25c and up. Crocheted Sacques, all wool, at 22c. Children's and Misses' Hoods from 10c up. HATS We are sell ing the Lady Smith Hat in the newest styles the lowest price has been 75c they are now 50c. 100 fine Felt Hats in assorted shapes and styles, regular 50c goods, now 25c. Our $1.00 French x eits m Shapes ana x lats are now 50c. We have just received a big line of Embroidery and Insertion, 500 pieces to select from. We have it in all grades, widths and prices from 5c to 35c. Also, a big lot of 4$ yard Eemnants at specially low prices. WILMINGTON'S BIG BACKET STORE, w m. GEO VO Jan 30 tf J. W. NORWOOD, PRES D. L. GORE, VIOK-PRES. ANDREW MORELANI), CASHIER. THEATLANTIG NATIONAL BANK,' WiruMINGTON, N. C. Statement ot condition at close ASSETS. tiOans and discounts...... $ 7944941s U. 8. Bonds. 816100 00 Banking house, furniture and fix tures ........... j.... 1000000 Redempt ion fund S 000 00 Dne from banks & bankers, $4 878.88 Cash on band 138.823 18 417.800.41 11,410.794 67 DIRECTORS: r. u. UKUXiJCKS, D. L. GORE, o. ruwKKH, H. B. SHORT, JanBtf WOBTH W. THE WILHIHGTON SAYINGS 6LTRDST CO., 108 Prlaceaa Street. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITSN AT RATE OF 4 0 PER ANNUM. 0 :..:.. ' uumpounaeo Quarterly. J. W. NORWOOD, President. C K. TAYLOR. GROCERIES. CLOSE PRICES, ,, BEST- QUALITY, PROMPT SHIPMENTS. Send us your orders. D. NcEACHERN. . Wholesale Grocer. 804 ana 8W Norm Water street. fob 11 tt d Bought, and which Las been has borne the sitmatnre of has been made under his per- Signature of One yard wide Sea Island Shirtine at 5c a yard. We have a beautiful line of Dress Trimmings from 10c to 25c a yard. All the new things. Ladies1 Cloaks and Furs In our. Cloak Department we have cut prices 25 per cent , which is more than the profit. We have a good many New Cloaks to sell at $2.00, $3.50, $4.00, $6 00 and $7 50. Our $6.00 Cloak is regularly worth $7.50. Our $7.50one has been our $10 00 Cloak. We have just received lots of new things in our Millinery Department New Ribbons, Laces, Veilings, Chif fons, Mouselaines and - Velvets. Buckles and lots of New Hats. Our Millinery trade has been verv good, and we are making special efforts to clos .out all our Winter goods. We are still giving away presents with cash purchases. We have Lounges, Tables, Writing Desks, Cradles, Bugs, China and Glassware. Come to see us and have your pur chases punched on a card and get a present free. We are closing out our Elkin Mills all wool Blankets cheap. at 208-210 North Front Street, "Mo Of Pnatnfflna al T-l- 4. ; vrwuJ CU1U JLSOJ VJ il. O A YT ORH ot business December 18, 1900, LIABILITIES. capital ... s i2sooooo Sarplo8 and undivided profits no, "28 02 S?S5al ban noteBouwtaiiaing.. , , 95il0o o P0"11 1400,866 11,440,794.57 iui iiun . moderate priceB. 8. P. MCNAIrT G. A. NORWOOD H. U VOLLER8, J. L COKER. W. K. SPRINGE! NORWOOD, Deposit received from 25 cents up. Honey oan be withdrawn any busi ness day without notice. Amounts deposited after the first day of the month begin to draw Interest on the first of the following; month. This applies not only to our regular quar ters, but to every month In the year. IX. WALTERS, Vlee President. Jr., Casbler. janlOtf Maine E. R. Potatoes. 185 Bag Seed Potatoes. SS96 Kegs Out NalU. 78 Bundle IX Hoop Iron. 10O Bandies IH Hoop Iron. - 66 Bundles 154 Hoop Iron. 188 Bundles 1 inch Hoop Iron; 17 Barrels Assorted Bane. 29 Barrel Glue. 810 B,; Drop Shot. 890 Badle Paper Bags. 110 Roll Manila Paper. 08 Caddies Bed Horae Tobaeco 140 Caddies behnapp Tobacco. We do not solicit the trade that belongs to our customers. W. B. COOPER, 808. no. 819 Knt street, Wilmington, N. O. JanWtt ( ...

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